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AnendeavorofJohnM. Stater,whowouldliketo extendhismostheartfelt thankstohiswifeand daughter,whohaveputup withhisincessantwritingand frettingoverthislittlePDFfor weeks. Iwouldalsoliketothankall ofthefolkswhohave followedmyblogand encouragedmewiththeir comments.Yourinterest meansmoretomethanyou canknow! CheckouttheLANDOF NODTMBlogat morearticles.


Issue 1 | May 2010

FeatureArticle:TheWyvernCoast WelcometoNod CoinsoftheRealm FightingMenofNod Boons&Benefactions WiseWomen&CunningMen TheGodsofNod:Ophir DenizensoftheDarkContinent Beastmen,Centaurs&MechanicalMen YourMindWillBend RandomVillageGenerator 10 1 2 3 8 70 72 76 78 80 82


AnArabCaravan(1886) byAlbertoPasini(18261889) PasiniwasanItalianpainterintheOrientalistschool.

Welcome to NOD!

Iliketokeepthingssimple.Mypersonalruleforcampaign design is: Create nothing you dont absolutely need to create, and nothing that does not facilitate adventure. If yourenotrunningagameinwhichadventurersaregoing to engage in deep, political intrigues at court, then dont botherdesigningapoliticalsystemandthepoliticalpower players of the aforementioned court. Youre wasting time that could bespent designing something your players are goingtosee,hear,touch,smell,taste,fight,etc.Afterall, mostRefereeshavelivesoutsideofthegame,includingfull timejobsandfamilies.WhenIhavetimetocreate,Iwant togetthemostbangformybuck. TM WhenitcametodesigningTHELANDOFNOD ,Istarted intheveinofmanyclassiccampaigns.Idrewamapofthe continents, penciled in national borders, threw in some settlements,grabbedthecoolestheraldrythatIcouldfind and ended up with a nice little encyclopedia of facts and figures that never once came into play once my players bootshittheground.Inshort,IforgotthatIwasdesigning a game setting and got caught up in the fun, for me at least,ofdesigningmyownlittleworld. Itwastimetoretool.Gonewerethenationstatesandin cameafewislandsofhumancivilizationsurroundedbya vast, chaotic wilderness. Gone were the line maps and in camethehexmaps.Gonewasavastworldwithdozensof regions,andincameatightlyfocusedwell,notsofast. OneofthethingsIlikebestaboutthisplanetweliveonis its diversity. Paging through an atlas, you see things like United States of America and China. Burrow beneath the surface of those black lines that crisscross the globe and you discover thousands of unique cultures, sub cultures, environments, superstitions, myths and folk stories. The internet makes it possible for an average person to discover, on a daily basis, peoples, places and thingsofwhichtheyhadneverheard.Whenyouconsider how different many modern cultures are from your own culture,themindbogglesathowdifferentyouwouldfind culturesthousandsofyearsold. I decided I wanted a fantasy world that was large and diverse. When my players first saw my overall campaign map,therewasimmediateinterestinvisitingtheplaceson it. Places like Amazonia, the Klarkash Mountains and the PlainsoftheEmuRiders.ThatwasthecampaignIwanted; oneinwhichadventurerslefttheboundsofcivilizationto see what was over the next hill, and knowing that AmazoniaandtheVastwoodweregoingtobedramatically

differentplaceswithdifferentcultures,differentsightsand sounds and smells and different, often unique, monsters, despitethefactthatbotharewoodlands. Whatyouseebelow(anditisonlyaportionofthewhole) istheproductofaridiculousnumberofhoursspentfilling in hexes. Every square on that map represents a map measuring approximately 75x45 hexes (the further north orsouthyougo,themorethosemapsarestretched).THE TM LANDOFNOD isdividedintosixcontinents.Totheeast ofMotherOceanaretheMotherlands,myfantasyEurope. To the South is Lemuria, inspired by Africa, India and Southeast Asia. To the east of the Motherlands and Lemuria lies the deadly MuPan Empire. North of that is Ultima Thule, a continent of prehistoric giant mammals and barbarians in fur swimwear. To the west of Mother Ocean is Antilia in the north and Hybresail in the south. Beneaththesurfaceareunderworldvaultsinspiredbypulp fiction and weird fantasy, with the deepest vault holding something akin to Dantes Inferno. Beyond Nod is astral space and a Ptolomaic system of planets to explore. And maybe someday, some adventurer will get all the way to the Firmament at the edge of creation and try to drill throughtowhateverliesbeyond. In short, welcome to my little corner of creation. I hope youfindthearticleshereinusefulinyourowngames,orat theveryleastfueltosparkyourownimagination. JohnM.Stater

The Coin of the Realm


Howbigarefantasyroleplayingcoins?Inoldereditionsof thegame,coinsweremeasuredattentothepound.This wouldgiveusacoinweighing45grams;amassivecointo besure.WhilemassivecoinssuchastheLser,aGerman coin of the 17th century that weighed more than 450 grams, did exist, they were generally rare. The thalers, which were some of the larger coins in European history, weighedbetween15and30gramseachandstillmeasured twicethesizeofamodernU.S.quarter,ora2Eurocoin. Theweightandsizeofsuchcoins,whileimpressiveandnot unlike some of the coins to be found in Hollywood films, canturnintoalogisticalnightmareforplayers(whichsome Refereeswillseeasafeature,ratherthanabug). OtherRefereesandplayersmightthinkthemassivesizeof these fantasy coins, as well as their composition (and devaluation when compared to history), is just too unrealisticfortheirgame.Manypreferasystemofcoinage that approximates Medieval England or France. The most common coin in this system was the silver penny, which weighed 1/240 of a pound. The shilling was a larger coin than the penny, there being 20 shillings in a pound, and thus 12 pennies to a shilling. Pennies were small coins, weighingalmost1.5grams,andquitethin.Ofcourse,more ancientcivilizationhadothersystemsofcoinage,butmost of them revolved around small silver coins. A Referee mightsimplifythissystembyallowingfor200silverpieces tothepound,andthensimplyconvertingpricesalreadyin gold piece prices to prices silver pieces. Moreover, they canstilltreatagoldpieceasbeingworth10silverpieces andcoppercoinsasbeingworth1/10ofasilverpiece.This wouldgiveyouthefollowingsystem: 1Pound=20gp=200sp=2,000cp For my Nod campaign, I chose to maintain the value relationshipofgoldtosilvertocopper,anduseastandard of100coinstothepound.Thisgavetheplayersandmyself an easy, decimal system, and took away most of the logistical headaches of treasure hordes. In addition, and foroldtimessake,Iaddedplatinumandelectrumcoins. What follows is a brief discussion of the different coins used in Nod (and in the Wyvern Coast sandbox in this issue),presentednotonlyforRefereeswhowishtocleave

to this system, but also for those who wish to accurately convert the treasures of the Wyvern Coast to whatever systemtheyprefer. PlatinumPiece(pp) Platinum is difficult to work and thus fairly uncommon in coinage or art. Most platinum pieces in circulation were minted to commemorate special events, and thus should havesomehistoricalrelevance.OneplatinumpieceinNod isworthtengoldpieces. GoldPiece(gp) Gold pieces are less common than silver, and often used forlargetransactions.Theyarethemostcommoncoinage carried by adventurers, whose wealth often rival that of thegreatmerchanthousesandminornobility. ElectrumPiece(ep) Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. Forabrieftimeitwasacommonmaterialforcoinage,but the inability to determine the proportion of gold to silver causedittofalloutoffavor.Mostelectrumcoinsfoundin hordes are, therefore, of ancient manufacture. Electrum piecesareworthonehalfagoldpiece. SilverPiece(sp) Themostcommoncoinsincirculationandthebasisforall economies. Adventurers prefer gold, of course, to lighten theirloads,butthevastmajorityofnonplayercharacters in Nod carry silver coins. One silver piece is worth one tenthofagoldpiece. CopperPiece(cp) Coinswererarelymintedfromcopper.Mostofthecopper pieces in the game would actually have been made of bronze,brass,billonorpotin.Bronzeisanalloyofcopper andtin(80:20).Brassisanalloyofcopperandzinc(90:10). Billonisanalloyofcopperandsilver,withcoppermaking upmorethan50%oftheofthealloy.Potinwasanalloyof copper, lead, tin and zinc. Coppers are carried by the peasantry,whopreferbartertocoinage.Onecopperpiece isworthonehundredthofagoldpiece.

Fighting-Men of Nod
The brave warrior, sword in hand, is probably the arche typal charcter of fantasy literature, from Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser to Conan of Cimmeria to Robin of Locksley. Here,then,aresixclassesmeanttoreplicatesomeofthe mostpopularcharactersoffiction.Thefightingmanisthe redoubtable manatarms, the soldier who will one day become a king. The barbarian is the savage outsider who carves a bloody path through the decadent and corrupt civilizations that would chain his people. The bard is the heroofromance,wooerofwomenandtelleroftalltales, equalpartsDonJuanandSinbad.Themonkistheeastern warrior mystic, deadly without the need for anything so commonasaweapon.Paladinsareparagonsofvirtueand purity, knights in shining armor questing for fair damsels and putting rank villains to the sword. And finally, the ranger,explorer,pioneerandruggedindividualist.

Youareawarrior,trainedinbattleandintheuseofarmor and weapons. Whatever type of fightingman you choose toplay,youwillprobablyenduponthefrontlinesofyour adventuringparty,goingtoetotoewithdragons,goblins, and evil cultists, hacking your way through them and taking the brunt of their attacks. The fightingman character is best equipped of all the character classes to dish out damage and absorb it, too. Clerics heal, and magicusers cast spells, but the downanddirty hack and slashworkisuptoyou.Youregoingtoserveasthepartys sword and shield, protecting the weaker party members andtakingdowntheenemiesbeforeyou.Perhapsoneday theywilltelllegendsofyourbattleprowess,andfollowers willflocktoyourcastlestrongholdwhereyourevelinyour fame, riches, and newly earned nobility. Fail, of course, and youll die, just another forgotten warrior in a dangerousworld. PrimeAttribute:Strength,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+2perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9. WeaponsPermitted:Any. ArmorPermitted:Any. Dominate (1st): Against creatures with one hit dice, a fightingmanmakesoneattackperleveleachround. Weapon Mastery (1st): Fightingmen may choose one weapon with which to specialize. For fighters between level1and6,thisspecializationimpartsa+1bonustohit and a +1 bonus to damage using that weapon. At level 7 thebonusesincreaseto+2tohitand+2todamage.

FluryofSteel(10th):Atlevel 10,afighting-man canmake twoattackspercombatroundagainstcreatureswith2or more Hit Dice. The first attack occurs during the fighting mansinitiative,thesecondattackattheendoftheround.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 30,000 60,000 120,000 240,000 360,000 480,000 600,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6hp +9hp Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Save 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Title Yeoman Warrior Champion Duelist Swashbuckler Grognard Freelance Hero Warlord Warlord Warlord Warlord

The barbarian is a subclass of fightingman. Where fightingmen rely on training and skill to win the day, the barbarian uses ferocity and instinct. Most barbarians are membersofuncivilizedtribesofhumans,demihumansor humanoids. Civilized barbarians can represent men and womenwithhairtriggertempersandazestforviolence. PrimeAttribute:Constitution,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+3perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9.

WeaponsPermitted:Any. ArmorPermitted:Leather,ring,shield. Reflexes (1st): Thanks to their catlike reflexes, attacks fromthebackorflankreceivenobonustohitabarbarian. Superstition(1st):Barbariansmistrustthedoingsofmagic users and illusionists. When presented with displays of such magic they must succeed at a saving throw or be stunnedwithfearfor1round. Beserker(3rd):Atthirdlevel,thebarbariancangoberserk in combat, gaining a +2 bonus to hit and damage, but suffering a 2 penalty to her armor class. The barbarians berserk fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to the barbarianslevel.Whileinherrage,thebarbarianfocuses onherfoesuntiltheyaredead.Ifherragecontinuesafter her foes are gone, she will attack her nearest ally unless she makes a successful saving throw. This ability can be usedwheneverthebarbarianengagesincombat. Tenacity (5th): At fifth level, a barbarian can continue to fightafterlosingallofherhitpointssolongassheisin a b erserkfury.Whenthefuryends,sodoesthebarbarian.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 440,000 560,000 680,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6hp +9hp Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Save 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Title Tribesman Savage Plunderer Raider Reaver ShieldBiter Berserker Conquerer BarbarianPrince BarbarianPrince BarbarianPrince BarbarianPrince

The bard is a subclass of fightingman, a warriorpoet whose music works magic. Bards are usually charismatic rogues,stealingheartsasreadilyastheycrosssteel.They arewalkingrepositoriesoflegendsandstories.Theirmusic is capable of stiffening the resolve of comrades, lulling guardsintoadaze,orcharmingladsandlasses. PrimeAttribute:Charisma,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+2perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9. Weapons Permitted: Any but battle axes, twohanded swordsandpolearms. ArmorPermitted:Leather,ring,shield. Decipher (1st): Bards can decipher and interpret legends and secret writings by making an saving throw. This includes unfamiliar languages, codes and incomplete messages. Bards can also use this ability to decipher and then cast spells from arcane scrolls, though the saving throw to do so is made at a penalty equal to the level of thespellbeingcast.

Inspiration (1st): By playing music, singing or reciting heroic verse, bards can inspire listeners to surpass their normallevelofperformance,grantingalliesa+1bonusto all saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the bardslevel.Abardcandothisanumberoftimesperday equaltotheirlevel.Thebonusimpartedincreaseswiththe bardslevel,to+2atsixthleveland+3attwelfthlevel. Legend Lore (1st): With a successful saving throw, a bard acquires or remembers some information pertaining to localnotables,alegendaryitem,anoteworthyplaceorany other relevant bit of information. Acquiring the information may involve speaking to the locals or doing research in a library. This ability cannot reveal the exact powersofamagicitem,butmaygiveahinttoitshistory, generalfunctionoractivation.TheRefereemaymakethe saveharderbasedontheobscurityoftheknowledge. Fascinate(4th):Atfourthlevel,abardgainstheabilityto place a single creature into a trance with a performance. Thebardcanusethisabilitythreetimesperday,andcan maintain the effect for a number of rounds equal to the bardslevel. When attempting to fascinate, the target makes a saving throw to resist. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the bard for the duration of the effect. While fascinated, the creature is considered prone andsuffersa4penaltytosavingthrowsandarmorclass. If the creatures saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempttofascinatethatcreatureagainfor24hours.Any obvious threat to the fascinated creature, such as the castingofaspell,drawingasword,oraimingofaweapon, automaticallybreakstheeffect. Atfifthlevel,thebardmayattempttocharm(asthespell charmpersonormonster)afascinatedcreature.Ateighth level,thebardmayattempttoimplantasuggestion(asthe spell) in a fascinated creature. In each case, the creature receivesanadditionalsavingthrowtoresisttheeffect. Tofindthenumberofcreaturesthebardcanfascinateat once, roll 1d6 per bard level (i.e. a level 4 bard can fascinate4d6creatures). Heroism(9th):Atninthlevel,abardcaninspireheroismin one other creature. For every two levels the bard attains beyond ninth level, the bard can inspire heroism in one additionalcreature.Toinspireheroism,thebardmustuse song, poetry or some sort of oration. A creature inspired gains a +2 bonus to attacks and saving throws and +2 hit pointsperlevelforoneminute.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

XP 0 1,700 3,400 6,800 13,600 25,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 320,000 440,000 560,000

HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6hp +9hp

Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Save 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

Title Dilettante Raconteur Jongleur Versifer Goliard Poet Minstral Troubadour Meistersinger Meistersinger Meistersinger Meistersinger

It cannot be denied that monks of the kungfu variety do notfitintoamedievalmilieu.Forfolkswhopreferabitof verisimilitude in their campaign worlds, and thus do not permit any kungfu fighting, allow me to suggest that the monkisstillausableclass.Thetrickistoignorethename and the description and just look at the game statistics. What youhave is a nonarmored combatant who is quick andhardtokill.Inotherwords,averyacceptablewayto emulate a swashbuckler or twofisted pulp adventurer. Before you relegate the monk (or any other class) to the dustbin,thinkabouthowyoucanapplynewflavortothe oldmechanics. The monk is a subclass of fightingman. Monks train themselves in the unarmed martial arts, including wrestling. They develop lightning fast reflexes and iron wills. Most monks are trained in special monasteries, but some simply apprentice themselves to a fighting master. Different masters and monasteries use different techniques, and they (and their students) are often quite competitive. PrimeAttribute:Constitution,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+3perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9. WeaponsPermitted:Any. ArmorPermitted:None. Boxing(1st):Amonk'sunarmedattackinflict1d4pointsof damageatlevel1,1d6damageatlevel2,1d8damageat level5and1d10damageatlevel9. Atlevel6,amonkcanmakeasecondunarmedstrikeeach round. The secondary strike's damage begins at 1d4 and improvesto1d6atlevel9. Dodge(1st):MonksimprovetheirunarmoredACby+1at levels2,5,8and12. Quick (1st): A monk's movement improves by +1 at each level. A monk carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extraspeed. Stunning Attack (1st): A level 1 monk can use a stunning attack once per round, and no more than once per level perday.Themonkmustdeclareitsusebeforemakingan

attack roll. A missed attack roll ruins the attempt, and counts towards the monks limitation. A foe successfully struckbythemonkisforcedtomakeasavingthrow.Those struck by a stunning attack always take normal unarmed attackdamage,butafailedsavingthrowresultsinthefoe beingstunnedandunabletoactfor1d4combatrounds. DeflectArrows(2nd):Atlevel2,monksgaintheabilityto deflect arrows and other nonmagical missiles. The monk must have at least one hand empty to use this ability. When a character would normally be hit by a ranged weapon, the character may make a saving throw. If the savingthrowsucceeds,themonkdeflectstheweaponand suffersnodamage.Thiscanbedoneoncearoundatlevels 26,andtwiceatlevels711andthreetimesat12thlevel. Themonkmustbeawareoftheattacktousethisability. An attempt to deflect a weapon counts as the monks primaryunarmedattack.Ifamonkishighenoughlevelto have a secondary unarmed attack, the monk may still make the secondary attack. This ability cannot be used againstsiegeweaponammunition. Mystic Vibrations (3rd): At level 3, a monks unarmed attack can deal damage to creatures only harmed by +1 magicweapons.Alevel5monkcandamagecreaturesonly harmedby+2orbettermagicweapons.Alevel8monkcan damage creatures only harmed by +3 or better magic weapons, and level 12 monks can damage creatures only harmedby+4orbettermagicweapons. SlowFall(4th):Atlevel4,afallingmonktakesdamageasif afallwere20feetshorterthanitactuallyis,butmustbe within10feetofaverticalsurfacethatheorshecanuseto slowthedecent.

FeignDeath(6th):Atlevel6,amonkcanfeigndeathfora numberofturnsequaltothecharacterslevel. Natural Healing (7th): At level 7, a monks naturally healingincreasesto2hpperday. Quivering Palm (12th): At level 12, the monk gains the fabledquiveringpalmattack.Themonkcanusethisattack once per week. The attack must be announced before an attackrollismade.Themonkmustbeofhigherlevelthan the target. If the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the monks unarmed attack, the quiveringpalmsucceeds.Thereafter,themonkcanchoose totrytoslaythevictimatanylatertimewithin1roundper levelofthemonk.Themonkmerelywillsthetargettodie, andthevictimmakesasavingthrowtoavoidthisfate.This attackhasnoeffectonundeadorcreaturesthatcanonly bestruckbymagicalweapons,unlessthemonkisableto inflictdamageonsuchacreature.

If you think that a kungfu monk does not fits into your campaign, you can rebrand the class as a swashbuckler. Themonk's"unarmedattacks"areinsteadmadewithlong sword (rapier) and dagger, and only with these two weapons used together. The stunning attack represents a dizzyingflourishofarmsorpommelguardtothehead.The quivering palm becomes a lunge, that moment when the swashbucklerstabshisfoe,whothenstaggersaboutfora momentbeforeexpiringwithalookofdisbeliefinhiseyes. A swashbucklers level titles might be rascal, rogue, rake, romantic, venturer, daredevil, swordsman, avenger (or maskedavenger)andswashbucklerfromlevel9on.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 2,900 5,800 11,600 23,200 45,000 90,000 180,000 360,000 480,000 600,000 720,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6hp +9hp Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Save 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Title Postulant Novice Brother Cenobite Mendicant Monk Canon Prior Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott

HitDice:1d6+2perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9. WeaponsPermitted:Any. ArmorPermitted:Any. Aura (1st): Paladins detect evil as the spell merely by concentrating. Paladins emanate a permanent aura that protectsthemasperthespellprotectionfromevil. Purity(1st):Paladinsareimmunetoalldiseases,including mummyrotandlycanthropy.Theirtouchcancuredisease once per week at level 1, twice per week at level 6 and threetimesperweekatlevel12. Lay on Hands (1st): A paladin can cure 2 hp per level by layingonofhands.Thiscanbeusedonthepaladinoron others,andthehealingcanbedividedamongrecipientsas thepaladinchooses. BanishUndead(3rd):Atlevel3,apaladingai nstheability tobanishundeadasaclerictwolevelslower. Destrier(4th):Atlevel4,thepaladingainstheserviceofa divine warhorse (or other mount) if he successfully completesaquesttolocatetheanimal.Thedivinemount isunusuallystrong,loyal,andreadytoservethepaladinin hercrusadeagainstevil.Shouldthepaladinsmountdie,a yearandadaymustpassbeforeanothercanbecalled.
DivineWarhorse:HD5;AC6[13]; Atk1bite(1d3),2hooves(1d4); Move18;Save12;Special:None.

The paladin is a subclass of fightingman. Paladins are chivalrous champions of Law. They might resemble the knights in shining armor of fairy tales or perhaps the honorablesamuraiofJapan.Thepointofpaladinsispurity; they do their best to remain mentally, spiritually and physically pure. From this dedication and the iron will requiredtomaintainit,theyderiveanumberofblessings toaidthemintheirstruggleagainstChaos. PrimeAttributes:Charisma,13+(+5%experience).

Lionheart(6th):Uponreachinglevel6,apaladinbecomes immunetofear,naturalormagical.Allieswithin10feetof thepaladingaina+2bonusonsavingthrowsagainstfear. Smite Evil (9th): Once per day, a paladin of level 9 or higher may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack.Smiteevilgivesthepaladina+2bonustohit,anda bonus to damage equal to the paladin's level. This ability canonlybeusedonsupernaturalcreatureofdarknessan evil,suchasantipaladins,demonsortheundead. Healing Touch (12th): At level 12, a paladin's touch is capableofremovingallailmentsfromacreature,including disease,poison,abilityscoredamage,leveldrain,hitpoint damage, confusion, curses and insanity. The paladin can applythishealingtouchbutonceperday.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 440,000 560,000 680,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6hp +9hp Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Save 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Title Squire Scutifer Banneret Gallant Companion Knight Paragon Peer Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin

The ranger is a subclass of fightingman suited to living and fighting in the wilderness. Rangers are selfsufficient, cunning and experienced at fighting the barbarian tribes (human,humanoidandotherwise)thatlurkonthefringes of civilization. While rangers mostly operate in the wild, they do so on behalf of civilization, protecting isolated villagesandchartingtheunknown. PrimeAttributes:Wisdom,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+2perlevel,+3hpperlevelafterlevel9. WeaponsPermitted:Any. ArmorPermitted:Chainmail,leather,ringandshield. Slayer (1st): Against humanoids (including berserkers, bugbears,gnolls,goblins,hobgoblins,koboldsandorcs),or giants (including ogres and trolls), a ranger inflicts bonus damagewitheachhitequaltohislevel. Stalker (1st): Rangers have a +1 bonus to surprise (i.e. surprise on a roll of 12 on 1d6) and a +1 bonus to avoid beingsurprised(i.e.surprisedonarollof1on1d8). Survivor (Level 1): A rangers training includes learning howtosurviveinthewildernessandconcoctandcounter actnaturalpoisons.Wheremostadventurerscansucceed atsuchtasksonarollof1on1d6,therangersucceeds on arollof12on1d6,andaddshiswisdombonus(ifany). Rangers also have a 2 in 6 chance to notice traps and concealed openings in a natural surrounding merely by passingwithin30feetofthem.Theycanalsobuildsimple snaresandpittrapsthatinflict1d4damage.

Tracker(1st):Withasuccessfulsavingthrow,arangercan findandfollowacreaturestracksfor6hours.Theranger can also determine the approximate number of creatures andtheirtypefromtheirtracks.Rangerscanalsousethis abilitytoconcealtheirowntracks. ArchEnemy(6th):Atlevel6,arangerchoosesonespecific type of monster (i.e. goblin, gnoll, hill giant) as his arch enemy. The rangergets a +2 bonus to hithis archenemy and a +2 bonus to his Armor Class when fighting it. Furthermore, when tracking his archenemy, a ranger receives a +2 bonus to his saving throw to avoid failure. The ranger is always able to neutralize poisons of the favoredenemy,manufacturedornatural.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 440,000 560,000 680,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +3hp +6 hp +9hp Attack +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Save 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Title Woodsman Scout Guide Wanderer Voyager Pathfinder Warden Hawkeye Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger

Boons & Benefactions

Boonsareasimplewaytoallowplayerstocustomizetheir characters. As characters advance in level, they pick up specializedskillsandabilitiescalledboons.Boonsaresmall bonuses that help to make characters unique, not make them unstoppable. Players may choose a boon for their characteratlevel3,6,9and12.Unlessotherwisenoted,a boon cannot be chosen more than once. This article is declaredOpenGameContent. Agile:Youhavea2in6chancetoavoidfallingintopitsand a2in6chancetoescapefromsimplebonds(i.e.ropes). ArmorProficiency:Youlearntouseanarmornormallynot usablebymembersofyourclass.Youcanonlylearntouse an armor oneArmor Class higher than armor you already knowhowtouse.Magicuserscannotchoosethisboon. AttributeBonus:Youmayincreaseoneofyourattributes (i.e.Strength,Intelligence,etc)by+1.Youcanchoosethis boon and apply it to the same attribute more than once. Youcannotincreaseanattributebeyond18. Cleave: When you drop an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points in melee combat, you may make a second attack with the same weapon at the end of the combat round againstanothercreaturewithinrangeofyourweapon. ClimbWalls:Youcanclimbwallsonarollof1to2on1d6. DelayPoison:Youcandelay(butnotneutralize)poisonon a roll of 1 to 2 on 1d6. If successful, the poison does not takeeffectfor1minute. Dodge: You improve your Armor Class by 1. You lose this bonuswhensurprisedorotherwiseunabletomove. EmpowerSpell:Youcancastonespellperdaywithallof itsvariablesincreasedby150%. Enlarge Spell: You can double the range of one spell that youcasteachday. Expertise:Youcanaccepta2penaltytoyourattackrolls inexchangeforimprovingyourArmorClassby2. ExtendSpell:Youcancastonespellperdaywithadouble duration. FastMovement:Youimproveyourmovementrateby3. Great Fortitude: You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws againstpoisonanddisease. HearNoise:Youcanhearnoisesonarollof1to2on1d6 (or1to3on1d6ifanonhuman). ImprovedBanishment:Yougaina+1bonusonrollsmade tobanishtheundead. Improved Disarm: You gain a +1 bonus to make attacks thatwoulddisarmyouropponent. ImprovedGrapple:Yougaina+1bonustomakeattacksto grappleyouropponent. Improved Overbearing: You gain a +1 bonus to make atackstoknockyouropponentprone. Improved Pummeling: Your unarmed pummeling attacks deal1d3damageinsteadof1d2damage. Improved Sunder: You gain a +1 bonus to make attacks thatwoulddestroyyouropponentsshieldorweapon. IronWill:Yougaina+1bonustosavingthrowsvs.magic. Language:Youlearntospeakorreadanewlanguage. Leadership:Themoraleofyourhenchmenimprovedby2. Legends and Lore: You can recall ancient legends and obscureloreontherollof1on1d6. Lightning Reflexes: You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws againstbreathweaponsanddeathrays. Magical Aptitude: You learn to cast one first level magic userspellperday.Magicusersmaynotchoosethisboon. Youmaychoosethisboonmorethanonce,applyingittoa different spell each time. To use these spells, you must keep a spellbook and memorize your spell or spells each day. Your referee may restrict which spells you can learn withthisboon,andmagicuserarmorrestrictionsapply. Mounted Combat: You can make attacks atop a mount without penalty. When fighting atop a warhorse, you can directthemountsattacksandstillmakeyourown. MoveSilently:Youcanmovewithoutmakingasoundona rollof1to2on1d6.

New Spell: If you are a magicuser, you can add an additionalspell(ofalevelyoucancast)toyourspellbook withoutpayingforresearch. PickLock:Youcanpicklocksonarollof1to2on1d6.You musthaveburglarytoolstousethisability. PickPockets:Youcanpickpocketsandperformotheracts oflegerdemainonarollof1to2on1d6. Point Blank Shot: You gain a +1 bonus to hit with missile weaponswhenyourtargetisnomorethan30feetaway. PowerAttack:Youcanaccepta2penaltytoyourmelee attackrollsandgaina+1bonustomeleedamage. Silent Spell: You can cast one spell per day without needingtovocalizeit. StillSpell:Youcancastonespellperdaywithoutneeding tomoveyourhands. Survival:Youcanhuntwellenoughtofeed6peopleona rollof1to2on1d6,orjustyourselfonarollof14on1d6. TwoWeapon Defense: When wielding two weapons you canforgomakinganadditionalattackandinsteadimprove yourArmorClassby1asthoughyouwereusingashield. TwoWeapon Fighting: Your bonus to hit when attacking withtwoweaponsisincreasedto+2. Toughness:Yougain3hitpoints. WeaponFinesse:Whenwieldingadagger,handaxe,light hammer, light mace, short sword, sickle or whip you can use your dexterity bonus in place of your strength bonus whenmakingattackrolls. WeaponFocus:Yougaina+1bonustohitwithaweapon usable by your class. Fightingmen cannot mix this boon withtheirweaponspecializationability. WeaponProficiency:Youlearntouseaweaponnormally notusablebymembersofyourclass. WidenSpell:Onceperday,youcandoublethecoverageof aspellyoucast.

The Wyvern Coast

DuringthePandiluvianAge,whatisnowtheNabuDesert and Pwenet savanna was a shallow sea and the Wyvern Coast was a series of rocky islands. The elder things and fish men built their cities in this shallow sea, leaving the rockyislandstowyverns,chimeraandafewprimitivemen. When the waters receded, they left a great grassland dottedwithtreesandarangeofhighlandsandmountains alongthesea.Theelderthingsandfishmenretreatedwith the sea, with the ancient lizard kings and their human slavesfillingthevoid.Forcenturiesthelizardkingsfought over the savanna and left the coast to monsters and primitive hill tribes. Finally, human slaves overthrew their reptilian masters and established themselves in the city statestheyoncebuiltandlaboredinasslaves. In the northern reaches of the savanna, the humans established a sorcerous empire under the command of a mysterious king called Nabu, who ruled from a citystate calledPerNabu.TheNabuEmpiremadewaragainsttheir neighbors and established colonies and tributary states along the Wyvern Coast, into the barbarianinfested woodlands of Venatia to the north, and into Pwenet, the southernreachesofthegrasslands.Eventually,theycame intocontactwiththerivalempiresofKolosinthejungles of Cush and Irem far away in the west. These ancient superpowers clashed at sea and on the land, and eventually summoned up powers well beyond their control. Kolos became a lost city, its people scattered through the jungles. Irem and Nabu, on the other hand, were blasted by the gods (or so it is said), their domains becomingwastelands. In the aftermath of the cataclysm that struck Nabu, its colonies either became independent citystates in their own right, or simply melted into the wilderness. Nabus northernfortsinVenatiawereovercomebythebarbarians and destroyed, not to be colonized again until the great expansionoftheNomoEmpire.NabusportofIbisonthe GoldenSeabecameapowerfulcitystateandremainsone tothisday.ThetributaryportsontheWyvernCoastrose to prominence for a short time, their rulers being called the Purple Kings due to the dies that help make their fortune.NabuitselfisnowknownastheCityofDeathon the aptly named River of Death, its vast treasures and terribleknowledgewaitingtobediscoveredbycourageous adventurers.

ThewesternportionofMapJ11ishotandarid,withthe coast, grasslands and high mountains being slightly more pleasant than the sunbaked hills. The three geographic regionsrepresentedonthemaparethePwenetSavanna, theTepidSeaandtheWyvernHills. TheWyvernHillswereoncecontrolledbyadynastythatis now referred to as the Purple Kings. At the height of theirpower,thesekingsestablishedmanycoloniesonthe Tepid Sea. In their later years they fell under the dominance of the Nabu Empire. When that empire was destroyedanditsgrasslandsscorched,mostofthePurple CityStateswereabandonedandfellintoruin.OnlyOphir, thegreatestofthem,existstothisday. The people of the coast and hills are a bronzeskinned mixtureofMotherlanderandLemurian.Thegrasslandsare hometopureblooded,duskyLemurians. EachdayandnighttheRefereeshoulddiceforthechance of a dangerous encounter. Generally, there is a 1 in 6 chanceofsuchanencounter,ora1in8chanceifaguideis present.Thereisanequalchanceofbecominglost.

Pwenetisalandofrollinggrasslandswithscatteredcopses of aromatic trees and a few rocky outcroppings. Large herds of ruminants travel from watering hole to watering holewhilebeingstalkedbygiantcentaurs,lionsandeven more fantastic predators. Pwenet is said to hold both a fountain of youth and the source of the River Ish, thus making it a popular destination for explorers. A few merchantadventurers from the citystates of Ibis and Ophir travel into Pwenet annually to trade manufactured goods for aromatic resins, ivory and wild animals. The region is otherwise untouched by the people of Lemuria andtheMotherlands. Although not the most numerous folk on the grasslands, the giant centaurs of Pwenet are the regions most prominent. Pwenet is also home to tribes of gnolls and manyhumanvillages.Thelargesttribes,humanandgnoll both, provide most of the regions drama as chiefs and witchdoctors jockey for power and recognition. Oft told talestellofwhenthehumantribesofPwenetunitedunder Ouplu the Great and conquered the cities of Nabu. The people of Pwenet believe that history is a cycle and that


they will once again conquer the outside world when unitedbyagreatleader.
Roll 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Encounter Bulette(1d4) Impundulu(1d6) GiantAardvark(1d4) GiantOstrich(2d6) Hyena(6d6)orGiantHyena(2d6) Cheetahwere(2d6) Cheetah(2d6) Baboon(3d6) Baboonwere(2d6) Humanoid(seesubtable) Lion(2d6) Lionwere(1d6) VampireTree(1d6) Rhinoceros(1d4) Elephant(1d4) GreatGhost(1d4) HumanoidEncountered Abatwa(6d6) GiraffeCentaur(2d4) Gnoll(3d6) Trader(1d6)andMenAtArms(3d6) Tribesman(6d6) UtuDwarf(6d6) BattlefieldTerrain Meadownopenalties RockyGroundmaylosefootingattopspeed SandDuneshalfmovement,maylosefooting

Gnolls:Thesavannaisthickwithgnollwarparties.Thereis one gnoll marauder for every 15 gnolls encountered. The gnollscarrywickershields,spearsandjavelins.
GnollMarauder:HD5+5;AC5[14];Atk1bite(2d4) or1 weapon (1d10);Move12;Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Berserkerstate. Gnoll:HD2;AC5[14];Atk1bite(2d4)or1weapon(1d10);Move 9;Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None.

Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Trader:TradersfromOphirandIbisvisitPwenetinsearch ofrareherbs,animalskinsandgumacacia,thedriedsapof the acacia tree and a useful substance for alchemists and scribes. Each trader is accompanied by six menatarms and10bearers.Thetraderandmenatarmsaremounted on horses and have ring armor, shields, battle axes and light crossbows. The bearers are on foot and have slings andclubs.Thereisa2in6chancethatthe10bearersare replacedby6droversridingpackcamels.
Trader:HD3;AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8+1);Move9(Mounted 18);Save14;CL/XP3/60;Special:+1todamage. ManatArms: HD 1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12 (Mounted18);Save17;CL/XP1/15;Special:None. Bearer:HD1d6hp;AC9[10];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move12;Save 18;CL/XPB/10;Special:None.

Roll 1 25 610

Abatwa:Theabatwa,orantmen,lookliketinyhumans(2 fttall).Theyareusuallymountedongiantantsandarmed withspearsandshortbows.Abatwahumorlessabouttheir small size and bloody minded when they feel they have beeninsulted.Abatwaareledbyachiefandthereisa1in 6chancethattheyarealsoaccompaniedbyashaman.
Shaman:HD4d4;AC9[10];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move6;Save13; Special:Adeptspells(1st),healerabilities. Chief:HP5d4;AC4[15];Atk1weapon(1d4+1);Move6;Save12; Special:Troopsare+1tohitinhispresence. LargeAnt:HD1;AC5[14];Atk1bite(1d4+poison);Move12;Save 17;CL/XP2/30;Special:Poison1d4(savefor0damage). Abatwa:HD1d4hp;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move6;Save 18;CL/XPA/5;Special:None.

Tribesman: The tribesmen of Pwenet carry shields and spears that are excellent as melee or missile weapons. Most encountered bands are hunting and are led by a huntsman.Thegroupmightalsobeawarparty,inwhich casetheleaderwillbeamarauder.
Huntsman:HD5;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move15;Save12; CL/XP6/400;Special:Surpriseon1on1d6,track,doubledamage withmissiles. Marauder:HD5+5;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 12;CL/XP6/400;Special:Berserkerstate. Tribesman:HD1;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save17; CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

Giraffe Centaur: The centaurs of Pwenet are a cross between man and giraffe, rather than a man and horse. Their size gives them one more hit dice than a normal centaur.Giraffecentaursareledbyahuntsmanandthere isa1in6chancetheyarealsoaccompaniedbyashaman.
Huntsman:HD8;AC4[15];Atk2kicks(1d6)and1weapon(1d10); Move 21; Save 12; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Surprise on 2 on 1d6, track,doubledamagewithmissiles. Shaman: HD 8; AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 kicks (1d6) and 1 weapon (1d6); Move18;Save13;CL/XP11/1700;Special:Adeptspells(2nd). Giraffe Centaur: HD 5; AC 5 [14]; Atk 2 kicks (1d6) and 1 weapon (1d10);Move18;Save13;CL/XP6/400;Special:None.

Utu: Utu have pitchblack skin and eyes and small beards ofwiry,blackhair.Theyarecapableofseeingthroughboth normal and magical darkness and their skin is as hard as granite.Utucarryshieldsandshortswordsmadeofwood studded with shards of jade. They worship Khnum, the divinepotterandcreatoroftheuniverseandthecreatures whoinhabitit.Theutuareexpertsatworkingwithwood and clay and are practiced in the art of conjuring spirits, fromwhomtheygainmostoftheknowledgetheyrecord ontheirclaytablets. Utu clans are led by their priests. Utu priests can commune once per month when the stars are aligned. Once in a century an utu priest will make contact with Khnum himself to deliver a great prophecy. On these occasionstheutusoundtheirdrumsandblowlonghorns madefromhollowedtreestocallallthetribesofPwenet toheartheprophecy.AllthegreatchiefsofPwenetheed

this call and travel to the appointed place with their retinues,swornbytraditiontoobserveanarmisticewhile theceremonialdancesareperformed,lineagesarerecited and,finally,theprophecyispronounced.
Utu Priest: HD 4d6; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 9; Save 13;CL/XP6/400;Special:Adeptspells(1st),sageabilities. Utu: HD 1; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6+1); Move 9; Save 17; CL/XP1/15;Special:Seethroughalldarkness.

FirstMate:HD3;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save14; CL/XP3/60;Special:None. Captain:HD5;AC4[15];Atk 1weapon(1d8);Move 12;Save12; CL/XP5/240;Special:Troops+1tohitinhispresence.

The Tepid Sea is a warm, shallow sea known for its sea turtles and the depredations of corsairs from the Wyvern CoastandfilibustersfromBrigantia.Stormsarerareonthe TepidSea,andmostofthewaterisclearenoughthatone canseetheseafloor.TheeasternshoresoftheTepidSea are home to mollusks that produce a rare (and thus expensive)purpledyethatremainsinfavorthroughoutthe Motherlands.ThePurpleKingsoftheWyvernCoastbuilt theirfortunesuponthetradeinthisdye.
Roll 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Encounter GiantSeaTurtle(1d4) Nymph(1d6) SeaCat(1d6) Crocodile,Giant(1d6) Mermaid(2d6)andMerrow(1d6) GiantCrab(2d6) Dolphin(3d6) SharkSmall(2d6) MerchantGalley(80%)orMerchantCog(20%) AquaticHumanoids(seetablebelow) GiantElectricEel(2d6) PirateGalley(seebelow) Scrag(1d6) SeaHag(1d3)andMerrow(1d6) GiantMantaRay(1d4) TuskedWhale(1d4) AquaticHumanoidEncounter Crabmen(2d6) Oktomon(3d6) Sahuagin(2d6) Triton(2d6) Undine(3d6) BattlefieldTerrain SandyGroundhalfmovement RockyGroundchancetolosefootingattopspeed KelpForesthalfmovement,obscuringcover Chasmchanceoffalling

Merchant Cog: A merchant cog is a sailing ship used for voyagesawayfromthecoast,andthuscarriesmoreexotic cargoes like rare woods, exotic armor and weapons, silk, spices, etc. Assume 5,000 gp worth of cargo. The cog is mannedbytwelvesailors.Theyarecommandedbyaship captainandfirstmate.Thereisa2in6chanceofapriest aboard and a 1 in 6 chance of a mage. The sailors are armed with light crossbows and hand axes, while leaders wearleatherarmorandcarrylongswordsandpistols. Oktomon: The oktomon fulfill a roll in the submarine ecology of the Tepid Sea like that of the ancient Vikings. They are plunderers, especially of the surface world, but also traders and explorers. They typically lair in low ceilinged caves that other species find difficult to negotiate, and they stock those cave lairs with an astounding array of traps. When encountered away from their lairs, the okotomons are either seeking plunder or trade. In either event, they are equipped with serrated spears, one or two gaff hooks (treat as hand axes), nets (primarilyusedforcarryingitems,butalsousefulinafight) andround,polishedshields.Ifmorethantwelveoktomons areencountered,theywillbeledbyacaptain.
Oktomon: HD 3; AC 5 [14]; Atk 4 weapons (1d6); Move 12 (Swim 18);Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:None. Captain:HD6;AC5[14];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12(Swim18); Save11;CL/XP6/400;Special:Troopsare+1tohitinhispresence.

Roll 12 3 4 5 6

Roll 13 47 89 10

PirateGalley:Apiratevesselwithtwooardecks,thegalley is crewed by twelve pirates and thirty rowers. They are commanded by a captain and first mate. The pirates are armed with light crossbows and hand axes, while the rowersfightwithclubs.Pirateleaderswearleatherarmor andcarrylongswordsandpistols.Thereisa1in6chance ofamagebeingaboard.
Pirate: HD 2; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 16; CL/XP3/60;Special:+1tohitanddamageinround1,backstabfor x2damage. FirstMate:HD3;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save14; CL/XP4/120;Special:Backstabforx2damage. Captain:HD5;AC6[13];Atk 1weapon(1d8);Move 12;Save12; CL/XP6/400;Special:Backstabforx3damage;troops+1tohit. Mage:HD2d6;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move12;Save16; CL/XP3/60;Special:Adeptspells(1st),backstabforx2damage.

MerchantGalley:Amerchantvesselwithasingleoardeck carrying about 2,000 gp worth of mundane cargo. The galleyiscrewedbysixsailorsandtwentyrowers.Theyare commanded by a ship captain and first mate. The sailors are armed with light crossbows and hand axes, while the rowers fight with clubs. Leaders wear leather armor and carrylongswordsanddaggers.
Sailor/Rower:HD1;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 17;CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

Sahuagin: Sahuagins are aggressive, territorial fishmen. They are matriarchal and are ruled by priestesses. A sahuaginsettlementwillconsistofabasaltziggurattopped byatempletotheirsharkdeity,Omoo.Withintheziggurat arethelivingquartersofthepriestqueen,herattendants, her consorts and other minor nobles. The ziggurat is

surrounded by dozens of stone huts and slave quarters. Sahuagin encountered away from their settlements are alwaysonthehuntformeat,plunderorslaves.Asahuagin warpartyisalwaysledbyanoble.Ifmorethan8sahuagin are encountered, they will also be accompanied by a priestess riding atop a shark. Sahuagin are equipped with obsidianaxesandnets.
SmallShark:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d4+1);Move0(Swim24); Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:Feedingfrenzy. Priestess:HD3+1;AC5[14];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12(Swim 18);Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Adeptspells(1st),goberserk. Sahuagin:HD2+1;AC5[14];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12(Swim 18);Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Noble:HD4+1;AC5[14];Atk1weapon(2d6);Move12(Swim18); Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

Giant Seahorse: HD 4; AC 7[12]; Atk 1 bite (1d6); Move 0 (Swim 24);Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

The Wyvern Coast is a range of sunbaked badlands betweentheNabuDesertandtheTepidSea.Itsshoreline hosts a multitude of caves and coves that provide hiding places for the pirates that roam the Tepid Sea. The hills provide little of value other than volcanic glass and some fancy stones. The only citystate on the Wyvern Coast is Ophir, infamous for its bazaars, slave market and guild of assassins. Ophir was once the main seat of power for the PurpleKingsthatruledthecoastinancienttimes.
Roll 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Encounter Cyclops(1d4) Lamia(1d4) GiantScorpion (1d4) Insectaur(1d6) GiantEagle (2d6) Pirates(3d6)andFirstMate(seebelow) DragonMan(2d6)andWarlock(seebelow) Lion(2d6) GiantLizard (2d6) GiantTick (2d6) Igniguana(1d6)orShockerLizard(2d6) Slavers(6d6)andSlaveMaster(seebelow) Wyvern(1d4) Leucrota(1d6) Basilisk(1d4) Shedu(1d4) BattlefieldTerrain Meadow nopenalties GentleSlope slightchancetolosefooting SteepSlope chancetolosefooting,highergroundbonus Cliff chanceoffalling

Triton: Tritons look like larger, more frightening mer people. They have green hair and eyes. Bands of tritons encounteredatseaareequippedwithshields,tridentsand daggers and always ride hippocampi. Tritons are led by a knight.Ifmorethaneighttritonsareencountered,theyare alsoaccompaniedbyapriest.
Priest: HD 4; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 trident (1d8+1); Move 1 (Swim 18); Save 13; CL/XP6/400;Special:Magicresistance 90%, adeptspells (1st). Hippocampus: HD 4; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite 1d4); Move (Swim 24); Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None. Triton: HD 3; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 trident (1d8+1); Move 1 (Swim 18); Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Magicresistance90%. Knight: HD 6; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 trident (1d8+2); Move 1 (Swim 18); Save11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Magicresistance90%.

Roll 1 25 69 10

Undine:Undinesareaquaticelves.Unsulliedbytheblood ofmortals,theundinearetallerthantheirsurfacecousins, with pale skin, silvery hair, long, webbed fingers and toes and large, violet eyes. Undine live in exquisite castles decorated with banners made of linked, multicolored scales. Most undines use giant seahorses as mounts and keep small hunting squids and swift barracuda for use in their hunts. Undines encountered away from their home areusuallyonahunt,andthehuntingpartywillhaveone huntingsquidorbarracudaperthreeundines.Ifmorethan twelveundinesareencounteredtheyareledbyawarlock. Undinesareequippedwithtridentsanddaggers.
Undine: HD 2+1; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12 (Swim 15); Save 16; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Telepathic communication with humanoidsandaquaticcreatures. Warlock:HD 5;AC5[14];Atk1 weapon(1d8+1);Move12 (Swim 15); Save 12; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Adept spells (1st), telepathic communicationwithhumanoidsandaquaticcreatures. Barracuda:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d8);Move(swim24);Save 17;CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

DragonMen:ThedragonmenoftheWyvernCoastlivein settlements composed of bronze domes surrounded by gardens of colored stones and succulents. Dragon men wear no armor, relying instead on their thick scales and nimblereflexes.Theyarmthemselveswithbattleaxesand longbows. Dragon men encountered outside their villages areledbywarlocks.
DragonMan:HD1+1;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d4+1d4)or1weapon (1d8);Move15;Save17;CL/XP3/60;Special:Spell(1level1),bite. Warlock: HD 5; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (2d4) or 1 weapon (1d8+1); Move15;Save12;CL/XP7/600;Special:Adept(2nd).

Pirates: The pirates of the coast are found in secluded coves, licking their wounds and preparing for their next venture. They sometimes have established camps protected by earthworks that they share with camp followers traders, craftsmen and wenches. Other times theysimplyhidetheirgalleyandheadforahighcavethat gives them a good view of the sea. Groups encountered awayfromthislairareusuallyonhuntingexpeditionsand armedwithcrossbowsandaxes.


Iffewerthanfifteenpiratesareencounteredtheyareled byafirstmate.Ifmorethanfifteenpiratesareinagroup theyareledbyacaptain.Thefirstmateandcaptainwillbe armedwithalongsword,musketandthreepistols.

Pirate: HD 2; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 16; CL/XP 3/60; Special: +1 hit and damage in first round of combat, backstabforx2damage. FirstMate:HD3;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save14; CL/XP4/120;Special:Backstabforx2damage. Captain:HD5;AC6[13];Atk 1weapon(1d8);Move 12;Save12; CL/XP6/400;Special:Backstabforx3damage,troops+1tohit.

The treasury of Makronissos lies in a pit beneath a heavy stone slab that takes six tritons to lift. It contains 20,000 sp,29,000gp,500ppandfiveamphoraeoffinewine.
Marta,TritonAdeptLvl10:HP40;AC5[14];Save5;Special:Adept spells(2nd),healerabilities,magicresistance90%;Shield,trident, goldconchholysymbol. Assistant Adepts, Lvl 3: HD 3d6+3; AC 5 [14]; Save 12; Special: Adept spells (1st), magic resistance 90%; Shield, trident, silver conchholysymbols. Erigone,TritonMagicUserLvl8:HP19;AC6[13];Save8;Special: Magicuser spells (4th), magic resistance 90%; Silver dagger, grimoire. HouseholdKnights:HD6;AC5[14];Atk1trident(1d8+1);Move1 (Swim18);Save11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Magicresistance90%. PrinceMathian,TritonFightingManLvl9:HP52;AC4[15];Save8; Special:Magicresistance90%;Shield,trident.

Slavers:Abandofslaversisprobablymovingtheirvictims toamineortoasecretlairwithinthehills.Therewillbe ten shackled slaves for every slaver encountered. Slavers are equipped with leather armor, whip, light crossbow, club and mancatcher. Slave masters are equipped with leatherarmor,whip,shortswordandlightcrossbow.
Slaver: HD 1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP2/30;Special:Backstabforx2damage,mancatchers. SlaveMaster:HD5;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 12;CL/XP6/400;Special:Backstabforx3damage.

0132 Makronissos: Although King Philostos was a noble triton,hisunrulysonswereashametotheentirekingdom. Aseachcameofage,thekingdutifullygrantedthemleave to construct a fortress and attract whatever followers wouldhavethem.Naturally,Philostomes,theeldest,chose to stay by his fathers side, and it is he who now wisely rules Nimos in [0631]. His brother Mathian is the quarrelsome lord of Makronissos, while the youngest, Sthenelaus, lusty rascal that he is, rules Fleves in [0231]. The three rarely have anything to do with one another, though Mathian and Sthenelaus delight in outdoing their olderbrotherandfoilingtheplansoftheother. Prince Mathians fortress is a threestory shell keep constructed from marble blocks on a trefoil pattern, the courtyardstoppedbyonionshapeddomesofglassysteel. The keep is surrounded by the homes of his fightingmen and women. These homes are constructed of marble blocks, resembling the courtyard homes of the ancient Romans. Makronissos is home to 99 triton warriors, 82 females and 110 young. Prince Mathian, in a fit of madness,constructedabasalttempletoOceanus,Titanof theSea.ThetempleisoverseenbyMartawiththehelpof four assistants. The household is overseen by Erigone, Mathianswifeandasorceressinherownright.Mathians nine household knights, who ride sea horses into battle, can be identified by the deep crimson kelp they wear as sashes. All of the howling warriors of Makronissos carry tridents and shields. They glory in battle. Prince Mathian himselfridesinabronzechariotpulledbysevenseacats.

0134 Expensive Rubble: A large mound of marble blocks rests here, the remnants of construction by the tritons in [0233]and[0631]. 0136CrackedDome:Aglassdomeoftheundinelieshere, cracked and flooded. The gardens it once supported are deadandthekeepwithinisnowinhabitedbyvarioussea verminandacrabmanhermitcalledEnabbbygu.Enabbb ygucansummonaswarmofcrabsandclaimstoknowthe location of hidden riches in the palace. He is correct, in fact,forthethroneintheoldgreathallswivelsaroundto reveal a deep vault inhabited by a briny sea serpent and containingahordeof3,100gp,achestcontainingtwenty sealed vials of perfume (20 gp per bottle) and a scroll containingthelevel5clericspellcommune.
Enabbbygu: HD 2 (10 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Save 14; Move9(Swim9);CL/XP3/60;Special:None. CrabSwarm:HD3;AC6[13];Atkenvelop(1d4);Move6;Save14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Weapon attacks deal 1d3 damage, area attacks deal full damage, enveloped creatures suffer automatic damageeachround. Briny Sea Serpent: HD 8 (44 hp) ; AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 bite (3d6 + poison); Move 15; Save 8; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Acid breath, poison(saveordie).

0146AzerAdventurer:Merikh,andazer,andsixclockwork brass beetles are searching for an artifact forged by Volcanus,godoftheforge.Merikhwearsahelmthathums whenwithin100feetofpowerfulmagicitems.
Merikh:HD6(29hp);AC2[17];Atk1weapon(1d6+1);Move12; Save16;CL/XP6/400;Special:+1heatdamage,immunetofire. BeetleAutomatons(6):HD4(18 hpeach);AC 2[17];Atk1blade (1d6+1); Move 15; Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Half damage fromfire,heatmetal(themselves).

0203 Begros: Begros is a mountainous island. Though uninhabitednow,signsaboundthatpointtoanadvanced civilization once existing on Begros. The islands lone

harbor bears traces of ancient foundations and the remnantsofawall.Theislandstopographyisparticularly difficult to negotiate, but a narrow path leads from the harbor into the mountains. The mountains of Begros are reallyacollectionofjaggedplateausseparatedbytwisting canyons. At the highest point in the island, the canyons convergeintoahiddenvalley.Thesheercliffssurrounding this valley have been carved to approximate hundreds of deities now forgotten by mankind (if, indeed, they were everknowntomankind). These gods have the forms of human beings, but their limbstwistandcontortinslightlyunnaturalways,andtheir long faces and grave expressions remind one of demons morethangods.Inthecenterofthisvalley,whichisquite lushandisoftengrazedonbygiantgoats,isadeep,green pool. Rising from the center of the pool there is a green copperstatueofapotbelliedgodwithalong,thicktongue extendingfromitsmouth.Thosewhovisitthepoolwould bewisetomakeavaluableofferingtothegodinthepool, foriftheydemurtheywillfinditimpossibletogetbackto the harbor and escape the island. Canyons shift, forcing adventurersbacktothecentralvalley.Shouldthevisitors think about aerial means of escape, they discover that their host is one step ahead of them, for the walls of the valley are now thick with peryton, eyes trained on the ungratefulguests. Iftheadventurersfindthemselvesontheislandafterdark, theymightwitnessthedanceofthenamelessgods.Asthe sunsinksbehindthecliffs,thepoolgivesoffaneerieglow that soon fills the valley with flickering, green light. The playofthelightandshadowonthecliffsmakesthefigures carvedthereuponappeartobedancing.Thekeenobserver soondiscoversthatthefiguresareindeeddancing.Having lefttheirperchesonthecliffface,theywindtheirwayina weirdprocessiontowardthepool,theirsinuousarmsand legs in constant movement, their grave, unmoving faces bobbing to and fro. The entire dance is performed in silence, and viewers will find themselves unable to resist the lure of the dance. They will dance all night with the nameless gods, their forms becoming more like the gods and less like their own, until, when the sun dawns, they jointhemonthecliffface.Visitorswhohidetheireyesare unharmed and unmolested, but face the same event the nextnightuntiltheyeventuallyjointhenamelessgodson thecliffsormaketheiroffering.
NamelessGods:HD12(60hp);AC0[19];Atk1fist(3d6);Move6; Save 3; CL/XP 16/3200; Special: Immune to slashing and piercing weapons,immunetomagic(perastonegolem),irresistabledance. Peryton:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1antlers(2d8);Move9(Fly24);Save 13;CL/XP6/400;Special:Immunetononmagicweapons.

headofthedeck.Onceadventurersarefirmlyesconcedon therowingdeck,theentryhatcheswillclosetightandthe drum will produce an ominous, audible pulse. Boom. Boom. Boom. A few seconds pass between each boom. Soon, the cargo hatch located in the aft section of the rowingdeckwillopen,andathirteenjollyrogers(skeletal pirates)willbeginshufflingintotheroom.Theyarearmed with curved long swords and rusty hooks, and avarice burnsintheiremptyeyesockets.Soon,theyarejoinedby their captain and his first mate. Naturally, they are after the adventurers treasure, and will fight until they get it. Thecargoholdisfilledwith10,000cp,5,000ep,3,380gp and10lbofsaltinabarrel.Thesaltcanbesalvagedandis worth5gp/lb.
JollyRoger:HD2+2;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 16; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Frightful appearance, detect treasure, treasurelust(+1tohitanddamagewhenfightingforbooty). FirstMate:HD4+2(18hp);AC6[13];Atk1weapon (1d8);Move 12; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Frightful appearance, detect treasure,treasurelust. Captain:HD6+2(27hp);AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Frightful appearance, detect treasure,treasurelust.

0220 ZhitlegYiq: An eye of the deep called ZhitlegYiq dwellsinalightlesschasminthishex,ascendingfromthe salty gloom when it senses easy prey above. Its lair is littered with treasures under the guard of crab exo skeletons(asmanyastheRefereethinkswillchallengehis players). The monsters treasure consists of 5,000 ep, 2,000 gp, a potion of slipperiness in a silver vase (50 gp) sealedwithwaxandatelescopeworth70gpifrepaired.
ZhitlegYiq: HD 10 (44 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 pincer (2d4) and bite (1d6); Move 6; Save 5; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Blinding light, illusions,holdmonster,holdperson,regenerateeyestalks. Crab Exoskeletons: HD 6; AC 3[16]; Atk 2 pincers (2d6); Move 6; Save 12; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Immune to turning, unaffected by sleep,hold,andcharm,immunetononbluntweapons.

0206SaltyDogs:Apirategalleyliesonitsside,thebottom covered entirely by dunes of silt. Entry can be gained though hatches in the deck. The rowing deck is littered with bones and rusting chains now hang from the ceiling. A large, brass kettle drum is turned over at the

0223 Road of Glass: An ancient road constructed from cobblestonesofseaglassrunsfor2milesthroughthishex, fromnortheasttosouthwest.Theroadisinbadrepair.It emerges from tall sand dunes in the northeast and disappearsbeneathabedofgiantclamsinthesouthwest. Midwayalongtheroadslengththerestandsamonument thatlookslikeanabstractcolumnofgreenishmetalfilled withirregularholes. 0231 Fleves: Fleves is the stronghold of Sthenelaus, brother and rival of Mathian [0132] and Philostomes [0631]. Sthenelaus is wild and unruly, with a massive appetitefor war, women and song. His cadre of retainers are nine devotees of Bacchus. Fleves itself is a coral feasting hall capable of holding Sthenelaus, his retainers, his court priest, Helle, and magician, Talthybios, and his 292followers(93males,94femalesand105young).

Thehallsceilingiscoveredinbeatenbronzeandhangs40 feet above the floor. The tables, benches and chairs are theremnantsofacenturysworthofshipwrecks.Thewalls are lined with trophies and weapons the warriors of Fleves prefer barbed spears, bucklers and hoplitestyle helms.Thetablesarealwaysloadeddownwiththeharvest ofthesea,includingstopperedstonecrocksofwine. AtoneendofthehallisamassivemarbleidolofBacchus. HeapedaroundthestatueisthetreasureofFleves:10,000 sp,5,500ep,17,000gp,1,020pp,anaquamarine(450gp) and a jasper (6 gp). The idol is guarded by Helles four assistantsatalltime. The feast hall is surrounded by a thick forrest of kelp prowledbytwelveseacatstrainedtoignorethetritonsof Fleves,buttoattackanyoneelseonsight.Sthenelausgoes into battle in a chariot drawn by six hippocampi. His maenadsridehippocampiaswell,theirgreenhairtiedinto longbraids,theirarmsbearingritualscarification.
Helles,TritonAdeptLvl11:HP41;AC4[15];Save4;Special:Adept spells (2nd), berserker abilities, magic resistance 90%; Barbed spear,shield,helm,holysymbol(goldvines,wornaroundneck). Helles Assistants (4), Triton Adepts Lvl 3: HD 3d6+3; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Special: Adepts spells (1st), berserker abilities, magic resistance 90%; Barbed spear, shield, helm, holy symbol (silver vines,wornaroundneck). Talthybios, Triton Adept Lvl 8: HP 18; AC 5 [14]; Save 8; Special: Adept spells (2nd), sage abilities, magic resistance 90%; Silver dagger,grimoire. Mermaenads,TritonBarbariansLvl6:HD6d6+12;AC4[15];Save 11;Special:Magicresistance90%;Barbedspear,net. Sthenelaus,TritonBarbarianLvl9:HP50;AC4[15];Save8;Special: Magicresistance90%;Buckler,helm,barbedspear.

trapping the fire elemental. There are two clues to this courseofaction;thefirstisacharredskeletonbyonewall reaching toward the image of Philostos. The other is that thebasreliefofPhilostosonhissarcophagushashisright handoverhisrighteyeandhislefthandgraspingatrident thatisimpalingafirebreathingdragon. Thetombtreasureisconcealedinfourfloorspaces.Above each of these spaces there is a trap in the form of a crescent axe that falls from the ceiling, splitting wouldbe thieves in two (attacks as a 6 HD monster, 2d6 damage). Thefloorspacescontain10,000sp,5,100gpandabronze figurineofNeptunus(500gp).
Horogule: HD 16 (43 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 strike (3d6); Move 12; Save3;CL/XP17/3400;Special:Ignitematerials.


0233TombofKingPhilostos:Asmentionedin[0132],King Philostos is dead, killed three centuries ago in battle with the sahuagin. In his honor, his sons, putting aside their rivalry, constructed a fabulous tomb for their father. The tomb is built of marble and stands 20ft wide, 20ft deep and20fttall.Atopthetombisa20fttallbronzestatueof Philostos.Thetombissurroundedbyfalsecolumnscarved onto 5ft thick walls. The interior of the tomb is dry, and actuallycannotbeenteredbywaterunderanymeans.At the center of the tomb chamber is a goldplated sarcophagus suspended from the ceilingby bronze chains overapitofcharcoal.Thewallsareadornedwithbrightly colored mosaics depicting the life, death, funeral and ascensionofKingPhilostos. AcaptivefireelementalcalledHoroguleguardsthetomb. He dwells in the fire pit, but copper piping allows him to moverapidlythroughoutthetombchamber.Hisaccessto thechambercanbeclosedbydepressingtherighteyeof the images of Philostos in the chamber murals. He is depictedfourtimes,onceoneachwall.Bydepressingthe righteyesontheimages,thefirepitandpipesaresealed,

0241 Tomb of Abomundur I: Abundundur I ruled Ophir over1,000yearsago.Histombiscutintoacliffface,the only sign of its existance being a rectangular hole in the rock. The hole is large enough for a man to crawl on his handsandknees,providedheisnotheavilyburdened.The crawlspace goes back 10 yards before opening to a small (8ftwide,4ftdeep)antechamber(A). A The antechamber contains a terracotta statue of Abomundur enthroned, hemispherical terracotta pots at hisfeetholdingtheashesofhisinternalorgans.Anarrow, lowpassagestretchesback30feetfromtheantechamber with a spear trap (two attacks as 3 HD monster, 1d6 damage) 15 feet into the passage set to activate if a portionoftheflooristrodupon. B This chamber (12x12)contains a series of clay tablets recording the life and accomplishments of Abomundur in the ancient script of the Purple Kings (worth 100 gp to a sage).Thereisanotherstatueofthekinghereasayounger man, standing and clothed in clothofgold mantle (worth 50 gp). A bronze scepter decorated with silver and amethysts(worth300gp)restsinhishand.

CThebodiesofslaveswerecastdownthis20footdeep vertical shaft.Their restless spirits will rise from the shaft like a tornado of souls to destroy any who would disturb them.Theywillconcentratetheirattacksontheholder(if any)ofthescepterfromareaB.Thearrowsdrawnatthe intersection that leads to this area are an arrow trap (3 attacksasa2HDmonster,1d6damage).
RestlessSpirits:HD8(37hp);AC2[17];Atk1strike(2d6+strength drain);Move(Fly36);Save8;CL/XP10/1400;Special:Attackdrains 1pointofstrength.

D From this intersection one can see into areas (E) and (F). A dun pudding will bubble up through small holes in the floor here. The small space the pudding inhabits containsasilverhoopearing(10gp).
Dun Pudding: HD 8 (31 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 slam (3d6); Move 6; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Acidic surface (as black pudding), dividedwhenhitwithweapons.

monsters at end of article) will be summoned, appearing atopthemagiccircle.Moreover,ifthemummyseyesare revealed,theywillactasamagicjarspell,swappingtheir ownerssoulforthatoftheancientQueen.Thequeenwill have the physical ability scores of her new body, but will replaceitsmentalabilityscoreswithanIntelligenceof12, Wisdom of 17 and Charisma of 14. In addition, she will havetheabilitiesofalevel8cleric.Thequeensjewelslie beneath her body and include a copper, spiraling bracer setwithcoral(200gp),elaborategoldearrings(50gp)and asilvercircletthatincreasesoneswisdombytwopointsat thecostoftwopointsofconstitution.
Bonesucker:HD8(35hp);AC3[16];Atk8tentacles(1d6);Move9; Save 8; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Ability damage, never surprised, onlyharmedbymagicweapons.

EThischambercontainsastonesarcophagusheldfastby four bronze chains anchored to the walls. It will move whentheroomisentered.Ifthechainsarebroken,thelid will fly open to reveal an enraged phantom stalker. The stalkerssarcophaguscontainsanasbestossackthatholds abrassmedallion(25gp)thatactsasascrollofprotection fromelementals.
PhantomStalker:HD6(24hp);AC2[17];Atk2claws(1d4);Move 12(Fly24);Save11;CL/XP10/1400;Special:Immunetofire,2to savevs.cold,+1dmg/diefromcold,immolation.

FThischamberisthetruetombofAbomundurI.Itlooks likeatempletiledinsandstoneandbearingbasreliefson the walls of strange, inhuman things being served by and consuming human priests playing long flutes. Dominating the chamber is a clay golem in the shapeof a frightening goddessstandingatopalion.ThebonesofAbomundurare stored inside this golem. There are three secret compartments beneath the floor tiles in the temple. The first holds 3,300 gp, the second 11,000 gp and the third three pound of myrrh wrapped in sack cloth (200 gp per pound).
Clay Golem: HD 12 (50 hp); AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 fist (3d10); Move 8; Save 5; CL/XP 14/2700; Special: Immune to slashing and piercing weapons,immunetomostspells.

HThischambercontainsalargesarcophaguscarvedfrom alabaster. It bears no decoration. A cache in wall hidden behindathinlayerofclayholdsatabletofprotectionfrom demons.Ifthesarcophagusisopeneditplungestheroom into darkness and summons three type 2 grues. More importantly,thesarcophaguswillattempttosuckallthose intheroomintoicyvoidofspace.Eachround,characters in the room must pass a strength check (roll 1d20 under strength score) or be pulled 3 feet closer to the opening. Those who pass the strength check can either fight or move3feetawayfromthesarcophagus.Adventurerswill havetogetatleast12feetawayfromthesarcophagusto avoid the pull. Those sucked into space will suffer 2d6 points of freezing damage each round and will begin to suffocate. If the sarcophagus is moved, one will find a cache in the floor containing 5,200 gp and a sapphire worth1,000gp.
Grue:HD6(32,30,19hp);AC2[17];Atkbite(2d6);Move12;Save 11;CL/XP11/1700;Special:Immunetoallbutlight/magicweapons and spells with light components/effect, can extinguish lights within 100 feet, restores own hit points with damage caused to victims.

G This is the last resting place of Queen Azbinira, the foreign priestess who vaulted Abumundur into greatness through dark pacts and ruthless political cunning. Her tightlywrappedmummyislaidonabasaltslabdecorated withalabasterstars.Thewallsaresimilarlydecorated.An magic circle is traced on the floor in silver. It consists of seven circles within circles, placed unevenly with a complex rune in the middle. Magicusers and clerics will almost instinctively know that the circles are dangerous. The mummy is not undead, but it is dangerous. If it is jostled or moved in any way, a bonesucker (see new

0242CrocodileKeep:Theremainsofafloodedshellkeep sit just off the coast and protected by surrounding rocks from the pounding surf. The bottom level of the keep is completelyflooded,andtheupperlevel,thoughrelatively dry, has a weakenedfloor that presents ahazardto even halflingsattemptingtowalkuponit.Atthebottomofthe courtyard there is a jade globe decorated with images of writhingreptiles.Thejadeglobegivesoutalowpulsethat can be heard underwater for many miles. This pulse attracts salt water crocodilians, and at least thirty of the creaturesdwellinandaroundthekeep.
Crocodile: HD 4; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d8); Move 9 (Swim 12); Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

0316 Palace of Phasutep: Phasutep was a demon in the service of the demon lord Lotan who constructed for himselfafabulouspalacebeneaththeseafloorinthishex. The entrance is a 20foot diameter bronze grate that can

only be opened by an offering of human blood, which carriesa1in6chanceofattracting3d6sharks. Beyond the grate there is a sprawling complex of marine caverns crawling with poisonous vermin, giant eels, a weremorayeelcalledUlicandmultiplemarblestatuesof Phasutep(arevoltingcreaturethatcombinesthetorsoof an athletic man, legs that are a mass of serpents, arms coveredinchitinandtippedwithcrabpincersandahead covered in lampreylike mouths) that randomly teleport creatures from one statue to another. Should multiple personseachtouchadifferentstatue,allareteleportedto a subterranean vault several miles beneath the sea caves thatholdsPhasutepspalace. The palace consists of several levels of corridors and chambers clad in motherofpearl and garish designs in blackbronze,andlitwithanunnatural,gibbouslight.The upper portions are inhabited by semiintelligent sea slugs capableofcausingconfusion,waterloggedzombiesinsilk raiment and armed with serrated swords, and a cabal of immortalclericswearingblackrobes,eachofwhichbears theclawsofacrabinplaceoftheirhumanhands.Deeper levels have corridors and chambers of titanic dimensions wandered by degenerate chuul, fountains of living primordial ooze and a tribe of fomorian giants. The deepestlevelisagrottoofbloodredcoralwallsinhabited by the spirits of beautiful women who drowned in the Tepid Sea kept as a harem to entertain Phasutep (long sinceslain)andhislordLotan(whowillappear1%ofthe time when the place is disturbed). The grotto contains threeshimmeringpools,twoofwhichrobapersonoftheir soul, the other acting as a gateway to Lotans extradimensionaldomain. 0341 Sanvuska: A freak storm and a drunken captain recently ran a merchant cog ashore here. The cog, the Sanvuska, was carrying 250 gp worth of hides and skins, 2,000 gp worth of tea and a magical trident (see below) from the MuPan Empire to Antigoon. The Sanvuska is captained by Yulner, a short man with a wiry build, black whiskersandsuspiciouseyes.Yulnerisagiventodrunken revels, and his cruelty knows no bounds. He has been working his men into a frenzy trying to get underway before his ship is discovered by bandits. Unfortunately, it hasalreadybeendiscoveredbyanintellectdevourercalled Tharsarh.Tharsarhhasbeensystematicallypickingoffthe crewmen for the past week, having originally killed and merged with a sailor who wandered too far from camp. Only twelve remain to man the cog, and they are on the verge of mutiny. Only the force of Yulners will, and the stronghandofhisfirstmateKhavithavekepttheminline. Umvaiiisa+1tridentappearstobemadeofgold.Thegrip is wrapped in black leather. The tridents name, which activates it, is burned into the grip in the pictographs of the MuPan Empire. Upon uttering the command word,

thetridentenablesitswieldertofly(perthespell)for10 minutes.
Yulner, FightingMan, Lvl 7: HP 32; AC 6 [13]; Save 10; leather doublet,buckler,handaxe,longsword. Khavit,Beastman(Orc)FightingMan,Lvl4:HP28;AC7[12];Save 13;shield,battleaxe. Tharsarh:HD6(21hp);AC3[16];Atk4claws(1d4);Move15;Save 11; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Sensitive to light, mind blast, spell immunity,surpriseon13on1d6,onlyharmedbymagicweapons (1pointofdamageperhit).

0409 Abode of the Gull Lords: Built atop the coral reef herethereisasmallkeepoflimestone,heavilyweathered bywindandwave.Thiskeephousesabandof30bandits who attack the shipping lanes and nearby islands atop giant seagulls. The bandits wear brigadine armor (AC +4) and carry short bows, long spears, and weighted nets. TheirleaderisarobberbaroncalledSablene,whohastwo adopteddaughterscalledPhaleandRorta.PhaleandRorta are undine witches and much older than their mother. The bands treasure is locked in a vault in their keep and consistsof2,000gp,2,000sp,14lboftobacco(worth100 gp per lb) and 1 cask of good wine (12 gallons, weighs about100lb).
Sablene, Fighter/Thief Lvl 6: HP 22; AC 4 [15]; Save 10; Special: Backstabforx3damage;Ringmail,shortbow,longspear,dagger (pommeloframhorn). Phale&Rorta,UndineAdeptsLvl5:HP23and15;AC9[10];Save 10;Special:Adeptspells(2nd),telepathywithseacreatures. GiantGull:HD3;AC7[12];Atk1beak(1d8);Move6(Fly21);Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None.

0424 The Yellow Jack: A caravel is adrift here. The ship flies the yellow jack, indicating disease, and in fact is infestedwithtickscarryingmummyrot.Visitingthevessel requires a saving throw to avoid contracting the mummy rot, with an additional save required for each additional day spent on the boat. A dozen leper zombies, victims of the rot, are locked in the hold below, along with 600 gp worthofleathergoodsand40poundsofcoffee(worth50 gp/lb).
Leper Zombie: HD 1; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 claw or bite (1d6); Move 9; Save17;CL/XP3/60;Special:Disease,slainbecomeleperzombies.

0442 Cliffside Tomb: Caryatid columns guard a tomb carved into the side of a cliff. The original inhabitant has driedupandblownaway,histreasurestolenbysomething thattunneledinfrombelow.
CaryatidColumns(2):HD5(32hp);AC4[15];Atk1sword(2d4); Move9;Save8;CL/XP6/400;Special:Immunetonormalweapons, normaldamagefrommagicweapons,25%chanceofweaponsnap.

0520 Sunken Treasure: A merchant galley originating in IbisrecentlysunkhereonitswaytotradeinTremayne.It carriedironingots(3,500lbworth350gp),severalbalesof


raw cotton and amphorae of grain (ruined by the seawater),eightsuitsofscalearmorandtwentyscimitars. The wreck is being guarded by two dolphins who, if presentedwithachanceofparlay,willinformadventurers that the survivors, an old sage and his daughter and a strappingsailorarenowlanguishinginthedungeonsofthe sahuaginin[0619]. 0523 Shark Trench: A shallow trench runs across the sea floor. The trench is thick with sharks of every size and shape. The toothy fish seem to flock here as pilgrims. Encounters with the beasts occur on a roll of 14 on1d6, withencountersusuallyconsistingof3d6smallsharks,2d6 medium sharks or 1d6 large sharks. At a midpoint in the trench,andwhereonemightnoticethedensityofsharksis thickest, there is a tomb. The tomb is merely a niche carved into the face of the cliff and then sealed with a basaltslab(4fttall,3ftwide,1ftthick).Thebasaltstone isringedbytheangular,spiralglyphsofthesahuagin,and proclaims that this is the tomb of Ogokiq, a great and terrible king of the sahuagin from the days when the WyvernCoastwasstillanarchipelago. Tampering with the seal will drive the surrounding sharks (dice for a group of each size shark in the vicinity of the seal)intoafrenzyandalmostalwaysresultinbloodshed.If onecanmanagetoshifttheheavyslab,theywillseealong gallery(6ftwide,6fttall,18ftlong).Thelimestonewalls ofthegalleryareunevenandrippled,andhavebeeninlaid with twenty obsidian masks (15 gp each) depicting different types of sharks in a heavily stylized style. At the far end of the gallery, seated on a basalt stool inside the bonyjawsofagreatwhiteshark,isthemummyofOgokiq. Themummyiswrappedincrimsonkelpthatisheldonthe body with numerous strips of bronze. The mummy wears an obsidian death mask (50 gp) and holds a wooden club setwithsharkteeth(aceremonialscepter,notaweapon). Beforethemummysfeetisagameboardmadeofmarble and set with turquoise and obsidian playing pieces; essentiallyanevilversionofsnakesandladders(worth100 gp). Behind the mummy there are three basalt chests containing500ep,6,300gpand120pp.Themummyisnot undead,buttamperingwiththemummywillcausealarge, limestoneblocktoresealthetomb. 0532 Steaming Canyon: The ground here is rent asunder, forming a 3mile long canyon that ranges from 20 to 100 feet wide. Black smoke pours from hydrothermal vents withinthecanyon,makingthewaternearbypoisonous. 0604ShipwreckedGalley:Anancientmerchantgalleysank to the seafloor here over a century ago. An enterprising dragon turned the galley into a lair. The dragon, called Tupporring,isahugeserpentwithbluescales.Tupporring isincapableofspeechorspelluse.Thereisa30%chance that it is asleep on its pile of 9,100 gp. It also owns a hyacinth gemstone (50 gp) and four crystal bottles of expensiveperfume(100gpeach).

Tupporring, Ancient Dragon: HD 14 (112 hp); AC 6 [25]; Atk Bite (4d6); Move 12 (Swim 24); CL/XP 17/3500; Special: Frosty breath weapon, spit a wad of phlegm that holds victims fast to surfaces andcanonlybedissolvedbyalcohol.

0607 Ikaria: Ikaria is an island of sandy beaches, woodlands of tall, silvery pines and dozens of secluded meadows.Hiddenintheislandswoodsisavillageof100 hunters and their families. The village is composed of longhouses dug partially into the soil, with the upper portions constructed from field stone and timber. The houses have tall, peaked roofs. The village, also called Ikaria,issurroundedbyastonewall.Ikariaisgovernedby a council of three elders, Blatiarto the Bald, Cheard the Uneven and Werch the Wizened. The largest building in thevillageisthetavernofChaia,aplump,dazzlingwoman whoonceroamedtheTepidSeainthecompanyofpirates. Her tavern serves such fare as sweet wine, buns drizzled with olive oil and radish shavings and rabbit and anchovy stew.Ikariaisknownforitsfineoliveorchards,agiftfrom the goddess Minerva, and its viniculture. There are two things, however, that keep Ikaria from being a little paradise and make the hunters of Ikaria the cowardly lot they have become. The first is the witch Legwenda, who dwellsinashelteredcoveonthefarsideoftheisland.The secondisthefrequentraidsonIkariabytheGullLordsof [0409].Thevillagetreasuryconsistsof300gp,50ingotsof tin (5 lb ingots worth 2 gp each) and 40 bear skins (5 gp each).
Legwenda, MagicUser Lvl 4: HP 9; AC 9 [10]; Save 12; Special: Magicuser spells (2nd); Crooked staff, wooden shoes, dagger, grimoire,ravenfamiliar,10pp,sackof200peacockfeathers(each featherworth1gp). Blatiarto, Ranger Lvl 3: HP 19; AC 6 [13]; Save 14; Shield, leather armor,axe,longbow. Hunters:HD1d6;AC7[12];Atk1spear[1d6]or1longbow[1d8]; Move12;Save18;CL/XPB/10;Special:+1tohitwithlongbow.

0619UnfinishedZiggurat:Thisbasaltzigguratishometoa tribeof69sahuaginmales,74females,34hatchlingsanda clutch of 153 eggs. The sahuagin are commanded by Krlokelwiththeassistanceoffournobles.Overseeingthe spiritual health of the tribe is its high priestess, Phakella andherthreepriestesses.Thezigguratisuncompletedand iscurrentlybeingconstructedby110oktomonslaves.The sahuagin are even now preparing to raid nearby settlements for slave labor. They have recently captured Sipneton, a scientist, along with his daughter Neveth and Brutu, a sailor aboard the merchant galley that was carryingthemtoTremaynebeforeitsunk.Thethreewear clever helmets invented by Sipneton that allow them to breath underwater, though their air supply is not infinite. Thesahuaginstreasureconsistsof1,000sp,2,100gp,10 ppandacopperlocketworth3gptakenfromNeveth.The waters around the ziggurat are protected by 19 small sharksunderthecontrolofPhakella.KrlokelandPhakella arelockedinabitterstrugglefordominanceoverthetribe,

a struggle which Phakella is winning. This is why Krlokel now holds Sipneton and his party in his dungeon, hoping that the scientist can create something to give him the advantage.
Krlokel, Sahuagin FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 41; AC 2 [17]; Save 11; Coatofbronzescales,steeltridentforgedin[2523],sharkstooth dagger. Phakella, Sahuagin Adept Lvl 6: HP 36; AC 5 [14]; Save 9; Special: Adept spells (2nd), berserker abilities; Jade mace (worth 40 gp), holy symbol consisting of a necklace teeth, the most prominent beingasharkstooth.

Epont, FightingMan Lvl 10: HP 54; AC 1 [18]; Save 7; Platemail, shield,battleaxe,dagger. Maorlach, Adept Lvl 4: HP 13; AC 1 [18]; Save 11; Special: Adept spells(1st),healerabilities;Mace,platemail,shield. Rothan, Adept 4: HP 15; AC 9 [10]; Save 12; Special: Adept spells (1st),sageabilities;Silverdagger,grimoire. Knights:HD3;AC1[18];Atk1weapon(1d8+1);Move9;Save14; CL/XP3/60;Special:None.

0620 Eponts Epistularium: This is the concentric castle of Epont, a stout warrior known for his bookish habits as much as for his temper. Eponts hall is a library containing books and scrolls collected over his 45yearsasanadventurer.Hekeeps four scribes employed at copying tomes borrowed from all over the world. Eponts barony is populated by 186 peasants engagedinthegrowingofflax. Eponthasunderhiscommand11knightsand85menat arms. Eponts household also includes Maorlach, a priestess of Minerva, and Rothan the Twice Wise, a scholarly mage. Epont seeks the secret of immortality, which he believes is hidden in a dungeon complex somewherewithinthisregion.Histreasuryincludes5,100 gp, 110 pp and a golden goblet worth 145 gp. His library includesthefollowingninevolumes:
1 A chronicle of the Pwenet Grasslands (parchment book, weighs80lb,worth90gp) 2AnherbalontheWyvernCoast(parchmenttome,weighs150 lb,worth10gp) 3 A bestiary of the Wyvern Coast (clay tablet, weighs 15 lb, worth70gp) 4 A principia on astronomy (parchment scroll, weighs 25 lb, worth30gp) 5AchronicleofancientNabu(claytablet,weighs15lb,worth 80gp) 6AchronicleoftheWyvernCoast(parchmentbook,weighs50 lb,worth50gp) 7Abasicmanualofarms(paperbook,weighs40lb,worth20 gp) 8ApedanticlectionaryonthegodsofIbis(vellumbook,weighs 60lb,worth10gp) 9AchronicleoftheTepidSea(parchmentscroll,weighs25lb, worth30gp)

0621 Green Ruins: The remains of twenty stone cottages stand huddled around a weird basalt pillar. The cottages, but not the pillar, are covered with algae. The ruin is the lair of 12 skeletal mermaids. The mermaids wear silver combs(worth5gp)intheirlong,whitehair,andtheyhave hearts of redveined marble. These hearts, if removed from their rib cages, act as scrolls of protection from the undead for1week after being annointedby the bloodof thepersontobeprotected.Iftheyarenotannointedwith blood,theyactuallycalltheundead,increasingthenumber ofundeadrandomlyencountered.
Skeletal Mermaid: HD 2; AC 7 [12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 1 (Swim18);Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None.

0631 Nimos: Nimos is the stronghold of Philostomes, the eldestandfavoredsonofKingPhilostos.Nimosnowrules Nimos and its 118 triton warriors, 93 females and 108 young. He is advised by his aged mother, Diomede, a priestess of Amphitrite. Philostomes is philosopher, poet and warrior. His army is well drilled and schooled in the concepts of chivalry. His personal guard consists of eight knightly warriors led by Aristonike, a chaste paladin and Philostomes ideal of beauty. Nimos is a marble citadel atopaseamount.ItisbuiltintheancientGreekstyle,and withinitsthickwallsthereisafortifiedpalace,atempleof Neptunus and Amphitrite and stables for the princes twenty hippocampi. Beneath the sea mount there is a dungeon protected by roving sea cats and cunning traps. Thedungeonsonlyresidentistheundyingeyeofawicked seatitan,killedamilenniaagobyKingPhilostos.Avaultin thecitadelholds21,000sp,5,500ep,27,500gp,500pp,a spinel(7,000gp),azircon(10gp)
Philostomes, Triton Bard Lvl 9: HP 45; AC 2 [17]; Save 8; Special: Magic resistance 90%; Helm, scale armor, shield, trident, silver dagger,goldenhorn,gauntletsofdexterity. Aristonike, Triton Paladin Lvl 8: HP 34; AC 2 [17]; Save 9; Special: Magic resistance 90%; Helm, scale armor, shield, trident, holy symbol(silverconch),potionofhealing. KnightsofNimos,TritonFightingMenLvl6:HP6d6+12;AC3[16]; Save11;Special:Magicresistance90%;Helm,scalearmor,shield, trident. Diomede, Triton Adept Lvl 11: HP 44; AC 4 [15]; Save 5; Special: Adept spells (3rd), healer abilities, magic resistance 90%; Helm, shield,trident,holysymbol(goldimageofAmphitrite). Priestesses, Triton Adepts Lvl 4: HD 4d6; AC 4 [15]; Save 10; Special: Adept spells (1st), healer abilities, magic resistance 90%; Helm,shield,trident,holysymbol(silverimageofAmphitrite).


0640 Eador: Eador is a lair of 345 gnome artisans, 114 gnomewives and 64 gnomelings. They dwell in burrows beneaththerootsofalarge,gnarledoaktree.Thegnomes ofEadorproducedelicateimagesinstainedglassfortrade, most of it with traders from Ophir or clerics interested in decorating their abbeys. Their work can be seen hanging from the branches of their tree and also lodged between its gnarled roots, illuminating some of the burrows beneath with colored light. The gnomeking of Eador is Kermid.Kermidshonorguardiscomposedofsixdoughty gnome warriors. Eador is also served by a cantankerous priestnamedThumbarandhisthreeacolytes.Thegnomes keep a flock of sixteen giant ravens as guard animals and messengers. Deep in their burrows, the gnomes keep 2,000 sp, 10,100 gp, 110 pp a matching pair of electrum clasps, each set with 11 tiny topazs (35 gp) and 1,000 gp worthofstainedglass.
Thumbar, Gnome Adept Lvl 6: HP 30; AC 6 [13]; Save 10; Special: Adept spells (2nd), animal trainer abilities; Club, leather armor, shield,holysymbol(wreathofoakleaves). Acolytes,AdeptsLvl2:HD2d6;AC6[13];Save14;Special:Adept spells(1st),animaltrainerabilities;Club,leatherarmor,shield. Giant Raven: HD 3; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (1d8); Move 2 (Fly 30); Save14;CL/XP4/240;Special:None. HonorGuard,FightingGnomeLvl3:HD3d6+6;AC3[16];Save14; Handaxe,chainmail,shield,crossbow. Kermid, FightingGnome Lvl 5: HP 28; AC 2 [17]; Save 12; Light mace,platemail. Gnome:HD1d6;AC4[15];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move9;Save17; CL/XP1/15;Special:Simpleillusions,+4ACvs.giantcreatures.

0715 Sirens Shoal: A clan of 14 merrow and their 168 mermaid wives make their home here on a secluded shoal. The mermaids sun themselves on the rocks, while the brutish merrow spend most of their time underwater in sea caves. The largest of the merrow is Smodax, who usually stands guard himself. Smodax holds a massive stoneclub,strikingthegroundwithittoalerthiscomrades of trouble. The merrow are currently holding a prisoner named Thenry of Tremayne. Thenry is kept on the shoal, his arms and legs bound by ropes of golden hair. He has kept himself alive so far telling the mermaids stories, but his imagination is beginning to falter and the merrow are quite eager to rid themselves of him. The merrow keep theirtreasureinanoldbasaltsarcophagushiddenintheir caves.Itcontains10,000sp,5,000ep,1,200gp,30ppand ahematiteworth165gp.
Thenry, Bard Lvl 4: HP 25; AC 9 [10]; Save 13; Leather doublet, boots,hiddendagger. Smodax,MerrowBarbarianLvl6:HP42;AC5[14];Save11;Giant club(1d10+1dmg).

0711 Abbey of the Waxing Wind: An abbey dedicated to Zephyrus, the god of the west wind and bringer of light spring and early summer breezes has been established here by Zelie, an elfen archdruid. Zelie is eldery and overbearing. She commands a collection of sixteen minor priests. Despite being underwater, the abbey is designed onthemedievalmodel,constructedofgraniteblocksand roofed with copper sheet. The abbey is filled with fresh, warm air supplied by a magical bag of winds. The bag of windsisheldinthearmsofanidolofZephyrus.Thewinds create a hemispherical bubble of air surrounding the abbey.Thepriestssubsistonshellfishandfishcaughtfrom thesurroundingsea.Themonasteryalsoholdsashrineto Chloris, wife of Zephyrus and goddess of flowers and plants.Theabbeystreasureconsistsof3,100gpand20lb of tea (worth 50 gp/lb). The surrounding sea peoples regardthewindworshippersasodditiesandwouldliketo beridoftheaerialintrusionontheirnativeelement.
Priests,AdeptsLvl2:HD2;AC7[12];Save14;Special:Adeptspells (1st),healerabilities;Leatherarmor,longbow,20arrows,club. Zelie,ElfCleric(Druid)Lvl9:HP42;AC7[12];Save6;Special:Cleric (druid)spells(4th);Leatherarmor,longbow,20arrows,oakclub.


0733ThirstyVial:Anyfishinginthishexwillproduceafish withamagicalvialinitsbelly.Thevialismadeofglassand stoppered with a bit of cork. The interior of the vial is completelyetchedinglyphsofamagicalsort.Thevialisa powerful protective device. If a person fills it with his or herownblood,theycannotbekilled(hitpointscannotgo below 1) so long as the vial remains full. Filling the vial inflicts1pointofconstitutiondamage,whichishealedthe nextdayafteranormalrest.Thebloodisslowlyabsorbed by the magical glyphs, disappearing in 24 hours. The vial canthenberefilledatthesameprice,thoughtheholderof the vial will discover that the time it takes the vial to consume the blood is shortened by 1d6 hours. The quickening of the blood consumption is cumulative, until finally,itmustbefilledhourly.Suchisthepricewhenone attemptstocheatDeath. 0741 Underground Highway: An underground highway extends through this hex (the white, dotted line on the map). The highway has a 10foot high ceiling and is 10ft wide. Every mile or so there is a branching tunnel that leads to a fountain (usually dry), shrine to a strange god (seebelow)andaplacetorest.Theserestingchambersare 20feetwideand40feetlongandtiledingreenstonewith glittering orbsof pyrite set into the ceiling (most ofthem have been chipped away over the centuries). Some of these rest stops have secret doors leading to storage chambersandmakeshifttombs. Geothermal vents have erupted into this section of the highway,makingitsteamyanduncomfortable.Thissteam hasattractedavarietyoffungalcreatures,includingatribe ofmushroommenwhochargeastrangetollofthosewho wish to pass on. Encounters occur in the underground highway on a roll of 13 on 1d6. Roll (or select) an encounterfromthefollowingtable:

1.FungalCreeper(1d6+3) 2.GiantSlug(1d3) 3.GreenSlime(1patch) 4.MushroomManPatrol(1d6+6) 5.SlitheringTracker(1) 6.VioletFungi(1d6+3) The aforementioned deity is called Kol. He appears as an ophidian with black scales and golden eyes wearing black bronzeringsandbracelets.Kolwasagodoftheforgeand valorous combat, and fightingmen who make a small sacrificebeforeoneofhisidolswillenjoya+1bonustohit during their next battle. There is a slight chance that one willencounterophidianpilgrimsatashrineofKol. 0742 Barony of Holda: The tower keepofHolda,adwarfwarladyrises above the surrounding hills. The tower keep is constructed of limestone blocks and topped by domes of beaten brass. The barony consists of 217 peasants in several small hamlets located near Holdas stronghold. The barony produces flax,parchmentandvariousfoodstuffs. Holda is a burly female dwarf with long, auburn hair and grayish brown skin. Her eyes are the color of copper and she has a prominent gold tooth. Holdas retinue is composed of nine dwarf defenders and thirty dwarfsat arms.ShealsoemploysanolddruidcalledWearchandan effete mage from Tremayne named Prindorn. Holda is a competitive woman, and will want to test the mettle of any adventurers (but especially dwarfs and barbarians) with a drinking contest. In fact, her keep includes a brewery. Holdas treasure consists of 10,000 ep, 100 gp, 1 500 pp and twelve butts (worth 20 gp each) and ten barrels(worth6gpeach)ofherpitchblackstout.
Holda, Dwarf FightingWoman Lvl 12: HP 84; AC 1 [18]; Save 5; Special: Dwarf abilities; Platemail, shield, war hammer, dagger, blunderbuss (damage and range as heavy crossbow), powder and ammunitionfor10shots. Wearch, Dwarf Adept Lvl 4: HP 13; AC 6 [13]; Save 12; Special: Dwarfabilities,adeptspells(1st),armorerabilities;Leatherarmor, hickoryclub(engravedwithdiamondpatterns),silversickle. Prindorn, Adept Lvl 6: HP 17; AC 9 [10]; Save 10; Special: Adept spells(2nd),sageabilities;Oakwand,crimsonrobes,goldpininthe shapeofaheraldricrose(40gp). Dwarf Defender: HD 3; AC 0 [19]; Atk 1 weapon (1d10); Move 6; Save12;CL/XP4/120;Special:Cannotbesurprised,cannotbeback attacked,adjacentcreaturesenjoy+1bonustoAC.

20,000gpworthamonth),tradingittoOphirforironand gold. Morix is ruled by King Okolast and Queen Maiu. Okolasts housecarls are warrior priests. He is assisted in timesofbattlebytwosergeants.TheentrancetoMorixis located 60 feet above the ground in the side of a mountain, with supplies being lowered and raised via pulleys and stout ropes. The dwarfs also maintain two escape tunnels that emerge well away from the entrance andcanonlybeopenedfromtheinside.ThehallsofMorix are patrolled by seven brown bears. Okolasts main hall hasavaultedceilingsupportedbymassivepillarsengrave withthenameofeverydwarffromhisclanlostwhenthey wereforcedtoquittheBleedingMountainsacrossthesea. His throne is cast from bronze and decorated with goblin skulls.ThedwarfsofMorixmaintainadozenforgesanda multiple shrines to Volcanus, whom they call Weyland. Theirheavilytrappedvaultscontain10,000cp,10,500ep, 2,500gp,1,100pp,acymophaneworth40gpandjewelry worth30gp.Theygenerallyhave60tiningots(5lbeach, worth15gpeach)onhandand15barrels(60gpeach)of slightlysourwine(asdwarfspreferitthatway).
Brown Bear: HD 4+1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite (1d6); Move 9; Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Hug (+1d8 damage if hits withbothclaws). Sergeants,DwarfFightingMenLvl2:HD2d6+4;AC3[16];Save15; Chainmail,shield,handaxe,dagger,crossbow. Housecarls,DwarfFighter/ClericsLvl3:HD3d6+6;AC1[18];Save 14;Platemail,shield,handaxe,dagger,crossbow. Okolast, Dwarf Fighter/Cleric Lvl 5: HP 24; AC 1 [18]; Save 10; Special:Clericspells(2nd);Platemail,shield,militarypick,dagger.

0745 Morix: Morix is a relatively new dwarf stronghold builtintothemountains.Itisinhabitedby360dwarfswith 135femalesand55dwarflings.Thedwarfsminetin(about

1 A butt looks like a barrel that is 6 feet long and wider than a man. It holds 100 gallons (800 lb). Barrels hold 30 gallons (240 lb).

0746 Discarded Grinding Wheel: A grinding wheel lies at thebottomofasteepravine.Itisingoodcondition. 0802 Ephne the Oceanid: Towering above the sea floor, andvisiblefromthesurfaceoncertaindays,isthepalace ofEphne,oceanidoftheTepidSea.Likethebodyofwater sherules,Ephneismildinmannerandboredindemeanor. She spends her days in repose, sometimes taking lovers fromamongthesubjectsinherkingdomorstealingthem from passing ships. She grows tired of them in due time, returningthemtotheirhomestopineawayforherforthe rest of their lives. The palace is a collection of spires apparently carved from coral and tipped with dome of gold. Furnishings are sparse within the palace, but art aboundsintheformofsculptureandmosaics,manymade withexpensivestones.ThehouseholdconsistsofLivanda, the major domo, dozens of ladiesinwaiting (all mermaids), an elite guard of twenty triton warriors and one hundred giant crab guardsmen. Ephne also keeps a stableof50hippocampi. Each spring, representative of the different sea people who dwell in the Tepid sea travel to the palace to pay tribute.Thesetreasuresarekeptinavaultdeepwithinthe recesses of the palace. The vault is guarded by a stone golemshapedlikeakraken.Itcontains100,000cp,51,000

sp,21,400gp,30pp,adiamond(1,100gp),asardonyx(65 gp), plate mail of the deep 2 , five amphorae of perfume (worth500gpperamphora),anexquisiteteakfigurehead intheshapeofJuno(2,400gp)andalargebronzestatueof Hercules(7,200gp).Ephnewearsadozenpearlsstrungon a golden chain (100 gp) and a golden crown inlaid with motherofpearlandsapphires(7,700gp).
Triton Guardsman: HD 6; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 trident (2d6); Move 1 (Swim 18); Save 14; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Magic resistance 90%, immunetofear. Livanda, Undine Adept Lvl 6: HP 14; AC 9 [10]; Save 10; Special: Adeptspells(2nd),sageabilities;Staff,obsidiandagger,grimoire. Ephne: HD 17 (60 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 weapon (2d8); Move 21; Save3;CL/XP19/4100;Special:Spells(2spellsperlevel,fromlevel 1to7,magicuserandcleric(druid)spells). Giant Crab: HD 3; AC 3 [16]; Ark 2 pincers (1d6+2); Move 9; Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None.

blue dye (100 lb, worth 1 gp/lb). Disturbing the grave causesthebodytocracklewithenergy,zappingeveryone within 20 feet for 1d6 points of damage each round, and whippingtheseasandskiesaboveintoafrenzy. 0833 Exiled Merrow: A band of ten exiled merrows have taken residence in a dilapidated keep choked with barnacles.Themerrowshavenomermaidsintheirharem and are taking their humiliation out on anything that passesby.Theyareleadbyanespeciallylargeandstupid male called Kthuk. The merrows are armed with thick spearsandnets.Theirtreasureconsistsof500ep,400gp, a rose quartz (165 gp) and a silver statuette of entwined mermaids(7,000gp).
Kthuk: HD 6 (26 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 weapon (1d10+3); Move 9 (Swim9);Save11;CL/XP6/400;Special:None.

0806PortalofDeath:Inthemidstofanemptyexpanseof siltdunestherestandsadomeofgreenishstoneheldaloft by fifteen bronze pillars, each shaped like a cyclops. Directly beneath the pinnacle of the dome there is a copperpedestalthatholdsaserpentinebowl.Shouldone place a single pomegranate seed within the bowl, the platform they stand on will begin to sink into the earth. When the sinking is finished, adventurers will find themselves in a dry cavern, the dome now even with the ceiling, the platform with the floor, and the remainder of the cavern extending some fifty feet beyond the copper pillars.Thecavernhasthreeexits,eachguardedbyatrio of cyclops. Beyond the entry cavern is a large complex of caverns,tunnels,hallwaysandchambers.Theymightmeet thethreedragonswhofighttocontrolthisunderworldand claimitssecret,atribeofmenwiththeheadsofeels,ice spiders, living statues, a clan of scrags, swarms of green eyeballs that implant themselves in a person and control themwhilefeedingontheirvitalfluidsandlargetribesof feral oktomon and sahuagin. At the lowest depths of this mazeliesaportaltotheLandoftheDead. 0829 Zadans Mountain: The sea floor in this hex is dominated by a tremendous heap of boulders measuring some200feetinheight.Theheapistheburialmoundof Zadan, a storm giant who once held sway over the coast. Zadans tomb can be entered by normalsized folk with relative ease, though many of the entrances (gaps between boulders, really) lead nowhere and Referees should dice for wandering monsters and describe a few humanoid skeletons along the way. At the center of the heap there is a massive dolmen, beneath which, in a shallowpit,liestheperfectlypreservedbodyofZadan.He stillwearsabronzebreastplate,ashagreenkiltfastenedby a brassbelt(worth 105 gp) and lyingacross his chest is a giantbronzetrident.Beneathhimthereisanamphoraof
This is +1 plate mail of the deep lacquered pale blue and green. In it, one can swim in it as though unarmored. It also grants its wearer the ability to breath water and communicate telepathically with sea life.

0842KillingFields:Theundergroundhighwaydescribedin [0741]continueshere.Thefungalgrowthsarelessenedto theoddpatchofyelloworbrownmold.Midwaybetween enteringthishexandreachingtheforkinthehighwayone willcomeacrossavastkillingfield.Formorethanamile, the highway is littered with the remains of over 500 ophidians who apparently hacked one another to pieces several centuries ago. In truth, they were driven to this madnessbyashadowycreatureofthevoidthatcallsitself Urthanotloth. Urthanotloth appears as a black, oily mist thatcoversupto20squarefeet.Thoseincontactwiththe creaturemustpassasavingthroweachround(3penalty) or be driven into a berserk rage. The creature cannot be harmedbyfire,lightning,forceorweapons,evenmagical weapons, but it is vulnerable to nonphysical spells and psychic powers, and it terribly pained (2d6 damage per round)bythesoundoflaughteroraholypersonstears.
Urthanotloth:HD12(53hp);AC2[17];Atknone;Move12;Save3; CL/XP14/2600;Special:Seeabove.

0844 Deserted Highway: The highway first described in [0741] continues here but is completely deserted. About onefountainin20trickleswithcleanwater. 0847HoundoftheHills:Asingle,largeshadowwolfdwells inagullyamidsttwistedacaciasthatrunwithblacksap.Its howls can be heard echoing throughout the hex at night. There is a 3 in 6 chance that travelers will run into the hound.Hangingfromoneacaciainitslairthereisablack bronze dog whistle. This whistle, if blown at night, summonsasingleshadowwolftoservethewhistleblower for 1 full month, appearing each night. The wolf must be fedapoundofflesheachnightoritwillturnonitsmaster. Afterthewolfsmonthofservice,thewhistledisappears.
Shadow Wolf: HD 5 (24 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d4 points of strength); Move 18; Save 12; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Incorporeal, blendswithshadows(perinvisibility),strengthdamage.

0930 Feeding Frenzy: A merchant galley recently slipped underthewaves,victimofatuskedwhale.Itcarriedwithit


over100chainedslaverowers,whosecorpsesarenowat the center of a feeding frenzy of thirty lacedons and twentysharks.Thelacedonslooklikewaterloggedcorpses withferalfaces.Fromthetatteredclothingtheywear,itis obvious that most are former corsairs and sailors. At the centerofthelacedonsisafemalewithstringy,blackhair, grey skin andwearing the remnants of a silk gown. Bards maybeabletoidentifyherasIvada,LadyofComiarinthe territoryofOphir,lostatseasixmonthsago.Herreturnin amorecivilizedstatecouldbewortha200gprewardfrom her father, as she was his last heir. Amidst the ships wreckageonecouldsalvage75gpworthofcedarlumber, hidesandskinsworth250gp,anamphoraeofspicedwine (40 gp), 60 gold ingots (1 lb each, 100 gp each) and a collection of marble statuary (2,500 gp) intended for the homeofawealthymerchantofAntigoon.
Shark:HD5;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d6+2);Move0(Swim24);Save 12;CL/XP5/240;Special:Feedingfrenzy. Lacedon:HD2;AC6[13];Atk2claws(1d3),1bite(1d4);Move9; Save16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Immunities,drowningtouch.

and lightning, magic resistance 25%, only harmed by magic weapons.

0933Zorix:Zorixisasmall,rockyislandwithseveralsandy beaches.Thecenteroftheislandisdominatedbyacraggy upland, from which flow two streams marked by many waterfalls. One flows to the northern shore of the island, the other to the western shore. The upland has many caves, and most show signs of visitation. One has seen more visitation than the others, and contains a crude, bloodstainedstonealtarandmanyblackcandlenubs.Just beyondthealtarthecavefloordropsawaysuddenly;thirty feet below is a grotto. The grotto is filled with icy, cold water.Theceilingismarkedwithdozensofreddishorange stalagtites and the floor of the lagoon with similar stalagmites. Hidden among the stalagtites are a dozen piercers.Thewatersofthelagoonhideasubmerged,20ft longtunnelthatemergesinalargevault. This vault measures forty feet in circumference. The peripheryissubmergedinicywater,whilethecenterrises above the water in a 20ft tall black pillar. This pillar is actually Zorix, a massive, demonic roper, believed by cultistsfromOphirtobethespawnofBaalZebulandone ofhisavatarsonNod.Theyarecorrectinthisassumption, and any aggression committed on Zorix will be noted by theLordofFlies.AcenturyofofferingstoZorixnowliein thewateraroundhisdaisandamountto20,000cp,5,500 ep, 1,200 gp, 510 pp, a bronze kyton (100 gp) that once heldbloodwine.
Piercers:HD1;AC3[16];Atk1slam(1d6);Move3(Climb3);Save 17;CL/XP2/30;Special:Apiercerscores2d6damageontherollof anatural20tohit,thepiercersbellyiscoatedwithacidthatdeals 1d6damagetoexposedflesh. Zorix: HD 12 (51 hp); AC 0 [19]; Atk 1 tentacle (weakness), 1 bite (2d10);Move3;Save3;CL/XP17/3500;Special:Tentaclesgraband cause weakness (save or lose half strength points), smite good onceperday(+12damagetogoodcreature),clericspells(oneper level, up to 9th), immune to poison, half damage from acid, fire

0936TombofCleverEksirossa:Eksirossawas,inherday, thegreatestthieftohaveeverpilferedavaultinOphir,a citystatenotedforitsthieves.Hertombwasconstructed to her special design by a band of duergar who took her righthandandthejewelsonherfingersaspayment.The tomb is constructed in a cave overlooking the sea. The cave is filled with twenty feet of water at high tide and about 5 feet of water at low tide. The caves ceiling is 35 feetabovethefloor,thus15feetabovethewatersurface at high tide and 30 feet above the waters surface at low tide. Hanging from the ceiling by a thick, iron chain is a bronze sphere 13 feet in diameter. The sphere is hollow, theskinbeing3thick.Theballhasthreeobvious,circular portals. Noneof these portals are trapped, per se, butall aredangerous. The first two portals are located on the upper surface of the globe. Either requires a master thief to overcome its locks.Whenoneisopened,itrevealsinkydarknesswithin the globe. This is a portable hole that sends anyone enteringintoacramped,emptyspaceseveralmilesaway. This space contains a coffer corpse and a treasure of 500 silverplatedleadcoins(worthabout1gp,weigh1,000lb).
CofferCorpse:HD2+2(16hp);AC7[12];Atk1fist(1d6);Move9; Save 16; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Only harmed by magic weapons (though weapons appear to do damage), false death (if killed with normal weapons, will fall and then rise again, causing fear), choking(thosehitbyfistmustsaveorbechokedfor1d6damage perround).

Thesecondportalismuchasthefirst,butleadstoaslick tunnelslide into a cavern filled almost entirely with bubblingmagma.Inthecenterofthecavernthereis,atop a basalt dais, a pile of gold coins. Suspended from the ceilingofthemagmacavernandleadingfromtheentrance to the dais are nine rings suspended from chains. The second, fourth, sixth and ninth rings wil collapse if any weight is placed on them, the others will hold up to 200 poundsbeforecollapsing.Thepileoftreasureonthedais is a treacherous treasure. The coinage on its surface amounts to 1,100 gp and 500 ep, all of its ancient and counterfeitandbearingveryrudemessagesinavarietyof languages.
Treacherous Treasure: HD 7 (31 hp), AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 slam (3d6); Move 6; Save 9; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Surprise foes 40% of the time.

Thefinalportalislocatedonthebottomofthesphere.Itis alsoaportableholeleadingintothecenterofthesphere. Movingupthroughtheholeactuallyentailscominginfrom oneside.Theinteriorofthesphereis10feetindiameter. Thecenterofthesphereistakenupbyacircularcagewith steel bars from top to bottom. Inside this space is the skeletal corpse of Eksirossa, identifiable by her missing handandherbroadgrin,whichrevealsamouthfullofgold teeth (10 gp worth). The door of the cage has a very

complexlockthatrequirestwosuccessfulrollstoopen.A failure on the first attempt results in the portable hole detaching and falling intothe sea below and trapping the wouldbe thief inside the sphere. A failure on the second roll results in the sphere detaching from the ceiling and plunging into the water below, causing 5d6 points of damagetoanyoneinside(orbeneathit).Eksirossascorpse is wearing a single glove of dexterity, a +1 dagger that glowswhenwithin30feetofpreciousmetalsorgems,and her personal burglars tools, crafted by masterful hands andgivingthievesa+1bonustoallthieveryrolls. 0941SlaveWomenoftheHiddenCanyon:Acanyonhere is inhabited by 150 female berserkers escaped slaves. They worship a golden idol of Astarte that longs for her mate, a golden idol of Adonis (see Map J10). The warrior women are commanded by Ulara and Yosh. In their fortified cave complex they have amassed a treasure of 2,000sp,500ep,2,200gp,210ppandamossagateworth 2gp.Theyalsokeepaherdoftwentysmall,goldenbrown cattlethatUlarawoninawagerwithamysteriousdwarf.
Yosh,RangerLvl3:HP22;AC5[14];Save14;Special:+3damage vs.humanoids;Ringarmor,shield,shortsword,dagger,3javelins. Ulara,BarbarianLvl5:HP50;AC5[14];Save12;Special:Berserker; Leather,+1shield(+3vsmissiles),bastardsword,sling.

0943 Underground Highway: The underground highway described in [0741] continues northeast through this hex. Thehighwayfollowsthesamedesignofrestingplacesand weirdidols,butalsobeginstogrowhotterandmorearid. In hex [1042], this highway will run smack into an active magma flow. The abandoned halls of the highway in this hex are haunted by a fire mephit called Jagram. Jagram, along with a pack of four hell hounds, is searching for a flockofmagmamephitsthatwerefoolishenoughtoplaya prankonthefavoredcourtesanofIblis,grandsultanofthe efreet.Naturally,helpingthelittledemoncouldprovokea rewardfromIblis,thoughwisemenwouldcouncilthatany attention from the efreet is unwanted. Jagram carries a bronzemirrorthatallowscommunicationwithIbliscourt.
Jagram:HD3(10hp);AC2[17];Atk2claw(1d6);Move12(Fly21); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,burninghands,heatmetal,regenerate,summoning. Hell Hound: HD 6; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 bite (1d6); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP7/600;Special:Breathefire(17hp).

1002Donoussa:Thisislandtakesitsnamefromawomen whowasstrandedontheislandagesagowhenshedared compare her beauty to that of Minerva. A shrine to DonoussastillstandsinthevillageofSesk,onthewestern end of the island, where the reefs surround it part and allow access to a deep lagoon filled with colorful (and valuable)sealife.Seskishometo100fishermenwholivein timberhuts.Theirvillage,locatedverynearthelagoon,is surrounded by an earthen rampart and protected by a timber gatehouse decorated with hundreds of oyster shells. The village is ruled by Sir Nokendas and has a ramshackle tavern called the Winsome Wench. The Winsome Wench specializes in such fare as oyster pie, seaweed stew and a powerful spirit distilled from the secretionsoftheseaanemone(calledsklakbythenatives). Sesks natives are a dull, gloomy lot, given to incessant complaining about their lot in life over tall, terracotta tumblers of sklak. Their lord is the loudest complainer of all,saddledasheiswithaferociouswifenamedZadaand three pinchfaced daughters named Zolda, Kynda and Agine(theleasthomely,andsharpasatack).Thevillageis defended by five menatarms (leather armor, shields, spears, slings) and a mercenary sergeant from the mainland named Kadir (mysterious sort, owns a treasure map stolen from Prince Zargo of Ophir). Nokendas owns 1,000 sp, 1,000 ep, a brass armband worth 95 gp and a crate containing 30 lb of camphor (3 gp/lb) negotiated from a captain desperate to repair his ship and leave Donoussaforever.
Nokendas:HD3(12hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Troops enjoy a +1 bonus to hit and damage. Kadir, FightingMan Lvl 5: HP 33; AC 3 [16]; Save 11; Chainmail, shield,curvedlongsword,dagger.

0946 Acrid Geyser: On a small hill there is a geyser that erupts roughly once every 18 hours. The water from the geyser trickles down the sides of the hills to collect in stinking,sulferouspools.Thepoolsarehometoaflockof sevenwatermephitswithacridpersonalities.
WaterMephit:HD3;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d3);Move12(Fly18, Swim 12); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons,breathweapon,acidarrow,stinkingcloud,summoning.

1006Ios:Iosisaislandwitharockycoastlineandasingle, shallow bay surrounded by light woods. The island is inhabitedbyavillageof100hunters,devotedfollowersof Diana. The village consists of a dozen brick cottages surrounded by a low, stone wall. The village is ruled by a council of three elders, Matic, Calysh and Leopolatus, old comrades who once sought their fortune on the Wyvern Coast, but soon retired from the adventuring life. The hunters are also served by a bowyer named Gaura. The island is regularly raided by corsairs. During these raids, the villagers flee to hidden caves in the hills while their elders and a troop of seven menatarms, patrol the hills, killing any corsair who strays too far from his comrades. The caves grant access to a crystal cavern and an undergroundmagicalspringinhabitedbyadouroldwater elemental, Ichommmogo, that looks like a blue, vaguely humanoid frog. If one can answer a riddle, the frog will activate his magical spring, which teleports those submergethemselvesinittoanyfreshwaterspringinthe world. The village treasury, which is always hidden in the hills,consistsof10,000cp,1,000sp,1,000epand100gp.

Matic,MagicUserLvl4:HP 9;AC 9[11];Save 12;Special:Magic userspells(2nd); Dagger,crimsoncloak,birchstaff(endiscarved tolooklikeafalcon). Calysh,RangerLvl4:HP25;AC4[15];Save13;Special:+4damage vs. humanoids; Ringmail, shield, longbow, 20 arrows, curved long sword;silverlocketholdingalockofelvenhair(10gp). Leopolatus, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 13 (hes been sick for some time, but wont admit it); AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Chainmail, shield, polearm,shortsword,dagger.

1011CaptainSaemet:Thereisa4in6chancethatships passing through this hex will meet Redmane, the pirate galley of Saemet the Seadevil. Saemets nickname is not merely a reflection of his demeanor, as he is a cambion, bornofademonandahumanwoman.Saemetistalland gaunt,withpronouncedcheekbones,aforkedchin,amber skin, eyes of jet and small, black horns flecked with gold. He dresses in a black leather jack, red silk sash, a saffron turban held by a mummified monkeys paw and short breeches. Saemet never wears shoes, as they irritate his taloned feet. He arms himself with a curved dagger and scimitar.SaemetsshipiscalledtheBeautifulAbomination. Itiscrewedbythreedozenpirates.Saemetsfirstmateisa short,stockywomannamedTheoda.Theodahasbleached blondehair,copperyskinandabroad,devioussmile.She wears leather armor and carries a buckler and hand axe with 18 notches in its handle. Saemets home port is CorsairCovein[3119].Hisshipboardtreasuredependson howactivehehasbeen,butusuallyamountsto1d4x100 gpincoinageand2d6x100gpworthofcargo.
Saemet,CambionFightingMan9:HP55;AC2[17];Save7;Special: Halfdamagefromfire,bestowacurseonceperday;Dagger,magic short sword (see below), magic chainmail (see below), mystic monkeyspaw(+1tosavingthrows,alreadyfiguredintostats). SaemetsChainmail:Saemetwears+2chainmailemblazonedwith theglyphofOceanus,elderdemonofthesea.Theleatherpartsof themailhavebeendiedcrimson.ThechainmailallowsSaemetto createawallofwateronceperday. Saemets Sword: Saemets scimitar is a +1 weapon with a hilt wrappedingreenleather(theskinofaseahag).Oncepermonth, hecanuseittosummon1d6merrow. Theoda,FightingWomanLvl5:HP32;AC6[13];Save12;Leather armor,shield,handaxe.

womencanbepersuadedtoliveamongtheminers.Delec is surrounded by a stone wall, three stout watch towers and a moat filled by a stream. It is ruled by Sir Shemel, a pompoustwiteverybitasunpleasantashissubjects.The village knows no crime, primarily because Shemel and many of the miners are actually members of the Brotherhood of the Purple Hood, a clan of assassins that has existed since the times of the Purple Kings. Despite Shemels buffonish act, he is the shrewdest and most dangerous man on the Wyvern Coast after Zargo, whose rule he plans to usurp. Delec is defended by 60 menat arms in chainmail and toting pole axes, short swords and crossbows. The menatarms are commanded by seven assassins. Shemels treasure is 1,000 copper ingots (1 lb each,1gpeach),20,000cp,1,000sp,500epand2,800gp.
Sergeants, Assassins Lvl 3: HD 3d6; AC 7 [12]; Save 13; Special: Death attack (save or die, otherwise double damage), surprise on 12 on 1d6; Leather tunic (backed with steel plates), short sword, dagger,crossbow. Shemel, Assassin Lvl 7: HP 24; AC 6 [13]; Save 9; Special: Death attack (save or die, otherwise triple damage), surprise on 12 on 1d6; Leather tunic (backed with steel plates), springloaded cane (treatasjavelin),silverdagger,poisoneddagger(saveordie).

1018BalmorsSword:Thebonesofatrulymassiveshark lie halfburied in the silt. Inside the rib cage one might notice the glint of steel. The steel belongs to Balmors Sword, a magic claymore (twohanded sword). Balmors Sword is a flamebrand, a +2 sword that can burst into flames on command. While flaming, the sword inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage. Balmors sword is strongly aligned with Chaos and drives its owner to seek vengeance on the foes of Chaos. The sword is always coveredinbloodstains,whichsoonappearonthewielders handsandarms. 1034Delec:Delecisavillageof300loutishcopperminers living in adobe huts. The village has few females, for few

1036Zonay:Zonayisavillageof100piousgoatherdsliving intimberhutssurroundedbyathicketandmoat.Zonayis governedbyDifer,areeveofPrinceZargorecentlyarrived from Ophir. Zonay is protected by ten menatarms (chainmail, shield, hand axe, crossbow) commanded by SergeantPhaus(12hp).Astreamrushesbythevillageand fills its moat. The goats of Zonay were known to produce the finest cheese on the Wyvern Coast, and thus were highlyvaluedbyPrinceZargo.Unfortunately,thearrivalof Diferhaschangedthis.ForuntoldagesthepeopleofZonay paid heed to a kilmoulis named Kolong who tended their herdsandproducedtheirexcellentcheese.Inreturn,they werecarefultoeverspeakhisnamereverentlyandleave nothing but dishes of perfume for his meals. Alas, Difer thought these the acts offools, andhas now brought the wrath of Kolong down on the village, for their milk is curdled and sour and their goats growing thin. A party of adventurers capable of rectifying this situation might attractthepatronageofPrinceZargo. 1038RazedVillage:Adragonmanlairherewasrazedbya stegacentipede a week ago. The dragon men fled with their treasure, leaving their brass domes empty and their deadbakinginthesun.Thereisa1in6chanceperhour spent in the ruin that 1d6 wyverns will arrive, having smelledthecarrion. 1040 Tenebrous Wyrm Kobolds: The Tenebrous Wyrm tribeofheadhuntingkoboldsdwellsinanabandonediron mineguardedbytwogiantbats.Thetribeconsistsof325 males,141females,34youngand73eggs.Thetribesboss is Xabum and his retinue of nine foremen. The tribe has three witchdoctors, Xadm, Zerd and Num, capable of manufacturing black powder, which the kobolds use

extensively in mining and defense. The tribes totem is a black dragon they call Ngulauth. Their shaman, Gok, desires power beyond what his tribe can provide, and he has taken to venturing deep underground in search of monstrousallies.TheTenebrousWyrmswearblackleather tunics made from giant bat hide and carry picks and blunderbuses (fizzle on a 1 on 1d6 and explode for 1d6 damage on a 1 on 1d20). The tribes treasure consists of 1,000 sp, 2,200 gp, a bolt of silk (100 yards, 12 lb, 10 gp/yard)andabrassidolofNgulauthworth1,250gp.
GiantBats:HD4;AC7[12];Atk1bite(2d8),2claws(1d6);Move4 (Fly18);Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:10%chanceofdisease. Gok,KoboldAdeptLvl5:HP22;AC6[13];Save18;Special:Adept spells(2nd),sageabilities;Staff,fetishes,wavybladeddagger. Witchdoctors, Kobold Adepts Lvl 1: HD 1d4; AC 6 [13]; Save 18; Special:Adeptspells(1st),alchemistabilities;Dagger. Xabum: HD 1d4 (4 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 6; Save18;CL/XPA/5;Special:None.

KelpDevil:HD8;AC1[18];Atk6fronds(1d8);Move12(Swim24); Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm, immune to lightning and bluntweapons,surprise.

1127ScarletHall:ScarletHallisathreestorykeepmadeof limestonethatsankbeneaththewavesoveracenturyago. Thewallsofthekeeparewornandpitted,andtheentire constructionwillprobablyfalldowninthenearfuture.The keepisnowinhabitedbyagangofsevenweresharkswho hunt the coral reefs and sometimes venture onto land to attackthevillagers.ThegangisledbyabullcalledMahel and his mate, Thana. The weresharks have stockpiled a treasure horde consisting of 3,500 gp and a small moss agate(110gp).Mahelwasonceasailor,andhesometimes posesasasailortogainaccesstoaship,hisgangfollowing along and waiting for him to steer the ship into a reef or rocks.Thanahailsfrom[1226].Shesometimessneaksonto theislandtogivefoodtoheragingmother.
WereShark:HD6;AC3[16];Atk1bite(1d10);Move12;Save11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons, bloodsendsthemintoafrenzy(+2tohit). Thana: HD 6 (34 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d10); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons,bloodsendsthemintoafrenzy(+2tohit). Mahel:HD6(43 hp);AC3[16];Atk1bite(1d10);Move12;Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons,bloodsendsthemintoafrenzy(+2tohit).

1042 Magma Flow: A flock of thirteen cantankerous magmamephitsinhabitsalittlecaveoverlookingaflowof magmathateventuallyburrowsbeneaththeunderground highwayin[0844].Themephitsareexilesfromthecourtof Iblis,greatsultanoftheefreet.
Magma Mephit: HD 3; AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 claw (1d6); Move 12 (Fly 21); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons, breath weapon, pyrotechnics, regenerate, shape change, summoning.

1112 Castle of the Green Maiden: An ancient keep sits amidst a forest of long, green kelp, the home of the legendary Green Maiden. The keep was constructed hundreds of years ago by the tritons. It is constructed of granite blocks faced with greenstreaked marble and topped with a pyramid clad in brass and intended as a beacon beneath the sea. The keep is showing its age. Its stout bronze doors have fallen, many of the bars that protected its windows have disappeared and the ramps that join one level to another are crumbling away. The keepisnowinhabitedbyakelpiecalledtheGreenMaiden and her pets, a school of nine ravenous giant barracuda. Those approaching may spy the Green Maiden in one of thekeepswindows,appearingasabeautifulwomanwith palegreenskinandlong,jadehair.TheGreenMaidenwill present herself as a lonely woman, cursed to immortality but confined to her keep by her cruel father (a kelp devil that haunts the kelp forest that surrounds the keep). She willofferanythingtoanhandsomeadventurertogethim to stay with her, or to help her break the curse. Besides being a dangerous predator, the kelpie is also a powerful oracle,beingabletocastcommuneonceperday.Inthe highestchamberofherkeep,withinthebrasspyramid,the GreenMaidenkeeps3,000gpinarottingseatrunk.
Kelpie:HD5;AC2[17];Atk1grapple;Move9(Swim12);Save12; CL/XP6/400;Special:Charm,drown.

1135 Harek: Harek is a village of 100 quarrymen living in limestonelonghouses.Thevillageissurroundedbyastone wall and ruled by a council of elders, chief of whom is Selyn, an aging woman who wears an eye patch and a crooked smile and has worked as a guide in the Wyvern Hills for forty years. The village looks out over the sea, standingatopa200fttallcliff.Theirvillageisconnectedto Ophirbyawide,dirtroadthatwithconicallimestoneroad markers every oneandahalf miles and shrines to Melkartheverythreemiles.Theshrinestaketheformofa limestone idol atop a bronze pedestal inside a thatched hut painted bright purple. Harek is defended by thirty militia(shields,picks,javelins)ledbyayoungish,generally uninterested sergeant named Dervin. The people are Harekarebruskwithoutsiders,andprefertobeleftalone. Itiswidelyrumoredthattheyhavebeenvisitedbydemons and may in fact consort with them. In truth, their visitations have been with zetans, who are interested in launching a breeding program with the churlish and isolated villagers. The village treasury includes 2,000 sp, several tons of limestone blocks (various sizes) and a painted terracotta brazier (worth 5 gp) in their shrine of KotharwaKhasis.
Selyn:HD3(20hp);AC7[12];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move9;Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Under her guidance, wilderness encountersonlyoccurona1on1d8.Ownsgauntletsofswimming andclimbing. Dervin:HD3(16hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None.


1136 Ophir, City of Slaves: The citystate of Ophir is nestled in a valley of cedars and rich pastureland. It is surrounded by villas worked by slaves that grow wheat, grapes (slightly bitter, but good enough for spiced wines) and olives. The cultivated lands are separated by rocky highlands (good for grazing goats) and thicks stands of cedar.Ophirhasapopulationinexcessof6,000,withmost of them earning their living from the sea or in the slave markets.ThecitystateisruledbyPrinceZargo,anheirof the ancient Purple Kings. Ophirs architecture blends elementsofclassicalGreeceandmedievalMorocco. 1137 Vulchlings: Five vulchlings live in a shallow cave 50 feetabovethedesertfloor.Anarrowpassagewithametal ladder leads straight down 100 feet, ending at a steel trapdoor.Thetrapdoorleadstoasmallchamberfilledwith cratescontainingsevenweeksofironrationsintins. 1138 Red Rock Monastery: A brotherhood of monks, all dedicated to the veneration of Melkarth, has established itself in a fortified monastery perched atop of a red of reddishsandstone.Thosewhowishtovisitthemonastery must ring a large, bronze bell at the base of the ridge, a taskthatrequiresastrengthofatleast13tomakeoneself heard. Upon ringing the bell, several faces will peer over thewallsofthemonasteryandtakestockoftheirvisitors. If they are satisfied that there is no immediate danger, theyloweraropefromawindowabovetheentrance. One enters the monastery through an iron portcullis. The portcullis gives access to a courtyard via a tunnel. Here, visitors will find assembled the brotherhood of fifteen monks (nine level 1 brothers and Manian, Zaith, Cistinus, Dioco, Nomess and Sagar, the advanced monks). The visitorswillbescrutinizedandquestionedbytheadvanced brotherswhiletheothersbringmatsforthemtorestupon and bowls of water and plates of gritty, brown bread. If they are satisfied with the visitors answers, they will permitoneofthemtoseetheirmaster,Nargeir. Nargeircanbefoundinhishall,surroundedbyplushrugs andtapestriesandsittingonathickcarpetbeforeseveral lowtables.Eachtableholdsdelicateviandsandgobletsof wine. Nargeir is a stout man, a mind lord as well as an abbott.Nargeirisadreamer,andfindsitdifficulttostayon topic.Heiscurrentlyassemblingateamofadventurersfor anexpeditionintotheunknown.Histreasury,locatedina trapped vault beneath the monastery proper, consists of 10,000cp,2,000gp,110pp,fivecasksofoliveoil(100lb each, worth 65 gp each), a 10 lb crate of cashews (worth 200gp)and10lbsofdriedtealeaves(worth500gp).
Brothers: HD 1d6+3; AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 strike (1d4) or 1 weapon (1d6);Move12;Save14;CL/XP2/30;Special:Stunningattackonce perday. Manian, Monk Lvl 2: HP 13; AC 8 [11]; Atk 1 strike (1d6) or 1 weapon (1d6); Move 13; Save 13; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Stunning attack2/day,deflectmissiles.

Zaith,MonkLvl3:HP17;AC7[12];Atk1strike(1d6)or1weapon (1d6); Move 14; Save 12; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Stunning attack 3/day,deflectmissiles. Cistinus, Monk Lvl 3: HP 19; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 strike (1d6) or 1 weapon (1d6); Move 14; Save 12; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Stunning attack3/day,deflectmissiles. Dioco,MonkLvl3:HP15;AC7[12];Atk1strike(1d6)or1weapon (1d6); Move 14; Save 12; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Stunning attack 3/day,deflectmissiles. Nomess, Monk Lvl 4: HP 20; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 strike (1d6) or 1 weapon (1d6); Move 15; Save 11; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Stunning attack4/day,deflectmissiles,slowfall. Sagar,MonkLvl5:HP32;AC6[13];Atk1strike(1d8)or1weapon (1d6); Move 16; Save 10; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Stunning attack 5/day,deflectmissiles,slowfall. Nargeir, Psychic/Monk Lvl 9: HP 44; AC 5 [14]; Atk 2 strikes (1d10/1d6) or 1 weapon (1d6); Move 20; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Stunning attack 9/day, deflect missiles, slow fall, still body, fast healing,sixthsense,cloudminds,egowhip,ESP,telekinesis.

1202 Isaranos: Isaranos is an island with a coastline that variesbetweenrockycliffsandwhitebeaches.Theinterior oftheislandisforestedhighlandsofcedarsandpines.The forestsofIsaranosareinhabitedbydozensofnymphsand dryadsandasinglehumanbeing,KelantheNimble.Kelan was an adventurer who came to the island with a brave bandinsearchoftreasure.Uponfirstdiscoveringabathing nymphtheyfoolishlyattemptedtocaptureher.Kelanwas blindedwhilehiscompanionswereturnedintogulls.Kelan looks after them to this day, and has become a pitiable figureduenot onlyto hisdrawn appearance,but also his obsessionwithfinallycapturinganymph.Kelanisanable magician,andhedoesnotwillinglyacceptintrudersonhis island.Thenymphstormentandtauntthepoorfellow.
Kelan the Nimble, MagicUser Lvl 5: HP 10; AC 9 [10]; Save 11; Special:Magicuserspells(3rd);Gnarledoakstaff,silverdagger,a tourmalinenecklace(50gp),grimoire(hestudiesitwiththehelpof hisimpfamiliar). Ratik, Imp Familiar: HD 2 (15 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 sting (1d4 + poison);Move6(Fly16);Save16;CL/XP6/400;Special:Poisontail, polymorph,regenerate,immunetofire.

1206 Uallzho: Uallzho is an oktomon lair that consists of hundreds of shallow niches carved into the face of a submergedcliff.Thelargestofthecavesleadsbacktoan abbeyofTiamat.Theabbeyconsistsofacentralspherical sanctuarywithanabstractidoloftheQueenofChaosand smalleridolsofherspawn.Nichescarvedintothewallsof thesanctuaryhousethefiveoktomonpriestsandTiamats highpriest,Shuguth.ThewarriorsoftheUallzhooktomon wield shields studded with poisonous spines and short, bronze spears. There are 40 males, 60 females and 30 yound in all, as well as dozens of poisonous octopus swarms that patrol the cliff and abbey. A secret niche in thesanctuaryholds13,000sp,5,000ep,1,200gp,510pp andalargetopazworth8,000gp.

Shuguth,OktomonAdeptLvl5;HP22;AC5[14];Save10;Special: Adept spells (2nd), alchemist abilities; Poisonedspine shield, two bronzemaces. OctopusSwarm:HD2;AC3[14];Atk1sting(1d6+poison);Move (Swim9);Save16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Poisoninflicts1d6damage unlessasavingthrowismade.

but many in the village are considering the offer. The villagestreasurycontains20,000cp,1,000epand200gp.
Kadel,Captain:HD5(11hp);AC2[17];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move 9;Save12;CL/XP5/240;Special:Soldiersare+1tohitanddamage. Iaucta,Reeve:HD3(10hp);AC2[17];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move 9;Save60;CL/XP3/60;Special:None. Sabilin, Adept Lvl 3: HP 15; AC 2 [17]; Save 12; Special: None; Platemail,shield,mace,tarnishedholysymbolofAdonis.

1226Noromina(West):Norominaislandisringedbyreefs. It is dotted with a few small farmsteads that mostly raise sheep and garlic. A remote temple of Melkarth was constructedontheislandbycultistsseveralcenturiesago. It has a caretaker named Grono and hosts athletic games every seven years in honor of Melkarth. At this time, dozensofadventurers,athletes,aristocratsandmerchants crowd onto the island, pitching simple tents and grand pavilions and enjoying competitions that include races, swimming, javelin throws, archery and wrestling. Hidden behind a loose stone in the temple are 1,000 sp and an ivory idol of Melkarth worth 105 gp. The shephards have stout locks on their doors and have holy symbols painted ontheirdoorsandeachwalloftheirhome,fortheother endoftheirislandisplaguedbyvampires.
Grono,GnomeClericLvl4:HP20;AC4[15];Save11;Special:Cleric spells (2nd), banish undead, hear noise on 12 on 1d6, communicate with burrowing animals; Chainmail (rarely worn, slightlyrusty),lighthammer(1d4damage),holysymbol.

1242 Wrecked Carriage: A once ornate carriage that resembled the fancy train cars of the Victorian age lies scatteredacrossthefaceofamountain.Thecarriagewas once mounted on the back of a roc and used by the archimageCorixfortransportation.Overadecadeagothe roc, carriage and passengers were brought down by an attack by a flock of wyverns, three of which still lair high aboveinacave.
Wyverns:HD8(45,44,40hp);AC3[16];Atk1bite(2d8)or1sting (1d6 + poison); Move 6 (Fly 24); Save 8; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Poisonsting.

1233 Salty Scrag: A merchant cog sank here years ago in shallowwater.Thehulk,thebowandmastsvisibleabove water,arenowhometoabarnacleencrustedscragcalled Gorvo. The ships cargo hold contains 75 gp worth of waterlogged lumber and 400 gp worth of pewter dishware.Ahiddencacheinthecaptainssubmergeddesk holdsanaquamarine(1,050gp),citrine(1,150gp),aberyl (1,000 gp), a lapis lazuli turtle (800 gp), an intricate alabasterfigurineofAstarte(1,000gp)andsilverearrings worth1,450gp.
Gorvo:HD6+3(26hp);AC2[17]; Atk2claws(1d4),1bite(1d6); Move12(Swim12);Save11;CL/XP8/800;Regenerate3hp/rd.

1236Omarine:Omarineisavillageof600peasantsliving in adobe huts. The village is surrounded by an earthen rampart, a moat filled with refuse and rats and fields of barley and wheat that are doing quite poorly. Omarine is ruledbyIaucta,areeveassignedbyPrinceZargoofOphir. IthasatempleofAdonisandalargereservoirinthehills, fromwhichwaterisbroughtintothevillageandfieldsvia clay pipes. The village is defended by 27 menatarms (leather, shield, spear, short sword, short bow), two sergeantsandacaptainnamedKadel.Thevillagespriest, Sabilin,isadrunkardwhohasfailedtogiveproperservice andsacrificetoAdonis.Asaresult,thegodhasturnedhis back on the village, which is now suffering crop failures and a litany of other, more minor frustrations. Recently, villagershavebeenvisitedbyrepresentativeofthedemon lord Lucifer, who is promising to solve their problems in returnforworshipandsacrifice.Iauctaisunawareofthis,

1304 Zsiloth: Zsiloth is an oktomon lair in a submerged mountain. The lair consists of caves studded with agates. Theagatesareminedby150skumslaves.Thelairhouses 80maleoktomon,100femaleswhoareespeciallyhaughty and aggressive, and 50 young. The oktomon are ruled by Rhoyon,assistedbyfoursubordinatesandDepharthorat, a priest of Tiamat. The lair is protected by a colossal octopuscalledZsthakehdang.Themassivebeastdwellsin apitinthecenterofthelair.Itstentaclescanstretchupto 40 feet, allowing it to attack invaders in the caves before theyevergetneartheoktomonsinnersanctum.Theinner sanctum,whichissubdividedintomanysmallcaves,serves as a palace and temple. It is decorated with three dozen bronzedeathmasksinlaidwithagate(worth25gpeach). The oktomons treasure consists of 10,000 sp, 11,100 gp, 510ppandadiamondworth4,000gp.
Depharthorat, Oktomon Adept Lvl 6: HP 29; AC 3 [16]; Save 9; Special:Adeptspells(2nd),alchemistabilities;Twoshields,bronze pectoral,trident,dagger,wandofblacktentacles.Awandofblack tentacles can cause a mass of writhing black tentacles to erupt from the ground once per day. The tentacles attack as a 10 HD monster,attemptingtograppleeverycreaturewithin20feetand causing1d6damagewhensuccessful. Zsthakehdang: HD 14 (70 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 8 tentacles (2d6); Move 6 (Swim 18); CL/XP 17/3500; Special: Constriction and poisoning. Rhoyons Subordinates: HD 4 (19 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 weapons (1d8);Move12(Swim18);Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:None. Rhoyon, Oktomon FightingMan Lvl 9: HP 58; AC 3 [16]; Save 8; Bronzepectoral,prongedspear,dagger,twoshields.

1314 Hunting Ground: A pod of 15 tusked whales has madethisitshuntingground.Encounterswiththewhales happenonarollof14on1d6.Thewhalesarenotafraid toattackvesselsenmasse.

Tusked Whale: HD 12; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 bite (3d10); Move (Swim 24);Save3;CL/XP12/2000;Special:None.

1326Noromina(East):ThissideoftheNorominaislandis mountainous and inhabited by bestial vampire spawn called kalikantzaros. The kalikantzaros look like smallish humans with bestial features (tusks, hairy bodies). They fear the sound of bells. They only come up from their subterraneanabodesatnightinthedeadofwinter.
Kalikantzaros:HD4;AC4[15];Atk1bite(1d6+leveldrain);Move 12;Save13;CL/XP7/600;Special:Seethisblogpost.

1329ColossalSkull:Theskullofacolossal bearliesover turnedinagully. 1336 Vignos: Vignos is a sprawling village of timber huts overlookingthesea.Thelandwardsideisprotectedbyan earthen rampart and several watch towers. Vignos is inhabitedby500dour,xenophobicfishermenruledbySir Jerig, himself a paranoid with an intense hatred of elves. Thevillagersgettheirwaterfromalargereservoirlocated inthehillsbeyondtheirvillage.Vignosisdefendedby100 menatarms (leather armor, long bows, spears) and twelvesergeantsunderthecommandofJerighimself.An old woman named Ronia has a vast knowledge of the Wyvern Coast, and will happily hire on as a guide. Jerigs coffers contain 20,000 cp, 1,000 ep, 2,500 gp, 20 pp, a garnet(70gp),asilverringdecoratedwithscaleddolphins (80 gp) and a painted terracotta wine pitcher (115 gp). Vignoshasover100fishingboats(worth30gpeach)
Ronia:HD2(9hp);AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move12;Save 16; CL/XP 2/30; Special: While under her guidance, the chance of surpriseandrandommonsterencountersarerolledon1d8. Jerig:HD3(19hp);AC2[17];Atk1weapon(1d8+1);Move9;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:Givessoldiersa+1boosttomorale.

Theherdsbullsareeasilyangered.Thecenotaphandthe cell beneath it are carved from marble. The cenotaph is carved to look like the statue of an undine holding a sea turtle in her lap. The tomb below contains a bronze sarcophagustrappedwithscythingbladesthateruptfrom thebaseifthelidismoved.Withinthesarcophagusthere is the form of a beautiful undine carved from alabaster (worth 200 gp) and trapped to give off an electric shock (3d6 damage)to any who disturb it. A secret door in one wallleadstothetruetomb,asimplegrottothatholdsthe undineladyinacrystalcoffin.Thetruetombisprotected by a lithonite. It contains 1,100 gp, coiled bracer of silver (145gp),sacredtextsonbronzedisks(300gp),a3Dchess setwithmarblepieces(50gp),amasterworktridentanda masterworkbreastplatedesignedtolooklikeahalfshell.
Lithonite:HD8(36hp);AC2[17]frontalshell,6[13]body;Atk2 tentacles (2d6); Move 9; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Body immunetobluntweapons.

1426PirateQueenoftheDeep:Aconcentriccastlewitha oblong curtain wall and a tower keep rests beneath the waves atop a plateau. The castle once belonged to the Mabias family, old rivals of Ophir. Their island and castle sankbeneaththewavesaftertheyarousedtheireofLotan bypreyingonthemerchantshipsofOphir.Thecastle,now crumbling, serves as a base of operations for a band of thirty sahuagin brigands led by Flore, selfstyled pirate queenofthedeep.Floredwellsintheupperreachesofthe keep among her heap of treasure: 10,000 cp, 22,000 sp, 5,500ep,100gp,10pp,chrysopraseworth7,000gp,jade intaglioworth95gpandabrasstorqueworth125gp.The castle is heavily trapped (springloaded spears, falling rocks,poisonousspines,etc).
Flore,MermaidThiefLvl12:HP37;AC7[12];Save4;Special:Thief abilities,backstabx5;Obsidiandagger.

1338 Keep of Lord Sheleik: Sheleik was a powerful lord drivenmadbyawisewomanscurse.Heandhisretinueof 80 berserkers still dwell in the keep, which is now in terribledisrepair.TheberserkersarealliedwithSarrenda, priestofBaalZebubandastonegiantcalledRegorm.The berserkers favor spiced wine and raw meat (sometimes human).Theirtreasureconsistsof10,000ep,200gp,500 pp, 3 lb of long peppers (worth 1,500 gp/lb) in a sealed ambercolored jar and 25 lb of sandalwood oil (worth 40 gp/lb)inthreeclayjugs(fromanambushedcaravan).
Regorm:HD9+3(34hp);AC0[19];Atk1club(3d6);Move12;Save 6;CL/XP10/1400;Special:Throwbouldersfor3d6damage. Sarrenda, Adept Lvl 8: HP 35; AC 3 [16]; Save 7; Special: Adept spells(2nd),sage;Chainmail,shield,mace,throwinghammer. Sheleik, FightingMan Lvl 12: HP 54; AC 1 [18]; Save 5; Platemail, shield,curvedlongsword,dagger.

1419 Tomb of Lady Ermenell: The cenotaph of the Lady Ermenell lies in the midst of a great field of kelp grazed uponbyicthyotaurs(fronthalfiscattle,backhalfisafish).

1435 Marketplace: A band of 15 zwunkers have established a unique marketplace in a large cave overlookingthesea.Thecaveresemblesanamphitheatre, and during each full moon it plays host to a marketplace unlike any other, for the cave lies at a planar nexus. At eachfullmoon,athreeportalsopenupinthecave,each to a random plane of existence (see below). Merchants from those places are ever ready to sally forth and trade for exotic goods. The zwunkers oversee the marketplace and take a small cut of the proceeds in the form of the itemstraded.Theythemselvesownasmallmerchantcog docked below at a stone platform of their own construction. They use this cog to visit citystates around the Tepid Sea, where they sell their unique goods. The leaderofthezwunkersisFfing,awilythiefandtrader.

Roll RandomPlane 1 TheMoon(whererareearthsareminedbygrey menandinsanityreignssupreme) 2 TheSun(asteroidsarchipelagoofPresterJohn) 3 Saturnii(weirdcrossroads) 4 Jupiter(thickatmospherepopulatedbyfloating citiesruledbytitans) 5 AstralPlane(BlackGulfofSpace) 6 EtherealPlane(LandoftheDead) 7 Martis(desertplanetofraiders) 8 Veneris(jungleplanetruledbyanimalmen)
Ffing,ZwunkerThiefLvl7:HP24;AC7[12];Save9;Special:Thief abilities,zwunkerabilities,backstabforx4damage;Leatherarmor, sleep gas gun (5 charges, as sleep spell), short sword, dagger, burglarstools. Zwunker:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move9;Save16(14 vs.magic);Special:Controlwind1/day,magicresistance10%in30 ftradius.

1539 Lindobar: Lindobar is a fortified dwarf mine. The minerunsdeepintothehills,andalsoincludesagreathall for King Foroth and his housecarls, a rugged temple dedicatedtoWeylandfortheclanshighpriest,Svele,and hersevenacolytesandnumerousapartmentsforthe364 males, 174 females and 53 dwarflings that inhabit the mine.Themineproduces20,000gpofplatinum(i.e.20lb) permonth,muchofwhichtheyhorde,someofwhichthey trade to humans from Ophir and Ibis. The mines are patrolledbyafamilyoffivecavebears,whoalsohelpthe dwarfs when they need some extra muscle. The entrance tothemineishidden,butdwarfsandelfscanspotitona 12on1d6.Thedwarfstreasureconsistsof2,000gpand 1,100pp.
Acolytes(7),DwarfAdept2:HD2d6+2;AC1[18];Save13;Special: Adeptspells(1st);Platemail,shield,warhammer,holysymbol. Svele, Dwarf Adept 4: HP 23; AC 1 [18]; Save 11; Special: Adept spells(1st),armorer;Platemail,shield,warhammer,holysymbol. ForothsHousecarls(4),DwarfFightingMenLvl3:HD3d6+6;AC1 [18];Save14;Platemail,shield,battleaxe,dagger. Foroth, Dwarf FightingMan Lvl 8: HP 53; AC 1 [18]; Save 9; Platemail,shield,warhammer,dagger.

1608SlaveMine:Anenterprisingbandof20sahuaginsis operatinganaventurine 3 mineinthishexusing36hobbled merrows for their slave labor. The sahuagins are led by Zhachak,amutatedmemberwithfourarmsandeyesthat cause confusion (as a gaze attack). The merrow are all lame,butcapableoffightingtheiroppressorsiffreedfrom their chains. The sahuagins dwell within the labyrinthine mine.Theykeepatreasureof400gpand1,600gpworth ofaventurinesinlockedchests.
Zhachak,MutantSahuagin:HD4+2(HP27);AC5[14];Atk4claws (1d8); Move 12 (Swim 18); Save 13; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Confusiongazeattack.

1609 Meritraels Rest: In the base of a large undersea mountainthereisanentrancetoabarrowstyletomb.The entranceisagranitearchsealedbyablockofgranitethat weighs several tons. Beyond the gateway there is a long, narrow passage inlaid with phosphorescent rock in geometric knot patterns. This passage is studded with traps,includingspringloadedspearsandpoisonedneedles hiddeninthesiltcoveringthefloor.Thispassagewayleads tostairsthatascendtoanairfilled,limestonegrottolitby aglowingstatueofaangel.Threepassagesleadfromthis grotto, entering a sprawling dungeon complex of blinded merrowslavewarriors,avengingspiritsofLaw,elementals ofwater,steamandoozeandmithralautomatonsshaped like squid with obsidian beaks and motherofpearl eyes thatsquirtacidicinkandallmanneroftrapsandtricks.At the heart of this complex lies a slumbing solar, a divine championofLaw.Thissolar,Meritrael,waslaidherebya cabal of undersea wizards, that it might be awakened centurieslatertomakewaronaprophesiedevil. 1613 Atlyn: Atlyn is the basalt keep ofDonnillan,anundinewarlordwho is assembling a team of heroes to explore the tower in [1706]. The keep is four stories tall and constructed of blocks of basalt that were scavenged from an ancient toweroftheelderthings;theblocks bear some odd engravings from the elder things. The windows of the keep are sealed with crystal,allowingtheinteriortobeacombinationofwater filled and airfilled (though not necessarily breathable) chambers.Thebaronyishometo378peasantswhodwell around the stronghold in crude stone huts. They are primarilyoccupiedintheminingoflead. Donnillan is a strapping undine warrior who wears silvery scale armor (treat as chainmail) and carries a trident. He commands seven spearmen and 21 undineatarms. His boon companions are Moinn, a priest of Neptunus, and Melynnen, a peevish mage. Donnillans arms are a field argentemblazonedwithashellsable.Heisajealousman, and given to treachery to achieve his ends. Donnillans treasureconsistsof6,000ep,6,200gp,10ppandanopal worth950gp.
Donnillan,UndineRangerLvl12:HP68;AC3[16];Save5;Special: +12 to damage humanoids; Scale armor, shield, trident, dagger, brasswaistchainworth135gp. Spearmen, Undine Rangers Lvl 1: HD 1d6+2; AC 7 [12]; Save 16; Special:+1dmghumanoids;Leatherarmor,barbedspear,dagger. Moinn,UnineAdeptLvl6:HP29;AC3[16];Save9;Special:Adept spells(2nd),healer;Scalearmor,shield,trident,holysymbol. Melynnen,UndineAdeptLvl3:HP11;AC9[10];Save13;Special: Adept (1st), alchemist; Grimoire of embroidered shagreen with copperclasps,silverdagger.

Aventurine is a translucent, green quartz


1639FortressofAtmas:AsolarcalledAtmasconstructeda fortress that reaches deep within the earth here a millenniaagotoserveasaplaceofdefenseforthefaithful of Law. It is overseen by the great shedu Umheb and consistsofdozensofchambersandpassagewayspatroled bypaladinsandblinkdogsandadornedwithsomeofthe solarsaccumulatedtreasures.Theentrancetothefortress isapairofbronzedoorsstanding30feettall.Beyondthe doors is a great entry hall and cathedral dedicated to the LordsofLawandcontainingtwelvetoweringmarbleidols ofMarduk,Melkarth,Harpocratesandotherlawfuldeities. The cathedral is overseen by a priests dedicated to the aforementioned deities and protected by two celestial lions called Anapex and Ssirun. The chambers beyond include shrines protected by minor angels, sacred pools andAtmasthroneroom. 1641WhiteFangKobolds:Kjolaisalairof344koboldsand their 122 females and 40 young. The kobolds dwell in a nitremineinadeep,intenselyhotbarrenvalleythatwas once a salt lake. The mine boss is Xorak (4 hp), who is assitedbyelevenforemen(3hpeach),threewitchdoctors, Mgaz,DaxandDakunrandashamannamedSekunt.The White Fangs worship the undead, and keep a dozen zombiesadornedwithbronzejewelryasunlivingidolsand protectors. Xorak also keeps a giant weasel as a guard animalinhisvault,whichcontains10,000cp,1,000ep,400 gp, 100 pp, a terracotta urn decorated with skeletons (worth 175 gp) and a piece of polished coral worth 2 gp. They also have a chest filled with 200 pounds of nitre (worth5gp/lb).Thekoboldwarriorsarearmedwithpicks, while the foremen carry pistols (treat as light crossbows) and short swords. Xorak wears ring mail and carries a shield,shortswordandalightcrossbowwithten+2bolts.
Witchdoctors, Kobold Adepts Lvl 1: HD 1d4; AC 8 [11]; Save 15; Special: Adept (1st), alchemists, throw black powder bombs (1d6 damagetoallwithin10feet). Sekunt, Kobold Adept Lvl 5: HP 18; AC 6 [13]; Save 10; Special: Adept spells (2nd), berserker; Leather armor, shield, morningstar, holysymbol.

1642Labyrinth:Thisisatruelabyrinthwith30footwalls of blue glass and floors of blue marble tile. The passages are20feetwideandthecenteris40footindiameter.In thecenterare20statuesofwarriorscreatedbythegazeof anamphisbaenabasiliskwhichlairsamongthestatues.Its treasure is 4,000 sp, 115 gp, 3 pp, a pearl medallion (40 gp),apearlpendant(40gp)andajadetorc(30gp).Itlies scatteredaboutthecentralchamber.
Amphisbaena Basilisk: HD 9 (62 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 bite (1d8); Move 9; Save 6; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: Allaround vision, half damagefromcold,petrifyinggaze,split.

1,200 feet tall. Having been raised from a submerged volcano,itisformedofigenousrocksandtheinteriorisa collection of lava tubes and volcanic caverns. At the pinnacle of the tower Lotan placed a mirror of polished obsidianthatcausetheseaandskyforthreehexesaround the tower to be cloaked in everlasting darkness. A mere thirty years ago, a brave band of aquatic adventurers entered the tower dungeon and toppled the mirror, endingtheeffect.Unfortunately,theydidnotmakeitout of the tower alive, for it is crawling with all manner of dangers, including giant shrimps with the images of a female face on their carapaces capable of foretelling the future,slimecoveredchuul,flayedzombies,bloodyoozes, primitivecrabmenwhoworshipaMotherofHorrors(and her numerous spawn), vampiric undines, steam mephits, ooze mephits and ooze elementals, colossal tube worms, giantlampreysandamysteriousboxofdeath.Moreover, the powerful mirror fiend, former consort to Lotan, is trappedwithinthemirroranddesirousofrevenge. 1712 Zhothu of the Three Dooms: Zhothu is a basalt citadel of sahuagin built in the form of a steepside ziggurat.Ithouses69males,74females,34hatchlingsand 153 eggs. Zhothu is led by Lord Daquaub and his high priestess Dndha. They are assisted by four nobles (pompousfoolsallofthem),threepriestessesand19small sharks.Zhothucanbeenteredfromtheeastorwest.The interior is a collection of squarish chambers joined by tunnels. Prisoners, usually long dead, but sometimes still alive, have been walled into the tunnels, only their faces showing through small openings, making the tunnels narrow and uneven. The chambers include shrines to Omoo, crowded peasant chambers, guardrooms, opulent royal chambers, torture chambers and three pit cages used to hold the monstrosities that give Zhothu its nickname.Dndhaholdsatripleamuletthatcontrolsthese monsters, which can be released through subterranean tunnels into the sea to defend Zhothu and destroy her enemies. The sahuagin have little caches of treasure hidden throughout their complex, with the most valuable treasureshiddenbeneathtrapdoorsinthemonsterpits.In total, the treasure of Zhothu consists of 12,000 sp, 5,000 ep, 6,000 gp, 10 pp, a chalcedony worth 50 gp, a beryl worth1,150gpandarubyworth6,000gp.
Daquaub,SahuaginFightingManLvl6:HP30;AC3[16];Save11; Obsidiantippedspear,bronzedagger,sharkhidearmor. Dndha, Sahuagin Adept Lvl 6: HP 33; AC 5 [14]; Save 9; Special: Adeptspells(2nd),berserker;Spear,dagger,megalodontooth. Sharks:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d4+1);Move0(Swim24);Save 13;CL/XP4/120;Special:Feedingfrenzy. Bhazo:Bhazolookslikeahuge,sinuouscatfishcoveredincrimson feathers. It is capable of burying itself in the silt and surprising opponentswhoswimoverhead.HD8(48hp);AC6[13];Atk1bite (1d10);Move15(Swim21);Save8;CL/XP8/800;Special:Surprise on14on1d6.

1706 Tower of Darkness: A mere three millennia ago the demonlordLotanerectedamassive,squaretowerfroma vast field of black and white smokers (i.e. hydrothermal vents). The tower is 400 feet wide and deep and over

Thot:Thotisalargelizardcreaturewithsixlegs,twoheadsanda spinytail.HD8(37hp);AC6[13];Atk2bite(1d8),4claw(1d8),1 tail(1d6);Move12(Swim18);Save8;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Only surprisedona1on1d8. UtholeIzo:UtholeIzolookslikealarge,sixleggedfrogcoveredin shaggy,algaeriddenfur.Itiscapableofusingitsfrontpairoflegs asarmsandgivesofftheodorofrottingflesh.Incombat,itgives offablinding,greenlightthatimposesa5penaltyonthosetrying to attack it. HD 7 (35 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (1d8), 2 trident (1d8);Move12(Swim12);Save9;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Blinding light,nauseatingodor(nochancetosurprise).

1732 Ressems Rest: A tomb of the Patriarch Ressem, a priestofAsclepiuswholivedovertwohundredyearsago, is carved intothe limestonecliffs here. The tomb entry is blocked by a limestone slab 3 feet thick that completely fills the entryway. In front of the slab there is a bronze grate.Theclifffacehasbeencarvedintoabasreliefoftwo sphinxesfacing(andpresumablyguarding)theentryway. Beyondthestoneslabtheentrycorridorproceedstwenty feetintothecliffside,endinginasmallshrinetoAsclepius. Theshrinehasalimestonestatueofthedeitysurrounded by dozens of small, crude statues of people, votive offeringstothegodbypetitionersinneedofhealing,and three bronze braziers. If the idols left arm is pivoted downward, a panel 10 feet further up the entry corridor willslideopen,revealinganarrowsetofstairs.Thestairs lead down more than 50 feet, often becoming so steep that those traversing them must pass a saving throw or topplefor3d6damageunlessprecautionsaretaken. At the bottom of the stairs there is a natural, limestone grottothathasbeencarvedbyhumanhandsintoalarge, oval chamber with steps leading down into a pool of mineral water. Three statues of nymphs holding clay vessels surround the pool, with water flowing from the vesselsintothepool.Thechamberisquitesteamy,andthe water is hot, though not scalding. Should the pool be entered,atrapwillbetriggered.Theheadsofthenymphs willrotate,revealingdemonicfacesandthewaterflowing from the vessels will take on a yellowish cast. This yellowish water is actually acid, which, two rounds later, willbegintoinflict1d6pointsofdamageperroundonany standing in the pool. At the same time, a steel portcullis willfall,blockingexitfromthesteamingpoolofacid.Three rounds after the acid begins to flow, the acidic vapors in the air will begin to make peoples lungs burn for an additional1d6damageperround. Of course, this is not the tomb of Ressem, but a trap for tombrobbers.Entrytothetruetombcanbeobtainedby lightingthethreebraziers(nofuelisprovided)surrounding the idol in the shrine. As the flames heat the area, the alcove in which the idol stands will rotate, revealing Ressemstomb.Thetombisdecoratedwithbasreliefsof huntingscenes.Atopabronzeplatformshapedlikealion liesthebodyofRessem,deadbutperfectlypreservedand showingnosignsofdecay.Heiswearingwhiterobesand is covered by a tiger skin worth 40 gp. The tomb is

otherwise filled with terracotta statues and ritual objects of little value except for three alabastrons (alabaster bottles,worth5gpeach)thatcontainpotionsofhealing. 1736 Cabax: Cabax is a caravansaray, the last stop for traders before theycross the mountains into the landsof NabuorPwenet.Thecaravansarayisquitelarge.Itconsists oftwolarge,squarebuildingsconstructedofadobebricks flankingalarge,rectangularcourtyard.Eachbuildingistwo stories tall. The bottom floor of each contains a tiled common room with a fountain and benches. These commonroomsaresurroundedbysmaller,privaterooms and a small shop selling common travel gear. The upper floorofonebuildingcontainslivingquartersfortheowner, Rodeleb,andhisfamilyandforthestablehandsandwater bearers. The upper floor of the other building contains a barracks and armory for the twelve menatarms and sergeantwhoprotectthecaravansarayandalarge,private room that is rented to wealthy travelers. The open courtyardcontainsalargefountainofitsownandroomfor severaldozencamelsandothermounts.Thereareusually one or two caravans staying at the caravansaray,heading east or west. Another inhabitant is a blind beggar named Jennan,whoisbelievedtohavepropheticpowers(hedoes not, but he is willing to give nonsensical predictions to peopleforafewcoppercoins). 1740SpringingPeril:Inadeeppitnearawellwornpath, covered with woven grasses and branches, a gambado waits for prey. When folk pass by, the bizarre creature, which has a skulllike head, two long arms tipped with clawed hands and a long, rubbery torso that allows it to spring out of its pit like a jackinthebox. Gambados will not fight to the death, but rather seek to escape if their livesareindanger.Thecreaturehas50ep,40gpand1pp in its pit, along with a collection of humanoid and animal bones.
Gambado: HD 4 (19 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (2d4), 2 claws (1d4+1); Move 15; Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Surprise on 13 on1d6.

1749 Toad Hollow: A depression in the savanna holds a large (200ft diameter) pond. Agang of twenty thugtoads livesinmudburrowsdugintothebanksofthepond.The toadscarryshieldswovenfromthegrassesthatchokethe banksofthepond,andtheycarryflinttippedspears.The banks of the pond are trapped with holes that can break legs if one is not careful. The thugtoads worship a large froghemothwhodwellsinthecenterofthepond,bringing it fresh kills of the animals that come to drink from the pond,hopingtokeepitinatorporthatitwillnotdevour them.TheleaderofthethugtoadsiscalledTudeggy(2HD, 12 hp, CL 3/60). He considers himself a high priest, but hasnomagicalpowers.Hedoes,however,carryamilitary pickmadefromthebronzebeakofastymphalianbird;the thugtoadsdisplacedthecranesyearsagoasthemastersof thepond,carryingtheirtadpolehemothwiththem.

Thugtoad:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move4(Swim15); Save17;CL/XP2/30;Special:Camouflage,hop. Froghemoth:HD16;AC3[16],tentacles1[18],tongue5[14];Atk 1 tongue (5d10) or 4 tentacles (1d8); Move 3 (Swim 9); Save 3; CL/XP19/4100;Special:Swallowwhole,immunetofire.

Bodyguards, Barbarians Lvl 3: HD 3d6+9; AC 8 [11]; Save 14; Flint knife,tigerhide. SubChiefs, Barbarian Lvl 4: HD 4d6+12; AC 7 [12]; Save 13; Flint knife,wyvernhide. Yog,BarbarianLvl5:HP31;AC7[12];Save11;Flintknife,wyvern hide. Jothag,AdeptLvl3:HP9;AC9[10];Save13;Special:Adeptspells (1st), healer abilities; Gnarled acaciawood staff, tiger tooth necklaceholysymbol.

1832 Nikkals Orchard: A thick grove of olive trees grows on a rocky slope. Amidst the olive trees, one might discover an odd wooden idol of NikkalwaIb, goddess of orchards. The idol seems to jut up from the rocky earth and represents the goddess torso in an odd, curved position. The idol stands in this position because it is, in fact, the figurehead of a buried galley. The galley, if even fifteen feet are uncovered through excavation or magic, willberevealedasalarge,threedeckgalley.Thedeckarea was long ago crushed under the weight of earth, but trapdoorsleaddowntotheotherdecks,whichareintact. Thefirsttwodecksareoardecks.Theyconsistoflongrows (200) of benches upon which sit a few manacled, vine coveredskeletonsandbitsofoar.Attheheadofthedeck isalargedrum.Attheaftofthedeckthereisadoortoa twostory cabin. The upper story contains a gallery that looksdownonabedchamber.Anlarge,ancientharprests on the gallery. The bedchamber holds a wardrobe that containsanexpensivesetofrobes(50gp)andanancient bronze axe. The bed is round and surrounded by seven automatons that look like beautiful maidens. The automatonsaremadeofbronzeandivoryandaremeant to represent the seven daughters of Jerag and Nikkalwa Ib. If a large clockwork hidden behind a wooden panel is wound up, the automatons will perform a multitude of pleasurable functions. A papyrus scroll of laments lies on the bed and holds a hidden spell that can summon a bedlam,aterribleentityofinsanity. Thebottomdeckwasmeantforcargo,andholdsadozen amphorae of vinegar (once was wine), crates of inedible, dried figs, olives and citrons and a small cask of aromatic oil(25gp).Towardstheaftofthedeckthereisalargehole inthehullandtheskullofamassiveseaserpent.Thesea serpentsfangsstilldripwithdeadlypoison. 1837 SabreTooth Tribe: A tribe of 63 cavemen, 61 cavewomenand37cavechildrendwellinadeep,winding complex of limestone caves. The cavemen wield flint knivesincombat.Theyareledbyaprudish,tempermental chieftain called Yog along with four subchiefs. They worshipsabretoothtigersundertheguidanceofashaman called Jothag. Yog is always accompanied by his six bodyguards. The sabretooth people have persisted in these hills since the days when the Wyvern Coast was an archipelago of tiny islands. They are extraordinarily long lived, with the elders of the tribe reaching well over 300 yearsofage.
Caveman:HD1;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move12;Save17; CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

1839Salok:Salokisavillageof100yeomanfarmersliving inwattle&daubhutssurroundedbyarampartofboulders and packed earth and sporting four wooden towers. The wall surrounds several acres of pastureland, where the yeomen keep goats and raise gardens. The village is surrounded by fields of wheat and barley. The men of Salokarerudeanduninviting,buttheirhospitalitycanbe hadataprice.Theywillbesuspiciousofoutsiders,though, and keep their wives and daughters hidden away. The village is ruled by a council of elders, the speaker being Isiro,adistinguishedoldmanwhowalkswiththeaidofa shepherds crook. Hidden beneath one building in the village is an subterranean shrine dedicated to BaalZebul, thegodofdisease.Theidol,castinbronze,isaflyheaded man. The chief cultist of the village is Quara, a swarthy woman with a lovely face and large, green eyes. Quara is anassassinwithfiveotherassassinsunderhercommand. Salokgetsitswaterfromcisterns.Theyeomanareknown for their work in bronze. They are defended by eleven menatarms(bronzemail,shields,handaxes,shortbows) and a sergeant named Galena, twin sister to Quara. The village treasury consists of 10,000 cp, 500 ep, 100 gp, a turquoiseworth105gpandaparchmentscrollcontaining twoclericspells,snakecharmandspeakwithanimals.
Quara, Assassin Lvl 4: HP 18; AC 7 [12]; Save 12; Special: Sneak attackforx4damage,assassinabilities;Leatherarmor,shortbow, 10arrows,10poisonedarrows,dagger.

1843 Barony of Isoth: A mechanical man warlord named Isoth has established his stronghold here. The stronghold is constructed of stone blocks clad in sheets of bronze. It consists of an outer wall, inner wall and 50ft tall round keep, looking from above a bit like clockwork gears.Isothishometo459peasants dwelling in and around the stronghold. The peasants producetimberfromthesurroundinghillsidesandfarmin thewarm,wateredvales. Isoth looks like a collection of steel cylinders cobbled togetherinhumanoidform.Hecommands87menatarms and fifteen sergeants armed with spears and long bows. His elite guard is composed of 10 clockwork cavaliers (he callsthemtheKnightsoftheMainspring)constructedof burnished bronze and wearing azure tunics. Isoths

household also includes Robarr, a mechanical priest of KotharwaKhasis and Barra, a gnome magician who dresses and acts like a jester. Isoth has not been himself lately, languishing on his throne, pondering an encounter withUlara[0941]hehadmanymonthsagowhilehunting down a band of kobolds. Barra wants to hire a band of braveadventurerstoseekheroutandmakeentreatiesof lovetoheronIsothsbehalf.
ClockworkCavalier:HD5;AC3[16];Atk1sword(1d8);Move12; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Slows down, immune to sleep, charm, hold and nonmagic piercing weapons, explodes if beheaded. Isoth, Mechanical FightingMan Lvl 10: HP 52; AC 1 [18]; Save 7; Platemail(boltedon),shield,flail,dagger. Robarr,MechanicalAdeptLvl6:HP26;AC1[18];Save9;Special: Clericspells(3rd);Platemail(boltedon),shield,mace. Barra,GnomeMagicUserLvl5:HP10;AC9[10];Save11;Special: Magicuser spells (3rd), gnome abilities; Fools cap, bladderon stick,pouchofpowders,grimoire,dagger.

black bronze, has phosphorescent eyes and his back is covered in barnacles. Thros has a collection of obsidian knives, bone needles and spools of copper wire that he usesasthread.Hisworkshopisasubmergeddolmen. 1906RuinedKeep:Aruinedkeepwithfourtowersandthe remainsofanouterwallrestshere,partiallycoveredwith sand.Thehallsandchambersareinhabitedbyaschoolof fifteengiantbarracuda.
Giant Barracuda: HD 2; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d10); Move (Swim 24);Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None.

1901 Watery Tomb: A basalt sarcophagus, the lid carved like a fierce sahuagin warrior, lies on a basalt dias surroundedbysixwhitestatuesofsharks.Thesharksform thepointsofasixpointedstarengravedintothedias.The star is a magic circle created to contain this tombs guardian, a water elemental. The elementals body fills almosttheentiretyofthemagiccircle,uptoapointfifteen feet above the sarcophagus. This puts potential tomb robbers in the unenviable position of fighting within the tombs guardian. The sarcophagus holds the skeletal remainsofasahuaginwarlord.Thebodyisdecoratedwith several talismans, mostly taking the form of intricate scrimshawonwhaletuskorsharkstooth.Thereisalso10 goldingots(3lb,300gpeach)andanopalworth100gp.
WaterElemental:HD12(57hp);AC2[17];Atk1strike(3d6);Move 6(Swim18);Save3;CL/XP12/2000;Special:Overturnboats.

1919 Secret Weapon: There is a very old shipwreck of a wargalleylyingonthebottomoftheseahere.Agesago,it was transporting a magic weapon to the citystate of Timulus to aid it in a fight with an orc tribe that has long since been destroyed. An encounter with a sea serpent ended the vessels journey, but the magic item and its guardian,anaquamarinegolem,survivetothisdayinthe wreckage.Thegolemslastordersweretoguardthemagic item, a +1 composite shortbow of cedar and gazelle horn calledYarkho.Yarkhoglowswithapalelightreminiscentof moonlight,andcausesitswieldertoglowaswell.Thisaura of light acts as a protection from evil spell. Arrows fired fromYarkhoinflictdoubledamageoncreaturesofchaos.
Aquamarine Golem: HD 4+1 (20 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 slam (1d8); Move 12; Save 13; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic immunity, only harmed by magic weapons, protection from elements, reconstruction,spells.

1903 Psara: Psara is a deserted island. The scant remains of two fishing villages can be found on either side of the island,andinthemiddle,inadensegrowthofpines,there is a cave once inhabited by a wise woman. The cave still holdssomerareherbs(dried),abrokenwand(whitepine) andafewoldcharmsandtalismans.Justoutsidethecave there is a bubbling fountain which is, in fact, the transmogrifiedformofthewisewoman.Drinkingfromthe fountain imbues noe with the spell ability of a level 1 magicuser with one random level 1 spell for 1d6 days. Whileimbuedwiththewitchsspellability,oneishaunted withvisionsoftheoldhagintheirdreams,makingrestful sleep (and thus natural healing) impossible. Lack of sleep alsorobscharactersof1d3pointsofwisdom(atemporary loss) perday.Oncenormal sleep resumes,wisdom points areregainedattherateof1perday. 1905 Workshop of Thros: Thros is an ancient mechanical man, a master leatherworker who specializes in shagreen armor(leatherarmormadefromsharkskin).Heismadeof

1924SandlingCastle:Throughthemurkofthewater,you seeaquaintcastlerisingfromthedunes.Atfirst,thecastle appearstobemadeofsandstone,butoncloserinspection, you see that the castle is made entirely of sand, and measures no more than 12ft square. Upon entering, adventurers will find themselves in a crude, hollowed out space,nomorethan10ftonaside,withroundedcorners andnofurnishing.Infact,theyhavewalkedintoatrap,for the castle is really a gang of ten sandlings, large, living amorphous masses of sand. When their prey has entered to inspect the strange castle, the sandlings collapse upon themandattack.
Sandling: HD 4; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 slam (1d8); Move 12 (Burrow 9); Save13;CL/XP6/400;Special:Camouflage,immunetosleep,hold monster,charmandmindeffects.

1931 Barony of Seath: A sandstone keep overlooks the sea here. It is surrounded by fifteen simple cottages.ThekeepisruledbySeath, an elf warlord. The village is populated by 423 peasants, mostly herdsmen, but also a few miners whowresttopazfromthehills. LordSeathislikableandtrusting.Hisarmorialisacrescent gules on a field sable. Seath commands fifteen elves, a

lawful sergeant named Herval and a chaplain named Alabras. Herval is like a stereotypical British sergeant major, while Alabras has a dark sense of humor. Seaths treasureconsistsof13,500sp,200gp,afireopal(100gp), 2 ounces of sandalwood oil (5 gp), a copper necklace set withhyacinths(340gp),anivoryholysymbolofMercurius (60gp),anivoryarmband(60gp),astrologicalchartsworth 12gpandatoothfromabronzedragon(100gp).
Alabras,ElfAdeptLvl3:HP20;AC8[11];Save13;Special:Adept spells (1st), healer abilities; +1 oak quarterstaff, leather armor, whitehoodedrobe,mistletoe. Seath,ElfLvl8:HP36;AC2[17];Save8;Special:Magicuserspells (4th); Longsword, longbow, elven chain, shield, grimoire, scroll of fireball. Herval:HD3(19hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move9;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None. Elf:HD1+1;AC5[14];Atk1sword(1d8)or2arrows(1d6);Move 12;Save17;CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

Rannor, Dwarf FightingMan Lvl 5: HP 36; AC 1 [18]; Save 12; Platemail,shield,battleaxe,dagger,crossbow. Tefing, Dwarf Ranger Lvl 5: HP 30; AC 1 [18]; Save 12; Platemail, shield,shortsword,dagger,crossbow. Sweon, Dwarf Cleric/Fighter Lvl 3: HP 16; AC 1 [18]; Save 12; Special:Clericspells(1st);Platemail,shield,warhammer. Warpriests,DwarfCleric/FightersLvl2:HP2d6+3;AC1[18];Save 13;Special:Clericspells(1st);Platemail,shield,warhammer.

1935 Miners Cabin: A small miners cabin built of bits of stoneandtimbersitsinabarrenvalley.Asealedtrapdoor covers a mineshaft that was once used to mine lead, the occupationoftheminerbeingapparentinthebitsoflead slagthatsurroundthecabinandthebarrennatureofthe valley.Thetrapdoorhasbeenwizardlockedbyalevel11 magicuserandanotewritteninthedialectofOphirreads DeathBelowwithanimageofthesundrawnbelowthe message. The mine shaft leads down twenty feet to a horizontal shaft which leads to yet another vertical shaft andhorizontalshaftthathascavedin.Theminecontainsa callerindarkness,apsychicmonstrosity.
Caller in Darkness: HD 11 (56 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 4 touch (2d6); Move 12 (Fly 24); Save 4; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: Incorporeal, clairvoyance, mental stun, mesmerism, mind control, unnatural aura,vulnerabletosunlight.

1940 Thulf: Thulf is a citadel of exiled dwarfs (270 males, 158 females, 97 dwarflings). The citadel is several stories tall and constructed at the end of a box canyon. The dwarfs are working several veins of mineral ore that go deep into the earth, with the primary product being rhodochrosite. The mines produce 13,500 gp of gems everymonth.ThecitadelisruledbyKingThors,hisbrother RannorandTefing,andhisthreewarpriests,ledbySweon the Red. The king also keeps a herd of giant sheep, used fortheproductionofcheeseandwool,andwhose14giant rams are used as war mounts. Thors well remembers his ancientclanholdacrossthesea,anddoeshisbesttokeep theiroldcustomsalive.Rannorsupportshiselderbrother, but Tefing has a powerful wanderlust and does not care much for Thors oldfashioned customs. Thulfs treasure horde consists of 1,000 gp, 100 pp, a large rhodochrosite worth2,400gpand20lionskinsworth25gp/skin.
Thors, Dwarf FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 31; AC 1 [18]; Save 11; Platemail,shield,battleaxe,dagger,crossbow.

1941 Dread Caverns of Ghabolan: A large hill in this hex has seven caves. Each of these caves leads deep into the ground,twistingandturning.Thesetunnelsarethickwith serpents and have many blind drops along the way. All seventunnelsendinalarge,vaultedchamber.Thefloorof this chamber writhes with cobras and asps. Beneath this venemous carpet there are seven secret trapdoors, each leadingintoajumbleoftunnelsandchambersholdingall manner of mystery and peril. Within each of these seven sections one might discover a small representation of a serpent carved from a precious stone. When brought togetherintheaforementionedvault,theseobjectscanbe placedinsmallimpressionsinthewalls,openinganeighth trapdoorinthecenteroftheroom.Thistrapdoorrevealsa spiralstaircasethatendsinasubterraneanwaterfallanda brackishlakeinavastcavern.Thelakeishometoatitanic, sevenheaded hydra called Ghabolan. The shores of this lake and the caverns beyond are home to a variety of laboratory creations, including a tribe of psychic mushroommen, poisonous troglodytes, algoids, wall crawling octopods, giant stirges, owlbears and both pyro andcriohydras.Hiddenwithinthesecavernsisanancient ophidianlaboratorypoweredbyaseethingballoffireand containing the criogenically frozen body of Rael, an ophidianscientistofthehighestorder. 1946MagnoliaGrove:Alargemagnoliagrove,aholdover from the days when the savanna was a swamp, covers several acres here. The grove offers shade, but the presenceofdozensofcastawayspearsstuckintheground suggestsdanger.Thisdangercomesintwoforms.Thefirst arethenineduskyskinneddryadsthatinhabitandprotect thegrove.Theyareparticularlyadoringofhumanhunters, and often lure them into their trees, only to cast them away centuries later. Moreover, living in the branches of the magnolias are a species of pseudodragon with white scales. The pseudodragons feed on the magnolia nectar with long, curled, pink tongues. At any given time, there will be 2d6 observing intruders and prepared to attack if theyshowanyinclinationtoharmthetrees.
PseudoDragon:HD2;AC2[17];Atk1bite(1d3),1tailsting(1d3+ poison); Move 6 (Fly 25); Save 16; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Magic resistance 25%, poison (25% lethal, otherwise catalepsy for 1d4 days),invisibility(80%effective). DryadsHD2;AC9[10];Atk1woodendagger(1d4);Move12;Save 16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Charmperson(2save).


2028Absalon:Absalonisthenameofanislandringedby high cliffs. The cliffs are dotted with dozens of sea caves, onesuchcaveleadingtothesurfaceviastepscarvedinto the stone. The walls of this cavern are decorated with imagesofbeardedmendressedasfish.Thesurfaceofthe island is green and lush. It is composed of verdant meadows with trickling streams and copses of tall pine trees.Inthemidstofthisparadisethereisalargegranite uplandcoveredbyasparklingtownofwhitewallsandtall, whitebuildings.Asinglegatepermitsaccesstothetown, which is peopled entirely by children. The children of Absalonrangeinagefrominfancytotwelveyearsofage. The children perform the roles of adults; tending the miniature, dun cattle that graze in the meadows, making pottery, woodworking, etc. The recognized leader of the children is a boy named Lodeses. Lodeses is wise for his age,butstillachildandinoverhisheadtryingtoleadthe 2,000 young citizens of Absalon. Nonetheless, he and his peers are expert slingers; they wear leather armor and carryslings,javelinsandknottypineclubsintobattle.They are determined to defend their village, especially the domedchurchthatsitsinthecenteroftown. Thedomedchurchconsistsofalarge,centralchamber30 feetindiametersurroundedbyadozensmallroomsused forstorage.Sevenstatuesoffishgarbedmen,likethosein the sea cave, stand against the walls of the church, their handsextendedinpeace.Inthecenteroftheroomthere isasquatdaisuponwhichrestsalargevesselcarvedfrom malachiteandusedtoburnincenseandofferingsofmeat. A secret catch on the dais shifts this vessel and reveals a narrow set of stairs that leads to a grotto deep benath Absalon. It is here that the people of Absalon, upon reaching their thirteenth year, descend to undergo a monstrous transformation into a hybrid of fish and man. These bizarre creatures welcome these visitors. Young women are mated with, their children eventually being placedatnightinthechurchtobefoundandraisedbythe children of Absalon. The fish people, who call themselves oannes,havepallid,scaledskin,liplessmouthsandcurled beards (on the men) and large, fishy eyes. They are exceptionally bright scholars and philosophers for many years. But they never stop growing, and eventually turn feral and are forced into the sea, where they complete theirtransformationintotuskedwhales.
Oannes:HD6;AC2[17];Atk1bite(1d4)or1weapon(1d8);Move 12;Save11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Spells(changeself,dispelmagic, ESP, levitate, magic missile, shield, all once per day each), create small,simpleobjectonceperday. ChildSoldiersofAbsalon:HD1d4;AC8[11];Atk1weapon(1d4); Move9;Save18;CL/XPA/5;Special:None.

able to make out the inscription around the ring (1 in 6 chance), which declares it the home of Hambraenad, the Doom of Camanaut. Camanaut was a vast citystate of Ophidians that once occupied several hexes around this area.Thecitystatewarredwiththeancientelves,andwas ultimatelydestroyedbytheconjurationofaGwurrum,the aforementioned Hambraenad. While the citystate was besieged by the ancient elves and its warriors and scientists thus occupied, Hambraenad crept into their homesanddevouredtheirfamilies.Theirspiritsofthecity states defenders broken, the ancient elves were triumphant. They raised the citystate to the ground (actually,wellbelowground),leavingalmostnotraceofit. Hambraenadstilldwellsinthishex,inthedeep,deephole. Itventuresoutatnight,seachingforanylifeitmayend.
Hambraenad: HD 9 (55 hp); AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 per target in 10 ft reach (1d8/round); Move 6; Save 6; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Iron objects cause 1d6 damage but then disintegrate, immune to fire, lightning,poisonandmindaffectingattacks,keptatbaybysong& poetry,affectedbyprotectionfromevil,cannotattackthedrunk.

2033 Huab: Huab is a lair of 232 goblin raiders in piecemeal armor, along with their 171 females and 125 young.Thegoblinsarecrowdedintoacrookedsandstone towercrawlingwithelevengiantspiders.TheyZgur(3HD, 13hp),ashrewdandinfinitelycruelgoblinassistedbytwo bodyguards(2HD,7&5hp).Thegoblinsworshipavariety of demon lords under the guidance of a Xameks. The goblins of Huab are known for their love of opium and other dangerous intoxicants. They are allied with the gwurrum in [2032], and sometimes assist one another in attacking travelers. Their treasure consists of 2,000 sp, 5,500 ep, 2,200 gp, a hunk of amber worth 4 gp and an onyxworth950gp.
Xameks, Goblin Adept Lvl 7: HP 25; AC 6 [13]; Save 8; Special: Adeptspells(2nd),berserker;Leather,shield,staff.

2032 Green Mists: On a small hillock there is an ancient ring of monoliths. Each monolith shows signs of having once been engraved with pictograms, but most of them have been completely worn away by the wind. In the center of these monoliths there is a deep (200ft) hole surroundedbyastonering.Asageormagicusermightbe

2035 Halob: Halob is a village nestled against a tall cliff. Thevillageissurroundedbyathicketandadrymoat.The village is inhabited by 100 iron miners and their families living in small, timber houses. The miners of Halob are renownedforthehighlevelofliteracyinthevillage.Halob isruledbyamayornamedEocar,whoisadvisedbyasmall group of selectmen. Eocar is the most cunning man in a villageofcunningmen,andisnottobetrusted.Thevillage is protected by twenty menatarms (chainmail, shield, spear,sling)andtwosergeantsatarms.Thevillagersmine alongseamofironthatcutsdirectlyintothecliffbehind theirvillage.Theminersmakenoattempttosmelttheiron here,sellingitinsteadtomerchantcaravansfromOphirin exchangeformanufacturedgoodsandtheoddluxury. 2041 Dancing Lights: The narrow, limestone canyons in thishexarelikeamaze.Locallegendstellofagreatarmy ofthePurpleKingsthatwaslostinthismazewhileonits way to sack the rebellious miners in [2042]. The canyons, withtheirwavywallsofpurpleandgrey,theirsharppeaks and their tiny, winding caves, are haunted by willothe

wisps. Travelers by night will see 1d4+2 of these lights, oftenvisibleasasoftglowfromaroundacorner.Thewill othewisps are accompanied by the echoing voices of desperatemen.
WillotheWisp:HD9;AC8[27];Atk1shock(2d6);Move18;Save 6;CL/XP10/1400;Special:None.

2042 Salan: Salan is a lead mining village. The 400 lead miners and their families are dour and humorless, and many show signs of lead poisoning. They dwell in stone longhouses and their village is surrounded by a dry moat and three guard towers. The village is governed by a mayor, Zamarkus, elected by the lead miners and defended by 40 menatarms (leather armor, sling, spear) who are are so illdisciplined as to be almost useless. Zamarkusisaquietman,withadroopingwhitemustache and pale skin. In the center of the village there is an ancientstonekeepthatservesasaplaceofrefugeintimes oftroubleandastheresidenceofthemayorandthetown guard.Itisincrediblyhotinthesummermonths,andhas almost no modern (be medieval standards) means of sanitation.AguidenamedGarnadwellsinSalanandknows the surrounding area well. Garna grew up in Salan, but prefers to dwell away from the village, living the life of a huntress. She is tall and healthier looking than her fellow villagers, with braided black hair, green eyes and a plain, chiseledface.Likeherfellowvillagers,shewearslong,blue robesadhasextensiveritualscarringonherface,forearms andback.Thevillagersknowofthedancinglightsin[2041] andwillnotventureintothathexatnightforfearofthem.
Garna:HD3(14hp);AC7[12];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:Onlysurprisedon1on1d8,onlyloston1 on1d8,wearsleatherarmor,carriesspearandshortbow.

2045 Innocent Pool: There is a large, perfectly safe watering hole here. Animal encounters occur on a 12 on 1d6 in this hex and on a 14 on 1d6 in the immediate vicinityofthewateringhole.Atthebottomofthewatering hole there is a powerful magical item, a golden anklet called Avarices Faith. The anklet was crafted by the chaotic sorceress Chigail during the days of the Purple Kings, and it awaits discovery. Avarices Faith has an intelligence of 18 and a powerful personality. The anklet grants its wearer the following powers: use of the spells imprisonmentonceperday,andanimatedeadseventimes per week. Whenever either power is used, the temperatureina30ftradiusisloweredby2080degrees for2d6turns,withtheeffectmovingalongwiththeanklet. In addition, the wearers saving throws against magic are madeata1penalty. 2111TitanicCastle:Thereisaconcentriccastlebuilthere sizedfortitans.Thecastleconsistsofathreerings.The outer ring is 100 feet thick with a peaked roof. It is connected to the inner ring via three spokes. The inner ring is 60 feet thick and connected to the keep by three spokes. The keep is over 300 feet tall and shaped

something like an artillery shell. The interior of the rings andkeepisamazeoftunnelsandchambers,allofgigantic proportions. In the inner sanctum of the keep there is a powerful artifact the titans stole from the ancient fey during their war that ended the Pandiluvian Age. The artifact is a suit of mithral scale armor (treat as +3 chainmail). The armor is lacquered blue and decorated with fanciful and suggestive depictions of mermaids. It allows the wearer to control water, summon water elementals and transform mermaids into vicious sea wolves. The owner is protected from disease, but the armor gradually steals his or her soul, a new mermaid ornamentappearingwhenittheprocessiscomplete.The chief defenders of the castle are legions of exploding bones.Otherinhabitantsincludetitanicskeletonsinrusty armor, sea slugs, swarms of silvery fish whose prefered dietiseyeballs(especiallyelven),hunchedcroneswhocan manipulate time and a clan of oktomon antipaladins mountedonfiendishlobsters. 2115GhostlyLovers:Thishexisinhabitedbytwoghosts. Inlife,onewasaprinceofthehouseofArkad(see3413) andsheacommoner.Inafitofpassion,andindefianceof his father, the prince and his love fled in a small boat bound for Ibis. Unfortunately, rough seas sunk their little vessel and the girl drowned. Returned to his father, the boylanguishedforafewmonthsuntilfinallykillinghimself withpoisonlacedwine.Tothisday,hisrestlessspiritmay beencounteredinthishex,appearingasayoungmanina small boat holding a lantern and calling out the name Phaedra.Theghostwillinvestigateshipsheencounters, andmayattempttoembraceanybeautifulyoungwomen he finds. In the meantime, the spirit of Phaedra rests on the sea floor, appearing a beautiful young maiden in a silvercage,reachingtowardherloverabove,butunableto catchhisattention.
Ghost:HD10;AC1[20];Atk1slam(rapidaging);Move12;Save5; CL/XP 14/2600; Special: Aging touch (1d4 decades, double for demihumans, elves immune), frightful moan, incorporeal, only harmedbymagicweapons,telekinesis(asthespell).

2122 Wilbodoccas Lair: Wilbodocca is a sea hag who dwellsinanoldshipwreckofacaravel.Thewreckislodged in the silt at a sharp angle and decorated with the skeletons of the former crew. Wilbodocca lives here with her sons, five merrows with mint green skin and particularly nasty dispositions. Wilbodocca keeps her treasure, 20,000 cp, 1,000 sp, 500 ep, 1,300 gp, in a lead potatthebottomofthewreck.
Wilbodocca: HD 3 (21 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d4); Move 6 (Swim18);Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Deathgaze(30ftrange, 3/day),weaknessgaze(halvesstrengthfor1d6turns).

2135RosewoodGrove:Nestledamongthehillsthereisa little valley cut by a stream. The banks of the stream are thick with rosewood trees. Hidden among these trees there is a stone cabin, the home of a master woodcarver named Chelm and his lovely (Cha 17) daughter Chela.

Chelm is a carver of exquisite shawms, a medieval instrumentthepreceededtheoboe.Heisalsoanexcellent swordsman.Chelmmovedawayfromcivilizationwhenhis young wife died of a plague. He is very protective of his daughter, who yearns to leave her fathers home and explore. Chelm keeps 1,000 ep, 200 gp, 10 pp, two rose quartz(105gpand300gp)and12lbofcalamus(worth8 gp/lb)inathick,rosewoodchest.Chelmknowsofasecret pond in the woods surrounded by calamus reeds and home to a nymph called Alkmena. He has become her confidantandfriend.
Chelm, Ranger Lvl 6: HP 35; AC 3 [16]; Save 11; Special: Can summon and charm animals with his music; Chainmail, shield, spear,dagger,longbow,20arrows,masterworkshawm.

2145Gnoblins:Abandof30gnoblins(gnollgoblinhybrids) are trashing a merchant caravan here. Twenty menat arms and thirty gnoblins lie dead. One fat merchant has beenskeweredwithaspearandpinnedtothegroundby hisshoulder.Ifquestionedwithinaminuteofdiscovery,he willinformtheadventurersthatthirtypeoplewereforced to flee into the desert without food and with very little water, including his niece. He has a small painting of his niece in a locket around his neck (5 gp), and she is quite beautiful.Thedeadbodiesattractwanderingmonsterson a roll of 13 on 1d6. The caravan was transporting one hundred bolts of purple cloth (2 lb each, worth 50 gp each).
Gnoblin:HD1d6hp;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move12;Save 18;CL/XP1/15;Special:Groupsof10+causeconfusionwiththeir chatteringvoices.

2203SpiralGateway:Atsomepointintheprimordialpast, anunknownracecreatedastrangeunderworldhere.The architecture suggests an abalone shell, as it consists of a seriesofchambersconnectedinaroughspiralandleading, ultimately, to a central gateway that leads to a faraway star. The chambers exist on several different levels, and movement between them is not always linear. Each chamber has high ceilings and one to three trapezoidal doorways / trapdoors. The spiral gateway is inhabited by bronze sea lions, skeletons that burn white hot and boil the water surrounding them, intelligent manta rays who specialize in fortune telling and prize human tongues aboveallotherthings,palecreaturesthatlooklikegnomes withoversizedheadsandmouthsfullofneedleliketeeth in otherwise featureless faces, crimson kelpies, crabnipedes that grow as large as purple worms, stone spheresthatmoveandattackontheirown,andlongeels with iridescent skin that dart through the underworld seeminglyatrandomandatincrediblespeeds. 2231PillarofYamek:Risingfromsubmarinebadlandsyou seeaimmensepillarofrustyiron.Thepillarstandsnearly 50 feet tall and is eight feet in diameter. Climbing to the topofthepillarwillrevealthatitishollow,withaladder leadingdown100feet(thus,50feetbelowthesurface).At the bottom of the ladder there is a circular chamber that

works like an airlock. Adventurers will have to puzzle out the strange system of wheels and levers that operate it. Beyond the airlock are dozens of tubular tunnels and chambers cast in cement and forming something like an ancient waterworks. These myriad halls are inhabited by oozes, gibbering mouthers, giant rats, warring dens of ratlings, troglodyte clans, blackclad ophidian monks, a beholder, albino velociraptors with geniuslevel intellects (and led by a scientist), zombielike lotus eaters with terrible psychic powers and a mysterious flutist who is accompanied by a gaggle of dancing zetans. The entire placeisatwistedwonderland. 2235 Red Eye Kobolds: The Red Eye Kobolds dwell in a dozens of cave complexes dug into the walls of an abandoned mica quarry. The tribe consists of 371 males, 135females,36young,284eggs,abosscalledKus(5hp), nine foremen, three witchdoctors (master poisoners) and their shaman Srad. The Red Eyes are sonamed for their burning red eyes. They have slightly scaly, pallid white skins,doguglyfaceswithupturnedsnoutsandprominent underbites. The Red Eyes worship an ape totem and are known for their incessant drumming, which echo through thehills.Thetribeliveswithfourgiantweaselswhocome and go as they please, and only occaisionally help themselvesto ababykobold.Thetribestreasure,spread throughout their lair, consists of 10,000 cp, 10,000 sp, 1,400 gp, 40 pounds of ambergris separated into large, round terracotta pots, a tiara (in the style of the ancient ophidians)madeofelectrumandsetwithmossagates(50 gp) and a sut of +1 leather armor sized for an elf. The warriors of the tribe carry shields, spears and 4 poisoned dartseach(roll1d6foreffect:1=sleep,2=confusion,3= nausea (drop weapons, no actions for 1d6 rounds), 4 = extra1d6damage,5=paralysisfor1d6rounds,6=instant death).
Witchdoctors, Kobold Adepts Lvl 2: HD 1d4; AC 3 [16]; Save 14; Special:Adeptspells(1st),alchemists;Shield,club,poisoneddarts. Srad,KoboldAdeptLvl5:HP18;AC3[16];Save10;Special:Adept spells(2nd),animaltrainer;Leather,shield,club,poisoneddarts.

2246 Tar Pit: This hex supports a number of bubbling tar pits. One in particular, surrounded by a mile of naturally occuringasphalt,supportsadozengranitepillarscarvedin the style ofthe ancient lizard kings.Many of these pillars are slowly toppling, and will one day disappear beneath the tar. They appear to lead, in a mazelike fashion, to a centralpillar,slightlytallerthantherest.Standingatopthis pillar allows access to an invisible tomb stucture suspended in midair above it. The tomb structure is pyramidalinshape.Fromtheinside,onewillnotethatitis constructed of granite blocks carefully fitted without mortar and engraved with images of the afterlife as conceived by the ancient lizard kings. A colossal serpent figures prominently into these carvings. Within the tomb there are a number of passages and secret chambers, culminatinginaburialchamberatthetopofthepyramid.

This chamber lets in the sunlight, which bathes the bleached, mummified corpse of a lizard king once known as Zhuithat. The corpse is draped in fine linens and the tomb is filled with trophies of his life of conquest and violence,aswellasthirteennumberoftalismans(worth5 gp each) carved from alabaster and bearing magical symbols and an ouroboros. Alas, the pyramid appears to have mostly been looted. All that remain of its defenses areafewbronzeandironserpents,atribeofimpsbound to eternal servitude and animated portions of wall that enjoysurprisingtheraretombrobber. 2247 Strange Statue: Halfburied in the soil is a bronze statue(60gp)ofatall,baldwomanwithtwohandsatthe endofeacharm,eachhandholdingadagger.Thestatues eyesareformedofbonechipsandthewomansfacebears aninhumanlywidegrin.Thestatueattractsweirdparasites that dwell on the astral plane. These parasites will attach themselves to the astral body of any magicuser present andfeedoffhismagicalenergies,creatingacumulative1% chanceperdayoffailurewhenhetriestocastspells.They canonlyberemovedbycastingremovecursewhileonthe astralplane. 2321PandiluvianPalace:Aeonsago,apeoplenotofNods dimension created a great palace beneath the sea. Constructedofmarbleblocksandgirdedwithasilverblue metal that would not corrode, it dominated the shallow Tepid Sea after the waters of the Pandiluvian period receeded. The people who occupied this place were brilliant scientists and philosophers who kept a library of etched, metal plates, tended gardens of multihued and semisentient crystals and ultimately came into conflict withtheelderthingsandtheirminions.Intime,thepeople ofKhard,asthepalacecitycametobeknown,wereforced to quit our dimension. Multitudes of creatures, malignant and benign, took up occupancy in the marble halls and chambers of Khard, the most terrible being Kibotarurual. Kibotarurualisbeastofchaos.Ithasthebodyofaswollen toad, tentacle arms and three eel heads on long, sinuous necks. A few centuries ago, the undine heroine Noverrien (a paladin ofthe highestquality) fell as her army attempted toclearthispalaceofitstaintandrestoreitasacitadelof peaceandwisdom.Herfollowersinterredherbodywithin thepalaceinasecretchamber,heavilyguardedbymagic and under the protection of the gods of law. She was buried with her +2 spear Tataleg (forged entirely of bronze,withemeraldsinsetintothehaft,itincreasesthe strength of its wielder by +1d4 (reroll each day) and can causeearthquakesoncepermonthbutcannotbeusedto harm natural animals) and her +1 shield Arenor (gilded bronze,cancallorcalmstorms,onlyusablebyfemales,it makesitsholdersvoicethunderousandmajestic).

Kibotarurual:HD12(55hp);AC0[19];Atk2tentacles(2d6);Move 9 (Swim 12); Save 3; CL/XP 15/2900; Special: Secretes an acidic cloud(30diameter,3d6damage),createsonicwaveswithmouth (2d6damage,saveordeafened),tentaclesgrasptargetstightonan attackrollof20(autodamageeachround).

2304 Isle of Daalir: Daalir is a hilly, forested island with sandy beaches and a large, fine harbor. The harbor is protectedbyfourwargalleysandoverlookedbyaruined fortress,beyondwhichthereisatownhiddenbythetrees. Thetownissurroundedbyawallofgreenstoneandfilled with buildings of timber and mud bricks with domelike roofs. The town, called Morvramoin, has a population of 2,600.Itsarmsarethreeseastarspurpureonafieldtenne (orange).TheinhabitantsofMorvramoinarehumanswith paleskin,silveryorgreenishhairworninlongcurls,large eyes of topaz or amethyst, narrow face, lean, tall bodies and with slightly webbed fingers and toes. They are a dashing people, their warriors wearing linen kilts and bronze breastplates and armed with barbed spears and throwing axes. Headbands are common among the population,usuallyjeweledorembroideredwithfantastic designs. Their town specializes in trade between the surfaceandsubmarineworlds,andissurroundedbyfields offlax,chickory,ryeandsageandorchardsofcitronsand olives. The towns coins are struck in the design of miniaturesanddollarsandarereputedlycursedtoturnto lead if stolen. Movramoin is governed by a lord mayor, currentlyBatual,amastercoppersmith.Thelordmayoris elected from among such guilds as the Honorable Coppersmiths, the Loyal Order of Sea Merchants, the LinenWeaversBrotherhoodandtheWorshipfulCompany ofWoodcarvers. 2331Khlai:Khlaiisavillageof300dourhuntersandtheir familiesnestledinavalewithacool,rushingstreamanda varietyofgrassesandscrub.Thevillageissurroundedbya woodenpalisade(12fttall)andconsistsofapproximately 100 longhouses constructed of red brick. The village is defended by 60 menatarms (leather armor, spear, long bow)andsixsergeantsatarmsunderthecommandofSir Sampin. Sampin has in his employ an alchemist by the name of Alende, a highborn woman of distant Ibis who foundalifeontheWyvernCoastpreferabletoawizards dungeon.Thevillageisknowntobehauntedbyavampire calledArlotho,whoisbelievedtodwellinthesurrounding hills. Arlotho is a distant ancestor of Sampin, and is in leaguewithhisdescedant,histombbeinglocatedbeneath thelordsmanor.Sampinstreasurycontains500gpworth ofhidesandskins,500gpworthoffrankincense,1,000sp and400gp.Arlothoscryptcontains2,700gpandagolden medallion depicting the lord's armorial (3,700) studded withamethysts.
Sampin: HD 3 (12 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None. Alende,AdeptLvl1:HP3;AC9[10];Save15;Special:Adeptspells (1st),alchemist(acidsandpoisons).

Arlotho:HD7(29hp);AC2[17];Atk1bite(1d10+drain2levels); Move 12 (Fly 18); Save 9; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Regenerate 3 hp/rd,onlyhitbymagicweapons,gaseousform,changeintogiant bat, summon swarm of bats or 3d6 wolves, charm (save at 2), weaknesses.

2339 Abandoned Hermitage: Among a windblown range of hills, there is a complex of dry, sandstone caverns. A symbolofBaalZebul,godofwaranddisease,hangsfrom the entrance and the complex looks to have once been a hermitage, now long abandoned. Searching through the placeonemightfindmeagersuppliesandafewotherodds andends.Inthedeepestrecessesofthecomplexthereis an altar and idol of BaalZebul. Any who lay eyes on the idol without offering hymns and a sacrifice of food and waterwillin1d6daysbestruckwithmummyrot. 2428 Knocker Mine: A band of 29 bluecapped knockers live in a cramped, deep, coal mine. Knockers look like gnomeswithslategreyskinandhairthecolorofiron.The onlyentrancetotheirmineisviaanarrow,steeplyslanted tunnelthatistrappedwithseveralspikedgratesthatswing down from the ceiling to impale the incautious. The knockersaregovernedbyadruidcalledKabanach,whois guarded at all time by two warriors toting billhooks. The knockerskeepblind,whitecanariesinsilvercagestowarn them of poison gas. The miners wear chainmail andcarry wickedly sharp swords and pick axes. Truth be told, they are a fairly humorless, unforgiving bunch. Their treasure consistsof30,000cp(theyacceptnootherformofmetal, andusuallymeltitdowntomaketools)and300lbofcoal (worth1gp/lb)theyhavenoyettradedforcopper.
Bodyguards, Knocker FightingMen Lvl 2: HP 12 & 10; AC 6 [13]; Save15;Special:Earthwalk(1minuteperday);Chainmail,billhook (polearm),shortsword. Kabanach, Knocker Cleric (Druid) Lvl 7: HP 27; AC 7 [12]; Save 8; Special:Cleric(druid)spells(3rd);Leatherarmor,quarterstaff. Knocker:HD1d6;AC4[15];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move9;Save18; CL/XPB/10;Special:Earthwalk(1minuteperday).

2436 Yoghaudha: Nestled in the hills there is a circular keep standing 30 feet tall and built of large limestone blocks. The keep is surrounded by a moat of sorts, that drawsinarushingstreamthatflowsfromthesurrounding hills. This water flows around the keep and finally enters through a large grate carved from granite. This is the entrancetoanoddconstructionoftheancientophidians. Forthevisiblekeepismerelytheouterringinaseriesof sixrings,each30fttalland30ftwideandsunk10ftlower than the ring that surrounds it. Thus, the keep, which is 360ftindiameter,resemblessomethingofapit,withthe center of the keep set 20 feet below the surface of the earth.Thestreamflowsthroughthedifferentringsofthe construction, sometimes openly, sometimes hidden in pipes.Itultimatelyflowsintothecentralchamber,cooling anatomicpilethatpowersatemporalstasismachine.An invisible entity of chaos was imprisoned in this machine, which can be ruined in a variety of ways by curious adventurers,nottheleastofwhichistheremovalofoneof sevengoldenrodssurroundingthefrozenchaosentity. Each of the rings is protected by different creatures, with thepowerofthedefendersincreasingasonegetscloserto thecenter.Theinnermostring(theonethatsurroundsthe central chamber) is defended by a dozen beetlors. The outermost ring is defended by a legion of zombies animatedthroughscience,andthusnottrulyundead.The second ring is defended by bronze cobras and pyre zombies(alsonotundead).Thethirdringbybrownmolds, giant centipedes and vierds. The fourth ring by crystaline assassins and Marrosian statues, and the fifth by wax golems,giantserpentsandwanderingholes. 2510 Undersea Meadow: A submarine meadow of seaweedstretchesacrosstheseafloorhere.Themeadow supportsaherdof300giantseahorses.Itisalsooccupied by three dozen petrified trilobites that will animate and attackiftheseahorsesaredisturbed.
PetrifiedTrilobite:HD6;AC3[16];Atk1bite(3d6);Move9;Save 12;CL/XP8/800;Special:Immunetoturning,unaffectedbysleep, holdandcharm,immunetononbluntweapons.

2429Lionweres:Aprideofsevenlionweres,consistingof onemale,fourfemalesandtwocubs,dwellsinacave.The femaleshuntduringthenight,takingtheformofbeautiful, tawnyhaired maidens to get close to their prey. If doing poorlyinafight,theiryowlswilldrawtheattentionofthe male,whowillarrivein1d4roundstoeithersavethemor take revenge. The lionweres have hidden in their caves a goldringworth100gp,aplatinumoillampworth950gp, trade (1,000 gp), 1,000 sp, 400 gp, 500 ep, 20 pp and a hematiteworth35gp.
Lionwere (females): HD 6 (24 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 bite (1d8) or weapon(1d8);Move15;Save11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Weakness gaze,hitbysilverormagicweaponsonly. Lionwere (male): HD 6 (36 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 bite (1d10) or weapon(1d10);Move15;Save11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Weakness gaze,hitbysilverormagicweaponsonly.

2521AngryIdol:Anoldshipwreckofamerchantgalleylies at on the sea floor. When it sank it was carrying 250 tin ingots(1lbeach,worth1gpeachduetocorrosion),more than a dozen cattle skeletons and an idol of Adonis (500 gp) that was being transported to a colony for a new temple. The idol was abandoned when the ship sank and now demands revenge. It is served by a gaggle of 16 kapoacinth that look like squat dwarfs with long, pointed noses,stuntedbatwingsandsaucereyes.Withinthebase oftheidolaretwolargediamondsworth6,000gpeach.
Kapoacinth:HD4;AC5[14];Atk2claws(1d3),1bite(1d4),1horn (1d6);Move9(Fly15);Save13;CL/XP6/400;Special:Fly.


2523 Hydrothermal Smithy: This hex contains a hydro thermalvent.Thelandaroundthevent,whichconsistsof

multipleblackandwhitesmokers,isrichinmanyminerals andinhabitedbygiantclams,flailsnailsandgiantshrimp. Encountersoccurontherollof12on1d6. Amidst the chimneys a small band of twenty automatons collect the minerals and work a submarine forge where they craft armor and weapons of bronze, mithril and a steelthatisresistanttorustduetoitsphosphoruscontent. The automatons look like muscular maidens made of bronze. Crafted in elder times by Volcanus himself, they retainhispatronageandprotection. Theautomatonshaveaworkshopcomposedofdozensof brightlycolored flail snail shells held together with lead. The automatons do not speak, but can make bargains usingauniquesignlanguagethatmostaquaticfolkinthe Tepid Sea have come to understand. They keep their treasureinlockedchests.Itconsistsof2,000sp,200gp,10 pp,asetofgoldenscales(80gp),20ouncesofphosphorus (worth 7 gp per ounce), an 8 lb mithril ingot (worth 400 gp), 30 lb of bronze ingots (worth 12 sp per lb), 80 lb of copper ingots (worth 10 gp per lb), 100 lb of iron ingots (worth8spperpound)and120lboftiningots(worth30 spperpound).
Automaton: HD 1+1; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 hammer (1d8+1); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Immune to most mind effects, half damagefromfireandlightning. Flail Snail (16 appearing): HD 5; AC 3 [16]; Atk 6 tentacles (1d8); Move3;Save12;CL/XP7/600;Special:Immunetofire,scintillating colors. GiantClam:HD4;AC5[14];Atk1clamp;Move0;Save13;CL/XP 5/240; Special: Clamp (creature trapped inside clam if attack is successful,takes2d6damageperroundandmaydrown). Giant Shrimp (1060 appearing): HD 1d2 hp; AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 bite (1d2);Move13;Save18;CL/XPA/5;Special:None.

There is an equal chance that the shrine is under attack fromrivalelementals.Ifthisisthecase,assumethatthere are6d6hitdiceworthofair,fireorwaterelementals,with half of those hit dice possessed by their leader, a djinn, efreetormarid.
Lok,Crumbler:HD10(60hp);AC4[15];Atk1thrownrock(2d6)or fist(2d6);Move0;Save17;CL/XP11/1700;Special:Immunities. Dwarf Defender: HD 5; AC 0 [19]; Atk 1 weapon (1d10); Move 6; Save12;CL/XP6/400;Special:Cannotbesurprised,cannotbeback attacked,adjacentcreaturesenjoy+1bonustoAC.

2539 Basswood Grove: A large grove of basswoods surroundthebanksofaclearspring.Thegroveisinhabited byahiveofgianthoneybees.Thehivehouses90workers, five soldiers, five noncombative drones and one non combative queen. The bees do not tolerate visitors other thandruids,whosometimescometocollecthoney.
HoneybeeWorker:HD3;AC5[14];Atk1sting(1d4);Move12(Fly 36);Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Poison(additional1d6damage unlesssaveismade). HoneybeeSoldier:HD4;AC4[15];Atk1sting(1d6);Move15(Fly 36);Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:Poison(additional1d6damage unlesssaveismade).

2533BoxCanyon:Thereisaboxcanyonherethatcanonly be entered via a narrow gorge. The land here is exceedingly dry and devoid of plant life. The box canyon contains a shrine to elemental earth. The shrine is a perfectlysquare,unworkedblockofstone.Inthecenterof theblockofstonethereisamace+1/+3vs.airelementals that can (once per month) summon 1d6 small earth elementals who will faithfully serve their summoner for1 week. The shrines guardian is a crumbler called Lok. Lok has a contingent of twenty dwarven defenders under his command.Thereisa1in6chancethatpilgrimsarevisiting theshrinewhentheadventurersarrive.Thesepilgrimswill dotheirbesttodefendtheshrineifitisdisturbed.
1.1d6Druids(4HD) 2.3d6Dwarfs 3.2d6Dwelvers 4.1d6Janni 5.1d3Nymphs(Oreads) 6.1d3StoneGiants 7.3d6Svirfneblin 8.1d4Xorn

2541Tryth:Abandofdwarves(152males,67females,31 dwarflings) have established themselves in an old iron mine.Themoreefficientminingtechniquesofthedwarfs have made the mine prosperous, producing 1,500 gp(7.5 tons) worth of iron each month. The dwarfs have establishedafoundryandasmithy,producingsteelingots andtheirownarms,armorandtools.ThedwarfsofTryth aregoverenedbyayoungdwarfwoman(andadventurer) namedEimink. Eimink is a warrior priest of Weyland who commandsanorderofsixwarriorsandtwowarriorpriests. The dwarfs have accumulated the following treasure: 10,000cp,10,000sp,1,000ep,1,100gp,100pp,abronze statuetteofacavebear(worth2gp)andacinnabaridolof amanyarmeddeityofMuPan(worth9,000gp).
Eimink, Dwarf Cleric/Fighter Lvl 4: HP 26; AC 2 [17]; Save 11; Special:Clericspells(2nd),dwarfabilities;Platemail,warhammer, lightmace,holysymbol.Eiminkfightswithtwoweapons. EiminksWarriors,DwarfFightingMenLvl3:HD3d6+6;AC3[16]; Save14;Chainmail,shield,handaxe,crossbow. Eiminks Warpriests, Dwarf Cleric/Fighters Lvl 3: HD 3d6+4; AC 3 [16]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (1st); Chainmail, shield, war hammer,holysymbol.

2547 Inn of the ThreeTailed Fox: The seemingly endless expanseofthesavannaisbrokenherebyalong,twostory inn constructed of adobe bricks with a sloped, thatched roof.Theinnisrunbyatrioofsistersofanelfencastwith duskyskinandsilveryhair.Thesistersnevermentiontheir names, referring to each other merely as sister or, to others,astheproprietess.

The ground floor of the inn is made up of a taproom / commonroom.Thefloorabovehaslivingquartersforthe three sisters (a simple room with straw palettes and two locked chests) another common room decorated with wovenmatsandtwoprivateroomswithproperbedsand wardrobeswithlocks.Thesisterschargeagoldpiecefora nightinacommonroomand10gpforanightinaprivate room. Heat inside the building is provided by numerous bronze braziers. There is a large oven located a dozen yards from the inn where flatbread is baked and animals areroasted.Breakfastusuallyconsistsofabowlofpulses soaked in broth, lunch is bread and cheese and dinner a roastwithrootvegetables. Theinnhasacellarthatcontainsbarrelsofshortbeerand banana beer, a few casks of spiced wine and palm wine, barrels of palm oil, wheat, barley, dried onions and other foodstuffs. A secret door hides a crypt containing the remainsofpastguests,forthesistersarefoxweresandthe inn a trap for the unwary. The crypt holds numerous terracotta jars, each topped by a skull. Inside each is a parchment scroll with arm bones for rollers. The scrolls containpoetichonorificsofeachvictim. The sisters are quite powerful and coldly seductive. The furniture in the private rooms animates on command to restrainvictims.Theirtreasure,containedinthechestsin theirroom,consistsof100gp,twoturquoise(300gpeach) andfourminkfurs(30gpeach).
Sisters:HD3(13,12&10hp);AC2[17];Atk1bite(1d4)orweapon (1d6);Move15;Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Charmgaze,hitby silverormagicweaponsonly. Animated Furniture: HD 1; AC 8 [11]; Atk 1 bump (save or fall); Move12;Save18;CL/XP1/15;Special:Knocksover.

2603CrumblingZiggurat:Thevestigesofabasaltziggurat canbefoundhere.Thestructurewasbuiltbythesahuagin but abandoned decades ago for unknownreasons. At the heartofthezigguratisastrangemachinethatcreatesan areaofbecalmedwindsina2hexradius(markedonmap asashadedcircle). 2616ElderTower:Theremainsofatowerfortressofthe elder things juts up from amid the silt of a submarine wasteland. The tower is composed of basalt and was carvedratherthanconstructed.Approximately26ftofthe tower is visible. The exterior is marked with strange geometriesthatcauseasenseofdisorientationandslight nausea (1 to all rolls). A secret door located about 8 ft above ground level grants access to the place. The water that fills the tower is stagnant and disgusting. The tower consistsofninelevels,withmovementbetweenthelevels viatriangularholesinfloorandceiling.Eachlevelhasa20 ftceilingandadiameterof15ftatthetopto30ftatthe bottom.Thesecretdoorgivesaccesstoleveleight. Level 9 This chamber has a high, slanted ceiling. A number of faceted, crystal orbs hang from the ceiling by

copperywires.Thewallsarecarvedinthesamewayasthe exterior,withthesameeffect.Thecrystalorbsinthisroom give off an audible hum, and if touched send ones consciousness to other places and times, all alien and all unsettling. A saving throw is required to willingly break contact.Otherscanphysicalremoveonefromanorb,but doingsocausestheviewertoblackoutforafewminutes, and carries with it a chanceof temporary insanity (saving throw to avoid, saving throw each day to shake off). One might use the following table to generate the visions impartedbycontactwithanorb: 1)Scenesfromadifferentplanet,perhapsthequivering masses of ambulatory fungus crowding the shores of a shallow, brackish Lunar ocean, a frozen or smoldering hemisphere of Mercurii and its attendant ruins, the steaming jungles of Veneris, the ochre wastes of Martis and a horde of crimsonskinned barbarians, the floating citystates of Iupiter built within colossal jellyfish, or the prismaticwastesofSaturniiandoneofitsdomedcities. 2) Scenes from the primordial age of Nod, of oceans teeming with elder cities or topaz skies blanketing a landscape of cycadic marshes filled with amphibian horrors. 3) Another dimension, perhaps that of the artificers of Yothri,theskaursoiorthezetans. 4)Thepiercingeyesofanelderthinglookingbackatyou and sending barrages of alien admonishments into your fragilemind. Level 8 This chamber is furnished with squarish shelves ofanopalinemetalthatjutfromthewalls,theirplacement seeming random to most humanoid observers. Stone furniture(forwhatelsecoulditbe,butfurniture,though theshapesarecompletelyalien)restsinthecenterofthe room.Simpleholesintheceilingandfloorgrantaccessto otherlevels. Level7Thischamberissubdividedintofourchambers, eachholdingadanglingcontraptionthatcouldbeanalien bedandarandomcollectionofcubes.Thecubesappearto behollow,butthereisnoobviouswaytoopenthem.The use of magic or the thoughts of a psychic will cause one sideofacubetobecomeethereal,allowingaccesstothe interior. The cubes hold strange metal tools, inscrutable andapparentlyunusable. Level 6 This chamber is filled with seven pedestals of greenishmetalmesh,eachholdinganorbaboutonefoot in diameter with a mirrorlike surface. Touching an orb producesaseriesofvibrationsthatonesearpicksupasa sort of music. The melodies are completely alien, and cause confusion (as the spell) unless a saving throw is madesuccessfully.Aflockofsixaquaticdarkmantlesrests

inthecornersalongtheceiling;touchingtheorbswillsend themintoaviolentfrenzy.
Darkmantle:HD1+2;AC4[15];Atk1grab(1d4);Move3(Swim3); Save17;CL/XP2/30;Special:Suffocation,darkness.

BlackPudding:HD5;AC6[13];Atk1attack(2d6);Move6;Save5; CL/XP6/400;Special:Acidicsurface,immunetocold,divideswhen hitwithlightning.

Level 5 This chamber is dominated by a ceilingtofloor glasssteel tube. Within the tube there is an intensely glowing sphere orbited by a number of smaller, glowing spheres.Breakingthistube(notaneasytask,sinceitisas hardassteeland2inchesthick)wouldreleaseapowerful dose of radiation (3d6 points of permanent constitution damage) and shut off all power to the tower. Grooves in thefloorradiatingfromthecentraltubetothewallshold goldwires.Ifremoved,theyareworthapproximately100 gp, but touching them inflicts 10d6 points of electricity damage and disrupts power in the tower. If power is disrupted,theeffectsonlevelnineandlevelstopworking. Thefloorofthischamberisnoticablycold. Level4Thewallsofthisroomaresheathedinathinlayer ofice.Thewaterisnearfreezingintemperature,causing1 point of damage per round to those not protected from the cold. A dozen elder things are hibernating in this chamber. If power has been disrupted on level five, the roomwillbegintowarmandtheelderthingswillbeginto awaken.Iftheelderthingsaredisturbed,theywillawaken in 1d6+4 minutes and deal with the intruders. Included among them is one level 7 psychic and three level 2 psychics.
Elder Thing: HD 8; AC 5 [14]; Atk 3 tentacles (1d6); Move 15 (Fly 12);Save8;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Immunetofireandcold.

Level1Thebottomlevelofthetowerisdefendedbyan ancient security drone. The drone is shaped like a tall pyramid. Atop the pyramid is a black orb that acts as an eye, seeing in all directions at one and creating an effect likeahypnoticpattern(seebelow).Builtintoeachsideof thedronethereisatentacle.Eachtentacleistippedwitha devicethatduplicatesoneofthefollowingspells:burning hands, shocking grasp, hold monster and magic missile. The drone is capable of levitating and activating up to threewallsofforcethatintersectthechamberasitdesires andlastsfor1fullminute.Attachedtothewalls,seemingly by magnetic attraction, are eight rods. Each is a 3ft long tube of greenish metal, somewhat conical, tipped by a faceted crystal. Each tube has three small buttons. The buttons are not in a straight line and they are quite far apart,makingitverydifficultforahumanoidtodepressall three buttons at the same time. If they manage, the rod willemita5diceconeofcold.Eachrodholds1d10charges whenitisfirstfound.Pressingonlythemiddlebuttonona roddetachesthefacetedcrystalandejectstherodspower source,arodofpureradiumthatisradioactiveenoughto inflict 1d4 points of constitution damage if touched. Re assembling a rod is tricky; creatures have a 5% chance of successperpointofintelligenceover14.
SecurityDrone:HD5;AC3[16];Atk4tentacles(special);Move12; Save 13; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Burning hands (1d2+5 damage), shockinggrasp(1d8+5),magicmissile(3missiles,1d4+1damage), hold monster (5 rounds), hypnotic pattern (3d4 creatures), immunetomindeffects.

Level 3 This level is subdivided in the same manner as level seven and holds similar contents. One subchamber holdsaclutchoffivecrabnipedesthatwillattackwithout provocation. A cube in a different subchamber holds a large piece of turquoise carved in the shape of an elder thingworth50gp.
Crabnipede: HD 4; AC 4 [15]; Atk 4 claws (1d4), 1 bite (1d6 + paralysis); Move 6 (Swim 12); Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Paralysispoison(1d6turns).

Level2Thislargechamberholdsseveralpedestals,each 3 to 5 feet in diameter, of opaline metal. Above each pedestal, suspended from the ceiling by a copper rod encased in porphyry (worth 25 gp), is a glowing sphere. Scatteredonthefloorandonthepedestalsareavarietyof odd tools, spools of greenish, metallic thread and a few halffinishedexperiments.Onesuchexperimentisagreen, metallic cone that, when properly activated, jets away 20 feet and then emits a 3 dice electrical shock in a 10ft radius.Onepedestalholdsasealedjarofglasssteelfilled with a black pudding that will waste no time in trying to assimilatesomefreshDNA.

New Spell Hypnotic Pattern (Illusionist 2): This spell createsapatternofshiftingandweavingcolorsfillinga25 footx25footarea.Creaturesintheareawhofailasaving thowgazeatthelights,doingnothingelseandunawareof anything else. The spell effects 2d4 creatures plus one additional creature per caster level. Creatures with fewer Hit Dice are affected first. Sightless creatures are not affected.Thespellhasarangeof50feetandlastsaslong astheillusionistconcentratesonit. 2628 Worm Tunnel: A massive cave opens in a hillside here.Thecavemeasures15feetindiameterandisalmost perfectly circular, clearly the work of a purple worm. Following the tunnel beyond, one soon realizes a purple wormcannotbetheexcavator;thetunnelistoostraight, the slope too perfect. About 100 yards into the tunnel, a tripwirehasbeenstrungacross,triggeringanettrap.Cow bells are strung on the net, making a loud noise when triggered. The noise will attract the attention of an igniguana, the pet and guard animal of a dragon man scientistwhodwellsinthebizarremachinethatliesatthe end of the tunnel. The scientist, Garrithail, has a longstanding fascination with the science of the ancient ophidians. On a longago delve with a band of allies and henchmen,hediscoveredanabandonedearthboreratthe

epegy of this tunnel. The borer is a metallic tube 30 feet long and 11 feet in diameter with four treads located on the top, bottom and both sides. At the front of the machine is a conical drill clad in adamantine and 15ft in diameteratthebase.Garrithailwillprotecthisfind,butis actually pretty peaceful for an adventurer, and will welcome some help in his quest to repair the borer and useittodelveintothedepthsoftheunderworld.
Garrithail, Dragon Man Scientist Lvl 7: HP 17; AC 9 [10]; Save 9; Loincloth, bandoliers with dozens of pouches, various scientific tools, wavybladed dagger, formula of strength, galvanic belt (generates a shield spell 6 times per day), electroscepter (generatesa5dicelightningbolt5timesperday),criocoil(aman sizedcoilofmetalthatgeneratesawallofice4timesperday. Xipperi,Igniguana:HD4(21hp);AC4[15];Atk1bite(1d6);Move 6;Save14;CL/XP6/400;Special:Breathesfire(20ftcone,2d6).

intents, the equivalent of a level 7 psychic with the following powers: Channeling, ESP, mind thrust and telepathy. The scum can also form itself into up to six algoids. The scum is peaceful, for the most part, and desirousofknowledgeaboveall.Ifallofthescumsalgoids are destroyed, it will appear to be destroyed itself. It will reformafter1d4weeksandthenseekrevenge.
Algoid:HD5;AC4[15];Atk2slam(1d10);Move9;Save12;CL/XP 7/600;Special:Immunetofireballsandlightningbolts,halfdamage frombluntweapons,mindblast.

2635 Ahond: Ahond is a farming village (primarily pomegranates, buckwheat, goats and root vegetables) composed of dozens of timber cottages surrounded by a dense thicket. Three tall, timber watchtowers look over the surrounding countryside. The village is defended by twenty menatarms in black ring mail equipped with curvedlongswordsandlongbows.Theyarecommanded byasergeantnamedBevin.Thevillagealsohasabowyer namedFalaq. The 400 peasants of Ahond are a somber sort, given to black moods and without pity or kindness. They are governedbySirZvoles,apudgymanwithsunkeneyesand full, rosyred lips who always dresses in a crisp white turbanandsilkrobesofdamask,coralororange.Zvolseis never without his bronze sceptre or his valet, Corus, who keeps a covered tray of viands and a crystal decanter of darkred,almostblack,wineattheready. Ahond has many dark secrets, including necromantic rituals, cannibalism of the deceased, and a wedding between their lord and a harem of female ghouls who dwellbeneathhiskeep.Ahondstreasureconsistsof1,000 sp, 2,300 gp, 120 pp and 400 pounds of buckwheat in a granary(worth25cpperpound).Zvolesownsmuchofthe coinage,aswellasaturquoise(125gp),alargerockcrystal (800gp)attachedtohisscepterand19barrels(30gal.,250 lb)ofpomegranatewine.Eachbarrelisworth9gp.
Zvoles:HD3(7hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move9;Save 14;CL/XP 3/60;Special:Hasanamuletthatallowshimtocontrol ghoulsandmakeshimimmunetotheirparalysis. ZvolesWives:HD2;AC6[13];Atk2claws(1d3),1bite(1d4);Move 9;Save16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Immunities,paralyzingtouch. Bevin:HD3(13hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:Troopshave+1bonustomorale.

2702 Amphitheatre: An amphitheatre carved from the surroundingcliffslooksoutoverthesea.Theamphitheatre has a number of tunnels and chambers carved into the rockbehindandunderthestage.Itisagatheringplacefor bards and has rooms that contain emergency supplies behind locks that can only be opened by hitting a certain combination of musical notes, the particular notes required being found on the back of the locks. The place hasnocaretakers,butisinhabitedbyaflockofseahawks. 2704VillageoftheDrowned:Anancient,mazelikevillage lieshere,halfburiedinsilt.Thevillageisoccupiedby140 pale humans with large, green eyes and white hair. The humans keep fish in corals made of netting and process shells and bits of stone into tools. The villagers are remnantsofslavestockcreatedbytheaboleth.Theywere once owned by the sahuagin of [2603], but freed themselvesin abloodyrevolution.The20warriorsofthe 4 villagewearshellycoatarmor andwieldspearsandaxes. They are commanded by a level 6 fightingman named Dusheel and his two level 2 assistants, Brina and Pered. Thevillageisgovernedbyacouncilofelders.Thecouncils speakerisIlmot,avigorousoldmanwithalongbeardtied intobraidswithkelp.Thevillagersarewaryofoutsiders.
Brina&Pered,AquaticHumanFightingMenLvl2:HP14;AC3[14]; Save 15; Special: Breath water; Shellycoat armor, shield, flint battleaxe. Ilmot,AquaticHumanSage:HD1d4(3hp);AC9[10];Atk1weapon (1d4);Move12(Swim6);Save18;CL/XPB/10;Special:Knowsthe followingspellscomprehendlanguages,ESP,identifyandsleep. Dusheel,AquaticHumanFightingManLvl6:HP35;AC4[15];Save 11;Special:Breathwater;Shellycoatarmor,flintbattleaxe. Aquatic Human: HD 1; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 12 (Swim6);Save16;CL/XP1/15;Special:Breathwater.

2644 Pond Scum: A narrow, long, shallow pond interupts thesavannahere.Itiscoveredwithathicklayerofgreen scum that, after being struck by a bolt from the heavens, has developed a powerful hive mind. The scum is, for all

2724Nothuacht:Nothuachtisthelastophidianoutpostin the Wyvern Coast. Hidden underground, it is constructed of rare metals and consists of a dozen different blocks, each block fortified against intrusion and connected with two other blocks. The complex is powered by an atomic pile cooled by a subterranean river. The outpost is occupiedbysevendifferentbroods(fiveoftheblocksare uninhabited by ophidians and now roamed by wandering
Shelly-coat armor protects as well as ring mail. It is made by affixing layers of shells on a leather coat.

monsters), each containing from 30 to 60 ophidians. The ophidians have lost much of their ancient knowledge, havingnoscientistsnow,butstillpossessingsomeoftheir racestechnologyintheformofstunbatons,asilverhelm that grants its wearer ESP and a range of psychic powers (but steals 1 point of charisma per day unless a saving throw is made), floating disks and hydroponic gardens lit byminiature,artificialsuns. 2739 Bezoks Lair: There is a triangular, threetowered keep standing here. The upper portion of one tower has crumbled, and the entire keep looks weathered and unkempt. The keep stands atop a rocky hill with steep sidesandasinglesetofstairscarvedintothesideopposite the keeps main entrance. The keeps entrance tunnel is blockedbyaportcullisononeendandtwothick,wooden doorsstuddedwithbronzenailsontheother.Beyondthis tunnelthereisagreathallthatservesasthelivingquarters for a band of twelve dull, blackishgreen ogres and their eight females and four young. The ogre warriors wear coatsofgiantlizardhideandcarrystoneaxesandpoison dippedspears(savingthrowortemporarilylose1d3points ofArmorClassfromparalysis,theeffectendingin1hour). The ogres keep fourteen human and demihuman slaves for use as labor and the occaisional feast. The slaves are usually kept locked in one of the towers. The ogres are ruledbyanogrekingcalledBezok,agrosslyfatogrewith greasy, black hair. Bezoks court priest is Xas. The ogres treasureconsistsof3,000gp,210ppandtwodozensoiled furs(worth5gp/fur,moreifcleaned).
Bezok: HD 10+1 (49 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 weapon (3d6) or bite (2d6); Move 12; Save 5; CL/XP 12/2000; Special: Swallows victims killedwithitsbiteattack,regaininghitpointsequaltothevictims hitdicex2,castcharmmonsteronceperday. Xas, Ogre Adept Lvl 3: HP 21; AC 5 [14]; Save 12; Special: Adept spells(1st),berserker;Furvest,gnarledclub,holysymbol(severed humanheadcoveredinwax). Ogre: HD 4+1; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon (2d6); Move 9; Save 13; CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

bloodwithsorcerouspowers,slimezombies,flittingflocks ofdeviousdarkmantles,tentaclefacedgiantrats,tribesof chokers in service to the lords of the caverns and a minotaurandhisharemofshetaurbarbarians. 2839IvoryTowerofKinyoth:Risingabovethehighlandsis a75fttalltowerofivoryandlimestone.Thisisthetower ofKinyoththetowerhag.Kinyothistheundisputedmaster of this hex and the hexes surrounding it. She stands 9 ft tall, with steel grey skin, black claws, weathered black teeth,paleyelloweyesandlimp,blackhair. The tower has five levels. The first level is approximately 20ft in diameter. The walls of this level are slick, rippled ivoryandseemtosweatayellowishichor.Thefirstlevelis a dumping ground of the magical detritus of several centuries ruined scrolls, broken vials, magical cabinets, scorched wands, etc. Lurking among the ruined items are tenbarics.Windingstairsleadtoleveltwo.
Baric:HD5;AC6[13];Atk2claw(1d4)and1bite(1d10);Move15; Save12;CL/XP5/240;Special:None.

Leveltwolooksmuchlikelevelone.Itisfurnishedwitha multitude of torture devices and has seven sets of manaclesattachedtothewallsandtwoironcageshanging fromthevaultedceiling.Threeprisonerscurrentlyoccupy thischamber:AnogrecalledTundrunthathasbeenshrank to the size ofa halfling, a young womannamedMaryain anironcagewhoappearstobesufferingfromleprosy,and anaked,scarredmannamedLhumlerwithwildeyeswho is chained to one wall. Lhumler was once a paladin, but successiveboutsoftortureandrapehavereducedhimtoa mere fightingman. The room is guarded by two headless screamers.
HeadlessScreamer:HD4;AC3[16];Atk1claw(1d6)or1thrown head (1d8); Move 15; Save 13; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Throw and retrievehead,scream,immunetocold. Lhumler, FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 7 (39 normally); AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 fist(1d2);Move9(duetoalimp);Save11. Marya:HD1d4(1hp);AC9[10];Atk1fist(1d2);Move12;Save18; CL/XPA/5;Special:Leprosy(treatasmummyrot). Tundrun:HD4+1(21hp);AC5[14];Atk1fist(1d4);Move6;Save 13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

2813SahuaginBandits:Aforceof35sahuaginbanditsled bya domineering malecalled Hloothac inhabits a conical keepstuddedwithdozensofgiantbarnacles.Thesahuagin haveamapshowingthelocationofthedungeonin[2321]. Theirtreasureconsistsof1800gp.
Hloothac, Sahuagin Barbarian Lvl 4: HP 23; AC 3 [16]; Save 14; Special: Cannot be flanked, fears magic, berserk lasts 5 rounds; Obsidianglaive(1d8damage),shagreenarmor.

2834SlimePitsoftheChuul:Afetidcavegrantsingressto adeepcomplexofslimycavernsthatdescendhundedsof feetintotheground.Atthelowestdepths,thetitansbuilt aneldritchprisonforapowerfulentityofLaw.Thecaverns arenowprowledbytheterrifyingchuul,slimesandjellies of every imaginable color, a race of feral dwelvers who subsistonthemoldsandslimesofthisunderworld,alarge, blackdragonandhismate,anelfwomanoftheancient

The third level is a dank library lit by candles made from thefatofvirgins.Alarge,woodenchairsitsinthemiddle of the room, and chained to the outer walls are six large tomes (30 lb each) containing magical lore (1d4 spells each).Thebooksareguardedbysixinaeds.
Innaed:HD3;AC0[20];Atknone;Move0(Fly18);Save13;CL/XP 7/600; Special: Invisible, spells, immune to all weapons or normal weapons(dependingonstate).

Above the library is a laboratory of sorts, stocked with vessels containing preserved animals and body parts, a large wooden storage cabinet with a grisly harvest of

humanfeetandshelvesfilledwithallmannerofhumanoid bones,organizedbytypeandsize. ThetoplevelcontainsKinyothspersonallairandtreasury. It is a round room without light and furnished with a greasy,strawmattressatopfourlarge,woodenchests.The chests are locked and trapped with acid, poison or green slime.Theycontain10,000cp,11,000sp,14,400gp,1,100 pp,fiveblocksofambergriswrappedinwaxedpaper(100 gp), a rhodochrosite worth 950 gp and a cursed (1) staff tipped with steel spheres grasped in demonic talons. Curledupalongthewallisa20ftlonggnasherlizardcalled Phac. Kinyoth is currently attempting to construct a gate deepbeneathhertowerthatwouldallowtheamphorons ofYothrieasyaccesstoNod.
Kinyoth:HD16(71hp);AC0[19];Atk2claws(2d6);Move12;Save 3; CL/XP 26/5900; Special: Spit, claws, tower, spells, only harmed by silver or magic weapons, immune to mind effects, magic resistance70%. Phac:HD9(47hp);AC 4[15]; Atk 1bite(2d6);Move 12; Save 6; CL/XP2000;Special:Behead,swallow.

madeofcutglass.Hewillgladlypayabandofadventurers fortheirhelpinsecuringthisingredient. Onortkeepshistreasureinabrasscoffer(itselfworth900 gp). It consists of 10,000 sp, 200 gp and 100 pp. He also owns a herd of 100 goats, which dwell around the tower andaretendedbyhis0levelapprentice,aboyishlooking girlnamedKaeley.
Onort,MagicUserLvl9:HP20;AC9[10];Save7;Special:Magic userspells(5th);Silverdagger,staff,grimoire,clayapron,pointed hat(black,coveredwithsilverstars,slightlyworn),ringofkeys. DehamandShorn,MagicUsersLvl1:HP3&1;AC9[10];Save15; Special:Magicuserspells(1st);Dagger,grimoire,clayaprons. Kaely:HD1d4(1hp);AC9[10];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move12;Save 18;CL/XPA/5;Special:Ownscrookandsling. Synthoid:HD2+2;AC7[12];Atk1slam(1d4)orweapon(1d8+1); Move12;Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Beauty, Homonculus: HD 2 (11 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d3 + sleep); Move 6 (Fly 20); Save 16; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Sleep inducingbite. TheCaprachnid:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1gore(2d4)or1kick(2d6)or 1 bite (1d4); Move 12; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Web spinning,poisonedhorns(paralysisfor1d6rounds).

2824OnorttheMutator:Onortisawizardwhofocuseson transmogrifications. He is a towering man, with copper skin, lank, black hair and a weak chin. Onort is even tempered, and almost kind, to his three apprentices, two of whom (Deham and Shorn) have attained the first level ofmagicuse.Onortstowerisconstructedintheformofa giant, sandstone statue of an Ophirian King, garbed in robesandsandals,withacrown(likebattlements)atophis brow,astrong,aquilinenoseandlong,curledbeard.There arenoapparentdoorsorwindowsinthetower,butthey exist and are easily spied from within. Onort is an obsessive tinkerer with life, working to create magical crossbreeds and perfect the human form. His tower is guarded by six vatgrown synthoids who wear ring mail andcarrypolearms. ThewallsofOnortslaboratory,whichisthreestoriestall, is lined with cages, many containing small mammals, reptiles and birds, but a few larger cages (some hanging from the roof) containing goats, dogs, giant spiders, vulturesandayoungwyvernthatisrapidlyoutgrowingits confinement.Thefloorofthelaboratorycontainsalarge, coppervat(currentlysealedandgrowinganewsynthoid, abouthalffinished),largeworktables,somecoveredwith pieces of parchment containing bizarre diagrams, others with jars of foul smelling liquids and perserved monster bits. A steep, winding staircase leads to the levels above the laboratory, but are closed off due to an infestation with several members of an experiment he calls the caprachnid. Onort has a pet homonculus (his very first creation)thathecalls(somewhatironically)Beauty. Most of Onorts time is now taken up with research into lycanthropy, for he has recently contracted the curse. He haslearnedthatacureispossible,butrequiresasprigof wolvesbanecollectedunderthenewmoonusingadagger

2847 Baboon Rock: A rocky outcropping rises from the grasslandslikethebowofagreatship.Atitspeakittowers forty feet above the surrounding grasslands. The outcroppingisinhabitedbyavicioustribeofrockbaboons ledbyanalphamalewhowieldsaboneclubthatoncethe femur of an evil high priest. It now acts as a +1 club that causeslightwoundsonanattackrollof20.
Baboon,AlphaMale:HD2(8hp);AC7[12];Atk1bite(1d6);Move 12;Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Baboon:HD1(6hp);AC7[12];Atk1bite(1d4);Move12;Save17; CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

2924OutlawCave:Inamassive,naturalamphitheatreyou find a camp of 177 bandit archers led by a surly warlord called Patrix with his flippant (and ruggedly beautful) lieutenantSippa.Theoutlawsrangealloverthenortheast Wyvern Coast, though never into or beyond the mountains. Patrixs elite warriors include Erisian, Yajaid, ProndandRamino.Heisalsoalwaysaccompaniedbyfour bodyguardswieldingpolearmsandpoisoneddaggers.The banditshave3,100gp,110pp,eightexpensivefurs(15gp each) and a barrel containing 10 pounds of cocoa beans (worth1,000gp)thatwereontheirwaytoawizardofIbis.
Killa,AdeptLvl5: HP23;AC 6[13]; Save 11; Special: Adeptspells (1st),guideabilities;Warhorse,leatherarmor,shield,staff. Sippa,FightingWomanLvl7:HP35;AC3[16];Save10;Warhorse, chainmail,shield,curvedlongsword,shortbow,20arrows. Patrix, FightingMan Lvl 10: HP 47; AC 3 [16]; Save 7; Warhorse, chainmail,shield,curvedlongsword,shortbow,20arrows.

Erisian, FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 29; AC 3 [16]; Save 11; Warhorse, chainmail,shield,curvedshortsword,longbow,20arrows. Yajaid, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 19; AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Warhorse, chainmail,shield,lance,curvedshortsword,shortbow,20arrows. Prond, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 17; AC 3 [16]; Save 10; Warhorse, chainmail,shield,flail,shortbow,20arrows. Ramino,FightingManLvl3:HP21;AC3[16];Save10;Warhorse, chainmail,shield,curvedlongsword,shortbow,20arrows. Bodyguards:HD2d6+4;AC4[15];Atk1weapon(1d10);Move12; Save15;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Bandits: HD 1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

2927ShephardsSpring:Abubblingspring,surroundedby tall reeds, exists in this hex. The spring was once a shephard who was killed and turned into a spring by a weeping goddess. For those who camp near the spring, healingisaccelerated.Thereedscanbeturnedintopipes capableofcharmingfairywomen. 3010Bathymora:Bathymoraisacrystaldomecontaininga villageofundines(120males,145females,9children).The interiorofthedomeisfilledwithairywater.Thedomecan be entered through massive double doors of thick oak. Withintheouterperimeterdome,whichmeasures1mile in diameter, there is a stout keep surrounded by manicured gardens and dozens of brightly colored pavilions, each the home of an undine warrior and his family. These pavilions are quite large, measuring 20 feet oneachside,andstockedwithallthecomfortsofhome. The keep is built of coral blocks of orange and pink. Its master is Cammorvin, who has the abilities of a fighting man, magicuser and cleric. Cammorvins ladylove is Duania. Also living in the keep are Cammorvins sons, Milell,PorondamsandAnairandtheirwivesandfamilies. Cammorvinkeepsapackoffivebarracudathatheusesas hounds, two small squid that fill the role of falcons, and eighthippocampi.ThewarriorsofBathymoracarryspears and daggers and wear armor of mithril scales (treat as chainmail). The lord of Bathymora and his knights are haughtyandilltempered,andnotdisposedtowardmercy orchivalry.Aknighthas6d10gpinhispurse.Cannorvins treasure consists of 3,000 gp, an ivory coronet (75 gp), a golden crown (100 gp) and a cursed scroll that turns readersintobarracuda.
Cammorvin, Undine Cleric/Mage/Fighter Lvl 6: HP 25; AC 4 [15]; Save 9; Special: Cleric spells (3rd), magicuser spells (3rd); Scale armor,shield,lance,dagger. Milell,UndineFightingManLvl6:HP25;AC4[15];Save11;Scale armor,shield,lance,dagger. Porondams,UndineFightingManLvl5:HP33;AC4[15];Save12; Scalearmor,shield,lance,dagger. Anair,UndineFightingManLvl4:HP23;AC4[15];Save13;Scale armor,shield,lance,dagger.

3019GilramoftheMists:Thecoasthereiscladinathick fogallyearlong,nightandday.Travelerspickingtheirway throughthefogrunaheightenedriskoftumblingintothe sea. Inside the fog one can hear voices, sometimes mournful,sometimesmerry,butalwaysseductive.Colored lightsbobinandoutofthefog,sometimesappearingtobe attachedtotheprowsofsilentlyglidingskiffs,othertimes swooping from the sky in formation and then scattering awayintothefog.Inthemidstofthefogthereisasimple tower of basalt blocks with a heavy door painted black. ThisisthetowerofGilramoftheMists,masterillusionist. Gilramisadeformedandamoralman.Hedespisesvisitors, butwillsometimesleadtravelerstohistowerthathemay tormentthemwithhisfrightfulillusions.Gilramhasthree apprentices, two of them, Galair and Paset, being mere quacksalvers,theother,Sadhu,aprestidigitator.Thetower hasthreelevels,thelowerlevelaparlorfilledwithoddities andcunning(butnotdeadly)tricksandtraps.Thesecond levelisakitchen,GalairandPasethavingstrawmattresses by the hearth, Sadhu a tiny living cell. The third level is Gilrams bedchamber and laboratory. The tower is protectedbyamihstucalledUllhaib.Ullhaibusuallylurks about in the immediate vicinity of the tower, but can be summoned by Gilram (and his apprentices, though they would not dare do so unless threatened with certain death)byspeakingitsnamethreetimes. Gilramkeepshistreasuresinplainsight,disguisingthemas mundane items using permanent illusions. The horde consists of 2,500 gp disguised as barrels of flour. He has four 10 gp gems and two 100 gp gems disguised as shriveled apples discarded in a corner of the kitchen. Gilram wears a spectacular array of jewelry, including a silver toe ring decorated with garnets (100 gp), an iron armbandsetwithanovalhematite(50gp)thatheclaims improves the balance of his bodily humors and a silver chokersetwithchipsofrosequartz(25gp).Healsocarries asilverdagger.Hisonlyothertreasuresareadustybottle of burgundy wine (200 gp), a pound of fine tobacco (100 gp)andanounceofcloves(200gp). GilramwouldlikeverymuchtobringLordKrulltoheel,or at least chase him from the Wyvern Coast . They once adventured together and competed for the love of a womanwhoultimatelychoseKrull.
Gilram, MagicUser (Illusionist) Lvl 10: HP 22; AC 7 [12]; Save 6; Special:Spells(5th);Silverdagger,darts(5),grimoire,jewelry(see above). Sadhu, MagicUser (Illusionist) Lvl 3: HP 5; AC 9 [10]; Save 13; Special:Spells(2nd);Dagger,darts(2),grimoire,luckyrabbitsfoot. Galair & Paset, MagicUser (Illusionist) Lvl 1: HP 1d4; AC 9 [10]; Save15;Special:Spells(1st);Club,darts(2),grimoire. Mihstu:HD8;AC3[22];Atk4tentacles(1d6+1);Move6;Save8; CL/XP14/2600;Special:Onlyharmedby+2weapons,constitution drain,immunetoelectricityandmissiles,stunnedbycold.


3029Dagul:Dagulisavillageof100peasantfarmersliving in stone huts. The village is surrounded by an earthen rampartandthereisatall,stonewatchtowerinthecenter of the village. Hunnsa, the village reeve live in a house connected to the watchtower. Dagul is defended by 10 stoutmenatarmsunderthecommandofSergeantForiz. The village is known for its sheep, who produce excellent woolfavoredbyweaversthroughouttheTepidSearegion. Hunnsa keeps 1,000 sp, 1,200 gp and a rose quartz (125 gp)inalockedchesttrappedwithapoisonneedle.
Foriz, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 21; AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Chainmail, shield,poleaxe,shortsword. MenatArms: HD 2; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 poleaxe (1d10); Move 12; Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Hunnsa:HD3;AC5[14];Atk1longsword(1d8+1);Move12;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None.

3035 Beldors Bedazzling Belfry: Atop a tiny cairn lies a crystalized skull. The skull belonged to Beldor, a man famedinhistimeasapoetandmusician.Beldorfoolishly courted the youngest bride of the archimage Baloc (see hex5708)andthuscametohisruination.Ifheld,theskull willfillonesmindwiththemostextravagantimageryand inspiring songs. The holder of the skull will feel more confident and amorous, and will enjoy a blessing (as the spell) on all of his endeavors, though he will also find it impossible to concentrate. He will be surprised more often, find it more difficult to locate hidden things, and spellcastingwillbeallbutimpossible. 3103 Crumbling Tower of Kiquarua: Kiquarua was a sahuagin sorcerer who feuded for many years with Arivorth, an undine wizard who dwells in [3108]. In the end, Arivorth came out on top, and Kiquaruas tower is now a crumbling heap of basalt stone surrounded by a forest of sinewy, reddish kelp. The tower is inhabited by Kiquaruas three sahuagin apprentices, Zas, Gualt and Iacatuagyorn,andhisformerimpfamiliar,andnowmaster of the ruins, Catugern. Most of Kiquaruas treasure was lostinArivorthsfinalattack,but4,000spand600gpstill remains,hiddenbehindaloosestone.
Catugern the Imp: HD 2 (8 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 sting (1d4 + poison);Move6(Fly16);Save16;CL/XP6/400;Special:Poisontail, polymorph into angler fish, regenerate 1 hp/rd, immune to fire, onlyhitbysilverormagicweapons. Apprentices: HD 2+1; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 12 (Swim18);Save15;CL3/60;Special:Magicuserspells(1st).

bronze. For many decades, Arivorth was locked in a strugglewitharivalnamedKiquarua(see[3103]formore details),finallydestroyinghimjustoneyearago. ThefinaleldritchassaultcostArivorthhisvigor.Heisnow a tall, gaunt undine with wispy, silver hair and a single, purple eye with a puckered hole where his other eye shouldbe.Arivorthsowngrimoireistattooedontoflayed skinsrolledintoscrolls.Kiquaruasgrimoireisacollection ofthin,metalplatesetchedwithglyphs.Thiswastheprize that drove Arivorth to destroy his old enemy, for it contains information relevant to the attainment of lich hood, which Arivorth desires above all other things. He is now in a race with time to complete his preparations beforehe expires. Arivorth is assisted inthis endeavor by fiveapprentices,Aernach,Berthach,Bruidian,Mortaig(all adepts) and Tristhiore, a soothsayer. The tower is also protected by the animated remains of Kiquarua, now stripped of his flesh. Arivorth owns 3,530 gp, an obsidian pendant (75 gp) and a huge chunk of turquoise (770 gp) thatheplansonusingtoconstructhisphylactery.
Kiquarua,Wight:HD3(11hp);AC5[14];Atk1claw(1hp+level drain); Move 9; Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Drain 1 level with hit,hitonlybymagicorsilverweapons. Adepts, Undine MagicUser Lvl 1: HD 1d4; AC 9 [10]; Save 15; Special:MagicUserSpells(1st);Obsidiandagger. Tristhiore, Undine MagicUser Lvl 2: HP 5; AC 9 [10]; Save 14; Special:MagicUserSpells(1st);Obsidiandagger. Arivorth, Undine MagicUser Lvl 9: HP 26; AC 9 [10]; Save 7; Special:MagicUserSpells(5th);Copperstaff,obsidiandagger.

3119CorsairCove:CorsairCoveprovidesasafehavenfor pirates. There is no authority in the village, though an unwrittenlawforbidsfightingandtheft.Itisararepirate whowillbreakthatlaw,forCorsairCoveistheonlyhaven on the Tepid Sea not under Ophirs control. The village is centered on the House of the Blood Red Skull, an inn ownedbyOldThom,anexcorsair.Thomemploysseveral wenchesandatemperamentalboggartnamedScrapsasa cook. The inn is a raucous place with gambling, wrestling andcompetitivedartsonThursdays.Thevillagealsohasa barber, leatherworker, jeweler (and fence), smith and shipwright.
Old Thom, FightingMan Lvl 3: HP 22; AC 9 [10]; Save 14; Cleaver (treatashandaxe).

3108 Arivorths Tower: Arivorths tower appears to be a singlecolumnofreddishvolcanicrockmarkedwithabout one dozen crystalline windows that bulge outward. The place is entered through a heavy door of bronze marked with a glyph of warding that delivers an electrical shock (3d6 damage) to all within 20 feet. The interior of the towerisfilledwithairywater.Itconsistsofadozenlevels, with access between levels via circular trapdoors of

3127YemsPavilion:Alargetentofintricatelywovenrugs andtapestriessitsinasmalloasishere.Insidethetentare braziers burning incense, expensive golden objects dart and a plush couch. Upon the couch rests a priestess, the vessel of Astarte. The priestess, Yem, is a virgin sworn to divine service. The tent is Astartes temple and a pilgrimage for her servants. There is a 1 in 6 chance that whentheadventurersarriveitisbeingvisitedbyalawful cleric. Upon approaching, intruders who do not properly intone the seven hymns of Astarte are confronted by a

flock of erinyes. Anyone harming or otherwise molesting Yem or the cult items in the tent will be attacked by the erinyesandwilldiscoverwhatitmeansforYemtobethe vessel of a goddess. Yem is willing to cast spells for good adventurersatnocostandneutraladventurersatcostplus theconditionthattheyacceptamarkofjusticethatkeeps themfrombreakingthelawinanysettlement. AsavesselofAstarte,Yemcanbefilledwiththegoddess essence,gainingtheabilitiesofaplanetar.Yems+1mace radiates protection from evil in a 10foot radius and can applyamarkofjusticeonawillingpersononceperday. NewSpellMarkofJustic(Cleric5):Youdrawanindelible markonthesubjectandstatesomebehavioronthepart ofthesubjectthatwillactivatethemark.Whenactivated, themarkcursesthesubject.Thespelltakes10minutesto castandinvolveswritingonthetarget.Themarkofjustice cannotbedispelled,butitcanberemoved.
Yem, Cleric Lvl 6: HP 21; AC 8 [11]; Save 9; Special: Cleric spells (3rd),banishundead;+1mace,holysymbol.

forksandheavyspadesandbronzechainswithlargerings oneitherend.
OniYamaGoblin:HD2;AC5[14]; Atk1weapon (1d6);Move 12; Save17;CL/XP2/30;Special:50%chancetogainsurpriseattacks.

3143Hyenaweres:Apackofeighthyenawereshavemade a lair for themselves in a shallow cave overlooking the savanna. They have 500 ep, 300 gp and 30 pp stashed in theircaveinaleathersackbeneathadungpile.Theyalso haveapileofhumanandantelopebones,oneofwhichis actually a scroll case containing a map showing the locationofthedungeonin[3540].
Hyenawere:HD3;AC3[16];Atk1bite(1d4+1)orweapon;Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Laughter gaze, hit by silver or magicweaponsonly.

3137 Pleasant Grove: A pleasant, shady grove of gery barkedbalanzonthorntreesgrowsalongarushingstream here. One of the trees hosts a large hive or normal bees, whowillswarmifthreatened. 3141 Friary of Rigele: Rigele is a forgotten, alien god of architecture and mathematics. In the hazy past, his devotees constructed an oddly shaped friary using non euclidean geometries and bluish marble. The friary has beenabandonedsinceafiresweptacrossthesavanna300 years ago, engulfing the friary and driving the few remainingmonksaway.Itisnowinhabitedby18oniyama goblins, large, hunched, greyskinned brutes with tusks jutting from their mouths. They inhabit the dusty, oddly shaped chambers of the friary with an assortment of venomous snakes, birds of prey and giant rats. At the pinnacle of the threestory friary is the chapel of Rigele. Rigelesidollookslikeawidechestedazurehumanoidwith fourfacesplacedaroundhishead.Hiseyesarenarrowand black.Rigelesidolwearsalarge,bronzetalismandepicting what looks like an abelone shell. In his right hand he cradlesacalendarthatlooksmuchlikethoseoftheAztecs. A bronze basin worth 125 gp rests in front of the idol. In thefloorbeneaththeidolthereisasecretcachethatholds 1,000 sp, 500 ep and 500 gp. The goblins carry leather sacks,eachcontaining1d6x10gp. Beneaththefriaryareanumberofsmallcrypts.Eachcrypt holds a mummified humanoid wearing a brass helm that duplicates the four faces of Rigele, and bound in brass chains. Surrounding the friary are dozens of strange, conical cellars covered by stone discs. These cellars hold such items as wicker baskets in a strange kidneyshape, whatappeartobedousingrods,wovengrassropeknotted every 47 inches, stone bowls with strange geometric patterns in the bottom, bronze tools like twopronged

3221BothazamasttheReaper:Adeep,blackpool,placid andcool,restsamidstthebarrenhills.Stingingfliesswarm along the shore over bunches of purple coneflowers. The poolisthelairofBothazamasttheReaper. Bothazamast appears as a 12foot tall black mantis. It walks on its two rearmost legs, using the other four to attack.Thecreaturesarmsaretippedwithgreatscythes. The touch of these scythes corrodes and destroys non magical metal. Bothazamast can charge into combat, dealing double damage if it attacks successfully. If its attackrollsbeatitsopponentsArmorClassbymorethan 4, it deals an additional dice of damage. Bothazamast is immune to mental attack and to all spells except those involvinglight.Itcannotbesurprised. Bothazamast feeds off of the chaos and panic its appearancecauses.ItguardsQualag,a+3shieldonceused by the forces of law. Qualag is surrounded by a faint golden aura in a 10ft radius. This aura suppresses all magicaleffectsotherthanitsown.Inaddition,thebearers sixth sense becomes so acute he cannot be surprised. Unfortunately, this effect also causes terrible insomnia, with the bearer only able to fall asleep each night on the roll of 12 on 1d6. After one week without sleep, the bearer must succeed at a saving throw each day to avoid insanity(perthespellofthesamename).
Bothazamast:HD12(84hp);AC18;Atk4scythes(2d6);Move12 (Climb 12, Swim 12); Save 3; CL/XP 17/3500; Special: Immune to mentalattackandmagic,neversurprised,charge,corrodemetal.

3232 Dragon Men: There is a dragon man village here consisting of 200 males, 140 females, 300 young and 400 eggs. The village is composed of twenty brass domes surroundingalargebroodery.Thefemalesandyounglive in the broodery, while the males live in the domes. The domesaresurroundedbya10fthighstonewall.Thereisa natural spring that has been turned into a pond in the center of the village. The village is led by a haggard old chieftain called Spadda. Besides his normal warriors, he alsohastenwarlocksthatwearchainmailandwieldbattle

axes and short bows. The normal warriors have leather armor,spears,shields,shortbowsandbarbedarrows. The females of the village care for the young and huntin thesurroundingcountrysideforgame.Theyareexpertsat theuseoflassoandnet,sincetheyneedtoeattheirprey alive.Dragonmendonotneedtoeatordrinkasmuchas humans,andsohavelittletroublesurvivingonthemeager pickingsoftheWyvernCoast. Thevillagehasthreesmithswhoworkinbronzeandiron. The villages priest, Garros, worships Apophis, the dragon godofchaos.Hismaceismadeofbronzeandresemblesa serpentcoiledaroundarod.
Garos,DragonManAdeptLvl3:HP20;AC4[15];Save12;Special: Adeptspells(1st),sage;Mace,shield,knife,unholysymbol. Spadda, Dragon Man Barbarian Lvl 5: HP 23; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Twohandedaxe,crownofcommand(3/day).

3239GnoblinVillage:Thishexcontainsagnoblinlair.The lairconsistsof24shallowpits(burrows)coveredbywoven grassmats.Thepitsgrantaccesstoburrowswhichconnect to a central chamber of sacrifice. The gnoblins live very separate lives in their burrows. Six large burrows house fivemalesthatformveryloosebondsofbrotherhoodwith theirburrowmates.Eachofthe18smallerburrowsshelter onefemaleandher1d4young. Murder within the family is common among gnoblins, so tensions are always high and the gnoblins are always on the lookout for a third party upon whom they can focus theiraggression.Eachburrowholdsabout30gp.Thereisa 1in6chancethataburrowholdsacacheof1d6gemsor 1d3 small pieces of jewelry. Most of the tribes treasure comesfromraidsonmerchantcaravans. The sacrificial chamber in the center of the lair is 6 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. A fire pit 15 feet deep has beenduginthecenter.Sacrificialvictimsareloweredinto thepitandthenkilledbydroppinglittorchesandhotash ontheirheads.Theroastedremainsarethensharedinan orgyofgreedandviolence.Sacrificesarepresidedoverby nursing females who wear headdresses of bone and feather and dance and chant to Demogorgon, their demonicgod.Thereisa1in6chancethatadventurerswill interrupt one of these ceremonies, and a further 1 in 6 chance that the chanting will summon a vrock to the tribesdefense.Inthecaseofasacrifice,therewillbeno more than three sacrificial victims present, usually merchants,menatarmsorunluckyhunters.
Gnoblin:HD1d6hp;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move12;Save 18;CL/XP1/15;Special:Groupsof10+causeconfusion.

3336 Giant Brothers: Three hill giant brothers lair here, grazing their herd of giant goats. The eldest brother is Hama(72hp).HisyoungerbrothersareGolth(38hp,lame after fighting off a wyvern) and Lot (40 hp). Hamas bag contains a vial of holy water, pieces of plate armor, a mace,twotorches,anhourglass,atwohandedsword,six iron spikes and 11 gp. Golths bag contains a bronze breastplate emblazoned with a twoheaded phoenix, a staff, heavy crossbow, two sets of burglars tools and a silver flute (10 gp). Lots bag contains a spear, longbow, pole arm, pack of matches, a theatrical disguise kit, studded leather and a simple breastplate. The brothers herdconsistsof30giantgoatswhorespondtotheirshouts and clicks. The giants are visited every year by a trader from Ophir who exchanges wool for tobacco and other necessities. They live in a cave higher in the mountains withtheirmotherLilit.Thegiantskeepatreasureof4,880 gp, two banded agates (75 gp), a rhodochrosite (300 gp) andanamethyst(3,000gp)intheirlair.
GiantGoat(30):HD3;AC7[12];Atk1gore(2d6);Move18;Save 14;CL/XP3/60;Special:+4damageoncharge. Lilit,HillGiantAdeptLvl8:HD13(70hp);AC0[19];Save3;CL/XP 16/3200;Special:Adeptspells(2nd),healerabilities,rockcatching. Hill Giants: HD 8+2; AC 0 [19]; Atk 2 slams (2d6) or 1 weapon (1d8+6);Move15;Save3;CL/XP16/3200;Special:Rockcatching.

3337Izmo:Izmoisavillageof100hunterslivingincircular adobe houses with thatched roofs surrounding a deep well. The village is surrounded by a thicket and ruled by NDylia, an exiled princess from the eastern savanna. The villagersofIzmoareherfollowers,andareverydevotedto their princess. The village also boasts a fine armorer named Shavganti. Izmos prime defenders are NDylias bodyguards, ten menatarms (leather armor, shield, spear). On each full moon, sobbing can be heard coming from the village well. This unnerves the villagers, and NDylia would gladly pay someone to get rid of the sobbing. The villages treasury consists of 10,000 cp, 300 gpandfourgoldenlionskinsworth25gpeach.Thepeople ofIzmoareawareofthegiantbrothers[3336],andonrare occaisionshavetradedwiththem.
NDylia:HD3(14hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d6+1);Move12; Save14;CL/XP3/60;Special:Protectionfromevil10ftradius.Has a tall, solid build, short hair and a kind smile. She is an excellent ritualdancer,somuchsothatshegenerateaprotectionfromevil effectonceperday.

3247 High and Dry: Embedded in the ground and choked withsavannagrasses,isthelongandpetrifiedskeletonof abasilosaurus,aprimitive,toothywhale.

3344WindingHallsoftheScarabLords:Awideswatheof thesavannahereisbarren,andonemightfindoddlumps of glass embedded in the ground. A dozen secret doors throughout the area lead to wide, curving passages beneath the ground. These passages run downward, eventuallycomingtoacentral,conicalchamber100yards tall and 300 yards in diameter at the base. This subterraneanhallislitbyradiumglobesembeddedinthe walls, which feel like stone but are unworked and uncommonly smooth. This chamber is guarded by three

largebeetlors.Alarge,bronzetrapdoorinthecenterofthe chamber leads to a six level dungeon inhabited by many strange,aliencreaturesthatwerebroughttothisworldby visitors from beyond the sublunary sphere. These creatures include rust monsters, coeurl, barics and doppelgangers. The main inhabitants of this realm, however, are a kingdom of beetlors, once servants to an alien people. The beetlors are ruled by a queen called Cleooptera, but are now bitterly divided into warring clans, each led by a daughter of the queen, and each looking to gain advantage against its rivals. Alien devices andthewealthoftheheavensisheretobeplundered.
Beetlor: HD 8+1; AC 1 [18]; Atk 2 claw (3d4) and 1 bite (1d10); Move6(Burrow30;Save8;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Confusion.

menatarms (leather armor, shields, longbows, hand axes), 3 sergeants and a rugged old captain named Marazin. The village treasury contains 2,000 sp, 500 ep, 400 gp, a bronze chalice worth 900 gp (in their shrine dedicatedtoAdonis).Theyalsohave12amphoraoftheir berry liqueur (each holds 20 gallons, weighs 200 pounds andisworth6gp).
Opparia: HD 3 (17 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: None. Wears chainmail and carries shield and curved long sword. Has goldenbrown skin, despises wildanimals,isfast,vainandnotterriblycreative. Marazin,FightingManLvl5:HP26;AC4[15];Save11;Chainmail, two hand axes, sling with 20 stones. He is tall, with pale brown skin,lovesspicyfoodandhasathingforaristocrats,wasanorphan himself.

3413CitadelofArkadtheHumble:Thiscrumblingvestige of the rule of Arkad, one of the most infamous of the Purple Kings, is now inhabited by a band of 76 redrobed religious fanatics (treat as berserkers) led by the warlord Xaathan.Xaathanandhismenaredevoteesofthecultof Oanne,anunorthodoxclericwhosebodyisinterredinthe windingcatacombsbeneaththecitadel.Oannelosthislife exploring the catacombs in search of the Vessel of Mandukh, a relic of Lotans cult said to give prophetic powers to those who inhale the smoke of frankincense burned in the vessel. Xaathan is assisted by two fighters, SumyaandDauruss,andaritualchantercalledHarath.The fanatics range along the coast (avoiding the fogcovered hex 3019) and into the interior, waylaying caravans for supplies. Their treasure, kept in stone caskets discovered inthecatacombs,consistsofanecklaceofbluediamonds (900 gp) and 5,320 gp. They also have 2d6 weeks of standard rations and 2d6 vials of poison that deals 1d6 pointsofdamage.
Harath, Bard Lvl 4: HP 12; AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Long sword, chainmail,shield,longbow,20arrows(poisoned),harp. Dauruss,FightingManLvl5:HP20;AC3[16];Save12;Handaxe, chainmail,shield,lightcrossbow,10quarrels(poisoned). Sumya,FightingWomanLvl6:HP40;AC3[16];Save11;Handaxe, chainmail,shield,lightcrossbow,10quarrels(poisoned). Xaathan,FightingManLvl12:HP56;AC1[18];Save5;Battleaxe, platemail,shield,lightcrossbow,10quarrels(poisoned).

3429CanyonofCrawlers:Traversingthishexfromwestto eastinvolveswalkingthroughadrycanyonwithtowering limestone walls pocked with holes. Moving from north to south is virtually impossible, for there is no bridge across the canyon, which spans 90 feet. During the day, the canyon is safe enough; no monsters will be encountered here unless they have the power of flight. At night, hundredsofoldcrawlers(disembodiedhands)willswarm from the canyon walls. These horrible creations seek to strip unfortunately travelers of all their possessions, stowing their prizes deep in their burrows within the canyon walls. On a given night, each traveler moving through the valley will be accosted by 1d6 old crawlers. Theydonotseektoharm,merelytosteal,buttheywillput up a fight if their wouldbe victims resist. Of course, regardlessoftheoldcrawlersintentions,itstouchishighly dangeroustotheliving.Shouldonemanagetodigintothe canyonwalls,theywoulddiscover60gpworthoftreasure foreveryhandthatattackedthem.
Old Crawler: HD 2; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 rotting grip (1d8); Move 6 (Scramble12);Save11;CL/XP3/60;Special:Possiblespellcasting, goodsavingthrows,continuousdamage.

3419Turlinn:Turlinnisavillageof100hunters,stoutmen and women with coppery skin and flaming red hair. They live in wattle & daub longhouses and their village is protected by a wooden palisade with four watchtowers. Thevillagegetsitswaterfromlarge,stonecisternscarved tolookasthoughtheyaresupportedonthebacksofgiant tortoises. The people of Turlinn dress in blue and purple clothes made of linen and wool, with loose tunics and pants that flare at the bottom. Most wear rings carved fromwoodandwidebrimmedhats.Thevillageisruledby Opparia,PrinceZargosreeve,andhasanalchemistnamed Casernawhoknowshowtomakesoothingsalvesanddistil liquor from wild berries. The village is defended by 20

3502Themu:Themuisacoralcastleinhabitedby89male tritons,112femalesand117young.Thetritonsareledby Prince Medus and his consort the high priestess Izabe. Medus mighty court consists of six swashbucklers, three freelances,foursubpriestsandamagicuserbythename ofSartor.Thetritonsown10hippocampiandtwoseacats flankMeduswhereverhegoes.PrinceMedushasdeclared hisruleoverthisentirearea,andisbentondestroyingthe nearby oktomon. Since the death of Trucius, his son and heir, Medus has become cruel and aggressive. Izabe has stood by her husband so far, but grows wary of him. Moreover, Sartor has designs on both the throne and Izabe.Themustreasurycontains500pp,14,000gp,5,000 epandtwodiamonds(worth800gpand300gp).
Izabe,TritonAdeptLvl10:HP42;AC5[14];Save6;Special:Adept spells(3rd),healer;Trident,dagger,holysymbol. PrinceMedus,TritonFightingManLvl9:HP31;AC4[15];Save8; Shield,trident,dagger.

Sartor,TritonMagicUser,Lvl9:HP23;AC7[12];Save7;Special: Magicuserspells(5th);Staff,grimoire,dagger. SubPriests,TritonAdeptLvl3:HP3d8;AC4[15];Save13;Special: Adeptspells(1st),healers;Shield,trident,holysymbol. Swashbucklers,TritonFightingMenLvl5:HP5d10;AC4[15];Save 12;Shield,trident,dagger. Freelances,TritonFightingMenLvl7:HP7d10;AC4[15];Save10; Shield,trident,dagger.

poweroftheirairloom.Theyarearmedwithcatchpoles, nets, ray guns (green beam, 1d6 damage, 10 shots) and thin, barbed blades (1d6 damage). Anyone captured and forceddowntheelevatormayneverbeheardfromagain.
Derro (20): HD 3; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon; Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP4/120;Special:Magicresistance30%.

3534BlackRatKobolds:Theblackratshaveglossy,black scales and coppery horns jutting from the top of their snouts and their foreheads. They number 400 males, 107 females, 31 young and over 200 eggs and dwell in an abandonedsilvermine.ThetribesbossisMog(5gp),and his iron rule is enforced by 20 foremen. The Black Rats worship fungi and have a steamy temple deep in their mine where they cultivate a number of shriekers, setting off their deafening din as a cleansing ritual. The tribes shamanisKet.Thetribesfourwitchdoctorsarecapableof concocting hallucinogenic substances from the fungus, whichthetribeusestocoattheirspearsandarrows.Those struck must make a saving throw (only the first time) or suffer the effects of confusion. The tribe keeps four giant weasels as guard animals. Their treasure, kept in their fungal temple, consists of 11,000 sp, 500 ep, 500 gp and twomossagates,eachworth70gp.
Witchdoctors,AdeptsLvl2:HP8;AC7[12];Save14;Special:Adept spells(1st);Leatherarmor,club,fetishes. Ket,KoboldAdeptLvl5:HP19;AC7[12];Save11;Special:Adept spells(2nd);Staff,leatherarmor,fetishes.

3538 Village of the Dead: Behind a thicket lies a small village of adobe huts with thatched roofs. From afar, one mightseepeopleinthevillagegoingabouttheirbusiness with a slow, deliberate manner. Closer examination will revealthevillagerstobebraineatingzombies.Atthefirst sign of life, the twenty remaining villagers will swarm. Scatteredaboutthevillageis2,000sp,500ep,600gpand apieceofpolishedcoralworth95gp.
BrainEating Zombie: HD 3; AC 8 [11]; Atk 1 strike (1d8); Move 6; Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Absorbspells.

3535BuriedLibrary:Inthishexthereis,halfburiedinthe sands, a stepped roof, maybe four feet in height, supportedbycolumns(thoughonecanonlyjustmakeout thecapitals).Onecoulddigtheirwaytotheentrancewith severaldaysofwork,ortheymightfindasecrettrapdoor in the roof. The building is rectangular, approximately thirty feet wide and seventy feet long. A square marble desk rests in the middle ofthis space. The walls are lined withmarbleshelvesthatholdpolishedslicesofagate.Any character that speaks the ancient language of the derro, willbeabletotranslatetheseslciesanddiscoverthatthey hold the secret to the location of hundreds of derro cave cities.Mostofthesecitieshavelongbeenabandoned,the citystates they were assigned to destroy having fallen milleniaago.Theslicesalsotellaboutthesuperscienceof thederroanddescribetheirunsavoryhobbies. Approximately five minutes after the site is entered, the floor in the center of the desks will slowly, almost noiselessly,descend,revealingashaft600feetdeep.Soon after, everyone inside the library begins to suffer terrible internaltorment(1d6damageeachturn,savingthrowfor halfdamage,allofitnonlethal).Afterthreeturns,thefloor reascendswithatroopof20derro.Thederroattemptto capture any intruders not laid low by the tormenting

3540TombofDarahaz:Hundredsofyearsago,thewizard Baloc, having at the time a powerful djinn in his power, constructed a deep complex of tunnels and chambers beneaththesavanna.Attheheartofthismonumentwas the last resting place of Dezahan, a boon companion of Balocs. Entry into the underworld is through a sandy pit thatcarriesoneintoafreefallforseveralminutes,ending in an unnaturally soft landing on a random level and random place within the tomb complex. All of the passagewaysinthecomplexarestairs,whichleadeitherto platforms that connect with other stairs or chambers; some stairs lead to dead ends, others to bottomless pits. The tomb is inhabited by a menagerie of elemental monsters, including igniguanas, mephits of every stripe, jannislavesarmedwithjezails(along,matchlockmusket, treat as a heavy crossbow) who wear bronze collars to symbolize their ownership by Iblis, Sultan of the Efreeti, dozens of cunning mimics and doppelgangers, caryatid columns and living statues, giant orange baboons that wearexecutionerhoodsandcarrygiant,curvedbeheading swords,giantfliesthattormenttheresidentpopulationof ghoulsandghasts,andmagicpillarsthatturnpeopleinto lead,saltormercury. 3546 Demonic Springs: In the midst of the savanna you find boiling, bubbling springs. The springs form a deep pool, the banks of which are caked in rare earths and polychromatic mineral deposits. Within the springs lies a demon called Otstatho the Everburning. Otstathos skin givesoffatremendousamountofheat(thesourceofthe pools boiling), so it commonly remains beneath the surface of the water. Should Otstatho emerge from the water, it would appear to be large, translucent grey amoeba.Otstathoiscapableoftelepathiccommunication, and will hammer into peoples heads the things it has heard other poor adventurers scream as it engulfed and roasted them alive. On an attack roll of a natural 20, Otstathowillengulfitsfoe,inflicting2d6pointsofburning damageeachround.

Otstatho the Everburning: HD 10 (48 hp); AC 7 [12]; Atk 2 cilia (1d8);Move9(Swim9);Save5;CL/XP13/2300;Special:Telepathy, drain magic from items (2d6 rounds), destroys wood by touch, engulf,immunetofiredamage.

3608 GalShubar: GalShubar is a lair of oktomons. They dwell in the nooks and crannies of a large pile of rubble, some of it bearing portions of ancient engravings. The settlementconsistsof60males,90femalesand80young. The tribe is led by Loshu, a purplish oktomon with ritual scarring in the shape of swirls and starbursts. Loshu has foursubchiefscalledOthugo,GolhathandDath.Thetribe also has a shaman called Bokmotngini, a devotee of Tiamat with a voracious appetite for humanoid flesh. The tribes warriors use giant cuttlefish for mounts. They go into battle wearing crude breastplates and carrying two shields, an axe and a pronged spear. The tribe also keeps 180skumslaves.Theslavesarerestless,butfearfulofthe Bokmotngini. Loshu was recently injured in combat with theundines,andhissubchiefsarepoisedtofinishhimoff andthenfightforhisplace.Theoktomonkeepatreasure of750ancientplatinumdiscs.
Giant Cuttlefish: HD 4; AC 7 [12]; Atk 4 tentacles (1d3); Move (Swim10);Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:Hypnoticpattern(saveor bedazeduntilattacked). SubChiefs,Okotomon FightingMan4:HP 27;AC 4[15];Save12; Shields(2),axe,spear. Bokmotngini,OktomonAdept6:HP29;AC6[13];Save9;Special: Adeptspells(2nd),berserkerabilities;Wavybladeddaggers(4). Loshu,OktomonFightingManLvl8:HP15(normally50);AC4[15]; Save9;Shields(2),axe,spear.

Tiamat called Phalashu and a sisterhood of five psychics led by Hathotho. The tribe is served by 100 skum slaves. Thedeepestportionoftheirmountainlair,keptquitehot by its proximity to the vent, holds the tribes treasure of 4,160 gp is kept in scavenged amphorae. The tribes warriors carry bronze socket axes and bronzetipped hooked short swords. Hooked short swords grant a +1 bonustodisarmingandoverbearingattacks.
Hathotho, Oktomon Psychic Lvl 6: HP 36; AC 4 [15]; Save 10; Special: Astral Travel, Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance, Mesmerism, MindBlast;Hookedswords(2),shields(2). Sister Psychics: HD 3; AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 weapons (1d8); Move 12 (Swim18);Save16;CL/XP5/240;Special:MindBlast. Skum:HD2;AC6[13];AtkBite(2d6);Move9(Swim18);Save16; CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Phalashu,OktomonClericLvl6:HP34;AC4[15];Save9;Special: Clericspells(3rd);Shields(2),battleaxe,hookedsword. Subordinates: HD 4; AC 6 [13]; Atk 4 weapons (1d8); Move 12 (Swim18);Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:None. Bhaegos, Oktomon FightingMan Lvl 8: HP 70; AC 6 [13]; Save 9; Shields(2),battleaxe,hookedsword.

3610 Exiled Tritons: On a boulderstrewn plain lies the base of a black tower, now only partially roofed, the remainder having toppled long ago (thus the boulders on the plain). This old stronghold of the elder things is now inhabited by a band of fifteen triton bandits. The tritons have made some repairs to the structure, but it is still obviously a ruin. The tritons are outcasts, their faces burned with a fiery brass mask so that they resemble skulls. The bandit leader, Remon, was the annointed successor of Prince Medus of the triton settlement in [3502] before his ambition got the better of him and he attempted a coup. He and his followers now live by plunder and nurse thoughts of revenge. Their treasure consistsof4,400gp.
Remon, Triton FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 38; AC 6 [13]; Save 11; Special:Magicresistance90%.

3616Shild:Shieldisafortifiedencampmentofdwarfs(256 males,105females,76dwarflings)atopagraniteplateau. Rich seams of electrum course through the plateau and constitute the main resource of the dwarfs; the produce 12,800gpworthofelectrum(640pounds)permonth.The dwarf encampment is really a stout keep, the stones of whichwereminedfromtheplateau,thusformingamoat that is often filled with water. Shild is ruled by Horon, an old dwarf warrior with tired, piercing blue eyes. His housecarles wear turbaned, pointed helms, jacksofplate (treat as ring mail) and wield two curved short swords each. The dwarfs of Shild worship Andarta, a bearaspect of the goddess Diana. Her temple is tended by twins namedHermanciaandSegred.Theyarethekeepersofsix blackbears.Shildstreasureconsistsof2,000ep,2,000gp, 500ppandachrysopraseworth100gp.
Hermancia&Segred,DwarfAdeptsLvl2:HP8&7;AC7[12];Save 14;Special:Adeptspells(1st),guides;Leatherarmor,shield,short bow,handaxe.Twins,theyhavelong,straightgoldenhair,fairskin andsardonicsmiles.Theyaretallandleanfordwarfs.Bothdespise romance,butlovelostcauses. BlackBear:HD4+1;AC7[12];Atk2claws(1d3),bite(1d6);Move 9;Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:Hug. Housecarles: HD 3d6+6; AC 6 [13]; Atk 2 weapon (1d6); Move 6; Save14;CL/XP3/60;Special:Detectattributesofstonework. Horon,DwarfFightingMan6:HP41;AC4[15];Save11;Chainmail, battleaxe,dagger.

3611 BbhalEpho: A tribe of 80 oktomon warriors, 50 femalesand70youngdwellinalargeunderseamountain riddled with caves. In the middle of the sea mount is a geothermal vent, giving these oktomon (who apparently havedevelopedaresistancetothecausticandpoisonous fumes) access to metalworking. The tribe is led by a warlord called Bhaegos and his four subordinates, Dhot, Rynghot,BhaggandBoboguta.Thetribealsohasaclericof

3623MazeofPharos:Inabroadvalleyofsaltflatsthereis a maze dug directly into the hardpacked earth and lined with blue tiles. The maze is all that remains of the catacombs of an ancient city that thrived during the time oftheNabuEmpire.Thecatacombsarepatrolledbygiant

scarab beetles and cobras. Shelves in the walls of the catacombsholdurnsthatcontaintheashenremainsofthe ancient citys dead. Secret passages in the walls lead to narrow flights of stairs and private tombs protected by glyphs of warding and cunning poison gas traps. At the center of the maze there is a gaping hole over 100 feet deep.Thiswasaonceawellfedbyanartesianwell.Atthe bottom of this hole lie the remains of King Pharos, a necromancer of great repute in his time. He lies atop a magicalsealthat,ifbrokenbyanagentoflaw,willopena crack in the hillside above and release an undead army underthecommandofOldKingPharos,nowaspecter.
Pharos,Spectre:HD7(39hp);AC2[17];Atk1spectralweaponor touch(1d8+leveldrain);Move15(Fly30);Save9;CL/XP9/1100; Special:Drain2levelswithhit,immunetononmagicalweapons.

Orc:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move9;Save17;CL/XP 1/15;Special:None. Perduc,OrcAdeptLvl5:HP23;AC4[15];Save10;Special:Adept Spells(2nd),berserker;Mace,chainmail,unholysymbol. LordKrull,OrcFightingManLvl9:HP72;AC2[17];Save8;Two handedsword,platemail,javelinoflightning.

3629Kesir:Kesirisamarblequarryworkedby200swarthy miners.Theminersliveonawideledgeoverlookingtheir quarryinstonehousesbuiltpartiallyintothehillside.Kesir is ruled by a council of three, Nagarr, Karon and Cibant. Waterishauleduptothevillagefromastreamthatrushes past the quarry. On the banks of the stream there is a waysideinnandtavernconstructedofgranite.Thetavern is operated by Prabisha, an exile from southern Lemuria. The men of Kesir are known for their odd customs, including a prohibition from harming sparrows, which swarm the village due to a constant supply of seed in wicker feeders, the wearing of sparrows on their wide brimmedhats(tiedtherewithlittlestringsandinducedto staywithasteadystreamofwhistling)andtheircustomof preceedingeveryevent,nearlyeveryaction,withashort, simpleritualdance.Thevillageisdefendedby20menat arms (leather armor, pick, crossbow) and two sergeants namedMedradaandClard.Thevillagestreasurycontains 2,000sp,1,000ep,500gpand10pp. 3711BaronyofKrull:Perchedabove the sea is a motteandbailey castle, the stronghold of Krull, a merciless warlord who defies the lords of Ophir at every turn. Krulls orcs include 20 crossbowmen, 30 heavy infantry, 10 sergeantsatarms to keep them in line, an artillerist and crew for his cannon (5d6 damage) andaclericcalledPerduc. Huddled around the stronghold is a village of 121 shepherdsandtheirfamilieslivinginsimplestonehovels. Krullsarmorialmemorializesanadventureheoncehadin the mountains of the Wyvern Coast. Krull is moody these days,forheismourningthelossofhislove,awayfartoo long exploring the Palace of Phasutep in [0316]. Krulls treasureamountsto2,850gp.
Shepherd: HD 1d4; AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 weapon (1d4+1); Move 12; Save18;CL/XPA/5;Special:Expertslinger(+1tohitanddamage).

3724 Hapless Diver: While passing a rocky slope, one mightnotice,outofthecorneroftheireye,agleam.Closer inspection reveals a pane of glass underneath the rocks, and clearing the rocks reveals an odd contraption in the form of a metal sphere with four round windows. The sphere is badly dented. Inside the sphere there is the skeleton of an ophidian that has fallen apart after untold centuriesspentinitsbizarretomb.Nexttothebodythere is a tiny book containing drawings of outlandish sea creatures with notes in the pictograms of the ancient ophidians. Apparently, the ophidian died under very harrowingcircumstances,foritstombisnowinhabitedby aparasiticspecterthatwiselyremainshiddeninthegloom untilavictimiscloseathand.
Parasitic Specter: HD 7 (35 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 strike (1d8 + possession); Move 15 (Fly 30); Save 9; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Possession(savingthrownegates).

3727 Vault of the Mind Eaters: During the forgotten Pandiluvian Age of Nod, the mind eaters established themselvesinadeepvaultbeneaththeWyvernHills.The vault itself was protected by every means conceivable to thecthonichorrors,frommechanicalandmagicaltrapsto enslaved foot soldiers, to their ultimate safeguard, an imprisonedbalordemon.Themindeatersfilledtheirvault with the fruits of a millenias worth of plunder and conquest, with everything from the slim crystaline rods usedformoneybymanyofthecivilizedfolkofSaturniito devices of weird, unwholesome science understood only by the mind eaters themselves. Over time, though, the spellstheyusedtoenslavethebalorfailed,andthebeast conqueredtheirownvaultfromwithin,entertainingitself with a steady stream of summonings from the nether world. The mind eaters were banished into the deep caverns that surround the vault, along with their servant grimlocks and other psychic beasties. One can reach the vault to this day through a number of ancient volcanic cavernsthatwormtheirwaydowntothevault. 3746 Gnoll Lair: This gnoll lair has a population of 200 males,120femalesand80young.Thegnollsliveinsmall, roundwattleanddaubhuts.Inthecenterofthevillageis a mud brick temple dedicated to Demogorgon and a longhouse for the chieftain and his retinue. The lair is surroundedbya3footdeepmoatanda5foottallwallof thickets and sharpened sticks. A pack of twelve hyenas patrolthelair. The males spend their time idle. They sometimes rouse themselves to eat, cuff a female or play at combat. The femalesoverseethehumanslavesintheirtasksofgrinding

grain,bakingbread,weavingbaskets,preparingfeastsand doing repair work. Three females, marked by their iron jewelry, do the smith work for the village. The eldest of thesefemalesisasorcerer. The house of Demogorgon is tended by a shaman called Jibbo. Jibbo is assisted by two blind human slaves who wearironcollarsaroundtheirnecksandfeetandbearthe scars of frequent lashings. It is their wailing that provides musicforthehouseofDemogorgon.Demogorgonsalteris aslabofroughcutmarbleuponwhichrestsalarge,curved sword used for cermonial beheadings. Behind the altar thereisacrudeidolconsistingofawoodenposttoppedby a painted giant hyena skull. Grasses, feathers and iron ornamentshangfromtheskull.Thetempleisguardedby twoskeletallions(3HDskeletons). ThechieftainofthevillageisYabba.Yabbaisfollowedbya pack of eight bodyguards wearing leather armor and carryingspearsandhideshields.Theirlonghousecontains 12 animal pelts (50 gp each) and a wooden chest containing 40 gp and 100 sp, mostly in the form of OphirianshekelsandIbisianscruples.
Jibbo,GnollAdeptLvl3:HP12;AC4[15];Save13;Special:Adept spells(1st),berserkerabilities;Mace,leatherarmor,shield,unholy symbol,potionofpoison. Yabba,GnollBarbarianLvl6:HP36;AC5[14];Save11;+1sickle sword,shield. Gnoll MageSmith, Adept Lvl 2: HP 7; AC 7 [12]; Save 14; Special: Adeptspells(1st),armorer;Hammer,ironjewelry(5gp). Gnoll Bodyguards: HD 3 (14 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (2d4) or 1 weapon(1d10);Move9;Save14;CL/XP3/60;Special:None. Hyena (12): HD 1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite (1d3); Move 16; Save 17; CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

hideout in a cave a couple miles away from the canyon. Thehideoutconsistsofasmallcavecomplextrappedwith a few rock traps and furnished with bedrolls and a large chest containing 10,000 cp, 1,000 sp, 300 gp, 120 pp, a piece of amber worth 4 gp and a fabulous ruby worth 3,000 gp (stolen from a noble of Ophir, there is a reward for the return of the gem with the heads of the highwaymen).Theyalsohavethreecasks(12gallonseach, weigh100lbeach)ofspicedwine.
Highwayman:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: +1 damage with ranged weapons, surpriseon13on1d6. Namis, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 26; AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Chainmail, wooden shield, pointed helm, heavy crossbow, 10 quarrels, khopeshsword(1d8damage). Odagus,DwarfThiefLvl5:HP24;AC5[14];Save11;Special:Back stab for x2 damage, thievery; Studded leather armor, wooden shield,crossbow,10quarrels,handaxe. Koret,AssassinLvl7:HP22;AC5[14];Save9;Special:Sneakattack for x3 damage; Studded leather armor, wooden shield, crossbow, 10quarrels(3poisoned),shortsword.

3807LostTreasure: A suit of magicplatemail lies on the seafloor,thebonesofitsformerownerstillinside.The+2 platemail is emblazoned with a cockatrice. The wearer of the armor is capable of casting summon monster III once each day, the spell always conjuring creatures of chaos. The manic energy within the armor plays havoc with its wearers mind, though, creating a nagging paranoia. Its former owner, Zaldemos the Red, a Guelphling soldier of fortune,wascastoverthesideofatreasureshipreturning from the colony of Argentum when the crew tired of his derangedbehavior. 3813 Ambush: A band of seven highwaymen and their leaders hide in niches in the walls of a narrow canyon. Fromtheirhidingplaces,theysurprisetravelersonarollof 13 on 1d6. The highwaymen always announce their presence by shooting a crossbow bolt into the ground before the lead rider. They then demand the travelers leavetheirvaluablesonthegroundandthendepartatall possiblespeed.ThehighwaymenareledbyKoretassisted byNamisandOdagus.Thehighwaymenhaveapermanent

3819MonasteryoftheBlackCapos:TheMonasteryofthe BlackCapos(sonamedfortheblack,feltcapswornbythe monks) is carved into a tall limestone pillar (200 feet tall, 100 feet in diameter). Atop the pillar, the monks have constructedanexerciseyard,anddeepbeneaththepillar they have constructed a natural steam bath. The Black Capos,whichconsistoftwelvelevel1monksandsixhigher levelmonks,specializeinwrestling.Theyaregovernedby Nemanta,adarkskinnedwomanwithdeepblueeyesand anaggressivepersonality.Nemantahasbecomeobsessed with a strange device that looks like a flat box of bronze covered with numerous dials. Turning the dials reveals a numberofdifferentgeometricpatterns.Nemantadoesnot understand these patterns, but inquiries have lead her to believe that the information she needs to decipher them can be found in the infamous Vault of the Mind Eaters [3727]. Her involvement with the device has led to a breakdown in discipline within the monastery, with two factionsdevelopingaroundNemantastwomaindisciples, Amark and Siminda. The monasterys treasury contains 5,000 gp, 24 lion skins (worn as ceremonial garb in the fashion of Hercules, worth 25 gp each) and a decanter of endlesswater.
Nemanta,MonkLvl12:HP77;AC5[14];Save5;Special:Unarmed strikes (1d10 and 1d6), +12 movement, stunning attack, deflect arrows,harmcreaturedonlystruckby+4weapons,reducedfalling damage, feign death, improved natural healing, quivering palm attack. Amark, Monk Lvl 5: HP 38; AC 7 [12]; Save 11; Special: Unarmed strike (1d8), +5 movement, stunning attack, deflect arrows, harm creaturedonlystruckby+2weapons,reducedfallingdamage. Siminda,MonkLvl5:HP38;AC7[12];Save11;Special:Unarmed strike (1d8), +5 movement, stunning attack, deflect arrows, harm creaturedonlystruckby+2weapons,reducedfallingdamage.

Nelath, Monk Lvl 4: HP 22; AC 8 [11]; Save 12; Special: Unarmed strike (1d6), +4 movement, stunning attack, deflect arrows, harm creaturedonlystruckby+1weapons,reducedfallingdamage. Brona,DwarfMonkLvl3:HP24;AC8[11];Save13;Special:Dwarf abilities, unarmed strike (1d6), +3 movement, stunning attack, deflectarrows,harmcreaturedonlystruckby+1weapons. Botorka,MonkLvl2:HP12;AC8[11];Save14;Special:Unarmed strike(1d6),+2movement,stunningattack,deflectarrows. Black Capo: HD 1d6+3; AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 fist (1d4); Move 13; Save 15;CL/XP2/30;Special:Stunningattack.

3821 Jodda: Jodda is a village of 500 iron miners living in low,longhousesconstructedofcastoffstonesandtopped with woven branches from the spiny acacias that dot the local landscape. The village is surrounded by an earthen rampart studded with iron spikes and it has two stone watchtowers. The men and women of Jodda are unruly anduncouth,butthankstoameetingwithamischevious wizard,theyareallcapableofcastingonerandomlevel1 magicuserspelleachday,awakingwiththeknowledgeof thespellintheirheads.Joddaisblessedwithastreamof cool, pure water that meanders past their village. The place is ruled by Eonius, a dashing warrior charmed into becoming the lord of the village. Eonius commands 100 menatarms(chainmail,shields,polearms,crossbows),15 sergeants and a rather dense lieutenant named Jozen Longarm. The village also has a dwarf armorer named Vassi, who was forced to leave his clan under mysterious circumstances.
Jozen, FightingMan Lvl 4: HP 22; AC 3 [16]; Save 13; Chainmail, shield,handaxe,crossbow. Eonius, FightingMan Lvl 6: HP 35; AC 2 [17]; Save 11; Platemail, twohandedsword.

3836 PerBael: This ancient fortress has walls of pock marked, limestone blocks. It is inhabited by a tribe of sahitim who call it PerBael, the House of Bael. The fortressissquareinshapeandmeasures200feetlongand 80feetwide.Thewallsofthefortressare20feettall.Half of the fortress is taken up by a paved courtyard with a deepwell(somesayitreachesintoademiplaneofsweet water) and a garden. The sahitim grow tiger nut root, mandrake and figs and keep several bee hives made of firedclay. The people of PerBael cultivate the mandrake to turn it into several goods: A powerful sleep draught, philtres of love and homonculi, which they keep in silver cages and traintobefamiliars.SomeOphiriantradersleadcaravans to the city in the winter months to trade manufactured goods(especiallyweapons)fortheseitems. PerBael houses 35 sahitim, their 100 wives and 40 children. The men expect the women to tend to the children,cultivatethegardenandfixthemeals,whilethey busy themselves with the arts of war and the hunt. The menkeepapackofsixhellhoundsforhunting.

Thefortressproperconsistsofagroundfloorwithagreat hall, kitchens, storage, barracks and a shrine (formerly dedicatedtoLilith,nowrededicatedtoBael).Thesecond storyisusedforlivingquartersandalibrary.Thewallsthat surroundthefortressandcourtyardarefivefeetthickand have crenelations to protect archers. The sahitim often havemeat(sometimesthelimbsandtorsosofhumanoids) skeweredonpikesatopthewalls,dryingitlikeprosciutto. The shrine measures 15 ft x 15 ft, with a 20foot tall vaulted ceiling. The walls are carved with intertwining serpents and fig vines. There is a long, red marble altar hereandfourbrasscensorsburninganacridincensethat causesnonsahitimtobecomedrowsy(1tohitandsaves unless a saving throw is passed). A window in the upper portion of one wall connects the shrine to the living chambersofDramat,thehighpriestandlordofPerBael. His wife can often be found in the chamber, praying to Baelandcastingaugurieswithbitsofcharredbone. Dramat is a cleric, fightingman and magicuser. Dramat has three wives, Gorissa, Sheboth and Haratti each an apprenticetoherhusbandandoneofhispersonalguards. Dramatpossessesacrystalskull,thechieftreasureofPer Bael, that empowers his cleric spells, augments his summoningsandallowshimtocommunewiththeinfernal powers once per month. His two sickleswords, when clanged together, create a blast of fire that inflicts 2d6 damage to all within 10 feet of Dramat once per day. Dramat is always accompanied by Zeb, his imp familiar, andaretinueofsixfossilskeletons. The lands that surround PerBael are desolate, but not uninhabited. Wandering the wastes, but never too far away,isanothertribeofsahitimwhoweredisplacedfrom PerBael a hundred years ago and still scheme to take it back.ThistribeofwanderersworshipsLilithandisruledby Ailo,amalcarnawhoclaimstobeLilithsdaughter. The wanderers, called the Lilitu, number 66 male and female warriors and 20 children. Females rule the Lilitu withanironfist.TheyincludeKora,Alula,Lamash,Labarta andScorpia. The Lilitu attack PerBael once every two or three years. Five of their warriors ride achaierai. These mounted warriors operate hand cannons responsible for the condition of PerBaels walls. The hand cannons are cast frombronzeandlooklikegrimacingdemons.Othershave longbowsandswords. The Lilitu wander the hexes that surround PerBael, surviving by raiding and hunting. They dwell in tents of thick, reddish cloth and cook their stews in bronze cauldrons and can sometimes be found playing a game involving a ball composed of three shrunken heads tied togetherbytheirhair.

HellHound(6):HD4(20hp);AC4[15];Atk1bite(1d6);Move12; Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:Breathefire(8hp). FossilSkeleton(6):HD2(10hp);AC6[13];Atk1strike(1d6);Move 9;Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None. Gorissa,SahitimFightingWomanLvl3:HP19;AC6[13];Save14; Special:TwoWeaponFighting;Sickleswords(2),scalearmor. Sheboth, Sahitim Cleric Lvl 3: HP 23; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Special: Clericspells(1st);+1mace,scalearmor,unholysymbol. Harati,SahitimMagicUserLvl3:HP17;AC8[11];Save13;Special: Magicuserspells(2nd);Wavydagger,grimoire. Dramat,SahitimCleric/Fighter/MageLvl5:HP34;AC5[14];Save 10; Special: Cleric spells (3rd), magicuser spells (3rd); +1 sickle swords* (2), +1 leather armor, ring of protection +1, grimoire, unholysymbol,crystalskull. Zeb the Imp: HD 2 (3 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 sting (1d4 + poison); Move 12 (Fly 16); Save 16; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Poison tail, polymorph,regenerate1,immunetofire. Ailo,Malcarna:HD5(30hp);AC3[16];Atk1tail(1d8),3weapons (1d8); Move 12; Save 12; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic resistance 25%,onlyhitbymagicorsilverweapons. Kora,Alula&Lamash,SahitimRangersLvl2:HP12;AC5[14];Save 15;Sicklesword,longbow. Labarta, Sahitim Cleric Lvl 2: HP 12; AC 6 [13]; Save 12; Special: Clericspells(1st);Mace,leatherarmor,unholysymbol. Scorpia, Sahitim ClericFighter Lvl 4: HP 14; AC 8 [11]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (2nd); Sicklesword, leather armor, unholy symbol,potionofhealing. Achaierai:HD6;AC3[16];Atk2claws(1d6),1bite(2d6);Move12; Save 11; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic resistance 25%, breath of confusion,immunetofire.

consists of a dammed stream. The dam is constucted of graniteblockssealedwithlead.Onthedrysideofthedam are massive carvings of two capricorns. Beyond the longhouses are terraced fields watered by the action of windmills,alsoconstructedbytheancients.Inthehigher, cooler altitude of the village, the peasantsgrow a bounty ofchickpeas,olives,pistachiosandavarietyofvegetables. The village is run in a lacksadasical manner by Drisa, the mayor,andhercoterieofaldormen.Entryintothevillage requires one navigate a mazelike path through a vast thicket of acacias. The village is defended by 60 menat arms (leather armor, spear, short bow), eight sergeants and one captain named Riwan. The peasants treasure consists of 500 ep, 300 gp, 100 pp and a large, polished malachitesphereworth400gp.
Riwan:HD5(18hp);AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 12;CL/XP5/240;Special:Increasesmoraleoftroops.Hasapierced noseandearconnectedbyasilverchain(5gp),long,wavyauburn hair. He is greedy and enjoys drinking and fighting. He is stoic in battle,andverypragmatic.

3927 Sabres Unsheathed: Two sabretooth tigers, brothers,hunthereinapassthroughthehighlands.

SabreToothTiger:HD7(33,32hp),AC6[13];Atk2claws(1d4+1), 1bite(2d6);Move12(Swim6);Save10;CL/XP8/800;Special:Rear clawsrakefor2extraclawattacksiffirsttwoclawattackshit.

3902TheVileVault:Buriedunderatleast10feetofsiltis aheavy,leadtrapdoor.Thistrapdooristheentrancetoa vast, underground complex which some say connects to thegiant,subterraneanvaultstheliebeneaththesurface, maybe to Hell itself. The passageways of this underworld were carved by the ancient elves and filled with every cunning deceit and clever artifice their minds could conceive. Deep within this underworld, it is further believed,theysecretedthemostancientcopyoftheBook of Vile Darkness known to exist. This particularcopy is so ancient, in fact, that it was set down on stone tablets by appendages more ancient than the elves. The volume consists of nine large tablets, hidden throughout the underworld as simple paving stones. Guarding the book and other hidden treasures are a legion of monsters possessed of psychic powers, as well as the vermin common to such a place. Notable because of its location beneath the sea floor is the fact that no water can enter theplace,orlongexistwithinitsconfines. 3914Fatha:Fathaisavillageof300ofthelaziestpeasants you will ever meet. The peasants dwell in ragged stone longhousesbuiltalongthebanksofagreatreservoir.The reservoirwasconstructedinancienttimesandessentially

3929JowaneesCastle:Alarge,crystalclearlakeinterupts thesavannahere.Builtonamoundofgraniteinthecenter of the lake there is a small shell keep a mere two stories tallandshowingitsadvancedage.Astonecausewayanda drawbridge connect keep to shore. The keep is inhabited by one Jowanee, who claims to be an exiled prince from Cush, but is in fact a pickpocket and escaped slave from the mean streets of Ophir. Jowanees charisma and cunning have made him the leader of a band of 30 brigandswho,mountedonfasthorsesandequippedwith spears and light crossbows, have made a name for themselves plundering the savanna and the Wyvern Hills. The bandits currently possess 20,000 cp, 1,000 sp, 1,000 ep, 100 gp, 10 pp, a cask of purple dye (30 lb, worth 3 gp/lb) and a polished amber worth 100 gp. Jowanee is always looking for a romantic conquest, and he is also interestedinexpandinghislittlearmy.
Jowanee, Thief Lvl 5: HP 21; AC 6 [13]; Save 10; Special: Thief abilities,backstabfortripledamage;Leatherarmor,shield,curved shortsword,dagger,sling,burglarstools.Brightgreeneyes,black hair,tall,muscularbuild.Lovesmysticismandalwaysfallsforget richquickschemes.Acowardatheart.

3939 Tower of Madness: An ancient cabal of elf astrolomages constructed a mighty tower in the sands of Nabu.Thetowerisbuiltofrosequartz.Atthetopthereis an observatory with a telescope that can actually project scenes from other worlds onto the walls, and, when the starsareproperlyaligned,pullcreaturesfromthoseworlds into the observatory. So it was that 500 years ago a bedlam,anentityofpureinsanitynativetotheMoon,was

pulledintotheobservatoryonaccidentandproceededto drivemostoftheastrolomagesandtheirservantsmad.A fewmanagedtoescapeandsealthetowerwithpowerful magic. Those who remained are effectively immortal and completely insane. Over the centuries, they have drawn many other alien creatures into the vast confines of the TowerofMadness.

hasalowopinionofscholars.Hefightswithaheavymace andalsocarriesasilverholysymbolofIsis. Str16,Dex13,Con16,Int9,Wis13,Cha15

Doroisascientistwhohasworkedtirelesslytouncoverthe technologicalwondersoftheancientNabu.Obsessiveand socially inept, she finds magicusers impressive, but silly. Doro always carries a journal and otherwise arms herself withadaggerandcrossbow.Shewillalsocarryinventions commensuratewithherlevel. Str12,Dex13,Con13,Int15,Wis11,Cha9

Thefollowingcharacterscanbeusedashirelings,rivalsor replacement characters. None of them are given a level, allowingtheRefereetoinsertoneappropriatetohisgame.

Ariadne is a fightingwoman from the citystate of Nomo. As with many Nomoi, she was forced to leave the city whenherfamilysfortunescrumbled.Shehasworkedasa mercenary in many citystates, even rising to the rank of lieutenantforatimeinOphiruntilshefelloutoffavorwith her captain. Ariadne specializes with the short sword, owningafamilyheirloomthathasseenherthroughmany tough fights. She wears bronze platemail and carries a shield emblazoned with a black hound. She also carries a shortbow,10arrowsandalance. Str10,Dex13,Con11,Int9,Wis7,Cha17

EshaiisaclericofSeth.Raisedinatemple,thedaughterof a highpriest and a woman of noble birth,Eshaihas been groomed to one day usurp her father. She has a good knowledge of religious ritual and the legends of the ancient snake men. She arms herself with a magic mace and carries a gold holy symbol inlaid with serpentine. Many mistake her beauty and fine features for physical weakness,totheireternalregret. Str14,Dex14,Con16,Int10,Wis18,Cha15

Kerim is a greedy elf fightingman/thief who hails from a villageontheshoreoftheGoldenSea.Helongagoleftthe provincial life for that of a sellsword and bandit in and aroundIbis.HehasventureddowntheRiverofDeathand livedtotellthetale.Kerimwieldsamagiclongswordthat sings when an opponent has less than half his hit points remaining. Otherwise he wears ring armor and carries a shield,lightcrossbowanddagger. Str16,Dex18,Con16,Int13,Wis13,Cha10

Azimar is a fightingman from the citystate of Ophir. A residentallhislife,heisasharpmanwhoisalwayslooking foranopportunitytomakesomecoin.Afatalist,heseeks pleasure while he alive and is always prepared to stab someone in the back if it means a reward. Azimar is a specialist with the longbow. He also has chainmail, a shield,curvedlongsword,15arrows,5silverarrowsanda handaxe. Str16,Dex13,Con16,Int10,Wis6,Cha6

Korgo is a wily gnoll (beastman) fightingman from the plainsofPwenet.Hisbrutishlooksshouldnotbemistaken for stupidity, for Korgo is clever and quick, and not at all aversetodiningonfools.Likemostgnolls,Korgoisabully at heart, taking what he desires and raining blows upon any who refuse. He carries a thick dirk (treat as a short sword),spearandshield. Str14,Dex14,Con16,Int10,Wis11,Cha9

BenhotepisamagicuserfromIbis.Hefavorsthespellsof a mentalist, and prideshimself on his genius. Benhotep is a willing participant in tomb robbing, but will stipulate that all scrolls, wands and books belong to him. He has a cruelstreak,butusuallykeepsithidden.Benhotepownsa wandofmagicmissileswith5chargesandasilverdagger. Str10,Dex14,Con13,Int16,Wis11,Cha12

Deimos the ManMountain is a racous fightingman from the Wyvern Coast. A hill tribesman, he has served as a mercenary, bodyguard and even chaplain (having a keen interest in religion but not the willpower to pursue a career as a holy man). Deimos is surly and arrogant, and

Mkhasiisadwarfclericwhoworshipsanentityherefers to as The Gnawing Dragon. A mystic, Mkhasi speaks in riddlesandoftenhumstohimselfinlow,dolefultones.He carriesahammer,holysymbolandspellbook.Heseemsto havenoemotionalattachmenttoanythingbuthisreligion, andwillreadilybetrayhiscomradesifheseesanyprofitin

it. His disdain for commoners, elves and most other dwarvesispalpable. Str13,Dex9,Con13,Int18,Wis14,Cha11

adventures to learn. He carries a staffsling and wears a stringofcocoabeansashisholysymbol. Str12,Dex9,Con9,Int14,Wis16,Cha8

Mofid appears to be a simple thief from Ophir, but he is reallymuchmore.Asuperbphysicalspecimen,heisalsoa master of disguise and a man learned in letters and engineering. Mofid carries several daggers and a vial of poison.HeknowshewillonedayleadthethievesofOphir. Str14,Dex16,Con16,Int14,Wis13,Cha10.

YeshuisapsychicfromOphirtrainedinthementalartsby an exiled yogi from Kirikersa. Yeshu, despite his grave countenance,isquiteunserious.Heenjoysagoodjokeand the company of wild women, though he preaches moderationinmostotherthings.Yeshuwearsblackrobes and carries a long sword and dagger. He wears a bronze headbandsetwithacarnelian,agiftfromhismasterthat heusesasafocusforhispowers.Hispsychicpowerswill varybasedonhislevel. Str12,Dex9,Con13,Int12,Wis14,Cha9

Mursaaj is a cat woman (beastman) fightingman who grewuponthedangerousbanksoftheRiverofDeath.A misunderstandingwithheralphamaledroveherfromthe pride, and she now lives as a sellsword. She has a tendency to judge everyone as either predator or prey. Predators are viewed as competition, prey as, well, prey. While she prefers not to eat sentient beings, she will if hungryenough.Mursaajcarriesalongbowandhandaxe. Str13,Dex14,Con13,Int10,Wis14,Cha9


Algoidsresemblestout,greenhumanoidswithcoarseskin and brutish features. They are actually colonies of algae that have evolved a crude intelligence. Their existence is only temporary. Once per day an algoid can unleash a mindblastintheshapeofa60ftcone.Allinsidethecone must pass a saving throw or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Algoids can control up to two trees native to its habitat; animatedtreeshaveaspeedof10ftandstriketwiceper round for 1d10 damage.A control water spell inflicts 1d6 damagepercasterlevelonanalgoid.
Algoid:HD5;AC4[15];Atk2slam(1d10);Move9;Save12;CL/XP 7/600;Special:Immunetofireballsandlightningbolts,halfdamage frombluntweapons,mindblast.

Shaballa is a magicuser specializing in illusions who hails fromOphir.Shecultivatestheappearanceofbeingshyand meek,butisactuallymanipulativeandpossessedofacold, deliberate anger when denied what she wants. Shaballa carriesasilverdaggerandaspellbook.Shewearsrobesof white and black and is always veiled in public. She has someskillinpickingpockets.Shaballahasbeenmistreated by men in the past, and thus detests them. If bound or confined, she becomes nervous and struggles desperately tobefree. Str6,Dex9,Con6,Int16,Wis11,Cha11

An amphisbaena basilisk is a basilisk with a head and forelimbs on both ends of its body. It cannot be flanked, backattackedorsurprised.Amphisbaenabasilisksgettwo bite attacks and can make two gaze attacks each round (see normal basilisk for effect). An amphisbaena basilisk can survive being cut in half. Each half will attack as a normal basilisk with half the creatures total hit points each.Theywillreattachtooneanotherin1to2days.
AmphisbaenaBasilisk:HD9+1;AC3[16];Atk2bite(1d8);Move9; Save 6; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: Allaround vision, half damage fromcold,petrifyinggaze,split.

Shairit is a cleric of Isis. Selected as a priestess when a teenager,sheinitiallyresisteduntilvisitedbyastrangerin white. She then flung herself into her studies to the exclusion of everything else. This made her popular with hersuperiors,butratherlesssowithotherpriestesses.She is not averse to using her beauty to get what she wants, and tends to follow the course of a pragmatist, using whatevermethodsarenecessarytoachievehergoals. Str6,Dex12,Con13,Int11,Wis15,Cha15

Thelo is a devotee of BabaluAye, the Cushite god of disease and healing. He hails from the wilds of Cush and hasfilleddozensofrolesinhislife,fromsailortoslaveto holy man to avenger. Thelos first love is knowledge; he

Baboonweres are territorial and aggressive. They put on loud displays before attacking. A baboonweres scream causesfearinallwithinearshot.

Baboonwere:HD3;AC3[16];Atk1bite(1d4)orweapon;Move12 (Climb12);Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Feargaze,hitbysilveror magicweaponsonly.

Acallerindarknessisanincorporealcreaturecomposedof the minds of dozens of victims who died in terror. Any living, intelligent creature slain by a caller in darkness touch attack is mentally absorbed into the monster, granting it 2d6 hit points. Callers in darkness are utterly powerless in natural sunlight and flee from it. Callers in darkness have the clairaudience/clairvoyance, mesmerism andpsionicblastpowers.
Caller in Darkness: HD 11; AC 5 [14]; Atk 4 touch (2d6); Move 12 (Fly 24); Save 4; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: Incorporeal, psychic abilities,onlyharmedbymagicweaponsandspells.

Baricsare6legged,ratlikeanimalsnotablefortheirduck likebillsfilledwithneedleliketeeth.Theyusuallygrowto be 3 feet long, but some males have grown as long as 7 feet. Barics run in packs in wild forests. Barics can be trainedasguardanimalsortrackers,butitisverydifficult anddangeroustodoso.
Baric:HD5;AC6[13];Atk2claw(1d4)and1bite(1d10);Move15; Save12;CL/XP5/240;Special:None.

Beetlorsaresubterranean,insectoidpredators.Theyhave shiny, orange carapaces and yellowish underbellies. Their claws are harder than steel, allowing them to burrow throughstone.Sentientcreaturesthatlookintoabeetlors multifaceted eyes must pass a saving throw or be confused(asthespell)for3d4rounds.Beetlorshavetheir ownlanguage.
Beetlor: HD 8+1; AC 1 [18]; Atk 2 claw (3d4) and 1 bite (1d10); Move6(Burrow30;Save8;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Confusion.

Cambions are fathered by demons from human mothers. Althoughhumanoid,thereisalwaysacluetotheirancestry intheirphysique,suchassmallhorns,clovenhoovesora wickedgleamintheeye.Cambionsaretempermentaland sly. They prefer tightfitting, dark clothing and dashing capes, and they often wield poisoned weapons. Most are ambidextrous,allowingthemtoattackwithtwoweapons perround.Cambionscanusethecursespellonceperday. Theysufferonlyhalfdamagefromfireattacks.
Cambion:HD4+1;AC3[16];Atk2weapons(1d6);Move12;Save 13; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Cast curse once per day, half damage fromfire.

Bonesuckers are alien horrors with bodies that look like fleshytreetrunks10feetinheightmountedonfivethick tentacles and topped with a ring of black eyes and eight writhing tentacles used for attack. Bonesuckers consume the bones of their enemies using the hollow tips of its upper tentacles to pierce a victims body and then inject digestive juices. Creatures hit by a tentacle attack must makeasavingthroworbegrabbedandpierced,suffering 1d2pointsofstrengthanddexteritydamage.Bonesuckers cannotbesurprised.
Bonesucker:HD8;AC3[16];Atk8tentacles(1d6);Move9;Save8; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Ability damage, never surprised, only harmedbymagicweapons.

Captainsareexceptionalwarriorshiredtoleadcompanies of menatarms. Captains are well paid, and thus well armedandarmored.
Captain:HD5;AC3[16];Atk 1weapon(1d8);Move 12;Save12; CL/XP5/240;Special:Troops+1tohitincaptainspresence.

Caryatid columns are lesser stone golems that look like stone pillars in the shape of a human female carrying a sword.Whenactivated,acaryatidcolumntakesonafleshy appearance. Its sword becomes steel. When its task is completeortheconstructiskilled,itreturnstoitsnormal positionandonceagainbecomesstone.Caryatidcolumns suffer half damage from normal weapons, but suffer full damagefrommagicalweapons(withoutdamagebonuses). Any weapon that hits the column has a 25% chance of snapping (reduced by 5% for each plus of a magic weapon).
CaryatidColumn:HD5;AC4[15];Atk1sword(2d4);Move9;Save 8;CL/XP6/400;Special:Weaponsnapping.

Brinyseaserpentsare20feetlong,withtwosetsoflarge flippers and afinned crest from head to tail. Their bodies are dark blue, lightening on their underbellies, and their finsandcrestaretingedwithrustorgreenhighlights.They live in caves on the ocean floor, where they maintain hordes like dragons. Briny sea serpents can breath a 50 footconeofacidonceperhourthatinflicts10d8pointsof damage. Creatures hit by their bite attack must make a savingthroworbegrappledandconstrictedfor3d6points ofdamageeachround.Theirbiteinjectsavirulentpoison. Theyareimmunetosleepandparalysis.
BrinySeaSerpent:HD8;AC2[17];Atk1bite(3d6+poison);Move 15;Save8;CL/XP11/1700;Special:Acidbreath,poison.

Cheetahweres can assume the form of lithe, muscular humanoids with tawny hair and black eyes. They are patient hunters who can suddenly explode into violence. Any creature (within 30 ft) that meets a cheetahweres gazemustpassasavingthroworbeslowed(asthespell).

Cheetahwere:HD3;AC2[17];Atk1bite(1d4+1)orweapon;Move 18;Save14;CL/XP4/120;Special:Slowgaze,hitbysilverormagic weaponsonly.

lightning bolts and weapon blows. Dun puddings live in deserts.Theydissolveleatherinasingleround.

DunPudding:HD8;AC6[13];Atk1slam(4d6);Move12;Save8; CL/XP9/1100;Special:Immunetoacid,coldandpoison,dividedby lightningandweaponblows.

Chuuls are a horrible combination of crustacean, insect, and serpent. Although amphibious, they are not good swimmersandprefertoattackonlandorinshallowwater. The victim of a chuuls claw attack must succeed at a saving throw or be constricted for 3d6 points of damage eachround.Achuulcantransferconstrictedvictimsfroma clawtoitstentaclesonitsnextturn.Thetentaclesgrapple withthesamestrengthastheclaw.Theydealnodamage, but do exude a secretion that paralyzes for 6 rounds if a savingthrowisfailed.Whileheldinthetentacles,avictim suffers1d8pointsofdamageeachroundfromthechuuls mandibles.
Chuul: HD 11+2; AC 3 [22]; Atk 2 claw (2d6); Move 12 (Swim 9); Save 4; CL/XP 15/2900; Special: Amphibious, constrict, paralyze, immunetopoison.

Theelderthingsareastrangeraceofaberrationsfromthe outer void. They dwelled on antediluvian Nod, building greatcitiesthatreachedintotheskyanddefiedthelawsof physiques. Their traffic with the elder gods marked them for destruction at the hands of the fey gods. Elders are barrelshaped cylinders with membranous wings that can carry them through the void and the astral plane. Their heads are covered with multicolored cilia and they have fivered,bulgingeyes.Theyhavefivemouthedtentacleson top of their heads and four multibranched tentacles placed evenly around their bodies. At the base of their bodies there are five thick tentacles used for locomotion. Eldershaveaccesstosuperscienceandmostknowafew magicuserspells.
Elder Thing: HD 8; AC 5 [14]; Atk 3 tentacles (1d6); Move 15 (Fly 12);Save8;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Immunetofire&cold.

These undead resemble zombies. Creatures hit by the coffercorpsesfistsmustmakeasavingthrowtoavoidbe grabbed around the neck and choked, suffering 1d6 damage per round automatically until killed; nothing can makeacoffercorpsereleaseitsgrip. Normal weapon appear to do damage to a coffer corpse, buttheyactuallydonot.Ifthecreaturesustains6ormore pointsofdamagefromanormalweapon,itwillgodownas though destroyed. It will then rise again, causing fear in thosewhowitnesstherevivalandfailasavingthrow.
CofferCorpse:HD2+2;AC7[12];Atk1fist(1d6);Move9;Save16; CL/XP4/120;Special:Onlyharmedbymagicweapons,choking.

The eye of the deep floats slowly along the with the current,stalkingprey.Thecreaturescentraleyecanemit a blinding flash of light. The light is projected as a 10 ft. cone and blinds those who fail a saving throw for 2d4 rounds. The smaller eyes are capable of creating illusions or cast hold person and hold monster spells. Severed eye stalksgrowbackin1week.
Eye of the Deep: HD 10; AC 4 [15]; Atk 2 pincer (2d4) and bite (1d6); Move 6; Save 5; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Blinding light, illusions,holdmonster,holdperson,regenerateeyestalks.

Derro are a degenerate race of albinos that dwell deep underground. At night, they walk the surface world, kidnapping humans for slaves or food. Most derro wear studdedleatherarmorandcarryrepeatinglightcrossbows withpoisonedbolts(seebelow),forkfauchards(polearms thatgranta+4bonustooverbearingattacks)anddaggers. Derro bands are often lead by their savants, a sort of combination of magicuser and cleric. Derro lairs contain 2040 derro, 1d3 savants, 1d6 student savants, 2030 slaves(80%female)and1d3gargoyleallies.
Derro:HD3;AC14;Atk1weapon(1d4);Move12;Save14;CL/XP 4/120;Special:Magicresistance30%. Savant:HD7;AC14;Atk1weapon(1d4);Move12;Save9;CL/XP 10/1400;Special:Magicresistance30%,spells.

Flail snails are siliconbased molluscs. Their heads are topped with four to six tentacles that look like morning stars. Each tentacle has 1 HD; when all of the creatures tentacles have been destroyed it will retract into its shell and die in 1d3 turns. While dying, it emits mournful, plaintivecrieswhicharequitelikelytodrawtheattention of a wandering monster. The body can itself be attacked, butithasanACof6[25].Anyhitonthebodywillkillthe creature. Flail snails are very sensitive to bright light, and thusarenocturnalorsubterraneancreatures. Whenever the creature is struck by magic, there is a 40% chance of the spell being altered, a 30% chance of its working normally, 20% chance of spell failure and 10% chancethatthespellwillbereflectedbackatitscaster.An altered spell will only be altered in a minor way, and the targetischosenrandomlyfromthoseneartheflailsnail.
FlailSnail:HD5;AC3[16];Atk6tentacles(1d8);Move3;Save12; CL/XP7/600;Special:Immunetofire,scintillatingcolors.

Dunpuddingsarerelatedtotheblackpuddings.Theyare immune to acid, cold and poison and are divided by


Froghemoths are alien creatures that resemble massive, rubberytoadswiththreeeyesatoparetractableeyestalk, fourtentacles,anda10ftlongtongue.Whenhunting,the beastfloatswithonlyitseyestalkabovethewaterandits tentacles thrust forward, sometimes very near the shore, toseizepotentialvictimsthatwalkby. While the froghemoths body can withstand 16 dice of damage before dying, its tentacles require 20 points of damage to sever. Severed tentacles regenerate in 1d4+1 weeks.Creaturesstruckbythetonguemustsucceedata saving throw or be held fast and dragged into its mouth. Any creature that begins the froghemoths turn in its mouth will be swallowed whole, suffering 3d6 points of aciddamageperround.Theycanattackthestomachewith a small, sharp weapon, but will be unconscious after 2 rounds. The tongue has 20 hit points. If the tongue is severedthemonsterwillflailwithitstentacles(fordouble damage) for 1d4+1 rounds before retreating into the water. Froghemothsareimmunetonormalfire,thoughespecially largeandhotoneswilldrivethemaway.Firespellswillnot drive them away unless at least 10 points of damage are dealt. Electricity attacks deal only 1 point of damage per dieandslowthecreaturefor1round.
Froghemoth:HD16;AC3[16],tentacles1[18],tongue5[14];Atk 1 tongue (5d10) or 4 tentacles (1d8); Move 3 (Swim 9); Save 3; CL/XP19/4100;Special:Swallowwhole,immunetofire.

Gnasherlizardsare10to20footlongreptileswithstone coloredscalesandgapingmouthsfilledwithadoublerow of daggerlike teeth. They are carnivorous and territorial, usually dwelling near sources of water in woodlands and highlands. They are solitary creatures, except during their mating season in spring and early summer. If a gnasher lizardrollsanatural20foritsbiteattack,itwillseverthe headofitstarget.Bitevictimswhoarenotbeheadedmust make a saving throw to avoid being gulped down whole, where they will suffer 2d6 points of damage each round fromthebeastsdigestivejuices.
GnasherLizard:HD9;AC4[15];Atk1bite(2d6);Move12;Save6; CL/XP12/2000;Special:Behead,swallowwhole.

Aquamarinegolemsaretranslucentandluminescent.Like mostgolems,aquamarinegolemsareimmunetoallmagic except sonic spells, which inflict half damage. Even if shattered into small pieces, an aquamarine golem will regenerate 2 hit points per day as the pieces slowly reform. Aquamarine golems can only be destroyed if a person uses a wish theyve granted to destroy them. Aquamarine golems can use the following spells (at will, unless otherwise noted): Bless, detect good, remove disease and wish (for others only, once per month). Aquamarine golems only grant unselfish wishes. They will only grant one wish to a person in their lifetime. In addition, all creatures within 20 feet of an aquamarine golemareprotectedagainstallelements.
AquamarineGolem:HD4+1;AC4[15];Atk1slam(1d8);Move12; Save 13; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic immunity, only harmed by magicweapons,protectionfromelements,reconstruction,spells.

Gambados are bizarre predators. They have cylindrical bodies,twoarmsendinginclawedhands,threeonetoed feet (but no legs) and heads that resemble human or animal skulls. Having no legs, they move by coiling their bodies and springing. They dwell in pits and hunt by coveringtheirlairswithbranchesandstonesandexposing onlytheirheads.Whenacuriouspasserbycomescloseto inspecttheskull,theyspringoutatthem,initiallyattacking withtheirbiteandthenusingtheirfullattackroutine.
Gambado: HD 4; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (1d6) and 2 claws (1d6); Move15;Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

Towerhagsare9tallcroneswithgreyskinandblackteeth andnails.Theyareusuallyalliedtootherworldlycreatures ofchaosandevil,andworktohelpthementerourworld. Everytowerhaglivesinatoweringfortressmadeofivory. Tocreatesuchatower,thehagmustobtainthefirstadult toothfromachild.Thistooth,wrenchedfromthemouth, is mixed with the hags stony saliva and planted into the ground. The tower immediately sprouts from where the tooth was planted, expanding to full size (50 feet in diameter) within one round. Any equipment or items in the tower are teleported from its old location to its new one.Mosttowerhagscarryhalfadozenteethwiththem at all times. Each tower is similar in design, being fi ve storeys tall. The bottom two storeys are always prisons and traps; the middle two laboratories and libraries and the topmost storey the hags personal lair and treasury. Battlementsringthetopofthetower,standing75feetoff theground. A tower hags spittle is thick and congeals to form a substanceashardasstone.Incombat,theycanspitatan opponentasarangedtouchattack,inflicting2d6pointsof

Ghostsarerestlessspiritsthatdwellbetweentheethereal and material planes. They can emit a frightening moan (save vs. fear) and their touch ages a person one decade (in the case of most humanoids) or one century (in the case of longlived demihumans). Ghosts can also use telekinesis to hurl small objects. As ethereal creatures, ghostscanonlybeharmedbymagicspellsandweapons.
Ghost:HD6;AC4[15];Atk1touch(aging)or1hurledobject(1d4); Move(Fly12);Save11;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Moan,agingtouch, telekinesis.

damageandstickingthemtothegrounduntiltheymakea successful strength roll. