Becoming The Beast, Part 1 A Primal World

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Becoming the Beast, Part 1: A

Primal World
By Hector Castillo

Despite the trappings of civilization, weʼre all animalistic savages at

heart. In Part 1 of this series, weʼll explore just how central to
humans is sex.

We live in a brave new world.

Our hunter-gatherer days came to an end with the advent of

agriculture, which allowed us to settle permanently in one location
and call it home. This escape from the daily struggles of travel and
hunting allowed us to build and to think.

Humanity gained the time to erect tall structures and new

philosophies. These ideas seeped their way into every citizen's
mind, and our animalistic natures began to shift into something
Eventually, this cohesion of custom and habit we call culture
brought us to the next great leap – the Industrial Revolution. With
new forms of power in our hands, modern technology was born.

Technology quickly evolved into what it is today, granting us the

power to unleash our animal instincts with the touch of a button by
sending some random girl across the sea a picture of our dick.

We may live in civilization, but we are still animals.

Our entire lives still revolve around the most basic of desires – to
fuck, to eat, to kill, and to survive.

Despite our evolution, we still rely on leaders. We need someone to

tell us what to do and how to think. And we choose the most
powerful leaders (or at least the one who makes us feel more
powerful). This was Donald Trumpʼs trump card in the U.S. election.
With slogans like “Make America Great Again” and his focus on
buzzwords like “winning,” he energized his base to feel like winners.
Hillary Clinton, while very popular and persuasive in her own right,
relied on victim mentalities and moral superiority. These make
people feel safe, but not powerful. Whether it's through fear,
respect, or love, we tend to choose the more powerful force to
guide us.

We only value what is useful. If you are not creating, leading, or

destroying on behalf of a culture, you are relegated to the bottom
and given only the meager scraps of the resources. At the heart of
all this is the “givers vs. takers” dichotomy. Those who provide
value are, not so ironically, given the most in return. Powerful
people are given passes for crimes and moral indignities that lower-
value people are not. Whoever is useful to the herd survives.
Whoever is not is left behind.
We pretend to act on logic or virtue, but this is an illusion. We act
because of emotions. You cannot “logically act.” Itʼs an oxymoron.
Logic isnʼt a fuel for action, itʼs the glue that binds thoughts
together. You can want to do something then logically decide itʼs not
the optimal move – if you have good self-discipline – but even that
“better, logical” decision is still based on emotion. You are
sacrificing one desire that is recognized as short term or too
dangerous for a long-term desire that will ultimately provide
more pleasure. Nevertheless, the action is still motivated by
emotion and feeling. Even the grandest philosophies and most
noble virtues are inspired by emotion. We are forever animals
looking for the greatest pleasure and the greatest resources of

This is what civilization is – a big game in which we argue, fight, kill,

and steal to achieve the greatest pleasures available.

There can be virtuous notions behind our killing and stealing, but itʼs
impossible to separate our desires from these acts.

And at the heart of this grand game we play?


The Best Kind of Drug

Sex is the greatest pleasure life has to offer. How do I know? It's

The focal point of almost all religious morality? Sex – who you can
do it with, how often, and how not to let it get out of control.

The root of all violence? Sex. If young folk in the Middle East were
regularly getting laid, the inspiration to join rebel groups like ISIS
would be hindered. People don't do shit like that for no reason. Itʼs
no surprise that the incidence of rape among ISIS fighters is
monstrous and is actually a focal point of their recruitment

Oh, and suicide bombers.

“Do you even know? A lot of people know that they blow
themselves up for virgins. Isnʼt that really important? Isnʼt that
something we should talk about all the time? Cuz you hear about
it in the news, ‘Oh, another crazy suicide bomber!ʼ But you donʼt
hear why they did it. Thatʼs pretty fuckinʼ important! That tells
you a lot about human nature. It tells you a lot about people. Tells
you a lot about the power of the pussy. Because thereʼs nothing
in that neighborhood, folks! Thereʼs nothing in that
neighborhood. Dudes are willing to blow themselves up for the
highly unlikely possibility of a pussy in another dimension.

– Joe Rogan

Sex is the nexus of all our acts. Sure, there are rare men like Nikola
Tesla who give up sex to focus on their passions; but even then,
theyʼre simply trading one pleasure for another.

“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more

interesting than sex.”

– Aldous Huxley

Oh, and Aldous Huxley was a very well-known Lothario. Despite this
quote, he still ravaged countless women (go read the book Swoon
for more details on this).

For the supermajority of mankind, our lives are driven by the

promise of sex.

Men become rich for women. Men sculpt Herculean bodies for
women. Men learn game for women. Men design their entire lives
around getting women, even if they pretend not to. This is why the
MGTOW mentality is so strange to me – why continue living a
normal life if youʼre not going to be with women? Go be a monk
(which is essentially what Nikola Tesla was).

