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PowerFlex Drives with TotalFORCE Control Parameters Reference Data

This publication lists the parameters for PowerFlex® Drives with TotalFORCE® Control
About This For more information see: PowerFlex Drives with TotalFORCE Control Programming Manual (firmware revision…

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Allen-Bradley, Connected Components Workbench, ControlLogix, CompactLogix, DeviceLogix, expanding human possibility, PowerFlex, Rockwell Automation, Studio 5000 Logix Designer, and TotalFORCE are
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EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA, Inc.
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Publication 750-RD101B-EN-P - May 2023

Supersedes Publication 750-RD101A-EN-P - April 2022 Copyright © 2023 Rockwell Automation Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.
# Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'
PowerFlex® product parameters can be programmed (viewed/edited) with a Human Interface Module (HIM). See the Enhance
Human Interface Module (HIM) User Manual, publication 20HIM-UM001, for information on to use the HIM to view and edit p
use Connected Components Workbench™ (version 10 or later) software. If the drive is connected to a ControlLogix® or Compa
can also use Studio 5000 Logix Designer application (version 20 or later).

About Parameters
To configure the product to operate in a specific way, certain parameters have to be configured appropriately. Four types of p
Numeric Parameters
These parameters have one numeric value (such as 1750.0 RPM).
ENUM Parameters
These parameters allow a selection from two or more items. The LCD HIM displays a text message for each item.
Indirect Parameters
These parameters assign or select sources for data. They have a maximum value of 159999.15. The two most significant digits
source. The following four digits select the parameter number of the source. The two digits below the decimal point select the
For example, parameter 0:117 [DI M Start] is an indirect parameter for selecting the source of the Start digital input function.
01 on an IO card in port 4. You would enter 04 and 0001 and .01. This assigns bit 01 of parameter 0001 [Dig In Sts] of the card
Bit Parameters
These parameters have individual bits associated with features or conditions. If the bit is 0, the feature is off or the condition i
feature is on or the condition is true.

System Architecture
Port 0 contains parameters for monitoring and configuring the whole product (drive or bus supply). It contains parameters for
functions and motor encoder feedback channels. It includes parameters for the Embedded EtherNet/IP interface.
Port 0 also contains parameters that configure port 9 (the application port) and port 10 (the primary motor control port). Thes
what ports 9 and 10 contain. Ports 9 and 10 do not display parameters or software that is related to unused configurations. Fo
select Torque Prove in the Application Selection parameter then port 9 does not contain parameters for Torque Prove. If you d
Vector motor control mode, then port 10 does not display Flux Vector parameters or software.
Port 9 contains parameters and software that is related to specific applications.
Port 9 parameter visibility depends the settings of parameters 0:70 [Application Sel], 0:71 [Application Act], and 0:73 [Emb Lo

Ports 10 and 11 contain parameters and software that is related to the primary and secondary control of the motor side inver
motor side control port and port 11 is the secondary port. The contents of these ports depend the setting of parameters 0:65
0:67 [Sec MtrCtrl Mode].
Ports 10 and 11 can contain:
• Volts per Hertz, Sensorless Vector, Economizer, or Flux Vector control
• Parameters for configuring the starting and stopping of the motor side inverter
• Parameters for entering the electrical attributes of the motor
• Parameters for configuring and monitoring the Position, Velocity, and Torque loops
Port 12 contains parameters that are related to the power hardware in the motor side inverter. These parameters monitor an

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Port 13 contains parameters and software that is related to control of the line side converter. This port contains parameters fo
monitoring the control of the converter. It contains parameters for entering the electrical attributes of the AC line source.
Port 14 contains parameters that are related to the power hardware in the line side converter. These parameters monitor and
modules, AC precharge, and LCL filters.

Predictive Maintenance
For firmware revisions or later, the remaining life of components with predictive maintenance appear on the Predictive
Device Details window in Connected Components Workbench software and the Drive Details window in Studio Logix 5000 Des
This figure is an example of the Connected Components Workbench - Predictive Maintenance Page

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Summary of Changes
Date Changes
May-23 Port 0 Tab
15 [Average Power]: Update description
26 [DC Bus Trip OVRD]: New parameter
27 [DCBusThreshUser]: New parameter
28 [DCBusThresh Act]: New parameter
33 [VoltageClass Cfg]: Update description
34 [VoltageClass Act]: Update description
35 [Duty Rating Cfg]: Update bit 2 description
36 [Duty Rating Act]: Update bit 2 description
178 [DI Indx StepPrst]: Update description
453 [CapOvrRsncActn]: Update description
May-23 Port 9 Tab
50 [Trq Prove Cfg]: Update bit 3 description
May-23 Port 10-11 Tab
445 [VCL CReg BW]: Update description
910 [Autotune]: Upadte enumeration desciptions; Add table of supported tests to Parameter Details tab
580 [PM Config]: Update bit 0 description
1640 [Home Ctrl Opts] Update bit 8 description
May-23 Port 14 Tab
8 [L Side Fault]: Update description
9 [L Side Alarm]: Update description
1222 [F0 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1223 [F0 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1224 [F0 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1422 [F2 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1423 [F2 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1424 [F2 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1522 [F3 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1523 [F3 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1524 [F3 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1622 [F4 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1623 [F4 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1624 [F4 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1722 [F5 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1723 [F5 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1724 [F5 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1822 F6 [Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1823 [F6 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1824 [F6 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
1922 [F7 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
1923 [F7 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
1924 [F7 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
2122 [F9 Cap Voltage R]: Update description
2123 [F9 Cap Voltage S]: Update description
2124 [F9 Cap Voltage T]: Update description
May-23 Logic Command Tab
Details provided for drives, common bus inverters, and bus supplies
May-23 Logic Status Tab
Details provided for drives, common bus inverters, and bus supplies

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

211 Emb Enet Ref Communication — Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— Embedded Ethernet Reference

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'


Displays the reference value from Embedded EtherNet/IP port. Not applicable for 755TM bus supplies.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Units Default Min Max

Hz or RPM
% (Torque) 0.000000 -35400.000000 35400.000000
No Units

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable
FW Version Read- Access
Settings PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Write Over I/O
Applicable to Integrated AFE Applicable to Low Harmonic
Drives (755TR)? Drives (755TL)? Applicable to CBIs (755TM)?

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to AFE Bus Applicable to Frame 5-6 Applicable to Frame 6 Panel Applicable to Low Power
Supplies (755TM)? Panel Mount Drives (755TR Mount Bus Supplies Drives (755TS)?
and 755TL)? (755TM)?

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

1 PID Cfg Process PID — Control & Cfg

2 PID Control Process PID — Control & Cfg

3 PID Status Process PID — Control & Cfg

4 PID Prop Gain Process PID — Control & Cfg

5 PID Int Time Process PID — Control & Cfg

6 PID Deriv Time Process PID — Control & Cfg

7 PID Upper Limit Process PID — Control & Cfg

8 PID Lower Limit Process PID — Control & Cfg

9 PID Deadband Process PID — Control & Cfg

10 PID LPF BW Process PID — Control & Cfg

11 PID Preload Process PID — Control & Cfg

12 PID Error Meter Process PID — Control & Cfg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

13 PID Output Meter Process PID — Control & Cfg

14 PID Output Sel Process PID — Control & Cfg

15 PID Output Mult Process PID — Control & Cfg

16 PID Mtr Ctrl Sel Process PID — Control & Cfg

20 DI PID Enable Process PID — Control & Cfg

21 DI PID Hold Process PID — Control & Cfg

22 DI PID Reset Process PID — Control & Cfg

23 DI PID Invert Process PID — Control & Cfg

25 PID Ref Sel Process PID — Reference

26 PID Ref Meter Process PID — Reference
27 PID Ref Mult Process PID — Reference
28 PID Setpoint Process PID — Reference

29 PID Ref AnlgHi Process PID — Reference

30 PID Ref AnlgLo Process PID — Reference

35 PID Fdbk Sel Process PID — Feedback
36 PID Fdbk Meter Process PID — Feedback
37 PID Fdbk Stpt Process PID — Feedback
38 PID Fdbk Mult Process PID — Feedback
39 PID Fdbk AnlgHi Process PID — Feedback

40 PID Fdbk AnlgLo Process PID — Feedback

42 PID FBLoss SpSel Process PID — Feedback

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

43 PID FBLoss TqSel Process PID — Feedback

90 Sleep Wake Mode Process PID — Sleep Wake

91 SleepWake RefSel Process PID — Sleep Wake

92 Sleep Level Process PID — Sleep Wake

93 Sleep Time Process PID — Sleep Wake

94 Wake Level Process PID — Sleep Wake

95 Wake Time Process PID — Sleep Wake

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

50 Trq Prove Cfg Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

51 Trq Prove Setup Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

52 Trq Prove Status Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

53 Trq Lmt SlewRate Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

54 Speed Dev Band Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

55 SpdBand Intgrtr Torque Prove — Control & Cfg

60 Brk Release Time Torque Prove — Brake

61 Brk Set Time Torque Prove — Brake

62 Brk Alarm Travel Torque Prove — Brake

63 Brk Slip Thresh Torque Prove — Brake

64 Brake Test Torq Torque Prove — Brake

68 DI Brake Fdbk Torque Prove — Brake

70 Float Tolerance Torque Prove — Float Micro Psn

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

71 MicroPsnScalePct Torque Prove — Float Micro Psn

72 ZeroSpdFloatTime Torque Prove — Float Micro Psn

78 DI FloatMicroPsn Torque Prove — Float Micro Psn

100 OilWell Pump Cfg Oil Well — Pump Jack

101 Pump Off Config Oil Well — Pump Jack

102 Pump Off Setup Oil Well — Pump Jack

103 Pump Off Control Oil Well — Pump Jack

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

104 OW Pump Status Oil Well — Pump Jack

105 Pump Off Action Oil Well — Pump Jack

106 Pump Off Level Oil Well — Pump Jack

107 Pump Off Speed Oil Well — Pump Jack

108 Pump Off Time Oil Well — Pump Jack

109 Total Gear Ratio Oil Well — Pump Jack

110 Motor Sheave Oil Well — Pump Jack

111 Pump Cy Str Cmd Oil Well — Pump Jack

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

112 Pump Cy Str Sts Oil Well — Pump Jack

114 Gearbox Limit Oil Well — Pump Jack

115 Gearbox Rating Oil Well — Pump Jack
116 Gearbox Ratio Oil Well — Pump Jack
117 Gearbox Sheave Oil Well — Pump Jack

118 SetTopofStrk Cmd Oil Well — Pump Jack

119 SetTopofStrk Sts Oil Well — Pump Jack

120 Torque Setpoint Oil Well — Pump Jack

124 Pct Cycle Torque Oil Well — Pump Jack
125 Pct Lift Torque Oil Well — Pump Jack
126 Pct Drop Torque Oil Well — Pump Jack
129 Stroke Pos Count Oil Well — Pump Jack
130 Stroke Per Min Oil Well — Pump Jack
132 Pump Off Count Oil Well — Pump Jack

133 PumpOff SleepCnt Oil Well — Pump Jack

134 Day Stroke Count Oil Well — Pump Jack

136 PumpOffWakeTime Oil Well — Pump Jack

138 DI PumpOff Disbl Oil Well — Pump Jack

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

139 DI Pump Baseline Oil Well — Pump Jack

143 Rod Speed Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

144 Rod Torque Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

145 Rod Speed Cmd Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

148 TorqAlarm Action Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

149 TorqAlarm Config Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

150 TorqAlarm Dwell Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

151 Torq Thresh High Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

152 TorqAlmTimeOutHi Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

153 TorqAlmTOActnHi Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

154 Torq Thresh Low Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

156 Max Rod Speed Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

157 Max Rod Torque Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

158 Min Rod Speed Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

160 PCP Pump Sheave Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

161 TorqAlmTimeOutLo Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

162 TorqAlmTOActnLo Oil Well — Prog Cavity Pump

1000 DLX OperationCmd DeviceLogix — Control & Status

1001 DLX OperationSts DeviceLogix — Control & Status

1002 DLX PowerupStart DeviceLogix — Control & Status

1003 DLX InvldIO Actn DeviceLogix — Control & Status

1004 DLX Prog Cond DeviceLogix — Control & Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1006 DLX DigOut Sts DeviceLogix — Control & Status

1070 DLX Real SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1071 DLX Real SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1072 DLX Real SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1073 DLX Real SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1074 DLX Real SP5 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1075 DLX Real SP6 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1076 DLX Real SP7 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1077 DLX Real SP8 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1078 DLX Real SP9 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1079 DLX Real SP10 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1080 DLX Real SP11 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1081 DLX Real SP12 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1082 DLX Real SP13 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1083 DLX Real SP14 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1084 DLX Real SP15 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1085 DLX Real SP16 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1090 DLX DINT SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1091 DLX DINT SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1092 DLX DINT SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1093 DLX DINT SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1094 DLX DINT SP5 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1095 DLX DINT SP6 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1096 DLX DINT SP7 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1097 DLX DINT SP8 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1100 DLX Bool SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1101 DLX Bool SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1102 DLX Bool SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1103 DLX Bool SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1110 DLX Real In SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1111 DLX Real In SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1112 DLX Real In SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1113 DLX Real In SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1114 DLX Real In SP5 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1115 DLX Real In SP6 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1116 DLX Real In SP7 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1117 DLX Real In SP8 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1120 DLX Real Out SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1121 DLX Real Out SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1122 DLX Real Out SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1123 DLX Real Out SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1124 DLX Real Out SP5 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1125 DLX Real Out SP6 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1126 DLX Real Out SP7 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1127 DLX Real Out SP8 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1130 DLX DINT In SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1131 DLX DINT In SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1132 DLX DINT In SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1133 DLX DINT In SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1140 DLX DINT Out SP1 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1141 DLX DINT Out SP2 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1142 DLX DINT Out SP3 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1143 DLX DINT Out SP4 DeviceLogix — Intl Registers

1200 Testpoint Sel 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

1203 Testpoint Sel 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

1201 Testpoint REAL 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

1204 Testpoint REAL 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

1202 Testpoint DINT 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

1205 Testpoint DINT 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— PID Configuration

— PID Control

— PID Status

— PID Proportional Gain

— PID Integral Time

— PID Derivative Time

— PID Upper Limit

— PID Lower Limit

— PID Deadband

— PID Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

— PID Preload
— PID Error Meter

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PID Output Meter

— PID Output Select

— PID Output Multiplier

— PID Motor Control Port Select

— Digital Input PID Enable

— Digital Input PID Hold

— Digital Input PID Reset

— Digital Input PID Invert

— PID Reference Select

— PID Reference Meter
— PID Reference Multiplier
— PID Setpoint

— PID Reference Analog High

— PID Reference Analog Low

— PID Feedback Select
— PID Feedback Meter
— PID Feedback Setpoint
— PID Feedback Multiplier
— PID Feedback Analog High

— PID Feedback Analog Low

— PID Feedback Loss Speed Select

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PID Feedback Loss Torque Select

— Sleep Wake Mode

— Sleep Wake Reference Select

— Sleep Level

— Sleep Time

— Wake Level

— Wake Time

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Torque Prove Configuration

— Torque Prove Setup

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Torque Prove Status

— Torque Limit Slew Rate

— Speed Deviation Band

— Speed Band Integrator

— Brake Release Time

— Brake Set Time

— Brake Alarm Travel

— Brake Slip Threshold

— Brake Test Torque

— Digital Input Brake Feedback

— Float Tolerance

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Micro Position Scale Percentage

— Zero Speed Float Time

— Digital Input Float Micro Position

Prog Cavity Pump Oil Well Pump Configuration

— Pump Off Configuration

— Pump Off Setup

— Pump Off Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Prog Cavity Pump Oil Well Pump Status

— Pump Off Action

— Pump Off Level

— Pump Off Speed

— Pump Off Time

— Total Gear Ratio

Prog Cavity Pump Motor Sheave Diameter

— Pump Cycle Store Command

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Pump Cycle Store Status

— Gearbox Torque Limit

— Gearbox Rating
Prog Cavity Pump Gearbox Ratio
— Gearbox Sheave Diameter

— Set Top of Stroke Command

— Set Top of Stroke Status

— Torque Setpoint
— Percent Cycle Torque
— Percent Lift Torque
— Percent Drop Torque
— Stroke Position Count
— Stroke Per Minute
— Pump Off Count

— Pump Off Sleep Count

— Day Stroke Count

— Pump Off Wake Time

— Digital Input Pump Off Disable

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Digital Input Pump Baseline

Pump Jack Rod Speed

Pump Jack Rod Torque

Pump Jack Rod Speed Command

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Action

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Config

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Dwell

Pump Jack Torque Threshold High

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Timeout High

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Time Out Action High

Pump Jack Torque Threshold Low

— Maximum Rod Speed

— Maximum Rod Torque

— Minimum Rod Speed

— PCP Pump Sheave Diameter

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Timeout Low

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Pump Jack Torque Alarm Time Out Action Low

— DeviceLogix Operation Command

— DeviceLogix Operation Status

— DeviceLogix Start Logic on Powerup

— DLX Invalid IO Configuration Action

— DeviceLogix Program Condition Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DeviceLogix Output Logic Command Status

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 5

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 6

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 7

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 8

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 9

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 10

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 11

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 12

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 13

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 14

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 15

— DeviceLogix Real Scratch Pad 16

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 5

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 6

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 7

— DeviceLogix DINT Scratch Pad 8

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DeviceLogix Bool Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix Bool Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix Bool Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix Bool Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 5

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 6

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 7

— DeviceLogix Real Input Scratch Pad 8

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 5

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 6

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 7

— DeviceLogix Real Output Scratch Pad 8

— DeviceLogix DINT In Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix DINT In Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix DINT In Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix DINT In Scratch Pad 4

— DeviceLogix DINT Output Scratch Pad 1

— DeviceLogix DINT Output Scratch Pad 2

— DeviceLogix DINT Output Scratch Pad 3

— DeviceLogix DINT Output Scratch Pad 4

— Testpoint Select 1

— Testpoint Select 2

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 1

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 2

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 1

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Description Units

Set and clear bits to configure the Process PID function.

Bit 0 ‘Preload Int’ – When this bit is set, the function preloads the integral term with PID Preload
Bit 1 ‘Ramp Ref’ – When this bit is set, the function applies a ramp to the Reference when first
Bit 2 ‘Zero Clamp’ – When this bit is set, the function clamps the output to zero if parameter 9:14
[PID Output Sel] is set to option 2 ‘Speed Trim’ or 4 ‘Torque Trim’.
Bit 3 ‘Fdbk Sqrt’ – When this bit is set, the function uses square root of the Feedback signal as PID —
Bit 4 ‘Stop Mode’ – When this bit is set, the function remains active during a stopping action.
Bit 5 ‘Anti Windup’ – When this bit is set, the PID integrator is prevented from producing
excessive error that can cause PID loop instability.
Bit 6 ‘Percent Ref’ – When this bit is set, the function the output is a percentage of the velocity
(speed) reference. This parameter works in Speed trim mode only, not in Torque Trim or Exclusive

Set and clear bits to control the Process PID function.

Bit 0 ‘PID Enable’ – Setting this bit enables the function.
Bit 1 ‘PID Hold’ – Setting this bit holds the PID integrator. —
Bit 2 ‘PID Reset’ – Setting this bit resets the PID integrator.
Bit 3 ‘PID InvError’ – Setting this bit inverts the PID error.

Displays the status of the Process PID function.

Bit 0 ‘PID Enable’ – Indicates the PID controller is enabled.
Bit 1 ‘PID Hold’ – When set, this bit indicates that the PID Regulator’s Integrator is in a hold state
and not allowed to change. When clear, the integrator is not in a hold state. The hold condition
can be due to either a user Digital Input configured by parameter 9:21 [DI PID Hold], user
configuration bit parameter 9:2 [PID Control] bit 1 ‘PID Hold’, or a limit condition in parameter —
10:365 [At Limit Status] in the active motor control port (port 10 is the Primary Motor Control
port and port 11 is the Secondary Motor Control port).
Bit 2 ‘PID Reset’ – Indicates the PID integrator is reset.
Bit 3 ‘PID In Limit’ – Indicates the PID function is in limit.

Enter a value to set proportional gain for the PID function. —

Enter a value to set the Integral Time for the PID function.
This value is the time that is required for the integral component to reach 100% of parameter
9:12 [PID Error Meter]. s
Not used when parameter 9:2 [PID Control] bit 1 ‘PID Hold’ = 1 (enabled).
Enter a value to set the Derivative Time for the PID function.
A zero disables the Derivative part of the function (Only the Proportional and Integral parts s
remain active).
Enter a value to set the upper limit for the parameter 9:13 [PID Output Meter]. %
Enter a value to set the lower limit for the parameter 9:13 [PID Output Meter]. %
Enter a value to determine the error dead band. The PID function ignores any error that does not
exceed this value in the negative and positive directions. The PID function ignores any error that %
falls within this band.
Enter a value to set the level of filtering applied to the Process PID loop feedback signal. Entering
a value of zero disables this filter. Hz

Enter a value to set the value that preloads the PID Integrator parameter 9:1 [PID Cfg] Bit 0
‘Preload Int’ is set. %
Displays the present value of the PID error. %

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the present value of the PID output. %
Enter a value to select how the PID Output is consumed.
‘Not Used’ (0) – PID output is not consumed.
‘Vel Excl’ (1) – PID output is consumed as the speed reference. —
‘Vel Trim’ (2) – PID output is consumed as a trim value to the speed reference.
‘Torque Excl’ (3) – PID output is consumed as the torque reference.
‘Torque Trim’ (4) – PID output is consumed as a trim value to the speed reference.
Enter a value to be used as the multiplying factor applied to the PID Output. %
Enter a value to select the motor control port for the process PID application:
‘Primary’ (0) – Selects the Primary Motor Control port for process PID. —
‘Secondary’ (1) – Selects the Secondary Motor Control port for process PID.
Select a digital input that is used to enable the PID function.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes or energizes to enable the function. —

Select a digital input that is used to hold the Process PID integrator.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes or energizes to hold the Process PID integrator. —

Select a digital input that is used to reset the Process PID integrator.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes or energizes to reset the Process PID integrator. —

Select a digital input that is used to invert the output of the Process PID control.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes or energizes to invert the output of the Process —
PID control.
Select a parameter to be the reference source for the PID function. —
Displays the present value of the PID reference signal. %
Enter a value to be used as the multiplying factor applied to the Reference source. %
Enter a value to provide a constant reference value when parameter 9:25 [PID Ref Sel] is set to
this parameter. %

Enter a value to set the high value for scaling the reference when using an analog input as the
source. %

Enter a value to set the low value for scaling the reference when using an analog input as the
source. %
Select a parameter to be the feedback source for the PID function. —
Displays the present value of the PID feedback signal. %
Enter a value to provide a constant feedback value when parameter 9:35 [PID Fdbk Sel] is set to
this parameter. %
Enter a value to be used as the multiplying factor applied to the feedback source. %
Enter a value to set the high value for scaling the feedback when using an analog input as the
source. %

Enter a value to set the low value for scaling the feedback when using an analog input as the
source. %

Select a parameter to be the velocity (speed) reference source if an analog signal loss is detected
on the feedback. This parameter is used in Speed Exclusive and Speed Trim modes.
Analog signal loss is detected when the signal falls below 2V (0…10V signal) or below 4 mA (4…20
mA signal). —
Selecting ‘Disabled’ also disables the signal loss check within the PID function. This may be
desirable for 0…10V signals or 0…20 mA signals. You can still rely on the Analog Input Loss
detection in the I/O option card.

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Select a parameter to be the torque reference source if an analog signal loss is detected on the
feedback. This parameter is used in Torque Exclusive and Torque Trim modes.
Analog signal loss is detected when the signal falls below 2V (0…10V signal) or below 4 mA (4…20
mA signal). —
Selecting ‘Disabled’ also disables the signal loss check within the PID function. This may be
desirable for 0…10V signals or 0…20 mA signals. You can still rely on the Analog Input Loss
detection in the I/O option card.

Enter a value to configure the Sleep/Wake function.

‘Disabled’ (0) – Disables the function.
‘Direct’ (1) – Enables the function to run when the Sleep Wake Reference is greater than the
Wake Level, and to stop when the Sleep Wake Reference is lower than the Sleep Level.
‘Invert’ (2) – Enables the function to run when the Sleep Wake Reference is less than the Wake
Level, and to stop when the Sleep Wake Reference is greater than the Sleep Level. —
⚠ ATTENTION: The Sleep/Wake function can cause unexpected machine operation during the
Wake mode. Equipment damage and/or personal injury can result if this parameter is used in an
inappropriate application. Do Not use this function without considering the information in the
following table. In addition, all applicable local, national, and international codes, standards,
regulations, or industry guidelines must be considered.

Enter a value to select port and parameter source for the Sleep Wake Reference.
This source is often an analog input. —

Enter a value to define the threshold for stopping the drive in the Sleep/Wake function.
In the direct mode, the Sleep Wake Reference must be less than this threshold for the function to %
stop the drive.
Enter a value to define the Sleep dwell time. In the direct mode, the Sleep Wake Reference must
be less than the Sleep Level before the Sleep/Wake function stops the drive. s

Enter a value to define the threshold for starting the drive in the Sleep/Wake function.
In the direct mode, the Sleep Wake Reference must be greater than this threshold for the %
function to start the drive.
Enter a value to define the Wake dwell time. In the direct mode, the Sleep Wake Reference must
be greater than the Wake Level before the Sleep/Wake function starts the drive. s

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Set and clear bits to configure the Torque Prove function.
Bit 0 ‘TP Enable’ – Set this bit to enable Torque Prove functions.
Bit 1 ‘Encoderless’ – Set this bit to allow for operation without an encoder.
Bit 2 ‘Micro Psn’ – Set this bit to allow the Micro Position digital input to change the speed
command. Set this bit for more precise position control.
Bit 3 ‘Preload’ – Clearing this bit makes the drive use the last torque for preload. If this bit is clear
after a power cycle, the initial torque command comes from parameter 10/11:2001 [Trq Ref A
Stpt]. All subsequent moves will use the last holding torque. Setting the bit makes the function
use the value in parameter 10:2001 [Trq Ref A Stpt] in the active motor control port if the
commanded direction is forward and parameter 10:2008 [Trq Ref B Stpt] in the active motor
control port for reverse.
Bit 4 ‘FW LoadLimit’ – Setting this bit makes the drive perform the load calculation at base speed. —
The drive limits operation above base speed depending on load.
Bit 5 ‘BrkSlipEncls’ – Setting this bit disables the partial Brake Slip routine when the drive is
operating in ‘Encoderless’ mode.
Bit 6 ‘BrkSlipStart’ – Setting this bit makes the drive start if it detects Brake slippage.
Bit 7 ‘Test Brake’ – Setting this bit makes the drive test the brake at start. The drive applies torque
against the brake while monitoring movement.
Bit 8 ‘Fast Stop Bk’ – Setting this bit makes the drive set the Brake immediately upon receiving a
fast stop command. Clearing this bit makes the drive set the Brake after ramping to a standstill.
Bit 9 ‘BkSlp SpdLmt’ – Setting this bit makes the drive lower the load at a fixed speed when the
drive detects brake slip. The speed is set by parameter 10:1814 [Preset Speed 1].
Bit 10 ‘BrkSlpFltCfg’ – Setting this bit inhibits the brake slip fault if brake slip is detected when the
enable input or safety enable input is low.

Set and clear bits to control specific torque proving functions.

You can change this parameter while the drive is running, by using a controller via a
communication adapter.
Bit 0 ‘Fast Stop’ – Setting this bit forces a current limit stop.
Bit 1 ‘Float Micro’ – Setting this bit activates the micro position function when selected and
running, and activates float when stopping.
Bit 2 ‘Decel Fwd’ – Setting this bit forces the deceleration-forward-travel limit response.
Bit 3 ‘End Stop Fwd’ – Setting this bit forces the end-forward-travel limit response. —
Bit 4 ‘Decel Rev’ – Setting this bit forces the deceleration-reverse-travel limit response.
Bit 5 ‘End Stop Rev’ – Setting this bit forces the end-reverse-travel limit response.
Bit 6 ‘PHdwrOvrTrvl’ – Setting this bit forces the Positive-Hardware-Over Travel limit response. It
causes a Coast to Stop fault.
Bit 7 ‘NHdwrOvrTrvl’ – Setting this bit forces the Negative Hardware-Over-Travel limit response. It
causes a Coast to Stop fault.

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Displays the status of the TorqProve™ function.
Bit 0 ‘EndLimitActv’ – Indicates an end travel limit is active.
Bit 1 ‘DecelLmtActv’ – Indicates a decel travel limit is active.
Bit 2 ‘Micro Psn’ – Indicates the Micro position function is active.
Bit 3 ‘BrkSlip1 Alm’ – Indicates the drive has detected brake slip.
Bit 4 ‘Brake Set’ – The drive sets this bit to engage the brake.
Connect this signal to an output that energizes to engage the brake. For example, in the I/O card
set parameter nn:10 [RO0 Sel] to this parameter and address. Connect the relay output to the
brake to energize the coil that engages the brake. Do not use this bit if you use bit 8 —
Bit 5 ‘LoadTestActv’ – Indicates the test that is used to check the load for above base speed is
Bit 6 ‘RefLoadLmted’ – Indicates the reference is limited due to the load test results.
Bit 7 ‘Encoderless’ – Indicates that the Encoderless configuration fault is present.
Bit 8 ‘BrakeRelease’ – The drive sets this bit to release the brake.
Connect this signal to an output that energizes to release the brake. For example, in the I/O card
set parameter nn:10 [RO0 Sel] to this parameter and address. Connect the relay output to the
brake to energize the coil that releases the brake. Do not use this bit if you use bit 4 ‘Brake Set’.

Enter a value to set the rate to ramp the torque limits to zero during brake proving. s

Enter a value to set the speed deviation threshold for the code 10007 ‘TorqPrv Spd Band’ fault. Hz
If the error between the commanded speed and speed feedback exceeds this value for the RPM
amount of time in parameter 9:55 [SpdBand Intgrtr], the fault occurs.

Enter a value to set the amount of time for the code 10007 ‘TorqPrv Spd Band’ fault.
If the error between the commanded speed and speed feedback greater than the value in s
parameter 9:54 [Speed Dev Band] for longer than this time, the fault occurs.

Enter a value to determine the brake release time.

With an encoder, this parameter sets the time between the brake release command and when
the drive begins to accelerate. s
Without an encoder, this parameter sets the time to release the brake after drive starts.
This parameter is only active when 9:68 [DI Brake Fdbk] is set to 0.

Enter a value to determine the delay between a command to set the brake and the start of brake
proving. s
This parameter is only active when 9:68 [DI Brake Fdbk] is set to 0.

Enter a value to set the number of motor shaft revolutions that are allowed during the brake
slippage test.
The drive reduces torque to check for brake slippage. When slippage occurs, the drive allows this —
number of motor shaft revolutions before control is regained.
This parameter is not used in Encoderless mode.
Enter a value to set the number of encoder counts to define the brake slippage condition. This
parameter is not used in Encoderless mode. —

Enter a value to set the percent of torque that is applied during the brake test, before the drive
releases the brake. %

Select a digital input to accept feedback from a mechanical brake.

For use with the Torque Prove feature.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes when the brake is energized or set. —
When this parameter is set to 0 (default), parameters 9:60 [Brk Release Time] and 9:61 [Brk Set
Time] are used.

Enter a value to set the frequency or speed level where the float timer starts. Hz
This parameter also sets the frequency or speed level where the brake is closed in Encoderless RPM

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Enter a value to set the percent of speed reference to be used when micro positioning. %
Enter a value to set the amount of time the drive spends below the value in parameter 9:70 [Float
Tolerance] before setting the brake. s
For Encoderless mode, leave this parameter at its default value.
Select a digital input to be used for the float and micro position functions.
Connect the digital input to circuitry that closes or energizes to activate the micro position —
function when selected and running and the float function when stopping.

Enter a value to select the type of oil well application.

‘Disable’ (0) – Disables the oil well functions.
‘Pump Jack’ (1) – Configures the function for a Pump Jack type oil well. Requires that a flux vector —
control mode is enabled in the primary motor control port.
‘PrgrsvCavity’ (2) – Configures the function for a Progressive Cavity type pump. Requires that a
flux vector control mode is enabled in the primary motor control port.

Enter a value to select the torque data that is used for the pump off control.
‘Automatic’ (0) – Downstroke torque is used if the torque waveform synchronizes with previously
saved waveform. If the position is not found after six cycles, the cycle torque is used. When cycle
torque is used, parameter 9:104 [OW Pump Status] bit 3 ‘Cycle Used’ is set to 1 ‘Enable’. —
‘Position’ (1) – Downstroke torque is used to detect a pump off condition. The torque waveform
synchronizes with the previously saved waveform.
‘Cycle’ (2) – Full pump cycle torque is used to detect a pump off condition.

Set and clear bits to select pump off options.

Bit 0 ‘Pos Filter’ – Sets level of filtering on torque for position calculation: 0 = Light (Default), 1 =
Heavy. Used to remove extra peaks in the waveform.
Bit 1 ‘Pos Offset’ – Enables/disables correction factor for motor slip in position calculator. Set bit if
torques and position count are drifting apart.
Bit 2 ‘Pos Min Trq’ – Sets the minimum torque threshold for the position detector. 0 = 10%
(Default), 1 = Auto Detect Min Torque. —
Bit 3 ‘Cycle PO Pos’ – Enables/disables positive level changes for Pump Off in cycle mode.
Bit 4 ‘Dis Baseline’ – Enables/disables the pump off baseline function. The pump off baseline
function is disabled if this bit is set or the digital input signal that is configured in 9:139 [DI Pump
Baseline] is asserted.
Bit 5 ‘RstPmpOffCnt’ – Resets the value of parameter 9:132 [Pump Off Count] to 0.
Bit 6 ‘RstPmpSlpCnt’ – Resets the value of parameter 9:133 [PumpOff SleepCnt] to 0.

Enter a value to enable and disable the pump off control or select the source for the torque level.
‘Disable’ (0) – Disables the pump off function.
‘Baseline Set’ (1) – The control uses a torque baseline that is created after any start of the drive
(first ten cycles). It is critical that this data is gathered from a full well. —
‘Fixed Setpt’ (2) – The control uses the value set in parameter 9:120 [Torque Setpoint]. Use the
value in parameter 9:126 [Pct Drop Torque] as a guideline in Automatic or Position mode. In Cycle
mode use parameter 9:124 [Pct Cycle Torque] as a guideline.

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Displays the status of the pump off control.
Bit 0 ‘Pump OffEnbl’ – Pump off control is enabled.
Bit 1 ‘Pump Slowed’ – A pump off condition was detected and the drive is running at a reduced
Bit 2 ‘Pump Stopped’ – A pump off condition was detected and the drive stopped (sleeping).
Bit 3 ‘Cycle Used’ – The cycle torque is used for pump off detection.
Bit 4 ‘TopOf Stroke’ – The internal position is from 0 to 500. Top of stroke is 0.
Bit 5 ‘PumpOff Alrm’ – A pump off condition was detected, but has not yet triggered parameter —
9:105 [Pump Off Action]. This alarm warns of a pending pump off condition.
Bit 6 ‘Pump Stable’ – The pump is running at a stable speed and not calculating the baseline
Bit 7 ‘OW TrqLvl Hi’ – Indicates that torque has exceeded the Torque Alarm Threshold High.
Bit 8 ‘OW TrqLvl Lo’ – Indicates that torque has fallen below the Torque Alarm Threshold Low.
Bit 9 ‘OW TrqLvl TO’ – Indicates that Oil Well Torque time out alarm has occurred for high torque
for the Oil Well functionality.

Enter a value to select the action to be taken after the function detects a pump off condition.
‘Change Speed’ (0) – When the function detects a pump off condition, it reduces speed by the
percentage set in parameter 9:107 [Pump Off Speed] and runs for the time set in parameter 9:108
[Pump Off Time]. If the condition continues, speed is reduced a second time. The pump remains
at this speed until the pump off condition no longer exists.
‘Always Stop’ (1) – When the function detects a pump off condition, it stops pump. The pump
remains stopped for the time set in parameter 9:136 [PumpOffWakeTime].
‘Stop After 1’ (2) – When the function detects a pump off condition, it reduces speed by the —
percentage set in parameter 9:107 [Pump Off Speed] and runs for the time set in parameter 9:108
[Pump Off Time]. It stops if the torque continues to change while running at the reduced speed.
The pump remains stopped for the time set in parameter 9:136 [PumpOffWakeTime].
‘Stop After 2’ (3) – When the function detects a pump off condition, it reduces speed by the
percentage set in parameter 9:107 [Pump Off Speed] and runs for the time set in parameter 9:108
[Pump Off Time]. If torque change continues, speed is reduced a second time by the same
percentage. It stops if the torque continues to change while running at the reduced speed. The
pump remains stopped for the time set in parameter 9:136 [PumpOffWakeTime].

Enter a value to set the threshold for detecting a pump off condition. The function detects a pump
off condition if the torque differs from the baseline by this amount.
When the pump starts, the function assumes the well is full and it measures the baseline torque. %
For example, if the measured baseline torque is 50% of rated torque and the [Pump Off Level] is
set to 10%, the function detects the pump off condition when the torque drops below 45% of
rated torque.
Enter a value to set the speed that the function commands during a pump off condition. %
Enter a value to set the time that the drive runs at the reduced speed in parameter 9:107 [Pump
Off Speed], before it returns to normal speed and checks for a pump off condition. s

Displays the calculated total gear ratio.

(9:117 [Gearbox Sheave] x 9:116 [Gearbox Ratio]) / 9:110 [Motor Sheave] —
Enter a value to set the sheave diameter on the motor. Inch
Enter a value to begin or stop the measuring and storing of the Pump Cycle waveform. This
waveform is the pump jack torque-signature waveform.
‘Disable’ (0) – Stops or prevents the measuring and storing of the Pump Cycle waveform. —
‘Enable’ (1) – Starts or allows the measuring and storing of the Pump Cycle waveform.

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Displays the status of the function that measures and stores the Pump Cycle waveform. This
waveform is the pump jack torque-signature waveform.
‘Ready’ (0) – Indicates that the function is ready to accept an enable command.
‘Active’ (1) – Indicates that the function is actively measuring and storing the Pump Cycle
‘Complete’ (2) – Indicates that the function has completed the measuring and storing of the Pump
Cycle waveform. To use the stored waveform, set parameter 9:111 [Pump Cy Str Cmd] to 0 —
‘Error’ (3) – Indicates that the function has failed to complete the measuring and storing of the
Pump Cycle waveform. If this error occurs, make sure that the well is full and repeat the function
by disabling and re-enabling the function. If that does not work, use a fixed setpoint for cycle
torque. To use a fixed setpoint, set parameter 9:111 [Pump Cy Str Cmd] to 0 ‘Disable’, set
parameter 9:101 [Pump Off Config] to 2 ‘Cycle’ and 9:103 [Pump Off Control] to 2 ‘Fixed Setpt’.

Enter a value to set the gearbox torque limit. This value is used to determine the values of
parameter 10:2083 [Torque Limit Pos] and parameter 10:2084 [Torque Limit Neg]. %
Enter a value to set the gearbox rating. Kin#
Enter a value to specify the nameplate gear ratio. —
Enter a value to set the Sheave diameter on the Gearbox. Inch

Enter a value to begin or stop the capture of the Top of Stroke position. Top of stroke is the
position when the pump rod is at its highest position.
‘Disable’ (0) – Stops or prevents the capture of the Top of Stroke position.
‘Enable’ (1) – Starts or allows the capture of the Top of Stroke position. —
With the drive running, enter a value of 1 ‘Enable’. Then push Enter on the HIM when the rod is at
its highest position. The function rewrites the position value every time you push Enter on the
HIM. Enter a value of 0 ‘Disable’ when you are satisfied with the capture of the position. Normal
operation required that the value is 0 ‘Disable’.

Displays the status of the function that captures of the Top of Stroke position. Top of stroke is the
position when the pump rod is at its highest position.
‘Ready’ (0) – Indicates that the function is ready to accept an enable command. The function does —
not capture the position in this state.
‘Active’ (1) – Indicates that the function is actively monitoring the position. The function captures
the position when you push Enter on the HIM.

Enter a value to set the torque level for pump off when parameter 9:103 [Pump Off Control] is set
to 2 ‘Fixed Setpt’. %
Displays the average torque for a full pump cycle. %
Displays the average rod lift torque. %
Displays the average rod drop torque. %
Displays the pump cycle position. The top of stroke is 0 and rolls over at 10,000. —
Displays the strokes per minute. —
Displays the number of times a pump off condition has occurred since this parameter was reset. —

Displays the number of times a sleep condition has occurred since this parameter was reset. —

Displays the number of strokes for the past 24 hours. This parameter is a rolling counter updated
every hour. —

Enter a value to set the length of time for which a pump remains stopped when a pump off
condition is detected. Requires that parameter 9:105 [Pump Off Action] is set to 1 ‘Always Stop’, 2 m
‘Stop After1’, or 3 ‘Stop After 2’.
Select the digital input to be used for the Pump Off Disable function. —

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Select the digital input to be used for disabling the pump off baseline function. The pump off
baseline function is disabled if the digital input signal that is configured in this parameter is —
asserted or if bit 4 ‘Dis Baseline’ is set in parameter 9:102 [Pump Off Setup].

Displays the speed in RPM of the pump rod after the gearbox and sheaves.
Rod Speed = Motor Speed x 9:109 [Total Gear Ratio] RPM

Displays the load side torque. Parameter 9:109 [Total Gear Ratio] must be greater than zero to
activate this display. FtLb
Displays the commanded speed in RPM of the pump rod after the gearbox and sheaves. RPM

Enter a value to select the drive action when the Torque Alarm is exceeded.
‘Ignore’ (0) – Allows the function to continue without any notification or action. —
‘Preset Spd1’ (1) – Changes the speed reference to Preset Spd1.
This action is only applicable when parameter 9:100 [OilWell Pump Cfg] is set to 2 ‘PrgrsvCavity’.

Set and clear bits to configure the Torque Alarm functions.

Bit 0 ‘TorqThreshHi’ – Enables the alarm for torque above 9:151 [Torq Thresh High]. —
Bit 1 ‘TorqThreshLo’ – Enables the alarm for torque below 9:154 [Torq Thresh Low].
Enter a value to set the time that the torque must exceed parameter 9:151 [Torq Thresh High]
before parameter 9:148 [TorqAlarm Action] takes place. s
Active when parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 0 ‘TorqThreshHi’ = 1 (enabled).
Enter a value to set the threshold for the torque threshold high alarm, which is active when 9:149
[TorqAlarm Config] bit 0 ‘TorqThreshHi’ = 1 (enabled). FtLb

Enter a value to set the amount of time a Torque Alarm can be active until timeout action begins.
Active when parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 0 ‘TorqThreshHi’ = 1 (enabled). s

Enter a value to determine the drive action when 9:152 [TorqAlmTimeOutHi] is exceeded. Active
when parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 0 ‘TorqThreshHi’ = 1 (enabled).
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues to run. —
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.
‘Resume’ (6) – Resume commanded velocity reference.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the torque threshold low alarm, which is active when
parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 1 ‘TorqThreshLo’ = 1 (enabled). FtLb

Enter a value to set the maximum speed for the polished rod in a progressive cavity pump oil well
application. RPM

Enter a value to set the desired maximum torque on the polished rod in a progressive cavity pump
oil well application. FtLb

Enter a value to set the minimum speed for the polished rod in a progressive cavity pump oil well
application. RPM
Enter a value to specify the pump sheave diameter. Inch

Enter a value to set the time that the torque must fall below parameter 9:154 [Torq Thresh Low].
Active when parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 1 ‘TorqThreshLo’ = 1 (enabled). s

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Enter a value to determine action when parameter 9:161 [TorqAlmTimeOutLo] is exceeded.
Active when parameter 9:149 [TorqAlarm Config] bit 1 ‘TorqThreshLo’ = 1 (enabled).
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’(1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.

Enter a value to enable or disable DeviceLogix™ control.

‘DisableLogic’ (0) – Prevents or stops DeviceLogix from scanning the logic.
‘Enable Logic’ (1) – Allows DeviceLogix to scan the logic. —
On power down, this parameter is set to 0 ‘DisableLogic’. If logic must be enabled on power-up,
set parameter 9:1002 to 1 ‘Enable Logic’.

Displays the actual status of DeviceLogix.

‘LogicDisabld’ (0) – Indicates that DeviceLogix is not scanning the logic. —
‘LogicEnabled’ (1) – Indicates that DeviceLogix is scanning the logic.

Enter a value to determine if DeviceLogix logic is automatically enabled on product (drive or bus
supply) power up.
‘DisableLogic’ (0) – DeviceLogix will not begin scanning the project logic automatically on power —
up. In this case, a user must use parameter 9:1000 [DLX OperationCmd] to begin scanning every
time after every power up.
‘Enable Logic’ (1) – DeviceLogix will begin scanning the project logic automatically on power up.

Enter a value to select the action taken when one or more parameters used in the DeviceLogix
program cannot be found on the port specified in the program mapping file:
‘Alarm’ (0) – The product has a type 1 alarm. It continues to run. The alarm persists and execution
of the DeviceLogix program is inhibited as long as the I/O configuration is invalid. —
‘Fault’ (1) – The product stops modulating. The motor side inverter coasts to a stop. A code 9002
‘DLX IO Cfg Invld’ fault occurs. Execution of the DeviceLogix program is inhibited as long as the I/O
configuration is invalid. You have to clear the fault in order to restart the product.

Enter a value to define the action the product (drive or bus supply) takes when DeviceLogix is
‘Fault’ (0) – The product stops modulating. The motor side inverter coasts to a stop. A code 9004
‘EmbLogic Adapter’ fault occurs. You have to clear the fault in order to restart the product.
‘Stop’ (1) – The product stops modulating. The motor side inverter coasts to a stop. A fault does
not occur. You can restart the product without clearing a fault.
‘Zero Data’ (2) – The product continues to operate. It puts zero values in the reference and logic —
command from DeviceLogix. It stops updating the parameters that are connected to DeviceLogix
by Parameter Binding. After this, other sources can overwrite these values.
‘Hold Last’ (3) – The product continues to operate. It holds the values of the data streams coming
from DeviceLogix in the last received states. This applies to the reference and logic command
from DeviceLogix. It also applies to the parameters that are connected to DeviceLogix by
Parameter Binding.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of the bits in the Logic Command word from DeviceLogix to the product (drive
or bus supply). —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Use this parameter as a Boolean scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix program.
This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a Boolean scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix program.
This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a Boolean scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix program.
This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a Boolean scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix program.
This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. —

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a REAL (floating point) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data into the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.
Use this parameter as a DINT (double integer) scratchpad memory location inside the DeviceLogix
program. This is for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress. You can —
also use it to transfer data out of the DeviceLogix program.

Select a source for the first test point in this port.

Data from this testpoint are displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 1] and [Testpoint DINT 1]. —
The data are typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes.
See the Testpoints tab for descriptions of the test points that are available for this parameter.

Select a source for the second test point in this port.

Data from this testpoint are displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 2] and [Testpoint DINT 2]. —
See the Testpoints tab for descriptions of the test points that are available for this parameter.

Displays data of the first test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of
the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the first test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of
the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the first and second test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the
format of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the first and second test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the
format of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max Settings

Bit 0 = Preload Int (0)

Bit 1 = Ramp Ref (0)
See Settings: Bit 2 = Zero Clamp (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 3 = Fdbk Sqrt (0)
(1) = On Bit 4 = Stop Mode (0)
Bit 5 = Anti Windup (0)
Bit 6 = Percent Ref (0)
Bits 7…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = PID Enable (0)

See Settings: Bit 1 = PID Hold (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 2 = PID Reset (0)
(1) = On Bit 3 = PID InvError (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = PID Enable (0)

See Settings: Bit 1 = PID Hold (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 2 = PID Reset (0)
(1) = On Bit 3 = PID In Limit (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

1.00 0.00 100.00 —

1.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 —

100.00 -800.00 800.00 —

-100.00 -800.00 800.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -800.00 800.00 —

0 = Not Used
1 = Vel Excl
2 0 4 2 = Vel Trim
3 = Torque Excl
4 = Torque Trim

0.00000 -100.00000 100.00000 —

0 = Primary
0 0 1 1 = Secondary

0 0 159999.15 —

0 0 159999.15 —

0 0 159999.15 —

0 0 159999.15 —

90028 1 159999 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —

100.00 -100.00 100.00 —

100.00 -100.00 100.00 —

90028 1 159999 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —
100.00 -100.00 100.00 —

100.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0 0 159999 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 159999 —

0 = Disabled
0 0 2 1 = Direct
2 = Invert

0 0 159999 —

50.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 1000.00 —

60.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 1000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = TP Enable (0)
Bit 1 = Encoderless (0)
Bit 2 = Micro Psn (0)
Bit 3 = Preload (0)
See Settings: Bit 4 = FW LoadLimit (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 5 = BrkSlipEncls (0)
(1) = On Bit 6 = BrkSlipStart (0)
Bit 7 = Test Brake (0)
Bit 8 = Fast Stop Bk (0)
Bit 9 = BkSlp SpdLmt (0)
Bit 10 = BrkSlpFltCfg (0)
Bits 11…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Fast Stop (0)

Bit 1 = Float Micro (0)
Bit 2 = Decel Fwd (0)
See Settings: Bit 3 = End Stop Fwd (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 4 = Decel Rev (0)
(1) = On Bit 5 = End Stop Rev (0)
Bit 6 = PHdwrOvrTrvl (0)
Bit 7 = NHdwrOvrTrvl (0)
Bit 8…15 Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = EndLimitActv (0)
Bit 1 = DecelLmtActv (0)
Bit 2 = Micro Psn (0)
See Settings: Bit 3 = BrkSlip1 Alm (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 4 = Brake Set (0)
(1) = On Bit 5 = LoadTestActv (0)
Bit 6 = RefLoadLmted (0)
Bit 7 = Encoderless (0)
Bit 8 = BrakeRelease (0)
Bits 9…15 = Reserved (0)

10.000 0.500 300.000 —

402 [Motor NP 402 [Motor NP Hertz] x
Hertz] x 0.0334 0.0016 402 [Motor NP Hertz]
404 [Mtr NP Sync 404 [Mtr NP Sync Spd] x 404 [Mtr NP Sync Spd] —
Spd] x 0.0334 0.0016

0.060 0.001 0.200 —

0.100 0.000 10.000 —

0.100 0.000 10.000 —

1.00 0.00 1000.00 —

0 0 100000000 —

50.00 -150.00 150.00 —

0 0 159999.15 —

402 [Motor NP 402 [Motor NP Hertz] x 402 [Motor NP Hertz] x

Hertz] x 0.0334 0.001 0.25
404 [Mtr NP Sync 404 [Mtr NP Sync Spd] x 404 [Mtr NP Sync Spd] x —
Spd] x 0.0334 0.001 0.25

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.000 0.100 100.000 —

5.000 0.100 500.000 —

0 0 159999.15 —

0 = Disable
0 0 2 1 = Pump Jack
2 = PrgrsvCavity

0 = Automatic
0 0 2 1 = Position
2 = Cycle

Bit 0 = Pos Filter (0)

Bit 1 = Pos Offset (0)
Bit 2 = Pos Min Trq (0)
See Settings: Bit 3 = Cycle PO Pos (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 4 = Dis Baseline (0)
(1) = On Bit 5 = RstPmpOffCnt (0)
Bit 6 = RstPmpSlpCnt (0)
Bits 7…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = Disable
0 0 2 1 = Baseline Set
2 = Fixed Setpt

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Pump OffEnbl
Bit 1 = Pump Slowed
Bit 2 = Pump Stopped
Bit 3 = Cycle Used
Bit 4 = TopOf Stroke
0 0 1 Bit 5 = PumpOff Alrm
Bit 6 = Pump Stable
Bit 7 = OW TrqLvl Hi
Bit 8 = OW TrqLvl Lo
Bit 9 = OW TrqLvl TO
Bits 10…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = Change Speed
0 0 2 1 = Always Stop
2 = Stop After 1
3 = Stop After 2

5.00 0.00 100.00 —

20.00 0.00 100.00 —

600.00 120.00 60000.00 —

0.0 0.0 32000.0 —

10.00 0.25 25.00 —

0 = Disable
0 0 1 1 = Enable

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ready
1 = Active
0 0 3 2 = Complete
3 = Error

100.0 0.0 200.0 —

640.0 16.0 2560.0 —
1.0 1.0 40.0 —
0.25 0.25 100.00 —

0 0 1 0 = Disable
1 = Enable

0 0 1 0 = Ready
1 = Active

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 -100.00 200.00 —
0.00 -100.00 200.00 —
0.00 -100.00 200.00 —
0 0 15000 —
0.00 0.00 50.00 —
0.00 0.00 60000.00 —

0.00 0.00 60000.00 —

0.00 0.00 65535.00 —

0.000 0.000 2880.000 —

0 0 159999.15 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 159999.15 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —

0 0 1 0 = Ignore
1 = Preset Spd1

See Settings: Bit 0 = TorqThreshHi (0)

(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 1 = TorqThreshLo (0)
(1) = On Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 0.0 60.0 —

0.0 0.0 10000000.0 —

0.0 0.0 600.0 —

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
0 0 6 3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop
6 = Resume

0.0 0.0 10000000.0 —

300.0 0.0 600.0 —

500.0 0.0 3000.0 —

0.0 0.0 199.0 —

20.00 0.25 200.00 —

0.0 0.0 600.0 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 0 5 2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 0 1 0 = DisableLogic
1 = Enable Logic

0 = LogicDisabld
0 0 1 1 = LogicEnabled

0 0 1 0 = DisableLogic
1 = Enable Logic

1 0 1 0 = Alarm
1 = Fault

0 = Fault
0 0 3 1 = Stop
2 = Zero Data
3 = Hold Last

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = DLX CmdSts1 (0)
Bit 1 = DLX CmdSts2 (0)
Bit 2 = DLX CmdSts3 (0)
Bit 3 = DLX CmdSts4 (0)
Bit 4 = DLX CmdSts5 (0)
Bit 5 = DLX CmdSts6 (0)
Bit 6 = DLX CmdSts7 (0)
Bit 7 = DLX CmdSts8 (0)
Bit 8 = DLX CmdSts9 (0)
Bit 9 = DLX CmdSts10 (0)
Bit 10 = DLX CmdSts11 (0)
Bit 11 = DLX CmdSts12 (0)
Bit 12 = DLX CmdSts13 (0)
Bit 13 = DLX CmdSts14 (0)
Bit 14 = DLX CmdSts15 (0)
See Settings: Bit 15 = DLX CmdSts16 (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 16 = Bit 16 (0)
(1) = On Bit 17 = Bit 17 (0)
Bit 18 = Bit 18 (0)
Bit 19 = Bit 19 (0)
Bit 20 = Bit 20 (0)
Bit 21 = Bit 21 (0)
Bit 22 = Bit 22 (0)
Bit 23 = Bit 23 (0)
Bit 24 = Bit 24 (0)
Bit 25 = Bit 25 (0)
Bit 26 = Bit 26 (0)
Bit 27 = Bit 27 (0)
Bit 28 = Bit 28 (0)
Bit 29 = Bit 29 (0)
Bit 30 = Bit 30 (0)
Bit 31 = Bit 31 (0)

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 0…Bit 31 (0)
(1) = On
See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 0…Bit 31 (0)
(1) = On
See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 0…Bit 31 (0)
(1) = On
See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 0…Bit 31 (0)
(1) = On

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 0 999 —

0 0 999 —

0 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

FW Version Read- Access
PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O

10.x 16-bits RW 1 Yes No No

10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No No

10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes Yes No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RW 0 No No No
10.x Real RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RW 0 No No No
10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RW 0 No No No
10.x Real RW 0 No No No
10.x Real RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RW 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes Yes No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No Yes

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No Yes

10.x Real RW 2 Yes No Yes

10.x Real RW 2 No No Yes

10.x Real RW 2 Yes No Yes

10.x Real RW 2 No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-bits RW 2 Yes No No

10.x 16-bits RW 2 No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-bits RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes Yes Yes

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes Yes Yes

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x 16-bits RW 2 Yes No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-bits RO 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No
10.x Real RO 1 Yes No No
10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RO 1 No No No
10.x Real RO 1 No No No
10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No Yes

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No
10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No No

10.x 16-bits RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

10.x Real RW 1 Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bits RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bits RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bits RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bits RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bits RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Integrated AFE Applicable to Low Harmonic Applicable to CBIs Applicable to AFE Bus
Drives (PF755TR)? Drives (PF755TL)? (PF755TM)? Supplies (PF755TM)?

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Frame 5-6 Applicable to Frame 6 Panel Applicable to Low Power
Panel Mount Drives Mount Bus Supplies Drives (755TS)?
(PF755TR and PF755TL)? (PF755TM)?

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

1 Output Frequency Monitor — Metering

2 Output Voltage Monitor — Metering

3 Output Current Monitor — Metering

4 Output Power Monitor — Metering
5 Output Pwr Factr Monitor — Metering
8 Torque Cur Fb Monitor — Metering
9 Flux Cur Fb Monitor — Metering

11 Motor Voltage Fb Monitor — Metering

13 DC Bus Memory Monitor — Metering

20 Rated Volts Monitor — Drive Data

21 Rated Amps Monitor — Drive Data

22 Rated kW Monitor — Drive Data

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

30 PsnVelTrq Mode A Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

31 PsnVelTrq Mode B Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

32 PsnVelTrq Mode C Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

33 PsnVelTrq Mode D Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

34 PsnVelTrq Actv Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

39 SLAT Err Stpt Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

40 SLAT Dwell Time Dynamic Control — Psn Vel Trq Mode

50 Start At PowerUp Dynamic Control — Start Config

52 PowerUp Delay Dynamic Control — Start Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

70 FlyingStart Mode Dynamic Control — Flying Start

71 FS Kp CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

72 FS Ki CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

73 FS VReg Kp CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

74 FS VReg Ki CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

75 FS ExciteKp CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

76 FS ExciteKi CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

77 FS RecntDly CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

78 FS Brk Lvl CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

79 FS Brk Time CEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

80 FSZSpdThreshCEMF Dynamic Control — Flying Start

85 FS ZSpdThreshSwp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

86 FS RecntDly Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

87 FS Brk Lvl Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

88 FS Brk Time Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

89 FS FreqSwpTm Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

90 FS VHz EndPt Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

91 FS VHz Fixed Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

92 FS InitVltKp Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

93 FS InitVltKi Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

94 FS Recvr Ki Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

95 FS VReg Kp Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

96 FS VReg Ki Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

97 FS SpdDetLvl Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

98 FS SpdDtcTim Swp Dynamic Control — Flying Start

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

110 Mtr Stop Mode A Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

111 Mtr Stop Mode B Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

116 Bus Reg Mode A Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

117 Bus Reg Mode B Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

118 Bus Reg Lvl Cfg Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

119 Bus Reg Level Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

120 Bus Reg Kp Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

121 Bus Reg Ki Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

122 Bus Limit Kp Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

123 Bus Limit Kd Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

124 Bus Limit ACR Kp Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

125 Bus Limit ACR Ki Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

130 DB Resistor Type Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

131 DB Ext Ohms Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

132 DB Ext Watts Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

133 DB ExtPulseWatts Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

138 Flux Braking En Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

139 Flux Braking Kp Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

140 Flux Braking Ki Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config
141 Flux Braking Lim Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

145 Stop Dwell Time Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

146 Zero Speed Limit Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

151 DC Brake Lvl Sel Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

152 DC Brake Level Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

153 DC Brake Time Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

154 DCBrk Cur Reg BW Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

163 Fast Braking Kp Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

164 Fast Braking Ki Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

165 Fast Brake Power Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

166 Fast Brake Freq Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

170 Dec Inhibit Actn Dynamic Control — StopDecel Config

200 Mtr OL Action Protection — Motor Overload

201 Mtr OL at Pwr Up Protection — Motor Overload

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

202 Mtr OL Alm Level Protection — Motor Overload

203 Mtr OL Factor Protection — Motor Overload

204 Mtr OL Hertz Protection — Motor Overload

205 Mtr OL Rst Level Protection — Motor Overload

206 Mtr OL Rst Time Protection — Motor Overload

207 Mtr OL Counts Protection — Motor Overload

208 Mtr OL Trip Time Protection — Motor Overload

209 Mtr Protn Class Protection — Motor Overload
210 Mtr HotStrtCoeff Protection — Motor Overload
211 Mtr Cooling Time Protection — Motor Overload

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

220 Drive OL Mode Protection — Load Limits

221 Current Lim Sel Protection — Load Limits

222 Current Limit 1 Protection — Load Limits

223 Current Limit 2 Protection — Load Limits

224 Active Cur Lim Protection — Load Limits

227 Current Rate Lim Protection — Load Limits

229 Regen Power Lim Protection — Load Limits

230 Motor Power Lim Protection — Load Limits

232 Current Limit Kp Protection — Load Limits

233 Current Limit Ki Protection — Load Limits

234 Current Limit Kd Protection — Load Limits

236 Id Lo FreqCur Kp Protection — Load Limits

237 Iq Lo FreqCur Kp Protection — Load Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

239 Jerk Gain Protection — Load Limits

241 Shear Pin Config Protection — Load Limits

242 Shear Pin 1 Actn Protection — Load Limits

243 Shear Pin1 Level Protection — Load Limits

244 Shear Pin 1 Time Protection — Load Limits

245 Shear Pin 2 Actn Protection — Load Limits

246 Shear Pin2 Level Protection — Load Limits

247 Shear Pin 2 Time Protection — Load Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

250 Load Loss Action Protection — Load Limits

251 Load Loss Level Protection — Load Limits

252 Load Loss Time Protection — Load Limits

253 Load Loss Speed Protection — Load Limits

256 OutPhaseLossActn Protection — Load Limits

257 OutPhaseLoss Lvl Protection — Load Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

270 Power Loss Actn Protection — Power Loss

271 Pwr Loss Mode A Protection — Power Loss

275 Pwr Loss Mode B Protection — Power Loss

272 Pwr Loss A Level Protection — Power Loss

276 Pwr Loss B Level Protection — Power Loss

273 Pwr Loss A Time Protection — Power Loss

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

277 Pwr Loss B Time Protection — Power Loss

279 PwrLoss RT BusKp Protection — Power Loss

280 PwrLoss RT BusKd Protection — Power Loss

281 PwrLoss RT ACRKp Protection — Power Loss

282 PwrLoss RT ACRKi Protection — Power Loss

285 UnderVltg Action Protection — Power Loss

286 UnderVltg Level Protection — Power Loss

289 InPhase LossActn Protection — Power Loss

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

290 InPhase Loss Lvl Protection — Power Loss

292 DC Bus Mem Reset Protection — Power Loss

260 IPM PwrLmt1 Protection — IPM Power Limit

261 IPM PwrLmt1 Vltg Protection — IPM Power Limit

262 IPM PwrLmt2 Protection — IPM Power Limit

263 IPM PwrLmt2 Vltg Protection — IPM Power Limit

265 IPM PwrLmt3 Vltg Protection — IPM Power Limit

350 VRef Source Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

351 M Start Inhibits Diagnostics — Status

352 MLastStrtInhibit Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

354 Motor Side Sts 1 Diagnostics — Status

355 Motor Side Sts 2 Diagnostics — Status

357 Drive OL Count Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

359 IGBT Temp Pct Diagnostics — Status

360 IGBT Temp Diagnostics — Status

362 Heatsnk Temp Pct Diagnostics — Status

363 Heatsnk Temp Diagnostics — Status

365 At Limit Status Diagnostics — Status

380 Testpoint Sel 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

383 Testpoint Sel 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

386 Testpoint Sel 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

389 Testpoint Sel 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

381 Testpoint REAL 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

384 Testpoint REAL 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

387 Testpoint REAL 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

390 Testpoint REAL 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

382 Testpoint DINT 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

385 Testpoint DINT 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

388 Testpoint DINT 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

391 Testpoint DINT 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

460 Condition Sts A Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

461 Fault Status A Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

462 Fault Status B Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

465 Alarm Status A Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

466 Alarm Status B Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

467 Type 2 Alarms Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

400 Motor NP Volts Electrical — Motor Data

401 Motor NP Amps Electrical — Motor Data

402 Motor NP Hertz Electrical — Motor Data

403 Motor NP RPM Electrical — Motor Data

404 Mtr NP Sync Spd Electrical — Motor Data

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

405 Mtr NP Pwr Units Electrical — Motor Data

406 Motor NP Power Electrical — Motor Data

407 Motor Poles Electrical — Motor Data

420 Mtr Cfg Options Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

421 Maximum Voltage Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

425 PWM Frequency Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

426 PWM Freq Act Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

428 Bus Utilization Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

429 PWM Trans Freq Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

431 FluxUpTm C/U Sel Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

432 c FluxUpTime Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

433 u FluxUpTime Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

435 Flux Down Kp Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

436 Flux Down Ki Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

439 Stability Filter Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

440 Stab Volt Gain Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

441 Stab Angle Gain Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

445 VCL CReg BW Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

450 VCL CReg Damping Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

451 DeadTimeCompAmps Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

452 Dead Time Comp Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

453 DC Offset Ctrl Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

455 SVC Boost Filter Electrical — Mtr Ctrl Config

480 Start Acc Boost Electrical — Volts per Hertz

481 Run Boost Electrical — Volts per Hertz

483 Break Voltage Electrical — Volts per Hertz

484 Break Frequency Electrical — Volts per Hertz

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

486 VHz Curve Electrical — Volts per Hertz

491 Slip Comp LPF BW Electrical — Volts per Hertz

500 Econ At Ref Ki Electrical — Economize Config

501 Econ AccDec Kp Electrical — Economize Config

502 Econ AccDec Ki Electrical — Economize Config

489 c Slip RPM atFLA Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

490 u Slip RPM atFLA Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

510 MtrParam C/U Sel Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

511 c IM Stator Res Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

512 u IM Stator Res Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

514 c IM Leakage L Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

515 u IM Leakage L Electrical — Ind Mtr Config
517 c Flux Cur Ref Electrical — Ind Mtr Config
518 u Flux Cur Ref Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

520 c EncLs AngCmp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

521 u EncLs AngCmp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

523 c IM StatResComp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config
524 u IM StatResComp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

526 VEncdls FReg Kp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

527 VEncdls FReg Ki Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

530 Slip Reg Enable Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

531 Slip Reg Kp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

532 Slip Reg Ki Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

535 Flux Reg Enable Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

536 Flux Reg Kp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

537 Flux Reg Ki Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

540 Phase Delay Comp Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

542 Trq Adapt Speed Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

543 Trq Adapt En Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

546 Trq Comp Mtring Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

547 Trq Comp Regen Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

549 Slip Adapt Iqs Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

550 SFAdapt SlewLim Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

551 SFAdapt SlewRate Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

552 SFAdapt CnvrgLvl Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

553 SFAdapt CnvrgLim Electrical — Ind Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

580 PM Config Electrical — PM Mtr Config

582 PM Pri Fb Offset Electrical — PM Mtr Config

585 PM Alt Fb Offset Electrical — PM Mtr Config

587 PM OfstTst Cur Electrical — PM Mtr Config

588 PM OfstTst CRamp Electrical — PM Mtr Config

589 PM OfstTst FRamp Electrical — PM Mtr Config

593 PM Vqs Reg Kp Electrical — PM Mtr Config

594 PM Vqs Reg Ki Electrical — PM Mtr Config

595 PM Trq Adapt Spd Electrical — PM Mtr Config

596 IPM Vel Fb HPF Electrical — PM Mtr Config

597 IPM Vel Est Filt Electrical — PM Mtr Config

598 IPM Vel Est KpLo Electrical — PM Mtr Config

599 IPM Vel Est Ki Electrical — PM Mtr Config

600 IPM Vel EstKiAdj Electrical — PM Mtr Config

601 IPM Vel Est KpHi Electrical — PM Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

602 IPM Tran PWM Electrical — PM Mtr Config

603 IPM Tran PWMHyst Electrical — PM Mtr Config

604 IPM Tran Mode Electrical — PM Mtr Config

605 IPM Tran ModHyst Electrical — PM Mtr Config

606 IPM Tran Filt Lo Electrical — PM Mtr Config

607 IPM Tran Filt Hi Electrical — PM Mtr Config

608 IPM Tran Angle Electrical — PM Mtr Config

611 PM Lq Cmd BW Electrical — PM Mtr Config

612 PM Stc OfsTest K Electrical — PM Mtr Config
613 c PM CEMF Vltg Electrical — PM Mtr Config

614 u PM CEMF Vltg Electrical — PM Mtr Config

619 c PM Stator Res Electrical — PM Mtr Config

620 u PM Stator Res Electrical — PM Mtr Config

626 c PM Ld at 0 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

627 u PM Ld at 0 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

628 c PM Ld at 100 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

629 u PM Ld at 100 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

636 c PM Lq at 25 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

637 u PM Lq at 25 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

638 c PM Lq at 50 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

639 u PM Lq at 50 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

640 c PM Lq at 75 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

641 u PM Lq at 75 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

642 c PM Lq at 100 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

643 u PM Lq at 100 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

644 c PM Lq at 125 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

645 u PM Lq at 125 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

646 c PM Lq at 150 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

647 u PM Lq at 150 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

648 c PM Lq at 175 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

649 u PM Lq at 175 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

650 c PM Lq at 200 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

651 u PM Lq at 200 Electrical — PM Mtr Config

684 IPM PriOfstCom Electrical — PM Mtr Config

688 IPM AltOfstCom Electrical — PM Mtr Config

691 PM Bus Prot Electrical — PM Mtr Config

693 PM Vq FF CEMF Electrical — PM Mtr Config

694 PM Vq FF LdIdWe Electrical — PM Mtr Config

695 PM Vd FF LqIqWe Electrical — PM Mtr Config

698 PM Max Cur Electrical — PM Mtr Config

699 PM Vel Max Electrical — PM Mtr Config

702 PM TrqTrim Kp Electrical — PM Mtr Config

703 PM TrqTrim Ki Electrical — PM Mtr Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

704 PM TrqTrim LLim Electrical — PM Mtr Config
705 PM TrqTrim HLim Electrical — PM Mtr Config
730 c SynR StatorRes Electrical — SynR Mtr Cfg

731 u SynR StatorRes Electrical — SynR Mtr Cfg

732 c SynR Lq at 100 Electrical — SynR Mtr Cfg

733 u SynR Lq at 100 Electrical — SynR Mtr Cfg

770 IdComp Enble Electrical — Id Compensation

771 IdComp Mtrng1 Electrical — Id Compensation

772 IdComp Mtrng1 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

773 IdComp Mtrng2 Electrical — Id Compensation

774 IdComp Mtrng2 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

775 IdComp Mtrng3 Electrical — Id Compensation

776 IdComp Mtrng3 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

777 IdComp Mtrng4 Electrical — Id Compensation

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

778 IdComp Mtrng4 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

779 IdComp Mtrng5 Electrical — Id Compensation

780 IdComp Mtrng5 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

781 IdComp Mtrng6 Electrical — Id Compensation

782 IdComp Mtrng6 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

791 IdComp Regen1 Electrical — Id Compensation

792 IdComp Regen1 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

793 IdComp Regen2 Electrical — Id Compensation

794 IdComp Regen2 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

795 IdComp Regen3 Electrical — Id Compensation

796 IdComp Regen3 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

797 IdComp Regen4 Electrical — Id Compensation

798 IdComp Regen4 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

799 IdComp Regen5 Electrical — Id Compensation

800 IdComp Regen5 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

801 IdComp Regen6 Electrical — Id Compensation

802 IdComp Regen6 Iq Electrical — Id Compensation

820 VB Config Electrical — Variable Boost

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

821 VB Status Electrical — Variable Boost

822 VB Voltage Electrical — Variable Boost

823 VB Time Electrical — Variable Boost

824 VB Minimum Electrical — Variable Boost

825 VB Maximum Electrical — Variable Boost

826 VB Accel Rate Electrical — Variable Boost

827 VB Decel Rate Electrical — Variable Boost

828 VB Frequency Electrical — Variable Boost

829 VB Freq Min Electrical — Variable Boost

830 VB Flux Thresh Electrical — Variable Boost

831 VB Flux Lag Freq Electrical — Variable Boost

832 VB Flux Cur Filt Electrical — Variable Boost

833 VB Current Rate Electrical — Variable Boost

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

834 VB Current Hyst Electrical — Variable Boost

835 VB Cur Thresh Electrical — Variable Boost

836 VB Rate Lag Freq Electrical — Variable Boost

900 Motor Inertia System Electrical System Tuning

901 Load Ratio System — System Tuning

902 Load Coupling System — System Tuning

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

905 System C/U Sel System — System Tuning

906 System BW System — System Tuning

907 System Damping System — System Tuning

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

910 Autotune System — System Tuning

911 Autotune Psn Lim System — System Tuning

912 Autotune Vel Lim System — System Tuning

913 Autotune Trq Lim System — System Tuning

930 Direction Mode System — System Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

931 Ref Move Type System — System Ref

932 RefEnergyBalance System — System Ref

933 Ref Time Base System — System Ref

934 Ref Accel Time System — System Ref

935 Ref Decel Time System — System Ref

936 Ref Max Accel System — System Ref

937 Ref Max Decel System — System Ref

938 Ref Max AccJerk System — System Ref

939 Ref Max DecJerk System — System Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

941 Ref Fault Config System — System Ref

942 Ref NF1 Freq System — System Ref

943 Ref NF1 Width System — System Ref

944 Ref NF1 Depth System — System Ref

945 Ref NF1 Gain System — System Ref

948 Ref NF2 Freq System — System Ref

949 Ref NF2 Width System — System Ref

950 Ref NF2 Depth System — System Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

951 Ref NF2 Gain System — System Ref

954 Ref NF1 Freq Act System — System Ref

956 RefNF1 Depth Act System — System Ref

957 Ref NF1 Gain Act System — System Ref

966 Crane Length 1 System — System Ref

1000 Pri Vel Fb Sel Feedback — Feedback Config

1001 Vel Fb Taps Feedback — Feedback Config

1002 c Vel Fb LPF BW Feedback — Feedback Config

1003 u Vel Fb LPF BW Feedback — Feedback Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1004 c Vel Fb LPF Gn Feedback — Feedback Config

1005 u Vel Fb LPF Gn Feedback — Feedback Config

1006 Alt Vel Fb Sel Feedback — Feedback Config

1007 Alt Vel Fb Taps Feedback — Feedback Config

1008 c AltVelFbLPF BW Feedback — Feedback Config

1009 u AltVelFbLPF BW Feedback — Feedback Config

1010 Alt Fb GnScale Feedback — Feedback Config

1012 Alt PReg Fb Sel Feedback — Feedback Config

1013 PReg Fb Sel Feedback — Feedback Config

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1014 Load Psn Fb Sel Feedback — Feedback Config

1015 Load Psn Fb Mult Feedback — Feedback Config

1016 Load Psn Fb Div Feedback — Feedback Config

1017 Virtual EncDelay Feedback — Feedback Config

1018 Virtual Enc EPR Feedback — Feedback Config

1019 Fb Loss Action Feedback — Feedback Config

1021 c AltVelFbLPF Gn Feedback — Feedback Config

1022 u AltVelFbLPF Gn Feedback — Feedback Config

1040 Pri Vel Feedback Feedback — Feedback Status

1041 Alt Vel Feedback Feedback — Feedback Status

1042 Vel Fb Active Feedback — Feedback Status

1044 Motor Vel Fb Feedback Monitor Feedback Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1046 Virtual Enc Psn Feedback — Feedback Status

1048 Open Loop Fb Feedback — Feedback Status

1050 Simulator Fb Feedback — Feedback Status

1060 SO Config Feedback — Spindle Orient

1061 SO Status Feedback — Spindle Orient

1062 SO Setpoint Feedback — Spindle Orient

1063 SO Offset Feedback — Spindle Orient

1064 SO EPR Input Feedback — Spindle Orient

1065 SO Rvls Input Feedback — Spindle Orient

1066 SO Rvls Output Feedback — Spindle Orient

1067 SO Cnts per Rvls Feedback — Spindle Orient

1068 SO Unit Scale Feedback — Spindle Orient

1069 SO Position Out Feedback — Spindle Orient

1070 SO Unit Out Feedback — Spindle Orient
1071 SO Accel Time Feedback — Spindle Orient
1072 SO Decel Time Feedback — Spindle Orient
1073 SO Vel Lim Fwd Feedback — Spindle Orient

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1074 SO Vel Lim Rev Feedback — Spindle Orient

1080 Roll Psn Config Feedback — Roll Position

1081 Roll Psn Status Feedback — Roll Position

1082 RP Psn Fb Sel Feedback — Roll Position

1083 RP Psn Fb Stpt Feedback — Roll Position

1084 Roll Psn Preset Feedback — Roll Position

1085 Roll Psn Offset Feedback — Roll Position

1086 RP EPR Input Feedback — Roll Position

1087 RP Rvls Input Feedback — Roll Position

1088 RP Rvls Output Feedback — Roll Position

1089 RP Unwind Feedback — Roll Position

1090 RP Psn Output Feedback — Roll Position
1091 RP Unit Scale Feedback — Roll Position

1092 RP Unit Out Feedback — Roll Position

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1200 Profile Status Position — Profiler Indexer

1201 Units Traveled Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1202 Profile Command Position — Profiler Indexer

1203 Counts Per Unit Position — Profiler Indexer

1204 ProfVel Override Position — Profiler Indexer

1205 Step 1 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1206 Step 1 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1207 Step 1 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1208 Step 1 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1209 Step 1 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1210 Step 1 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1211 Step 1 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1212 Step 1 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1213 Step 1 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1214 S1 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1215 S1 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1216 Step 2 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1227 Step 3 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1238 Step 4 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1249 Step 5 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1260 Step 6 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1271 Step 7 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1282 Step 8 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1293 Step 9 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1304 Step 10 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1315 Step 11 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1326 Step 12 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1337 Step 13 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1348 Step 14 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1359 Step 15 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1370 Step 16 Type Position — Profiler Indexer

1217 Step 2 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1228 Step 3 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1239 Step 4 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1250 Step 5 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1261 Step 6 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1272 Step 7 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1283 Step 8 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1294 Step 9 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1305 Step 10 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1316 Step 11 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1327 Step 12 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1338 Step 13 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1360 Step 15 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1371 Step 16 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1218 Step 2 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1229 Step 3 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1240 Step 4 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1251 Step 5 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1262 Step 6 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1273 Step 7 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1284 Step 8 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1295 Step 9 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1306 Step 10 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1317 Step 11 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1328 Step 12 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1339 Step 13 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1350 Step 14 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1361 Step 15 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1372 Step 16 Accel Position — Profiler Indexer

1219 Step 2 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1230 Step 3 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1241 Step 4 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1252 Step 5 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1263 Step 6 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1274 Step 7 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1285 Step 8 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1296 Step 9 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1307 Step 10 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1318 Step 11 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1329 Step 12 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1340 Step 13 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1351 Step 14 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1362 Step 15 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

1373 Step 16 Decel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1220 Step 2 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1231 Step 3 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1242 Step 4 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1253 Step 5 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1264 Step 6 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1275 Step 7 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1286 Step 8 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1297 Step 9 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1308 Step 10 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1319 Step 11 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1330 Step 12 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1341 Step 13 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1352 Step 14 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1363 Step 15 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1374 Step 16 Value Position — Profiler Indexer

1221 Step 2 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1232 Step 3 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1243 Step 4 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1254 Step 5 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1265 Step 6 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1276 Step 7 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1287 Step 8 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1298 Step 9 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1309 Step 10 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1320 Step 11 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1331 Step 12 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1342 Step 13 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1353 Step 14 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1364 Step 15 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1375 Step 16 Dwell Position — Profiler Indexer

1222 Step 2 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1233 Step 3 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1244 Step 4 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1255 Step 5 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1266 Step 6 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1277 Step 7 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1288 Step 8 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1299 Step 9 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1310 Step 10 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1321 Step 11 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1332 Step 12 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1343 Step 13 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1354 Step 14 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1365 Step 15 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1376 Step 16 Batch Position — Profiler Indexer

1223 Step 2 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1234 Step 3 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1245 Step 4 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1256 Step 5 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1267 Step 6 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1278 Step 7 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1289 Step 8 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1300 Step 9 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1311 Step 10 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1322 Step 11 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1333 Step 12 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1344 Step 13 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1355 Step 14 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1366 Step 15 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

1377 Step 16 Next Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1224 Step 2 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1235 Step 3 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1246 Step 4 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1257 Step 5 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1268 Step 6 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1279 Step 7 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1290 Step 8 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1301 Step 9 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1312 Step 10 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1323 Step 11 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1334 Step 12 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1345 Step 13 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1356 Step 14 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1367 Step 15 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1378 Step 16 Action Position — Profiler Indexer

1349 Step 14 Velocity Position — Profiler Indexer

1225 S2 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1236 S3 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1247 S4 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1258 S5 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1269 S6 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1280 S7 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1291 S8 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1302 S9 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1313 S10 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1324 S11 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1335 S12 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1346 S13 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1357 S14 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1368 S15 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1379 S16 Blend P1 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1226 S2 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1237 S3 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1248 S4 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1259 S5 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1270 S6 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1281 S7 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1292 S8 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1303 S9 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1314 S10 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1325 S11 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1336 S12 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1347 S13 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1358 S14 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1369 S15 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1419 S16 Blend P2 Sel Position — Profiler Indexer

1380 PTP PRef Status Position — PTP Planner

1381 PTP Control Position — PTP Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1382 PTP Mode Position — PTP Planner

1383 PTP Ref Sel Position — PTP Planner

1384 PTP Setpoint Position — PTP Planner

1385 PTP Ref Scale Position — PTP Planner

1386 PTP Index Preset Position — PTP Planner

1388 PTP EGR Mult Position — PTP Planner

1389 PTP EGR Div Position — PTP Planner

1391 PTP Command Position — PTP Planner

1392 Max Speed Fwd Position — PTP Planner

1393 Max Speed Rev Position — PTP Planner

1396 PTP Feedback Position — PTP Planner

1398 PTP Accel Time Position — PTP Planner

1399 PTP Decel Time Position — PTP Planner

1402 PTP Vel Override Position — PTP Planner

1403 PTP S Curve Position — PTP Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1404 PTP Reference Position — PTP Planner

1405 PTP VRef Fwd Position — PTP Planner

1406 PTP Vel Max Position — PTP Planner

1407 PTP Accel Max Position — PTP Planner

1408 PTP Decel Max Position — PTP Planner

1409 PTP Move Time Position — PTP Planner

1410 PTP Move Status Position — PTP Planner

1411 PTP Move Seg Position — PTP Planner

1420 PCAM Type Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1421 PCAM Control Position — PCam Planner

1422 PCAM Mode Position — PCam Planner

1423 PCAM Status Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1425 PCAM Start Cfg Position — PCam Planner

1426 PCAM Psn Select Position — PCam Planner

1427 PCAM Psn Stpt Position — PCam Planner

1428 PCAM Psn Ofst Position — PCam Planner

1429 PCAM PsnOfst EPS Position — PCam Planner

1434 PCAM Master Scl Position — PCam Planner

1435 PCAM SlaveSclSel Position — PCam Planner

1436 PCAM Slave Scale Position — PCam Planner

1437 PCAM Vel SclSel Position — PCam Planner

1438 PCAM Vel Scale Position — PCam Planner

1442 PCAM Start Slope Position — PCam Planner

1443 PCAM End Slope Position — PCam Planner

1444 PCAM Main EndPnt Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1445 PCAM Main Types Position — PCam Planner

1446 PCAM Main Pt M00 Position — PCam Planner

1447 PCAM Main Pt M01 Position — PCam Planner

1448 PCAM Main Pt M02 Position — PCam Planner

1449 PCAM Main Pt M03 Position — PCam Planner

1450 PCAM Main Pt M04 Position — PCam Planner

1451 PCAM Main Pt M05 Position — PCam Planner

1452 PCAM Main Pt M06 Position — PCam Planner

1453 PCAM Main Pt M07 Position — PCam Planner

1454 PCAM Main Pt M08 Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1455 PCAM Main Pt M09 Position — PCam Planner

1456 PCAM Main Pt M10 Position — PCam Planner

1457 PCAM Main Pt M11 Position — PCam Planner

1458 PCAM Main Pt M12 Position — PCam Planner

1459 PCAM Main Pt M13 Position — PCam Planner

1460 PCAM Main Pt M14 Position — PCam Planner

1461 PCAM Main Pt M15 Position — PCam Planner

1478 PCAM Main Pt S00 Position — PCam Planner

1479 PCAM Main Pt S01 Position — PCam Planner

1480 PCAM Main Pt S02 Position — PCam Planner

1481 PCAM Main Pt S03 Position — PCam Planner

1482 PCAM Main Pt S04 Position — PCam Planner

1483 PCAM Main Pt S05 Position — PCam Planner

1484 PCAM Main Pt S06 Position — PCam Planner

1485 PCAM Main Pt S07 Position — PCam Planner

1486 PCAM Main Pt S08 Position — PCam Planner

1487 PCAM Main Pt S09 Position — PCam Planner

1488 PCAM Main Pt S10 Position — PCam Planner

1489 PCAM Main Pt S11 Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1490 PCAM Main Pt S12 Position — PCam Planner

1491 PCAM Main Pt S13 Position — PCam Planner

1492 PCAM Main Pt S14 Position — PCam Planner

1493 PCAM Main Pt S15 Position — PCam Planner

1510 PCAM Aux End Pnt Position — PCam Planner

1511 PCAM Aux Types Position — PCam Planner

1512 PCAM Aux Pt M01 Position — PCam Planner

1513 PCAM Aux Pt M02 Position — PCam Planner

1514 PCAM Aux Pt M03 Position — PCam Planner

1515 PCAM Aux Pt M04 Position — PCam Planner

1516 PCAM Aux Pt M05 Position — PCam Planner

1517 PCAM Aux Pt M06 Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1518 PCAM Aux Pt M07 Position — PCam Planner

1519 PCAM Aux Pt M08 Position — PCam Planner

1520 PCAM Aux Pt M09 Position — PCam Planner

1521 PCAM Aux Pt M10 Position — PCam Planner

1522 PCAM Aux Pt M11 Position — PCam Planner

1523 PCAM Aux Pt M12 Position — PCam Planner

1524 PCAM Aux Pt M13 Position — PCam Planner

1525 PCAM Aux Pt M14 Position — PCam Planner

1526 PCAM Aux Pt M15 Position — PCam Planner

1543 PCAM Aux Pt S01 Position — PCam Planner

1544 PCAM Aux Pt S02 Position — PCam Planner

1545 PCAM Aux Pt S03 Position — PCam Planner

1546 PCAM Aux Pt S04 Position — PCam Planner

1547 PCAM Aux Pt S05 Position — PCam Planner

1548 PCAM Aux Pt S06 Position — PCam Planner

1549 PCAM Aux Pt S07 Position — PCam Planner

1550 PCAM Aux Pt S08 Position — PCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1551 PCAM Aux Pt S09 Position — PCam Planner

1552 PCAM Aux Pt S10 Position — PCam Planner

1553 PCAM Aux Pt S11 Position — PCam Planner

1554 PCAM Aux Pt S12 Position — PCam Planner

1555 PCAM Aux Pt S13 Position — PCam Planner

1556 PCAM Aux Pt S14 Position — PCam Planner

1557 PCAM Aux Pt S15 Position — PCam Planner

1574 PCAM Psn Out Position — PCam Planner

1575 PCAM Vel Out Position — PCam Planner

1576 PCAM Vel OutTaps Position — PCam Planner

1590 PLL Ctrl Options Position — PLL Planner

1591 PLL Ext Vel Sel Position — PLL Planner

1592 PLL Ext Vel Stpt Position — PLL Planner

1593 PLL Ext VelScale Position — PLL Planner

1595 PLL PRef Sel Position — PLL Planner

1596 PLL Psn Stpt Position — PLL Planner

1597 PLL Psn Out Fltr Position — PLL Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1598 PLL LPF BW Position — PLL Planner

1600 PLL BW Position — PLL Planner

1604 PLL Virt Enc RPM Position — PLL Planner

1606 PLL EPR Input Position — PLL Planner

1607 PLL EPR Output Position — PLL Planner

1609 PLL Rvls Input Position — PLL Planner

1610 PLL Rvls Output Position — PLL Planner

1612 PLL Vel Out Position — PLL Planner

1613 PLL Vel Out Adv Position — PLL Planner

1615 PLL Enc Out Position — PLL Planner

1616 PLL Enc Out Adv Position — PLL Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1640 Home Ctrl Opts Position — Position Homing

1641 Home Status Position — Position Homing

1643 Find Home Speed Position — Position Homing

1644 Find Home Ramp Position — Position Homing
1647 Home Psn Actual Position — Position Homing

1648 Home Psn User Position — Position Homing

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1649 Home Torq Thresh Position — Position Homing

1650 Home Torq Limit Position — Position Homing

1651 Home Torq Time Position — Position Homing

1652 Home Offset Position — Position Homing

1653 Home Return Spd Position — Position Homing

1654 Home Accel Position — Position Homing

1655 Home Decel Position — Position Homing
1681 PRef Select Position — Position Ref

1682 Psn Direct Stpt Position — Position Ref

1683 PRef Direct Position — Position Ref

1684 PRef Selected Position — Position Ref

1686 PRef EGR Out Position — Position Ref

1687 Psn EGR Mult Position — Position Ref

1688 Psn EGR Div Position — Position Ref

1690 Psn Offset 1 Sel Position — Position Ref

1691 Psn Offset 1 Position — Position Ref

1693 Psn Offset 2 Sel Position — Position Ref

1694 Psn Offset 2 Position — Position Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1695 Psn Offset Vel Position — Position Ref

1697 Zero Position Position — Position Ref

1730 Psn Ctrl Options Position — Position Reg

1731 Position Command Position — Position Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1732 PReg Status Position — Position Reg

1734 In PosPsn Window Position — Position Reg

1735 In PosPsn Dwell Position — Position Reg

1737 PsnWatch1 Select Position — Position Reg

1738 PsnWatch1 DtctIn Position — Position Reg

1739 PsnWatch1 Stpt Position — Position Reg

1741 PsnWatch2 Select Position — Position Reg

1742 PsnWatch2 DtctIn Position — Position Reg

1743 PsnWatch2 Stpt Position — Position Reg

1745 Position Actual Position — Position Reg

1746 Position Fb Position — Position Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1747 Psn Actual Units Position — Position Reg

1748 Psn Load Actual Position — Position Reg

1750 Position Error Position — Position Reg

1752 Psn Gear Ratio Position — Position Reg

1754 c PReg Kp Position — Position Reg

1755 u PReg Kp Position — Position Reg

1756 c PReg Ki Position — Position Reg

1757 u PReg Ki Position — Position Reg

1760 c Vel FF Gain Position — Position Reg

1761 u Vel FF Gain Position — Position Reg

1763 PReg Droop Position — Position Reg

1765 PReg Int Out Position — Position Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1766 PReg Vel Lim Pos Position — Position Reg

1767 PReg Vel Out Position — Position Reg

1768 PReg Vel Lim Neg Position — Position Reg

1769 Pri Position Fb Position — Position Reg

1770 Alt Position Fb Position — Position Reg

1800 VRef A Sel Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1801 VRef A Stpt Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1802 VRef A AnlgHi Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1803 VRef A AnlgLo Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1804 VRef A Mult Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1807 VRef B Sel Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1808 VRef B Stpt Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1809 VRef B AnlgHi Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1810 VRef B AnlgLo Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1811 VRef B Mult Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1814 Preset Speed 1 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1815 Preset Speed 2 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1816 Preset Speed 3 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1817 Preset Speed 4 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1818 Preset Speed 5 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1819 Preset Speed 6 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1820 Preset Speed 7 Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1823 MOP Reference Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1824 MOP Ref Save Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1825 MOP Rate Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1826 MOP Limit High Velocity — Vel Ref Sel
1827 MOP Limit Low Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1828 MOP Init Select Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1829 MOP Init Stpt Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1832 Enc VRef Sel Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1833 Enc VRef Taps Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1834 Enc VRef Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1835 Alt Man Ref Sel Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1836 Alt Man Ref AnHi Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1837 Alt Man Ref AnLo Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1840 ManRef DI AnlgHi Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1841 ManRef DI AnlgLo Velocity — Vel Ref Sel

1850 RefA TrmPct Sel Velocity — Vel Trim

1851 RefA TrmPct Stpt Velocity — Vel Trim

1852 RefA TrmPct AnHi Velocity — Vel Trim

1853 RefA TrmPct AnLo Velocity — Vel Trim

1855 RefA Trim Sel Velocity — Vel Trim

1856 RefA Trim Stpt Velocity — Vel Trim

1857 RefA Trim AnHi Velocity — Vel Trim

1858 RefA Trim AnLo Velocity — Vel Trim

1860 RefB TrmPct Sel Velocity — Vel Trim

1861 RefB TrmPct Stpt Velocity — Vel Trim

1862 RefB TrmPct AnHi Velocity — Vel Trim

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1863 RefB TrmPct AnLo Velocity — Vel Trim

1865 RefB Trim Sel Velocity — Vel Trim

1866 RefB Trim Stpt Velocity — Vel Trim

1867 RefB Trim AnHi Velocity — Vel Trim

1868 RefB Trim AnLo Velocity — Vel Trim

1870 VelTrimPctRefSrc Velocity — Vel Trim

1871 Vel Trim Source Velocity — Vel Trim

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1890 VRef Sel Sts Velocity — Velocity Ref

1892 VRef Selected Velocity — Velocity Ref

1894 Jog Speed 1 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1895 Jog Speed 2 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1896 Jog Acc Dec Time Velocity — Velocity Ref

1898 Vel Limit Pos Velocity — Velocity Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1899 Vel Limit Neg Velocity — Velocity Ref

1900 Vel Low Lim Pos Velocity — Velocity Ref

1901 Vel Low Lim Neg Velocity — Velocity Ref

1904 Overspeed Limit Velocity — Velocity Ref

1906 VRef Limited Velocity — Velocity Ref

1908 Skip Speed 1 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1909 Skip Speed 2 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1910 Skip Speed 3 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1911 Skip Speed Band Velocity — Velocity Ref

