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NAME: Angeline M. Hernandez & Charla Dumaguin


Identify whether the following statements connotes Political Globalization, Economic

Globalization or Cultural Globalization.

1. Economic Globalization Increased international mobility of goods services.

2. Cultural Globalization Proliferation of k-pop telenovelas and movies in the country.

3. Economic Globalization Tolerance of foreign employment to a state.

4. Economic Globalization Expansion of multinational corporations in developing countries.

5. Political Globalization Peace talks on join the boundary disputes.

6. Political Globalization Bilateral talks on joint millitary exercises.

7. Cultural Globalization Annual holding of international pageants such as Miss Universe.

8. Economic Globalization Growth of Jollibee stores in USA, Middle East and European
9. Cultural Globalization Glocalization of native foods/dishes

10. Political Globalization Allowing refugees to enter and settle in a peaceful state.


Identify the following statements landmark development of the global civilization

Wether it is a part of the Archaic Globalization Phase, Proto- Globalization Phase or
Modern Globalization Phase. Write your answer on the space provided before the

1. Proto- Globalization Phase Expedition of ferdinand Magellan

2. Archaic Globalization Phase Roman Empire
3. Archaic Globalization Phase Dynastic Cycles in China
4. Proto- Globalization Phase Founding of the East India Company
5. Modern Globalization Phase Cold War
6. Modern Globalization Phase Downfall of Communist China
7. Archaic Globalization Phase Mongol Empire
8. Archaic Globalization Phase Marco Polo Journey to China
9. Modern Globalization Phase E-government era
10. Modern Globalization Phase Establishment of the United Nations Organiations

Enrichment Activity Aside from those mentioned events in the above article, search
for other ten (10 ) landmark events that transpired during these phases.

Archaic Globalization Phase Proto- Globalization Phase Modern Globalization Phase

Han Dynasty’s Silk Road Silk Road Establishment The Fall of the Berlin (1989)
(c. 2nd century BCE)
Phoenician Seafaring Spread of Buddhism Signing of the North American Free
(c. 3rd century BCE -1ST century Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (1992)
Roman Empire’s Trade Network Hellenistic Expansion Formation of the European Union
(c. 4th -1st centuries BCE) (1993)
The Incense Trade Han dynasty’s Silk Production (c. The Asian Financial Crisis
2nd century CE) (1997-1998)
Spread of Buddhism Roman Empire’s Trade Networks Introduction of the Euro
(1st -5th centuries CE) (1999)
Gupta Empire’s Influence Indian Ocean Trade China’s Entry into the world Trade
(c.3rd century BCE -15th century Organization(WTO )
CE) (2001)
Trans-Saharan Trade Routes Emergency of Axial Age The Arab Spring
Philosophies (c. 8th -3rd centuries (2010 -2012 )
Islamic Golden Age Fall of the Western Roman Empire Global Financial Crisis (2008)
(476 CE)
Axum Kingdom’s Trading Power Spread of Christianity (c. 1st -4th Paris Agreement on Climate Change
centuries CE) (2015)
The Spread of Papermaking Invention of Paper Brexit (2016)
(c. 2nd century CE)

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