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16 Products Solutions Services

01.03.zz (Device firmware)

Operating Instructions
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54
Guided wave radar
Order code: XXXXX-XXXXXX
Ext. ord. cd.: XXX.XXXX.XX

Serial number

2. Endress+Hauser Operations App



2 Endress+Hauser
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Important document information . . . . 5 6.2 Mounting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

6.2.1 Required mounting tools . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.1 Document function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6.2.2 Shortening the probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.2 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6.2.3 FMP54 with gas phase
1.2.1 Safety symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 compensation: Mounting the probe
1.2.2 Electrical symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.2.3 Tool symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6.2.4 Mounting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.2.4 Symbols for certain types of 6.2.5 Mounting the "Sensor remote"
information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.2.5 Symbols in graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.2.6 Turning the transmitter housing . . . . 53
1.2.6 Symbols at the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.2.7 Turning the display module . . . . . . . . 53
1.3 Supplementary documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.3 Post-installation check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1.3.1 Safety Instructions (XA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

7 Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2 Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7.1 Connection conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.1 Requirements for personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.1.1 Terminal assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.2 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.1.2 Cable specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.3 Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.1.3 Device plug connectors . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.4 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.1.4 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.5 Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.1.5 Overvoltage protection . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.5.1 CE mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.2 Connecting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.5.2 EAC conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.2.1 Pluggable spring-force terminals . . . . 66
7.3 Post-connection check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3 Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1 Product design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8 Operation options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.1.1 Levelflex FMP51/FMP52/FMP54/ 8.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
FMP55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.1.1 Local operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.1.2 Electronics housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8.1.2 Operation with remote display and
3.2 Registered trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 operating module FHX50 . . . . . . . . . . 68
8.1.3 Remote operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4 Incoming acceptance and product 8.2 Structure and function of the operating
identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
8.2.1 Structure of the operating menu . . . . 70
4.1 Incoming acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.2.2 User roles and related access
4.2 Product identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2.1 Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 8.2.3 Write protection via access code . . . . . 72
8.2.4 Disabling write protection via access
5 Storage, Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1 Storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8.2.5 Deactivation of the write protection
5.2 Transport product to the measuring point . . . . 20 via access code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
8.2.6 Write protection via write protection
switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6 Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 8.2.7 Enabling and disabling the keypad
6.1 Mounting requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.1.1 Suitable mounting position . . . . . . . . 21 8.3 Display and operating module . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.1.2 Applications with restricted 8.3.1 Display appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
mounting space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 8.3.2 Operating elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.1.3 Notes on the mechanical load of the 8.3.3 Entering numbers and text . . . . . . . . 81
probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8.3.4 Opening the context menu . . . . . . . . . 83
6.1.4 Notes on the process connection . . . . 27 8.3.5 Envelope curve on the display and
6.1.5 Mounting cladded flanges . . . . . . . . . 32 operating module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.1.6 Securing the probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.1.7 Special mounting conditions . . . . . . . 36

Endress+Hauser 3
Table of contents

9 Device integration via the HART 14 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 14.1 General information on repairs . . . . . . . . . . . 111
14.1.1 Repair concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.1 Overview of the Device Description files
14.1.2 Repairs to Ex-approved devices . . . . 111
(DD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
14.1.3 Replacement of an electronics
9.2 HART device variables and measuring
module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
14.1.4 Replacement of a device . . . . . . . . . 111
14.2 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
10 Commissioning via wizard . . . . . . . . . 86 14.3 Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
14.4 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
11 Commissioning via operating
menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 15 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
11.1 Installation and function check . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 15.1 Device-specific accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
11.2 Setting the operating language . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 15.1.1 Weather protection cover . . . . . . . . 113
11.3 Checking the reference distance . . . . . . . . . . . 87 15.1.2 Mounting bracket for the electronics
11.4 Configuration of a level measurement . . . . . . 89 housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
11.5 Configuration of an interface measurement . . 91 15.1.3 Extension rod / centering HMP40 . . 115
11.6 Recording the reference curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 15.1.4 Mounting kit, isolated . . . . . . . . . . . 116
11.7 Configuration of the on-site display . . . . . . . . 94 15.1.5 Centering star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
11.7.1 Factory settings of the on-site 15.1.6 Remote display FHX50 . . . . . . . . . . 119
display for level measurements . . . . . 94 15.1.7 Overvoltage protection . . . . . . . . . . 120
11.7.2 Factory settings of the on-site 15.2 Communication-specific accessories . . . . . . . 121
display for interface measurements . . 94 15.3 Service-specific accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
11.7.3 Adjustment of the on-site display . . . 94 15.4 System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
11.8 Configuration of the current outputs . . . . . . . . 95
11.8.1 Factory setting of the current 16 Operating menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
outputs for level measurements . . . . . 95 16.1 Overview of the operating menu (display
11.8.2 Factory setting of the current module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
outputs for interface measurements . . 95 16.2 Overview of the operating menu (operating
11.8.3 Adjustment of the current outputs . . . 95 tool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
11.9 Configuration management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 16.3 "Setup" menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
11.10 Protection of the settings against 16.3.1 "Mapping" wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
unauthorized changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 16.3.2 "Advanced setup" submenu . . . . . . . . 152
16.4 "Diagnostics" menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
12 Diagnostics and troubleshooting . . . 98 16.4.1 "Diagnostic list" submenu . . . . . . . . . 209
12.1 General trouble shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 16.4.2 "Event logbook" submenu . . . . . . . . . 210
12.1.1 General errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 16.4.3 "Device information" submenu . . . . . 211
12.1.2 Parametrization errors . . . . . . . . . . . 99 16.4.4 "Measured values" submenu . . . . . . . 214
12.2 Diagnostic information on local display . . . . . 101 16.4.5 "Data logging" submenu . . . . . . . . . . 218
12.2.1 Diagnostic message . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 16.4.6 "Simulation" submenu . . . . . . . . . . . 221
12.2.2 Calling up remedial measures . . . . . 103 16.4.7 "Device check" submenu . . . . . . . . . . 226
12.3 Diagnostic event in the operating tool . . . . . . 104
12.4 Diagnostic list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
12.5 List of diagnostic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
12.6 Event logbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
12.6.1 Event history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
12.6.2 Filtering the event logbook . . . . . . . 107
12.6.3 Overview of information events . . . . 107
12.7 Firmware history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

13 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
13.1 Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Important document information

1 Important document information

1.1 Document function

These Operating Instructions contain all the information that is required in various phases
of the life cycle of the device: from product identification, incoming acceptance and
storage, to mounting, connection, operation and commissioning through to
troubleshooting, maintenance and disposal.

1.2 Symbols

1.2.1 Safety symbols

Symbol Meaning

DANGER This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in
serious or fatal injury.

WARNING This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
serious or fatal injury.

CAUTION This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
minor or medium injury.

NOTICE This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in
personal injury.

1.2.2 Electrical symbols

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

Direct current Alternating current

Direct current and alternating current Ground connection

A grounded terminal which, as far as
the operator is concerned, is
grounded via a grounding system.

Protective ground connection Equipotential connection

A terminal which must be connected A connection that has to be connected
to ground prior to establishing any to the plant grounding system: This
other connections. may be a potential equalization line
or a star grounding system depending
on national or company codes of

1.2.3 Tool symbols

Symbol Meaning

Torx screwdriver


Flat blade screwdriver


Endress+Hauser 5
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Symbol Meaning

Cross-head screwdriver


Allen key


Hexagon wrench

1.2.4 Symbols for certain types of information

Symbol Meaning

Procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.

Procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.

Procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.

Indicates additional information.

Reference to documentation

Reference to page

Reference to graphic

, , … Series of steps

Result of a step

Help in the event of a problem

Visual inspection

1.2.5 Symbols in graphics

Symbol Meaning

1, 2, 3 ... Item numbers

, , … Series of steps

A, B, C, ... Views

A-A, B-B, C-C, ... Sections

Hazardous area
- Indicates a hazardous area.

Safe area (non-hazardous area)

. Indicates the non-hazardous area.

6 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Important document information

1.2.6 Symbols at the device

Symbol Meaning

Safety instructions
Observe the safety instructions contained in the associated Operating Instructions.

Temperature resistance of the connection cables

Specifies the minimum value of the temperature resistance of the connection cables.

Endress+Hauser 7
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

1.3 Supplementary documentation

Document Purpose and content of the document

Technical Information Planning aid for your device

TI01001F (FMP51, FMP52, The document contains all the technical data on the device and provides
FMP54) an overview of the accessories and other products that can be ordered for
the device.

Brief Operating Instructions Guide that takes you quickly to the 1st measured value
KA01077F (FMP51/FMP52/ The Brief Operating Instructions contain all the essential information
FMP54, HART) from incoming acceptance to initial commissioning.

Description of Device Parameters Reference for your parameters

GP01000F (FMP5x, HART) The document provides a detailed explanation of each individual
parameter in the operating menu. The description is aimed at those who
work with the device over the entire life cycle and perform specific

For an overview of the scope of the associated Technical Documentation, refer to the
• The W@M Device Viewer : Enter the serial number from the nameplate
• The Endress+Hauser Operations App: Enter the serial number from the nameplate
or scan the 2-D matrix code (QR code) on the nameplate.

8 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Important document information

1.3.1 Safety Instructions (XA)

Depending on the approval, the following Safety Instructions (XA) are supplied with the
device. They are an integral part of the Operating Instructions.

Feature 010 Approval Available for Feature 020: "Power Supply; Output"
A B 2) C 3) E 4)/G 5) K 6)/L 7)

BA ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00496F XA01125F XA01126F XA00516F -
• FMP54

BB ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00496F XA01125F XA01126F XA00516F -
• FMP54

BC ATEX II 1/2G Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00499F XA00499F XA00499F XA00519F XA01133F
• FMP52
• FMP54

BD ATEX II 1/3G Ex ic[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gc • FMP51 XA00497F XA01127F XA01128F XA00517F -
• FMP52
• FMP54

BE ATEX II 1D Ex t IIIC Da FMP54 XA00501F XA00501F XA00501F XA00521F XA00501F

BF ATEX II 1/2D Ex t IIIC Da/Db FMP54 XA00501F XA00501F XA00501F XA00521F XA00501F


• FMP52 XA00498F XA01130F XA01131F XA00518F XA01132F
• FMP54

BH ATEX II 3G Ex ic IIC T6 Gc • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00498F XA01130F XA01131F XA00518F -
• FMP54

BL ATEX II 1/3G Ex nA[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gc • FMP51 XA00497F XA01127F XA01128F XA00517F XA01129F
• FMP52
• FMP54

B2 ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, 1/2D Ex ia IIIC Da/Db • FMP51 XA00502F XA00502F XA00502F XA00522F -
• FMP52
• FMP54

B3 ATEX II 1/2G Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb, 1/2 D Ex t IIIC • FMP51 XA00503F XA00503F XA00503F XA00523F XA01136F
Da/Db • FMP52
• FMP54

B4 ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00500F XA01134F XA01135F XA00520F -
• FMP52
• FMP54

CD CSA C/US DIP Cl.II,III Div.1 Gr.E-G FMP54 XA00529F XA00529F XA00529F XA00570F XA00529F

C2 CSA C/US IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex ia • FMP51 XA00530F XA00530F XA00530F XA00571F XA00530F
• FMP52
• FMP54

C3 CSA C/US XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex d • FMP51 XA00529F XA00529F XA00529F XA00570F XA00529F
• FMP52
• FMP54

FB FM IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx ia, NI Cl.1 Div.2 • FMP51 XA00531F XA00531F XA00531F XA00573F XA00531F
• FMP52
• FMP54

FD FM XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx d, NI Cl.1 Div.2 • FMP51 XA00532F XA00532F XA00532F XA00572F XA00532F
• FMP52
• FMP54

FE FM DIP Cl.II,III Div.1 Gr.E-G FMP54 XA00532F XA00532F XA00532F XA00572F XA00532F

GA EAC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51 XA01380F XA01380F XA01380F XA01381F XA01380F

• FMP52
• FMP54

Endress+Hauser 9
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Feature 010 Approval Available for Feature 020: "Power Supply; Output"
A B 2) C 3) E 4)/G 5) K 6)/L 7)

GB EAC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA01380F XA01380F XA01380F XA01381F XA01380F

• FMP52
• FMP54

GC EAC Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA01382F XA01382F XA01382F XA01383F XA01382F
• FMP52
• FMP54

IA IEC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00496F XA01125F XA01126F XA00516F -
• FMP54

IB IEC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00496F XA01125F XA01126F XA00516F -
• FMP54

IC IEC Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00499F XA00499F XA00499F XA00519F XA01133F
• FMP52
• FMP54

ID IEC Ex ic[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gc • FMP51 XA00497F XA01127F XA01128F XA00517F -

• FMP52
• FMP54

IE IEC Ex t IIIC Da FMP54 XA00501F XA00501F XA00501F XA00521F XA00501F

IF IEC Ex t IIIC Da/Db FMP54 XA00501F XA00501F XA00501F XA00521F XA00501F

IG IEC Ex nA IIC T6 Gc • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00498F XA01130F XA01131F XA00518F XA01132F
• FMP54

IH IEC Ex ic IIC T6 Gc • FMP51

• FMP52 XA00498F XA01130F XA01131F XA00518F -
• FMP54

IL IEC Ex nA[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gc • FMP51 XA00497F XA01127F XA01128F XA00517F XA01129F
• FMP52
• FMP54

I2 IEC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex ia IIIC Da/Db • FMP51 XA00502F XA00502F XA00502F XA00522F -
• FMP52
• FMP54

I3 IEC Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex t IIIC Da/Db • FMP51 XA00503F XA00503F XA00503F XA00523F XA01136F
• FMP52
• FMP54

I4 IEC Ex II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00500F XA01134F XA01135F XA00520F -
• FMP52
• FMP54

KA KC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51 XA01169F - XA01169F - -

• FMP52
• FMP54

KB KC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA01169F - XA01169F - -

• FMP52
• FMP54

KC KC Ex d[ia] IIC T6 • FMP51 - - XA01170F - -

• FMP52
• FMP54

MA INMETRO Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51 XA01038F XA01038F XA01038F - XA01038F

• FMP52
• FMP54

MC INMETRO Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA01041F XA01041F XA01041F - XA01041F

• FMP52
• FMP54

ME INMETRO Ex t IIIC Da FMP54 XA01043F XA01043F XA01043F - XA01043F

10 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Important document information

Feature 010 Approval Available for Feature 020: "Power Supply; Output"
A B 2) C 3) E 4)/G 5) K 6)/L 7)

MH INMETRO Ex ic IIC T6 Gc • FMP51 XA01040F XA01040F XA01040F - XA01040F

• FMP52
• FMP54

NA NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6 Ga • FMP51 XA00634F XA00634F XA00634F XA00640F XA00634F

• FMP52
• FMP54

NB NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00634F XA00634F XA00634F XA00640F XA00634F

• FMP52
• FMP54

NC NEPSI Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb • FMP51 XA00636F XA00636F XA00636F XA00642F XA00636F
• FMP52
• FMP54

NF NEPSI DIP A20/21 T85…90oC IP66 FMP54 XA00637F XA00637F XA00637F XA00643F XA00637F

NG NEPSI Ex nA II T6 Gc • FMP51 XA00635F XA00635F XA00635F XA00641F XA00635F

• FMP52
• FMP54

NH NEPSI Ex ic IIC T6 Gc • FMP51 XA00635F XA00635F XA00635F XA00641F XA00635F

• FMP52
• FMP54

N2 NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex iaD 20/21 T85…90°C • FMP51 XA00638F XA00638F XA00638F XA00644F XA00638F
• FMP52
• FMP54

N3 NEPSI Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb, DIP A20/21 T85…90°C • FMP51 XA00639F XA00639F XA00639F XA00645F XA00639F
IP66 • FMP52
• FMP54

8A FM/CSA IS+XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G • FMP51 XA00531F XA00531F XA00531F XA00572F XA00531F
• FMP52 XA00532F XA00532F XA00532F XA00573F XA00532F
• FMP54

1) A: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART

2) B: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch output
3) C: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA
4) E: 2-wire; FOUNDATION Fieldbus, switch output
5) G: 2-wire; PROFIBUS PA, switch output
6) K: 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART
7) L: 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART

For certified devices the relevant Safety Instructions (XA) are indicated on the

Endress+Hauser 11
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Ex-marking in case of connected FHX50 remote display

If the device is prepared for the remote display FHX50 (product structure: feature 030:
Display, Operation", option L or M), the Ex marking of some certificates changes according
to the following table 1):

Feature 010 ("Approval") Feature 030 ("Display, Operation") Ex-marking

BE L or M ATEX II 1D Ex ta [ia] IIIC T500 xx°C Da

BF L or M ATEX II 1/2 D Ex ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db

BG L or M ATEX II 3G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gc

BH L or M ATEX II 3G Ex ic [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gc

B3 L or M ATEX II 1/2G Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb,

ATEX II 1/2D Ex ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db

IE L or M IECEx Ex ta [ia] IIIC T500 xx°C Da

IF L or M IECEx ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db

IG L or M IECEx Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gc

IH L or M IECEx Ex ic [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gc

I3 L or M IECEx Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb,

IECEx Ex ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db

1) The marking of certificates not mentioned in this table are not affected by the FHX50.

12 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Basic safety instructions

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Requirements for personnel

The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill
the following requirements:
‣ Trained, qualified specialists must have a relevant qualification for this specific function
and task.
‣ Are authorized by the plant owner/operator.
‣ Are familiar with federal/national regulations.
‣ Before starting work, read and understand the instructions in the manual and
supplementary documentation as well as the certificates (depending on the
‣ Follow instructions and comply with basic conditions.
The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:
‣ Are instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the facility's
‣ Follow the instructions in this manual.

2.2 Designated use

Application and measured materials
The measuring device described in these Operating Instructions is intended only for level
and interface measurement of liquids. Depending on the version ordered the device can
also measure potentially explosive, flammable, poisonous and oxidizing materials.
Observing the limit values specified in the "Technical data" and listed in the Operating
Instructions and supplementary documentation, the measuring device may be used for the
following measurements only:
‣ Measured process variable: Level and/or interface
‣ Calculated process variable: Volume oder mass in arbitrarily shaped vessels (calculated
from the level by the linearization functionality)
To ensure that the measuring device remains in proper condition for the operation time:
‣ Use the measuring device only for measured materials against which the process-
wetted materials are adequately resistant.
‣ Observe the limit values in "Technical data".
Incorrect use
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.
Verification for borderline cases:
‣ For special measured materials and cleaning agents, Endress+Hauser is glad to provide
assistance in verifying the corrosion resistance of wetted materials, but does not accept
any warranty or liability.

Residual risk
The electronics housing and its built-in components such as display module, main
electronics module and I/O electronics module may heat to 80 °C (176 °F) during operation
through heat transfer from the process as well as power dissipation within the electronics.
During operation the sensor may assume a temperature near the temperature of the
measured material.
Danger of burns due to heated surfaces!
‣ For high process temperatures: Install protection against contact in order to prevent

Endress+Hauser 13
Basic safety instructions Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

2.3 Workplace safety

For work on and with the device:
‣ Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national
With divisible probe rods, medium may penetrate into the joints between the indivual
parts of the rod. This medium may escape when loosening the joints. In the case of
dangerous (e.g. aggressive or toxic) media this may cause injuries.
‣ When loosening the joints between the individual parts of the probe rod: Wear
appropriate protective equipment according to the medium.

2.4 Operational safety

Risk of injury.
‣ Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
‣ The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.
Conversions to the device
Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable
‣ If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with the manufacturer.
To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
‣ Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
‣ Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
‣ Use original spare parts and accessories from the manufacturer only.
Hazardous area
To eliminate a danger for persons or for the facility when the device is used in the
hazardous area (e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety):
‣ Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the
intended use in the hazardous area.
‣ Observe the specifications in the separate supplementary documentation that is an
integral part of these Instructions.

2.5 Product safety

This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet
state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in
which it is safe to operate. It meets general safety standards and legal requirements.

2.5.1 CE mark
The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the applicable EC guidelines. These
are listed in the corresponding EC Declaration of Conformity together with the standards
Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark.

2.5.2 EAC conformity

The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the applicable EAC guidelines.
These are listed in the corresponding EAC Declaration of Conformity together with the
standards applied.
Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the EAC mark.

14 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Product description

3 Product description

3.1 Product design

3.1.1 Levelflex FMP51/FMP52/FMP54/FMP55

3 5 6


1 Design of the Levelflex

1 Electronics housing
2 Process connection (here as an example: flange)
3 Rope probe
4 End-of-probe weight
5 Rod probe
6 Coax probe

Endress+Hauser 15
Product description Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

3.1.2 Electronics housing

1 2 3 5





2 Design of the electronics housing

1 Electronics compartment cover
2 Display module
3 Main electronics module
4 Cable glands (1 or 2, depending on instrument version)
5 Nameplate
6 I/O electronics module
7 Terminals (pluggable spring terminals)
8 Connection compartment cover
9 Grounding terminal

16 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Product description

3.2 Registered trademarks

Registered trademark of the FieldComm Group, Austin, USA
Registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers L.L.C., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of Alfa Laval Inc., Kenosha, USA
Registered trademark of the Nord-Lock International AB

Endress+Hauser 17
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

4 Incoming acceptance and product


4.1 Incoming acceptance

Is the order code on the delivery
DELIVERY NOTE note (1) identical to the order
code on the product sticker (2)?




Are the goods undamaged?



Made in Germany, 79689 Maulburg

Do the nameplate data match the
ordering information on the
delivery note?


Is the DVD (operating tool)

If required (see nameplate): Are
the Safety Instructions (XA)

If one of the conditions does not comply, contact your Endress+Hauser distributor.

4.2 Product identification

The following options are available for identification of the measuring device:
• Nameplate specifications
• Order code with breakdown of the device features on the delivery note
• Enter serial numbers from nameplates in W@M Device Viewer
( ): All information about the measuring device is
• Enter the serial number from the nameplates into the Endress+Hauser Operations App
or scan the 2-D matrix code (QR code) on the nameplate with the Endress+Hauser
Operations App: all the information for the measuring device is displayed.

18 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Incoming acceptance and product identification

4.2.1 Nameplate

92 (3.62)

Order code: 3 10
Ser. no.: 4
Ext. ord. cd.: 8

47 (1.85)
LN = 24 MWP: 6 9
23 Lref = 7
Ta: 22 15
Mat.: 21
DeviceID: 20
FW: 18 Dev.Rev.: 16 11
if modification
19 17 13 X = see sep. label
Date: 14
mm (in)

3 Nameplate of the Levelflex

1 Device name
2 Address of manufacturer
3 Order code
4 Serial number (Ser. no.)
5 Extended order code (Ext. ord. cd.)
6 Process pressure
7 Gas phase compensation: reference distance
8 Certificate symbol
9 Certificate and approval relevant data
10 Degree of protection: e.g. IP, NEMA
11 Document number of the Safety Instructions: e.g. XA, ZD, ZE
12 2-D matrix code (QR code)
13 Modification mark
14 Manufacturing date: year-month
15 Permitted temperature range for cable
16 Geräterevision (Dev.Rev.)
17 Additional information about the device version (certificates, approvals, communication): e.g. SIL, PROFIBUS
18 Firmware version (FW)
19 CE mark, C-Tick
20 DeviceID
21 Material in contact with process
22 Permitted ambient temperature (Ta)
23 Size of the thread of the cable glands
24 Length of probe
25 Signal outputs
26 Operating voltage

Only 33 digits of the extended order code can be indicated on the nameplate. If the
extended order code exceeds 33 digits, the rest will not be shown. However, the
complete extended order code can be viewed in the operating menu of the device in
the Extended order code 1 to 3 parameter.

Endress+Hauser 19
Storage, Transport Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

5 Storage, Transport

5.1 Storage conditions

• Permitted storage temperature: –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)
• Use the original packaging.

5.2 Transport product to the measuring point

Housing or probe may be damaged or break away.
Risk of injury!
‣ Transport the measuring device to the measuring point in its original packaging or at
the process connection.
‣ Do not fasten lifting devices (hoisting slings, lifting eyes etc.) at the housing or the
probe but at the process connection. Take into account the mass center of the device in
order to avoid unintended tilting.
‣ Comply with the safety instructions, transport conditions for devices over 18kg
(39.6lbs) (IEC61010).


20 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6 Mounting

6.1 Mounting requirements

6.1.1 Suitable mounting position

1 2 3

A 4


4 Mounting requirements for Levelflex

Mounting distances
• Distance (A) between wall and rod or rope probe:
– for smooth metallic walls: > 50 mm (2 in)
– for plastic walls: > 300 mm (12 in) to metallic parts outside the vessel
– for concrete walls: > 500 mm (20 in), otherwise the available measuring range may be
• Distance (B) between rod or rope probe and internal fittings in the vessel: >
300 mm (12 in)
• When using more than one Levelflex:
Minimum distance between the sensor axes: 100 mm (3.94 in)
• Distance (C) from end of probe to bottom of the vessel:
– Rope probe: > 150 mm (6 in)
– Rod probe: > 10 mm (0.4 in)
– Coax probe: > 10 mm (0.4 in)
For coax probes the distance to the wall and to internal fittings is arbitrary.

Endress+Hauser 21
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional conditions
• When mounting in the open, a weather protection cover (1) may be installed to protect
the device against extreme weather conditions.
• In metallic vessels: Preferably do not mount the probe in the center of the vessel (2), as
this would lead to increased interference echoes.
If a central mounting position can not be avoided, it is crucial to perform an interference
echo suppresion(mapping) after the commissioning of the device.
• Do not mount the probe in the filling curtain (3).
• Avoid buckling the rope probe during installation or operation (e.g. through product
movement against silo wall) by selecting a suitable mounting location.
With suspended rope probes (probe end not fixed at the bottom) the distance
between the probe rope and internal fittings in the tank must not fall below 300 mm
(12") during the entire process. A sporadic contact between the probe weight and the
cone of the vessel, however, does not influence the measurement as long as the
dielectric constant of the medium is at least DC = 1.8.
When mounting the electronics housing into a recess (e.g. in a concrete ceiling),
observe a minimum distance of 100 mm (4 inch) between the cover of the terminal
compartment / electronics compartment and the wall. Otherwise the connection
compartment / electronics compartment is not accessible after installation.

22 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.1.2 Applications with restricted mounting space

Mounting with remote sensor

The device version with a remote sensor is suited for applications with restricted mounting
space. In this case the electronics housing is mounted at a separate position from which it
is easier accessible.


6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft) 6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft)
rmin = 100 (4) C
rmin = 100 (4)
6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft) 6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft)


A Angled plug at the probe

B Angled plug at the electronics housing
C Length of the remote cable as ordered

• Product structure, feature 600 "Probe Design":

– Option MB "Sensor remote, 3m/9ft cable"
– Option MC "Sensor remote, 6m/18ft cable"
– Option MB "Sensor remote, 9m/27ft cable"
• The remote cable is supplied with these device versions
Minimum bending radius: 100 mm (4 inch)
• A mounting bracket for the electronics housing is supplied with these device versions.
Mounting options:
– Wall mounting
– Pipe mounting; diameter: 42 to 60 mm (1-1/4 to 2 inch)
• The connection cable has got one straight and one angled plug (90°). Depending on the
local conditions the angled plug can be connected at the probe or at the electronics
Probe, electronics and connection cable are adjusted to match each other. They are
marked by a common serial number. Only components with the same serial number
shall be connected to each other.

Endress+Hauser 23
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Divisible probes

14 mm

14 mm


If there is little mounting space (distance to the ceiling), it is advisable to use divisible rod
probes ( 16 mm).
• max. probe length 10 m (394 in)
• max. sideways capacity 30 Nm
• probes are separable several times with the following lengths of the individual parts:
– 500 mm (20 in)
– 1 000 mm (40 in)
• torque: 15 Nm

24 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.1.3 Notes on the mechanical load of the probe

Tensile load limit of rope probes

Sensor Feature 060 Probe Tensile load limit [kN]

FMP51 LA, LB Rope 4mm (1/6") 316 5


FMP52 OA, OB, OC, OD Rope 4mm (1/6") PFA>316 2

FMP54 LA, LB Rope 4mm (1/6") 316 10

Bending strength of rod probes

Sensor Feature 060 Probe Bending strength [Nm]

FMP51 AA, AB Rod 8mm (1/3") 316L 10

AC, AD Rod 12mm (1/2") 316L 30

AL, AM Rod 12mm (1/2") AlloyC 30

BA, BB, BC, BD Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L divisible 30

FMP52 CA, CB Rod 16mm (0.63") PFA>316L 30

FMP54 AE, AF Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L 30

BA, BB, BC, BD Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L divisible 30

Bending load (torque) through fluid flow

The formula for calculating the bending torque M impacting on the probe:
M = cw ⋅ ρ/2 ⋅ v2 ⋅ d ⋅ L ⋅ (LN - 0.5 ⋅ L)

cw: Friction factor
ρ [kg/m3]: Density of the medium
v [m/s]: Velocity of the medium perpendicular to the probe rod
d [m]: Diameter of the probe rod
L [m]: Level
LN [m]: Probe length

Calculation example

Friction factor cw 0,9 (on the assumption of a turbulent current - high

Reynolds number)

Density ρ [kg/m3] 1000 (e.g. water)

Probe diameter d [m] 0,008

L = LN (worst case) LN
v L


Endress+Hauser 25
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Bending torque [M] on rod probes, diameter 8mm (1/3”)


Bending torque [Nm]

max. bending torque

0.0 v=0.5m/s
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 v=0.7m/s
Probe length [LN] in meters v=1.0m/s


Bending strength of coax probes

Sensor Feature 060 Process connection Probe Bending strength


FMP51 UA, UB Thread G¾ oder NPT¾ Coax 316L, Ø 21,3 60


• Thread G1½ or Coax 316L, Ø 42,4 300

NPT1½ mm
• Flange

UC, UD Flange Coax AlloyC, Ø 300

42,4 mm

FMP54 UA, UB • Thread G1½ or Coax 316L, Ø 42,4 300

NPT1½ mm
• Flange

26 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.1.4 Notes on the process connection

Probes are mounted to the process connection with threaded connections or flanges. If
during this installation there is the danger that the probe end moves so much that it
touches the tank floor or cone at times, the probe must, if necessary, be shortened and
fixed down →  33.

Threaded connection


5 Mounting with threaded connection; flush with the container ceiling

The thread as well as the type of seal comply to DIN 3852 Part 1, screwed plug form A.
They can be sealed with the following types of sealing rings:
• Thread G3/4": According to DIN 7603 with the dimensions 27 x 32 mm
• Thread G1-1/2": According to DIN 7603 with the dimensions 48 x 55 mm
Please use a sealing ring according to this standard in the form A, C or D and of a material
that is resistant to the application.

Endress+Hauser 27
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Nozzle mounting

£150 (6)
ø £150 (6)

• Permissible nozzle diameter: ≤ 150 mm (6 in).

For larger diameters the near range measuring capability may be reduced.
For nozzles ≥ DN300: →  31.
• Permissible nozzle height 2): ≤ 150 mm (6 in).
For a larger height the near range measuring capability may be reduced.
Larger nozzle heights may be possible in special cases (see sections "Center rod for
FMP51 and FMP52" and "Rod extension/centering HMP40 for FMP54").
• The end of the nozzle should be flush with the tank ceiling in order to avoid ringing
With thermally insulated vessels the nozzle should also be insulated in order to
prevent condensate formation.

2) Larger nozzle heights on request

28 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Center rod for FMP51 and FMP52

For rope probes it may be necessary to use a version with center rod in order to prevent the
probe rod from coming into contact with the nozzle wall. Probes with center rod are
available for FMP51 and FMP52.

Probe Max. nozzle height (= length of the center rod) Option to be selected in feature 060 ("Probe")

FMP51 150 mm LA

6 inch LB

300 mm MB

12 inch MD

FMP52 150 mm OA

6 inch OC

300 mm OB

12 inch OD

Endress+Hauser 29
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Rod extension/centering HMP40 for FMP54

For FMP54 with rope probes the rod extension/centering HMP 40 is available as an
accessory →  115. It has to be used if otherwise the probe rope comes into contact with
the lower edge of the nozzle.
For FMP54 with rope probes the rod extension/centering HMP 40 is available as an
accessory. It has to be used if otherwise the probe rope comes into contact with the lower
edge of the nozzle.
This accessory consists of the extension rod corresponding to the nozzle height, on
which a centering disk is also mounted if the nozzles are narrow or when working in
bulk solids. This component is delivered separately from the device. Please order the
probe length correspondingly shorter.
Centering disks with small diameters (DN40 and DN50) may only be used if there is
no significant build-up in the nozzle above the disk. The nozzle must not become
clogged by the product.

30 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Installation in nozzles ≥ DN300

If installation in ≥ 300mm/12" nozzles is unavoidable, installation must be carried out in
accordance with the following sketch.



1 Lower edge of the nozzle

2 Approx. flush with the lower edge of the nozzle (± 50 mm/2")
3 Plate
4 Pipe  150 to 180 mm (6 to 7 inch)

Nozzle diameter Plate diameter

300 mm (12") 280 mm (11")

≥ 400 mm (16") ≥ 350 mm (14")

Endress+Hauser 31
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

6.1.5 Mounting cladded flanges

For cladded flanges of FMP52, observe the following:
• Use flange screws according to the number of flange holes.
• Tighten the screws with the required torque (see table).
• Retighten the screws after 24 hours or after the first temperature cycle.
• Depending on process pressure and process temperature check and retighten the
screws at regular intervals.
Usually, the PTFE flange cladding also serves as a seal between the nozzle and the
device flange.

Flange size Number of screws Recommended torque [Nm]

minimum maximum


DN40/PN40 4 35 55

DN50/PN16 4 45 65

DN50/PN40 4 45 65

DN80/PN16 8 40 55

DN80/PN40 8 40 55

DN100/PN16 8 40 60

DN100/PN40 8 55 80

DN150/PN16 8 75 115

DN150/PN40 8 95 145


1½"/150lbs 4 20 30

1½"/300lbs 4 30 40

2"/150lbs 4 40 55

2"/300lbs 8 20 30

3"/150lbs 4 65 95

3"/300lbs 8 40 55

4"/150lbs 8 45 70

4"/300lbs 8 55 80

6"/150lbs 8 85 125

6"/300lbs 12 60 90


10K 40A 4 30 45

10K 50A 4 40 60

10K 80A 8 25 35

10K 100A 8 35 55

10K 100A 8 75 115

32 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.1.6 Securing the probe

Securing rope probes



A Sag of the rope: ≥ 1 cm per 1m of the probe length (0.12 inch per 1 ft of the probe length)
B Reliably grounded end of probe
C Reliably isolated end of probe
1: Mounting and contact with a bolt
2 Mounting kit isolated

• The end of the probe needs to be secured under the following conditions:
if otherwise the probe sporadically comes into contact with the wall of the vessel, the
outlet cone, internal fittings or other parts of the installation.
• The end of probe can be secured at its internal thread
rope 4 mm (1/6"), 316: M 14
• The fixing must be either reliably grounded or reliably insulated. If it is not possible to
mount the probe weight with a reliably insulated connection, it can be secured using an
isolated eyelet, which is available as an accessory.
• In the case of a grounded fixing the search for a positive end-of-probe signal must be
activated. Otherwise an automatic probe length correction is impossible.
Navigation: Expert → Sensor → EOP evaluation → EOP search mode
Setting: Positive EOP option
• In order to prevent an extremely high tensile load (e.g. due to thermal expansion) and
the risk of rope crack, the rope has to be slack. Make the rope longer than the required
measuring range such that there is a sag in the middle of the rope that is ≥ 1cm/(1 m
rope length) [0.12 inch/(1 ft rope length)].
Tensile load limit of rope probes: →  25

Endress+Hauser 33
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Securing rod probes

• For WHG approvals: For probe lengths ≥ 3 m (10 ft) a support is required.
• In general, rod probes must be supported if there is a horizontal flow (e.g. from an
agitator) or in the case of strong vibrations.
• Rod probes may only be supported at the end of the probe.



»50 (1.97)

ø<25 (1.0)

»3 (0.12)

»50 (1.97)

mm (in)


1 Probe rod, uncoated

2 Sleeve bored tight to ensure electrical contact between the rod and sleeve!
3 Short metal pipe, e.g. welded in place
4 Probe rod, coated
5 Plastic sleeve, e.g. PTFE, PEEK or PPS
6 Short metal pipe, e.g. welded in place

 probe  a [mm (inch)]  b [mm (inch)]

8 mm (1/3") < 14 (0.55) 8.5 (0.34)

12 mm (1/2") < 20 (0.78) 12.5 (0.52)

16 mm (0.63in) < 26 (1.02) 16.5 (0.65)

Poor grounding of the end of probe may cause measuring errors.
‣ Apply a narrow sleeve which has good electrical contact to the probe.
Welding may damage the main electronics module.
‣ Before welding: Ground the probe and dismount electronics.

34 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Securing coax probes

For WHG approvals: For probe lengths ≥ 3 m (10 ft) a support is required.


Coax probes can be supported at any point of the outer tube.

Endress+Hauser 35
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

6.1.7 Special mounting conditions

Bypasses and stilling wells

In bypass and stilling well applications it is recommended to use a centering disks or




3 ød



6 Dimensions: mm (in)
A Mounting in a stilling well
B Mounting in a bypass
C Center washer or centering star
1 Metallic center washer (316L) for level measurement
2 Fixing screw; torque: 25 Nm ± 5 Nm
3 Non-metallic centering star (PEEK, PFA) for interface measurement
4 Minimum distance between end of probe and lower edge of the bypass; see table below

Allocation of probe type and center washer or centering star to pipe diameter
Feature 610 - Accessory mounted

Center washer Pipe

Application Option Type of probe Centering star

 d [mm (in)] Material  D [mm (in)]

Level measurement OA Rod probe 75 (2,95) 316L DN80/3" to DN100/4"

OB Rod probe 45 (1,77) 316L DN50/2" to DN65/2½"

OC Rope probe 75 (2,95) 316L DN80/3" to DN100/4"

Interface measurement OD Rod probe 48...95 (1,89...3,74) PEEK ≥ 50 mm (2")

OE Rod probe 37 (1,46) PFA ≥ 40 mm (1.57")

Minimum distance between end of probe and lower edge of the bypass
Type of probe Minimum distance

Rope 150 mm (6 in)

Rod 10 mm (0.4 in)

Coax 10 mm (0.4 in)

36 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

• Pipe diameter: > 40 mm (1.6") for rod probes

• Rod probe installation can take place up to a diameter size of 150 mm (6 in). In the
event of larger diameters, a coax probe is recommended.
• Side disposals, holes or slits and welded joints that protrude up to approx. 5 mm (0.2")
inwards do not influence the measurement.
• The pipe may not exhibit any steps in diameter.
• The probe must be 100 mm longer than the lower disposal.
• Within the measuring range, the probe must not get into contact with the pipe wall. If
necessary, secure the probe by retaining or tensioning. All rope probes are prepared for
tensioning in containers (tensioning weight with anchor hole).
• If a metallic center washer is mounted at the end of the probe, it enables a reliable
recognition of the end-of-probe signal (see feature 610 of the product structure).
Note: For interface measurements only use the nonmetallic centering star made of PEEK
or PFA (feature 610, options OD or OE).
The center washer or spacer is also available as an accessory: →  113.
• Coax probes can always be applied if there is enough mounting space.
For bypasses with condensate formation (water) and a medium with low dielectric
constant (e.g. hydrocarbons):
In the course of time the bypass is filled with condensate up to the lower disposal and
for low levels the the level echo is superimposed by the condensate echo. Thus in this
range the condensate level is measured instead of the correct level. Only higher levels
are measured correctly. To prevent this, position the lower disposal 100 mm (4 in)
below the lowest level to be measured and apply a metallic centering disk at the
height of the lower edge of the lower disposal.
With heat insulated tanks the bypass should also be insulated in order to prevent
condensate formation.
For information on bypass solutions from Endress+Hauser please contact your
Endress+Hauser sales representative.

Endress+Hauser 37
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Installation in horizontal and upright cylindrical tanks


• Any distance from wall, as long as occasional contact is prevented.

• When installing in tanks with a lot of internals or internals situated close to the probe:
use a coax probe.

38 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Underground tanks


Use a coax probe for nozzles with large diameters in order to avoid reflections at the
nozzle wall.

Endress+Hauser 39
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Installation at an angle



• For mechanical reasons, the probe should be installed as vertically as possible.

• With inclined installations the probe length has to be adjusted in dependence to the
installation angle.
– Up to LN = 1 m (3.3 ft): α = 30°
– Up to LN = 2 m (6.6 ft): α = 10°
– Up to LN = 4 m (13.1 ft): α = 5°

40 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Non-metallic vessels


1 Non-metallic vessel
2 Metal sheet or metal flange

To ensure reliable measurements in non-metallic vessels:

• Select an instrument version with metal flange (minimum size DN50/2").
• Or: mount a metal sheet with a diameter of at least 200 mm (8 in) to the probe at the
process connection. Its orientation must be perpendicular to the probe.
A metallic surface is not required for coax probes.

Endress+Hauser 41
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Plastic or glass tanks: Mounting the probe externally at the wall



1 Plastic or glass tank

2 Metall sheet with threaded sleeve
3 No free space between tank wall and probe!

• The dielectric constant of the medium must be at least DC > 7.
• The tank wall must be non-conductvie.
• Maximum wall thickness (a):
– Plastic: < 15 mm (0.6")
– Glass: < 10 mm (0.4")
• There may be no metallic reinforcements fixed to the tank.
Mounting conditions:
• The probe must be mounted directly to the tank wall (no open space)
• A plastic half pipe with a diameter of approx. 200 mm (8"), or some other protective
unit, must be affixed externally to the probe to prevent any influences on the
• If the tank diameter is less than 300 mm (12"):
A metallic grounding sheet must be installed at the opposite side of the tank. The sheet
must be conductively connected to the process connection and cover about the half of
the vessel's circumference.
• If the tank diameter exceeds 300 mm (12"):
A metal sheet with a diameter of at least 200 mm (8") must be mounted to the probe at
the process connection. Its orientation must be perpendicular to the probe (see above).

Calibration for external probe mounting

If the probe is mounted externally at the wall of the tank, the speed of signal propagation
will be reduced. There are two possibilities to compensate for this effect.

Compensation with the gas phase compensation factor

The effect of the dielectric wall can be compared to the effect of a dielectric gas phase.
Thus it can be compensated for in the same manner. The compensation factor if given by
the quotient of the actual probe length LN and the probe length meausred when the tank
is empty.
The device looks for the end of probe signal in the subtracted curve. Thus, the value of
the measured probe length depends on the mapping. In order to obtain an exact
value, it is advisable to determine the probe length manually using the envelope curve
display in FieldCare.

42 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

Step Parameter Action

1 Expert → Sensor → Gas phase compensation → GPC Select the Const. GPC factor option.

2 Expert → Sensor → Gas phase compensation → Const. Enter quotient: "(Actual probe length)/
GPC factor (Measured probe length)".

Compensation via the calibration parameters

If an acutal gas phase has to be compensated for, the gas phase compensation
functionality is no longer available for a correction of the external mounting. In this case
the calibration parameters (Empty calibration and Full calibration) must be adjusted and
a value longer than the actual probe length has to be entered into the Present probe
length parameter. The correction factor for these three parameters is given by the
quotient of the probe length measured when the tank is empty and the acutal probe length
The device looks for the end of probe signal in the subtracted curve. Thus, the value of
the measured probe length depends on the mapping. In order to obtain an exact
value, it is advisable to determine the probe length manually using the envelope curve
display in FieldCare.

Step Parameter Action

1 Setup → Empty calibration Increase parameter value by "(Measured probe

length)/(Actual probe length)".

2 Setup → Full calibration Increase parameter value by "(Measured probe

length)/(Actual probe length)".

3 Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Probe Select the Manual input option.
length correction → Confirm probe length

4 Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Probe Enter measured probe length.
length correction → Present probe length

Endress+Hauser 43
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Vessels with heat insulation

If process temperatures are high, the device must be included in normal tank
insulation to prevent the electronics heating up as a result of heat radiation or
convection. The insulation may not exceed beyond the points labeled "MAX" in the

2 3



7 Process connection with thread - FMP51

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

2 3
40 (1.57)

40 (1.57)

mm (in)


8 Process connection with flange - FMP51, FMP52

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

44 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

XT 280 °C (536 °F)* HT 450 °C (842 °F)

2 3
2 3
1 1


9 Process connection with thread - FMP54, sensor version XT and HT

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)
* The XT version is not recommended for saturated steam above 200 °C (392 °F). Use the HT version instead.

XT 280 °C (536 °F)* HT 450 °C (842 °F)

2 3
2 3
1 1


 10 Process connection with flange - FMP54, sensor version XT and HT

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)
* The XT version is not recommended for saturated steam above 200 °C (392 °F). Use the HT version instead.

Endress+Hauser 45
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Replacing a displacer system in an existing displacer chamber

FMP51 and FMP54 are a perfect replacement for a conventional displacer system in an
existing displacer chamber. Endress+Hauser offers flanges that suit Fischer and
Masoneilan displacer chamber for this purpose (special product for FMP51; feature 100,
options LNJ, LPJ, LQJ for FMP54). Thanks to menu-guided local operation, commissioning
the Levelflex only takes a few minutes. Replacement is also possible when partially filled,
and wet calibration is not required.
Your benefits:
• No moving parts, thus zero-maintenance operation.
• Not sensitive to process influences such as temperature, density, turbulence and
• The rod probes can be shortened or replaced easily. In this way, the probe can be easily
adjusted on site.


1 Flange of the displacer chamber

Planning instructions:
• In normal cases, use a rod probe. When installing into a metallic displacer chamber up to
150 mm, you have all the advantages of a coax probe.
• It must be ensured that the probe does not come into contact with the side wall. Where
necessary, use a center washer or centering star at the lower end of the probe (feature
610 of the product structure).
• The center washer or centering star must be adapted as accurately as possible to the
internal diameter of the displacer chamber to also ensure perfect operation in the area
of the probe end.
Additional information on interface measurement
• In the case of oil and water the centering disk or centering star should be positioned at
the lower edge of the lower disposal (water level).
• The pipe may not exhibit any steps in diameter. Use the coax probe where necessary.
• In the case of rod probes, it must be ensured that the probe does not come into contact
with the wall. If necessary, use a center washer or centering star at the end of the probe.
• A plastic centering star has to be used for interface measurement (feature 610, options
OD and OE).

46 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.2 Mounting the device

6.2.1 Required mounting tools

• For mounting thread 3/4": Hexagonal wrench 36 mm
• For mounting thread 1-1/2": Hexagonal wrench 55 mm
• To shorten rod or coax probes: Saw
• To shorten rope probes:
– Allen key AF 3 mm (for 4mm ropes) or AF 4 mm (for 6 mm ropes)
– Saw or bolt cutter
• For flanges and other process connections: appropriate mounting tools
• To turn the housing: Hexagonal wrench 8 mm

6.2.2 Shortening the probe

When shortening the probe: Enter the new length of probe into the Quick Setup
which can be found in the electronics housing behind the display module.


Shortening rod probes

Rod probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less
than 10 mm (0.4 in). The rods of a rod probe are shortened by sawing at the bottom end.
Rod probes of FMP52 can not be shortened as they are coated.

Shortening rope probes

Rope probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less
than 150 mm (6 in).
Rope probes of FMP52 can not be shortened as they are coated.

Endress+Hauser 47
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

B 4 (0.16)

60 (2.36)
3 mm


Rope material A B C Torque for set screws

316 4 mm (0.16 in) 40 mm (1.6 in) 3 mm 5 Nm (3.69 lbf ft)

1. Using an Allen key, loosen the set screws at the end-of-probe weight or the clamping
sleeve of the centering disk. Note: The set screws have got a clamping coating in
order to prevent accidental loosening. Thus an increased torque might be necessary
to loosen them.
2. Remove released rope from the weight or sleeve.
3. Measure off new rope length.
4. Wrap adhesive tape around the rope at the point to be shortened to prevent it from
fanning out.
5. Saw off the rope at a right angle or cut it off with a bolt cutter.
6. Insert the rope completely into the weight or sleeve.
7. Screw the set screws into place. Due to the clamping coating of the setscrews
application of a screw locking fluid is not necessary.

Shortening coax probes

Coax probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less
than 10 mm (0.4 in).
Coax probes can be shortened max. 80 mm (3.2 in) from the end. They have centering
units inside, which fix the rod centrally in the pipe. The centerings are held with
borders on the rod. Shortening is possible up to approx. 10 mm (0.4 in) below the
centering unit.
The coax probe is shortened by sawing the pipe at the bottom end.

48 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.2.3 FMP54 with gas phase compensation: Mounting the probe rod
This section is only valid for FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure:
feature 540 "Application Package", option EF or EG).

Coax probes
Coax probes with reference reflection are completely mounted and adjusted on delivery.
After mounting they are ready for use. Additional settings are not necessary.

Rod probes
For rod probes with reference reflection the probe rod is delivered separately and has to be
mounted as follows:



1. Screw the counter nut onto the connection thread (M10x1) of the gland. Take care
that the chamfer is oriented to the gland.
2. Place a pair of Nord-Lock washers on the thread.
3. Screw the probe rod with the larger diameter onto the thread and fasten it hand-
4. Place the second pair of Nord-Lock washers on the threaded bolt.
5. Screw the probe rod with the smaller diameter onto the threaded bolt and tighten it
with 15 Nm (torque wrench/spanner AF14).

After mounting the probe rod in the stilling well or bypass, check and - if necessary -
correct the settings in the unpressurized state →  87.

Endress+Hauser 49
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

6.2.4 Mounting the device

Mounting devices with thread


Devices with mounting thread are screwed into a welding boss or a flange and are usually
also secured with these.
• Tighten with the hexagonal nut only:
– Thread 3/4": Hexagonal wrench 36 mm
– Thread 1-1/2": Hexagonal wrench 55 mm
• Maximum permissible torque:
– Thread 3/4": 45 Nm
– Thread 1-1/2": 450 Nm
• Recommended torque when using the supplied aramid fibre seal and a process
pressure of 40 bar (580 psi):
– Thread 3/4": 25 Nm
– Thread 1-1/2": 140 Nm
• When installing in metal containers, take care to ensure good metallic contact
between the process connection and container.

Flange mounting
If a seal is used, be sure to use unpainted metal bolts to ensure good electrical contact
between probe flange and process flange.

Mounting rope probes

Electrostatic discharges may damage the electronics.
‣ Earth the housing before lowering the rope into the vessel.

50 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting


When lowering the rope probe into the vessel, observe the following:
• Uncoil rope and lower it slowly and carefully into the vessel.
• Do not kink the rope.
• Avoid any backlash, since this might damage the probe or the vessel fittings.

6.2.5 Mounting the "Sensor remote" version

This section is only valid for devices of the version "Probe Design" = "Sensor remote"
(feature 600, option MB/MC/MD).
For the version "Probe design" = "Sensor remote" the following is supplied:
• The probe with the process connection
• The electronics housing
• The mounting bracket for wall or pipe mounting of the electronics housing
• The connection cable (length as ordered). The cable has got one straight and one angled
plug (90°). Depending on the local conditions the angled plug can be connected at the
probe or at the electronics housing.

The plugs of the connection cable may be damaged by mechanical stress.
‣ Mount the probe and the electronics housing tightly before connecting the cable.
‣ Lay the cable such that it is not exposed to mechanical stress. Minimum bending
radius: 100 mm (4").
‣ When connecting the cable: Connect the straight plug before the angled one. Torque
for both coupling nuts: 6 Nm.

Probe, electronics and connection cable are adjusted to match each other. They are
marked by a common serial number. Only components with the same serial number
shall be connected to each other.
If the measuring point is exposed to strong vibrations, an additional locking
compound (e.g. Loctite 243) can be applied at the plug connectors.

