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Can write about the state of a business
transaction and use vocabulary on free trade. WRITING
Lead In 2

1. Why do you think some products become popular in many countries?

2. Do you know any companies that sell products in many countries?
How do you think they do that?
3. Why do you think it's important for companies to understand different
4. Can you think of a time when cultural differences might cause a
challenge for a company?
Recap Practice - Vocabulary 3

Match the corresponding definitions to their definitions and

A. Taxes on imported goods.
1. Laissez-faire
B. Minimal government intervention in economic affairs.
2. Tariffs C. Selling goods in a foreign market at a price lower than in
the home market.
3. Dumping
D. Financial support from the government to a business or
4. Customs industry.
E. Official departments or offices regulating trade and
5. Subsidize collecting duties on imported goods.
Recap Practice - Language Review 4

Do you remember how conditionals work? Complete the sentences below with your
own ideas using conditionals.

1. If you work hard …

2. We will receive our bonuses if …
3. If we had fewer meetings …
4. If I took a career break …
5. If the retirement age was 70 …
6. We could work from home if …


You work for West Coast Apparel (WCA), a big

company in Seattle. They want to sell some of
Pampas Leather Company's men's leather jackets
with their own brand. Write a letter to Pampas
Leather Company proposing a deal. You want to
make sure the deal is good for both companies,
and you also want to build a long-term
relationship with them.

Pampas Leather Company

Here are five key points you can include in the proposal:
• Models
Offer three models: Clubman (high-quality, expensive), Nightrider, and Look (cheapest).
• Quantity and Profit:
Encourage WCA to order at least 3,000 jackets to cover costs. Suggest buying more Clubman for higher
• Prices:
Provide pricing details for each model: Clubman ($380), Nightrider ($280), Look ($150).
• Payment and Discounts:
Specify payment by bank transfer after shipping. Offer new customer discounts: 2% for the first order,
3% for future orders.
• Delivery and Guarantee:
Assure prompt delivery within 1 week of the agreed date. Offer a 3-year guarantee on the products.

You can Use these tips to help you draft your letter:
Introduction: Long-Term Relationship:
• Greet Pampas Leather Company. • Express interest in a long-term
• Introduce WCA and the purpose of the partnership.
letter. • Highlight benefits of collaboration.
Proposal Details: Closing:
• Specify the product: Men's leather • Thank Pampas Leather for considering.
jackets. • Provide contact information.
• Outline key terms proposed, like pricing • End with a polite closing.
and quantity.
• Express openness to negotiation.
Write here! 8
Checklist: Practice 1 9

Through this practice, I can:

[ ] write a proposal letter using the correct structure.

[ ] use the correct grammar and language.

[ ] use the correct spelling and punctuation.

[ ] use the new vocabulary learnt to express the message clearly.



The owner of West Coast Apparel (WCA) has
written an email to the manager at Pampas
Leather. The email contacts SEVEN mistakes
(either in spelling, grammar or capitilisation).
Read the email and identify the mistakes.
Business Email with Mistakes 11

Subject: Extension of trading agreement

Dear Mr Waters,

It was very goodness to see you again at our meeting in Paris on 16 July. I hope you has a safe journey home
We agreed that your company will continue to reprysent us and to promote the full range of our services
throughout europe, the Middle East and North Africa for three years, with effect from 1 August.

Full detaills of the paiment we will make and the expenses we will cover are included in the attachment agreement.
Can you please check this and, if all is in order, sign and Return one copy of the agreement to me.
We look forward to continuing to develop our business in the region in association with yourselves.

Best wishes,
Peter Lewis
Managing Director
West Coast Apparel (WCA)
Discussion 12

1. How does using proper grammar and punctuation contribute to the

professionalism of a business letter or email? Can you think of examples
where improper grammar might lead to misunderstandings or a
negative perception?

2. Have you ever faced challenges in expressing complex ideas or

instructions in English in a business context? How did you overcome
these challenges, and what strategies did you find helpful?

I can now write about the state of a business transaction

by learning the:

Vocabulary related to free trade

Grammar – Conditionals

Format of proposal letter and business email.

Further Practice 14

Market Leader Book MyEnglishLab

Unit 9 Unit 9
Vocabulary B-D (Page 83)
Language Work
Reading B (Page 85)
Language Review A-B (Page 86) Survival Business English
Business Skills C & D(Page Interviews

Recommended: Revision C
(Page 92-95)

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