1914 VRef Commanded Velocity Monitor Velocity Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1915 VRef Accel Time1 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1916 VRef Accel Time2 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1917 VRef Decel Time1 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1918 VRef Decel Time2 Velocity — Velocity Ref

1919 VRef Accel Jerk Velocity — Velocity Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1920 VRef Decel Jerk Velocity — Velocity Ref

1921 Accel Limit Actn Velocity — Velocity Ref

1922 Decel Limit Actn Velocity — Velocity Ref

1923 VRef Ramped Velocity — Velocity Ref

1924 VRef Delayed Velocity — Velocity Ref

1925 VRef Filtered Velocity — Velocity Ref

1927 Vel Comp Sel Velocity — Velocity Ref

1928 c Vel Comp Gain Velocity — Velocity Ref

1929 u Vel Comp Gain Velocity — Velocity Ref

1930 Vel Comp Out Velocity — Velocity Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1931 FF Vel Rate Ref Velocity — Velocity Ref

1932 VRef Scale Velocity — Velocity Ref

1933 VRef Final Velocity — Velocity Ref

1934 VRef Accel Max Velocity — Velocity Ref

1935 VRef AccJerk Max Velocity — Velocity Ref

1936 VRef DecJerk Max Velocity — Velocity Ref

1937 VRef Move Time Velocity — Velocity Ref

1938 VRef Move Status Velocity — Velocity Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1939 VRef Move Seg Velocity — Velocity Ref

1950 Vel Ctrl Options Velocity — Velocity Reg

1951 Velocity Error Velocity — Velocity Reg

1952 Servo Lock Gain Velocity — Velocity Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1953 VReg Anti Backup Velocity — Velocity Reg

1954 ServoLkGn DclHld Velocity — Velocity Reg

1955 c VReg Kp Velocity — Velocity Reg

1956 u VReg Kp Velocity — Velocity Reg

1957 c VReg Ki Velocity — Velocity Reg

1958 u VReg Ki Velocity — Velocity Reg

1959 c Alt Kvi OL Fb Velocity — Velocity Reg

1960 u Alt Kvi OL Fb Velocity — Velocity Reg

1961 Droop RPM at FLA Velocity — Velocity Reg

1962 VReg Int Out Velocity — Velocity Reg

1965 Accel Limit Pos Velocity — Velocity Reg

1966 Accel Limit Neg Velocity — Velocity Reg

1969 VReg Output Velocity — Velocity Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1972 Accel FF Mode Velocity — Velocity Reg

1973 c Accel FF Gain Velocity — Velocity Reg

1974 u Accel FF Gain Velocity — Velocity Reg

1975 Accel FF GainNeg Velocity — Velocity Reg

1978 Ext Ramped Ref Velocity Torque Velocity Reg

1980 VReg Trq Preset Velocity — Velocity Reg

2200 VCAM Type Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2201 VCAM Control Velocity — VCam Planner

2202 VCAM Mode Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2203 VCAM Status Velocity — VCam Planner

2205 VCam Start Cfg Velocity — VCam Planner

2206 VCAM Psn Select Velocity — VCam Planner

2207 VCAM Psn Stpt Velocity — VCam Planner

2208 VCAM Psn Ofst Velocity — VCam Planner

2209 VCAM PsnOfst EPS Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2210 VCAM Vel Select Velocity — VCam Planner

2211 VCAM Vel Stpt Velocity — VCam Planner

2214 VCAM Master Scl Velocity — VCam Planner

2215 VCAM SlaveSclSel Velocity — VCam Planner

2216 VCAM Slave Scale Velocity — VCam Planner

2222 VCAM Start Slope Velocity — VCam Planner

2223 VCAM End Slope Velocity — VCam Planner

2224 VCAM Main End Pt Velocity — VCam Planner

2225 VCAM Main Types Velocity — VCam Planner

2226 VCAM Main Pt M00 Velocity — VCam Planner

2227 VCAM Main Pt M01 Velocity — VCam Planner

2228 VCAM Main Pt M02 Velocity — VCam Planner

2229 VCAM Main Pt M03 Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2230 VCAM Main Pt M04 Velocity — VCam Planner

2231 VCAM Main Pt M05 Velocity — VCam Planner

2232 VCAM Main Pt M06 Velocity — VCam Planner

2233 VCAM Main Pt M07 Velocity — VCam Planner

2234 VCAM Main Pt M08 Velocity — VCam Planner

2235 VCAM Main Pt M09 Velocity — VCam Planner

2236 VCAM Main Pt M10 Velocity — VCam Planner

2237 VCAM Main Pt M11 Velocity — VCam Planner

2238 VCAM Main Pt M12 Velocity — VCam Planner

2239 VCAM Main Pt M13 Velocity — VCam Planner

2240 VCAM Main Pt M14 Velocity — VCam Planner

2241 VCAM Main Pt M15 Velocity — VCam Planner

2258 VCAM Main Pt S00 Velocity — VCam Planner

2259 VCAM Main Pt S01 Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2260 VCAM Main Pt S02 Velocity — VCam Planner

2261 VCAM Main Pt S03 Velocity — VCam Planner

2262 VCAM Main Pt S04 Velocity — VCam Planner

2263 VCAM Main Pt S05 Velocity — VCam Planner

2264 VCAM Main Pt S06 Velocity — VCam Planner

2265 VCAM Main Pt S07 Velocity — VCam Planner

2266 VCAM Main Pt S08 Velocity — VCam Planner

2267 VCAM Main Pt S09 Velocity — VCam Planner

2268 VCAM Main Pt S10 Velocity — VCam Planner

2269 VCAM Main Pt S11 Velocity — VCam Planner

2270 VCAM Main Pt S12 Velocity — VCam Planner

2271 VCAM Main Pt S13 Velocity — VCam Planner

2272 VCAM Main Pt S14 Velocity — VCam Planner

2273 VCAM Main Pt S15 Velocity — VCam Planner

2290 VCAM Aux End Pt Velocity — VCam Planner

2291 VCAM Aux Types Velocity — VCam Planner

2292 VCAM Aux Pt M01 Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2293 VCAM Aux Pt M02 Velocity — VCam Planner

2294 VCAM Aux Pt M03 Velocity — VCam Planner

2295 VCAM Aux Pt M04 Velocity — VCam Planner

2296 VCAM Aux Pt M05 Velocity — VCam Planner

2297 VCAM Aux Pt M06 Velocity — VCam Planner

2298 VCAM Aux Pt M07 Velocity — VCam Planner

2299 VCAM Aux Pt M08 Velocity — VCam Planner

2300 VCAM Aux Pt M09 Velocity — VCam Planner

2301 VCAM Aux Pt M10 Velocity — VCam Planner

2302 VCAM Aux Pt M11 Velocity — VCam Planner

2303 VCAM Aux Pt M12 Velocity — VCam Planner

2304 VCAM Aux Pt M13 Velocity — VCam Planner

2305 VCAM Aux Pt M14 Velocity — VCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2306 VCAM Aux Pt M15 Velocity — VCam Planner

2323 VCAM Aux Pt S01 Velocity — VCam Planner

2324 VCAM Aux Pt S02 Velocity — VCam Planner

2325 VCAM Aux Pt S03 Velocity — VCam Planner

2326 VCAM Aux Pt S04 Velocity — VCam Planner

2327 VCAM Aux Pt S05 Velocity — VCam Planner

2328 VCAM Aux Pt S06 Velocity — VCam Planner

2329 VCAM Aux Pt S07 Velocity — VCam Planner

2330 VCAM Aux Pt S08 Velocity — VCam Planner

2331 VCAM Aux Pt S09 Velocity — VCam Planner

2332 VCAM Aux Pt S10 Velocity — VCam Planner

2333 VCAM Aux Pt S11 Velocity — VCam Planner

2334 VCAM Aux Pt S12 Velocity — VCam Planner

2335 VCAM Aux Pt S13 Velocity — VCam Planner

2336 VCAM Aux Pt S14 Velocity — VCam Planner

2337 VCAM Aux Pt S15 Velocity — VCam Planner

2354 VCAM Vel Out Velocity — VCam Planner

2000 Trq Ref A Sel Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2001 Trq Ref A Stpt Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2002 Trq Ref A AnlgHi Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2003 Trq Ref A AnlgLo Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2004 Trq Ref A Mult Torque — Trq Ref Sel

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2007 Trq Ref B Sel Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2008 Trq Ref B Stpt Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2009 Trq Ref B AnlgHi Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2010 Trq Ref B AnlgLo Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2011 Trq Ref B Mult Torque — Trq Ref Sel

2020 LdObs Mode Torque — Load Observer

2021 c LdObs Kp Torque — Load Observer

2022 u LdObs Kp Torque — Load Observer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2023 c LdObs Ki Torque — Load Observer

2024 u LdObs Ki Torque — Load Observer

2027 LdObs Acc Ref In Torque — Load Observer
2028 LdObs Vel Fb In Torque — Load Observer

2031 LdObs Vel Error Torque — Load Observer

2034 LdObs Vel Est Torque — Load Observer

2035 LdObs Accel Est Torque — Load Observer

2036 LdObs Torque Est Torque — Load Observer

2037 LdObs AccRef Out Torque — Load Observer

2050 FrctnComp Mode Torque — Friction Comp

2051 FrctnComp Trig Torque — Friction Comp

2052 FrctnComp Hyst Torque — Friction Comp

2053 FrctnComp Time Torque — Friction Comp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2054 FrctnComp Stick Torque — Friction Comp

2055 FrctnComp Slip Torque — Friction Comp

2056 FrctnComp Rated Torque — Friction Comp

2057 FrctnComp Out Torque — Friction Comp

2070 Accel FF Output Torque — Torque Ref

2072 Trq Ref Out Torque — Torque Ref

2073 Cnts Torque Monitor Torque Ref

2076 Trq Ref Selected Torque — Torque Ref

2077 Torque Step Torque — Torque Ref

2080 Trq Ref Filtered Torque — Torque Ref

2083 Torque Limit Pos Torque — Torque Ref

2084 Torque Limit Neg Torque — Torque Ref

2087 Trq Ref Limited Torque — Torque Ref

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2110 AdptTune Config Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2111 Trq NF Threshold Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2112 Trq NF Freq LLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2113 Trq NF Freq HLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2114 Trq NF WidthMin Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2115 Trq NF WidthMax Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2116 Trq LPF BW LLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2118 AdptTune NF Num Torque — Adaptive Tuning

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2119 AdptTuneMinScale Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2120 AdptTune Status Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2121 AdptTune GnScale Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2123 Trq NF1 Freq Est Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2124 Trq NF1 Mag Est Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2125 Trq NF Wdth Est Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2129 AdptTuneStabFreq Torque — Adaptive Tuning
2130 AdptTuneStabMag Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2134 GnStab TorqueLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2135 GnOpt TorqueLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2136 GnOpt Scale Inc Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2137 GnOpt Error Type Torque — Adaptive Tuning
2138 GnOpt Error Max Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2139 GnOptPosErrThrsh Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2140 GnOptVelErrThrsh Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2141 GnOptSclHiLim Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2142 GnOpt Time Torque — Adaptive Tuning

2150 Trq Ref Filt In Torque — Trq Filters

2152 Trq LLF BW Torque — Trq Filters

2153 Trq LLF Gain Torque — Trq Filters

2154 c Trq LPF BW Torque — Trq Filters

2155 u Trq LPF BW Torque — Trq Filters

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2156 Trq LPF BW Act Torque — Trq Filters

2159 Trq NF1 Freq Torque — Trq Filters

2160 Trq NF1 Freq Act Torque — Trq Filters

2161 Trq NF1 Width Torque — Trq Filters

2162 Trq NF1 Wdth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2163 Trq NF1 Depth Torque — Trq Filters

2164 Trq NF1 Dpth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2165 Trq NF1 Gain Torque — Trq Filters

2166 Trq NF1 Gain Act Torque — Trq Filters

2169 Trq NF2 Freq Torque — Trq Filters

2170 Trq NF2 Freq Act Torque — Trq Filters

2171 Trq NF2 Width Torque — Trq Filters

2172 Trq NF2 Wdth Act Torque — Trq Filters

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2173 Trq NF2 Depth Torque — Trq Filters

2174 Trq NF2 Dpth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2175 Trq NF2 Gain Torque — Trq Filters

2176 Trq NF2 Gain Act Torque — Trq Filters

2179 Trq NF3 Freq Torque — Trq Filters

2180 Trq NF3 Freq Act Torque — Trq Filters

2181 Trq NF3 Width Torque — Trq Filters

2182 Trq NF3 Wdth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2183 Trq NF3 Depth Torque — Trq Filters

2184 Trq NF3 Dpth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2185 Trq NF3 Gain Torque — Trq Filters

2186 Trq NF3 Gain Act Torque — Trq Filters

2189 Trq NF4 Freq Torque — Trq Filters

2190 Trq NF4 Freq Act Torque — Trq Filters

2191 Trq NF4 Width Torque — Trq Filters

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2192 Trq NF4 Wdth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2193 Trq NF4 Depth Torque — Trq Filters

2194 Trq NF4 Dpth Act Torque — Trq Filters

2195 Trq NF4 Gain Torque — Trq Filters

2196 Trq NF4 Gain Act Torque — Trq Filters

2370 TqCAM Type Torque — TqCam Planner

2371 TqCAM Control Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2372 TqCAM Mode Torque — TqCam Planner

2373 TqCAM Status Torque — TqCam Planner

2375 TqCam Start Cfg Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2376 TqCAM Psn Select Torque — TqCam Planner

2377 TqCAM Psn Stpt Torque — TqCam Planner

2378 TqCAM Psn Ofst Torque — TqCam Planner

2379 TqCAM PsnOfstEPS Torque — TqCam Planner

2380 TqCAM Vel Select Torque — TqCam Planner

2381 TqCAM Vel Stpt Torque — TqCam Planner

2384 TqCAM Master Scl Torque — TqCam Planner

2385 TqCAM SlvSclSel Torque — TqCam Planner

2386 TqCAM SlaveScale Torque — TqCam Planner

2392 TqCAM StartSlope Torque — TqCam Planner

2393 TqCAM End Slope Torque — TqCam Planner

2394 TqCAM Main EndPt Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2395 TqCAM Main Types Torque — TqCam Planner

2396 TqCAM MainPt M00 Torque — TqCam Planner

2397 TqCAM MainPt M01 Torque — TqCam Planner

2398 TqCAM MainPt M02 Torque — TqCam Planner

2399 TqCAM MainPt M03 Torque — TqCam Planner

2400 TqCAM MainPt M04 Torque — TqCam Planner

2401 TqCAM MainPt M05 Torque — TqCam Planner

2402 TqCAM MainPt M06 Torque — TqCam Planner

2403 TqCAM MainPt M07 Torque — TqCam Planner

2404 TqCAM MainPt M08 Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2405 TqCAM MainPt M09 Torque — TqCam Planner

2406 TqCAM MainPt M10 Torque — TqCam Planner

2407 TqCAM MainPt M11 Torque — TqCam Planner

2408 TqCAM MainPt M12 Torque — TqCam Planner

2409 TqCAM MainPt M13 Torque — TqCam Planner

2410 TqCAM MainPt M14 Torque — TqCam Planner

2411 TqCAM MainPt M15 Torque — TqCam Planner

2428 TqCAM MainPt S00 Torque — TqCam Planner

2429 TqCAM MainPt S01 Torque — TqCam Planner

2430 TqCAM MainPt S02 Torque — TqCam Planner

2431 TqCAM MainPt S03 Torque — TqCam Planner

2432 TqCAM MainPt S04 Torque — TqCam Planner

2433 TqCAM MainPt S05 Torque — TqCam Planner

2434 TqCAM MainPt S06 Torque — TqCam Planner

2435 TqCAM MainPt S07 Torque — TqCam Planner

2436 TqCAM MainPt S08 Torque — TqCam Planner

2437 TqCAM MainPt S09 Torque — TqCam Planner

2438 TqCAM MainPt S10 Torque — TqCam Planner

2439 TqCAM MainPt S11 Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2440 TqCAM MainPt S12 Torque — TqCam Planner

2441 TqCAM MainPt S13 Torque — TqCam Planner

2442 TqCAM MainPt S14 Torque — TqCam Planner

2443 TqCAM MainPt S15 Torque — TqCam Planner

2460 TqCAM Aux End Pt Torque — TqCam Planner

2461 TqCAM Aux Types Torque — TqCam Planner

2462 TqCAM Aux Pt M01 Torque — TqCam Planner

2463 TqCAM Aux Pt M02 Torque — TqCam Planner

2464 TqCAM Aux Pt M03 Torque — TqCam Planner

2465 TqCAM Aux Pt M04 Torque — TqCam Planner

2466 TqCAM Aux Pt M05 Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2467 TqCAM Aux Pt M06 Torque — TqCam Planner

2468 TqCAM Aux Pt M07 Torque — TqCam Planner

2469 TqCAM Aux Pt M08 Torque — TqCam Planner

2470 TqCAM Aux Pt M09 Torque — TqCam Planner

2471 TqCAM Aux Pt M10 Torque — TqCam Planner

2472 TqCAM Aux Pt M11 Torque — TqCam Planner

2473 TqCAM Aux Pt M12 Torque — TqCam Planner

2474 TqCAM Aux Pt M13 Torque — TqCam Planner

2475 TqCAM Aux Pt M14 Torque — TqCam Planner

2476 TqCAM Aux Pt M15 Torque — TqCam Planner

2493 TqCAM Aux Pt S01 Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2494 TqCAM Aux Pt S02 Torque — TqCam Planner

2495 TqCAM Aux Pt S03 Torque — TqCam Planner

2496 TqCAM Aux Pt S04 Torque — TqCam Planner

2497 TqCAM Aux Pt S05 Torque — TqCam Planner

2498 TqCAM Aux Pt S06 Torque — TqCam Planner

2499 TqCAM Aux Pt S07 Torque — TqCam Planner

2500 TqCAM Aux Pt S08 Torque — TqCam Planner

2501 TqCAM Aux Pt S09 Torque — TqCam Planner

2502 TqCAM Aux Pt S10 Torque — TqCam Planner

2503 TqCAM Aux Pt S11 Torque — TqCam Planner

2504 TqCAM Aux Pt S12 Torque — TqCam Planner

2505 TqCAM Aux Pt S13 Torque — TqCam Planner

2506 TqCAM Aux Pt S14 Torque — TqCam Planner

2507 TqCAM Aux Pt S15 Torque — TqCam Planner

2524 TqCAM Trq Out Torque — TqCam Planner

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— Output Frequency

— Output Voltage

— Output Current
— Output Power
— Output Power Factor
— Torque Current Feedback
— Flux Current Feedback

— Motor Voltage Feedback

— DC Bus Memory

— Drive Rated Voltage

— Drive Rated Current in Amperes

— Drive Rated Power in Kilowatts

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Velocity Torque Mode A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Velocity Torque Mode B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Velocity Torque Mode C

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Velocity Torque Mode D

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Velocity Torque Mode Active

— SpeedLimitedAdjustableTorque Error Stpt

— SpeedLimitedAdjustableTorque Dwell Time

— Start At PowerUp

— PowerUp Delay

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Flying Start Mode

— Flying Start Kp for Counter EMF Mode

— Flying Start Ki for Counter EMF Mode

— Flying Start Vel Reg Kp for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start Vel Reg Ki for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start ExcitCurRegKp for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start ExcitCurRegKi for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start Reconnect Delay CEMF Mode

— Flying Start Brake Level for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start Brake Time for CEMF Mode

— Flying Start ZeroSpd Threshold CEMF Mode

— Flying Start ZeroSpd Threshold Swp Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Flying Start Reconnect Delay Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Brake Level for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Brake Time for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Freq Sweep Time Sweep Mode

— Flying Start V/HzEndPtAdjust Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Fixed V/Hz for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Initial Volt Kp Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Initial Volt Ki Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Recovery Ki for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Vel Reg Kp for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start Vel Reg Ki for Sweep Mode

— Flying Start SpdDetect Level Sweep Mode

— Flying Start SpdDetect Time Sweep Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Stop Mode A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Stop Mode B

— Bus Regulator Mode A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Bus Regulator Mode B

— Bus Regulator Level Configuration

— Bus Regulator Level

— Bus Regulator Proportional Gain

— Bus Regulator Integral Gain

— Bus Limit Proportional Gain

— Bus Limit Derivative Gain

— Bus Limit Active Current Reg Prop Gain

— Bus Limit Active Current Reg Integ Gain

— Dynamic Braking Resistor Type

— Dynamic Braking External Ohms

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Dynamic Braking External Watts

— Dynamic Braking External Pulse Watts

— Flux Braking Enable

— Flux Braking Proportional Gain

— Flux Braking Integral Gain
— Flux Braking Limit

— Stop Dwell Time

— Zero Speed Limit

— DC Braking Level Select

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Braking Level

— DC Braking Time

— DC Brake Current Reg Bandwidth for VCL

— Fast Braking Proportional Gain

— Fast Braking Integral Gain

— Fast Brake Power

— Fast Brake Freq

— Deceleration Inhibit Action

— Motor Overload Action

— Motor Overload at Power Up

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Overload Alarm Level

— Motor Overload Factor

— Motor Overload Hertz

— Motor Overload Reset Level

— Motor Overload Reset Time

— Motor Overload Count

— Motor Overload Trip Time

— Motor Protection Class
— Motor Hot Start Coefficient
— Motor Cooling Time

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Drive Overload Mode

— Current Limit Select

— Current Limit 1

— Current Limit 2

— Active Current Limit

— Current Rate Limit

— Regen Power Limit

— Motor Power Limit

— Current Limit Proportional Gain

— Current Limit Integral Gain

— Current Limit Derivative Gain

— Id Low Freq Current Proportional Gain

— Iq Low Freq Current Proportional Gain

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Jerk Gain

— Shear Pin Configuration

— Shear Pin 1 Action

— Shear Pin1 Level

— Shear Pin 1 Time

— Shear Pin 2 Action

— Shear Pin2 Level

— Shear Pin 2 Time

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Load Loss Action

— Load Loss Level

— Load Loss Time

— Load Loss Speed

— Output Phase Loss Action

— Output Phase Loss Level

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Power Loss Action

— Power Loss Mode A

— Power Loss Mode B

— Power Loss A Level

— Power Loss B Level

— Power Loss A Time

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Power Loss B Time

— Power Loss RideThru BusProportional Gain

— Power Loss Ride Thru Bus Derivative Gain

— Power Loss RideThru ACRProportional Gain

— Power Loss Ride Thru ACRIntegral Gain

— Under Voltage Action

— Under Voltage Level

— Input Phase Loss Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Input Phase Loss Level

— DC Bus Memory Reset

— Interior PM Power Limit 1

— Interior PM Power Limit 1 Voltage

— Interior PM Power Limit 2

— Interior PM Power Limit 2 Voltage

— Interior PM Power Limit 3 Voltage

— Velocity Reference Source

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Side Inverter Start Inhibits

— Last Motor Side Inverter Start Inhibits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Side Status 1

— Motor Side Status 2

— Drive Overload Count

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— IGBT Temperature Percentage

— IGBT Temperature

— Heatsink Temperature Percentage

— Heatsink Temperature

— At Limit Status

— Testpoint Select 1

— Testpoint Select 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Testpoint Select 3

— Testpoint Select 4

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 1

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 2

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 3

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 4

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 1

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 2

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 3

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 4

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Condition Status A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Fault Status A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Fault Status B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Alarm Status A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Alarm Status B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Type 2 Alarms

— Motor Nameplate Volts

— Motor Nameplate Amperes

— Motor Nameplate Hertz

— Motor Nameplate RPM

— Motor Nameplate Synchronous Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motor Nameplate Power Units

— Motor Nameplate Power

— Motor Poles

— Motor Configuration Options

— Maximum Voltage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Pulse Width Modulation Frequency

— Actual PWM Frequency

— Bus Utilization

— PWM Transition Frequency

— Flux Up Time Calc/User Entered Select

— Flux Up Time -Calc

— Flux Up Time -User

— Flux Down Proportional Gain

— Flux Down Integral Gain

— Stability Filter Time Constant

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Stability Voltage Gain

— Stability Angle Gain

— Vect Closed Loop Current Reg Bandwidth

— Vector Closed Loop Current Reg Damping

— Dead Time Compensation Full Scale Amps

— Dead Time Compensation

— DC Offset Control

— Sensorless Vector Control Boost Filter

— Start Acceleration Boost

— Run Boost

— Break Voltage

— Break Frequency

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Volts per Hertz Curve

— Slip Comp Filter Bandwidth

— Economize At Reference Integral Gain

— Economize Accel Decel Proportional Gain

— Economize Accel Decel Integral Gain

— Slip RPM at Full Load Amps – Calculated

— Slip RPM at Full Load Amps-UserEntered

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

PM Mtr Config Mtr Parameters Calc/User Entered Select

— Induction Motor Stator Resistance -Calc

— Induction Motor Stator Resistance -User

— Induction Motor Leakage Inductance -Calc

— Induction Motor Leakage Inductance -User
— Induction Motor Flux Current Ref -Calc
— Induction Motor Flux Current Ref -User

— Induction Motor Encless Angle Comp -Calc

— Induction Motor Encless Angle Comp -User

— Induction Motor Stator Res Comp -Calc
— Induction Motor Stator Res Comp-User

— VEncdls Freq Regulator Proportional Gain

— VEncdls Freq Regulator Integral Gain

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Slip Regulator Enable

— Slip Regulator Proportional Gain

— Slip Regulator Integral Gain

— Flux Regulator Enable

— Flux Regulator Proportional Gain

— Flux Regulator Integral Gain

— Phase Delay Compensation

— Torque Adaption Speed

— Torque Adaption Enable

— Torque Compensation Motoring

— Torque Compensation Regeneration

— Slip Adaption Q Axis Current

— Slip and Flux Adaption Slew Limit

— Slip and Flux Adaption Slew Rate

— Slip and Flux Adaption Converge Level

— Slip and Flux Adaption Converge Limit

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Permanent Magnet Motor Configuration

— PM Primary Feedback Offset

— PM Alternate Feedback Offset

— Permanent Magnet Offset Test Current

— Permanent Magnet Offset Test Cur Ramp

— Permanent Magnet Offset Test Freq Ramp

— PM Vqs Regulator Proportional Gain

— PM Motor Vqs Regulator Integral Gain

— PM Torque Adaption Speed

— Interior PM Motor V FB High Pass Filt

— Interior PM Motor Vel Est Filter

— Interior PM Vel Est Proportional Gain Lo

— Interior PM Motor Vel Est Integral Gain

— Interior PM Vel Est Integral Gain Adjust

— Interior PM Vel Est Proportional Gain Hi

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Interior PM Motor Transition PWM

— Interior PM Motor Transition PWM Hyst

— Interior PM Motor Transition Mode

— Interior PM Motor Transition Mode Hyst

— Interior PM Motor Transition Filt Low

— Interior PM Motor Transition Filt High

— Interior PM Motor Transition Angle

— PM Motor Lq Command Bandwidth

— PM Motor Static Offset Test Constant
— PM CEMF Voltage -Calc

— PM CEMF Voltage -User

— PM Stator Resistance -Calc

— PM Stator Resistance -User

— PM D Axis Inductance at 0 Cur -Calc

— PM D Axis Inductance at 0 Cur -User

— PM D Axis Inductance at 100 Cur -Calc

— PM D Axis Inductance at 100 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 25 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 25 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 50 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 50 Cur -User

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 75 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 75 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 100 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 100 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 125 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 125 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 150 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 150 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 175 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 175 Cur -User

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 200 Cur -Calc

— PM Q Axis Inductance at 200 Cur -User

— Interior PM Primary Comp Offset

— Interior PM Alternate Comp Offset

— PM Motor Bus Protection

— PM Vq Feed Forward CEMF

— PM Vq Feed Forward LdIdWe

— PM Vd Feed Forward LdIdWe

— PM Motor Maximum Current

— PM Motor Maximum Velocity

— PM Trq Trim Proportional Gain

— PM Motor Trq Trim Integral Gain

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PM Motor Torque Trim Low Limit
— PM Motor Torque Trim High Limit
— Sync Reluctance Stator Resistance -Calc

— Sync Reluctance Stator Resistance -User

— SynRel Q Axis Inductance at 100 Cur-Calc

— SynRel Q Axis Inductance at 100 Cur-User

— Id Compensation Enable

— Id Compensation Motoring 1

— Id Compensation Motoring 1 Iq

— Id Compensation Motoring 2

— Id Compensation Motoring 2 Iq

— Id Compensation Motoring 3

— Id Compensation Motoring 3 Iq

— Id Compensation Motoring 4

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Id Compensation Motoring 4 Iq

— Id Compensation Motoring 5

— Id Compensation Motoring 5 Iq

— Id Compensation Motoring 6

— Id Compensation Motoring 6 Iq

— Id Compensation Regenerating 1

— Id Compensation Regenerating 1 Iq

— Id Compensation Regenerating 2

— Id Compensation Regenerating 2 Iq

— Id Compensation Regenerating 3

— Id Compensation Regenerating 3 Iq

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Id Compensation Regenerating 4

— Id Compensation Regenerating 4 Iq

— Id Compensation Regenerating 5

— Id Compensation Regenerating 5 Iq

— Id Compensation Regenerating 6

— Id Compensation Regenerating 6 Iq

— Variable Boost Configuration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Variable Boost Status

— Variable Boost Voltage

— Variable Boost Time

— Variable Boost Minimum

— Variable Boost Maximum

— Variable Boost Acceleration Rate

— Variable Boost Deceleration Rate

— Variable Boost Frequency

— Variable Boost Frequency Minimum

— Variable Boost Flux Threshold

— Variable Boost Flux Lag Frequency

— Variable Boost Flux Current Filtered

— Variable Boost Current Rate

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Variable Boost Current Hysteresis Level

— Variable Boost Current Threshold

— Variable Boost Rate Lag Frequency

Motor Data Motor Inertia

— Load Ratio

— Load Coupling

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— System Calc/User Entered Select

— System Bandwidth

— System Damping

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Autotune

— Autotune Position Limit

— Autotune Velocity Limit

— Autotune Torque Limit

— Direction Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Reference Move Type

— Reference Energy Balance

— Reference Time Base

— Reference Acceleration Time

— Reference Deceleration Time

— Maximum Acceleration

— Maximum Deceleration

— Maximum Acceleration Jerk

— Maximum Deceleration Jerk

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Reference Fault Configuration

— Command Notch Filter Frequency

— Command Notch Filter Width

— Command Notch Filter Depth

— Command Notch Filter Gain

— Command Notch Filter 2 Frequency

— Command Notch Filter 2 Width

— Command Notch Filter 2 Depth

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Command Notch Filter 2 Gain

— Reference Notch Filter Frequency Active

— Reference Notch Filter Depth Active

— Reference Notch Filter Gain Active

— Crane Length 1

— Feedback 1 Velocity Select

— Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps

— Feedback 1 Velocity Filter BW -Calc

— Feedback 1 Velocity Filter BW -User

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Gain -Calc

— Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Gain -User

— Feedback 3 Velocity Select

— Feedback 3 Velocity Filter Taps

— Feedback 3 Velocity Filter BW -Calc

— Feedback 3 Velocity Filter BW -User

— Alternate Feedback Gain Scaling Factor

— Alternate Position Regulator Fdbk Select

— Position Regulator Feedback Select

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Load Position Feedback Select

— Load Position Feedback Multiplier

— Load Position Feedback Divider

— Virtual Encoder Delay

— Virtual Encoder Edges per Revolution

— Feedback Loss Action

— Feedback 3 Velocity Filter Gain -Calc

— Feedback 3 Velocity Filter Gain -User

— Primary Velocity Feedback

— Alternate Velocity Feedback

— Velocity Feedback Active

Metering Motor Velocity Feedback

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Virtual Encoder Position

— Open Loop Feedback

— Simulator Feedback

— Spindle Orient Configuration

— Spindle Orient Status

— Spindle Orient Setpoint

— Spindle Orient Offset

— Spindle Orient EdgesPerRevolution Input

— Spindle Orient Revolutions Input

— Spindle Orient Revolutions Output

— Spindle Orient Counts Per Revolutions

— Spindle Orient Unit Scale

— Spindle Orient Position Output

— Spindle Orient Unit Output
— Spindle Orient Acceleration Time
— Spindle Orient Deceleration Time
— Spindle Orient Velocity Limit Forward

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Spindle Orient Velocity Limit Reverse

— Roll Position Configuration

— Roll Position Status

— RP Position Feedback Select

— RP Position Feedback Setpoint

— Roll Position Preset

— Roll Position Offset

— Roll Position Edges Per Revolution Input

— Roll Position Revolutions Input

— Roll Position Revolutions Output

— Roll Position Unwind

— Roll Position Position Output
— Roll Position Unit Scale

— Roll Position Unit Output

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Profile Status

— Units Traveled

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Profile Command

— Counts Per Unit

— Profile Velocity Override

— Step 1 Type

— Step 1 Velocity

— Step 1 Acceleration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 1 Deceleration

— Step 1 Value

— Step 1 Dwell

— Step 1 Batch

— Step 1 Next

— Step 1 Action

— Step 1 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 1 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 2 Type

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 3 Type

— Step 4 Type

— Step 5 Type

— Step 6 Type

— Step 7 Type

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 8 Type

— Step 9 Type

— Step 10 Type

— Step 11 Type

— Step 12 Type

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 13 Type

— Step 14 Type

— Step 15 Type

— Step 16 Type

— Step 2 Velocity

— Step 3 Velocity

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 4 Velocity

— Step 5 Velocity

— Step 6 Velocity

— Step 7 Velocity

— Step 8 Velocity

— Step 9 Velocity

— Step 10 Velocity

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 11 Velocity

— Step 12 Velocity

— Step 13 Velocity

— Step 15 Velocity

— Step 16 Velocity

— Step 2 Acceleration

— Step 3 Acceleration

— Step 4 Acceleration

— Step 5 Acceleration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 6 Acceleration

— Step 7 Acceleration

— Step 8 Acceleration

— Step 9 Acceleration

— Step 10 Acceleration

— Step 11 Acceleration

— Step 12 Acceleration

— Step 13 Acceleration

— Step 14 Acceleration

— Step 15 Acceleration

— Step 16 Acceleration

— Step 2 Deceleration

— Step 3 Deceleration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 4 Deceleration

— Step 5 Deceleration

— Step 6 Deceleration

— Step 7 Deceleration

— Step 8 Deceleration

— Step 9 Deceleration

— Step 10 Deceleration

— Step 11 Deceleration

— Step 12 Deceleration

— Step 13 Deceleration

— Step 14 Deceleration

— Step 15 Deceleration

— Step 16 Deceleration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 2 Value

— Step 3 Value

— Step 4 Value

— Step 5 Value

— Step 6 Value

— Step 7 Value

— Step 8 Value

— Step 9 Value

— Step 10 Value

— Step 11 Value

— Step 12 Value

— Step 13 Value

— Step 14 Value

— Step 15 Value

— Step 16 Value

— Step 2 Dwell

— Step 3 Dwell

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 4 Dwell

— Step 5 Dwell

— Step 6 Dwell

— Step 7 Dwell

— Step 8 Dwell

— Step 9 Dwell

— Step 10 Dwell

— Step 11 Dwell

— Step 12 Dwell

— Step 13 Dwell

— Step 14 Dwell

— Step 15 Dwell

— Step 16 Dwell

— Step 2 Batch

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 3 Batch

— Step 4 Batch

— Step 5 Batch

— Step 6 Batch

— Step 7 Batch

— Step 8 Batch

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 9 Batch

— Step 10 Batch

— Step 11 Batch

— Step 12 Batch

— Step 13 Batch

— Step 14 Batch

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 15 Batch

— Step 16 Batch

— Step 2 Next

— Step 3 Next

— Step 4 Next

— Step 5 Next

— Step 6 Next

— Step 7 Next

— Step 8 Next

— Step 9 Next

— Step 10 Next

— Step 11 Next

— Step 12 Next

— Step 13 Next

— Step 14 Next

— Step 15 Next

— Step 16 Next

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 2 Action

— Step 3 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 4 Action

— Step 5 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 6 Action

— Step 7 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 8 Action

— Step 9 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 10 Action

— Step 11 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 12 Action

— Step 13 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 14 Action

— Step 15 Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 16 Action

— Step 14 Velocity

— Step 2 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 3 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 4 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 5 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 6 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 7 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 8 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 9 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 10 Blend Parameter 1 Select

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 11 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 12 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 13 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 14 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 15 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 16 Blend Parameter 1 Select

— Step 2 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 3 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 4 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 5 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 6 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 7 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 8 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 9 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 10 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 11 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 12 Blend Parameter 2 Select

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Step 13 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 14 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 15 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— Step 16 Blend Parameter 2 Select

— PTP Position Reference Status

— PTP Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PTP Mode

— PTP Reference Select

— PTP Setpoint

— PTP Reference Scale

— PTP Index Preset

— PTP EGR Multiplier

— PTP EGR Divider

— PTP Command

— Maximum Speed Forward

— Maximum Speed Reverse

— PTP Feedback

— PTP Acceleration Time

— PTP Deceleration Time

— PTP Vel Override

— PTP S Curve

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PTP Reference

— PTP Velocity Reference Forward

— PTP Maximum Velocity

— PTP Maximum Acceleration

— PTP Maximum Deceleration

— PTP Move Time

— PTP Move Status

— PTP Move Segmentation

— PCAM Type

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Control

— PCAM Mode

— PCAM Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Start Configuration

— PCAM Position Select

— PCAM Position Setpoint

— PCAM Position Offset

— PCAM Position Offset EPS

— PCAM Master Scale Factor

— PCAM Slave Scale Select

— PCAM Slave Scale Factor

— PCAM Velocity Scale Select

— PCAM Velocity Scale Factor

— PCAM Start Slope

— PCAM End Slope

— PCAM Main End Point

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Main Types

— PCAM Main Point Master 00

— PCAM Main Point Master 01

— PCAM Main Point Master 02

— PCAM Main Point Master 03

— PCAM Main Point Master 04

— PCAM Main Point Master 05

— PCAM Main Point Master 06

— PCAM Main Point Master 07

— PCAM Main Point Master 08

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Main Point Master 09

— PCAM Main Point Master 10

— PCAM Main Point Master 11

— PCAM Main Point Master 12

— PCAM Main Point Master 13

— PCAM Main Point Master 14

— PCAM Main Point Master 15

— PCAM Main Point Slave 00

— PCAM Main Point Slave 01

— PCAM Main Point Slave 02

— PCAM Main Point Slave 03

— PCAM Main Point Slave 04

— PCAM Main Point Slave 05

— PCAM Main Point Slave 06

— PCAM Main Point Slave 07

— PCAM Main Point Slave 08

— PCAM Main Point Slave 09

— PCAM Main Point Slave 10

— PCAM Main Point Slave 11

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Main Point Slave 12

— PCAM Main Point Slave 13

— PCAM Main Point Slave 14

— PCAM Main Point Slave 15

— PCAM Auxiliary End Point

— PCAM Auxiliary Types

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 01

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 02

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 03

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 04

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 05

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 06

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 07

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 08

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 09

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 10

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 11

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 12

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 13

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 14

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Master 15

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 01

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 02

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 03

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 04

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 05

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 06

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 07

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 08

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 09

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 10

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 11

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 12

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 13

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 14

— PCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 15

— PCAM Position Out

— PCAM Velocity Out

— PCAM Velocity Out Filter Taps

— PLL Control Options

— PLL External Velocity Select

— PLL External Velocity Setpoint

— PLL External Velocity Scale

— PLL Position Reference Select

— PLL Position Setpoint

— PLL Position Output Filter

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— PLL Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

— PLL Bandwidth

— PLL Virtual Encoder RPM

— PLL EPR Input

— PLL EPR Output

— PLL Revolutions Input

— PLL Revolutions Output

— PLL Velocity Output

— PLL Velocity Output Advance

— PLL Encoder Output

— PLL Encoder Output Advance

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Homing Control Options

— Homing Status

— Find Home Speed

— Find Home Ramp
— Home Position Actual Encoder Feedback

— User Defined Home Position Actual

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Home Torque Threshold

— Home Torque Limit

— Home Torque Time

— Home Offset

— Home Return Speed

— Home Acceleration
— Home Deceleration
— Position Reference Select

— Position Direct Setpoint

— Position Reference Direct

— Position Reference Selected

— Position Reference EGR Output

— Position EGR Multiplier

— Position EGR Divider

— Position Offset 1 Select

— Position Offset 1

— Position Offset 2 Select

— Position Offset 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Offset Velocity

— Zero Position

— Position Control Options

— Position Command

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Regulator Status

— In Positive Position Window

— In Positive Position Dwell

— Position Watch 1 Select

— Position Watch 1 Detection

— Position Watch 1 Setpoint

— Position Watch 2 Select

— Position Watch 2 Detection

— Position Watch 2 Setpoint

— Position Actual

— Position Feedback

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Actual Units

— Position Load Actual

— Position Error

— Position Gear Ratio

— Position Bandwidth -Calc

— Position Bandwidth -User

— Position Integral Bandwidth -Calc

— Position Integral Bandwidth -User

— Velocity Feedforward -Calc

— Velocity Feedforward -User

— Position Regulator Droop

— Position Regulator Integral Output

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Position Regulator Velocity Lim Positive

— Position Regulator Velocity Output

— Position Regulator Velocity Lim Negative

— Velocity Feedforward -User

— Alternate Position Regulator Feedback

— Velocity Reference A Select

— Velocity Reference A Setpoint

— Velocity Reference A Analog High

— Velocity Reference A Analog Low

— Velocity Reference A Multiplier

— Velocity Reference B Select

— Velocity Reference B Setpoint

— Velocity Reference B Analog High

— Velocity Reference B Analog Low

— Velocity Reference B Multiplier

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Preset Speed 1

— Preset Speed 2

— Preset Speed 3

— Preset Speed 4

— Preset Speed 5

— Preset Speed 6

— Preset Speed 7

— MOP Reference

— MOP Reference Save

— MOP Rate
— MOP Limit High
— MOP Limit Low

— MOP Initialization Select

— MOP Initialization Setpoint

— Encoder Velocity Reference Select

— Encoder Velocity Reference Filter Taps

— Encoder Velocity Reference

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Alternate Manual Reference Select

— Alternate Manual Reference Analog High

— Alternate Manual Reference Analog Low

— Manual Reference Digital In Analog High

— Manual Reference Digital In Analog Low

— Reference A Trim Percentage Select

— Reference A Trim Percentage Setpoint

— Reference A Trim Percentage Analog High

— Reference A Trim Percentage Analog Low

— Reference A Trim Select

— Reference A Trim Setpoint

— Reference A Trim Analog High

— Reference A Trim Analog Low

— Reference B Trim Percentage Select

— Reference B Trim Percentage Setpoint

— Reference B Trim Percentage Analog High

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Reference B Trim Percentage Analog Low

— Reference B Trim Select

— Reference B Trim Setpoint

— Reference B Trim Analog High

— Reference B Trim Analog Low

— Velocity Trim Percent Reference Source

— Velocity Trim Source

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Velocity Reference Selector Status

— Velocity Reference Selected

— Jog Speed 1

— Jog Speed 2

— Jog Acceleration Deceleration Time

— Velocity Limit Positive

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Velocity Limit Negative

— Velocity Low Limit Positive

— Velocity Low Limit Negative

— Overspeed Limit

— Velocity Reference Limited

— Skip Speed 1

— Skip Speed 2

— Skip Speed 3

— Skip Speed Band

Metering Velocity Reference Commanded

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Velocity Reference Acceleration Time 1

— Velocity Reference Acceleration Time 2

— Velocity Reference Deceleration Time 1

— Velocity Reference Deceleration Time 2

— Velocity Reference Acceleration Jerk

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Velocity Reference Deceleration Jerk

— Acceleration Limit Response Action

— Deceleration Limit Response Action

— Velocity Reference Ramped

— Velocity Reference Delayed

— Velocity Reference Filtered

— Velocity Compensation Select

— Velocity Compensation Gain -Calc

— Velocity Compensation Gain -User

— Velocity Compensation Output

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Feedforward Velocity Rate Reference

— Velocity Reference Scale

— Velocity Reference Final

— Velocity Reference Maximum Acceleration

— Velocity Reference Maximum AccelJerk

— Velocity Reference Maximum DecelJerk

— Velocity Reference Move Time

— Velocity Reference Move Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VRef Move Segmentation

— Velocity Control Options

— Velocity Error

— Servo Lock Gain

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Velocity Regulator Anti Backup

— Servo Lock Gain Decel to Hold

— Velocity Bandwidth -Calc

— Velocity Bandwidth -User

— Velocity Integrator Bandwidth -Calc

— Velocity Integrator Bandwidth -User

— Alt Vel Integ BW with Open Loop -Calc

— Alt Vel Integ BW with Open Loop -User

— Droop RPM at Full Load Amps

— Velocity Regulator Integrator Output

— Acceleration Limit Positive

— Acceleration Limit Negative

— Velocity Regulator Output

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Acceleration Feedforward Mode

— Acceleration Feedforward -Calc

— Acceleration Feedforward -User

— Acceleration Feedforward Negative Gain

Friction Comp External Ramped Reference

— Velocity Regulator Torque Preset

— VCAM Type

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VCAM Control

— VCAM Mode

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VCAM Status

— VCAM Start Configuration

— VCAM Position Select

— VCAM Position Setpoint

— VCAM Position Offset

— VCAM Position Offset EPS

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VCAM Velocity Select

— VCAM Velocity Setpoint

— VCAM Master Scale Factor

— VCAM Slave Scale Select

— VCAM Slave Scale Factor

— VCAM Start Slope

— VCAM End Slope

— VCAM Main End Point

— VCAM Main Types

— VCAM Main Point Master 00

— VCAM Main Point Master 01

— VCAM Main Point Master 02

— VCAM Main Point Master 03

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VCAM Main Point Master 04

— VCAM Main Point Master 05

— VCAM Main Point Master 06

— VCAM Main Point Master 07

— VCAM Main Point Master 08

— VCAM Main Point Master 09

— VCAM Main Point Master 10

— VCAM Main Point Master 11

— VCAM Main Point Master 12

— VCAM Main Point Master 13

— VCAM Main Point Master 14

— VCAM Main Point Master 15

— VCAM Main Point Slave 00

— VCAM Main Point Slave 01

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— VCAM Main Point Slave 02

— VCAM Main Point Slave 03

— VCAM Main Point Slave 04

— VCAM Main Point Slave 05

— VCAM Main Point Slave 06

— VCAM Main Point Slave 07

— VCAM Main Point Slave 08

— VCAM Main Point Slave 09

— VCAM Main Point Slave 10

— VCAM Main Point Slave 11

— VCAM Main Point Slave 12

— VCAM Main Point Slave 13

— VCAM Main Point Slave 14

— VCAM Main Point Slave 15

— VCAM Auxiliary End Point

— VCAM Auxiliary Types

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 01

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— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 02

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 03

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 04

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 05

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 06

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 07

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 08

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 09

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 10

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 11

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 12

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 13

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 14

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— VCAM Auxiliary Point Master 15

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 01

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 02

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 03

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 04

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 05

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 06

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 07

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 08

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 09

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 10

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 11

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 12

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 13

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 14

— VCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 15

— VCAM Velocity Out

— Torque Reference A Select

— Torque Reference A Setpoint

— Torque Reference A Analog High

— Trq Ref A AnlgLo

— Torque Reference A Multiplier

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— Torque Reference B Select

— Torque Reference B Setpoint

— Torque Reference B Analog High

— Torque Reference B Analog Low

— Torque Reference B Multiplier

— Load Observer Configuration

— Load Observer Bandwidth -Calc

— Load Observer Bandwidth -User

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— Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth -Calc

— Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth -User

— Load Observer Accel Reference Input
— Load Observer Velocity Feedback Input

— Load Observer Velocity Error

— Load Observer Velocity Estimate

— Load Observer Acceleration Estimate

— Load Observer Torque Estimate

— Load Observer Accel Reference Output

— Friction Compensation Mode

— Friction Compensation Trigger

— Friction Compensation Hysteresis

— Friction Compensation Time

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— Friction Compensation Static Friction

— Friction Compensation Slip

— Friction Compensation Rated

— Friction Compensation Output

— Acceleration Feedforward Output

— Torque Reference Output

Metering Torque Commanded

— Torque Reference Selected

— Torque Step

— Torque Reference Filtered

— Torque Limit Positive

— Torque Limit Negative

— Torque Reference Limited

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— Adaptive Tuning Configuration

— Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold

— Torque Notch Filter Frequency Low Limit

— Torque Notch Filter Frequency High Limit

— Torque Notch Filter Minimum Width

— Torque Notch Filter Maximum Width

— Adaptive Tuning Low Pass Filter Low Lim

— Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notches

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— Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor Min

— Adaptive Tuning Status

— Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor

— Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate

— Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate

— Torque Notch Filter Width Estimate

— Adaptive Tuning Stability Frequency
— Adaptive Tuning Stability Magnitude

— Gain Stabilization Torque Limit

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— Gain Optimization Torque Limit

— Gain Optimization Scaling Increment

— Gain Optimization Error Type
— Gain Optimization Error Maximum

— Gain Optimization PositionErrorThreshold

— Gain Optimization VelocityErrorThreshold

— Gain Optimization Scale High Limit

— Gain Optimization Time

— Torque Reference Filter Input

— Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth

— Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain

— Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth -Calc

— Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth -User

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— Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Active

— Torque Notch Filter Frequency

— Torque Notch Filter Frequency Active

— Torque Notch Filter Width

— Torque Notch Filter Width Active

— Torque Notch Filter Depth

— Torque Notch Filter Depth Active

— Torque Notch Filter Gain

— Torque Notch Filter Gain Active

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Frequency

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Frequency Active

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Width

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Width Active

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— Torque Notch Filter 2 Depth

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Depth Active

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Gain

— Torque Notch Filter 2 Gain Active

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Frequency

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Frequency Active

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Width

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Width Active

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Depth

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Depth Active

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Gain

— Torque Notch Filter 3 Gain Active

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Frequency

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Frequency Active

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Width

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Width Active

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Depth

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Depth Active

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Gain

— Torque Notch Filter 4 Gain Active

— TqCAM Type

— TqCAM Control

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— TqCAM Mode

— TqCAM Status

— TqCAM Start Configuration

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— TqCAM Position Select

— TqCAM Position Setpoint

— TqCAM Position Offset

— TqCAM Position Offset EPS

— TqCAM Velocity Select

— TqCAM Velocity Setpoint

— TqCAM Master Scale Factor

— TqCAM Slave Scale Select

— TqCAM Slave Scale Factor

— TqCAM Start Slope

— TqCAM End Slope

— TqCAM Main End Point

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— TqCAM Main Types

— TqCAM Main Point Master 00

— TqCAM Main Point Master 01

— TqCAM Main Point Master 02

— TqCAM Main Point Master 03

— TqCAM Main Point Master 04

— TqCAM Main Point Master 05

— TqCAM Main Point Master 06

— TqCAM Main Point Master 07

— TqCAM Main Point Master 08

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— TqCAM Main Point Master 09

— TqCAM Main Point Master 10

— TqCAM Main Point Master 11

— TqCAM Main Point Master 12

— TqCAM Main Point Master 13

— TqCAM Main Point Master 14

— TqCAM Main Point Master 15

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 00

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 01

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 02

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 03

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 04

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 05

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 06

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 07

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 08

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 09

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 10

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 11

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— TqCAM Main Point Slave 12

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 13

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 14

— TqCAM Main Point Slave 15

— TqCAM Auxiliary End Point

— TqCAM Auxiliary Types

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 01

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 02

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 03

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 04

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 05

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 06

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 07

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 08

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 09

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 10

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 11

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 12

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 13

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 14

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Master 15

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 01

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 02

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 03

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 04

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 05

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 06

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 07

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 08

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 09

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 10

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 11

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 12

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 13

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 14

— TqCAM Auxiliary Point Slave 15

— TqCAM Torque Out

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Description Units

Displays output frequency of the motor side inverter. Hz

Displays the motor voltage at the motor side inverter terminals, in Volts RMS.
If the Torque Accuracy Module (TAM) option is present and configured, this value is measured. VAC
If it is not configured and the motor control mode is not Flux Vector with encoder feedback, this
value is calculated. The calculation factors DC bus voltage and IGBT switching.

Displays output current of the motor side inverter. A

Displays output power of the motor side inverter. kW
Displays output power factor of the motor side inverter. —
Displays torque producing current of the motor side inverter. A
Displays flux producing current of the motor side inverter. A
Displays the Motor Voltage that is measured by the optional Torque Accuracy Module (TAM), in
Volts RMS. VAC
If the TAM is not present or configured, the value is zero.

Displays a filtered value for DC bus voltage.

This value is a 6-minute average of measured DC bus voltage.
It is automatically initialized upon power-up or precharge, and continually updated during normal VDC
Use parameter 10:292 [DC Bus Mem Reset] to reset this parameter.

Displays the input voltage class (400V, 480V, 600V, or 690V) of the drive or bus supply. This value VAC
can change depending on the setting of parameter 0:33 [VoltageClass Cfg].

Displays the continuous output current rating of motor side inverter in RMS Amps.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters 0:34 A
[VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act].
This displays the same value as parameter 12:1 [Sys Rated Amps].

Displays the continuous output power rating of motor side inverter in kilowatts.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters 0:34 kW
[VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act].

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‘Freq Reg’ (0) – Selects a frequency control mode.
‘Profiler’ (1) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler function. The drive operates as a speed regulator. Step
Types in the Profiler / Indexer table only support speed profile.
The following position, velocity, and torque modes are supported for Flux Vector motor control
‘Zero Torque’ (0) – Selects a Torque control mode with the constant value of zero for the Torque
‘Velocity Reg’ (1) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
output of the Velocity Regulator.
‘Torque Reg’ (2) – Selects a Torque control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
Torque Command. During stops that require a ramp and during jogging, the drive temporarily
switches to a Velocity control mode.
‘SLAT Min’ (3) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
minimum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically
smaller than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value
of the Torque Command exceeds the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘SLAT Max’ (4) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
maximum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically —
larger than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value of
the Torque Command falls below the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘Sum’ (5) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference being the output of the
Velocity Regulator PLUS the Torque Command.
‘Psn PTP’ (6) – Selects a Point to Point Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from
the Point to Point interpreter and planner.
‘Psn Direct’ (7) – Selects a Direct Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from the
Direct Position Reference. There is not an interpreter or planner.
‘Psn Camming’ (8) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected]
has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position CAM mode and
uses its PCAM Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn PLL’ (9) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected] has
the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position Phase Lock Loop mode
and uses its PLL Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn SpdlOrnt’ (10) – Drive operates in the positioning mode to position the load side of a machine
to Parameter 10:1062 [SO Setpoint].
‘Profiler’ (11) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler/Position Indexer function. The drive operates as

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‘Freq Reg’ (0) – Selects a frequency control mode.
‘Profiler’ (1) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler function. The drive operates as a speed regulator. Step
Types in the Profiler / Indexer table only support speed profile.
The following position, velocity and torque modes are supported for Flux Vector motor control
‘Zero Torque’ (0) – Selects a Torque control mode with the constant value of zero for the Torque
‘Velocity Reg’ (1) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
output of the Velocity Regulator.
‘Torque Reg’ (2) – Selects a Torque control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
Torque Command. During stops that require a ramp and during jogging, the drive temporarily
switches to a Velocity control mode.
‘SLAT Min’ (3) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
minimum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically
smaller than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value
of the Torque Command exceeds the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘SLAT Max’ (4) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
maximum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically —
larger than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value of
the Torque Command falls below the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘Sum’ (5) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference being the output of the
Velocity Regulator PLUS the Torque Command.
‘Psn PTP’ (6) – Selects a Point to Point Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from
the Point to Point interpreter and planner.
‘Psn Direct’ (7) – Selects a Direct Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from the
Direct Position Reference. There is not an interpreter or planner.
‘Psn Camming’ (8) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected]
has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position CAM mode and
uses its PCAM Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn PLL’ (9) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected] has
the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position Phase Lock Loop mode
and uses its PLL Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn SpdlOrnt’ (10) – Drive operates in the positioning mode to position the load side of a machine
to Parameter 10:1062 [SO Setpoint].
‘Profiler’ (11) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler/Position Indexer function. The drive operates as

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‘Freq Reg’ (0) – Selects a frequency control mode.
‘Profiler’ (1) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler function. The drive operates as a speed regulator. Step
Types in the Profiler / Indexer table only support speed profile.
The following position, velocity and torque modes are supported for Flux Vector motor control
‘Zero Torque’ (0) – Selects a Torque control mode with the constant value of zero for the Torque
‘Velocity Reg’ (1) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
output of the Velocity Regulator.
‘Torque Reg’ (2) – Selects a Torque control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
Torque Command. During stops that require a ramp and during jogging, the drive temporarily
switches to a Velocity control mode.
‘SLAT Min’ (3) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
minimum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically
smaller than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value
of the Torque Command exceeds the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘SLAT Max’ (4) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
maximum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically —
larger than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value of
the Torque Command falls below the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘Sum’ (5) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference being the output of the
Velocity Regulator PLUS the Torque Command.
‘Psn PTP’ (6) – Selects a Point to Point Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from
the Point to Point interpreter and planner.
‘Psn Direct’ (7) – Selects a Direct Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from the
Direct Position Reference. There is not an interpreter or planner.
‘Psn Camming’ (8) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected]
has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position CAM mode and
uses its PCAM Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn PLL’ (9) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected] has
the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position Phase Lock Loop mode
and uses its PLL Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn SpdlOrnt’ (10) – Drive operates in the positioning mode to position the load side of a machine
to Parameter 10:1062 [SO Setpoint]
‘Profiler’(11) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler/Position Indexer function. The drive operates as

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‘Freq Reg’ (0) – Selects a frequency control mode.
‘Profiler’ (1) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler function. The drive operates as a speed regulator. Step
Types in the Profiler / Indexer table only support speed profile.
The following position, velocity and torque modes are supported for Flux Vector motor control
‘Zero Torque’ (0) – Selects a Torque control mode with the constant value of zero for the Torque
‘Velocity Reg’ (1) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
output of the Velocity Regulator.
‘Torque Reg’ (2) – Selects a Torque control mode with the Torque Reference coming from the
Torque Command. During stops that require a ramp and during jogging, the drive temporarily
switches to a Velocity control mode.
‘SLAT Min’ (3) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
minimum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically
smaller than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value
of the Torque Command exceeds the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘SLAT Max’ (4) – Selects a Speed Limited Torque control mode where the drive follow the
maximum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque Command is algebraically —
larger than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque Command. If the algebraic value of
the Torque Command falls below the Velocity Command, the drive switches to the Velocity
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘Sum’ (5) – Selects a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference being the output of the
Velocity Regulator PLUS the Torque Command.
‘Psn PTP’ (6) – Selects a Point to Point Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from
the Point to Point interpreter and planner.
‘Psn Direct’ (7) – Selects a Direct Position control mode. The Position Reference comes from the
Direct Position Reference. There is not an interpreter or planner.
‘Psn Camming’ (8) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected]
has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position CAM mode and
uses its PCAM Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn PLL’ (9) – Drive operates as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected] has
the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position Phase Lock Loop mode
and uses its PLL Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn SpdlOrnt’ (10) – Drive operates in the positioning mode to position the load side of a machine
to Parameter 10:1062 [SO Setpoint]
‘Profiler’ (11) – Drive uses the Speed Profiler/Position Indexer function. The drive operates as

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function. Step Types in the Profiler / Indexer table only support speed profile.
The following position, velocity and torque modes are supported for Flux Vector motor control
‘Zero Torque’ (0) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Torque control mode with the constant
value of zero for the Torque Reference.
‘Velocity Reg’ (1) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Velocity control mode with the Torque
Reference coming from the output of the Velocity Regulator.
‘Torque Reg’ (2) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Torque control mode with the Torque
Reference coming from the Torque Command. During stops that require a ramp and during
jogging, the drive temporarily switches to a Velocity control mode.
‘SLAT Min’ (3) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Speed Limited Torque control mode where
the drive follows the minimum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque
Command is algebraically smaller than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque
Command. If the algebraic value of the Torque Command exceeds the Velocity Command, the
drive switches to the Velocity Command.
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘SLAT Max’ (4) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Speed Limited Torque control mode where
the drive follows the maximum of two commands (Velocity and Torque). When the Torque
Command is algebraically larger than the Velocity Command, the drive follow the Torque
Command. If the algebraic value of the Torque Command falls below the Velocity Command, the —
drive switches to the Velocity Command.
This is useful in applications, where a mechanical event might cause a pure torque regulator to
run at undesirable speeds.
‘Sum’ (5) – Indicates the drive is operating in a Velocity control mode with the Torque Reference
being the output of the Velocity Regulator PLUS the Torque Command.
‘Psn PTP’ (6) – Indicates the drive is operating in the Point to Point Position control mode. The
Position Reference comes from the Point to Point interpreter and planner.
‘Psn Direct’ (7) – Indicates the drive is operating in the Direct Position control mode. The Position
Reference comes from the Direct Position Reference. There is not an interpreter or planner.
‘Psn Camming’ (8) – Indicates the drive is operating as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076
[Trq Ref Selected] has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position
CAM mode and uses its PCAM Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn PLL’ (9) – Indicates the drive is operating as a position regulator. Parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref
Selected] has the same source as in Sum mode. The position control is active in Position Phase
Lock Loop mode and uses its PLL Planner position and speed reference.
‘Psn SpdlOrnt’ (10) – Indicates the drive is operating in the positioning mode to position the load
side of a machine to Parameter 10:1062 [SO Setpoint].
‘Profiler’ (11) – indicates the drive is operating as either a speed or position regulator using the
Speed Profiler / Position Indexer function. The mode of operation depends on the configuration of
the Step Types in the Profiler/Indexer table.
You can switch between Position Velocity Torque Modes A, B, C, and D by using parameters 0:160
Enter a value to set the magnitude of parameter 10:1951 [Velocity Error] at which the SLAT
function releases its Forced Speed Mode signal. This condition must exist for the time that is set in
parameter 10:40 [SLAT Dwell Time]. Once released, the drive can operate as a torque regulator, Hz
depending on the relative levels of parameter 10:1969 [VReg Output] and 10:2073 [Trq RPM
Commanded]. This parameter is entered in units of Hz or RPM, depending on the value of
parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units].

Sets the time period that the value in parameter 10:1951 [Velocity Error] must exceed the
magnitude of parameter 10:39 [SLAT Err Stpt] magnitude to return to min/max torque mode. s

Enter a value to enable or disable the Start at Power Up function.

‘Disabled’ (0) – Disables the function.
‘Enabled’ (1) – Enables the function. If a valid Run command is present when the drive energizes, —
it begins running when it completes power up. This requires a digital input function for a Run
command to be configured properly. See parameter 0:120 [DI M Run].
Enter a value to define the delay time before the drive runs after power-up when Start at Power
Up is enabled. s

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Select the mode for the Flying Start function. This function allows the drive to reconnect to a
motor that is already spinning.
‘Disabled’ (0) – Disables the function.
‘CounterEMF’ (1) – This mode analyzes the motor Counter EMF to determine the motor
frequency. This mode is usually the fastest and most effective mode.
‘Sweep’ (2) – This mode produces an output with a frequency that starts at the high limit and —
sweeps to the low limit. It detects the motor’s frequency by monitoring the output current. This is
usually the most effective mode when there is an output sine filter. This mode is only applicable to
induction motor control.
Not all options are available for all motor control modes.

Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the current regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 —
Enter a value to set the integral gain for the current regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 —
Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 —
Enter a value to set the integral gain for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 —
Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the current regulator that controls the excitation
function when the reconnect function determines the need. The drive uses this gain when
parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 ‘CounterEMF’. —
This parameter is not available for IPM Flux Vector control.

Enter a value to set the integral gain for the current regulator that controls the excitation function
when the reconnect function determines the need. The drive uses this gain when parameter
10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 ‘CounterEMF’. —
This parameter is not available for IPM Flux Vector control.
Enter a value to define the delay between the start command and the start of the Reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 ms

Enter a value to define the level of DC braking current that the drive can use for the Flying Start
function. This is for the CEMF mode of the Flying Start function.
The Flying Start function will apply DC brake current to the motor when it determines the motor is A
spinning near zero speed. It can do this to bring the motor to a complete stop before attempting
to re-start it.
This parameter is not available for IPM Flux Vector control.

Enter a value to define the amount of time the drive can apply the DC braking current for the
Flying Start function. This is for the CEMF mode of the Flying Start function. s
This parameter is not available for IPM Flux Vector control.

Enter a value to set the threshold that the Flying Start function uses for zero speed detection.
The Flying Start function uses this value for DC braking. —
This value is for the CEMF mode of the Flying Start function.
This parameter is not available for IPM Flux Vector control.

Enter a value to set the threshold that the Flying Start function uses for zero speed detection.
The Flying Start function uses this value for DC braking. —
This value is for the Sweep mode of the Flying Start function.

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Enter a value to set the delay time between the start command and the start of the reconnect
function. This is mainly for power loss situations so the restart doesn’t occur too quickly causing
unwanted faults. The drive uses this delay when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 s

Enter a value to define the level of DC braking current that the drive can use for the Flying Start
function. This is for the Sweep mode of the Flying Start function.
The Flying Start function will apply DC brake current to the motor when it determines the motor is A
spinning near zero speed. It can do this to bring the motor to a complete stop before attempting
to re-start it.
Enter a value to define the amount of time the drive can apply the DC braking current for the
Flying Start function. This is for the Sweep mode of the Flying Start function. s

Enter a value to set the time to sweep frequency in one direction used the reconnect function.
The drive uses this time when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’. s

Enter a value to set the voltage of the 0 Hz point on the V/Hz curve used in the primary sweep
method. The drive uses this value when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’ %
and the value of parameter 10:91 [FS VHz Fixed Swp] is not zero.

Enter a value to set the scale value for a fixed volts per hertz curve to be used during the sweep.
The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’. %

Enter a value to set the proportional gain used by the reconnect function to control the initial
output voltage. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 —

Enter a value to set the integral gain used by the reconnect function to control the initial output
voltage. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’. —

Enter a value to set the integral gain used by the reconnect function in the voltage recovery to the
normal V/Hz level. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 —

Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’. —

Enter a value to set the integral gain for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect
function. The drive uses this gain when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 1 ‘Sweep’. —

Enter a value to set the level used by the reconnect function for frequency detection.
The speed detection signal must remain at this level for the amount of time specified in
parameter 10:98 [FS SpdDtcTim Swp] for positive detection. %
The drive uses this time when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’.

Enter a value to set the time used by the reconnect function for frequency detection.
The speed detection signal must remain at the level in parameter 10:97 [FS SpdDetLvl Swp] for
this amount of time for positive detection. s
The drive uses this time when parameter 10:70 [FlyingStart Mode] is set to 2 ‘Sweep’.

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Enter a value to select how the drive executes a stop command.
For operation with a controller, Stop Mode A defines the method that is used for a Normal Stop.
For operation by digital I/O, there are two stop modes: Stop Mode A and Stop Mode B. You can
switch between them by using digital I/O.
‘Coast’ (0) – the motor side inverter immediately stops modulating (stops gating its power
devices). This option stops the motor side inverter from powering the motor. In most applications,
this option causes the motor to coast to a standstill.
‘Ramp’ (1) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the active
Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It stops modulating (stops gating its power
devices) when it reaches the Zero Speed threshold.
‘Current Lmt’ (2) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor at a rate where the Decel Time is
0.1 seconds. It does not exceed the Current Limit to stop at this rate.
‘DecelToHold’ (3) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the
active Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It holds by continuing to modulate
with a zero speed (zero frequency) output. It does this until there is a new start command, new —
run command, or another kind of stop command. This option is intended for use with an encoder
and safety module to verify that the drive is holding zero speed.
‘Ramp to Hold’ (4) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the
active Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It holds by DC braking until the next
start sequence. Only available with induction motor control modes.
‘DC Brake’ (5) – the motor side inverter halts output phase rotation and injects DC current on the
last used output phase. Only available with induction motor control modes.
‘Fast Brake’ (6) – the motor side inverter decreases the output frequency so it is lower than the
motor speed, but not low enough for regeneration to occur. It forces the frequency to zero when
the frequency too low to allow regeneration to cause the DC bus to rise. Only available with
induction motor control modes.
Important: The Bus Regulation Mode must be Adjust Frequency use this stop mode.
Not all options are available for all motor control modes.

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Enter a value to select how the drive executes a stop command.
For operation with a controller, Stop Mode A defines the method that is used for a Normal Stop.
For operation by digital I/O, there are two stop modes: Stop Mode A and Stop Mode B. You can
switch between them by using digital I/O.
‘Coast’ (0) – the motor side inverter immediately stops modulating (stops gating its power
devices). This option stops the motor side inverter from powering the motor. In most applications,
this causes the motor to coast to a standstill.
‘Ramp’ (1) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the active
Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It stops modulating (stops gating its power
devices) when it reaches the Zero Speed threshold.
‘Current Lmt’ (2) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor at a rate where the Decel Time is
0.1 seconds. It does not exceed the Current Limit to stop at this rate.
‘DecelToHold’ (3) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the
active Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It holds by continuing to modulate
with a zero speed (zero frequency) output. It does this until there is a new start command, new —
run command, or another kind of stop command. This option is intended for use with an encoder
and safety module to verify that the drive is holding zero speed.
‘Ramp to Hold’ (4) – the motor side inverter decelerates the motor, at a rate that is defined by the
active Decel Time, until it reaches the Zero Speed threshold. It holds by DC braking until the next
start sequence. Only available with induction motor control modes.
‘DC Brake’ (5) – the motor side inverter halts output phase rotation and injects DC current on the
last used output phase. Only available with induction motor control modes.
‘Fast Brake’ (6) – the motor side inverter decreases the output frequency so it is lower than the
motor speed, but not low enough for regeneration to occur. It forces the frequency to zero when
the frequency too low to allow regeneration to cause the DC bus to rise. Only available with
induction motor control modes.
Important: The Bus Regulation Mode must be Adjust Frequency to use this stop mode.
Not all options are available for all motor control modes.

Enter a value to select how the motor side inverter regulates DC bus voltage.
For operation by discrete I/O, there are two bus regulation modes: Bus Regulation Mode A and
Bus Regulation Mode B. You can switch between them by using digital I/O.
‘Disabled’ (0) – The motor side inverter does nothing to regulate the DC bus voltage. In this mode,
the line side converter in PowerFlex® 755T drives and bus supplies, or external DC bus brake
regulates the DC bus voltage.
‘Adjust Freq’ (1) – The motor side inverter adjusts its output frequency to reduce the amount of
motor regeneration, which can contribute to rising DC bus voltage. Using this option can result in
extended deceleration times. —
‘Dyn Brake’ (2) – The Dynamic Brake Regulator is enabled. In Dynamic Brake mode the Bus Voltage
Regulator is turned off. The DC bus (capacitor bank) voltage rise is limited by an algorithm that
discharges the DC bus (capacitor bank) through a DB resistor using the internal DB transistor. The
Dynamic Brake mode can operate differently depending upon the setting of parameter 10:130 [DB
Resistor Type] either 0 ‘Internal’ or 1 ‘External’.
‘Both DB 1st’ (3) – Both regulators are enabled, and the operating point of the Dynamic Brake
Regulator is lower than that of the Frequency Bus Voltage Regulator.
‘Both Frq 1st’ (4) – Both regulators are enabled, and the operating point of the Frequency Bus
Voltage Regulator is lower than that of the Dynamic Brake Regulator.

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Enter a value to select how the motor side inverter regulates DC bus voltage.
For operation by discrete I/O, there are two bus regulation modes: Bus Regulation Mode A and
Bus Regulation Mode B. You can switch between them by using digital I/O.
‘Disabled’ (0) – The motor side inverter does nothing to regulate the DC bus voltage. In this mode,
the line side converter in PowerFlex 755T drives and bus supplies, or external DC bus brake
regulates the DC bus voltage.
‘Adjust Freq’ (1) – The motor side inverter adjusts its output frequency to reduce the amount of
motor regeneration, which can contribute to rising DC bus voltage. Using this option can result in
extended deceleration times. —
‘Dyn Brake’ (2) – The Dynamic Brake Regulator is enabled. In Dynamic Brake mode the Bus Voltage
Regulator is turned off. The DC bus (capacitor bank) voltage rise is limited by an algorithm that
discharges the DC bus (capacitor bank) through a DB resistor using the internal DB transistor. The
Dynamic Brake mode can operate differently depending upon the setting of parameter 10:130 [DB
Resistor Type] either 0 ‘Internal’ or 1 ‘External’.
‘Both DB 1st’ (3) – Both regulators are enabled, and the operating point of the Dynamic Brake
Regulator is lower than that of the Frequency Bus Voltage Regulator.
‘Both Frq 1st’ (4) – Both regulators are enabled, and the operating point of the Frequency Bus
Voltage Regulator is lower than that of the Dynamic Brake Regulator.

Enter a value to determine the control source for the DC Bus Regulation Level.
‘Bus Memory’ (0) – References are determined by parameter 10:13 [DC Bus Memory].
‘BusReg Level’ (1) – References are determined by parameter 10:119 [Bus Reg Level]. If
coordinated operation with external dynamic brakes of a common bus system is desired, use this —
‘LineSideRef’ (2) – References are determined by the line side converter in parameter 13:50 [DC
Bus Command]. This setting does not work for PowerFlex 755TM common bus inverters or 755TS
drives because they do not have line side converters.

Enter a value to set the ‘turn-on’ level for the DC Bus Regulator. VDC

Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the DC Bus Regulator. This parameter is only
functional when a Flux Vector motor control mode is selected. —

Enter a value to set the Integral gain for the DC Bus Regulator. This parameter is only functional
when a Flux Vector motor control mode is selected. —

Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the DC Bus Limiter. This is not functional when any
Flux Vector motor control mode is selected. A/V

Enter a value to set the Derivative gain for the DC Bus Limiter. This is not functional when any Flux
Vector motor control mode is selected. s

Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator. This is not
functional when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected. Hz/A

Enter a value to set the Integral gain for the DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator. This is not
functional when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected. —

Enter a value to select whether the internal or external dynamic brake protection is used.
‘Internal’ (0) – Selects the internal dynamic brake resistor.
‘External’ (1) – Selects an external dynamic brake resistor.
Important: Only one dynamic brake resistor can be connected to PowerFlex 755TS frame 2 drives.
If an external dynamic brake is used with a PowerFlex 755TS frame 2 drive, the internal dynamic —
brake resistor must be disconnected.
Drive damage is likely if both internal and external resistors are connected. If a dynamic brake
resistor is connected to the drive, 10:116 [Bus Reg Mode A] and 10:117 [Bus Reg Mode B] must be
set to either option 2, 3, or 4 for the dynamic brake to turn on.

Enter a value that is used to calculate the maximum negative torque available from the dynamic
brake and is used for the external resistor dynamic brake protection. Ohms

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Enter a value to set the continuous rated power reference for the external dynamic brake resistor.
Only valid when an external dynamic brake resistor is selected (10:130 [DB Resistor Type] = 1
‘External’). The dynamic brake continuous watts are used in the dynamic brake thermal protection Watts
Important: If customer-supplied protection is used in place of the drive-calculated resistor
thermal protection, set this parameter to its maximum value.

Enter a value to set the thermal transient response of the external dynamic brake resistor. The
response is the maximum allowable power to the dynamic brake resistor for 1 second without
exceeding the resistor element temperature. This parameter is only valid when an external
dynamic brake resistor is selected (10:130 [DB Resistor Type] = 1 ‘External’). If this value is not
available from the resistor vendor, use 1 or 2 to calculate:
1. [DB ExtPulseWatts] = 75,000 x weight (lb), where weight is the weight of the resistor wire in
pounds (not the weight of the entire resistor).
2. [DB ExtPulseWatts] = Time Constant x Brake Watts. The Time Constant equals the amount of
time to reach 63% of its rated temperature while the maximum power is applied to the resistor. Watts
Brake Watts is the maximum continuous power rating of the resistor.
Many external resistor pulse watts settings are provided in the PowerFlex Dynamic Braking
Resistor Calculator, publication PFLEX-AT001, or consult the resistor manufacturer for this
Important: If customer-supplied protection is used in place of the drive-calculated resistor
thermal protection, set this parameter to its maximum value. This information can show up on
your resistor in Joules or Watt-seconds. Use that value in this parameter. Contact the resistor
manufacturer if that information is not provided.

Enter a value to enable or disable flux braking.

Flux braking works during deceleration.
Flux braking only works with induction motors. —
‘Disabled’ (0) – disables the flux braking function.
‘Enabled’ (1) – enables the flux braking function.
Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the flux braking function. V/A
Enter a value to set the integral gain for the flux braking function. —
Enter a value to set a limit on motor voltage during flux braking, as a percent of parameter 10:400
[Motor NP Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the duration of time between reaching the Zero Speed Threshold set by
10:146 [Zero Speed Limit] and disabling the velocity and torque regulators, when responding to a s
stop command.

Enter a value to set the Zero Speed Threshold.

Drive control uses this tolerance band, around zero speed, to determine when the motor is at
zero speed. Many functions in the drive use this status, including stopping behaviors.
Parameter 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] / Bit 24 ‘AtZero Speed’ displays zero speed status. Hz
When decelerating from a higher speed, control sets the zero-speed status bit when speed falls RPM
below this threshold. It clears the bit when the speed rises above 200% of this threshold.
For example, when this is set to 1.8 RPM, the control sets the bit when speed falls below 1.8 RPM.
It clears the bit when speed rises above 3.6 RPM.

Enter a value to select the port and parameter source for the DC Brake Level.
This is often an analog input. —

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Enter a value to determine the DC brake current level that is injected into the motor during DC
braking. See selections 2 ‘Ramp to Hold’, 3 ‘DC Brake’, and 4 ‘DCBrkAutoOff’ in parameters 10:110
[Mtr Stop Mode A] and 10:111 [Mtr Stop Mode B].
This parameter also determines the braking current level when executing a Fast Brake stop. Refer A
to selection 6 ‘Fast Brake’ in parameters 10:110 [Mtr Stop Mode A] and 10:111 [Mtr Stop Mode
Note that a PWM algorithm creates the DC braking voltage. It does not generate the smooth
holding force that is needed for some applications.

Enter a value to set the amount of time DC brake current is ‘injected’ into the motor during DC
braking. See selections 1 ‘Ramp’, 4 ‘Ramp to Hold’, and 5 ‘DC Brake’ in parameters 10:110 [Mtr s
Stop Mode A] and 10:111 [Mtr Stop Mode B].
Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the DC Braking Current Regulator. Hz
Enter a value to set the proportional gain that is used in the Speed Regulator that controls the Fast
Braking function. —

Enter a value to set the integral gain that is used in the Speed Regulator that controls the Fast
Braking function. —

Enter a value to set power sensitivity for the transition from Fast Braking to DC Brake.
The control uses this parameter value when executing a stop command and the Stop Mode is DC —
Brake w/Auto Shutoff. This parameter sets the level sensitivity for shut off.
Enter a value to set frequency sensitivity for the transition from Fast Braking to DC Brake.
The control uses this parameter value when executing a stop command and the Stop Mode is DC —
Brake w/Auto Shutoff. This parameter sets the time sensitivity for shut off.

Enter a value to configure the response to a deceleration inhibit condition, which occurs when the
drive is not decelerating.
One possible cause could be bus voltage regulation.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must
clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to configure the response to a Motor Overload condition.

‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must —
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to select the initial value of the Motor Overload counter on power-up.
‘Assume Cold’ (0) – resets the Motor Overload counter to zero, as if powering up cold.
‘UseLastValue’ (1) – loads the value saved at last power-down, as if no change occurred during the
power cycle. —
‘RealTimeClk’ (2) – loads an estimated value that depends on value saved at last power-down and
the amount of time that passed during the power cycle. The estimate assumes the motor cools
during the power cycle. When the power cycle is longer, the estimate is lower.

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Enter a value to set the threshold for a Motor Overload alarm.
This parameter is scaled the same as parameter 10:207 [Mtr OL Counts].
This can be useful for providing a warning alarm before the Motor Overload event, which is %
configured by parameter 10:200 [Motor OL Actn].
This alarm threshold is different than, and independent of, the ‘Alarm’ action of parameter 10:200
[Motor OL Actn].

Enter a value to set the threshold where the Motor Overload counter begins to increment.
The value is scaled as a percentage of the value in parameter 10:401 [Mtr NP Amps].
Current levels above this value increment the Motor Overload counter. —
Current levels below this value decrement the Motor Overload counter.
For example, a service factor of 1.15 implies continuous operation up to 115% of nameplate
motor current.

Enter a value to select the frequency below which the Motor Overload function derates the motor
current rating.
This accounts for the reduced self-cooling capability of typical motors, operating at slower speeds. Hz
For motors with extra-low speed cooling capacity (for example 10:1 or blower cooled), reduce this
setting to take full advantage of the motor.

Enter a value to set the threshold where a Motor Overload condition can be reset.
If the Motor Overload count is below this value, you can reset the Motor Overload fault (if a Fault
is selected as the Motor Overload Action). If it is above, you cannot. %
If the Motor Overload count is below this value, the drive will reset a Motor Overload alarm (if
Alarm is selected as the Motor Overload Action). If it is above, it will not.

Displays the time it will take to for the Motor Overload count to fall below the Motor Overload
Reset threshold.
This the amount of time it will take for the motor to cool to the point where it can be run again. s
If a Motor Overload event occurs, this is how much time will pass before you can reset the Motor
Overload fault, or before the drive will reset the Motor Overload alarm.

Displays the Motor Overload count.

The Motor Overload counter increments if motor current is above the threshold defined by
multiplying parameter 10:203 [Mtr OL Factor] by 10:401 [Mtr NP Amps].
It decrements if motor current is below that threshold.
If the value of this parameter reaches 100%, the Motor Overload event will occur. This can be an %
alarm, fault, or no action (depending on the setting of parameter 10:200 [Mtr OL Action]).
This value of this display parameter cannot exceed 100. The value of the internal counter may
exceed 100. In these situations, the value of this parameter will remain at 100 until the motor
cools enough.

Displays the time it will take to for the Motor Overload count to reach 100% under the current
operating conditions. s
Enter a value to configure the motor class. —
Enter a value to set the overload curve either below or equivalent to the curve that represents the
protection class. —
Enter a value to set the decay time from hot state to cool state. min

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Enter a value to configure the response to a Drive Overload condition, in continue running
without a fault.
‘Disabled’ (0) – disables the response.
‘Reduce CLmt’ (1) – reduces the current limit of the motor side inverter.
‘Reduce PWM’ (2) – reduces the PWM frequency of the motor side inverter. —
‘Both PWM 1st’ (3) – reduces the PWM frequency of the motor side inverter first, then reduces
the current limit of the motor side inverter if the Drive Overload condition persists.
When using a sine-wave output filter, set this parameter to 0 ‘Disabled’ or 1 ‘Reduce CLmt’.

Enter a value to select port and parameter source for the software Current Limit of the motor side
When output current equals or exceeds this value, the software Current Limit function decreases —
or increases the output frequency to limit the output current to this value.
This software Current Limit does not set the threshold for the software Over Current fault.

Enter a value to set a constant software Current Limit.

You can select this parameter as a source for the software Current Limit in parameter 10:221
[Current Lim Sel]. See parameter 10:224 [Active Cur Lim] for the current limit that the drive is A

Enter a value to set a constant software Current Limit.

You can select this parameter as a source for the software Current Limit in parameter 10:221
[Current Lim Sel]. See parameter 10:224 [Active Cur Lim] for the current limit that the drive is A
Displays the Active Current Limit.
This includes the effects of the Drive Overload and the software Current Limit. A
See parameters 10:220 [Drive OL Mode] and 10:221 [Current Lim Sel].
Enter a value to set the largest allowable rate of change for the torque producing current
reference (Iq) with respect to time. %
This number is scaled in percent of rated motor current for every 250 microseconds.

Enter a value to set the limit for power flow from the motor to the motor side inverter
Only active in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. %
The default value of -200% is good when the line side converter is fully regenerative. Set to a
smaller magnitude, such as -50%, when operating without a fully regenerative line side converter.
This occurs in PowerFlex 755TL drives or systems with non-regenerative bus supplies.

Enter a value to set the limit for power flow to the motor from the motor side inverter (motoring).
Enter as a percentage of rated motor power. %
Only active in Flux Vector (FV) control modes.
Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the Current Limit function.
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. Hz/A

Enter a value to set the Integral gain for the Current Limit function.
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. —

Enter a value to set the Derivative gain for the Current Limit function.
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. s

Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the Flux Producing Current (Id) Limit function.
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. V/A

Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the Torque Producing Current (Iq) Limit function.
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes. V/A

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Enter a value to set the Jerk (rate of change of acceleration with respect to time) used when
accelerating and decelerating. —

The Shear Pin function is for detecting machine jams and shocks. It monitors motor current. If the
current exceeds the configurable Shear Pin Threshold, for the configurable Shear Pin Time, the
function detects an event.
There are two detectors: Shear Pin 1 and Shear Pin 2. They each have separate thresholds and
Set and clear bits to configure the operation of the Shear Pin detectors. You can configure them to
ignore the current when the drive is accelerating. —
Bit 0 ‘Shear1NoAcc’ – When this bit is set, the Shear Pin 1 detector ignores motor current during
acceleration. When this bit is cleared, the Shear Pin 1 detector monitors motor current during
Bit 1 ‘Shear2NoAcc’ – When this bit is set, the Shear Pin 2 detector ignores motor current during
acceleration. When this bit is cleared, the Shear Pin 2 detector monitors motor current during

Enter a value to configure the response when the Shear Pin 1 detector detects an event.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must —
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Shear Pin 1 detector.
If motor current exceeds this threshold for the duration defined by parameter 10:244 [Shear Pin 1 A
Time], the function will detect an event.
Enter a value to set the time for the Shear Pin 1 detector.
If motor current exceeds this threshold defined by parameter 10:243 [Shear Pin1 Level] for the s
duration defined by this parameter, the function will detect an event.

Enter a value to configure the response when the Shear Pin 2 detector detects an event.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must —
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Shear Pin 2 detector.
If motor current exceeds this threshold for the duration defined by parameter 10:247 [Shear Pin 2 A
Time], the function will detect an event.
Enter a value to set the time for the Shear Pin 2 detector.
If motor current exceeds this threshold defined by parameter 10:246 [Shear Pin2 Level] for the s
duration defined by this parameter, the function will detect an event.

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Enter a value to configure the action to take when the Load Loss function detects an event.
The Load Loss function detects an event when motor torque current drops below the Load Loss
Threshold for the duration of the Load Loss Time. It is only active when motor speed is above the
Load Loss Speed.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to set the Load Loss Threshold.

Enter a percentage of rated motor torque.
If motor torque current falls below this threshold, for the amount of time specified in parameter %
10:252 [Load Loss Time], the Load Loss function detects an event.

Enter a value to set the Load Loss Time.

If motor torque current falls below this threshold specified in parameter 10:251 [Load Loss Level],
for this amount of time, the Load Loss function detects an event. s
Do not set to zero when using Fault Coast Stop as the Load Loss Action (setting parameter 10:250
[Load Loss Action] to a value of 3 ‘FltCoastStop’).
Enter a value to set the Load Loss Speed.
The Load Loss detector is not active when motor speed is lower than this speed. Hz

Enter a value to configure the action to take when the Output Phase Loss function detects an
The Output Phase Loss function detects an event when the output current on any of the three
phases falls below the Output Phase Loss Threshold for more than one second. It is only active
when motor speed is above 0.2 Hz.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. See parameter 10:465 [Alarm
Status A]. They do not prevent starting. They do not stop modulation. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to set the Output Phase Loss Threshold.

Enter a percentage of rated motor current. Rated motor current is specified in parameter 10:401
[Motor NP Amps]. %
If the output current on any of the three phases falls below this threshold, for one second, the
Output Phase Loss function detects an event.

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Enter a value to configure the response to a power loss timeout condition.
A power loss timeout occurs if 0:3 [DC Bus Voltage] stays below the power loss threshold for
10:273/277 [Power Loss n Time]. The DC bus voltage power loss threshold = 10:13 [DC Bus
Memory] – 10:272/276 [Pwr Loss n Level]. The motor side inverter control has two power loss
detectors: A and B. Each detector has its own power loss level, power loss time, and power loss
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not stop or prevent
the drive from starting.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults do not stop the drive. You must clear the fault
to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must
clear the fault to start or run.

Configures the immediate drive response to a loss of input power (power loss condition) as
sensed by a drop in bus voltage. A power loss condition occurs when 0:3 [DC Bus Voltage] drops
below the power loss threshold. The DC bus voltage power loss threshold = 10:13 [DC Bus
Memory] – 10:272 [Pwr Loss A Level].
‘Coast’ (0) – The motor side inverter stops modulating (stops gating its power devices). This setting
stops further depletion of DC bus energy. Use this option on low inertia loads. —
‘Decel’ (1) – The motor side inverter reduces its output frequency. This setting can cause the
motor to regenerate energy back to the DC bus. Use this option on high inertia loads.
‘Continue’ (2) – Allows the motor side inverter to continue to send power to the motor. Use this
option on loads that require no speed change during a power loss condition.

Configures the immediate drive response to a loss of input power (power loss condition) as
sensed by a drop in bus voltage. A power loss condition occurs when 0:3 [DC Bus Voltage] drops
below the power loss threshold. The DC bus voltage power loss threshold = 10:13 [DC Bus
Memory] – 10:276 [Pwr Loss B Level].
‘Coast’ (0) – The motor side inverter stops modulating (stops gating its power devices). This setting
stops further depletion of DC bus energy. Use this option on low inertia loads. —
‘Decel’ (1) – The motor side inverter reduces its output frequency. This setting can cause the
motor to regenerate energy back to the DC bus. Use this option on high inertia loads.
‘Continue’ (2) – Allows the motor side inverter to continue to send power to the motor. Use this
option on loads that require no speed change during a power loss condition.

Enter a value to set the power loss level to be used to calculate the power loss threshold. The DC
bus voltage power loss threshold = 10:13 [DC Bus Memory] – 10:272 [Pwr Loss A Level]. A power
loss condition occurs when 0:3 [DC Bus Voltage] drops below the power loss threshold. The power VDC
loss function responds as configured in 10:271 [Pwr Loss Mode A]. If the DC bus voltage stays
below this level for 10:273 [Pwr Loss A Time], a power loss timeout occurs.

Enter a value to set the power loss level to be used to calculate the power loss threshold. The DC
bus voltage power loss threshold = 10:13 [DC Bus Memory] – 10:276 [Pwr Loss B Level]. A power
loss condition occurs when 0:3 [DC Bus Voltage] drops below the power loss threshold. The power VDC
loss function responds as configured in 10:275 [Pwr Loss Mode B]. If the DC bus voltage stays
below this level for 10:277 [Pwr Loss B Time], a power loss timeout occurs.

Enter a value to set the power loss time. If a power loss condition occurs, a power loss timer
starts. If the timer exceeds 10:273 [Pwr Loss A Time], a power loss timeout occurs, and the action
that is programmed in 10:270 [Pwr Loss Actn] is completed. The power loss timer is reset when s
the power loss condition is removed.

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Enter a value to set the power loss time. If a power loss condition occurs, a power loss timer
starts. If the timer exceeds 10:277 [Pwr Loss B Time], a power loss timeout occurs, and the action
that is programmed in 10:270 [Pwr Loss Actn] is completed. The power loss timer is reset when s
the power loss condition is removed.
Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the DC bus regulator that is used for the Power Loss
Function. A/V
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes.
Enter a value to set the Derivative gain for the DC bus regulator that is used for the Power Loss
Function. s
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes.
Enter a value to set the Proportional gain for the Active Current Regulator portion of the bus
regulator that is used for the Power Loss Function. Hz/A
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes.
Enter a value to set the Integral gain for the Active Current Regulator portion of the bus regulator
that is used for the Power Loss Function. Hz/A
This parameter is not functional in Flux Vector (FV) control modes.

Enter a value to configure the response to an Under Voltage event.

‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must —
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

Enter a value to set the Under Voltage Threshold.

Enter a value in AC volts. The Under Voltage function will calculate the AC voltage, by scaling DC
Bus Memory by an equivalent factor for natural (passive) rectification. VAC
This is a useful function for a common bus inverter, where the bus supply is a simple rectifier with
limited diagnostics.

Enter a value to configure the response to an Input Phase Loss event.

‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must —
clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Ramp Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Current Limit Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run.

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Enter a value to set the threshold for the Input Phase Loss detection function.
Decreasing this value increases sensitivity, increasing the value decreases sensitivity.
This is a useful function for a common bus inverter, where the bus supply is a simple rectifier with
limited diagnostics. %
The function works by analyzing harmonics in the DC bus ripple. When all three input phases are
connected, the sixth harmonic is dominant. When one phase is disconnected, the second
harmonic is dominant. The function compares the ratio of second and sixth harmonics to this
threshold. If the ratio exceeds this threshold, the function detects an Input Phase Loss event.

Enter a value to reset the value in parameter 10:13 [DC Bus Memory].
’Disabled’ (0) – allows the DC Bus Memory calculation to continue with the existing data. —
’Enabled’ (1) – initializes the DC Bus Memory calculation.

The IPM power limit function helps prevent unstable operation when DC bus voltage is low and
the required motor speed is high.
Parameters 10:260 [IPM PwrLmt1], 10:262 [IPM PwrLmt2], 10:261 [IPM PwrLmt1 Vltg], 10:263
[IPM PwrLmt2 Vltg] and 10:265 [IPM PwrLmt3 Vltg] define the piece-wise linear function. The
power limit is on the Y-axis, and DC bus voltage is on the X-axis. %
Enter a value to set the output power limit when the DC bus voltage is below the value set in
parameter 10: 260 [IPM PwrLmt1]. This setting also defines the Y-axis value for the endpoint of
the first segment and the starting point of the second segment.
Set as a percentage of rated motor power.

