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The Board Game by Martin Wallace

For 2-4 players, ages 12 and up

Starting a new community on this island is going to be arduous, but you have dared to attempt it. With just a few residents in your
town, you set up the first industries and the first ships lie at anchor. Everything appears to be ready to turn your island into a hub
of industrialisation with new trade routes reaching into the Old and New World. But be sure to plan your venture into the new era
well: resources and technologies are limited and the competition does not rest. A growing population brings new possibilities to
your home island and an expanding fleet allows you to go on expeditions or to explore other islands. But it is not easy to find
the correct balance between progress and a content population. If you continue to increase your influence then you will not only
win favour with the Queen, but you will also win the game!

4 Game aids 1 Gameboard 4 Home islands

12 Old World islands 8 New World islands 120 Construction 1 Starting player token 130 Naval tokens

77 trade tokens 53 exploration

(bronze) tokens (silver)

1 Fireworks token 38 Gold tokens

26 Tokens 12 Tokens
worth 1 worth 5
102 Population cards 22 Expedition cards 20 Objective cards 125 Population cubes

25 Farmers 40 Workers 25 Artisans

46 Farmers/Workers 24 New World cards (green) (blue) (red)

20 Engineers 15 Investors
32 Artisans/Engineers/Investors
(purple) (turquoise)

Place the gameboard in the centre of the

1 table. Sort all the construction tokens and
place them on the gameboard according to
their images. The blueprint side with the
costs (purple bar) must be visible.
Number of construction tokens:
• 35 industries x 2 of each
• 4 x shipyard strength 1
• 6 x shipyard strength 2
• 4 x shipyard strength 3
• 6 ships x 6 of each

Shuffle the 3 population card stacks

2 and the expedition cards separately
and place them on their respective
spaces on the gameboard facing down.

Shuffle the Old and New World island
3 boards separately and place them to the
right of the gameboard. Lay out the naval
and gold tokens ready beside them. 4

Sort the population cubes and place

4 them in the correct position to the left of
the gameboard.

Place 5 objective cards and the
5 fireworks token next to the population This is the personal
cubes. For the first game, take the exhausted area.
objective cards with the 3 diamonds above When you are required to
their names: Alonso Graves, University, “exhaust” population cubes

Edvard Goode, Isabel Sarmento, Zoo. or naval tokens, place them

in this area.

Each player is given one home
island and places 4 farmers, 3
workers and 2 artisans on their
respective residential districts.
1 trade token is placed on each
of the two merchant ships and
1 exploration token is placed on
the exploration ship.

1 To finish, each player is

7 additionally given 7 farmer/
worker and 2 artisans/
engineer/investor cards as
their hand.

Whoever was abroad most

8 recently is the starting player
2 2 and is given the starting
player token.

Residential district
Place the available The second player is given 1
population cubes ready 9 gold, the third player is given
here. 9 2 gold and the fourth player
is given 3 gold. The starting
Island field:
player then starts the game.
land field

land field with coast

sea field

In Anno 1800 – The Board Game, each player expands their own island Farmers – green Workers – blue
by erecting new buildings, shipyard and ships, trading resources and
satisfying the needs of the population. By producing or trading goods,
cards can be played and yield influence points at the end of the game.
The starting player begins, then one by one the players take turns in a
clockwise direction until the end of the game is triggered by one player
playing the last card from their hand. The current round is then completed. Artisans – red Engineers – purple
This is followed by a final round, after which the influence points are
counted and the winner established. You will find a detailed scoring
example on page 11.

Investors – turquoise
TURN OVERVIEW In order to produce a resource, a population cube is moved from its
During their turn, each player has 1 action available. residential district and placed on a free workplace on your island. The
The possible actions are: workplace specifies which population cube is required. By placing it down,
the resource depicted is produced just once and must be used in the same
Expand (industries, shipyards or ships) Page 6 turn. This resource cannot be produced in advance for later turns.
Play & activate population cards Page 7 Population cubes that have been placed down remain on their workplaces,
Swap population cards Page 7 but do not produce any more resources so long as they are there.
Increase the workforce Page 8
Upgrade Page 8 Linda needs beer for her turn. She
Open up the Old World Page 9 already has the brewery for it, so she
therefore moves one of her workers from
Explore the New World Page 9
their residential district to one of the
Take expedition cards Page 10 two available workplaces. She has thus
Celebrate a festival Page 10 immediately produced 1 beer, which she can use during her turn.
If she still needs beer, she has to use another worker.
In addition, there are the free actions ‘activate population cards’ (page 7)
and ‘activate objective cards’ (page 12), which can be carried out during
your turn, provided that there are enough resources available to do so. The In some cases no resources are required, just the population cube.
effects that you can use here are described in more detail on page 13. In this case, the “workforce” of the population cube is used, as it were,
without this cube being required on a specific workplace. In these cases,
a population cube of the required type is moved from its residential
district to the exhausted area to the left of the home island.
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Population cubes in the exhausted area cannot be used for any other
Before the individual actions are explained, you need to understand the action temporarily.
core mechanics of Anno 1800 – The Board Game. The idea is to use the
resources available to you to be able to carry out the favoured actions as
efficiently as possible. Resource management consists of the elements:
production, trade and shift end.

