Soal Offer & Suggestion Siswa

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Choose the best answer to each question.

1. A : Do you need any help. Ma’am?
B :Yes, please. I can’t find my glasses.
The underlined words express …
A. Suggestion
B. Accept help and assistance
C. Accept apology
D. Offer help and assistance
E. Apology

2. Marta : It’s very hot here……

Sinta : Sure. No problem
A. Could you close the door?
B. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
C. Would you turn off the fan?
D. May I leave now?
E. May you leave now?

3. Toni : I’m going to a jazz concert. Do you fancy coming along?

Yunita : ………..
A. I don’t listen to jazz
B. Never mind
C. Sounds fantastic. That’s my type
D. That’s incredible
E. Sounds great, why not?

4. Anida : I heard that Iwan didn’t pass the test

Diandra : That’s too bad. I’ve told him not to waste his time playing online
It can be concluded from the dialogue that Diandra expresses her …
A. Displeasure
B. Happiness
C. Satisfaction
D. Doubt
E. Advice

5. Rani : Finally, it’s break time …………. a cup of coffee?

Yudi : That’s very nice of you
A. Shall I have
B. May you get me
C. May I offer some help to get
D. May you help me get
E. Would you like me to get you
6. Dewi : …..
Yuni : I’d love to, but I’ve an appointment with a friend tomorrow
A. I’ll go to the fine art exhibition
B. The fine art exhibition is great
C. How about going to the fine art exhibition tomorrow?
D. I’ll be grateful if I go to the art exhibition
E. Is there any more interested in seeing the art exhibition

7. Doni : I’m thinking of asking you for dinner

Loi : I’m free but ….
A. I’d like to come
B. There aren’t many papers to do
C. I’ll be there
D. I’ll have an appointment at the same time
E. You can invite others

8. Student : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in a hallway?

Teacher : No, it isn’t. leave it over there, near the gate
The underlined utterance is used for …
A. Offering help
B. Expressing dislikes
C. Introducing others
D. Giving suggestion
E. Making an offer

9. Mum : Don’t talk too much while you are eating. That’s impolite
Susan : I am sorry, Mum
From the dialog above, the underlined sentence shows that Mum is ….
A. Suggesting
B. Discussing
C. Requesting
D. Accusing
E. Complaining

10. Bagas : Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo this weekend?

Rini : …….. I’m sure we’ll have some fun there
A. Oh, I disagree
B. I’m sorry, I can’t
C. That’s good idea
D. What a tiring journey
E. Okay

Following dialog is for number 11 – 13

11. Woman : "......... to the party tonight?"

Man : "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It
looks wonderful on you."
A. What are you going to wear.
B. Can I recommend something to wear
C. Do you have something to wear
D. What do you think I should wear
E. Which dress could you wear

12. In the above dialog, the woman ..........

A. asks the man for a suggestion
B. agrees with the man’s suggestion
C. gives the man a suggestion
D. disagrees with the man’s suggestion
E. asks the man about his party

13. In the above dialog, the man ..........

A. asks the woman for a suggestion
B. agrees with the woman’s suggestion
C. gives the woman a suggestion
D. disagrees with the woman’s suggestion
E. invites the woman to a party

Following dialog is for number 14 & 15

14. Woman: "I’d like to ......... about my soup. There’s a fly in it. What can you do about
Man: "We are terribly sorry for that, madam. We’ll replace it with a new one."
A. regret
B. apologize
C. consider
D. reject
E. complain

15. In the above dialog, the man .........

A. regrets the woman’s opinion
B. agrees with the woman’s suggestion
C. apologizes to the woman
D. disagrees with the woman
E. asks for the woman’s opinion

16. Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.

Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
Bryan : Ok.
The underlined words show....
A. Agreement
B. Disagreement
C. Advice
D. Necessity
E. Plan

17. You should ............... to past the test.

A. Study hard
B. Studying
C. Studying hard
D. Studied
E. Studied hard

18. Andi : I have a bad headache.

Budi : You’d better ......................
Complete the dialogue above ....
A. Taking an aspirin
B. An aspirin
C. Take an aspirin
D. To take an aspirin
E. Took an aspirin

19. Amir : I am not good at English.

Budi : ..........................
Complete the dialogue above with an advice .....
A. I should practice English every day
B. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?
C. Do you like English ?
D. I must take an English course
E. You must sleep often

20. Mary failed again in the test. She.......................harder.

A. Had better study
B. Need to study
C. Better study
D. Study
E. Studied.

21. I miss my grandparents. What ........................ I do now ?

A. Better
B. Had better
C. Should
D. Did
E. Do

22. Parmin : Have you decided what to order?

Suti : No, I haven't made up my mind. Anything to suggest?
Parmin : ....................................?
Suti : Good idea. I need something to quench my thirst.
A. Can we have Soda
B. Why don't we have some soup
C. What about having fried chicken
D. How about ordering some hum burger
E. I need hot coffee
23. Alvin : I really want to continue my study to university, but I couldn't afford it.
Bobby : ................ You have got good grades.
A. What about looking for a job
B. Why don't you try to get a scholarship?
C. Perhaps, you should go to university.
D. If I were you, I would work hard.
E. You should study hard.

24. Titi : It's already lunch time. I feel like starving.

Danu : Let's eat at the cafetaria, then.
Titi : ................. I'm rather bored with the food there.

A. Why don't we have something different?

B. What about having lunch together?
C. How about dinner?
D. Let's not eat anywhere else.
E. What about having noodle?

25. Amin : I'm sorry for being late. My car broke down on my way here.
Mr.Budi : ..............................
Amin : Thanks for your advice. I'll do that.
A. You should call a taxi.
B. My driver can help you
C. I think I will send you a driver
D. You'd better have it checked regularly.
E. You should call me first.

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