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November 21, 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson

H-232 U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515
Re: “Joe Biden Must Be Impeached - The People Have Seen Enough” Petitions
Dear Speaker Johnson:
Citizens United has collected thousands of signed petitions from concerned citizens who
believe that President Joe Biden must be impeached by the U.S. House of
Representatives without delay.
Never before in American history have a president and his administration deemed
themselves above the law and abused power without reservation. Whether it’s President
Biden’s deadly open border policies, his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan or his
family’s foreign business entanglements, the American people have seen enough.
Biden’s pro-illegal immigration policies have caused a national security crisis,
humanitarian crisis, and fentanyl crisis. Biden’s policies have caused record overdoses,
record illegal crossings, and record “gotaways.” Biden’s border catastrophe is by design;
it was initiated purposefully and is being ignored purposefully. That’s an impeachable
President Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal led to the deaths of thirteen heroic
servicemen and women. Biden lied to the American people about the strength of the
Taliban and asked former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani on a phone call to lie about the
deteriorating situation on the ground in Afghanistan. Biden then abandoned American
citizens and billions of dollars in military equipment on the battlefield in enemy hands.
That’s an impeachable offense.
For nearly three years, President Biden and members of his cabinet have been allowed to
run roughshod and now it’s time for action.
In just ten months since retaking control of the U.S. House, Republican investigators
have diligently put together facts and evidence that have exposed the sitting President of
the United States as a liar and a co-conspirator. Since 2019, Joe Biden has methodically
lied to the American people about his role in his family’s lucrative international influence
peddling operation.
Then-candidate and now President Biden has repeatedly stated he had nothing to do with
Hunter Biden leveraging his name and high office around the globe for millions upon
millions of dollars. Official bank records and electronic communications that have been
released to the public by Congress recently paint a far different picture of what actually
happened. Bank records don’t lie. In fact, the records show millions upon millions of
dollars flowing from foreign sources into the bank accounts of various Biden family
Not only was President Biden keenly aware of what was going on, his lofty positions of
power were the only reason it all came to fruition - he was in fact the linchpin. Engaging
in criminal activity as vice president is an impeachable offense. Becoming compromised
by foreign interests after leaving the vice presidency is impeachable as well.
Impeachment is about facts and evidence and more than enough exist in this case for the
House Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment proceedings against President Joe
Biden. Enclosed is a file containing 33,231 signatures from Americans across the
country who believe the same.


David N. Bossie

Congressman Jim Jordan
Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
2056 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Congressman James Comer
Chairman, House Oversight and Accountability Committee
2410 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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