Enter a value to set the lowest threshold voltage for the IPM power limit function. When the DC
bus voltage is below this threshold, the function limits output power to the value set in parameter
10:260 [IPM PwrLmt1]. This setting also defines the X-axis value for the endpoint of the first %
segment and the starting point of the second segment.
Set as a percentage of nominal DC bus voltage.
See parameter 10: 260 [IPM PwrLmt1] for a description of the overall IPM power limit function.

Enter a value to set the output power limit when the DC bus voltage is between the values set in
parameter 10: 261 [IPM PwrLmt1 Vltg] and 10:263 [IPM PwrLmt2 Vltg]. This setting defines the Y-
axis value for the endpoint of the second segment and the starting point of the third segment. %
Set as a percentage of rated motor power.
See parameter 10: 260 [IPM PwrLmt1] for a description of the overall IPM power limit function.

Enter a value to set the second threshold voltage for the IPM power limit function. This setting
defines the X-axis value for the endpoint of the second segment and the starting point of the third
segment. %
Set as a percentage of nominal DC bus voltage.
See parameter 10: 260 [IPM PwrLmt1] for a description of the overall IPM power limit function.

Enter a value to set the highest threshold voltage for the IPM power limit function. When the DC
bus voltage is above this threshold, the function limits output power to the value set in parameter
10:230 [Motor Power Lim]. This setting also defines the X-axis value for the endpoint of the third %
segment and the starting point of the fourth segment.
Set as a percentage of nominal DC bus voltage.
See parameter 10: 260 [IPM PwrLmt1] for a description of the overall IPM power limit function.

Displays the port number and parameter number of the source of the present velocity reference. —

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Displays the conditions that are currently inhibiting the motor side inverter from starting.
Bit 0 ‘Faulted’ – System is in a faulted state.
Bit 1 ‘Alarm’ – A Type 2 alarm exists.
Bit 2 ‘Enable’ – An Enable input is open.
Bit 3 ‘Precharge’ – System is in precharge.
Bit 4 ‘Stop’ – The motor side inverter is receiving a stop command.
Bit 5 ‘Database’ – Database is performing a download operation.
Bit 6 ‘Startup’ – The assisted Start routine in the HIM is active and preventing a start.
Bit 7 ‘RotarySwitch’ – Rotary switches on the main control board are set to a combination (888) —
that prevents start.
Bit 8 ‘Safety’ – A Functional Safety option module is preventing a start.
Bit 9 ‘Sleep’ – Sleep function is issuing a stop.
Bit 10 ‘Profiler’ – Profiler function is issuing a stop.
Bit 11 ‘CommutNotCfg’ – The permanent magnet motor commutation function has not been
configured for use.
Bit 12 ‘Ovrd Event’ – Inverter start is inhibited due to fault, but converter can continue running.
Bit 13 ‘Standby’ – Indicates that the system is in a low energy (paused) state.

Displays the conditions that kept the motor side inverter from starting during the last inhibit.
Bit 0 ‘Faulted’ – System is in a faulted state.
Bit 1 ‘Alarm’ – A Type 2 alarm exists.
Bit 2 ‘Enable’ – An Enable input is open.
Bit 3 ‘Precharge’ – System is in precharge.
Bit 4 ‘Stop’ – The motor side inverter is receiving a stop command.
Bit 5 ‘Database’ – Database is performing a download operation.
Bit 6 ‘Startup’ – The assisted Start routine in the HIM is active and preventing a start.
Bit 7 ‘RotarySwitch’ – Rotary switches on the main control board are set to a combination (888)
that prevents start. —
Bit 8 ‘Safety’ – A Functional Safety option module is preventing a start.
Bit 9 ‘Sleep’ – Sleep function is issuing a stop.
Bit 10 ‘Profiler’ – Profiler function is issuing a stop.
Bit 11 ‘CommutNotCfg’ – The permanent magnet motor commutation function has not been
configured for use.
Bit 12 ‘Ovrd Event’ – Inverter start is inhibited due to fault, but converter can continue running.
Bit 13 ‘Standby’ – Indicates that the system is in a low energy (paused) state.
When the drive receives a new start command, it copies the value from parameter 10:351 [M
Start Inhibits] into this parameter.

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1, reverse = 0).
Bit 3 ‘Actual Dir’ indicates whether the actual direction is forward or reverse (forward = 1, reverse
= 0).
Bit 4 ‘Accelerating’, in Volts per Hertz and Sensorless Vector modes, indicates motor velocity is
moving away from zero, due to a change in velocity reference. This is determined by examining
the Velocity Ramp. ‘Accelerating’, in Flux Vector modes, indicates motor torque is moving away
from zero velocity.
Bit 5 ‘Decelerating’, in Volts per Hertz and Sensorless Vector modes, indicates motor velocity is
moving towards zero, due to a change in velocity reference. This is determined by examining the
Velocity Ramp. ‘Decelerating’, in Flux Vector modes, indicates motor torque is moving towards
zero velocity.
Bit 6 ‘Alarm’ indicates a type one or type two alarm is present.
Bit 7 ‘Faulted’ indicates a major or minor fault is present.
Bit 8 ‘At Speed’ indicates output frequency is within 1% of the velocity reference.
Bit 9 ‘Manual’ indicates the Auto/Manual function is in the Manual mode.
Bit 10 ‘SpdRef Bit 0’ indicates the state of the Speed (Velocity) reference selection bit 0.
Bit 11 ‘SpdRef Bit 1’ indicates the state of the Speed (Velocity) reference selection bit 1.
Bit 12 ‘SpdRef Bit 2’ indicates the state of the Speed (Velocity) reference selection bit 2.
Bit 13 ‘SpdRef Bit 3’ indicates the state of the Speed (Velocity) reference selection bit 3.
Bit 14 ‘SpdRef Bit 4’ indicates the state of the Speed (Velocity) reference selection bit 4. These bits
work together to select a velocity reference. —
Bit 16 ‘Running’ indicates the motor side inverter is modulating in response to a start or run
command. This bit clears in the following conditions: drive stopped, drive coast stop, drive
jogging, and drive autotuning.
Bit 17 ‘Jogging’ indicates the motor side inverter is modulating in response to a jog command.
Bit 18 ‘Stopping’ indicates the motor side inverter is responding to command.
Bit 19 ‘DC Braking’ indicates the motor side inverter is performing a DC Braking action.
Bit 20 ‘DB Active’ indicates the Dynamic Brake is active. (Only functional when a dynamic braking
IGBT is present.)
Bit 21 ‘Speed Mode’ indicates the motor side inverter is configured or operating as a Speed
(Velocity) regulator.
Bit 22 ‘PositionMode’ indicates the motor side inverter is configured operating as a Position
Bit 23 ‘Torque Mode’ indicates the motor side inverter is configured or operating to control
Bit 24 ‘AtZero Speed’ indicates the motor side inverter is operating at zero speed (within the Zero
Speed limit).
Bit 25 ‘At Home’ indicates the motor is at the home position.
Bit 26 ‘At Limit’ indicates that one or more control loop (velocity, torque, current and so forth) is
operating at a limit. See parameter 10:365 [At Limit Status].
Bit 27 ‘Cur Limit’ indicates that the current control is operating at a limit.
Bit 28 ‘Bus Frq Reg’ indicates that the DC Bus regulator is modifying the output frequency.

Displays the operating condition of the motor side inverter.

Bit 0 ‘AutoRstr Act’ indicates the Auto Restart function has been activated.
Bit 1 ‘AuRstrCntDwn’ indicates the Auto Restart function is counting down before attempting a
Bit 2 ‘HS Fan On’ indicates the Heatsink Fan of Fans are running.
Bit 4 ‘Flux Braking’ indicates the motor side inverter is performing a Flux Braking action.
Bit 5 ‘FdbkLoss SwO’ indicates that an Automatic Tach Switchover has occurred. This action is
associated with the option to automatically switch to the alternate velocity feedback device upon —
failure of the primary velocity feedback device. Use parameter 10:1019 [Fb Loss Action] to control
this option.
Bit 8 ‘PrchrgClosed’ indicates the Precharge Contactor is closed.
Bit 9 ‘Autotuning’ indicates the motor side inverter is performing an Autotune action.
Bit 10 ‘PID FB Loss’ indicates the Process PID function has experienced a feedback loss.
Bit 11 ‘Accel Rate’ indicates the secondary Acceleration Rate 10:1916 [VRef Accel Time2] is active.
Bit 12 ‘Decel Rate’ indicates the secondary Deceleration Rate 10:1918 [VRef Decel Time2] is

Displays the overload count for the motor side inverter in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the continuous rating. %
When the count reaches 100% a code 10028 ‘Drive Overload’ fault occurs.

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Displays the maximum calculated temperature of all Mn IGBT junctions, in percentage of
maximum (trip) temperature. %

Displays the maximum calculated temperature of all Mn IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius. °C

Displays the maximum temperature of all Mn power module heatsinks, in percentage of

maximum (trip) temperature. %

Displays the maximum temperature of all Mn power module heatsinks, in degrees Celsius. °C

Displays the status of conditions that may be active or at limits.

Bit 0 ‘Current Lmt’ indicates the scalar (volts per hertz, sensorless vector, or economizer) current
limit is adjusting the output frequency.
Bit 1 ‘Bus Vltg Lmt’ indicates the scalar bus voltage limit is adjusting the output frequency.
Bit 2 ‘MaxSpeed Lmt’ indicates the Speed (Velocity) Reference is limited.
Bit 3 ‘OverSpd Lmt’ indicates the Speed (Velocity) reference positive (+) trim is at maximum
velocity limit plus or minus (+/-) the overspeed limit.
Bit 4 ‘Spd Reg Lmt’ indicates the output of the Speed (Velocity) regulator is limited.
Bit 5 ‘Freq Hi Lmt’ indicates the output of the scalar control inner ramp is at the high limit.
Bit 6 ‘Freq Lo Lmt’ indicates the output of the scalar control inner ramp is at the low limit.
Bit 7 ‘FreqOSPosLmt’ indicates the output of the scalar control inner ramp is at the positive
overspeed limit.
Bit 8 ‘FreqOSNegLmt’ indicates the output of the scalar control inner ramp is at the negative
overspeed limit.
Bit 9 ‘Flux Braking’ indicates the motor side inverter is performing a Flux Braking action.
Bit 10 ‘Economize’ indicates the Economizer mode is active.
Bit 11 ‘PWM FreqLmt’ indicates the Thermal Manager function is limiting the carrier frequency.
Bit 12 ‘ConverterLmt’ indicates that the converter is limiting the inverter output.
Bit 13 ‘DB Res Limit’ indicates that dynamic brake thermal protection is active. Verify with —
parameter 10:133 [DB ExtPulseWatts].
Bit 17 ‘TrqCurPosLmt’ indicates torque producing current is at the positive limit.
Bit 18 ‘TrqCurNegLmt’ indicates torque producing current is at the negative limit.
Bit 19 ‘FlxCurPosLmt’ indicates flux producing current is at the positive limit.
Bit 20 ‘FlxCurNegLmt’ indicates flux producing current is at the negative limit.
Bit 21 ‘Trq Pos Lmt’ indicates torque is at the positive limit.
Bit 22 ‘Trq Neg Lmt’ indicates torque is at the positive limit.
Bit 23 ‘Mtrng PwrLmt’ indicates the motor side inverter is operating at the limit for motoring
Bit 24 ‘Regen PwrLmt’ indicates the motor side inverter is operating at the limit for regenerative
Bit 25 ‘Cur Lmt FV’ indicates the current regulator for Flux Vector mode is at the limit.
Bit 26 ‘Therm RegLmt’ indicates thermal regulator is at the torque limit.
Bit 27 ‘BusVltgFVLmt’ indicates the bus voltage regulator for Flux Vector mode is at the limit.
Bit 28 ‘Mtr Vltg Lkg’ indicates motor stator voltage on the derivative axis is at the limit.
Bit 29 ‘TrqPrvPosLmt’ indicates Torque Prove proving torque is at the positive limit.
Bit 30 ‘TrqPrvNegLmt’ indicates Torque Prove proving torque is at the negative limit.
Bit 31 ‘Cur Rate Lmt’ indicates motor stator current in the quadrature axis (torque producing) is at
the limit.

Select a source for the 1st test point in this port.

Data from this testpoint displays in parameters [Testpoint REAL 1] and [Testpoint DINT 1]. This
testpoint is typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See publication 750-PM100 for descriptions of the test points that are available for this

Select a source for the 2nd test point in this port.

Data from this testpoint displays in parameters [Testpoint REAL 2] and [Testpoint DINT 2]. This
testpoint is typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See publication 750-PM100 for descriptions of the test points that are available for this

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a source for the 3rd test point in this port.
Data from this testpoint displays in parameters [Testpoint REAL 3] and [Testpoint DINT 3]. This
testpoint is typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See publication 750-PM100 for descriptions of the test points that are available for this

Select a source for the 4th test point in this port.

Data from this testpoint displays in parameters [Testpoint REAL 4] and [Testpoint DINT 4]. This
testpoint is typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See publication 750-PM100 for descriptions of the test points that are available for this
Displays data of the 1st test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of the
source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 2nd test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of the
source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 3rd test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of the
source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 4th test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format of the
source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 1st test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format of the
source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 2nd test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format of
the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 3rd test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format of
the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 4th test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format of
the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of conditions that can be configured. The bits in this parameter do not depend
on the configured Event Actions. Consult the Troubleshooting chapter for more information.
Bit 0 ‘Power Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Power Loss event. See parameters
10:270 [Power Loss Actn], 10:271 [Pwr Loss Mode A], 10:272 [Pwr Loss A Level], and 10:273 [Pwr
Loss A Time].
Bit 1 ‘UnderVoltage’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Under Voltage event. See
parameters 10:285 [UnderVltg Action] and 10:286 [UnderVltg Level].
Bit 2 ‘Motor OL’ indicates a Motor Overload event has occurred. See parameters 10:200 [Mtr OL
Action], 10:201 [Mtr OL at Pwr Up], 10:202 [Mtr OL Alm Level], 10:203 [Mtr OL Factor], 10:204
[Mtr OL Hertz], 10:205 [Mtr OL Rst Level], 10:206 [Mtr OL Rst Time], 10:207 [Mtr OL Counts], and
10:208 [Mtr OL Trip Time]
Bit 3 ‘Load Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Load Loss event. See parameters
10:250 [Load Loss Action], 10:251 [Load Loss Level], 10:252 [Load Loss Time], and 10:253 [Load
Loss Speed].
Bit 4 ‘InPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Input Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:289 [InPhase LossActn] and 10:290 [InPhase Loss Lvl].
Bit 5 ‘OutPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Output Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:256 [OutPhaseLossActn] and 10:257 [OutPhaseLoss Lvl].
Bit 6 ‘Decel Inhib’ indicates the motor side inverter is inhibited from decelerating to the
commanded velocity. See parameter 10:170 [Dec Inhibit Actn]. —
Bit 7 ‘Shear Pin 1’ indicates the first Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:241 [Shear Pin Config], 10:242 [Shear Pin 1 Actn], 10:243 [Shear Pin1 Level], and 10:244 [Shear
Pin 1 Time].
Bit 8 ‘Shear Pin 2’ indicates the second Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:245 [Shear Pin 2 Actn], 10:246 [Shear Pin2 Level], and 10:247 [Shear Pin 2 Time].
Bit 9 ‘PriFdbkLoss’ indicates a Primary Feedback Loss has occurred. See parameter 10:1019 [Fb
Loss Action].
Bit 10 ‘AltFdbkLoss’ indicates an Alternate Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 11 ‘AuxFdbkLoss’ indicates an Auxiliary Feedback (Encoder Velocity Reference) Loss has
Bit 12 ‘PosFdbkLoss’ indicates a Position Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 13 ‘ExtPrchrgErr’ indicates the digital input for parameter 0:191 [DI Prchrg Seal] was not set
when the DC bus voltage settled.
Bit 14 ‘GndWarning’ indicates the motor side inverter has detected a Ground Fault Warning event.
See parameters 0:420 [M Gnd Warn Actn] and 0:421 [M Gnd Warn Lvl].
Bit 15 ‘HRG GF Sts’ indicates the motor side inverter has detected a Ground Fault for High
Resistance Ground systems event. See parameters 0:425 [HRG GF Flt Actn] and 0:426 [HRG GF
Bit 16 ‘HRG GF Local’ indicates the Ground Fault for High Resistance Ground systems is likely in the
local (this) drive.

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Displays the status of conditions that can be configured. The bits in this parameter depend on the
configured Event Actions. The Event Actions must be configured for fault (not alarm or ignore) for
these bits to be set. Consult the Troubleshooting chapter for more information.
Bit 0 ‘Power Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Power Loss event. See parameters
10:270 [Power Loss Actn], 10:271 [Pwr Loss Mode A], 10:272 [Pwr Loss A Level], and 10:273 [Pwr
Loss A Time].
Bit 1 ‘UnderVoltage’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Under Voltage event. See
parameters 10:285 [UnderVltg Action] and 10:286 [UnderVltg Level].
Bit 2 ‘Motor OL’ indicates a Motor Overload event has occurred. See parameters 10:200 [Mtr OL
Action], 10:201 [Mtr OL at Pwr Up], 10:202 [Mtr OL Alm Level], 10:203 [Mtr OL Factor], 10:204
[Mtr OL Hertz], 10:205 [Mtr OL Rst Level], 10:206 [Mtr OL Rst Time], 10:207 [Mtr OL Counts], and
10:208 [Mtr OL Trip Time]
Bit 3 ‘Load Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Load Loss event. See parameters
10:250 [Load Loss Action], 10:251 [Load Loss Level], 10:252 [Load Loss Time], and 10:253 [Load
Loss Speed].
Bit 4 ‘InPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Input Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:289 [InPhase LossActn] and 10:290 [InPhase Loss Lvl]. —
Bit 5 ‘OutPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Output Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:256 [OutPhaseLossActn] and 10:257 [OutPhaseLoss Lvl].
Bit 6 ‘Decel Inhib’ indicates the motor side inverter is inhibited from decelerating to the
commanded velocity. See parameter 10:170 [Dec Inhibit Actn].
Bit 7 ‘Shear Pin 1’ indicates the first Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:241 [Shear Pin Config], 10:242 [Shear Pin 1 Actn], 10:243 [Shear Pin1 Level], and 10:244 [Shear
Pin 1 Time].
Bit 8 ‘Shear Pin 2’ indicates the second Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:245 [Shear Pin 2 Actn], 10:246 [Shear Pin2 Level], and 10:247 [Shear Pin 2 Time].
Bit 9 ‘PriFdbkLoss’ indicates a Primary Feedback Loss has occurred. See parameter 10:1019 [Fb
Loss Action].
Bit 10 ‘AltFdbkLoss’ indicates an Alternate Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 11 ‘AuxFdbkLoss’ indicates an Auxiliary Feedback (Encoder Velocity Reference) Loss has
Bit 12 ‘PosFdbkLoss’ indicates a Position Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 13 ‘ExtPrchrgErr’ indicates the digital input for parameter 0:191 [DI Prchrg Seal] was not set
when the DC bus voltage settled.

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these bits to be set. Consult the Troubleshooting chapter for more information.
Bit 0 ‘Aux InputFlt’ indicates the digital input for parameter 0:115 [DI Aux Fault] is open or cleared.
Bit 1 ‘OverVoltage’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Over Voltage event.
Bit 2 ‘Drive OL’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Drive Overload event.
Bit 3 ‘Heatsink OT’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Heatsink Over Temperature event.
Bit 4 ‘TransistorOT’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Transistor Over Temperature
Bit 5 ‘SinkUnderTmp’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Heatsink Under Temperature
Bit 6 ‘Excess Load’ indicates the motor did not come up to speed in the allotted time during
Bit 7 ‘Overspd Lmt’ indicates that motor speed has exceeded the limits: 10:1393 [Max Speed Rev]
– 10:1904 [Overspeed Limit]…10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd] + 10:1904 [Overspeed Limit].
Bit 8 ‘Prchrg Open’ indicates the Precharge Contactor has remained open.
Bit 9 ‘SafetyBrdFlt’ indicates a Functional Safety option board has faulted.
Bit 10 ‘IRVoltsRange’ indicates Autotune Stator Resistance exceeded the range of parameters
10:511 [c IM Stator Res] and 10:512 [u IM Stator Res].
Bit 11 ‘FluxAmpsRang’ indicates Autotune Flux Current exceeded the range of parameters 10:517
[c Flux Cur Ref] and 10:518 [u Flux Cur Ref].
Bit 12 ‘IXOVoltRange’ indicates Autotune Stator Resistance exceeded the range of parameters
10:514 [c IM Leakage L] and 10:515 [u IM Leakage L]. —
Bit 13 ‘AuRstExhaust’ indicates the Auto Restart function has exhausted the number of retries
Bit 14 ‘SW OverCur’ indicates output current has exceeded the 1 ms 250% current rating.
Bit 15 ‘HW OverCur’ indicates output current has exceeded the hardware current trip limit.
Bit 16 ‘TrqPrvSpdBnd’ indicates that motor speed has exceeded the Speed Deviation Band for
Torque Prove operation.
Bit 17 ‘TPEnclsCfg’ indicates the Torque Proving function has been configured as Encoderless.
Read the instructions for the TP Encls Config alarm in the Troubleshooting chapter. Read the
Attention statements in the Lifting/Torque Proving appendix.
Bit 18 ‘Ground Fault’ indicates the hardware has detected a ground fault.
Bit 19 ‘OW Alarm TO’ indicates and Oil Well Torque Time Out alarm has occurred. This bit is
inactive for the current release.
Bit 20 ‘Over Travel’ indicates the digital input for parameters 0:184 [DI PHw OvrTrvl] or 0:185 [DI
NHw OvrTrvl] has detected an Over Travel event.
Bit 21 ‘TrvlLimCflct’ indicates a Travel Limit Conflict. The forward and reverse limits are
simultaneously set.
Bit 22 ‘End Lmt Sw’ indicates either the Forward or Reverse End limits has detected a falling edge
signal, and the Position Velocity Torque Mode is not set to Velocity.
Bit 23 ‘HRG GF Sts’ indicates the motor side inverter has detected a Ground Fault for High
Resistance Ground systems event.

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Displays the status of conditions that can be configured. The bits in this parameter depend on the
configured Event Actions. The Event Actions must be configured for alarm (not fault or ignore) for
these bits to be set. Consult the Troubleshooting chapter for more information.
Bit 0 ‘Power Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Power Loss event. See parameters
10:270 [Power Loss Actn], 10:271 [Pwr Loss Mode A], 10:272 [Pwr Loss A Level], and 10:273 [Pwr
Loss A Time].
Bit 1 ‘UnderVoltage’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Under Voltage event. See
parameters 10:285 [UnderVltg Action] and 10:286 [UnderVltg Level].
Bit 2 ‘Motor OL’ indicates a Motor Overload event has occurred. See parameters 10:200 [Mtr OL
Action], 10:201 [Mtr OL at Pwr Up], 10:202 [Mtr OL Alm Level], 10:203 [Mtr OL Factor], 10:204
[Mtr OL Hertz], 10:205 [Mtr OL Rst Level], 10:206 [Mtr OL Rst Time], 10:207 [Mtr OL Counts], and
10:208 [Mtr OL Trip Time]
Bit 3 ‘Load Loss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected a Load Loss event. See parameters
10:250 [Load Loss Action], 10:251 [Load Loss Level], 10:252 [Load Loss Time], and 10:253 [Load
Loss Speed].
Bit 4 ‘InPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Input Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:289 [InPhase LossActn] and 10:290 [InPhase Loss Lvl].
Bit 5 ‘OutPhaseLoss’ indicates motor side inverter has detected an Output Phase Loss event. See
parameters 10:256 [OutPhaseLossActn] and 10:257 [OutPhaseLoss Lvl].
Bit 6 ‘Decel Inhib’ indicates the motor side inverter is inhibited from decelerating to the —
commanded velocity. See parameter 10:170 [Dec Inhibit Actn].
Bit 7 ‘Shear Pin 1’ indicates the first Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:241 [Shear Pin Config], 10:242 [Shear Pin 1 Actn], 10:243 [Shear Pin1 Level], and 10:244 [Shear
Pin 1 Time].
Bit 8 ‘Shear Pin 2’ indicates the second Shear Pin detector has detected an event. See parameters
10:245 [Shear Pin 2 Actn], 10:246 [Shear Pin2 Level], and 10:247 [Shear Pin 2 Time].
Bit 9 ‘PriFdbkLoss’ indicates a Primary Feedback Loss has occurred. See parameter 10:1019 [Fb
Loss Action].
Bit 10 ‘AltFdbkLoss’ indicates an Alternate Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 11 ‘AuxFdbkLoss’ indicates an Auxiliary Feedback (Encoder Velocity Reference) Loss has
Bit 12 ‘PosFdbkLoss’ indicates a Position Feedback Loss has occurred.
Bit 14 ‘Gnd Warning’ indicates the motor side inverter has detected a Ground Fault Warning
Bit 15 ‘Task Overrun’ indicates that a Task Overrun has occurred and caused the motor side
inverter to stop modulating.
Bit 16 ‘HRG GF Sts’ indicates the motor side inverter has detected a Ground Fault for High
Resistance Ground systems event.
Bit 17 ‘HRG GF Local’ indicates the Ground Fault for High Resistance Ground systems is likely in the
local (this) drive.

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Displays the status of conditions that can be configured. The bits in this parameter depend on the
configured Event Actions. The Event Actions must be configured for alarm (not fault or ignore) for
these bits to be set. Consult the Troubleshooting chapter for more information.
Bit 0 ‘IGBT OT’ – Indicates the transistor (IGBT) junction temperature reached the alarm level.
Bit 1 ‘Heatsink OT’ – Indicates that the heatsink temperature reached the alarm level.
Bit 2 ‘Waking’ – The Sleep /Wake function is in the Waking condition.
Bit 3 ‘StartOnPwrUp’ – The Start on Powerup feature is active.
Bit 4 ‘Drive OL’ – Indicates the motor side inverter overload condition has reached the alarm level.
Bit 5 ‘CurLmt Reduc’ – indicates the Thermal Manager function has reduced the current limit.
Bit 6 ‘PWMFrq Reduc’ – indicates the Thermal Manager function has reduced the PWM frequency. —
Bit 7 ‘Profile Actv’ – Indicates the Profile function is active.
Bit 8 ‘Homing Actv’ – Indicates the homing function is active.
Bit 9 ‘Not Home Set’ – Indicates the Profile function has executed without first executing the
Homing function.
Bit 10 ‘Gnd Warning’ – indicates a Ground Warning event has been detected.
Bit 13 ‘PumpOff Alrm’ – The Pump Off condition is active. This bit is inactive for the current
Bit 15 ‘DB Res OT’ – Indicates that the dynamic brake resistor has exceeded its maximum
operating temperature. This bit is inactive for the current release.

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Displays the status of conditions that can cause Type 2 Alarms. Type 2 Alarms prevent the motor
side inverter from starting. See publication 750-PM101, Troubleshooting chapter for more
Bit 0 ‘Sleep Cfg’ – indicates an error in the configuration of the Sleep Wake function. This could
include having the Sleep Level greater than the Wake Level.
Bit 1 ‘BrakeSlipped’ – indicates excessive brake slip has been detected and the drive has
completed the brake slip maneuver. See parameter 9:63 [Brk Slip Thresh].
Bit 2 ‘TrqProvCflct’ – indicates an error in the configuration for the Torque Prove function.
Bit 3 ‘Frq Cflct’ – indicates an error in the configuration of the Volts per Hertz parameters.
Bit 4 ‘VHzNegSlope’ – indicates a portion of the Volts per Hertz curve configuration is negative.
Bit 5 ‘VHzBoostLmt’ – indicates an error in the configuration of the Volts per Hertz Boost function.
Bit 6 ‘VHz Incmpble’ – reserved for future PM motor functionality.
Bit 7 ‘PriOpenLoop’ – indicates that Open Loop is not a valid selection for the primary feedback
channel, given the motor control mode. —
Bit 8 ‘AltOpenLoop’ – indicates that Open Loop is not a valid selection for the alternate feedback
channel, given the motor control mode.
Bit 9 ‘DigIn Cfg B’ – indicates an error in digital input selection. Two input functions that cannot
exist in the same drive or bus supply have been selected.
Bit 10 ‘DigIn Cfg C’ – indicates an error in digital input selection. Two input functions that are
logically incompatible have been assigned to the same digital input (for example run and stop).
Bit 12 ‘Slip Range’ – indicates that the configuration of motor nameplate parameters is invalid.
Bit 14 ‘BipolarCflct’ – indicates the Direction Mode has been set to Bipolar or Reverse Disable and
one of more digital input is assigned to direction control.
Bit 15 ‘Prchrg Open’ – indicates that the precharge contactor was commanded to open while the
motor side inverter was modulating.
Bit 16 ‘PM Off Cflct’ – indicates that the configuration of permanent magnet motor offset tests is
Bit 17 ‘DL Cflct’ – indicates a Datalink conflict.

Enter the rated volts shown on the motor nameplate. VAC

Enter the rated full load amps shown on the motor nameplate. A

Enter the rated frequency that is shown on the motor nameplate. Hz

Enter the rated RPM shown on the motor nameplate. RPM

Displays the motor nameplate synchronous speed in RPM, calculated according to this formula:
[Mtr NP Sync Spd] = 120 x [Motor NP Hertz] / [Motor Poles] RPM

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Enter the power units that are shown on the motor nameplate. —

Enter the rated power that is shown on the motor nameplate. Hp


Enter the number of poles in the motor.

Poles = 120 x [Motor NP Hertz] / [Mtr NP Sync Spd] Pole
Bit 2 ‘Trq ModeJog’ – Configures jog behavior when in torque mode. 0 = remain in torque mode, 1
= switch to speed mode
Bit 3 ‘EnclsTrqProv’ – Enables encoderless mode when using the torque prove function. 0 =
Disabled, 1 = Enabled. Bits 0 and 1 of parameter 9:50 [Trq Prove Cfg] must also be set to use this
Bit 4 ‘Mtr Lead Rev’ – Reverses the phase rotation of the applied voltage, effectively reversing the
motor leads. 0 = Not Reversed, 1 = Reversed
Bit 5 ‘Reflect Wave’ – Enables reflected wave voltage protection for long motor cables. 0 =
Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Bit 6 ‘RS Adaption’ – Adapts for changes in motor stator resistance due to motor temperature.
Active only in FV motor control mode with feedback. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Bit 7 ‘SecMtrTqProv’ – Enables the torque prove function for the primary motor control port when
the secondary motor control port is also configured. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.
Bit 8 ‘DutyClampEn’ – Enables the Duty Clamp mode of charge pump protection. Frames 7…15 use
charge pump circuitry in the gate driver function. The normal protection mode can produce
current distortion during low frequency operation on low frequency motors. The Duty Clamp
mode can unnecessarily limit output voltage on ‘normal’ 50/60 Hz motors.
Bit 9 ‘PWM FreqLock’ – Configures switching frequency of the power devices while in FV motor
control mode without feedback. 0 = switching frequency automatically reduces to 2 kHz at low
speeds (best performance), 1 = switching frequency does not reduce (setting that is used when
switching frequency reduction is undesirable) —
Bit 10 ‘LoPWM FreqEn’ – Enables the function that switches the PWM carrier frequency to 1/3 of
parameter 10:426 [PWM Freq Act] when the output frequency is very low below parameter
10:429 [PWM Trans Freq]. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled. This function can improve the longevity of
power devices (IGBTs) in the motor side inverter. If your application requires high bandwidth or
torque accuracy, you can disable the function.
Bit 11 ‘Elect Stab’ – Enables stability control for Sensorless Vector and V/Hz motor control modes.
0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Bit 12 ‘Xsistor Diag’ – Enables a diagnostic test of the power transistor at each start command.
Recommended to set to Disabled if an output filter is installed with the drive. See publication
PFLEX-AT002 for additional information. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Bit 13 ‘Common Mode’ – Enables the common mode reduction function. This function reduces
common mode current and voltage within the drive/motor system. It can reduce the stress on
power components in the drive. It can reduce stress on motor bearings and windings. 0 =
Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Bit 14 ‘SlipCompSclr’ – Set this bit to enable Slip Compensation in the ‘Scalar’ control modes for an
induction motor. These are Volts per Hertz (InductionVHz), Sensorless Vector (Induction SV), and
Economizer (Induct Econ). 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.
Bit 15 ‘Jerk Select’ – Limits the rate of change to the velocity reference for improved current
limiting. This setting applies only to Sensorless Vector and V/Hz motor control modes. 0 = Disabled
(0.0 second ramp time achievable), 1 = Enabled (0.0 second ramp time prevented).
Enter a value to set the highest voltage the drive outputs to the motor. This determines the
voltage used for the Voltage Limiting function.
In Flux Vector modes, the Voltage Limiting function will not use a value less than value in VAC
parameter 10:400 [Motor NP Volts].

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Select the carrier frequency for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) switching of the output
transistors in the motor side inverter from one of the following:
1.333 kHz (0)
2 kHz (1)
4 kHz (2)
8 kHz (3) – Only applicable for frames 5 and 6 panel mount PowerFlex 755TR and 755TL drives and
frames 1…6 PowerFlex 755TS drives.
12 kHz (4) – Only applicable for frames 5 and 6 panel mount PowerFlex 755TR and 755TL drives —
and frames 1…6 PowerFlex 755TS drives.
Higher values lead to better fidelity in the current waveform.
Higher values can lower the levels of audible switching sound.
Higher values also lead to higher switching losses, reduced inverter output capacity, and can make
derating necessary.
Higher values also lead to shorter maximum motor lead lengths.

Displays the actual carrier frequency for the pulse width modulation switching of the output
transistors in the motor side inverter. kHz
It can differ from the selected frequency, due to the actions of the thermal manager.
Enter a value to set the maximum allowed bus voltage utilization for motor control.
Do not change this value without consulting Technical Support. Higher values can result in control %
instability or over-current faults.

Enter a value to set the threshold to switch to the low PWM carrier frequency.
When the output frequency is below this threshold, the drive uses a low PWM carrier frequency.
This low PWM carrier frequency reduces stress on the output power transistors. When the output Hz
frequency is above this threshold, the drive uses the normal PWM carrier frequency that is
selected in parameter 10:425 [PWM Frequency].

Select whether the Flux Up function uses Calculated value or User Entered value for the Flux Up
The calculated value is determined by an equation in the drive that uses values of motor
nameplate parameters.
‘Calculated’ (0) – selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. See parameter 10:432 [c FluxUpTime]. —
‘User Entered’ (1) – selects the User Entered ‘u’ values. See parameter 10:433 [u FluxUpTime].
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered ‘u’
values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them. After
performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Displays the Flux Up Time delay the drive uses when parameter 10:431 [FluxUpTm C/U Sel] is set
to 0 ‘Calculated’.
When the drive receives a start command, it first produces DC current to build the motor stator s
flux before accelerating. Flux Up Time determines the delay between the start command and
The drive calculates this value from motor nameplate data.

Enter the Flux Up Time delay the drive uses when parameter 10:431 [FluxUpTm C/U Sel] is set to 1
‘User Entered’.
When the drive receives a start command, it first produces DC current to build the motor stator s
flux before accelerating. Flux Up Time determines the delay between the start command and
Enter a value to set the proportional gain of the voltage regulator that controls the removal of flux
in the motor. —

Enter a value to set the integral gain of the voltage regulator that controls the removal of flux in
the motor. —

Enter a value to set the filter time constant for the angle and voltage stability control.
Not active when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected with speed feedback. s

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Enter a value to set the gain of the voltage stability control function.
Not active when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected with speed feedback. —

Enter a value to set the gain of the electrical angle stability control function.
Not active when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected with speed feedback. —

Set the bandwidth of the Current Regulator (for Vector Closed Loop).
The drive uses this parameter to calculate the proportional gain (Kp) and the integral gain (Ki) for
the current regulator. Hz
Only active when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected with speed feedback.
Enter a value to change the damping of the current regulator by modifying the Ki value.
Only active when any Flux Vector motor control mode is selected with speed feedback. —

Enter a value to change the damping of the current regulator by modifying the Ki value when
operating in IPM/SPM motor control modes. %

Enter a value to set the Dead Time Compensation value to reduce DC offsets in the output voltage
from the PWM inverter.
This parameter is normally adjusted for non-motor loads or when output transformers or output %
sine-wave filters are installed.

Enter a value to select whether DC Offset control is enabled or disabled.

When enabled, this parameter reduces DC offsets in the output voltage from the PWM inverter
for non-motor loads. —
Enabling this disables parameter 10:452 [Dead Time Comp].
Enter the value for the voltage boost filter-time constant for Sensorless Vector mode. s
Enter a value to set the voltage boost level for starting and acceleration. This shapes the Volts per
Hertz curve used in Volts per Hertz mode.
It determines the output voltage at zero frequency when the drive is starting or accelerating VAC
through zero frequency.
This is used in the Custom Volts per Hertz curve. Refer to the diagram in the description for
parameter 10:486 [VHz Curve].

Enter the voltage boost level for running. This shapes the Volts per Hertz curve used in Volts per
Hertz mode.
It determines the output voltage for steady state operation at zero frequency, or when the drive is VAC
decelerating through zero frequency.
This is used in the Custom Volts per Hertz curve. Refer to the diagram in the description for
parameter 10:486 [VHz Curve].

Enter the voltage level for operating at Break Frequency in Volts per Hertz mode.
Break Frequency is determined by parameter 10:484 [Break Frequency]. Hz
This is used in the Custom Volts per Hertz curve. Refer to the diagram in the description for
parameter 10:486 [VHz Curve].

Enter the frequency for Break Voltage in Volts per Hertz mode.
Break Voltage is determined by parameter 10:483 [Break Voltage]. Hz
This is used in the Custom Volts per Hertz curve. Refer to the diagram in the description for
parameter 10:486 [VHz Curve].

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Enter a value to select a predefined Volts per Hertz curve:
’Custom V/Hz’ (0) – selects a Volts per Hertz curve that results from parameters 10:480 [Start Acc
Boost], 10:481 [Run Boost], 10:483 [Break Voltage], 10:484 [Break Frequency], 10:400 [Motor NP
Volts], 10:402 [Motor NP Hertz], 10:421 [Maximum Voltage] and 10:422 [Maximum Freq]. See the
Volts per Hertz Cuves diagram on the Parameter Details tab.
’Fan/Pump’ (1) – selects Volts per Hertz curve for fans and pumps. It results only from parameters
10:400 [Motor NP Volts], 10:402 [Motor NP Hertz], 10:421 [Maximum Voltage] and 10:422 —
[Maximum Freq]. Between 0 Hz and Motor NP Hertz, the output voltage is governed by this
Output Voltage = Commanded Output Frequency2 x (Nameplate Voltage – Run Boost Voltage) /
Nameplate Frequency2 + Run Boost Voltage.
See the Volts per Hertz Cuves diagram on the Parameter Details tab.

Enter the bandwidth of the low pass filter used for slip compensation. The response time of slip
compensation will vary inversely with the setting of this filter. Hz

Enter a value to set the integral gain for the output voltage regulator the Economizer function
when the motor side inverter uses when it is not accelerating or decelerating (at reference). —
This is only used for the Economizer motor control mode.

Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the output voltage regulator the Economizer
function when the motor side inverter uses when it is accelerating or decelerating (at reference). V/A
This is only used for the Economizer motor control mode.

Enter a value to set the integral gain for the output voltage regulator the Economizer function
when the motor side inverter uses when it is accelerating or decelerating. —
This is only used for the Economizer motor control mode.

Displays the calculated value for slip speed, in RPM, at full load.
Note: to enable the Slip Compensation function for scalar motor control modes (V/Hz, Sensorless
Vector and Economizer), you must set bit 14 ‘SlipCompSclr’ of parameter 10:420 [Mtr Cfg
Options]. RPM
⚠ ATTENTION: To enable the Slip Compensation function for scalar motor control modes (V/Hz,
Sensorless Vector and Economizer), you must set bit 14’SlipCompSclr’ of parameter 10:420 [Mtr
Cfg Options].

Enter the value for slip speed, in RPM, at full load. This value can also come from the measured
results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test.
Note: to enable the Slip Compensation function for scalar motor control modes (V/Hz, Sensorless RPM
Vector and Economizer), you must set bit 14 ‘SlipCompSclr’ of parameter 10:420 [Mtr Cfg

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Select whether the motor control uses Calculated values or User Entered values for motor
parameters (such as stator resistance, leakage inductance, flux current reference, encoderless
electrical angle compensation, stator resistance compensation factor and slip speed at full load).
‘Calculated’ (0) – Selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. See parameters 10:489 [c Slip RPM atFLA],
10:511 [c IM Stator Res], 10:514 [c IM Leakage L], 10:517 [c Flux Cur Ref], 10:520 [c EncLs
AngCmp], 10:523 [c IM StatResComp], 10:613 [c PM CEMF Vltg], 10:619 [c PM Stator Res], 10:626
[c PM Ld at 0],10:628 [c PM Ld at 100], 10:636 [c PM Lq at 25]…10:650 [c PM Lq at 200], 10:730 [c
SynR StatorRes], and 10:732 [c SynR Lq at 100].
‘User Entered’ (1) – Selects the User Entered ‘u’ values. Note that these can also be the measured —
results from the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test. See parameters 10:490 [u Slip RPM
atFLA], 10:512 [u IM Stator Res], 10:515 [u IM Leakage L], 10:518 [u Flux Cur Ref], 10:521 [u EndLs
AngCmp], and 10:524 [u IM StatResComp], 10:614 [u PM CEMF Vltg], 10:620 [u PM Stator
Res],10:627 [u PM Ld at 0], 10:629 [u PM Ld at 100], 10:637 [u PM Lq at 25]…10:651 [u PM Lq at
200], 10:731 [u SynR StatorRes], and 10:733 [u SynR Lq at 100].
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – Copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered ‘u’
values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them. After
performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Displays the calculated value for induction motor stator resistance. Ohms
Enter the calculated value for induction motor stator resistance. This value can also come from
the measured results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test.
The motor data sheet can also provide the values for the motor model were R1 is the resistance Ohms
value entered in this parameter and the sum of X1 and X2 is entered in 10:515 [u IM Leakage L].
See the Motor Model diagram on the Parameter Details tab.
Displays the calculated value for induction motor leakage inductance. mH
Enter the calculated value for induction motor leakage inductance. This value can also come from
the measured results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test. mH
Displays the calculated value for flux current at full load in the induction motor. A
Enter the value for flux current at full load in the induction motor. This value can also come from
the measured results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test. A

Displays the calculated value for electrical angle compensation. This value depends on motor
cable and PWM frequency. rad

Enter the calculated value for electrical angle compensation. This value can also come from the
measured results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test. rad
Displays the calculated value for stator resistance compensation factor. —
Enter the calculated value stator resistance compensation factor. This value can also come from
the measured results of the Static Motor ID test or Rotating Motor ID test. —

Enter a value to set the proportional gain used by the frequency regulator for encoderless Flux
Vector operation (Flux Vector without feedback).
This regulator determines the electrical angle compensation for different motor cable and PWM
frequencies. Hz/A
Enter a value to set the proportional gain used by the frequency regulator for encoderless Flux
Vector operation (Flux Vector without feedback). This regulator determines the electrical angle
compensation for different motor cable and PWM frequencies.

Enter a value to set the integral gain used by the frequency regulator for encoderless Flux Vector
operation (Flux Vector without feedback).
This regulator determines the voltage compensation for different motor cable and PWM Hz/A

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Enter a value to enable or disable the Slip Regulator for Flux Vector operation with feedback.
’Disabled’ (0) – disables the Slip Regulator.
’Enabled’ (1) – enables the Slip Regulator. —
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector and control is using
encoder feedback.

Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the Slip Regulator. —
Enter a value to set the integral gain for the Slip Regulator. —
Enter a value to enable or disable the Flux Regulator for Flux Vector operation.
’Disabled’ (0) – disables the Flux Regulator.
’Enabled’ (1) – enables the Flux Regulator. —
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.
Enter a value to set the proportional gain for the Flux Regulator. —
Flux Regulator Integral Gain
Enter a value to set the integral gain for the Flux Regulator. —

Enter a value to set the delay compensation gain for current feedback sampling. The gain
compensation is scaled to the sample time (for example, 1.0 would be a compensation of positive —
one sample time).

Enter the frequency (speed) at which the adaptive torque control regulators become active.
Enter this as a percent of motor nameplate frequency. %
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value to enable or disable the Torque Adaption for Flux Vector operation.
The Torque Adaption function
‘Disabled’ (0) – disables Torque Adaption. —
‘Enabled’ (1) – enables Torque Adaption.
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value for the amount of Torque Compensation added when motoring.
Enter the value as a percent gain. For example entering a value of 5% will multiply the torque
command by 1.05. %
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value for the amount of Torque Compensation added when regenerating.
Enter the value as a percent gain. For example entering a value of -5% will multiply the torque
command by 0.95. %
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value for the threshold at which Slip Frequency Regulator becomes active.
Enter as a per unit value of rated torque producing current. For example when the value is 0.05,
the regulator turns on at 5% of rated torque. —
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value to determine the time that the slip, flux, and torque regulators are allowed to
converge before the regulators are turned on after the motor speed reaches the level set in
parameter 10:542 [Trq Adapt Speed]. s
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.
Enter a value to determine the rate that the slip and flux regulators can converge before the
regulators are enabled. —
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value to determine the slip and flux regulator error level that indicates convergence.
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector. —

Enter a value to determine the duration of convergence before the adaption regulators are
enabled after the error has decreased below the level set in parameter 10:552 [SFAdapt CnvrgLvl]. —
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

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Set and clear bits to configure Permanent Magnet motor control.
Bit 0 ‘AutoOfstTest’ – set to run the Automatic Offset Test for finding the motor’s commutation
angle on the first start after every power cycle. Set when the motor feedback device is
incremental (not absolute). Cannot be set if bit 1 is set.
Bit 1 ‘StaticTestEn’ – set to enable the Static Test for finding the motor’s commutation angle
before each drive start. Required for operation without feedback. Cannot be set when bit 0 is set. —
Bit 2 ‘PMTqTrm En’ – set to enable Torque Trim.
Bit 3 ‘PM Vqs En’ – set to enable the Vqs regulator. Needed for operation above base speed.
Bit 4 ‘Stab Angl En’ – set to enable the Stability Angle regulator. Required for Flux Vector
operation of an SPM motor without feedback.
Not all bits are available for all motor control modes.

Enter the value for the offset between the primary encoder feedback and the rotor flux center
position of the Permanent Magnet motor in units of radians. The drive writes this parameter rad
during the Automatic Offset Test.

Enter the value for the offset between the alternate encoder feedback and the rotor flux center
position of the Permanent Magnet motor in units of radians. The drive writes this parameter rad
during the Automatic Offset Test. It only uses it when using the alternate feedback device.

Enter the value for the current command in percent of the motor rated current to be used during
the Automatic Offset Test. s

Enter the value for the ramp time of the current command during the Automatic Offset Test. This
is the time to ramp to the current command in parameter 10:587 [PM OfstTst Cur]. s

Enter the value for the frequency ramp time used during the Automatic Offset Test. This is the
time in seconds to ramp from 0 to 3 Hz. s

Enter the value for the proportional gain of the Vqs regulator in Permanent Magnet Flux Vector
mode. The Vqs regulator is active either when the motor voltage exceeds the voltage that is
limited by the DC bus voltage, or when the motor voltage exceeds the value set by parameter —
10:421 [Maximum Voltage].

Enter the value for the integral gain of the Vqs regulator in Permanent Magnet Flux Vector mode. —

Enter the frequency (speed) at which the adaptive torque control regulators for permanent
magnet motors become active.
Enter this as a percent of motor nameplate frequency. %
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is SPM or IPM Flux Vector.
Enter the value for the setting of the High Pass Filter for the high-speed angle control. This setting
is used for open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet motor control. —

Enter the bandwidth for the Velocity Estimator filter. This setting is used for open-loop Interior
Permanent Magnet motor control. R/S

Enter the proportional gain for the Velocity Estimator. This setting is used for open-loop Interior
Permanent Magnet motor control to set the value of the gain at 20% of the rated speed of the —
Enter the integral gain of the Velocity Estimator This setting is used for open-loop Interior
Permanent Magnet motor control. —

Enter the step size that used to adjust the integral gain of the Velocity Estimator during no load
conditions. This setting is used for open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet motor control. —

Enter the proportional gain for the Velocity Estimator. This setting is used for open-loop Interior
Permanent Magnet motor control to set the value of the gain at 80% of the rated speed of the —

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Enter a value to set the transition frequency where the PWM type is changed during deceleration.
Enter the value as a percentage of motor nameplate frequency. See parameter 10:402 [Motor NP %
Hertz]. Open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet flux vector motor control uses this parameter.

Enter a value to set the hysteresis frequency that is used with parameter 10:602 [IPM Tran PWM]
during acceleration. Enter the value as a percentage of motor nameplate frequency. See
parameter 10:402 [Motor NP Hertz]. Open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet flux vector motor %
control uses this parameter.

Enter a value to set the transition frequency where the control angle is changed during
deceleration. Enter the value as a percentage of motor nameplate frequency. See parameter
10:402 [Motor NP Hertz]. Open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet flux vector motor control uses %
this parameter.

Enter a value to set the hysteresis frequency that is used with parameter 10:604 [IPM Tran Mode]
during acceleration. Enter the value as a percentage of motor nameplate frequency. See %
parameter 10:402 [Motor NP Hertz]. Open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet flux vector motor
control uses this parameter.

Enter the bandwidth for the frequency that is used for transition of angle and PWM during
acceleration. This setting is used for open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet motor control. R/S

Enter the bandwidth for the frequency that is used for transition of angle and PWM during
deceleration. This setting is used for open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet motor control. R/S

Enter the difference threshold between High and Low angle control to allow transition. This
setting is used for open-loop Interior Permanent Magnet motor control. Cnts

Enter the bandwidth for the Iq Feedback filter. This used to select the Active Q-axis Inductance for
Permanent Magnet motor control. r/s
Reduction factor for Static Offset test pulses. —
Displays the calculated value for the Counter Electro Motive Force displayed in line-line rms of the
Surface Mount or Interior Permanent Magnet motor. V

Enter the value for the Counter Electro Motive Force displayed in line-line rms of the Surface
Mount or Interior Permanent Magnet motor. V

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral stator resistance of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. Ohms

Enter the value for the line-neutral stator resistance of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. Ohms

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Ld at 0% Id of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Ld at 0% Id of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Ld at 100% Id of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Ld at 100% Id of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 25% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 25% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 50% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 50% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

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Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 75% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 75% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 100% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 100% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 125% Iq of the surface mount or interior
permanent magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 125% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 150% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 150% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 175% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 175% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 200% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior
Permanent Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 200% Iq of the Surface Mount or Interior Permanent
Magnet motor. mH

Enter the value for the primary offset compensation in an Interior Permanent Magnet motor. —

Enter the value for the alternate offset compensation in an Interior Permanent Magnet motor. —

Enter a value to set the maximum limit for parameter 10:699 [PM Vel Max].
The drive makes the calculation during Motor ID tests. The calculation uses measured Counter-
Electro Magnetic Force (CEMF). The purpose is to help protect the drive from overvoltage
conditions. These can occur when a PM motor is spinning too fast while the output frequency is %
Do not change this unless you are using an external solution for CEMF protection. One external
solution is a ‘crowbar’ circuit.
Enter as a percentage of motor nameplate speed. See parameter 10:402 [Mtr NP Hertz].

Enter a value to set how much of the Feed Forward voltage in the Vq reference is determined by
the CEMF component. Enter the value as a percentage. %

Enter a value to set how much of the Feed Forward voltage in the Vq reference is determined by
the (Ld x Id x we) component. Enter the value as a percentage. %

Enter a value to set how much of the Feed Forward voltage in the Vd reference is determined by
the (Lq x Iq x we) component. Enter the value as a percentage. %
Enter a value to set the current limit to prevent motor demagnetization. %

Enter a value to set the maximum velocity of the PM motor.

The purpose is to help protect the drive from overvoltage conditions. Overvoltage conditions can
occur when a PM motor is spinning too fast while the output frequency is zero.
Parameter 10:691 [PM Bus Prot] limits the value of this parameter. %
Do not change this parameter unless you are using an external solution for CEMF protection. One
external solution is a ‘crowbar’ circuit.
Enter as a percentage of motor nameplate speed. See parameter 10:402 [Mtr NP Hertz].

Enter the value for the proportional gain of the Torque Trim function. —
Enter the value for the integral gain of the Torque Trim function. —

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Enter a value to set the low limit for Torque Trim function. —
Enter a value to set the high limit for Torque Trim function. —
Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral stator resistance of the Synchronous Reluctance
motor. Ohms

Enter the value for the line-neutral stator resistance of the Synchronous Reluctance motor. Ohms

Displays the calculated value for the line-neutral Lq at 100% Iq of the Synchronous Reluctance
motor. mH
Enter the value for the line-neutral Lq at 100% Iq of the Synchronous Reluctance motor. mH

Enter a value to enable or disable the Id Compensation function.

‘Disabled’ (0) – disables Id Compensation.
‘Enabled’ (1) – enables Id Compensation.
Id Compensation improves the smoothness of the torque output when the flux regulator turns on
and off. Id is current in the derivative axis (flux producing current).
This function adds compensation of different levels at different levels of torque producing current. —
It allows for six regions of compensation in motoring and six in regeneration. Use the following
parameters to build a compensation curve where the X axis is torque producing current and the Y
axis is compensation.
This only affects operation when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the first
motoring region (between zero and the threshold specified in parameter 10:772 [IdComp Mtrng1
Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 1] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the first motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:771 [IdComp Mtrng1] is applied when torque —
producing current is between zero and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the
second motoring region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:772 [IdComp Mtrng1
Iq] and the threshold specified in parameter 10:774 [IdComp Mtrng2 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 2] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the second motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:773 [IdComp Mtrng2] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:772 [IdComp Mtrng1 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the third
motoring region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:774 [IdComp Mtrng2 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:776 [IdComp Mtrng3 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 3] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the third motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:775 [IdComp Mtrng3] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:774 [IdComp Mtrng2 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the
fourth motoring region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:776 [IdComp Mtrng3 Iq]
and the threshold specified in parameter 10:778 [IdComp Mtrng4 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 4] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

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Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the fourth motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:777 [IdComp Mtrng4] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:776 [IdComp Mtrng3 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the fifth
motoring region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:778 [IdComp Mtrng4 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:780 [IdComp Mtrng5 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 5] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the fifth motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:779 [IdComp Mtrng5] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:778 [IdComp Mtrng4 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the sixth
motoring region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:780 [IdComp Mtrng5 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:782 [IdComp Mtrng6 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Mtrng 6] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the sixth motoring region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:781 [IdComp Mtrng6] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:780 [IdComp Mtrng5 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the first
regening region (between zero and the threshold specified in parameter 10:792 [IdComp Regen1
Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 1] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the first regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:791 [IdComp Regen1] is applied when torque —
producing current is between zero and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the
second regening region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:792 [IdComp Regen1
Iq] and the threshold specified in parameter 10:794 [IdComp Regen2 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 2] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the second regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:793 [IdComp Regen2] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:792 [IdComp Regen1 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the third
regening region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:794 [IdComp Regen2 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:796 [IdComp Regen3 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 3] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the third regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:795 [IdComp Regen3] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:794 [IdComp Regen2 Iq] —
and this threshold.

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Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the
fourth regening region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:796 [IdComp Regen3 Iq]
and the threshold specified in parameter 10:798 [IdComp Regen4 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 4] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the fourth regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:797 [IdComp Regen4] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:796 [IdComp Regen3 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the fifth
regening region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:798 [IdComp Regen4 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:800 [IdComp Regen5 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 5] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the fifth regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:799 [IdComp Regen5] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:798 [IdComp Regen4 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Enter a value to set the level of Id compensation when Iq (torque producing current) is in the sixth
regening region (between the threshold specified in parameter 10:800 [IdComp Regen5 Iq] and
the threshold specified in parameter 10:802 [IdComp Regen6 Iq]). —
The level of compensation in this region is:
Id compensation = [Id Comp Regen 6] x IqCmd (in p.u.)

Enter a value to set the threshold for the top of the sixth regening region.
The compensation level set by parameter 10:801 [IdComp Regen6] is applied when torque
producing current is between the threshold specified in parameter 10:800 [IdComp Regen5 Iq] —
and this threshold.

Set and clear bits to configure and control the Variable Voltage Boost function.
This function allows the Volts per Hertz motor control mode to start loads with highly variable
break away (starting) torque. It does this by adding Boost Voltage to the output.
Bit 0 ‘VB Enable’ – Set this bit to enable the Variable Voltage Boost function.
Bit 1 ‘Current Rate’ – Set this bit to enable a Current Rate trigger event. This uses the rate of
change of motor current with respect to time (Current Rate) to trigger the ramping down of the
Boost Voltage. When many loads break away, the Current Rate falls. See parameters 10:835 [VB
Cur Thresh] and 10:834 [VB Cur Hyst].
Bit 2 ‘Rising Edge’ – Set this bit to use the rising edge of the Current Rate, instead of the default
falling edge. After some loads break away, the Current Rate begins to rise again (after initially —
Bit 3 ‘Flux Level’ – Set this bit to enable a Flux Level trigger event. This uses the level of flux
current to trigger the ramping down of the Boost Voltage. This detects an over-flux condition and
ramps down the Boost Voltage. See parameter 10:830 [VB Flux Thresh].
Bit 4 ‘Minimum Freq’ – Set this bit to enable a Minimum Frequency trigger event. This event
ramps down the Boost Voltage when the output frequency falls below a threshold. Decreasing
output frequency can occur when the drive is facing a current limit. See parameter 10:829 [VB
Freq Min].
See Variable Boost Configuration Graph on the Parameter Details tab.

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Monitor status of the Variable Voltage Boost function by examining the bits in this parameter.
Bit 0 ‘VB Enabled’ – This bit indicates when the Variable Voltage Boost function is enabled.
Bit 1 ‘VB Timer’ – This bit indicates when Variable Boost Time has expired. See parameter 10:823
[VB Time].
Bit 2 ‘Triggered’ – This bit indicates when a triggered function has occurred. See parameter 10:820
[VB Config].
Bit 3 ‘Current Trig’ – This bit indicates the Current Rate event has been triggered. See bit 1
‘Current Rate’ of parameter 10:820 [VB Config]. Also, see parameters 10:832 [VB Flux Cur Filt],
10:833 [VB Current Rate] and 10:834 [VB Current Hyst].
Bit 4 ‘Flux Trigger’ – This bit indicates the Flux Level event has been triggered. See bit 3 ‘Flux Level’ —
of parameter 10:820 [VB Config]. Also, see parameters 10:830 [VB Flux Thresh], 10:831 [VB Flux
Lag Freq] and 10:832 [VB Flux Cur Filt].
Bit 5 ‘Freq Trigger’ – This bit indicates the Minimum Frequency event has been triggered. See bit 4
‘Minimum Freq’ of parameter 10:820 [VB Config]. Also, see parameters 10:828 [VB Frequency]
and 10:829 [VB Freq Min].
Bit 6 ‘Max Boost’ – This bit indicates the Boost Voltage has reached the maximum and the Max
Boost event has been triggered. See parameter 10:825 [VB Maximum].
Bit 7 ‘Hold Freq’ – This bit indicates the Variable Voltage Boost function his holding the output
frequency. See parameter 10:828 [VB Frequency].

Displays the Boost Voltage output of the Variable Voltage Boost function. VAC
Enter a value to set the time during which events cannot trigger.
The time starts when the drive enters the run state. It ends after this amount of time expires. This
affects Current Rate, Flux and Minimum Frequency events. These events cannot trigger until this s
time expires. This does not affect Max Boost events.

Enter a value to set the minimum Boost Voltage level for the Variable Voltage Boost function.
The function does not produce a Boost Voltage output that is less than this value. When it ramps VAC
down, it ramps to this value.

Enter a value to set the maximum Boost Voltage level for the Variable Voltage Boost function.
The function does not produce a Boost Voltage output that is greater than this value. When it VAC
ramps up and reaches this value, it triggers a Max Boost event. Then it ramps down to the
Minimum Boost Value.

Enter a value to set the rate at which Boost Voltage increases when the function is ramping up. V/s

Enter a value to set the rate at which Boost Voltage decreases when the function is ramping
down. V/s

Enter a value to set the initial frequency reference for the Variable Voltage Boost function. Hz

Enter a value to set the frequency threshold for the Min Frequency trigger event. If output
frequency falls below this threshold, the event can trigger (if enabled). Hz

Enter a value to set the threshold for a Flux Level trigger event. If calculated flux current exceeds
this threshold, the event can trigger (if enabled). A

Enter a value to set the lag (cutoff) frequency of the low pass filter for calculated flux current. The
output of this filter is used to trigger the Flux Level event. r/s
Displays the filtered flux current signal used to trigger the Flux Level event. A
Displays the filtered rate of change of motor current with respect to time (Current Rate). The
function use this signal to trigger the Current Rate event. It compares this signal to the threshold A/s
value in parameter 10:835 [VB Cur Thresh].

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Enter a value to set the Hysteresis Level on the trigger for the Current Rate event. Higher
hysteresis levels reduce the responsiveness of the trigger. They can be used to avoid unwanted —
rapid switching.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Current Rate event. The function uses the Current Rate
signal and this threshold along with the hysteresis level to trigger the Current Rate event (if
For Falling Edge (Bit 2 ‘Rising Edge’ of parameter 10:820 [VB Config] = 0), the Current Rate signal —
must pass through 10:833 [VB Cur Thresh] + 10:834 [VB Current Hyst].
For Rising Edge (Bit 2 ‘Rising Edge’ of parameter 10:820 [VB Config] = 1), the Current Rate signal
must pass through 10:833 [VB Cur Thresh] - 10:834 [VB Current Hyst].

Enter a value to set the lag (cutoff) frequency of the low pass filter for Current Rate. The output of
this filter is the Current Rate. See parameter 10:833 [Current Rate]. r/s

Enter the Motor Inertia

Enter the motor inertia. Four ways are given in order from most to least effective.
1. Enter a value from the motor nameplate or datasheet in units of (kg x m2).
Divide (lb x ft2) or (WK2) by 23.73 to convert to (kg x m2).
2. Run 10:910 [Autotune] = 4 ‘InertiaMotor’ or 7 ‘JMtr BW Calc’ with the load disconnected to
dynamically measure motor inertia. This is only an option if the load can be disconnected to run kgm2
the test.
3. If data is not available or a motor inertia test is not possible, use the following equation to
roughly approximate 10:900 [Motor Inertia] based on motor nameplate horsepower (HP): Jm =
HP/250 x (HP/500 + 1). Multiply kW by 1.341 to convert to HP.
4. The default value is based on a motor power rating that is equal to the drive power rating.

Enter the ratio of load inertia divided by motor inertia.

This value is used to compensate for the effects of inertia and calculate the position and velocity
loop gains.
Three ways are given in order from most to least effective.
1. Use a value of zero when the load is unknown or compliant.
2. Enter a value in (kg x m2) from your own calculations based on knowledge of the mechanical
design. For a changing inertia, enter the lowest value. A load ratio R > 0 initiates Autotune gain
calculations that work well on rigid loads. —
3. Run 10:910 [Autotune] = 5 ‘InertiaTotal’ or 8 ‘JtotalBWCalc’ with the load connected to
dynamically measure total inertia and load ratio. This is only an option if motion can be initiated
to rotate the load during the test. Furthermore, this calculation assumes 10:900 [Motor Inertia] is
accurate. If you get an error resulting from a negative load ratio, the motor inertia is incorrect and
must be reduced. Where possible, perform the Autotune at the mechanical point of lowest
inertia. This test works for rigid loads only.

Select the type of mechanical coupling between the motor and load.
This value is used to calculate the position and velocity regulator gains.
‘Rigid’ (0) is when the load consists of few mechanical components with direct connection to the
motor shaft. The components are high performance, have no flex or twist, and position —
misalignment is not likely to occur.
‘Compliant’ (1) is when position misalignment, backlash, and flexing of couplings, gearboxes, belts,
and shafts can occur which creates an indirect connection of the load to the motor shaft.

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Select whether Calculated values or User Entered values are applied to the position and velocity
regulator gains, load observer gains, velocity feedback low pass filter bandwidth, torque low pass
filter bandwidth, acceleration feed forward gain, and velocity compensation gain.
Calculated values are determined by equations in the drive based on motor nameplate
parameters and the results of Autotune tests.
‘Calculated’ (0) – Selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. See parameters 10:1002 [c VelFb LPF BW],
10:1004 [c Vel Fb LPF Gn], 10:1008 [c AltVelFbLPF BW], 10:1021 [c AltVelFBLPF Gn], 10:1754 [c
PReg Kp], 10:1756 [c PReg Ki], 10:1760 [c Vel FF Gain], 10:1928 [c Vel Comp Gain], 10:1955 [c
VReg Kp], 10:1957 [c VReg Ki], 10:1973 [c Accel FF Gain], 10:2021 [c LdObs Kp], 10:2023 [c LdObs
Ki], and 10:2154 [c Trq LPF BW]. —
‘User Entered’ (1) – Selects the User Entered ‘u’ values. See parameters 10:1003 [u VelFb LPF BW],
10:1005 [u Vel FB LPF Gn], 10:1009 [u AltVelFbLPF BW], 10:1022 [u AltVelFbLPF Gn], 10:1755 [u
PReg Kp], 10:1757 [u PReg Ki], 10:1761 [u Vel FF Gain], 10:1929 [u Vel Comp Gain], 10:1956 [u
VReg Kp], 10:1958 [u VReg Ki], 10:1974 [u Accel FF Gain], 10:2022 [u LdObs Kp], 10:2024 [u LdObs
Ki], and 10:2155 [u Trq LPF BW].
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered ‘u’
values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them. After
performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Enter the system bandwidth of the velocity regulator in units of Hz.

This value is used to generate Calculated values the position and velocity regulator gains, load
observer gains, and torque low pass filter bandwidth.
This value is calculated by the Bandwidth Calculation modes of the Autotune function. See
parameter 10:910 [Autotune]. These modes apply calculations based on motor control mode, Hz
current loop bandwidth, system damping, load ratio, load coupling, number of motor poles, and
encoder resolution.
This value only affects the calculated regulator gains, which are used when parameter 10:905
[System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.

Enter the system damping factor for the position and velocity regulators.
This value affects the spacing between regulators as well as the spacing between each integral
with respect to its corresponding proportional gain.
The default value of 1.0 generates a critically damped response. Lowering the damping increases —
responsiveness but makes the response more oscillatory. Increasing the damping decreases
responsiveness but makes the response smoother.
This value only affects the calculated regulator gains, which are used when parameter 10:905
[System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.

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Select the task for the Autotune function to perform.
‘Ready’ (0) – Indicates that the Autotune function is available.
‘Direction’ (1) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Direction Test. After selecting this
value, you must issue a Start command to begin the test.
‘Static MtrID’ (2) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Static Motor ID Test. After
selecting this value, you must issue a Start command to begin the test. This test is not supported
in the SPM and IPM motor flux vector control modes.
‘Rotate MtrID’ (3) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Rotating Motor ID Test. After
selecting this value, you must issue a Start command to begin the test. This test is not supported
in the SPM and IPM motor VHz and sensorless vector control modes. This test is also not
supported for any synchronous reluctance motor control mode.
‘InertiaMotor’ (4) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Motor Inertia Test. After
selecting this value, you must issue a Start command to begin the test. Perform this test with the
load uncoupled from the motor. Otherwise, it produces incorrect results. This test measures
motor inertia and updates 10:900 [Motor Inertia] with the measured value. Also, 10:901 [Load
Ratio] is set to zero. This test is only supported in flux vector control modes.
‘InertiaTotal’ (5) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Total Inertia Test. After selecting
this value, you must issue a Start command to begin the test. Perform this test with the load
coupled to the motor. Otherwise, it produces incorrect results. This test initiates momentary
rotation of the motor and load to measure total inertia and calculate 10:901 [Load Ratio]. The
calculation assumes 10:900 [Motor Inertia] is accurate. When possible, perform Autotune at the
point of lowest mechanical inertia on variable inertia loads, such as winders. If you get an error
that results from a negative load ratio, the motor inertia is incorrect and must be reduced. This
test is only supported in flux vector control modes. —
‘BW Calc’ (6) – Enables the Autotune function to perform bandwidth calculations.
‘JMtr BW Calc’ (7) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Motor Inertia Test, and then
perform the bandwidth calculations. After selecting this value, you must issue a Start command to
begin the test. Perform this test with the load uncoupled from the motor. Otherwise, it produces
incorrect results. This test measures motor inertia and updates 10:900 [Motor Inertia] with the
measured value. Also, 10:901 [Load Ratio] is set to zero. After the test is complete the Autotune
function performs bandwidth calculations. This test is only supported in flux vector control modes.
‘JTotalBWCalc’ (8) – Enables the Autotune function to perform the Total Inertia Test, and then
perform the bandwidth calculations. After selecting this value, you must issue a Start command to
begin the test. Perform this test with the load coupled to the motor. Otherwise, it produces
incorrect results. This test initiates momentary rotation of the motor and load to measure total
inertia and calculate 10:901 [Load Ratio]. The calculation assumes 10:900 [Motor Inertia] is
accurate. When possible, perform Autotune at the point of lowest mechanical inertia on variable
inertia loads, such as winders. If you get an error that results from a negative load ratio, the motor
inertia is incorrect and must be reduced. After the test is complete the Autotune function
performs bandwidth calculations. This test is only supported in flux vector control modes.
Not all options are available for all motor control modes. See the table on the Parameter Details
tab for details.
Important: Parameters 10:900 [Motor Inertia], 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd],
10:1393 [Max Speed Rev], 10:1898 [Vel Limit Pos], 10:1899 [Vel Limit Neg], 10:1965 [Accel Limit
Enter10:1966 [Accel
a value to Limit
set the Neg], 10:2083
maximum number [Torque Limit Pos],
of revolutions theand 10:2084
motor [Torque
rotates duringLimit Neg] are
the inertia
tests. When the modified
value iswhen
zero, you run ‘BW
the limit Calc’
is not (6), ‘JMtr BW Calc’ (7), and ‘JTotalBWCalc’ (8).
active. Revs
After running any of these tests, confirm the values in these parameters.
Enter a value to limit the velocity during rotate and inertia tests. %

Enter a value to set the torque limit used during rotate and inertia tests. %

Enter a value to select the method used to change direction:

’Unipolar’ (0) – selects a mode where the Velocity reference is always positive. Reverse rotation
can be obtained by changing the Direction command.
’Bipolar’ (1) – selects a mode where the Velocity reference can be negative and positive. Reverse
rotation can be obtained by using negative values.
’Rev Disable’ (2) – selects a mode where reverse rotation is not possible. —
⚠ ATTENTION: The Bipolar Direction Mode can cause unexpected direction changes. Equipment
damage and/or personal injury can result if this parameter is used in an inappropriate application.
Do Not use this function without considering all applicable local, national, and international codes
standards, regulations, or industry guidelines.

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Select the move type used for generating position and velocity reference commands.
‘LinScurve’ (0) – Selects the Linear move type with optional S-curve smoothing. This is the
LinScurve move type used in 750-Series drives.
‘SineSquared’ (1) – Selects the Sine Squared move type. This produces the smoothest possible
motion to reduce mechanical wear and improve energy efficiency. —
‘Poly5’ (2) – Selects the Fifth Order Polynomial move type. This produces smooth motion, but
trades some smoothness at the beginning and end of each move for lower peak dynamics.
‘Cubic’ (3) – Selects the Cubic move type. This is similar to 100% S-curve, but (unlike LinScurve) it
can be adjusted by 10:932 [RefEnergyBalance] through 10:941 [Ref Fault Config].

Enter a skew factor applied to position and velocity reference commands that shifts the
acceleration and deceleration peaks forward or backward in time. A lower value allows the
acceleration peak to occur at lower velocity for saving energy. A higher value allows the —
acceleration peak to occur at higher velocity for more aggressive moves. The deceleration peak
mirrors the acceleration peak.

Select how acceleration and deceleration times are calculated for position and velocity reference
‘Rate’ (0) – Calculates acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve behavior.
‘Time’ (1) – 10:934 [Ref Accel Time] and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as —
acceleration and deceleration times.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Enter the acceleration time that is directly applied to position and velocity reference commands
when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 s
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Enter the deceleration time that is directly applied to position and velocity reference commands
when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 s
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Enter the maximum acceleration limit for position and velocity reference commands.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s2
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Enter the maximum deceleration limit for position and velocity reference commands.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s2
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Enter the maximum jerk limit during acceleration for velocity reference commands. It is the
change of acceleration with respect to time.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s3
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Enter the maximum jerk limit during deceleration for velocity reference commands. It is the
change of deceleration with respect to time.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s3
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

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Select the drive action for position and velocity reference commands when 10:1410 [PTP Move
Status], bit 4 ‘Move Failed’ = 1 or 10:1938 [VRef Move Status], bit 4 ‘Move Failed’ = 1.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken
‘Alarm’ (1) – A Type 1 Alarm is indicated
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – A minor fault is indicated. The drive continues to run if it is currently running.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) - A major fault indicated. The drive coasts to a stop if it currently running. —
‘Flt CL Stop’ (4) - A major fault indicated. The drive does a current limit to a stop if it currently
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Enter the center frequency of the first reference notch filter in units of Hz.
This value is active and displayed in parameter 10:954 [Ref NF1 Freq Act] when parameter 10:966
[Crane Length 1] is set to 0. This value is not active when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is Hz
greater than 0. Instead the Automatic Ant-Sway feature calculates and displays an active value in
parameter 10:954 [Ref NF1 Freq Act].

Enter the width of the first reference notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.

Enter the depth of the first reference notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero. —
This value is active and displayed in parameter 10:956 [Ref NF1 Depth Act] when parameter
10:966 [Crane Length 1] is set to 0. This value is not active when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length
1] is greater than 0. Instead the Automatic Ant-Sway feature calculates and displays an active
value in parameter 10:956 [Ref NF1 Depth Act].

Enter the gain of the first reference notch filter.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1.
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1. —
This value is active and displayed in parameter 10:957 [Ref NF1 Gain Act] when parameter 10:966
[Crane Length 1] is set to 0. This value is not active when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is
greater than 0. Instead the Automatic Ant-Sway feature calculates and displays an active value in
parameter 10:957 [Ref NF1 Gain Act].

Enter the center frequency of the second reference notch filter in units of Hz. Hz
Enter the width of the second reference notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.

Enter the depth of the second reference notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
function. —
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero.

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Enter the gain of the second reference notch filter.
This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1. —
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the active center frequency of the first reference notch filter. The value entered in
parameter 10:942 [Ref NF1 Freq] is applied when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is set to 0.
However, when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is greater than 0, the Automatic Anti-Sway Hz
feature calculates this value.

Displays the active depth of the first reference notch filter. The value entered in parameter 10:944
[Ref NF1 Depth] is applied when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is set to 0. However, when
parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is greater than 0, the Automatic Anti-Sway feature calculates —
this value.

Displays the active gain of the first reference notch filter. The value entered in parameter 10:945
[Ref NF1 Gain] is applied when parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1] is set to 0. However, when —
P966 [Crane Length 1] is greater than 0, the Automatic Anti-Sway feature calculates this value.

Enter cable length (L1) of the hoist in units of meters.

A nonzero value enables the Automatic Anti-Sway Frequency Calculation feature. A zero value
disables the feature.
The feature uses this value to calculate active center frequency of the first reference notch filter.
It places the result in parameter 10:954 [Ref NF1 Freq Act].
It uses the pendulum equation where L = L1 shown in the crane length figure. See the Parameter %
Details tab for the pendulum equation and crane length figure.
The feature also configures the active depth and gain of the first reference notch filter. It sets the
value of parameter 10:956 [Ref NF1 Depth Act] to 0 and the value of parameter 10:957 [Ref NF1
Gain Act] to 1.
Use this feature for single cable crane/hoist systems.

Select a feedback channel to be the primary source of motor position and velocity feedback.
Select the port and parameter of the feedback channel. —
This becomes the source for parameters 10:1044 [Motor Vel Fb] and 10:1042 [Vel Fb Active] when
is operating without an ‘Automatic Tach Switchover’.

Enter the number of taps for the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter acting on the primary velocity
feedback channel.
The feedback device is selected by parameter 10:1000 [Pri Vel Fdbk Sel].
This is a simple discrete difference FIR filter used to reduce the effect of noise in the velocity Taps
feedback signal.
Enter a value of zero to eliminates all phase delay. Enter lower values to provide higher filter
bandwidths. Enter higher values to increase the noise filtering, but also increase the phase delay.

Displays the calculated value of the velocity feedback low pass filter bandwidth.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel Hz
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Enter the velocity feedback low pass filter bandwidth in units of Hz.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel Hz
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

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Displays the calculated value of the velocity feedback low pass filter gain.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘Calculated’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel —
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Enter the velocity feedback low pass filter gain.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its first order transfer function.
Entering a value of 1 turns the filter off.
For a low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1. —
For a lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Select a feedback channel to be the alternate source of motor position and velocity feedback.
Select the port and parameter of the feedback channel. —
This becomes the source for parameters 10:1044 [Motor Vel Fb] and 10:1042 [Vel Fb Active] when
an ‘Automatic Tach Switchover’ has occurred.

Enter the number of taps for the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter acting on the alternate
velocity feedback channel.
The feedback device is selected by parameter 10:1006 [Alt Vel Fdbk Sel].
This is a simple discrete difference FIR filter used to reduce the effect of noise in the velocity Taps
feedback signal.
Enter a value of zero to eliminates all phase delay. Enter lower values to provide higher filter
bandwidths. Enter higher values to increase the noise filtering, but also increase the phase delay.

Displays the calculated value of the alternate velocity feedback low pass filter bandwidth.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’. Hz
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the alternate velocity feedback channel
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Enter the alternate velocity feedback low pass filter bandwidth in units of Hz.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the alternate velocity feedback channel Hz
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Enter a value to internally scale system bandwidth when the Alternate Feedback is active.
This value is multiplied by system bandwidth to generate Calculated values the position and
velocity regulator gains, load observer gains, and torque low pass filter bandwidth.
This value is calculated by the Bandwidth Calculation modes of the Autotune function. See
parameter 10:910 [Autotune]. These modes apply calculations based on motor control mode, —
current loop bandwidth, system damping, load ratio, load coupling, number of motor poles, and
encoder resolution.
This value only affects the calculated regulator gains, which are used when parameter 10:905
[System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.

Select an alternate feedback channel to be the source of motor position for the Position
Regulator. Select the port and parameter of the feedback channel. Selected position is displayed —
in parameter 10:1770 [Alt Position Fb]. After a feedback loss switchover or if ‘Alt Only’ selected,
the Alt Psn Feedback becomes the source for parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb].

Select a feedback channel to be the source of motor position for the Position regulator.
Select the port and parameter of the feedback channel. —
This becomes the source for parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb].

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Select a feedback channel to be the source of load position.
Select the port and parameter of the feedback channel. —
This becomes the source for the feedback signal that feeds the Load to Motor Gear Ratio function.

Enter a value to set the numerator of the Load to Motor Gear Ratio function.
The numerator is multiplied by the load feedback from 10:1014 [Load Psn Fb Sel]. The result is
divided by parameter 10:1016 [Load Psn Fb Div]. The final signal is an accurate feedback of load
position that compensates for the gearbox between the motor and the load. —
It is often necessary to count gear teeth, as gearbox manufacturers often approximate exact ratios
with decimal numbers. Enter a negative value in the numerator to account for reversed motor

Enter a value to set the denominator of the Load to Motor Gear Ratio function. —
Displays the output of the Virtual Position Encoder, but delayed by one sample scan delay (1000
This is useful in systems with multiple drives where it necessary to synchronize the Master drive —
and Follower drives. The Master drive uses this delayed signal for its position reference. The
Follower drives use the un-delayed signal.

Enter a value to set the equivalent Edges Per Revolution (EPR) or line count of the Virtual Position
The Virtual Position Encoder produces a position reference that is derived from the velocity —
reference. It accumulates pulses at the same rate as a real encoder of identical Pulses Per
Revolution (PPR).

Select the mode of the Velocity Feedback Loss Switchover function.

‘Primary Only’ (0) – Use primary feedback source exclusively
‘Alt Only’ (1) – Use alternate feedback source exclusively —
‘Auto Tach SW’ (2) – Switch from primary to alternate upon loss of primary
This parameter is writable while running when the active motor control mode is option 4
‘Induction FV.’

Displays the calculated value of the alternate velocity feedback low pass filter gain.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘Calculated’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel —
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Enter the alternate velocity feedback low pass filter gain.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its first order transfer function.
Entering a value of 1 turns the filter off.
For a low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1. —
For a lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’.
This value determines the amount of filtering applied to the primary velocity feedback channel
and is only active in Flux Vector motor control modes.

Displays the primary motor velocity feedback. Hz

This is the signal that comes from parameter 10:1000 [Pri Vel Fb Sel] and has been conditioned by RPM
the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and the Low Pass Filter.
Displays the alternate motor velocity feedback. Hz
This is the signal that comes from parameter 10:1006 [Alt Vel Fb Sel] and has been conditioned by RPM
the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and the Low Pass Filter.
Displays the unfiltered active motor velocity feedback. This comes from parameter 10:1040 [Pri Hz
Vel Feedback] if no ‘Automatic Tach Switchover’ has occurred. It comes from parameter 10:1041 RPM
[Alt Vel Feedback] if a ‘Automatic Tach Switchover’ has occurred.
Displays the active motor velocity feedback, filtered for display. RPM

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Displays the un-delayed output of the Virtual Position Encoder. See parameter 10:1017 [Virtual
EncDelay]. —

Displays an estimated motor velocity feedback. It is useful when no real encoder is available.
The estimate uses the following values: output frequency, torque current feedback and slip. —
It also uses the value in parameter 10:1018 [Virtual Enc EPR].

Displays a simulated motor velocity feedback that the drive can generate without actually turning
the motor.
This is useful for commissioning and simulations where it is undesirable to energize the output of —
the drive.
The simulation uses the following values: torque reference, load ratio and motor inertia. It also
uses the value in parameter 10:1018 [Virtual Enc EPR].

Set and clear bits to configure the options for the Spindle Orientation function.
This function is not available for permanent magnet motor control. You must set parameter 0:65
[Pri MtrCtrl Mode] to option 4 ‘Induction FV’, 5 ‘SPM FV,’ or 6 ‘IPM FV’. You must also setup
parameters 10:1000 [Pri Vel Fdbk Sel] and 10:1013 [PReg Fb Sel] accordingly.
Bit 0 ‘Home DI’ – Selects the type of Homing signal (Marker Pulse vs. Digital Input Switch). 1 =
Home signal. 0 = Z Channel.
Bit 1 ‘Home DI Inv’ – Rising/Falling Edge of Homing Input. —
Bit 2 ‘Recap Hm Psnv’ – Recapture Home Position. Allows the drive to find Home after a power or
drive reset. Typically set to 1 ‘Enabled.’
Bit 3 ‘ShortestPath’ – Allow direction reversal to obtain shortest distance traveled.
Bit 4 ‘Scale Invert’ – Inverts the calculation for the value in parameter 10:1070 [SO Unit Out].
When this bit is cleared, SO Unit Out = SO Position Out x SO Unit Scale. When it is set, SO Unit Out
= SO Position Out / SO Unit Scale.

Displays the status of the Spindle Orientation function.

Bit 0 ‘At SO Speed’ – indicates the drive is running at Spindle Orientation velocity.
Bit 1 ‘Mode’ – indicates the drive is in the Spindle Orientation mode. —
Bit 2 ‘Orient Cplt’ – indicates the drive is in the selected Spindle Orientation position.
Enter a value to set the Spindle Orientation Position in user-defined units. —
Enter a value to set the offset encoder counts for the Home position.
The function loads this value automatically when the Homing function is run (typically after —
Enter a value to define the edges per revolution of the encoder. For example, a 1024 quad
encoder equals 4096 (4 x 1024). —

Enter a value to define the revolutions of the input gear relative to the output gear. This is the
numerator in the gear ratio. —

Enter a value to define the revolutions of the output gear relative to the input gear. This is the
denominator in the gear ratio. —

Enter a value to define the counts per revolution of the output gear. A typical value is parameter
10:1064 [SO EPR Input] x Gear Ratio. —

Enter a value to define the scale for parameter 10:1069 [SO Position Out] to user-scaled units
(other than encoder counts). A typical value is Desired Units/parameter 10:1067 [SO Cnts per —
Displays the present position of the output gear in encoder counts. —
Displays the present position of the output gear in user-scaled units. —
Enter a value to define the acceleration rate that is used during positioning. s
Enter a value to define the deceleration rate that is used during positioning. s
Enter a value to define the forward speed that is used during positioning. RPM

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Enter a value to define the reverse speed that is used during positioning. RPM

Configuration for the Roll Position Indicator function.

Bit 0 ‘Enable’ – Enables the Roll Position Indicator function.
Bit 1 ‘Preset’ – At rising edge of this bit, 10:1084 [Roll Psn Preset] is loaded in 10:1085 [Roll Psn —
Bit 2 ‘Rereference’ – Permit changing the offset value of 10:1090 [RP Psn Output] without
affecting actual position.

Status of the Roll Position Indicator function.

Bit 0 ‘Enable’ – Acknowledges that Roll Position Indicator function is enabled. —
Bit 1 ‘Rereference’ – Acknowledges that rereferencing of 10:1090 [RP Psn Output] is active.

Selects source data for the position feedback. The function generates 10:1090 [RP Psn Output]
based on the selected position feedback source. —

Provides a set point for the position feedback value in the form of accumulated encoder counts. —

Provides a pre-set position value. At rising edge of Bit 1 ‘Preset’ in 10:1080 [Roll Psn Config], this
parameter value is loaded in P1511 [RP Psn Output]. Note: 10:1090 [RP Psn Output] is limited by —
10:1089 [RP Unwind].
Provides position offset, which is summed after the EPR and used to trim the phase of the position
feedback. —
Sets edges per revolution of the physical input device such as the motor encoder. —

Sets revolution of the input encoder. This parameter must be coordinated with the revolution of
the output encoder 10:1088 [RP Rvls Output] to resolve the gear ratio between input revolutions —
and output (virtual) revolutions. The ratio of input to output revolutions can always be resolved
into integer values and reduced to their lowest common factor.

Sets revolution of the output encoder. This parameter must be coordinated with the revolution of
the input encoder 10:1087 [RP Rvls Input] to resolve the gear ratio between input revolutions and —
output (virtual) revolutions. The ratio of input to output revolutions can always be resolved into
integer values and reduced to their lowest common factor.

Sets the number of counts per roll revolution. 10:1090 [RP Psn Output] rolls over at this count
minus 1. —
Output of roll position, which has a span that is limited by 10:1089 [RP Unwind]. —
Provides the multiplier to 10:1092 [RP Unit Out], which is a floating point output of 10:1090 [RP
Psn Output]. —

Floating point output that results from multiplying 10:1090 [RP Psn Output] by 10:1091 [RP Unit
Scale]. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of Profile Index function.
Bit 0 ‘Step Bit 0’ through Bit 4 ‘Step Bit4’ indicate which step the Profile Index function is executing
in binary format.
Bit 8 ‘Enabled’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function is enabled.
Bit 9 ‘Running’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function is running state.
Bit 10 ‘PositionMode’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function is using position control logic.
Bit 11 ‘Dwell’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function dwelling (executing the intentional delay
between steps).
Bit 12 ‘Holding’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function is in a holding state.
Bit 13 ‘In Position’ – Indicates that the target position has been reached at the completion of a
move. Parameter 10:1734 [In PosPsn Window] sets the threshold or tolerance for this condition.
The function clears this bit when it starts a new move. This bit is not meaningful with blended
Bit 14 ‘Complete’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function has executed all the steps in the move
table and a step with an End action has been reached. The Profile Index function clears this bit
when it is first enabled. —
Bit 15 ‘Stopped’ – Indicates that the Profile Index function is stopping the drive. It does this
following bit 14 ‘Complete’ and any additional dwell time specified for the End step. The Profile
Index function clears this bit when it begins a new profile.
Bit 16 ‘Resume’ – Indicates the Profile Index function will resume the existing step when it is re-
enabled. A previously running step will then be allowed to complete. When the bit is clear, the
profile will begin at the Starting Step.
Bit 17 ‘Restart Step’ – Indicates the Restart Step feature is active. Bit 10 ‘Restart Step’ in
parameter 10:1202 [Profile Command] controls this feature.
Bit 18 ‘Vel Override’ – Indicates the Velocity Override feature is active. Bit 9 ‘Vel Override’ in
parameter 10:1202 [Profile Command] controls this feature.
Bit 19 ‘Home Not Set’ – Indicates that the home position is not defined and the move table
contains a position absolute move type. The Profile Index function will not execute when this
condition is true. Running the homing function or position redefine function eliminates this
condition and clears this bit.

Displays the number of motor position units traveled. Parameter 10:1203 [Counts Per Unit]
determines the relationship between feedback edge counts and position units. —

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Sets and clear bits to command the Profile Index function.
Bit 0 ‘StrStepSel0’ through bit 4 ‘StrStepSel4’ determine the starting step. A starting step value of
zero results in no motion when the drive is enabled.
Bit 8 ‘Hold Step’ – When the drive is enabled with this bit is set, it starts and runs at zero velocity.
The Profile Index function will not execute the starting step until this bit is cleared. This bit does
not stop the drive. For non-blended moves, the drive holds zero speed and/or current position.
For blended moves, the drive continues to run at the step velocity. The Profile Index function
evaluates the conditions for completing a step only when this bit is cleared.
Bit 9 ‘Vel Override’ – rescales all move velocities by the factor in parameter 10:1204 [ProfVel
Override]. The Profile Index function use a scale factor of 1 when this bit is clear. —
Bit 10 ‘Restart Step’ – forces the Profile Index function to reset to the starting step. Can be used to
disable a currently executing profile. This bit forces the current step to reset to the starting step
Bit 11 ‘HomNotSetAlm’ – Clear this bit to allow the absolute position type works without a defined
home position. Leave set to require the definition of the home position for position absolute
move types. Set by default.
Bit 12 ‘Prof Run Alm’ – Clear this bit to prevent the Profile Run alarm when the drive is running.
Set to allow the alarm to occur. Set by default.
Not all bits are available for all motor control modes.

Enter a value to set the number of position feedback counts per unit of machine travel (for
example 1024 encoder edge counts per inch). This parameter scales position targets from
engineering units to internal units of encoder edge counts. It also converts motor position from —
encoder edge counts back into engineering units for display in parameter 10:1201 [Units

Enter a value to set the multiplier for move velocities when the velocity override function is active.
Setting Bit 9 ‘Vel Override’ in parameter 10:1202 [Profile Command] activates the velocity
override function. The typical value for this parameter is less than 1. The Profile Index function %
use a scale factor of 1 when the velocity override function is off.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 1.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 1 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 1. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 1. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 1. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 1 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 1 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 2.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 3.
‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 4.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 5.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 6.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 7.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 8.
‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 9.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 10.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 11.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 12.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 13.
‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 14.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 15.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the type of move for step 16.

‘Speed’ (0) = Speed Profile moves in speed (velocity) mode.
‘Position Abs’ (1) = Position Absolute moves in absolute position mode. This is only available with
flux vector motor control modes.
‘PositionIncr’ (2) = Position Incremental moves in position increment mode. This is only available —
with flux vector motor control modes. The direction mode must be set to bipolar for this to work
properly. See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode]. The current, torque, and regen power limits
must be set so as not to limit the deceleration time. If these limits interfere, the position regulator
can overshoot the position set point.

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 2 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 3 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 4 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 5 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 6 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 7 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 8 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 9 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 10 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 11 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 12 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 13 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 15 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 16 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 2. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 3. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 4. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 5. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 6. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 7. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 8. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 9. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 10. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 11. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 12. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 13. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 14. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 15. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set acceleration time for step 16. Specify this as the time between zero and rated
motor speed in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the accelerations in this
step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 2. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 3. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 4. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 5. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 6. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 7. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 8. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 9. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 10. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 11. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 12. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 13. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 14. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 15. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

Enter a value to set deceleration time for step 16. Specify this as the time between rated motor
speed and zero in seconds. The Profile Index function uses this value to plan the decelerations in
this step. Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position s
Incremental type.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 2. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 3. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 4. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 5. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 6. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 7. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 8. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 9. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 10. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 11. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 12. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 13. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 14. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 15. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the Incremental Target Position or Time to Complete the Move or Comparison
Type for step 16. This parameter takes on different meanings depending on the move type and —
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.
Enter a value to set the time delay (in seconds) before moving to the next step. A zero value
disables dwell, negative values make the Profile Index function wait indefinitely. Blended moves s
cannot use dwell.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the number of times to perform this step. For example, if you enter a value of
two the Profile Index function will perform this step twice before going to the next step. A value of
zero causes the step to repeat indefinitely. Cannot be used when the Step Type is Position
Absolute. That would be a repeated move to the same Absolute Target Position. Cannot be used —
when the Step Action is Posit Blend or Time Blend or Parameter Blend. Blend steps transition from
one to the next without repeating. When the Step Action is DigIn Blend, this specifies the number
of digital input transitions required to go to the next step.

