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Technical Mathematics 4th Edition

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8 Vectors and Trigonometric

8.1 Introduction to Vectors

1. 2.


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3. 5. 8.


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B+D © Cengage Learning 2013

R 9.
B –B

© Cengage Learning 2013 A–B
© Cengage Learning 2013
© Cengage Learning 2013
4. C 10.

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8.1 Introduction to Vectors 139

11. 18.
B –D


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A + 3C – D

© Cengage Learning 2013

© Cengage Learning 2013 19.
13. 2B
2B – C + 2.5D

A + 3B © Cengage Learning 2013

© Cengage Learning 2013 20.

C + 2D 4C – 3B 3D

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21. Px 5 20 cos 75° 5 5.176; Py 5 20 sin 75° 5 19.319

2C 22. Px 5 16 cos 212° 5 213.569; Py 5 16 sin 212° 5
2C – D
23. Px 5 18.4 cos 4.97 rad 5 4.688; Py 5 18.4 sin 4.97 5
24. Px 5 23.7 cos 2.22 5 214.328; Py 5 23.7 sin 2.22 5

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16. 25. Vx 5 9.75 cos 16° 5 9.372; Vy 5 9.75 sin 16° 5
3B 2.687
26. Px 5 24.6 cos 317° 5 17.991; Py 5 24.6 sin 317° 5
3B – A
27. A 5 " 1 29 2 2 1 122 5 15; u is in Quadrant II;
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u Ref 5 tan21 129 5 52.13; u 5 180° 253.13° 5
17. 126.87°.
28. B 5 "102 1 1 224 2 2 5 26; u is in Quadrant IV;
u Ref 5 tan21 24
10 5 67.38; u 5 360 2 67.38 5
–C A
29. C 5 "82 1 152 5 17; u is in Quadrant I;
A + 2B – C
u Ref 5 tan21 158 5 61.93; u 5 61.93°.
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140 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

30. D 5 " 1 214 2 2 1 1 220 2 2 5 24.413; u is in (b) From the figure the velocity is the length of the
Quadrant III; u Ref 5 tan21 20 hypotenuse of the triangle with sides of length a and c.
14 5 55.01; u 5 180° 1
55.01° 5 235.01°. From the figure we see that a 5 45 sin 35° < 25.81.
The length c 5 145 2 45 cos 35 < 108.14. Thus,
31. y 5 "52 1 122 5 13km/hr
the velocity is about "25.812 1 108.142 < 111.18.
32. Vx 5 765.0, Vy 5 73, V 5 "7562 1 732 5 Thus, the velocity is about 111.18 mph.
759.5 km/hr; u 5 tan21 756 5 5.52 north of east
33. Vx 5 976 cos 72.4° 5 295 N; Vy 5 976 sin 72.4° 5
930 N
34. F 5 "125.02 1 26.502 5 127.8 lb; u 5
tan21 26.5
125 5 11.97 with the large force or 11.97°
from vertical.
35. Parallel to ramp 153 3 sin 12° 5 31.8 lb. Perpendicular
to ramp 153 cos 12° 5 149.7 lb.
36. V 5 "V2R 1 1 VL 2 VC 2 2 5 "122 1 1 5 2 10 2 2 5
13 V; f 5 tan21 25
12 5 222.6 or 22.6 from VR
toward (VL 2 VC).
37. V 5 "152 1 1 8 2 17 2 2 5 17.5 V; f 5 tan21 29 5 <
230.96 or 30.96 from VR toward (VL 2 VC).
38. Since (VL 2 VC) 5 28.3 2 15.2 5 13.1, we have
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V 5 "28.32 1 13.12 < 31.2 V, f 5 tan21 1 13.1
28.3 2 <
40. The horizontal velocity is Vx 5 535 cos 13.5° <
24.84 or 224.84 from VR toward (VL 2 VC).
520.9 mph. The vertical velocity is Vy 5 535
39. (a)
sin 13.5° < 124.9 mph.
41. (a) Here we have a horizontal component of
200 and a vertical component of 220. The
force needed to hold the hose horizontal is
"2002 1 1 220 2 2 5 "40400 5 20"101 < 201 lb.
(b) The angle is u 5 tan21 200 < 5.7.
42. In 10 min the river will flow 5 mph 3 10 min 5
5mi 1 5
1hr 3 6 hr 5 6 mi. Thus, the angle should be
tan21 0.75 < 48.0.
In this 10-min period the boat will travel
"0.752 1 1 56 2 2 < 1.12 mi. Thus, it should have a
velocity of 6 3 1.12 < 6.7 mph.

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8.2 Adding and subtracting vectors

1. R 5 |20.0 2 32.5| 5 12.5; uR 5 angle of larger, 4. R 5 |63.1 1 43.5| 5 106.6; uR 5 180°
so 180° 5. R 5 "552 1 482 5 73.; u 5 tan21 55 48 5 48.9; since
2. R 5 |14.3 1 7.2| 5 21.5; uR 5 90° it’s in Quadrant II uR 5 180° 248.9° 5 131.1°.
3. R 5 |121.7 2 86.9| 5 34.8; uR 5 270° (angle of the (Note C is a vertical vector, D is a horizontal vector.
larger magnitude) vertical
u R 5 tan21 horizontal 2

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8.2 Adding and Subtracting Vectors 141

6. R 5 "652 1 722 5 97; u 5 tan2172 5 42.08; 11. C 5 "11.72 1 4.42 5 12.5; u C 5 tan21 11.7
4.4 5 20.61
Quadrant III so 180° 1 42.08 5 222.08° 5 uR 12. D 5 "31.92 1 36.02 5 48.1; u D 5 tan21 31.9
36.0 5
7. R 5 "81.42 1 37.62 5 89.7; u R 5 tan21 37.6
81.4 5 48.46
24.79 13. E 5 "6.32 1 1.62 5 6.5; u E 5 tan21 6.3
1.6 5 14.25
8. R 5 "63.4 1 9.4 5 64.1; u 52
tan21 63.4
5 81.57;
9.4 5.1
14. F 5 "5.12 1 14.02 5 14.9; u F 5 tan21 14.0 5 69.98
Quadrant IV so uR 5 360° 2 81.57 5 278.43 8.4
15. G 5 "8.42 1 12.62 5 15.1; u G 5 tan21 12.6 5 56.31
9. A 5 "332 1 562 5 65; u A 5 tan21 33
56 5 59.49
16. H 5 "15.32 1 9.22 5 17.9; u H 5 tan21 15.3
9.2 5
10. B 5 "2312 1 5202 5 569; u B 5 tan21 231
520 5 66.05 31.02
17. From these values for Rx and Ry we can Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
determine R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 12.33 and A Ax 5 4 cos 60° 5 2.000 Ay 5 4 sin 60° 5 3.464
u R 5 tan21 Rx 5 32.03. B Bx 5 9 cos 20° 5 8.457 By 5 9 sin 20° 5 3.078
R Rx 10.457 Ry 6.542
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18. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 25.55; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

Ry C Cx 5 12 cos 75° 5 3.106 Cy 5 12 sin 75° 5 11.591
u5 tan21 Rx 5 53.81
D Dx 5 15 cos 37° 5 11.980 Dy 5 15 sin 37° 5 9.027
R Rx 15.086 Ry 20.618
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19. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 53.00; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

Ry C Cx 5 28 cos 120° 5 214.000 Cy 5 28 sin 120° 5 24.249
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 178.11
D Dx 5 45 cos 210° 5 238.971 Dy 5 45 sin 210° 5 222.500
R Rx 252.971 Ry 1.749
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Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

20. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 97.00; E Ex 5 72 cos 287° 5 21.051 Ey 5 72 sin 287° 5 268.854
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 230.92; since F Fx 5 65 cos 217° 5 62.160 Fy 5 65 sin 17° 5 19.004
this is Quadrant IV, we have R Rx 83.211 Ry 249.850
u 5 360 2 30.92 5 329.08°. © Cengage Learning 2013

Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

21. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 88.50;
A Ax 5 31.2 cos 197.5° 5 229.756 Ay 5 31.2 sin 197.5° 5 29.382
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 223.83 B Bx 5 62.1 cos 236.7° 5 234.094 By 5 62.1 sin 236.7° 5 251.904
R Rx 263.850 Ry 261.286
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22. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 57.42; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

Ry C Cx 5 53.1 cos 324.3° 5 43.122 Cy 5 53.1 sin 324.3° 5 230.986
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 247.28
D Dx 5 68.9 cos 198.6° 5 265.301 Dy 5 68.9 sin 198.6° 5 221.976
R Rx 222.179 Ry 252.962
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23. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 22.44; Vector Horizontal component Hertical component

Ry E Ex 5 12.52 cos 46.4° 5 8.634 Ey 5 12.52 sin 46.4° 5 9.067
u5 tan21 Rx 5 348.90
F Fx 5 18.93 cos 315° 5 13.386 Fy 5 18.93 sin 315° 5 213.386
R Rx 22.020 Ry 24.319
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142 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

24. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 116.86; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u 5 tan21 Rx 5 65.61 G Gx 5 76.2 cos 15.7° 5 73.357 Gy 5 76.2 sin 15.7° 5 20.620
H Hx 5 89.4 cos 106.3° 5 225.092 Hy 5 89.4 sin 106.3° 5 85.807
R Rx 48.265 Ry 106.427
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25. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

13.04; u 5
tan21 Rx 5 A Ax 5 9.84 cos 215.5° 5 28.011 Ay 5 9.84 sin 215.5° 5 25.714
150.30 B Bx 5 12.62 cos 105.25° 5 23.319 By 5 12.62 sin 105.25° 5 12.176
R Rx 211.330 Ry 6.462
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26. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

Ry C Cx 5 79.63 cos 262.75° 5 210.049 Cy 5 79.63 sin 262.75° 5 278.993
104.99; u 5 tan21 Rx 5
D Dx 5 43.72 cos 196.2° 5 241.984 Dy 5 43.72 sin 196.2° 5 212.197
R Rx 252.033 Ry 291.190
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27. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 63.58; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u 5
tan21 Rx 5 4.62 E Ex 5 42.0 cos 3.4 5 240.606 Ey 5 42.0 sin 3.4 5 210.733
F Fx 5 63.2 cos 5.3 5 35.036 Fy 5 63.2 sin 5.3 5 252.599
R Rx 25.570 Ry 263.332
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28. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 58.91; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u 5 tan21 Rx 5 1.23 G Gx 5 37.5 cos 0.25 5 36.334 Gy 5 37.5 sin 0.25 5 9.278
H Hx 5 49.3 cos 1.92 5 216.868 Hy 5 49.3 sin 1.92 5 46.325
R Rx 19.466 Ry 55.603
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Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

29. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 13.13;
A Ax 5 15 cos 25° 5 13.59 Ay 5 15 sin 25° 5 6.34
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 64.41 B Bx 5 20 cos 120° 5 210.00 By 5 20 sin 120° 5 17.32
C Cx 5 12 cos 280° 5 2.08 Cy 5 12 sin 280° 5 211.82
R Rx 5.67 Ry 11.84
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30. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 236.56; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

Ry A Ax 5 320 cos 105° 5 282.82 Ay 5 320 sin 105° 5 309.10
u 5 tan21 Rx 5 187.51
B Bx 5 480 cos 215° 5 2393.19 By 5 480 sin 215° 5 2275.32
C Cx 5 250 cos 345° 5 241.48 Cy 5 250 sin 345° 5 264.70
R Rx 2234.53 Ry 230.92
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8.2 Adding and Subtracting Vectors 143

31. Draw the coordinate axes and label the angles as shown in the figure below. The origin is placed at the ring where
the three cables meet, because the tension on all three cables acts on this ring.

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We use the following table listing the horizontal and vertical components of each vector.

Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

A Ax 5 A cos 30° Ay 5 A sin 30°
B Bx 5 B cos 125° By 5 B sin 125°
C Cx 5 C cos 270° 5 0 Cy 5 C sin 270° 5 2C 5 2215
R Rx Ry
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Since, Rx 5 A cos 30° 1 B cos 125° 5 0 and Ry 5 A sin 30° 1 B sin 125° 2 215 5 0, we are led to the system of
two equations in two variables.
0.86603 A 2 0.57358 B 5 0
0.5 A 1 0.81915 B 5 215
Using Cramer’s rule, we determine that A < 123.8 N and B 5 186.9 N. The tension in C is 215 kg 3 9.8 m/s2 <
2107 N.
32. A diagram of the vectors for the forces is shown in the figure below. Notice that since the brace is pushing on the
sign, we have drawn the vector as if it were leaving the center of the sign.

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We use the following table listing the horizontal and vertical components of each vector.

Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

A Ax 5 A cos 0° 5 A Ay 5 A sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 B cos 127° By 5 B sin 127°
S Sx 5 175 cos 270° 5 0 Sy 5 175 sin 270° 5 2175
R Rx Ry
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144 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

Here Rx 5 A 1 B cos 127° 1 0 5 0 and Ry 5 0 1 B sin 127° 2 175 5 0. From the second equation, we obtain
0.7986 B 2 175 5 0, and so B 5 0.7986 < 219.1. Substituting this value in the first equation produces A 1 (219.1)
cos 127° 5 0, and this leads to A < 131.9. Thus, the brace exerts a force of 131.9 lb and the cable a force of 219.1 lb.
33. Use a diagram similar to the one used to solve the previous exercise. This should lead to the following table listing
the horizontal and vertical components of each vector.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 A cos 0° 5 A Ay 5 A sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 B cos 143° By 5 B sin 143°
S Sx 5 235 cos 270° 5 0 Sy 5 235 sin 270° 5 2235
R Rx Ry
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Here Rx 5 A 1 B cos 143° 1 0 5 0 and Ry 5 0 1 B sin 143° 2 235 5 0. From the second equation we obtain
0.6018 B 2 235 5 0, and so B 5 0.6018 < 390.5. Substituting this value in the first equation produces A 1 (390.5)
cos 143° 5 0, and this leads to A < 311.9. Thus, the brace exerts a force of 311.9 lb and the cable a force of 390.5 lb.
34. The vertical cable has a downward tension of F 5 85 kg # 9.8 m/s2 5 833 N. Let FL be the tension on the left cable and FR
the tension on the right cable. We use the following table listing the horizontal and vertical components of each vector.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
F Fx 5 833 cos 270° 5 0 Fy 5 833 sin 270° 5 2833
FL FLx 5 FL cos 122° FLy 5 FL sin 122°
FR FRx 5 FR cos 38° FRy 5 FR sin 38°
R Rx Ry
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Hence, FL cos 122° 1 FR cos 38° 5 0. In the same way, the vertical components add up to 0 or 2833 1 FL sin 122° 1
FR sin 38° 5 0. Solving this system, we get FL 5 660 N and FR 5 448 N.
35. The components for the airplane are Ax 5 480 cos 27° 5 427.68, Ay 5 480 sin 27° 5 217.92; while the components
for the wind are Wx 5 45 cos 255° 5 25.81, Wy 5 45 sin 255° 5 236.86. Using these, we can determine that the
components for the resultant are Rx 5 427.68 1 25.81 5 453.49, Ry 5 217.92 2 36.86 5 181.06 and the length of
the component produces a ground speed of R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 488.3 mph. To determine the course and drift angle,
we first find that u 5 tan21 Rx 5 21.8. Hence the course is 90 221.8 5 68.2° and the drift angle is 68.2 2 63 5 5.2°.
36. The components for the airplane are Ax 5 320 cos 2 82° 5 44.54 and Ay 5 320 sin 2 82° 5 2316.89, whereas the
components for the wind are Wx 5 72 cos 133° 5 249.10 and Wy 5 72 sin 133° 5 52.66. Using these, we can deter-
mine that the components for the resultant are Rx 5 44.54 2 49.10 5 24.56, Ry 5 2316.89 1 52.66 5 2264.23, and
so the length of the component produces a ground speed of R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 264.3 mph. To determine the course
and drift angle, we first find that u 5 tan21 Rx 5 291. Hence, the course is < 181° and the drift angle is < 9°.
37. We will assume that one voltage, vector A, is horizontal and that the other voltage, B, makes an angle of 68° with
the horizontal vector. We can form the following component table.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 196 cos 0° 5 196.0 Ay 5 196 sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 196 cos 68° < 73.4 By 5 196 sin 68° < 181.7
R Rx 269.4 Ry 181.7
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Using the value of Rx and Ry, we see that

R 5 "R2x 1 R2y

5 "269.42 1 181.72 < 324.9

The total voltage is about 324.9 V.

