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XP Alternative Rank Rapid Reaction 100 T Ag 40

Becoming a Member of the Blood Guild of Malfi Malfian Bloodsworn Advances

Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Street Fighter 100 T —
Becoming part of the Blood Guild is deceptively simple: Barter 200 S —
Charm 100 S —
the candidates must make their way to one of the guild’s Carouse 200 S —
Common Lore (Administratum) 100 S —
charter houses on the worlds of the Malfian sub-sector,
Evaluate 200 S —
Deceive 100 S —
offer payment of a thousand Throne gelt, and, as long as
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) 200 S —
they themselves are not under subject to warrant and Inquiry 100 S —
Nerves of Steel 200 T —
are not subject to ”higher oath”, they are given a “grey Inquiry +10 100 S Inquiry
Paranoia 200 T —
warrant” to execute. Grey warrants are those that have Inquiry +20 100 S Inquiry +10
Sound Constitution 200 T —
languished uncollected on the charter house’s books for Interrogation 100 S —
Sound Constitution 200 T —
some time, usually because the money offered doesn’t
Interrogation +10 100 S Interrogation Talented (Inquiry) 200 T Inquiry
merit the danger involved in the collection. To become
Search 100 S — Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 300 T BS 35, Ag 35
Bloodsworn, all they need to is successfully claim the
Search +10 100 S Search Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) 300 T WS 35, Ag 35
warrant by any means necessary (which can include the
help of others and might form a small adventure for the Security 100 S — Claiming Charters During Downtime
Player Characters). Once successful, the candidate must Security +10 100 S Security You an attempt to claim your charter while you normally would
then swear a blood oath to abide by the guild’s rule. The Shadowing 100 S — train and rest. This is likely to prevent you from claiming any
candidate is given a guild symbol as credential and is Shadowing +10 100 S Shadowing Skills or Talents from any other Rank than from Malfian
entered on the charter list. They may then claim the Bloodsworn rank during this downtime.
Survival 100 S —
right to the title of “Bloodsworn” and execute lawful
Tracking 100 S — When making an attempt to claim the charter, First make
warrants as long as they survive to do so.
Tracking +10 100 S Tracking Challenging (+0) Inquiry, Interrogation, Tracking, and Shadowing
Required Career: Assassin or Scum, and Guardsmen or Tests. Secondly make either Challenging (+0) Search, Security and
Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T —
Arbitrators who are no longer in overt Imperial service. Weapon Skill Tests or instead make Hard(-20) Shadowing and
Decadence 100 T T 30
Alternate Rank: 5 or higher (3,000 xp). Ballistic Skill Tests. Thirdly make a Challenging (+0) Charm and
Hard Target 100 T Ag 40
Common Lore (Administratum) Tests.
Other Requirements: Must gain a charter from the Heightened Senses (Hearing) 100 T —
Blood Guild of Malfi. If any of the first part Test fails by two or more Degrees the part
Heightened Senses (Sight) 100 T —
has failed. If the first part fails, you fail to find your prey and this
Special Elite Advance: Bloodsworn Charter Iron Jaw 100 T T 40
increases the cost of your next advancement by 30 XP due to the
Jaded 100 T WP 30
Upon successfully entering this career path, the time spent on your missventures (do not increase Spent XP for
character gains a Bloodsworn Charter and the privileges Peer (Underworld) 100 T Fel 30 this, but simply reduce XP to Spend accordingly). If any of the
and rights outlined in the Alternate Rank description. Pistol Training (Bolt) 100 T — second part Tests fails by 2 or more Degrees, the attempt fails. If
either of the Tests for the third part succeed, there is no problem
proving that this was a legitimate claim. Successful attempt and
prove of claim earns you a payment of 1d10 x 300 Thrones.
Failing to prove the legitimity earns you a Minor Fugitive Status
(See Criminal Career Background Trait)

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