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 2 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 3 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 4 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 5 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 6 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 7 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 8 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 9 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 10 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 11 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 12 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 13 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 14 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 15 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

Enter a value to set the step number that will be executed after step 16 is complete. This does not
apply when the Step Action is End. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 2 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 3 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 4 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 5 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 6 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 7 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 8 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 9 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 10 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 11 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 12 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 13 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 14 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 15 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the action the Profile Index function will take when step 16 is complete.
‘End’ (0) – the Profile Index function ends the profile sequence.
‘Step to Next’ (1) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step. It does this after the speed
ramp up and down is completed in the specified total time. It does this after it executes the dwell
time and batch.
‘Psn Blend’ (2) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the actual position exceeds
the position specified in the Step Value parameter.
‘Time Blend’ (3) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the total time exceeds the
time specified in the Step Value parameter. —
‘Param Blend’ (4) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after comparison of the two
blend parameters is satisfied. This occurs when Blend Parameter 1 is greater than Blend
parameter 2.
‘Digin Blend’ (5) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the specified number of
digital input transitions (rising or falling edges) occur. The batch parameter specifies the number
of transitions.
‘Wait Digin’ (6) – the Profile Index function goes to the next step after the digital transition (rising
or falling edge) occurs.

Enter a value to set the top (velocity) reference at which a move for step 14 takes place. This
applies to all three types of moves (speed, position incremental and position absolute). The motor
may not achieve the step velocity in all cases. Short distance moves may begin to decelerate
before the step velocity is reached. If the move is sufficiently long, then the velocity is limited to Hz
the step velocity. The sign (positive or negative) determine the direction of motor rotation. RPM
Cannot be used with most blended moves in Position Absolute type and Position Incremental

Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the first parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.
Select a parameter to be the second parameter for the Parameter Blend comparison. This is active
when the Step Action is Parameter Blend. The comparison is satisfied when the value of the first —
parameter is greater than the value of the second parameter.

Displays the current operating status of the Point-To-Point Position Planner in the Position
Bit 0 ‘ZeroFFSpdRef’ – Indicates the velocity feed forward reference in parameter 10:1405 [PTP
VRef Fwd] is zero.
Bit 1 ‘Ref Complete’ – Indicates the position point-to-point feedback in parameter 10:1396 [PTP
Feedback] has reached the position point-to-point reference in parameter 10:1391 [PTP —
Command], and the velocity forward reference in parameter 10:1405 [PTP VRef Fwd] has reached
Bit 2 ‘PTP Int Hold’ – Indicates the position point-to-point planner integrator is holding.
Bit 3 ‘SpdFFRef En’ – Indicates the velocity forward reference in parameter 10:1405 [PTP VRef
Fwd] is active.

Set and clear bits to control the point-to-point position planner.

Bit 0 ‘Vel Override’ – Applies the velocity override in parameter 10:1402 [PTP Vel Override] to the
forward velocity limit in parameter 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd] and the reverse velocity limit in
parameter 10:1393 [Max Speed Rev] as a gain. When the velocity override in parameter 10:1402
[PTP Vel Override] is 1.1 and the forward velocity limit in parameter 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd] is
30 Hz, the bit sets the maximum forward velocity to 33 Hz.
Bit 1 ‘Move’ – Sets scaled point-to-point position reference to the point-to-point reference in
parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command]. When the point-to-point mode selection in parameter
10:1382 [PTP Mode] is 0 ‘Absolute’ mode, the absolute position is set to the point-to-point
reference in parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command] when this bit rises. When the point-to-point
mode selection in parameter 10:1382 [PTP Mode] is 1 ‘Index’ mode, the index position is set to
the point-to-point reference in parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command] when this bit rises.
Bit 2 ‘Reverse Move’ – Changes direction of the index position when the point-to-point mode —
selection in parameter 10:1382 [PTP Mode] is 1 ‘Index’ mode. Set the direction with this bit, then
set bit 1 ‘Move’ to 1 to move.
Bit 3 ‘Preset Psn’ – Sets index preset 10:1386 [PTP Index Preset] to the point-to-point position
command parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command] when the point-to-point mode.
selection parameter 10:1382 [PTP Mode] is 1 ‘Index’ mode.
Bit 4 ‘Intgrtr Hold’ – Holds integrator in the velocity control.
Bit 5 ‘Ref Pause’ – Pauses the point-to-point control function. The point-to-point speed forward
reference becomes zero, and the position selected reference in parameter 10:1684 [PRef
Selected] keeps the current position.
Bit 6 ‘Ref Sync’ – Sets initial value to the point-to-point feedback in parameter 10:1396 [PTP
Feedback]. When motor feedback reaches zero speed, the planner resets 10:1404 [PTP Reference]
and 10:1396 [PTP Feedback] to 10:1745 [Position Actual].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to select the mode of the Point to Point Position Planner function:
‘Absolute’ (0) – selects the absolute position mode. When the move bit is set the planner moves
the scaled position reference to the position command.
‘Index’ (1) – selects index position mode. When parameter 10:1381 [PTP Control] bit 1 ‘Move’ is
set, the reference source, selected by parameter 10:1383 [PTP Ref Sel], is multiplied by parameter —
10:1385 [PTP Ref Scale] and parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command] is incremented by the result.
‘Immediate’ (2) – selects absolute immediate position mode. When parameter 10:1381 [PTP
Control] bit 1 ‘Move’ is set, and the reference source selected by parameter 10:1383 [PTP Ref Sel]
changes, parameter 10:1391 [PTP Command] is immediately set.

Select a source for the Point to Point Position Planner reference.

Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a value to set a constant Point to Point Position Planner reference.

You can select this parameter as a source for the Point to Point Position Planner reference in —
parameter 10:1385 [PTP Ref Scale].

Enter a value to set the scale value for the Point to Point Position Planner reference.
The planner multiplies this value with the reference selected by parameter 10:1383 [PTP Ref Sel]. —

Enter a constant value to set the Preset Index step size.

The planner uses this as the step size (in index mode) when parameter 10:1381 [PTP Control] Bit 3 —
‘Preset Psn’ is set.
Enter a value to set the numerator for the Point to Point Gear Ratio function.
This gear ratio is applied to the Point to Point index step. —

Enter a value to set the denominator for the Point to Point Gear Ratio function.
This gear ratio is applied to the Point to Point index step. —

Displays the position command produced by the Point to Point Position function.
The Point to Point Position Planner consumes this signal in order to produce the Velocity Feed —
Forward signal and the final Point to Point Position Reference.

Enter the maximum forward speed limit coming from the position reference. RPM

Enter the maximum reverse speed limit coming from the position reference. RPM

Displays the position feedback in the point-to-point position control. —

Enter the acceleration ramp time used by the Point to Point (PTP) position planner.
This value is the time to go from zero to the velocity in parameter 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd]. s

Enter the deceleration ramp time used by the Point to Point (PTP) position planner.
This value is the time to go from the velocities in parameter 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd] or 10:1393 s
[Max Speed Rev] to zero.
Enter a value to set the multiplier to both forward parameters 10:1392 [Max Speed Fwd] and
10:1392 [Max Speed Rev].
This parameter applies to the speed limits when Bit 0 ‘Vel Override’ of parameter 10:1381 [PTP s
Control] is set.

Enter a value to set the S-curve duration for Point-to-Point (PTP) position reference commands.
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’. s
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the position reference output of the Point to Point Position Planner.
This is the final Point to Point Position Reference. —
It becomes the position reference for the Position Regulator.
Displays the velocity reference output of the Point to Point Position Planner. Hz
It becomes the velocity reference for the Velocity Regulator. RPM
Displays the maximum velocity of the most recent position reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Displays the maximum acceleration of the most recent position reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s2
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Displays the maximum deceleration of the most recent position reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s2
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the total time required to complete the most recent position reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 s
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the status of the most recent position reference command.

Bit 0 ‘Vel Limited’ – Indicates velocity is limited.
Bit 1 ‘AccelLimited’ – Indicates acceleration is limited.
Bit 2 ‘DecelLimited’ – Indicates deceleration is limited.
Bit 3 ‘Zero Move’ – Indicates that the new command calculated is zero (no move). —
Bit 4 ‘Move Failed’ – Indicates that the new command calculation failed. See P941 [Ref Fault
Config] to select the drive response when this condition is true.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the move segment composition (general shape) of the most recent position reference
‘Accel Decel’ (0) – Indicates the command accelerates to a peak velocity with an optional dwell,
followed by decelerating to the specified value.
‘Dwell Decel’ (1) – Indicates the command is composed of a dwell at initial velocity, followed by
decelerating to the specified value.
‘Decel’ (2) – Indicates the command decelerates to the specified value. —
‘Reversing’ (3) – Indicates the command decelerates past the specified value, then reverses
direction to the specified value. This condition typically occurs when a command currently in
progress is interrupted late by a new move command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Select the CAM type.

‘PCAM’ (0) – Select a Position CAM where the master axis (x coordinate) is a position reference
source signal. The slave axis (y coordinate) is a position output. —
‘TCAM’ (1) – Select a Time CAM where the master axis (x coordinate) is time. The slave axis (y
coordinate) is a position output.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Set bits to control Position Cam (PCAM) and Time Cam (TCAM) functions.
Bit 0 ‘Start’ – Start the electronic camming function.
Bit 1 ‘DirectionOut’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam output. This is parameter 10:1574[PCAM Psn
Out] at start of next cycle.
Bit 2 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Switch to the auxiliary cam profile at start of next cycle.
Bit 3 ‘VReg IntHold’ – Freeze the velocity regulator integrator if the position reference changes.
This bit is often set for point-to-point motion.
Set additional bits to control PCAM functions.
Bit 6 ‘Direction In’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam input. This is parameter 10:1426 [PCAM Psn —
Bit 7 ‘Offset En’ – Enable an offset to the cam input. The offset is parameter 10:1428 [PCAM Psn
Bit 8 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Apply a new position offset from parameter 10:1428 [PCAM Psn Ofst]
without changing the final master position input of PCAM.
Bit 9 ‘Unidirection’ – Permit unidirectional operation.
Bit 10 ‘CamProfNrml’ – Normalize the cam points by shifting them with an offset to place point 00
at (0,0).

Select a value to determine how the electronic camming function responds to start commands.
The start command comes from bit 0 ‘Start’ in parameter 10:1421 [PCAM Control] or 0:880 [DI
PCAM Start] if configured.
‘Off’ (0) – Disable the electronic camming function.
‘Single Step’ (1) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the leader master
axis reaches the last defined (end) point. At this point the cam is complete and does not continue
to operate until started again. If the master axis backs up into cam range, the function does not
move the slave axis. —
‘Continuous’ (2) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function repeats this action until the start is
‘Persistent’ (3) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function remains active until the start is
cleared. This mode only applies to PCAM.

Displays the status of the Position Cam (PCAM) and Time Cam (TCAM) functions.
Bit 0 ‘Started’ – Indicates the electronic camming function has started.
Bit 1 ‘In Cam’ – Indicates the cam input is in range of the defined profile.
Bit 2 'TCAM' – Indicates TCAM is active.
Bit 3 ‘Single Step’ – Indicates single step mode is active.
Bit 4 ‘Continuous’ – Indicates continuous mode is active.
Bit 5 ‘DirectionOut’ – Indicates the cam output direction is reversed.
Bit 6 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Indicates the auxiliary cam profile is in use.
Bit 7 ‘VReg IntHold’ – Indicates the velocity regulator integrator is in hold (frozen). —
Bit 8 ‘MainWrongOrd’ – Indicates main profile master points are in wrong order.
Bit 9 ‘AuxWrongOrd’ – Indicates auxiliary profile master points are in wrong order.
Displays additional status of PCAM functions.
Bit 10 ‘Persist Mode’ – Indicates PCAM persistent mode is active.
Bit 11 ‘Direction In’ – Indicates the cam input direction is reversed.
Bit 12 ‘Offset En’ – Indicates the offset to the cam input is active.
Bit 13 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Indicates position offset re-referencing is active.
Bit 14 ‘Unidirection’ – Indicates unidirectional mode is active.
Bit 15 ‘PCAM’ – Indicates PCAM is active.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to determine how the Position Cam starts.
‘Pnt Zero’ (0) – Starts the cam function from cam profile point 00. The master input is offset to 0.
‘Last Stop’ (1) – Starts the cam function from where it stopped last time. This choice is different
from ‘Pnt Zero’ (0) when the cam start command is unset during operation. —
‘Actl Input’ (2) – Starts the cam function based on the actual master input.
‘Remainder’(3) – Starts the cam function based on the remainder value of the actual master input.
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.

Select a position reference source for the Position Cam (PCAM) input.
Select the port and parameter of the source. —
This is not used by the Time Cam (TCAM) function.
Enter a value to be used as a discrete reference source for the PCAM input when parameter
10:1426 [PCAM Psn Select] selects this parameter. —
This is not used by the Time Cam (TCAM) function.

Enter a value to be used as a discrete position offset value to the PCAM input when bit 7 ‘Offset
En’ of parameter 10:1421 [PCAM Control] is set.
This value causes a phase shift of position change in the master axis and a momentary change to —
the cam velocity.
This is not used by the Time Cam (TCAM) function.

Enter a value to set the edge count per second for the virtual encoder function used by the
position offset function.
This value limits the change of PCAM master axis in the change of position offset input. —
This is not used by the Time Cam (TCAM) function.
Enter a value to scale the cam master axis. —
Select a source used to scale the cam slave axis.
Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a value to be used as a discrete scale for the cam slave axis. This is active when parameter
10:1435 [PCAM Slave SclSel] selects this parameter. —

Select a source used to scale the cam velocity output. The velocity output is parameter 10:1575
[PCAM Vel Out]. —
Select the port and parameter of the source.

Enter a value to be used as a discrete scale for the cam velocity output when parameter 10:1437
[PCAM Vel SclSel] selects this parameter.
Units are Microseconds Per encoder Edge (MPE). Calculate this value using this formula. MPE
60,000,000 / (encoder edge per rev x Motor NP RPM)
For example: 60,000,000 / (4096 EPR x 1780 RPM) = 8.22946 MPE

Enter a value to be used as the starting slope for the first cam point.
The camming function only uses this value when the first segment is a cubic type curve. —
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.
Enter a value to be used as the end slope for the end point.
The end point is defined by 10:1444 [PCAM Main EndPnt] or 10:1510 [PCAM Aux EndPnt]. —
The camming function only uses this value when the last segment is a cubic type curve.
Enter the number of the last point on the main cam profile. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the main cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 ‘CubicCurve0’ – Segment 0
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6 —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam and auxiliary cam
profiles (the main and auxiliary profiles share point 00). —
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds.

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam profiles.
The units are counts. —
Enter the number of the last point on the auxiliary cam profile. —

Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the auxiliary cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6 —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are counts. —

Displays the cam slave position output. The position regulator consumes this value as its
command. —

Displays the cam slave velocity output. The velocity regulator consumes this value as a feed Hz
forward command. RPM

Enter the number of taps for the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter acting on the electronic cam
velocity output signal.
This is a simple discrete difference FIR filter used to reduce the effect of noise in the velocity Taps
Enter a value of zero to eliminate all phase delay. Enter lower values to provide higher filter
bandwidths. Enter higher values to increase the noise filtering, but also increase the phase delay.

Sets bits to configure the phase locked loop control.

Bit 0 ‘PLL Enable’ – enables the phase locked loop control.
Bit 1 ‘Velocity FF’ – enables the velocity feed forward path.
Bit 2 ‘Ext Vel FF’– enables the external velocity feed forward through the PLL external speed
reference that the PLL external speed selection 10:1591 [PLL Ext Vel Sel] selects.
Bit 3 ‘Accel Comp’ – enables providing an element of acceleration compensation to the feed
forward branch. This bit is not recommended for use with external inputs because of increased —
Bit 4 ‘PCAM Enable’ – enables PCAM function with the PLL function.
Bit 5 ‘PTP Enable’ – enables point-to-point function with the PLL function.
Bit 6 ‘Prof Enable’ – enables profiler function with the PLL function. Only bits 4, 5, and 6 allow
associating with the PLL function.

Selects an external-speed reference source. —

Provides external speed reference. This parameter is a velocity feed forward input that 10:1591
[PLL Ext Vel Sel] selects. —

Sets scale factor to the external speed reference that 10:1591 [PLL Ext Spd Sel] selects. This
parameter is used to scale the velocity feed forward. Adjust for zero average at the filtered —
position output 10:1597 [PLL Psn Out Fltr] while running at moderate speed.
Selects a position reference source. —
Provides position reference when 10:1595 [PLL PRef Sel] selects this parameter. —

Indicates internal low pass filter output. This parameter is normally used to scale an external
velocity reference. See description of the external speed scale 10:1593 [PLL Ext VelScale]. —

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Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the low pass filter used in the Phase Lock Loop (PLL)
function. The filter has two functions:
- Basic noise reduction of input velocity.
- Timed delay of input when feed forward is provided to an external master reference other than Hz
an input encoder.
The low pass filter bandwidth should be set for best tracking which occurs when the filter output
coincides with the loop filter output of PLL. Usually that means setting its bandwidth to the
bandwidth of the master reference drive.

Enter a value to set the internal bandwidth of the Phase Lock Loop (PLL) function response.
For very noisy mechanical systems, the value can range from 0.1 to 2 Hz.
For well-behaved high line count input devices, the value can range upwards of 20 Hz. Hz
Higher bandwidths quickly resolve tracking errors while the lower bandwidths will take longer to
settle into a steady state. Some adjustment may be necessary to effect the best compromise
between noise rejection and tracking response.

Sets RPM of the virtual output device. The value determines the 1 P.U. velocity for the speed out
10:1612 [PLL Vel Out] and does not affect performance. RPM

Sets edges per revolution of the physical input device. Use the highest line count device possible
to smooth PLL operation. —
Sets edges per revolution of the physical output device. —

Sets revolution of the input encoder. This parameter must be coordinated with the revolution of
the output encoder 10:1610 [PLL Rvls Output] to resolve the gear-ratio between input revolutions —
and output (virtual) revolutions. The ratio of input to output revolutions can always be resolved
into integer values that are reduced to their lowest common factor.

Sets revolution of the output encoder. This parameter must be coordinated with the revolution of
the input encoder 10:1609 [PLL Rvls Input] to resolve the gear-ratio between input revolutions —
and output (virtual) revolutions. The ratio of input to output revolutions can always be resolved
into integer values that are reduced to their lowest common factor.

Indicates velocity output. This parameter is used as a velocity feed forward. It is precisely in phase
with the physical input device. The virtual encoder RPM 10:1604 [PLL Virt Enc RPM] determines —
the RPM at 1 P.U. of this parameter.
Indicates velocity advanced output. This parameter is one velocity reference sample in advance of
the speed output 10:1612 [PLL Vel Out]. —

Indicates position output. This parameter is precisely in phase with the input physical device. —

Indicates position advanced output. This parameter is one position sample in advance of the
position output 10:1615 [PLL Enc Out]. —

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Set and clear bits to configure and control the Position Homing function.
Bit 0 ‘Find Home’ – A rising edge on this bit puts the drive into homing mode. Toggle this bit when
stopped to reset the homing function.
Bit 1 ‘Home DI’ – Configures the homing function to use a switch (digital input). When this bit is on
and bit 2 ‘Home Marker’ is off, the homing function is configured as home switch mode. When
this bit is on and bit 2 ‘Home Marker’ is on, the homing function is configured as home marker-
switch mode.
Bit 2 ‘Home Marker’ – Configures the homing function to use a marker input. When this bit is on
and bit 1 ‘Home DI’ is off, the homing function is configured as home marker mode. When this bit
is on and bit 1 ‘Home DI’ is on, the homing function is configured as home marker-switch mode.
Verify that the Z Channel of the encoder module is enabled (Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ = 1) when using
this function.
Bit 3 ‘Return Home’ – Configures the homing function as return to home through software. The
drive returns to the actual home position set by parameter 10:1647 [Home Psn Actual]. A start
command is required to set this bit. —
Bit 4 ‘Psn Redefine’ – Writes the value from parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb] in parameter
10:1647 [Home Psn Actual].
Bit 5 ‘Homing Alarm’ – Enables the home running alarm when the homing function is active.
Bit 6 ‘Home DI Inv’ – Changes polarity of the switch input (digital input).
Bit 7 ‘Hold At Home’ – Configures the drive to hold the home position after completing the
homing function. A start command or a move command will cause the drive to run even while this
bit is set.
Bit 8 ‘Home to Torque’ – Configures the type of Homing when a hard stop is going to be used to
establish the Home Position. The occurrence of the hard stop is detected by the drive when the
output torque to the motor reaches or exceeds the Home Torque Threshold for the specified
Home Torque Time. Only Forward Bidirectional and Reverse Bidirectional are allowed. When this
bit is on and bit 2 ‘Home Marker’ is on, the homing function is configured as home marker-torque
mode. The Home to Torque and Home to Switch cannot be on at the same time.

Displays the status of the Position Homing function.

Bit 0 ‘Home Request’ – Indicates that the homing function is requested. This bit turns off when
homing is complete.
Bit 1 ‘Home Enabled’ – Indicates that the homing function is enabled. This bit is set when the
homing function is requested and the drive starts.
Bit 2 ‘Homing’ – Indicates that the drive is heading to home position. This bit is set when the drive
is running. —
Bit 3 ‘At Home’ – Indicates the motor is at the home position. In flux vector / closed loop mode,
this bit is set when the difference between parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb] and parameter
10:1647 [Home Psn Actual] is less than parameter 10:1734 [In PosPsn Window]. In frequency
modes or open loop mode this bit is controlled by the digital input connected to parameter 0:173
[DI OL Home Limit].

Enter a value to set the velocity and direction used for Find Home Moves. Hz
Use a positive value for forward movement. Use a negative value for reverse movement. RPM
Enter a value to set the rate of acceleration and deceleration used for Find Home moves. s
Displays the position feedback value that was latched during the home event in a homing
sequence or during a Position Redefine operation. —

Enter a value to set the user-defined home position.

After completion of the homing function, the value in parameter 10:1745 [Position Actual] will
equal this value when parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb] equals the value in parameter 10:1647 —
[Home Psn Actual].

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Sets the minimum torque level needed to detect the hard stop during a Home to Torque or Home
to Torque then Marker sequence. The drive output torque must exceed the specified Home
Torque Threshold for the specified Home Torque Time. The units for Home Torque Threshold are %
expressed as a percentage of the operative Torque Limit, which during the homing sequence is set
to the Home Torque Limit of the controller.

Home Torque Limit value temporarily applied to P2083[Torque Limit Positive] and P2084[Torque
Limit Negative] in the drive during Home to Torque or Home to Torque then Marker operation. %

Sets the minimum amount of time that is needed for the drive output torque to exceed the
specified Home Torque Threshold to detect the hard stop during a Home to Torque or Home to s
Torque then Marker sequence.
When applied to the Homing event, the Home Offset determines the distance between the
Homing event position and Home position. When it is set to zero, the Home position is equal to —
the Home event position.
The Home Return Speed controls the speed of the drive velocity profile after the Home Event is
detected. This speed is used by the drive when returning back to the Home position, if different —
than the Home event position due to Home Offset.
Enter a value to set the rate of acceleration that is used for Find Home moves. /s2
Enter a value to set the rate of deceleration that is used for Find Home moves. /s2
Select a source for the Direct Position reference. Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a constant value to set the Direct Position reference set point.
You can select this constant as a reference in parameter 10:1681 [PRef Select]. —

Displays the Direct Position reference. The reference is selected parameter 10:1681 [PRef Select]. —

Displays the selected Position Reference.

This can come from many sources, such as the Direct Position Reference or Point to Point Position
Reference. —
This depends on the state of parameter 10:34 [PsnVelTrq Actv].

Displays the output of the Position Reference Electronic Gear Ratio (EGR) function.
Position Reference Electronic Gear Ratio (EGR) function multiplies the selected Position Reference
by the numerator in parameter 10:1687 [Psn EGR Mult] and divides it by the denominator in —
parameter 10:1688 [Psn EGR Div].
When the position regulator is not enabled, this parameter is initialized to parameter 10:1745
[Position Actual].

Enter a value to set the numerator of the Position Reference Electronic Gear Ratio (EGR) function.
Enter a negative value in the numerator to account for reversed motor rotation. —

Enter a value to set the denominator of the Position Reference Electronic Gear Ratio (EGR)
function. —

Select a source for the first Position Offset.

Select the port and parameter of the source.
Offsets can be added to the output of the Position Reference Electronic Gear Ratio (EGR) function. —
The addition is rate limited.
Enter a constant value to set the first Position Offset set point.
You can select this constant as a reference in parameter 10:1690 [Psn Offset 1 Sel]. —

Select a source for the second Position Offset.

Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a constant value to set the second Position Offset set point.
You can select this constant as a reference in parameter 10:1693 [Psn Offset 2 Sel]. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the velocity of position offset.
A position offset command does not exceed this speed. The actual speed of offset is limited to a Hz
maximum value of 1/(inertia x pos gain) so as not to cause a torque pulse greater than 1 per unit. RPM
The speed changes exponentially.

Enter a value to set the absolute user zero position.

When the zero position bit parameter 10:1730 [Position Control] bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’ is set, parameter
10:1745 [Position Actual] accumulates the value of parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb] – the —
parameter 10:1697 [Zero Position], and 10:1745 [Position Actual] becomes zero when 10:1746
[Position Fb] is at the zero position. The homing function also sets the value after homing process
is completed.

Sets bits to enable various position control functions.

Bit 1 ‘Intgrtr En’ – Set this bit to enable the integrator operation. Clear it to reset the integrator.
Bit 2 ‘Offset ReRef’ – Set this bit to active position offset re-referencing. This permits a change to
the value of position offsets without changing actual position. The position offsets are the values
that parameters 10:1690 [Psn Offset 1 Sel] and 10:1693 [Psn Offset 2 Sel] select. The default
position offsets are parameters 10:1691 [Psn Offset 1] and 10:1694 [Psn Offset 2].
Bit 3 ‘OffsetVel En’ – Set this bit to use the offset velocity parameter 10:1695 [Psn Offset Vel] for
the position offset integrator. Sets the offset integrator bit, parameter 10:1732 [PReg Status] Bit 0
‘OffsetIntgtr’ when this bit is set.
Bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’ – Set this bit to put parameter 10:1745 [Psn Actual] in absolute mode (no
differential) with zero position offset. Parameter 10:1745 [Psn Actual] sets the value of parameter
10:1746 [Position Fb] – the position parameter 10:1697 [Zero Position]. With bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’
disabled, parameter 1745 [Psn Actual] accumulates the difference in parameter 10:1746 [Position
Fb] at each position control scan. Parameter 10:1745 [Psn Actual] and parameter 10:1746
[Position Fb] are not always the same and therefore, parameter 10:1745 [Psn Actual] is reset.
With bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’ set, parameter 10:1745 [Psn Actual] directly loads the raw value of —
parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb] after subtracting parameter 10:1697 [Zero Position].
Bit 5 ‘Intgrtr Hold’ – Set this bit to hold the position integrator in present state.
Bit 6 ‘PsnWtch1Arm’ – Set this bit to enable the position watch 1. Clear this bit to clear the
position watch 1 detection parameter 10:1732 [PReg Status] bit 9 ‘PsnW1Detect.’
Bit 7 ‘PsnWatch1Dir’ – Set this bit to cause the position watch 1 output to be set when parameter
10:1738 [PsnWatch1 DtctIn] is greater than the set-point value parameter 10:1739 [PsnWatch1
Stpt]. Clear this bit to cause the position watch 1 output to be set when parameter 10:1738
[PsnWatch 1 DtctIn] is less than the set-point value parameter 10:1739 [PsnWatch1 Stpt].
Bit 8 ‘PsnWtch2Arm’ – Set this bit to enable the position watch 2. Clear this bit to clear the
position watch 2 detection parameter 10:1732 [PReg Status] bit 10 ‘PsnW2Detect.’
Bit 9 ‘PsnWatch2Dir’ – Set this bit to cause the position watch 2 output to be set when parameter
10:1742 [PsnWatch 2 DtctIn] is greater than the set-point value parameter 10:1743 [PsnWatch2
Stpt]. Clear this bit to cause the position watch 2 output to be set when parameter 10:1742
[PsnWatch 2 DtctIn] is less than the set-point value parameter 10:1743 [PsnWatch2 Stpt].
Bit 10 ‘Add Spd Ref’ – Set this bit to add the velocity reference to the output of the position
control, when in position control mode.

Displays the final Position Command to the Position Regulator.

When the position regulator is not enabled, this parameter is initialized to parameter 10:1745 —
[Position Actual].

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Displays the status of the Position Regulator.
Bit 0 ‘OffsetIntgtr’ – Indicates the position offset Integrator is active.
Bit 1 ‘Offset ReRef’ – Indicates the position offset re-referencing is active.
Bit 2 ‘Psn Intgrtr’ – Indicates that the position integrator is active.
Bit 3 ‘Psn Reg Lmt’ – Indicates that the position regulator output is at positive or negative limit.
Bit 7 ‘Psn Reg Actv’ – Indicates that the position regulator is active.
Bit 8 ‘Intgrtr Hold’ – Indicates that the position Integrator is held in present state. —
Bit 9 ‘PsnW1Detect’ – Indicates the position watch 1 has detected motor position equal to its
setpoint, from the proper direction.
Bit 10 ‘PsnW2Detect’ – Indicates the position watch 2 has detected motor position equal to its
setpoint, from the proper direction.
Bit 11 ‘InPsn Detect’ – Indicates parameter 10:1750 [Position Error] is within the position band
that the in-position band parameter 10:1734 [In PosPsn Window] specifies.

Enter a value to determine the size of the detection window for the In Position Detector function.
When the value in parameter 10:1750 [Position Error] is within this window for the amount of —
time (Dwell Time) specified in parameter 10:1735 [In PosPsn Dwell] the function sets bit 11 ‘InPsn
Detect’ in parameter 10:1732 [PReg Status].

Enter a value to determine the Dwell Time for the In Position Detector function. —
Select a feedback source for the first Position Watch detector.
The first Position Watch detector compares the value of this source to the value of the set point in
parameter 10:1739 [PsnWatch1 Stpt]. —
Bits 6 ‘PsnWtch1Arm’ and 7 ‘PsnWatch1Dir’ in parameter 10:1730 [Psn Ctrl Options] enable and
set the direction for the detector.
Select the port and parameter of the source.

Enter a constant value to set the input to the first Position Watch detector.
You can select this constant as a reference in parameter 10:1737 [PsnWatch1 Select]. —

Enter a value for the comparison set point for the first Position Watch detector.
The detector compares this value to coming from parameter 10:1737 [PsnWatch1 Select]. —

Select a feedback source for the second Position Watch detector.

The second Position Watch detector compares the value of this source to the value of the set
point in parameter 10:1743 [PsnWatch2 Stpt]. —
Bits 8 ‘PsnWtch2Arm’ and 9 ‘PsnWatch2Dir’ in parameter 10:1730 [Psn Ctrl Options] enable and
set the direction for the detector.
Select the port and parameter of the source.

Enter a constant value to set the input to the second Position Watch detector.
You can select this constant as a reference in parameter 10:1741 [PsnWatch2 Select]. —

Enter a value for the comparison set point for the second Position Watch detector.
The detector compares this value to coming from parameter 10:1741 [PsnWatch2 Select]. —

Displays the actual position of the motor in encoder counts.

This tracks parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb].
When bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’ of parameter 10:1730 [Psn Ctrl Options] is set, it accumulates the value of —
10:1746 [Position Fb] – the value in 10:1697 [Zero Position].
When bit 4 ‘Zero Psn’ of parameter 10:1730 [Psn Ctrl Options] is cleared, it accumulates the value
of 10:1746 [Position Fb].

Displays the position feedback used by the Position Regulator.

The source of this signal is determined by the selection in parameter 10:1013 [PReg Fb Sel]. —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the value of parameter 10:1745 [Position Actual] in user engineering units as opposed to
encoder counts.
In incremental / index mode: 10:1747 [Psn Actual Units] = 10:1745 [Position Actual] x 10:1385 —
[PTP Ref Scale] x 10:1388[PTP EGR Mult] / 10:1389 [PTP EGR Div]
In absolute / immediate mode: 1747 [Psn Actual Units] = 10:1745 [Position Actual] x 10:1385 [PTP
Ref Scale]

Displays the output of the Load to Motor Gear Ratio function.

This forms the primary feedback for the position regulator integral channel. It is important that
the load gear ratio is precisely set such that the delta pulse count of one motor revolution equals —
the delta pulse count of this parameter.

Displays the position error signal.

This value is the difference between the final filtered position reference signal and position
feedback signal. This signal is the primary input to the position regulator used for Flux Vector —
When the position regulator is not enabled, the value is zero.

Enter a value to set the load side gear ratio for position control.
Adjust this parameter value when the load side encoder is selected for the position feedback by
parameter 10:1013 [PReg Fb Sel], and the load is coupled to the motor through a gear.
Calculation: Gear Ratio = (Number of teeth on Gear or driven) / (Number of teeth on Pinion or
When a motor (driver) and a load (driven) are coupled with a 20:1 gearbox (the gear ratio = 20), Hz
the value of this parameter is 20.
It is often necessary to count gear teeth, as gearbox manufacturers often approximate exact ratios
with decimal numbers.
This value affects the Position Regulator Velocity Output, as a velocity feed forward gain.

Displays the calculated value of the position regulator proportional gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the position regulator proportional gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

Displays the calculated value of the position regulator integral gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the position regulator integral gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

Displays the calculated value of the velocity feed forward gain.

This value is used when parameter 905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘Calculated’ (0). %
This value is set to 100%.
Enter the velocity feed forward gain. Values range from 0 to 100%.
This value is used when parameter 905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’ (1). %

Sets position droop that limits the low frequency gain of the position regulators integral channel
to a value of (1/droop). This parameter provides a means to fine-tune the stability for load-
mounted feedback devices where lost motion can cause a problem. Typically, the position droop s
has a value that is less than (1/position gain), even zero for tightly coupled loads. The position
droop has a gain value of (P.U. position) / (P.U. speed). Note: 1 P.U. position is the distance
traveled in 1 second at base motor speed.

Displays the contribution of the Integral Gain to the Position Regulator output. Hz
The contributions for the Proportional and Integral gains are summed to produce the output of RPM
the Position Regulator.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the positive limit on the Position Regulator Velocity Output. Enter the value as
a percent of motor nameplate RPM. %

Displays the final Velocity Output of the Position Regulator output. RPM
Enter a value to set the negative limit on the Position Regulator Velocity Output. Enter the value
as a percent of motor nameplate RPM. %

Displays the primary position feedback.

The source of this signal is determined by the selection in parameter 1013 [PReg Fb Sel]. This
signal will be used for the Position Regulator's Feedback before a feedback loss Auto Tach —
Switchover or when the primary encoder has been manually selected - Param 1019 [Fb Loss
Action] is Primary Only (0).

Displays the alternate position feedback.

The source of this signal is determined by the selection in parameter 1012 [Alt PReg Fb Sel]. This
signal will be used for the Position Regulator's Feedback following a feedback loss Auto Tach —
Switchover or when the alternate encoder has been manually selected - Param 1019 [Fb Loss
Action] is Alt Only (1).

Select a source for Velocity Reference A.

Select the port and parameter of the source.
This is the typical Automatic reference. —
Digital input functions for and bits in the Logic Command select between Velocity Reference A and
Velocity Reference B.
A Manual selection will override this.

Enter a constant value to be used as a source for Velocity Reference A. Hz

You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1800 [VRef A Sel]. This is similar to using a Preset. RPM

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Velocity Reference A. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Velocity Reference A.
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Velocity Reference A. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Velocity Reference A.

Enter a value to define a multiplier for Velocity Reference A.

The value from the source selected by parameter 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] will be multiplied by this. —

Select a source for Velocity Reference B.

Select the port and parameter of the source.
This is the typical Automatic reference. —
Digital input functions for and bits in the Logic Command select between Velocity Reference A and
Velocity Reference B.
A Manual selection will override this.

Enter a constant value to be used as a source for Velocity Reference B. Hz

You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1807 [VRef B Sel]. This is similar to using a Preset. RPM

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Velocity Reference B. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Velocity Reference B.
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Velocity Reference B. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Velocity Reference B.

Enter a value to define a multiplier for Velocity Reference B.

The value from the source selected by parameter 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] will be multiplied by this. —

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Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz
Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Enter a constant value to be used as a discrete velocity reference. Hz

Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference. Digital input functions can select it. Bits in the Logic Command can select it.

Displays the output of the MOP (Motor Operated Potentiometer) function.

This provides a velocity reference that can be incremented and decremented by digital input %

Set and clear bits to enable and disable saving of the MOP Reference at power down and at stop.
Bit 0 ‘At Pwr Down’ – save at Power Down, so the same value is present after a power cycle. —
Bit 1 ‘At Stop’ – save at Stop, so the same value is present when the drive starts again.

Enter a value to set the rate of change for increasing and decreasing the velocity reference
provided by the MOP function. %/s
Enter a value to set the high limit for the velocity reference from the MOP function. %
Enter a value to set the low limit for the velocity reference from the MOP function. %

Select a source for the value that defines the initial MOP value when the MOP is not configured to
start at the ‘At Power Down’ or ‘At Stop’ values selected in parameter 10:1824 [MOP Ref Save]. —

Enter a constant value to be used as a source for initial MOP value.

You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1828 [MOP Init Select]. %

Select an encoder channel to be used as the Encoder Velocity Reference.

Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter the order of the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter on the encoder signal used for speed
reference. This selection determines the number of taps. Taps

Displays the filtered Velocity Reference from the Encoder Velocity Reference function. Hz
Parameters 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] and 10:1807 [VRef B Sel] can select this as a source for the RPM
Velocity Reference.

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Select the source for the Alternate Manual Velocity Reference.
This provides a way to use a different port for the reference than the port that requests the
manual mode. —
The default setting (0) results in the actuating port being the one that is used for the manual

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Alternate Manual Velocity Reference. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Alternate Manual Velocity Reference.

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Alternate Manual Velocity Reference. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Alternate Manual Velocity Reference.

Enter a value to set the upper limit for the manual speed reference that a digital input activates Hz
when parameter 0:147 [DI ManRef Sel] is connected to an Analog Input. RPM
Enter a value to set the lower limit for the manual speed reference that a digital input activates Hz
when parameter 0:147 [DI ManRef Sel] is connected to an Analog Input. RPM
Select a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage.
The value from the source selected by parameter 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] will be multiplied by this —
(as a percentage).
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage.
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1850 [RefA TrmPct Sel]. %

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel
used as a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage.

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel
used as a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference A Trim Percentage.

Select a source for the Reference A Trim.

The value from this source is added to the source selected by parameter 10:1800 [VRef A Sel], as —
an offset.
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for the Reference A Trim. Hz
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1855 [RefA Trim Sel]. RPM
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Reference A Trim. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference A Trim.
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Reference A Trim. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference A Trim.
Select a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage.
The value from the source selected by parameter 10:1800 [VRef A Sel] will be multiplied by this —
(as a percentage).
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage.
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1860 [RefB TrmPct Sel]. %

Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel
used as a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage.

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Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel
used as a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference B Trim Percentage.

Select a source for the Reference B Trim.

The value from this source is added to the source selected by parameter 10:1807 [VRef B Sel], as —
an offset.
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for the Reference B Trim. Hz
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:1865 [RefB Trim Sel]. RPM
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Reference B Trim. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference B Trim.
Enter a value to set the velocity that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel Hz
used as a source for the Reference B Trim. RPM
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for the Reference B Trim.
Displays the source of Velocity Reference Trim Percent.
Displays in the format SSPPPP, where SS indicates the source port number other than Port 0 and
PPPP indicates the source parameter number. —
A value of zero indicates that a source has not been assigned.

Displays the source of Velocity Reference Trim.

Displays in the format SSPPPP, where SS indicates the source port number other than Port 0 and
PPPP indicates the source parameter number. —
A value of zero indicates that a source has not been assigned.

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Displays the status of the velocity reference.
Bit 0 ‘Ref A Auto’ – When set, the Reference A Auto path is active. Control Logic has selected the
Velocity Reference source A. See parameter 10:1800 [VRef A Sel].
Bit 1 ‘Ref B Auto’ – When set, the Reference B Auto path is active. Control Logic has selected the
Velocity Reference source B. See parameter 10:1807 [VRef B Sel].
Bit 2 ‘Ref A Mult’ – set when parameter 10:1804 [VRef A Mult] is modifying Velocity Reference A.
Cleared when the multiplier equals 1.0 or when the Reference A Auto path is inactive.
Bit 3 ‘Ref B Mult’ – set when parameter 10:1811 [VRef B Mult] is modifying Velocity Reference A.
Cleared when the multiplier equals 1.0 or when the Reference B Auto path is inactive.
Bit 4 ‘MicroPsnMult’ – set when the Torque Prove function is modifying the selected Velocity
Reference with the Micro Position Scale. See parameter 9:71 [MicroPsnScalePct].
Bit 5 ‘Trim Pct Ref’ – set when the velocity reference is modified by the Velocity Trim Percent
Reference. See parameter 10:1870 [VelTrimPctRefSrc].
Bit 6 ‘Trim Ref’ – set when the velocity reference is modified by the Velocity Trim Reference. See
parameter 10:1871 [Vel Trim Source].
Bit 7 ‘Preset Auto’ – set when the selection logic uses a Preset Auto source for the Velocity —
Bit 8 ‘Manual’ – set when the selection logic uses a Manual source for the Velocity Reference.
Bit 9 ‘Sel Override’ – set when another source has overridden the Selected Velocity Reference. See
parameter 10:350 [VRef Source] to understand the override.
Bit 10 ‘Bipolar Ref’ – set when the Velocity Reference is bipolar (negative values command reverse
rotation). See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode].
Bit 11 ‘Rev Disable’ – set when reverse rotation is disabled (negative values for the Velocity
Reference are replaced with zero). See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode].
Bit 12 ‘Unipolar Ref’ – set when the Velocity Reference is unipolar (the direction command is
needed for reverse rotation). See parameter 10:930 [Direction Mode].
Bit 13 ‘Decel Lmt Sw’ – set when the Torque Prove function has detected an active decel limit
switch and has selected parameter 10:1814 [Preset Speed 1] for the Velocity Reference.
Bit 14 ‘End Lim Sw’ – set when the Torque Prove function has detected an active decel limit switch
and using zero speed for the Velocity Reference.
Bit 15 ‘Skip Band’ – set when the Skip Band function is modifying the Velocity Reference.

Displays the value of the active speed reference. RPM
Enter a value to set the speed that is used for Jog 1 Jogging function. Hz
The Jogging function is activated by digital inputs or bits in the Logic Command. RPM
Enter a value to set the speed that is used for Jog 2 Jogging function. Hz
The Jogging function is activated by digital inputs or bits in the Logic Command. RPM

Enter a value to set the ramp time used for acceleration and deceleration in the Jogging function. s

Enter the positive velocity limit for velocity reference commands. Hz

This value sets the maximum forward speed reference. RPM

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Enter the negative velocity limit for velocity reference commands. Hz
This value sets the maximum reverse speed reference. RPM

Enter the minimum positive velocity limit for velocity reference commands. Hz
This value sets the minimum forward speed reference. RPM

Enter the minimum negative velocity limit for velocity reference commands. Hz
This value sets the minimum reverse speed reference. RPM

Enter a value to set the incremental amount of output frequency (above maximum speed: either Hz
parameter 10:1898 [Vel Limit Pos] or 10:1899 [Vel Limit Neg]) allowable for functions such as slip RPM
Displays the value of the Velocity Reference after the high limit and low limit filters have been Hz
applied. RPM
Enter a value to define the center speed for the first Skip Speed band. Hz
The Skip Speed function prevents the motor side inverter from operating at speeds within the RPM
band defined by this parameter and parameter 10:1911 [Skip Speed Band].
Enter a value to define the center speed for the second Skip Speed band. Hz
The Skip Speed function prevents the motor side inverter from operating at speeds within the RPM
band defined by this parameter and parameter 10:1911 [Skip Speed Band].
Enter a value to define the center speed for the third Skip Speed band. Hz
The Skip Speed function prevents the motor side inverter from operating at speeds within the RPM
band defined by this parameter and parameter 10:1911 [Skip Speed Band].
Enter a value to define the width for the Skip Speed bands.
The band is split to apply half above and half below the center speeds. Hz
This width applies to all three Skip Speed bands. RPM
Enter a value of zero to disable the Skip Speed function.
Displays the value of the Velocity Reference after the Skip Speed function. RPM

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Enter the first acceleration ramp time that is applied to velocity reference commands.
This value is defined as the time to accelerate from zero to the value in parameter 10:403 [Motor
Digital input functions and bits in the Logic Command select between the first and second ramp
times. s
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

Enter the second acceleration ramp time that is applied to velocity reference commands.
This value is defined as the time to accelerate from zero to the value in parameter 10:403 [Motor
Digital input functions and bits in the Logic Command select between the first and second ramp
times. s
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

Enter the first deceleration ramp time that is applied to velocity reference commands.
This value is defined as the time to decelerate from the value in parameter 10:403 [Motor NP
RPM] to zero.
Digital input functions and bits in the Logic Command select between the first and second ramp
This value is also used for these stop modes: Ramp, Ramp to Hold, and DecelToHold. s
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

Enter the second deceleration ramp time that is applied to velocity reference commands.
This value is defined as the time to decelerate from the value in parameter 10:403 [Motor NP
RPM] to zero.
Digital input functions and bits in the Logic Command select between the first and second ramp
This value is also used for these stop modes: Ramp, Ramp to Hold, and DecelToHold. s
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

Enter the percentage of acceleration time applied to the acceleration ramp of velocity reference
commands. Increasing this value softens changes in acceleration and reduce jerk. Half of the time
associated with this percentage is added at the beginning of the ramp and half is added at the end
of the ramp. %
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

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Enter the percentage of deceleration time applied to the deceleration ramp of velocity reference
commands. Increasing this value softens changes in deceleration and reduce jerk. Half of the time
associated with this percentage is added at the beginning of the ramp and half is added at the end
of the ramp. %
This value is used to calculate acceleration and deceleration rates equivalent to LinScurve
behavior when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 0 ‘Rate’.
This value is not used when 10:933 [Ref Time Base] = 1 ‘Time’. Instead, 10:934 [Ref Accel Time]
and 10:935 [Ref Decel Time] are applied directly as acceleration and deceleration times.

Enter a value to configure the response when the user-selected acceleration ramp time cannot be
achieved due to current limiting:
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.

Enter a value to configure the response when the user-selected deceleration ramp time cannot be
achieved due to limiting imposed by the bus voltage regulator:
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
Displays the value of the Velocity Reference after the Ramp and Jerk functions. RPM

Displays the output of the Velocity Reference, but delayed by one sample scan delay (1000 µs).
This is useful in systems with multiple drives where it necessary to synchronize the Master drive
and Follower drives. The Master drive uses this delayed signal for its velocity reference. The
Follower drives use the un-delayed signal. Hz
Set bit 8 ‘Delayed Ref’ in parameter 10:1950 [Vel Ctrl Options] to select the delayed reference in RPM
the master drive. Then transmit parameter 10:1923 [VRef Ramped] to the helper drives over a
communication link.

Displays the Velocity Reference after the selection between parameters 10:1923 [VRef Ramped]
and 10:1924 [VRef Delayed].
If bit 8 ‘Delayed Ref’ in parameter 10:1950 [Vel Ctrl Options] is cleared, this is 10:1923 [VRef Hz
Ramped]. RPM
If bit 8 ‘Delayed Ref’ in parameter 10:1950 [Vel Ctrl Options] is set, this is 10:1924 [VRef Delayed].

Enter a value to select Velocity Compensation modes.

This is a feed forward that is added to the Velocity Reference.
’Disabled’ (0) – disables the function.
’Ramped Ref’ (1) – enables an internal compensation. The compensation is based on the rate of —
change (derivative) of Velocity Reference.
’Rate Ref’ (2) – enables an external compensation signal. This signal is supplied by parameter
10:1931 [FF Vel Rate Ref].

Displays the gain of the Speed compensation function that is used when parameter 10:905
[System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This adjusts the magnitude of parameter 10:1930 [Vel Comp Out]. The calculation uses a lookup —
table and the interrupt times and delays of the finite impulse response (FIR) filter for Speed

Enter a value to set the gain of the Speed compensation function that is used when parameter
10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered.’ —
This adjusts the magnitude of parameter 10:1930 [Vel Comp Out].
Displays the output of the Speed Compensation function. This value is summed with the speed Hz
reference, following the application of 10:1932 [VRef Scale]. RPM

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Send a value to this parameter from an external controller that is already sending a rate limited
Velocity Reference.
The Feedforward Velocity Rate Reference should be proportional to the rate of change with
respect to time of the Velocity Reference (like acceleration).
For example if the controller provides a 10 second ramp, it would also supply a Feedforward R/s2
Velocity Rate Reference equal to 1 PU / 10 sec = 0.1 sec-1. When it is not accelerating, the ramp is
zero, and the Feedforward Velocity Rate Reference is also equal to zero.
Both the Velocity Compensation and Inertia Compensation functions share this parameter. Both
of these functions are available only when the motor control mode is Flux Vector.

Enter a number to define the multiplier for Velocity Reference scaling.

The Filtered Velocity Reference from parameter 10:1925 [VRef Filtered] and the output of the PI
Velocity Trim function are summed and multiplied by this value. —
This parameter only applies to flux vector control.

Displays the final Velocity Reference, after all the modifications, to be used by the Velocity
Regulator. Hz
The modifications include ramping, filtering, Velocity Compensation, Inertia Compensation and PI RPM
Velocity Trim.
Displays the maximum acceleration of the most recent velocity reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s2
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.
Displays the maximum jerk in the acceleration region of the most recent velocity reference
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s3
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the maximum jerk in the deceleration region of the most recent velocity reference
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 R/s3
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the total time required to complete the most recent velocity reference command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1 s
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Displays the status of the most recent velocity reference command.

Bit 0 ‘AccelLimited’ – Indicates acceleration is limited.
Bit 1 ‘AccelJerkLim’ – Indicates acceleration jerk is limited.
Bit 2 ‘DecelJerkLim’ – Indicates deceleration jerk is limited.
Bit 3 ‘Zero Move’ – Indicates that the new command calculated is zero (no move). —
Bit 4 ‘Move Failed’ – Indicates that the new command calculation failed. See P941 [Ref Fault
Config] to select the drive response when this condition is true.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

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Displays the move segment composition (general shape) of the most recent velocity reference
‘Accel Decel’ (0) – Indicates the command accelerates to a peak acceleration with an optional
dwell, followed by decelerating to the specified value.
‘Dwell Decel’ (1) – Indicates the command is composed of a dwell at initial acceleration, followed
by decelerating to the specified value.
‘Decel’ (2) – Indicates the command decelerates to the specified value. —
‘Reversing’ (3) – Indicates the command decelerates past the specified value, then reverses
direction to the specified value. This condition typically occurs when a command currently in
progress is interrupted late by a new move command.
This value only affects commands that are generated when 10:931 [Ref Move Type] = 1
‘SineSquared’, 2 ‘Poly5’, or 3 ‘Cubic’.

Set and clear bits to configure options in the Velocity Regulator.

Bit 0 ‘Ramp Hold’– set this bit to stop the Velocity Reference Ramp from changing and to hold
constant. Clear this bit to allow the Velocity Reference Ramp to change. If this bit is set while
parameter 10:1923 [VRef Ramped] is in an S-curve region, the S-curve completes before the
output is held.
Bit 1 ‘Ramp Disable’– Set this bit to bypass the Velocity Reference Ramp. Parameter 10:1923 [VRef
Ramped] tracks the Input to the ramp function.
Bit 2 ‘StpNoSCrvAcc’– Set this bit to force the velocity regulator to immediately discontinue
acceleration when the drive receives a stop command. Clear this bit to finish accelerating, as part
of the S-Curve profile, before decelerating in response to a stop command.
Bit 3 ‘SpdRegIntRes’– Set this bit to reset the contribution of the integral term of the Velocity
Regulator to zero. This forces parameter 10:1962 [VReg Int Out] to zero. The same result can be
achieved by setting integral gain to zero.
Bit 4 ‘SpdRegIntHld’– Set this bit to force the contribution of the integral term of the Velocity
Regulator to stop changing and remain constant. —
Bit 6 ‘Jog No Integ’– Set this bit to force the contribution of the integral term of the Velocity
Regulator to zero while jogging.
Bit 8 ‘Delayed Ref‘– Set this bit to configure the drive to use the reference from parameter
10:1924 [VRef Delayed] instead of 10:1923 [VRef Ramped]. This is useful in systems with multiple
drives where it necessary to synchronize the Master drive and Follower drives. See parameter
10:1924 [VRef Delayed].
Bit 9 ‘NoSCrvSpdChg’ – Set this bit to interrupt the S-curve if the drive is accelerating and a new
velocity reference is commanded less than the current velocity. The drive will immediately
decelerate. Setting this bit will also interrupt the S-curve if the drive is decelerating when the new
velocity reference is more than the current velocity. Clearing this bit configures the drive to
complete the S-curve before decelerating or accelerating.
Bit 10 ‘FastZeroCrs’ – Set this bit to allow the velocity command to cross zero without ramping to
zero acceleration.
Not all bits are available for all motor control modes.

Displays the velocity error signal.

This value is the difference between the velocity reference final signal and the motor velocity Hz
feedback signal. This signal is the primary input to the velocity regulator used for Flux Vector RPM
control. When the velocity regulator is not enabled, the value is zero.

Sets the gain of an additional integrator in the Vector control mode speed regulator. The effect of
Servo Lock is to increase stiffness of the speed response to a load disturbance. It behaves like a
position regulator with velocity feed forward, but without the pulse accuracy of a true position /s
regulator. Gain is normally be set to less than 1/3 speed regulator bandwidth, or for the desired
response. A value of zero disables this feature.

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Allows control of over-shoot/under-shoot in the step response of the Vector control mode speed
regulator. Over-shoot/under-shoot can be effectively eliminated with a setting of 0.3, which —
removes backup of the motor shaft when zero speed is reached. This parameter has no affect on
the drive response to load changes. A value of zero disables this feature.

Enter a value to set the servo lock gain used in the decel to hold stopping mode. This gain adjusts
an integrator that feeds the velocity regulator. The function increases the ‘stiffness’ of the velocity
response to a disturbance. It reduces the effects of disturbances on the position of the system /s
after it comes to a stop.

Displays the calculated value of the velocity regulator proportional gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio],10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the velocity regulator proportional gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

Displays the calculated value of the velocity regulator integral gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the velocity regulator integral gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

Displays the calculated value of the velocity regulator integral gain for use with Alternate
Feedback when selected for Open Loop. This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U
Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’. This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 Hz
[Load Ratio], 10:906 [System BW], and 10:907 [System Damping]. This value is not affected by
10:2020 [LdObs Mode], since Load Observer will be disabled for Open Loop feedback.

Enter the velocity regulator integral gain in units of Hz for use with Alternate Feedback when
selected for Open Loop. Hz
This value is used when parameter 905 [System C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’ (1).
Selects amount of droop that the speed reference is reduced when at full load torque. Zero
disables the droop function. RPM

Displays the contribution of the Integral Gain to the Velocity Regulator output.
The contributions for the Proportional and Integral gains are summed before limiting to produce R/s2
the output of the Velocity Regulator.
Enter the positive acceleration limit on the output of the velocity regulator.
This value limits positive changes in velocity with respect to time (acceleration and positive R/s2
Enter the negative acceleration limit on the output of the velocity regulator.
This value limits negative changes in velocity with respect to time (deceleration and negative R/s2
Displays the output of the Velocity Regulator.
This signal routes to the Torque Reference when the drive is operating as a Position or Velocity R/s2

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Select the source of the Acceleration Feedforward function.
The output of the Acceleration Feedforward function is consumed by the Torque Reference. The
Acceleration Feedforward signal comes from a first derivative of a Velocity command.
The possible selections for this Velocity command are as follows:
‘Disabled’ (0) – disables the function.
‘Int Ramp Ref’ (1) – selects the internal ramp for the source. —
‘Ext Ramp Ref’ (2) – selects the external ramp reference for the source. This comes from
parameter 10:1978 [Ext Ramped Ref].
‘Spd Rate Ref’ (3) – selects the Feed Forward Velocity Rate for the source. This comes from
parameter 10:1931 [FF Vel Rate Ref].

Displays the acceleration feed forward gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’. %
This value is set to 0%.
Enter the acceleration feed forward gain. Values range from 0 to 100%.
This value is applied when accelerating in the positive direction. %
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’.
Enter the negative acceleration feed forward gain. Values range from 0 to 100%.
This value is applied when accelerating in the negative direction. %
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’.
Send a value to this parameter from an external controller to generate the Acceleration
Feedforward signal. Hz
The Acceleration Feedforward function uses this when parameter 10:1972 [Accel FF Mode] is set RPM
to 2 ‘Ext Ramp Ref’.

Enter a value to set the initial value of the integral contribution of the Velocity Regulator in
parameter 10:1962 [VReg Int Out].
It initializes the integral contribution when the regulator is first enabled (for example on a start, %
run or jog command). This results in the regulator output reaching its final steady state value

Select the CAM input type.

‘PCAM’ (0) – Select a Position CAM where the master axis (x coordinate) is position reference
source signal. The slave axis (y coordinate) is a velocity output.
‘TCAM’ (1) – Select a Time CAM where the master axis (x coordinate) is time. The slave axis (y —
coordinate) is a velocity output.
‘VCAM’ (2) – Select a Velocity CAM where the master axis (x coordinate) is velocity reference
source signal. The slave axis (y coordinate) is a velocity output.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Set bits to control Position Cam (PCAM), Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM) functions.
Bit 0 ‘Start’ – Start the electronic camming function.
Bit 1 ‘DirectionOut’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam output. This is parameter 10:2354 [VCAM
Vel Out] at start of next cycle.
Bit 2 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Switch to the auxiliary cam profile at start of next cycle.
Bit 3 ‘Cam Enable’ – Enable the electronic camming function, which applies 10:2354 [VCAM Vel
Out] to 10:1892 [VRef Selected]. If 10:2202 [VCAM Mode] is set to 'Off' (0), a value of zero will be
applied to 10:1892 [VRef Selected].
Bit 4 ‘Reserved’
Bit 5 ‘Reserved’

Set additional bits to control PCAM and VCAM functions.
Bit 6 ‘Direction In’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam input. This is parameter 10:2206 [VCAM
Master Sel].
Bit 7 ‘Offset En’ – Enable an offset to the cam input. The offset is parameter 10:2208 [VCAM Psn
Ofst]. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 8 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Apply a new position offset from parameter 10:2208 [VCAM Psn Ofst]
without changing the final master position input of PCAM. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 9 ‘Unidirection’ – Permit unidirectional operation.
Bit 10 ‘CamProfNrml’ – Normalize of the cam points by shifting them with an offset to place point
00 at (0,0).

Select a value to determine how the electronic camming function responds to start commands.
The start command comes from bit 0 ‘Start’ in parameter 10:2201 [VCAM Control] or 0:883 [DI
VCAM Start] if configured.
‘Off’ (0) – Disable the electronic camming output by setting 10:2354 [VCAM Vel Out] = 0. Ensure
that 10:2201 [VCAM Control] Bit 3 ‘Cam Enable’ is set to 0 to disable the electronic camming
‘Single Step’ (1) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. At this point, the cam is complete and does not continue to —
operate until started again. If the master axis backs up into cam range, the function does not
move the slave axis.
‘Continuous’ (2) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function repeats this action until the start is
cleared. This mode only applies to PCAM and TCAM.
‘Persistent’ (3) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function remains active until the start is
cleared. This mode only applies to PCAM and VCAM.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of the Position Cam (PCAM), Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM)
Bit 0 ‘Started’ – Indicates the electronic camming function has started.
Bit 1 ‘In Cam’ – Indicates the cam input is in range of the defined profile.
Bit 2 ‘TCAM’ – Indicates TCAM is active.
Bit 3 ‘Single Step’ – Indicates single step mode is active.
Bit 4 ‘Continuous’ – Indicates continuous mode is active. This bit doesn't apply to VCAM.
Bit 5 ‘DirectionOut’ – Indicates the cam output direction is reversed.
Bit 6 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Indicates the auxiliary cam profile is in use.
Bit 7 ‘Reserved’
Bit 8 ‘MainWrongOrd’ – Indicates main profile master points are in wrong order.
Bit 9 ‘AuxWrongOrd’ – Indicates auxiliary profile master points are in wrong order. —

Displays additional status of PCAM and VCAM functions.

Bit 10 ‘Persist Mode’ – Indicates persistent mode is active.
Bit 11 ‘Direction In’ – Indicates the cam input direction is reversed.
Bit 12 ‘Offset En’ – Indicates the offset to the cam input is active. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 13 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Indicates position offset re-referencing is active. This bit only applies to
Bit 14 ‘Unidirection’ – Indicates unidirectional mode is active.
Bit 15 ‘PCAM’ – Indicates PCAM is active.
Bit 16 ‘VCAM’ – Indicates VCAM is active.

Enter a value to determine how the Velocity Cam starts.

‘Pnt Zero’ (0) – Starts the cam function from cam profile point 00. The master input is offset to 0.
‘Last Stop’ (1) – Starts the cam function from where it stopped last time. This choice is different
from 'Pnt Zero' (0) when the cam start command is unset during operation. —
‘Actl Input’ (2) – Starts the cam function based on the actual master input.
‘Remainder’ (3) – Starts the cam function based on the remainder value of the actual master
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.

Select a position reference source in DINT for the Position Cam (PCAM) input. This is not used by
the Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM) functions.
Select the port and parameter of the position reference source or select from the following drop
down list.
Parameter 10:2207 [VCAM Psn Stpt] —
Parameter 10: 1014 [Load Psn Fb Sel]
Parameter 10: 1748 [Psn Load Actual]
Parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb]
Parameter 10:1745 [Position Actual]

Enter a value to be used as a discrete reference source for the PCAM input when parameter
10:2206 [VCAM Master Sel] selects this parameter. Cnts
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

Enter a value to be used as a discrete position offset value to the Position Cam (PCAM) input when
bit 7 ‘Offset En’ of parameter 10:2201 [VCAM Control] is set.
This value causes a phase shift of position change in the master axis and a momentary change to —
the cam velocity.
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

Enter a value to set the edge count per second for the virtual encoder function used by the
position offset function.
This value limits the change of PCAM master axis in the change of position offset input. —
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a velocity reference source in REAL for the Velocity Cam (VCAM) input. This is not used by
the Time Cam (TCAM) and Position Cam (PCAM) functions. —

Enter a value to be used as a discrete reference source for the VCAM input when parameter Hz
10:2210 [VCAM Vel Select] selects this parameter. RPM
This is only used by the Velocity Cam (VCAM) function.
Enter a value to scale the cam master axis. —
Select a source used to scale the cam slave axis.
Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a value to be used as a discrete scale for the cam slave axis. This is active when parameter
10:2215 [VCAM SlaveSclSel] selects this parameter. —

Enter a value to be used as the starting slope for the first cam point.
The camming function only uses this value when the first segment is a cubic type curve. —
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.
Enter a value to be used as the end slope for the end point.
The end point is defined by 10:2224 [VCAM Main End Pt] or 10:2290 [VCAM Aux End Pt]. —
The camming function only uses this value when the last segment is a cubic type curve.
Enter the number of the last point on the main cam profile. —

Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the main cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 ‘CubicCurve0’ – Segment 0.
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1.
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2.
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3.
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4.
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5.
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6. —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7.
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8.
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9.
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10.
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11.
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12.
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13.
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam profile. Hz
The units are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]). RPM
Enter the number of the last point on the auxiliary cam profile. —

Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the auxiliary cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 ‘Reserved’
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1.
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2.
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3.
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4.
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5.
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6. —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7.
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8.
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9.
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10.
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11.
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12.
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13.
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM.

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile. RPM
Displays the cam slave velocity output. The velocity regulator consumes this value as its Hz
command. RPM
Enter a value to set the initial value of the integral contribution of the Velocity Regulator in
parameter 10:1962 [VReg Int Out].
It initializes the integral contribution when the regulator is first enabled (for example on a start, —
run or jog command). This results in the regulator output reaching its final steady state value
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for Torque Reference A.
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:2000 [Trq Ref A Sel]. %

Enter a value to set the torque that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel
used as a source for Torque Reference A. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Torque Reference A.
Torque Reference A Analog Low
Enter a value to set the torque that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel used
as a source for Torque Reference A. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Torque Reference A.
Enter a number to define the multiplier for Torque Reference A.
A value of 1.0 leaves the reference unaffected. —
Negative values invert the reference.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a source for the second torque reference.
Only used when the active Position Velocity Torque mode is 2 ‘Torque Reg’, 3 ‘SLAT Min’, 4 ‘SLAT —
Max’, or 5 ‘Sum’.
Enter a constant value to be used as a source for Torque Reference B.
You can select this constant as a reference in 10:2007 [Trq Ref B Sel]. %

Enter a value to set the torque that corresponds to the high value of the analog input channel
used as a source for Torque Reference B. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Torque Reference B.
Enter a value to set the torque that corresponds to the low value of the analog input channel used
as a source for Torque Reference B. %
Only used when an analog input is selected as a source for Torque Reference B.
Enter a number to define the multiplier for Torque Reference B.
A value of 1.0 leaves the reference unaffected. —
Negative values invert the reference.

Select the mode of the load Observer function.

‘Disabled’ (0) – Disabled mode disables the Load Observer function. The Torque Estimate and
Velocity Estimate signals of the load observer are not applied to the control loops. The velocity
regulator uses the default filtered Velocity Feedback instead of the Velocity Estimate signal.
‘LdObs Only’ (1) – Load Observer Only mode is recommended for velocity control applications and
it functions equivalent to the legacy PowerFlex load observer. It compensates for dynamic loads
connected to the motor, providing high disturbance rejection and dynamic stiffness. However, the
aggressive behavior in positioning applications often requires the observer bandwidth to be
decreased for stable operation. This mode applies the Torque Estimate signal to the control loops
but not the Velocity Estimate signal. The velocity regulator uses the default filtered Velocity
Feedback instead of the Velocity Estimate signal.
‘LdObs VelEst’ (2) – Load Observer with Velocity Estimate mode is recommended for positioning
applications, performing well in situations with changing inertia and unknown levels of
compliance and backlash. It compensates for most loads connected to the motor, providing high
disturbance rejection and dynamic stiffness, allowing gains to be increased for quicker system
response. It is not desirable for velocity mode applications because a steady state velocity error —
may be present that is hard to detect. This mode applies both Torque and Velocity Estimate
signals to the control loops. It replaces the default filtered Velocity Feedback signal with the
Velocity Estimate signal.
‘Vel Est Only’ (3) – Velocity Estimate mode can be used in some positioning applications. It
removes phase lag associated with velocity feedback filtering, allowing gains to be increased for
quicker system response. It is not desirable for velocity mode applications because a steady state
velocity error is present that is hard to detect. This mode applies the Velocity Estimate signal to
the control loops but not the Torque Estimate signal. It replaces the default filtered Velocity
Feedback signal with the Velocity Estimate signal.
‘Accel Fdbk’ (4) – Acceleration Feedback mode functions equivalent to the legacy Inertia Adaption.
It compensates for some loads connected to the motor, providing disturbance rejection and
dynamic stiffness. However, the aggressive behavior often requires the observer bandwidth to be
decreased for stable operation. This mode applies the Torque Estimate signal to the control loops
but not the Velocity Estimate signal. The velocity regulator uses the default filtered Velocity
Feedback instead of the Velocity Estimate. The Torque Estimate signal consists of filtered
acceleration feedback.

Displays the calculated value of the load observer proportional gain.

This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the load observer proportional gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the calculated value of the load observer integral gain.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is determined by equations in the drive based on 10:901 [Load Ratio], 10:906 [System Hz
BW], 10:907 [System Damping], and 10:2020 [LdObs Mode].
Enter the load observer integral gain in units of Hz.
This value is used when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz
Displays the acceleration reference input signal to the load observer. R/s2
Displays the velocity feedback input signal to the load observer. RPM
Displays the load observer velocity error signal. Hz
This value is the difference between the load observer velocity input signal and the load observer RPM
velocity estimate signal.
Displays the load observer velocity estimate signal. Hz
This value is a filtered velocity feedback signal without the phase lag associated with traditional RPM
Displays the load observer acceleration estimate signal.
This value includes load disturbances relative to an ideal unloaded motor. R/s2

Displays the load observer torque estimate signal.

This value includes load disturbances relative to an ideal unloaded motor. %
Displays the acceleration reference output signal from the load observer. R/s2

Enter a value to select the mode of the Friction Compensation function.

The Friction Compensation function calculates a feed forward torque signal to counteract load
‘Disabled’ (0) – disables the Friction Compensation function. This sets 10:2057 [FrctnComp Out] to
‘Int Ramp Ref’ (1) – the Friction Compensation function use parameter 10:1925 [VRef Filtered] for
the velocity signal. This setting is useful for friction compensation on a standalone drive when
operating as a position or velocity regulator. —
‘Ext Ramp Ref’ (2) – the Friction Compensation function use parameter 10:1978 [Ext Ramped Ref]
for the velocity signal. This setting is useful for applications that supply an external ramped
velocity reference to the drive.
‘Speed Fdbk’ (3) – the Friction Compensation function use parameter 10:1044 [Motor Vel Fb] for
the velocity signal. This setting is useful when operating as torque regulator. The source must be a
real encoder.

Enter a value to set the starting speed or trigger speed at which the friction compensation is
applied when leaving the region near zero speed.
The initial value for parameter 10:2057 [FrctnComp Out] at this speed comes from parameter Hz
10:2054 [FrctnComp Stick]. Friction compensation remains active until the speed reference drops RPM
below the trigger speed minus the value of parameter 10:2052 [FrctnComp Hyst] speed. At these
low speeds, 10:2057 [FrctnComp Out] returns to zero.

Enter a value to establish a velocity band around zero speed where the Friction Compensation
function is inactive. Hz
The Friction Compensation function is inactive (zero output) when the velocity signal is inside this RPM
band and active when outside.

Enter a value to set the time interval that the stiction or static friction torque is applied.
When initially leaving the zero speed region, the value in parameter 10:2054 [FrctnComp Stick] is
used for the non-viscous friction term. After the time period set in this parameter, the non-viscous ms
friction will ramp down to the value set in parameter 10:2055 [FrctnComp Slip]. The remainder of
the time that [FrctnComp Out] remains non-zero, the non-viscous friction remains constant at the
value of [FrctnComp Slip].

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Enter a value to set the level for the stiction or static friction torque. This level is the torque that is
required to break away from zero speed.
When initially leaving the zero speed region, this level is used for the non-viscous friction term. %
After the time period set in parameter 10:2053 [FrctnComp Time], the non-viscous friction will
ramp down to the value set in parameter 10:2055 [FrctnComp Slip].

Enter a value to set the torque level that is maintained at low speed once ‘break away’ has been
This value is always set to less than the level in parameter 10:2054 [FrctnComp Stick]. After the %
time period set in parameter 10:2053 [FrctnComp Time], the non-viscous friction will ramp down
to this value.

Enter a value to set the torque level that is output at rated motor speed.
The friction compensation routine assumes a linear viscous component that varies in direct
proportion to velocity. The 10:2057 [FrctnComp Out] value increases with velocity and equals the %
level set in this parameter at rated motor speed.
Displays the torque reference output of the Friction Compensation function. This value is summed
the selected Torque Reference. %

Displays the output of the Acceleration Feedforward function.

This is summed with parameter 10:1969 [VReg Output]. The sum is used by the Load Observer R/s2
Displays the product of the limited Acceleration Reference and the Torque Scalar.
This is the Torque Reference Output used when in Velocity Mode and by the Speed Limited %
Adjustable Torque (SLAT) modes.
Displays the external torque reference.
The value of this parameter is the output of the logic that selects and calculates the Torque
Reference. The value of this parameter is the sum of Torque Reference A, Torque Reference B and %
the PID Output Meter.

Displays the dynamic Selected Torque Reference.

The Position Velocity Torque mode affects this signal. See parameter 10:34 [PsnVelTrq Actv]. %
Logic that forces the drive into Velocity mode also affects it. This occurs in certain stopping and
Speed Limited Adjustable Torque (SLAT) modes.

Enter a value to determine the amount of Step change in the torque reference.
This is useful for testing the response of the drives to load disturbance. %

Displays the output of the torque filters.

These filters include the Lead Lag filter, the Low Pass Filter and the Reference Notch Filters. %
This signal feeds into the Torque Limiting functions.

Enter the positive torque limit applied to the torque reference signal. A setting of 100% is equal to
continuous motor rated torque. %

Enter the negative torque limit applied to the torque reference signal. A setting of -100% is equal
to continuous motor rated torque. %

Displays the Torque Reference Limiting function.

This signal feeds the function that calculates the Torque Current Reference. %

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Select the mode of the Adaptive Tuning function.
‘Disabled’ (0) – Disables the tracking notch and gain stabilization modes. However, even when
disabled, adaptive tuning continues to identify resonant frequencies and magnitudes, which are
useful for manual tuning of notch filters.
‘Tracking NF’ (1) – Tracking Notch Filter mode automatically tunes the torque notch filters
according to the number of tracking notch filters selected by P2118 [AdptTune NF Num].
‘Gain Stb’ (2) – Gain Stabilization mode compensates for instability by automatically tuning the —
torque low pass filter bandwidth and detuning position, velocity, and load observer regulator
‘TrkNFGainStb’ (3) – Enables Tracking Notch Filter and Gain Stabilization modes.
‘Gain Opt’ (4) – Gain Optimization mode uses all adaptive tuning modes to optimize tuning for
best performance automatically.

Enter the threshold for resonance detection by adaptive tuning in Tracking Notch modes.
Adaptive tuning identifies resonances not associated with command signals between the low and %
high frequency limits with magnitudes above this tuning threshold.
Enter the low frequency limit for resonance detection by adaptive tuning in Tracking Notch
Adaptive tuning identifies resonances not associated with command signals between these low Hz
and high frequency limits with magnitudes above the tuning threshold.

Set the high frequency limit for resonance detection by adaptive tuning in Tracking Notch modes.
Adaptive tuning identifies resonances not associated with command signals between these low Hz
and high frequency limits with magnitudes above the tuning threshold.

Enter the minimum width applied to the actual torque notch filter widths by adaptive tuning in
Tracking Notch modes.
Tracking Notch modes adjust torque notch filter widths proportional to the frequency estimate in
relation to the high and low frequency limits. Actual torque notch filter widths are set equal to —
this minimum width when the frequency estimate is equal to the low frequency limit. Actual
torque notch filter widths are set equal to this maximum width when the frequency estimate is
equal to the high frequency limit. The default setting is 0.40 for minimum and maximum width.
Important: Firmware Version introduced new default values for this parameter.

Enter the maximum width applied to the actual torque notch filter widths by adaptive tuning in
Tracking Notch modes.
Tracking Notch modes adjust torque notch filter widths proportional to the frequency estimate in
relation to the high and low frequency limits. Actual torque notch filter widths are set equal to —
this minimum width when the frequency estimate is equal to the low frequency limit. Actual
torque notch filter widths are set equal to this maximum width when the frequency estimate is
equal to the high frequency limit. The default setting is 2.00 for minimum and maximum width.
Important: Firmware Version introduced new default values for this parameter.

Enter the low limit applied to the actual torque low pass filter bandwidth by adaptive tuning
during Gain Stabilization.
Gain Stabilization incrementally decreases the actual torque low pass filter bandwidth in order to Hz
stabilize the system if required or until the actual torque low pass filter bandwidth equals this low
Enter the number of torque notch filters that are automatically tuned by Adaptive Tuning Tracking
Notch Filter when it is enabled by 10:2110 [AdptTune Config]. —

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Enter the minimum gain scaling applied by adaptive tuning during Gain Stabilization.
Gain Stabilization incrementally decreases the adaptive tuning gain scaling factor in order to
stabilize the system if required or until the adaptive tuning gain scaling factor equals this low limit. —
This gain scaling factor internally scales Calculated values the position and velocity regulator gains,
load observer gains, and torque low pass filter bandwidth.

Displays the status of the Adaptive Tuning function.

Bit 0 ‘FreqDetected’ indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function has identified a resonance
between the high and low frequency limits with a magnitude above the threshold that is
determined by parameter 10:2111 [Trq NF Threshold]. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit
when the drive transitions to the running state.
Bit 1 ‘Tune Failed’ indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function has applied notch filters to
resonances and has not eliminated them. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit when the
drive transitions to the running state or when it transitions to one of the Tuning Notch modes.
Bit 2 ‘MultipleFreq’ indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function has identified multiple resonances
between the high and low frequency limits with a magnitude above the threshold that is
determined by parameter 10:2111 [Trq NF Threshold]. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit
when the drive transitions to the running state.
Bit 3 ‘FreqBelowLim’ indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function has identified resonances below —
the low frequency limit with a magnitude above the threshold that is determined by parameter
10:2111 [Trq NF Threshold]. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit when the drive
transitions to the running state.
Bit 4 ‘FreqAboveLim’ indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function has identified resonances above
the high frequency limit with a magnitude above the threshold that is determined by parameter
10:2111 [Trq NF Threshold]. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit when the drive
transitions to the running state.
Bit 5 ‘Gain Stab’ indicates the value of parameter 10:2121 [AdptTune GnScale] is not 1. This bit
indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function is controlling the low pass filter and adjusting servo
loop gains to stabilize the system. The Adaptive Tuning function clears this bit when the drive
transitions to the running state.
Bit 6 ‘GnOptTmrExprd’ indicates that gain optimization is disabled after the timer has expired.

Displays the adaptive tuning Gain Scale Factor.

Gain Stabilization incrementally decreases this value to internally scale Calculated values the
position and velocity regulator gains, load observer gains, and torque low pass filter bandwidth in —
order to stabilize the system if required. The instability is caused from resonances that are not
already suppressed by filters or it is caused by filter bandwidths that are too close to the closed
loop bandwidth.

Displays the adaptive tuning estimate for the center frequency of the first mechanical resonance.
If multiple resonances exist with magnitudes above the threshold, then the one with the largest Hz
magnitude is selected. If two resonances with equal magnitude exist, then the one with a lowest
center frequency is selected.

Displays the adaptive tuning estimate for the magnitude of the first resonance.
Adaptive tuning identifies resonances and estimates their magnitudes. %

Displays the notch filter width estimate of the current mechanical resonance identified by
adaptive tuning. —
Displays the center frequency estimate of a resonance that reflects stability margin. Hz
Displays the magnitude estimate of a resonance that reflects stability margin. %
Enter the gain stabilization torque limit. Gain stabilization uses this value to determine stability
margin and whether to decrease parameter 10:2121 [AdptTune GnScale]. Increasing this value %
decreases the stability margin.

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Enter the gain optimization torque limit. Gain optimization uses this value to determine stability
margin and whether to increase P2121 [AdptTune GnScale]. Increase this value to allow gain
optimization to increase gains to further increase P2121 [AdptTune GnScale]. Keep this value %
smaller than P2134 [GnStab TorqueLim].
Enter the gain optimization gain scale step increment. This value is applied to parameter 10:2121
[AdptTune GnScale] each time gain optimization increases it. —
Select the type of error that adaptive tuning measures and uses during gain optimization. —
Displays the maximum velocity or position error that is used in gain optimization, in error units. —

Enter the position error threshold that is used by gain optimization when in position mode. When
this value is zero, gain optimization increases parameter 10:2121 [AdptTune GnScale] in each —
control loop by parameter 10:2136 [GnOpt Scale Inc] regardless of the error that is measured until
parameter 10:2130 [AdptTuneStabMag] reaches parameter 10:2135 [GnOpt TorqueLim].

Enter the velocity error threshold that is used by gain optimization when in velocity mode. When
this value is zero, gain optimization increases parameter 10:2121 [AdptTune GnScale] in each Hz
control loop by parameter 10:2136 [GnOpt Scale Inc] regardless of measured error until RPM
parameter 10:2130 [AdptTuneStabMag] reaches parameter 10:2135 [GnOpt TorqueLim].

Enter the gain scale high limit for gain optimization. Gain optimization does not increase
parameter 10:2121 [AdptTune GnScale] beyond this limit. —

Enter a time that gain optimization is active until it is automatically switched to gain stabilization.
When this parameter is set to zero, gain optimization is always active. s

Displays the input signal to the torque filters.

This signal comes from the dynamic Selected Torque Reference. —

Enter the torque lead lag filter bandwidth in units of Hz.

This filter has been used in the lead configuration to boost velocity or acceleration loop Hz
bandwidth, or in the lag configuration to compensate certain load dynamics. It has also been used
to compensate for undesirable dynamics caused by rate transitions between control loops.

Enter the torque lead lag filter gain.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its first order transfer function.
Entering a value of 1 turns the filter off. —
For a low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the calculated value of the torque low pass filter bandwidth.
This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This filter is useful for controlling resonant frequencies that are much higher than the velocity Hz
loop bandwidth or when you run out of torque notch filters. This filter works by reducing the
amount of high-frequency energy in the drive output that excites mechanical resonances.

Enter the torque low pass filter bandwidth in units of Hz.

This value is applied when parameter 10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’.
This filter is useful for controlling resonant frequencies that are much higher than the velocity Hz
loop bandwidth or when you run out of torque notch filters. This filter works by reducing the
amount of high-frequency energy in the drive output that excites mechanical resonances.

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Displays the active value of the torque low pass filter bandwidth.
When Gain Stabilization is not active, the calculated value 10:2154 [c Trq LPF BW] is applied when
10:905 [System C/U Sel] = 0 ‘Calculated’ and the user value 10:2155 [u Trq LPF BW] is applied Hz
when 10:905 [System C/U Sel] = 1 ‘User Entered’. However when Gain Stabilization is active,
adaptive tuning may control the torque low pass filter and incrementally decrease this value to
suppress additional resonances that are not already suppressed by notch filters.

Enter the center frequency of the first torque notch filter in units of Hz. Hz
Displays the active center frequency of the first torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2159 [Trq NF1 Freq] is applied when Tracking Notch modes are not
active. However, the adaptive tuning estimated value 10:2123 [Trq NF1 Freq Est] is applied when Hz
the Tracking Notch modes are active.
Enter the width of the first torque notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.

Displays the active width of the first torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2161 [Trq NF1 Width] is applied when Tracking Notch modes are not
active. However, adaptive tuning sets this value between the minimum and maximum widths —
proportional to the frequency estimate in relation to the high and low frequency limits when
Tracking Notch modes are active.

Enter the depth of the first torque notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
function. —
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero.

Displays the active depth of the first torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2161 [Trq NF1 Depth] is applied when Tracking Notch modes are not —
active. However, adaptive tuning sets this value to zero when Tracking Notch modes are active.

Enter the gain of the first torque notch filter.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1. —
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the active gain of the first torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2165 [Trq NF1 Gain] is applied when Tracking Notch modes are not —
active. However, adaptive tuning sets this value to 1 when Tracking Notch modes are active.

Enter the center frequency of the second torque notch filter in units of Hz. Hz
Displays the active center frequency of the second torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2169 [Trq NF2 Freq] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is Hz
applied at all times.
Enter the width of the second torque notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.
Displays the active width of the second torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2171 [Trq NF2 Width] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

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Enter the depth of the second torque notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
function. —
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero.

Displays the active depth of the second torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2173 [Trq NF2 Depth] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter the gain of the second torque notch filter.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1. —
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the active gain of the second torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2175 [Trq NF2 Gain] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.
Enter the center frequency of the third torque notch filter in units of Hz. —
Displays the active center frequency of the third torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2179 [Trq NF3 Freq] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.
Enter the width of the third torque notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.
Displays the active width of the third torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2181 [Trq NF3 Width] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter the depth of the third torque notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
function. —
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero.

Displays the active depth of the third torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2183 [Trq NF3 Depth] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter the gain of the third torque notch filter.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1. —
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the active gain of the third torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2185 [Trq NF3 Gain] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.
Enter the center frequency of the fourth torque notch filter in units of Hz. —
Displays the active center frequency of the fourth torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2189 [Trq NF4 Freq] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.
Enter the width of the fourth torque notch filter around the center frequency.
This value determines the denominator damping of its second order transfer function. —
A typical value of 0.4 produces a narrow width and a value of 1.0 produces a wide width.

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Displays the active width of the fourth torque notch filter.
The user entered value 10:2191 [Trq NF4 Width] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter the depth of the fourth torque notch filter at the center frequency.
This value determines attenuation level and the numerator damping of its second order transfer
function. —
The minimum depth occurs when this value is the same value as the width, turning the filter off.
The maximum depth occurs when this value is zero.

Displays the active depth of the fourth torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2193 [Trq NF4 Depth] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter the gain of the fourth torque notch filter.

This value sets the mode of the filter and gain of its second order transfer function.
For a notch filter, enter a value of 1. —
For a second order low pass filter, enter a value of 0.
For a second order lag-lead filter, enter a value between 0 and 1.
For a second order lead-lag filter, enter a value greater than 1.

Displays the active gain of the fourth torque notch filter.

The user entered value 10:2195 [Trq NF4 Gain] currently passes through adaptive tuning and is —
applied at all times.

Enter a value to select the Torque Cam input type.

‘PCAM’ (0) – Select a Position Cam where the master axis (x coordinate) is position reference
source signal. The slave axis (y coordinate) is a torque output.
‘TCAM’ (1) – Select a Time Cam where the master axis (x coordinate) is time. The slave axis (y —
coordinate) is a torque output.
‘VCAM’ (2) – Select a Torque Cam where the master axis (x coordinate) is velocity reference
source signal. The slave axis (y coordinate) is a torque output.

Set and clear bits to control Position Cam (PCAM), Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM)
Bit 0 ‘Start’ – Start the electronic camming function.
Bit 1 ‘DirectionOut’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam output. This is parameter 10:2524 [TqCAM
Trq Out] at start of next cycle.
Bit 2 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Switch to the auxiliary cam profile at start of next cycle.
Bit 3 ‘Cam Enable’ – Enable the electronic camming function.
Bit 4 ‘Reserved’
Bit 5 ‘Reserved’
Set and clear bits additional bits to control PCAM and VCAM functions. —
Bit 6 ‘Direction In’ – Reverse the polarity of the cam input. This is parameter 10:2376 [TqCAM
Master Sel].
Bit 7 ‘Offset En’ – Enable an offset to the cam input. The offset is parameter 10:2378 [TqCAM Psn
Ofst]. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 8 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Apply a new position offset from parameter 10:2378 [TqCAM Psn Ofst]
without changing the final master position input of PCAM. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 9 ‘Unidirection’ – Permit unidirectional operation.
Bit 10 ‘CamProfNrml’ - Normalizes the cam points by shifting them with an offset to place point 00
at (0,0).

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Select a value to determine how the electronic camming function responds to start commands.
The start command comes from bit 0 ‘Start’ in parameter 10:2371 [TqCAM Control] or 0:886 [DI
TqCAM Start] if configured.
‘Off’ (0) – Disable the electronic camming function.
‘Single Step’ (1) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. At this point, the cam is complete and does not continue to
operate until started again. If the master axis backs up into cam range, the function does not
move the slave axis. —
‘Continuous’ (2) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function repeats this action until the start is
cleared. This mode only applies to PCAM and TCAM.
‘Persistent’ (3) – When started, the camming function runs from point 0 until the master axis
reaches the last defined (end) point. The camming function remains active until the start is
cleared. This mode only applies to PCAM and VCAM.

Displays the status of the Position Cam (PCAM), Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM)
Bit 0 ‘Started’ – Indicates the electronic camming function has started.
Bit 1 ‘In Cam’ – Indicates the cam input is in range of the defined profile.
Bit 2 ‘TCAM’ – Indicates TCAM is active.
Bit 3 ‘Single Step’ – Indicates single step mode is active.
Bit 4 ‘Continuous’ – Indicates continuous mode is active. This bit doesn't apply to VCAM.
Bit 5 ‘DirectionOut’ – Indicates the cam output direction is reversed.
Bit 6 ‘Aux Cam En’ – Indicates the auxiliary cam profile is in use.
Bit 7 ‘Reserved’
Bit 8 ‘MainWrongOrd’ – Indicates main profile master points are in wrong order.
Bit 9 ‘AuxWrongOrd’ – Indicates auxiliary profile master points are in wrong order. —

Displays additional status of PCAM and VCAM functions.

Bit 10 ‘Persist Mode’ – Indicates persistent mode is active.
Bit 11 ‘Direction In’ – Indicates the cam input direction is reversed.
Bit 12 ‘Offset En’– Indicates the offset to the cam input is active. This bit only applies to PCAM.
Bit 13 ‘RerefPsnOfst’ – Indicates position offset re-referencing is active. This bit only applies to
Bit 14 ‘Unidirection’ – Indicates unidirectional mode is active.
Bit 15 ‘PCAM’ – Indicates PCAM is active.
Bit 16 ‘VCAM’ – Indicates VCAM is active.

Enter a value to determine how the Torque Cam starts.

‘Pnt Zero’ (0) – Starts the cam function from cam profile point 00. The master input is offset to 0.
‘Last Stop’ (1) – Starts the cam function from where it stopped last time. This choice is different
from ‘Pnt Zero’ (0) when the cam start command is unset during operation. —
‘Actl Input’ (2) – Starts the cam function based on the actual master input.
‘Remainder’ (3) – Starts the cam function based on the remainder value of the actual master
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.

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Select a position reference source in DINT for the Position Cam (PCAM) input. This is not used by
the Time Cam (TCAM) and Velocity Cam (VCAM) functions.
Select the port and parameter of the position reference source or select from the following drop
down list.
Parameter 10:2377 [TqCAM Psn Stpt]
Parameter 10:1684 [PRef Selected] —
Parameter 10:1090 [RP Psn Output]
Parameter 10: 1014 [Load Psn Fb Sel]
Parameter 10: 1748 [Psn Load Actual]
Parameter 10:1746 [Position Fb]
Parameter 10:1745 [Position Actual]

Enter a value to be used as a discrete reference source for the PCAM input when parameter
10:2376 [TqCAM Master Sel] selects this parameter. —
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

Enter a value to be used as a discrete position offset value to the Position Cam (PCAM) input when
bit 7 ‘Offset En’ of parameter 10:2371 [TqCAM Control] is set.
This value causes a phase shift of position change in the master axis and a momentary change to —
the cam velocity.
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

Enter a value to set the edge count per second for the virtual encoder function used by the
position offset function.
This value limits the change of PCAM master axis in the change of position offset input. —
This is only used by the Position Cam (PCAM) function.

Select a velocity reference source in REAL for the Velocity Cam (VCAM) input. This is not used by
the Time Cam (TCAM) and Position Cam (PCAM) functions.
Select the port and parameter of the velocity reference source or select from the following drop
down list. —
Parameter 10:2381 [TqCAM Vel Stpt]
Parameter 10:1923 [VRef Ramped]
Parameter 10:1042 [Vel Fb Active]
Parameter 10:2354 [VCAM Vel Out]

Enter a value to be used as a discrete reference source for the VCAM input when parameter Hz
10:2380 [TqCAM Vel Sel] selects this parameter. RPM
This is only used by the Velocity Cam (VCAM) function.
Enter a value to scale the cam master axis. —
Select a source used to scale the cam slave axis.
Select the port and parameter of the source. —

Enter a value to be used as a discrete scale for the cam slave axis. This is active when parameter
10:2385 [TqCAM SlvSclSel] selects this parameter. —

Enter a value to be used as the starting slope for the first cam point.
The camming function only uses this value when the first segment is a cubic type curve. —
This parameter only starts the Cam sequence, it does not start the drive.
Enter a value to be used as the end slope for the end point.
The end point is defined by 10:2394 [TqCAM Main EndPt] or 10:2460 [TqCAM Aux End Pt]. —
The camming function only uses this value when the last segment is a cubic type curve.
Enter the number of the last point on the main cam profile. —

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Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the main cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 ‘CubicCurve0’ – Segment 0.
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1.
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2.
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3.
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4.
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5.
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6. —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7.
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8.
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9.
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10.
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11.
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12.
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13.
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 00 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the main cam profile.
The units are in percent. %
Enter the number of the last point on the auxiliary cam profile. —

Set and clear bits to determine the type for each segment in the auxiliary cam profile.
Clearing a bit makes that segment linear. Setting the bit makes that segment cubic.
Bit 0 – Reserved
Bit 1 ‘CubicCurve1’ – Segment 1.
Bit 2 ‘CubicCurve2’ – Segment 2.
Bit 3 ‘CubicCurve3’ – Segment 3.
Bit 4 ‘CubicCurve4’ – Segment 4.
Bit 5 ‘CubicCurve5’ – Segment 5.
Bit 6 ‘CubicCurve6’ – Segment 6. —
Bit 7 ‘CubicCurve7’ – Segment 7.
Bit 8 ‘CubicCurve8’ – Segment 8.
Bit 9 ‘CubicCurve9’ – Segment 9.
Bit 10 ‘CubicCurve10’ – Segment 10.
Bit 11 ‘CubicCurve11’ – Segment 11.
Bit 12 ‘CubicCurve12’ – Segment 12.
Bit 13 ‘CubicCurve13’ – Segment 13.
Bit 14 ‘CubicCurve14’ – Segment 14.

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the master axis (x coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units for Position Cam (PCAM) are counts. The units for Time Cam (TCAM) are seconds. The —
units for Velocity Cam (VCAM) are Hz or RPM (depends on parameter 0:46 [Velocity Units]).