Endress+Hauser 51
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Mounting the electronics housing



52 (2)
122 (4.8) 140 (5.5)
158 (6.2) 175 (6.9)




 11 Mounting the electronics housing using the mounting bracket; dimensions: mm (in)
A Wall mounting
B Pipe mounting

Connecting the cable

Required tools:
Open-end wrench 18AF


6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft) 6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft)
rmin = 100 (4) C
rmin = 100 (4)
6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft) 6 Nm
(4.42 lbf ft)


 12 Connecting the cable. There are the following possibilities:

A Angled plug at the probe
B Angled plug at the electronics housing
C Length of the remote cable as ordered

52 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Mounting

6.2.6 Turning the transmitter housing

To provide easier access to the connection compartment or display module, the transmitter
housing can be turned:

max. 350°

8 mm 8 mm


1. Unscrew the securing screw using an open-ended wrench.

2. Rotate the housing in the desired direction.
3. Tighten the securing screw (1,5 Nm for plastics housing; 2,5 Nm for aluminium or
stainless steel housing).

6.2.7 Turning the display module


3 mm


1. If present: Loosen the screw of the securing clamp of the electronics compartment
cover using an Allen key and turn the clamp 90° conterclockwise.
2. Unscrew cover of the electronics compartment from the transmitter housing.
3. Pull out the display module with a gentle rotation movement.
4. Rotate the display module into the desired position: Max. 8 × 45 ° in each direction.
5. Feed the spiral cable into the gap between the housing and main electronics module
and plug the display module into the electronics compartment until it engages.
6. Screw the cover of the electronics compartment firmly back onto the transmitter
7. Tighten the securing clamp again using the Allen key (Torque: 2.5 Nm).

Endress+Hauser 53
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

6.3 Post-installation check

m Is the device undamaged (visual inspection)?

Does the device conform to the measuring point specifications?

For example:
• Process temperature
m • Process pressure (refer to the chapter on "Material load curves" of the "Technical Information"
• Ambient temperature range
• Measuring range

m Are the measuring point identification and labeling correct (visual inspection)?

m Is the device adequately protected from precipitation and direct sunlight?

m Are the securing screw and securing clamp tightened securely?

54 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

7 Electrical connection

7.1 Connection conditions

7.1.1 Terminal assignment

2-wire: 4-20mA HART

2- w
4-2 ire le
0 v el
H A mA
[21 RT
A ]

n Sp
711 re pa

HA 20mA
08x rt

1 -
1 2 4 5 6


+ +

! 4...20 mA
3 B

7 +
1-c 1 -
1 2 4 5 han
nel 4-2 2
ove 0m
] rvo A
+ + 711
– 17

! 4...20 mA

 13 Terminal assignment 2-wire; 4-20mA HART

A Without integrated overvoltage protection
B With integrated overvoltage protection
1 Active barrier with power supply (e.g. RN221N): Observe terminal voltage
2 HART communication resistor (≥250 Ω): Observe maximum load
3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX350/SFX370 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)
4 Analog display device: Observe maximum load
5 Cable screen; observe cable specification
6 4-20mA HART (passive): Terminals 1 and 2
7 Overvoltage protection module
8 Terminal for potential equalization line
9 Cable entry

Endress+Hauser 55
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

2-wire: 4-20mA HART, switch output


2- w
4-2 ire
[02 RT
A /03
] ope
n Sp
711 re pa

HA 20 mA
08x rt
3+ ++ xx

31 --

42 +
1 -

2 6

+ +

³250W 4...20 mA
1 2 3 4 5 B
3+ 11 +
3 -
4-2 4 +
A/ 1 -
nel 4- 2
ove FIE 20mA
] rvo LD /
ro S
+ + 711
– 19

³250W 4...20 mA
1 2 3 4 5

 14 Terminal assignment 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch output

A Without integrated overvoltage protection
B With integrated overvoltage protection
1 Active barrier with power supply (e.g. RN221N): Observe terminal voltage
2 HART communication resistor (≥250 Ω): Observe maximum load
3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX350/SFX370 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)
4 Analog display device: Observe maximum load
5 Cable screen; observe cable specification
6 4-20mA HART (passive): Terminals 1 and 2
7 Switch output (open collector): Terminals 3 and 4
8 Terminal for potential equalization line
9 Cable entry for 4-20mA HART line
10 Cable entry for switch output line
11 Overvoltage protection module

56 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

2-wire: 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA


2- w
4-2 ire le
0 v el
H A mA
[04 RT
A /05

n Sp

711 re pa

HA 20mA
08x rt

4 ...
3 -


4 ...
4 +
1 -



1 –
4...20 mA
9 8 4
+ +
2 –
4...20 mA
3 5 6 7 4
+ +
1 –
- 3 -
4...20 mA 4-2 4 +
10 0m
9 8 4 2-c
A/ 1 -
nel 4- 2
ove FIE 20mA
] rvo LD /
ro tec
+ + 711
28 6
2 – 19

4...20 mA
3 5 6 7 4

 15 Terminal assignment 2-wire, 4-20 mA HART, 4...20mA

A Without integrated overvoltage protection
B With integrated overvoltage protection
1 Connection current output 2
2 Connection current output 1
3 Supply voltage for current output 1 (e.g. RN221N); Observe terminal voltage
4 Cable screen; observe cable specification
5 HART communication resistor (≥250 Ω): Observe maximum load
6 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX350/SFX370 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)
7 Analog display device ; observe maximum load
8 Analog display device ; observe maximum load
9 Supply voltage for current output 2 (e.g. RN221N); Obeserve terminal voltage
10 Overvoltage protection module
11 Current output 2: Terminals 3 and 4
12 Terminal for the potential equalization line
13 Cable entry for current output 1
14 Cable entry for current output 2

This version is also suited for single-channel operation. In this case, current output 1
(terminals 1 and 2) must be used.

Endress+Hauser 57
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

4-wire: 4-20mA HART (10.4 to 48 VDC)


2- w
4-2 ire
[08 RT
A ]

= V

n Sp

711 re pa

HA 20 mA
08x rt

L+ xx

1 L-

2 +
10 9
3 -

4 8


³250W 4...20 mA
1 2 3 4 5

 16 Terminal assignment 4-wire; 4-20mA HART (10.4 to 48 VDC)

1 Evaluation unit, e.g. PLC
2 HART communication resistor (≥250 Ω): Observe maximum load
3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX350/SFX370 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)
4 Analog display device: Observe maximum load
5 Signal cable including screening (if required), observe cable specification
6 Protective connection; do not disconnect!
7 Protective earth, observe cable specification
8 4...20mA HART (active): Terminals 3 and 4
9 Supply voltage: Terminals 1 and 2
10 Supply voltage: Observe terminal voltage, observe cable specification
11 Terminal for potential equalization
12 Cable entry for signal line
13 Cable entry for power supply

58 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

4-wire: 4-20mA HART (90 to 253 VAC)


2- w
4-2 ire
H A mA
[09 RT
A ]


711 re pa

HA 20 mA
9 0.
08x rt
1 N

2 +
10 9
3 -

4 8


³250W 4...20 mA
1 2 3 4 5

 17 Terminal assignment 4-wire; 4-20mA HART (90 to 253 VAC)

1 Evaluation unit, e.g. PLC
2 HART communication resistor (≥250 Ω): Observe maximum load
3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX350/SFX370 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)
4 Analog display device: Observe maximum load
5 Signal cable including screening (if required), observe cable specification
6 Protective connection; do not disconnect!
7 Protective earth, observe cable specification
8 4...20mA HART (active): Terminals 3 and 4
9 Supply voltage: Terminals 1 and 2
10 Supply voltage: Observe terminal voltage, observe cable specification
11 Terminal for potential equalization
12 Cable entry for signal line
13 Cable entry for power supply

To ensure electrical safety:
‣ Do not disconnect the protective connection (6).
‣ Disconnect the supply voltage before disconnecting the protective earth (7).
Connect protective earth to the internal ground terminal (7) before connecting the
supply voltage. If necessary, connect the potential matching line to the external
ground terminal (11).
In order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Do not only ground the device
via the protective earth conductor of the supply cable. Instead, the functional
grounding must also be connected to the process connection (flange or threaded
connection) or to the external ground terminal.
An easily accessible power switch must be installed in the proximity of the device. The
power switch must be marked as a disconnector for the device (IEC/EN61010).

Endress+Hauser 59
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Connection examples for the switch output

3+ 2


A0015909 A0015910

 18 Connection of a relay  19 Connection of a digital input

1 Pull-up resistor
Suitable relays (examples):
2 Digital input
• Solid-state relay: Phoenix Contact OV-24DC/480AC/5 with
mounting rail connector UMK-1 OM-R/AMS
• Electromechanical relay: Phoenix Contact PLC-RSC-12DC/21

For optimum interference immunity we recommend to connect an external resistor

(internal resistance of the relay or Pull-up resistor) of < 1 000 Ω.

60 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

HART loop converter HMX50

The dynamic variables of the HART protocol can be converted into individual 4 to 20 mA
sections using the HART loop converter HMX50. The variables are assigned to the current
output and the measuring ranges of the individual parameters are defined in the HMX50.

Eingang Relais 1
+1 10
+2 11 HMX50
Relais 2
5 18
6 Stromausgang 1

Stromausgang 2
versorgung 15
Stromausgang 3


22 23 24 HART

24V DC

 20 Connection diagram for HART loop converter HMX50 (example: passive 2-wire device and current outputs
connected as power source)

The HART loop converter HMX50 can be acquired using the order number 71063562.
Additional documentation: TI00429F and BA00371F.

7.1.2 Cable specification

• Minimum cross-section: See the "Terminal" specification in the Technical Information for
the device.
• For ambient temperature TU≥60 °C (140 °F): use cable for temperature TU +20 K.

• A normal device cable suffices if only the analog signal is used.
• A shielded cable is recommended if using the HART protocol. Observe grounding concept
of the plant.
• For 4-wire devices: Standard device cable is sufficient for the power line.

Endress+Hauser 61
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

7.1.3 Device plug connectors

For the versions with fieldbus plug connector (M12 or 7/8"), the signal line can be
connected without opening the housing.

Pin assignment of the M12 plug connector

Pin Meaning

4 3 1 Signal +

2 not connected
1 2 3 Signal -

4 Ground

Pin assignment of the 7/8" plug connector

Pin Meaning

1 3 1 Signal -

2 Signal +
2 4 3 Not connected

4 Screen

62 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

7.1.4 Power supply

2-wire, 4-20mA HART, passive

2-wire; 4-20mA HART 1)

"Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U at the device Maximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at the
supply unit

• Non-Ex 11.5 to 35 V 3) R [W]

• Ex nA
• CSA GP 500

Ex ic 11.5 to 32 V

Ex ia / IS 11.5 to 30 V

10 20 30 35 U0 [V]
11.5 22.5

• Ex d / XP 13.5 to 30 V R [W]
• Ex ic[ia]
• Ex tD / DIP 500

10 20 30 U0 [V]
13.5 24.5

1) Feature 020 of the product structure: option A

2) Feature 010 of the product structure
3) For ambient temperatures Ta≤ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 14 V is required for the sartup of the device at the MIN error current (3,6
mA). The startup current can be parametrized. If the device is operated with a fixed current I ≥ 4,5 mA (HART multidrop mode), a voltage of U ≥
11,5 V is sufficient throughout the entire range of ambient temperatures.
4) For ambient temperatures Ta≤ -20 °C (-4 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the startup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6

2-wire; 4-20 mA HART, switch output 1)

"Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U at the device Maximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at the
supply unit

• Non-Ex 12 to 35 V 3) R [W]
• Ex nA
• Ex nA[ia] 500
• Ex ic
• Ex ic[ia]
• Ex d[ia] / XP
• Ex ta / DIP

• Ex ia / IS 12 to 30 V 3)
• Ex ia + Ex d[ia] / IS + XP
10 20 30 35 U0 [V]
12 23

1) Feature 020 of the product structure: option B

2) Feature 010 of the product structure
3) For ambient temperatures Ta≤ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 14 V is required for the startup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6

Endress+Hauser 63
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA 1)

"Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U at the device Maximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at the
supply unit

alle Channel 1:

13.5 to 30 V 3) R [W]


10 20 30 U0 [V]
13.5 24.5

Channel 2:
12 to 30 V R [W]


10 20 30 U0 [V]
12 23

1) Feature 020 of the product structure: option C

2) Feature 010 of the product structure
3) For ambient temperatures Ta≤ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the startup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6

Polarity reversal Yes


Admissible residual ripple USS < 1 V

at f = 0 to 100 Hz

Admissible residual ripple USS < 10 mV

at f = 100 to 10000 Hz

64 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

4-wire, 4-20mA HART, active

"Power supply; Output" 1) Terminal voltage Maximum load Rmax

K: 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART 90 to 253 VAC (50 to 60 Hz), overvoltage 500 Ω
category II

L: 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART 10.4 to 48 VDC

1) Feature 020 of the product structure

7.1.5 Overvoltage protection

If the measuring device is used for level measurement in flammable liquids which requires
the use of overvoltage protection according to DIN EN 60079-14, standard for test
procedures 60060-1 (10 kA, pulse 8/20 μs), overvoltage protection has to be ensured by
an integrated or external overvoltage protection module.

Integrated overvoltage protection

An integrated overvoltage protection module is available for 2-wire HART as well as
PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices.
Product structure: Feature 610 "Accessory mounted", option NA "Overvoltage protection".

Technical data

Resistance per channel 2 * 0.5 Ω max

Threshold DC voltage 400 to 700 V

Threshold impulse voltage < 800 V

Capacitance at 1 MHz < 1.5 pF

Nominal arrest impulse voltage (8/20 μs) 10 kA

External overvoltage protection

HAW562 or HAW569 from Endress+Hauser are suited as external overvoltage protection.
For detailed information please refer to the following documents:
• HAW562: TI01012K
• HAW569: TI01013K

7.2 Connecting the device

Explosion hazard!
‣ Comply with the relevant national standards.
‣ Observe the specifications in the Safety Instructions (XA).
‣ Only use the specified cable glands.
‣ Check whether the supply voltage matches the specifications on the nameplate.
‣ Before connecting the device: Switch the supply voltage off.
‣ Before switching on the supply voltage: Connect the potential bonding line to the
exterior ground terminal.

Required tools and accessories:

• For instruments with safety pin for the lid: AF 3 Allen key
• Wire stripping pliers
• When using stranded wires: Wire end sleeves.

Endress+Hauser 65
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

1. 3.


10 (0.4)

10 (0.4)
mm (in)


1. Loosen the screw of the securing clamp of the connection compartment cover and
turn the clamp 90° counterclockwise.
2. Unscrew the connection compartment cover.
3. Push the cable through the cable entry. To ensure tight sealing, do not remove the
sealing ring from the cable entry.
4. Strip the cable.
5. Strip the cable ends 10 mm (0.4 in). For stranded cables, also attach wire end
6. Firmly tighten the cable glands.



Connect the cable in accordance with the terminal assignment →  55.

8. When using screened cable: Connect the cable screen to the ground terminal.
9. Screw the cover onto the connection compartment.
10. For instruments with safety pin for the lid: Adjust the safety pin so that its edge is
over the edge of the display lid. Tighten the safety pin.

7.2.1 Pluggable spring-force terminals

Instruments without integrated overvoltage protection have pluggable spring-force
terminals. Rigid conductors or flexible conductors with cable sleeve can directly be inserted
and are contacted automatically.
To remove cables from the terminal: Press on the groove between the terminals using a
flat-tip screwdriver ≤ 3 mm (0.12 inch) while pulling the cables out of the terminals.

66 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Electrical connection

≤ 3 (0.12)

mm (in)


7.3 Post-connection check

m Are cables or the device undamaged (visual inspection)?

m Do the cables comply with the requirements?

m Do the cables have adequate strain relief?

m Are all cable glands installed, firmly tightened and correctly sealed?

m Does the supply voltage match the specifications on the transmitter nameplate?

m Is the terminal assignment correct →  55?

m If required: Is the protective earth connected correctly ?

If supply voltage is present: Is the device ready for operation and do values appear on the display

m Are all housing covers installed and firmly tightened?

m Is the securing clamp tightened correctly?

Endress+Hauser 67
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8 Operation options

8.1 Overview

8.1.1 Local operation

Order code for "Display; Operation", option C "SD02" Order code for "Display; Operation", option E "SD03"

1 1

– –
+ +

A0015544 A0015546

1 Operation with pushbuttons 1 Operation with touch control

8.1.2 Operation with remote display and operating module FHX50

1 2 3


 21 FHX50 operating options

1 Housing of the remote display and operating module FHX50
2 Display and operating module SD02, push buttons; cover must be removed
3 Display and operating module SD03, optical keys; can be operated through the glass of the cover

68 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.1.3 Remote operation

Via HART protocol

6 8

1 4 5 7

 22 Options for remote operation via HART protocol

1 PLC (programmable logic controller)
2 Transmitter power supply unit, e.g. RN221N (with communication resistor)
3 Connection for Commubox FXA191, FXA195 and Field Communicator 375, 475
4 Field Communicator 475
5 Computer with operating tool (e.g. FieldCare, AMS Device Manager, SIMATIC PDM)
6 Commubox FXA191 (RS232) or FXA195 (USB)
7 Field Xpert SFX350/SFX370
8 VIATOR Bluetooth modem with connecting cable
9 Transmitter

Via service interface (CDI)

3 –

2 1

1 Service interface (CDI) of the measuring device (= Endress+Hauser Common Data Interface)
2 Commubox FXA291
3 Computer with "FieldCare" operating tool

Endress+Hauser 69
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.2 Structure and function of the operating menu

8.2.1 Structure of the operating menu

Menu Submenu / Meaning


Language 1) Defines the operating language of the on-

site display.

Commissioning 2) Opens the interactive wizard for a guided

commissioning of the device.
As a rule, no additional settings in the
other menus are required after the
completion of the wizard.

Setup Parameter 1 When all these parameters have been

... assigned appropriate values, the
Parameter N measured should be completely
configured in a standard application.

Advanced setup Contains further submenus and

• to adapt the device to special
measuring conditions.
• to process the measured value (scaling,
• to configure the signal output.

Diagnostics Diagnostic list Contains up to 5 currently active error


Event logbook 3) Contains the last 20 messages (which are

no longer active).

Device information Contains information needed to identify

the device.

Measured values Contains all current measured values.

Data logging Contains the history of the individual

measuring values.

Simulation Used to simulate measured values or

output values.

Device check Contains all parameters needed to check

the measurement capability of the device.

Expert 4) System Contains all general device parameters

Contains all parameters of the device which do not affect the measurement or
(including those which are already contained the communication interface.
in one of the above submenus). This menu is
organized according to the function blocks of Sensor Contains all parameters needed to
the device. configure the measurement.

The parameter of the Expert menu are Output • Contains all parameters needed to
described in: configure the current output.
GP01014F (HART) • Contains all parameters neeed to
configure the switch output (PFS).

Communication Contains all parameters needed to

configure the digital communication

Diagnostics Contains all parameters needed to detect

and analyze operational errors.

1) In case of operation via operating tools (e.g. FieldCare), the "Language" parameter is located at "Setup →
Advanced setup → Display"
2) only for operation via a FDT/DTM system
3) only available with local operation
4) On entering the "Expert" menu, an access code is always requested. If a customer specific access code has
not been defined, "0000" has to be entered.

70 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.2.2 User roles and related access authorization

The two user roles Operator and Maintenance have different write access to the
parameters if a device-specific access code has been defined. This protects the device
configuration via the local display from unauthorized access →  72.

Access authorization to parameters

User role Read access Write access

Without access With access code Without access With access code
code code
(from the factory) (from the factory)

Operator    --

Maintenance    

If an incorrect access code is entered, the user obtains the access rights of the Operator
The user role with which the user is currently logged on is indicated by the Access
status display parameter (for display operation) or Access status tooling parameter
(for tool operation).

Endress+Hauser 71
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.2.3 Write protection via access code

Using the device-specific access code, the parameters for the measuring device
configuration are write-protected and their values can no longer be changed via local

Define access code via local display

1. Navigate to: Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Define access code
→ Define access code
2. Define a max. 4-digit numeric code as an access code.
3. Repeat the same code in Confirm access code parameter.
 The -symbol appears in front of all write-protected parameters.

Define access code via operating tool (e.g. FieldCare)

1. Navigate to: Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Define access code
2. Define a max. 4-digit numeric code as an access code.
 Write protection is active.

Parameters that can always be changed

The write protection does not include certain parameters that do not affect the
measurement. Despite the defined access code, they can always be modified, even if the
other parameters are locked.
If no key is pressed for 10 minutes in the navigation and editing mode, the device
automatically locks the write-protected parameters. If the user goes from the navigation
and editing mode back to the measured value display mode, the device automatically locks
the write-protected parameters after 60 s.
• If write access is activated via access code, it can be also be deactivated only via the
access code →  73.
• In the "Description of Device Parameters" documents, each write-protected
parameter is identified with the -symbol.

72 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.2.4 Disabling write protection via access code

If the -symbol appears on the local display in front of a parameter, the parameter is
write-protected by a device-specific access code and its value cannot be changed at the
moment using the local display →  72.

The locking of the write access via local operation can be disabled by entering the device-
specific access code.
1. After you press , the input prompt for the access code appears.
2. Enter the access code.
 The -symbol in front of the parameters disappears; all previously write-
protected parameters are now re-enabled.

8.2.5 Deactivation of the write protection via access code

Via local display
1. Navigate to Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Define access code
→ Define access code
2. Enter 0000.
3. Repeat 0000 in Confirm access code parameter.
 The write protection is deactivated. Parameters can be changed without entering
an access code.

Via operating tool (e.g. FieldCare)

1. Navigate to Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Define access code
2. Enter 0000.
 The write protection is deactivated. Parameters can be changed without entering
an access code.

Endress+Hauser 73
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.2.6 Write protection via write protection switch

Unlike write protection via a user-specific access code, this allows write access to the entire
operating menu - other than the "Contrast display" parameter - to be locked.
The parameter values are now read only and cannot be edited any more (exception
"Contrast display" parameter):
• Via local display
• Via service interface (CDI)
• Via HART protocol




3 mm


1. Loosen the securing clamp.

2. Unscrew the housing cover.
3. Pull out the display module with a gentle rotation movement. To make it easier to
access the lock switch, attach the display module to the edge of the electronics
 Display module is attached to the edge of the electronics compartment.


74 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

4. Installing the lock switch (WP) on the main electronics module in the ON position
enables the hardware write protection. Installing the lock switch (WP) on the main
electronics module in the OFF position (factory setting) disables the hardware write
 If the hardware write protection is enabled: The Hardware locked option is
displayed in the Locking status parameter. In addition to this, the -symbol
appears in the header of the measured value display and in the navigation view
in front of the parameters.




If the hardware write protection is disabled: No option is displayed in the Locking

status parameter. The -symbol disappears in the header of the measured value
display and in the navigation view in front of the parameters.
5. Feed the spiral cable into the gap between the housing and main electronics module
and plug the display module into the electronics compartment in the desired
direction until it engages.
6. Screw the electronics compartment cover closed and tighten the securing clamp.

Endress+Hauser 75
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.2.7 Enabling and disabling the keypad lock

The keypad lock allows to disable access to the entire operating menu via local operation.
Thus navigating through the operating menu or modifying the values of individual
parameters is no longer possible. Only the measured values on the measured value display
can be read off.
The keylock is enabled and disabled via a context menu.

Enabling the keylock

For the SD03 display:
The keylock is automatically activated:
• If the device has not been operated via the display for > 1 minute.
• After a restart of the device.

To activate the keylock manually:

1. The device is in the measured value display.
Press  for at least 2 seconds.
 A context menu appears.
2. Select Keylock on from the context menu.
 The keylock is enabled.

When attempting to access the operating menu while the keylock is enabled, the
Keylock on message appears.

Disabling the keylock

1. The keylock is enabled.
Press  for at least 2 seconds.
 A context menu appears.
2. Select Keylock off from the context menu.
 The keylock is disabled.

76 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.3 Display and operating module

8.3.1 Display appearance

1 2.1
1.1 2.6 2.4
1.3 2.5


1.2 3

5 4
User 20
0 1 2 3 4
LMNO PQRS TUVW 5 6 7 8 9


 23 Appearance of the display and operation module for on-site operation

1 Measured value display (1 value max. size)
1.1 Header containing tag and error symbol (if an error is active)
1.2 Measured value symbols
1.3 Measured value
1.4 Unit
2 Measured value display (1 bargraph + 1 value)
2.1 Bargraph for measured value 1
2.2 Measured value 1 (including unit)
2.3 Measured value symbols for measured value 1
2.4 Measured value 2
2.5 Unit for measured value 2
2.6 Measured value symbols for measured value 2
3 Representation of a parameter (here: a parameter with selection list)
3.1 Header containing parameter name and error symbol (if an error is active)
3.2 Selection list;  marks the current parameter value.
4 Input matrix for numbers
5 Input matrix for alphanumeric and special characters

Endress+Hauser 77
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Display symbols for the submenus

Symbol Meaning

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Display/operation"
• in the header, if you are in the "Display/operation" menu

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Setup"
• in the header, if you are in the "Setup" menu

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Expert"
• in the header, if you are in the "Expert" menu

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Diagnostics"
• in the header, if you are in the "Diagnostics" menu

Status signals

A device error is present. The measured value is no longer valid.

"Function check"
The device is in service mode (e.g. during a simulation).

"Out of specification"
The device is operated:
• Outside of its technical specifications (e.g. during startup or a cleaning)
• Outside of the configuration carried out by the user (e.g. level outside configured span)

"Maintenance required"
Maintenance is required. The measured value is still valid.

Display symbols for the locking state

Symbol Meaning

Display parameter
Marks display-only parameters which can not be edited.

Device locked
• In front of a parameter name: The device is locked via software and/or hardware.
A0011979 • In the header of the measured value screen: The device is locked via hardware.

78 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

Measured value symbols

Symbol Meaning

Measured values




Current output


Measured current


Terminal voltage


Temperature of the electronics or the sensor


Measuring channels

Measuring channel 1


Measuring channel 2


Status of the measured value

Status "Alarm"
The measurment is interrupted. The output assumes the defined alarm value. A diagnostic
message is generated.

Status "Warning"
The device continues measuring. A diagnostic message is generated.

Endress+Hauser 79
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.3.2 Operating elements

Key Meaning

Minus key
For menu, submenu
Moves the selection bar upwards in a picklist.
For text and numeric editor
In the input mask, moves the selection bar to the left (backwards).

Plus key
For menu, submenu
Moves the selection bar downwards in a picklist.
For text and numeric editor
In the input mask, moves the selection bar to the right (forwards).

Enter key
For measured value display
• Pressing the key briefly opens the operating menu.
• Pressing the key for 2 s opens the context menu.
For menu, submenu
• Pressing the key briefly
Opens the selected menu, submenu or parameter.
• Pressing the key for 2 s for parameter:
If present, opens the help text for the function of the parameter.
For text and numeric editor
• Pressing the key briefly
– Opens the selected group.
– Carries out the selected action.
• Pressing the key for 2 s confirms the edited parameter value.

Escape key combination (press keys simultaneously)

For menu, submenu
• Pressing the key briefly
– Exits the current menu level and takes you to the next higher level.
– If help text is open, closes the help text of the parameter.
A0013971 • Pressing the key for 2 s returns you to the measured value display
("home position").
For text and numeric editor
Closes the text or numeric editor without applying changes.

Minus/Enter key combination (press and hold down the keys

+ simultaneously)
Reduces the contrast (brighter setting).

Plus/Enter key combination (press and hold down the keys

+ simultaneously)
Increases the contrast (darker setting).

Minus/Plus/Enter key combination (press and hold down the keys

+ + simultaneously)

For measured value display
Enables or disables the keypad lock.

80 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.3.3 Entering numbers and text

Numeric editor Text editor

2 20
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

A0013941 A0013999

1 Editing view
2 Display area of the entered values
3 Input mask
4 Operating elements

Input mask
The following input symbols are available in the input mask of the numeric and text editor:

Numeric editor symbols

Symbol Meaning

Selection of numbers from 0 to 9.



. Inserts decimal separator at the input position.


Inserts minus sign at the input position.


Confirms selection.


Moves the input position one position to the left.


Exits the input without applying the changes.


Clears all entered characters.


Text editor symbols

Symbol Meaning

Selection of letters from A to Z



Aa1 • Between upper-case and lower-case letters
• For entering numbers
• For entering special characters

Endress+Hauser 81
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Confirms selection.


Switches to the selection of the correction tools.


Exits the input without applying the changes.


Clears all entered characters.


Correction symbols under

Clears all entered characters.


Moves the input position one position to the right.


Moves the input position one position to the left.


Deletes one character immediately to the left of the input position.


82 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operation options

8.3.4 Opening the context menu

Using the context menu, the user can call up the following menus quickly and directly from
the operational display:
• Setup
• Conf. backup disp.
• Simulation

Calling up and closing the context menu

The user is in the operational display.
1. Press  for 2 s.
 The context menu opens.

Conf.backup disp

2. Press  +  simultaneously.
 The context menu is closed and the operational display appears.

Calling up the menu via the context menu

1. Open the context menu.
2. Press  to navigate to the desired menu.
3. Press  to confirm the selection.
 The selected menu opens.

Endress+Hauser 83
Operation options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

8.3.5 Envelope curve on the display and operating module

In order to assess the measuring signal, the envelope curve and - if a mapping has been
recorded - the mapping curve can be displayed:

E (2s)

2x +

E -

+ + -

+ + -


84 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Device integration via the HART protocol

9 Device integration via the HART protocol

9.1 Overview of the Device Description files (DD)

Manufacturer ID 0x11

Device type 0x1122

HART specification 7.0

DD files For information and files see:


9.2 HART device variables and measuring values

On delivery the following measruing values are assigned to the HART device varaibles:

Device variables for level measurements

Device variable Measuring value

Primary variable (PV) Level linearized

Secondary variable (SV) Unfiltered distance

Tertiary variable (TV) Absolute echo amplitude

Quaternary variable (QV) Relative echo amplitude

Device variables for interface measurements

Device variable Measuring value

Primary variable (PV) Interface linearized

Secondary variable (SV) Level linearized

Tertiary variable (TV) Thickness upper layer

Quaternary variable (QV) Absolute interface amplitude

The allocation of the measuring values to the device variables can be changed in the
following submenu:
Expert → Communication → Output

Endress+Hauser 85
Commissioning via wizard Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

10 Commissioning via wizard

A wizard guiding the user through the initial setup is available in FieldCare and

1. Connect the device to FieldCare or DeviceCare →  69.

2. Open the device in FieldCare or DeviceCare.
 The dashboard (home page) of the device appears:


1 "Commissioning" button calls up the wizard.

3. Click on "Commissioning" to call up the wizard.

4. Enter or select the appropriate value for each parameter. These values are
immediately written to the device.
5. Click "Next" to switch to the next page.
6. After finishing the last page, click "End of sequence" to close the wizard.

If the wizard is cancelled before all necessary parameters have been set, the device
may be in an undefined state. A reset to the default settings is recommended in this

86 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11 Commissioning via operating menu

11.1 Installation and function check

Make sure that all final checks have been completed before you start up your measuring
• Checklist "Post-installation check" →  54
• Checklist "Post-connection check" →  67

11.2 Setting the operating language

Factory setting: English or ordered local language


Main menu 0104-1
Language 0104-1
à English
Language 0104-1
à English
Hauptmenü 0104-1


 24 Using the example of the local display

11.3 Checking the reference distance

This section is only valid for FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure:
feature 540 "Application Package", option EF or EG).
Coax probes with gas phase compensation are calibrated on delivery. Rod probes, on the
other hand, must be recalibrated after mounting:
After mounting the rod probe in the stilling well or bypass, check and - if necessary -
correct the setting of the reference distance in the unpressurized state. Whilst doing so the

Endress+Hauser 87
Commissioning via operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

level should be at least 200 mm below the reference distance Lref to achieve maximum

Step Parameter Action

1 Expert → Sensor → Gas phase Select the On option, in order to activate gas phase
compensation → GPC mode compensation.

2 Expert → Sensor → Gas phase Check whether the displayed reference distance matches the
compensation → Present reference nominal value (300 mm or 550 mm, respectively; see the
distance nameplate).
If yes: nor further actions required.
If no: continue with step 3.

3 Expert → Sensor → Gas phase Enter the value displayed in Present reference distance
compensation → Reference distance parameter.

For a detailed description of all parameters concerning the gas phase compensation
GP01000F, "Levelflex - Description of device parameters - HART"

88 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11.4 Configuration of a level measurement

20 mA

4 mA


 25 Configuration parameters for level measurements in liquids

LN Length of probe
R Reference point of the measurement
D Distance
L Level
E Empty calibration (= Zero point)
F Full calibration (= Span)

If for rope probes the DC value is less than 7, then measurement is not possible in the
area of the straining weight. In these cases, the maximum recommended value for the
empty calibration E is LN - 250 mm (LN - 10 in).

1. Setup → Device tag

 Enter tag for measuring point.
2. For devices with "interface measurement" application package:
Navigate to:Setup → Operating mode
 Select Level option.
3. Navigate to: Setup → Distance unit
 Select distance unit.
4. Navigate to: Setup → Tank type
 Select tank type.
5. For Tank type = Bypass / pipe:
Navigate to: Setup → Tube diameter
 Enter the diameter of the bypass or stilling well.
6. Navigate to: Setup → Medium group
 Select medium group: (Water based (DC >= 4) or Others)
7. Navigate to: Setup → Empty calibration
 Enter the distance E between the reference point R and the minimum level (0%).
8. Navigate to: Setup → Full calibration
 Enter distance F between the minimum (0%) and maximum (100%) level.
9. Navigate to: Setup → Level
 Displays the measured level L.

Endress+Hauser 89
Commissioning via operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

10. Navigate to: Setup → Distance

 Displays the distance D between the reference point R and the level L.
11. Navigate to: Setup → Signal quality
 Displays the signal quality of the level echo.
12. For operation via local display:
Navigate to: Setup → Mapping → Confirm distance
 Compare the displayed distance to the real distance in order to start the
recording of the mapping curve if required 3).
13. For operation via operating tool:
Navigate to: Setup → Confirm distance
 Compare the displayed distance to the real distance in order to start the
recording of the mapping curve if required 3).

3) For FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature 540 "Application Package", option EF or EG) a map must NOT be recorded.

90 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11.5 Configuration of an interface measurement

Only devices with the respective software option can be used for interface
measurements. This option is selected in the product structure: Feature 540
"Application package", option EB "Interface measurement".





DK2 (DC2)



 26 Configuration parameters for interface measurements

LN Length of probe
R Reference pioint of the measurement
DI "Interface distance" parameter (Distance from reference point to lower medium)
LI Interface
DL Distance
LL Level
UP Thickness upper layer
E "Empty calibration" parameter (= zero point)
F "Full calibration" parameter (= span)

1. Navigate to: Setup → Device tag

 Enter tag for measuring point.
2. Navigate to: Setup → Operating mode
 Select Interface option.
3. Navigate to: Setup → Distance unit
 Select distance unit.
4. Navigate to: Setup → Tank type
 Select tank type.
5. For Tank type = Bypass / pipe:
Navigate to: Setup → Tube diameter
 Enter the diameter of the bypass or stilling well.
6. Navigate to: Setup → Tank level
 Select tank level (Fully flooded or Partially filled)
7. Navigate to: Setup → Distance to upper connection
 In bypasses: Enter distance from reference point R to lower edge of the upper
connection; otherwise: Keep the factory setting
8. Navigate to: Setup → DC value
 Enter relative dielectric constant (εr) of the upper medium.

Endress+Hauser 91
Commissioning via operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

9. Navigate to: Setup → Empty calibration

 Enter the distance E between the reference point R and the minimum level (0%).
10. Navigate to: Setup → Full calibration
 Enter distance F between the minimum (0%) and maximum (100%) level.
11. Navigate to: Setup → Level
 Displays the measured level LL.
12. Navigate to: Setup → Interface
 Displays the interface height LI.
13. Navigate to: Setup → Distance
 Displays the distance DL between the reference point R and the level LL.
14. Navigate to: Setup → Interface distance
 Displays the distance DI between the reference point R and the interface LI.
15. Navigate to: Setup → Signal quality
 Displays the signal quality of the level echo.
16. For operation via local display:
Navigate to: Setup → Mapping → Confirm distance
 Compare the displayed distance to the real distance in order to start the
recording of the mapping curve if required 4).
17. For operation via operating tool (e.g. FieldCare):
Navigate to: Setup → Confirm distance
 Angezeigte Distanz mit tatsächlichem Wert vergleichen, um gegebenenfalls die
Aufnahme einer Störechoausblendungskurve zu starten 4).

4) For FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature 540 "Application Package", option EF or EG) a map must NOT be recorded.

92 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11.6 Recording the reference curve

After the configuration of the measurement it is recommended to record the current
envelope curve as a reference curve. The reference curve can be used later on in the
process for diagnostic purposes. To record the reference curve use the Save reference
curve parameter.
Navigation in the menu
Expert → Diagnostics → Envelope diagnostics → Save reference curve
Meaning of the options
• No
No action
• Yes
The current envelope curve is saved as reference curve.
In devices which have been delivered with software version 01.00.zz or 01.01.zz, this
submenu is only visible for the "Service" user role.
The reference curve can only be displayed in the envelope curve diagram of FieldCare
after it has been loaded from the device into FieldCare. This is performed by the "Load
Reference Curve" function in FieldCare:

 27 The "Load Reference Curve" function

Endress+Hauser 93
Commissioning via operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

11.7 Configuration of the on-site display

11.7.1 Factory settings of the on-site display for level measurements

Parameter Factory setting for devices with 1 current Factory setting for devices with 2 current
output outputs

Format display 1 value, max. size 1 value, max. size

Value 1 display Level linearized Level linearized

Value 2 display Distance Distance

Value 3 display Current output 1 Current output 1

Value 4 display None Current output 2

11.7.2 Factory settings of the on-site display for interface


Parameter Factory setting for devices with 1 current Factory setting for devices with 2 current
output outputs

Format display 1 value, max. size 1 value, max. size

Value 1 display Interface linearized Interface linearized

Value 2 display Level linearized Level linearized

Value 3 display Thickness upper layer Current output 1

Value 4 display Current output 1 Current output 2

11.7.3 Adjustment of the on-site display

The on-site display can be adjusted in the following menu:
Setup → Advanced setup → Display

94 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11.8 Configuration of the current outputs

11.8.1 Factory setting of the current outputs for level measurements

Current output Allocated measuring 4mA value 20mA value


1 Level linearized 0% or the corresponding 100% or the corresponding

linearized value linearized value

2 1) Relative echo amplitude 0 mV 2 000 mV

1) for devices with 2 current outputs

11.8.2 Factory setting of the current outputs for interface


Current Allocated 4mA value 20mA value

output measuring vlaue

1 Interface linearized 0% or the corresponding linearized 100% or the corresponding

value linearized value

2 1) Level linearized 0% or the corresponding linearized 100% or the corresponding

value linearized value

1) for devices with 2 current outputs

11.8.3 Adjustment of the current outputs

The current outputs can be adjusted in the following submenus:
Basic settings
Setup → Advanced setup → Current output 1 to 2
Advanced settings
Expert → Output 1 to 2 → Current output 1 to 2
See "Description of Device Parameters" GP01000F

Endress+Hauser 95
Commissioning via operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

11.9 Configuration management

After commissioning, you can save the current device configuration, copy it to another
measuring point or restore the previous device configuration. You can do so using the
Configuration management parameter and its options.
Navigation path in the operating menu
Setup → Advanced setup → Configuration backup display → Configuration management
Meaning of the options
• Cancel
No action is executed and the user exits the parameter.
• Execute backup
A backup copy of the current device configuration in the HistoROM (built-in in the
device) is saved to the display module of the device. The backup copy comprises the
transmitter and sensor data of the device.
• Restore
The last backup copy of the device configuration is copied from the display module to the
HistoROM of the device. The backup copy comprises the transmitter and sensor data of
the device.
• Duplicate
The transmitter configuration is duplicated to another device using the transmitter
display module. The following parameters, which characterize the individual measuring
point are not included in the transmitted configuration:
– HART date code
– HART short tag
– HART message
– HART descriptor
– HART address
– Device tag
– Medium type
• Compare
The device configuration saved in the display module is compared to the current device
configuration of the HistoROM. The result of this comparison is displayed in the
Comparison result parameter.
• Clear backup data
The backup copy of the device configuration is deleted from the display module of the
While this action is in progress, the configuration cannot be edited via the local
display and a message on the processing status appears on the display.
If an existing backup is restored to a different device using the Restore option, it may
occur that some device functionalities are no longer available. In some cases even a
device reset →  204 will not restore the original status.
In order to transmit a configuration to a different device, the Duplicate option should
always be used.

96 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Commissioning via operating menu

11.10 Protection of the settings against unauthorized

There are two ways to protect the settings against unauthorized changes:
• Via parameter settings (software locking) →  72
• Via locking switch (hardware locking) →  74

Endress+Hauser 97
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

12 Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.1 General trouble shooting

12.1.1 General errors

Error Possible cause Remedial action

Device does not respond. Supply voltage does not match the Connect the correct voltage.
value indicated on the nameplate.

The polarity of the supply voltage is Correct the polarity.


The cables do not contact the Ensure electrical contact between the
terminals properly. cable and the terminal.

Values on the display Contrast setting is too weak or too • Increase contrast by pressing  and
invisible strong.  simultaneously.
• Decrease contrast by pressing  and
 simultaneously.

The plug of the display cable is not Connect the plug correctly.
connected correctly.

Display is defective. Replace display.

"Communication error" is Electromagnetic interference Check grounding of the device.

indicated on the display when
starting the device or Broken display cable or display plug. Exchange display.
connecting the display

Output current < 3.6 mA Signal cable connection incorrect. Check connection.

Electronics is defective. Replace electronics.

HART communication does Communication resistor missing or Install the communication resistor (
not function. incorrectly installed. 250 Ω) correctly →  55.

Commubox connected incorrectly. Connect Commubox correctly →  69.

Commubox not switched to HART Set the selection switch of the

mode. Commubox to the HART position.

CDI communication does not Wrong setting of the COM port on Check the setting of the COM port on
work. the computer. the computer and change it if necessary.

Device measures incorrectly. Parametrization error Check and adjust parameterization.

98 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.1.2 Parametrization errors

Parametrization errors for level measurements
Error Possible cause Remedial action

Measured value wrong If measured distance(Setup • Check and adjust the Empty
→ Distance) matches the real calibration parameter (→  140) if
distance: necessary.
Calibration error • Check and adjust the Full calibration
parameter (→  141) if necessary.
• Check and adjust linearization if
necessary (Linearization submenu
(→  166)).

If measured distance (Setup Perform mapping (Confirm distance

→ Distance) does not match the real parameter (→  148)).
An interference echo affects the

No change of the measured An interference echo affects the Perform mapping (Confirm distance
value when emptying/filling measurement. parameter (→  148)).
the tank
Build-up at the probe. Clean the probe.

Error in the echo tracking Deactivate echo tracking: Expert

→ Sensor → Echo tracking → Evaluation
mode = History off).

The diagnostic message Echo threshold too high. Check the Medium group parameter
Echo lost appears after (→  140).
switching on the supply If necessary select a more detailed
voltage. setting in the Medium property
parameter (→  154).

Level echo suppressed. Delete mapping and record new

mapping curve if required (Record map
parameter (→  150)).

Device displays a level when Incorrect probe length Carry out probe length correction
the tank is empty. (Confirm probe length parameter
(→  182)).

Interference echo Carry out mapping over entire probe

while the tank is empty (Confirm
distance parameter (→  148)).

Wrong slope of the level in Wrong tank type selected. Set Tank type parameter (→  139)
the entire measuring range correctly.

Parametrization errors for interface measurements

Error Possible cause Remedial action

With the setting Tank level The total level is detected outside the Increase blocking distance (Blocking
= Fully floodedWhen, the upper blocking distance. distance parameter (→  157)).
measured interface level
jumps to higher values during Set Tank level parameter (→  145) =
draining operations. Partially filled.

With the setting Tank level The total level runs into the upper Decrease blocking distance (Blocking
= Partially filled, the blocking distance. distance parameter (→  157)).
measured total level jumps to
lower values during filling

Wrong slope of the measured Wrong dielectric constant (DC value). Enter correct dielectric constant (DC
interface level value) of the upper medium (DC value
parameter (→  146)).

The measured values for the Echo threshold for the total level too Enter correct dielectric constant (DC
interface and the total level high due to a wrong dielectric value) of the upper medium (DC value
are identical constant. parameter (→  146)).

Endress+Hauser 99
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Error Possible cause Remedial action

If the interface layers are The thickness of the upper medium Interface measurement is only possible
thin, the total level jumps to is less than 60 mm (2.4 in). if the thickness of the interface is
the interface level. greater than 60 mm (2.4 in).

The measured interface layer Emulsion layer present. Emulsion layers affect the
jumps. measurement.
Please contact Endress+Hauser.

100 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.2 Diagnostic information on local display

12.2.1 Diagnostic message

Faults detected by the self-monitoring system of the measuring device are displayed as a
diagnostic message in alternation with the measured value display.

Measured value display in alarm condition Diagnostic message

2 1


20.50 S801
Supply voltage

X XX i Menu


1 Status signal
2 Status symbol (symbol for event level)
3 Status symbol with diagnostics event
4 Event text
5 Operating elements

Status signals

A device error is present. The measured value is no longer valid.

"Function check"
The device is in service mode (e.g. during a simulation).

"Out of specification"
The device is operated:
• Outside of its technical specifications (e.g. during startup or a cleaning)
• Outside of the configuration carried out by the user (e.g. level outside configured span)

"Maintenance required"
Maintenance is required. The measured value is still valid.

Status symbol (symbol for event level)

"Alarm" status
The measurement is interrupted. The signal outputs take on the defined alarm condition.
A0013961 A diagnostic message is generated.

"Warning" status
The device continues to measure. A diagnostic message is generated.

Endress+Hauser 101
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Diagnostics event and event text

The fault can be identified using the diagnostics event. The event text helps you by
providing information about the fault. In addition, the corresponding symbol is displayed
before the diagnostics event.

Diagnostics event

Status symbol Status signal Event number Event text

↓ ↓ ↓

Example 441 Curr.output 1

A0013962 A0013958

3-digit number

If two or more diagnostic messages are pending simultaneously, only the message with the
highest priority is shown. Additional pending diagnostic messages can be shown in
Diagnostic list submenu (→  209).
Past diagnostic messages that are no longer pending are shown as follows:
• On the local display:
in Event logbook submenu (→  210)
• In FieldCare:
via the "Event List /HistoROM" function.

Operating elements

Operating functions in menu, submenu

Plus key
Opens the message about the remedial measures.

Enter key
Opens the operating menu.

102 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.2.2 Calling up remedial measures


20.50 S801
Supply voltage

X XX i Menu

Diagnostic list S
Diagnostics 1
1 S801 Supply voltage
Diagnostics 2
Diagnostics 3

2 Supply voltage (ID:203) 3

4 S801 0d00h02m25s 5
Increase supply voltage


 28 Message for remedial measures

1 Diagnostic information
2 Short text
3 Service ID
4 Diagnostic behavior with diagnostic code
5 Operation time of occurrence
6 Remedial measures

The user is in the diagnostic message.

1. Press  ( symbol).
 Diagnostic list submenu opens.
2. Select the desired diagnostic event with  or  and press  .
 The message for the remedial measures for the selected diagnostic event opens.
3. Press  +  simultaneously.
 The message for the remedial measures closes.

The user is in the Diagnostics menu at an entry for a diagnostics event, e.g. in Diagnostic
list submenu or in Previous diagnostics.
1. Press .
 The message for the remedial measures for the selected diagnostic event opens.
2. Press  +  simultaneously.
 The message for the remedial measures closes.

Endress+Hauser 103
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

12.3 Diagnostic event in the operating tool

If a diagnostic event is present in the device, the status signal appears in the top left status
in the operating tool along with the corresponding symbol for event level in accordance
with NAMUR NE 107:
• Failure (F)
• Function check (C)
• Out of specification (S)
• Maintenance required (M)

Calling up remedial measures

1. Navigate to the Diagnostics menu.
 In the Actual diagnostics parameter, the diagnostic event is shown with event
2. On the right in the display range, hover the cursor over the Actual diagnostics
 A tool tip with remedial measures for the diagnostic event appears.

12.4 Diagnostic list

In the Diagnostic list submenu, up to 5 currently pending diagnostic messages can be
displayed. If more than 5 messages are pending, the messages with the highest priority are
shown on the display.
Navigation path
Diagnostics → Diagnostic list

Calling up and closing the remedial measures

1. Press .
 The message for the remedial measures for the selected diagnostic event opens.
2. Press  +  simultaneously.
 The message about the remedial measures closes.

104 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.5 List of diagnostic events

Diagnostic Short text Remedy instructions Status Diagnostic
number signal behavior
[from the [from the
factory] factory]

Diagnostic of sensor

003 Broken probe detected 1. Check map F Alarm

2. Check sensor

046 Build-up detected Clean sensor F Alarm

104 HF cable and check sealing F Alarm

1. Dry HF cable connection
2. Change HF cable

105 HF cable 1. Tighten HF cable connection F Alarm

2. Check sensor
3. Change HF cable

106 Sensor 1. Check sensor F Alarm

2. Check HF cable
3. Contact service

Diagnostic of electronic

242 Software incompatible 1. Check software F Alarm

2. Flash or change main electronics

252 Modules incompatible 1. Check electronic modules F Alarm

2. Change I/O or main electronic

261 Electronic modules 1. Restart device F Alarm

2. Check electronic modules
3. Change I/O Modul or main

262 Module connection 1. Check module connections F Alarm

2. Change electronic modules

270 Main electronic failure Change main electronic module F Alarm

271 Main electronic failure 1. Restart device F Alarm

2. Change main electronic module

272 Main electronic failure 1. Restart device F Alarm

2. Contact service

273 Main electronic failure 1. Emergency operation via display F Alarm

2. Change main electronics

275 I/O module failure Change I/O module F Alarm

276 I/O module failure 1. Restart device F Alarm

2. Change I/O module

282 Data storage 1. Restart device F Alarm

2. Contact service

283 Memory content 1. Transfer data or reset device F Alarm

2. Contact service

311 Electronic failure 1. Transfer data or reset device F Alarm

2. Contact service

311 Electronic failure Maintenance required! M Warning

1. Do not perform reset
2. Contact service

Diagnostic of configuration

410 Data transfer 1. Check connection F Alarm

2. Retry data transfer

411 Up-/download active Up-/download active, please wait C Warning

Endress+Hauser 105
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Diagnostic Short text Remedy instructions Status Diagnostic

number signal behavior
[from the [from the
factory] factory]

412 Processing download Download active, please wait C Warning

431 Trim 1 to 2 Carry out trim C Warning

435 Linearization Check linearization table F Alarm

437 Configuration 1. Restart device F Alarm

incompatible 2. Contact service

438 Dataset 1. Check data set file M Warning

2. Check device configuration
3. Up- and download new

441 Current output 1 to 2 1. Check process S Warning

2. Check current output settings

484 Failure mode Deactivate simulation C Alarm


485 Simulation measured Deactivate simulation C Warning


491 Current output 1 to 2 Deactivate simulation C Warning


494 Switch output Deactivate simulation switch output C Warning


495 Diagnostic event Deactivate simulation C Warning


585 Simulation distance Deactivate simulation C Warning

Diagnostic of process

801 Energy too low Increase supply voltage S Warning

803 Current loop 1. Check wiring F Alarm

2. Change I/O module

825 Operating temperature 1. Check ambient temperature S Warning

2. Check process temperature
825 Operating temperature F Alarm

921 Change of reference 1. Check reference configuration S Warning

2. Check pressure
3. Check sensor

936 EMC interference Check installation on EMC F Alarm

941 Echo lost Check parameter 'DC value' F Alarm 1)

942 In safety distance 1. Check level S Alarm 1)

2. Check safety distance
3. Reset self holding

943 In blocking distance Reduced accuracy S Warning

Check level

944 Level range Reduced accuracy S Warning

Level at process connection

950 Advanced diagnostic 1 Maintain your diagnostic event M Warning 1)

to 2 occured

1) Diagnostic behavior can be changed.

106 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.6 Event logbook

12.6.1 Event history

A chronological overview of the event messages that have occurred is provided in the
Event list submenu 5).
Navigation path
Diagnostics → Event logbook → Event list
A maximum of 100 event messages can be displayed in chronological order.
The event history includes entries for:
• Diagnostic events
• Information events
In addition to the operation time of its occurrence, each event is also assigned a symbol
that indicates whether the event has occurred or is ended:
• Diagnostic event
– : Event has occurred
– : Event has ended
• Information event
: Event has occurred

Calling up and closing the remedial measures

1. Press .
 The message for the remedial measures for the selected diagnostic event opens.
2. Press  +  simultaneously.
 The message about the remedial measures closes.

12.6.2 Filtering the event logbook

Using the Filter options parameter, you can define which category of event messages is
displayed in the Event list submenu angezeigt werden.
Navigation path
Diagnostics → Event logbook → Filter options
Filter categories
• All
• Failure (F)
• Function check (C)
• Out of specification (S)
• Maintenance required (M)
• Information

12.6.3 Overview of information events

Info number Info name

I1000 --------(Device ok)

I1089 Power on

I1090 Configuration reset

I1091 Configuration changed

5) This submenu is only available for operation via local display. In the case of operation via FieldCare, the event list can be displayed with the "Event
List / HistoROM" functionality of FieldCare.

Endress+Hauser 107
Diagnostics and troubleshooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Info number Info name

I1092 Trend data deleted

I1110 Write protection switch changed

I1137 Electronic changed

I1151 History reset

I1154 Reset terminal voltage min/max

I1155 Reset electronic temperature

I1156 Memory error trend

I1157 Memory error event list

I1184 Display connected

I1185 Display backup done

I1186 Restore via display done

I1187 Settings downloaded with display

I1188 Display data cleared

I1189 Backup compared

I1256 Display: access status changed

I1264 Safety sequence aborted

I1335 Firmware changed

I1397 Fieldbus: access status changed

I1398 CDI: access status changed

I1512 Download started

I1513 Download finished

I1514 Upload started

I1515 Upload finished

I1554 Safety sequence started

I1555 Safety sequence confirmed

I1556 Safety mode off

108 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Diagnostics and troubleshooting

12.7 Firmware history

Date Software Modifications Documentation (FMP51, FMP52, FMP54, HART)
Operating Instructions Description of Parameters Technical Information

07.2010 01.00.zz Original software BA01001F/00/EN/05.10 GP01000F/00/EN/05.10 TI01001F/00/EN/05.10

01.2011 01.01.zz • SIL integrated • BA01001F/00/EN/10.10 • GP01000F/00/EN/10.10 • TI01001F/00/EN/10.10

• Improvements and • BA01001F/00/EN/13.11 • GP01000F/00/EN/13.11 • TI01001F/00/EN/13.11
bugfixes • BA01001F/00/EN/14.11 • TI01001F/00/EN/14.11
• additional languages • BA01001F/00/EN/15.12 • TI01001F/00/EN/15.12
• TI01001F/00/EN/16.12

02.2014 01.02.zz • Support of SD03 • BA01001F/00/EN/16.13 • GP01000F/00/EN/14.13 • TI01001F/00/EN/17.13

• additional languages • BA01001F/00/EN/17.14 • BA01001F/00/EN/17.14 • TI01001F/00/EN/18.14
• HistoROM functionality
• "Advanced Diagnostic"
function block integrated
• Improvements and

04.2016 01.03.zz • Update to HART 7 BA01001F/00/EN/18.16 GP01000F/00/EN/16.16 TI01001F/00/EN/20.16

• All 17 operating
languages available in the
• Improvements and

The firmware version can explicitly be ordered via the product structure. In this way it
is possible to ensure compatibility of the firmware version with an existing or planned
system integration.

Endress+Hauser 109
Maintenance Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

13 Maintenance
The measuring device requires no special maintenance.

13.1 Exterior cleaning

When exterior-cleaning the device, always use cleaning agents that do not attack the
surface of the hosuing and the seals.

110 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Repairs

14 Repairs

14.1 General information on repairs

14.1.1 Repair concept

The Endress+Hauser repair concept assumes that the devices have a modular design and
that repairs can be done by the Endress+Hauser service or specially trained customers.
Spare parts are contained in suitable kits. They contain the related replacement
For more information on service and spare parts, contact the Service Department at

14.1.2 Repairs to Ex-approved devices

When carrying out repairs to Ex-approved devices, please note the following:
• Repairs to Ex-approved devices may only be carried out by trained personnel or by the
Endress+Hauser Service.
• Comply with the prevailing standards, national Ex-area regulations, safety instructions
(XA) and certificates.
• Only use original spare parts from Endress+Hauser.
• When ordering a spare part, please note the device designation on the nameplate. Only
replace parts with identical parts.
• Carry out repairs according to the instructions. On completion of repairs, carry out the
specified routine test on the device.
• Only Endress+Hauser Service may convert a certified device into a different certified
• Document all repair work and conversions.

14.1.3 Replacement of an electronics module

If an electronics module has been replaced, it is not necessary to perform a new basic setup
as the calibration parameters are stored in the HistoROM which is located in the housing.
However, after exchanging the main electronics module it may be necessary to record a
new mapping (interference echo suppression).

14.1.4 Replacement of a device

After a complete device or electronic module has been replaced, the parameters can be
downloaded into the instrument again in one of the following ways:
• Via the display module
Condition: The configuration of the old device has been saved in the display module
→  201.
• Via FieldCare
Condition: The configuration of the old device has been saved to the computer via
You can continue to measure without carrying out a new setup. Only a linearization and a
tank map (interference echo suppression) have to be recorded again.

Endress+Hauser 111
Repairs Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

14.2 Spare parts

• A few interchangeable measuring device components are identified by a spare part
nameplate. This contains information about the spare part.
• The connection compartment cover of the device contains a spare part nameplate that
includes the following information:
– A list of the most important spare parts for the measuring device, including their
ordering information.
– The URL for the W@M Device Viewer (
There, all spare parts for the measuring device are listed, including the order code, and
can be ordered. If available, the corresponding Installation Instructions can also be
downloaded there.

Spare parts for: Levelflex FMP5x

Ser.-no.: 8A21AC098AF4
Pos. no. Spare part Spare no./structure
1 Sensor XPF0002- / XPF0003-
2 Main electr. XPF0001-
3 IO module 71023451
4 Cover (front) 71023451
5 Cover (right) 71023451
6 Display 71023451

6 3
4 1 5
Additional information:


 29 Example for spare part nameplate in connection compartment cover

Measuring device serial number:

• Is located on the device and spare part nameplate.
• Can be read out via the "Serial number" parameter in the "Device information"

14.3 Return
The measuring device must be returned if it is need of repair or a factory calibration, or if
the wrong measuring device has been delivered or ordered. Legal specifications require
Endress+Hauser, as an ISO-certified company, to follow certain procedures when handling
products that are in contact with the medium.
To ensure safe, swift and professional device returns, please refer to the procedure and
conditions for returning devices provided on the Endress+Hauser website at

14.4 Disposal
Observe the following notes during disposal:
• Observe valid federal/national regulations.
• Ensure proper separation and reuse of the device components.

112 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Accessories

15 Accessories

15.1 Device-specific accessories

15.1.1 Weather protection cover

Accessory Description

Weather protection cover

222 (8.74)


298.5 (11.8) 273.7 (10.8)

255.1 (10) 164 (6.46)




 30 Weather protection cover; Dimensions: mm (in)

a 37,8 mm (1,5 in)
b 54 mm (2,1 in)

 Enclosed",
The weather protection cover can be ordered together with the device (product structure, feature 620 "Accessory
option PB "Weather Protection Cover").
Alternatively, it can be separately ordered as an accessory; order code 71162242.

Endress+Hauser 113
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

15.1.2 Mounting bracket for the electronics housing

Accessory Description

Mounting bracket for the A B

electronics housing


52 (2)
122 (4.8) 140 (5.5)
158 (6.2) 175 (6.9)



 31 Mounting bracket for the electronics housing; Dimensions: mm (in)

A Wall mounting
B Pipe mounting

 the
For the "Sensor remote" device version (see feature 060 of the product structure), the mounting bracket is part of
delivery. If required, it can also be ordered as an accessory (order code 71102216).

114 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Accessories

15.1.3 Extension rod / centering HMP40

Accessory Description

Extension rod / centering

• can be used for:
• Admissible
at lower nozzle edge:
– without center 1
no limitation
– with center washer:
-40 to 150 °C
(-40 to 302 °F)
• Additional information:
SD01002F 2 3

1 Nozzle height
2 Extension rod
3 Center washer

010 Approval:

A A: Non-hazardous area

M M: FM DIP Cl.II Div.1 Gr.E-G N.I., zone 21,22

P P: CSA DIP Cl.II Div.1 Gr.G + coal dust N.I.

S S: FM Cl.I, II, III Div.1 Gr.A-G N.I., zone 0,1,2,20,21,22

U U: CSA Cl.I, II, III Div.1 Gr.A-G N.I., zone 0,1,2

1 1: ATEX II 1G

2 2: ATEX II 1D

020 Extension rod; nozzle height:

1 115mm; 150-250mm / 6-10"

2 215mm; 250-350mm / 10-14"

3 315mm; 350-450mm / 14-18"

4 415mm; 450-550mm / 18-22"

9 Special version, TSP-no. to be spec.

030 Center washer:

A Not selected

B DN40 / 1-1/2", inside-d. = 40-45mm, PPS

C DN50 / 2", inside-d. = 50-57mm, PPS

D DN80 / 3", inside-d. = 80-85mm, PPS

E DN80 / 3", inside-d. = 76-78mm, PPS

G DN100 / 4", inside-d. = 100-110mm, PPS

H DN150 / 6", inside-d. = 152-164mm, PPS

J DN200 / 8", inside-d. = 210-215mm, PPS

K DN250 / 10", inside-d. = 253-269mm, PPS

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be spec.

Endress+Hauser 115
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

15.1.4 Mounting kit, isolated

Accessory Description

Mounting kit, isolated

can be used for
• FMP50
• FMP51
• FMP54
• FMP56 1
• FMP57


 32 Scope of supply of the mounting kit:

1 Insulating sleeve
2 Eye-bolt

For reliably insulated fixing of the probe.

Maximum process temperature: 150 °C (300 °F)
For rope probes 4 mm (¹⁄₆ in) or 6 mm (1/4 in) with PA>steel:
• Diameter D = 20 mm (0.8 in)
• Order-No.: 52014249
For rope probes 6 mm (¹⁄₄ in) or 8 mm (1/3 in) with PA>steel:
• Diameter D = 25 mm (1 in)
• Order-No.: 52014250
Due to the risk of electrostatic charge, the insulating sleeve is not suitable for use
in hazardous areas. In these cases the fixing must be reliably grounded.

 The mounting kit can also be ordered directly with the device (see the
Levelflex product structure, feature 620 "Accessory Enclosed", option PG
"Mounting kit, isolated, rope").

116 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Accessories

15.1.5 Centering star

Accessory Description

Centering star PEEK  48 10 (0.39)

to 95 mm (1.89 to
3.74 inch)

can be used for

• FMP51

7 (0.28)
• FMP54

max. 50 (1.97)
ø48 (1.89)
ø75 (2.95)
ø95 (3.74)

The centering star is suitable for probes with a rod diameter of 16 mm (0.6 in) and
can be used in pipes from DN40 (1½") up to DN100 (4"). Markings on the 4-leg
centering star ensure a simple tailoring. Hence the centering star can be adapted to
the pipe diameter. See also Operating Instructions BA00377F/00/A2.
• Material of centering star: PEEK (statically dissipative)
• Material of retaining rings: PH15-7Mo (UNS S15700)
• Admissible process temperature: –60 to +200 °C (–76 to +392 °F)
• Order code: 71069064

 Iflower
the centering star is inserted in a bypass, it must be positioned below the
bypass outlet. This has to be accounted for when choosing the probe
length. Generally, the centering star should not be mounted higher than 50
mm (1.97") from the probe end. It is recommended not to insert the PEEK
centering star in the measuring range of the rod probe.

 Levelflex
The PEEK centering star can also be ordered directly with the device (see the
product structure, feature 610 "Accessory mounted", option OD). In
this case it is not fastened by the retaining rings. Instead it is fixed to the end
of the probe rod by a hexagonal headed bolt (A4-70) and a Nord-Lock
washer (1.4547).

Endress+Hauser 117
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Accessory Description

Centering star PFA

10 (0.39)
•  16.4 mm (0.65 in)
•  37 mm (1.46 in)
can be used for

A: ø16.4 (0.65)
B: ø37 (1.46)
• FMP51
• FMP52
• FMP54


A For 8 mm (0.3 in) probes

B: For 12 mm (0.47 in) and 16 mm (0.63 in) probes

The centering star is suitable for probes with a rod diameter of 8 mm (0.3 in),
12 mm (0.47 in) and 16 mm (0.63 in) (also coated rod probes) and can be used in
pipes from DN40 (1½") up to DN50 (2"). See also Operating Instructions
• Material: PFA
• Admissible process temperature: –200 to +200 °C (–382 to +392 °F)
• Order code
– Probe 8 mm (0.3 in): 71162453
– Probe 12 mm (0.47 in): 71157270
– Probe 16 mm (0.63 in): 71069065

 The PFA centering star can also be ordered directly with the device (see the
Levelflex product structure, feature 610 "Accessory mounted", option OE).

118 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Accessories

15.1.6 Remote display FHX50

Accessory Description

Remote display FHX50


• Material:
– Plastics PBT
– CF3M (similar to 316L/1.4404)
– Aluminum (in preparation)
• Ingress protection: IP68 / NEMA 6P and IP66 / NEMA 4x
• Suitable for the display modules:
– SD02 (push buttons)
– SD03 (touch control)
• Connection cable:
– Cable with M12 plug; supplied with the FHX50; up to 30 m (98 ft)
– Customer supplied standard cable; up to 60 m (196 ft)
• Ambient temperature: –40 to 80 °C (–40 to 176 °F)

 • If(feature
the remote display is to be used, the device must be ordered in the version "Prepared for display FHX50"
030, option L or M). For the FHX50, on the other hand, the option A: "Prepared for display FHX50" has
to be selected in feature 050: "Option Measurement Device".
• If a device has not been ordered in the version "Prepared for display FHX50", but is nevertheless to be equipped
with an FHX50, it is essential to select the option B: "Not prepared for display FHX50" in feature 050: "Option
Measurement Device" of the FHX50. In this case, a retrofit kit, needed to prepare the device for the remote
display, is supplied together with the FHX50.

 the
For transmitters with approval, application of the FHX50 may be restricted. A device may only be retrofitted with
FHX50 if option L or M ("Prepared for FHX50") is quoted under Basic specifications, position 4 "Display,
operation" in the associated Safety Instructions (XA).
In addition to this, observe the Safety Instructions (XA) of the FHX50.

 Do not retrofit transmitters with:

• approval for use in areas with combustible dusts (Dust-Ex approval)
• type of protection Ex nA

 For details refer to the document SD01007F.

Endress+Hauser 119
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

15.1.7 Overvoltage protection

Accessory Description

Overvoltage protection for

OVP10 (1 channel)
OVP20 (2 channel)


Technical data
• Resistance per channel: 2 * 0.5 Ωmax
• Threshold DC voltage: 400 to 700 V
• Threshold impulse voltage: < 800 V
• Capacitance at 1 MHz: < 1.5 pF
• Nominal arrest impulse voltage (8/20 μs): 10 kA
• Suited for wire cross-sections: 0.2 to 2.5 mm2 (24 to 14 AWG)

 Ordering with device

The overvoltage protection module is preferably ordered with the device. See product structure, feature 610
"Accessory mounted", option NA "Overvoltage protection". Separate ordering of the module is only necessary if a
device is to retrofitted with the overvoltage protection.

 Order code for retrofitting

• For 1-channel devices (feature 020, option A)
OVP10: 71128617
• For 2-channel devices (feature 020, option B, C, E or G)
OVP20 : 71128619
Hosuing lid for retrofitting
In order to keep the necessary safety distances, the housing lid needs to be replaced if the device is retrofitted with
the overvoltage protection. Depending on the housing type, the order code of the suitable lid is as follows:
• GT18 housing: Lid 71185516
• GT19 housing: Lid 71185518
• GT20 housing: Lid 71185516

 Restrictions for retrofitting

Depending on the approval of the transmitter the usage of the OVP module may be restricted. A device may only be
retrofitted with an OVP module if the option NA (overvoltage protection) is quoted unter Optional Specifications in
the Safety Instructions (XA) pertaining to the device.

 For details refer to SD01090F.

120 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Accessories

15.2 Communication-specific accessories

Accessory Description

Commubox FXA195 For intrinsically safe HART communication with FieldCare via the USB interface.
 For details refer to Technical Information TI00404F

Accessory Description

Commubox FXA291 Connects Endress+Hauser field devices with CDI interface (= Endress+Hauser
Common Data Interface) to the USB interface of a computer.
Order code: 51516983

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00405C

Accessory Description

HART Loop Converter Evaluates the dynamic HART variables and converts them to analog current signals
HMX50 or limit values.
Order code: 71063562

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00429F and Operating

Instructions BA00371F

Accessory Description

WirelessHART Adapter Connects field devices to a WirelessHART network.

SWA70 The WirelessHART adapter can be mounted directly at a HART device and is easly
integrated into an existing HART network. It ensures safe data transmission and
can be operated in parallel with other wireless networks.

 For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00061S

Accessory Description

Fieldgate FXA320 Gateway for remote monitoring of connected 4-20mA measuring devices via web

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00025S and Operating

Instructions BA00053S

Accessory Description

Fieldgate FXA520 Gateway for remote diagnosis and parametrization of connected HART measuring
devices via web browser.

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00025S and Operating

Instructions BA00051S

Accessory Description

Field Xpert SFX350 Field Xpert SFX350 is a mobile computer for commissioning and maintenance. It
enables efficient device configuration and diagnostics for HART and FOUNDATION
fieldbus devices in the non-Ex area.

 For details, see Operating Instructions BA01202S

Endress+Hauser 121
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Accessory Description

Field Xpert SFX370 Field Xpert SFX370 is a mobile computer for commissioning and maintenance. It
enables efficient device configuration and diagnostics for HART and FOUNDATION
fieldbus devices in the non-Ex area and the Ex area.

 For details, see Operating Instructions BA01202S

15.3 Service-specific accessories

Accessory Description

FieldCare / DeviceCare Endress+Hauser's FDT-based Plant Asset Management tool.

Helps to configure and maintain all field devices of your plant. By supplying status
information it also supports the diagnosis of the devices.

 For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00027S and BA00059S.

15.4 System components

Accessory Description

Graphic Data Manager The graphic data manager Memograph M provides information on all the relevant
Memograph M process variables. Measured values are recorded correctly, limit values are
monitored and measuring points analyzed. The data are stored in the 256 MB
internal memory and also on an SD card or USB stick.

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00133R and Operating

Instructions BA00247R

RN221N Active barrier with power supply for safe separation of 4 to 20 mA current circuits.
Provides bi-directional HART transmission.

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00073R and Operating

Instructions BA00202R

RNS221 Transmitter supply for 2-wire sensors or transmitters exclusively for non-Ex areas.
Provides bi-directional communication using the HART communication sockets.

 For details refer to Technical Information TI00081R and Operating

Instructions KA00110R

122 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16 Operating menu

16.1 Overview of the operating menu (display module)

Navigation  Operating menu

Language →  194

 Setup →  138

Device tag →  138

Operating mode →  138

Distance unit →  138

Tank type →  139

Tube diameter →  139

Tank level →  145

Distance to upper connection →  146

DC value →  146

Medium group →  140

Empty calibration →  140

Full calibration →  141

Level →  142

Interface →  147

Distance →  143

Interface distance →  148

Signal quality →  144

‣ Mapping →  151

Confirm distance →  151

Mapping end point →  151

Endress+Hauser 123
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Record map →  151

Distance →  151

‣ Advanced setup →  152

Locking status →  152

Access status display →  153

Enter access code →  153

‣ Level →  154

Medium type →  154

Medium property →  154

Process property →  155

Advanced process conditions →  156

Level unit →  157

Blocking distance →  157

Level correction →  158

‣ Interface →  159

Process property →  159

DC value lower medium →  159

Level unit →  160

Blocking distance →  160

Level correction →  161

‣ Automatic DC calculation →  164

Manual thickness upper layer →  164

DC value →  164

Use calculated DC value →  164

124 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

‣ Linearization →  166

Linearization type →  168

Unit after linearization →  169

Free text →  170

Maximum value →  171

Diameter →  171

Intermediate height →  172

Table mode →  172

‣ Edit table

Level →  174

Customer value →  174

Activate table →  174

‣ Safety settings →  176

Output echo lost →  176

Value echo lost →  176

Ramp at echo lost →  177

Blocking distance →  157

‣ SIL/WHG confirmation →  179

‣ Deactivate SIL/WHG →  180

Reset write protection →  180

Code incorrect →  180

Endress+Hauser 125
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

‣ Probe settings →  181

Probe grounded →  181

‣ Probe length correction →  183

Confirm probe length →  183

Present probe length →  183

‣ Current output 1 to 2 →  184

Assign current output →  184

Current span →  185

Fixed current →  186

Damping output →  186

Failure mode →  186

Failure current →  187

Output current 1 to 2 →  187

‣ Switch output →  188

Switch output function →  188

Assign status →  188

Assign limit →  189

Assign diagnostic behavior →  189

Switch-on value →  190

Switch-on delay →  191

Switch-off value →  191

Switch-off delay →  192

Failure mode →  192

Switch status →  192

Invert output signal →  192

126 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

‣ Display →  194

Language →  194

Format display →  194

Value 1 to 4 display →  196

Decimal places 1 to 4 →  196

Display interval →  197

Display damping →  197

Header →  197

Header text →  198

Separator →  198

Number format →  198

Decimal places menu →  199

Backlight →  199

Contrast display →  200

‣ Configuration backup display →  201

Operating time →  201

Last backup →  201

Endress+Hauser 127
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Configuration management →  201

Comparison result →  202

‣ Administration →  204

‣ Define access code →  206

Define access code →  206

Confirm access code →  206

Device reset →  204

 Diagnostics →  207

Actual diagnostics →  207

Previous diagnostics →  207

Operating time from restart →  208

Operating time →  201

‣ Diagnostic list →  209

Diagnostics 1 to 5 →  209

‣ Event logbook →  210

Filter options →  210

‣ Event list →  210

‣ Device information →  211

Device tag →  211

Serial number →  211

Firmware version →  211

Device name →  211

Order code →  212

Extended order code 1 to 3 →  212

Device revision →  212

128 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Device ID →  212

Device type →  213

Manufacturer ID →  213

‣ Measured values →  214

Distance →  143

Level linearized →  170

Interface distance →  148

Interface linearized →  171

Thickness upper layer →  216

Output current 1 to 2 →  187

Measured current 1 →  216

Terminal voltage 1 →  217

‣ Data logging →  218

Assign channel 1 to 4 →  218

Logging interval →  219

Clear logging data →  219

‣ Display channel 1 to 4 →  220

‣ Simulation →  222

Assign measurement variable →  223

Process variable value →  223

Current output 1 to 2 simulation →  224

Value current output 1 to 2 →  224

Switch output simulation →  224

Endress+Hauser 129
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Switch status →  225

Device alarm simulation →  225

‣ Device check →  226

Start device check →  226

Result device check →  226

Last check time →  226

Level signal →  227

Launch signal →  227

Interface signal →  227

130 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.2 Overview of the operating menu (operating tool)

Navigation  Operating menu

 Setup →  138

Device tag →  138

Operating mode →  138

Distance unit →  138

Tank type →  139

Tube diameter →  139

Medium group →  140

Empty calibration →  140

Full calibration →  141

Level →  142

Distance →  143

Signal quality →  144

Tank level →  145

Distance to upper connection →  146

DC value →  146

Interface →  147

Interface distance →  148

Confirm distance →  148

Present mapping →  149

Mapping end point →  150

Record map →  150

‣ Advanced setup →  152

Locking status →  152

Endress+Hauser 131
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Access status tooling →  152

Enter access code →  153

‣ Level →  154

Medium type →  154

Medium property →  154

Process property →  155

Advanced process conditions →  156

Level unit →  157

Blocking distance →  157

Level correction →  158

‣ Interface →  159

Process property →  159

DC value lower medium →  159

Level unit →  160

Blocking distance →  160

Level correction →  161

Manual thickness upper layer →  161

Measured thickness upper layer →  162

DC value →  162

Calculated DC value →  162

Use calculated DC value →  163

‣ Linearization →  166

Linearization type →  168

Unit after linearization →  169

Free text →  170

132 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Level linearized →  170

Interface linearized →  171

Maximum value →  171

Diameter →  171

Intermediate height →  172

Table mode →  172

Table number →  173

Level →  174

Level →  174

Customer value →  174

Activate table →  174

‣ Safety settings →  176

Output echo lost →  176

Value echo lost →  176

Ramp at echo lost →  177

Blocking distance →  157

‣ SIL/WHG confirmation →  179

‣ Deactivate SIL/WHG →  180

Reset write protection →  180

Code incorrect →  180

‣ Probe settings →  181

Probe grounded →  181

Present probe length →  181

Confirm probe length →  182

Endress+Hauser 133
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

‣ Current output 1 to 2 →  184

Assign current output →  184

Current span →  185

Fixed current →  186

Damping output →  186

Failure mode →  186

Failure current →  187

Output current 1 to 2 →  187

‣ Switch output →  188

Switch output function →  188

Assign status →  188

Assign limit →  189

Assign diagnostic behavior →  189

Switch-on value →  190

Switch-on delay →  191

Switch-off value →  191

Switch-off delay →  192

Failure mode →  192

Switch status →  192

Invert output signal →  192

‣ Display →  194

Language →  194

Format display →  194

Value 1 to 4 display →  196

Decimal places 1 to 4 →  196

134 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Display interval →  197

Display damping →  197

Header →  197

Header text →  198

Separator →  198

Number format →  198

Decimal places menu →  199

Backlight →  199

Contrast display →  200

‣ Configuration backup display →  201

Operating time →  201

Last backup →  201

Configuration management →  201

Backup state →  202

Comparison result →  202

‣ Administration →  204

Define access code →  206

Device reset →  204

 Diagnostics →  207

Actual diagnostics →  207

Timestamp →  207

Previous diagnostics →  207

Timestamp →  208

Operating time from restart →  208

Operating time →  201

Endress+Hauser 135
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

‣ Diagnostic list →  209

Diagnostics 1 to 5 →  209

Timestamp 1 to 5 →  209

‣ Device information →  211

Device tag →  211

Serial number →  211

Firmware version →  211

Device name →  211

Order code →  212

Extended order code 1 to 3 →  212

Device revision →  212

Device ID →  212

Device type →  213

Manufacturer ID →  213

‣ Measured values →  214

Distance →  143

Level linearized →  170

Interface distance →  148

Interface linearized →  171

Thickness upper layer →  216

Output current 1 to 2 →  187

Measured current 1 →  216

Terminal voltage 1 →  217

‣ Data logging →  218

Assign channel 1 to 4 →  218

136 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Logging interval →  219

Clear logging data →  219

‣ Simulation →  222

Assign measurement variable →  223

Process variable value →  223

Current output 1 to 2 simulation →  224

Value current output 1 to 2 →  224

Switch output simulation →  224

Switch status →  225

Device alarm simulation →  225

‣ Device check →  226

Start device check →  226

Result device check →  226

Last check time →  226

Level signal →  227

Launch signal →  227

Interface signal →  227

Endress+Hauser 137
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.3 "Setup" menu

• : Marks the navigation path to the parameter via the display and operating
• : Marks the navigation path to the parameter via an operating tool (e.g.
• : Marks parameters which can be locked via the software locking →  72.

