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HR Consultancy

10200 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, CA, 92683 (650) 359-3153 [email protected]


John Doe

Empowering business and the people who drive it

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 4
Business Overview 5
Mission 5
Objectives 5
Success Factors 5
Financial Highlights 6
3 Year profit forecast 6
Chart 6
Business Summary 8
Ownership 9
Startup Summary 9
Startup cost 10
Chart 10
Funding Required 10
Products and Services 12
Products and services 13
Market Analysis 15
Market Segmentation 16
Marketing share 17
Chart 17
Target Market Segment Strategy 17
Strategy 18
Sales Strategy 19
Sales Forecast 19
Sales Yearly 20
Chart 20
Detailed Sales Forecast 20
Competitive Edge 20
Milestones 21
Web Plan Summary 22
Website Marketing Strategy 23
Development Requirements 23
Management Plan 24
Personnel Plan 25

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Financial Plan 26
Important Assumptions 27
Brake-even Analysis 27
Projected Profit and Loss 28
Profit Yearly 29
Chart 29
Gross Margin Yearly 29
Chart 29
Projected Cash Flow 30
Projected Balance Sheet 31
Business Ratios 32

2 / 34
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Executive Summary
Business Overview
Success Factors
Financial Highlights

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Before you think about how to start a Human Resource Consulting services,
you must create a detailed Human Resources Consulting business plan. It will
not only guide you in the initial phases of your startup but will also help you
later on.
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Business Overview

Anderson Consultancy is a human resource consulting company located in

Denver – Colorado. It has expertise in offering a wide range of HR products &
services and is targeting the emerging company market in particular. Anderson
Consultancy will offer the target market and the wider market the ability to
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outsource key HR functions while retaining control. This will be especially

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Anderson Consultancy's mission is to provide a full portfolio of human resource

consulting for emerging companies & provide superior career guidance to
young people at the beginning of their career. We will share our experience in
custom-built training programs targeting client needs. We exist to attract,
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partner, and maintain clients. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else

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Our Key Objectives and reason for our existence are:

To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed

customer's expectations.
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To develop a sustainable relationship with young people at the start of

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Success Factors

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The key to success is to provide a needed service at an affordable cost without
compromising quality.

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Financial Highlights

Julius Anderson, the founder, and the owner will be leveraging his past and
current personal/professional relationships to generate business for Anderson
Consultancy. Major will be the sole employee until month six when he will be
hiring a human resource specialist/manager to help out with the consulting.
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Anderson Consultancy will show increasing profitabilityToover the next three

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3 Year profit forecast

Sales Gross Margin Net Profit




Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Sales Gross Margin Net Profit

Year1 10000 500 6000

Year2 12000 800 8000

Year3 14000 1200 10000

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FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5

Revenue $1,080,000 $2,472,768 $2,830,825 $3,240,728 $3,709,986

Total Expenses $962,000 $1,539,107 $1,719,742 $1,901,321 $2,112,641

EBITDA $118,000 $933,661 $1,111,082 $1,339,407 $1,597,344

Depreciation $25,600 $25,600 $25,600 $25,600 $25,600

EBIT $92,400 $908,061 $1,085,482 $1,313,807 $1,571,744

Interest $29,946 $26,202 $22,459 $18,716 $14,973

Pre Tax Income $62,455 $881,858 $1,063,023 $1,295,091 $1,556,772

Income Tax Expense $21,859 $308,650 $372,058 $453,282 $544,870

Net Income $40,595 $573,208 $690,965 $841,809 $1,011,902

Number of locations 1 1 1 1 1

Average clients/day 20 22 23 25 27

Number of orders 3,600 7,776 8,398 9,070 9,796

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Business Summary
Startup Summary
Funding Required

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Anderson Consultancy is a world-class recruitment consultancy firm that will be
located in Denver – Colorado. We have been able to secure a standard office
facility in a good business district in the heart of Denver – Colorado.

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Anderson Consultancy is a client-focused and result-driven help try Upmetrics! 
consultancy firm that provides broad-based experience at an affordable fee that
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Anderson Consultancy is founded by Julius Anderson. Julius Anderson

graduated from the University of California – Berkley (First Degree in Personnel
Management), Brock School of Business at Stamford University (MBA). He is a
Certified Recruiting Specialist (CRS), a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC)
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amongst other certifications in Human Resources.

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Startup Summary

Anderson Consultancy will incur the following start-up expenses:

Two desks, two chairs, and two lockable file cabinets.

Two computer systems including a CD-RW, printer, and a third computer
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to serve as a server.

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Startup cost




Expenses Assets Investment

Cost distribution Amount

Expenses 1550

Assets 1800

Investment 2050

Funding Required
The detailed startup requirements and expenses are given in the table below.