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 01 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 02 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 03 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 04 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 05 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 06 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 07 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 08 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 09 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 10 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 11 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 12 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 13 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 14 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Enter the value for the slave axis (y coordinate) for point 15 on the auxiliary cam profile.
The units are in percent. %

Displays the cam slave torque output. This parameter is summed with parameter10:2076 [Trq
RefSelected], parameter10:2057 [FrctnComp Out] and parameter10:2077 [Torque Step]. %
The unit is in percent.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max

0.00 -590.00 590.00

0.00 0.00 529.00

0.00 0.00 21000.00

0.00 0.00 3000.00
0.00 0.00 1.00
0.00 -1480.00 1480.00
0.00 -1480.00 1480.00

0.00 0.00 529.00

0.00 0.00 10:20 [Rated Volts] x 1.35 x 1.41

LV Rated Voltage Normal Duty

HV Rated Voltage Normal Duty
LV Rated Voltage Heavy Duty 0.00 690.00
HV Rated Voltage Heavy Duty
HV Rated Voltage Light Duty
LV Rated Voltage Light Duty

LV Rated Current Normal Duty

HV Rated Current Normal Duty
LV Rated Current Heavy Duty 0.00 12000.00
HV Rated Current Heavy Duty
LV Rated Current Light Duty
HV Rated Current Light Duty

0.00 0.00 3500.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 (Frequency Modes) 0 1 (Frequency Modes)
1 (Flux Vector Modes) 11 (Flux Vector Modes)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 (Velocity Modes) 0 1 (Velocity Modes)
1 (Flux Vector Modes) 11 (Flux Vector Modes)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 (Velocity Modes) 0 1 (Velocity Modes)
1 (Flux Vector Modes) 11 (Flux Vector Modes)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 (Frequency Modes) 0 1 (Frequency Modes)
1 (Flux Vector Modes) 11 (Flux Vector Modes)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 (Frequency Modes) 0 1 (Frequency Modes)
1 (Flux Vector Modes) 11 (Flux Vector Modes)

0.00 0.00 35400.00

0.00 0.00 2.00

0 0 1

0.00 0.00 10800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Current Selection 0 2

100.0 0.0 10000.0

50.0 0.0 10000.0

75.0 0.0 100000.0

100.0 0.0 10000.0

50.0 0.0 10000.0

100.0 0.0 10000.0

2.00 0.10 100.00

10:21 [Rated Amps] x 0.7 0.00 10:21 [Rated Amps]

0.00 0.00 1800.00

100.00 0.00 2000.00

100.00 0.00 2000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2.00 0.10 100.00

10:21 [Rated Amps] x 0.7 0.00 10:21 [Rated Amps]

0.00 0.00 1800.00

5.00 0.10 100.00

1.50 0.10 10.00

0.00 0.00 15.00

10.00 0.00 10000.00

10.00 0.00 10000.00

60.00 0.00 1000.00

75.00 0.00 100000.00

100.00 100.00 10000.00

75.00 1.00 100.00

0.060 0.001 0.500

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 6

1 0 4

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 4

0 0 2

LV Rated Voltage
10:20 [Rated Volts] x 1.10 x 1.41 Normal Duty x 1.41 HV Rated Voltage Normal Duty x 1.20 x 1.41

10 0 65535

100.000 0.000 65535.000

1170.0 0.0 1000000.0

152.0 0.0 1000000.0

524.0 0.0 10000.0

2045.0 0.0 50000.0

0 0 1

7.80 7.80 10000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

100.00 1.00 500000.00

2000.00 1.00 100000000.00

0 0 1

100.0 0.0 1000000.0

10000.0 0.0 1000000.0
125.00 100.00 250.00

0.0 0.0 60.0

10:403 [Motor NP RPM] x 0.001 0.000 10:403 [Motor NP RPM]

100152 1 159999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1.00 0.01 12000.00

0.00 0.00 90.00

127.0 0.1 10000.0

0.0015 0.0000 10.0000

0.10 0.00 10.00

1.00 0.01 5.00

1.00 0.01 5.00

3 0 3

3 0 5

1 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 100.00

1.00 0.20 2.00

20.00 20.00 4096.00

0.00 0.00 100.00

0.00 -99999.00 99999.00

0.00 0.00 100.00

99999 0 99999
11 1 60
0.330 0.100 1.000
20 2 180

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

3 0 3

100222.0 1.0 159999.0

Based on Drive Rating 0.00 Based on Drive Rating

Based on Drive Rating 0.00 Based on Drive Rating

0.00 10:21 [Rated Amps] x (-8) 10:21 [Rated Amps] x 8

400.00 1.00 800.00

-200.00 -800.00 0.00

200.00 0.00 800.00

290.0 0.0 1000000.0

680.0 0.0 10000.0

760.0 0.0 1000000.0

50.0 0.0 100000.0

50.0 0.0 100000.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

5200.0 0.0 1000000000.0

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 5

10:21 [Rated Amps] 0.00 10:21 [Rated Amps] x 1.50

0.00 0.00 30.00

0 0 5

10:21 [Rated Amps] 0.00 10:21 [Rated Amps] x 1.50

0.00 0.00 30.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 5

200.00 0.00 800.00

0.00 0.00 300.00

0.00 0.00 325.00

0 0 5

5.00 0.00 100.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 3

0 0 2

0 0 2

10:20 [Rated Volts] x 0.3913 0.00 10:20 [Rated Volts] x 1.41

10:20 [Rated Volts] x 0.3913 0.00 10:20 [Rated Volts] x 1.41

2.0 0.0 60.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2.0 0.0 60.0

585.0 0.0 1000000.0

50.0 0.0 1000000.0

524.0 0.0 100000.0

2045.0 0.0 50000.0

0 for 755T Drives and Bus Supplies

3 for 755TS Drives 0 5

LV Default UnderVltg Level 0.00 10:20 [Rated Volts]

HV Default UnderVltg Level

3 0 5

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

20.00 0.00 100.00

0 0 1

200.00 0.00 800.00

90.00 0.00 120.00

200.00 0.00 800.00

95.00 0.00 120.00

100.00 0.00 120.00

0.00 0.00 159999.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 13
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 13
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 31
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 12
(1) = On

0.00 0.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 31
(1) = On

0 0 999

0 0 999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 999

0 0 999

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 16
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 13
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 24
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 17
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 15
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 17
(1) = On

Based on Drive Rating 0.10 1.15 x Drive Rating

LV Motor NP FLA Normal Duty 10 x LV Motor NP FLA Normal Duty
HV Motor NP FLA Normal Duty 10 x HV Motor NP FLA Normal Duty
LV Motor NP FLA Heavy Duty 0.01 10 x LV Motor NP FLA Heavy Duty
HV Motor NP FLA Heavy Duty 10 x HV Motor NP FLA Heavy Duty
HV Motor NP FLA Light Duty 10 x HV Motor NP FLA Light Duty
LV Motor NP FLA Light Duty 10 x LV Motor NP FLA Light Duty
60.00 2.00 650.00
1780.0 1.0 40000.0

120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Normal Duty / Motor

120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Normal Duty /
Motor Poles
120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Heavy Duty / Motor
120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Heavy Duty / Motor 1 40000
120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Light Duty / Motor
120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Light Duty / Motor

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = HP
1 = kW 0.00 1.00

LV Motor NP Power Normal Duty

HV Motor NP Power Normal Duty
LV Motor NP Power Heavy Duty 0.01 15000.00
HV Motor NP Power Heavy Duty
HV Motor NP Power Light Duty
LV Motor NP Power Light Duty

4 2 200

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

460.00 100.00 793.50

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 4

0.000 0.000 12.000

95.00 85.00 100.00

5.00 0.00 10.00

0 0 2

0.0000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 0.0000 5.0000

150.0 0.0 10000.0

0.20 0.20 100.00

5162.22 0.00 1000000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

5162.22 0.00 10000000.00

790.43 0.00 10000000.00

127.0 0.1 500.0

1.00 0.10 100000.00

5.00 0.00 15.00

100.00 0.00 100.00

0 0 1

0.1000 0.0001 1000.0000

LV IR Voltage Drop Normal Duty 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty
HV IR Voltage Drop Normal Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty
LV IR Voltage Drop Heavy Duty 0.00 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
HV IR Voltage Drop Heavy Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
HV IR Voltage Drop Light Duty 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Light Duty
LV IR Voltage Drop Light Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Light Duty

LV IR Voltage Drop Normal Duty 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty

HV IR Voltage Drop Normal Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty
LV IR Voltage Drop Heavy Duty 0.00 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
HV IR Voltage Drop Heavy Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
HV IR Voltage Drop Light Duty 0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Light Duty
LV IR Voltage Drop Light Duty 0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Light Duty

0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty 1.5 x LV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty
0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty 1.5 x HV Motor NP Volts Normal Duty
0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty 0.00 1.5 x LV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty 1.5 x HV Motor NP Volts Heavy Duty
0.25 x LV Motor NP Volts Light Duty 1.5 x LV Motor NP Volts Light Duty
0.25 x HV Motor NP Volts Light Duty 1.5 x HV Motor NP Volts Light Duty

0.25 x LV Motor NP Hertz Normal Duty

0.25 x HV Motor NP Hertz Normal Duty
0.25 x LV Motor NP Hertz Heavy Duty 0.00 590.00
0.25 x HV Motor NP Hertz Heavy Duty
0.25 x HV Motor NP Hertz Light Duty
0.25 x LV Motor NP Hertz Light Duty

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 1

1.50 0.10 10.00

305.0 0.0 100000.0

100.0 0.0 1000000.0

200.0 0.0 100000.0

20.00 0.00 4000.00

0.00 0.00 4000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000
10:401 [Motor NP Amps] x 0.35 0.00 10:401 [Motor NP Amps] x 0.995
0.00 0.00 10:401 [Motor NP Amps] x 0.995

0.0000 -6.2831 6.2831

0.0000 -6.2831 6.2831

1.00 0.00 100.00
1.00 0.00 100.00

524.0 0.0 100000.0

9080.00 0.00 100000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 1

0.50 0.00 10000.00

10.00 0.00 10000.00

1 0 1

1.00 0.00 10000.00

30.00 0.00 10000.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

15.00 0.00 100.00

1 0 1

0.00 -50.00 50.00

0.00 -50.00 50.00

0.20 0.00 1.00

0.00 0.00 60.00

0.005000 0.000010 1.000000

0.010000 0.000010 1.000000

0.500 0.000 5.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 4
(1) = On

0.000 0.000 6.283

0.000 0.000 6.283

40.00 0.00 200.00

3.00 0.00 100.00

60.00 0.00 1000.00

2.50 0.00 1000.00

0.50 0.00 1000.00

15.00 0.00 100.00

15.0 1.0 50.0

1000.0 1.0 9999.9

30.0 0.0 1000.0

2500.0 0.0 25000.0

75.0 0.0 500.0

30.0 0.0 1000.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

13.3 0.0 100.0

3.3 0.0 10.0

6.6 0.0 100.0

5.0 0.0 10.0

35.0 1.0 9999.0

1000.0 1.0 9999.0

100.0 5.0 500.0

10.0 1.0 999.900024414062

1.0 0.1 9.0
10:400 [Motor NP Volts] x 0.8 0.00 10:400 [Motor NP Volts] x 1.5

0.00 0.00 10:400 [Motor NP Volts] x 1.5

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0 0 512

0 0 512

100.00 0.00 1000.00

100.0 0.0 100.0

100.0 0.0 100.0

100.0 0.0 100.0

200.0 0.0 400.0

10:691 [PM Bus Prot] 0.00 10:691 [PM Bus Prot]

0.10 0.00 100.00

1.00 0.00 100.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-0.20 -2.00 0.00
0.20 0.00 2.00
0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

0.0000000 0.0000000 999990.0000000

1 0 1

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.2500 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.5000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.7500 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1.0000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

1.2500 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

1.5000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.2500 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.5000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

0.7500 0.0000 5.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

1.0000 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

1.2500 0.0000 5.0000

0.0000 -1.0000 1.0000

1.5000 0.0000 5.0000

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 4
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 7
(1) = On

0.0 0.0 460.0

1.0 0.0 100.0

2.0 0.0 10.0

10.0 0.0 115.0

0.75 0.01 327.67

6.00 0.01 327.67

0.8 0.5 10.0

0.5 0.1 10.0

38.5 0.0 77.0

0.60 0.01 100.00

0.0 0.0 1480.0

0.0 -1000.0 1000.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0 -100.0 100.0

-25.0 -100.0 100.0

2.59 0.01 100.00

Based on frame size 0.000001 2000.000000

0.00 0.00 100000.00

1 0 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

2.00 0.00 32767.00

1.0000 0.4000 5.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 8

0.0 0.0 65535.0

75 for InductionVHz, Induction SV, Induct

Econ, and Induction FV 0.25 100.00
50 for IPM FV and SPM FV
50.00 0.00 200.00

0 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 3

1.000 0.500 1.500

0 0 1

10.000 0.000 3600.000

10.00 0.00 3600.00

Depends on factory set duty rating. 0.000 100000.000

Depends on factory set duty rating. 0.000 100000.000

Depends on factory set duty rating. 0.000 5000000.000

Depends on factory set duty rating. 0.000 5000000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

3 0 4

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.000 0.000 32767.000

0.000 -20.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 0.00 1000.00

101048 1 159999

3 0 7

159.00 0.00 32767.00

159.00 0.00 32767.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 -20.00 20.00

101048 1 159999

3 0 7

159.00 0.00 32767.00

159.00 0.00 32767.00

1.00 0.00 32767.00

101050 1 159999

101050 1 159999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 159999

1 -1000000 1000000

1 1 2000000

0 -2147483648 2147483624

4096 10 67108864

0 0 2

0.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 4
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 2
(1) = On

0.00 0.00 536871000.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

4096 1 67108864

1 -1000000 1000000

1.00 1.00 2000000.00

4096 1024 536870912

1.00000 -220000000.00000 220000000.00000

0 0 4294967295
0 -220000000 220000000
10.00 0.00 3600.00
10.00 0.00 3600.00
900.00 0.00 28800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-900.00 -28800.00 0.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 2
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

101083 0 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647
4096 1 67108864

1 -1000000 1000000

1 1 2000000

4194304 1024 536870912

0 0 4294967295
1.00000 -220000000.00000 220000000.00000

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

1.00 0.01 2200000000.00

100.00 10.00 150.00

0 0 2

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.00 0.00 3600.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

1 0 65535

2 1 16

1 0 6

101042 1 159999

800 1 159999

0 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0 0 2

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -2200000000.00 2200000000.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

0.00 -1.00 3600.00

1 0 65535

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 65535

1 0 65535

3 1 16

4 1 16

5 1 16

6 1 16

7 1 16

8 1 16

9 1 16

10 1 16

11 1 16

12 1 16

13 1 16

14 1 16

15 1 16

16 1 16

16 1 16

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

1 0 6

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 6

0.00 -28800.00 28800.00

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

101042 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

800 1 159999

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 2

101384 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

1.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

1 -2000000 2000000

1 1 2000000

0 -2147483648 2147483647

2160 (1.x…3.x)
30.00 Hz 0.00 35400.00
900.00 RPM
2160 (1.x…3.x)
30.00 Hz 0.00 35400.00
900.00 RPM
0 -2147483648 2147483647

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

1.00 0.20 1.50

0.500 0.000 4.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 0.00 1000.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0.00 0.00 3600.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

0 0 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 3

101427 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

2000 0 2147483647

1.00 0.01 214748000.00

101436 1 159999

1.00 0.00 214748000.00

101438 1 159999

8.22946 0.000000 10000.000000

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0 0 15

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0 0 15

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

3 0 7

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

101592 1 159999
0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

1.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

101596 1 159999
0 -2147483648 2147483647

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

8.00 0.00 1272.00

3.00 0.00 1272.00

1750.00 1.00 40000.00

1048576 1 67108864
1048576 1 67108864

1 1 1000000

1 1 2000000

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

0.00 -220000000.00 220000000.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

10:403 [Motor NP RPM] x 0.1 10:403 [Motor NP RPM] x (-0.5) 10:403 [Motor NP RPM] x 0.5
10.00 0.01 6554.00
0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

90.00 0.00 100.00

50.00 0.00 100.00

0.50 0.00 10.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0.10 * Motor NP RPM (-0.50) * Motor NP RPM 0.50 * Motor NP RPM

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00
101682 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

1 -2000000 2000000

1 1 2000000

101691 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

101694 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

9.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

200 0 2147483647

0.0040 0.0001 10.0000

101738 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

101742 1 159999

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

1.0000 0.0001 9999.0000

0.50 0.00 32767.00

0.50 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

100.00 0.00 200.00

100.00 0.00 200.00

0.00 0.00 25.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2000.00 0.00 2000.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

-2000.00 -2000.00 0.00

0 -2147483648 2147483647

0 -2147483648 2147483647

214 0 159999

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

1800.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1.00 -22000.00 22000.00

101808 0 159999

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

1800.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1 -22000 22000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

150.00 -35400.00 35400.00

300.00 -35400.00 35400.00

600.00 -35400.00 35400.00

900.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1200.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1500.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1800.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.000 -800.000 800.000

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

1.0000 0.0100 100.0000

100.000 0.000 800.000
-100.000 -800.000 0.000

101829 0 159999

0.00 -800.00 800.00

101048 1 159999

0 0 7

0.00 -40000.00 40000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 159999

1800.000 -35400.000 35400.000

0.000 -35400.000 35400.000

1800.000 -35400.000 35400.000

0.000 -35400.000 35400.000

101851 0 159999

0.000 -800.000 800.000

100.000 -800.000 800.000

0.000 -800.000 800.000

101856 0 159999

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1800.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

101861 0 159999

0.000 -800.000 800.000

100.00 -800.00 800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -800.00 800.00

101866 0 159999

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

1800.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0 0 159999

0 0 159999

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 15
(1) = On

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

300.00 -35400.00 35400.00

300.00 -35400.00 35400.00

10 0 3600

Motor Poles / 120 x LV Motor NP Hertz

Normal Duty
Motor Poles / 120 x HV Motor NP Hertz
Normal Duty When 10:425 = 0 ‘1.333 kHz’
Motor Poles / 120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Heavy Hz: 120 / RPM: 120 × 120 ÷ Poles
Duty When 10:425 = 1 ‘2 kHz’
Motor Poles / 120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Heavy 0.00 Hz: 325 / RPM: 120 × 325 ÷ Poles
Duty When 10:425 = 1 ‘4 kHz’
Motor Poles / 120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Light Hz: 590 / RPM: 120 × 590 ÷ Poles
Motor Poles / 120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Light

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Motor Poles / -120 x LV Motor NP Hertz
Normal Duty When 10:425 = 0 ‘1.333
Motor Poles / -120 x HV Motor NP Hertz kHz’
Normal Duty Hz: -120 / RPM: -120 ×
Motor Poles / -120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Heavy 120 ÷ Poles
Duty When 10:425 = 1 ‘2 kHz’
Motor Poles / -120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Hz: -325 / RPM: -120 × 0.00
Heavy Duty 325 ÷ Poles
Motor Poles / -120 x HV Motor NP Hertz Light When 10:425 = 1 ‘4 kHz’
Duty Hz: -590 / RPM: -120 ×
Motor Poles / -120 x LV Motor NP Hertz Light 590 ÷ Poles

When 10:425 = 0 ‘1.333 kHz’

Hz: 120 / RPM: 120 × 120 ÷ Poles
0.00 0 When 10:425 = 1 ‘2 kHz’
Hz: 325 / RPM: 120 × 325 ÷ Poles
When 10:425 = 1 ‘4 kHz’
Hz: 590 / RPM: 120 × 590 ÷ Poles

Motor Poles if 425

[PWM Frequency] / -120
x 120 Hz = 0 (1.333 kHz)
Motor Poles if 425
0.00 [PWM Frequency] / -120 0.00
x 325 Hz = 1 (2 kHz)
Motor Poles if 425
[PWM Frequency] / -120
x 590 Hz = 2 (4 kHz)

300.00 0.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

10.00 0.00 3600.00

0.000 0.000 100.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.000 0.000 100.000

1 0 1

1 0 1

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0 0 2

-2.50 -32767.00 32767.00

-2.50 -32767.00 32767.00

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100000.00 100000.00

1.000 0.000 1000.000

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0.00 0.00 5000000.00

0.00 0.00 5000000.00

0.00 0.00 3600.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 3

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.000 -35400.000 35400.000

0.000 0.000 300.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 0.0000 0.5000

10.00 0.00 300.00

2.00 0.00 32767.00

2.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.50 0.00 32767.00

0.50 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 900.00

0.00 -100000.00 100000.00

Based on frame size 0.00 100000.00

Based on frame size -100000.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 3

0.0000 0.0000 200.0000

0.0000 0.0000 200.0000

0.0000 0.0000 200.0000

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.000 -800.000 800.000

0 0 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

102207 0 159999

0 -2147483647 2147483647

0 -2147483647 2147483647

2000 0 2147483647

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

102211 0 159999

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

1.00 0.01 214748000.00

102216 0 159999

1.00 0.00 214748000.00

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0 0 15

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

1 1 15

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

102001 0 159999

0.00 -800.00 800.00

100.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

1.000 -1000.000 1000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

102008 0 159999

0.00 -800.00 800.00

100.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

1.000 -1000.000 1000.000

1 0 4

2.00 0.00 32767.00

2.00 0.00 32767.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00
0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 -35400.00 35400.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 0.00 100000.00

0 0 3

4.50 0.00 3540.00

1.50 0.00 3540.00

6 0 18

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

15.00 0.00 800.00

10.00 0.00 800.00

20.00 0.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -100000.00 100000.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

200.00 0.00 800.00

-200.00 -800.00 0.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1 0 4

5.00 0.00 100.00

20.00 5.00 2500.00

2000.00 5.00 2500.00

0.707 1.000 4.000


0.707 0.100 4.000


14.00 4.00 500.00

4 1 4

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.125 0.000 100.000

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 100.00

0.707 0.000 100000.000

0.00 0.00 2500.00
0.00 0.00 100.00

100.00 5.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

5.00 0.00 200.00

0.020 0.000 4.000

0 0 1
0.00 0.00 220000000.00

0 0 2147483647

0.00 0.00 35400.00

4.000 1.000 10.000

0.00 0.00 1800.00

0.00 -800.00 800.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

1.00 -20.00 20.00

359.00 0.00 32767.00

359.00 0.00 32767.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

359.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.707 0.000 10000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.00 0.00 32767.00

0.707 0.000 10000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.707 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

1.00 -20.00 20.00

1.00 -20.00 20.00

0 0 2

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 3

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 159999

0 -2147483647 2147483647

0 -2147483647 2147483647

2000 0 2147483647

102381 0 159999

0.0000 -35400.0000 35400.0000

1.00 0.01 214748000.00

102386 0 159999

1.00 0.00 214748000.00

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0.00 -214748000.00 214748000.00

0 0 15

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

1 1 15

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -220000000.0000 220000000.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

0.0000 -300.0000 300.0000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

FW Version Read- Access
Settings PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level Stop to Change Not Linkable

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Frequency Modes
0 = Freq Reg
1 = Profiler
Flux Vector Modes
0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Reg
2 = Torque Reg
3 = SLAT Min 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = SLAT Max
5 = Sum
6 = Psn PTP
7 = Psn Direct
8 = Psn Camming
9 = Psn PLL
10 = Psn SpdlOrnt
11 = Profiler

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Velocity Modes
0 = Freq Reg
1 = Profiler
Flux Vector Modes
0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Reg
2 = Torque Reg
3 = SLAT Min 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = SLAT Max
5 = Sum
6 = Psn PTP
7 = Psn Direct
8 = Psn Camming
9 = Psn PLL
10 = Psn SpdlOrnt
11 = Profiler

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Velocity Modes
0 = Freq Reg
1 = Profiler
Flux Vector Modes
0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Reg
2 = Torque Reg
3 = SLAT Min 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = SLAT Max
5 = Sum
6 = Psn PTP
7 = Psn Direct
8 = Psn Camming
9 = Psn PLL
10 = Psn SpdlOrnt
11 = Profiler

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Frequency Modes
0 = Freq Reg
1 = Profiler
Flux Vector Modes
0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Reg
2 = Torque Reg
3 = SLAT Min 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = SLAT Max
5 = Sum
6 = Psn PTP
7 = Psn Direct
8 = Psn Camming
9 = Psn PLL
10 = Psn SpdlOrnt
11 = Profiler

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Frequency Modes
0 = Freq Reg
1 = Profiler
Flux Vector Modes
0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Reg
2 = Torque Reg
3 = SLAT Min 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No
4 = SLAT Max
5 = Sum
6 = Psn PTP
7 = Psn Direct
8 = Psn Camming
9 = Psn PLL
10 = Psn SpdlOrnt
11 = Profiler

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disabled 10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No

1 = Enabled

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled
1 = CounterEMF 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
2 = Sweep

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Coast
1 = Ramp
2 = Current Lmt
3 = DecelToHold 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = Ramp to Hold
5 = DC Brake
6 = Fast Brake

0 = Disabled
1 = Adjust Freq
2 = Dyn Brake 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Both DB 1st
4 = Both Freq 1st

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled
1 = Adjust Freq
2 = Dyn Brake 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Both DB 1st
4 = Both Freq 1st

0 = Bus Memory
1 = BusReg Level 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No
2 = LineSideRef

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Internal 11.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

1 = External

— 11.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 11.x Real RW 2 No No

— 11.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disabled 11.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

1 = Enabled

— 11.x Real RW 2 No No
— 11.x Real RW 2 No No
— 11.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = FltCoastStop

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 = Assume Cold
1 = UseLastValue 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
2 = RealTimeClk

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled
1 = Reduce CLmt
2 = Reduce PWM 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = Both PMW 1st

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

Bit 0 = Shear1NoAcc (0)

Bit 1 = Shear2NoAcc (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = FltCoastStop

0 = Coast
1 = Decel 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Continue

0 = Coast
1 = Decel 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Continue

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disable
1 = Enable 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Faulted (0)
Bit 1 = Alarm (0)
Bit 2 = Enable (0)
Bit 3 = Precharge (0)
Bit 4 = Stop (0)
Bit 5 = Database (0)
Bit 6 = Startup (0)
Bit 7 = RotarySwitch (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 8 = Safety (0)
Bit 9 = Sleep (0)
Bit 10 = Profiler (0)
Bit 11 = CommutNotCfg (0)
Bit 12 = Ovrd Event (0)
Bit 13 = Standby (0)
Bits 14…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Faulted (0)

Bit 1 = Alarm (0)
Bit 2 = Enable (0)
Bit 3 = Precharge (0)
Bit 4 = Stop (0)
Bit 5 = Database (0)
Bit 6 = Startup (0)
Bit 7 = RotarySwitch (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 8 = Safety (0)
Bit 9 = Sleep (0)
Bit 10 = Profiler (0)
Bit 11 = CommutNotCfg (0)
Bit 12 = Ovrd Event (0)
Bit 13 = Standby (0)
Bits 13…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Active (0)
Bit 2 = Command Dir (0)
Bit 3 = Actual Dir (0)
Bit 4 = Accelerating (0)
Bit 5 = Decelerating (0)
Bit 6 = Alarm (0)
Bit 7 = Faulted (0)
Bit 8 = At Speed (0)
Bit 9 = Manual (0)
Bit 10 = SpdRef Bit 0 (0)
Bit 11 = SpdRef Bit 1 (0)
Bit 12 = SpdRef Bit 2 (0)
Bit 13 = SpdRef Bit 3 (0)
Bit 14 = SpdRef Bit 4 (0)
Bit 16 = Running (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 17 = Jogging (0)
Bit 18 = Stopping (0)
Bit 19 = DC Braking (0)
Bit 20 = DB Active (0)
Bit 21 = Speed Mode (0)
Bit 22 = PositionMode (0)
Bit 23 = Torque Mode (0)
Bit 24 = AtZero Speed (0)
Bit 25 = At Home (0)
Bit 26 = At Limit (0)
Bit 27 = Cur Limit (0)
Bit 28 = Bus Frq Reg (0)
Bit 29 = Enable On (0)
Bit 30 = Motor OL (0)
Bit 31 = Regen (0)

Bit 0 = AutoRstr Act (0)

Bit 1 = AuRstrCntDwn (0)
Bit 2 = HS Fan On (0)
Bit 4 = Flux Braking (0)
Bit 5 = FdbkLoss SwO (0)
Bit 8 = PrchrgClosed (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = Autotuning (0)
Bit 10 = PID FB Loss (0)
Bit 11 = Accel Rate (0)
Bit 12 = Decel Rate (0)
Bits 13…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = Current Lmt (0)

Bit 1 = Bus Vltg Lmt (0)
Bit 2 = MaxSpeed Lmt (0)
Bit 3 = OverSpd Lmt (0)
Bit 4 = Spd Reg Lmt (0)
Bit 5 = Freq Hi Lmt (0)
Bit 6 = Freq Lo Lmt (0)
Bit 7 = FreqOSPosLmt (0)
Bit 8 = FreqOSNegLmt (0)
Bit 9 = Flux Braking (0)
Bit 10 = Economize (0)
Bit 11 = PWM FreqLmt (0)
Bit 12 = ConverterLmt (0)
Bit 13 = DB Res Limit (0)
Bit 17 = TrqCurPosLmt (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 18 = TrqCurNegLmt (0)
Bit 19 = FlxCurPosLmt (0)
Bit 20 = FlxCurNegLmt (0)
Bit 21 = Trq Pos Lmt (0)
Bit 22 = Trq Neg Lmt (0)
Bit 23 = Mtrng PwrLmt (0)
Bit 24 = Regen PwrLmt (0)
Bit 25 = Cur Lmt FV (0)
Bit 26 = Therm RegLmt (0)
Bit 27 = BusVltgFVLmt (0)
Bit 28 = Mtr Vltg Lkg (0)
Bit 29 = TrqPrvPosLmt (0)
Bit 30 = TrqPrvNegLmt (0)
Bit 31 = Cur Rate Lmt (0)

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Power Loss (0)
Bit 1 = UnderVoltage (0)
Bit 2 = Motor OL (0)
Bit 3 = Load Loss (0)
Bit 4 = InPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 5 = OutPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 6 = Decel Inhib (0)
Bit 7 = Shear Pin 1 (0)
Bit 8 = Shear Pin 2 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = PriFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 10 = AltFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 11 = AuxFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 12 = PosFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 13 = ExtPrchrgErr (0)
Bit 14 = GndWarning (0)
Bit 15 = HRG GF Sts (0)
Bit 16 = HRG GF Local (0)
Bits 17…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Power Loss (0)
Bit 1 = UnderVoltage (0)
Bit 2 = Motor OL (0)
Bit 3 = Load Loss (0)
Bit 4 = InPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 5 = OutPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 6 = Decel Inhib (0)
Bit 7 = Shear Pin 1 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 8 = Shear Pin 2 (0)
Bit 9 = PriFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 10 = AltFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 11 = AuxFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 12 = PosFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 13 = ExtPrchrgErr (0)
Bits 14…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Aux InputFlt (0)
Bit 1 = OverVoltage (0)
Bit 2 = Drive OL (0)
Bit 3 = Heatsink OT (0)
Bit 4 = TransistorOT (0)
Bit 5 = SinkUnderTmp (0)
Bit 6 = Excess Load (0)
Bit 7 = Overspd Lmt (0)
Bit 8 = Prchrg Open (0)
Bit 9 = SafetyBrdFlt (0)
Bit 10 = IRVoltsRange (0)
Bit 11 = FluxAmpsRang (0)
Bit 12 = IXOVoltRange (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 13 = AuRstExhaust (0)
Bit 14 = SW OverCur (0)
Bit 15 = HW OverCur (0)
Bit 16 = TrqPrvSpdBnd (0)
Bit 17 = TPEnclsCfg (0)
Bit 18 = Ground Fault (0)
Bit 19 = Reserved (0)
Bit 20 = Over Travel (0)
Bit 21 = TrvlLimCflct (0)
Bit 22 = End Lmt Sw (0)
Bit 23 = HRG GF Sts (0)
Bit 24 = HRG GF Local (0)
Bits 25…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Power Loss (0)
Bit 1 = UnderVoltage (0)
Bit 2 = Motor OL (0)
Bit 3 = Load Loss (0)
Bit 4 = InPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 5 = OutPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 6 = Decel Inhib (0)
Bit 7 = Shear Pin 1 (0)
Bit 8 = Shear Pin 2 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = PriFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 10 = AltFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 11 = AuxFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 12 = PosFdbkLoss (0)
Bit 14 = Gnd Warning (0)
Bit 15 = Task Overrun (0)
Bit 16 = HRG GF Sts (0)
Bit 17 = HRG GF Local (0)
Bits 18…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = IGBT OT (0)
Bit 1 = Heatsink OT (0)
Bit 2 = Waking (0)
Bit 3 = StartOnPwrUp (0)
Bit 4 = Drive OL (0)
Bit 5 = CurLmt Reduc (0)
Bit 6 = PWMFrq Reduc (0)
Bit 7 = Profile Actv (0)
Bit 8 = Homing Actv (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = Not Home Set (0)
Bit 10 = Gnd Warning (0)
Bit 11…12 = Reserved (0)
Bit 13 = PumpOff Alrm (0)
Bit 14 = Reserved (0)
Bit 15 = DB Res OT (0)
Bits 16…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Sleep Cfg (0)
Bit 1 = BrakeSlipped (0)
Bit 2 = TrqProvCflct (0)
Bit 3 = Frq Cflct (0)
Bit 4 = VHzNegSlope (0)
Bit 5 = VHzBoostLmt (0)
Bit 6 = VHz Incmpble (0)
Bit 7 = PriOpenLoop (0)
Bit 8 = AltOpenLoop (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = DigIn Cfg B (0)
Bit 10 = DigIn Cfg C (0)
Bit 12 = Slip Range (0)
Bit 14 = BipolarCflct (0)
Bit 15 = Prchrg Open (0)
Bit 16 = PM Off Cflct (0)
Bit 17 = DL Cflct (0)
Bits 18…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 1 Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

Bit 0 = Zero TrqStop (1)

Bit 1 = Trq ModeStop (1)
Bit 2 = Trq ModeJog (1)
Bit 3 = EnclsTrqProv (0)
Bit 4 = Mtr Lead Rev (0)
Bit 5 = Reflect Wave (1)
Bit 6 = RS Adaption (1)
Bit 7 = SecMtrTqProv (0)
Bit 8 = DutyClampEn (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = PWM FreqLock (0)
Bit 10 = LoPWM FreqEn (1)
Bit 11 = Elect Stab (1)
Bit 12 = Xsistor Diag (0)
Bit 13 = Common Mode (0)
Bit 14 = SlipCompSclr (0)
Bit 15 = Jerk Select (1)
Bit 16 = Iq Delay (0)
Bit 17 = DB WhileStop (0)

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = 1.333 kHz
1 = 2 kHz
2 = 4 kHz 10.x 8-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = 8 kHz
4 = 12 kHz

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = Calculated
1 = User Entered 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
2 = LocalCalcData

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

0 = Disable
1 = Enable 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Custom V/Hz
1 = Fan/Pump 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Calculated
1 = User Entered 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No
2 = LoadCalcData

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RO 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RO 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
1 = Enabled

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disabled 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

1 = Enabled

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = AutoOfstTest (0)
Bit 1 = StaticTestEn (0)
Bit 2 = PMTqTrm En (0)
Bit 3 = PM Vqs En (1) 10.x 16-bits RW 2 Yes No
Bit 4 = Stab Angl En (0)
Bits 5…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No
— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = VB Enabled (0)

Bit 1 = Current Rate (0)
Bit 2 = Rising Edge (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 3 = Flux Level (0)
Bit 4 = Minimum Freq (0)
Bits 5…15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = VB Enabled (0)
Bit 1 = VB Timer (0)
Bit 2 = Triggered (0)
Bit 3 = Current Trig (0)
Bit 4 = Flux Trigger (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 2 No No
Bit 5 = Freq Trigger (0)
Bit 6 = Max Boost (0)
Bit 7 = Hold Freq (0)
Bits 8…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = Rigid 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

1 = Compliant

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Calculated
1 = User Entered 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = LoadCalcData

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ready
1 = Direction
2 = Static MtrID
3 = Rotate MtrID
4 = InertiaMotor 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
5 = InertiaTotal
6 = BW Calc
7 = JMtr BW Calc
8 = JTotalBWCalc

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

0 = Unipolar
1 = Bipolar 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Rev Disable

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = LinScurve
1 = SineSquared
2 = Poly5 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Cubic

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

0 = Rate 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

1 = Time

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt CL Stop

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 8-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 8-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

0 = Primary Only
1 = Alt Only 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = Auto Tach SW

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = Home DI (0)

Bit 1 = Home DI Inv (0)
Bit 2 = Recap Hm Psnv (0)
Bit 3 = ShortestPath (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 4 = Scale Invert (0)
Bits 5…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = At SO Speed (0)

Bit 1 = Mode (0)
Bit 2 = Orient Cplt (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

Bit 0 = Enable (0)

Bit 1 = Preset (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 2 = Rereference (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Enable (0)

Bit 1 = Rereference (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Step Bit 0 (0)
Bit 1 = Step Bit 1 (0)
Bit 2 = Step Bit 2 (0)
Bit 3 = Step Bit 3 (0)
Bit 4 = Step Bit4 (0)
Bits 5…7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Enabled (0)
Bit 9 = Running (0)
Bit 10 = PositionMode (0)
Bit 11 = Dwell (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 1 No No
Bit 12 = Holding (0)
Bit 13 = In Position (0)
Bit 14 = Complete (0)
Bit 15 = Stopped (0)
Bit 16 = Resume (0)
Bit 17 = Restart Step (0)
Bit 18 = Vel Override (0)
Bit 19 = Home Not Set (0)
Bits 20…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = StrStepSel0 (0)
Bits 2…7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Hold Step (0)
Bit 9 = Vel Override (0)
Bit 10 = Restart Step (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 11 = HomNotSetAlm (1)
Bit 12 = Prof Run Alm (1)
Bits 13…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

0 = Speed
1 = Position Abs 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No
2 = PositionIncr

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = End
1 = Step to Next
2 = Psn Blend
3 = Time Blend 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
4 = Param Blend
5 = Digin Blend
6 = Wait Digin

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

Bit 0 = ZeroFFSpdRef (0)

Bit 1 = Ref Complete (0)
Bit 2 = PTP Int Hold (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No
Bit 3 = SpdFFRef En (0)
Bits 4…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Vel Override (0)

Bit 1 = Move (0)
Bit 2 = Reverse Move (0)
Bit 3 = Preset Psn (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 4 = Intgrtr Hold (0)
Bit 5 = Ref Pause (0)
Bit 6 = Ref Sync (0)
Bits 7…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Absolute
1 = Index 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
2 = Immediate

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

Bit 0 = Vel Limited (0)

Bit 1 = AccelLimited (0)
Bit 2 = DecelLimited (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 1 No No
Bit 3 = Zero Move (0)
Bit 4 = Move Failed (0)
Bits 5…31 = Reserved (0)

0 = Accel Decel
1 = Dwell Decel
2 = Decel 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No
3 = Reversing

0 = PCAM 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

1 = TCAM

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Start (0)
Bit 1 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 2 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 3 = VReg IntHold (0)
Bits 4…5 = Reserved (0)
Bit 6 = Direction In (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 7 = Offset En (0)
Bit 8 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 9 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 10 = CamProfNrml (1)
Bits 11…31 = Reserved (0)

0 = Off
1 = Single Step
2 = Continuous 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Persistent

Bit 0 = Started (0)

Bit 1 = In Cam (0)
Bit 2 = TCAM (0)
Bit 3 = Single Step (0)
Bit 4 = Continuous (0)
Bit 5 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 6 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 7 = VReg IntHold (0)
Bit 8 = MainWrongOrd (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 2 No No
Bit 9 = AuxWrongOrd (0)
Bit 10 = Persist Mode (0)
Bit 11 = Direction In (0)
Bit 12 = Offset En (0)
Bit 13 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 14 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 15 = PCAM (0)
Bits 16…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Pnt Zero
1 = Last Stop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Actl Input
3 = Remainder

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = CubicCurve0 (0)
Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 Reserved (0)

Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x 8-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = PLL Enable (0)

Bit 1 = Velocity FF (0)
Bit 2 = Ext Vel FF (0)
Bit 3 = Accel Comp (0)
Bit 4 = PCAM Enable (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 5 = PTP Enable (0)
Bit 6 = Prof Enable (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Find Home (0)
Bit 1 = Home DI (0)
Bit 2 = Home Marker (0)
Bit 3 = Return Home (0)
Bit 4 = Psn Redefine (0)
Bit 5 = Homing Alarm (1) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 6 = Home DI Inv (0)
Bit 7 = Hold At Home (0)
Bit 8 = Home to Torque (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Home Request (0)

Bit 1 = Home Enabled (0)
Bit 2 = Homing (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No
Bit 3 = At Home (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No
10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = Reserved (0)

Bit 1 = Intgrtr En (1)
Bit 2 = Offset ReRef (0)
Bit 3 = OffsetVel En (0)
Bit 4 = Zero Psn (0)
Bit 5 = Intgrtr Hold (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 6 = PsnWtch1Arm (0)
Bit 7 = PsnWatch1Dir (0)
Bit 8 = PsnWtch2Arm (0)
Bit 9 = PsnWatch2Dir (0)
Bit 10 = Add Spd Ref (0)
Bits 11…31 = Reserved (0)

10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = OffsetIntgtr (0)
Bit 1 = Offset ReRef (0)
Bit 2 = Psn Intgrtr (0)
Bit 3 = Psn Reg Lmt (0)
Bit 7 = Psn Reg Actv (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 2 No No
Bit 8 = Intgrtr Hold (0)
Bit 9 = PsnW1Detect (0)
Bit 10 = PsnW2Detect (0)
Bit 11 = InPsn Detect (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No Yes

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

Bit 0 = At Pwr Down (0)

Bit 1 = At Stop (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x 8-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ref A Auto (0)
Bit 1 = Ref B Auto (0)
Bit 2 = Ref A Mult (0)
Bit 3 = Ref B Mult (0)
Bit 4 = MicroPsnMult (0)
Bit 5 = Trim Pct Ref (0)
Bit 6 = Trim Ref (0)
Bit 7 = Preset Auto (0)
Bit 8 = Manual (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = Sel Override (0)
Bit 10 = Bipolar Ref (0)
Bit 11 = Rev Disable (0)
Bit 12 = Unipolar Ref (0)
Bit 13 = Decel Lmt Sw (0)
Bit 14 = End Lim Sw (0)
Bit 15 = Skip Band (0)
Bits 16…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 0 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 0 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 0 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 0 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

0 = Ignore 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No

1 = Alarm

0 = Ignore 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No

1 = Alarm

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

0 = Disabled
1 = Ramped Ref 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
2 = Rate Ref

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RW 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = AccelLimited (0)

Bit 1 = AccelJerkLim (0)
Bit 2 = DecelJerkLim (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 3 = Zero Move (0)
Bit 4 = Move Failed (0)
Bits 5…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Accel Decel
1 = Dwell Decel
2 = Decel 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No
3 = Reversing

Bit 0 = Ramp Hold (0)

Bit 1 = Ramp Disable (0)
Bit 2 = StpNoSCrvAcc (0)
Bit 3 = SpdRegIntRes (0)
Bit 4 = SpdRegIntHld (0)
Bit 5 = Reserved (0)
Bit 6 = Jog No Integ (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 1 No No
Bit 7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Delayed Ref (0)
Bit 9 = NoSCrvSpdChg (0)
Bit 10 = FastZeroCrs (0)
Bits 11…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled
1 = Int Ramp Ref
2 = Ext Ramp Ref 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = Spd Rate Ref

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = PCAM
1 = TCAM 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = VCAM

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Start (0)
Bit 1 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 2 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 3 = Cam Enable (0)
Bits 4…5 = Reserved (0)
Bit 6 = Direction In (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 7 = Offset En (0)
Bit 8 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 9 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 10 = CamProfNrml (1)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

0 = Off
1 = Single Step 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Continuous
3 = Persistent

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Started (0)
Bit 1 = In Cam (0)
Bit 2 = TCAM (0)
Bit 3 = Single Step (0)
Bit 4 = Continuous (0)
Bit 5 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 6 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = MainWrongOrd (0)
Bit 9 = AuxWrongOrd (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 2 No No
Bit 10 = Persist Mode (0)
Bit 11 = Direction In (0)
Bit 12 = Offset En (0)
Bit 13 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 14 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 15 = PCAM (0)
Bit 16 = VCAM (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

0 = Pnt Zero
1 = Last Stop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Actl Input
3 = Remainder

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = CubicCurve0 (0)

Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = Reserved (0)

Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

0 = ‘Disabled’
1 = LdObs Only
2 = LdObs VelEst 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = Vel Est Only
4 = Accel Fbdk

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

0 = Disabled
1 = Int Ram Ref
2 = Ext Ramp Ref 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = Speed Fdbk

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 1 Yes No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Disabled
1 = Tracking NF
2 = Gain Stb 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
3 = TrkNFGainStb
4 = Gain Opt

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

Bit 0 = FreqDetected (0)

Bit 1 = Tune Failed (0)
Bit 2 = MultipleFreq (0)
Bit 3 = FreqBelowLim (0) 10.x 16-bits RO 1 No No
Bit 4 = FreqAboveLim (0)
Bit 5 = Gain Stab (0)
Bit 6 = GnOptTmrExprd (0)
Bits 7…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No
— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RW 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

0 = PCAM
1 = TCAM 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = VCAM

Bit 0 = Start (0)

Bit 1 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 2 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 3 = Cam Enable (0)
Bits 4…5 = Reserved (0)
Bit 6 = Direction In (0) 10.x 16-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 7 = Offset En (0)
Bit 8 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 9 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 10 = CamProfNrml (1)
Bits 11…15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Off
1 = Single Step
2 = Continuous 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Persistent

Bit 0 = Started (0)

Bit 1 = In Cam (0)
Bit 2 = TCAM (0)
Bit 3 = Single Step (0)
Bit 4 = Continuous (0)
Bit 5 = DirectionOut (0)
Bit 6 = Aux Cam En (0)
Bit 7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = MainWrongOrd (0)
Bit 9 = AuxWrongOrd (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 2 No No
Bit 10 = Persist Mode (0)
Bit 11 = Direction In (0)
Bit 12 = Offset En (0)
Bit 13 = RerefPsnOfst (0)
Bit 14 = Unidirection (0)
Bit 15 = PCAM (0)
Bit 16 = VCAM (0)
Bits 17…31 = Reserved (0)

0 = Pnt Zero
1 = Last Stop 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No
2 = Actl Input
3 = Remainder

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = CubicCurve0 (0)
Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No
— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

Bit 0 = Reserved (0)

Bit 1 = CubicCurve1 (0)
Bit 2 = CubicCurve2 (0)
Bit 3 = CubicCurve3 (0)
Bit 4 = CubicCurve4 (0)
Bit 5 = CubicCurve5 (0)
Bit 6 = CubicCurve6 (0)
Bit 7 = CubicCurve7 (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 2 No No
Bit 8 = CubicCurve8 (0)
Bit 9 = CubicCurve9 (0)
Bit 10 = CubicCurve10 (0)
Bit 11 = CubicCurve11 (0)
Bit 12 = CubicCurve12 (0)
Bit 13 = CubicCurve13 (0)
Bit 14 = CubicCurve14 (0)
Bits 15…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RW 2 No No

— 10.x Real RO 2 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Integrated AFE Applicable to Low Harmonic Applicable to CBIs
No Write Over I/O Drives (PF755TR)? Drives (PF755TL)? (PF755TM)?
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

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No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

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No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to AFE Bus Applicable to Frame 5-6 Applicable to Frame 6 Panel Applicable to Low Power
Supplies (PF755TM)? Panel Mount Drives Mount Bus Supplies Drives (755TS)?
(PF755TR and PF755TL)? (PF755TM)?
No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

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No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

1 Sys Rated Amps MotorSide Common — System Ratings

2 Sys Rated Volts MotorSide Common — System Ratings

8 M Side Fault MotorSide Common — Status

9 M Side Alarm MotorSide Common — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10 Online Status MotorSide Common — Status

11 M CorProt Status MotorSide Common — Status

13 ThrmMgr Curr Lmt MotorSide Common — Status

40 DCP CP Low Actn MotorSide Common — Configuration

41 DCP FD1Off Actn MotorSide Common — Configuration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

50 TrqAccyMod Temp Trq Accuracy Mod — Status

55 Trq Accy Mod Cfg Trq Accuracy Mod — Configuration

56 Fdbk Thresh Trq Accuracy Mod — Configuration

57 OfstEvent Thresh Trq Accuracy Mod — Configuration

58 TAM Not Cfg Actn Trq Accuracy Mod — Configuration

100 M0 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

200 M1 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

300 M2 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
400 M3 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
500 M4 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
600 M5 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
700 M6 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
800 M7 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
900 M8 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
1000 M9 Rated Volts M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

101 M0 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

201 M1 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

301 M2 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
401 M3 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
501 M4 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
601 M5 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
701 M6 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
801 M7 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
901 M8 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating
1001 M9 Rated Amps M0…M9 Power Module — Module Rating

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

105 M0 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

205 M1 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

305 M2 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

405 M3 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

505 M4 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

605 M5 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

705 M6 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

805 M7 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

905 M8 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1005 M9 CurrentFdbk U M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

106 M0 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

206 M1 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

306 M2 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

406 M3 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

506 M4 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

606 M5 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

706 M6 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

806 M7 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

906 M8 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1006 M9 CurrentFdbk V M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

107 M0 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

207 M1 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

307 M2 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

407 M3 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

507 M4 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

607 M5 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

707 M6 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

807 M7 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

907 M8 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1007 M9 CurrentFdbk W M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

108 M0 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

208 M1 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
308 M2 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
408 M3 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
508 M4 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
608 M5 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
708 M6 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
808 M7 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
908 M8 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
1008 M9 GroundCurrent M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
109 M0 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
209 M1 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
309 M2 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
409 M3 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
509 M4 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
609 M5 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
709 M6 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

809 M7 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
909 M8 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering
1009 M9 DC BusVoltage M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

111 M0 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

211 M1 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

311 M2 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

411 M3 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

511 M4 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

611 M5 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

711 M6 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

811 M7 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

911 M8 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1011 M9 IGBT Temp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

116 M0 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

216 M1 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

316 M2 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

416 M3 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

516 M4 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

616 M5 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

716 M6 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

816 M7 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

916 M8 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1016 M9 Cur OL Count M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

117 M0 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

217 M1 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

317 M2 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

417 M3 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

517 M4 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

617 M5 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

717 M6 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

817 M7 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

917 M8 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1017 M9 HeatsinkTempU M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

118 M0 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

218 M1 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

318 M2 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

418 M3 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

518 M4 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

618 M5 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

718 M6 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

818 M7 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

918 M8 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1018 M9 HeatsinkTempV M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

119 M0 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

219 M1 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

319 M2 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

419 M3 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

519 M4 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

619 M5 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

719 M6 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

819 M7 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

919 M8 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1019 M9 HeatsinkTempW M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

120 M0 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

220 M1 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

320 M2 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

420 M3 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

520 M4 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

620 M5 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

720 M6 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

820 M7 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

920 M8 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1020 M9 PLI BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

121 M0 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

221 M1 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

321 M2 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

421 M3 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

521 M4 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

621 M5 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

721 M6 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

821 M7 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

921 M8 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1021 M9 PIB BoardTemp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

122 M0HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

222 M1HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

322 M2HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

422 M3HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

522 M4HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

622 M5HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

722 M6HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

822 M7HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

922 M8HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1022 M9HeatsinkFanSpd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

123 M0 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

223 M1 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

323 M2 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

423 M3 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

523 M4 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

623 M5 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

723 M6 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

823 M7 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

923 M8 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1023 M9 Life MtrMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

124 M0 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

224 M1 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

324 M2 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

424 M3 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

524 M4 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

624 M5 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

724 M6 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

824 M7 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

924 M8 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

1024 M9 Life RgnMWHrs M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

125 M0 HS Fan 2 Spd M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

131 M0 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

231 M1 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

331 M2 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

431 M3 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

531 M4 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

631 M5 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

731 M6 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

831 M7 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

931 M8 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1031 M9 Meas Amb Tmp M0…M9 Power Module — Metering

170 DCP0 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

270 DCP1 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

370 DCP2 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

470 DCP3 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

570 DCP4 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

670 DCP5 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

770 DCP6 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

870 DCP7 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

970 DCP8 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1070 DCP9 Status M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

171 DCP0 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

271 DCP1 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

371 DCP2 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

471 DCP3 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

571 DCP4 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

671 DCP5 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

771 DCP6 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

871 DCP7 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

971 DCP8 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

1071 DCP9 DC Bus Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

172 DCP0 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

272 DCP1 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

372 DCP2 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

472 DCP3 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

572 DCP4 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

672 DCP5 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

772 DCP6 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

872 DCP7 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

972 DCP8 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

1072 DCP9 MainDCBusV M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

173 DCP0 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

273 DCP1 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

373 DCP2 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

473 DCP3 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

573 DCP4 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

673 DCP5 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

773 DCP6 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

873 DCP7 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

973 DCP8 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1073 DCP9 Board Temp M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

174 DCP0 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

274 DCP1 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
374 DCP2 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
474 DCP3 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
574 DCP4 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
674 DCP5 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
774 DCP6 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
874 DCP7 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
974 DCP8 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge
1074 DCP9 PwrSup Vltg M0…M9 Power Module — DC Precharge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— Motor Side Inverter Current Rating

— Sys Rated Volts

— Motor Side Fault

— Motor Side Alarm

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Online Status Display

— Inverter Corrosion Protection Status

— Thermal Manager Current Limit Command

— DC Precharge Control Power Low Action

— DC Precharge Fused Disc 1 Off Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Torque Accuracy Module Board Temperature

— Torque Accuracy Module Configuration

— Motor Voltage Feedback Threshold

— Motor Voltage Offset Event Threshold

— TAM Option Not Configured Action

— M0 Voltage Rating

— M1 Voltage Rating
— M2 Voltage Rating
— M3 Voltage Rating
— M4 Voltage Rating
— M5 Voltage Rating
— M6 Voltage Rating
— M7 Voltage Rating
— M8 Voltage Rating
— M9 Voltage Rating

— M0 Current Rating

— M1 Current Rating
— M2 Current Rating
— M3 Current Rating
— M4 Current Rating
— M5 Current Rating
— M6 Current Rating
— M7 Current Rating
— M8 Current Rating
— M9 Current Rating

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M0 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M1 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M2 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M3 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M4 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M5 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M6 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M7 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M8 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M9 Current Feedback U(T1) Display

— M0 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M1 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M2 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M3 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M4 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M5 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M6 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M7 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M8 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M9 Current Feedback V(T2) Display

— M0 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M1 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M2 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M3 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M4 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M5 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M6 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M7 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M8 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M9 Current Feedback W(T3) Display

— M0 Ground Current Display

— M1 Ground Current Display
— M2 Ground Current Display
— M3 Ground Current Display
— M4 Ground Current Display
— M5 Ground Current Display
— M6 Ground Current Display
— M7 Ground Current Display
— M8 Ground Current Display
— M9 Ground Current Display
— M0 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M1 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M2 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M3 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M4 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M5 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M6 DC Bus Voltage Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M7 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M8 DC Bus Voltage Display
— M9 DC Bus Voltage Display

— M0 IGBT Temperature

— M1 IGBT Temperature

— M2 IGBT Temperature

— M3 IGBT Temperature

— M4 IGBT Temperature

— M5 IGBT Temperature

— M6 IGBT Temperature

— M7 IGBT Temperature

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M8 IGBT Temperature

— M9 IGBT Temperature

— M0 Current Overload Count

— M1 Current Overload Count

— M2 Current Overload Count

— M3 Current Overload Count

— M4 Current Overload Count

— M5 Current Overload Count

— M6 Current Overload Count

— M7 Current Overload Count

— M8 Current Overload Count

— M9 Current Overload Count

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M0 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M1 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M2 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M3 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M4 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M5 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M6 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M7 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M8 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M9 Heatsink Temperature U (T1)

— M0 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M1 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M2 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M3 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M4 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M5 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M6 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M7 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M8 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M9 Heatsink Temperature V (T2)

— M0 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M1 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M2 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M3 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M4 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M5 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M6 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M7 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M8 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M9 Heatsink Temperature W (T3)

— M0 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M1 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M2 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M3 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M4 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M5 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M6 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M7 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M8 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M9 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— M0 Power Interface Board Temp

— M1 Power Interface Board Temp

— M2 Power Interface Board Temp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M3 Power Interface Board Temp

— M4 Power Interface Board Temp

— M5 Power Interface Board Temp

— M6 Power Interface Board Temp

— M7 Power Interface Board Temp

— M8 Power Interface Board Temp

— M9 Power Interface Board Temp

— M0 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M1 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M2 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M3 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M4 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M5 Heatsink Fan Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M6 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M7 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M8 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M9 Heatsink Fan Speed

— M0 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M1 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M2 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M3 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M4 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M5 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M6 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M7 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M8 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M9 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— M0 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M1 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M2 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M3 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M4 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M5 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M6 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M7 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M8 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— M9 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M0 Heatsink Fan 2 Speed

— M0 Measured Ambient Temp

— M1 Measured Ambient Temp

— M2 Measured Ambient Temp

— M3 Measured Ambient Temp

— M4 Measured Ambient Temp

— M5 Measured Ambient Temp

— M6 Measured Ambient Temp

— M7 Measured Ambient Temp

— M8 Measured Ambient Temp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— M9 Measured Ambient Temp

— DC Precharge 0 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 1 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 2 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 3 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 4 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 5 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 6 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 7 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 8 Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 9 Status

— DC Precharge 0 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 1 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 2 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 3 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 4 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 5 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 6 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 7 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 8 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 9 Bus Output Voltage

— DC Precharge 0 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 1 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 2 DC Bus Input Voltage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 3 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 4 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 5 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 6 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 7 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 8 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 9 DC Bus Input Voltage

— DC Precharge 0 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 1 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 2 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 3 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 4 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 5 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 6 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 7 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 8 Board Temperature

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Precharge 9 Board Temperature

— DC Precharge 0 AC Power Supply Voltage

— DC Precharge 1 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 2 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 3 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 4 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 5 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 6 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 7 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 8 AC Power Supply Voltage
— DC Precharge 9 AC Power Supply Voltage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Description Units

Displays the continuous output current rating of motor side inverter in RMS Amps.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters 0:34
[VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act]. A
This displays the same value as parameter 10:21 [Rated Amps].
Motor Side Inverter Voltage Rating
Displays the voltage rating of the entire motor side inverter. VAC

Displays whether the power modules in the motor side inverter have faults.
There is a bit for each power module.
A zero indicates the power module does not have a fault. —
A one indicates the power module has a fault.

Displays whether the power modules in the motor side inverter have alarms.
There is a bit for each power module.
A zero indicates the power module does not have an alarm. —
A one indicates the power module has an alarm.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays whether the power modules in the motor side inverter successfully established fiber
optic communications.
There is a bit for each power module. —
A zero indicates the power module has not established communications.
A one indicates the power module has established communications.

Displays the status of XT corrosive gas protection for each installed inverter power structure.
Each bit corresponds to a power structure in the motor side inverter.
A value of 0 indicates that the corresponding power structure does not provide XT protection
from corrosive gases. —
A value of 1 indicates that the corresponding power structure provides XT protection from
corrosive gases.

Displays whether the thermal manager in the power modules in the motor side inverter are
commanding a current limit.
There is a bit for each power module.
The drive or bus supply sets the bit to indicate the thermal manager in the power supply is —
commanding a current limit. The thermal manager does this when the value of Current Overload
Count parameter, in that power module, is greater than or equal to 93.75%.

Select the action to take place when the 240V AC control power is low. The DC precharge
determines this when the voltage is below the minimum threshold (less than 187V).
A configured alarm or fault action triggers code 12108 ‘240VAC Low’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run. If running, converter
continues to run.
‘Flt Stop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The line side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must clear
the fault to start or run. This stops the converter from running.

Select the action taken when the fused disconnect (FD1) is open prior to starting.
A configured alarm or fault action triggers code 12110 ‘FDOpen MCSOpen’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting.
They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do not —
stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run. If running, line side
converter continues to run.
‘Flt Stop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You must
clear the fault to start or run. This stops the converter from running.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the torque accuracy module (TAM), in degrees
Related alarm and fault codes: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Set and clear bits to configure the operation of the torque accuracy module (TAM).
Bit 0 ‘Module Enbl’ enables operation of the torque accuracy module (TAM). Only set this bit
when using Flux Vector mode with encoder feedback.
Bit 4 ‘VltgOfstMode’ determines the mode of the Offset Calculation. When it is cleared (0) the —
mode is Static. The drive only performs the Static Calculation on power up. It also performs the
test when this bit goes from 1 to 0. When it is set (1) the mode is Dynamic. The drive performs the
Dynamic Calculation continuously when the drive is energized.

Enter a value to set the threshold for recognizing Motor Voltage Feedback data.
When the value of the measured feedback is below the threshold, the control will ignore it and
use a value of zero. —
This is only active when using Static Voltage Offset Calculation.
Enter a value to set the threshold for detecting a Motor Voltage Offset Event.
When one of the calculated offsets exceeds the threshold, the drive will detect the event. The —
drive will display and log an alarm when it detects the event.

Select the action taken when the torque accuracy module (TAM) is present, but not enabled.
‘Ignore’ (0) – causes the drive or common bus inverter to do nothing when the condition occurs. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – causes the drive or common bus inverter to produce an alarm when the condition

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module.

The displayed value for this parameter is 0 for frames 5 and 6 PowerFlex® 755TR, TL, and TM VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. VAC
Displays the current rating of the individual power module.
The displayed value for this parameter is 0 for frames 5 and 6 PowerFlex 755TR, TL, and TM A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the U (T1) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the W (T3) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the V (T2) output phase current for the individual power module in Amperes RMS.
The data update rate of this parameter depends on output frequency. It is very slow at very low
frequencies. A
If you must read overall three-phase motor-side-inverter current during low frequency operation,
use parameter 10:3 [Output Current].

Displays the ground current feedback. A

Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the ground current feedback. A
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC
Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.

The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector behaviors °C
depend on several factors: this temperature, output frequency, whether heatsink fans are
running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are described in the
Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

Displays the overload count for the power module in percentage. It increases when the current is
higher than the module continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
12049 ‘Str Overload Alm’, 12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
PowerFlex 755TS drives have only one heatsink temperature sensor. The signal from that sensor
feeds the parameters for U, V, and W phases. °C
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the U (T1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’, 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’
12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’, 12031 ‘U OverTemp Alm’
12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’, 12033 ‘U LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
PowerFlex 755TS drives have only one heatsink temperature sensor. The signal from that sensor
feeds the parameters for U, V, and W phases. °C
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the V (T2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’, 12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’
12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’, 12037 ‘V OverTemp Alm’
12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’, 12039 ‘V LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
PowerFlex 755TS drives have only one heatsink temperature sensor. The signal from that sensor
feeds the parameters for U, V, and W phases. °C
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the W (T3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’, 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’, 12043 ‘W OverTemp Alm’
12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’, 12045 ‘W LowTemp Alm’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
12080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the motor and load from this power module
during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the motor and load and passed through this
power module during the lifetime of the power module. MWh

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the speed of the second heatsink fan in RPM for frame 7 drives and common bus
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
12064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 12065 ‘Main Blower Alm’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
12076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.

Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the DC Precharge module.
Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the DC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the DC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240V AC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from the
main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay signal
from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCSSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Molded Case Switch
(CB1). —
Bit 11 ‘MCSUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Molded Case
Switch (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCSClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 13 ‘MCSShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Molded Case Switch
Bit 14 ‘MCS Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Molded Case Switch (CB1).
Bit 15 ‘MCS Closing’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCS Opening’ indicates the Molded Case Switch (CB1) is opening.
Bit 20 ‘BusHarnessIn’ indicates the status of the bus harness.
Bit 21 ‘BusFusePosIn’ indicates the status of the positive bus fuse.
Bit 22 ‘BusFuseNegIn’ indicates the status of the negative bus fuse.

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured after the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the DC voltage on the inverter capacitor bank, measured before the precharge resistors
and contactor. VDC

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the DC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
12070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ °C
12072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. VAC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max

0.00 0.00 6000.00

0.00 0.00 690.00

See Settings:
(0) = No Fault 0 1
(1) = Fault

See Settings:
(0) = No Alarm 0 1
(1) = Alarm

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 3

0 0 3

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -50.00 100.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 2047

400 0 2047

1 0 1

0.00 0.00 690.00

0.00 0.00 690.00

0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00
0.00 0.00 690.00

0.00 0.00 1000.00

0.00 0.00 1000.00

0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 1000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00
0.00 0.00 1200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0 0 220000000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

0.000 0.000 10000.000

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 220000000

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

0.00 -100.00 100.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
(0) = Off 0 1
(1) = On

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0 0 1200

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0.00 -200.00 200.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00

0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500
0 0 500

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable
FW Version Read- Access
Settings PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = M0 (0)
Bit 1 = M1 (0)
Bit 2 = M2 (0)
Bit 3 = M3 (0)
Bit 4 = M4 (0)
Bit 5 = M5 (0)
Bit 6 = M6 (0)
Bit 7 = M7 (0)
Bit 8 = M8 (0)
Bit 9 = M9 (0)
Bit 10 = DCP0 (0) 11.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 11 = DCP1 (0)
Bit 12 = DCP2 (0)
Bit 13 = DCP3 (0)
Bit 14 = DCP4 (0)
Bit 15 = DCP5 (0)
Bit 16 = DCP6 (0)
Bit 17 = DCP7 (0)
Bit 18 = DCP8 (0)
Bit 19 = DCP9 (0)
Bits 20…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = M0 (0)
Bit 1 = M1 (0)
Bit 2 = M2 (0)
Bit 3 = M3 (0)
Bit 4 = M4 (0)
Bit 5 = M5 (0)
Bit 6 = M6 (0)
Bit 7 = M7 (0)
Bit 8 = M8 (0)
Bit 9 = M9 (0)
Bit 10 = DCP0 (0) 11.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 11 = DCP1 (0)
Bit 12 = DCP2 (0)
Bit 13 = DCP3 (0)
Bit 14 = DCP4 (0)
Bit 15 = DCP5 (0)
Bit 16 = DCP6 (0)
Bit 17 = DCP7 (0)
Bit 18 = DCP8 (0)
Bit 19 = DCP9 (0)
Bits 20…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = M0 (0)
Bit 1 = M1 (0)
Bit 2 = M2 (0)
Bit 3 = M3 (0)
Bit 4 = M4 (0)
Bit 5 = M5 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 6 = M6 (0)
Bit 7 = M7 (0)
Bit 8 = M8 (0)
Bit 9 = M9 (0)

Bit 0 = M0 (0)
Bit 1 = M1 (0)
Bit 2 = M2 (0)
Bit 3 = M3 (0)
Bit 4 = M4 (0)
Bit 5 = M5 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 6 = M6 (0)
Bit 7 = M7 (0)
Bit 8 = M8 (0)
Bit 9 = M9 (0)

Bit 0 = M0 (0)
Bit 1 = M1 (0)
Bit 2 = M2 (0)
Bit 3 = M3 (0)
Bit 4 = M4 (0)
Bit 5 = M5 (0) 10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No
Bit 6 = M6 (0)
Bit 7 = M7 (0)
Bit 8 = M8 (0)
Bit 9 = M9 (0)

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 16-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Flt Stop

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor 10.x 16-bit INT RW 2 No No
3 = Flt Stop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = Module Enbl (0)

Bits 1…3 = Reserved (0) 10.x Bit RW 2 Yes No
Bit 4 = VltgOfstMode (0)
Bits 5…15 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 Yes No

0 = Ignore 10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No

1 = Alarm

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No
— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 1 No No

Bit 0 = Ready (0)

Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCSSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCSUVDlyOut (0) 10.x 32-bits RW 0 No No
Bit 12 = MCSClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCSShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCS Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCS Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCS Opening (0)
Bit 20 = BusHarnessIn (0)
Bit 21 = BusFusePosIn (0)
Bit 22 = BusFuseNegIn (0)
Bits 23…31 = Reserved (0)

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— 10.x Real RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No
— 10.x 16-bit INT RO 0 No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Write Over I/O
Applicable to Integrated AFE Applicable to Low Harmonic
Drives (755TR)? Drives (755TL)? Applicable to CBIs (755TM)?

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes
No No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to AFE Bus Applicable to Frame 5-6 Applicable to Frame 6 Panel Applicable to Frame 7
Supplies (755TM)? Panel Mount Drives (755TR Mount Bus Supplies Integrated AFE Drives
and 755TL)? (755TM)? (755TR) and CBIs (755TM)?

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No Yes
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No Yes

No No No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Low Power
Drives (755TS)?





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_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

1 AC Line Freq Monitor — Metering

2 AC Line Voltage Monitor — Metering

3 R-S Line Volts Monitor Protection Metering

4 S-T Line Volts Monitor Protection Metering

5 T-R Line Volts Monitor Protection Metering

6 AC Line Current Monitor — Metering

7 Active Current Monitor — Metering

8 Reactive Current Monitor — Metering

9 R Phase Current Monitor Protection Metering

10 S Phase Current Monitor Protection Metering
11 T Phase Current Monitor Protection Metering
12 Ground Current Monitor Protection Metering

13 AC Line kW Monitor — Metering

14 AC Line kVA Monitor — Metering

15 AC Line kVAR Monitor — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

16 Power Factor Monitor — Metering

21 ACLineMemory Monitor — Metering

22 ACLineMemReset Monitor — Metering

23 Display Filter Monitor — Metering

25 Rated Volts Monitor — LineSideCnv Data

26 Rated Amps Monitor — LineSideCnv Data

27 Rated kW Monitor — LineSideCnv Data

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

28 Derated Amps Monitor — LineSideCnv Data

30 Nom Line Freq Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

31 AC Line Source Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

32 AC Line kVA A Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

33 AC Line kVA B Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

34 AC Line Imped% A Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

35 AC Line Imped% B Dynamic Control — AC Line Data

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

40 Conv Options Cfg Dynamic Control — LSC Control Cfg

43 LSC TurnOffDelay Dynamic Control — LSC Control Cfg

44 FF Power Gain Dynamic Control — LSC Control Cfg

41 ManDCBus AnlgHi Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

42 ManDCBus AnlgLo Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

45 DC Bus Ref Sel Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

46 Auto DC Bus Ref Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

47 ManDCBus Ref Sel Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

48 DC BusRef Preset Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

49 DC Bus Rate Lmt Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

50 DC Bus Command Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

52 Ext Bus Cap Dynamic Control Dynamic Control Voltage Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

54 Volt Reg C/U Sel Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

55 Volt Reg BW Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

56 Volt Reg Damping Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

57 u Volt Reg Kp Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

58 c Volt Reg Kp Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

59 u Volt Reg Ki Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

60 c Volt Reg Ki Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

61 DBC Mode Sel Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

62 DBC V Thresh Lo Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

63 DBC V Thresh Hi Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

64 DBC V Thresh Nom Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

330 DBC NomMtrPwrLm Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

331 DBC IdleMtrPwrLm Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

332 DBC NomRgnPwrLm Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

333 DBC IdleRgnPwrLm Dynamic Control — Voltage Control

65 Active Cur Ref Dynamic Control — Current Control

66 Active Curr Rate Dynamic Control — Current Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

67 Active Cur Cmd Dynamic Control — Current Control

69 kVAR Ref Dynamic Control — Current Control

70 kVAR Rate Limit Dynamic Control — Current Control

71 kVAR Available Dynamic Control — Current Control

72 kVAR Command Dynamic Control — Current Control

73 Reactv Cur Cmd Dynamic Control — Current Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

74 Cur Reg C/U Sel Dynamic Control — Current Control

75 Cur Reg BW Dynamic Control — Current Control

76 Cur Reg Damping Dynamic Control — Current Control

77 u Cur Reg Kp Dynamic Control — Current Control

78 c Cur Reg Kp Dynamic Control — Current Control

79 u Cur Reg Ki Dynamic Control — Current Control

80 c Cur Reg Ki Dynamic Control — Current Control

81 Actv Damping Gn Dynamic Control — Current Control

82 BusAutoAdjReg Kp Dynamic Control — Current Control

83 BusAutoAdjReg Ki Dynamic Control — Current Control

360 FFVltgLPFTime Dynamic Control — Current Control

85 PLL Config Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop

86 Basic PLL Kp Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop

87 Basic PLL Ki Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop

88 Basic PLL Error Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop
89 Unbl Rej Filt BW Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop
90 DC Offst Filt BW Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

91 DC Offst LPF BW Dynamic Control — Phase Lock Loop

100 Current Limit Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

101 Cur Lmt Command Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

102 Current Rate Lmt Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

104 Regen Power Lmt Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

105 Motor Power Lmt Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

106 Regen Pwr Avail Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

107 Motor Pwr Avail Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

108 InvMtrPwrLimMin Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

109 InvRegnPwrLimMax Protection — Curr/Pwr Limits

110 Under Volt Lmt A Protection — Voltage Limits

111 Under Volt Dly A Protection — Voltage Limits

112 UnderVltLmtAActn Protection — Voltage Limits

113 Low Volt Lmt A Protection — Voltage Limits

114 Low Volt Dly A Protection — Voltage Limits

115 LowVltLmtAActn Protection — Voltage Limits

116 High Volt Lmt A Protection — Voltage Limits

117 High Volt Dly A Protection — Voltage Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

118 HighVltLmtAActn Protection — Voltage Limits

119 Over Volt Lmt A Protection — Voltage Limits

120 Over Volt Dly A Protection — Voltage Limits

121 OverVltLmtAActn Protection — Voltage Limits

124 Under Volt Lmt B Protection — Voltage Limits

125 Under Volt Dly B Protection — Voltage Limits

126 UnderVltLmtBActn Protection — Voltage Limits

127 Low Volt Lmt B Protection — Voltage Limits

128 Low Volt Dly B Protection — Voltage Limits

129 LowVltLmtBActn Protection — Voltage Limits

130 High Volt Lmt B Protection — Voltage Limits

131 High Volt Dly B Protection — Voltage Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

132 HighVltLmtBActn Protection — Voltage Limits

133 Over Volt Lmt B Protection — Voltage Limits

134 Over Volt Dly B Protection — Voltage Limits

135 OverVltLmtBActn Protection — Voltage Limits

140 Under Freq Lmt A Protection — Frequency Limits

141 Under Freq Dly A Protection — Frequency Limits

142 UndrFreqLmtAActn Protection — Frequency Limits

143 Low Freq Lmt A Protection — Frequency Limits

144 Low Freq Dly A Protection — Frequency Limits

145 LowFreqLmtAActn Protection — Frequency Limits

146 High Freq Lmt A Protection — Frequency Limits

147 High Freq Dly A Protection — Frequency Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

148 HighFreqLmtAActn Protection — Frequency Limits

149 Over Freq Lmt A Protection — Frequency Limits

150 Over Freq Dly A Protection — Frequency Limits

151 OverFreqLmtAActn Protection — Frequency Limits

154 Under Freq Lmt B Protection — Frequency Limits

155 Under Freq Dly B Protection — Frequency Limits

156 UndrFreqLmtBActn Protection — Frequency Limits

157 Low Freq Lmt B Protection — Frequency Limits

158 Low Freq Dly B Protection — Frequency Limits

159 LowFreqLmtBActn Protection — Frequency Limits

160 High Freq Lmt B Protection — Frequency Limits

161 High Freq Dly B Protection — Frequency Limits

162 HighFreqLmtBActn Protection — Frequency Limits

163 Over Freq Lmt B Protection — Frequency Limits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

164 Over Freq Dly B Protection — Frequency Limits

165 OverFreqLmtBActn Protection — Frequency Limits

170 PwrLoss Det Actn Protection — Power Loss

171 PwrLossRTExpActn Protection — Power Loss

172 RideThrough Time Protection — Power Loss

173 VltgSag Det Actn Protection — Power Loss

174 VltgSagRTExpActn Protection — Power Loss

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

176 LSCPhLossDetActn Protection — Power Loss

177 PhsLossRTExpActn Protection — Power Loss

179 DFDT Det Actn Protection — Power Loss

180 DFDTRdThrExpActn Protection — Power Loss

181 PLL LOS Det Actn Protection — Power Loss

185 Line V Unbal Lmt Protection — Unbalance

186 Line V Unbal Dly Protection — Unbalance

187 Line Volts Unbal Protection — Unbalance

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

188 Line I Unbal Lmt Protection — Unbalance

189 Line I Unbal Dly Protection — Unbalance

190 Line Cur Unbal Protection — Unbalance

192 BasicPLL Err Lmt Protection — Unbalance

193 BasicPLL Err Dly Protection — Unbalance

225 Line Side Sts 1 Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

226 At Limit Status Diagnostics — Status

228 R (L1) OL Count Diagnostics Protection Status

229 S (L2) OL Count Diagnostics Protection Status

230 T (L3) OL Count Diagnostics Protection Status

231 IGBT Temp Diagnostics — Status

232 IGBT Temp Pct Diagnostics — Status
233 Heatsnk Temp Diagnostics — Status
234 Heatsnk Temp Pct Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

235 L Start Inhibits Diagnostics — Status

236 LLastStrtInhibit Diagnostics — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

240 Fault Status A Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

241 Fault Status B Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

258 Alarm Status A Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

259 Alarm Status B Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

260 Type 2 Alarms Diagnostics — Fault/Alarm Info

280 Testpoint Sel 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

283 Testpoint Sel 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

286 Testpoint Sel 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

289 Testpoint Sel 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

281 Testpoint REAL 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

284 Testpoint REAL 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

287 Testpoint REAL 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

290 Testpoint REAL 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

282 Testpoint DINT 1 Diagnostics — Testpoints

285 Testpoint DINT 2 Diagnostics — Testpoints

288 Testpoint DINT 3 Diagnostics — Testpoints

291 Testpoint DINT 4 Diagnostics — Testpoints

300 PwrFeedFwdConfig Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

305 BusObs C/U Sel Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

306 BusObs Sys BW Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

307 BusObsSysDamping Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

320 BusObs Config Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

321 c BusObs Kp Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

322 u BusObs Kp Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

323 c BusObs Ki Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

324 u BusObs Ki Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

325 BusObs Curr Est Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

326 FFPwr Curr Calc Dynamic Control — Bus Observer

350 DroopCtrlModeSel Dynamic Control — Droop Control

351 FullLd DroopGain Dynamic Control — Droop Control

352 NoLd DroopGain Dynamic Control — Droop Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

353 Trans Droop Cur Dynamic Control — Droop Control

354 Droop Gain Actv Dynamic Control — Droop Control

355 MaxFullLdDrpGn Dynamic Control — Droop Control

356 NoLdDrpDCBusRef Dynamic Control — Droop Control

357 ManDroopDCBusMin Dynamic Control — Droop Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— AC Line Frequency

— AC Line Voltage

Unbalance R (L1) - S (L2) Line Voltage

Unbalance S (L2) - T (L3) Line Voltage

Unbalance T (L3) - R (L1) Line Voltage

— AC Line Current

— Active Current

— Reactive Current

Unbalance R (L1) Phase Current

Unbalance S (L2) Phase Current
Unbalance T (L3) Phase Current
Unbalance Ground Current

— Measured Real Power kilowatts

— Measured Apparent Power kVA

— Measured Reactive Power kVAR

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Power Factor

— AC Line Memory

— AC Line Memory Reset

— Display Filter Configuration

— Line Side Converter Rated Voltage

— Line Side Converter Rated Current

— Line Side Converter Rated Power kW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Line Side Converter Derated Current

— Nominal Line Frequency

— AC Line Source Select

— Apparent Power Rating AC Line Source A

— Apparent Power Rating AC Line Source B

— Impedance AC Line Source A

— Impedance AC Line Source B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Converter Options Configuration

— AFE Converter Turn Off Delay

— Feed Forward Power Gain

— Manual DC Bus Vltg Reference Analog High

— Manual DC Bus Vltg Reference Analog Low

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Bus Reference Select

— Automatically Optimized DC Bus Reference

— Manual DC Bus Reference Select

— DC Bus Reference Preset

— DC Bus Rate Limit

— Commanded DC Bus Voltage

Current Control External Bus Capacitance

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Volt Reg Calc/User Select

— Voltage Regulator Bandwidth

— Voltage Regulator Damping Factor

— Volt Reg Proportional Gain-User Entered

— Volt Reg Proportional Gain-Calculated

— Volt Reg Integral Gain-User Entered

— Volt Reg Integral Gain-Calculated

— DBC Mode Select

— DBC Low Voltage Threshold

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DBC High Voltage Threshold

— DBC Nominal Voltage Threshold

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DBC Nominal Motoring Power Limit

— DBC Idle Motoring Power Limit

— DBC Nominal Regenerative Power Limit

— DBC Idle Regenerative Power Limit

— Active Current Reference

— Active Current Rate

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Active Current Command

— Reactive Power Reference

— Reactive Power Rate Limit

— Reactive Power Available

— Reactive Power Command

— Reactive Current Command

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Cur Reg Calc/User Select

— Current Regulator Bandwidth

— Current Regulator Damping Factor

— Cur Reg Proportional Gain - User Entered

— Cur Reg Proportional Gain - Calculated

— Cur Reg Integral Gain - User Entered

— Cur Reg Integral Gain - Calculated

— Active Damping Gain

— VAR Control Bus Auto Adjust Regulator Kp

— VAR Control Bus Auto Adjust Regulator Ki

— Feedforward Vltg LPF Time Constant

— Phase Lock Loop Configuration

— Basic Phase Lock Loop Proportional Gain

— Basic Phase Lock Loop Integral Gain

— Basic Phase Lock Loop Error
— Unbalanced Rejection Filter Bandwidth
— DC Offset Filter Bandwidth

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— DC Offset Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

— Current Limit

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Current Limit Command

— Current Rate Limit

— Regenerative Power Limit

— Motoring Power Limit

— Regenerative Power Available

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Motoring Power Available

— Converter To Inverter Motoring Power Limit Min

— Converter To Inverter Regen Power Limit Max

— Undervoltage Limit A

— Undervoltage Delay A

— AC Line Under Voltage Limit A Action

— Low Voltage Limit A

— Low Voltage Delay A

— AC Line Low Voltage Limit A Action

— High Voltage Limit A

— High Voltage Delay A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— AC Line High Voltage Limit A Action

— Overvoltage Limit A

— Overvoltage Delay A

— AC Line Over Voltage Limit A Action

— Undervoltage Limit B

— Undervoltage Delay B

— AC Line Under Voltage Limit B Action

— Low Voltage Limit B

— Low Voltage Delay B

— AC Line Low Voltage Limit B Action

— High Voltage Limit B

— High Voltage Delay B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— AC Line High Voltage Limit B Action

— Overvoltage Limit B

— Overvoltage Delay B

— AC Line Over Voltage Limit B Action

— Under Frequency Limit A

— Under Frequency Delay A

— AC Line Under Frequency Limit A Action

— Low Frequency Limit A

— Low Frequency Delay A

— AC Line Low Frequency Limit A Action

— High Frequency Limit A

— High Frequency Delay A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— AC Line High Frequency Limit A Action

— Over Frequency Limit A

— Over Frequency Delay A

— AC Line Over Frequency Limit A Action

— Under Frequency Limit B

— Under Frequency Delay B

— AC Line Under Frequency Limit B Action

— Low Frequency Limit B

— Low Frequency Delay B

— AC Line Low Frequency Limit B Action

— High Frequency Limit B

— High Frequency Delay B

— AC Line High Frequency Limit B Action

— Over Frequency Limit B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Over Frequency Delay B

— AC Line Over Frequency Limit B Action

— Line Side Cnv Power Loss Detected Action

— LSC Power Loss Ride Thru Expired Action

— Ride Through Time

— Voltage Sag Detected Action

— LSC Voltage Sag Ride Thru Expired Action

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— LSC Input Phase Loss Detected Action

— Input Phase Loss Ride Thru Expire Action

— Frequency Rate of Change Detected Action

— Freq RateOfChange RideThruExpireAction

— PLL Sync Loss Detected Action

— Line Voltage Unbalance Limit

— Line Voltage Unbalance Delay

— Line Voltage Unbalance

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Line Current Unbalance Limit

— Line Current Unbalance Delay

— Line Current Unbalance

— Basic Phase Lock Loop Error Limit

— Basic Phase Lock Loop Error Delay

— Line Side Converter Status 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— At Limit Status

Curr/Pwr Limits R (L1) Phase Overload Count

Curr/Pwr Limits S (L2) Phase Overload Count

Curr/Pwr Limits T (L3) Phase Overload Count

— IGBT Temperature Degrees Celsius

— IGBT Temperature Percentage
— Heatsink Temperature
— Heatsink Temperature Percentage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Line Side Converter Start Inhibits

— Last Line Side Converter Start Inhibits

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Fault Status A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Fault Status B

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Alarm Status A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Alarm Status B

— Type 2 Alarms

— Testpoint Select 1

— Testpoint Select 2

— Testpoint Select 3

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— Testpoint Select 4

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 1

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 2

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 3

— Testpoint REAL Display Value 4

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 1

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 2

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 3

— Testpoint DINT Display Value 4

— Power Feedforward Configuration

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— Bus Observer Calc/User Entered Select

— Bus Observer System Bandwidth

— Bus Observer System Damping

— Bus Observer Configuration

— Bus Observer Proportional Gain - Calc

— Bus Observer Proportional Gain - User

— Bus Observer Integral Gain - Calc

— Bus Observer Integral Gain - User

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— Bus Observer Current Estimate

— Feedforward Power Current Calculated

— Droop Control Mode Select

— Full Load Droop Gain

— No Load Droop Gain

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— Transition Droop Current

— Droop Gain Active

— Maximum Full Load Droop Gain

— No Load Droop DC Voltage Reference

— Manual Droop DC Bus Ref Minimum

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Description Units

Displays the measured AC line frequency.

Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. Hz

Displays total 3-phase average AC voltage.

Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. VAC

Displays the measured line-to-line voltage between phase R (L1) and phase S (L2).
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. VAC

Displays the measured line-to-line voltage between phase S (L2) and phase T (L3).
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. VAC

Displays the measured line-to-line voltage between phase T (L3) and phase R (L1).
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. VAC

Displays the average measured RMS AC phase current.

Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. A

Displays the active current.

The value is negative during regeneration or producing current and positive during motoring A
or consuming current.
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered.

Displays the measured reactive current.

The value is negative for leading power factor and positive for lagging power factor. A
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered.

Displays the R (L1) Input phase current for the entire line side converter in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the S (L2) RMS AC current. A
Displays the T (L3) RMS AC current. A
Displays the sum of the AC phase currents. A

Displays the measured total real AC Line power.

The value is positive for consumed power and a negative for produced power (positive is kW
motoring, negative is regenerating).
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered.

Displays the measured apparent AC Line power.

Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered. kVA

Displays the measured reactive power. Negative values display a leading power factor
(injecting reactive power to the line) and positive values display a lagging power factor kVAR
(consuming reactive power from the line).
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered.

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Displays the measured input power factor defined as the ratio of active power over
apparent power.
This value ranges from -1 to +1. The value is positive for motoring power and negative for —
regenerative power.
Parameter 13:23 [Display Filter] determines whether the value is filtered or unfiltered.

Displays a 6 minute average of parameter 013:2 [AC Line Voltage].

Automatically initialized upon power-up or precharge, and continually updated during VAC
normal operation. Use parameter 13:22 [ACLineMemReset] to reset this parameter.

Use this parameter to reset of parameter 21 [ACLineMemory].

Enter a value of 1 ‘Reset’ to reset the parameter.
The value will return to 0 ‘Ready’ when the reset has been completed. —
This is useful if the parameter 13:2 [AC Line Voltage] has settled to a new value, but it is
undesirable to wait 6 minutes for the value of parameter 13:21 [ACLineMemory] to settle to
a new average.

Use this parameter to disable default filtering of these Metering parameters. The filter time
constant is 50 ms.
Bit 0 ‘Enable All’ – Set to make the values of all the parameters below filtered.
Bit 1 ‘AC Line Freq’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:1 [AC Line Freq] filtered.
Bit 2 ‘AC Line Vltg’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:2 [AC Line Voltage] filtered.
Bit 3 ‘AC Line Cur’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:6 [AC Line Current] filtered.
Bit 4 ‘Active Cur’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:7 [Active Current] filtered.
Bit 5 ‘Reactv Cur’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:8 [Reactive Current] filtered.
Bit 6 ‘Line kW’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:13 [AC Line kW] filtered.
Bit 7 ‘Line kVA’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:14 [AC Line kVA] filtered. —
Bit 8 ‘Line kVAR’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:15 [AC Line kVAR] filtered.
Bit 9 ‘AC LL Volts’ – Set to make the value of parameters 13:3 [R-S Line Volts], 13:4 [S-T Line
Volts], and 13:5 [T-R Line Volts] filtered.
Bit 10 ‘Power Factor’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:16 [Power Factor] filtered.
Bit 11 ‘DC Bus Vltg’ – Set to make the value of parameter 0:3 [DC Bus Volts] filtered.
Bit 13 ‘Ground Cur’ – Set to make the value of parameter 13:12 [Ground Current] filtered.
Bit 14 ‘Phase Cur’ – Set to make the value of parameters 13:9 [R Phase Current], 13:10 [S
Phase Current], and 13:11 [T Phase Current] filtered.

Displays the input voltage rating class (400, 480, 600, or 690V) of the converter system. VAC

Displays the continuous output current rating of line side converter in RMS Amps.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters 0:34 A
[VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act].
Displays the continuous output current rating of line side converter in kilowatts.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters 0:34 kW
[VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act].

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Displays the continuous current rating of the line side converter system for the present
operating mode in Amps RMS.
This can be lower than the value in parameter 13:26 [Rated Amps], if the present operating
mode requires derating.
There are two operating conditions that lower this value:
- Operating without modulating the transistors in the Line Side Converter power modules.
Doing so requires the power modules to rely solely on the diodes for rectification. A
- Operating with an elevated (boosted) DC Bus Reference. Doing so elevates the
temperature of certain components.
This value is used by the overall Line Side Converter Overload functions. Refer to parameters
13:228 [R (L1) OL Count], 13:229 [S (L2) OL Count] and 13:230 [T (L3) OL Count].
It is also used by the overall Line Side Converter Available Power functions. Refer to
parameters 13:106 [Regen Pwr Avail] and 13:107 [Motor Pwr Avail].

Enter a value to select the nominal AC line frequency.

‘50.00 Hz’ (0) – selects 50 Hz. —
‘60.00 Hz’ (1) – selects 60 Hz.

Enter a value to select which set of Line Impedance and KVA parameters the control uses.
‘AC Line A’ (0) – selects the A parameters. These are 13:32 [AC Line kVA A] and 13:34 [AC
Line Imped% A].
‘AC Line B’ (1) – selects the B parameters. These are 13:33 [AC Line kVA B] and 13:35 [AC
Line Imped% B].
When parameter 0:136 [DI AC Line Source] is configured, the product ignores this —
parameter 13:31 [AC LineSource].
Important: coordinate changes to this parameter with logic that switches the AC input
between the two sources, and do not change the value of this parameter while the Line Side
Converter is modulating.

Enter a value for the kVA of the transformer or generator associated with AC Line A. kVA
Enter a value for the kVA of the transformer or generator associated with AC Line B. kVA
Enter a value for the percent impedance of the transformer or generator associated with AC
Line A.
This should include the transformer or generator plus any inductor between there and the %
line side converter.

Enter a value for the percent impedance of the transformer or generator associated with AC
Line B.
This should include the transformer or generator plus any inductor between there and the %
line side converter.

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Set and clear bits to configure the operation of the line side converter.
Bit 0 ‘PhaseRevAlm’ enables a type 1 alarm if a negative phase rotation sequence is
Bit 1 ‘Unbal V Comp’ configures the Line Side Converter to compensate for unbalanced input
voltages (not in CR1).
Bit 2 ‘Actv CurLoop’ configures the Line Side Converter to function in Active Current mode.
Bit 3 ‘VarDCBAdjDis’ disables the Var control DC bus automatic adjustment feature. This
feature is active only when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Reference Sel] is set to ‘VAR Control’
(3). It automatically raises the DC bus level to allow for Var control.
Bit 5 ‘CapORsncAlrm’ enables the Line Side Converter to produce an alarm instead of a fault —
when the LCL Capacitor Over Resonance event occurs. Parameter 0:453 [CapOvrRsncActn]
must also be set to 0 ‘Alarm’.
Bit 6 ‘CapFailAlrm’ enables the Line Side Converter to produce an alarm instead of a fault
when the LCL Capacitor Failure event occurs. Parameter 0:452 [LCLCapFailActn] must also be
set to 0 ‘Alarm’.
Bit 7 ‘VAR OnlyMode’ enables the Line Side Converter to produce reactive power only. In
this mode, the whole rating of the power structure is dedicated for reactive power
compensation. The converter does not provide any active power to loads connected to the
DC bus.

Enter a value to set the time delay for the line side converter to stop modulating after the
motor side inverter stops. %
This is applies only when parameter 0:63 [LS Start Mode] is set to 0 ‘FLW MSideInv’.

Enter a value to scale the Power Feed Forward signal to the line side converter control.
Enter it as a percentage. Enter 0 to disable the feed forward power signal.
The control firmware multiplies this by the value in parameter 10:4 [Output Power], from
the motor side inverter control, to produce the power feed forward signal. %
This parameter works only in 755TL and 755TR drives (products that have line side
converters and motor side inverters). It does not work in 755TM bus supplies because they
do not have motor side inverters.

Enter a value to set the DC bus voltage reference that corresponds to the high value of the
analog input channel used as a source for parameter [ManDCBus Ref Sel].
Only used when parameter DC Bus Ref Sel is set to 1 ‘Manual’ and an analog input is VDC
selected as a source for parameter [ManDCBus Ref Sel].