Navigation  Setup

Device tag 

Navigation  Setup → Device tag

Description Enter a unique name for the measuring point to identify the device quickly within the

Factory setting FMP5x

Operating mode 

Navigation  Setup → Operating mode

Prerequisite The device has the "interface measurement" application package (available for FMP51,
FMP52, FMP54) 6). FMP55 always contains this package.

Description Select operating mode.

Selection • Level
• Interface with capacitance *
• Interface *

Factory setting • FMP51/FMP52/FMP54: Level

• FMP55: Interface with capacitance

Additional information The Interface with capacitance option is only available for FMP55.

Distance unit 

Navigation  Setup → Distance unit

Description Select distance unit.

6) Product structure: Feature 540 "Application Package", Option EB "Interface measurement"

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

138 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Selection SI units US units

• mm • ft
•m • in

Factory setting m

Tank type 

Navigation  Setup → Tank type

Prerequisite Medium type (→  154) = Liquid

Description Select tank type.

Selection • Metallic
• Bypass / pipe
• Non metallic
• Mounted outside
• Coaxial

Factory setting Depending on the probe

Additional information • Depending on the probe some of the options mentioned above may not be available or
there may be additional options.
• For coax probes, the default setting is Tank type = Coaxial and can not be changed.
• For probes with metallic center washer, Tank type = Bypass / pipe is preset and can not
be changed.

Tube diameter 

Navigation  Setup → Tube diameter

Prerequisite • Tank type (→  139) = Bypass / pipe

• The probe is coated.

Description Specify diameter of bypass or stilling well.

User entry 0 to 9.999 m

Factory setting 0.0384 m

Endress+Hauser 139
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Medium group 

Navigation  Setup → Medium group

Prerequisite • For FMP51/FMP52/FMP54/FMP55: Operating mode (→  138) = Level

• Medium type (→  154) = Liquid

Description Select medium group.

Selection • Others
• Water based (DC >= 4)

Factory setting Others

Additional information This parameter roughly specifies the dielectric constant (DC) of the medium. For a more
detailed definition of the DC use the Medium property parameter (→  154).
The Medium group parameter presets the Medium property parameter (→  154) as

Medium group Medium property (→  154)

Others Unknown

Water based (DC >= 4) DC 4 ... 7

The Medium property parameter can be changed at a later point of time. However,
when doing so, the Medium group parameter retains its value. Only the Medium
property parameter is relevant for the signal evaluation.
The measuring range may be reduced for small dielectric constants. For details refer
to the Technical Information (TI) of the respective device.

Empty calibration 

Navigation  Setup → Empty calibr.

Description Specify the distance E between the process connection and the minimum level (0%). This
defines the starting point of the measuring range.

User entry Depending on the probe

Factory setting Depending on the probe

140 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information



 33 Empty calibration (E) for level measurements in liquids

0% 0%


 34 Empty calibration (E) for interface measurements

In the case of interface measurements the Empty calibration parameter is valid for
both, the total and the interface level.

Full calibration 

Navigation  Setup → Full calibr.

Description Specify the distance F between the minimum level (0%) and the maximum level (100%).

User entry Depending on the probe

Factory setting Depending on the probe

Endress+Hauser 141
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional information




 35 Full calibration (F) for level measurements in liquids



0% 0%


 36 Full calibration (F) for interface measurements

In the case of interface measurements the Full calibration parameter is valid for
both, the total and the interface level.


Navigation  Setup → Level

Description Displays measured level LL (before linearization).

142 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information




 37 Level in case of liquid measurements



0% 0%


 38 Level in case of interface measurements

• The unit is defined in the Level unit parameter (→  157).

• In case of interface measurements, this parameter always refers to the total level.


Navigation  Setup → Distance

Description Displays the measured distance DL between the reference point (lower edge of the flange
or threaded connection) and the level.

Endress+Hauser 143
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional information



 39 Distance for liquid measurements




 40 Distance for interface measurements

The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

Signal quality

Navigation  Setup → Signal quality

Description Displays the signal quality of the evaluated echo.

Additional information Meaning of the display options

• Strong
The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by at least 10 mV.
• Medium
The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by at least 5 mV.
• Weak
The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by less than 5 mV.
• No signal
The device does not find a usable echo.

144 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

The signal quality indicated in this parameter always refers to the currently evaluated
echo: either the level/interface echo 7) or the end-of-probe echo. To differentiate between
these two, the quality of the end-of-probe echo is always displayed in brackets.
In case of a lost echo (Signal quality = No signal) the device generates the following
error message:
• F941, for Output echo lost (→  176) = Alarm.
• S941, if another option has been selected in Output echo lost (→  176).

Tank level 

Navigation  Setup → Tank level

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface

Description Specify whether the tank or bypass is completely flooded or not.

Selection • Partially filled

• Fully flooded

Factory setting Partially filled

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Partially filled
The device searches for 2 echo signals, one for the interface and one for the total level.
• Fully flooded
The device searches for the interface level only. With this setting it is essential that the
upper level signal always is within the upper blocking distance (UB) in order to avoid
that it is evaluated by mistake.



1 Partially filled
2 Fully flooded
UB Upper blocking distance

7) Of these two echos the one with the lower quality is indicated.

Endress+Hauser 145
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Distance to upper connection 

Navigation  Setup → Dist. up.connect

Prerequisite The device has the "Interface measurement" application package 8).

Description Specify distance DU to upper connection.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting • For Tank level (→  145) = Partially filled: 0 mm (0 in)

• For Tank level (→  145) = Fully flooded: 250 mm (9.8 in)

Additional information



Dependence on the "Tank level" parameter

• Tank level (→  145) = Partially filled:
In this case the Distance to upper connection parameter does not influence the
measurement. Thus, the default setting needs not to be changed.
• Tank level (→  145) = Fully flooded:
In this case enter the distance DU between the reference point and the lower edge of the
upper connection.

DC value 

Navigation  Setup → DC value

Prerequisite The device has the "interface measurement" application package 9).

Description Specify relative dielectric constant εr of the upper medium (DC1).

User entry 1.0 to 100

Factory setting 2.0

8) Product structure: Feature 540 "Application Package", Option EB "Interface measurement"

9) Product structure: Feature 540 "Application Package", Option EB "Interface measurement"

146 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information



DC1 Relative dielectric constant of the upper medium.

For dielectric constants (DC values) of many media commonly used in various
industries refer to:
• the Endress+Hauser DC manual (CP01076F)
• the Endress+Hauser "DC Values App" (available for Android and iOS)


Navigation  Setup → Interface

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the measured interface level LI (before linearization).

Additional information


0% 0%


The unit is defined in the Level unit parameter (→  157).

Endress+Hauser 147
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Interface distance

Navigation  Setup → Interface dist.

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the measured distance DI between the reference point (lower edge of flange or
threaded connection) and the interface.

Additional information




The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

Confirm distance 

Navigation  Setup → Confirm distance

Description Specify, whether the measured distance matches the real distance.
Depending on the selection the device automatically sets the range of mapping.

Selection • Manual map

• Distance ok
• Distance unknown
• Distance too small *
• Distance too big *
• Tank empty
• Delete map

Factory setting Distance unknown

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

148 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Manual map
To be selected if the range of mapping is to be defined manually in the Mapping end
point parameter (→  150). In this case it is not necessary to confirm the distance.
• Distance ok
To be selected if the measured distance matches the actual distance. The device
performs a mapping.
• Distance unknown
To be selected if the actual distance is unknown. A mapping can not be performed in this
• Distance too small
To be selected if the measured distance is smaller than the actual distance. The device
searches for the next echo and returns to the Confirm distance parameter. The distance
is recalculated and displayed. The comparison must be repeated until the displayed
distance matches the actual distance. After this, the recording of the map can be started
by selecting Distance ok.
• Distance too big 10)
To be selected if the measured distance exceeds the actual distance. The device adjusts
the signal evaluation and returns to the Confirm distance parameter. The distance is
recalculated and displayed. The comparison must be repeated until the displayed
distance matches the actual distance. After this, the recording of the map can be started
by selecting Distance ok.
• Tank empty
To be selected if the tank is completely empty. The device records a mapping covering
the complete measuring range.
To be selected if the tank is completely empty. The device records a mapping covering
the complete measuring range minus Map gap to LN.
• Factory map
To be selected if the present mapping curve (if one exists) is to be deleted. The device
returns to the Confirm distance parameter and a new mapping can be recorded.
When operating via the display module, the measured distance is displayed together
with this parameter for reference purposes.
For interface measurements the distance always refers to the toatal level (not the
interface level).
If the teaching procedure with the Distance too small option or the Distance too big
option is quit before the distance has been confirmed, a map is not recorded and the
teaching procedure is reset after 60 s.
For FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature 540 "Application
Package", option EF or EG) a map must not be recorded.

Present mapping

Navigation  Setup → Present mapping

Description Indicates up to which distance a mapping has already been recorded.

10) Only available for "Expert → Sensor → Echo tracking → Evaluation mode parameter" = "Short time history" or "Long time history"

Endress+Hauser 149
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Mapping end point 

Navigation  Setup → Map. end point

Prerequisite Confirm distance (→  148) = Manual map or Distance too small

Description Specify new end of the mapping.

User entry 0 to 200 000.0 m

Factory setting 0.1 m

Additional information This parameter defines up to which distance the new mapping is to be recorded. The
distance is measured from the reference point, i.e. from the lower edge of the mounting
flange or the threaded connection.
For reference purposes the Present mapping parameter (→  149) is displayed
together with this parameter. It indicates up to which distance a mapping has already
been recorded.

Record map 

Navigation  Setup → Record map

Prerequisite Confirm distance (→  148) = Manual map or Distance too small

Description Start recording of the map.

Selection • No
• Record map
• Delete map

Factory setting No

Additional information Meaning of the options

• No
The map is not recorded.
• Record map
The map is recorded. After the recording is completed, the new measured distance and
the new mapping range appear on the display. When operating via the local display,
these values must be confirmed by pressing .
• Delete map
The mapping (if one exists) is deleted and the device displays the recalculated measured
distance and the mapping range. When operating via the local display, these values must
be confirmed by pressing .

150 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.3.1 "Mapping" wizard

The Mapping wizard is only available when operating via the local display. When
operating via an operating tool, all parameters concerning the mapping are located
directly in the Setup menu (→  138).
In the Mapping wizard two parameters are displayed simultaneously on the display
module at any one time. The upper parameter can be edited, whereas the lower
parameter is displayed for reference purposes only.

Navigation  Setup → Mapping

Confirm distance 

Navigation  Setup → Mapping → Confirm distance

Description →  148

Mapping end point 

Navigation  Setup → Mapping → Map. end point

Description →  150

Record map 

Navigation  Setup → Mapping → Record map

Description →  150


Navigation  Setup → Mapping → Distance

Description →  143

Endress+Hauser 151
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.3.2 "Advanced setup" submenu

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup

Locking status

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Locking status

Description Indicates the write protection with the highest priority that is currently active.

User interface • Hardware locked

• SIL locked
• WHG locked
• Temporarily locked

Additional information Meaning and priorities of the types of write protection

• Hardware locked (priority 1)
The DIP switch for hardware locking is activated on the main electronics module. This
locks write access to the parameters.
• SIL locked (priority 2)
The SIL mode is activated. Writing access to the relevant parameters is denied.
• WHG locked (priority 3)
The WHG mode is activated. Writing access to the relevant parameters is denied.
• Temporarily locked (priority 4)
Write access to the parameters is temporarily locked on account of internal processes in
progress in the device (e.g. data upload/download, reset etc.). The parameters can be
modified as soon as the processes are complete.
On the display module, the -symbol appears in front of parameters that cannot be
modified since they are write-protected.

Access status tooling

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Access stat.tool

Description Indicates access authorization to parameters via operating tool (e.g. FieldCare).

User interface • Operator

• Maintenance
• Service

Additional information The access authorization can be changed via the Enter access code parameter
(→  153).
If additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorization
even further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking status
parameter (→  152).

152 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Access status display

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Access stat.disp

Prerequisite The device has a local display.

Description Indicates access authorization to parameters via local display.

User interface • Operator

• Maintenance
• Service

Additional information If a symbol appears in front of a parameter, the parameter cannot be changed via
the local display with the current access authorization.
The access authorization can be changed via the Enter access code parameter
(→  153).
If additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorization
even further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking status
parameter (→  152).

Enter access code

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Ent. access code

Description Enter access code to disable write protection of parameters.

User entry 0 to 9 999

Additional information • For local operation, the customer-specific access code, which has been defined in the
Define access code parameter (→  204), has to be entered.
• If an incorrect access code is entered, the user retains his current access authorization.
• The write protection affects all parameters marked with the -symbol in this document.
On the local display, the -symbol in front of a parameter indicates that the parameter
is write-protected.
• If no key is pressed for 10 min, or the user switches from the navigation and editing
mode back to the measured value display mode, the device automatically locks the write-
protected parameters after another 60 s.
Please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center if you lose your access code.

Endress+Hauser 153
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Level" submenu
The Level submenu (→  154) is only visible for Operating mode (→  138) =

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level

Medium type 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Medium type

Description Specify type of medium.

User interface • Liquid

• Solid

Factory setting FMP50, FMP51, FMP52, FMP53, FMP54, FMP55: Liquid

Additional information The Solid option is only available for Operating mode (→  138) = Level
This parameter determines the value of several other parameters and strongly
influences the complete signal evaluation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not
to change the factory setting.

Medium property 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Medium property

Prerequisite • Operating mode (→  138) = Level

• EOP level evaluation ≠ Fix DC

Description Specify relative dielectric constant εr of the medium.

Selection • Unknown
• DC 1.4 ... 1.6
• DC 1.6 ... 1.9
• DC 1.9 ... 2.5
• DC 2.5 ... 4
• DC 4 ... 7
• DC 7 ... 15
• DC > 15

Factory setting Dependent on Medium type (→  154) and Medium group (→  140).

154 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Dependency on "Medium type" and "Medium group"

Medium type (→  154) Medium group (→  140) Medium property

Solid Unknown

Liquid Water based (DC >= 4) DC 4 ... 7

Others Unknown

For dielectric constants (DC values) of many media commonly used in various
industries refer to:
• the Endress+Hauser DC manual (CP01076F)
• the Endress+Hauser "DC Values App" (available for Android and iOS)
For EOP level evaluation = Fix DC, the exact dielectric constant has to be entered
into the DC value parameter (→  146). Therefore, the Medium property
parameter is not available in this case.

Process property 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Process property

Description Specify typical rate of level change.

Selection For "Medium type" = "Liquid"

• Very fast > 10 m (400 in)/min
• Fast > 1 m (40 in)/min
• Standard < 1 m (40in) /min
• Medium < 10 cm (4in) /min
• Slow < 1 cm (0.4in) /min
• No filter / test
For "Medium type" = "Solid"
• Very fast > 100 m (333 ft) /h
• Fast > 10 m (33 ft) /h
• Standard < 10 m (33 ft) /h
• Medium < 1 m (3ft) /h
• Slow < 0.1 m (0.3ft) /h
• No filter / test

Factory setting Standard < 1 m (40in) /min

Additional information The device adjusts the signal evaluation filters and the damping of the output signal to the
typical rate of level change defined in this parameter:

For "Operating mode" = "Level" and "Medium type" = "Liquid"

Process property Step response time / s

Very fast > 10 m (400 in)/min 5

Fast > 1 m (40 in)/min 5

Standard < 1 m (40in) /min 14

Medium < 10 cm (4in) /min 39

Slow < 1 cm (0.4in) /min 76

No filter / test <1

Endress+Hauser 155
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

For "Operating mode" = "Level" and "Medium type" = "Solid"

Process property Step response time / s

Very fast > 100 m (333 ft) /h 37

Fast > 10 m (33 ft) /h 37

Standard < 10 m (33 ft) /h 74

Medium < 1 m (3ft) /h 146

Slow < 0.1 m (0.3ft) /h 290

No filter / test <1

For "Operating mode" = "Interface" or "Interface with capacitance"

Process property Step response time / s

Very fast > 10 m (400 in)/min 5

Fast > 1 m (40 in)/min 5

Standard < 1 m (40in) /min 23

Medium < 10 cm (4in) /min 47

Slow < 1 cm (0.4in) /min 81

No filter / test 2.2

Advanced process conditions 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Adv. conditions

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Level

Description Specify additional process conditions (if required).

Selection • None
• Oil/Water condensate
• Probe near tank bottom
• Build up
• Foam (>5cm/0,16ft)

Factory setting None

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Oil/Water condensate (only Medium type = Liquid)
Makes sure that in the case of two-phase media only the total level is detected (example:
oil/condensate application).
• Probe near tank bottom (only for Medium type = Liquid)
Improves the empty detection, especially if the probe is mounted close to the tank
• Build up
Increases EOP range upper area in order to ensure a safe empty-detection even if the
end-of-probe signal has shifted due to build-up.
Enables a safe empty-detection even if the end-of-probe signal has shifted due to build-
• Foam (>5cm/0,16ft) (only for Medium type = Liquid)
Optimizes the signal evaluation in applications with foam formation.

156 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Level unit 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Level unit

Description Select level unit.

Selection SI units US units

•% • ft
•m • in
• mm

Factory setting %

Additional information The level unit may differ from the distance unit defined in the Distance unit parameter
(→  138):
• The unit defined in the Distance unit parameter is used for the basic calibration (Empty
calibration (→  140) and Full calibration (→  141)).
• The unit defined in the Level unit parameter is used to display the (unlinearized) level.

Blocking distance 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Blocking dist.

Description Specify upper blocking distance UB.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting • For coax probes: 0 mm (0 in)

• For rod and rope probes up to 8 m (26 ft): 200 mm (8 in)
• For rod and rope probes above 8 m (26 ft): 0.025 * Sondenlänge

Additional information Signals in the upper blocking distance are only evaluated if they have been outside the
blocking distance when the device was switched on and move into the blocking distance
due to a level change during operation. Signals which are already in the blocking distance
when the device is switched on, are ignored.
This behavior is only valid if the following two conditions are met:
• Expert → Sensor → Echo tracking → Evaluation mode = Short time history or Long
time history)
• Expert → Sensor → Gas phase comp. → GPC mode= On, Without correction or
External correction
If one of these conditions is not met, signals in the blocking distance will always be
A different behavior for signals in the blocking distance can be defined in the
Blocking distance evaluation mode parameter.
If required, a different behavior for signals in the blocking distance can be defined by
the Endress+Hauser service.

Endress+Hauser 157
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART



 41 Blocking distance (UB) for liquid measurements

Level correction 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Level correction

Description Specify level correction (if required).

User entry –200 000.0 to 200 000.0 %

Factory setting 0.0 %

Additional information The value specified in this parameter is added to the measured level (before linearization).

158 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"Interface" submenu

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface

Process property 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Process property

Description Specify typical rate of change for the interface position.

Selection • Fast > 1 m (40 in)/min

• Standard < 1 m (40in) /min
• Medium < 10 cm (4in) /min
• Slow < 1 cm (0.4in) /min
• No filter / test

Factory setting Standard < 1 m (40in) /min

Additional information The device adjusts the signal evaluation filters and the damping of the output signal to the
typical rate of level change defined in this parameter:

Process property Step response time / s

Fast > 1 m (40 in)/min 5

Standard < 1 m (40in) /min 15

Medium < 10 cm (4in) /min 40

Slow < 1 cm (0.4in) /min 74

No filter / test 2.2

DC value lower medium 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → DC lower medium

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Specify the relative dielectric ocnstant εr of the lower medium.

User entry 1 to 100

Factory setting 80.0

Additional information For dielectric constants (DC values) of many media commonly used in various
industries refer to:
• the Endress+Hauser DC manual (CP01076F)
• the Endress+Hauser "DC Values App" (available for Android and iOS)

The factory setting, εr = 80, is valid for water at 20 °C (68 °F).

Endress+Hauser 159
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Level unit 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Level unit

Description Select level unit.

Selection SI units US units

•% • ft
•m • in
• mm

Factory setting %

Additional information The level unit may differ from the distance unit defined in the Distance unit parameter
(→  138):
• The unit defined in the Distance unit parameter is used for the basic calibration (Empty
calibration (→  140) and Full calibration (→  141)).
• The unit defined in the Level unit parameter is used to display the (unlinearized) level
and interface position.

Blocking distance 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Blocking dist.

Description Specify upper blocking distance UB.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting • For coax probes: 100 mm (3.9 in)

• For rod and rope probes up to 8 m (26 ft): 200 mm (8 in)
• For rod and rope probes above 8 m (26 ft): 0.025 * length of probe

Additional information Echoes from within the blocking distance are not taken into account in the signal
evaluation. The upper blocking distance is used
• to suppress interference echoes at the top end of the probe.
• to suppress the echo of the total level in the case of flooded bypasses.

160 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu




1 Suppression of interference echoes at the top end of the probe.

2 Suppression of the level signal in case of a flooded bypass.
UB Upper blocking distance

Level correction 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Level correction

Description Specify level correction (if required).

User entry –200 000.0 to 200 000.0 %

Factory setting 0.0 %

Additional information The value specified in this parameter is added to the measured total and interface levels
(before linearization).

Manual thickness upper layer 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Man.thick.up.lay

Description Specify the manually determined interface thickness UP (i.e. the thickness of the upper

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting 0m

Endress+Hauser 161
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional information



UP Interface thickness (= thickness of upper medium)

On the local display, the measured interface thickness is indicated together with the
manual interface thickness. By comparing these two values the device can
automatically adjust the dielectric constant of the upper medium.

Measured thickness upper layer

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Meas.thick.u.lay

Description Displays the measured interface thickness. (Thickness UP of the upper medium).

DC value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → DC value

Description Displays relatvie dielectric constant εr of the upper medium (DC1) before correction.

Calculated DC value

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Calc. DC value

Description Displays calculated (i.e. corrected) relative dielectric constant εr (DC1) of the upper

162 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Use calculated DC value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Use calc. DC

Description Specify whether the calculated dielectric constant is to be used.

Selection • Save and exit

• Cancel and exit

Factory setting Cancel and exit

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Save and exit
The calculated constant is assumed to be the correct one.
• Cancel and exit
The calculated dielectric constant is rejected; the previous dielectric constant remains
On the local display, the Calculated DC value parameter (→  162) is displayed
together with this parameter.

Endress+Hauser 163
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Automatic DC calculation" wizard

The Automatic DC calculation wizard is only available when operating via the local
display. When operating via an operating tool, all parameters concerning the
automatic DC calculation are located directly in the Interface submenu (→  159)
In the Automatic DC calculation wizard two parameters are displayed simultaneously
on the display module at any one time. The upper parameter can be edited, whereas
the lower parameter is displayed for reference purposes only.

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Autom. DC calc.

Manual thickness upper layer 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Autom. DC calc. → Man.thick.up.lay

Description →  161

DC value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Autom. DC calc. → DC value

Description →  162

Use calculated DC value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Autom. DC calc. → Use calc. DC

Description →  163

164 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"Linearization" submenu

L B L‘
I I‘
M L‘
C L2
0% L‘1L‘2 L‘

0% M L‘

0% M L‘

0% M L‘
G d

M L‘
H d

M L‘


 42 Linearization: Transformation of the level and (if relevant) the interface height into a volume or weight;
the transformation is dependent on the shape of the vessel.
1 Selection of linearization type and unit
2 Configuration of the linearization
A Linearization type (→  168) = None
B Linearization type (→  168) = Linear
C Linearization type (→  168) = Table
D Linearization type (→  168) = Pyramid bottom
E Linearization type (→  168) = Conical bottom
F Linearization type (→  168) = Angled bottom
G Linearization type (→  168) = Horizontal cylinder
H Linearization type (→  168) = Sphere
I For "Operating mode (→  138)" = "Interface" or "Interface with capacitance": Interface before linearization
(measured in distance units)
I' For "Operating mode (→  138)" = "Interface" or "Interface with capacitance": Interface after linearization
(corresponds to volume or weight)
L Level before linearization (measured in distance units)
L' Level linearized (→  170) (corresponds to volume or weight)
M Maximum value (→  171)
d Diameter (→  171)
h Intermediate height (→  172)

Endress+Hauser 165
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Structure of the submenu on the display module

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization

‣ Linearization

Linearization type →  168

Unit after linearization →  169

Free text →  170

Maximum value →  171

Diameter →  171

Intermediate height →  172

Table mode →  172

‣ Edit table

Level →  174

Customer value →  174

Activate table →  174

166 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Structure of the submenu in an operating tool (e.g. FieldCare)

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization

‣ Linearization

Linearization type →  168

Unit after linearization →  169

Free text →  170

Level linearized →  170

Interface linearized →  171

Maximum value →  171

Diameter →  171

Intermediate height →  172

Table mode →  172

Table number →  173

Level →  174

Level →  174

Customer value →  174

Activate table →  174

Endress+Hauser 167
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Description of parameters

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization

Linearization type 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Lineariz. type

Description Select linearization type.

