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Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Standard : 12
Day-15 Date : 26-11-2023
Total Mark : 200 Time : 2H:0M

............ Chemistry - Section A (MCQ) ............ (A) (B)

(1) In the reaction sequence :

CH3 M gBr
CH3 − C ≡ C − H −−−−−−→ CH4 + (A)
(i) CO2
−−−−→ ⊕ (B) (D)
(ii) H2 O/H
(B) will be : (C)
(A) CH3 − C ≡ C − CH3(B) CH3 − C ≡
C − M gBr
(C) CH3 − C ≡ (D) CH3 − CH =

(5) Compound [F igure 1]formed by the reaction of

(2) Product (X) is furfural [F igure 2] with ethanol is

(A) (B)

(A) an aldol (B) an acetal

(C) a ketal (D) a hemiacetal
(D) (6) Given below are two statements:
Statement I : Sulphanilic acid gives esterification
test for carboxyl group.
Statement II : Sulphanilic acid gives red colour in
Lassigne’s test for extra element detection.
(3) Arrange the following in order of their reactivity In the light of the above statements, choose the
toward decarboxylation reaction most appropriate answer from the options given
O O below :
|| || (A) Statement I is correct but Statement II is
CH ≡ C − C − OH CH2 = CH − C − OH incorrect.
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are
|| | ||
CH3 − CH2 − C − OH CH3 − CH − C − OH (C) Both Statement I and Statement II are
III IV correct.
(A) IV > III > II > I (B) I > II > III > IV
(D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
(C) III > II > I > IV (D) III > IV > II > I correct.

(7) Which reaction is not possible for acetic

(4) Which of the following has maximum volatility anhydride ?

O (12)
(CH3 C)2 O + 2HN (CH3 )2 →

CH3 CN (CH3 )2 + CH3 CO2− + H2 N (CH3 )2 (A) (B)

|| ||
(CH3 C)2 O + CH3 CH2 OH →CH3 COCH2 CH3 + CH3 CO2 H

|| || (C) (D)
(CH3 C)2 O + C6 H6 −−−→ CH 3 C C H
6 5 + CH 3 CO 2 H

O O (13) Which is most reactive towards soda-lime
|| || decarboxylation ?
(CH3 C)2 O + N aCl →CH3 C Cl + CH3 CO2− N a+ (A)

(8) In the given reaction :[X] will be :


(A) Phenyl salicylate (B) Aspirin

(C) Phenol (D) Benzoic acid
(9) Acetone can be converted into pinacol by : (C)
(A) M g/Hg/H2 O (B) Zn/Hg/HCl
(C) N a/Hg/H2 SO4 (D) All of these
(10) The reagent (s) required for the following
conversion are


(A) (i)N aBH4 , (ii) Raney N i/H2 , (iii)H3 O+

(B) (i)LiAlH4 (ii)H3 O+ (14) CH2 (CO2 M e)2 +? −−−−−→ CH(CO2 M e)3
(i) N a

(C) (i)B2 H6 , (ii)DIBAL − H , (iii)H3 O+

(ii) AcOH
Which of the following reactants will complete
(D) (i)B2 H6 , (ii)SnCl2 /HCl, (iii)H3 O+ the above reaction ?
(A) CH2 (CO2 M e)2 (B) (CO2 M e)2
(11) In the following sequence of reactions,
H+ /H2 O
C3 H6 −→ A −−−−−→ B + C
KIO (C) Cl − CO2 M e (D) COCl2
dil. KOH
The compounds B and C respectively are : (15) Products obtained in the given reactions are
(A) CI3 COOK, HCOOH (B) CI3 COOK, CH3 I shown below.
(C) CH3 I, HCOOK (D) CHI3 , CH3 COOK The number of poss ible products for x and y are

(20) Which one of the following is not an intermediate
in the generally accepted mechanism for the
reaction shown below ?
CF3 C OH + CH3 CH CH3 H2 SO4
(A) 1, 1 (B) 1, 2 −−−−→
(C) 2, 1 (D) 2, 2 OH
(16) In the given reaction (x) will be
CF3 C OCH CH3 + H2 O
(A) (B) |

ÖH (B)
|| : Ö:−
(A) CF C − ÖH |
(C) (D)

CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2

: OH

(17) CH3 COOCH3 + excess P hM gBr (C) (D)