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8.3 Applications of Vectors 145

38. We will assume that the first voltage, vector A, is horizontal and that the second voltage, B, makes an angle of 120°
with the horizontal vector. We can form the following component table.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 86 cos 0° 5 86.0 Ay 5 86 sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 110 cos 120° 5 255.0 By 5 116 sin 120° < 95.3
R Rx 31.0 Ry 95.3
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Using the value of Rx and Ry, we see that

R 5 "R2x 1 R2y
5 "31.02 1 95.32 < 100.2
The total voltage is about 100.2 V.
39. (a) The plane is rising at the rate of 225 sin 12° < 46.8 mph.
(b) The speed of the plane relative to the ground is 225 cos 12° < 220.1 mph.
40. (a) Ax 5 2450 kg 3 (10 m/s cos(245)°) < 1.732 3 104 kg # m/s. Ay 5 2450 kg 3 (10 m/s sin(245)°) < 21.732 3
104 kg # m/s.
(b) Bx 5 2100 kg 3 (9 m/s cos 35°) < 1.548 3 104 kg # m/s. By 5 2100 kg 3 (9 m/s sin 35°) < 1.084 3 104 kg # m/s.
(c) If C represents the locked cars after the accident, then the table below lists the horizontal and vertical components
of each vector and of the resultant vector.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 1.732 3 104 Ay 5 21.732 3 104
B Bx 5 1.548 3 104 By 5 21.084 3 104
C Cx 5 3.280 3 104 Cy 5 20.648 3 104
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Thus, we see that Cx 5 3.280 3 104 kg # m/s, Cy 5 20.648 3 104 kg # m/s.

3 10
(d) The speed is about "3.280 3 104 2 2 1 1 20.648 3 104 2 2 < 3.35 m/s with a heading of about tan21 20.648
3.280 3 104 <
211.2, so the heading is about 11.2° below the horizontal.

8.3 Applications of Vectors

1. Let the 70-lb force be at 0° and the Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
50-lb force at 35°. Then A Ax 5 70 cos 0° 5 70.000 Ay 5 70 sin 0° 5 0.000
B Bx 5 50 cos 35° 5 40.958 By 5 50 sin 35° 5 28.679
R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 114.60 and
R Rx 110.958 Ry 28.679
u R 5 tan21 Rx 5 14.49 from the 70-lb force. © Cengage Learning 2013

2. Horizontal component is 35 cos 25° 5 31.72 lb.

5. The forward force is Ff 5 1700 cos 18° 5 1616.80 N;
Vertical component is 35 sin 25° 5 14.79 lb.
and the sideward force is Fs 5 1700 sin 18° 5
3. (a) Downward force is 25 sin 55° 5 20.48 lb. 525.33 N.
(b) Horizontal force is 25 cos 55° 5 14.34 lb. 6. The ship’s components are Sx 5 15 cos 135° 5
(c) For a 40° angle, downward force 5 25 sin 40° 5 210.61 and Sy 5 15 sin 135° 5 10.61 and the
16.07 lb, horizontal force is 25 cos 40° 5 19.15 lb. components for the flow of the river are Rx 5 7
4. The component forces perpendicular to the axis of and Ry 5 0. Adding these, we get the components
the ship must be equal but opposite. Hence 1500 sin for the ship’s velocity relative to the earth’s surface
37° 5 F sin 36° or F 5 1500 sin 37
sin 36 5 1535.80 N. as Vx 5 23.61 and Vy 5 10.61. The resultant of

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146 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

the ship’s components gives the ship’s velocity as 15. IL 5 "I2 2 I2R 5 "12.42 2 6.32 5 10.68;
V 5 "V2x 1 V2y 5 11.21 km/h. Next we determine I
u 5 2tan21 IRL 5 2tan21 10.68
6.3 5 259.46
that u 5 tan21 Vx 5 108.79, and so the angle is 16. Horizontal Vertical
18.79° west of north, which is a compass direction Vector component component
of 341.21°. XC XCx 5 0 XCy 5 250
7. Since the heading and wind are perpendicular, the XL XLx 5 0 XLy 5 90
ground speed is "3702 1 402 5 372.16 mi/h. The R Rx 5 12 Ry 5 0
angle east of south is u 5 tan21 370 5 6.17. This is a Z Zx 5 12 Zy 5 40
compass direction of 180° 2 6.17° 5 173.83°. © Cengage Learning 2013

8. Ay 5 420 cos 115° 5 2177.50, Ah 5 420 sin 115° 5 Z 5 "Z2x 1 Z2y 5 "122 1 402 5 41.76;
380.65, Wy 5 62 cos 32° 5 52.58, Wh 5 u 5 tan21 40
12 5 73.30
62 sin 32° 5 32.85, Gv 5 2124.92, Gh 5 413.50,
G 5 "G2y 1 G2h 5 431.96 mi/h; u 5 tan21 GGyh 5 17. Horizontal Vertical
106.81. Vector component component
9. Parallel component is 1200 sin 22° 5 449.53 kg. XC XCx 5 0 XCy 5 260
Perpendicular component is 1200 cos 22° 5 XL XLx 5 0 XLy 5 40
1112.62 kg. R Rx 5 24 Ry 5 0
Z Zx 5 24 Zy 5 220
10. F 5 30 sin 15° 5 7.76 lb
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11. The angle the guy wire makes with the ground
u 5 tan21 35 Z 5 "Z2x 1 Z2y 5 "242 1 2202 5 31.24;
27 5 52.352. Horizontal tension
Tx 5 195 cos 52.352° 5 119.11 lb. Vertical down- u 5 tan21 220
24 5 239.81

ward Ty 5 195 sin 52.352° 5 154.40 lb.

18. Horizontal Vertical
12. Since IC and IR are perpendicular the magnitude Vector component component
of IT 5 "IC2 1 IR2 5 "2.42 1 1.62 5 2.88 A. XL XLx 5 0 XLy 5    38
The phase angle u 5 tan21 2.4 1.6 5 56.31. XC XCx 5 0 XCy 5 2256
13. IC 1 IR 5 I; IC 5 I 2 IR; IC 5 9.62 2 7.52, IC 5 5.99
R Rx 5 75 Ry 5    0
or 6 A; f 5 tan21 IICR 5 38.66 Z Zx 5 75 Zy 5 2227
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14. I 5 "I2L 1 I2R 5 4 "6.22 1 8.42 5 10.44 A;
u 5 tan21 IICR 5 tan21 6.2
8.4 5 36.43; since u is clock-
Z 5 "752 1 22272 5 239.07;
wise, u 5 236.43°. u 5 tan21 2227
75 5 271.72

19. I 5 "Ix2 1 Iy2 5 55.84; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u 5
tan21 Ix 6.342
5 tan21 55.478 5 6.52 IA IAx 5 20 cos 35° 5 16.383 IAy 5 20 sin 35° 5 11.472
IB IBx 5 15 cos 220° 5 14.095 IBy 5 15 sin 220° 5 25.130
IC ICx 5 25.000 ICy 5 0.000
I Ix 5 55.478 Iy 5 6.342
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20. V 5 "V2N 1 V2E 5 Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

"7.2222 1 3.9412 5 8.23 km/h; S SN 5 12 cos 10° 5 11.818 SE 5 12 sin 10° 5 2.084
W WN 5 2 cos 270° 5 0.000 WE 5 2 sin 270° 5 22.000
u 5 tan21 VVNE 5 tan21 3.941
7.222 5 28.62
C CN 5 6 cos 140° 5 24.596 CE 5 6 sin 140° 5 3.857
V VN 5 7.222 VN 5 3.941
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Title: Solution Manual—Technical Mathematics        Server: Publishing Services
8.4 Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines 147