Almost all actions require resources in order to carry them out. Resources
are produced by population cubes. There are 5 different population cubes,
each of which is assigned to a colour and a symbol:
Andreas wants to build a warehouse and needs 1 brick and 1 artisan for this. He places
one of his artisans on the brickworks and exhausts another artisan, who he places to
the left of his home island.

Certain actions require naval tokens in order to carry them out. Resources from the New World, population cubes and
There are 2 types of naval tokens that always have a value of 1: exploration tokens cannot be traded.

Trade tokens Exploration tokens Players cannot trade with themselves!

In order to carry out these actions, naval tokens of the type and amount
Andreas needs 1 penny farthing, but does not have the
depicted are exhausted and taken from your own ships. Naval tokens in industry for this. His two teammates Diana and Maxim can
the exhausted area cannot be used for any other action temporarily. both produce penny farthings. Therefore, he would like to
trade with one of them. Since penny farthing production
requires an engineer, Andreas has to exhaust 3 trade tokens
(for the number, see residential district). He can now freely
choose between Diana and Maxim, even if both of Maxim’s
workplaces are already occupied. He decides on Maxim, who is given 1 gold from
the supply. Andreas has immediately ‘produced’ 1 penny farthings in doing so,
which he can use during his turn. However, he wouldn’t be able to trade penny
farthings with Maxim or Diana for a second time in this turn, but could trade other
Linda wants to play a card that requires 2 exploration tokens. She has two merchant resources.
ships each having 1 trade token and one exploration ship having 2 exploration Andreas Diana Maxim
tokens. She can take the 2 tokens from the exploration ship and exhaust them.
These can be used to play the card.

If a resource that the player cannot, or does not want to, produce them-
selves is required for an action, this resource can be obtained by trading it
with one of the other players. For each resource traded, 2 requirements Shift end
have to be fulfilled: During their turn, each player can spend gold in order to ring in the shift
end for their population cubes that have already been used. The chosen
1) The active player has a sufficient number of trade tokens population cube is taken from its workplace or from the exhausted area
on their ships. and placed back on its residential district. It can therefore immediately
be used again. Spending gold always means placing it back in the
2) At least 1 other player has a construction token that can supply.
produce the resources required.
The amount of gold required for each population cube can be found in the
The number of trade tokens required is predetermined by the population respective residential districts:
tier that produces this resource. The costs are shown on the residential
districts: 1 trade token for farmers and workers, 2 for artisans and
3 for engineers. After the active player has exhausted the trade tokens
required, the resource has therefore been produced.

Linda needs timber and several workers for her next actions. She spends 2 gold in order
to send her two farmers from the sawmill back to their residential district
(1 gold for each). As a result, both the workforce and the workplace are free.
The other player cannot refuse the trade, but does not place a population In addition, she spends 2 gold in order to send her worker from the exhausted area to
cube on a workplace either. They are given 1 gold from the supply for this. their residential district. All three can be used again from now on.
Each trade is compensated for with 1 gold, regardless of how many trade
tokens had to be used for this.
The same resource can only be traded once per turn. However,
several different resources can be traded as long as the player has
a sufficient number of trade tokens.
Trading is also possible when the other player’s workplaces are
already occupied.

ACTIONS Every player may only have built identical industries once. This means
that alternatives to the pre-printed starting industries may be built in
addition to these. These alternative industries offer workplaces for
EXPAND workers instead of farmers or artisans and are therefore not identical
With the expand action, the players expand their islands by means of new with the starting industries. For example, a second sailmakers’ workshop
industries or shipyards or ships. As a whole, the possible expansions are for workers may not be built. An exception occurs with the benefits of
referred to as construction tokens. After the resources required for the the Old World islands (page 9). It is not compulsory to build an alternative
construction have been produced, a built construction token is removed industry over its corresponding starting industry.
from the gameboard, turned over and placed on your own island with its
built side face up. Shipyards
Shipyards show a number in a ship’s wheel on their blueprint side and on
Only one construction token can lie on each island field. However, already built
their shipyard side. This indicates which maximum ship strength applies
or pre-printed construction tokens may be built over. This also applies to
for the particular shipyard. Shipyard strength 1 can only build ships of
construction tokens that have been used for the token that has just been built. The
strength 1, shipyard strength 2 can build ships of strength 1 or 2 and
construction tokens that have been built over are placed back on the gameboard.
shipyard strength 3 can build all ships. Only 1 shipyard can be built per
During the expand action, 1 already built construction token may be
expand action, but each player can have any number of shipyards in
removed from your islands and placed back on the gameboard at any
each strength. Shipyards can only be built on land squares with a coast.
point. If there are any population cubes on a construction token that has been
removed in this way, these counters are exhausted. Maximum
Costs ship strength
Andreas would like to build the window ship strength
factory. For this, he needs planks and
glass. He places a farmer in the sawmill Blueprint side Shipyard side
and a worker in the glassworks, which he
used to previously build over the potato NOTE: The construction tokens “timber” and “shipyard strength 1” on the
farm (1). Then he takes the window gameboard are actually free and can be built as normal in one expand
factory, turns it over and decides to use action without resources having to be produced for this.
it to build over his glassworks. Since the
glassworks is not a pre-printed industry,
he takes its construction token and Ships
places it back on the gameboard with Ships are built in shipyards and the number of naval tokens on their blueprint
the blueprint side facing up. He puts the side and on their ship side display which strength they have (1, 2 or 3).
worker that he has just placed on the During each expand action, you can build up to as many ships as
glassworks in the exhausted area (2). He there are shipyards on your island. Each shipyard can build 1 ship,
then places the window factory on his with its strength being lower or equal to that of the shipyard. As with the
home island (3).
shipyards, each player can have any number of ships of each strength.

The corresponding number of naval tokens is immediately placed on a

Industries constructed ship. New trade tokens can then be used instantly in order to
There are two of each industry on the gameboard. Each player may have trade resources for additional ships.
no more than one of each industry. Only 1 industry can be built per
expand action. Industries can be built on all land squares. The blueprint There are merchant and exploration ships and each shipyard can build
side of the industries shows which resources are required as costs (purple both types. Ships can only be built on sea squares.
bar at the top), which resource can be produced there (resources symbol
in the middle) and which type of population cube will be required for this
(border colour and symbol). The building side shows two workplaces for Costs
specific population cubes (colour and symbol) and the resource that can
be produced there. Ship strength Ship strength
Blueprint side Ship side
Costs Resource produced
produced 2 Workplaces for
Population cubes population cubes
Blueprint side required Building side

Linda has a total of three shipyards: two with strength 1 PLAY & ACTIVATE
and one with strength 2. She therefore has the choice of
building up to three ships strength 1 or up to two ships POPULATION CARDS
strength 1 and 1 ship strength 2 in one action. She decides
Specialists are depicted on the population cards which provide influence
on one exploration ship strength 1 (1 sail, 1 timber, and
1 weapons) and one merchant ship strength 2 (1 sail, 1
points and a one-time advantage effect for resources. In order to play a
goods, and 1 timber) (1). population card, the population’s needs have to be met and the resources
required have to be produced. These required resources are indicated on
the card in the purple bar at the top. The card is then placed face up below
your home island.
2 Each population card played displays an effect that can be applied once.
This can be activated at any time during the same turn or one of your
later turns. For this, the card is turned over face down, but remains with
the player. The effect takes place immediately (effects will be described
in more detail on page 13). Activating a card is a free action, and
therefore any number of cards can be activated per turn.

Each card played in the player region, whether it has been activated or not,
provides its respective influence points at the end of the game.

Influence points

She produces 2 planks and 2 sails and then exhausts 2 trade tokens in order to trade 1 Effects
goods with Andreas. The 2nd merchant ship is therefore already built. She places it on a
free sea square and immediately places 2 trade tokens directly on top (2). Influence


In this action, up to 3 of the population cards in your hand can be
placed under their respective population card stacks. After this, draw the
same number of cards from the respective population card stacks. If a stack
is empty, it is not possible to swap population cards of this type.

She is now missing an artisan for the exploration ship. However, she can use the 2
trade tokens obtained by the 2nd merchant ship that has just been built to also trade
1 weapons with Andreas. She therefore then has all the resources to build the 1st
exploration ship, which she places on her last free sea square (3). Andreas has 3 cards in his hand that he would be happy to swap since they are
difficult for him to fulfil. He places the 8 influence point card and the 5 influence
point card underneath their stacks (artisans/engineer/investor and New World) and
therefore draws 1 new card from each stack. In this example, the stack with the 3
influence point cards (farmer/worker) is already empty, and thus he can no longer
swap this card and needs to keep it.