→ product −−→ X The product X is : ÖH : ÖH
(A) 1, 1− (B) 1, 1− |
diphenylethanol diphenylmethanol
CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2
(C) Methyl  CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2
phenylethanol (D) Methyl phenylketone | 

+ |
O H2
(18) Arrange in decreasing acidic strength  : OH

B.Cl − CH − CH2 − COOH
Cl (21) In the given reaction sequence :
C.F − CH2 − COOH CH3 − CH2 − OH
D.Br − CH2 − CH2 − COOH Θ
(i) KM nO4 / O H/∆ (i) SOCl2 Br2 /KOH
Correct answer is −−−−−−−−⊕−−−→(A) −−−−−→ (B) −−−−−−→ (C)
(ii) H (ii) N H3 /∆
(A) B > D > A > C (B) A > C > D > B (C) will be :
(C) C > B > A > D (D) D > B > A > C (A) Methylamine (B) Eltylamine
(19) In the given reaction (C) Propylamine (D) Acetamide
(22) Which one of the following compounds will give
X + Y −−−o−→ CH3 − CH − CH − CHO
dimethyl glyoxal with SeO2 :
5 C
CH3 (A) Acetone (B) Acetophenone
(X) and (Y ) will respectively be :
(C) Ethyl methyl ketone (D) Propanaldehyde
(A) CH3 − CH2 − CHO and CH3 − CH2 − CHO
(B) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − CH2 − CHO
(23) Kolbe’s electrolysis of sodium acetate at anode
(C) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − CHO gives
CH3 (A) Ethane only (B) Only CO2
| (C) Ethane + CO2 (D) CO2 + H2
(D) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − C − CHO
CH3 (24) Product is obtained in the above reaction is


(A) R − CO2 N a (B)

(C) Both (a) and (b) (D) None of these

(25) The reduction of benzoyl chloride with P d and (C)

BaSO4 /CaCO3 produces :
(A) Benzyl chloride (B) Benzoic acid
(C) Benzaldehyde (D) All of these

(26) An acyl halide is formed when P Cl5 reacts with an

(A) Acid (B) Alcohol
(C) Amide (D) Ester

(27) Major product of above reaction is

(29) Palmitic acid is

(A) C16 H31 COOH (B) C17 H35 COOH
(C) C15 H31 COOH (D) C17 H31 COOH
(A) (B)
(30) Product (A) of the reaction is

(C) (A) (B)


(28) Product (A) of the above reaction is

(31) Ethyl acetate reacts with CH3 M gBr to form

(A) Secondary alcohol (B) Tertiary alcohol
(C) Primary alcohol and
acid (D) Acid
(32) The major product of the following reaction is compound ′ B ′ on reaction with molecular
bromine and potassium hydroxide provides
compound ′ C ′ having molecular formula C6 H7 N .
The structure of ′ A′ is






(36) What is obtained, when propene is treated with
N − bromo succinimide
CH3 − C = CH2 (B) BrCH2 − CH = CH2
(A) |
(33) In a set reactions acid yielded a product D Br BrCH2 − CH − CH2 B
CH3 COOH −−−−→
SOCl2 Benzene HCN
A −−−−−→ B −−−→ C −−−→
HOH (C) BrCH2 − CH = |
Anhr. AlCl3 CHBr Br
(A) (B)
(37) .

(A) (B)

(34) 0.2 gm of fine animal charcoal is mixed with half (C)
litre of acetic acid (−SM ) solution and shaken for
30 minutes
(A) The concentration of the solution decreases
(B) Concentration increases
(38) The major products formed in the following
(C) Concentration remains same
reaction sequence A and B are :
(D) None of these
(35) An aromatic compound ′ A′ having molecular
formula C7 H6 O2 on treating with aqueous
ammonia and heating forms compound ′ B ′ . The



(46) At which value of n the formation of six

membered ring takes place ?