21. Vx 5 120 m/s; Vy 5 29.8 # 4 m/s 5 239.2 m/s; 22. 4.9t2 5 5000; t 2 5 5000 5000
4.9 ; t 5 " 4.9 ; t 5 31.94 sec.
V 5 "Vx2 1 Vy2 5 126.24 m/s; Vy 5 29.8 1 31.94 2 5 2313.012 m/s;
u 5 tan21 Vx 5 tan21 239.2
120 5 218.09 V 5 "V2x 1 V2y 5 "1202 1 313.0122 5 335.23 m/s;
u 5 tan21 Vx 5 tan21 2313.012
120 5 269.02

23. We will let the longer side be vector A and assume that it is horizontal. The other (shorter) side will be B and it
makes an angle of 40° with the horizontal vector. Before we make the component table, we will convert 199 7 to
12 1 9 5 217 and 293 7 to 2 # 12 1 3 5 24 1 3 5 27 7. We now form the following component table.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 27 cos 0° 5 27.0 Ay 5 27 sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 21 cos 40° < 16.1 By 5 21 sin 40° < 13.5
R Rx 43.1 Ry 13.5
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7 7
Thus, the smallest rectangle that can be used is one that measures 43.1 in. 3 13.5 in. or 397 101 3 191 12 .
24. We will let the longer side be vector A and assume that it is horizontal. The other (shorter) side will be B and it
makes an angle of 35° with the horizontal vector. We can form the following component table.
Vector Horizontal component Vertical component
A Ax 5 32 cos 0° 5 32.0 Ay 5 32 sin 0° 5 0
B Bx 5 15 cos 35° < 12.3 By 5 15 sin 35° < 8.6
R Rx 44.3 Ry 8.6
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The smallest rectangle will be one that measures 44.3 cm 3 8.6 cm.

8.4 Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines

1. A 5 19.4°; B 5 85.3°; c 5 22.1; C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 C1 5 180° 2 A 2 B1 5 180° 2 27.42° 2 36.77° 5
180° 2 19.4° 2 85.3° 5 75.3°; sina A 5 sinc C; sin 19.4
5 115.81°; C2 5 180° 2 A 2 B2 5 180° 2 27.42° 2
1 22.1 2 1 22.1 2 sin 19.4 b c b
sin 75.3; a 5 sin 75.3 5 7.59; sin B 5 sin C; sin 85.3 5 143.23° 5 9.35°; sinc1c1 5 sina a; c1 5 27.3sinsin27.42
c2 a 27.3 sin 9.35
sin 75.3 ; b 5
1 22.1 2 sin 85.3
sin 75.3 5 22.77. Summary: C 5 75.3°, 53.37; sin C2 5 sin A; c2 5 sin 27.42 5 9.63; B1 5
a 5 7.59, b 5 22.77 36.77°; C1 5 115.81°; c1 5 53.37; B2 5 143.23°;
C2 5 9.35°; c2 5 9.63
2. A 5 180° 2 (62.4° 1 43.9°) 5 73.7°, sina A 5 sinb B;
12.4 b 1 12.4 2 sin 62.4 5. A 5 86.32°, a 5 19.19, c 5 18.42; sinc C 5 sina A;
sin 73.7 5 sin 62.4 ; b 5 < 11.45; sin12.4
73.7 5
sin 73.7
1 12.4 2 sin 43.9 sin C 5 18.4219.19
sin 86.32
; sin C 5 0.9578958, C1 5 73.31°;
c 5 sin 73.7
sin 43.9 ; < 8.96. Summary: A 5 73.7°, C2 5 180° 2 C1 5 106.69°; but C2 1 A . 180° is
b 5 11.45, c 5 8.96 not possible. B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 180° 2 86.32° 2
3. a 5 14.2; b 5 15.3; B 5 97°; sina A 5 sinb B; sin A 5 73.31° 5 20.37°; sinb B 5 sina A; b 5 19.19 sin 20.37
sin 86.32 5 6.69;
a sin B
b 5 14.215.3
sin 97
; sin A 5 .9211866; A 5 67.1°; C 5 73.31°; B 5 20.37°; b 5 6.69
Since B is obtuse, A must be acute. C 5 180° 2 6. B 5 75.46°, b 5 19.4, C 5 44.95°; sinc C 5 sinb B;
A 2 B 5 180° 2 67.1° 2 97° 5 15.9°;
c b 15.3 sin 15.9
c 5 bsin
sin C 19.4 sin 44.95
B 5 sin 75.46 < 14.16; A 5 180°
sin C 5 sin B ; c 5 sin 97 5 4.22; A 5 67.1°;
2(75.46° 1 44.95°) 5 59.59°; sina A 5 sinb B;
C 5 15.9°; c 5 4.22
a 5 19.4sinsin75.46
< 17.28. Summary: c 5 14.16,
4. A 5 27.42°, a 5 27.3, b 5 35.49; sinb B 5 sina A; A 5 59.59°, a 5 17.28
sin B 5 b sina A 5 35.49 27.3
sin 27.42
; sin B 5 0.59866;
7. B 5 39.4°, b 5 19.4, c 5 35.2; sinc C 5 sinb B; sin C 5
B1 5 36.77°; B2 5 180° 2 B1 5 143.23°; c sin B
b 5 35.219.4
sin 39.4
; sin C 5 1.15. Since the range of the

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148 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