Startup Expenses to Fund $1,150

Startup Assets to Fund $14,850



Non-cash Assets from Start-up $4,800

Cash Requirements from Start-up $10,050

Additional Cash Raised $0

Cash Balance on Starting Date $10,050


Liabilities and Capital

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Current Borrowing $0

Long-term Liabilities $0

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0



Planned Investment

Major $16,000

Investor 2 $0

Other $0

Additional Investment Requirement $0


Loss at Startup (Startup Expenses) ($1,150)



Total Funding $16,000

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Products and

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Before starting a Human Resource(HR) Consulting business, you must take
many things into consideration such as you must consider what types of
consulting services will you be providing to your clients. Deciding your services
is extremely important since it helps you plan other components of your
business so make sure to consider it before you think about how
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consulting business.

Anderson Consultancy provides human resource consulting to emerging

companies in the Portland/Vancouver market. Anderson Consultancy will
charge a below-market rate and take stock options in the company. Anderson
Consultancy will provide consulting for the following service areas:
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Products and services

Human resource management. Organizational management.

 
Professional development. Employee relations

 
Labor relations. Benefits and compensation

 
HR policy and procedure. Executive search

 
Sexual harassment Position classification

 
Personnel management Performance evaluations

 systems

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The pricing structure will either be an hourly rate or a per-project fee. These
options will be settled on in negotiation with the client.

In general, Anderson Consultancy is willing to be as flexible as possible.

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Market Analysis
Market Segmentation
Target Market Segment Strategy

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The most important component of an effective Human Resource Consulting
business plan is its accurate marketing analysis. If you are starting on a
smaller scale, you can do marketing analysis yourself by taking help from this
Human Resource Consulting business plan sample or other Human Resource
Consulting business plans available online. To unlock help try Upmetrics! 

Emerging companies will be the target market for several reasons:

They are in need of HR services as they are growing rapidly.

They often do not have a large enough in-house solution as they are
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increasing in size.

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Market Segmentation

Anderson Consultancy market can be segmented into two different groups,

emerging high-tech companies and emerging non-high tech companies. The
emerging high-tech companies are going to be the larger of the two segments.
Even with the Internet bubble bursting within the last year, there are still many
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different emerging high-tech companies proliferating. This is evidenced by the

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Marketing share

Other: 10.0 %

Emerging technology companies: 40.0 %

Emerging non-technology
companies: 50.0 %

Segments Market share

Emerging technology companies 40

Emerging non-technology companies 50

Other 10

Potential Customers Growth Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 CAGR

Emerging technology
10% 345 380 418 460 506 10.05%

Emerging non-technology
9% 225 245 267 291 317 8.95%

Other 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

Total 9.62% 570 625 685 751 823 9.62%

Target Market Segment Strategy

Anderson Consultancy's two markets will be primarily targeted through

networking activities. Some networking will be conducted through the Denver
Entrepreneur Association, an association that supports entrepreneurial
ventures in the local area. This organization has monthly meetings that are in a
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round-table format, allowing members to socialize.

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Sales Strategy
Competitive Edge

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After identifying the market demand, market trends, and the potential
customers of the startup, the next step is to define an effective strategy for
attracting those clients. Like marketing analysis, sales strategy is also an
important component of a Human Resource Consulting business startup and
must be properly planned before you think about starting your own
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Resource Consulting business.

Anderson Consultancy will use its competitive edge of compensation flexibility

to attract emerging companies. This competitive advantage is especially
valuable to emerge companies who are typically struggling to find enough
capital to grow their business. Accepting stock options as compensation is
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useful because equity is one thing these companies have lots of (that is of

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Sales Strategy

As stated earlier, marketing and sales will be done primarily through

networking. This means the bulk of the leads will have been developed through
a personal/professional relationship that Major has developed either in his
previous professional work or through his activities with the Denver
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Entrepreneurs Association and other similar associations. The sales spiel will

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The first month will be used to set up the office. Additionally, during the first
month, Major will be working hard on developing contracts. The second month
will see some activity, but it will not be until month six when the business will
be picking up at a higher rate. Sales will continue to grow through year three.
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Sales Forecast
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Sales Yearly

Emerging technology companies Emerging non-technology companies





Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Emerging technology companies

… Emerging non-technology companies

Year1 158745 895665

Year2 164548 1004512

Year3 186541 1245587

Detailed Sales Forecast

Detailed sales forecast data is provided in below table:


Emerging technology companies $41,500 $78,455 $92,541

Emerging non-technology companies $16,600 $31,382 $37,016

TOTAL SALES $58,100 $109,837 $129,557

Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Emerging technology companies $2,075 $3,923 $4,627

Emerging non-technology companies $830 $1,569 $1,851

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $2,905 $5,492 $6,478

Competitive Edge

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Anderson Consultancy's competitive edge is its flexibility for compensation.
Most of all other companies require compensation to be in the form of cash, for
the cash is king. Anderson Consultancy is able to take stock options in lieu of
some cash. While Anderson Consultancy needs some cash to float the
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business, it can take up to 75% of its fees in equity. Anderson Consultancy is

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Anderson Consultancy will have several milestones early on:

Business plan completion. This will be done as a road-map for the organization. This will be an
indispensable tool for the ongoing performance and improvement of the company.
Set up an office.
Anderson Consultancy's first five customers.