“There are only three things men do exclusively for ourselves:

1. Play video games

2. Get drunk

3. Masturbate

Ladies, you might not realize this, understand this, or even

believe this, but everything else we do is ultimately for you. Men
create art, build businesses, donate to charity, invent things –
really do anything noteworthy – because we want to impress
women, and thus get them to have sex with us. If women didn't
exist, we'd still be naked grunting apes living in caves. In a very
real way, pussy is the key to human civilization.”

– Tucker Max, Assholes Finish First, p. 25

This entire website is designed to teach men how to get laid and
keep getting laid (i.e., relationships). I would find it a bit funny if
someone were to read this article and tell me that sex isnʼt
something theyʼre very passionate about learning how to
consistently obtain.

“Why are you here, then?” I would ask them.

Sex is the focal point of society for a reason.

Itʼs awesome.

It is the highest material good, literally and metaphorically.

Or, maybe, it is a gateway to something even higher.

Sex and Power

““Everything is about sex. Except for sex. Sex is about power.”

– Oscar Wilde

Iʼm tempted to say this is the asymptotic line when unraveling


Are we really chasing sex? Or power? If sex is the focus of all

society, but power is the focus of sex, then maybe weʼre really
chasing power?

But what for? Whatʼs the use of power?

In most cases, sex.

Itʼs not a coincidence that the man with the highest notch count in
human history, Genghis Kahn, was also one of the most powerful
men in history, perhaps the most powerful, at least within the
sphere of material conquest. One in 200 men in the world are direct
descendants of good olʼ Temüjin.

Fidel Castro, a warlord of a more recent time, was estimated to have

slept with 35,000 women by those who actually gathered women
off of the streets and beaches of Cuba for him to shag.

The question is, then: did they become powerful so they could have
access to all the great pussy they wanted?

Probably not. Iʼm sure the joy of killing and winning also fueled their

I mean, Iʼve been in a few fights, and I have to say, that shit was
awesome. I can only imagine what it's like to actually pillage and
Thus, it's irrelevant what the greatest pleasure is. Pleasure rules the
world regardless.

But sex happens to be one of the best, if not the best, pleasure the
material universe has to offer.

In that same Joe Rogan clip I linked to above, Joe talks about flying
in an F-18 jet with the Blue Angels and how crazy amazing it was to
fly so fast that you have to hyperventilate to avoid losing

But then he concludes with...

“It was so intense! I mean life changing intense… but pussyʼs better.”

A Primal World of Primal Desires Where Pussy Rules

Whatʼs the point of this thesis of “All you care about is pussy, ya
dirty ape!”?

Firstly, to accept it. Accept that pussy rules your life – for the most

If it doesnʼt rule your life, well, congratulations, youʼre a Buddha.

For everyone else, chances are you sleep, wake up and strive, fight,
and live for pussy.

If that makes you feel like a bitch, donʼt worry, women are as
enslaved to cock as we are to pussy.

Kind of.

“Dick doesnʼt have nearly the same kind of pull. Thereʼs no

chicks willing to blow themselves up for dick.”
– Joe Rogan

Women are guaranteed dick. Guaranteed.

What they look for is the quality of the dick and for someone to help
raise and protect the consequence of the dick-pussy union:
children. And because of the latter situation, theyʼre usually not
willing to die for a man. Only the greatest of lovers can drive women
so mad that theyʼre willing to duel each other for cock (Armand de
Vignerot du Plessis, 3rd Duke of Richelieu, managed to have two
women dress up as Amazonian warriors and literally duel with
pistols over him).

However, in most scenarios, women are not going to fight with their
lives for dick. Theyʼll fight with their words though. Thatʼs their
weapon of choice, and itʼs much more effective when considering
survival rates. Far smaller risk of death for idle gossip.

As men, weʼre stuck with fighting. I donʼt necessarily mean fighting

over a girl in a club (but we will talk about that in this series), but you
are going to have to fight in life if you want access to pussy.

Usually, only winners get pussy (or at least good pussy).

That fighting spirit is the heart of your masculinity. The destroyer.
The Unstoppable Force that conquers all he sees.

And your purest manifestation of this?

The animal – the barbarian – the beast within.

And our goal with this series is to tap that beast on the shoulder and
wake him up.


Because the world is a savage place. Only savage men win in

savage places.

So letʼs get savage,


READ NEXT: “Becoming the Beast, Part 2: Unchain the

About the Author: Hector Castillo

Hector Castillo is the webʼs top expert on

getting laid in college. In his small town
university, he went from World of Warcraft
nerd to president of his fraternity in 4
years... And on the way, he bedded close
to 50 women. His book King of College is
due out soon. Listen to the 40-minute interview with Hector on
his story and some of his prized tech... and sign up for a 12-week
coaching course with him, here:



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