sine function is [21, 1], there is no solution, and so 16. b 5 9.12, B 5 1.3 rad, C 5 0.67 rad; A 5 p 2
this is not a triangle. B 2 C 5 3.14 2 1.3 2 .67 5 1.17 rad. a 5 bsin sin A
B 5
9.12 sin 1.17 b sin C 9.12 sin 0.67
8. A 5 84.3°, b 5 9.7, C 5 12.7°; B 5 180° 2 A 2 sin 1.3 5 8.71; c 5 sin B 5 sin 1.3 5 5.88:
C 5 180° 2 84.3° 2 12.7° 5 83°; sina A 5 sinb B; A 5 1.17 rad, a 5 8.71, c 5 5.88
a 5 bsinsin A
B 5
9.7 sin 84.3
sin 83 5 9.72; sinc C 5 sinb B; c 5 17. b 5 8.5, c 5 19.7, C 5 1.37 rad; sin B 5 b sinc C 5
b sin C 9.7 sin 12.7 8.5 sin 1.37
sin B 5 sin 83 5 2.15. Summary: B 5 83°, a 5 19.7 5 .4228; B1 5 0.44 rad; B2 5 3.14 2
9.72, c 5 2.15 0.44 5 2.7; A1 5 p 2 B1 2 C 5 3.14 2 .44 2 1.37 5
9. A 5 45°, a 5 16.3, b 5 19.4; sinb B 5 sina A; sin B 5 1.33; A2 5 p 2 B2 2 C 5 3.14 2 2.7 2 1.37 5
b sin A
5 19.416.3sin 45
; sin B 5 0.841587; B1 5 57.31°; 20.93 cannot be, so only B1 1 A1 are answers.
B2 5 180° 2 B1 5 122.69°. C1 5 180° 2 A 2 B1 5 a 5 csin sin A 19.7 sin 1.33
C 5 sin 1.37 5 19.52: B 5 0.44, A 5
180° 2 45° 2 57.31° 5 77.69°. C2 5 180° 2 A 2 1.33, a 5 19.52.
B2 5 180° 2 45° 2 122.69° 5 12.31°. sinc1C1 5 sina A; 18. b 5 19.7, c 5 36.4, C 5 0.45 rad; sin B 5 b sinc C 5
19.7 sin 0.45
c1 5 16.3sin sin 77.69
45 5 22.52. sinc2C2 5 sina A; c2 5 36.4 5 0.2354. B 5 0.24 rad only answer
16.3 sin 12.31
sin 45 5 4.91; B1 5 57.31°; C1 5 77.69°; A 5 p 2 B 2 C 5 3.14 2 0.24 2 0.45 5 2.45 rad.
c1 5 22.52; B2 5 122.69°; C2 5 12.31°; c2 5 4.91. a 5 csin sin A
C 5
36.4 sin 2.45
sin .45 5 53.37: B 5 0.24, A 5 2.45,
10. a 5 10.4, c 5 5.2, C 5 30°; sina A 5 sinc C ; sin A 5 a 5 53.37.
a sin C
c 5 10.45.2 sin 30
5 1; A 5 90°, B 5 180° 2 A 2 19. A 5 0.47 rad, b 5 195.4, C 5 1.32 rad; B 5 p 2
C 5 180° 2 90° 2 30° 5 60°; sinb B 5 sinc C; A 2 C 5 3.14 2 0.47 2 1.32 5 1.35. a 5 bsin sin A
B 5
195.4 sin 0.47 b sin C 195.4 sin 1.32
b 5 5.2sinsin3060 5 9.01. Summary: A 5 90°, B 5 60°, sin 1.35 5 90.7; c 5 sin B 5 sin 1.35 5 194.0:
b 5 9.01 B 5 1.35, a 5 90.7, c 5 194.0.
11. a 5 42.3, B 5 14.3°, C 5 16.9°; A 5 180° 2 B 2 C 5 20. a 5 29.34, A 5 1.23 rad, C 5 1.67 rad; B 5
180° 2 14.3° 2 16.9° 5 148.8°; sinb B 5 sina A; b 5 p 2 A 2 C 5 3.14 2 1.23 2 1.67 5 0.24 rad. b 5
a sin B
42.3 sin 14.3 c a 42.3 sin 16.9
sin 148.8 5 20.17; sin C 5 sin A ; c 5 sin 148.8 5 23.74. sin A 5
29.34 sin 0.24
sin 1.23 5 7.40; c 5 asin sin C
A 5
29.34 sin 1.67
sin 1.23 5
Summary: A 5 148.8°, b 5 20.17, c 5 23.74 30.98: B 5 0.24, b 5 7.40, c 5 30.98.
12. A 5 105.4°, B 5 68.2°, c 5 4.91; C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 21. The length between towers A and B is AB 5 c 5
180° 2 105.4° 2 68.2° 5 6.4°; Using sina A 5 sinc C , we 360 m. The angle at tower B 5 67.4° and at tower
get a 5 4.91sinsin6.4 105.4
5 42.47. Next we use sinb B 5 sinc C , A 5 49.3°. Hence, the angle at tower C 5 180° 2 A 2
4.91 sin 68.2
to get b 5 sin 6.4 5 40.90. Summary: c 5 6.4°, B 5 63.3°. The distance between towers A and
a 5 42.47, b 5 40.90 C is AC 5 b 5 csin sin B 360 sin 67.4
C 5 sin 63.3 5 372.0 m
and the distance between towers B and C is
13. b 5 19.4, c 5 12.5, C 5 35.6°; sinb B 5 sinc C; sin B 5
b sin C BC 5 a 5 csin sin A 360 sin 49.3
C 1 sin 63.3 5 305.5 m.
c 5 19.412.5 sin 35.6
; sin B 5 0.9034549; B1 5
64.62°; B2 5 180° 2 B1 5 115.38°; A1 5 180° 2 22. AC 5 b 5 250 m, BC 5 a 5 275 m, A 5 43.62°:
B1 2 C 5 180° 2 64.62° 2 35.6° 5 79.78°; sin B 5 b sina A 5 250 sin 43.62
275 5 0.627157; B 5 38.84°;
A2 5 180° 2 B2 2 C 5 180° 2 115.38° 2 35.6° 5 C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 97.54°.
29.02°; a1 5 c sin sin A1 12.5 sin 79.78
5 21.13; a2 5 c sin
sin A2 AB 5 c 5 asin sin C 275 sin 97.54
A 5 sin 43.62 5 395.2 m.
C 5 sin 35.6 C
5 12.5sinsin35.6
5 10.42. Summary: B1 5 64.62, A1 5 23. Let C designate the present location of the air-
79.78, a1 5 21.13, or B2 5 115.38, A2 5 29.02, plane. Since the plane has a heading of 313°, then
a2 5 10.42 /A of ^ ABC is 43°. We are given that the heading
from B is 27°, and so B 5 90° 2 27° 5 63°. Using
14. a 5 121.4, A 5 19.7°, c 5 63.4; sin C 5 c sina A 5
63.4 sin 19.7
these two angles, we find that C 5 180° 2 43° 2
121.4 5 0.176045; C 5 10.1°. The other 63° 5 74°. Now, using the Sine Law, if the distance
answer will not work. B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5
the plane has flown is b, then we have sinb B 5 sinc C .
219.7° 2 10.1° 5 150.02°; b 5 asin sin B
A 5 We were given that c 5 37 mi, and so we have
121.4 sin 150.2
180 sin 19.7 5 179.0. b 5 csin sin B 37 sin 63
C 5 sin 74 < 34.3 mi.
15. a 5 19.7, b 5 8.5, B 5 78.4°; sin A 5 a sin b
5 24. A football field has two 40-yd lines. The angle
19.7 sin 78.4
8.5 5 2.27. Since 2.27 is not in the range of the given is to the farther of the two lines from the end
sine function, there is no solution. of the stadium whose height we want to determine.

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8.4 Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines 149

Let A be the top of the given end of the stadium, 28. Call the center of the circle C and the two adja-
B a point on the 50-yd line, and C a point on the cent holes A and B. Since the holes are equally
given 40-yd line, so that A, B, and C are colinear and
spaced, /ACB 5 360 5 5 72. A and B are on a
the line BC is perpendicular to the 40- (and 50-) yd circle centered at C, so CA 5 CB 5 6.25 in. and
lines. The distance, d, from the top of the stadium to DABC is an isosceles triangle. Thus, /CAB 5
the 40-yd line is AC. We can determine the following /CBA 5 180 22 72 5 54. We can use the
angle measures: /ACB 5 10.45, /CAB 5 0.91, Sine Law.
and /CBA 5 168.64. From the Law of Sines, we
see that AB AC
sin C sin B
10 sin 168.64 AC sin C
d5 5 124.02. AB 5
sin 0.91 sin B
If h is the height of the stadium, then sin 10.45 5 dh, 6.25 sin 72
and so h 5 d sin 10.45° 5 22.49 yd. Thus, the height 5 < 7.35
sin 54
of this one end of the stadium is about 22.5 yd.
The holes are about 7.35 in. apart.
25. c 5 180° 2 47° 2 67° 5 66°; CB 5 a 5 400sinsin6647 5 29. Call the center of the circle C and the two adja-
320.22; sin 67 5 ha; h 5 320.22 sin 67° 5 294.77 m cent holes A and B. Since the holes are equally
26. Since the size of /A 5 47 and /B 5 102, we spaced, /ACB 5 360 12 5 30. A and B are on a
find that the size of /C 5 180 2 (47° 1 102°) 5 circle centered at C, so CA 5 CB 5 16.40 cm and
31°. We use the Sine Law to determine the length ^ABC is an isosceles triangle. Thus, /CAB 5
of AC. /CBA 5 180 22 30 5 75. We can use the
AC AB Sine Law.
sin B sin C AB AC
AC 15.6 5
5 sin C sin B
sin 102 sin 31 AC sin C
15.6 sin 102 AB 5
AC 5 sin B
sin 31 16.40 sin 30
< 29.6 5 < 6.42
sin 75
So, AC is 29.6 cm long. Next, we use the Sine Law to The holes are about 8.49 cm apart.
find the length of BC. 30. The angle at the top (between the guy wire and
the line of elevated sight) is 21.25°. Thus, you
5 can use the Law of Sines to determine that the
sin A sin C
length of the guy wire, w, is sin w42.5 5 sin 8.2
21.25 and
BC 15.6
5 w 5 8.2sinsin21.25
< 15.28 m.
sin 47 sin 31
31. Since the angle at C 5 37° and A 5 54° 209, we have
15.6 sin 47
BC 5 B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 180° 2 54°209 2 37° 5 88°409.
sin 31 Using the Sine Law, we have
< 22.6
So, BC is 22.2 cm long. 5
sin B sin C
27. Let h be the height of the building above the
AC 47.86 mm
eye of the observer and d the distance of the 5
observer from the building. Then, tan 57.8 5 dh sin 8840 9
sin 37
sin 88409 3 47.86 mm
and tan 67.4 5 h 1d 225. Hence d 5 tan h57.8 5 AC 5
h 1 225 h h 225 sin 37
tan 67.4 . Solving tan 57.8 5 tan 67.4 1 tan 67.4 or
< 79.50 mm
h 1 tan 157.8 2 tan 167.4 2 5 tan225
67.4 or h 5 438.74 ft or
43899 7. Adding the height of the observer’s eyes, we 25.4
32. From the diagram we see that A 5 sin21 1 45.72 2<
get 43899 7 1 597 7 5 444947. 33.748. Since A 5 2B, we find that B 5 16.874. Thus,