Milestone Start Date End Date Budget Manager

Business plan completion 1/1/2021 2/1/2021 $0 ABC

Set up office 1/1/2021 2/1/2021 $0 ABC

Anderson Consultancy's first five

1/1/2021 3/31/2021 $0 ABC

Profitability 1/1/2021 ****** $0 ABC

Totals $0

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Web Plan Summary

Website Marketing Strategy
Development Requirements

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The website will be used as a resource that prospective companies can view to
gain more information about the company. In essence, it is Anderson
Consultancy's brochure. On the site, there will be information about the
management of the company and corresponding bios indicating all of their
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experience. Also on the website will be a list of presentToand past clients and

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Website Marketing Strategy

The marketing of the website will consist of submitting it to popular search

engines. The website will be used more as an information tool that prospective
companies can be sent to for more information about Anderson Consultancy as
opposed to marketing the website in order for the website to develop new
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Development Requirements

The development requirements will entail hiring an individual (preferably a

student for cost-saving purposes) to develop and produce the site.

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Management Plan
Personnel Plan

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Management plan is also an important component of a Human Resource
Consulting business plan since it gives you an estimate of the staff required for
your startup as well as the costs incurred on their salaries. So, make sure to
duly consider it before thinking about how to start a Human Resource
Consulting business. The management plan of HumanTo Resource Consulting
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business is as follows.

Julius Anderson, the founder, and the owner received his undergraduate
degree in marketing from the University of California – Berkeley. After
completing college Major recognized that he would eventually need to go to
graduate school but was not ready to yet.
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Major worked in a large bicycle store for four years after college. Major started
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Major will work full time for Anderson Consultancy. By month six Major will
have developed more work than he will be able to manage himself and he will
hire an additional HR consultant to help him out. The employee will receive a
straight salary and will have no future equity options in the client's companies.
This employee will be given HR projects and will do theToresearch
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Personnel Plan


Major $24,000 $24,000 $24,000

Full time employee $24,500 $42,000 $42,000


Total Payroll $48,500 $66,000 $66,000

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Financial Plan
Important Assumptions
Brake-even Analysis
Projected Profit and Loss
Projected Cash Flow
Projected Balance Sheet
Business Ratios

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The last component of a Human Resource Consulting business plan is an in-
depth financial plan. The financial plan crafts a detailed map of all the
expenses needed for the startup and how these expenses will be met by the
earned profits. It is recommended that you use our financial planning tool for
guiding you through all financial aspects needed to be considered
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Human Resource Consulting business.

The following sections will outline important financial information. Please note
that the stock options granted in lieu of compensation are not entered into the
financial plan as they are not yet of value. Upon exercising the options there
will be tax consequences (because one of the realizing events has occurred)
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as well as assets to be accounted for.

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Important Assumptions
The financial projections of the company are forecast on the basis of the following assumptions. These
assumptions are quite conservative and are expected to show deviation but to a limited level such that
the company’s major financial strategy will not be affected.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 10,00% 11,00% 12,00%

Long-term Interest Rate 10,00% 10,00% 10,00%

Tax Rate 26,42% 27,76% 28,12%

Other 0 0 0

Brake-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even 5530

Monthly Revenue Break-even $159 740


Average Per-Unit Revenue $260,87

Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $0,89

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $196 410

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Projected Profit and Loss

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sales $309 069 $385 934 $462 799

Direct Cost of Sales $15 100 $19 153 $23 206

Other $0 $0 $0

TOTAL COST OF SALES $15 100 $19 153 $23 206

Gross Margin $293 969 $366 781 $439 593

Gross Margin % 94,98% 94,72% 94,46%


Payroll $138 036 $162 898 $187 760

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $1 850 $2 000 $2 150

Depreciation $2 070 $2 070 $2 070

Leased Equipment $0 $0 $0

Utilities $4 000 $4 250 $4 500

Insurance $1 800 $1 800 $1 800

Rent $6 500 $7 000 $7 500

Payroll Taxes $34 510 $40 726 $46 942

Other $0 $0 $0

Total Operating Expenses $188 766 $220 744 $252 722

Profit Before Interest and Taxes $105 205 $146 040 $186 875

EBITDA $107 275 $148 110 $188 945

Interest Expense $0 $0 $0

Taxes Incurred $26 838 $37 315 $47 792

Net Profit $78 367 $108 725 $139 083

Net Profit/Sales 30,00% 39,32% 48,64%

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Profit Yearly




Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Profit

Year1 10000

Year2 12000

Year3 14000

Gross Margin Yearly

Gross Margin



Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Gross Margin

Year1 10000

Year2 12000

Year3 14000

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Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales $40 124 $45 046 $50 068