INCREASE THE WORKFORCE Since Linda has therefore obtained a total of 3 new population cubes, she must also
draw 3 new hand cards: 2 from the farmer/worker stack and 1 from the artisan/
With the “Increase the Workforce” action, up to 3 new population engineer/investor stack. In this example, there is only 1 card left in the farmer/
cubes can be added to your home island from the supply. In order to add worker stack. For the second card that she therefore cannot take, she must instead
spend 1 gold, as indicated on the gameboard.
1 population cube, the resources required for this have to be produced,
which are indicated above the individual residential districts. The costs
always correspond to exactly 1 population cube. Population cubes
obtained in this way can be directly used to produce resources that are UPGRADE
required for further increasing the workforce.
With this action, up to 3 upgrades can be made to your population
cubes. The resources required for this action are indicated above the
upgrade symbol in between the residential districts of two population
tiers. These resources are needed to make 1 upgrade from one type of
population cube to the next:
Farmer Worker Artisan Engineer Investor.
The 3 upgrades can be divided between 1 to 3 population cubes.
For each new farmer or worker, 1 farmer/worker population card must
be drawn and added to your hand. For every new artisan, engineer or
investor, 1 artisan/engineer/investor population card must be drawn and
added to your hand.

If the workforce is to be increased but the corresponding population

card stack has already been used up, no cards are drawn. Instead, for A population cube that is to be upgraded is replaced by the new type
every population cube added, the amount of gold indicated on the from the supply. Since the number of population cubes is therefore not
gameboard must be spent. If this is not possible, the workforce cannot be increased by upgrades, no new population cards are drawn either.
increased and the population cube cannot be added.
IMPORTANT: If the population cube to be upgraded is located on a
construction token, the new population cube is also placed on this
workplace. This means that the colours of the workplace and the
population cube will now not match until the next shift end (page 5) or
festival (page 10).

Andreas would like to carry out 3 upgrades. He wants to upgrade 1 farmer twice, i.e.
become an artisan (1 bricks, then 1 coal and 1 goods) and 1 other farmer once, i.e.
Linda would like to add 3 new population cubes to her residential districts. She is into a worker (1 bricks). The farmer to become a worker is already being used on a
perfectly free to decide which 3 and chooses 2 workers and 1 engineer. For this, she workplace, and so Andreas switches him in this place. He takes the other farmer from
needs a total of 2 timber, 1 bricks, 1 coal, 1 goods, 1 steel beams, and 1 windows. She his residential district and places him back in the supply, and instead places a worker
already has the improved charcoal kiln, brick factory and steelworks and therefore from the supply on the corresponding residential district.
she can operate these with workers instead of artisans. However, she is still missing He does not take a population card, since the total number of his population cubes
2 workers to produce all the resources required. She therefore first produces 2 planks has not increased.
and 2 bricks in order to immediately place 2 additional workers on her residential
district. In the second step, she uses these two workers together with her two
artisans to produce the resources for the engineer and place her on her residential

With the “Open up the Old World” action, your island can be extended in With the “Explore the New World” action, valuable resources can be
order to provide more space for additional construction tokens. In discovered from faraway islands for trading. In order to explore
order to provide access to an Old World, the number of exploration a New World island, the number of exploration tokens currently
tokens currently needed for this has to be exhausted. The first Old World required for this has to be exhausted, similar to providing access to
island of each player requires 1 exploration token, the second 2, the third Old World islands. The first New World island of each player requires 1
3 and the fourth 4. These costs are independent from the number of New exploration token, the second 2, the third 3 and the fourth 4. The costs are
World islands that the player has. No player can provide access to more independent from the number of Old World islands that the player has. No
than 4 Old World islands. A maximum of 1 Old World island can be opened player can explore more than 4 New World islands. A maximum of 1
up per “Open up the Old World” action. New World island can be explored per “Explore the New World” action.

For each New World island explored, the player must also draw 3
New World cards and add them to their hand.

Andreas urgently needs sugar cane from the New World so he can build a rum
distillery. He exhausts an exploration token as it is his first New World island and
additionally draws 3 New World cards that he adds to his hand.
Old World islands are taken from the stack and set up to the right of your
group of islands, face up. They extend the group of islands by 2 sea squares
and 4 land squares, including 2 with coasts, all of which can be used for
the expand action (page 6). The home island’s squares do not need to
be completely covered before providing access to an Old World island.
Construction tokens can also still be built on the home island.