Enter a value to set the DC bus voltage reference that corresponds to the low value of the
analog input channel used as a source for parameter [ManDCBus Ref Sel].
Only used when parameter DC Bus Ref Sel is set to 1 ‘Manual’ and an analog input is VDC
selected as a source for parameter [ManDCBus Ref Sel].

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Enter a value to select the source for the DC Bus Voltage reference.
‘Auto’ (0) – Selects an automatically generated reference that is based on the level of the
incoming AC line voltage. This signal comes from parameter 13:46 [Auto DC Bus Ref].
‘Manual’ (1) – Selects a ‘manual’ reference in parameter 13:48 [DC BusRef Preset]. —
‘Droop Ctrl’ (2) – Selects a voltage reference generated by Droop Control.
‘VAR Control’ (3) – Selects reactive power control.
‘DBC Control’ (4) – Selects Dynamic Bus Control.

Displays the value of the automatically optimized DC bus reference.

The DC bus regulator consumes this value when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Ref Sel] is set to
‘Auto’ (0). VDC
The value is based on the level of the incoming AC line voltage. As AC line voltage rises, it
also rises.

Enter a value to select port and parameter source for the ‘manual’ DC Bus Voltage
Possible source includes parameter 13:48 [DC BusRef Preset] in this port and analog inputs —
in option card ports.

Enter a value to set the constant Preset DC Bus Voltage reference.

The DC bus regulator consumes this value when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Ref Sel] is set to 1
‘Manual’. VDC
The maximum value of this parameter is determined by the voltage rating of the converter
and the setting of parameter 0:33 [VoltageClass Cfg].

Enter a value to set the maximum rate of change for the ‘manual’ DC Bus Voltage reference. %/s

Displays the value of the selected and conditioned DC Bus Voltage reference.
The DC bus regulator consumes this signal as its command. VDC

Enter a value for external bus capacitance.

This should include bus capacitance of products outside of the local bus supply or integrated
drive that share the common DC bus. It should include the capacitance of Common Bus uF
Inverters and DC input drives that share the common DC bus. It should include any
additional capacitor modules added to the common DC bus.

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Enter a value to select whether the DC Bus Voltage Regulator uses Calculated values or User
Entered values for proportional and integral gains.
Calculated values are determined by equations in the drive. These equations use value of
parameters 13:55 [Volt Reg BW], 13:56 [Volt Reg Damping] and 13:52 [Ext Bus Cap].
‘Calculated’ (0) – selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. —
‘User Entered’ (1) – selects the User Entered ‘u’ values.
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered
'u' values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them.
After performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the DC Bus Voltage Regulator.

This value is consumed by calculations that produce the Calculated Proportional and Integral Hz
gains of the regulator.
Enter a value to set the damping of the DC Bus Voltage Regulator.
When parameter 13:55 [Volt Reg BW] is set to 0.0, this value is ignored. —

Enter the value for the proportional gain of the Current Regulator that is used when
parameter 13:54 [Volt Reg C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’. A/V

Displays the value of the proportional gain of the Current Regulator that is used when
parameter 13:54 [Volt Reg C/U Sel] is set to ‘Calculated’. A/V

Enter the value for the integral gain of the Voltage Regulator that is used when parameter
13:54 [Volt Reg C/U Sel] is set to ‘User Entered’. A/V

Displays the value of the integral gain of the Voltage Regulator that is used when parameter
13:54 [Volt Reg C/U Sel] is set to ‘Calculated’. A/V

Enter a value to select the method to apply power limits in the Dynamic Bus Control
‘Linear’ (0) – Selects a linear method where the operating state determines the value —
‘Nonlinear’ (1) – Selects a non-linear method to calculate the limits with an exponential
function that is derived from the DBC voltage thresholds, motoring, and regenerating limits.

Enter a value to set the low voltage threshold used by the Dynamic Bus Control function.
The function uses this threshold to determine the operating state. The function is in state 1
‘Motoring Support’ when DC bus voltage feedback is below this threshold.
The function uses this value as the DC bus voltage reference when in state 1 ‘Motoring VDC
The maximum value of this parameter is determined by the voltage rating of the converter
and the setting of parameter 0:33 [VoltageClass Cfg].

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Enter a value to set the high-voltage threshold used by the Dynamic Bus Control function.
The function uses this threshold to determine the operating state. The function is in state 4
‘Regen Support’ when DC bus voltage feedback is above this threshold.
The function also uses it as the DC bus voltage reference when in state 4 ‘Regen Support’. VDC
The default and maximum values of this parameter is determined by the voltage rating of
the converter and the setting of parameter 0:33 [VoltageClass Cfg].

Enter a value to set the nominal voltage threshold used by the Dynamic Bus Control
The function uses this threshold to determine the operating state. The function is in state 2
‘Idle Regen’ when DC bus voltage feedback is below this threshold and the system is
regenerating. The operating state is 3 ‘Nom Regen’ when the feedback is above this
threshold and the system is regenerating. It is in state 5 ‘Idle Motor’ when the feedback is VDC
above this threshold and the system is motoring. The operating state is 6 ‘Nom Motor’ when
the feedback is below this threshold and the system is motoring.
The function uses this value as the DC bus voltage reference when in states 2 ‘Idle Regen’, 3
‘Nom Regen’, 5 ‘Idle Motor’, and 6 ‘Nom Motor’.
The default and maximum values of this parameter is determined by the voltage rating of
the converter and the setting of parameter 0:33 [VoltageClass Cfg].

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Enter a value to set the nominal motoring power limit.
When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 0 ‘Linear’, the DBC function uses
this value as the power limit value in state 6 ‘Nom Motoring’. %
When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 1 ‘Nonlinear’, the DBC function
uses this value to determine the depth and slope of the power limit curve in states 5 ‘Idle
Motoring’ and 6 ‘Nom Motoring’.

Enter a value to set the idle motoring power limit.

When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 0 ‘Linear’, the DBC function uses
this value as the power limit value in state 5 ‘Idle Motoring’. %
When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 1 ‘Nonlinear’, the DBC function
uses this value to determine the depth and slope of the power limit curve in states 5 ‘Idle
Motoring’ and 6 ‘Nom Motoring’. This is the minimum motoring power limit.

Enter a value to set the nominal regeneration power limit.

When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 0 ‘Linear’, the DBC function uses
this value as the power limit value in state 3 ‘Nom Regen. %
When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 1 ‘Nonlinear’, the DBC function
uses this value to determine the depth and slope of the power limit curve in states 2 ‘Idle
Regen and 3 ‘Nom Regen’.

Enter a value to set the idle regeneration power limit.

When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 0 ‘Linear’, the DBC function uses
this value as the power limit value in state 2 ‘Idle Regen’. %
When the value of parameter 13:61 [DBC Mode Sel] equals 2 ‘Idle Regen’, the DBC function
uses this value to determine the depth and slope of the power limit curve in states 2 ‘Idle
Regen’ and 3 ‘Nom Regen’. This value is the minimum regeneration power limit.

Enter a value to set the Active Current (Iq) reference for Active Current mode.
This only active when the line side converter is in Active Current mode. Configure the line A
side converter for this mode by setting bit 2 ‘Actv CurLoop’ of parameter 13:40 [Conv
Options Cfg]. In this mode, the DC Bus Voltage regulator is inactive.

Enter a value to set the maximum rate of change for the Active Current reference. %/s

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Displays the limited and conditioned Active Current reference. A
The Active Current regulator consumes this signal as its command.

Enter a value to set the Reactive Power (kVAR) reference.

Negative values command a leading power factor (injecting reactive power to the line) and
positive values command a lagging power factor (consuming reactive power from the line).
When the value is zero the line side converter will regulate reactive current to maintain a
unity power factor. kVAR
If the line side converter is not in Reactive Power Only mode (bit 7 ‘VAR OnlyMode’ of
parameter 13:40 [Conv Options Cfg] is cleared), the line side converter prioritizes the active
power needs of the loads connected to the DC bus. The line side converter dedicates its
remaining capacity to reactive power.

Enter a value to set the maximum rate of change for the Reactive Power when the Reactive
Power reference is non-zero. %/s

Displays available Reactive Power based on the rating and the load of the line side
converter. kVAR

Displays the limited and conditioned Reactive Power reference.

The Reactive Power regulator consumes this signal as its command. kVAR

Displays the commanded Reactive Current reference. A

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Enter a value to select whether the Current Regulator uses Calculated values or User
Entered values for proportional and integral gains.
Calculated values are determined by equations in the drive. These equations use value of
parameters 13:75 [Cur Reg BW], 13:76 [Cur Reg Damping] and LCL parameters.
‘Calculated’ (0) – selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. —
‘User Entered’ (1) – selects the User Entered ‘u’ values.
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered
‘u’ values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them.
After performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the Current regulator.

This value is consumed by calculations that produce the Calculated Proportional and Integral Hz
gains of the regulator.
Enter a value to set the damping of the Current regulator.
When parameter 13:75 [Curr Reg BW] is set to 0.0, this value is ignored. —

Enter the value for the proportional gain of the Current Regulator that is used when
parameter 13:74 [Cur Reg C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. V/A

Displays the value of the proportional gain of the Current Regulator that is used when
parameter 13:74 [Cur Reg C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’. V/A

Enter the value for the integral gain of the Current Regulator that is used when parameter
13:74 [Cur Reg C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. V/A

Displays the value of the integral gain of the Current Regulator that is used when parameter
13:74 [Cur Reg C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’. V/A

Enter the value for the proportional gain in the algorithm for active damping of resonant
frequencies in the LCL filters. —

Enter the value for the proportional gain of the DC Bus Automatic Adjustment Regulator.
This feature is active only when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Reference Sel] is set to 3 ‘VAR —
Control’. It automatically raises the DC bus level to improve the efficiency of transfer of
reactive power to the AC line.

Enter the value for the integral gain of the DC Bus Automatic Adjustment Regulator.
This feature is active only when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Reference Sel] is set to 3 ‘VAR
Control’. It automatically raises the DC bus level to improve the efficiency of transfer of —
reactive power to the AC line.

Enter the time constant for the low pass filter that is used to filter the feedforward voltage
components. If nonlinear loads, such as diode bridges, are fed from the same AC line as the ms
PowerFlex® 755T product, it is recommended that this parameter be set to 0.00 ms.

Set and clear bits to configure the operation of the Phase Lock Loop (PLL).
Bit 1 ‘PLL Unbl Rej’ enables rejection of AC line voltage unbalance in the PLL to synchronize
the converter to the line.
Bit 2 ‘PLL DC Ofst’ enables rejection of AC line voltage sensing offset. —
Bit 3 ‘PLL Freq Src’ selects the PLL center frequency. When this bit is clear, the center
frequency source is the value in parameter 30 [Nom Line Freq]. When set, the center
frequency is generated internally.

Enter a value to set the Phase locked loop (PLL) proportional gain for the basic PLL with or
without 2nd harmonic elimination. —

Enter a value to set the Phase locked loop (PLL) integral gain for the basic PLL with or
without 2nd harmonic elimination. —
Displays the Basic PLL error voltage. %
Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the Unbalanced Rejection filter. r/s
Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the DC Offset Rejection filter. r/s

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Enter a value to set the bandwidth of the DC Offset low pass filter. r/s

Enter a value to set the software Current Limit of the line side converter.
The unit of measure is AC amperes.
The power limit and IGBT overload functions override this limit. These functions can A
introduce extra restriction.
This software Current Limit does not set the threshold for the software Over Current fault.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the actual current limit in real-time.
The unit of measure is AC amperes. A

Enter a value to set the rate limit with respect to time for the AC Current Command.
This only applies when the line side converter is in Active Current mode. It does not apply in %
normal DC Bus Voltage Regulation mode.
Enter a value to set the maximum amount of power the converter can send to the AC input
when regenerating.
If parameter 13:45 [DC Ref Sel] is set to 4 ‘DBC Control’, this value sets the regenerative %
power limit that is used in DBC state 4 ‘Regen Support’.

Enter a value to set the maximum amount of power the converter can draw from the AC
input when motoring.
If parameter 13:45 [DC Ref Sel] is set to 4 ‘DBC Control’, this value sets the motoring power %
limit that is used in DBC state 1 ‘Motoring Support’.

Displays the amount of available regenerative power that the line side converter can
This signal is useful for the calculation of Regenerative Power Limits in the inverter or
inverters that share the common DC bus. You can use Logix or DeviceLogix™ to scale the
inverter limits to this signal. kW
The value of this parameter is based on the rating of the line side converter hardware and
the present operating conditions. Operating without modulating the transistors in the
power modules reduces this value. Operating with an elevated (boosted) DC Bus Reference
reduces this value. Refer to parameter 13:28 [Derated Amps].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the amount of available motoring power the line side converter can provide.
This signal is useful for the calculation of Regenerative Power Limits in the inverter or
inverters that share the common DC bus. You can use Logix to scale the inverter limits to
this signal.
The value of this parameter is based on the rating of the line side converter hardware and kW
the present operating conditions. Operating without modulating the transistors in the
power modules reduces this value. Operating with an elevated (Boosted) DC Bus Reference
reduces this value. Refer to parameter 13:28 [Derated Amps].

Enter the minimum motoring power limit that is passed from the line side converter to the
motor side inverter to facilitate proper operation of the motor side inverter during AC line %
power loss. The value of this parameter is expressed as a percentage of the rated power for
the line side converter. This parameter does not apply to PF755TM bus supplies.

Enter the maximum regenerating power limit that is passed from the line side converter to
the motor side inverter to facilitate proper operation of the motor side inverter during AC
line power loss. The value of this parameter is expressed as a percentage of the rated power %
for the line side converter. Because this value is regenerative power, the value of the limit is
negative, hence this value is a maximum power limit. This parameter does not apply to
PowerFlex 755TM bus supplies.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Under Voltage event on AC Line A.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Under Voltage event on AC Line A.
AC Line Voltage must be beneath the Under Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Under Voltage event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable codes 13019 ‘AC L12 UndrVltgA’, 13020 ‘AC L23 UndrVltgA’, and 13021 ‘AC
L31 UndrVltgA’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Low Voltage event on AC Line A.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Low Voltage event on AC Line A.
AC Line Voltage must be beneath the Low Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event s
to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Low Voltage event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable codes 13031 ‘AC L12 LoVltg A’, 13032 ‘AC L23 LoVltg A’, and 13033 ‘AC L31
LoVltg A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the High Voltage event on AC Line A.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the High Voltage event on AC Line A.
AC Line Voltage must be above the High Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event to s

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Enter a value to select the action taken when the High Voltage event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable codes 13025 ‘AC L12 HiVltg A’, 13026 ‘AC L23 HiVltg A’, and 13027 ‘AC L31
HiVltg A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Over Voltage event on AC Line A.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Over Voltage event on AC Line A.
AC Line Voltage must be above the Over Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event to s

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Over Voltage event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable codes 13013 ‘AC L12 OvrVltg A’, 13014 ‘AC L23 OvrVltg A’, and 13015 ‘AC
L31 OvrVltg A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Under Voltage event on AC Line B.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Under Voltage event on AC Line B.
AC Line Voltage must be beneath the Under Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Under Voltage event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable codes 13022 ‘AC L12 UndrVltgB’, 13023 ‘AC L23 UndrVltgB’, and 13024 ‘AC
L31 UndrVltgB’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Low Voltage event on AC Line B.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Low Voltage event on AC Line B.
AC Line Voltage must be beneath the Low Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event s
to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Low Voltage event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable codes 13034 ‘AC L12 LoVltg B’, 13035 ‘AC L23 LoVltg B’, and 13036 ‘AC L31
LoVltg B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the High Voltage event on AC Line B.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the High Voltage event on AC Line B.
AC Line Voltage must be above the High Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event to s

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Enter a value to select the action taken when the High Voltage event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable codes 13028 ‘AC L12 HiVltg B’, 13029 ‘AC L23 HiVltg B’, and 13030 ‘AC L31
HiVltg B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Over Voltage event on AC Line B.
Enter a percentage of parameter 13:25 [Rated Volts]. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Over Voltage event on AC Line B.
AC Line Voltage must be above the Over Voltage Limit longer than this delay for the event to s

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Over Voltage event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable codes 13016 ‘AC L12 OvrVltg B’, 13017 ‘AC L23 OvrVltg B’, and 13018 ‘AC
L31 OvrVltg B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Under Frequency event on AC Line A. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Under Frequency event on AC Line A.
AC Line Frequency must be beneath the Under Frequency Limit longer than this delay for s
the event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Under Frequency event on AC Line A
occurs. See configurable code 13039 ‘AC Ln UndrFreq A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Low Frequency event on AC Line A. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Low Frequency event on AC Line A.
AC Line Frequency must be beneath the Low Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Low Frequency event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable code 13043 ‘AC Ln LoFreq A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the High Frequency event on AC Line A. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the High Frequency event on AC Line A.
AC Line Frequency must be above the High Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to select the action taken when the High Frequency event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable code 13041 ‘AC Ln HiFreq A’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Over Frequency event on AC Line A. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Over Frequency event on AC Line A.
AC Line Frequency must be above the Over Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Over Frequency event on AC Line A occurs.
See configurable code 13037 ‘AC Line OvrFreqA’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (3) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Under Frequency event on AC Line B. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Under Frequency event on AC Line B.
AC Line Frequency must be beneath the Under Frequency Limit longer than this delay for s
the event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Under Frequency event on AC Line B
occurs. See configurable code 13040 ‘AC Ln UndrFreq B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Low Frequency event on AC Line B. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Low Frequency event on AC Line B.
AC Line Frequency must be beneath the Low Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Low Frequency event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable code 13044 ‘AC Ln LoFreq B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the High Frequency event on AC Line B. Hz
Enter a value to set the time delay for the High Frequency event on AC Line B.
AC Line Frequency must be above the High Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the High Frequency event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable code 13042 ‘AC Ln HiFreq B’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Over Frequency event on AC Line B. Hz

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Over Frequency event on AC Line B.
AC Line Frequency must be above the Over Frequency Limit longer than this delay for the s
event to occur.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Over Frequency event on AC Line B occurs.
See configurable code 13038 ‘AC Line OvrFreqB’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs. Major Faults stop the line side converter from

Enter a value to select the action taken when a Power Loss condition occurs. See
configurable code 13005 ‘PowerLoss Det’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Ride Thru’ (2) – The line side converter pauses modulation for the duration of the Ride Thru —
Timer. If the Power Loss condition clears before the timer expires, it resumes operation.
During the Ride Thru attempt, it logs a Type 2 Alarm.
‘Major Fault’ (3) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Power Loss condition lasts longer than the
Ride Thru Timer. See configurable code 13006 ‘PowerLoss RTExp’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to set the length of the Ride Thru Timer. s

Enter a value to select the action taken when a Voltage Sag condition occurs. See
configurable code 13007 ‘Line Sag Det’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Ride Thru’ (2) – The line side converter pauses modulation for the duration of the Ride Thru —
Timer. If the Voltage Sag condition clears before the timer expires, it resumes operation.
During the Ride Thru attempt, it logs a Type 2 Alarm.
‘Major Fault’ (3) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Voltage Sag condition lasts longer than the
Ride Thru Timer. See configurable code 13008 ‘Line Sag RTExp’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

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Enter a value to select the action taken when an Input Phase Loss condition occurs. See
configurable code 13003 ‘Phase Loss Det’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation.
‘Ride Thru’ (2) – The line side converter pauses modulation for the duration of the Ride Thru —
Timer. If the Input Phase Loss condition clears before the timer expires, it resumes
operation. During the Ride Thru attempt, it logs a Type 2 Alarm.
‘Major Fault’ (3) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Input Phase Loss condition lasts longer
than the Ride Thru Timer. See configurable code 13004 ‘Phase Loss RTExp’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when a DFDT condition occurs. A DFDT condition is
when the rate of change of frequency is too high. See configurable code 13009 ‘High df/dt
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter
from starting its modulation. —
‘Ride Thru’ (2) – The line side converter pauses modulation for the duration of the Ride Thru
Timer. If the DFDT condition clears before the timer expires, it resumes operation. During
the Ride Thru attempt, it logs a Type 2 Alarm.
‘Major Fault’ (3) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when the DFDT Loss condition lasts longer than the
Ride Thru Timer. See configurable code 13010 ‘High df/dt RTExp’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Type 2 Alarm’ (1) – A Type 2 Alarm occurs. Type 2 Alarms prevent the line side converter —
from starting its modulation.
‘Major Fault’ (2) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to select the action taken when a Phase Lock Loop Loss of Synchronization
condition occurs. See configurable code 13001 ‘LnSyncLoss Det’.
‘Ride Thru’ (0) – The line side converter pauses modulation during the Ride Thru Timer. If
the Phase Lock Loop Loss of Synchronization condition clears before the timer expires, it
resumes operation. During the Ride Thru attempt, it logs a Type 2 Alarm. If the Phase Lock
Loop Loss of Synchronization condition lasts longer than the Ride Thru Timer, a Major Fault —
occurs and the line side converter stops modulating. Use ‘Ride Thru’ (0) on systems that use
the 24V auxiliary power function.
‘Major Fault’ (1) – A Major Fault occurs immediately. Major Faults stop the line side
converter from modulating.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Line Voltage Unbalance alarm. %
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Line Voltage Unbalance alarm.
Line Voltage Unbalance must be above the Line Voltage Unbalance Limit longer than this s
delay for the alarm to occur.
Displays the Line Voltage Unbalance as a percentage of the AC Line Voltage.
This is the maximum difference between the line voltages (R-S Line Volts, S-T Line Volts, T-R %
Line Volts) and the average AC Line Voltage.

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Enter a value to set the threshold for the Line Current Unbalance alarm. %
Enter a value to set the time delay for the Line Current Unbalance alarm.
Line Current Unbalance must be above the Line Current Unbalance Limit longer than this s
delay for the alarm to occur.
Displays the Line Current Unbalance as a percentage of the AC Line Voltage.
This is the maximum difference between the phase currents (R Phase Current, S Phase %
Current, T Phase Current) and the average AC Line Current.

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Basic Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Synch Loss alarm. %

Enter a value to set the time delay for the Basic PLL Synch Loss alarm.
Basic PLL error voltage must be above the Basic PLL Synch Loss Limit longer than this delay ms
for the alarm to occur.

Displays the status of the line side converter.

Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the line side converter is ready to modulate and there are no Start
Bit 2 ‘AutoRstrt Act’ indicates the Auto Restart function is active.
Bit 3 ‘AuRstrCntDwn’ indicates Auto Restart is counting down the delay time programmed to
attempt a restart.
Bit 4 ‘HS Fan On’ indicates the Heatsink Fan(s) are running.
Bit 5 ‘Autotuning’ indicates the Autotuning function is active.
Bit 6 ‘Alarm’ indicates an Alarm is present. Alarms provide notification of events, but do not
prevent the line side converter from modulating.
Bit 7 ‘Fault’ indicates a Fault is present. Faults provide notification of events. They also
prevent the line side converter from modulating.
Bit 8 ‘At DC Ref’ indicates the actual DC Bus Voltage is within 1% of the DC Command.
Bit 9 ‘DrpGn Limit’ indicates user entered Droop Gain is being limited by control.
Bit 15 ‘Start Inhibit’ indicates a condition is inhibiting the line side converter from
modulating. —
Bit 16 ‘Running’ indicates that the line side converter is modulating.
Bit 21 ‘AC Ride Thru’ indicates the line side converter is executing a Ride Thru in response to
a power disturbance.
Bit 22 ‘InPhaseLoss’ indicates an Input Phase Loss condition is occurring.
Bit 23 ‘AC Line Sync’ indicates line side converter is synchronized with the frequency and
phase of the incoming power.
Bit 24 ‘kVAR OnlyAct’ indicates line side converter is commanding only Reactive Current.
Bit 25 ‘In Precharge’ indicates the line side converter is executing a precharge.
Bit 26 ‘At Limit’ indicates the output of one or more control functions is being limited. Refer
to parameter 13:226 [At Limit Status].
Bit 27 ‘Cur Limit’ indicates current is being limited by control.
Bit 28 ‘Conv Bus Reg’ indicates line side converter is actively regulating the DC Bus Voltage.
Bit 29 ‘Enable On’ indicates that the Enable input for the line side converter is closed or set.
Bit 30 ‘Motoring’ indicates line side converter is drawing power from the incoming AC line.
Bit 31 ‘Regenerating’ indicates line side converter is modulating and sending power to the
incoming AC line.

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Displays the At Limit Status of control functions in the line side converter.
Bit 0 ‘Current Lmt’ – Indicates that the Current regulator is constrained by level limits.
Bit 1 ‘BusObsLmt’ – Indicates that the Bus Observer is constrained by the current level limit.
Bit 2 ‘Mtrng PwrLmt’ – Indicates that the power that is drawn from the AC Input by the line
side converter is constrained by the Motoring Power Limit.
Bit 3 ‘Regen PwrLmt’ – Indicates that the power that is returned to the AC Input by the line
side converter is constrained by the Regenerative Power Limit.
Bit 4 ‘Vdc Cmd Lmt’ – Indicates that the DC Bus Voltage regulator is constrained by the level
Bit 5 ‘Vdc Rate Lmt’ – Indicates that the DC Bus Voltage regulator is constrained by the rate —
Bit 6 ‘Iq Cmd Lmt’ – Indicates that the quadrature component of current is constrained by
the level limit.
Bit 7 ‘Iq Rate Lmt’ – Indicates that the quadrature component of current is constrained by
the rate limit. This only applies when using an external reference.
Bit 8 ‘Id Cmd Lmt’ – Indicates that the direct component of current is constrained by the
level limit.
Bit 9 ‘kVAR Cmd Lmt’ – Indicates that the Reactive Power is constrained by the level limit.
Bit 10 ‘kVAR RateLmt’ – Indicates that the Reactive Power is constrained by the rate limit.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the current
is higher than the line side converter rating for present operating conditions.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
13069 ‘R Overload Flt’, 13070 ‘R Overload Alm’ %
Refer to parameter 13:28 [Derated Amps]. Operating without modulating the transistors
and operating with an elevated (boosted) DC Bus Reference will lower the threshold for
increasing the Overload Count.

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the current
is higher than the line side converter rating for present operating conditions.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
13071 ‘S Overload Flt’, 13072 ‘S Overload Alm’ %
Refer to parameter 13:28 [Derated Amps]. Operating without modulating the transistors
and operating with an elevated (boosted) DC Bus Reference will lower the threshold for
increasing the Overload Count.

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the current
is higher than the line side converter rating for present operating conditions.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
13073 ‘T Overload Flt’, 13073 ‘T Overload Alm’ %
Refer to parameter 13:28 [Derated Amps]. Operating without modulating the transistors
and operating with an elevated (boosted) DC Bus Reference will lower the threshold for
increasing the Overload Count.

Displays IGBT junction temperature in degrees Celsius. °C

Displays IGBT junction temperature as a percentage of the temperature threshold for a
Transistor Over Temperature Fault. %
Displays Heatsink temperature in degrees Celsius. °C
Displays Heatsink temperature as a percentage of the temperature threshold for a Heatsink
Over Temperature Fault. %

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Displays the conditions that are inhibiting the line side converter from starting and
Bit 0 ‘Faulted’ – indicates a Fault is present. Faults provide notification of events. They
prevent the line side converter from modulating.
Bit 1 ‘Alarm’ – indicates a Type 2 alarm is present. Type 2 alarms usually indicate a
configuration error. They prevent the line side converter from starting and modulating.
Bit 2 ‘Enable’ – indicates a digital input is configured for the line side converter Enable
function, and it is energized (set).
Bit 3 ‘Precharge’ – indicates the line side converter is executing a Precharge.
Bit 4 ‘Stop’ – indicates the line side converter is receiving a stop command.
Bit 5 ‘Database’ – indicates the database is performing a download operation. —
Bit 6 ‘Startup’ – indicates the assisted Start routine in the HIM is active and preventing a
Bit 7 ‘RotarySwitch’ – indicates the rotary switches on the main control board are set to a
combination that prevents start.
Bit 8 ‘Standby’ – Indicates the system is in a low energy (paused) state.
Bit 9 ‘PLL Not Lock’ – Indicates the line side converter phase locked loop is not synchronized
with AC line.
Bit 11 ‘DC Bus High’ – indicates a DC Bus Overvoltage fault has occurred.
Bit 12 ‘Ovrd Event’ – indicates the line side converter start is inhibited due to fault, but it can
continue running.

Displays the last condition to inhibit the line side converter from starting and modulating.
Bit 0 ‘Faulted’ – indicates a Fault was present. Faults provide notification of events. They
prevent the line side converter from modulating.
Bit 1 ‘Alarm’ – indicates a Type 2 alarm was present. Type 2 alarms usually indicate a
configuration error. They prevent the line side converter from starting and modulating.
Bit 2 ‘Enable’ – indicates a digital input was configured for the line side converter Enable
function, and it was not energized (set).
Bit 3 ‘Precharge’ – indicates the line side converter was executing a Precharge.
Bit 4 ‘Stop’ – indicates the line side converter was receiving a stop command.
Bit 5 ‘Database’ – indicates the database was performing a download operation.
Bit 6 ‘Startup’ – indicates the assisted Start routine in the HIM was active and prevented a —
Bit 7 ‘RotarySwitch’ – indicates the rotary switches on the main control board were set to a
combination that prevented start.
Bit 8 ‘Standby’ – Indicates the system was in a low energy (paused) state.
Bit 9 ‘PLL Not Lock’ – Indicates the line side converter phase locked loop was not
synchronized with AC line.
Bit 11 ‘DC Bus High’ – indicates a DC Bus Overvoltage fault had occurred.
Bit 12 ‘Ovrd Event’ – indicates the line side converter start was inhibited due to fault, but it
could continue running.

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Bit 1 ‘UnderVoltage’ indicates DC bus undervoltage.
Bit 2 ‘OverVoltage’ indicates DC bus overvoltage.
Bit 3 ‘HS OvrTemp’ indicates that a Heatsink Overtemperature event has been detected in
one of the power modules of the line side converter.
Bit 4 ‘TransistorOT’ indicates that a Transistor Overtemperature event has been detected in
one of the power modules of the line side converter.
Bit 5 ‘HS UnderTemp’ indicates that a Heatsink Undertemperature event has been detected
in one of the power modules of the line side converter.
Bit 6 ‘Reactor OT’ indicates that a Reactor Overtemperature event has been detected in one
of the LCL Filter modules of the line side converter.
Bit 7 ‘AuRstExhaust’ indicates the Auto Restart function has failed to clear a fault and restart
within the programmed number of times.
Bit 8 ‘SW OverCur’ indicates that Software in the line side converter has detected an
overcurrent condition.
Bit 9 ‘HW OverCur’ indicates that Hardware in the line side converter has detected an
overcurrent condition.
Bit 10 ‘Prchrg Open’ indicates the line side converter has opened the Precharge while it was
Bit 11 ‘HRG GF Sts’ indicates the High Resistance Ground (HRG) Ground Fault function has
detected a ground fault.
Bit 12 ‘HRG GF Local’ indicates the High Resistance Ground (HRG) Ground Fault function has —
determined the ground fault is likely associated with this drive.
Bit 13 ‘Ground Fault’ indicates Hardware has detected a Ground fault.
Bit 14 ‘Gnd Warning’ indicates measured ground current has exceeded the threshold for the
Ground Fault Warning.
Bit 15 ‘RideThruExpr’ indicates a power disturbance has lasted longer than the Ride Thru
Time and the Ride Thru Time has expired.
Bit 16 ‘V Unbalance’ indicates a Voltage Unbalance has occurred on the incoming AC power.
Bit 17 ‘I Unbalance’ indicates a Current Unbalance has occurred on the incoming AC power.
Bit 18 ‘DC Cur OC’ is not in CR.
Bit 19 ‘DC Cur Err’ is not in CR.
Bit 20 ‘InPhaseLoss’ indicates a Phase Loss has occurred on the incoming AC power.
Bit 21 ‘Inverter Flt’ indicates a fault in the motor side inverter control has caused the line
side converter to stop modulating.
Bit 22 ‘PLL Not Lock’ indicates the Phase Lock Loop has failed to synchronize with the
incoming AC power.
Bit 24 ‘IT OL L1’ indicates a Current Temperature Overload has occurred on the R (L1) phase
of the line side converter.
Bit 25 ‘IT OL L2’ indicates a Current Temperature Overload has occurred on the R (L1) phase
of the line side converter.
Bit 26 ‘IT OL L3’ indicates a Current Temperature Overload has occurred on the R (L1) phase
of the line side converter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Low Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 6 ‘L12 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 7 ‘L23 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 8 ‘L31 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 9 ‘L12 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 10 ‘L23 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 11 ‘L31 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage fault on AC Line A.
Bit 12 ‘Freq < UndrA’ – indicates the frequency is below the threshold for an Under
Frequency fault on AC Line A.
Bit 13 ‘Freq < LowA’ – indicates the frequency is below the threshold for a Low Frequency
fault on AC Line A.
Bit 14 ‘Freq > HighA’ – indicates the frequency is above the threshold for a High Frequency
fault on AC Line A.
Bit 15 ‘Freq > OverA’ – indicates the frequency is above the threshold for an Over Frequency
fault on AC Line A. —
Bit 16 ‘L12 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is below the threshold for an
Under Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 17 ‘L23 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is below the threshold for an
Under Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 18 ‘L31 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is below the threshold for
an Under Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 19 ‘L12 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 20 ‘L23 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 21 ‘L31 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 22 ‘L12 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 23 ‘L23 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 24 ‘L31 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage fault on AC Line B.
Bit 25 ‘L12 > OverB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage fault on AC Line B.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of certain conditions that can cause an Alarm.
Bit 3 ‘HS OvrTemp’ – indicates a Heatsink Over Temperature alarm has occurred.
Bit 4 ‘TransistorOT’ – indicates an IGBT Over Temperature alarm has occurred in a power
Bit 5 ‘HS UnderTemp’ – indicates a Heatsink Under Temperature alarm has occurred.
Bit 6 ‘Reactor OT’ – indicates a Reactor Over Temperature alarm has occurred in a power
Bit 7 ‘CL Reduced’ – the Thermal Manager has reduced the Current Limit of the line side
Bit 8 ‘Power Lmt’ – indicates the control is limiting the power of the line side converter.
Bit 12 ‘HRG GF Sts’ – indicates the High Resistance Ground (HRG) Ground Fault signal has
exceeded the threshold for an alarm.
Bit 13 ‘HRG GF Local’ – indicates the High Resistance Ground (HRG) Ground Fault function
has determined the ground fault is occurring within this drive or bus supply.
Bit 14 ‘Gnd Warning’ – indicates ground current has exceeded the Ground Fault Warning
threshold for alarm. —
Bit 16 ‘V Unbalance’ – indicates the Line Voltage Unbalance has exceeded the Line Voltage
Unbalance Limit longer than the Line Voltage Unbalance Delay.
Bit 17 ‘I Unbalance’ – indicates the Line Current Unbalance has exceeded the Line Current
Unbalance Limit longer than the Line Current Unbalance Delay.
Bit 21 ‘Inverter Alarm’ – indicates an alarm has occurred in the motor side inverter.
Bit 22 ‘PLL Not Lock’ – indicates the Basic Phase Lock Loop Error has exceeded the Basic
Phase Lock Loop Error Limit for longer than the Basic Phase Lock Loop Error Delay, or the
Symmetrical Phase Lock Loop Error has exceeded the Symmetrical Phase Lock Loop Error
Limit for longer than the Symmetrical Phase Lock Loop Error Delay.
Bit 24 ‘IT OL L1’ – indicates a Current over Time Overload has occurred on the R (l1) phase.
Bit 25 ‘IT OL L2’ – indicates a Current over Time Overload has occurred on the S (L2) phase.
Bit 26 ‘IT OL L3’ – indicates a Current over Time Overload has occurred on the T (l3) phase.
Bit 28 ‘LineFiltFuse’ – indicates an AC Line Filter Fuse has opened.
Bit 31 ‘TVSS Tripped’ – indicates the Transient Voltage Suppression System (MOV) in the AC
Precharge Module has tripped.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Low Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 6 ‘L12 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 7 ‘L23 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 8 ‘L31 > HighA’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 9 ‘L12 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 10 ‘L23 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 11 ‘L31 > OverA’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 12 ‘Freq < UndrA’ – indicates the frequency is below the threshold for an Under
Frequency alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 13 ‘Freq < LowA’ – indicates the frequency is below the threshold for a Low Frequency
alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 14 ‘Freq > HighA’ – indicates the frequency is above the threshold for a High Frequency
alarm on AC Line A.
Bit 15 ‘Freq > OverA’ – indicates the frequency is above the threshold for an Over Frequency
alarm on AC Line A. —
Bit 16 ‘L12 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is below the threshold for an
Under Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 17 ‘L23 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is below the threshold for an
Under Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 18 ‘L31 < UndrB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is below the threshold for
an Under Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 19 ‘L12 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 20 ‘L23 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 21 ‘L31 < LowB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is below the threshold for a
Low Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 22 ‘L12 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 23 ‘L23 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from S (L2) to T (L3) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 24 ‘L31 > HighB’ – indicates the voltage from T (L3) to R (L2) is above the threshold for a
High Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Bit 25 ‘L12 > OverB’ – indicates the voltage from R (L1) to S (L2) is above the threshold for an
Over Voltage alarm on AC Line B.
Displays the occurrence of conditions that have been cause Type 2 Alarms. Type 2 Alarms
are notifications of conditions. They do not stop the line side converter from modulating if it
is already running. They do prevent the line side converter from starting if it is not already —

Select a source for the 1st test point in this port.

Data from the selected testpoint is displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 1] or [Testpoint
DINT 1]. Typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See Port 13 Testpoint Codes spreadsheet for descriptions of the test points that are
available for this parameter.

Select a source for the 2nd test point in this port.

Data from the selected testpoint is displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 2] or [Testpoint
DINT 2]. Typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See Port 13 Testpoint Codes spreadsheet for descriptions of the test points that are
available for this parameter.

Select a source for the 3rd test point in this port.

Data from the selected testpoint is displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 3] or [Testpoint
DINT 3]. Typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See Port 13 Testpoint Codes spreadsheet for descriptions of the test points that are
available for this parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Select a source for the 4th test point in this port.
Data from the selected testpoint is displayed in parameters [Testpoint REAL 4] or [Testpoint
DINT 4]. Typically used by the factory for diagnostic purposes. —
See Port 13 Testpoint Codes spreadsheet for descriptions of the test points that are
available for this parameter.
Displays data of the 1st test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format
of the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 2nd test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format
of the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 3rd test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format
of the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 4th test point on this port in REAL (floating point) format. If the format
of the source is REAL, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 1st test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format
of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 2nd test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format
of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 3rd test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format
of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Displays data of the 4th test point on this port in DINT (double integer) format. If the format
of the source is DINT, use this parameter to read or trend the data stream. —

Select the mode for the Feed Forward Power function:

‘Disabled’ (0) – Feed forward power disabled.
‘Enabled’ (1) – Feed forward power calculates and compensates for the power demand from
the Motor Side Inverter. This sends a signal for power demand from the Motor Side Inverter
control to the Line Side Converter control. This is not available in bus supplies. —
This feature works in combination with Bus Observer Configuration to reject disturbances on
the DC bus.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to select whether Calculated values or User Entered values are applied to the
DC bus voltage regulator and Bus Observer.
Calculated values are determined by equations based on the values in parameters 13:306
[BusObs Sys BW] and 13:307 [BusObsSysDamping], as well as the rating of the Line Side
‘Calculated’ (0) – selects the Calculated ‘c’ values. —
‘User Entered’ (1) – selects the User Entered ‘u’ values.
‘LoadCalcData’ (2) – copies the Calculated ‘c’ values into the parameter for the User Entered
'u' values. This is useful for starting with the Calculated values and then adjusting them.
After performing the copy, this switch will revert to position 1 ‘User Entered’.

Enter the system bandwidth of the Bus Observer in units of Hz. This value is used to
generate Calculated values of the voltage regulator gains, and the Bus Observer gains. This
value only affects the calculated regulator gains, which are used when parameter13:305 Hz
[BusObs C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.

Enter the system damping factor for the Bus Observer and DC bus voltage regulator.
This automatically sets the damping for the voltage regulator and affects the calculated
gains of the Bus Observer and the voltage regulator.
A default value of 1.0 generates a critically damping system that is suitable for most of the
applications. Lowering the damping increases responsiveness but makes the response —
more oscillatory. Increasing the damping decreases responsiveness but makes the response
This value only affects the calculated regulator gains, which are used when parameter
10:905 [System C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.

Select the mode for the Bus Observer function:

‘Disabled’ (0) – Bus Observer disabled.
‘BusObs Only’ (1) – Bus Observer Only mode. In this mode, the Bus Observer compensates
for the unknown capacitance and it only decouples that load. The voltage control loop uses
the actual measured DC bus voltage as the feedback signal. The DC bus voltage regulator
BW and damping are set based on parameter 13:306 [BusObs Sys BW] and parameter
13:307 [BusObsSysDamping]. —
‘BusObsVltEst’ (2) – Bus Observer with voltage estimate mode. In this mode, the Bus
Observer compensates for unknown capacitance to decouple that load. In addition, the
voltage control uses the estimated DC bus voltage as the feedback signal. Parameter 13:52
[Ext Bus Cap] is not used in this mode. The DC bus voltage regulator BW and damping are
set based on parameter 13:306 [BusObs Sys BW] and parameter 13:307

Displays the calculated value of the Bus Observer proportional gain.

This value is used when parameter 13:305 [BusObs C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is calculated based on the settings in parameters 13:306 [BusObs Sys BW] and Hz
13:307 [BusObsSysDamping].

Enter the Bus Observer proportional gain in units of Hz.

This value is used when parameter 13:305 [BusObs C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

Displays the calculated value of the Bus Observer integral gain.

This value is used when parameter 13:305 [BusObs C/U Sel] is set to 0 ‘Calculated’.
This value is calculated based on the settings in parameters 13:306 [BusObs Sys BW] and Hz
13:307 [BusObsSysDamping].

Enter the Bus Observer integral gain in units of Hz.

This value is used when parameter 13:305 [BusObs C/U Sel] is set to 1 ‘User Entered’. Hz

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the DC bus current estimate from the Bus Observer. %

Displays the calculated DC current that is drawn by the integrated inverter. A

Enter a value to select the Droop control mode. In droop mode, the DC bus voltage
reference is a function of active current. See control block diagrams in publication 750-
‘Linear’(0) – Selects the Linear Mode for droop control. A piecewise linear function
determines the DC bus voltage reference. —
‘Nonlinear’ (1) – Selects Nonlinear Mode for droop control. A nonlinear function determines
the DC bus voltage reference. In regenerating operation, this function produces a lower DC
bus voltage than in Linear Mode. This reduces the need to derate. It improves energy

Enter a value to set full load droop gain as a percentage of the minimum DC bus voltage.
This gain is used by droop control when the absolute value of active current is greater than %
parameter 13:353 [Trans Droop Cur]. This parameter only affects the DC Bus voltage
reference when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Ref Sel] is set to 2 ‘Droop Control’.

Enter a value to set no load or light load droop gain as a percentage of the minimum DC bus
voltage. This gain is used by droop control when the absolute value of active current is less %
than parameter 13:353 [Trans Droop Cur]. This parameter only affects the DC Bus voltage
reference when parameter 13:45 [DC Bus Ref Sel] is set to 2 ‘Droop Control’.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter a value to set the Transition Droop Current. This defines the transition point in the
Linear Mode function where it changes from No Load Droop Gain to Full Load Droop Gain.
When the absolute value of active current is greater than Transition Droop Current, the
function uses the Full Load Droop Gain. See parameter 13:351 [FullLd DroopGain]. When the
absolute value of active current is less than Transition Droop Current, the function uses the %
No Load Droop Gain. See parameter 13:352 [NoLd DroopGain].
Only the Linear Mode uses this parameter. See parameter 13:350 [DroopCtrlModeSel]. Set
the value to zero to use the Full Load Droop Gain throughout the entire current range.

Displays active droop gain being used by Droop control as a percentage of the minimum DC
bus voltage. %

Displays maximum full load droop gain as a percentage of the minimum DC bus voltage.
When the value entered in parameter 13:351 [FullLd DroopGain] is greater than this
parameter, it will be limited to this parameter to keep DC bus voltage within its maximum %
Displays the No Load DC bus voltage reference for Droop control. VDC

Enter a value to set the minimum droop DC link voltage reference.

This improves current sharing between bus supplies that have unequal input voltages. Set to
a value higher than parameter 13:46 [Auto DC Bus Ref].
Design the distribution for equal voltages. Use this parameter to compensate differences VDC
and tolerances between transformers and cabling.
Droop Mode consumes this parameter only when it is set higher than the voltage level given

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max Settings

0.00 0.00 Rated Frequency x 2 —

0.0 0.0 25 [Rated Volts] x 1.25 —

0.00 0.00 25 [Rated Volts] x 1.25 —

0.00 0.00 25 [Rated Volts] x 1.25 —

0.00 0.00 25 [Rated Volts] x 1.25 —

0.0 26 [Rated Amps] x (-2.00) 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —

0.0 26 [Rated Amps] x (-2.00) 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —

0.0 26 [Rated Amps] x (-2.00) 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —

0.00 0.00 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —

0.00 0.00 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —
0.00 0.00 26 [Rated Amps] x 2.00 —
0.0 0.0 26 [Rated Amps] —

0.0 (-2) x 1.732 x 25 [Rated Volts]

x 26
x 26
Amps] x 1.1 x 25 [Rated Volts] —

0.0 (-2) x 1.732 x 25 [Rated Volts]

x 26
x 26
Amps] x 1.1 x 25 [Rated Volts] —

0.00 (-2) x 1.732 x 25 [Rated Volts]

2 x x1.732
26 [Rated
x 25 [Rated
Amps]Volts] x 26 [Rated Amps] —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -1.00 1.00 —

0.0 0.0 25 [Rated Volts] x 1.25 —

0 0 1 0 = Ready
1 = Reset

Bit 0 = Enable All (1)

Bit 1 = AC Line Freq (1)
Bit 2 = AC Line Vltg (1)
Bit 3 = AC Line Cur (1)
Bit 4 = Active Cur (1)
Bit 5 = Reactv Cur (1)
Bit 6 = Line kW (1)
See Settings: Bit 7 = Line kVA (1)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 8 = Line kVAR (1)
(1) = On Bit 9 = AC LL Volts (1)
Bit 10 = Power Factor (1)
Bit 11 = DC Bus Vltg (1)
Bit 12 = DC Bus Cur (1)
Bit 13 = Ground Cur (1)
Bit 14 = Phase Cur (1)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

Converter Voltage Class and

Duty Rating Dependent 0.00 690.00 —

Converter Voltage Class and

Duty Rating Dependent 0.00 9000.00 —

Converter Voltage Class and

Duty Rating Dependent 0.00 9000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Converter Voltage Class and 0.00 9000.00 —
Duty Rating Dependent

0 = 50.00 Hz
Based on Drive Rating 0 1 1 = 60.00 Hz

0 = AC Line A
0 0 1 1 = AC Line B

2500.0 1.0 14700.0 —

100.0 1.0 14700.0 —

5.00 1.00 100.00 —

5.00 1.00 100.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = PhaseRevAlm (1)
Bit 1 = Unbal V Comp (0)
Bit 2 = Actv CurLoop (0)
See Settings: Bit 3 = VarDCBAdjDis (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 4 = Reserved (0)
(1) = On Bit 5 = CapORsncAlrm (0)
Bit 6 = CapFailAlrm (0)
Bit 7 = VAR OnlyMode (0)
Bits 8…15 = Reserved (0)

5.0 0.0 60.0 —

100.00 0.00 200.00 —

HV Manual HV
Maximum DC Boost
Limit (FRT) if 0:34
DC Bus Undervoltage [VoltageClass Act] is set
10:20 [Rated Volts] x 1.46 Trip Level + 20V DC to high voltage —
LV Manual LV Maximum
DC Boost Limit (FRT) if
0:34 [VoltageClass Act]
is set to low voltage

HV Manual HV
Maximum DC Boost
Limit (FRT) if 0:34
DC Bus Undervoltage Trip Level + DC Bus Undervoltage [VoltageClass Act] is set
20V DC Trip Level + 20V DC to high voltage —
LV Manual LV Maximum
DC Boost Limit (FRT) if
0:34 [VoltageClass Act]
is set to low voltage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Auto
1 = Manual
0 0 4 2 = Droop Ctrl
3 = VAR Control
4 = DBC Control

25 [Rated Volts] x 1.46 0 DC Bus Undervoltage Trip Level - 20V DC —

130048 1 159999 —

400/480V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the maximum value
is 650V DC.
HV Manual HV If parameter 0:33
Maximum DC Boost [VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Limit (FRT) if 0:34 Voltage), the maximum value
DC Bus Undervoltage [VoltageClass Act] is set is 712V DC.
25 [Rated Volts] x 1.46 Trip Level + 20V DC to high voltage
LV Manual LV Maximum 600/690V Converters
DC Boost Limit (FRT) if If parameter 0:33
0:34 [VoltageClass Act] [VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
is set to low voltage Voltage), the maximum value
is 975V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the maximum value
is 1024V DC.

100.0 1.0 10000.0 —

0.0 0.0 1144.0 —

0.00 0.00 26 [Rated Amps] x 3000000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Calculated
0 0 2 1 = User Entered
2 = LoadCalcData

30.00 0.10 160.00 —

1.000 0.500 5.000 —

0.00 0.00 500.00 —

0.00 0.00 500.00 —

0.00 0.00 300000.00 —

0.00 0.00 300000.00 —

0 0 1 0 = Linear
1 = Nonlinear

400/480V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the maximum value
is 650V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the maximum value
DC Bus Undervoltage is 790V DC.
10:20 [Rated Volts] x √2 x 1.02 Trip Level + 20V DC See Settings
600/690V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the maximum value
is 975V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the maximum value
is 1135V DC.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

400/480V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the default and
maximum value is 650V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the default and
DC Bus Undervoltage maximum value is 790V DC.
See Settings Trip Level + 20V DC See Settings
600/690V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the default and
maximum value is 975V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the default and
maximum value is 1135V DC.

400/480V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the default value is
613.5V DC, the maximum
value is 650V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the default value is
741V DC, the maximum value
is 790V DC.
See Settings DC Bus Undervoltage See Settings
Trip Level + 20V DC 600/690V Converters
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the default value is
920V DC, the maximum value
is 975V DC.
If parameter 0:33
[VoltageClass Cfg] = 1 (High
Voltage), the default value is
1065V DC, the maximum
value is 1135V DC.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

25.00 0.00 200.00 —

5.00 0.00 200.00 —

0.00 for 755TL 0.00 for 755TL 0.00 —

-25.00 for 755TR -200.00 for 755TR

0.00 for 755TL 0.00 for 755TL 0.00 —

-5.00 for 755TR -200.00 for 755TR

(-1.0) x
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
0.0 Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty —
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

(-1.0) x
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
0.0 Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty —
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty

0.0 -9000.0 9000.0 —

100.00 1.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -9000.00 9000.00 —

0.00 -9000.00 9000.00 —

(-100) x
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
0.00 Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty —
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Calculated
0 0 2 1 = User Entered
2 = LoadCalcData

300.00 0.10 650.00 —

1.000 0.500 5.000 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 500.00 —

0.00 0.00 500.00 —

1.00 0.00 10.00 —

0.50 0.00 10.00 —

2.00 0.00 10.00 —

1.00 0.00 1000.00 —

Bit 0 = Reserved (0)

See Settings: Bit 1 = PLL Unbl Rej (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 2 = PLL DC Ofst (0)
(1) = On Bit 3 = PLL Freq Src (1)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

500.000 0.000 590.000 —

86666.000 0.000 87700.000 —

10.0 0.1 100.0 —
200.0 0.0 400.0 —
700.0 1.0 800.0 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

62.80 6.28 125.00 —

Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Current 0/Converter LV 3 Second
Normal Duty 0.00 Current Normal Duty —
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter LV 3 Second Current 0/Converter LV 3 Second
Normal Duty 0.00 Current Normal Duty —
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 Second
Current Light Duty
Converter HV 3 Second
Current Light Duty

100.00 1.00 1000.00 —

(-200.00) for 755TR and 755TM (-200.00) for 755TR and

bus supply 755TM bus supply 0.00 —
0.00 for 755TL 0.00 for 755TL

200.00 0.00 200.00 —

-9000.00 for 755TR

-9000.00 for 755TR -9000.00 for 755TM bus
-9000.00 for 755TM bus supply supply 0.00 —
0.00 for 755TL 0.00 for 755TL

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 9000.00 —

50.00 0.00 200.00 —

-50.00 -200.00 0.00 —

50.00 40.00 60.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

88.00 50.00 88.00 —

1.00 0.10 2.00 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

110.00 110.00 112.00 —

1.00 0.10 2.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

112.00 110.00 113.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

50.00 40.00 60.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

88.00 50.00 88.00 —

1.00 0.10 2.00 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

110.00 110.00 112.00 —

1.00 0.10 2.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

112.00 110.00 113.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

-3.00 -4.00 -2.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

-0.70 -3.00 -0.20 —

1.00 0.16 300.00 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0.40 0.10 0.50 —

1.00 0.16 300.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0.50 0.40 0.60 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

-3.00 -4.00 -2.00 —

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

-0.70 -3.00 -0.20 —

1.00 0.16 300.00 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0.40 0.10 0.50 —

1.00 0.16 300.00 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0.50 0.40 0.60 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.16 0.10 0.20 —

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
1 = Type 2 Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Ride Thru
3 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

1.00 0.10 3000.00 —

0 = Ignore
1 = Type 2 Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Ride Thru
3 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Type 2 Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Ride Thru
3 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
1 = Type 2 Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Ride Thru
3 = Major Fault

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Type 2 Alarm
2 = Major Fault

0 = Ride Thru
0 0 1 1 = Major Fault

10.00 1.00 20.00 —

10.00 1.00 30.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.00 1.00 20.00 —

10.00 1.00 30.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

10.00 1.00 20.00 —

0.00 0.00 5.00 —

Bit 0 = Ready (0)

Bit 1 = Reserved (0)
Bit 2 = AutoRstrt Act (0)
Bit 3 = AuRstrCntDwn (0)
Bit 4 = HS Fan On (0)
Bit 5 = Autotuning (0)
Bit 6 = Alarm (0)
Bit 7 = Fault (0)
Bit 8 = At DC Ref (0)
Bit 9 = DrpGn Limit (0)
Bits 10…14 = Reserved (0)
See Settings: Bit 15 = Start Inhibit (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 16 = Running (0)
(1) = On Bits 17…20 = Reserved (0)
Bit 21 = AC Ride Thru (0)
Bit 22 = InPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 23 = AC Line Sync (0)
Bit 24 = kVAR OnlyAct (0)
Bit 25 = In Precharge (0)
Bit 26 = At Limit (0)
Bit 27 = Cur Limit (0)
Bit 28 = Conv Bus Reg (0)
Bit 29 = Enable On (0)
Bit 30 = Motoring (0)
Bit 31 = Regenerating (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Current Lmt (0)
Bit 1 = BusObsLmt (0)
Bit 2 = Mtrng PwrLmt (0)
Bit 3 = Regen PwrLmt (0)
Bit 4 = Vdc Cmd Lmt (0)
See Settings: Bit 5 = Vdc Rate Lmt (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 6 = Iq Cmd Lmt (0)
(1) = On Bit 7 = Iq Rate Lmt (0)
Bit 8 = Id Cmd Lmt (0)
Bit 9 = kVAR Cmd Lmt (0)
Bit 10 = kVAR RateLmt (0)
Bits 11…15 = Reserved (0)

0.00 0.00 200.00 —

0.00 0.00 200.00 —

0.00 0.00 200.00 —

0.00 0.00 150.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —
0.00 0.00 150.00 —
0.00 0.00 100.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Faulted (0)
Bit 1 = Alarm (0)
Bit 2 = Enable (0)
Bit 3 = Precharge (0)
Bit 4 = Stop (0)
Bit 5 = Database (0)
See Settings: Bit 6 = Startup (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 7 = RotarySwitch (0)
(1) = On Bit 8 = Standby (0)
Bit 9 = PLL Not Lock (0)
Bit 10 = Reserved (0)
Bit 11 = DC Bus High (0)
Bit 12 = Ovrd Event (0)
Bits 13…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Faulted (0)

Bit 1 = Alarm (0)
Bit 2 = Enable (0)
Bit 3 = Precharge (0)
Bit 4 = Stop (0)
Bit 5 = Database (0)
See Settings: Bit 6 = Startup (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 7 = RotarySwitch (0)
(1) = On Bit 8 = Standby (0)
Bit 9 = PLL Not Lock (0)
Bit 10 = Reserved (0)
Bit 11 = DC Bus High (0)
Bit 12 = Ovrd Event
Bits 13…15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Reserved (0)
Bit 1 = UnderVoltage (0)
Bit 2 = OverVoltage (0)
Bit 3 = HS OvrTemp (0)
Bit 4 = TransistorOT (0)
Bit 5 = HS UnderTemp (0)
Bit 6 = Reactor OT (0)
Bit 7 = AuRstExhaust (0)
Bit 8 = SW OverCur (0)
Bit 9 = HW OverCur (0)
Bit 10 = Prchrg Open (0)
Bit 11 = HRG GF Sts (0)
Bit 12 = HRG GF Local (0)
See Settings: Bit 13 = Ground Fault (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 14 = Gnd Warning (0)
(1) = On Bit 15 = RideThruExpr (0)
Bit 16 = V Unbalance (0)
Bit 17 = I Unbalance (0)
Bit 18 = DC Cur OC (0)
Bit 19 = DC Cur Err (0)
Bit 20 = InPhaseLoss (0)
Bit 21 = Inverter Flt (0)
Bit 22 = PLL Not Lock (0)
Bit 23 = Reserved (0)
Bit 24 = IT OL L1 (0)
Bit 25 = IT OL L2 (0)
Bit 26 = IT OL L3 (0)
Bit 27 = Reserved (0)
Bit 28 = LineFiltFuse (0)
Bits 29…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = L12 < UndrA (0)
Bit 1 = L23 < UndrA (0)
Bit 2 = L31 < UndrA (0)
Bit 3 = L12 < LowA (0)
Bit 4 = L23 < LowA (0)
Bit 5 = L31 < LowA (0)
Bit 6 = L12 > HighA (0)
Bit 7 = L23 > HighA (0)
Bit 8 = L31 > HighA (0)
Bit 9 = L12 > OverA (0)
Bit 10 = L23 > OverA (0)
Bit 11 = L31 > OverA (0)
Bit 12 = Freq < UndrA (0)
Bit 13 = Freq < LowA (0)
See Settings: Bit 14 = Freq > HighA (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 15 = Freq > OverA (0)
(1) = On Bit 16 = L12 < UndrB (0)
Bit 17 = L23 < UndrB (0)
Bit 18 = L31 < UndrB (0)
Bit 19 = L12 < LowB (0)
Bit 20 = L23 < LowB (0)
Bit 21 = L31 < LowB (0)
Bit 22 = L12 > HighB (0)
Bit 23 = L23 > HighB (0)
Bit 24 = L31 > HighB (0)
Bit 25 = L12 > OverB (0)
Bit 26 = L23 > OverB (0)
Bit 27 = L31 > OverB (0)
Bit 28 = Freq < UndrB (0)
Bit 29 = Freq < LowB (0)
Bit 30 = Freq > HighB (0)
Bit 31 = Freq > OverB (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bits 0…2 = Reserved (0)
Bit 3 = HS OvrTemp (0)
Bit 4 = TransistorOT (0)
Bit 5 = HS UnderTemp (0)
Bit 6 = Reactor OT (0)
Bit 7 = CL Reduced (0)
Bit 8 = Power Lmt (0)
Bits 9…11 Reserved (0)
Bit 12 = HRG GF Sts (0)
Bit 13 = HRG GF Local (0)
Bit 14 = Gnd Warning (0)
See Settings: Bit 15 = Reserved (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 16 = V Unbalance (0)
(1) = On Bit 17 = I Unbalance (0)
Bits 18…20 = Reserved (0)
Bit 21 = Inverter Alarm (0)
Bit 22 = PLL Not Lock (0)
Bit 23 = Reserved (0)
Bit 24 = IT OL L1 (0)
Bit 25 = IT OL L2 (0)
Bit 26 = IT OL L3 (0)
Bit 27 = Reserved (0)
Bit 28 = LineFiltFuse (0)
Bits 29…30 = Reserved (0)
Bit 31 = TVSS Tripped (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = L12 < UndrA (0)
Bit 1 = L23 < UndrA (0)
Bit 2 = L31 < UndrA (0)
Bit 3 = L12 < LowA (0)
Bit 4 = L23 < LowA (0)
Bit 5 = L31 < LowA (0)
Bit 6 = L12 > HighA (0)
Bit 7 = L23 > HighA (0)
Bit 8 = L31 > HighA (0)
Bit 9 = L12 > OverA (0)
Bit 10 = L23 > OverA (0)
Bit 11 = L31 > OverA (0)
Bit 12 = Freq < UndrA (0)
Bit 13 = Freq < LowA (0)
See Settings: Bit 14 = Freq > HighA (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 15 = Freq > OverA (0)
(1) = On Bit 16 = L12 < UndrB (0)
Bit 17 = L23 < UndrB (0)
Bit 18 = L31 < UndrB (0)
Bit 19 = L12 < LowB (0)
Bit 20 = L23 < LowB (0)
Bit 21 = L31 < LowB (0)
Bit 22 = L12 > HighB (0)
Bit 23 = L23 > HighB (0)
Bit 24 = L31 > HighB (0)
Bit 25 = L12 > OverB (0)
Bit 26 = L23 > OverB (0)
Bit 27 = L31 > OverB (0)
Bit 28 = Freq < UndrB (0)
Bit 29 = Freq < LowB (0)
Bit 30 = Freq > HighB (0)
Bit 31 = Freq > OverB (0)

0 0 1 —

0 0 999 —

0 0 999 —

0 0 999 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 999 —

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0.000000 -220000000.000000 220000000.000000 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 -2147483648 2147483647 —

0 = Disabled
1 0 1 1 = Enabled

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Calculated
0 0 1 1 = User Entered
2 = LoadCalcData

60.00 10.00 600.00 —

1.000 0.400 5.000 —

0 = Disabled
2 0 2 1 = BusObs Only
2 = BusObsVltEst

60.00 0.00 6000.00 —

60.00 0.00 6000.00 —

900.00 0.00 9000.00 —

900.00 0.00 9000.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

(-1.15) x (√3/√2) x 1.15 x (√3/√2) x
Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
Normal Duty Normal Duty
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
0.00 Heavy Duty Heavy Duty —
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
Light Duty Light Duty
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty

(-1.15) x (√3/√2) x 1.15 x (√3/√2) x

Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
Normal Duty Normal Duty
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Normal Duty Current Normal Duty
Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
0.00 Heavy Duty Heavy Duty —
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Heavy Duty Current Heavy Duty
Converter LV 3 s Current Converter LV 3 s Current
Light Duty Light Duty
Converter HV 3 s Converter HV 3 s
Current Light Duty Current Light Duty

0 0 1 0 = Linear
1 = Nonlinear

5.00 0.00 100.00 —

1.00 0.00 10.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

50.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 1144.00 —

400/480V Converters
If parameter 0:34
[VoltageClass Act] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the maximum value
is 577V DC.
If parameter 0:34
[VoltageClass Act] = 1 (High
Voltage), the maximum value
is 692V DC.
0.0 0.0 1144.0
600/690V Converters
If parameter 0:34
[VoltageClass Act] = 0 (Low
Voltage), the maximum value
is 865V DC.
If parameter 0:34
[VoltageClass Act] = 1 (High
Voltage), the maximum value
is 995V DC.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O
FW Version Read- Access
PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x 16-bits RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes Yes Yes

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No Yes

10.x Real RW 1 No No No
10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-Bits RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 Yes Yes No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x 16-Bits RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 2 No No No
10.x Real RO 2 No No No
10.x Real RW 2 No No No
10.x Real RW 2 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

11.x Real RW 1 No No No

11.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-Bits RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 16-Bits RO 0 No No No

10.x 16-Bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-Bits RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RW 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Low
Applicable to Integrated Applicable to CBIs Applicable to AFE Bus
Harmonic Drives
AFE Drives (PF755TR)? (PF755TM)? Supplies (PF755TM)?

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No No

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

No Yes No No

No Yes No No

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

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Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Yes Yes No Yes

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Applicable to Frame 5…6 Applicable to Frame 6
Applicable to Low Power
Panel Mount Drives Panel Mount Bus Supplies Drives (755TS)?
(PF755TR and PF755TL)? (PF755TM)?

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No
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Yes No No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

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Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Primary File Secondary File Primary Group

1 Sys Rated Amps Line Side Common — System Ratings

2 Sys Rated Volts Line Side Common — System Ratings

8 L Side Fault Line Side Common — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

9 L Side Alarm Line Side Common — Status

10 Online Status Line Side Common — Status

11 L CorProt Status Line Side Common — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

12 F CorProt Status Line Side Common — Status

100 L0 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

101 L0 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

105 L0 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

106 L0 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
107 L0 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

108 L0 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

109 L0 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

111 L0 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

113 L0 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

114 L0 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

115 L0 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

117 L0 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

118 L0 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

119 L0 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

120 L0 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

121 L0 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

122 L0HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

123 L0 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

124 L0 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

125 L0 HS Fan 2 Spd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

126 L0 PFB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

131 L0 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

148 L0 St Fan 1 Spd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

149 L0 St Fan 2 Spd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

200 L1 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
201 L1 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
205 L1 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
206 L1 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
207 L1 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

208 L1 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

209 L1 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

211 L1 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

213 L1 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

214 L1 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

215 L1 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

217 L1 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

218 L1 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

219 L1 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

220 L1 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

221 L1 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

222 L1HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

223 L1 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

224 L1 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

231 L1 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

300 L2 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

301 L2 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
305 L2 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
306 L2 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
307 L2 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

308 L2 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

309 L2 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

311 L2 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

313 L2 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

314 L2 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

315 L2 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

317 L2 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

318 L2 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

319 L2 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

320 L2 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

321 L2 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

322 L2HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

323 L2 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

324 L2 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

331 L2 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

400 L3 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

401 L3 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
405 L3 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
406 L3 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
407 L3 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

408 L3 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

409 L3 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

411 L3 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

413 L3 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

414 L3 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

415 L3 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

417 L3 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

418 L3 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

419 L3 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

420 L3 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

421 L3 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

422 L3HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

423 L3 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

424 L3 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

431 L3 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

500 L4 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

501 L4 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
505 L4 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
506 L4 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
507 L4 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

508 L4 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

509 L4 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

511 L4 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

513 L4 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

514 L4 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

515 L4 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

517 L4 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

518 L4 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

519 L4 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

520 L4 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

521 L4 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

522 L4HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

523 L4 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

524 L4 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

531 L4 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

600 L5 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

601 L5 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
605 L5 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
606 L5 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
607 L5 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

608 L5 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

609 L5 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

611 L5 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

613 L5 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

614 L5 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

615 L5 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

617 L5 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

618 L5 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

619 L5 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

620 L5 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

621 L5 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

622 L5HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

623 L5 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

624 L5 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

631 L5 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

700 L6 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

701 L6 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
705 L6 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
706 L6 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
707 L6 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

708 L6 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

709 L6 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

711 L6 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

713 L6 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

714 L6 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

715 L6 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

717 L6 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

718 L6 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

719 L6 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

720 L6 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

721 L6 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

722 L6HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

723 L6 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

724 L6 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

731 L6 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

800 L7 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

801 L7 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
805 L7 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
806 L7 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
807 L7 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

808 L7 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

809 L7 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

811 L7 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

813 L7 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

814 L7 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

815 L7 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

817 L7 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

818 L7 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

819 L7 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

820 L7 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

821 L7 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

822 L7HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

823 L7 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

824 L7 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

831 L7 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

900 L8 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

901 L8 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
905 L8 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
906 L8 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
907 L8 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

908 L8 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

909 L8 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

911 L8 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

913 L8 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

914 L8 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

915 L8 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

917 L8 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

918 L8 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

919 L8 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

920 L8 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

921 L8 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

922 L8HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

923 L8 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

924 L8 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

931 L8 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1000 L9 Rated Volts L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating

1001 L9 Rated Amps L0…L9 Power Module — Module Rating
1005 L9 CurrentFdbk R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
1006 L9 CurrentFdbk S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering
1007 L9 CurrentFdbk T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1008 L9 GroundCurrent L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1009 L9 DC BusVoltage L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1011 L9 IGBT Temp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1013 L9 Cur OLCount R L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1014 L9 Cur OLCount S L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1015 L9 Cur OLCount T L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1017 L9 HeatsinkTempR L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1018 L9 HeatsinkTempS L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1019 L9 HeatsinkTempT L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1020 L9 PLI BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1021 L9 PIB BoardTemp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1022 L9HeatsinkFanSpd L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1023 L9 Life MtrMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1024 L9 Life RgnMWHrs L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1031 L9 Meas Amb Tmp L0…L9 Power Module — Metering

1100 ACP0 Status AC Precharge — Status

1105 ACP0 LineVltg RS AC Precharge — Metering

1106 ACP0 LineVltg TR AC Precharge — Metering
1107 ACP0 LineVltg ST AC Precharge — Metering
1109 ACP0 DC Bus Vltg AC Precharge — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1110 ACP1 Status AC Precharge — Status

1111 ACP0 BoardTemp AC Precharge — Metering

1112 ACP0 PwrSup Vltg AC Precharge — Metering

1115 ACP1 LineVltg RS AC Precharge — Metering

1116 ACP1 LineVltg TR AC Precharge — Metering
1117 ACP1 LineVltg ST AC Precharge — Metering
1119 ACP1 DC Bus Vltg AC Precharge — Metering

1121 ACP1 BoardTemp AC Precharge — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1122 ACP1 PwrSup Vltg AC Precharge — Metering

1130 ACP FD1 Off Actn AC Precharge — Configuration

1131 ACP TVSS Action AC Precharge — Configuration

1132 ACP CP Low Actn AC Precharge — Configuration

1200 F0 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1201 F0 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1205 F0 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1206 F0 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1210 F0 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1211 F0 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1212 F0 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1213 F0 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1216 F0 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1217 F0 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1218 F0 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1219 F0 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1222 F0 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1223 F0 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1224 F0 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1225 F0 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1226 F0 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1229 F0 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1232 F0 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1233 F0HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1234 F0 HS Fan 2 Spd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1241 F0 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1400 F2 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1401 F2 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1405 F2 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1406 F2 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1410 F2 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1411 F2 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1412 F2 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1413 F2 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1416 F2 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1417 F2 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1418 F2 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1419 F2 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1422 F2 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1423 F2 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1424 F2 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1425 F2 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1426 F2 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1429 F2 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1432 F2 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1433 F2HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1441 F2 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1500 F3 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1501 F3 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1505 F3 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1506 F3 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1510 F3 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1511 F3 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1512 F3 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1513 F3 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1516 F3 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1517 F3 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1518 F3 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1519 F3 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1522 F3 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1523 F3 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1524 F3 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1525 F3 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1526 F3 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1529 F3 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1532 F3 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1533 F3HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1541 F3 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1600 F4 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1601 F4 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1605 F4 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1606 F4 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1610 F4 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1611 F4 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1612 F4 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1613 F4 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1616 F4 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1617 F4 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1618 F4 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1619 F4 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1622 F4 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1623 F4 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1624 F4 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1625 F4 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1626 F4 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1629 F4 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1632 F4 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1633 F4HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1641 F4 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1700 F5 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1701 F5 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1705 F5 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1706 F5 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1710 F5 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1711 F5 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1712 F5 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1713 F5 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1716 F5 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1717 F5 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1718 F5 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1719 F5 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1722 F5 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1723 F5 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1724 F5 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1725 F5 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1726 F5 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1729 F5 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1732 F5 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1733 F5HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1741 F5 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1800 F6 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1801 F6 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1805 F6 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1806 F6 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1810 F6 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1811 F6 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1812 F6 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1813 F6 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1816 F6 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1817 F6 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1818 F6 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1819 F6 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1822 F6 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1823 F6 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1824 F6 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1825 F6 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1826 F6 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1829 F6 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1832 F6 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1833 F6HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1841 F6 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1900 F7 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1901 F7 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

1905 F7 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1906 F7 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

1910 F7 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1911 F7 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1912 F7 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1913 F7 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1916 F7 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1917 F7 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1918 F7 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1919 F7 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1922 F7 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1923 F7 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1924 F7 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1925 F7 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1926 F7 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1929 F7 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1932 F7 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

1933 F7HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

1941 F7 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2100 F9 Rated Volts F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

2101 F9 Rated Amps F0…F9 LCL Filter — Module Rating

2105 F9 CapFltResCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

2106 F9 CapFltClrCode F0…F9 LCL Filter — Status

2110 F9 Cap LPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2111 F9 Cap LPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2112 F9 Cap LPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2113 F9 CapLPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2116 F9 Cap BPF Cur R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2117 F9 Cap BPF Cur S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2118 F9 Cap BPF Cur T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2119 F9 CapBPF CurAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2122 F9 Cap Voltage R F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2123 F9 Cap Voltage S F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2124 F9 Cap Voltage T F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2125 F9 CapVoltageAvg F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2126 F9 CapVoltageRSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2129 F9 Cap Curr RSS F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2132 F9 CSB BoardTemp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2133 F9HeatsinkFanSpd F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

2141 F9 Meas Amb Tmp F0…F9 LCL Filter — Metering

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Secondary Group Full Name

— Line Side Converter Current Rating

— Line Side Converter Voltage Rating

— Line Side Fault

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— Line Side Alarm

— Online Status Display

— Converter Corrosion Protection Status

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— LCL Filter Corrosion Protection Status

— L0 Voltage Rating

— L0 Current Rating

— L0 Current Feedback R (L1) Display

— L0 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L0 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L0 Ground Current Display

— L0 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L0 IGBT Temperature

— L0 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L0 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L0 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L0 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L0 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L0 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L0 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L0 Power Interface Board Temp

— L0 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L0 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L0 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— L0 Heatsink Fan 2 Speed

— L0 Power Feedback Board Temp

— LineSideConv0 Measured Ambient Temp

— L0 First Stirring Fan Speed

— L0 Second Stirring Fan Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L1 Voltage Rating
— L1 Current Rating
— L1 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L1 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L1 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L1 Ground Current Display

— L1 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L1 IGBT Temperature

— L1 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L1 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L1 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L1 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L1 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L1 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L1 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L1 Power Interface Board Temp

— L1 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L1 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L1 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv1 Measured Ambient Temp

— L2 Voltage Rating
— L2 Current Rating
— L2 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L2 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L2 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L2 Ground Current Display

— L2 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L2 IGBT Temperature

— L2 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L2 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L2 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L2 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L2 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L2 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L2 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L2 Power Interface Board Temp

— L2 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L2 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L2 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv2 Measured Ambient Temp

— L3 Voltage Rating
— L3 Current Rating
— L3 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L3 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L3 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L3 Ground Current Display

— L3 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L3 IGBT Temperature

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L3 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L3 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L3 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L3 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L3 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L3 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L3 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L3 Power Interface Board Temp

— L3 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L3 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L3 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— LineSideConv3 Measured Ambient Temp

— L4 Voltage Rating
— L4 Current Rating
— L4 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L4 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L4 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L4 Ground Current Display

— L4 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L4 IGBT Temperature

— L4 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L4 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L4 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L4 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L4 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L4 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L4 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L4 Power Interface Board Temp

— L4 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L4 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L4 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv4 Measured Ambient Temp

— L5 Voltage Rating
— L5 Current Rating
— L5 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L5 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L5 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L5 Ground Current Display

— L5 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L5 IGBT Temperature

— L5 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L5 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L5 Current Overload Count T (L3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L5 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L5 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L5 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L5 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L5 Power Interface Board Temp

— L5 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L5 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L5 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv5 Measured Ambient Temp

— L6 Voltage Rating
— L6 Current Rating
— L6 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L6 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L6 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L6 Ground Current Display

— L6 DC Bus Voltage Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L6 IGBT Temperature

— L6 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L6 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L6 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L6 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L6 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L6 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L6 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L6 Power Interface Board Temp

— L6 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L6 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L6 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— LineSideConv6 Measured Ambient Temp

— L7 Voltage Rating
— L7 Current Rating
— L7 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L7 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L7 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L7 Ground Current Display

— L7 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L7 IGBT Temperature

— L7 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L7 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L7 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L7 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L7 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L7 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L7 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L7 Power Interface Board Temp

— L7 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L7 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L7 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv7 Measured Ambient Temp

— L8 Voltage Rating
— L8 Current Rating
— L8 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L8 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L8 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L8 Ground Current Display

— L8 DC Bus Voltage Display

— L8 IGBT Temperature

— L8 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L8 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L8 Current Overload Count T (L3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L8 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L8 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L8 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L8 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L8 Power Interface Board Temp

— L8 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L8 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L8 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

— LineSideConv8 Measured Ambient Temp

— L9 Voltage Rating
— L9 Current Rating
— L9 Current Feedback R (L1) Display
— L9 Current Feedback S (L2) Display
— L9 Current Feedback T (L3) Display

— L9 Ground Current Display

— L9 DC Bus Voltage Display

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— L9 IGBT Temperature

— L9 Current Overload Count R (L1)

— L9 Current Overload Count S (L2)

— L9 Current Overload Count T (L3)

— L9 Heatsink Temperature R (L1)

— L9 Heatsink Temperature S (L2)

— L9 Heatsink Temperature T (L3)

— L9 Power Layer Interface Board Temp

— L9 Power Interface Board Temp

— L9 Heatsink Fan Speed

— L9 Lifetime Motoring Megawatt Hours

— L9 Lifetime Regenerating Megawatt Hours

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— LineSideConv9 Measured Ambient Temp

— ACP0 Status Display

— ACP0 Line Voltage R (L1) - S (L2)

— ACP0 Line Voltage T (L3) - R (L1)
— ACP0 Line Voltage S (L2) - T (L3)
— AC Precharge 0 DC Bus Voltage

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— ACP1 Status Display

— AC Precharge 0 Board Temperature

— AC Power Supply Voltage

— ACP1 Line Voltage R (L1) - S (L2)

— ACP1 Line Voltage T (L3) - R (L1)
— ACP1 Line Voltage S (L2) - T (L3)
— ACP1 DC Bus Voltage

— ACP1 Board Temperature

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— ACP1 AC Power Supply Voltage

— AC Precharge Fused Disc 1 Off Action

— AC Precharge TVSS Blown Action

— AC Precharge Control Power Low Action

— F0 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F0 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F0 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F0 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F0 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F0 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F0 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F0 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F0 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F0 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F0 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F0 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F0 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F0 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F0 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F0 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F0 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F0 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F0 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F0 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F0 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan 2 Speed

— F0 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F2 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F2 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F2 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

— F2 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F2 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F2 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F2 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F2 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F2 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F2 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F2 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F2 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F2 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F2 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F2 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F2 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F2 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F2 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F2 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F2 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

— F0 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F3 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F3 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F3 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

— F3 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F3 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F3 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F3 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F3 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F3 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F3 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F3 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F3 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F3 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F3 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F3 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F3 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F3 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F3 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F3 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F3 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

— F3 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F4 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F4 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F4 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F4 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F4 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F4 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F4 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F4 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F4 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F4 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F4 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F4 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F4 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F4 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F4 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F4 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F4 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F4 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F4 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F4 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F4 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F5 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F5 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F5 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

— F5 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F5 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F5 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F5 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F5 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F5 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F5 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F5 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F5 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F5 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F5 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F5 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F5 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F5 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F5 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F5 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F5 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

— F5 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F6 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F6 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F6 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

— F6 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F6 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F6 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F6 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F6 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F6 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F6 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F6 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F6 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F6 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F6 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F6 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F6 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F6 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F6 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F6 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F6 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

— F6 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F7 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F7 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F7 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F7 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F7 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F7 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F7 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F7 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F7 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F7 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F7 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F7 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F7 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F7 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

— F7 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F7 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F7 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F7 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F7 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F7 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F7 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

— F9 LCL Filter Voltage Rating

— F9 LCL Filter Current Rating

— F9 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Reset Code

— F9 LCL Filter Capacitor Fault Clear Code

— F9 LCL Capacitor LPF Current R (L1)

— F9 LCL Capacitor LPF Current S (L2)

— F9 LCL Capacitor LPF Current T (L3)

— F9 LCL Capacitor LPF Current Average

— F9 LCL Capacitor BPF Current R (L1)

— F9 LCL Capacitor BPF Current S (L2)

— F9 LCL Capacitor BPF Current T (L3)

— F9 LCL Capacitor BPF Current Average

— F9 LCL Capacitor Voltage R (L1)

— F9 LCL Capacitor Voltage S (L2)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

— F9 LCL Capacitor Voltage T (L3)

— F9 LCL Capacitor Voltage Average

— F9 LCL Filter Vltg Root Sum of Squares

— F9 LCL Filter Curr Root Sum of Squares

— F9 LCL Filter Current Sense Board Temp

— F9 LCL Filter Heatsink Fan Speed

— F9 LCL Filter Measured Ambient Temp

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Description Units

Displays the continuous output current rating of line side converter in RMS Amps.
This value depends on the rating of the hardware. It reflects the settings of parameters
0:34 [VoltageClass Act] and 0:36 [Duty Rating Act]. A
This displays the same value as parameter 13:26 [Rated Amps].
Displays the voltage rating of the entire line side converter. A

Displays whether the power modules, LCL filter modules, and AC precharge modules in the
line side converter have faults.
There is a bit for each power module (Ln), LCL filter module (Fn), and AC precharge module
(ACPn). —
A zero indicates the module does not have a fault.
A one indicates the module has a fault.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays whether the power modules, LCL filter modules, and AC precharge modules in the
line side converter have alarms.
There is a bit for each power module (Ln), LCL filter module (Fn), and AC precharge module
(ACPn). —
A zero indicates the module does not have an alarm.
A one indicates the module has an alarm.

Displays whether the power modules in the line side converter successfully established
fiber optic communications.
There is a bit for each power module. —
A zero indicates the power module has not established communications.
A one indicates the power module has established communications.

Displays the status of XT corrosive gas protection for each installed converter power
Each bit corresponds to a power structure in the line side converter.
A value of 0 indicates that the corresponding power structure does not provide XT —
protection from corrosive gases.
A value of 1 indicates that the corresponding power structure provides XT protection from
corrosive gases.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the status of XT corrosive gas protection for each installed LCL filter module.
Each bit corresponds to an LCL filter in the line side converter.
A value of 0 indicates that the corresponding LCL filter does not provide XT protection from
corrosive gases. —
A value of 1 indicates that the corresponding LCL filter provides XT protection from
corrosive gases.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module.

The displayed value for this parameter is 0 for frame 5 and 6 PowerFlex® 755TR, 755TL, and A
755TM products.
Displays the current rating of the individual power module.
The displayed value for this parameter is 0 for frame 5 and 6 PowerFlex 755TR, 755TL, and A
755TM products.
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 14051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the speed of the second heatsink fan in RPM for Panel Mount frame 5…7 drives
and bus supplies.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement from the power feedback board in frame 5 and 6
panel mount drives and bus supplies in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the speed of the first stirring fan in RPM for Panel Mount Frame 5 and 6 drives and
bus supplies.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14066 ‘Stir Fan 1 Alarm’, 14067 ‘Stir Fan 1 Fault’

Displays the speed of the second stirring fan in RPM for Panel Mount Frame 5 and 6 drives
and bus supplies.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14068 ‘Stir Fan 2 Alarm’, 14069 ‘Stir Fan 2 Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of the individual power module. A

Displays the current rating of the individual power module. A
Displays the current feedback from the R (L1) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the S (L2) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A
Displays the current feedback from the T (L3) Input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the ground current feedback. The drive calculates this by summing the signed
currents of the phases. When the phases are balanced, the ground current is ideally zero. A

Displays the DC Bus Voltage measurement in Volts DC. VDC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the calculated temperature of IGBT junctions, in degrees Celsius.
The Thermal Manager uses this value.
The detectors for IGBT over-temperature alarms and faults also use it. The detector —
behaviors depend on several factors: this temperature, frequency, whether heatsink fans
are running, and how long the temperature is above trip points. These behaviors are
described in the Troubleshooting section.

Displays the overload count for the R (L1) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’, 12051 ‘R Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the S (L2) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14052 ‘S Overload Flt’, 12053 ‘S Overload Alm’

Displays the overload count for the T (L3) phase in percentage. It increases when the
current is higher than the module’s continuous rating.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: —
14054 ‘T Overload Flt’, 12055 ‘T Overload Alm’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the R (L1) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’, 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14031 ‘R OverTemp Alm’, 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14033 ‘R LowTemp Alm’, 14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the S (L2) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’, 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’
14037 ‘S OverTemp Alm’, 14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’
14039 ‘S LowTemp Alm’, 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature of the heatsink in degrees Celsius. This is measured by the
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) device on the T (L3) phase.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’, 14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’
14043 ‘T OverTemp Alm’, 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14045 ‘T LowTemp Alm’, 14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Layer Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Power Interface board, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14078 ‘PIB OT Alarm’, 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’
14080 ‘PIB UT Alarm’, 14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) consumed by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

Displays the energy (Megawatt Hours) generated by the drive or bus supply in the lifetime
of the power module. MWh

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the power module, in degrees
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Indicates the status of conditions and signals in the AC Precharge 0 module.

Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the AC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the AC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the AC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240 VAC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from
the main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay
signal from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 8 ‘PreChrgTmOut’ indicates that precharge has timed out and the condition has been
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCBSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 11 ‘MCBUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Main
Circuit Breaker (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCBClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1). —
Bit 13 ‘MCBShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 14 ‘MCB Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Main Circuit Breaker
Bit 15 ‘MCB Closing’ indicates the Main Circuit Breaker (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCB Opening’ indicates the Main Circuit Breaker (CB1) is opening.
Bit 17 ‘MCB Bell In’ indicates the status of the Bell Alarm input on the Main Circuit Breaker
Bit 18 ‘MCB Trip Out’ indicates the status of the Trip Release output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 20 ‘TVSS In’ indicates the status of the input on the Transient Voltage Suppression
System (TVSS).
Bit 21 ‘PCC Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Precharge Contactor
Bit 22 ‘PCC Coil Out’ indicates the status of the Contactor Coil output on the Precharge
Contactor (M1).
Bit 23 ‘PreChrgLimit’ indicates the limit of 10 precharge cycles in ten minutes has been

Displays line to line voltage between R (L1) leg and S (L2) leg in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays line to line voltage between T (L3) leg and R (L1) leg in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays line to line voltage between S (L2) leg and T (L3) leg in Volts RMS. VAC
Displays DC Bus Voltage. VAC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 ‘Ready’ indicates the AC Precharge is ready to receive a precharge request.
Bit 1 ‘Fault’ indicates there is a fault condition in the AC Precharge.
Bit 2 ‘Alarm’ indicates there is an alarm condition in the AC Precharge.
Bit 3 ‘Ctrl Pwr OK’ indicates the 240 VAC control power is within the acceptable range.
Bit 5 ‘PreChrg Req’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge request from
the main control board.
Bit 6 ‘PreChrgBusOk’ indicates the Precharge module has received a Precharge Bus Okay
signal from the main control board.
Bit 7 ‘PreChrg Done’ indicates that Precharge is complete.
Bit 9 ‘Fuse Disc In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the fused disconnect (FD1).
Bit 10 ‘MCBSpChrgOut’ indicates the status of the Spring Motor output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 11 ‘MCBUVDlyOut’ indicates the status of the Under Voltage Delay output on the Main
Circuit Breaker (CB1).
Bit 12 ‘MCBClCoilOut’ indicates the status of the Close Coil output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 13 ‘MCBShtRelOut’ indicates the status of the Shunt Relay output on the Main Circuit —
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 14 ‘MCB Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Main Circuit Breaker
Bit 15 ‘MCB Closing’ indicates the Main Circuit Breaker (CB1) is closing.
Bit 16 ‘MCB Opening’ indicates the Main Circuit Breaker (CB1) is opening.
Bit 17 ‘MCB Bell In’ indicates the status of the Bell Alarm input on the Main Circuit Breaker
Bit 18 ‘MCB Trip Out’ indicates the status of the Trip Release output on the Main Circuit
Breaker (CB1).
Bit 20 ‘TVSS In’ indicates the status of the input on the Transient Voltage Suppression
System (TVSS).
Bit 21 ‘PCC Aux In’ indicates the status of the Auxiliary input on the Precharge Contactor
Bit 22 ‘PCC Coil Out’ indicates the status of the Contactor Coil output on the Precharge
Contactor (M1).
Bit 23 ‘PreChrgLimit’ indicates the limit of 10 precharge cycles in ten minutes has been

Displays the temperature measurement, from the AC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. This is Control Power. It should
have a nominal voltage around 240V.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: VAC
14010 ‘240VAC Loss Flt’, 14011 ‘240VAC OV’
14108 ‘240VAC Low’, 14109 ‘240VAC Loss’
Displays line to line voltage between R (L1) leg and S (L2) leg. VAC
Displays line to line voltage between T (L3) leg and R (L1) leg. VAC
Displays line to line voltage between S (L2) leg and T (L3) leg. VAC
Displays DC Bus Voltage. VAC

Displays the temperature measurement, from the AC Precharge board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the voltage of the AC Power Supply in Volts RMS. This is Control Power. It should
have a nominal voltage around 240V.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: VAC
14010 ‘240VAC Loss Flt’, 14011 ‘240VAC OV’
14108 ‘240VAC Low’, 14109 ‘240VAC Loss’

Select the action taken when the fused disconnect (FD1) is open prior to starting.
A configured alarm or fault action triggers code 14110 ‘FDOpen MCBOpen’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent starting. They do not stop
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do —
not stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run. If
running, line side converter continues to run.
‘Flt Stop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run. This stops the converter from running.

Select the action taken when the Transient Voltage Suppression System (TVSS) has blown.
A configured alarm or fault action triggers code 14130 ‘TVSS Open’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent
starting. They do not stop modulation.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do —
not stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run. If
running, line side converter continues to run.
‘Flt Stop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run. This stops the converter from running.

Select the action to take place when the 240V AC control power is low. The AC precharge
determines this when the voltage is below the minimum threshold (less than 187V).
A configured alarm or fault action triggers code 14108 ‘240VAC Low’.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. Type 1 alarms are notifications. They do not prevent
starting. They do not stop modulation. —
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. Minor faults prevent the drive from starting. They do
not stop the drive, if it is already running. You must clear the fault to start or run. If
running, line side converter continues to run.
‘Flt Stop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. The motor side inverter executes a Coast Stop. You
must clear the fault to start or run. This stops the converter from running.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F0 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F0 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the speed of the second heatsink fan in RPM for frame 5…7 drives and bus
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F2 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F2 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F3 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F3 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F4 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F4 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F5 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F5 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F6 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F6 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F7 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F7 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

Displays the voltage rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. VAC

Displays the current rating of LCL harmonic filter.

Functions in the product that determine compatibility and mismatch use this parameter. A

Displays the code generated when you request to clear an LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC
error in the CSB board of the LCL filter. —
Enter this 5-digit code generated into the corresponding [F9 CapFltClrCode] parameter to
acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced.

Enter the code to acknowledge that the faulty capacitors have been inspected or replaced,
when clearing the LCL filter capacitor fault or a CRC error in the CSB board of the LCL filter.
The 5-digit code is displayed in the corresponding [F9 CapFltResCode] parameter. —
After entering the code and clearing the fault, you must reset the drive to resume

Displays the low pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the low pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the average low pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the band pass filter current from the R (L1) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the S (L2) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.
Displays the band pass filter current from the T (L3) input phase in Amperes RMS.
The Capacitor Resonance, Capacitor Current Range and Capacitor Fault detection functions A
use this parameter.

Displays the average band pass filter current from all three input phase in Amperes RMS. A

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the R (L1) input phase to the S (L2) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the S (L2) input phase to the T (L3) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Displays the LCL filter capacitor voltage from the T (L3) input phase to the R (L1) input
phase in Volts AC. VAC
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter.
Displays the average voltage from all three input phases in Volts AC. VAC
Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the capacitor voltage.
The capacitor fault detection functions use this parameter. VAC

Displays the square root of the sum of squares of the individual phase currents.
The Capacitor Fault detection functions use this parameter. A

Displays the temperature measurement, from the Current Sense board, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: °C
14070 ‘Board OT Alarm’, 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14072 ‘Board UT Alarm’, 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

Displays the speed of the heatsink fan in RPM.