Selection • None
• Linear
• Table
• Pyramid bottom
• Conical bottom
• Angled bottom
• Horizontal cylinder
• Sphere

Factory setting None

Additional information

0% 0%

100% 100%

0% 0%




 43 Linearization types
A None
B Table
C Pyramid bottom
D Conical bottom
E Angled bottom
F Sphere
G Horizontal cylinder

168 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Meaning of the options

• None
The level is transmitted in the level unit without linearization.
• Linear
The output value (volume/weight) is directly proportional to the level L. This is valid, for
example, for vertical cylinders. The following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
• Table
The relationship between the measured level L and the output value (volume/weight) is
given by a linearization table consisting of up to 32 pairs of values "level - volume" or
"level - weight", respectively. The following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Table mode (→  172)
– For each table point: Level (→  174)
– For each table point: Customer value (→  174)
– Activate table (→  174)
• Pyramid bottom
The output value corresponds to the volume or weight in a silo with pyramid bottom.
The following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
– Intermediate height (→  172): The height of the pyramid
• Conical bottom
The output value corresponds to the volume or weight in a tank with conical bottom. The
following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
– Intermediate height (→  172): The height of the conical part of the tank
• Angled bottom
The output value corresponds to the volume or weight in a silo with an angled bottom.
The following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
– Intermediate height (→  172): Height of the angled bottom
• Horizontal cylinder
The output value corresponds to the volume or weight in a horizontal cylinder. The
following additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
– Diameter (→  171)
• Sphere
The output value corresponds to the volume or weight in a spherical tank. The following
additional parameters have to be specified:
– Unit after linearization (→  169)
– Maximum value (→  171): Maximum volume or weight
– Diameter (→  171)

Unit after linearization 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Unit lineariz.

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) ≠ None

Description Select unit of the lineaized value.

Endress+Hauser 169
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Selection SI units US units Imperial units

• STon • lb impGal
•t • UsGal
• kg • ft³
• cm³
• dm³
• m³
• hl

Custom-specific units
Free text

Factory setting %

Additional information The selected unit is only used to be indicated on the display. The measured value is not
transformed according to the selected unit.
It is also possible to configure a distance-to-distance linearization, i.e. a
transformation from the level unit to a different distance unit. To do so, select the
Linear linearization mode. In order to define the new level unit, select the Free text
option in the Unit after linearization parameter and enter the required unit into the
Free text parameter (→  170).

Free text 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Free text

Prerequisite Unit after linearization (→  169) = Free text

Description Enter unit symbol.

User entry Up to 32 alphanumerical characters (letters, numbers, special characters)

Factory setting Free text

Level linearized

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Level linearized

Description Displays linearized level.

Additional information • The unit is defined by the Unit after linearization parameter →  169.
• For interface measurements, this parameter always refers to the total level.

170 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Interface linearized

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Interf. lineariz

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the linearized interface height.

Additional information The unit is defined in the Unit after linearization parameter →  169.

Maximum value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Maximum value

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) has one of the following values:

• Linear
• Pyramid bottom
• Conical bottom
• Angled bottom
• Horizontal cylinder
• Sphere

Description Specify the maximum content of the vessel (100%) measured in the units after

User entry –50 000.0 to 50 000.0 %

Factory setting 100.0 %

Diameter 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Diameter

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) has one of the following values:

• Horizontal cylinder
• Sphere

Description Specify tank diameter.

User entry 0 to 9 999.999 m

Factory setting 2m

Additional information The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

Endress+Hauser 171
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Intermediate height 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Intermed. height

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) has one of the following values:

• Pyramid bottom
• Conical bottom
• Angled bottom

Description Specify intermediate height H.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting 0m

Additional information



H Intermediate height

The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

Table mode 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Table mode

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) = Table

Description Select editing mode of the linearization table.

Selection • Manual
• Semiautomatic
• Clear table
• Sort table

Factory setting Manual

172 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Manual
The level and the associated linearized value are entered manually for each linearization
• Semiautomatic
The level is measured by the device for each linearization point. The associated
linearized value is entered manually.
• Clear table
Deletes the existing linearization table.
• Sort table
Rearranges the linerization points into an ascending order.

Conditions the linearization table must meet:

• The table may consist of up to 32 pairs of values "Level - Linearized Value".
• The table must be monotonic (monotonically increasing or decreasing).
• The first linearization point must refer to the minimum level.
• The last linearization point must refer to the maximum level.

Before entering a linearization table, the values for Empty calibration (→  140)
and Full calibration (→  141) must be set correctly.
If values of the table need to be changed after the full or empty calibration have been
changed, a correct evaluation is only ensured if the existing table is deleted and the
complete table is entered again. To do so delete the existing table (Table mode
(→  172) = Clear table). Then enter a new table.

How to enter the table

• Via FieldCare
The table points can be entered via the Table number (→  173), Level (→  174)
and Customer value (→  174) parameters. As an alternative, the graphic table editor
may be used: Device Operation → Device Functions → Additional Functions →
Linearization (Online/Offline)
• Via local display
Select the Edit table submenu to call up the graphic table editor. The table is displayed
and can be edited line by line.

The factory setting for the level unit is "%". If you want to enter the linearization table
in physical units, you must select the appropriate unit in the Level unit parameter
(→  157) beforehand.
If a decreasing table is entered, the values for 20 mA and 4 mA of the current output
are interchanged. That means: 20 mA refers to the lowest level, whereas 4 mA refers
to the highest level. If required, the current output can be inverted in the Measuring
mode parameter.

Table number 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Table number

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) = Table

Description Select table point you are going to enter or change.

User entry 1 to 32

Factory setting 1

Endress+Hauser 173
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Level (Manual) 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Level

Prerequisite • Linearization type (→  168) = Table

• Table mode (→  172) = Manual

Description Enter level value of the table point (value before linearization).

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0%

Level (Semiautomatic)

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Level

Prerequisite • Linearization type (→  168) = Table

• Table mode (→  172) = Semiautomatic

Description Displays measured level (value before linearization). This value is transmitted to the table.

Customer value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Customer value

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) = Table

Description Enter linearized value for the table point.

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0%

Activate table 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Activate table

Prerequisite Linearization type (→  168) = Table

Description Activate (enable) or deactivate (disable) the linearization table.

Selection • Disable
• Enable

174 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Factory setting Disable

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Disable
The measured level is not linearized.
If Linearization type (→  168) = Table at the same time, the device issues error
message F435.
• Enable
The measured level is linearized according to the table.
When editing the table, the Activate table parameter is automatically reset to
Disable and must be reset to Enable after the table has been entered.

Endress+Hauser 175
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Safety settings" submenu

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Safety sett.

Output echo lost 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Safety sett. → Output echo lost

Description Define the behavior of the output signal in case of a lost echo.

Selection • Last valid value

• Ramp at echo lost
• Value echo lost
• Alarm

Factory setting Last valid value

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Last valid value
The last valid value is kept in the case of a lost echo.
• Ramp at echo lost
In the case of a lost echo the output value is continously shifted towards 0% or 100%.
The slope of the ramp is defined in the Ramp at echo lost parameter (→  177).
• Value echo lost
In the case of a lost echo the output assumes the value defined in the Value echo lost
parameter (→  176).
• Alarm
In the case of a lost echo the device generates an alarm; see the Failure mode parameter
(→  186)

Value echo lost 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Safety sett. → Value echo lost

Prerequisite Output echo lost (→  176) = Value echo lost

Description Define output value in case of a lost echo.

User entry 0 to 200 000.0 %

Factory setting 0.0 %

Additional information Use the unit which has been defined for the measured value output:
• without linearization: Level unit (→  157)
• with linearization: Unit after linearization (→  169)

176 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Ramp at echo lost 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Safety sett. → Ramp echo lost

Prerequisite Output echo lost (→  176) = Ramp at echo lost

Description Define the slope of the ramp in the case of a lost echo.

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0.0 %/min

Additional information





A Delay time echo lost

B Ramp at echo lost (→  177) (positive value)
C Ramp at echo lost (→  177) (negative value)

• The unit for the slope of the ramp is "percentage of the measuring range per minute" (%/
• For a negative slope of the ramp: The measured value is continuously decreased until it
reaches 0%.
• For a positive slope of the ramp: The measured value is continuosly increased until it
reaches 100%.

Blocking distance 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Safety sett. → Blocking dist.

Description Specify upper blocking distance UB.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting • For coax probes: 0 mm (0 in)

• For rod and rope probes up to 8 m (26 ft): 200 mm (8 in)
• For rod and rope probes above 8 m (26 ft): 0.025 * Sondenlänge

Additional information Signals in the upper blocking distance are only evaluated if they have been outside the
blocking distance when the device was switched on and move into the blocking distance

Endress+Hauser 177
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

due to a level change during operation. Signals which are already in the blocking distance
when the device is switched on, are ignored.
This behavior is only valid if the following two conditions are met:
• Expert → Sensor → Echo tracking → Evaluation mode = Short time history or Long
time history)
• Expert → Sensor → Gas phase comp. → GPC mode= On, Without correction or
External correction
If one of these conditions is not met, signals in the blocking distance will always be
A different behavior for signals in the blocking distance can be defined in the
Blocking distance evaluation mode parameter.
If required, a different behavior for signals in the blocking distance can be defined by
the Endress+Hauser service.



 44 Blocking distance (UB) for liquid measurements

178 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"SIL/WHG confirmation" wizard

The SIL/WHG confirmation wizard is only available for devices with SIL or WHG
approval (Feature 590: "Additional Approval", option LA: "SIL" or LC: "WHG overfill
prevention" ) which are currently not in the SIL- or WHG-locked state.
The SIL/WHG confirmation wizard is required to lock the device according to SIL or
WHG. For details refer to the "Functional Safety Manual" of the respective device,
which describes the locking procedure and the parameters of the sequence.

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → SIL/WHG confirm.

Endress+Hauser 179
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Deactivate SIL/WHG" wizard

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Deactiv. SIL/WHG

Reset write protection 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Deactiv. SIL/WHG → Res. write prot.

Description Enter unlocking code.

User entry 0 to 65 535

Factory setting 0

Code incorrect 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Deactiv. SIL/WHG → Code incorrect

Description Indicates that a wrong unlocking code has been entered. Select procedure.

Selection • Reenter code

• Abort sequence

Factory setting Reenter code

180 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"Probe settings" submenu

The Probe settings submenu helps to ensure that the end of probe signal within the
envelope curve is correctly assigned by the evaluation algorithm. The assignment is correct
if the length of probe indicated by the device matches the acutal lenght of the probe. The
automatic probe length correction can only be performed if the probe is installed in the
vessel and is completely uncovered (no medium). For partially filled vessels and if the
probe length is known, select Confirm probe length (→  182) = Manual input in order
to enter the value manually.
If a mapping (interference echo suppression) has been recorded after shortening the
probe, it is no longer possible to perform an automatic probe length correction. In this
case there are two options:
• Delete the map using the Record map parameter (→  150) before performing the
automatic probe length correction. After the probe length correction, a new map
can be recorded using the Record map parameter (→  150).
• Alternative: Select Confirm probe length (→  182) = Manual input and enter
the probe length manually into the Present probe length parameter →  181.
An automatic probe length correction is only possible after the correct option has
been selected in the Probe grounded parameter (→  181).

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings

Probe grounded 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Probe grounded

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Level

Description Specify whether the probe is grounded.

Selection • No
• Yes

Factory setting No

Present probe length 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Pres. length

Description • In most cases:

Displays the length of the probe according to the currently measured end-of-probe
• For Confirm probe length (→  182) = Manual input:
Enter actual length of probe.

User entry 0 to 200 m

Factory setting 4m

Endress+Hauser 181
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Confirm probe length 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Confirm length

Description Select, whether the value displayed in the Present probe length parameter →  181
matches the actual length of the probe. Based on this input, the device performs a probe
length correction.

Selection • Probe length OK

• Probe length too small
• Probe length too big
• Probe covered
• Manual input
• Probe length unknown

Factory setting Probe length OK

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Probe length OK
To be selected if the indicated length is correct. An adjustment is not required. The
device quits the sequence.
• Probe length too small
To be selected if the displayed length is smaller than the actual length of the probe. A
different end of probe signal is allocated and the newly calculated length is displayed in
the Present probe length parameter →  181. This procedure has to be repeated until
the displayed value matches the actual length of the probe.
• Probe length too big
To be selected if the displayed length is bigger than the actual length of the probe. A
different end of probe signal is allocated and the newly calculated length is indicated in
the Present probe length parameter →  181. This procedure has to be repeated until
the displayed value matches the actual length of the probe.
• Probe covered
To be selected if the probe is (partially or completely) covered. A probe length correction
is impossible in this case. The device quits the sequence.
• Manual input
To be selected if no automatic probe length correction is to be performed. Instead, the
actual length of the probe must be entered manually into the Present probe length
parameter →  181 11).
• Probe length unknown
To be selected if the acutal length of the probe is unknown. A probe length correction is
impossible in this case and the device quits the sequence.

11) When operated via FieldCare, the Manual input option needs not to be selected explicitly. In FieldCare the length of the probe can always be

182 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"Probe length correction" wizard

The Probe length correction wizard is only available when operating via the local
display. When operating via an operating tool, all parameters concerning the probe
length correction are located directly in the Probe settings submenu (→  181).

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Prob.length corr

Confirm probe length 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Prob.length corr → Confirm length

Description →  182

Present probe length 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Probe settings → Prob.length corr → Pres. length

Description →  181

Endress+Hauser 183
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Current output 1 to 2" submenu

The Current output 2 submenu (→  184) is only available for devices with two
current outputs.

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2

Assign current output 1 to 2 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Assign curr.

Description Select process variable for current output.

Selection • Level linearized

• Distance
• Electronic temperature
• Relative echo amplitude
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 1
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 2
Additionally for Operating mode = "Interface" or "Interface with capacitance":
• Interface linearized
• Interface distance
• Thickness upper layer
• Relative interface amplitude

Factory setting For level measurements

• Current output 1: Level linearized
• Current output 2 12): Relative echo amplitude
For interface measurements
• Current output 1: Interface linearized
• Current output 2 13): Level linearized

Additional information Definition of the current range for the process variables
Process variable 4 mA value 20 mA value

Level linearized 0 % 1) or the associated 100 % 2) or the associated linearized value

linearized value

Distance 0 (i.e. level is at the reference Empty calibration (→  140) (i.e. level is at
point) 0 %)

Electronic temperature –50 °C (–58 °F) 100 °C (212 °F)

Relative echo amplitude 0 mV 2 000 mV

Analog output adv. depending on the parametrization of the Advanced Diagnostics

diagnostics 1/2

Interface linearized 0 % 1) or the associated 100 % 2) or the associated linearized value

linearized value

Interface distance 0 (i.e. interface at the Empty calibration (→  140) (i.e. interface
reference point) is at 0 %)

12) only for devices with two current outputs

13) only for devices with two current outputs

184 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Process variable 4 mA value 20 mA value

Thickness upper layer 0 % or the associated 100 % 2) or the associated linearized value
linearized value

Relative interface amplitude 0 mV 2 000 mV

1) the 0% level is defined by Empty calibration parameter (→  140)

2) The 100% level is defined by Full calibration parameter (→  141)

It may be necessary to adjust the 4mA and 20mA values to the application (especially
in the case of the Analog output adv. diagnostics 1/2 option ).
This can be done by the following parameters:
• Expert → Output → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Turn down
• Expert → Output → Curr.output 1 to 2 → 4 mA value
• Expert → Output → Curr.output 1 to 2 → 20 mA value

Current span 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Current span

Description Select current range for process variable and alarm signal.

Selection • 4...20 mA
• 4...20 mA NAMUR
• 4...20 mA US
• Fixed current

Factory setting 4...20 mA NAMUR

Additional information Meaning of the options

Option Current range for process Lower alarm signal level Upper alarm signal level

4...20 mA 4 to 20.5 mA < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

4...20 mA NAMUR 3.8 to 20.5 mA < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

4...20 mA US 3.9 to 20.8 mA < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

Fixed current Constant current, defined in the Fixed current parameter (→  186).

• In the case of an error, the output current assumes the value defined in the Failure
mode parameter (→  186).
• If the meausred value is out of the measuring range, diagnostic message Current
output is issued.
In a HART multidrop loop only one device can use the analog current to transmit a
signal. For all other devices one must set:
• Current span = Fixed current
• Fixed current (→  186) = 4 mA

Endress+Hauser 185
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Fixed current 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Fixed current

Prerequisite Current span (→  185) = Fixed current

Description Define constant value of the current.

User entry 4 to 22.5 mA

Factory setting 4 mA

Damping output 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Damping out.

Description Define time constant τ for the damping of the output current.

User entry 0.0 to 999.9 s

Factory setting 0.0 s

Additional information Fluctuations of the measured value affect the output current with an exponential delay,
the time constant τ of which is defined in this parameter. With a small time constant the
output reacts immediately to changes of the measrued value. With a big time constant the
reaction of the output is more delayed. For τ = 0 (factory setting) there is no damping.

Failure mode 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Failure mode

Prerequisite Current span (→  185) ≠ Fixed current

Description Select behavior of the output current in case of an error.

Selection • Min.
• Max.
• Last valid value
• Actual value
• Defined value

Factory setting Max.

186 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Min.
The current output adopts the value of the lower alarm level according to the Current
span parameter (→  185).
• Max.
The current output adopts the value of the upper alarm level according to the Current
span parameter (→  185).
• Last valid value
The current remains constant at the last value it hat before the error occurred.
• Actual value
The output current follows the actual measured value; the error is ignored.
• Defined value
The output current assumes the value defined in the Failure current parameter
(→  187).
The error behavior of other output channels is not influenced by these settings but is
defined in separate parameters.

Failure current 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Failure current

Prerequisite Failure mode (→  186) = Defined value

Description Enter current output value in alarm condition.

User entry 3.59 to 22.5 mA

Factory setting 22.5 mA

Output current 1 to 2

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Curr.output 1 to 2 → Output curr. 1 to 2

Description Displays calculated output current.

Endress+Hauser 187
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Switch output" submenu

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output

Switch output function 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch out funct

Description Select function for switch output.

Selection • Off
• On
• Diagnostic behavior
• Limit
• Digital Output

Factory setting Off

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Off
The output is always open (non-conductive).
• On
The output is always closed (conductive).
• Diagnostic behavior
The output is normally closed and is only opened if a diagnostic event is present. The
Assign diagnostic behavior parameter (→  189) determines for which type of event
the output is opened.
• Limit
The output is normally closed and is only opened if a measured variable exceeds or falls
below a defined limit. The limit values are defined by the following parameters:
– Assign limit (→  189)
– Switch-on value (→  190)
– Switch-off value (→  191)
• Digital Output
The switching state of the output tracks the output value of a DI function block. The
function block is selected in the Assign status parameter (→  188).
The Off and On options can be used to simulate the switch output.

Assign status 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Assign status

Prerequisite Switch output function (→  188) = Digital Output

Description Select device status for switch output.

Selection • Off
• Digital output AD 1
• Digital output AD 2

188 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Factory setting Off

Additional information The Digital output AD 1 and Digital output AD 2 options refer to the Advanced
Diagnostic Blocks. A switch signal generated in these blocks can be transmitted via the
switch output.

Assign limit 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Assign limit

Prerequisite Switch output function (→  188) = Limit

Description Select process variable for limit monitoring.

Selection • Off
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface linearized *
• Interface distance *
• Thickness upper layer *
• Terminal voltage
• Electronic temperature
• Measured capacitance *
• Relative echo amplitude
• Relative interface amplitude *
• Absolute echo amplitude
• Absolute interface amplitude *

Factory setting Off

Assign diagnostic behavior 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Assign diag. beh

Prerequisite Switch output function (→  188) = Diagnostic behavior

Description Select diagnostic behavior for switch output.

Selection • Alarm
• Alarm or warning
• Warning

Factory setting Alarm

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

Endress+Hauser 189
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Switch-on value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch-on value

Prerequisite Switch output function (→  188) = Limit

Description Enter measured value for the switch-on point.

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0

Additional information The switching behavior depends on the relative position of the Switch-on value and
Switch-off value parameters:
Switch-on value > Switch-off value
– The output is closed if the measured value is larger than Switch-on value.
– The output is opened if the measured value is smaller than Switch-off value.




A Switch-on value
B Switch-off value
C Output closed (conductive)
D Output opened (non-conductive)

Switch-on value < Switch-off value

– The output is closed if the measured value is smaller than Switch-on value.
– The output is opened if the measured value is larger than Switch-off value.

190 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu




A Switch-on value
B Switch-off value
C Output closed (conductive)
D Output opened (non-conductive)

Switch-on delay 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch-on delay

Prerequisite • Switch output function (→  188) = Limit

• Assign limit (→  189) ≠ Off

Description Define switch-on delay.

User entry 0.0 to 100.0 s

Factory setting 0.0 s

Switch-off value 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch-off value

Prerequisite Switch output function (→  188) = Limit

Description Enter measured value for the switch-off point.

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0

Additional information The switching behavior depends on the relative position of the Switch-on value and
Switch-off value parameters; description: see the Switch-on value parameter
(→  190).

Endress+Hauser 191
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Switch-off delay 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch-off delay

Prerequisite • Switch output function (→  188) = Limit

• Assign limit (→  189) ≠ Off

Description Define switch-off delay.

User entry 0.0 to 100.0 s

Factory setting 0.0 s

Failure mode 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Failure mode

Description Define output behavior in alarm condition.

Selection • Actual status

• Open
• Closed

Factory setting Open

Switch status

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Switch status

Description Displays the current state of the switch output.

Invert output signal 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Switch output → Invert outp.sig.

Description Specify whether the output signal is to be inverted.

Selection • No
• Yes

Factory setting No

192 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the options

• No
The behavior of the switch output is as described above.
• Yes
The states Open and Closed are inverted as compared to the description above.

Endress+Hauser 193
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Display" submenu
The Display submenu is only visible if a display module is connected to the device.

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display


Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Language

Description Set display language.

Selection • English
• Deutsch *
• Français *
• Español *
• Italiano *
• Nederlands *
• Portuguesa *
• Polski *
• русский язык (Russian) *
• Svenska *
• Türkçe *
• 中文 (Chinese) *
• 日本語 (Japanese) *
• 한국어 (Korean) *
• Bahasa Indonesia *
• tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) *
• čeština (Czech) *

Factory setting The language selected in feature 500 of the product structure.
If no language has been selected: English

Format display

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Format display

Description Select how measured values are shown on the display.

Selection • 1 value, max. size

• 1 bargraph + 1 value
• 2 values
• 1 value large + 2 values
• 4 values

Factory setting 1 value, max. size

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

194 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information

1 Â mm

 45 "Format display" = "1 value, max. size"

1 Â
93.5 %
1 Â 159.0

 46 "Format display" = "1 bargraph + 1 value"

1 Â 93.5
1 Â 159.0

 47 "Format display" = "2 values"

1 Â 159.0 mm
V 1 Â 23.5 V
1 Â 93.5

 48 "Format display" = "1 value large + 2 values"

1 Â 93.5 %
1 Â 159.0 mm
V 1 Â 93.5 V
1 Â 26.3 °C


 49 "Format display" = "4 values"

• The Value 1 to 4 display →  196 parameters specify which measured values are
shown on the display and in which order.
• If more measured values are specified than the current display mode permits, the
values alternate on the device display. The display time until the next change is
configured in the Display interval parameter (→  197).

Endress+Hauser 195
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Value 1 to 4 display 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Value 1 display

Description Select the measured value that is shown on the local display.

Selection • None 14)

• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface linearized
• Interface distance
• Thickness upper layer
• Current output 1 15)
• Measured current
• Current output 2
• Terminal voltage
• Electronic temperature
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 1
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 2

Factory setting For level measurements

• Value 1 display: Level linearized
• Value 2 display: Distance
• Value 3 display: Current output 1
• Value 4 display: None
For interface measurements and one current output
• Value 1 display: Interface linearized
• Value 2 display: Level linearized
• Value 3 display: Thickness upper layer
• Value 4 display: Current output 1
For interface measurements and two current outputs
• Value 1 display: Interface linearized
• Value 2 display: Level linearized
• Value 3 display: Current output 1
• Value 4 display: Current output 2

Decimal places 1 to 4 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Decimal places 1

Description Select the number of decimal places for the display value.

Selection •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xx

14) can not be selected for the 'Value 1 display" parameter.

15) Visibility depends on order options or device settings

196 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information The setting does not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device.

Display interval

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Display interval

Description Set time measured values are shown on display if display alternates between values.

User entry 1 to 10 s

Factory setting 5s

Additional information This parameter is only relevant if the number of selected measuring values exceeds the
number of values the selected display format can display simultaneously.

Display damping 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Display damping

Description Define display reaction time to fluctuations in the measured value.

User entry 0.0 to 999.9 s

Factory setting 0.0 s

Header 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Header

Description Select header contents on local display.

Selection • Device tag

• Free text

Factory setting Device tag

Endress+Hauser 197
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional information


1 Position of the header text on the display

Meaning of the options

• Device tag
Is defined in the Device tag parameter (→  138).
• Free text
Is defined in the Header text parameter (→  198).

Header text 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Header text

Prerequisite Header (→  197) = Free text

Description Enter display header text.

Factory setting ------------

Additional information The number of characters which can be displayed depends on the characters used.

Separator 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Separator

Description Select decimal separator for displaying numerical values.

Selection •.

Factory setting .

Number format 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Number format

Description Choose number format for the display.

Selection • Decimal
• ft-in-1/16''

198 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Factory setting Decimal

Additional information The ft-in-1/16'' option is only valid for distance units.