Old World islands bring a one-time advantage for the player. These are
either effects (page 13) that are immediately triggered as soon as the New World islands are taken from the stack and placed in your player
island is opened up, or industries, shipyards or ships that can be used as region face up. Each New World island displays 3 resources that it can
usual. Only this way is it possible for players to have exact duplicates of produce.
an industry. For example, when the sailmakers’ workshop for workers has
already been built but another one is added by providing access to an Old In order to be able to use a resource from your New World island, a trade
World island. token must be exhausted, which can also be done several times during
each turn. The New World resources of other players cannot be
In an earlier turn, Linda has already opened up an Old World island for 1 exploration traded. However, this only applies to the New World resources and not to
token and as a result not only obtained more space for additional construction their succeeding industries. Tobacco, for example, cannot be traded, but
tokens, but also an improved warehouse. For her second Old World island, she now cigars that require tobacco, can. No construction tokens can be built on
has to exhaust 2 exploration tokens. She takes the top Old World island from the face New World islands.
down stack and sets it up. Due to the one-time advantage, Linda immediately takes
2 expedition cards.

The island explored actually offers sugar

cane! In his next turn, Andreas directly
exhausts a trade token and additionally
produces timber in order to be able to
build the rum distillery.
Even though Linda already has a New
World island with sugar cane, Andreas
had to explore his own New World island
since these resources cannot be traded
with other players.

By means of the “Take Expedition Cards” action, players draw expedition As soon as a player has played the last card from their hand, i.e. they do
cards that can bring additional influence points at the end of the game, not have any more population cards in their hand, the end of the game
but do not yield any other advantages until then. In order to start an is triggered. This player immediately obtains the fireworks token. The
expedition, the resources required for this have to be exhausted: current round is still played to the end so that every player has the same
2 exploration tokens for up to 3 expedition cards. number of turns. After this, a final round is played before the game ends.

If the player that has triggered the end of the game receives any more
population cards in their hand at any point, the end of the game still
remains triggered and the player does not have to give up the fireworks
token either.
Expedition cards are drawn from their stack on the gameboard and form
a personal stack of cards facing down for each player below their home
island. They do not count as the player’s hand cards. You may look at your Since Andreas is the starting player and Linda rings in the end of the game as the
own expedition cards at any time. second player, after her turn the round continues to be played to the end, i.e. the
other two players, Maxim and Diana, still each have one turn left. After this, Andreas
Expedition cards each display an animal for the zoo on the left and begins the last round of the game so that everyone still has one last turn before the
an artefact for the museum on the right. The background colour and influence points are counted.
the symbol underneath indicate which population cubes are required
as visitors at the end of the game in order to obtain the influence points
indicated underneath the images. Each population cube can only be used
for one square.

Linda has drawn 3 expedition cards during her turn. She keeps these a secret from
the other players but aims to have 3 artisans, 2 engineers and 1 investor at the
end of the game in order to obtain up to 1+1+2+3+2+1 = 10 influence points.
If she has just 1 artisan and 1 investor at the end of the game, for example, she
obtains 1+3 = 4 influence points.

If a player cannot, or does not want to, carry out any other actions,
celebrating a festival allows them to reset population cubes and naval
tokens. They can then be used again during later turns. For this, the
entire population returns to their residential districts and all ships enter
the harbours. In order to celebrate a festival, all population cubes and
naval tokens are taken from the workplaces and from the exhausted
area and returned onto their respective residential districts in the town
or on the ships.

Each player then counts their own influence points: 11x

1. Each population card played in their player region, whether

facing up or down, gives the number of influence points indicated 3x

• Farmer/worker cards: 3 influence points. 4x

• Artisan/engineer/investor cards: 8 influence points.
• New World cards: 5 influence points.

2. The expedition cards are revealed and are occupied with the
player’s own artisans, engineers and investors corresponding
to their background squares. These can be taken from the
residential districts, from workplaces or from the exhausted
area. Each population counter can only be used for one field on the Linda counts her influence points:
expedition cards. Each occupied field is scored separately and 1. 11 cards each having 3 influence points. 3 cards each having 8 influence points
then gives the influence points indicated underneath. Expedition and 4 cards each having 5 influence points
cards do not have to be fully occupied to yield influence points. 11x3 + 3x8 + 4x5 = 77 influence points from population cards.

2. 3 expedition cards, but which are missing an engineer

3. 3 gold yields 1 influence point.
3x1 + 1x2 + 1x3 = 8 influence points from expedition cards.
4. The fireworks token yields 7 influence points. 3. 5 gold = 1 influence point.

5. Finally, check for influence points on the displayed objective cards 4. Since she triggered the end of the game, she has the fireworks token
(page 12). = 7 influence points
5. The objective cards bring her:
Whoever now has the most influence points, wins! If there is a tie, the Since she neither has the most nor the second-most engineers =
person who has the most industries, shipyards and ships overall, wins. = 0 influence points.
Pre-printed construction tokens that have not been built over thus, of 6 influence points for each gramophone/penny farthing/steam motor industry
course, count. In the event of another tie, whoever has the fewest hand = 6 influence points (penny farthing).
cards left, wins. Otherwise, the victory is shared. 6 influence points for each New World island that she has
= 6 influence points (1 New World island).
TIP: You will find a score sheet that you can download at 1 additional influence point for each zoo animal visited
= 2 influence points (2 visited zoo animals).
Linda therefore has a total of
77 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 0 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 107 influence points.

