NARA Initial Response Redacted

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Colin Aamot

Dear Mr. Aamot:

This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated October 19,
2023 for access to Biden Vice Presidential records pertaining to the creation of Vice President
Biden’s alias/pseudonym email accounts and related policy documents covering non-standard
accounts in the Executive Office of the President. Your request was received by the Archival
Operations Division on October 19, 2023. FOIA requests for Biden Vice Presidential records are
processed and reviewed for access under provisions of the 1978 Presidential Records Act, as
amended (PRA) (44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209), which incorporates the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. § 552) in substantial part.

We have performed a search of our collection for Vice Presidential records related to your request
and have identified approximately 731 electronic files of potentially responsive records that must
be processed in order to respond to your request. Please keep in mind that these totals are an
estimate and that all material processed may not be applicable to your specific topic.

The staff of the Archival Operations Division is currently processing and reviewing FOIA requests
that precede your request. To treat everyone equitably, we have placed your request in our simple
queue by the date it was received in our office.

FOIA requests are processed and reviewed for access under provisions of the PRA and FOIA and are
subject to the provisions of NARA regulations at 36 C.F.R. § 1270.46, which require that we notify
the representatives of the former President and the incumbent President and the former Vice
President prior to the release of any Vice Presidential records. Also, it should be noted that
documents processed in response to your request may be closed in whole or part in compliance
with applicable PRA restrictions and FOIA exemptions.

When processing is complete and the notification period has passed, we will inform you of the
availability of the requested records. At that point, you may request copies of these records at a
reproduction fee of $0.80 per page, or you can choose to view these documents in the research
room in the National Archives Building where a self-service copier is available for the price of $0.25
a page.
If you have any questions regarding your FOIA request, please contact our staff at 202-357-5200 or
[email protected]. Your case log number is 2024-0012-F. Please have this number
accessible for reference during any future contact concerning this FOIA request.


Archival Operations Division

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