(47) Total number of enol possible for the compound
formed during given reaction will be (including
CH3 M gBr + CH3 CH2 − C − Cl →

(48) C6 H12 O6 −→ A −→ B + CHI3

The number of carbon atoms present in the
product B is .....
(39) Product of the following reaction,
(49) Number of oxygen atoms in a acetamide
M e2 C = CHCH3 −−−−→ ? are
(i) O3
(ii) H2 O molecule is
(A) M e2 CO + CH3 CHO(B) CH3 CHO + (50) 150 g of acetic acid was contaminated with 10.2 g
(C) M e2 CO +
CH3 COOH ascorbic acid (C6 H8 O6 ) to lower down its freezing

CH3 COOH (D) 2M e2 CO point by (x × 10−1 ) C. The value of x is (Nearest
integer) [Given Kf = 3.9 K kg mol−1 ;Molar mass
(40) Cyanohydrin of which compound on hydrolysis of ascorbic acid = 176 g mol−1 ]
will give lactic acid?
(A) C6 H5 CHO (B) HCHO
(C) CH3 CHO (D) CH3 − CH2 − CHO

.......... Chemistry - Section B (NUMERIC) ..........

(41) Number of products in the given reaction :


C6 H5 CHO + CH3 − CHO −−→ Product


will be
|| ||
(42) H − O − C − (CH ) − C − O − H −
→ product ,
2 n

At what value of (n) given compound will not

evolve CO2 gas ?

(43) Acetic acid dissolved in benzene shows a

molecular mass of

(44) The total number of monobromo derivatives

formed by the alkanes with molecular formula
C5 H12 is (excluding stereo isomers).....

(45) Number of CO2 evolved.


Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Standard : 12 Date : 26-11-2023
Total Mark : 200 (Answer Key) Time : 2H:0M

Chemistry - Section A (MCQ)

1-C 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-D 7-D 8-A 9-A 10 - D

11 - D 12 - D 13 - B 14 - C 15 - C 16 - D 17 - A 18 - C 19 - B 20 - B
21 - A 22 - C 23 - C 24 - C 25 - C 26 - A 27 - B 28 - C 29 - C 30 - A
31 - B 32 - C 33 - A 34 - A 35 - A 36 - B 37 - A 38 - A 39 - C 40 - C

Chemistry - Section B (NUMERIC)

41 - 2 42 - 2 43 - 120 44 - 8 45 - 4 46 - 3 47 - 3 48 - 1 49 - 1 50 - 15


Paper Set : 1
Subject : Chemistry Day-15
Standard : 12 Date : 26-11-2023
Total Mark : 200 (Solutions) Time : 2H:0M

............ Chemistry - Section A (MCQ) ............

(3) Arrange the following in order of their reactivity
toward decarboxylation reaction
(1) In the reaction sequence : || ||
CH3 M gBr
CH3 − C ≡ C − H −−−−−−→ CH4 + (A) CH ≡ C − C − OH CH2 = CH − C − OH
(i) CO2 I II
−−−−→ ⊕ (B)
(ii) H2 O/H O CH3 O
(B) will be : || | ||
(A) CH3 − C ≡ C − CH3(B) CH3 − C ≡ CH3 − CH2 − C − OH CH3 − CH − C − OH
C − M gBr III IV
(A) IV > III > II > I (B) I > II > III > IV
(C) CH3 − C ≡ (D) CH3 − CH =
C − COOH CH − COOH (C) III > II > I > IV (D) III > IV > II > I

Solution:(Correct Answer:C) Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

I−propyne reacts with methyl magnesium Rate ∝ Stability of Carbanion
bromide to form prop-1ynylmagnesium bromide
which is compound A. Methane is the (4) Which of the following has maximum volatility
byproduct.The prop−1−ynyl anion acts as a (A) (B)
nucleophile and attacks carbon dioxide. This is
followed by hydrolysis to form but−2−ynoic acid
which is compound B.
CH3 M gBr
CH3 − C ≡ C − H −→ CH4 + CH3 − C ≡
C − M gBr −→ ⊕ CH3 − C ≡ C − COOH
(ii) H2 O/H (B)

(2) Product (X) is (D)


(A) (B)

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Volatility ∝ Inter H−1bonding ∝ Boiling1 point
(D) (5) Compound [F igure 1]formed by the reaction of
furfural [F igure 2] with ethanol is