Objective cards present you with chances and challenges of different
figures and achievements from the Anno world. At the beginning of each
game, you draw 5 random objective cards that stay in for the entire
game. You can of course also select your favourite combination. For the
first game, we recommend the objective cards Alonso Graves, Carl Leonard von Malching, Eli Bleakworth, The Queen, Edvard
University, Edvard Goode, Isabel Sarmento and Zoo. Goode, Willie Wibblesock, Princess Qing – at the end of the game,
each industry depicted on these cards gives the player that built them the
There are two types of objective cards. Most of the objective cards adjacent number of influence points.
reward you with influence points at the end of the game if you
have fulfilled their requirements. They have a darker background than the
effect objective cards. These have the same bright background as the
population cards. They offer you specific effects that you can use during
the game. These effects are not actions and are not used up during the
game either. Each of you can therefore use them during your own turn if it
ever seems appropriate or necessary.
Hannah Goode, University, World’s Fair, Madame Kahina, The Tourist
– Each of these cards gives the player that has the most of the depicted
elements (total population cubes, engineers, investors, trade tokens,
Alonso Graves – Exhaust 3 exploration tokens and spend expedition cards) 10 influence points at the end of the game. Whoever
3 gold in order to be able to carry out an additional action. has the second most of these elements is given 4 influence points. In
the event of a tie, all players involved in the tie are given the respective
influence points. In the event of a tie between the players that have the
most elements, the influence points for the second-most elements are also

Aarhant – Exhaust 1 investor in order to obtain 5 gold Zoo, Museum – Each of these cards increases the
from the supply. influence points that you receive for visited animals
or artefacts by 1. Therefore, an animal field of an
expedition card occupied by an engineer is worth 3
influence points at the end of the game instead of
2, for example, if the zoo objective card is in play.
The Editor – Exhaust 2 exploration tokens in order to
return any 1 hand card under its appropriate population Bente Jorgensen – Each player that has provided access
card stack. No new cards are taken. to a maximum of 1 Old World island at the end of the
game obtains 18 influence points. The home island is not
an Old World island!

IMPORTANT: The effect objective cards Alonso Graves, Aarhant and The
Editor can each only be used 1 per turn.
Isabel Sarmento – Each New World island that a player
has explored gives 6 influence points at the end of the
Beryl O’Mara – 2 exploration tokens can be used as 1
trade token. The tokens are not exchanged! However, 2
exploration tokens, for example, can be exhausted in order
Pyrphorian – At the end of the game, players lose 2
to trade for 1 resource produced by a farmer or worker. In
influence points for each population card that they still
this way, several resources can also be traded in one turn.
have in their hand. Populations cards that have been
played but not activated do not count as hand cards.

You normally draw 5 random objective cards at the beginning of the game. You receive the depicted population cubes (place
However, if you want to steer the game in a specific direction, you can orient them on their respective residential districts) and
yourself towards these suggestions in order to specifically combine the 5 the corresponding population cards to your
objective cards: hand. If the corresponding stack is empty, gold must
be spent instead. If this is not possible, the effect
For a more complex game with more possibilities, take any number of cannot be used or not used to the full extent.
effect objective cards (Alonso Graves, Aarhant, The Editor, Beryl O’Mara).
You receive the depicted amount of trade
or exploration tokens and place them on the
For a more confrontational game in which you compete for points population card. You can use them like regular
harder, take any number of objective cards that make the majority of naval tokens, but after being used they are
specific game elements worth your while (Hannah Goode, University, returned to the supply. They are also returned
World’s Fair, Madame Kahina, The Tourist). to the supply if they have not been used
before your next festival.

For a more fun game with the focus on expanding the islands, take any You receive the depicted amount of gold. Place
number of objective cards that give you points for different industries (Carl it in your personal supply.
Leonard von Malching, Eli Bleakworth, The Queen, Edvard Goode, Willie
Wibblesock, Princess Qing). You draw 2 expedition cards. This effect expires
if the expedition card stack is already empty.

The Zoo and Museum objective cards place the focus on expedition cards. You receive one of the depicted New World
resources, for free one time and you have to use
it when activating the card.
Use the Pyrphorian objective card to change both the feel of the game and
your strategy. Since the card penalises you for leftover population cards at You receive up to 3 free upgrades for your
the end of the game, there is even more competition to trigger the end of population cubes. You may only use them to
the game and greater caution is taken when increasing the workforce. improve the population cubes depicted. All
upgrades that you want to use have to be used in
the same turn and cannot be spread out across
several turns.

