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Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation May 2020

What works best toolkit

The What works best toolkit supports teachers to reflect on their current practice for each of the What works
best themes and identify areas for improvement.

Overall reflection
To identify your strengths and areas for improvement, refer to the What works best in practice document and
indicate where your current practice is overall on a scale of 1 to 5. (1=minimal practice 5=best practice)

1. High expectations 5. Assessment

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

2. Explicit teaching 6. Classroom management

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3. Effective feedback 7. Wellbeing

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4. Use of data to inform practice 8. Collaboration

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


Reflecting on your practice

After you have completed the overall reflection, you may start reflecting
on your practice in each theme.
Use the reflection framework on the following pages to assist you with
the reflection process. The reflection process involves outlining your
current practice for each What works best theme and the impact of
your current practice. Then identify the next steps for improvement by
considering areas of your practice that need to be strengthened. This
includes practices that need
Introductionto be adopted/started, adapted/changed a different set of experiences, knowledge and orskills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
stopped/discontinued. and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
When reflecting on your practice for each theme, refer to the strategies
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every
learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future

in the What works best in practice document, specific elements of the

school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every
years. By sharing information about learning development,
teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
School Excellence Framework and to the standards of focus in the
The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Australian Professional Standards forteaching

description of the key elements of high quality practice across make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for

Alignment with the School

against the Framework to inform their school plans and
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework
improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by

Excellence Framework
supports schools as they engage their communities in the
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students
The School Excellence Framework supports sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents

NSW public schools in their pursuit of excellence

want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
by providing descriptors of quality practice.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 The Framework focuses on Inschool
child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
developed. practices
our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
that evidence shows are most
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident
directly related
levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future
success wellbeing. school-wide excellence. improvement and
Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and
Excellence student outcomes. There
in learning is
success. Students strong
benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in

alignment between the the Framework andrequirements,

the serve the overarching
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
School Excellence Framework in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and allocation and accountability
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
(PDF 299 KB) themes
to excellence of
for students What
in NSW works
public schools begins duringbest.
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

NSW Department of Education 1

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

1. High expectations
When teachers hold high expectations of their students, they know their students well, value them
as learners, and understand how to support their learning. High expectations matter at all stages of
education, from early childhood through to the end of school.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently promote high expectations in the classroom?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Learning culture 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Curriculum
• Student performance measures

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB) 2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4
• Professional practice:
3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3 4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 2

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

2. Explicit Teaching
Explicit teaching is when teachers clearly explain to students why they are learning something,
how it connects to what they already know, what they are expected to do, how to do it and what
it looks like when they have succeeded. Students are given opportunities and time to check their
understanding, ask questions and receive clear, effective feedback about aspects of performance.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently implement explicit teaching in the classroom?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Effective classroom practice 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Professional standards

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB)
2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
• Professional practice:
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 3

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

3. Effective feedback
Effective feedback provides students with relevant, explicit, ongoing, constructive and actionable
information about their performance against learning outcomes from the syllabus. Feedback to a
student about aspects of performance or understanding can be provided by a teacher, peer, or
through self-reflection.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently provide students with effective feedback in the classroom?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Assessment 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Effective classroom practice

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB)
2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6
• Professional practice:
3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5
4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 4

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

4. Use of data to inform practice

Teachers use data to check and understand where their students are in their learning and to plan
what to do next. Effective use of data helps teachers understand which students are progressing at
an appropriate level in response to the teaching approaches in their classroom, and how they could
best adjust their practice to drive improvement for all students in their class.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently use data to inform your practice?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Assessment 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Reporting
• Student performance measures
• Effective classroom practice
• Data skills and use
• School planning, implementation
and reporting 2. What do you need to adopt/start?

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB)

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5
• Professional practice:
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 5.4

NSW Department of Education 5

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

5. Assessment
Student assessment refers to the variety of methods that teachers use to evaluate, measure, and
document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of
students. It is only via effective assessment that teachers can know if learning is taking place.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently use assessment to improve student learning?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Curriculum 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Assessment

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB)
2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
• Professional practice:
3.6, 5.1, 5.3
4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 6

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

6. Classroom management
Classroom management is a broad term for a range of practices and strategies teachers use to build
quality relationships with each of their students and foster a safe, positive and stimulating learning
environment. Well-managed classrooms maintain a positive classroom climate that maximises
effective learning time and encourages on-task positive learning behaviours, where disengagement
and disruptions are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently manage your classroom?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Wellbeing 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Curriculum
• Effective classroom practice

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB) 2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.2, 1.3, 1.5
• Professional practice:
3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 7

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

7. Wellbeing
Student wellbeing is a broad term that encompasses many dimensions including cognitive, social,
physical and spiritual wellbeing. Schools support wellbeing through practices that promote social,
emotional, behavioural and intellectual engagement, and by fostering positive relationships across
the school community. Supporting student wellbeing in a school is the responsibility of all staff.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently promote student wellbeing?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Wellbeing 1. What do you need to strengthen?