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(A) an aldol (B) an acetal

(C) a ketal (D) a hemiacetal
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(6) Given below are two statements: (d) Weak base cannot replace strong base.
Statement I : Sulphanilic acid gives esterification (Cl⊖ < CH3 COO⊖ < C2 H5 O⊖ < N H2⊖ ⇒
test for carboxyl group. Basicity order)
Statement II : Sulphanilic acid gives red colour in
Lassigne’s test for extra element detection. (8) In the given reaction :[X] will be :
In the light of the above statements, choose the
most appropriate answer from the options given
below : [JEE MAIN 2023]
(A) Statement I is correct but Statement II is
(A) Phenyl salicylate (B) Aspirin
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are
(C) Phenol (D) Benzoic acid
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(C) Both Statement I and Statement II are
correct. (9) Acetone can be converted into pinacol by :
(D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is (A) M g/Hg/H2 O (B) Zn/Hg/HCl
correct. (C) N a/Hg/H2 SO4 (D) All of these
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

Does not show esterification Ac

test. can be converted into pinacol by treatment with
Presence of both sulphur and nitrogen give red M g / Hg / water.
colour in Lassigne’s test.
(10) The reagent (s) required for the following
(7) Which reaction is not possible for acetic conversion are [JEE MAIN 2018]
anhydride ?
(CH3 C)2 O + 2HN (CH3 )2 →

|| (A) (i)N aBH4 , (ii) Raney N i/H2 , (iii)H3 O+
CH3 CN (CH3 )2 + CH3 CO2− + H2 N (CH3 )2 (B) (i)LiAlH4 (ii)H3 O+
(C) (i)B2 H6 , (ii)DIBAL − H , (iii)H3 O+
O O (D) (i)B2 H6 , (ii)SnCl2 /HCl, (iii)H3 O+
|| || Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(CH3 C)2 O + CH3 CH2 OH →CH3 COCH2 CH3 + CH3 CO2 H

|| ||
(CH3 C)2 O + C6 H6 −−−→ CH 3 C C6 H5 + CH3 CO2 H

(D) (11) In the following sequence of reactions,

O O H+ /H2 O
C H −→ A −−−−−→ B + C
|| || 3 6
dil. KOH
(CH3 C)2 O + N aCl →CH3 C Cl + CH3 CO2− N a+ The compounds B and C respectively are : [JEE MAIN

Solution:(Correct Answer:D) (C) CH3 I, HCOOK (D) CHI3 , CH3 COOK
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) (A)





Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(A) (B)
(14) CH2 (CO2 M e)2 +? −−−−−→ CH(CO2 M e)3
(i) N a
(ii) AcOH
Which of the following reactants will complete
the above reaction ?
(A) CH2 (CO2 M e)2 (B) (CO2 M e)2
(C) Cl − CO2 M e (D) COCl2
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(C) (D)

(15) Products obtained in the given reactions are

shown below.
The number of poss ible products for x and y are

(A) 1, 1 (B) 1, 2
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(C) 2, 1 (D) 2, 2
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) Cis on heating give diastereomer while trans
on heating give one product.

(16) In the given reaction (x) will be

(13) Which is most reactive towards soda-lime

decarboxylation ?

(A) (B) Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(19) In the given reaction

X + Y −−−o−→ CH3 − CH − CH − CHO
(C) (D) 5 C
(X) and (Y ) will respectively be :
(A) CH3 − CH2 − CHO and CH3 − CH2 − CHO
(B) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − CH2 − CHO

Solution:(Correct Answer:D) (C) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − CHO

(D) CH3 − CHO and CH3 − C − CHO

(17) CH3 COOCH3 + excess P hM gBr Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

→ product −−→ X The product X is (20) Which one of the following is not an intermediate
(A) 1, 1− (B) 1, 1− in the generally accepted mechanism for the
diphenylethanol diphenylmethanol reaction shown below ?
(C) Methyl O
phenylethanol (D) Methyl phenylketone ||
CF3 C OH + CH3 CH CH3 H2 SO4
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) −−−−→
O |
P hM gBr
|| −−−−−→ CH3 − C − OCH3 O
CH3 C − OCH3 | ||
Ph CF3 C OCH CH3 + H2 O
−M gBr(OCH3 )
O |
P hM gBr
−−−−−−−−−→ || −−−−−→ CH3
CH3 − C − P h
OM gBr +
ÖH (B)
| || : Ö:−
CH3 − C − P h (A) CF C − ÖH |

Ph CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2

H+ : OH
−−→ CH 3 C − Ph 

Ph (D)
1,1 - diphenylethanol : ÖH
: ÖH
| |
(18) Arrange in decreasing acidic strength
A.F − CH2 CH2 COOH CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2
B.Cl − CH − CH2 − COOH  CF3 C − ÖCH(CH3 )2
| | 

+ |
Cl O H2
 : OH
C.F − CH2 − COOH 

D.Br − CH2 − CH2 − COOH

Correct answer is Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(A) B > D > A > C (B) A > C > D > B (b) In acidic medium formation of strong base, is
(C) C > B > A > D (D) D > B > A > C not favourable.