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150 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 180° 2 33.748° 2 16.874° 5 and

129.378°. Using the Sine Law, we have
AB AC sin A sin B
sin C sin B BC 45.72 cm
AB 45.72 cm sin 33.748 sin 16.874
sin 129.378 sin 16.874 sin 33.748 3 45.72 cm
BC 5
sin 129.378 3 45.72 cm sin 16.874
AB 5
sin 16.874 < 87.50 cm
< 121.75 cm

8.5 Oblique Triangles: Law of Cosines

1. a 5 9.3, b 5 16.3, C 5 42.3° SAS so Cosine Law. Choose B since it is the largest, and if it’s obtuse, the
First we find c by using the Cosine Law: c2 5 a2 1 Law of Cosines will yield this answer directly.
b2 2 2ab cos C 5 9.32 1 16.32 2 (9.3)(16.3) cos cos B 5 a 1 2ac
2 2
c 2 b 2 2
5 19.522 1 119.52
56.53 2 63.42
2 1 56.53 2
; cos
42.3°, c2 5 127.9386, c 5 11.3. Next find the angle B < 20.2018; B 5 101.6°. sin A 5 b 5 a sin B
opposite the short side, namely A, using the Law of 19.52 sin 101.6
63.42 5 0.3015; A 5 17.5°; C 5 180° 2 A 2
Sines. sina A 5 sinc C; sin A 5 a sinc C 5 9.3 sin 42.3
11.3 ; sin A 5 C 5 180° 2 17.5° 2 101.6° 5 60.9°: A 5 17.5°,
0.553895, A 5 33.6°, B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 180° 2 B 5 101.6°, C 5 60.9°
42.3° 2 33.6° 5 104.1°. (Note: If you use the Law of
5. a 5 29.43, b 5 16.37, c 5 38.62: Use the alternate
Sines to find B, you may not recognize that it is ob-
form of the Law of Cosines to find one of the angles.
tuse. That’s why you should find the angle opposite
Choose C since it’s the largest, and if it’s obtuse, the
the shorter side first since it must be acute.)
Law of Cosines will yield this answer directly.
c 5 11.31, A 5 33.6°, B 5 104.1°. 2 2 2 2 2 2

2. A 5 16.25°, b 5 29.43, c 5 36.52; a2 5 b2 1 c2 2 cos C 5 a 1 2ab b 2 c

5 29.432 1 129.43
16.37 2 38.62
2 1 16.37 2 ; cos C <
a sin C
2bc cos A 5 29.432 1 36.522 2 2(29.43)(36.52) cos 20.37093; C < 111.8°; sin A 5 c 5
29.43 sin 111.8
16.25° 5 136.1436; a 5 11.67. 38.62 < 0.7075; A 5 45.0°; B 5 180° 2
A 2 C 5 180° 2 45.0° 2 111.8° 5 23.2°: A 5
b sin A 29.43 sin 16.25 45.0°, B 5 23.2°, C 5 111.8°.
sin B 5 5 5 .705687;
a 11.67 6. A 5 121.37°, b 5 112.37, c 5 93.42; a2 5 b2 1 c2 2
B 5 44.89; C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 180° 216.25° 2 2bc cos A 5 112.372 1 93.422 2 2(112.37) (93.42)
44.89° 5 118.86°. (Note: If you used the Law of Sines cos 121.37° 5 32283.636; a 5 179.68. sin C 5
to find C, you may not recognize that it is obtuse. c sin A
5 93.42179.68
sin 121.37
5 0.443924; C 5 26.35°.
That is why you should find the angle opposite the B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 180° 2 121.37° 2 26.35° 5
shorter side first since it must be acute.) a 5 11.67, 32.28°. a 5 179.68, B 5 32.28°, C 5 26.35°.
B 5 44.80°, C 5 118.86°. 7. a 5 63.92, B 5 92.44°, c 5 78.41; b2 5 a2 1
3. a 5 47.85, B 5 113.7°, c 5 32.79; b2 5 a2 1 c2 2 c2 2 2ac cos B 5 63.922 1 78.412 2 2(63.92)
2ac cos B 5 47.852 1 32.792 2 2(47.85)(32.79) (78.41) cos 92.44° 5 10660.645; b 5 103.25.
cos 113.7° 5 4626.1199; hence, b 5 68.02 and so, sin A 5 a sin B
5 63.92103.25
sin 92.44
5 .6185186; A 5 38.21.
sin A 5 a sin
5 47.8568.02
sin 113.7
5 0.64414. Thus, A 5 C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 180° 2 38.21° 2 92.44° 5
40.1°.C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 180° 2 40.1° 2 113.7° 5 49.35°: b 5 103.25, A 5 38.21°, C 5 49.35°.
26.2°. b 5 68.02, A 5 40.1°, C 5 26.2°. (Note: Since 8. a 5 19.53, b 5 7.66, C 5 32.56°; c2 5 a2 1 b2 2
B is obtuse, A and C must be acute). 2ab cos C 5 19.532 1 7.662 2 2(19.53)(7.66) cos
4. a 5 19.52, b 5 63.42, c 5 56.53: Use the alternate 32.56° 5 187.9226; c 5 13.71. sin B 5 b sinc C 5
form of the Law of Cosines to find one of the angles. 7.66 sin 32.56
5 .300691; B 5 17.50°. A 5 180° 2

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8.5 Oblique Triangles: Law of Cosines 151

B 2 C 5 180° 2 17.50° 2 32.56° 5 129.94°: sin B 5 b sinc C 5 0.1452876; B 5 0.146. A 5 p 2 B 2