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB)

2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6
• Professional practice:
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
• Professional engagement:
7.3 4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?

NSW Department of Education 8

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation

What works best toolkit

8. Collaboration
Teacher collaboration involves teachers working together to achieve a common goal through the
sharing of evidence-informed practices, knowledge and problem solving. Collaboration is most
successful when it is frequent and ongoing, either through formalised communities of practice or as
part of a school culture that promotes and values the sharing of ideas and advice in non-threatening,
encouraging ways.
Use the What works best in practice document, the School Excellence Framework and the Australian
Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers to reflect on your practice, gather evidence of your practice
and identify ways for improvement.

Resources How do you currently collaborate with other teachers?

What works best

in practice (PDF 3.1 MB)

What is the impact of your current practice? How do you know (what evidence do you have)?
a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school
with them, and understanding these is essential to planning
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence their individual learning paths. From the earliest school days and
and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for throughout their time at school, teachers use information about
each and every child. individual students’ capabilities and needs to plan for students’
We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly learning so as to engage them in rich learning experiences,
complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every developing the vital skills for flourishing – now and in future
school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every years. By sharing information about learning development,
year. teachers work in partnership with parents as active participants

School Excellence The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public
schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of the key elements of high quality practice across
in their children’s education. At the other end of schooling,
teachers and schools support students to make successful
transitions to future learning and employment, with the skills to

Framework (PDF 299 KB)

make informed contributions as citizens and leaders.
the three domains of learning, teaching and leading.
The Framework describes 14 elements across these three Excellence in teaching
domains which define the core business of excellent schools
in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices In our schools, teachers demonstrate personal responsibility for
against the Framework to inform their school plans and improving their teaching practice in order to improve student
annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework learning. Student learning is underpinned in excellent schools by
supports schools as they engage their communities in the high quality teaching. Teaching in these schools is distinguished by
development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic universally high levels of professionalism and commitment. Lessons
and learning opportunities are engaging and teaching strategies

priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
are evidence-based. Individually and collaboratively, teachers
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices, including
The focus is on students sophisticated analysis of student engagement, learning growth

Excellence In our schools, every child is known, valued and cared for. Parents
want the very best for their children. In education, this means
teachers and schools with a commitment to nurture, guide, inspire
and outcomes, to plan for the ongoing learning of each student
in their care. Teachers take shared responsibility for student
improvement and contribute to a transparent learning culture,

Framework and challenge students – to find the joy in learning, to build their including through the observation of each other’s practices.
skills and understanding, and to make sense of their world. In
the early years, it means having confidence that each individual Excellence in leading
Version 2 | July 2017 child will be known and understood, and their individual potential
In our schools, school leaders enable a self-sustaining and self-
improving community that will continue to support the highest
As students progress, it means knowing that they are well levels of learning as a lasting legacy of their contributions. Strong,
supported as increasingly self-motivated learners – confident strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school
and creative individuals, with the personal resources for future excellence. Excellent leaders have a commitment to fostering a
success and wellbeing. school-wide culture of high expectations and a shared sense of
responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and

What will be your next steps for improvement?

Excellence in learning success. Students benefit from the school’s planned and proactive
engagement with parents and the broader community. Leaders in
In our schools, young people will develop foundation skills excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource
in literacy and numeracy, strong content knowledge and the allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching
ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens. The journey strategic vision of the school community.
to excellence for students in NSW public schools begins during
the first important weeks of Kindergarten. Every child brings

Key elements of focus:

• Effective classroom practice 1. What do you need to strengthen?

• Learning and development

• Educational leadership

Australian Professional
Teaching Standards for
Teachers (PDF 1.1 MB) 2. What do you need to adopt/start?

3. What do you need to adapt/change?

Standards of focus:
• Professional knowledge:
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.6
• Professional practice:
3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 4.3, 4.5, 5.3 4. What do you need to discontinue/stop doing?
• Professional engagement:
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4

NSW Department of Education 9

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