(21) In the given reaction sequence : Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
CH3 − CH2 − OH (c) Hydrolysis of ester in basic medium.
(saponification reaction)
(i) KM nO4 / O H/∆ (i) SOCl2 Br2 /KOH
−−−−−−−−⊕−−−→(A) −−−−−→ (B) −−−−−−→ (C)
(ii) H (ii) N H3 /∆
(C) will be : (25) The reduction of benzoyl chloride with P d and
BaSO4 /CaCO3 produces :
(A) Methylamine (B) Eltylamine
(A) Benzyl chloride (B) Benzoic acid
(C) Propylamine (D) Acetamide
(C) Benzaldehyde (D) All of these
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Ethanol is oxidized with potassium permanganate
in alkaline medium followed by acidification to The reduction of benzoyl chloride with P d and
obtain acetic acid (compound A). The carboxylic BaSO4 /CaSO3 produces benzaldehyde.
group is converted to acid chloride by thionyl BaSO4 is poisoned with sulphur so that further
chloride. This followed by reaction with ammonia reduction of benzaldehyde is prevented. This
to form acetamide. Hoffmann bromide reaction is known as Rosenmund reaction.
pd/BaSO4 /CaSO3
degradation gives methylamine (compound C). C6 H5 COCl +H2 −→ C6 H5 CHO +HCl
(i) KM nO4 /O⊖ H/∆
CH3 − CH2 − OH −→ (26) An acyl halide is formed when P Cl5 reacts with
(ii) H ⊕
(i) SOCl2 Br2 /KOH
an [AIIMS 1998 , AIPMT 1994 , AIPMT 2002]
CH3 − COOH −→ CH3 − CON H2 −→ (A) Acid (B) Alcohol
(A) (ii) N H3 /∆
CH3 N H2 (C) Amide (D) Ester
(22) Which one of the following compounds will give Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
dimethyl glyoxal with SeO2 : (a)CH3 COOH +P Cl5 →
(A) Acetone (B) Acetophenone CH3 COCl +P OCl3 + HCl
Acid chloride
(C) Ethyl methyl ketone (D) Propanaldehyde
(27) Major product of above reaction is
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
The reaction of ethyl methyl ketone with
selenium dioxide gives dimethyl glyoxal.

(23) Kolbe’s electrolysis of sodium acetate at anode

(A) Ethane only (B) Only CO2
(A) (B)
(C) Ethane + CO2 (D) CO2 + H2
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
|| N aOH
Θ̈ ⊕ Electrolysis
CH3 − C − O N a
CH3 − CH3 + CO2 (D)
(24) Product is obtained in the above reaction is

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(28) Product (A) of the above reaction is

(A) R − CO2 N a (B)

(C) Both (a) and (b) (D) None of these

(A) (A) (B)



Solution:(Correct Answer:A)


(31) Ethyl acetate reacts with CH3 M gBr to form

(A) Secondary alcohol (B) Tertiary alcohol
(D) (C) Primary alcohol and
acid (D) Acid

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
+ CH3 M gBr →
CH3 C − C − C2 H5

O − M gBr
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) |
(c) Hydrolysis of ester take place. +H O
CH3 − C − O − C2 H5 −−−−−−2−−−→
| − Mg <
(29) Palmitic acid is | O
− H2 O
(A) C16 H31 COOH (B) C17 H35 COOH CH3 − C − OH −−−−→ ||
| CH3 − C − CH3
(C) C15 H31 COOH (D) C17 H31 COOH
Excessof H O
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) −−−−−−→ CH3 − C − OM gBr −−2→
CH3 M gBr
(c)Formula of palmitic acid is C15 H31 COOH.
CH3 − C − OH
(30) Product (A) of the reaction is CH3.
t − Butanol

(32) The major product of the following reaction is [JEE

MAIN 2019]



(B) (34) 0.2 gm of fine animal charcoal is mixed with half

litre of acetic acid (−SM ) solution and shaken for
30 minutes
(A) The concentration of the solution decreases
(B) Concentration increases

(C) (C) Concentration remains same

(D) None of these

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) Activated charcoal adsorbed the impurity of
acetic acid by which the concentration of acetic
(D) acid solution decrease.