Cash from Receivables $7 023 $8 610 $9 297

SUBTOTAL CASH FROM OPERATIONS $47 143 $53 651 $59 359

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0

New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0

New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

New Investment Received $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIVED $47 143 $53 651 $55 359

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending $21 647 $24 204 $26 951

Bill Payments $13 539 $15 385 $170 631

SUBTOTAL SPENT ON OPERATIONS $35 296 $39 549 $43 582

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0

Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

Dividends $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CASH SPENT $35 296 $35 489 $43 882

Net Cash Flow $11 551 $13 167 $15 683

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Cash Received Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash Balance $21 823 $22 381 $28 239

Projected Balance Sheet

Assets Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Current Assets

Cash $184 666 $218 525 $252 384

Accounts Receivable $12 613 $14 493 $16 373

Inventory $2 980 $3 450 $3 920

Other Current Assets $1 000 $1 000 $1 000

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $201 259 $237 468 $273 677

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets $10 000 $10 000 $10 000

Accumulated Depreciation $12 420 $14 490 $16 560


TOTAL ASSETS $198 839 $232 978 $267 117

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $9 482 $10 792 $12 102

Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0


Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

TOTAL LIABILITIES $9 482 $10 792 $12 102

Paid-in Capital $30 000 $30 000 $30 000

Retained Earnings $48 651 $72 636 $96 621

Earnings $100 709 $119 555 $138 401

TOTAL CAPITAL $189 360 $222 190 $255 020

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL $198 839 $232 978 $267 117

Net Worth $182 060 $226 240 $270 420

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Business Ratios

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile

Sales Growth 4,35% 30,82% 63,29% 4,00%

Percent of Total Assets

Accounts Receivable 5,61% 4,71% 3,81% 9,70%

Inventory 1,85% 1,82% 1,79% 9,80%

Other Current Assets 1,75% 2,02% 2,29% 27,40%

Total Current Assets 138,53% 150,99% 163,45% 54,60%

Long-term Assets -9,47% -21,01% -32,55% 58,40%

TOTAL ASSETS 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Current Liabilities 4,68% 3,04% 2,76% 27,30%

Long-term Liabilities 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 25,80%

Total Liabilities 4,68% 3,04% 2,76% 54,10%

NET WORTH 99,32% 101,04% 102,76% 44,90%

Percent of Sales

Sales 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Gross Margin 94,18% 93,85% 93,52% 0,00%

Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 74,29% 71,83% 69,37% 65,20%

Advertising Expenses 2,06% 1,11% 0,28% 1,40%

Profit Before Interest and Taxes 26,47% 29,30% 32,13% 2,86%

Main Ratios

Current 25,86 29,39 32,92 1,63

Quick 25,4 28,88 32,36 0,84

Total Debt to Total Assets 2,68% 1,04% 0,76% 67,10%

Pre-tax Return on Net Worth 66,83% 71,26% 75,69% 4,40%

Pre-tax Return on Assets 64,88% 69,75% 74,62% 9,00%

Additional Ratios

Net Profit Margin 19,20% 21,16% 23,12% N.A.

Return on Equity 47,79% 50,53% 53,27% N.A.

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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile

Activity Ratios

Accounts Receivable Turnover 4,56 4,56 4,56 N.A.

Collection Days 92 99 106 N.A.

Inventory Turnover 19,7 22,55 25,4 N.A.

Accounts Payable Turnover 14,17 14,67 15,17 N.A.

Payment Days 27 27 27 N.A.

Total Asset Turnover 1,84 1,55 1,26 N.A.

Debt Ratios

Debt to Net Worth 0 -0,02 -0,04 N.A.

Current Liab. to Liab. 1 1 1 N.A.

Liquidity Ratios

Net Working Capital $120 943 $140 664 $160 385 N.A.

Interest Coverage 0 0 0 N.A.

Additional Ratios

Assets to Sales 0,45 0,48 0,51 N.A.

Current Debt/Total Assets 4% 3% 2% N.A.

Acid Test 23,66 27,01 30,36 N.A.

Sales/Net Worth 1,68 1,29 0,9 N.A.

Dividend Payout 0 0 0 N.A.

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