You are given an additional action that you may

carry out in accordance with the normal rules.

You may return any 2 hand cards under their

respective population card stacks. No new
cards are taken.

IMPORTANT: Unlike all the other effects, you can

only activate this effect during the turn where
you played the card. At the end of your turn,
you have to turn the card face down. You may
no longer use this effect, and you cannot activate
it in a later turn!

Anno 1800 – The Board Game can be quite overwhelming, particularly for Do not underestimate those industries that you already have either. For
your first few games. We would therefore like to share some tips with you your 5 starting industries, each of which requires artisans, you can build
that you can also use to offer some guidance to new players. alternative versions. Each of these require workers for the same resources
and replace the artisans variant. Such an investment can, of course,
You will probably have the impression that the end of the game is be entirely worth it, since you come across workers more easily than
far away. This is because the end is only triggered when a player has artisans during the game and several cards and tokens need the resources
played the last card from their hand. For most of the game you will take produced in these industries.
population cards quicker than you can fulfil them. This is quite normal
since your islands only have very sparse production possibilities at the
As the game continues, it is also worth taking a look at industries that are
beginning. As your town grows and gains inhabitants, population needs
a prerequisite for several others. Weapons are required, for example, when
also grow and have to be met. It is not unusual for you to double the
the exploration fleet is to be expanded, while cotton fabric is incredibly
number of hand cards you started with. However, don’t be fooled by the
feeling that your game will never end! An important element of the game important for New World cards. An early investment in such industries will
is to discover when to stop increasing your workforce, because you can make you a lucrative trade partner for the other players.
effectively meet the needs of your population with what you already have.
You should bear this in mind if you want to be the player to fulfil all of your
hand cards in order to obtain the 7 bonus points.
However, this does not mean that this is always the correct path. Whoever
triggers the end of the game ultimately still hasn’t won and, in several THE “GOODS” RESOURCE
game strategies, you are not at a disadvantage having leftover hand cards Knowledgeable Anno-1800 fans and members of the Anno Union are
at the end of the game (unless the Pyrphorian objective card is in the sure to have stumbled over the ‘goods’ resource. They don’t know it as a
game). You therefore may try to get cards and meet the needs of as many resource from the PC game, but as an icon for ‘flotsam’.
inhabitants as possible, while others may want to minimise their number Lastly, all resources are in fact goods, the production and use of which
of inhabitants in order to be able to control the end of the game more you organise. However, in Anno 1800 – The Board Game, the goods
effectively. are an independent and equal resource such as, for example, timber.
The crates represent a colourful mixture of different special goods: the
The following is very important: each player’s island gets better with every grapes in champagne, copper and zinc for bronze or cargo for ships. The
round. You have more industries, a larger navy and, as a result of trading, corresponding building on their construction token is therefore also the
each person also profits from the advancement of the other players. And warehouse. It is a very versatile place of transshipment on your island and
if a certain point of development is reached by all the players, the end of an important part of the infrastructure.
the game can happen quite suddenly because you are able to play your
population cards far quicker than you receive new ones. We have drawn on this solution in order to be able to capture the
complexity of the PC game, but to guarantee accessibility and playability
It is also important to carefully consider the number of festivals that you at the same time. Therefore, we can comprehensibly depict a wide range
celebrate. This is because, when the entire town is celebrating, they aren’t of resources and predominantly their connection to one another.
working. You should therefore try to make optimum use of your possibilities
between these festivities.

Particularly at the beginning of a game, the question “where should I

actually start?” may arise. It is worth noting the needs of your inhabitants
on your hand cards. If specific resources crop up several times, you can
begin with constructing one of their respective industries. Do some
inhabitants require soap? Then start building a soap factory right away. In
this way, you can go through the industries that are most important to you
straightaway and get your game moving. There’s nothing wrong with an
early push to new shores either, in which you open up the Old World island
with your fleet. The construction space may not yet be required at the
beginning, but the one-time advantages of each island are.

Martin Wallace and KOSMOS would like to thank everyone who took part in test games, reading the rules and developing the game and who have made
Anno 1800 – The Board Game what you now hold in your hands with several creative ideas.
This especially applies to Steve Deng, Stephen Hurn, Sheree Hurn, Jason Kotzur, Sasha Jenkins, Edward Crompton, Colin Tudehope, Gabrielle Joyce, Ian Gent,
Adrienne Ezell, Zack Byrne, Nathan Wirth, Christian Fiore, Katharina Mayer, Dorothea Wagner and André Deibert.
We would also like to thank Ubisoft Blue Byte and the entire Anno team of Ubisoft Mainz.

In memory of Piero Cioni.

Martin Wallace, born in 1962, grew up in Manchester and currently lives in Australia. The qualified teacher and historian is now a
full-time game designer and has already set up his own publishing house in the process. His complex strategy games often deal
with economical aspects and are characterised by the thematic integration of historical events and locations.
With Anno 1800 – The Board Game, he combines this craft with the mechanics of the original PC game to form a clever competition
for the most influential group of islands.

IMPRINT © 2021 Thames & Kosmos UK LP, 20 Stone Street,

Author: Martin Wallace Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 3HE, UK 01580 713000
Design consultant: Stephen Hurn
Licence and Image Material: Ubisoft Blue Byte
© 2021 Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG
Graphics: Fiore GmbH
Pfizerstr. 5-7, 70184 Stuttgart, Germany
Editing: Alexandra Kunz, Wolfgang Lüdtke, Felix Noe, Kilian Vosse,
Nicky Thomas-Davies, Pamela Evans
© 2021 Thames & Kosmos LLC. 89 Ship Street,
© 2020 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Providence, Rhode Island 02903, USA 1-800-587-2872
Anno 1800, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered
trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.
Anno, Blue Byte and the Blue Byte logo are registered or unregistered All rights reserved
trademarks of Ubisoft GmbH in the US and/or other countries. MADE IN GERMANY

• In turns, 1 action each until one player does not have any more hand cards. • Played population cards (facing up and down).
• Play the round to the end. • Visited fields of the expedition cards.
• Play an additional last round. • 3 gold = 1 influence point.
• Count influence points. • Fireworks token = 7 influence points.
Most influence points = winner. • Fulfilled objective cards.


• Place down population cubes that are predetermined by the workplace in order • Produce resources in order to place up to 3 new population cubes on their
to produce the depicted resource 1 x and to use it in the same turn. residential district and to take 1 corresponding card for each new population cube.
• Directly required population cubes or naval tokens are exhausted. • If the population card stack is empty, gold must be spent for every card that is not
drawn. If this is not possible, the action cannot be (fully) carried out.
TRADE (page 5)
UPGRADE (page 8)
• Exhaust trade tokens in order to use 1 of the other players‘ industries.
The number is determined by the population tier that the other player would need • Produce resources in order to carry out up to 3 upgrades.
in order to produce this resource. • Each tier change is 1 upgrade. Order of the upgrades:
• The other player receives 1 gold from the supply. Farmer worker artisan engineer investor.
• Trade cannot be refused and you cannot trade with yourself.
• Occupied workplaces do not hinder trade. OPEN UP THE OLD WORLD (page 9)
• Population cubes, naval tokens and resources of the New World islands that are
directly required cannot be traded. • Exhaust exploration tokens in order to set up 1 Old World island and to carry out
its effect, if possible.
SHIFT END (page 5) • 1/2/3/4 exploration tokens 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Old World island.
• Maximum 4 Old World islands per player.
• Spend gold to return a population cube to its residence from either a workplace or the
exhausted area. The number of gold tokens is determined by the population tier. EXPLORE THE NEW WORLD (page 9)
• Provided that sufficient gold is present, several population cubes can be returned.
• Exhaust exploration tokens in order to set up 1 New World island and to take 3 New
EXPAND (industries, shipyards or ships) (page 6) World cards.
• 1/2/3/4 exploration tokens 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New World island.
• Produce resources in order to build 1 construction token. • Maximum 4 New World islands per player.
• You can build up to 1 ship per shipyard in an expansion action (pay attention to ship • Exhaust 1 trade token in order to produce 1 New World resource (cannot be traded).
strengths of the shipyards!).
• Ships immediately obtain naval tokens in order of their strength. TAKE EXPEDITION CARDS (page 10)
• Place construction tokens that have been built over back on the gameboard.
• Industries land squares, shipyards land squares with coast, ships sea squares. • Exhaust 2 exploration tokens in order to draw up to 3 expedition cards and place
• A maximum of 1 of each industry can be built at the same time, shipyards and ships them face down in front of you.
can be built as often as you want. • You may look at your own expedition cards at any time.

• Produce resources in order to play 1 card. • Return all population cubes and naval tokens from workplaces and from the
• Any number of cards can be activated during your turn at any time – free action! exhausted area back to their residential district or on their ship.
The card effects are one-time.
• Apply the action specified on the available objective card — free action!
• Slide up to 3 hand cards under their respective stacks and then draw the same • Alonso Graves, Aarhant and The Editor can be activated no more than 1 per turn.
number of cards from the same stacks.


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