Decimal places menu 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Dec. places menu

Description Select number of decimal places for the representation of numbers within the operating

Selection •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xxxx

Additional information • Is only valid for numbers in the operating menu (e.g. Empty calibration, Full
calibration), but not for the measured value display. The number of decimal places for
the measured value display is defined in the Decimal places 1 to 4 →  196
• The setting does not affect the accuracy of the measurement or the calculations.


Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Backlight

Prerequisite The device has the SD03 local display (with optical keys).

Description Switch the local display backlight on and off.

Selection • Disable
• Enable

Factory setting Disable

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Disable
Switches the backlight off.
• Enable
Switches the backlight on.
Regardless of the setting in this parameter the backlight may be automatically
switched off by the device if the supply voltage is too low.

Endress+Hauser 199
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Contrast display

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Display → Contrast display

Description Adjust local display contrast setting to ambient conditions (e.g. lighting or reading angle).

User entry 20 to 80 %

Factory setting Dependent on the display.

Additional information Setting the contrast via push-buttons:

• Darker: press the and buttons simultaneously.

• Brighter: press the and buttons simultaneously.


200 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

"Configuration backup display" submenu

This submenu is only visible if a display module is connected to the device.

The configuration of the device can be saved to the display module at a certain point of
time (backup). The saved configurateion can be restored to the device if required, e.g. in
order to bring the device back into a defined state. The configuration can also be
transferred to a different device of the same type using the display module.
Configurations can only be exchanged between devices which are in the same
operating mode (see the Operating mode parameter (→  138)).

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp

Operating time

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp → Operating time

Description Indicates how long the device has been in operation.

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Additional information Maximum time

9 999 d ( ≈ 27 years)

Last backup

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp → Last backup

Description Indicates when the last data backup was saved to the display module.

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Configuration management 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp → Config. managem.

Description Select action for managing the device data in the display module.

Selection • Cancel
• Execute backup
• Restore
• Duplicate
• Compare
• Clear backup data

Factory setting Cancel

Endress+Hauser 201
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Cancel
No action is executed and the user exits the parameter.
• Execute backup
A backup copy of the current device configuration in the HistoROM (built-in in the
device) is saved to the display module of the device.
• Restore
The last backup copy of the device configuration is copied from the display module to the
HistoROM of the device.
• Duplicate
The transmitter configuration is duplicated to another device using the transmitter
display module. The following parameters, which characterize the individual measuring
point are not included in the transmitted configuration:
– HART date code
– HART short tag
– HART message
– HART descriptor
– HART address
– Device tag
– Medium type
• Compare
The device configuration saved in the display module is compared to the current device
configuration of the HistoROM. The result of this comparison is displayed in the
Comparison result parameter (→  202).
• Clear backup data
The backup copy of the device configuration is deleted from the display module of the
While this action is in progress, the configuration cannot be edited via the local
display and a message on the processing status appears on the display.
If an existing backup is restored to a different device using the Restore option, it may
occur that some device functionalities are no longer available. In some cases even a
device reset will not restore the original status.
In order to transmit a configuration to a different device, the Duplicate option should
always be used.

Backup state

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp → Backup state

Description Displays which backup action is currently in progress.

Comparison result

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Conf.backup disp → Compar. result

Description Displays the comparison result between the device and the display.

202 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the display options

• Settings identical
The current device configuration of the HistoROM is identical to the backup copy in the
display module.
• Settings not identical
The current device configuration of the HistoROM is not identical to the backup copy in
the display module.
• No backup available
There is no backup copy of the device configuration of the HistoROM in the display
• Backup settings corrupt
The current device configuration of the HistoROM is corrupt or not compatible with the
backup copy in the display module.
• Check not done
The device configuration of the HistoROM has not yet been compared to the backup copy
in the display module.
• Dataset incompatible
The data sets are incompatible and can not be compared.
To start the comparison, set Configuration management (→  201) = Compare.

If the transmitter configuration has been duplicated from a different device by

Configuration management (→  201) = Duplicate, the new device configuration
in the HistoROM is only partially identical to the configuration stored in the display
module: Sensor specific properties (e.g. the mapping curve) are not duplicated. Thus,
the result of the comparison will be Settings not identical.

Endress+Hauser 203
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Administration" submenu

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration

Define access code 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Def. access code

Description Define release code for write access to parameters.

User entry 0 to 9 999

Factory setting 0

Additional information If the factory setting is not changed or 0 is defined as the access code, the parameters
are not write-protected and the configuration data of the device can then always be
modified. The user is logged on in the Maintenance role.
The write protection affects all parameters marked with the symbol in this
document. On the local display, the symbol in front of a parameter indicates that
the parameter is write-protected.
Once the access code has been defined, write-protected parameters can only be
modified if the access code is entered in the Enter access code parameter
(→  153).
Please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center if you lose your access code.

For display operation: The new access code is only valid after it has been confirmed in
the Confirm access code parameter (→  206).

Device reset 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Device reset

Description Select to which state the device is to be reset.

Selection • Cancel
• To factory defaults
• To delivery settings
• Of customer settings
• To transducer defaults
• Restart device

Factory setting Cancel

204 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Additional information Meaning of the options

• Cancel
No action
• To factory defaults
All parameters are reset to the order-code specific factory setting.
• To delivery settings
All parameters are reset to the delivery setting. The delivery setting may differ from the
factory default if customer specific settings have been ordered.
This option is only visible if customer specific settings have been ordered.
• Of customer settings
All customer parameters are reset to their factory setting. Service parameters, however,
remain unchanged.
• To transducer defaults
Every measurment-related parameter is reset to its factory setting. Service parameters
and communication-related parameters, however, remain unchanged.
• Restart device
The restart resets every parameter which is stored in the volatile memory (RAM) to the
factory setting (e.g. measured value data). The device configuration remains unchanged.

Endress+Hauser 205
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Define access code" wizard

The Define access code wizard is only available when operating via the local display.
When operating via an operating tool, the Define access code parameter is located
directly in the Administration submenu. The Confirm access code parameter is not
available for operation via operating tool.

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Def. access code

Define access code 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Def. access code → Def. access code

Description →  204

Confirm access code 

Navigation  Setup → Advanced setup → Administration → Def. access code → Confirm code

Description Confirm the entered access code.

User entry 0 to 9 999

Factory setting 0

206 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.4 "Diagnostics" menu

Navigation  Diagnostics

Actual diagnostics

Navigation  Diagnostics → Actual diagnos.

Description Displays current diagnostic message.

Additional information The display consists of:

• Symbol for event behavior
• Code for diagnostic behavior
• Operating time of occurrence
• Event text
If several messages are active at the same time, the messages with the highest
priority is displayed.
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy measures, can be viewed via
the symbol on the display.


Navigation  Diagnostics → Timestamp

Description Displays timestamp for the Actual diagnostics parameter (→  207).

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Previous diagnostics

Navigation  Diagnostics → Prev.diagnostics

Description Displays the last diagnostic message which has been active before the current message.

Additional information The display consists of:

• Symbol for event behavior
• Code for diagnostic behavior
• Operating time of occurrence
• Event text
The condition displayed may still apply. Information on what is causing the message,
and remedy measures, can be viewed via the symbol on the display.

Endress+Hauser 207
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART


Navigation  Diagnostics → Timestamp

Description Displays timestamp for the Previous diagnostics parameter (→  207).

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Operating time from restart

Navigation  Diagnostics → Time fr. restart

Description Displays the time the device has been in operation since the last device restart.

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Operating time

Navigation  Diagnostics → Operating time

Description Indicates how long the device has been in operation.

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Additional information Maximum time

9 999 d ( ≈ 27 years)

208 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.4.1 "Diagnostic list" submenu

Navigation  Diagnostics → Diagnostic list

Diagnostics 1 to 5

Navigation  Diagnostics → Diagnostic list → Diagnostics 1 to 5

Description Display the current diagnostics messages with the highest to fifth-highest priority.

Additional information The display consists of:

• Symbol for event behavior
• Code for diagnostic behavior
• Operating time of occurrence
• Event text

Timestamp 1 to 5

Navigation  Diagnostics → Diagnostic list → Timestamp

Description Displays timestamp for the Diagnostics 1 to 5 parameter (→  209).

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s)

Endress+Hauser 209
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.4.2 "Event logbook" submenu

The Event logbook submenu is only available when operating via the local display.
When operating via FieldCare, the event list can be displayed in the FieldCare
function "Event List / HistoROM".

Navigation  Diagnostics → Event logbook

Filter options 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Event logbook → Filter options

Description Select category (status signal) whose event messages are displayed in the events list.

Selection • All
• Failure (F)
• Function check (C)
• Out of specification (S)
• Maintenance required (M)
• Information (I)

Factory setting All

Additional information • This parameter is only used for operation via the local display.
• The status signals are categorized according to NAMUR NE 107.

"Event list" submenu

The Event list submenu displays the history of past events of the category selected in the
Filter options parameter (→  210). A maximum of 100 events are displayed in
chronological order.
The following symbols indicate whether an event has occurred or has ended:
• : Event has occurred
• : Event has ended
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy instructions, can be viewed
via the -button.
Display format
• For event messages in category I: information event, event text, "recording event" symbol
and time the event occurred
• For event messages in category F, M, C, S (status signal): diagnostics event, event text,
"recording event" symbol and time the event occurred

Navigation  Diagnostics → Event logbook → Event list

210 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.4.3 "Device information" submenu

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info

Device tag

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Device tag

Description Enter the name for the measuring point.

Factory setting FMP5x

Serial number

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Serial number

Description Displays serial number of the device.

Additional information Uses of the serial number

• To identify the device quickly, e.g. when contacting Endress+Hauser.
• To obtain specific information on the device using the Device Viewer:
The serial number is also indicated on the nameplate.

Firmware version

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Firmware version

Description Indicates the installed Firmware version.

User interface xx.yy.zz

Additional information For firmware versions differing only in the last two digits ("zz") there is no difference
concerning functionality or operation.

Device name

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Device name

Description Displays device name.

Endress+Hauser 211
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Order code 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Order code

Description Displays order code of the device.

Additional information The order code is generated from the extended roder code, which defines all device
features of the product structure. In contrast, the device features can not be read directly
from the order code.

Extended order code 1 to 3 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Ext. order cd. 1 to 3

Description Displays the three parts of the extended order code.

Additional information The extended order code indicates the version of all the features of the product structure
and thus uniquely identifies the device.

Device revision

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Device revision

Description Displays the device revision registered for this device at the HART Communication

Additional information The device revision is used to allocate the correct Device Description file (DD) to the device.

Device ID

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Device ID

Description Displays Device ID.

Additional information In addition to the Device type and Manufacturer ID, the Device ID is part of the unique
device identification (Unique ID) which characterizes each HART device unambiguously.

212 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Device type

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Device type

Description Displays the device type with which the device is registered with the the HART
Communication Foundation.

Additional information The device type is needed to allocate the correct Device Description file (DD) to the device.

Manufacturer ID

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device info → Manufacturer ID

Description Displays the manufactured ID with which the device is registered with the HART
Communication Foundation.

Endress+Hauser 213
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.4.4 "Measured values" submenu

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val.


Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Distance

Description Displays the measured distance DL between the reference point (lower edge of the flange
or threaded connection) and the level.

Additional information



 50 Distance for liquid measurements




 51 Distance for interface measurements

The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

214 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Level linearized

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Level linearized

Description Displays linearized level.

Additional information • The unit is defined by the Unit after linearization parameter →  169.
• For interface measurements, this parameter always refers to the total level.

Interface distance

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Interface dist.

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the measured distance DI between the reference point (lower edge of flange or
threaded connection) and the interface.

Additional information




The unit is defined in the Distance unit parameter (→  138).

Interface linearized

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Interf. lineariz

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the linearized interface height.

Additional information The unit is defined in the Unit after linearization parameter →  169.

Endress+Hauser 215
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Thickness upper layer

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Thickn.upp.layer

Prerequisite Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

Description Displays the upper interface thickness (UP).

Additional information



UP Thickness upper layer

The unit is defined by the Unit after linearization parameter →  169.

Output current 1 to 2

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Output curr. 1 to 2

Description Displays calculated output current.

Measured current 1

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Measur. curr. 1

Prerequisite Only available for current output 1

Description Displays the measured value of the output current.

216 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Terminal voltage 1

Navigation  Diagnostics → Measured val. → Terminal volt. 1

Description Dipslays terminal voltage at the current output.

Endress+Hauser 217
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.4.5 "Data logging" submenu

Navigation  Diagnostics → Data logging

Assign channel 1 to 4 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Data logging → Assign chan. 1 to 4

Description Allocate a process variable to the respective data logging channel.

Selection • Off
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Unfiltered distance
• Interface linearized *
• Interface distance *
• Unfiltered interface distance
• Thickness upper layer *
• Current output 1
• Measured current
• Current output 2 *
• Terminal voltage
• Electronic temperature
• Measured capacitance *
• Absolute echo amplitude
• Relative echo amplitude
• Absolute interface amplitude *
• Relative interface amplitude *
• Absolute EOP amplitude
• EOP shift
• Noise of signal
• Calculated DC value *
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 1
• Analog output adv. diagnostics 2

Factory setting Off

Additional information A total of 1000 measured values can be logged. This means:
• 1000 data points if 1 logging channel is used
• 500 data points if 2 logging channels are used
• 333 data points if 3 logging channels are used
• 250 data points if 4 logging channels are used
If the maximum number of data points is reached, the oldest data points in the data log
are cyclically overwritten in such a way that the last 1000, 500, 333 or 250 measured
values are always in the log (ring memory principle).
The logged data are deleted if a new option is selected in this parameter.

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

218 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Logging interval 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Data logging → Logging interval

Description Define logging interval tlog.

User entry 1.0 to 3 600.0 s

Factory setting 30.0 s

Additional information This parameter defines the interval between the individual data points in the data log, and
thus the maximum loggable process time T log :
• If 1 logging channel is used: T log = 1000 ⋅ t log
• If 2 logging channels are used: T log = 500 ⋅ t log
• If 3 logging channels are used: T log = 333 ⋅ t log
• If 4 logging channels are used: T log = 250 ⋅ t log
Once this time elapses, the oldest data points in the data log are cyclically overwritten such
that a time of T log always remains in the memory (ring memory principle).
The logged data are deleted if this parameter is changed.

When using 1 logging channel
• Tlog = 1000 ⋅ 1 s = 1 000 s ≈ 16.5 min
• Tlog = 1000 ⋅ 10 s = 1 000 s ≈ 2.75 h
• Tlog = 1000 ⋅ 80 s = 80 000 s ≈ 22 h
• Tlog = 1000 ⋅ 3 600 s = 3 600 000 s ≈ 41 d

Clear logging data 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Data logging → Clear logging

Description Initiate a deletion of the complete logging memory.

Selection • Cancel
• Clear data

Factory setting Cancel

Endress+Hauser 219
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

"Display channel 1 to 4" submenu

The Display channel 1 to 4 submenus are only available for operation via the local
display. When operating via FieldCare, the logging diagram can be displayed in the
FieldCare function "Event List / HistoROM" .
The Display channel 1 to 4 submenus invoke a diagram of the logging history of the
respective channel.

• x-axis: depending on the number of selected channels, 250 to 1000 measured values of
a process variable are displayed.
• y-axis: covers the approximate measured value span and constantly adapts this to the
To return to the operating menu, press  and  simultaneaously.

Navigation  Diagnostics → Data logging → 1 to 4

220 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

16.4.6 "Simulation" submenu

The Simulation submenu is used to simulate specific measuring values or other
conditions. This helps to check the correct configuration of the device and connected
control units.

Conditions which can be simulated

Condition to be simulated Associated parameters

Specific value of a process variable • Assign measurement variable (→  223)

• Process variable value (→  223)

Specific value of the output current • Current output simulation (→  224)

• Value current output (→  224)

Specific state of the switch output • Switch output simulation (→  224)

• Switch status (→  225)

Existence of an alarm Device alarm simulation (→  225)

Existence of a specific diagnostic message Diagnostic event simulation (→  225)

Endress+Hauser 221
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Structure of the submenu

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation

‣ Simulation

Assign measurement variable →  223

Process variable value →  223

Current output 1 to 2 simulation →  224

Value current output 1 to 2 →  224

Switch output simulation →  224

Switch status →  225

Device alarm simulation →  225

Diagnostic event simulation →  225

222 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Description of parameters

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation

Assign measurement variable 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Assign meas.var.

Description Selct process variable to be simulated.

Selection • Off
• Level
• Interface *
• Thickness upper layer *
• Level linearized
• Interface linearized
• Thickness linearized

Factory setting Off

Additional information • The value of the variable to be simulated is defined in the Process variable value
parameter (→  223).
• If Assign measurement variable ≠ Off, a simulation is active. This is indicated by a
diagnotic message of the Function check (C) category.

Process variable value 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Proc. var. value

Prerequisite Assign measurement variable (→  223) ≠ Off

Description Specify value of the process value being simulated.

User entry Signed floating-point number

Factory setting 0

Additional information Downstream measured value processing and the signal output use this simulation value. In
this way, users can verify whether the measuring device has been configured correctly.

* Visibility depends on order options or device settings

Endress+Hauser 223
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

Current output 1 to 2 simulation 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Curr.out. 1 to 2 sim.

Description Switch the simulation of the current output on or off.

Selection • Off
• On

Factory setting Off

Additional information An active simulation is indicated by a diagnostic message of the Function check (C)

Value current output 1 to 2 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Value curr.out 1 to 2

Prerequisite Current output simulation (→  224) = On

Description Enter current value for the simulation

User entry 3.59 to 22.5 mA

Factory setting 3.59 mA

Additional information The current output assumes the value specified in this parameter. In this way, users can
verify the correct adjustment of the current output and the correct function of connected
control units.

Switch output simulation 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Switch sim.

Description Switch the simulation of the switch output on or off.

Selection • Off
• On

Factory setting Off

224 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Switch status 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Switch status

Prerequisite Switch output simulation (→  224) = On

Description Define the switch state to be simulated.

Selection • Open
• Closed

Factory setting Open

Additional information The switch status assumes the value defined in this parameter. This helps to check correct
operation of connected control units.

Device alarm simulation 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Dev. alarm sim.

Description Switch alarm simulation on or off.

Selection • Off
• On

Factory setting Off

Additional information When selecting the On option, the device generates an alarm. This helps to check the
correct output behavior of the device in the case of an alarm.
An active simulation is indicated by the diagnostic message C484 Failure mode

Diagnostic event simulation 

Navigation  Expert → Diagnostics → Simulation → Diag. event sim.

Prerequisite Access status display (→  153)/Access status tooling (→  152) = Service

Description Select diagnostic event to be simulated.

Factory setting Off

Additional information When operated via the local display, the selection list can be filtered according to the event
categories (Diagnostic event category parameter).

Endress+Hauser 225
Operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART

16.4.7 "Device check" submenu

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check

Start device check 

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Start dev. check

Description Start a device check.

Selection • No
• Yes

Factory setting No

Additional information In the case of a lost echo a device check can not be performed.

Result device check

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Result dev.check

Description Displays the result of the device check.

Additional information Meaning of the display options

• Installation ok
Measurement possible without restrictions.
• Accuracy reduced
A measurement is possible. However, the measuring accuracy may be reduced due to the
signal amplitudes.
• Measurement capability reduced
A measurement is currently possible. Howerver, there is the risk of an echo loss. Check
the mounting position of the device and the dielectric constant of the medium.
• Check not done
No device check has been performed.

Last check time

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Last check time

Description Displays the operating time at which the last device check has been performed.

226 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 HART Operating menu

Level signal

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Level signal

Prerequisite Device check has been performed.

Description Displays result of the device check for the level signal.

User interface • Check not done

• Check not OK
• Check OK

Additional information For Level signal = Check not OK: Check the mounting position of the device and the
dielectric constant of the medium.

Launch signal

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Launch signal

Prerequisite Device check has been performed.

Description Displays result of the display check for the launch signal.

User interface • Check not done

• Check not OK
• Check OK

Additional information For Launch signal = Check not OK: Check the mounting position of the device. In non-
metallic vessels use a metal plate or a metal flange.

Interface signal

Navigation  Diagnostics → Device check → Interface signal

Prerequisite • Operating mode (→  138) = Interface or Interface with capacitance

• Device check has been performed.

Description Displays result of the device check for the interface signal.

User interface • Check not done

• Check not OK
• Check OK

Endress+Hauser 227

A Current span (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Access authorization to parameters Customer value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Read access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Write access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 D
Access code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Damping output (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Incorrect input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Data logging (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Access status display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 DC value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146, 162, 164
Access status tooling (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 DC value lower medium (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Accessories DD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Communication specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Deactivate SIL/WHG (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Device specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Decimal places 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Service specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Decimal places menu (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Activate table (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Actual diagnostics (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Define access code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Administration (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Define access code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 204, 206
Advanced process conditions (Parameter) . . . . . . . . 156 Define access code (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Advanced setup (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Device alarm simulation (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Residual risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Device check (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Assign channel 1 to 4 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Device Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Assign current output (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Device ID (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Assign diagnostic behavior (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 189 Device information (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Assign limit (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Device name (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Assign measurement variable (Parameter) . . . . . . . . 223 Device replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Assign status (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Device reset (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Automatic DC calculation (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Device revision (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Device tag (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138, 211
B Device type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Backlight (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Diagnostic event
Backup state (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 In the operating tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Blocking distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . 157, 160, 177 Diagnostic event simulation (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . 225
Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Diagnostic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Diagnostic list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
C Diagnostic list (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Calculated DC value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Diagnostic message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
CE mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Diagnostics
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Clear logging data (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Diagnostics (Menu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Coax probe Diagnostics 1 to 5 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Diagnostics event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Coax probes Diameter (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Bending strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 DIP switch
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 see Write protection switch
Code incorrect (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Display (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Comparison result (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Display and operating module FHX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Configuration backup display (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . 201 Display channel 1 to 4 (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Configuration management (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . 201 Display damping (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Configuration of a level measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Display interval (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Configuration of an interface measurement . . . . . . . . 91 Display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Confirm access code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Display symbols for submenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Confirm distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 151 Display symbols for the locking state . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Confirm probe length (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 182, 183 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Context menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143, 151, 214
Contrast display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Distance to upper connection (Parameter) . . . . . . . . 146
Current output 1 to 2 (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Distance unit (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Current output 1 to 2 simulation (Parameter) . . . . . . 224

228 Endress+Hauser

Document I
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Input mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Document function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Interface (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Interface (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
E Interface distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 215
Electrical connection Interface linearized (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 171, 215
Commubox FXA291 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Interface measurement configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Operating tools Interface signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Via service interface (CDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Intermediate height (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Electronics housing Invert output signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Turning K
see Turning the transmitter housing Keypad lock
Empty calibration (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Disabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Enter access code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Switch-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Envelope curve display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Event history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 L
Event level Language (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Last backup (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Last check time (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Event list (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Launch signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Event logbook (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Level (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142, 174
Event text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Level (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Events list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Level correction (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158, 161
Extended order code 1 to 3 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 212 Level linearized (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 215
Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Level measurement configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
External mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Level signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Level unit (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157, 160
F Linearization (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166, 167, 168
Failure current (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Linearization type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Failure mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186, 192 Local display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
FHX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 see Diagnostics message
Filter options (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 see In alarm condition
Filtering the event logbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Locking status (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Firmware version (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Logging interval (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Fixed current (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 M
Format display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Free text (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Manage device configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Full calibration (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Manual thickness upper layer (Parameter) . . . . 161, 164
FV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Manufacturer ID (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Mapping (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
G Mapping end point (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 151
Gas phasen compensation Maximum value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Mounting the probe rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Measured current 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Measured materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
H Measured thickness upper layer (Parameter) . . . . . . 162
Hardware write protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Measured value symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
HART device variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Measured values (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
HART loop converter HMX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Medium group (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
HART protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Medium property (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
HART-Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Medium type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Header (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Menu
Header text (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Heat insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
HMX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Mounting position for level measurements . . . . . . . . . 21
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 N
Non-metallic vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Endress+Hauser 229

Number format (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Securing rod probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Securing rope probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
O Seilsonden
Operating elements Montage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Diagnostics message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Separator (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Operating mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Serial number (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Operating module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Setting the operating language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Operating time (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201, 208 Settings
Operating time from restart (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . 208 Manage device configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Operating language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Order code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Setup (Menu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Output current 1 to 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 187, 216 Signal quality (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Output echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 SIL/WHG confirmation (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Overvoltage protection Simulation (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222, 223
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
P Start device check (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Present mapping (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Status signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 101
Present probe length (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 181, 183 Stilling well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Previous diagnostics (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Submenu
Probe grounded (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Probe length correction (Wizard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Advanced setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Probe settings (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Configuration backup display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Process property (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155, 159 Current output 1 to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Process variable value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Data logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Device check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
PV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Device information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Diagnostic list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
R Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Ramp at echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Display channel 1 to 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Read access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Event list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Record map (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 151 Event logbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Registered trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Events list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Remedial measures Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Calling up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166, 167, 168
Remote operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Measured values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Repair concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Probe settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Replacing a device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Safety settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Requirements for personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222, 223
Reset write protection (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Switch output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Result device check (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 SV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Switch output (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Rod probe Switch output function (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Switch output simulation (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Rod probes Switch status (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192, 225
Bending strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Switch-off delay (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Switch-off value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Rope probe Switch-on delay (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Switch-on value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Rope probes Symbols
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 For correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Tensile load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 In the text and numeric editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Safety instructions T
Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Safety Instructions (XA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table number (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Safety settings (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Tank level (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Securing coax probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

230 Endress+Hauser

Tank type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Terminal voltage 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Thickness upper layer (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Threaded connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Timestamp (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207, 208, 209
Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Turning the display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Turning the housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Transmitter housing
Turning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Trouble shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Tube diameter (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Turning the display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
TV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Underground tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Unit after linearization (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Use calculated DC value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . 163, 164

Value 1 display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Value current output 1 to 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . 224
Value echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

W@M Device Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Automatic DC calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Deactivate SIL/WHG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Define access code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Probe length correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
SIL/WHG confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Write access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Write protection
Via access code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Via write protection switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Write protection switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Endress+Hauser 231

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