See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels: RPM
14064 ‘Main Blower Alm’, 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’

Displays the measured temperature of the air entering the filter module, in degrees Celsius.
See fault and alarm code descriptions for trip levels:
14074 ‘IntakeAirOT Alrm’, 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ °C
14076 ‘IntakeAirUT Alrm’, 14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’
This value is also used by Predictive Maintenance functions.
Important: This parameter is not present in frame 5 or 6 products.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max Settings

0.00 0.00 1000.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

Bit 0 = L0 (0)
Bit 1 = L1 (0)
Bit 2 = L2 (0)
Bit 3 = L3 (0)
Bit 4 = L4 (0)
Bit 5 = L5 (0)
Bit 6 = L6 (0)
Bit 7 = L7 (0)
Bit 8 = L8 (0)
Bit 9 = L9 (0)
See Settings: Bit 10 = F0 (0)
(0) = No Fault 0 1 Bit 11 = Reserved (0)
(1) = Fault Bit 12 = F2 (0)
Bit 13 = F3 (0)
Bit 14 = F4 (0)
Bit 15 = F5 (0)
Bit 16 = F6 (0)
Bit 17 = F7 (0)
Bit 18 = Reserved (0)
Bit 19 = F9 (0)
Bit 20 = ACP0 (0)
Bit 21 = ACP1 (0)
Bits 22…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = L0 (0)
Bit 1 = L1 (0)
Bit 2 = L2 (0)
Bit 3 = L3 (0)
Bit 4 = L4 (0)
Bit 5 = L5 (0)
Bit 6 = L6 (0)
Bit 7 = L7 (0)
Bit 8 = L8 (0)
Bit 9 = L9 (0)
See Settings: Bit 10 = F0 (0)
(0) = No Alarm 0 1 Bit 11 = Reserved (0)
(1) = Alarm Bit 12 = F2 (0)
Bit 13 = F3 (0)
Bit 14 = F4 (0)
Bit 15 = F5 (0)
Bit 16 = F6 (0)
Bit 17 = F7 (0)
Bit 18 = Reserved (0)
Bit 19 = F9 (0)
Bit 20 = ACP0 (0)
Bit 21 = ACP1 (0)
Bits 22…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = L0 (0)
Bit 1 = L1 (0)
Bit 2 = L2 (0)
Bit 3 = L3 (0)
See Settings: Bit 4 = L4 (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 5 = L5 (0)
(1) = On Bit 6 = L6 (0)
Bit 7 = L7 (0)
Bit 8 = L8 (0)
Bit 9 = L9 (0)
Bits 10…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = L0 (0)
Bit 1 = L1 (0)
Bit 2 = L2 (0)
Bit 3 = L3 (0)
See Settings: Bit 4 = L4 (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 5 = L5 (0)
(1) = On Bit 6 = L6 (0)
Bit 7 = L7 (0)
Bit 8 = L8 (0)
Bit 9 = L9 (0)
Bits 10…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = F0 (0)
Bit 1 = Reserved (0)
Bit 2 = F2 (0)
Bit 3 = F3 (0)
See Settings: Bit 4 = F4 (0)
(0) = Off 0 1 Bit 5 = F5 (0)
(1) = On Bit 6 = F6 (0)
Bit 7 = F7 (0)
Bit 8 = Reserved (0)
Bit 9 = F9 (0)
Bits 10…31 = Reserved (0)

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0 0 220000000 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0 0 220000000 —

0 0 220000000 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 690.00 —
0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 690.00 —

0.00 0.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —
0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 -10000.00 10000.00 —

0.00 0.00 1200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.000 0.000 220000000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

0.000 0.000 10000.000 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

Frames 5 and 6:
Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bits 3…4 = Reserved (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 8 = PreChrgTmOut (0)
Bits 9…31 = Reserved (0)

Frames 7…15:
Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 4 = Reserved (0)
See Settings: Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
(0) = Off 0 2 Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
(1) = On Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 8 = PreChrgTmOut (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCBSpChrgOut (0)
Bit 11 = MCBUVDlyOut (0)
Bit 12 = MCBClCoilOut (0)
Bit 13 = MCBShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCB Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCB Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCB Opening (0)
Bit 17 = MCB Bell In (0)
Bit 18 = MCB Trip Out (0)
Bit 19 = Reserved (0)
Bit 20 = TVSS In (0)
Bit 21 = PCC Aux In (0)
Bit 22 = PCC Coil Out (0)
Bit 23 = PreChrgLimit (0)
Bits 24…31 = Reserved (0)

0.00 0.00 999.99 —

0.00 0.00 999.99 —
0.00 0.00 999.99 —
0.00 0.00 999.99 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Ready (0)
Bit 1 = Fault (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm (0)
Bit 3 = Ctrl Pwr OK (0)
Bit 5 = PreChrg Req (0)
Bit 6 = PreChrgBusOk (0)
Bit 7 = PreChrg Done (0)
Bit 8 = Reserved (0)
Bit 9 = Fuse Disc In (0)
Bit 10 = MCBSpChrgOut (0)
See Settings: Bit 11 = MCBUVDlyOut (0)
(0) = Off 0 2 Bit 12 = MCBClCoilOut (0)
(1) = On Bit 13 = MCBShtRelOut (0)
Bit 14 = MCB Aux In (0)
Bit 15 = MCB Closing (0)
Bit 16 = MCB Opening (0)
Bit 17 = MCB Bell In (0)
Bit 18 = MCB Trip Out (0)
Bit 19 = Reserved (0)
Bit 20 = TVSS In (0)
Bit 21 = PCC Aux In (0)
Bit 22 = PCC Coil Out (0)
Bit 23 = PreChrgLimit (0)
Bits 24…31 = Reserved (0)

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0.00 0.00 999.99 —

0.00 0.00 999.99 —

0.00 0.00 999.99 —
0.00 0.00 999.99 —
0.00 0.00 999.99 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 999.99 —

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Flt Minor
3 = Flt Stop

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Flt Minor
3 = Flt Stop

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 0 3 2 = Flt Minor
3 = Flt Stop

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0 0 99999 —

0 0 99999 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 900.00 —

0.00 0.00 1400.00 —

0.00 0.00 1456.00 —

0.00 -200.00 200.00 —

0 0 32768 —

0.00 -100.00 100.00 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O
FW Version Read- Access
PowerFlex 755T Data Type Write Level

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

11.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

11.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bits RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 2 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RW 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No
10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 0 No No No

10.x 32-bit INT RO 0 No No No

10.x Real RO 1 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Low
Applicable to Integrated Applicable to CBIs Applicable to AFE Bus
Harmonic Drives
AFE Drives (PF755TR)? (PF755TM)? Supplies (PF755TM)?

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

Yes Yes No Yes

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes No Yes

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Applicable to Frame 7
Applicable to Frame 5-6 Applicable to Frame 6
Integrated AFE Drives Applicable to Low Power
Panel Mount Drives Panel Mount Bus Supplies
(PF755TR) and AFE Bus Drives (755TS)?
(PF755TR and PF755TL)? (PF755TM)?
Supplies (PF755TM)?

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

No No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No No

Yes Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

No No No No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No No

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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No No No No

No No No No
No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

No No No No

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Parameters 0:140 [DI M Speed Sel 0], 0:141 [DI M Speed Sel 1], 0:142 [DI M Speed Sel 2]
Speed Select 0, 1, and 2 work together to determine the source of the speed reference as follows:
Input Status (1 = Input Actuated)
DI M Speed Sel 2 DI M Speed Sel 1 DI M Speed Sel 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

:142 [DI M Speed Sel 2] Parameters 0:160 [DI M SpTqPs Sel0], 0:161 [DI M SpTqPs Sel
f the speed reference as follows: Speed Torque Position Select 0 and 1 together to switch betw
Input Status (1 = Input Actuated)
Reference Source: Parameter
DI M SpTqPs Sel1
Reference A: 10/11:1800 [VRef A Sel] 0
Reference A: 10/11:1800 [VRef A Sel] 0
Reference B: 10/11:1807 [VRef B Sel] 1
Preset Speed 3: 10/11:1816 [Preset Speed 3] 1
Preset Speed 4: 10/11:1817 [Preset Speed 4]
Preset Speed 5: 10/11:1818 [Preset Speed 5]
Preset Speed 6: 10/11:1819 [Preset Speed 6]
Preset Speed 7: 10/11:1820 [Preset Speed 7]

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

160 [DI M SpTqPs Sel0], 0:161 [DI M SpTqPs Sel1]
Position Select 0 and 1 together to switch between speed – torque and position modes as follows:
1 = Input Actuated)
DI M SpTqPs Sel0
0 10/11:30 [PsnVelTrq Mode A]
1 10/11:31 [PsnVelTrq Mode B]
0 10/11:32 [PsnVelTrq Mode C]
1 10/11:33 [PsnVelTrq Mode D]

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 0:190 [DI Precharge]
Precharge Diagram

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 0:453 [CapOvrRsncActn]
Table 453A - Frames 5…7 400V/480V Drive and Bus Supply LCL Filter Capacitor Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels
ND Drive Rating Code
400V 480V
5 C015…C043 D014...D040
5 C060…C104 D052...D096
6 C140…C176 D125…D156
6 C205…C260 D186...D248
7 C302…C585 D302…D617

Table 453B - Frames 8…9 (10…15) 400V/480V Drive and Bus Supply LCL Filter Capacitor Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Le
LCL Filter Module Cat. No. Resonance Current
400V / 480V Typical
8 20-750-ML1-C540D505 12
8 20-750-ML1-C770D740 18
9 20-750-ML1-C1K1D1K0 24
9 20-750-ML1-C1K4D1K3 36

Table 453C - Frames 5…7 600V/690V Drive and Bus Supply LCL Filter Capacitor Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels
ND Drive Rating Code
600V 690V
5 E011…E062 F015…F061
6 E077…E144 F082…F142
7 E192…E395 F171…F370

Table 453D - Frames 8…9 (10…15) 400V/480V Drive and Bus Supply LCL Filter Capacitor Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Le
LCL Filter Module Cat. No. Resonance Current
600V / 690V Typical
8 20-750-ML1-E395F370 8
8 20-750-ML1-E545F505 11
9 20-750-ML1-E760F735 16
9 20-750-ML1-E980F920 22

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels
Resonance Current
Typical Alarm Fault
– 3 4
– 6 7
– 11 14
– 18 23
12 23 31

Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels

Resonance Current
Alarm Fault
23 31
31 41
46 62
62 82

Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels

Resonance Current
Typical Alarm Fault
– 5 6
– 10 13
8 23 31

Current Resonance Alarm and Fault Levels

Resonance Current
Alarm Fault
23 31
23 31
31 41
46 62

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 0:455 [Emerg Prot OVRD]
Faults Overridden when Bit is Enabled
Bit 0 ‘LS Ctrl Flts’
Port 13 Line Side Converter
13001 ‘LnSyncLoss Det’ 13002 ‘LnSyncLoss RTExp’ 13003 ‘Phase Loss Det’
13006 ‘PowerLoss RTExp’ 13007 ‘Line Sag Det’ 13008 ‘Line Sag RTExp’
13013 ‘AC L12 OvrVltg A’ 13014 ‘AC L23 OvrVltg A’ 13015 ‘AC L31 OvrVltg A’
13018 ‘AC L31 OvrVltg B’ 13019 ‘AC L12 UndrVltgA’ 13020 ‘AC L23 UndrVltgA’
13023 ‘AC L23 UndrVltgB’ 13024 ‘AC L31 UndrVltgB’ 13025 ‘AC L12 HiVltg A’
13028 ‘AC L12 HiVltg B’ 13029 ‘AC L23 HiVltg B’ 13030 ‘AC L31 HiVltg B’
13033 ‘AC L31 LoVltg A’ 13034 ‘AC L12 LoVltg B’ 13035 ‘AC L23 LoVltg B’
13038 ‘AC Line OvrFreqB’ 13039 ‘AC Ln UndrFreq A’ 13040 ‘AC Ln UndrFreq B’

Bit 1 ‘LS Pwr Flts’

Port 0 Main Control Board
304 ‘AFE PreChrg Fail’ – –
Port 13 Line Side Converter
13065 ‘SW Bus Low Volt’ 13068 ‘SW Bus Over Volt’ 13069 ‘R Overload Flt’
13075 ‘Bus Rate of Rise’ 13092 ‘SW OverCurrent’ –
Port 14 Line Side Converter
14005 ‘Power Supply UV’ 14013 ‘SysPwr OC Fault’ 14015 ‘BlowPwr UV Flt’
14019 ‘SysPwr OV Flt’ 14020 ‘N24V UV Flt’ 14028 ‘NTC-R Short Flt’
14032 ‘R LowTemp Flt’ 14034 ‘NTC-S Short Flt’ 14035 ‘NTC-S Open Flt’
14040 ‘NTC-T Short Flt’ 14041 ‘NTC-T Open Flt’ 14042 ‘T OverTemp Flt’
14050 ‘R Overload Flt’ 14052 ‘S Overload Flt’ 14054 ‘T Overload Flt’
14077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’ 14084 ‘Bus Imbalanc Flt’ 14085 ‘PWM Enable Flt’
14102 ‘LocPwr UV Flt’ 14104 ‘P24 UV Flt’ –
Port 14 AC Precharge Module
14005 ‘Power Supply UV’ 14006 ‘Precharge Fault’ 14007 ‘MCB CL BayOTmp’
14011 ‘240VAC OV’ 14108 ‘240VAC Low’ 14121 ‘PCC Fail To Opn’
Port 14 Current Sense Board
14005 ‘Power Supply UV’ 14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’ 14114 ‘Fan OverTemp Flt’

Bit 2 ‘MS Ctrl Flts’

Port 10 Motor Side Converter Control
10001 ‘Power Loss’ 10003 ‘Motor Overload’ 10004 ‘Load Loss’
10009 ‘Decel Inhibit’ 10010 ‘OverSpeed Limit’ 10016 ‘Phase U to Grnd’
10019 ‘Phase UV Short’ 10020 ‘Phase VW Short’ 10021 ‘Phase WU Short’
10023 ‘Phase WNegToGrnd’ 10025 ‘Shear Pin 1’ 10026 ‘Shear Pin 2’
10040 ‘Ext Prechrg Err’ 10053 ‘Pos Over Travel’ 10054 ‘Neg Over Travel’

Bit 3 ‘MS Pwr Flts’

Port 10 Motor Side Converter Control

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10094 ‘Heatsink OvrTemp' 10109 ‘HeatSinkUnderTmp –
Port 12 Motor Side Inverter Control
12005 ‘Power Supply UV’ 12013 ‘SysPwr OC Fault’ 12017 ‘Gate Drive Flt’
12028 ‘NTC-U Short Flt’ 12029 ‘NTC-U Open Flt’ 12030 ‘U OverTemp Flt’
12035 ‘NTC-V Open Flt’ 12036 ‘V OverTemp Flt’ 12038 ‘V LowTemp Flt’
12042 ‘W OverTemp Flt’ 12044 ‘W LowTemp Flt’ 12046 ‘Jnt OverTemp Flt’
12075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’ 12077 ‘IntakeAir UT Flt’ 12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’
12086 ‘L/R Overtemp’ 12087 ‘BusCond BayOTmp’ 12104 ‘P24 UV Flt’
Port 12 DC Precharge Module
12005 ‘Power Supply UV’ 12006 ‘Precharge Fault’ 12007 ‘MCS CL BayOTmp’
12011 ‘240VAC OV’ 12050 ‘Bus Fuse Harness’ 12108 ‘240VAC Low’

Bit 4 ‘PERIF Flts’

Port 0 Main Control Board
1 ‘Auxiliary Input’ 2 ‘Sys Default Fail’ 171 ‘No Stop Source’
Port 10 Motor Side Inverter Control
10047‘No Stop Source’ – –

Bit 5 ‘ENET Flts’

Port 0 Main Control Board
340 ‘Net IO Fault’ 341 ‘Net Idle Fault’ 342 ‘Net Msg Fault’

Bit 7 ‘Board Faults’

Port 0 Main Control Board
23 ‘Board OT Fault’ 25 ‘Board UT Fault’ 300 ‘Nvs Lost Config’
Port 12 Motor Side Inverter Control
12018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 12023 ‘CtrlMsgWdog Tout’ 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
12081 ‘PIB UT Fault’ 12088 ‘Sec Fbk Watchdog’ 12102 ‘LocPwr UV Flt’
Port 12 Torque Accuracy Module
12001 ‘Image Wtchdg Flt’ 12018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 12023 ‘CtrlMsgWdog Tout’
Port 12 DC Precharge Module
120 04 ‘NVS Checksum Flt’ 12018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 12071 ‘Board OT Fault’
Port 14 Line Side Converter Power
14018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 14023 ‘CtrlMsgWdog Tout’ 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’
14081 ‘PIB UT Fault’ 14088 ‘Sec Fbk Watchdog’ –
Port 14 AC Precharge
14004 ‘NVS Checksum Flt’ 14018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 14023 ‘CtrlMsgWdog Tout’
Port 14 Current Sense Board
14004 ‘NVS Checksum Flt’ 14018 ‘Fiber Offline’ 14071 ‘Board OT Fault’

Bit 8 ‘Fdbk Faults’

Port 10 Motor Side Inverter Control
10038 ‘Auto Tach Switch’ 10060 ‘Fwd End Limit’ 10061 ‘Rev End Limit’

Bit 9 ‘TorqPrv Flts’

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Port 9 Applications
9014 ‘TP Encls Config’ – –

Bit 10 ‘Pt1…3 Flts’

Port 0 Main Control Board
29 ‘Port 1 Adapter’ 30 ‘Port 2 Adapter’ 31 ‘Port 3 Adapter’
37‘Port 3 DPI Loss’ – –

Bit 11 ‘Port 4 Flts’, Bit 12 ‘Port 5 Flts’, Bit 13 ‘Port 6 Flts’, Bit 14 ‘Port 7 Flts’
Port 0 Main Control Board

Bit 11: 32 ‘Port 4 Adapter’ Bit 11: 38 ‘Port 4 DPI Loss’

Bit 12: 33 ‘Port 5 Adapter’ Bit 12: 39 ‘Port 5 DPI Loss’
Bit 13: 34 ‘Port 6 Adapter Bit 13: 40 ‘Port 6 DPI Loss’ –
Port n I/O Module
nn001 ‘Analog In0 Loss’ nn002 ‘Analog In1 Loss’ nn010 ‘Anlg Cal Chksum’
nn013 ‘ATX Voltage Loss’ nn014 ‘ThermostatOvrTmp’ nn015 ‘ATEX Safety’
Port n ATEX Module
nn011 ‘PTC Over Temp’ nn012 ‘PTC ShortCircuit’ nn013 ‘ATX Voltage Loss’
Port n Single Incremental Encoder
nn000 ‘Open Wire’ nn001 ‘Phase Loss’ nn002 ‘Quadrature Loss’
Port n Dual Incremental Encoder
nn000 ‘Enc0 Open Wire’ nn001 ‘Enc0 Phase Loss’ nn002 ‘Enc0 Quad Loss’
nn032 ‘Enc1 Quad Loss’ – –
Port n Universal Feedback
nn000 ‘Ch0 LightSrc Err’ nn001 ‘Ch0 SigAmp Err’ nn002 ‘Ch0 PsnVal Err’
nn005 ‘Ch0 OverCur Err’ nn006 ‘Ch0 Battery Err’ nn009 ‘Ch0 AnalSig Err’
nn012 ‘Ch0 AnalLim Err’ nn013 ‘Ch0 Int I2C Err’ nn014 ‘Ch0 IntChksm Err’
nn017 ‘Ch0 Parity Err’ nn018 ‘Ch0 Chksum Err’ nn019 ‘Ch0 InvCmd Err’
nn022 ‘Ch0 InvWrtAdrErr’ nn023 ‘Ch0 AccCode Err’ nn024 ‘Ch0 FieldSizeErr’
nn028 ‘Ch0 SiTurnPsnErr’ nn029 ‘Ch0 MulTrnPsnErr’ nn036 ‘Ch0 AnalVal Err’
nn039 ‘Ch0 Speed Err’ nn040 ‘Ch0 General Err’ nn046 ‘Ch0 LED Curr Err’
nn049 ‘Ch0 Config Err’ nn050 ‘Ch0 PsnVal Err’ nn051 ‘Ch0 SerialComErr’
nn064 ‘Ch0 OutOfRailErr’ nn068 ‘Ch0 Read Head 1’ nn069 ‘Ch0 Read Head 2’
nn072 ‘Ch0 ROM Error’ nn074 ‘Ch0 No Position’ nn081 ‘Ch0 Msg Cheksum’
nn084 ‘Ch0 Diagnostic’ nn085 ‘Ch0 SpplyVltgRng’ nn086 ‘Ch0 SC Amplitude’
nn089 ‘Ch0 Phase Loss’ nn090 ‘Ch0 Unsupp Enc’ nn200 ‘Ch1 LightSrc Err’
nn203 ‘Ch1 OverVolt Err’ nn204 ‘Ch1 UndVolt Err’ nn205 ‘Ch1 OverCur Err’
nn210 ‘Ch1 IntOfst Err’ nn211 ‘Ch1 DataTabl Err’ nn212 ‘Ch1 AnalLim Err’
nn215 ‘Ch1 PrgmResetErr’ nn216 ‘Ch1 CntOvrflwErr’ nn217 ‘Ch1 Parity Err’
nn220 ‘Ch1 SendSize Err’ nn221 ‘Ch1 CmdArgmt Err’ nn222 ‘Ch1 InvWrtAdrErr’
nn225 ‘Ch1 Address Err’ nn226 ‘Ch1 FieldAcc Err’ nn228 ‘Ch1 SiTurnPsnErr’
nn237 ‘Ch1 SendCurr Err’ nn238 ‘Ch1 EncTemp Err’ nn239 ‘Ch1 Speed Err’
nn247 ‘Ch1 ExMulTurnErr’ nn248 ‘Ch1 PsnCode Err’ nn249 ‘Ch1 Config Err’
nn252 ‘Ch1 Ext Failure’ nn253 ‘Ch1 Temp Exc Err’ nn256 ‘Ch1 OutOfRailErr’
nn262 ‘Ch1 RAM Error’ nn263 ‘Ch1 EPROM Error’ nn264 ‘Ch1 ROM Error’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

nn283 ‘Ch1 Comm’ nn284 ‘Ch1 Diagnostic’ nn285 ‘Ch1 SpplyVltgRng’
nn288 ‘Ch1 Quad Loss’ nn289 ‘Ch1 Phase Loss’ nn290 ‘Ch1 Unsupp Enc’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

13004 ‘Phase Loss RTExp’ 13005 ‘PowerLoss Det’
13009 ‘High df/dt Det’ 13010 ‘High df/dt RTExp’
13016 ‘AC L12 OvrVltg B’ 13017 ‘AC L23 OvrVltg B’
13021 ‘AC L31 UndrVltgA’ 13022 ‘AC L12 UndrVltgB’
13026 ‘AC L23 HiVltg A’ 13027 ‘AC L31 HiVltg A’
13031 ‘AC L12 LoVltg A’ 13032 ‘AC L23 LoVltg A’
13036 ‘AC L31 LoVltg B’ 13037 ‘AC Line OvrFreqA’
13041 ‘AC Ln HiFreq A’ –

– –

13071 ‘S Overload Flt’ 13073 ‘T Overload Flt’

– –

14016 ‘LEM b0 Flt’ 14017 ‘Gate Drive Flt’

14029 ‘NTC-R Open Flt’ 14030 ‘R OverTemp Flt’
14036 ‘S OverTemp Flt’ 14038 ‘S LowTemp Flt’
14044 ‘T LowTemp Flt’ 14046 ‘Jnt OverTemp Flt’
14065 ‘Main Blower Flt’ 14075 ‘IntakeAir OT Flt’
14086 ‘L/R Overtemp’ 14087 ‘BusCond BayOTmp’
– –

14008 ‘MCB Fail To Opn’ 14009 ‘MCB Aux BayOTmp’

14126 ‘AC Line Ovr Vltg’ 14130 ‘TVSS Open’

14119 ‘Reactor OT Fault’ –

10005 ‘MS Ctrl Flts’ 10008 ‘Output PhaseLoss’

10017 ‘Phase V to Grnd’ 10018 ‘Phase W to Grnd’
10022 ‘Phase UNegToGrnd’ 10023 ‘Phase VNegToGrnd’
10028 ‘Drive OverLoad’ 10031 ‘Excessive Load’
10080 ‘M Ground Warning’ –

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– –

12019 ‘SysPwr OV Flt’ 12020 ‘N24V UV Flt’

12032 ‘U LowTemp Flt’ 12034 ‘NTC-V Short Flt’
12040 ‘NTC-W Short Flt’ 12041 ‘NTC-W Open Flt’
12048 ‘Str Overload Flt’ 12065 ‘Main Blower Flt’
12084 ‘Bus Imbalanc Flt’ 12085 ‘PWM Enable Flt’
– –

12008 ‘MCS Shunt Trip’ 12009 ‘MCS Aux BayOTmp’

– –

– –

– –

– –

– –

12073 ‘Board UT Fault’ 12079 ‘PIB OT Fault’

– –

12071 ‘Board OT Fault’ 12073 ‘Board UT Fault’

12073 ‘Board UT Fault’ –

14073 ‘Board UT Fault’ 14079 ‘PIB OT Fault’

– –

14071 ‘Board OT Fault’ 14073 ‘Board UT Fault’

14073 ‘Board UT Fault’ 14116 ‘Fan UdrTemp Flt’

– –

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

– –

35 ‘Port 1 DPI Loss’ 36 ‘Port 2 DPI Loss’

– –

– –

nn011 ‘PTC Over Temp’ nn012 ‘PTC ShortCircuit’

nn999 ‘System Comm Loss’ –

nn014 ‘ThermostatOvrTmp’ –

– –

nn030 ‘Enc1 Open Wire’ nn031 ‘Enc1 Phase Loss’

– –

nn003 ‘Ch0 OverVolt Err’ nn004 ‘Ch0 UndVolt Err’

nn010 ‘Ch0 IntOfst Err’ nn011 ‘Ch0 DataTabl Err’
nn015 ‘Ch0 PrgmResetErr’ nn016 ‘Ch0 CntOvrflwErr’
nn020 ‘Ch0 SendSize Err’ nn021 ‘Ch0 CmdArgmt Err’
nn025 ‘Ch0 Address Err’ nn026 ‘Ch0 FieldAcc Err’
nn037 ‘Ch0 SendCurr Err’ nn038 ‘Ch0 EncTemp Err’
nn047 ‘Ch0 ExMulTurnErr’ nn048 ‘Ch0 PsnCode Err’
nn052 ‘Ch0 Ext Failure’ nn053 ‘Ch0 Temp Exc Err’
nn070 ‘Ch0 RAM Error’ nn071 ‘Ch0 EPROM Error’
nn082 ‘Ch0 Timeout’ nn083 ‘Ch0 Commt’
nn087 ‘Ch0 Open Wire’ nn088 ‘Ch0 Quad Loss’
nn201 ‘Ch1 SigAmp Err’ nn202 ‘Ch1 PsnVal Err’
nn206 ‘Ch1 Battery Err’ nn209 ‘Ch1 AnalSig Err’
nn213 ‘Ch1 Int I2C Err’ nn214 ‘Ch1 IntChksm Err’
nn218 ‘Ch1 Chksum Err’ nn219 ‘Ch1 InvCmd Err’
nn223 ‘Ch1 AccCode Err’ nn224 ‘Ch1 FieldSizeErr’
nn229 ‘Ch1 MulTrnPsnErr’ nn236 ‘Ch1 AnalVal Err’
nn240 ‘Ch1 General Err’ nn246 ‘Ch1 LED Curr Err’
nn250 ‘Ch1 PsnVal Err’ nn251 ‘Ch1 SerialComErr’
nn260 ‘Ch1 Read Head 1’ nn261 ‘Ch1 Read Head 2’
nn266 ‘Ch1 No Position’ nn282 ‘Ch1 Timeout’

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nn286 ‘Ch1 SC Amplitude’ nn287 ‘Ch1 Open Wire’
nn412 ‘Hardware Err’ nn413 ‘Firmware Err’

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Parameter 0:512 [u IM Stator Res]
Motor Model

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 10:486 [VHz Curve]
Volts per Hertz Curves

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 10:820 [VB Config]
Variable Boost Configuration Graph

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 10:910 [Autotune]
Autotune Test Type is Supported (• = Yes)
Motor Control Mode
Direction Static Rotate Inertia
Induction V/Hz • • •
Induction Sensorless Vector • • •
Induction Economizer • • •
InductionFlux Vector • • • •
SPM and IPM V/Hz • •
SPM and IPM Sensorless Vector • •
SPM Flux Vector • • •
IPM Flux Vector • • •
Sync Rel V/Hz • •
Sync Rel Sensorless Vector • •

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Parameter 10:966 [Crane Length 1]
ed (• = Yes) Pendulum Equation
Bandwidth (BW)

• Crane Length Figure

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Universal Feedback Parameters 100…127 [Rgsn Latchn Cfg]
Registration Trigger Logic

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Functionality of the Registration Latch Configuration
Latch Configuration Parameters
parameter bits are listed in the tables that follow.
The registration parameters 100, 103, 106, …127 can only be used when the drive’s Spindle Orientation and Homing functions
Feedback Selection
Selects the feedback device for registration and marker pulse.
Bit 0 ‘Channel Sel’ 0 = Feedback 0 1 = Feedback 1
Direction Selection
Bit 2 ‘Rev Capture’ Bit 1 ‘Fwd Capture’ Description
0 1 Latch only if rotation is forward
1 0 Latch only if rotation is reverse
1 1 Latch for both forward and reverse rotation
0 0 Not defined. No latch will occur

Trigger Stage 1
Bit 4 ‘Stg1 In b1’ Bit 3 ‘Stg1 In b0’ Description
0 0 Registration Input 0 (TB2: -R0, +R0)
0 1 Registration Input 0 (TB2: -R1, +R1)
1 0 Home Input (TB2: -Hm, +Hm)
1 1 Marker Input of respective feedback channel. (Z channel must be activated

Bit 7 ‘Stg1EdgeFall’ Bit 6 ‘Stg1EdgeRise’ Description

0 0 Trigger Disabled
0 1 Trigger on rising edge or high level of signal
1 0 Trigger on falling edge or low level of signal
1 1 Trigger on either edge. (Invalid as level select. Result is always true for leve

Trigger Stage Combination Logic

The two trigger stages are combined to form the final or resulting trigger condition for each registratio
Bit 9 ‘Logic Sel b1’ Bit 8 ‘Logic Sel b0’ Description
0 0 None: Stage 1 Only (Stage 2 ignored)
0 1 THEN: Stage 1 Edge Transition THEN Stage 2 Edge Transition
1 0 OR: Stage 1 Edge Transition OR Stage 2 Edge Transition
1 1 AND: Stage 1 Level Transition AND Stage 2 Level Transition

Trigger Stage 2
Bit 11 ‘Stg2 In b1’ Bit 10 ‘Stg1 In b0’ Description
0 0 Registration Input 0 (TB2: -R0, +R0)
0 1 Registration Input 0 (TB2: -R1, +R1)
1 0 BEFORE: Stage 1 edge causes acquisition of time and position data. Stage 2
1 1 Marker Input of respective feedback channel. (Z channel must be activated

Bit 14 ‘Stg2EdgeFall’ Bit 13 ‘Stg2EdgeRise’ Description

0 0 Trigger Disabled

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 1 Trigger on rising edge or high level of signal
1 0 Trigger on falling edge or low level of signal
1 1 Trigger on either edge. (Invalid as level select. Result is always true for leve

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

hannel must be activated for respective feedback channel.)

ult is always true for level select.)

and position data. Stage 2 edge causes the latch of the last acquired position.
hannel must be activated for respective feedback channel.)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

ult is always true for level select.)

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Class (hex) Class (dec) Name Instance

0x413 1043 Predictive Maintenance Environmental Conditions 1=Product

0x414 1044 Predictive Maintenance Component —

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0x414 1044 Predictive Maintenance Component —

_x000D_ Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0x415 1045 Predictive Maintenance Component Group —
Attribute Attribute Name Data Classification Access Rule

1 Enclosure Rating — Set

2 Airborne Contaminants Severity Level — Set

3 Supported Enclosure Ratings — Get

3 Number of supported Enclosure Ratings — Get

3 Supported Enclosure Ratings List — Get

4 Reset Required Status — Get

1 Component Type Constant Get

2 Predicted Remaining Life Accumulator Get

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

3 Predicted Remaining Life Units Constant Get

4 Elapsed Life Accumulator Get

5 Elapsed Life Units Constant Get

6 Consumed Life Percentage Accumulator Get

7 Remaining Life Below Threshold Status Get

8 Operating Status Get

9 Reset Count Accumulator Get

10 Identity Instance Constant Get

11 Component Number Reference Constant Get

12 Location Constant Get

13 Replacement Catalog Number Constant Get

1 Component Group Type Constant Get

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2 Number Of Components Constant Get
3 Component Instance List Constant Get

4 Enabled Constant Set

5 Remaining Life Threshold Configuration Set

6 Remaining Life Threshold Action Configuration Set

7 Remaining Life Threshold Units Constant Get

8 User Maintenance Maximum Life Configuration Set
9 User Maintenance Maximum Life Units Constant Get

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Data Type








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Selects the ingress protection (IP) rating for the standalone product. Enclosure rating does not refer to any additional protective cabinet
where the product is installed.

Selects the severity level of airborne contaminants in the environment to which the product is exposed.
‘G1’ (0) – Severity level is mild.
‘G2’ (1) – Severity level is moderate.
‘G3’ (2) – Severity level is harsh.
‘GX’ (3) – Severity level is severe.
‘GX+’ (4) – Severity level is extreme (Rockwell extension to ANSI/ISA-71.04).

Selects a limited list of supported ingress protection ratings that can be set in the Enclosure Rating attribute.
Selects the number of supported enclosure ratings enumeration values to be included in the list.

The array of listed enclosure ratings enumeration values supported by the product. Valid enumeration values are listed in attribute 1 to be
included in the list. The length of array entries is limited by the data type of USINT or a maximum value of 255.

Selects if the device requires a type 0 reset service or a power cycle, to apply configuration changes to any of the settable instance

Select the type of physical component this instance represents.

The type of physical component determines the type of predictive maintenance algorithm used to calculate component life.
Additionally, components of the same type are often grouped together using the Predictive Maintenance Component Group object
‘Group, Heterogenous’ (0x0000) – Component type is unknown or does not fit defined enumeration values.
‘Fan Group, General’ (0x0100) – General replaceable fans applied in an assembly.
‘Fan Group, Heatsink’ (0x0101) – Fans that are attached to heatsinks on power devices or other components.
‘Fan Group, Stirring’ (0x0102) – Fans that are used for stirring ambient air within control cabinets.
‘Fan Group, Intake’ (0x0103) – Cabinet intake fans that are used bring outside air into control cabinets.
‘Fan Group, Exhaust’ (0x0104) – Cabinet exhaust fans that are used pull air out of control cabinets.
‘Fan Group, Roof’ (0x0105) – Roof-mounted control cabinet or device fans.
‘Fan Group, Door’ (0x0106) – Control cabinet door-mounted fans.
‘Fan Group, Pod’ (0x0107) – PCB fans or fans that are used on a PCB assembly such as a CPU fan.
‘Capacitor Group, General’ (0x0200) – General capacitors applied in an assembly.
‘Capacitor Group, Bus’ (0x0201) – Single or multiple capacitor assemblies that are used for the DC bus link in motion devices.
‘Capacitor Group, Filter’ (0x0202) – Single or multiple capacitor assemblies that are used for filtering power devices.
‘Power Device Group, General’ (0x0300) – General power device semiconductor components.
‘Power Device Group, IGBT’ (0x0301) – Power devices of the IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) type.
‘Power Device Group, SCR’ (0x0302) – Power devices of the SCR (silicon control rectifiers) type.
‘Switching Device Group, General’ (0x0400) – Switches, contactors, relays, and so forth.
‘Switching Device Group, Contactor’ (0x0401) – Replaceable contactor switching devices.
‘Switching Device Group, Circuit Breaker’ (0x0402) – Replaceable circuit breaker devices.
‘Switching Device Group, Switch’ (0x0403) – Replaceable switch devices.
‘Bearing Group, General’ (0x0500) – General replaceable bearing parts.
‘Bearing Group, Motor’ (0x0501) – Replaceable motor bearing parts.
‘Bearing Group, Machine’ (0x0502) – Replaceable machine bearing parts.
‘Lubrication Group, General’ (0x0600) – General user lubrication maintenance.
‘Lubrication Group, Motor’ (0x0601) – General user motor lubrication maintenance.
‘Lubrication Group, Machine’ (0x0602) – General user machine lubrication maintenance.
‘PCB Assembly Group, General’ (0x0700) – General replaceable printed circuit board assemblies within the device.
‘Electroninc Assembly Group, General’ (0x0800) – General replaceable electronic assemblies within the device.

Displays the amount of predicted remaining life of the component. Remaining Life Units (for example, hours) to anticipated failure.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Indicates the units used to define the Remaining Life of the component.
Hours are the preferred units, but counts may be more appropriate for simple components.
For example, Counts could indicate the number of cycles between operating and non-operating states.

Displays the life, in hours or counts, that the component has been in operation.

Indicates the units used to define the elapsed life of the component.
Counts could indicate the number of cycles between operating and non-operating states.
Percentage of the total life of the component that has been used.
Displays the consumed life of the component as a percentage of its total life.
A value of 0% indicates a component has never been in operation. A value of 100% indicates the component has been in operation for its
expected total life.
Values greater than 100% are possible and indicate that the component has exceeded its expected total life.
Indicates whether the remaining life of the component has fallen below a user configured threshold level.
The threshold level is configured in the Predictive Maintenance Component Group object (0x0415).
The Remaining Life Threshold attribute from the group instance along with the Remaining Life attribute from this instance determine the
state of this flag.
Indicates whether the associated physical component is operating or is actively running.

Indicates the number of times the component has had its predictive maintenance data reset via the Reset service.

Instance number of the Identity object instance that represents the device containing the physical or serviceable component (device
where the physical component is located).

Differentiates between components when multiple components are associated with one Identity instance.

Identifies the location of the component within a product, device, or subsystem.

If a component is replaceable or serviceable, this is the catalog number of the part that can be ordered to replace or service it.

Specifies the type of components in the component group.

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Number of components (Predictive Maintenance Component object instances) included in this component group instance.
This attribute defines the list of Predictive Maintenance Components to be monitored within this Predictive Maintenance Component

Enable or disable the component group.

Select a remaining life level below which components in this group report a predictive maintenance event.
The units applied to this attribute are determined though the Remaining Life Threshold Units attribute.
Select the action that components in this group take when their remaining life falls below the configured threshold.
‘Ignore’ (0) – The device behavior ignores exceeding the Remaining Life Threshold specified level.
‘Event’ (1) – The device behavior produces an event to indicate that the Remaining Life Threshold has been exceeded, which could trigger
an alarm.

Indicates the engineering units being used for the Remaining Life Threshold attribute.
Specifies a user defined Maximum life for all components in the group.
Indicates the engineering units being used for the User Maintenance Maximum Life attribute

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = IP00, NEMA/UL Open Type
1 = IP21, NEMA/UL Type 1
2…3 = Reserved
4 = IP54, NEMA/UL Type 12
5 = IP65, NEMA/UL Type 4X
6…255 = Reserved

0 = G1
1 = G2
2 = G3
3 = GX
4 = GX+
5…255 = Reserved

0 = False (Not supported)

1 = True

0 = Off
1 = On

0x0000 = Group, Heterogenous

0x0100 = Fan Group, General
0x0101 = Fan Group, Heatsink
0x0102 = Fan Group, Stirring
0x0103 = Fan Group, Intake
0x0104 = Fan Group, Exhaust
0x0105 = Fan Group, Roof
0x0106 = Fan Group, Door
0x0107 = Fan Group, Pod

0x0200 = Capacitor Group, General

0x0201 = Capacitor Group, Bus
0x0202 = Capacitor Group, Filter
0x0300 = Power Device Group, General
0x0301 = Power Device Group, IGBT
0x0302 = Power Device Group, SCR
0x0400 = Switching Device Group, General
0x0401 = Switching Device Group, Contactor
0x0402 = Switching Device Group, Circuit Breaker
0x0403 = Switching Device Group, Switch

0x0500 = Bearing Group, General

0x0501 = Bearing Group, Motor
0x0502 = Bearing Group, Machine
0x0600 = Lubrication Group, General
0x0601 = Lubrication Group, Motor
0x0602 = Lubrication Group, Machine
0x0700 = PCB Assembly Group, General
0x0800 = Electronic Assembly Group, General

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0x1001 = General/Count
0x1104 = Time/Hour

0x1001 = General/Count
0x1104 = Time/Hour

0 = Not operating or not in operational state.

1 = Operating or in operational state. The component
remaining life is decreasing at a rate based on the predictive
maintenance algorithml.

0x0000 = Group, Heterogenous

0x0100 = Fan Group, General
0x0101 = Fan Group, Heatsink
0x0102 = Fan Group, Stirring
0x0103 = Fan Group, Intake
0x0104 = Fan Group, Exhaust
0x0105 = Fan Group, Roof
0x0106 = Fan Group, Door
0x0107 = Fan Group, Pod

0x0200 = Capacitor Group, General

0x0201 = Capacitor Group, Bus
0x0202 = Capacitor Group, Filter

0x0300 = Power Device Group, General

0x0301 = Power Device Group, IGBT
0x0302 = Power Device Group, SCR

0x0400 = Switching Device Group, General

0x0401 = Switching Device Group, Contactor
0x0402 = Switching Device Group, Circuit Breaker
0x0403 = Switching Device Group, Switch

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0x0500 = Bearing Group, General
0x0501 = Bearing Group, Motor
0x0502 = Bearing Group, Machine

0x0600 = Lubrication Group, General

0x0601 = Lubrication Group, Motor
0x0602 = Lubrication Group, Machine

0x0700 = PCB Assembly Group, General

0x0800 = Electronic Assembly Group, General

0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled (Default)

0 = Ignore
1 = Event

0x1001 = General/Count
0x1104 = Time/Hour

0x1001 = General/Count
0x1104 = Time/Hour

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Motor Side Inverter Power Module Object Instan
Product Fan Group (Hex) Heatsink Fan
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
755TR & 755TL - Frame 5 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 6 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 7 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 8 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 9 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 10 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 11 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 12 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 13 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6
755TR & 755TL - Frame 14 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6
755TR & 755TL - Frame 15 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 5 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 6 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 7 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 8 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 9 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 10 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 11 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 12 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 13 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 14 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 15 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 5 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 6 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 7 0x0100 0x0101 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 8 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 9 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 10 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 11 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 12 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 —
755TM CBI - Frame 13 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6
755TM CBI - Frame 14 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6
755TM CBI - Frame 15 0x0100 0x0101 1 2 3 4 5 6

755TS - Frame 1 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —

755TS - Frame 2 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 3 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 4 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 5 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 6 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 7 0x0100 0x0101 1 — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Power Module Object Instances Line Side Converter Power Module Object Instances LCL Filte
M6 M7 M8 M9 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 F0 F1
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 21 — — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 — — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 26 — — — — 41 —
7 8 — — 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 — — 41 —
7 8 9 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 41 —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 21 — — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 — — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 — — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 — — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 — — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 — — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 — — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 26 — — — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 — — 41 —
— — — — 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 41 —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
7 8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
7 8 9 10 — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

LCL Filter Module Object Instances Stirring Fan Instances
Stirring Fan
F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 SF0 SF1
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 102
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 102
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 44 — 46 — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 — 47 — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 46 — 48 — 50 0x0102 — —

— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 102
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 — — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 44 — 46 — — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 — 47 — — — 0x0102 — —
43 — 45 46 — 48 — 50 0x0102 — —

— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —

— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 — —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 —
— — — — — — — — 0x0102 101 —

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Power Bay Roof Fan Object Instances Input Bay Roof Fan Instances
Roof Fan
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — 111
0x0105 61 62 — — — — — — — — 111
0x0105 61 62 63 — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 —

0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — 111
0x0105 61 62 — — — — — — — — 111
0x0105 61 62 63 — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 —

0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 — — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 — — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 — — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 — — — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 — — —
0x0105 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 —

0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —
0x0105 — — — — — — — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

put Bay Roof Fan Instances Control Bay Roof Fan Instances Input Bay Door Fan Instances Wire Bay Door Fan Instances
Door Fan
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 — — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
(O) = Optional
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 — — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 — 141 (O)
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
— — — 0x0106 121 122 141
(O) = Optional
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 — 0x0106 — — —
— 131 132 0x0106 — — —
— 131 132 0x0106 — — —
— 131 132 0x0106 — — —
(O) = Optional
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —
— — — 0x0106 — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Wire Bay Door Fan Instances Pod Fan Instances
Control Pod Fan
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
(O) = Optional
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
(O) = Optional
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 —
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 (O) 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
151 0x0107 161
(O) = Optional
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 161
— 0x0107 —
— 0x0107 —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Motor Side Inverter Power Module Object Instan
Product Capacitor Group Bus Capacitor
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
755TR & 755TL - Frame 5 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 6 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 7 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 8 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 9 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 10 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 11 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 12 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 13 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206
755TR & 755TL - Frame 14 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206
755TR & 755TL - Frame 15 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 5 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 6 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 7 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 8 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 9 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 10 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 11 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 12 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 13 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 14 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 15 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 5 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 6 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 7 0x0200 0x0201 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 8 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 9 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 10 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 11 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 12 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 —
755TM CBI - Frame 13 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206
755TM CBI - Frame 14 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206
755TM CBI - Frame 15 0x0200 0x0201 201 202 203 204 205 206

755TS - Frame 1 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —

755TS - Frame 2 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 3 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 4 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 5 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 6 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 7 0x0200 0x0201 201 — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Power Module Object Instances Line Side Converter Power Module Object Instances
M6 M7 M8 M9 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 226 — — — —
207 208 — — 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 — —
207 208 209 210 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 — — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 — — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 — — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 — — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 226 — — — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 — —
— — — — 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
207 208 — — — — — — — — — — — —
207 208 209 210 — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

LCL Filter Module Object Instances
Filter Capacitor
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 244 — 246 — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 — 247 — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 246 — 248 — 250

0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — — — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 — — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 244 — 246 — — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 — 247 — — —
0x0202 241 — 243 — 245 246 — 248 — 250

0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —

0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —
0x0202 — — — — — — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Power Device Motor Side Inverter Power Module Object Instan
Product Group IGBT
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
755TR & 755TL - Frame 5 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 6 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 7 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 8 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 9 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 — — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 10 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 — — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 11 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 12 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 13 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306
755TR & 755TL - Frame 14 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306
755TR & 755TL - Frame 15 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 5 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 6 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 7 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 8 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 9 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 10 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 11 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 12 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 13 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 14 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 15 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 5 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 6 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 7 0x0300 0x0301 — — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 8 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 9 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 — — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 10 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 11 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 12 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 —
755TM CBI - Frame 13 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306
755TM CBI - Frame 14 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306
755TM CBI - Frame 15 0x0300 0x0301 301 302 303 304 305 306

755TS - Frame 1 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —

755TS - Frame 2 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 3 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 4 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 5 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 6 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —
755TS - Frame 7 0x0300 0x0301 301 — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Power Module Object Instances Line Side Converter Power Module Object Instances
M6 M7 M8 M9 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 326 — — — —
307 308 — — 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 — —
307 308 309 310 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 — — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 — — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 — — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 — — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 — — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 326 — — — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 — —
— — — — 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
307 308 — — — — — — — — — — — —
307 308 309 310 — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Switching Device Precharge Contactor Instances
Product Group Contactor
755TR & 755TL - Frame 5 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 6 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 7 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 8 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 9 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 10 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 11 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 12 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TR & 755TL - Frame 13 0x0400 0x0401 421 422
755TR & 755TL - Frame 14 0x0400 0x0401 421 422
755TR & 755TL - Frame 15 0x0400 0x0401 421 422

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 5 0x0400 0x0401 — —

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 6 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 7 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 8 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 9 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 10 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 11 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 12 0x0400 0x0401 421 —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 13 0x0400 0x0401 421 422
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 14 0x0400 0x0401 421 422
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 15 0x0400 0x0401 421 422

755TM CBI - Frame 5 0x0400 0x0401 — —

755TM CBI - Frame 6 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 7 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 8 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 9 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 10 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 11 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 12 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 13 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 14 0x0400 0x0401 — —
755TM CBI - Frame 15 0x0400 0x0401 — —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Main Circuit Breaker Instances Molded Case Switch Instances
Circuit Breaker Switch
0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —

0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 401 402 0x0403 — — — — —

0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 — — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 — — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 — — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 — —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 444 —
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 444 445
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 444 445
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 444 445
0x0402 — — 0x0403 441 442 443 444 445

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

olded Case Switch Instances
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —

— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —

— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
446 — — — —
446 447 448 — —
446 447 448 449 450

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Motor Bearing Instances Machine Bearing Instances
Product Bearing Group
1 2 1
755TR & 755TL - Frame 5 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 6 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 7 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 8 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 9 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 10 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 11 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 12 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 13 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 14 0x0500 501 502 511
755TR & 755TL - Frame 15 0x0500 501 502 511

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 5 0x0500 — — —

755TM Bus Supply - Frame 6 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 7 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 8 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 9 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 10 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 11 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 12 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 13 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 14 0x0500 — — —
755TM Bus Supply - Frame 15 0x0500 — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 5 0x0500 — — —

755TM CBI - Frame 6 0x0500 — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 7 0x0500 — — —
755TM CBI - Frame 8 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 9 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 10 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 11 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 12 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 13 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 14 0x0500 501 502 511
755TM CBI - Frame 15 0x0500 501 502 511

755TS - Frame 1 0x0500 501 502 511

755TS - Frame 2 0x0500 501 502 511
755TS - Frame 3 0x0500 501 502 511
755TS - Frame 4 0x0500 501 502 511
755TS - Frame 5 0x0500 501 502 511
755TS - Frame 6 0x0500 501 502 511
755TS - Frame 7 0x0500 501 502 511

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Machine Bearing Instances Motor Bearing Instances Machine Bearing Instances
Lubrication Group
2 1 2 1 2
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612

— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —

— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
— 0x0600 — — — —
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612

512 0x0600 601 602 611 612

512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612
512 0x0600 601 602 611 612

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Logic Command Word: PowerFlex 755TL, 755TR, and 755TS Drives Logic Command Word: PowerFle
Logic Bit Command Description Logic Bit
0 Stop 0 = Not Normal Stop 0
1 = Normal Stop
1 Start (1) 0 = Not Start 1
1 = Start
2 Jog 1 (2) 0 = Not Jog 1 2
1 = Jog 1 (speed set in 10:1894)
3 Clear Faults (3) 0 = Not Clear Fault 3
1 = Clear Fault
4 Forward 0 = Not Forward 4
1 = Forward
5 Reverse 0 = Not Reverse 5
1 = Reverse
6 Manual 0 = Not Manual 6
1 = Manual
7 Reserved 7
8 Accel Time 1 00 = No Command 8
9 Accel Time 2 01 = Use Accel Time 1 (10:1915) 9
10 = Use Accel Time 2 (10:1916)
11 = Use Present Time

10 Decel Time 1 00 = No Command 10

11 Decel Time 2 01 = Use Decel Time 1 (10:1917) 11
10 = Use Decel Time 2 (10:1918)
11 = Use Present Time

12 Ref Select 1 000 = No Command 12

13 Ref Select 2 001 = Ref A Select (10:1800) 13
14 Ref Select 3 010 = Ref B Select (10:1807) 14
011 = Preset 3 (10:1816)
100 = Preset 4 (10:1817)
101 = Preset 5 (10:1818)
110 = Preset 6 (10:1819)
111 = Preset 7 (10:1820)

15 Emerg OVRD 0 = No Command 15

1 = Emergency Override
16 Coast Stop 0 = Not Coast to Stop 16
1 = Coast to Stop
17 Climit Stop 0 = Not Current Limit Stop 17
1 = Current Limit Stop
18 Run (4) 0 = Not Run 18
1 = Run
19 Jog 2 (2) 0 = Not Jog 2 (10:1895) 19
1 = Jog
20 Reserved 20

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

21 Energy Pause 0 = Energy Resume 21
1 = Energy Pause
22 Reserved 22
23 Reserved 23
24 Reserved 24
25 Reserved 25
26 Reserved 26
27 Reserved 27
28 Reserved 28
29 Reserved 29
30 Reserved 30
31 Reserved 31

(1) A Not Stop condition (logic bit 0 = 0) must first be present before a 1 = Start condition starts the drive.
(2) A Not Stop condition (logic bit 0 = 0) must first be present before a 1 = Jog 1/Jog 2 condition jogs the drive. A transition to a
(3) To perform this command, the value must switch from ‘0’ to ‘1’.
(4) A Not Stop condition (logic bit 0 = 0) must first be present before a 1 = Run condition runs the drive. A transition to a ‘0’ sto

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

ogic Command Word: PowerFlex 755TM Common Bus Inverters Logic Command Word: PowerFlex 755TM Bus
Command Description Logic Bit
Stop 0 = Not Normal Stop 0
1 = Normal Stop
Start (1) 0 = Not Start 1
1 = Start
Jog 1 (2) 0 = Not Jog 1 2
1 = Jog 1 (speed set in 10:1894)
Clear Faults (3) 0 = Not Clear Fault 3
1 = Clear Fault
Forward 0 = Not Forward 4
1 = Forward
Reverse 0 = Not Reverse 5
1 = Reverse
Manual 0 = Not Manual 6
1 = Manual
Reserved 7
Accel Time 1 00 = No Command 8
Accel Time 2 01 = Use Accel Time 1 (10:1915) 9
10 = Use Accel Time 2 (10:1916)
11 = Use Present Time

Decel Time 1 00 = No Command 10

Decel Time 2 01 = Use Decel Time 1 (10:1917) 11
10 = Use Decel Time 2 (10:1918)
11 = Use Present Time

Ref Select 1 000 = No Command 12

Ref Select 2 001 = Ref A Select (10:1800) 13
Ref Select 3 010 = Ref B Select (10:1807) 14
011 = Preset 3 (10:1816)
100 = Preset 4 (10:1817)
101 = Preset 5 (10:1818)
110 = Preset 6 (10:1819)
111 = Preset 7 (10:1820)

Emerg OVRD 0 = No Command 15

1 = Emergency Override
Coast Stop 0 = Not Coast to Stop 16
1 = Coast to Stop
Climit Stop 0 = Not Current Limit Stop 17
1 = Current Limit Stop
Run (4) 0 = Not Run 18
1 = Run
Jog 2 (2) 0 = Not Jog 2 (10:1895) 19
1 = Jog
Reserved 20

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Reserved 21

Reserved 22
Reserved 23
Reserved 24
Reserved 25
Reserved 26
Reserved 27
Reserved 28
Reserved 29
Reserved 30
Reserved 31

jogs the drive. A transition to a ‘0’ stops the drive.

he drive. A transition to a ‘0’ stops the drive.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

ogic Command Word: PowerFlex 755TM Bus Supplies
Command Description
Stop 0 = Not Normal Stop
1 = Normal Stop
Start (1) 0 = Not Start
1 = Start

Clear Faults (3) 0 = Not Clear Fault

1 = Clear Fault









Run (4) 0 = Not Run

1 = Run


_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Energy Pause 0 = Energy Resume
1 = Energy Pause

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Logic Status Word: PowerFlex 755TL, 755TR, and 755TS Drives, 755TM CBIs Logic Status Word: Powe
Logic Bit Status Description Logic Bit
0 Ready 0 = Not Ready to Run 0
1 = Ready to Run
1 Active 0 = Not Active 1
1 = Active
2 Command Dir 0 = Reverse 2
1 = Forward
3 Actual Dir 0 = Reverse 3
1 = Forward
4 Accelerating 0 = Not Accelerating 4
1 = Accelerating
5 Decelerating 0 = Not Decelerating 5
1 = Decelerating
6 Alarm (1) 0 = No Alarm 6
1 = Alarm (10:465, 10:466, 10:467)
7 Faulted (1) 0 = No Fault (10:461 and 10:462) 7
1 = Fault
8 At Speed 0 = Not at Setpoint Speed 8
1 = At Setpoint Speed
9 Manual 0 = Manual Mode Not Active 9
1 = Manual Mode Active
10 Spd Ref ID 0 00000 = Reserved 10
00001 = Auto Ref A (10:1800)
00010 = Auto Ref B (10:1801)
00011 = Auto Preset Speed 3 (10:1816)
00100 = Auto Preset Speed 4 (10:1817)
00101 = Auto Preset Speed 5 (10:1818)
00110 = Auto Preset Speed 6 (10:1819)
00111 = Auto Preset Speed 7 (10:1820)
01000 = Reserved
11 Spd Ref ID 1 01001 = Reserved 11
01010 = Reserved
01011 = Reserved
01100 = Reserved
01101 = Reserved
01110 = Reserved
01111 = Reserved
10000 = Manual Port 0
10001 = Manual Port 1
10010 = Manual Port 2
12 Spd Ref ID 2 10011 = Manual Port 3 12
10100 = Manual Port 4
10101 = Manual Port 5
10110 = Manual Port 6
10111 = Reserved
11000 = Reserved
11001 = Reserved
11010 = Reserved
11011 = Reserved
11100 = Reserved
11101 = Manual Port 0 (Embedded ENET) 0:211
11110 = Manual Port 9 (DeviceLogix)
11111 = Alternate Manual Ref Sel (10:1835)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

10111 = Reserved
11000 = Reserved
11001 = Reserved
11010 = Reserved
11011 = Reserved
13 Spd Ref ID 3 11100 = Reserved 13
11101 = Manual Port 0 (Embedded ENET) 0:211
11110 = Manual Port 9 (DeviceLogix)
11111 = Alternate Manual Ref Sel (10:1835)

14 Spd Ref ID 4 14

15 Reserved 15

16 Running 0 = Not Running 16

1 = Running
17 Jogging 0 = Not Jogging 17
1 = Jogging (10:1894, 10:1895)
18 Stopping 0 = Not Stopping 18
1 = Stopping
19 DC Braking 0 = Not DC Braking 19
1 = DC Braking
20 DB Active 0 = Not Dynamic Brake Active 20
1 = Dynamic Brake Active
21 Speed Mode 0 = Not Speed Mode 21
1 = Speed Mode (10:34)
22 PositionMode 0 = Not Position Mode 22
1 = Position Mode (10:34)
23 Torque Mode 0 = Not Torque Mode 23
1 = Torque Mode (10:34)
24 AtZero Speed 0 = Not at Zero Speed 24
1 = At Zero Speed
25 At Home 0 = Not at Home 25
1 = At Home
26 At Limit 0 = Not at Limit 26
1 = At Limit
27 Cur Limit 0 = Not at Current Limit 27
1 = At Current Limit
28 Bus Freq Reg 0 = Not Bus Freq Reg 28
1 = Bus Freq Reg
29 Enable On 0 = Not Enable On 29
1 = Enable On
30 Motor OL 0 = Not Bus Freq Reg 30
1 = Bus Freq Reg

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

31 Regen 0 = Not Regen 31
1 = Regen

(1) On PowerFlex 755TR drives and 755TL drives, only the motor side inverter triggers alarms and faults. To check for alarms a

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

ogic Status Word: PowerFlex 755TM Bus Supplies
Status Description
Ready 0 = Not Ready to Run
1 = Ready to Run

AutoRstr Act 0 = Not Active

1 = Active
AutoRstrCntDwn 0 = Not Counting Down to Restart
1 = Counting Down to Restart
HS Fan On 0 = Heatsink Fan Not Running
1 = Heatsink Fan Running
Autotuning 0 = Not Active
1 = Active
Alarm (1) 0 = No Alarm
1 = Alarm (10:465, 10:466, 10:467)
Fault (1) 0 = No Fault (10:461 and 10:462)
1 = Fault
At DC Ref 0 = Not at DC Reference
1 = At DC Reference
DrpGn Limit 0 = Droop Gain Not Limited
1 = Droop Gain Limited



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StartInhibit 0 = No Start Inhibit

1 = Start Inhibit
Running 0 = Not Running
1 = Running




AC Ride Thru 0 = No AC Ride Thru

1 = AC Ride Thru
InPhaseLoss 0 = No Input Phase Loss
1 = Input Phase Loss
AC Line Sync 0 = No AC Line Sync
1 = AC Line Sync
kVAR OnlyAct 0 = No Reactive Current Active
1 = Reactive Current Active
In Precharge 0 = Not In Precharge
1 = In Precharge
At Limit 0 = Not At Limit
1 = At Limit
Cur Limit 0 = No Current Limit
1 = Current Limit
Conv Bus Reg 0 = Not Regulating
1 = Regulating
Enable On 0 = Enable Not On
1 = Enable On
Motoring 0 = Not Motoring
1 = Motoring

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Regenerating 0 = Not Regenerating
1 = Regenerating

s. To check for alarms and faults on the line side converter see parameter 13:225 [Line Side Sts 1] bit 6 ‘Alarm’ and bit 7 ‘Fault’.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Port No.

Display Name Description

The present state of the Torque Proving state
9 1 TrqPrvState machine.
Timer count for the Speed Band function in Torque
9 2 TrqPrvSpdBandTimer Proving.
Indicated the Brake Slip start has occurred and is
9 3 TrqPrvBrkSlipStartActv presently active.
Velocity Reference at the input to the ramp and S
10 1 VRef Ramp In Curve function.
This signal is the active rate of change of the velocity
10 2 VelRamp Rate reference. It is produced by the velocity reference
ramp and S curve function.
Velocity Droop offset signal output from droop
10 3 Vel Droop function.
This signal is the change in 10:1684 [PRef Selected]
every millisecond. It is applied to the input of the
10 10 PRef Sel Del Electronic Gear Ratio function. Position units are
encoder edge counts.

This signal is the output of the Position Reference

Electronic Gear Ratio function. It is similar to the EGR
10 11 PRef Sel EGR input in that it is a position change over 1 millisecond.
This signal is re-accumulated to create 10:1686 [Pref
EGR Out]. Position units are encoder edge counts.

This signal is the summation of 10:1691 [Psn Offset 1]

and 10:1694 [Psn Offset 2]. It is the user input to the
10 12 PRef Ofst In Position Reference Offset function. Position units are
encoder edge counts.

This signal is the output of the Position Reference

Offset function. It represents the total offset that is to
10 13 PRef OfstPsn be applied to the Position Reference. Position units
are encoder edge counts.

This signal is the change in Position Reference Offset

10 14 PRef OfstOut that is to be applied to every millisecond. It is summed
with the output of the position reference EGR.
Position units are encoder edge counts.

This signal is the output of the Position Reference

Notch Filters. It represents a Position Command
10 15 PRef NF Out change over 1 millisecond. This signal is
reaccumulated to create 10:1731 Position Command.
Position units are encoder edge counts.

This signal is the change in the Load Position Feedback

every millisecond. It is the input the Load Position
10 20 LdPsn Fb Del Feedback Gear Ratio. Position units are encoder edge

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

This signal is the change in 10:1746 [Position Fb] every
millisecond. It is subtracted from the output of the
10 21 Psn Fb Del Position Reference Notch Filters. The result of this
subtraction when re-accumulated becomes 10:1750
[Position Error]. Position units are encoder edge

This signal is the difference between the output of the

Position Reference Notch Filters and the Load Position
10 22 PReg LdError Feedback Gear Ratio function. Position units are
encoder edge counts.

This signal is the output of the Load Position Feedback

Gear Ratio function. When reaccumulated this
10 23 LdPsn Geared becomes 10:1748 [Psn Load Actual]. Position units are
encoder edge counts.

If this signal is non-zero, then the PID Output Meter

10 30 VRef PID Sel has exclusive control of the Velocity Reference. If this
signal is zero, then the Velocity Reference is controlled
by 10/11:1892 [VRef Selected].

Velocity reference signal used for the Homing

10 31 VRef Homing function.

If this signal is non-zero, then the active direction for

10 32 VRef DIR Sel Unipolar Direction Mode will be forward. If this signal
is zero, then the active direction for Unipolar Direction
Mode will be reverse.

Velocity Reference signal at the input to the Min and

10 33 Vref CLmt In Max Velocity Command Limiters.
Velocity Reference signal at the output of the Skip
10 34 VRef SkipOut Band function.
Velocity feed forward reference signal used when
10 35 VRef Psn FF position control is active. Sums with velocity ramp
Velocity Reference at the input to the reference notch
10 36 VRef NF In filters. The output of these filters is 10:1925 [Vref
Velocity Reference at the output of the multiply block
10 37 VRef Scaled that applies 10/11:1932 [VRef Scale].
Velocity Reference signal at the input to the Final
10 38 VRef FLmt In velocity limiter. The output of this limiter is 10:1933
[VRef Final].
Output of the Servo Lock function in the Velocity
10 40 VReg SrvLock Regulator. Sums with 10:1951 [Velocity Error].
Internal proportional gain used in the velocity
regulator. Incorporates gain scaling from Adaptive
10 41 aVRegKp Tuning and Alternate Feedback. Also includes
conversion from Hz to rad/sec.

Internal integral gain used in the velocity regulator.

10 42 aVRegKi Incorporates gain scaling from Adaptive Tuning and
Alternate Feedback. Also includes Kp gain and
conversion from Hz to rad/sec.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Input signal to the Acceleration Limiter in the Velocity
10 43 VReg Lmt In Regulator. Units are PU Velocity per second.

Scale factor used to convert acceleration signals to

torque signals. Proportional to system inertia.
10 44 Kj Acceleration units are PU Vel/sec. Torque units are PU
motor torque.

Scale factor used to convert acceleration signals to

torque signals. Proportional to system inertia.
10 50 Trq Scale
Acceleration units are rev/sec2. Torque units are
percent of rated motor torque.

Positive limit that is being applied to the Trq Ref

10 51 TrqRefPosLimActv Filtered parameter. Result is displayed in Trq Ref
Limited parameter.
Negative limit that is being applied to the Trq Ref
10 52 TrqRefNegLimActv Filtered parameter. Result is displayed in Trq Ref
Limited parameter.
10 100 EncdrlsCompTestState Encoderless test state.
Torque producing Current Reference. Output of the
10 101 IqsRefLmtd Current Rate Limiter.
Ratio of second harmonocs amplitdue to sixth
10 105 PhsLossAmptdRO harmonics.
10 106 PhsLossDtctCnts Input phase loss detection counts.
Electrical speed generated in FV open loop control
10 110 OloopOmegaOutpu mode.

10 111 OmegaRotor Rotor speed generated in FV open loop control mode.

A-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback

10 115 IaFbk scaled to units of the system.
B-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback
10 116 IbFbk scaled to units of the system.
C-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback
10 117 IcFbk scaled to units of the system.
This signal indicates the status of the delay when
10 120 FreqSync Enhanced Delay Flying Start function is activated. This is for the CEMF
mode of the Flying Start function.
This signal indicates the status of flying start operating
10 121 FreqSync Enhanced State state. This is for the CEMF mode of the Flying Start
This signal indicates the status of flying start operating
10 122 FreqSync Sweep State state. This is for the Sweep mode of the Flying Start
10 125 PrchrgState State of the Precharge state machine.
If this signal is non-zero, then a Line Loss Condition is
10 130 LineLoss Act active. If this signal is zero, then a Line Loss Condition
is not active.
The present state being executed by the power state
10 135 Power State Handler handler.
Commanded state from the PowerStateMach to the
10 136 PwrStateCmd PowerStateHandler.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

If this signal is non-zero, then a Current Limit Stopping
10 140 Current Limit Stop Active Sequence is active. If this signal is zero, then a Current
Limit Stopping Sequence is not active.

10 141 Sequencer State The present state of the Sequencer.

10 145 ActvPwmFreq Active PWM frequency.
Active max junction temperature used in thermal
10 146 MaxJuncTemp manager.

If this signal is non-zero, then the 10:2150 [Trq Ref Filt

In] will be forced to a value of zero. If this signal is
zero, then the Torque Reference is supplied by
10 150 TrqRefAtZero 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected] after offset by the Friction
Compensation and Torque Step signals. This signal
could become non-zero as part of a stop sequence or
during Autotune.

This is the level of DC Bus voltage where the PWM can

10 155 RideThruRcvrLvl become active again when power loss has occurred
and power is recovered.
This is the level of bus voltage where the PwrLoss
10 156 RideThruStrtLvl mode is triggered.
This is the level set to trigger a bus under voltage
10 157 VbusUnderVltgLvl event.
This signal is the Theta_e, the electrical stator angle, in
10 160 Theta_e radians.
This signal is the Theta_r, the electrical rotor angle, in
10 161 Theta_r radians.
10 170 IdSyncFdbk Flux current feedback.
10 171 IqSyncFdbk Torque current feedback.
10 172 VdSyncFdbk This signal is the d-axis voltage feedback.
10 173 VqSyncFdbk This signal is the q-axis voltage feedback.
D-axis voltage command in synchronous reference
10 180 VdsCmd frame.
Q-axis voltage command in synchronous reference
10 181 VqsCmd frame.
If this signal is non-zero, then the field weakening
10 190 FieldWeakSts control is active.
This signal is the flux regulator output feed forward
10 191 FluxRegFdFwd term.
If this signal is non-zero, then the flux regulator is not
10 192 FlxRegOmgLim active. If this signal is zero, then the flux regulator is
This signal displays the corresponding Iq Ref values for
10 193 IdCompMtrnIq IdComp during motoring operation.
This signal displays the required IdComp values during
10 194 IdCompMtrnPu motoring.
This signal displays the corresponding Iq Ref values for
10 195 IdCompRegnIq IdComp during regen operation.
This signal displays the required IdComp values during
10 196 IdCompRegnPu regen operation.
This signal is the d-axis current reference, which is the
10 197 FlxIdSyncRef output of the flux regulator.
If this signal is non-zero, then the flux regulator is at
10 198 NegIdsLim negative Id current limit.

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If this signal is non-zero, then the flux regulator is at
10 199 PosIdsLim positive Id current limit.
10 200 VqsFdbkFltrd This signal is the filtered q-axis voltage feedback.

This signal is the Slip RPM at full load amps, which is

10 210 FLARPM calculated based on the filtered slip gain.

10 211 OmegSlipFilt This signal is the filtered slip in rad/sec.

This signal is the Rs gain, which is calculated based on
10 212 RsGain the filtered slip gain.
10 213 SlipGnFltrd This signal is the filtered slip gain.
10 214 SlipGnLatchd This signal is the latched slip gain in the slip regulator.

This signal is the limited slip gain, which is the slip

10 215 SlipGnLmtd regulator output.
If this signal is non-zero, then the slip regulator is not
10 216 SlipLoTrqLim active because the q-axis current reference is below
the set value.
If this signal is non-zero, then the slip regulator is at
10 217 SlipGnMaxLim maximum slip gain limit.
If this signal is non-zero, then the slip regulator is at
10 218 SlipGnMinLim minimum slip gain limit.
This signal is the integration term of the slip regulator
10 219 SlipIntegOut output.
This signal is the proportional term of the slip
10 220 SlipPropOut regulator output.
10 221 VdsFdbkFltrd This signal is the filtered d-axis voltage feedback.
10 230 IdSyncRef Flux current command.
10 231 IqSyncRef Torque command.
This signal is the feed forward d-axis voltage
10 232 VdSyncFF_Ref reference.
This signal is the feed forward q-axis voltage
10 233 VqSyncFF_Ref reference.
10 240 LambdaDsSync This signal is the d-axis stator flux.
10 241 LambdaDsFilt This signal is the filtered d-axis stator flux.
10 242 LambdaQsSync This signal is the q-axis stator flux.
10 243 LambdaQsFilt This signal is the filtered q-axis stator flux.
10 250 TrqEst This signal is the estimated torque in N•m.
10 251 TrqEstFltrd This signal is the filtered estimated torque in N•m.
10 255 ActvCurLim This is the active current limit value.
10 260 FluxCurMax This is the maximum flux current value.
10 261 FluxCurMin This is the minimum flux current value.
10 262 LambdaDsRtd This signal is the rated d-axis stator flux.
This is the motor rated torque value in N•m that is
10 263 MtrRtdTrq calculated from motor name plate data.
10 264 SlipGnRtd This is the rated slip gain value.

The grid line voltage L12 instantaneously sampled

13 1 VL12Inst voltage feedback scaled to units of the system.

The grid line voltage L23 instantaneously sampled

13 2 VL23Inst voltage feedback scaled to units of the system.

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The grid line voltage L31 instantaneously sampled
13 3 VL31Inst voltage feedback scaled to units of the system.

The instantaneous value of the grid line voltage qaxis

13 4 VqSyncFdbk voltage component in the synchronous reference
frame scaled to units of the system.
The grid line voltage q-axis voltage component in the
synchronous reference frame filtered with a low pass
13 5 VqSyncFilt filter that has a cutoff frequency of 1 ms, and scaled to
units of the system.

The grid line voltage q-axis voltage component in the

synchronous reference frame filtered with a low pass
13 6 VqSyncFilt1 filter that has a cutoff frequency of 10 ms, and scaled
to units of the system.
The instantaneous value of the grid line voltage daxis
13 7 VdSyncFdbk voltage component in the synchronous reference
frame scaled to units of the system.
The grid line voltage d-axis voltage component in the
synchronous reference frame filtered with a low pass
13 8 VdSyncFilt filter that has a cutoff frequency of 1 ms, and scaled to
units of the system.

The grid line voltage d-axis voltage component in the

synchronous reference frame filtered with a low pass
13 9 VdSyncFilt1 filter that has a cutoff frequency of 10 ms, and scaled
to units of the system.

The grid line voltage L12 instantaneously sampled

voltage feedback filtered by a low pass filter that has
13 10 VabFdbkFilt 0.1 ms cut off frequency and scaled to units of the

The grid line voltage L23 instantaneously sampled

voltage feedback filtered by a low pass filter that has
13 11 VbcFdbkFilt 0.1 ms cut off frequency and scaled to units of the

The grid line voltage L31 instantaneously sampled

voltage feedback filtered by a low pass filter that has
13 12 VcaFdbkFilt 0.1 ms cut off frequency and scaled to units of the
A-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback
13 13 IaInst scaled to units of the system.
B-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback
13 14 IbInst scaled to units of the system.
C-phase simultaneously sampled current feedback
13 15 IcInst scaled to units of the system.
The instantaneous value of the zero sequence
13 16 I0Fdbk current/summation of the feedback currents.
Selected voltage rate of change of the bus voltage, this
value is set by a user parameter in case of manual bus
13 17 VbusRateLim reference and it is set to a very high value when it is in
optimized mode.
13 18 VbusOptRef Optimized value of the DC Bus Reference.
The calculated minimum possible value of the DC Bus
13 19 VbusRefLoLim command.

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The calculated maximum possible value of the DC Bus
13 20 VbusRefHiLim command.

13 21 VbusLimSts A status signal indicates if the bus reference is limited.

The instantaneous error signal between the DC Bus

13 22 VbusErr command and the measured DC bus. This signal is
processed through the controller of the bus regulator
to generate the current reference command.

13 23 VbusRegKi The integral gain of the bus voltage regulator.

13 24 VbusRegKp The proportional gain of the bus voltage regulator.

The instantaneous value of the active current

13 25 IqRefVbusReg command generated by the DC bus voltage regulator.

The instantaneous value of the active current (q-axis

current component in the synchronous reference
13 26 IqRefComp frame) calculated by the LCL steady state
compensation algorithm.

The instantaneous value of the grid line voltage (qaxis

voltage component in the synchronous reference
13 27 VqRefComp frame) calculated by the LCL steady state
compensation algorithm.

The instantaneous value of the grid line voltage (daxis

voltage component in the synchronous reference
13 28 VdRefComp frame) calculated by the LCL steady state
compensation algorithm.

The instantaneous value of the reactive current (daxis

current component in the synchronous reference
13 29 IdRefComp frame) calculated by the LCL steady state
compensation algorithm.

The maximum value of the active current component

for a given DC bus value, line voltage magnitude, and
13 30 IqVbusCurLim line reactance, this limit is calculated based on the
maximum active power transfer theoretically
achievable between the AFE converter and the grid.

The maximum value of the reactive current

component for a given DC bus value, line voltage
13 31 IdVbusCurLim magnitude, and line reactance, this limit is calculated
based on the maximum reactive power transfer
theoretically achievable between the AFE converter
and the grid.

A status signal that indicates current is limited by the

13 32 ILmtUserSts user current limit parameter.

13 33 IdRefSts A status signal that indicates d-axis current at limit.

The instantaneous error signal between the active

current command and the calculated active current.
13 34 IqSyncErr This signal is processed through the controller of the
current regulator to generate the reference voltage

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The instantaneous error signal between the reactive
current command and the calculated reactive current
13 35 IdSyncErr component. This signal is processed through the
controller of the current regulator to generate the
reference voltage command.

The integral gain of the current regulator of the active

13 36 CurRegKiIq current component.
The proportional gain of the current regulator of the
13 37 CurRegKpIq active current component.
The integral gain of the current regulator of the
13 38 CurRegKiId reactive current component.
The proportional gain of the current regulator of the
13 39 CurRegKpId reactive current component.
The output signal of the current regulator used to
regulate the active current component which includes
13 40 CurRegqOut the effect of both the proportional action and the
integral action.

The output signal of the current regulator used to

regulate the reactive current component which
13 41 CurRegdOut includes the effect of both the proportional action and
the integral action.

The final q-axis component of the voltage reference

that is connected to the modulator. This component is
13 42 VqSyncRef used along with the d-axis component of the voltage
reference to generate the magnitude and the angle of
the final voltage reference connected to the

The final d-axis component of the voltage reference

that is connected to the modulator. This component is
13 43 VdSyncRef used along with the q-axis component of the voltage
reference to generate the magnitude and the angle of
the final voltage reference connected to the

The output of the integral term of the of the current

13 45 CurRegqI regulator used to regulate the active current
The output of the proportional term of the of the
13 46 CurRegqP current regulator used to regulate the active current
The limited value of the magnitude of the voltage
13 47 VltRefLim reference used to generate the three phase modulator

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Testpoint Codes and Functions
Set [Testpoint Sel n] parameter to a testpoint number to select the
desired testpoint.
The testpoint Data Type determines if the output of the testpoint is
Data Type Units viewed in [Testpoint REAL n] or [Testpoint DINT n] parameter.
DINT t/f


DINT t/f











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DINT t/f


DINT t/f










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DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f

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DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f







DINT t/f


REAL t/f






DINT t/f

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DINT t/f




DINT t/f

DINT t/f

DINT t/f




REAL Volts

REAL Volts

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts






REAL Volts
REAL Volts

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REAL Volts

REAL t/f

REAL Volts




REAL Volts

REAL Volts




DINT t/f

DINT t/f


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REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

REAL Volts

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No. Display Name File Group

1 Dig In Sts 11-Series I/O Digital Inputs

2 Dig In Filt Mask 11-Series I/O Digital Inputs

3 Dig In Filt 11-Series I/O Digital Inputs

5 Dig Out Sts 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

6 Dig Out Invert 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

7 Dig Out Setpoint 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

10 RO0 Sel 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

11 RO0 Level Sel 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

12 RO0 Level 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

13 RO0 Level CmpSts 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

14 RO0 On Time 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

15 RO0 Off Time 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

RO1 Sel
20 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Sel

RO1 Level Sel

21 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level Sel

RO1 Level
22 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

RO1 Level CmpSts
23 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level CmpSts

RO1 On Time
24 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 On Time

RO1 Off Time

25 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Off Time

30 TO1 Sel 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

31 TO1 Level Sel 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

32 TO1 Level 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

33 TO1 Level CmpSts 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

34 TO1 On Time 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

35 TO1 Off Time 11-Series I/O Digital Outputs

41 ATEX Sts 11-Series I/O Motor PTC

45 Anlg In Type 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

46 Anlg In Sqrt 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

47 Anlg In Loss Sts 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

50 Anlg In0 Value 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

51 Anlg In0 Hi 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

52 Anlg In0 Lo 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

53 Anlg In0 LssActn 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

54 Anlg In0 Raw Val 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

55 Anlg In0 Filt Gn 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

56 Anlg In0 Filt BW 11-Series I/O Analog Inputs

70 Anlg Out Type 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

71 Anlg Out Abs 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

75 Anlg Out0 Sel 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

77 Anlg Out0 Stpt 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

78 Anlg Out0 Data 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

79 Anlg Out0 DataHi 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

80 Anlg Out0 DataLo 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

81 Anlg Out0 Hi 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

82 Anlg Out0 Lo 11-Series I/O Analog Outputs

99 PredMaint Sts 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

100 RO0 Load Type 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

101 RO0 Load Amps 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

102 RO0 TotalLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

103 RO0 ElapsedLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

104 RO0 RemainLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

105 RO0 LifeEvntLvl 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

106 RO0 LifeEvntActn 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

110 RO1 Load Type 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

111 RO1 Load Amps 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

112 RO1 TotalLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

113 RO1 ElapsedLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

114 RO1 RemainLife 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

115 RO1 LifeEvntLvl 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

116 RO1 LifeEvntActn 11-Series I/O Predictive Main

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Description Units Default

Digital Input Status See Settings:

Status of the digital inputs. — (0) = Input Not Activated
(1) = Input Activated

Digital Input Filter Mask

Filters the selected digital input. See Settings:
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- — (0) = Input Not Filtered
1133C-1R2T and 20-750-1132C-2R. (Modules with 24V DC (1) = Input Filtered

Digital Input Filter

Sets the amount of filtering on the digital inputs.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- mS 4
1133C-1R2T and 20-750-1132C-2R. (Modules with 24V DC

Digital Output Status

Status of the digital outputs.
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C- See Settings:
1R2T — (0) = Output De-energized
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Output Energized
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 11-Series I/O Module 20-750-1133C-1R2T

Digital Output Invert

Inverts the selected digital output.
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C- See Settings:
1R2T — (0) = Output Not Inverted
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Output Inverted
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 11-Series I/O Module 20-750-1133C-1R2T

Digital Output Setpoint

Controls Relay or Transistor Outputs when chosen as the source.
Can be used to control outputs from a communication device
using DataLinks. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C- — (0) = Output De-energized
1R2T (1) = Output Energized
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 11-Series I/O Module 20-750-1133C-1R2T

Relay Output 0 Select

Selects the source that will energize the relay output.
Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For — 0.00
example 10:354 [MotorSide Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’
For Torque Proving set to Port 0, parameter 1103 bit 4. Use N.O.
for safety.

Relay Output 0 Level Select

Selects the source of the level that will be compared. — 0

Relay Output 0 Level

Sets the level compare value. — 0.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Relay Output 0 Level Compare Status
Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a relay or
transistor output. Relay Output n Select or Transistor Output n
Select must have this selected to energize the output. Can be
used without a physical output as status information only.
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the — (0) = Condition False
level value. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.

Relay Output 0 On Time

Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence of a condition and activation of the Secs 0.0

Relay Output 0 Off Time

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of Secs 0.0
the relay.

Relay Output 1 Select

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Select

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed. — 0.00

Selects the source that will energize the relay or transistor

Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For
example 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’

Relay Output 1 Level Select

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.
— 0
Transistor Output 0 Level Select
11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed.

Selects the source of the level that will be compared.

Relay Output 1 Level

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.
— 0.0
Transistor Output 0 Level
11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed.

Sets the level compare value.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Relay Output 1 Level Compare Status
11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Level Compare Status

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed.
Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a relay or
transistor output. Relay Output n Select or Transistor Output n See Settings:
Select must have this selected to energize the output. Can be — (0) = Condition False
used without a physical output as status information only. (1) = Condition True
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value.
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the
level value.
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.

Relay Output 1 On Time

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 On Time

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed. Secs 0.0

Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence
of a condition and activation of the relay or transistor.

Relay Output 1 Off Time

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1132C-2R or 20-750-1132D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Off Time

11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-1133C-1R2T is installed. Secs 0.0

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of
the relay or transistor.

Transistor Output 1 Select

Selects the source that will energize the transistor output.
Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For — 0.00
example 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 Level Select

Selects the source of the level that will be compared.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750- — 0.00

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Transistor Output 1 Level
Sets the level compare value.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750- — 0.0

Transistor Output 1 Level Compare Status

Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a transistor
output. Transistor Output n Select must have this selected to
energize the output. Can be used without a
physical output as status information only.
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the — (0) = Condition False
level value. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 On Time

Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence Secs 0.0
of a condition and activation of the transistor.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 Off Time

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of Secs 0.0
the transistor.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

ATEX Status
This parameter is not latched and only displays the current status
of the ATEX thermal sensor. When an ATEX fault is present, the
corresponding bit value is 1. When motor temperature is within
the optimal range, the bit value is 0.
This parameter is available only when an ATEX option module is
installed. See Settings:
Bit 0 ‘Thrmlsnsor OK’ – Thermal sensor is Ok. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 1 ‘Short Cirkt’ – Short circuit fault detected by thermal sensor. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Over Temp’ – Over temperature fault is detected by
thermal sensor.
Bit 3 ‘Voltage Loss’ – Voltage loss fault has taken place on ATEX
Bit 13 ‘Thermostat’ – Thermostat input has been selected.
Bit 14 ‘PTC Selected’ – PTC input has been selected.

Analog Input Type See Settings:

Status of the analog input mode set by the option jumpers. — (0) = Voltage Mode
(1) = Current Mode

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See Settings:
Analog Input Square Root — (0) = Square Root Disabled
Enables/disables the square root function for each input. (1) = Square Root Enabled

Analog Input Loss Status

Status of the analog input loss. See Settings:
Bit 0 ‘Loss’ – Indicates loss of input. — (0) = No Loss
Bit 1 ‘Loss 0’ – Indicates loss of input. (1) = Loss Detected

Analog Input 0 Value Volt 0.000 Volts

Value of the Analog input after filter, square root, and loss action. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 High Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the highest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 Low Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the lowest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 Loss Action

Enter a value to select the action that is taken when an analog
input signal loss occurs.
Signal loss is defined as an analog signal less than 1V or 2 mA. The
signal loss event ends
and normal operation resumes when the input signal level is
greater than or equal to
1.5V or 3 mA. This functionality is not recommended for bipolar
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 0
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.
‘Hold Input’ (6) – Holds input at last value.
‘Set Input Lo’ (7) – Sets input to 0V or 0 mA.
‘Set Input Hi’ (8) – Sets input to 10V or 20 mA.

Analog Input 0 Raw Value Volt 0.000 Volts

Raw Value of the analog input. mA 0.000 mA
Analog Input 0 Filter Gain
Sets the analog input filter gain. — 1.00

Analog Input 0 Filter Bandwidth

Sets the analog input filter bandwidth. — 0.0

Analog Output Type See Settings:

Select the analog output mode for each analog output. — (0) = Voltage Mode
(1) = Current Mode

Analog Output Absolute See Settings:

Selects whether the signed value or absolute value of a — (0) = Condition False
parameter is used before being scaled to drive the analog output. (1) = Condition True

Analog Output 0 Select

Selects the source for the analog output. — 3

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Analog Output 0 Setpoint
A possible source for an analog output. Can be used to control an Volt 10.000 Volts
analog output from a communication device using a DataLink. mA 20.000 mA
Not affected by analog output scaling.

Analog Output 0 Data

Displays the value of the source selected by 75 [Anlg Out0 Sel]. — 0

Analog Output 0 Data High

Sets the high value for the data range of analog out scale. pu 1

Analog Output 0 Data Low

Sets the low value for the data range of analog out scale. — 1

Analog Output 0 High Volt 10.000 Volts

Sets the high value for the analog output value when the data mA 20.000 mA
value is at its maximum.
Analog Output 0 Low Volt 10.000 Volts
Sets the low value for the analog output value when the data mA 20.000 mA
value is at its minimum.

Predictive Maintenance Status See Settings:

Displays the status of Predictive Maintenance for relay contacts. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 0’ for 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Condition True
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R

Relay Output 0 Load Type

Enter a value to set the type of load that is applied to the relay
contact. — 1
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this setting to predict
the relay contact life.

Relay Output 0 Load Amps

Enter a value to set the load current that is applied to the relay
contacts. Amps 2.000
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this value to predict
the relay contact life.

Relay Output 0 Total Life

Displays the predicted total life of the relay contacts (in cycles). Cycl 0
The Predictive Maintenance function calculates this using the
entered load type and amps.

Relay Output 0 Elapsed Life

Displays the elapsed life of the relay contacts (in cycles). Cycl 0

Relay Output 0 Remaining Life

Displays the predicted remaining life of the relay contacts (in Cycl 0
Relay Output 0 Life Event Level
Enter a value to set the threshold for the Relay Life event. Cycl 429496729
The event occurs when the Remaining Life falls to this level.

Relay Output 0 Life Event Action

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Relay Life event
takes place. — 1
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.

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Relay Output 1 Load Type
Enter a value to set the type of load that is applied to the relay
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this setting to predict — 1
the relay contact life.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Load Amps

Enter a value to set the load current that is applied to the relay
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this value to predict Amps 2.000
the relay contact life.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Total Life

Displays the predicted total life of the relay contacts (in cycles).
The Predictive Maintenance function calculates this using the Cycl 0
entered load type and amps.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Elapsed Life

Displays the elapsed life of the relay contacts (in cycles).
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- Cycl 0
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Remaining Life

Displays the predicted remaining life of the relay contacts (in
cycles). Cycl 0
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Life Event Level

Sets the remaining number of relay life cycles before action is
taken. Cycl 429496729
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Life Event Action

Sets the action that will be taken when the relay remaining life
event level has been reached.
Important: Only used by 11-Series I/O Module models 20-750- — 1
1132C-2R and 20-750-1132D-2R.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.

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Min Max Settings Data Type Write

Bit 0 = Input 0 (0)

Bit 1 = Input 1 (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Input 2 (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Input 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Input 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bit 2 = Input 2 (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

2 10 — 32-bit INT RW

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)
Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)
Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

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-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)

Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Thrmlsnsor OK (0)

Bit 1 = Short Cirkt (0)
Bit 2 = Over Temp (0)
0 1 Bit 3 = Voltage Loss (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 4…12 = Reserved (0)
Bit 13 = Thermostat (0)
Bit 14 = PTC Selected (0)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Analog In 0 (0)

0 1 Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RO

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 1 Bit 0 = Analog In 0 (0) 16-bits RW
Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Loss (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Loss 0 (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop
0 8 4 = Flt RampStop 32-bit INT RW
5 = Flt CL Stop
6 = Hold Input
7 = Set Input Lo
8 = Set Input Hi

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-5.00 5.00 — Real RW

0.0 5.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Analog Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RW

Bit 0 = Analog Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RW

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts
0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-100000 100000 — Real RO

-21474800 21474800 — Real RW

-21474800 21474800 — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Relay Out 0 (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = DC Resistive
0 3 1 = DC Inductive 32-bit INT RW
2 = AC Resistive
3 = AC Inductive

0.000 2.000 — Real RW

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — Real RW

0 = Ignore
0 2 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW
2 = Flt Minor

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0 = DC Resistive
0 3 1 = DC Inductive 32-bit INT RW
2 = AC Resistive
3 = AC Inductive

0.000 2.000 — Real RW

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — Real RW

0 = Ignore
0 2 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW
2 = Flt Minor

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Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O

0 No No No

0 Yes No No

0 Yes No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

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No. Display Name File Group

1 Dig In Sts 22-Series I/O Digital Inputs

2 Dig In Filt Mask 22-Series I/O Digital Inputs

3 Dig In Filt 22-Series I/O Digital Inputs

5 Dig Out Sts 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

6 Dig Out Invert 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

7 Dig Out Setpoint 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

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10 RO0 Sel 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

11 RO0 Level Sel 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

12 RO0 Level 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

13 RO0 Level CmpSts 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

14 RO0 On Time 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

15 RO0 Off Time 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

RO1 Sel
20 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Sel

RO1 Level Sel

21 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level Sel

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

RO1 Level
22 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level

RO1 Level CmpSts

23 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Level CmpSts

RO1 On Time
24 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 On Time

RO1 Off Time

25 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs
TO0 Off Time

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

30 TO1 Sel 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

31 TO1 Level Sel 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

32 TO1 Level 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

33 TO1 Level CmpSts 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

34 TO1 On Time 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

35 TO1 Off Time 22-Series I/O Digital Outputs

40 PTC Cfg 22-Series I/O Motor PTC

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

41 PTC Sts 22-Series I/O Motor PTC

42 PTC Raw Value 22-Series I/O Motor PTC

45 Anlg In Type 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

46 Anlg In Sqrt 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

47 Anlg In Loss Sts 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

50 Anlg In0 Value 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

51 Anlg In0 Hi 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

52 Anlg In0 Lo 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

53 Anlg In0 LssActn 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

54 Anlg In0 Raw Val 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

55 Anlg In0 Filt Gn 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

56 Anlg In0 Filt BW 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

60 Anlg In1 Value 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

61 Anlg In1 Hi 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

62 Anlg In1 Lo 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

63 Anlg In1 LssActn 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

64 Anlg In1 Raw Val 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

65 Anlg In1 Filt Gn 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

66 Anlg In1 Filt BW 22-Series I/O Analog Inputs

70 Anlg Out Type 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

71 Anlg Out Abs 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

75 Anlg Out0 Sel 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

76 Anlg Out0 Stpt 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

77 Anlg Out0 Data 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

78 Anlg Out0 DataHi 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

79 Anlg Out0 DataLo 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

80 Anlg Out0 Hi 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

81 Anlg Out0 Lo 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

82 Anlg Out0 Val 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

85 Anlg Out1 Sel 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

86 Anlg Out1 Stpt 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

87 Anlg Out1 Data 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

88 Anlg Out1 DataHi 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

89 Anlg Out1 DataLo 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

90 Anlg Out1 Hi 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

91 Anlg Out1 Lo 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

92 Anlg Out1 Val 22-Series I/O Analog Outputs

99 PredMaint Sts 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

100 RO0 Load Type 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

101 RO0 Load Amps 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

102 RO0 TotalLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

103 RO0 ElapsedLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

104 RO0 RemainLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

105 RO0 LifeEvntLvl 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

106 RO0 LifeEvntActn 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

110 RO1 Load Type 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

111 RO1 Load Amps 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

112 RO1 TotalLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

113 RO1 ElapsedLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

114 RO1 RemainLife 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

115 RO1 LifeEvntLvl 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

116 RO1 LifeEvntActn 22-Series I/O Predictive Main

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Description Units Default

See Settings:
Digital Input Status — (0) = Input Not Activated
Status of the digital inputs. (1) = Input Activated

Digital Input Filter Mask

Filters the selected digital input. See Settings:
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- — (0) = Input Not Filtered
2263C-1R2T and 20-750-2262C-2R. (Modules with 24V DC (1) = Input Filtered

Digital Input Filter

Sets the amount of filtering on the digital inputs.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- mS 4
2263C-1R2T and 20-750-2262C-2R. (Modules with 24V DC

Digital Output Status

Status of the digital outputs.
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C- See Settings:
1R2T — (0) = Output De-energized
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Output Energized
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 22-Series I/O Module 20-750-2263C-1R2T

Digital Output Invert

Inverts the selected digital output.
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C- See Settings:
1R2T — (0) = Output Not Inverted
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Output Inverted
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 22-Series I/O Module 20-750-2263C-1R2T

Digital Output Setpoint

Controls Relay or Transistor Outputs when chosen as the source.
Can be used to control outputs from a communication device
using DataLinks. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Trans Out 0’ for 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C- — (0) = Output De-energized
1R2T (1) = Output Energized
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 1’ for 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R
Bit 2 is only used by 22-Series I/O Module 20-750-2263C-1R2T

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Relay Output 0 Select
Selects the source that will energize the relay output.
Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For — 0.00
example 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’
For Torque Proving set to Port 0, parameter 1103 bit 4. Use N.O.
for safety.