(35) An aromatic compound ′ A′ having molecular

formula C7 H6 O2 on treating with aqueous
ammonia and heating forms compound ′ B ′ . The
compound ′ B ′ on reaction with molecular
bromine and potassium hydroxide provides
compound ′ C ′ having molecular formula C6 H7 N .
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) The structure of ′ A′ is [JEE MAIN 2019]
It is the case of side chain oxidation. (A)

(33) In a set reactions acid yielded a product D

SOCl2 Benzene HCN HOH
CH3 COOH −−−−→ A −−−−−→ B −−−→ C −−−→ (B)
Anhr. AlCl3
D. [AIPMT 2005]
(A) (B)



Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

Solution:(Correct Answer:A) (36) What is obtained, when propene is treated with

N − bromo succinimide

CH3 − C = CH2 (B) BrCH2 − CH = CH2 (A)
(A) |
Br BrCH2 − CH − CH2 Br
(C) BrCH2 − CH = |

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)



(37) .

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(A) (B)


(39) Product of the following reaction,

M e2 C = CHCH3 −−−−→ ? are
(i) O3
(ii) H2 O
(A) M e2 CO + CH3 CHO(B) CH3 CHO +
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(C) M e2 CO +
CH3 COOH (D) 2M e2 CO
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(38) The major products formed in the following (40) Cyanohydrin of which compound on hydrolysis
reaction sequence A and B are : [JEE MAIN 2021] will give lactic acid?
(A) C6 H5 CHO (B) HCHO
(C) CH3 CHO (D) CH3 − CH2 − CHO
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

hydrolysis of acetaldehyde cyanohydrin gives
lactic acid.

.......... Chemistry - Section B (NUMERIC) ..........

(41) Number of products in the given reaction :

Θ The
C6 H5 CHO + CH3 − CHO −−→ Product
Alkanes and their monobromodervative are
will be
(45) Number of CO2 evolved.
The above reaction is cross aldol condensation.

|| ||
(42) H − O − C − (CH ) − C − O − H −
→ product ,
(46) At which value of n the formation of six
2 n

membered ring takes place ?

At what value of (n) given compound will not
evolve CO2 gas ?

(47) Total number of enol possible for the compound

Solution: formed during given reaction will be (including
CH3 M gBr + CH3 CH2 − C − Cl →

(n = 2)
Succinic acid on heating form anhydride. Solution:
CH3 M gBr + →
(43) Acetic acid dissolved in benzene shows a CH3 CH2 − C − Cl
molecular mass of
+ M g < Cl
Solution: CH3 − C − CH2 CH3
(c) Acetic acid forms dimer in benzene due to
which molecular mass becomes doubles. 2 − Butanone
2− Butanone will show tautomerism.
[cis and trans]
(44) The total number of monobromo derivatives || Θ
formed by the alkanes with molecular formula −−→
CH3 − C − CH2 CH3 H2 O
C5 H12 is (excluding stereo isomers)..... [JEE MAIN 2022]
Solution: (This equaction is Wrong)
CH2 = C − CH2 CH3

|| Θ
OH |
CH3 − C − CH2 CH3 H2 O CH3 − C = CH2 CH3

(This equaction is Right)

(48) C6 H12 O6 −→ A −→ B + CHI3

The number of carbon atoms present in the
product B is ..... [JEE MAIN 2022]


no. of carbon atoms present in B is 1

(49) Number of oxygen atoms in a acetamide

molecule is

(a) Formula of Acetamide is CH3 CON H2 which
consist single oxygen atom.

(50) 150 g of acetic acid was contaminated with 10.2 g

ascorbic acid (C6 H8 O6 ) to lower down its freezing

point by (x × 10−1 ) C. The value of x is (Nearest
integer) [Given Kf = 3.9 K kg mol−1 ;Molar mass
of ascorbic acid = 176 g mol−1 ] [JEE MAIN 2022]

150 gCH3 COOH
10.2 g ascorbic acid ⇒ 0.058 moles

∆Tf = (x × 10−1 ) C
∆Tf = kf · molality
= 3.9 × 0.058
× 1000

= 1.5 C
= 15 × 10−1◦ C


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