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UN Women - Global

Country Title Year Type of Measures

Colombia Law Against 2015 Violence against women > Legislation

Colombia Publications of Research and statistical data > Other

the National research and statistical data
Institute of Legal
Medicine and
Forensic Science
UN Women - Global Database on Violence against Women
Form Of Violence: Femicide Feminicide
Country: Colombia

Form of Violence
Sexual violence

Femicide Feminicide
n - Global Database on Violence against Women
Form Of Violence: Femicide Feminicide
Country: Colombia

Brief Description
The Law Against Femicide No. 1761 of 6 of July 2015, is included in The Criminal Code of the
Republic of Colombia. Article 2 of Law 1761 states: Law 599 of 2000 will have an Article 104A
wording as follows: Femicide. Who causes the death of a woman because of her
womanhood or due to gender identity motives or where any of the following circumstances
have occurred or preceded, be liable to imprisonment of two hundred and fifty (250) months
to five hundred (500) months.
a) To have or have had a family, intimate or coexistence relationship with the victim, of
friendship, companionship or of work and be perpetrator of a cycle of physical, sexual,
psychological or economic violence that preceded the crime against her.
b) To exercise on the body and the life of the woman, acts of gender or sexual exploitation or
actions of oppression and control over her life’s vital choices and her sexuality.
c) To commit the crime in harnessing of the power relations exerted on women, expressed in
the personal, economic, sexual, military, political or sociocultural hierarchy.
d) To commit the offense in order to cause terror or humiliation to those who are considered
as enemy.
e) That there is history or signs of any type of violence or threats at home, family, work or
school sphere by the perpetrator against the victim or gender violence committed by the
author against the victim, whether the act has been reported or not.
f) That the victim had been held from communications or deprived of her freedom of
movement, whatever the previous time of death of the victim has been.

The National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science produces the annual
publication Forensis: Datos para la vida, which contains analytical descriptions of statistical
behaviour relating to the various forms of violence (homicide, suicide, domestic violence,
intimate partner violence, etc.), which it has derived from statistical consolidation of its
expert appraisals and sexology reports. These statistical analyses include a sociodemographic
description of each form of violence. In 2010, it published Masatugó (meaning a badly
treated woman who does good), reporting on an epidemiological investigation into violence
against women during the period from 2004 to 2008.

Full Text Source of Info

Statement by the Government of Colombia,
Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and
Women's Empowerment (26 September 2015),
p. 3; Colombia's submission for the 2015
Secretary - General's Report on the
implementation of the CSW 57 Agreed
Conclusions on the Elimination and Prevention
of all forms of Violence against women and girls,
p. 4.

%2006%20DE%20JULIO%20DE%202015.pdf "
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target="_blank]Archivo de la Presidencia de la
República de Colombia Agosto 2014 - Diciembre

CEDAW/C/COL/7-8, para. 106.

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