Relay Output 0 Level Select

Selects the source of the level that will be compared. — 0

Relay Output 0 Level

Sets the level compare value. — 0.0

Relay Output 0 Level Compare Status

Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a relay or
transistor output. Relay Output n Select or Transistor Output n
Select must have this selected to energize the output. Can be
used without a physical output as status information only.
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the — (0) = Condition False
level value. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.

Relay Output 0 On Time

Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence of a condition and activation of the Secs 0.0

Relay Output 0 Off Time

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of Secs 0.0
the relay.

Relay Output 1 Select

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Select

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is installed. — 0.00

Selects the source that will energize the relay or transistor

Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For
example 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’

Relay Output 1 Level Select

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.
— 0
Transistor Output 0 Level Select
22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is installed.

Selects the source of the level that will be compared.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Relay Output 1 Level
22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.
— 0.0
Transistor Output 0 Level
22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is installed.

Sets the level compare value.

Relay Output 1 Level Compare Status

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Level Compare Status

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is installed.

Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a relay or

transistor output. Relay Output n Select or Transistor Output n See Settings:
Select must have this selected to energize the output. Can be — (0) = Condition False
used without a physical output as status information only. (1) = Condition True
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value.
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the
level value.
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.

Relay Output 1 On Time

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 On Time

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is Secs 0.0
Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence
of a condition and activation of the relay or transistor.

Relay Output 1 Off Time

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2262C-2R or 20-750-2262D-
2R is installed.

Transistor Output 0 Off Time

22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-2263C-1R2T is installed. Secs 0.0

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of
the relay or transistor.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Transistor Output 1 Select
Selects the source that will energize the transistor output.
Any status parameter bit can be used as an output source. For — 0.00
example 10:354 [Motor Side Sts 1] bit 7 ‘Faulted.’
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 Level Select

Selects the source of the level that will be compared.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750- — 0.00

Transistor Output 1 Level

Sets the level compare value.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750- — 0.0

Transistor Output 1 Level Compare Status

Status of the level compare, and a possible source for a transistor
output. Transistor Output n Select must have this selected to
energize the output. Can be used without a
physical output as status information only.
Bit 0 ‘Less Than’ – Level source is less than the level value. See Settings:
Bit 1 ‘Grt Than Equ’ – Level source is greater than or equal to the — (0) = Condition False
level value. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Abs LessThan’ – Absolute value of the level source is less
than the absolute value of the level value.
Bit 3 ‘AbsGrtThanEq’ – Absolute value of the level source is
greater than or equal to the absolute value of the level value.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 On Time

Sets the ‘ON Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the occurrence Secs 0.0
of a condition and activation of the transistor.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Transistor Output 1 Off Time

Sets the ‘OFF Delay’ time for the digital outputs. This is the time
between the disappearance of a condition and de-activation of Secs 0.0
the transistor.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module model 20-750-

Positive Temperature Coefficient Configuration

Sets the action that will be taken when the PTC is not Ok.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues — 1
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Positive Temperature Coefficient Status
Status of the PTC. See Settings:
Bit 0 ‘PTC Ok’ – PTC is OK — (0) = Condition False
Bit 1 ‘PTC Short’ – PTC is Shorted (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Over Temp’ – PTC is indicating over temperature
Positive Temperature Coefficient Raw Value
Displays the value of the PTC. Volt 0

Analog Input Type See Settings:

Status of the analog input mode set by the option jumpers. — (0) = Voltage Mode
(1) = Current Mode

See Settings:
Analog Input Square Root — (0) = Square Root Disabled
Enables/disables the square root function for each input. (1) = Square Root Enabled

Analog Input Loss Status

Status of the analog input loss. See Settings:
Bit 0 ‘Loss’ – Indicates loss of input. — (0) = No Loss
Bit 1 ‘Loss 0’ – Indicates loss of input. (1) = Loss Detected

Analog Input 0 Value Volt 0.000 Volts

Value of the Analog input after filter, square root, and loss action. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 High Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the highest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 Low Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the lowest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 0 Loss Action

Enter a value to select the action that is taken when an analog
input signal loss occurs.
Signal loss is defined as an analog signal less than 1V or 2 mA. The
signal loss event ends
and normal operation resumes when the input signal level is
greater than or equal to
1.5V or 3 mA. This functionality is not recommended for bipolar
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 0
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.
‘Hold Input’ (6) – Holds input at last value.
‘Set Input Lo’ (7) – Sets input to 0V or 0 mA.
‘Set Input Hi’ (8) – Sets input to 10V or 20 mA.

Analog Input 0 Raw Value Volt 0.000 Volts

Raw Value of the analog input. mA 0.000 mA
Analog Input 0 Filter Gain
Sets the analog input filter gain. — 1.00

Analog Input 0 Filter Bandwidth

Sets the analog input filter bandwidth. — 0.0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Analog Input 1 Value Volt 0.000 Volts
Value of the Analog input after filter, square root, and loss action. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 1 High Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the highest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 1 Low Volt 0.000 Volts

Sets the lowest input value to the analog input scaling block. mA 0.000 mA

Analog Input 1 Loss Action

Enter a value to select the action that is taken when an analog
input signal loss occurs.
Signal loss is defined as an analog signal less than 1V or 2 mA. The
signal loss event ends
and normal operation resumes when the input signal level is
greater than or equal to
1.5V or 3 mA. This functionality is not recommended for bipolar
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 0
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.
‘Hold Input’ (6) – Holds input at last value.
‘Set Input Lo’ (7) – Sets input to 0V or 0 mA.
‘Set Input Hi’ (8) – Sets input to 10V or 20 mA.

Analog Input 1 Raw Value Volt 0.000 Volts

Raw Value of the analog input. mA 0.000 mA
Analog Input 1 Filter Gain
Sets the analog input filter gain. — 1.00

Analog Input 1 Filter Bandwidth

Sets the analog input filter bandwidth. — 0.0

Analog Output Type See Settings:

Select the analog output mode for each analog output. — (0) = Voltage Mode
(1) = Current Mode

Analog Output Absolute See Settings:

Selects whether the signed value or absolute value of a — (0) = Condition False
parameter is used before being scaled to drive the analog output. (1) = Condition True

Analog Output 0 Select

Selects the source for the analog output. — 3

Analog Output 0 Setpoint

A possible source for an analog output. Can be used to control an Volt 10.000 Volts
analog output from a communication device using a DataLink. mA 20.000 mA
Not affected by analog output scaling.

Analog Output 0 Data

Displays the value of the source selected by 75 [Anlg Out0 Sel]. — 0.000

Analog Output 0 Data High

Sets the high value for the data range of analog out scale. pu 1.000

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Analog Output 0 Data Low
Sets the low value for the data range of analog out scale. — 1.000

Analog Output 0 High Volt 10.000 Volts

Sets the high value for the analog output value when the data mA 20.000 mA
value is at its maximum.
Analog Output 0 Low Volt 10.000 Volts
Sets the low value for the analog output value when the data mA 20.000 mA
value is at its minimum.
Analog Output 0 Value Volt 10.000 Volts
Displays the analog output value. mA 20.000 mA
Analog Output 1 Select
Selects the source for the analog output. — 7

Analog Output 1 Setpoint

A possible source for an analog output. Can be used to control an Volt 10.000 Volts
analog output from a communication device using a DataLink. mA 20.000 mA
Not affected by analog output scaling.

Analog Output 1 Data

Displays the value of the source selected by 85 [Anlg Out1 Sel]. — 0.00

Analog Output 1 Data High

Sets the high value for the data range of analog out scale. — 1.00

Analog Output 1 Data Low

Sets the low value for the data range of analog out scale. — 0.00

Analog Output 1 High Volt 10.000 Volts

Sets the high value for the analog output value when the data mA 20.000 mA
value is at its maximum.
Analog Output 1 Low Volt 0.000 Volts
Sets the low value for the analog output value when the data mA 0.000 mA
value is at its minimum.
Analog Output 1 Value Volt 10.000 Volts
Displays the analog output value. mA 20.000 mA

Predictive Maintenance Status See Settings:

Displays the status of Predictive Maintenance for relay contacts. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 1 ‘Relay Out 0’ for 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- (1) = Condition True
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R

Relay Output 0 Load Type

Enter a value to set the type of load that is applied to the relay
contact. — 1
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this setting to predict
the relay contact life.

Relay Output 0 Load Amps

Enter a value to set the load current that is applied to the relay
contacts. Amps 2.000
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this value to predict
the relay contact life.

Relay Output 0 Total Life

Displays the predicted total life of the relay contacts (in cycles). Cycl 0
The Predictive Maintenance function calculates this using the
entered load type and amps.

Relay Output 0 Elapsed Life

Displays the elapsed life of the relay contacts (in cycles). Cycl 0

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Relay Output 0 Remaining Life
Displays the predicted remaining life of the relay contacts (in Cycl 0
Relay Output 0 Life Event Level
Enter a value to set the threshold for the Relay Life event. % 80.000
The event occurs when the Remaining Life falls to this level.

Relay Output 0 Life Event Action

Enter a value to select the action taken when the Relay Life event
takes place. — 1
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.

Relay Output 1 Load Type

Enter a value to set the type of load that is applied to the relay
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this setting to predict — 1
the relay contact life.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Load Amps

Enter a value to set the load current that is applied to the relay
The Predictive Maintenance function uses this value to predict Amps 2.000
the relay contact life.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Total Life

Displays the predicted total life of the relay contacts (in cycles).
The Predictive Maintenance function calculates this using the Cycl 0
entered load type and amps.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Elapsed Life

Displays the elapsed life of the relay contacts (in cycles).
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- Cycl 0
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Remaining Life

Displays the predicted remaining life of the relay contacts (in
cycles). Cycl 0
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

Relay Output 1 Life Event Level

Enter a value to set the threshold for the Relay Life event.
The event occurs when the Remaining Life falls to this level. % 80.000
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750-
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Relay Output 1 Life Event Action
Enter a value to select the action taken when the Relay Life event
takes place.
Important: Only used by 22-Series I/O Module models 20-750- — 1
2262C-2R and 20-750-2262D-2R.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.

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Min Max Settings Data Type Write

Bit 0 = Input 0 (0)

Bit 1 = Input 1 (0)
Bit 2 = Input 2 (0)
0 1 Bit 3 = Input 3 (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 4 = Input 4 (0)
Bit 5 = Input 5 (0)
Bits 6…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Input 0 (0)

Bit 1 = Input 1 (0)
Bit 2 = Input 2 (0)
0 1 Bit 3 = Input 3 (0) 16-bits RW
Bit 4 = Input 4 (0)
Bit 5 = Input 5 (0)
Bits 6…15 = Reserved (0)

2 10 — 32-bit INT RW

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

Bit 1 = Trans Out 0, Relay Out 1 (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Trans Out 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)

Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)

Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

0.00 159999.15 — 32-bit INT RW

-1000000.0 1000000.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Less Than (0)

Bit 1 = Grt Than Equ (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Abs LessThan (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 3 = AbsGrtThanEq (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0.0 600.0 — Real RW

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 5 2 = Flt Minor 32-bit INT RW
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = PTC Ok (0)
0 1 Bit 1 = PTC Short (0) 16-bits RO
Bit 2 = Over Temp (0)
Bits 3…15 = Reserved (0)

0 10 — Real RO

Bit 0 = Analog In 0 (0)

0 1 Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RO

0 1 Bit 0 = Analog In 0 (0) 16-bits RW

Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Loss (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Loss 0 (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop
0 8 4 = Flt RampStop 32-bit INT RW
5 = Flt CL Stop
6 = Hold Input
7 = Set Input Lo
8 = Set Input Hi

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-5.00 5.00 — Real RW

0.0 5.0 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts
0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop
0 8 4 = Flt RampStop 32-bit INT RW
5 = Flt CL Stop
6 = Hold Input
7 = Set Input Lo
8 = Set Input Hi

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

-5.00 5.00 — Real RW

0.0 500.0 — Real RW

Bit 0 = Analog 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Analog 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Analog 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Analog 1 (0) 16-bits RW
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-40000.000 40000.000 — Real RO

-40000.000 40000.000 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

-40000.000 40000.000 — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

0 159999 — 32-bit INT RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

0.00 3200.00 — Real RO

0.00 3200.00 — Real RW

0.00 3200.00 — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RW

-10.000 Volts 10.000 Volts

0.000 mA 20.000 mA — Real RO

Bit 0 = Relay Out 0 (0)

0 1 Bit 1 = Relay Out 0 (0) 16-bits RO
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = DC Resistive
0 3 1 = DC Inductive 32-bit INT RW
2 = AC Resistive
3 = AC Inductive

0.000 2.000 — Real RW

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0.000 100.000 — Real RW

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 5 2 = Flt Minor 32-bit INT RW
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 = DC Resistive
0 3 1 = DC Inductive 32-bit INT RW
2 = AC Resistive
3 = AC Inductive

0.000 2.000 — Real RW

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO

0.000 100.000 — Real RW

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
0 5 2 = Flt Minor 32-bit INT RW
3 = FltCoastStop
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O

0 No No No

0 Yes No No

0 Yes No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

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0 No No No

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No. Display Name Description Units

Encoder Configure
Configures the direction, speed calculation method, signal type
and active encoder channels.
Bit 0 ‘Z Channel Enbl’ – Configures the Channel Z to be used and
monitored for Phase Loss. A value of 0 = the Z channel will be
ignored. Must be set if the encoder marker pulse is used.
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – Configures the module to use only the A
channel, and ignore the B channel. In this mode, direction cannot
be determined, and the position counter will always count up.
Bit 2 ‘Edge Mode’ – Configure the module to use AB edge time
1 Encoder Cfg data for speed calculation rather than accumulated count. —
Bit 3 ‘Inv Home In’ – Configures the home input to be inverted. 1
= inverted, 0 = not inverted
Bit 4 ‘Single Ended’ – Configure when the A Quad B encoder has
single ended signals. In this mode, Phase Loss detection is
disabled. 0 = Differential, 1 = Single Ended
Bit 5 ‘Direction’ – Inverts the feedback count up/down associated
with a given rotation direction internally. 1 = invert, 0 = do not
invert This bit is changed by the direction test in the Start-Up
routine when encoder direction is determined to be incorrect
and ‘Change Logic’ is selected when prompted.

Encoder Pulses Per Revolution

2 Encoder PPR Configures the encoder module for the Pulses Per Revolution —
(Encoder Lines) of the incremental encoder.

Feedback Loss Configure

Configures how the drive reacts to an error status condition for
the feedback.
3 Fdbk Loss Cfg ‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.

Encoder Feedback
4 Encoder Feedback Displays the position feedback value of the encoder. This can be —
used as a source for the main control (Port 0) Feedback Select.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Encoder Status
Status information for the Incremental Encoder Module.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – State of the corresponding bit in the
[Encoder Cfg] parameter.
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – State of the corresponding bit in the
[Encoder Cfg] parameter.
Bit 2 ‘A Input’ – State of encoder A input signal.
Bit 3 ‘A Not Input’ – State of encoder A Not input signal.
Bit 4 ‘B Input’ – State of encoder B input signal.
Bit 5 ‘B Not Input’ – State of encoder B Not input signal.
Bit 6 ‘Z Input’ – State of encoder Z input signal.
Bit 7 ‘Z Not Input’ – State of encoder Z Not input signal.
Bit 8 ‘Marker Event’ – When channel Z (marker pulse) is used,
indicates that a marker pulse is detected. Automatically cleared
in the homing routine or due to clearing of faults. This bit will
remain on until cleared by either the homing function, spindle
orient function or clear fault. For the Single and Dual Incremental
encoder options, the marker input can only be used by the
homing and spindle orient functions. Clearing the encoder faults
will also clear the Marker Event status. The single and dual
5 Encoder Status encoder cards use the same clear fault mechanism that is used to —
clear the drive faults.
Bit 9 ‘Inv Home In’ – State of the corresponding bit in the
[Encoder Cfg] parameter. When set, the home input signal will be
Bit 10 ‘Home Input’ – Active state of the Home Input signal. This
status bit gets inverted if the ‘Inv Home In’ bit is enabled.
Bit 11 ‘HomeIn Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next transition
of the home input.
Bit 12 ‘HomeIn Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a transition of the
home input.
Bit 13 ‘HomMrk Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next marker (Z
channel) pulse.
Bit 14 ‘HomMrk Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a marker (Z channel)
Bit 15 ‘Direction’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Encoder
Cfg] parameter.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Error Status
Status information that will result in a feedback loss condition.
Bit 0 ‘Open Wire’ – Indicates that an input signal (A, B or Z) is in
the same state as its complement (A Not, B Not, Z Not). For open
wire detection to work, the encoder signals must be differential
(not single ended). The Z channel is only checked when enabled.
See parameter 1 [Encoder Cfg].
Bit 1 ‘Phase Loss’ – Indicates that more than 30 phase loss (open
wire) events have occurred over an 8 msec time period. The
same restrictions apply as on [Encoder Cfg] Bit 0. The Z channel
6 Error Status will be ignored if not enabled. Checking for phase loss on the Z —
channel is only done when the Z channel is enabled.
Bit 2 ‘Quad Loss’ – Quadrature loss events occur when
simultaneous edge transitions occur on both the A and B encoder
channels. Indicates that more than 10 quad loss events over a 8
msec time period are detected. Only valid when both A and B
channels are used (not 'A Chan Only' in [Encoder Cfg]).
Bit 15 ‘SI Comm Loss’ – Indicates a communication loss between
the main control board and the encoder module over the Serial
Interface backplane.

Phase Loss Count

Displays the total number of encoder errors detected by the
7 Phase Loss Count encoder card every 1 millisecond sample interval. These values —
are reset to zero every 1 millisecond. Diagnostic Items are
available for the encoder that show the errors counted over 8
milliseconds as well as the peak error values. The peak values are
reset when the drive faults are cleared.

Quad Loss Count

Displays the total number of encoder errors detected by the
8 Quad Loss Count encoder card every 1 millisecond sample interval. These values —
are reset to zero every 1 millisecond. Diagnostic Items are
available for the encoder that show the errors counted over 8
milliseconds as well as the peak error values. The peak values are
reset when the drive faults are cleared.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max Settings Data Type

Bit 0 = Z Channel Enbl (0)

Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
See Settings: Bit 2 = Edge Mode (0)
(0) = Condition False 0 1 Bit 3 = Inv Home In (0) 16-bits
(1) = Condition True Bit 4 = Single Ended (0)
Bit 5 = Direction (0)
Bits 6…15 = Reserved (0)

1024 2 20000 — Real

0 = Ignore
3 0 3 1 = Alarm Real
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop

0 -2147483647 2147483647 — Real

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Bit 0 = Z Channel Enbl (0)
Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = A Input (0)
Bit 3 = A Not Input (0)
Bit 4 = B Input (0)
Bit 5 = B Not Input (0)
See Settings: Bit 6 = Z Input (0)
(0) = Condition False 0 1 Bit 7 = Z Not Input (0) 16-bits
(1) = Condition True Bit 8 = Marker Event (0)
Bit 9 = Inv Home In (0)
Bit 10 = Home Input (0)
Bit 11 = HomeIn Armed (0)
Bit 12 = HomeIn Event (0)
Bit 13 = HomMrk Armed (0)
Bit 14 = HomMrk Event (0)
Bits 15 = Direction (0)

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Bit 0 = Open Wire (0)
See Settings: Bit 1 = Phase Loss (0)
(0) = Condition False 0 1 Bit 2 = Quad Loss (0) 16-bits
(1) = Condition True Bit 3…14 = Reserved (0)
Bits 15 = SI Comm Loss (0)

0 0 127 — Real

0 0 15 — Real

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Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O
Read- Access
Write Level

RW 0 Yes No No

RW 0 Yes No No

RW 0 Yes No No

RO 0 No No No

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RO 0 No No No

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RO 0 No No No

RO 0 No No No

RO 0 No No No

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No. Display Name File Group

1 Enc 0 Cfg Dual Incremental Encoder 0

Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
2 Enc 0 PPR Encoder Module Encoder 0

3 Enc 0 FB Lss Cfg Dual Incremental Encoder 0

Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
4 Enc 0 FB Encoder Module Encoder 0

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5 Enc 0 Sts Dual Incremental Encoder 0
Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
6 Enc 0 Error Sts Encoder Module Encoder 0

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7 Enc 0 PhsLss Cnt Dual Incremental Encoder 0
Encoder Module

8 Quad Loss Count Dual Incremental Encoder 0

Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
11 Enc 1 Cfg Encoder Module Encoder 1

Dual Incremental
12 Enc 1 PPR Encoder Module Encoder 1

13 Enc 1 FB Lss Cfg Dual Incremental Encoder 1

Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
14 Enc 1 FB Encoder Module Encoder 1

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15 Enc 1 Sts Dual Incremental Encoder 1
Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
16 Enc 1 Error Sts Encoder Module Encoder 1

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17 Enc 1 PhsLss Cnt Dual Incremental Encoder 1
Encoder Module

18 Enc 1 QuadLssCnt Dual Incremental Encoder 1

Encoder Module

20 Homing Cfg Dual Incremental Homing Cfg

Encoder Module

Dual Incremental
21 Module Sts Encoder Module Module Sts

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Description Units Default Min

Encoder 0 Configure
Configures the position direction, speed calculation method,
signal type and active encoder channels used for Encoder 0
(primary encoder).
Bit 0 ‘Z Channel Enbl’ – Configures the Channel Z to be used and
monitored for Phase Loss. A value of 0 = the Z channel will be
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – Configures the module to use only the A See Settings:
channel, and ignore the B channel. In this mode, direction cannot — (0) = Condition False 0
be determined, and the position counter will always count up. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Edge Mode’ – Configure the module to use AB edge time
data for speed calculation rather than accumulated count.
Bit 4 ‘Single Ended’ – Configure when the A Quad B encoder has
single ended signals. In this mode, Phase Loss detection is
disabled. 0 = Differential, 1 = Single Ended
Bit 5 ‘Direction’ – Inverts the feedback count up/down associated
with a given rotation direction internally. 1 = invert, 0 = do not

Encoder 0 Pulses Per Revolution

Configures the encoder module's primary input (Encoder 0) for
the Pulses Per Revolution (Encoder Lines) of the A Quad B — 1024 2

Encoder 0 Feedback Loss Configure

Configures how the drive reacts to an error status condition for
Encoder 0 (primary encoder).
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 3 0
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.

Encoder 0 Feedback
Displays the position feedback value of Encoder 0 (primary
encoder). This should be used as a source for the main control — 0 -2147483647
(Port 0) Feedback Select.

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Encoder 0 Status
Status information for Encoder 0.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.
Bit 2 ‘A Input’ – State of encoder A input signal.
Bit 3 ‘A Not Input’ – State of encoder A Not input signal.
Bit 4 ‘B Input’ – State of encoder B input signal.
Bit 5 ‘B Not Input’ – State of encoder B Not input signal.
Bit 6 ‘Z Input’ – State of encoder Z input signal.
Bit 7 ‘Z Not Input’ – State of encoder Z Not input signal.
Bit 8 ‘Marker Event’ – When channel Z (marker pulse) is used,
indicates that a marker pulse is detected. Automatically cleared
in the homing routine or due to clearing of
encoder faults. See Settings:
Bit 9 ‘Inv Home In’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0 — (0) = Condition False 0
Cfg] parameter. When set, the home input signal will be inverted. (1) = Condition True
Bit 10 ‘Home Input’ – Active state of the Home Input signal. This
status bit gets inverted if the ‘Inv Home In’ bit is enabled.
Bit 11 ‘HomeIn Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next transition
of the home input.
Bit 12 ‘HomeIn Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a transition of the
home input.
Bit 13 ‘HomMrk Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next marker (Z
channel) pulse.
Bit 14 ‘HomMrk Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a marker (Z channel)
Bit 15 ‘Direction’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.

Encoder 0 Error Status

Status information that will result in a feedback loss condition for
Encoder 0.
Bit 0 ‘Open Wire’ – Indicates that an input signal (A, B or Z) is in
the same state as its complement (A Not, B Not, Z Not). For open
wire detection to work, the encoder signals must be differential
(not single ended). The Z channel is only checked when enabled.
Bit 1 ‘Phase Loss’ – Indicates that more than 30 phase loss (open
wire) events have occurred over an 8msec time period. The same See Settings:
restrictions apply as on [Enc 0 Cfg] Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl.’ — (0) = Condition False 0
Bit 2 ‘Quad Loss’ – Quadrature loss events occur when (1) = Condition True
simultaneous edge transitions occur on both the A and B encoder
channels. Indicates that more than 10 quad loss events over a 10
msec time period are detected. Only valid when both A and B
channels are used (not 'A Chan Only' in [Enc 0 Cfg]).
Bit 15 ‘SI Comm Loss’ – Indicates a communication loss between
the main control board and the encoder module over the Serial
Interface backplane.

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Encoder 0 Phase Loss Count — 0 0
Displays the active value of the encoder module's Encoder 0
phase loss counter hardware register. Values in this register
accumulated over 8 msec are used to detect Phase Loss errors.

Quad Loss Count

Displays the total number of encoder errors detected by the
encoder card every 1 millisecond sample interval. These values — 0 0
are reset to zero every 1 millisecond. Diagnostic Items are
available for the encoder that show the errors counted over 8
milliseconds as well as the peak error values. The peak values are
reset when the drive faults are cleared.

Encoder 1 Configure
Configures the position direction, speed calculation method,
signal type and active encoder channels used for Encoder 1
(secondary encoder).
Bit 0 ‘Z Channel Enbl’ – Configures the Channel Z to be used and See Settings:
monitored for Phase Loss. A value of 0 = the Z channel will be — (0) = Condition False 0
ignored. (1) = Condition True
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – Configures the module to use only the A
channel, and ignore the B channel. In this mode, direction cannot
be determined, and the position counter will always count up.
Bit 2 ‘Edge Mode’ – Configure the module to use AB edge time
data for speed calculation rather than accumulated count.
Bit 4 ‘Single Ended’ – Configure when the A Quad B encoder has
single ended signals. In this mode, Phase Loss detection is
disabled. 0 = Differential, 1 = Single Ended
Bit 5 ‘Direction’ – Inverts the feedback count up/down associated
with a given rotation direction internally. 1 = invert, 0 = do not

Encoder 1 Pulses Per Revolution

Configures the encoder module’s secondary input (Encoder 0) for — 1024 2
the Pulses Per Revolution (Encoder Lines) of the A Quad B

Encoder 1 Feedback Loss Configure

Configures how the drive reacts to an error status condition for
Encoder 0 (secondary encoder).
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 3 0
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues
to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.

Encoder 1 Feedback
Displays the position feedback value of Encoder 1 (secondary — 0 -2147483647
encoder). This should be used as a source for the main control
(Port 0) Feedback Select.

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Encoder 1 Status
Status information for Encoder 1.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.
Bit 2 ‘A Input’ – State of encoder A input signal.
Bit 3 ‘A Not Input’ – State of encoder A Not input signal.
Bit 4 ‘B Input’ – State of encoder B input signal.
Bit 5 ‘B Not Input’ – State of encoder B Not input signal.
Bit 6 ‘Z Input’ – State of encoder Z input signal.
Bit 7 ‘Z Not Input’ – State of encoder Z Not input signal. See Settings:
Bit 8 ‘Marker Event’ – When channel Z (marker pulse) is used, — (0) = Condition False 0
indicates that a marker pulse is detected. Automatically cleared (1) = Condition True
in the homing routine or due to clearing of encoder faults.
Bit 9 ‘Inv Home In’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter. When set, the home input signal will be inverted.
Bit 10 ‘Home Input’ – Active state of the Home Input signal. This
status bit gets inverted if the ‘Inv Home In’ bit is enabled.
Bit 11 ‘HomeIn Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next transition
of the home input.
Bit 12 ‘HomeIn Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a transition of the
home input.
Bit 13 ‘HomMrk Armed’ – Indicates that the homing logic is
configured to latch the encoder position upon the next marker (Z
channel) pulse.
Bit 14 ‘HomMrk Event’ – Indicates that the homing logic has
latched the encoder position in response to a marker (Z channel)
Bit 15 ‘Direction’ – State of the corresponding bit in the [Enc 0
Cfg] parameter.

Encoder 1 Error Status

Status information that will result in a feedback loss condition for
Encoder 1.
Bit 0 ‘Open Wire’ – Indicates that an input signal (A, B or Z) is in See Settings:
the same state as its complement (A Not, B Not, Z Not). For open — (0) = Condition False 0
wire detection to work, the encoder signals must be differential (1) = Condition True
(not single ended). The Z channel is only checked when enabled.
Bit 1 ‘Phase Loss’ – Indicates that more than 30 phase loss (open
wire) events have occurred over an 8msec time period. The same
restrictions apply as on [Enc 0 Cfg] Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl.’
Bit 2 ‘Quad Loss’ – Quadrature loss events occur when
simultaneous edge transitions occur on both the A and B encoder
channels. Indicates that more than 10 quad loss events over a 10
msec time period are detected. Only valid when both A and B
channels are used (not 'A Chan Only' in [Enc 0 Cfg]).
Bit 15 ‘SI Comm Loss’ – Indicates a communication loss between
the main control board and the encoder module over the Serial
Interface backplane.

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Encoder 1 Phase Loss Count — 0 0
Displays the active value of the encoder module’s Encoder 1
phase loss counter hardware register. Values in this register
accumulated over 8 msec are used to detect Phase Loss errors.

Encoder 1 Quad Loss Count — 0 0

Displays the active value of the encoder module’s Encoder 1 quad
loss counter hardware register. Values in this register
accumulated over 8 msec are used to detect Quad Loss errors.

See Settings:
Homing Configure — (0) = Condition False 0
Configures options for the homing function. Common to both (1) = Condition True
Bit 0 ‘Inv Home In’ – Inverts the home input signal.

Module Status
Encoder module status information. Common to both encoders.
Bit 0 ‘Safety Mode’ – Indicates that the dip switch on the dual See Settings:
encoder module is configured to place its feedback signals on the — (0) = Cleared 0
SI backplane for use by the Safe Speed Monitor module. If (1) = Set
multiple dual encoder modules are present, only one dual
encoder can be configured for Safety Mode. 0 = Safety Mode Off.
1 = Safety Mode On.
Bit 1 ‘SafetyVoltHi’ – Indicates the status (configured by a jumper
on the module) of the safety feedback voltage mode. 0 = 5V
safety feedback mode, 1 = 12V safety feedback mode.

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Stop to Change Not Linkable
Read- Access
Max Settings Data Type Write Level

Bit 0 = Z Channel Enbl (0)

Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = Edge Mode (0)
1 Bit 3 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RW 0 Yes No
Bit 4 = Single Ended (0)
Bit 5 = Direction (0)
Bits 6…15 = Reserved (0)

20000 — 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No

0 = Ignore
3 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop

2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

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Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)
Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = A Input (0)
Bit 3 = A Not Input (0)
Bit 4 = B Input (0)
Bit 5 = B Not Input (0)
Bit 6 = Z Input (0)
Bit 7 = Z Not Input (0)
1 Bit 8 = Marker Event (0) 32-bit INT RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = Inv Home In (0)
Bit 10 = Home Input (0)
Bit 11 = HomeIn Armed (0)
Bit 12 = HomeIn Event (0)
Bit 13 = HomMrk Armed (0)
Bit 14 = HomMrk Event (0)
Bits 15 = Direction (0)
Bits 16…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Open Wire (0)

Bit 1 = Phase Loss (0)
Bit 2 = Quad Loss (0)
1 Bit 3…14 = Reserved (0) 32-bit INT RO 0 No No
Bits 15 = SI Comm Loss (0)
Bit 16…31 = Reserved (0)

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127 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

15 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

Bit 0 = Z Channel Enbl (0)

Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = Edge Mode (0)
1 Bit 3 = Reserved (0) 16-bits RW 0 Yes No
Bit 4 = Single Ended (0)
Bit 5 = Direction (0)
Bits 6…15 = Reserved (0)

20000 — 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No

0 = Ignore
3 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW 0 Yes No
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop

2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

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Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)
Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = A Input (0)
Bit 3 = A Not Input (0)
Bit 4 = B Input (0)
Bit 5 = B Not Input (0)
Bit 6 = Z Input (0)
Bit 7 = Z Not Input (0)
1 Bit 8 = Marker Event (0) 32-bit INT RO 0 No No
Bit 9 = Inv Home In (0)
Bit 10 = Home Input (0)
Bit 11 = HomeIn Armed (0)
Bit 12 = HomeIn Event (0)
Bit 13 = HomMrk Armed (0)
Bit 14 = HomMrk Event (0)
Bits 15 = Direction (0)
Bits 16…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Open Wire (0)

Bit 1 = Phase Loss (0)
Bit 2 = Quad Loss (0)
1 Bit 3…14 = Reserved (0) 32-bit INT RO 0 No No
Bits 15 = SI Comm Loss (0)
Bit 16…31 = Reserved (0)

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127 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

15 — 32-bit INT RO 0 No No

1 Bit 0 = A Chan Only (0) 16-bits RW 0 Yes No

Bits 1…15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Safety Mode (0)

1 Bit 1 = SafetyVoltHi (0) 16-bits RO 0 No No
Bits 2…15 = Reserved (0)

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No Write Over I/O





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No. Display Name File Group

1 Module Sts Universal Module

Feedback Module

2 Module Err Reset Universal Module

Feedback Module

5 FB0 Position Universal Feedback 0

Feedback Module

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6 FB0 Device Sel Universal Feedback 0
Feedback Module

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7 FB0 Identify Universal Feedback 0
Feedback Module

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8 FB0 Cfg Universal Feedback 0
Feedback Module

9 FB0 Loss Cfg Universal Feedback 0

Feedback Module

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10 FB0 Sts Universal Feedback 0
Feedback Module

15 FB0 IncAndSC PPR Feedback Module Feedback 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

16 FB0 Inc Cfg Feedback Module Feedback 0

17 FB0 Inc Sts Feedback Module Feedback 0

20 FB0 SSI Cfg Universal Feedback 0

Feedback Module

21 FB0 SSI Resol Feedback Module Feedback 0

22 FB0 SSI Turns Feedback Module Feedback 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

25 FB0 Lin CPR Feedback Module Feedback 0

26 FB0 Lin Upd Rate Feedback Module Feedback 0

27 FB0 LinStahl Sts Feedback Module Feedback 0

35 FB1 Position Universal Feedback 1

Feedback Module

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36 FB1 Device Sel Universal Feedback 1
Feedback Module

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37 FB1 Identify Universal Feedback 1
Feedback Module

38 FB1 Cfg Feedback Module Feedback 1

39 FB1 Loss Cfg Universal Feedback 1

Feedback Module

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40 FB1 Sts Universal Feedback 1
Feedback Module

45 FB1 IncAndSC PPR Feedback Module Feedback 1

46 FB1 Inc Cfg Feedback Module Feedback 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

47 FB1 Inc Sts Feedback Module Feedback 1

50 FB1 SSI Cfg Universal Feedback 1

Feedback Module

51 FB1 SSI Resol Feedback Module Feedback 1

52 FB1 SSI Turns Feedback Module Feedback 1

55 FB1 Lin CPR Feedback Module Feedback 1

56 FB1 Lin Upd Rate Feedback Module Feedback 1

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

57 FB1 LinStahl Sts Feedback Module Feedback 1

80 Enc Out Sel Universal Encoder Out

Feedback Module

81 Enc Out Mode Universal Encoder Out

Feedback Module

82 Enc Out FD PPR Feedback Module Encoder Out

83 Enc Out Z Offset Universal Encoder Out

Feedback Module

84 Enc Out Z PPR Universal Encoder Out

Feedback Module

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

90 Rgsn Arm Feedback Module Registration

91 Rgsn In 0 Filter Universal Registration

Feedback Module

92 Rgsn In 1 Filter Universal Registration

Feedback Module

93 Rgsn HmIn Filter Universal Registration

Feedback Module

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94 Rgsn Sts Universal Registration
Feedback Module

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

100 Rgsn Latch1 Cfg Universal Registration
Feedback Module

103 Rgsn Latch2 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

106 Rgsn Latch3 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

109 Rgsn Latch4 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

112 Rgsn Latch5 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

115 Rgsn Latch6 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

118 Rgsn Latch7 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

121 Rgsn Latch8 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

124 Rgsn Latch9 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

127 Rgsn Latch10 Cfg Feedback Module Registration

101 Rgsn Latch1 Psn Feedback Module Registration

104 Rgsn Latch2 Psn Feedback Module Registration

107 Rgsn Latch3 Psn Feedback Module Registration

110 Rgsn Latch4 Psn Feedback Module Registration

113 Rgsn Latch5 Psn Feedback Module Registration

116 Rgsn Latch6 Psn Feedback Module Registration

119 Rgsn Latch7 Psn Feedback Module Registration

122 Rgsn Latch8 Psn Feedback Module Registration

125 Rgsn Latch9 Psn Feedback Module Registration

128 Rgsn Latch10 Psn Feedback Module Registration

102 Rgsn Latch1 Time Feedback Module Registration

105 Rgsn Latch2 Time Feedback Module Registration

108 Rgsn Latch3 Time Feedback Module Registration

111 Rgsn Latch4 Time Feedback Module Registration

114 Rgsn Latch5 Time Feedback Module Registration

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117 Rgsn Latch6 Time Feedback Module Registration

120 Rgsn Latch7 Time Feedback Module Registration

123 Rgsn Latch8 Time Feedback Module Registration

126 Rgsn Latch9 Time Feedback Module Registration

129 Rgsn Latch10 Time Feedback Module Registration

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Error’ is also set.
Bit 5 ‘FB1 Error’ – Indicates that Feedback 1 has an error. This bit is set if any
Feedback 1 error bit in 10 [FB1 Sts] is set. If this bit is set, Bit 0 ‘Module
Error’ is also set.
Bit 6 ‘System Error’ – Indicates that there is a feedback independent error
on the Feedback Option module. Bits 12 and 13 show the type of the System
Error. If this bit is set, Bit 0 ‘Module Error’ is also set.
Bit 8 ‘FB0 Alarm’ – Indicates that feedback device 0 has an alarm. This bit is Units
Description Default
set if there is an alarm in the Feedback 0 encoder. If this bit is set, bit 1
‘Alarm Type 1’ and 10 [FB0 Sts] bit 12 ‘Encoder Alm’ will also be set. The
specific alarm condition may be shown in a status found under the
diagnostics tab for the Universal Feedback Module. Separate diagnostic
items are provided for both ports and for both of the following devices:
EnDat and BiSS. Alarm conditions for Linear Stahl feedback devices can be
found in 27 [FB0 LinStahl Sts] and 57 [FB1 LinStahl Sts].
Bit 9 ‘FB1 Alarm’ – Indicates that feedback device 1 has an alarm. This bit is
set if there is an alarm in the Feedback 1 encoder. If this bit is set, bit 1
‘Alarm Type 1’ and 40 [FB1 Sts] bit 12 ‘Encoder Alm’ will also be set. The
specific alarm condition may be shown in a status found under the
diagnostics tab for the Universal Feedback Module. Separate diagnostic
items are provided for both ports and for both of the following devices:
EnDat and BiSS. Alarm conditions for Linear Stahl feedback devices can be
found in 27 [FB0 LinStahl Sts] and 57 [FB1 LinStahl Sts].
Bit 10 ‘Cfg Alarm’ – Indicates that there is a feedback independent alarm on
the Feedback Option module. Bits 16 and 17 show the type of the Cfg Alarm. See Settings:
If this bit is set, bit 1 ‘Alarm Type 1’ is also set. — (0) = False
Bit 12 ‘Hardware Err’ – Indicates that there is a Hardware Error on the (1) = True
Feedback Option module. If this bit is set, bit 6 ‘System Error’ is also set. The
hardware is self tested by the board at powerup. Specific details of the
hardware failure are not available.
Bit 13 ‘Firmware Err’ – Indicates that there is a Firmware Error on the
Feedback Option module. A Firmware Error occurs if the Hardware and the
downloaded Firmware are not compatible. If this bit is set, bit 6 ‘System
Error’ is also set.
Bit 16 ‘EncOut Cflct’ – If set, there is one of the following problems with the
Encoder Output:
• The selection in 80 [Enc Out Sel] is not possible since the required pins on
the terminal blocks are already used for Feedback 0 or 1 according to 6 [FB0
Device Sel] and 36 [FB1 Device Sel].
• 80 [Enc Out Sel] is set to ‘Sine Cosine’ and there is no signal connected to
the pins 1…4 of the Terminal Block 1.
• 80 [Enc Out Sel] is set to ‘Sine Cosine’, the value of [FBn IncAndSC PPR] is
not a power of two, and the parameter 84 [Enc Out Z PPR] is not set to 0 ‘1
ZPulse.’ This is not allowed.
• 80 [Enc Out Sel] is set to ‘Channel X’ or ‘Channel Y’ and there is no encoder
Module Error to that
80 [Enc Out
the moduleSel] isreset
set totype.
‘Channel X’ or ‘Channel
The Universal FeedbackY’ and there is
module a linear
allows errors
to be reset connected
directly onto this channel.The
the module. If this bit isfault
drive’s set, bit
‘Cfg Alarm’
clear is also
mechanisms will do this automatically and should normally be used instead
Bit 17 ‘Safety
of this parameter.Cflct’In– cases
If set, where
the Safety DIP switches
the errors need toare beinreset
an invalid
If this bit is set,
parameter can be used. bit 10 ‘Cfg Alarm’ is also set.
Bit 20 ‘FB0FB1
‘Ready’ (0) – ThisCflct’ – Ifnormal
is the set, thestate
combination of the feedback
for this parameter. selection
All other statesdone
temporary. This parameter will return to ‘Ready’ once the requested reseti.e. —
the parameters 6 [FB0 Device Sel] and 36 [FB1 Device Sel] is invalid, 0
both feedbacks
operation have Sin-Cos-Signals (There is only place for one set of Sin-
is complete.
Cos-Signals on the Terminalthe
‘Clr FB Intlz’ (1) – Requests Blocks).
module If this bit isall
to clear set, bit 2 and
errors ‘Alarm Type 2’ isits
also set.
initialization routines. Only possible when the drive is stopped.
Bit 21 Errors’
‘Clear ‘Initializing’
(2) – –Requests
Indicatesthethat the Universal
module to clear Feedback State Machine
all errors without re- is
in the Initialize
executing State. This routines.
its initialization Type 2 alarm
Allowedmakes suredrive
if the thatisthe motor cannot
Initlz’ (3)during the initialization
– Requests the module state. If this bit
to execute is set, bitreset.
a software 2 ‘AlarmOnlyType 2’
is also set.
possible when the drive is stopped.
Bit 29 ‘Pri Safety’ – Indicates that the UFB is used as primary safety module.
Bit 30 ‘Sec Safety’ – Indicates that the UFB is used as secondary safety
Bit 31 ‘DPI Ready’ – This bit tells the MCB if the UFB is ready for DPI
communication. 0 Position
Displays the position value from the feedback 0 device.
For parameter 6 [FB0 Device Select] options 1, 2, 3, and 4, one revolution of — 0
the feedback = 1048576. For options 11, 12, and 13, typically one revolution
of the feedback is 4 x Pulses Per Revolution.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 0 Device Select
Specifies the encoder type for the feedback 0 device. In some cases, there is
a choice of terminal blocks to use. Channel X refers to devices wired to TB1
and Channel Y refers to TB2.
‘None’ (0) – No feedback device selected. Use this selection if the feedback
device is unused. For example, only one feedback device is present and it is
used on the other feedback.
‘EnDat SC’ (1) – EnDat encoder with sine/cosine signals (Heidenhain).
Terminal block 1.
‘Hiperface SC’ (2) – Hiperface encoder with sine/cosine signals (Stegmann).
Terminal block 1.
‘BiSS SC’ (3) – BiSS encoder with sine/cosine signals. Terminal block 1.
‘SSI SC’ (4) – SSI encoder with sine/cosine signals. Terminal block 1.
‘EnDat FD ChX’ (5) – Full digital EnDat encoder without sine/cosine signals
(Heidenhain). Terminal block 1.
‘EnDat FD ChY’ (6) – Full digital EnDat encoder without sine/cosine signals
(Heidenhain). Terminal block 2. — 0
‘BiSS FD ChX’ (7) – Full digital BiSS encoder without sine/cosine signals.
Terminal block 1.
‘BiSS FD ChY’ (8) – Full digital BiSS encoder without sine/cosine signals.
Terminal block 2.
‘Reserved’ (9) – X SSI Rotary
‘Reserved’ (10) – Y SSI Rotary
‘SinCos Only’ (11) – Generic sine/cosine encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘Inc A B Z’ (12) – A Quad B encoder with Z marker. Terminal block 1, Pins
‘Inc SC’ (13) – A Quad B encoder without Z marker. Terminal block 1, Pins 1…
‘LinTempo ChX’ (14) – Temposonic linear encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘LinTempo ChY’ (15) – Temposonic linear encoder. Terminal block 2.
‘LinStahl ChX’ (16) – Stahl linear encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘LinStahl ChY’ (17) – Stahl linear encoder. Terminal block 2.
‘LinSSI ChX’ (18) – Any linear encoder with an SSI interface. Terminal block 1.
‘LinSSI ChY’ (19) – Any linear encoder with an SSI interface. Terminal block 2.

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Bit 0 ‘Rotary’ – Rotary encoder (incremental type).
Bit 1 ‘Linear’ – Linear encoder (Temposonic and Stahl type).
Bit 2 ‘Single Turn’ – Single turn absolute encoder. This encoder type can only
track absolute position for one turn of the encoder shaft.
Bit 3 ‘Multi Turn’ – Multiturn absolute encoder. This encoder type can track
absolute position across multiple encoder turns.
Bit 4 ‘Enh Resol’ – High resolution encoder. This bit is set if there are more
than 24 bits resolution (full digital encoders) or the PPR is greater than or
equal to 16384. If this bit is set, bit 1 ‘24-bit Resol’ in parameter [FB0 Cfg]
should also be set.
Bit 5 ‘Sin Cos’ – Sine / Cosine encoder, abbreviated SC. This encoder type
makes use of an analog sine/cosine signal pair. This is the analog
counterpart to the A quad B incremental encoder. A fine interpolation
algorithm is sometimes used to provide high resolution feedback by
processing the full sine/cosine cycle. Lower resolution feedback is also
implemented by counting only zero crossings.
Bit 6 ‘Full Digital’ – Full digital encoder, abbreviated FD. Refers to devices
that use a serial communication interface, such as a clock and data lines to
transmit data to/from the module. The analog (sine/cosine) signals are not See Settings:
used with a Full Digital interface. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 7 ‘Incremental’ – Typically an A quad B encoder, with optional Z (marker) (1) = Condition True
channel. ‘A Channel Only’ is possible (no B channel), but rarely used because
this configuration lacks direction capability. Single channel incremental
could be used to provide a speed (magnitude only) reference signal.
Bit 8 ‘EnDat 2p1’ – Heidenhain absolute encoder with EnDat 2.1 command
set support. EnDat is a proprietary protocol developed by Heidenhain. It is a
synchronous, bidirectional serial interface. EnDat is a full digital interface.
Bit 9 ‘EnDat 2p2’ – Heidenhain EnDat 2.2 command set support. This version
supports incremental as well as absolute encoders.
Bit 10 ‘Hiperface’ – Dedicated serial interface protocol for Stegmann
devices. Hiperface is short for High Performance Interface. This interface
makes use of both analog (sine/cosine) and digital (clock/data) signals.
Bit 11 ‘BiSS’ – Bidirectional Synchronous Serial Interface. This is an open
protocol and is hardware-compatible with SSI. Both mixed SC with digital
and FD types are supported. Presently, only BiSS encoders from Hengstler
GmbH are supported.
Bit 12 ‘SSI’ – Synchronous Serial Interface. Only the mixed SC with digital
version is supported. Rotary version is mixed analog/digital, linear version is
full digital.
Bit 13 ‘Temposonic’ – Linear position sensor from MTS Systems Corp. Full

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

formatted as 8/24 bit. The 8 refers to the upper 8 most significant bits or left
most 8 bits. These 8 bits count the number of complete encoder shaft
revolutions. The remaining lower right least significant 24 bits indicate the
encoder position within a single turn of the encoder shaft. The 24-Bit
resolution is only available when bit 4 ‘Enh Resol’ of the FB Identify
parameter is set. If clear, the feedback position is formatted as 12/20 bit.
The upper 12 bits count the number of complete encoder shaft revolutions.
The lower 20 bits indicate the encoder position within a single turn. The
12/20 bit format is the default setting for high resolution feedback.
Bit 2 ‘FD Low Baud’ – Full Digital Low Baud refers to the serial data interface
between the encoder and Universal Feedback module. If set, the
communication baud rate is reduced from the default setting for the
connected encoder with a serial communication channel. The actual value of
the lower baud setting will vary, depending upon the specific interface and
device type in use. For feedback 0, UFB diagnostic item 8 will indicate the
exact baud rate in use. For feedback 1, Universal Feedback diagnostic item
14 will indicate the baud rate. Diagnostic items can be found in the
‘Diagnostics Items’ window in Connected Components Workbench™
software. The possible settings for diagnostic item 8 [Fdbk0 Baud Rate] and
item 14 [Fdbk1 Baud Rate] are as follows:
0 = ‘None’ – No digital communication. — 0
1 = ‘9.6 kBaud’ – 9.6 kBaud: Used for communication with Hiperface
2 = ‘100 kHz’ – 100kHz: Used for communication with
– SSI encoders with sine cosine signals (only in Initialize state).
– Linear SSI encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is set.
3 = ‘200 kHz’ – 200kHz: Used for communication with
– EnDat encoders with sine cosine signals (only in Initialize state).
– BiSS encoders with sine cosine signals (only in Initialize state).
– Linear SSI encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is cleared.
4 = ‘400 kHz’ – Not used.
5 = ‘1 MHz’ – 1MHz: Used for communication with
– SSI encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is set.
6 = ‘2 MHz’ – 2MHz: Used for communication with
– SSI encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is cleared.
– EnDat2.1 encoders without sine cosine signals.
– EnDat2.2 encoders that do not manage 8MHz.
7 = ‘4 MHz’ – 4MHz: Used for communication with
– EnDat2.2 encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is set.
8 = ‘5 MHz’ – 5MHz: Used for communication with
– BiSS encoders if the ‘Low BaudRate’ in [Fdbk0 Pos Config] is set.

Feedback 0 Loss Configuration

Configures how the drive reacts to an error status condition on the feedback
0 device.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 3
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.

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occurred. Further detail can be found for each of the following devices:
– Linear Stahl device on Feedback 0, see 27 [FB0 LinStahl Sts] bits 4, 8…14.
– Linear Stahl device on Feedback 1, see 57 [FB1 LinStahl Sts] bits 4, 8…14.
– EnDat device on Feedback 0, see Universal Feedback diagnostic Item 9
[FB0 EnDat Sts] bits 0…6.
– EnDat device on Feedback 1, see Universal Feedback diagnostic Item 15
[FB1 EnDat Sts] bits 0…6.
– BiSS device on Feedback 0, see Universal Feedback diagnostic Item 10 [FB0
BiSS Sts] bits 0, 8…15.
– BiSS device on Feedback 1, see Universal Feedback diagnostic Item 16 [FB1
BiSS Sts] bits 0, 8…15.
– Hiperface device (either feedback, 0 or 1), see diagnostic Item 18
[Hiperface Sts] bits 0…31.
Bit 1 ‘Msg Checksum’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a
checksum error while attempting to communicate to an encoder via the
serial communication channel.
Bit 2 ‘Timeout’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a time out
condition while attempting to communicate to the encoder via the serial
communication channel.
Bit 3 ‘Comm’ – When asserted, there was an error (except Checksum and See Settings:
Time Out) while attempting to communicate to an encoder via the serial — (0) = Condition False
communication channel. (1) = Condition True
Bit 4 ‘Diagnostic’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a diagnostic
test failure on power up.
Bit 5 ‘SpplyVltRng’ – When asserted, the voltage source to the encoder is
out of range.
Bit 6 ‘SC Amplitude’ – When asserted, the Universal Feedback option
module has detected that the analog Sine/Cosine (SC) signal amplitude is
out of tolerance.
Bit 7 ‘Open Wire’ – When asserted, the module has detected an open wire.
The open wire condition for A quad B devices checks that the A, B, and Z
signals are in opposite states to their corresponding NOT signals. Note that
when the ‘A Chan Only’ configuration is selected, the B signal will be
ignored. If the ‘Z Chan Enbl’ configuration is not selected, then then the Z
signal will be ignored. The open wire condition for sine/cosine devices
checks the analog signal levels. An open wire condition will occur when both
the sine and cosine signals are smaller than 0.03V. If only one of the two
analog signals is missing, then a ‘SC Amplitude’ error condition will occur.
Bit 8 ‘Quad Loss’ – Indicates that there is a signal quadrature error.
Bit 9 ‘Phase Loss’ – Indicates that an A or B signal of an A Quad B
Incremental encoder was not detected.

Feedback 0 Incremental and Sine Cosine Pulses Per Revolution

Indicates the Pulses Per Revolution (Encoder Lines) of the SinCos or A Quad
B encoder for the feedback 0 device.
For the following selections, PPR is automatically read from the encoder:
• EnDat SC
• BiSS SC (not manually configured)
• Hiperface SC PPR 1024
For the following selections, PPR has to be entered by the user:
• BiSS SC, Manually configured
• Gen SinCos
• A Quad B
Important: Parameter is only updated on power up.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 0 Incremental Configuration
Configures Incremental Feedback for the feedback 0 device.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – When set, Channel Z is also monitored for Phase Loss.
When cleared, Channel Z is ignored for Phase Loss detection. Only used if
[FB0 Device Sel] = ‘Inc A B Z.’
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – When set, logic monitors only channel A. When clear, See Settings:
logic monitors both A and B. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 2 ‘Edge Mode’ – When set, speed calc uses AB edge data. When clear, (1) = Condition True
speed calc does not use AB edge data.
Bit 4 ‘Single Ended’ – This bit has to be set if the connected A Quad B
encoder has single ended signals. For these encoders, the Phase Loss
detection is switched off.

Feedback 0 Incremental Status

Displays Incremental Feedback status for the feedback 0 device.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – Indicates that Channel Z is monitored for Phase Loss.
Only used if [FB0 Device Sel] = ‘Inc A B Z.’
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – Indicates only A channel is monitored, B channel not
used. See Settings:
Bit 2 ‘A Input’ – State of encoder A input signal — (0) = Condition False
Bit 3 ‘A Not Input’ – State of encoder A Not input signal (1) = Condition True
Bit 4 ‘B Input’ – State of encoder B input signal
Bit 5 ‘B Not Input’ – State of encoder B Not input signal
Bit 6 ‘Z Input’ – State of encoder Z input signal
Bit 7 ‘Z Not Input’ – State of encoder Z Not input signal

Feedback 0 SSI Configuration

Configures the communication to a SSI encoder for the feedback 0 device.
Transmission format: [MSB...Position...LSB], [Error Bit]*, [Parity Bit]*.
Bit 0 ‘Parity Bit’ – If set, SSI encoder has to support a parity bit (even parity).
Bit 2 ‘Gray Code’ – Enables the gray to binary conversion of the position. See Settings:
Bit 3 ‘Err Bit Enbl’ – If set, there is an error bit transmitted by the encoder. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 4 ‘DblWordQuery’ – If set, a Double Word Query is executed at startup (1) = Condition True
which means that the same position is transmitted twice by the encoder. If
the two positions are not identical, the ‘Comm’ error bit in [FB0 Sts] is set.
This bit only needs to be cleared if the encoder does not support Double
Word Query and it does not send zeros instead of the second position
(which it actually should according to the SSI specification).

Feedback 0 SSI Resolution

Configures the number of bits for the position within one revolution
(resolution) of the SSI encoder for the feedback 0 device. Setting is based on Bits 13
the encoder specifications.

Feedback 0 SSI Turns

Configures the number of bits for the revolutions of the SSI encoder for the
feedback 0 device. Setting is based on the encoder specifications. Set to 0 Bits 12
for a linear SSI encoder.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 0 Linear Encoder Counts Per Revolution
Specifies the counts per motor revolution for a linear encoder for the
feedback 0 device.
This reflects the relationship between motor feedback counts and linear
feedback counts when using linear load side feedback. When a load side
position feedback device is used, the counts per rev for that device must be — 0
entered using the effective change in position feedback per one motor
revolution, taking into account machine mechanics. The setting for this
parameter is not used by encoder but instead is used by the position control
routine firmware on the main control board.

Feedback Linear Update Rate

Sets the sample rate for the linear channel for the feedback 0 device. This
determines how often the Universal Feedback module will sample the — 2
absolute position device.

Feedback 0 Linear Stahl Status

Displays the error status of the linear Stahl encoder for the feedback 0
Bit 0 ‘Optics Alarm’ – Displays an alarm when optics require cleaning.
Bit 1 ‘OutOfRailAlm’ – Indicates that the read encoder count is at the
maximum value (524,287).
Bit 4 ‘OutOfRailErr’ – Indicates that there is no more room between the read
head and the rail.
Bit 8 ‘Read Head 1’ – Indicates that the read head must be cleaned or
installed correctly. See Settings:
Bit 9 ‘Read Head 2’ – Indicates that the read head must be cleaned or — (0) = Condition False
installed correctly. (1) = Condition True
Bit 10 ‘RAM Error’ – Indicates a RAM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 11 ‘EPROM Error’ – Indicates an EPROM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 12 ‘ROM Error’ – Indicates a ROM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 14 ‘No Position’ – Indicates that no position value was available. Only
happens after power on or reset.

Feedback 1 Position
Displays the position value from the feedback 1 device.
For parameter 36 [FB1 Device Select] options 1, 2, 3, and 4, one revolution — 0
of the feedback = 1048576. For options 11, 12, and 13, typically one
revolution of the feedback is 4 x Pulses Per Revolution.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 1 Device Select
Specifies the encoder type for the feedback 1 device. In some cases, there is
a choice of terminal blocks to use. Channel X refers to devices wired to TB1
and Channel Y refers to TB2.
‘None’ (0) – No feedback device selected. Use this selection if the feedback
device is unused. For example, only one feedback device is present and it is
used on the other feedback.
‘EnDat SC’ (1) – EnDat encoder with sine/cosine signals (Heidenhain).
Terminal block 1.
‘Hiperface SC’ (2) – Hiperface encoder with sine/cosine signals (Stegmann).
Terminal block 1.
‘BiSS SC’ (3) – BiSS encoder with sine/cosine signals. Terminal block 1.
‘SSI SC’ (4) – SSI encoder with sine/cosine signals. Terminal block 1.
‘EnDat FD ChX’ (5) – Full digital EnDat encoder without sine/cosine signals
(Heidenhain). Terminal block 1.
‘EnDat FD ChY’ (6) – Full digital EnDat encoder without sine/cosine signals — 0
(Heidenhain). Terminal block 2.
‘BiSS FD ChX’ (7) – Full digital BiSS encoder without sine/cosine signals.
Terminal block 1.
‘BiSS FD ChY’ (8) – Full digital BiSS encoder without sine/cosine signals.
Terminal block 2.
‘SinCos Only’ (11) – Generic sine/cosine encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘Inc A B Z’ (12) – A Quad B encoder with Z marker. Terminal block 1, Pins
‘Inc SC’ (13) – A Quad B encoder without Z marker. Terminal block 1, Pins 1…
‘LinTempo ChX’ (14) – Temposonic linear encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘LinTempo ChY’ (15) – Temposonic linear encoder. Terminal block 2.
‘LinStahl ChX’ (16) – Stahl linear encoder. Terminal block 1.
‘LinStahl ChY’ (17) – Stahl linear encoder. Terminal block 2.
‘LinSSI ChX’ (18) – Any linear encoder with an SSI interface. Terminal block 1.
‘LinSSI ChY’ (19) – Any linear encoder with an SSI interface. Terminal block 2.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 ‘Rotary’ – Rotary encoder (incremental type).
Bit 1 ‘Linear’ – Linear encoder (Temposonic and Stahl type).
Bit 2 ‘Single Turn’ – Single turn absolute encoder. This encoder type can only
track absolute position for one turn of the encoder shaft.
Bit 3 ‘Multi Turn’ – Multiturn absolute encoder. This encoder type can track
absolute position across multiple encoder turns.
Bit 4 ‘Enh Resol’ – High resolution encoder. This bit is set if there are more
than 24 bits resolution (full digital encoders) or the PPR is greater than or
equal to 16384. If this bit is set, Bit 1 ‘24-bit Resol’ in parameter [FB0 Cfg]
should also be set.
Bit 5 ‘Sin Cos’ – Sine / Cosine encoder, abbreviated SC. This encoder type
makes use of an analog sine/cosine signal pair. This is the analog
counterpart to the A quad B incremental encoder. A fine interpolation
algorithm is sometimes used to provide high resolution feedback by
processing the full sine/cosine cycle. Lower resolution feedback is also
implemented by counting only zero crossings.
Bit 6 ‘Full Digital’ – Full digital encoder, abbreviated FD. Refers to devices
that use a serial communication interface, such as a clock and data lines to
transmit data to/from the module. The analog (sine/cosine) signals are not See Settings:
used with a Full Digital interface. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 7 ‘Incremental’ – Typically an A quad B encoder, with optional Z (marker) (1) = Condition True
channel. ‘A Channel Only’ is possible (no B channel), but rarely used because
this configuration lacks direction capability. Single channel incremental
could be used to provide a speed (magnitude only) reference signal.
Bit 8 ‘EnDat 2p1’ – Heidenhain absolute encoder with EnDat 2.1 command
set support. EnDat is a proprietary protocol developed by Heidenhain. It is a
synchronous, bidirectional serial interface. EnData is a full digital interface.
Bit 9 ‘EnDat 2p2’ – Heidenhain EnDat 2.2 command set support. This version
supports incremental as well as absolute encoders.
Bit 10 ‘Hiperface’ – Dedicated serial interface protocol for Stegmann
devices. Hiperface is short for High Performance Interface. This interface
makes use of both analog (sine/cosine) and digital (clock/data) signals.
Bit 11 ‘BiSS’ – Bidirectional Sychronous Serial Interface. This is an open
protocol and is hardware-compatible with SSI. Both mixed SC with digital
and FD types are supported. Presently, only BiSS encoders from Hengstler
GmbH are supported.
Bit 12 ‘SSI’ – Synchronous Serial Interface. Only the mixed SC with digital
version is supported. Rotary version is mixed analog/digital, linear version is
full digital.
Bit 13 ‘Temposonic’ – Linear position sensor from MTS Systems Corp. Full

Feedback 1 Configuration
Configure the direction, position data format, as well as the baud rate for
the serial communication interface for the feedback 1 device.
Bit 0 ‘Direction’ – Inverts the direction internally.
Bit 1 ‘24-bit Resol’ – If set, the data format of the parameter [FB1 Position] is
set to 8/24 (8 bit resolution, 24 bits position within one revolution). See Settings:
Otherwise, the data format is set to 12/20. It only makes sense to set this bit — (0) = Condition False
if the bit ‘Enh Resol’ in parameter [FB1 Identify] is set. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘FD Low Baud’ – Reduces the communication baud rate from the
default setting for the connected encoder with a serial communication
Bit 3 ‘SC Quadrant’ – Reserved for future use.

Feedback 1 Loss Configuration

Configures how the drive reacts to an error status condition on the feedback
1 device.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. — 2
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 1 Status
Shows feedback specific errors and alarms for the feedback 1 device.
Bit 0 ‘Encoder Err’ – When asserted, there is an Encoder Error.
Bit 1 ‘Msg Checksum’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a
checksum error while attempting to communicate to an encoder via the
serial communication channel.
Bit 2 ‘Timeout’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a time out
condition while attempting to communicate to the encoder via the serial
communication channel.
Bit 3 ‘Comm’ – When asserted, there was an error (except Checksum and
Time Out) while attempting to communicate to an encoder via the serial
communication channel. See Settings:
Bit 4 ‘Diagnostic’ – When asserted, the module has experienced a diagnostic — (0) = Condition False
test failure on power up. (1) = Condition True
Bit 5 ‘SpplyVltRng’ – When asserted, the voltage source to the encoder is
out of range.
Bit 6 ‘SC Amplitude’ – When asserted, the module detected that the
encoder signal amplitude is out of tolerance.
Bit 7 ‘Open Wire’ – When asserted, the module has detected an open wire.
Bit 8 ‘Quad Loss’ – Indicates that there is a signal quadrature error.
Bit 9 ‘Phase Loss’ – Indicates that an A or B signal of an A Quad B
Incremental encoder is disconnected.
Bit 10 ‘Unsupp Enc’ – Indicates that the connected encoder is not
Bit 12 ‘Encoder Alm’ – When asserted, there is an Encoder Alarm.

Feedback 1 Incremental and Sine Cosine Pulses Per Revolution

Indicates the Pulses Per Revolution (Encoder Lines) of the SinCos or A Quad
B encoder for the feedback 1 device.
For the following selections, PPR is automatically read from the encoder:
• EnDat SC
• BiSS SC (not manually configured) PPR 1024
• Hiperface SC
For the following selections, PPR has to be entered by the user:
• BiSS SC, Manually configured
• Gen SinCos
• A Quad B

Feedback 1 Incremental Configuration

Configures Incremental Feedback for the feedback 1 device.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – When set, Channel Z is also monitored for Phase Loss.
When cleared, Channel Z is ignored for Phase Loss detection. Only used if
[FB1 Device Sel] = ‘Inc A B Z.’
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – When set, logic monitors only channel A. When clear, See Settings:
logic monitors both A and B. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 2 ‘Edge Mode’ – When set, speed calc uses AB edge data. When clear, (1) = Condition True
speed calc does not use AB edge data.
Bit 4 ‘Single Ended’ – This bit has to be set if the connected A Quad B
encoder has single ended signals. For these encoders, the Phase Loss
detection is switched off.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 1 Incremental Status
Displays Incremental Feedback status for the feedback 1 device.
Bit 0 ‘Z Chan Enbl’ – Indicates that Channel Z is monitored for Phase Loss.
Only used if [FB1 Device Sel] = ‘Inc A B Z.’
Bit 1 ‘A Chan Only’ – Indicates only A channel is monitored, B channel not
used. See Settings:
Bit 2 ‘A Input’ – State of encoder A input signal — (0) = Condition False
Bit 3 ‘A Not Input’ – State of encoder A Not input signal (1) = Condition True
Bit 4 ‘B Input’ – State of encoder B input signal
Bit 5 ‘B Not Input’ – State of encoder B Not input signal
Bit 6 ‘Z Input’ – State of encoder Z input signal
Bit 7 ‘Z Not Input’ – State of encoder Z Not input signal

Feedback 1 SSI Configuration

Configures the communication to a SSI encoder for the feedback 1 device.
Transmission format: [MSB...Position...LSB], [Error Bit]*, [Parity Bit]*.
Bit 0 ‘Parity Bit’ – If set, SSI encoder has to support a parity bit (even parity).
Bit 2 ‘Gray Code’ – Enables the gray to binary conversion of the position. See Settings:
Bit 3 ‘Err Bit Enbl’ – If set, there is an error bit transmitted by the encoder. — (0) = Condition False
Bit 4 ‘DblWordQuery’ – If set, a Double Word Query is executed at startup (1) = Condition True
which means that the same position is transmitted twice by the encoder. If
the two positions are not identical, the ‘Comm’ error bit in [FB1 Sts] is set.
This bit only needs to be cleared if the encoder does not support Double
Word Query and it does not send zeros instead of the second position
(which it actually should according to the SSI specification).

Feedback 1 SSI Resolution

Configures the number of bits for the position within one revolution Bits 13
(resolution) of the SSI encoder for the feedback 1 device.
Feedback 1 SSI Turns
Configures the number of bits for the revolutions of the SSI encoder for the
feedback 0 device. Setting is based on the encoder specifications. Set to 0 Bits 12
for a linear SSI encoder.
Feedback 1 Linear Encoder Counts Per Revolution
Specifies the counts per motor revolution for a linear encoder for the — 0
feedback 1 device.

Feedback Linear Update Rate

Sets the sample rate for the linear channel for the feedback 1 device. — 2

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Feedback 1 Linear Stahl Status
Displays the error status of the linear Stahl encoder for the feedback 1
Bit 0 ‘Optics Alarm’ – Displays an alarm when fiber optics require cleaning.
Bit 1 ‘OutOfRailAlm’ – Indicates that the read encoder count is at the
maximum value (524,287).
Bit 4 ‘OutOfRailErr’ – Indicates that there is no more room between the read
head and the rail.
Bit 8 ‘Read Head 1’ – Indicates that the read head must be cleaned or
installed correctly. See Settings:
Bit 9 ‘Read Head 2’ – Indicates that the read head must be cleaned or — (0) = Condition False
installed correctly. (1) = Condition True
Bit 10 ‘RAM Error’ – Indicates a RAM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 11 ‘EPROM Error’ – Indicates an EPROM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 12 ‘ROM Error’ – Indicates a ROM error. Reading head needs to be
Bit 14 ‘No Position’ – Indicates that no position value was available. Only
happens after power on or reset.

Encoder Output Select

Selects the Encoder Output. If the feedback 0 or 1 device is configured as A — 0
Quad B Z then this parameter has to be set to None. Otherwise, there is an
Encoder Output Alarm (bit 16 of [Module Sts]).

Encoder Output Mode

Configures the Encoder Output type.
‘A Quad B’ (0) – Sets the phase relationship between the A and B signal. — 0
‘Inv A Quad B’ (1) – Inverts the phase relationship between the A and B
signal. Forward and reverse exchange meanings.

Encoder Output Pulses Per Revolution

Specifies the encoder output PPR for the simulated encoder mode ([Enc Out
Sel] = ‘Channel X’ or ‘Channel Y’). In the emulated encoder mode, the — 0
SIN/COS signals PPR defines the encoder output PPR.

Encoder Output Z Offset

Configures the offset of the Z pulse for both simulated and emulated
encoder output. The marker offset is specified within one revolution.
Simulated mode is used for full digital rotary devices and is selected by PPR 0
‘Channel X’ and ‘Channel Y’ in 80 [Enc Out Sel].
Emulated mode is used when ‘Sine Cosine’ devices are selected in 80 [Enc
Out Sel].
The encoder output function cannot be used with linear feedback devices.

Encoder Output Z Pulses Per Revolution

Configures the number of Z-Pulses per encoder revolution.
For example, if ‘32 Z-Pulses’ (5) is selected, then 32 Z pulses will be
generated for each complete revolution of the full digital input encoder. — 0
Each input encoder revolution will produce the number of output pulses
specified on the A and B output channels in addition to 32 pulses on the Z
output channel. The Z pulses will be evenly spaced throughout the specified
number of A/B output pulses.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Registration Arm See Settings:
Selects Registration Latches to be used. — (0) = Condition False
(1) = Condition True

Registration Input 0 Filter

Configures a digital filter for the registration input 0. This filter can be used
to reject spurious noise. The filter works by waiting a programmed time
before deciding that the signal is valid. This waiting imposes a mandatory — 0
delay in the registration signal. The filter delay is programmable in
increments of 100 nanoseconds from 0 (or no delay) up to 1500

Registration Input 1 Filter

Configures a digital filter for the registration input 1. This filter can be used
to reject spurious noise. The filter works by waiting a programmed time
before deciding that the signal is valid. This waiting imposes a mandatory — 1
delay in the registration signal. The filter delay is programmable in
increments of 100 nanoseconds from 0 (or no delay) up to 1500

Registration Home Input Filter

Configures a digital filter for the home input. This filter can be used to reject
spurious noise. The filter works by waiting a programmed time before PPR 0
deciding that the signal is valid. This waiting imposes a mandatory delay in
the registration signal. The filter delay is programmable in increments of 100
nanoseconds from 0 (or no delay) up to 1500 nanoseconds.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See Settings:
Registration Status — (0) = Condition False
Status of the configured registration events. (1) = Condition True

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Registration Latch 1 Configure
Configures Registration Latch 1.
The registration function consists of 10 sets of latches. The latched data
includes a feedback position and associated time parameter. Time is relative
to when the feedback devices were last sampled. Once the registration
function has been armed, the values for these parameters are captured
(latched) upon the occurrence of a trigger event.
See functionality tables on the Parameter Details tab.
The registration trigger for each latch is separately configured by its Latch
Configuration Parameter. Refer to the Registration Trigger Logic figure on
the Parameter Details tab. The trigger logic includes two separate trigger
stages. Each trigger stage is separately configured to use one of three
possible registration input signals or the marker (Z pulse) of the selected
feedback channel. Trigger combination logic determines how the two stages
are combined to define the trigger event conditions. See Settings:
Bit 0 ‘Channel Sel’ – Channel select (FB0 or FB1). — (0) = Condition False
Bit 1 ‘Fwd Capture’ – Direction select forward. (1) = Condition True
Bit 2 ‘Rev Capture’ – Direction select reverse.
Bit 3 ‘Stg1 In b0’ – Latch stage 1 input selection b0
Bit 4 ‘Stg1 In b1’ – Latch stage 1 input selection b1
Bit 6 ‘Stg1EdgeRise’ – Latch stage 1 edge/level select: Rising edge or high
Bit 7 ‘Stg1EdgeFall’ – Latch stage 1 edge/level select: Falling edge or low
Bit 8 ‘Logic Sel b0’ – Trigger stage combination logic
Bit 9 ‘Logic Sel b1’ – Trigger stage combination logic
Bit 10 ‘Stg2 In b0’ – Latch stage 2 input selection b0
Bit 11 ‘Stg2 In b1’ – Latch stage 2 input selection b1
Bit 13 ‘Stg2EdgeRise’ – Latch stage 2 edge/level select: Rising edge or high
Bit 14 ‘Stg2EdgeFall’ – Latch stage 2 edge/level select: Falling edge or low

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

See 100 [Rgsn Latch1 Cfg]

Registration Latch 1 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 1. — 0

Registration Latch 2 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 2. — 0

Registration Latch 3 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 3. — 0

Registration Latch 4 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 4. — 0

Registration Latch 5 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 5. — 0

Registration Latch 6 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 6. — 0

Registration Latch 7 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 7. — 0

Registration Latch 8 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 8. — 0

Registration Latch 9 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 9. — 0

Registration Latch 10 Position

Position Captured during the Registration Event for Latch 10. — 0

Registration Latch 1 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 1. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 2 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 2. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 3 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 3. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 4 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 4. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 5 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 5. Cnt 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Registration Latch 6 Time
Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 6. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 7 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 7. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 8 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 8. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 9 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 9. Cnt 0

Registration Latch 10 Time

Time Captured when the Registration Event occurred for Latch 10. Cnt 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Read- Access
Min Max Settings Data Type Write Level

Bit 0 = Module Error (0)

Bit 1 = Alarm Type 1 (0)
Bit 2 = Alarm Type 2 (0)
Bit 3 = Reserved (0)
Bit 4 = FB0 Error (0)
Bit 5 = FB1 Error (0)
Bit 6 = System Error (0)
Bit 7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = FB0 Alarm (0)
Bit 9 = FB1 Alarm (0)
Bit 10 = Cfg Alarm (0)
0 1 Bit 11 = Reserved (0) 32-bit INT RO 0
Bit 12 = Hardware Err (0)
Bit 13 = Firmware Err (0)
Bit 14…15 = Reserved (0)
Bit 16 = EncOut Cflct (0)
Bit 17 = Safety Cflct (0)
Bit 18…19 = Reserved (0)
Bit 20 = FB0FB1 Cflct (0)
Bit 21 = Initializing (0)
Bits 22…28 = Reserved (0)
Bit 29 = Pri Safety (0)
Bit 30 = Sec Safety (0)
Bit 31 = DPI Ready (0)

0 = Ready
0 3 1 = Clr FB Intlz 32-bit INT RW 0
2 = Clear Errors
3 = FB Initlz

-2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = None
1 = EnDat SC
2 = Hiperface SC
3 = BiSS SC
4 = SSI SC
5 = EnDat FD ChX
6 = EnDat FD ChY
7 = BiSS FD ChX
8 = BiSS FD ChY
0 19 9 = Reserved Real RW 0
10 = Reserved
11 = SinCos Only
12 = Inc A B Z
13 = Inc SC
14 = LinTempo ChX
15 = LinTempo ChY
16 = LinStahl ChX
17 = LinStahl ChY
18 = LinSSI ChX
19 = LinSSI ChY

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Rotary (0)
Bit 1 = Linear (0)
Bit 2 = Single Turn (0)
Bit 3 = Multi Turn (0)
Bit 4 = Enh Resol (0)
Bit 5 = Sin Cos (0)
Bit 6 = Full Digital (0)
0 1 Bit 7 = Incremental (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 8 = EnDat 2p1 (0)
Bit 9 = EnDat 2p2 (0)
Bit 10 = Hiperface (0)
Bit 11 = BiSS (0)
Bit 12 = SSI (0)
Bit 13 = Temposonic (0)
Bit 14 = Stahl (0)
Bits 15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Direction (0)
Bit 1 = 24-bit Resol (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = FD Low Baud (0) 16-bits RW 0
Bit 3 = SC Quadrant (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = Ignore
0 3 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW 0
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Encoder Err (0)
Bit 1 = Msg Checksum (0)
Bit 2 = Timeout (0)
Bit 3 = Comm (0)
Bit 4 = Diagnostic (0)
Bit 5 = SpplyVltRng (0)
0 1 Bit 6 = SC Amplitude (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 7 = Open Wire (0)
Bit 8 = Quad Loss (0)
Bit 9 = Phase Loss (0)
Bit 10 = Unsupp Enc (0)
Bit 11 = Reserved (0)
Bit 12 = Encoder Alm (0)
Bits 13…15 = Reserved (0)

1 100000 — 32-bit INT RW 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)
Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = Edge Mode (0)
0 1 Bit 3 = Reserved (0) 32-bit INT RW 0
Bit 4 = Single Ended (0)
Bit 5…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)

Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = A Input (0)
Bit 3 = A Not Input (0)
0 1 Bit 4 = B Input (0) 32-bit INT RO 0
Bit 5 = B Not Input (0)
Bit 6 = Z Input (0)
Bit 7 = Z Not Input (0)
Bit 8…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Parity Bit (0)

Bit 1 = Reserved (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Gray Codet (0) 16-bits RW 0
Bit 3 = Err Bit Enbl (0)
Bit 4 = DblWordQuery (0)
Bit 5…16 = Reserved (0)

8 32 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 16 — 32-bit INT RW 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 = 0.5 ms
1 = 1.0 ms
0 3 2 = 1.5 ms 32-bit INT RW 0
3 = 2.0 ms

Bit 0 = Optics Alarm (0)

Bit 1 = OutOfRailAlm (0)
Bit 2…3 = Reserved (0)
Bit 4 = OutOfRailErr (0)
Bits 5…7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Read Head 1 (0)
0 1 Bit 9 = Read Head 2 (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 10 = RAM Error (0)
Bit 11 = EPROM Error (0)
Bit 12 = ROM Error (0)
Bit 13 = Reserved (0)
Bit 14 = No Position (0)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

-2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = ‘None’
1 = ‘EnDat SC’
2 = ‘Hiperface SC’
3 = ‘BiSS SC’
4 = ‘SSI SC’
5 = ‘EnDat FD ChX’
6 = ‘EnDat FD ChY’
7 = ‘BiSS FD ChX’
8 = ‘BiSS FD ChY’
0 19 9 = ‘Reserved’ Real RW 0
10 = ‘Reserved’
11 = ‘SinCos Only’
12 = ‘Inc A B Z’
13 = ‘Inc SC’
14 = ‘LinTempo ChX’
15 = ‘LimTempo ChY’
16 = ‘LinStahl ChX’
17 = ‘LinStahl ChY’
18 = ‘LinSSI ChX’
19 = ‘LinSSI ChY’

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Rotary (0)
Bit 1 = Linear (0)
Bit 2 = Single Turn (0)
Bit 3 = Multi Turn (0)
Bit 4 = Enh Resol (0)
Bit 5 = Sin Cos (0)
Bit 6 = Full Digital (0)
Bit 7 = Incremental (0)
Bit 8 = EnDat 2p1 (0)
Bit 9 = EnDat 2p2 (0)
Bit 10 = Hiperface (0)
0 1 Bit 11 = BiSS (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 12 = SSI (0)
Bit 13 = Temposonic (0)
Bit 14 = Stahl (0)
Bits 5…7 = Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Read Head 1 (0)
Bit 9 = Read Head 2 (0)
Bit 10 = RAM Error (0)
Bit 11 = EPROM Error (0)
Bit 12 = ROM Error (0)
Bit 13 = Reserved (0)
Bit 14 = No Position (0)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Direction (0)

Bit 1 = 24-bit Resol (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = FD Low Baud (0) 16-bits RW 0
Bit 3 = SC Quadrant (0)
Bits 4…15 = Reserved (0)

0 = Ignore
0 3 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW 0
2 = Flt Minor
3 = FltCoastStop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Encoder Err (0)
Bit 1 = Msg Checksum (0)
Bit 2 = Timeout (0)
Bit 3 = Comm (0)
Bit 4 = Diagnostic (0)
Bit 5 = SpplyVltRng (0)
0 1 Bit 6 = SC Amplitude (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 7 = Open Wire (0)
Bit 8 = Quad Loss (0)
Bit 9 = Phase Loss (0)
Bit 10 = Unsupp Enc (0)
Bit 11 = Reserved (0)
Bit 12 = Encoder Alm (0)
Bits 13…15 = Reserved (0)

1 100000 — 32-bit INT RW 0

Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)

Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = Edge Mode (0)
0 1 Bit 3 = Reserved (0) 32-bit INT RW 0
Bit 4 = Single Ended (0)
Bits 5…31 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Z Chan Enbl (0)
Bit 1 = A Chan Only (0)
Bit 2 = A Input (0)
Bit 3 = A Not Input (0)
0 1 Bit 4 = B Input (0) 32-bit INT RO 0
Bit 5 = B Not Input (0)
Bit 6 = Z Input (0)
Bit 7 = Z Not Input (0)
Bits 8…31 = Reserved (0)

Bit 0 = Parity Bit (0)

Bit 1 = Reserved (0)
0 1 Bit 2 = Gray Code (0) 16-bits RW 0
Bit 3 = Err Bit Enbl (0)
Bit 4 = DblWordQuery (0)
Bit 5…15 = Reserved (0)

8 32 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 16 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 = 0.5 ms
1 = 1.0 ms
0 3 2 = 1.5 ms 32-bit INT RW 0
3 = 2.0 ms

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Optics Alarm (0)
Bit 1 = OutOfRailAlm (0)
Bits 2…3 = Reserved (0)
Bit 4 = OutOfRailErr (0)
Bits 5…7 = B Reserved (0)
Bit 8 = Read Head 1 (0)
0 1 Bit 9 = Read Head 2 (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 10 = RAM Error (0)
Bit 11 = EPROM Error (0)
Bit 12 = ROM Error (0)
Bit 13 = Reserved (0)
Bit 14 = No Position (0)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

0 = None
1 = Reserved
0 4 2 = Sine Cosine 32-bit INT RW 0
3 = Channel X (FB0 Channel)
4 = Channel Y (FB1 Channel)

0 1 0 = A Quad B 32-bit INT RW 0

1 = Inv A Quad B

0 = 512 PPR
1 = 1024 PPR
0 3 2 = 2048 PPR 32-bit INT RW 0
3 = 4096 PPR

0 100000 — 32-bit INT RW 0

0 = 1 Z-Pulse
1 = 2 Z-Pulses
0 5 2 = 4 Z-Pulses 32-bit INT RW 0
3 = 8 Z-Pulses
4 = 16 Z-Pulses
5 = 32 Z-Pulses

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Arm Latch 1 (0)
Bit 1 = Arm Latch 2 (0)
Bit 2 = Arm Latch 3 (0)
Bit 3 = Arm Latch 4 (0)
Bit 4 = Arm Latch 5 (0)
0 1 Bit 5 = Arm Latch 6 (0) 16-bits RO 0
Bit 6 = Arm Latch 7 (0)
Bit 7 = Arm Latch 8 (0)
Bit 8 = Arm Latch 9 (0)
Bit 9 = Arm Latch 10 (0)
Bits 10…15 = Reserved (0)

0 1 0 = A Quad B 32-bit INT RW 0

1 = Inv A Quad B

0 = 512 PPR
0 3 1 = 1024 PPR 32-bit INT RW 0
2 = 2048 PPR
3 = 4096 PPR

0 100000 — 32-bit INT RW 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Latch1 Armed (0)
Bit 1 = Latch1 Found (0)
Bit 2 = Latch2 Armed (0)
Bit 3 = Latch2 Armed (0)
Bit 4 = Latch2 Found (0)
Bit 5 = Latch3 Armed (0)
Bit 6 = Latch3 Found (0)
Bit 7 = Latch4 Armed (0)
Bit 8 = Latch4 Found (0)
Bit 9 = Latch5 Armed (0)
Bit 10 = Latch5 Found (0)
Bit 11 = Latch6 Armed (0)
0 1 Bit 12 = Latch6 Found (0) 32-bit INT RO 0
Bit 13 = Latch7 Armed (0)
Bit 14 = Latch7 Found (0)
Bit 15 = Latch8 Armed (0)
Bit 16 = Latch8 Found (0)
Bit 17 = Latch9 Armed (0)
Bit 18 = Latch9 Found (0)
Bit 19 = Latch10Armed (0)
Bit 20 = Latch10Found (0)
Bits 21…28 = Reserved (0)
Bit 29 = Rgsn Input 0 (0)
Bit 30 = Rgsn Input 1 (0)
Bit 31 = Home Input (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Bit 0 = Channel Sel (0)
Bit 1 = Fwd Capture (0)
Bit 2 = Rev Capture (0)
Bit 3 = Stg1 In b0 (0)
Bit 4 = Stg1 In b1 (0)
Bit 5 = Reserved (0)
Bit 6 = Stg1EdgeRise (0)
0 1 Bit 7 = Stg1EdgeFall (0) 32-bit INT RO 0
Bit 8 = Logic Sel b0 (0)
Bit 9 = Logic Sel b1 (0)
Bit 10 = Stg2 In b0 (0)
Bit 11 = Stg2 In b1 (0)
Bit 12 = Reserved (0)
Bit 13 = Stg2EdgeRise (0)
Bit 14 = Stg2EdgeFall (0)
Bit 15 = Reserved (0)

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

2147483648 2147483647 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

0 4294967295 — 32-bit INT RO 0

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O

No No No

Yes No No

No No No

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Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No

No No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No

Yes No No

No No No

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

No No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

Yes No No

No No No

Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

No. Display Name Description Units

TLink Mode of Operation

Sets the TLink option card mode of operation.
‘Bypass’ (0) – The TLink option card functionality is disabled in
this drive. Data passes directly through the option card from
1 TLink Mode input to output. —
‘Mode A’(1) – Two words of data are transmitted between
TLink drives every 250us. The control loops of the follower
drives are synchronized to the control loop of the leader drive.
The maximum fiber distance between drives is 50 m (164 ft).

TLink Drive Role

Sets role of the drive.
2 TLink Role ‘Leader’ (0) – This node produces data and transmits it to —
other nodes. There is always only one leader drive in a system.
‘Follower’ (1) – This node receives data from the leader. It also
retransmits received data to next follower drive.

TLink Status
Displays the status of TLink operation.
‘Inactive’ (0) – TLink is not operating.
‘Tx Active’ (1) – TLink is sending data to follower drives. This
status is only applicable to the leader drive.
3 TLink Status ‘Wait Sync’ (2) – Follower drive is receiving data, but is not —
synchronized yet.
‘In Sync’ (3) – Follower drive is receiving data and is
synchronized with the leader drive.
‘Lost Sync’ (4) – Follower drive has lost synchronization with
the leader drive.

Comm Loss Action

Configures how the drive behaves when no valid data is
10 CommLossAction coming to the TLink option module. This parameter is valid —
only for a follower drive.
‘Zero Data’ (0) – Set reference to 0.
‘Hold Last’ (1) – Continue using last valid data received.

Comm Watchdog Configuration

Configures how drive reacts to a timeout condition on the
fiber-optic interface. This parameter setting affects only a
follower node.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
11 CommWatchdogCfg ‘Alarm’(1) – Type 1 alarm indicated. —
‘Flt Minor’(2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive
continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

System Comm Loss Configuration
Configures how the drive reacts to an error on internal
(backplane) communication.
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
12 SysCommLossCfg ‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive —
continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.

Fiber Offline Configuration

Configures how drive reacts to a disconnection of the RX fiber-
optic cable.
13 FibOfflineCfg ‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive
continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.

External Power Loss Configuration

14 ExtPwrLossCfg Configures how drive reacts to a lack of external power supply. —
‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken.
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive
continues to run.

Over Temperature Configuration

Configures how the drive reacts to an overtemperature
15 OverTempCfg ‘Ignore’ (0) – No action is taken. —
‘Alarm’ (1) – Type 1 alarm indicated.
‘Flt Minor’ (2) – Minor fault indicated. If running, drive
continues to run.
‘FltCoastStop’ (3) – Major fault indicated. Coast to Stop.
‘Flt RampStop’ (4) – Major fault indicated. Ramp to Stop.
‘Flt CL Stop’ (5) – Major fault indicated. Current Limit Stop.

TLink Output Select 1

Select the source of the data transmitted by the first output.
‘Trq Ref Out’ (0) – Selects the torque reference output, which
201 TLink Out Sel 1 is parameter 10:2072 [Trq Ref Out]. —
‘Trq Ref Sel’ (1) – Selects the selected torque reference, which
is parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected].
‘TrqRefFiltIn’ (2) – Selects the unfiltered torque reference,
which is parameter 10:2150 [Trq Ref Filt In].
‘VRef Ramped’ (3) – Selects the ramped velocity reference
output, which is parameter 10:1923 [VRef Ramped].

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

TLink Output Select 2
Select the source of the data transmitted by the second
‘Trq Ref Out’ (0) – Selects the torque reference output, which
202 TLink Out Sel 2 is parameter 10:2072 [Trq Ref Out]. —
‘Trq Ref Sel’ (1) – Selects the selected torque reference, which
is parameter 10:2076 [Trq Ref Selected].
‘TrqRefFiltIn’ (2) – Selects the unfiltered torque reference,
which is parameter 10:2150 [Trq Ref Filt In].
‘VRef Ramped’ (3) – Selects the ramped velocity reference
output, which is parameter 10:1923 [VRef Ramped].

TLink Input 1
This parameter is a placeholder for torque and velocity
203 TLink In 1 reference indirect selectors to select the first input of the TLink —
option module. This parameter always displays 0. This
parameter is useful as a torque reference or velocity
reference. It can be selected as a reference from parameter
10:2000 [Trq Ref A Sel] or 10:1800 [VRef A Sel].
TLink Input 1 Real
204 TLink In 1 Real Displays as a real number the first input of the TLink option —

TLink Input 2
This parameter is a placeholder for torque and velocity
206 TLink In 2 reference indirect selectors to select the second input of the —
TLink option module. This parameter always displays 0. This
parameter is useful as a torque reference or velocity
reference. It can be selected as a reference from parameter
10:2000 [Trq Ref A Sel] or 10:1800 [VRef A Sel].
TLink Input 2 Real
207 TLink In 2 Real Displays as a real number the second input of the TLink option —

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Default Min Max Settings Data Type Write

0 = Bypass
0 0 1 1 = Mode A 32-bit INT RW

1 0 1 0 = Leader 32-bit INT RW

1 = Follower

0 = Inactive
1 = Tx Active
0 0 4 2 = Wait Sync 32-bit INT RO
3 = In Sync
4 = Lost Sync

0 0 1 0 = Zero Data 32-bit INT RW

1 = Hold Last

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 0 5 3 = FltCoastStop 32-bit INT RW
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 0 5 3 = FltCoastStop 32-bit INT RW
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
0 0 5 3 = FltCoastStop 32-bit INT RW
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 = Ignore
0 0 2 1 = Alarm 32-bit INT RW
2 = Flt Minor

0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Flt Minor
3 0 5 3 = FltCoastStop 32-bit INT RW
4 = Flt RampStop
5 = Flt CL Stop

0 = Trq Ref Out

1 = Trq Ref Sel
0 0 3 2 = TrqRefFiltIn 32-bit INT RW
3 = VRef Ramped

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 = Trq Ref Out
1 = Trq Ref Sel
0 0 3 2 = TrqRefFiltIn 32-bit INT RW
3 = VRef Ramped

0.000 0.000 0.000 — Real RO

0.000 -2147480000.000 2147480000.000 — Real RO

0.000 0.000 0.000 — Real RO

0.000 -2147480000.000 2147480000.000 — Real RO

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

Stop to Change Not Linkable No Write Over I/O

0 Yes No No

0 Yes No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 Yes No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

0 Yes No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

0 No No No

_x000D_ # Rockwell Automation Company 'Public'

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