c 5 13.71, A 5 129.94°, B 5 17.50°. C 5 3.142 2 0.146 2 0.183 5 2.813. c 5 4.295, A 5
9. a 5 4.527, b 5 6.239, c 5 8.635: Find C first, 2.813, B 5 0.146.
b2 2 c 2 2
6.2392 2 8.6352
cos C 5 a 1 2ab 5 4.5272 1 14.527 2 1 6.239 2 ; 19. a 5 2.317, b 5 1.713, c 5 1.525; SSS, cos A 5 (b2
cos C 5 20.268099; C 5 105.55° 1 c2 2 a2)/2bc 5 20.020766, A 5 1.59; sin B 5
sin A 5 a sinc C 5 4.527 8.635
sin 105.55
5 0.505072; A 5 30.34. b sin A
a 5 .7392, B 5 0.83; C 5 p 2 A 2 B 5 3.14 2
B 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 180° 2 30.34° 2 105.55° 5 1.59 2 0.83 5 0.72: A 5 1.59, B 5 0.83, C 5 0.72.
44.11°: A 5 30.34°, B 5 44.11°, C 5 105.55°. 20. A 5 0.09, b 5 40.75, c 5 50.25; SAS, a2 5
10. A 5 7.53°, b 5 37.645, c 5 42.635; SAS, a2 5 b2 1 c2 2 2bc cos A 5 106.825; a 5 10.34.
b2 1 c2 2 2bc cos A 5 52.58182; a 5 7.251. sin B 5 sin B 5 b sina A 5 .35421188; B 5 0.36. C 5 p 2
b sin A
a 5 0.6803476; B 5 42.87°. c 5 180° 2 A 2 A 2 B 5 3.14 2 0.09 2 0.36 5 2.69 : a 5 10.34,
B 5 129.6°, a 5 7.251, B 5 42.87°, C 5 129.6°. B 5 0.36, C 5 2.69.
11. a 5 8.5, b 5 15.8, C 5 0.82 rad; SAS, c2 5 a2 1 21. The area of a triangle is A 5 12 ab sin C 5 0.5 (3.7 in.)
b2 2 2ab cos C 5 138.6454; c 5 11.77; sin A 5 (4.8 in.) sin 39.2° < 5.61 in2.
a sin C
c 5 .5280; A 5 0.56 rad. B 5 p 2 A 2 C 5 22. The area of a triangle is A 5 12 ab sin C 5 0.5
3.14 2 0.82 2 0.56 5 1.76 rad : c 5 11.77, A 5 (9.72 cm)(3.84 cm) sin 117.5° < 16.55 cm2.
0.56 rad, B 5 1.76 rad.
23. The area of a triangle is A 5 12 bc sin A 5 0.5
12. A 5 0.31, b 5 15.8, c 5 38.47; SAS, a2 5 b2 1 (34.7 m)(29.6 m) sin 87.5° < 513.1 m2.
c2 2 2bc cos A 5 571.8747; a 5 23.91; sin B 5
b sin A
24. The area of a triangle is A 5 12 ab sin C 5 0.5
a 5 0.20159; B 5 0.203 rad. C 5 p 2 A 2 (12.875 ft)(15.250 ft) sin 17.2° < 29.030 ft2.
B 5 3.14 2 0.31 2 0.20 5 2.63 rad : a 5 23.91, B 5
25. From the diagram we know that a 5 90 1 34 5
0.20 rad, C 5 2.63 rad.
124.7°, AC 5 b 5 6335, AB 5 c 5 12325, BC 5 a;
13. a 5 52.65, B 5 1.98, c 5 35.8; b2 5 a2 1 c2 2 2ac cos a2 5 b2 1 c2 2 2bc cos A 5 63352 1 125252 2
B 5 5553.5624; b 5 74.52. sin C 5 c sinb B 5 .440744, 2(6335)(12325) cos 124.7° 5 280 935 259.5 and so
C 5 0.46; A 5 p 2 B 2 C 5 3.14 2 1.98 2 0.46 5 a 5 16 761. The distance above the earth’s surface is
0.70: b 5 74.52, A 5 0.70, C 5 0.46. 16761 2 6 335 5 10 426 km.
14. a 5 43.5, b 5 63.4, c 5 37.3; SSS, cos B 5 26. a 5 213 3 5 63 km. b 5 213 4 5 84 km. C 5 180° 2
a2 1 c2 2 b2
2ac 5 2.2268, B 5 1.80 rad. sin A 5 37 5 143°. c2 5 a2 1 b2 2 2ab cos C 5 632 1 842 2
2 # 63 # 84 cos 143; c2 5 19477.76; c 5 139.6 km.
a sin B
b 5 0.668176; A 5 0.73 rad. C 5 p 2 A 2
B 5 3.14 2 0.73 2 1.80 5 0.61. A 5 0.73, B 5 1.80, Bearing 5 B 5 sin21 1 84139.6
sin 143
2 5 21.2. The distance
C 5 0.61. from port is 139.6 km; bearing is 21.2° east of north.
2 2 2
15. a 5 36.27, b 5 24.55, c 5 44.26; cos C 5 a 1 2ab
b 2 c
5 27. The angle between the antenna and the hill is
a sin C
20.02287; C 5 1.59 rad. sin A 5 c 5 90 1 12.37° 5 102.37°. If the length of the wire is ℓ,
0.8193; A 5 0.96. B 5 p 2 A 2 C 5 0.59: A 5 then ℓ2 5 402 1 752 2 2 # 40 # 75 cos 102.37°;
0.96, B 5 0.59, C 5 1.59. ℓ2 5 8510.34; ℓ 5 92.25 ft.
16. a 5 2.41, b 5 153.21, c 5 87.49; SAS; a2 5 b2 1 28. R2 5 502 1 352 2 2 # 50 # 35 cos 147.85° 5 6688.3,
c2 2 2bc cos A 5 51076.452; a 5 226.00. sin B 5 R 5 81.78 lb
b sin A
b 5 0.7981; A 5 0.924. C 5 p 2 A 2B 5 29. R2 5 122 1 232 2 2 # 12 # 23 cos 121.27° 5 959.53;
3.142 2 0.924 2 1.625 5 0.593 : b 5 68.56, A 5 R 5 !959.53 5 30.98 or 31 N. u 5 sin211 23 sin31121.27 2
0.924, C 5 0.593. 5 39.36
17. a 5 54.8, B 5 1.625, c 5 38.33; SAS; b2 5 a2 1 30. cos f 5 (36.42 1 15.52 2 30.12)/(2 3 36.4 3 15.5);
c2 2 2ac cos B 5 4699.8253; b 5 68.56. sin A 5 cos f 5 0.58419; f 5 54.25°. u 5 180° 2f 5 180° 2
a sin B
b 5 0.7981; A 5 0.924. C 5 p 2 A 2 B 5 54.25° 5 125.75°
3.142 2 0.924 2 1.625 5 0.593 : b 5 68.56, A 5 31. The other angle of the parallelogram is 180° 2 74° 5
0.924, C 5 0.593. 106°. By the Law of Cosines, Z2 5 562 1 382 2 2 #
18. a 5 7.621, b 5 3.429, C 5 0.183; SAS, c2 5 56 # 38 cos 106° 5 5753.11. Taking the square root,
a2 1 b2 2 2ab cos C 5 18.4456; c 5 4.295. we find that Z 5 !5753.11 < 75.8, or about 76 kV.

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152 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

32. By the Law of Cosines x2 5 3.382 1 2.142 2 35. The area of this piece of land is 0.5 (187 ft)
(3.38)(2.14) cos 42° < 10.6287. Hence, x 5 (369 ft) sin 54° < 27,912.3 ft2. This is about
27,912.3 ft2
!10.6287 < 3.26 m. 43,560 ft2 < 0.64 acre.
33. The tower makes an angle with the hill of 36. This is basically a triangular prism. We will deter-
90° 1 12.7° 5 102.7° on the downhill side and mine the area of the triangular cross-section and
90° 2 12.7° 5 77.3° on the uphill side. Using the multiply that for the width, 120 ft. To find the area of
Cosine Law, the length of the downhill cable is the cross-section we first determine the length of the
downhill cable2 5 225.02 1 752 2 2 (225.0) (75) horizontal leg, or base, of the triangle. Base 5 2373.7
cos 102.7° < 63,669.809, and so downhill cable < cos 12.7° < 2315.6 ft. The area of the cross-section is
!63,669.809 < 252.3 ft. 0.5 (2373.7)(2315.6) sin 12.7° < 604, 196.7 ft2. Thus,
The length of the uphill cable is uphill cable2 5 the volume is 120 ft 3 604,196.7 ft2 < 72, 503, 604 <
225.02 1 402 22(225.0)(40) cos 77.3° < 48,267.768, 7.25 3 107 ft3.
and so downhill cable < !48,267.768 < 219.7 ft.
34. Using the Cosine Law, the length of BC is BC2 5
47.852 1 103.842 2 2(47.85) (103.84) cos 54°209 <
7278.13, and so BC < !7278.13 < 85.31 mm.

Chapter 8 Review

1. 3.


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2. 4.

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Chapter 8 Review 153

5. Px 5 35 cos 67° 5 13.68; Py 5 35 sin 67° 5 32.22 10. B 5 "B2x 1 B2y 5 " 1 227 2 2 1 322 5 41.87;
6. Px 5 19.7 cos 237° 5 210.73; Py 5 19.7 sin 237° 5 u R 5 tan21 32
27 5 49.84 Second Quadrant, so 180° 2
216.52 49.84° 5 130.16°.
7. Px 5 23.4 cos 172.4° 5 2 23.19; 11. Ax 5 38 cos 15° 5 36.71; Ay 5 38 sin 15° 5 9.84
Py 5 23.4 sin 172.4° 5 3.09 12. Bx 5 43.5 cos 127° 5 226.18; Ay 5 43.5 sin 127° 5
8. Px 5 14.5 cos 338° 5 13.44; Py 5 14.5 sin 34.74
338° 5 25.43 13. Cx 5 19.4 cos 1.25 5 6.12;
9. A 5 "A2x 1 A2y 5 "162 1 1 28 2 2 5 17.89. Cy 5 19.4 sin 1.25 5 18.41
u 5 tan21 1 Axy 2 5 tan21 28 21 1
16 5 tan 22 5 226.57 or
14. Dx 5 62.7 cos 5.37 5 38.32; Dy 5 62.7 sin 5.37 5
333.43°. 249.62

15. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 50.41; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u5 tan21 Rx 5 20.69 A Ax 5 19 cos 32° 5 16.11 Ay 5 19 sin 32° 5 10.07
B Bx 5 32 cos 14° 5 31.05 By 5 32 sin 14° 5 7.74
R Rx 47.16 Ry 17.81
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16. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 36.96; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u R 5 tan21 36.49 5 9.15. Since u is C Cx 5 24 cos 57° 5 13.07 Cy 5 24 sin 57° 5 20.13
in 4th Quadrant, u 5 360 2 9.15 5 D Dx 5 35 cos 312° 5 23.42 Dy 5 35 sin 312° 5 226.01
350.85°. R Rx 36.49 Ry 25.88
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17. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 72.77; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u R 5 tan21 72.76 5 .01264. u is in E Ex 5 52.6 cos 2.53 5 243.07 Ey 5 52.6 sin 2.53 5 30.20
2nd Quadrant, so u 5 p 2 uR 5 F Fx 5 41.7 cos 3.92 5 229.69 Fy 5 41.7 sin 3.9 5 229.28
3.13 rad. R Rx 272.76 Ry 0.92
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18. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 57.67; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u R 5 tan21 57.57
3.41 5 1.51. u is in
G Gx 5 43.7 cos 4.73 5 0.77 Gy 5 43.7 sin 4.73 5 243.69
3rd Quadrant, so u 5 p 1 1.51 5 H Hx 5 14.5 cos 4.42 5 24.18 Hy 5 14.5 sin 4.42 5 213.88
4.65. R Rx 23.41 Ry 257.57
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19. a 5 14, b 5 32, c 5 27: SSS so use Law of 23. a 5 127.35, A 5 0.12, b 5 132.6: SSA, Sine Law.
Cosines to find the largest angle, namely B cos sin B 5 b sina A 5 0.1246; B 5 0.12, C 5 p 2 A 2
c 2 2 b2
B 5 a 1 2ac 5 20.1310; B 5 97.5. sin A 5 a sin
B 5 3.14 2 .12 2 .12 5 2.90. c 5 asin sin C
A 5 254.51.
5 .4338; A 5 25.7. C 5 180° 2 A 2 B 5 56.8°: A 5 B 5 0.12, C 5 2.90, c 5 254.51.
25.7°, B 5 97.5°, c 5 56.8°. 24. b 5 84.3, c 5 95.4, C 5 0.85: SSA so Sine Law.
20. a 5 43, b 5 52, B 5 86.4°: SSA so Law of Sines. sin B 5 b sinc C 5 0.6639; B 5 0.73. A 5 p 2 B 2
sin A 5 a sinb
5 .8253; A 5 55.6. C 5 180° 2 A 2 C 5 1.56. a 5 csinsin A
C 5 127.0: B 5 0.73, A 5 1.56,
B 5 38.0°. c 5 bsinsin C
B 5 32.08.
a 5 127.0.
21. b 5 87.4, B 5 19.57°, c 5 65.3: SSA, Sine Law. 25. a 5 67.9, b 5 54.2, C 5 2.21: SAS so Cosine Law.
sin C 5 c sinb B 5 0.25026; C 5 14.49°. A 5 180° 2 c2 5 a2 1 b2 2 2ab cos C 5 11938.92; c 5 109.3.
B 2 C 5 145.94°. a 5 bsin sin A
B 5 146.14. A 5 145.94°,
sin B 5 b sinc C 5 0.39798; B 5 0.41: A 5 p 2 B 2
a 5 146.14, C 5 14.49°. C 5 0.52: c 5 109.3, A 5 0.52, B 5 0.41.
22. A 5 121.3°, b 5 42.5, c 5 63.7: SAS, Cosine Law. 26. a 5 53.1, b 5 63.2, c 5 74.3: SSS so use the
a2 5 b2 1 c2 2 2bc cos A 5 8676.8762; a 5 93.15. Cosine Law. cos C 5 (a2 1 b2 2 c2)/2ab 5 0.1927;
sin B 5 b sina A 5 0.3898497; B 5 22.9°; C 5 180° 2 C 5 1.38. sin A 5 a sinc C 5 0.7017; A 5 0.78. B 5
A 2 B 5 35.8°: a 5 93.15, B 5 22.9°, C 5 35.8°. p 2 A 2 C 5 0.98: A 5 0.78, B 5 0.98, C 5 1.38.

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154 CHAPTER 8 Vectors and Trigonometric Functions

27. R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 2831.17; Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

u5 tan21 Rx
5 83.97. A Ax 5 1650 cos 68° 5 618.10 Ay 5 1650 sin 68° 5 1529.85
Resultant force is 2831 kg B Bx 5 1325 cos 76° 5 2320.55 By 5 1325 sin 76° 5 1285.64
directed at an angle of 83.97° R Rx 297.55 Ry 2815.49
to the axis of the vehicle. © Cengage Learning 2013

28. Call the alternate route a. Then by the Cosine Law 30. XC 1 XL 5 272 1 52 5 220V u 5 tan21 1 220 35 2 5
we see that a2 5 36212 1 23422 2 2(3621)(2342) cos 229.74.
72.4°; a2 5 13468181; a 5 3669.9 ft. Over the hill 31. AB 5 c, AC 5 b 5 73, A 5 123.4, C 5 42.1. B 5
3621 1 2342 5 5963; 2.3 3 3669.9 5 8440.77. Over 180° 2 A 2 C 5 14.5. c 5 bsin
sin C
B 5 195.47 m. The
the hill is less expensive. distance is 195.47 m.
29. Parallel component is 126.5 sin 31.7° 5 66.47 lb. 32. By Cosine Law, d2 5 12352 1 9622 2 2(1235)(962)
Perpendicular component 126.5 cos 31.7° 5 cos 52.57°; d2 5 1006471; d 5 1003.23 m.
107.63 lb.

Chapter 8 Test

1. Vx 5 47 cos 117° 5 221.34; 2. A 5 "A2x 1 Ay 5 "12.912 1 1 214.36 2 2 5 19.31;

Vy 5 47 sin 117° 5 41.88 u 5 tan21 214.36
12.91 5 248.04 or 311.96°

3. Vector Horizontal component Vertical component

A Ax 5 25 cos 64° 5 10.96 Ay 5 25 sin 64° 5 22.47
B Bx 5 40 cos 112° 5 214.98 By 5 40 sin 112° 5 37.09
R Rx 24.02 Ry 59.56
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R 5 "R2x 1 R2y 5 59.70; u 5 tan21 24.02 5 93.86 c 5 bsin
sin C 36.5 sin 97
B 5 sin 59 5 42.26. B 5 59°, a 5 17.32,

4. b 5 asin
sin B 9.42 sin 67.5 c 5 42.26
A 5 sin 35.6 5 14.95
5. a2 5 b2 1 c2 2 2bc cos A 5 4.952 1 6.242 2 2(4.95) 7. c2 5 302 1 362 2 2 # 30 # 36 cos 97° 5 2459.237782;
(6.24) cos 13.4; a2 5 87.9743; a 5 9.38 c 5 49.59s
6. A 5 24°, b 5 36.5, and C 5 97°: B 5 180° 2
A 2 C 5 59°. a 5 bsin sin A 36.5 sin 24
B 5 sin 59 5 17.32

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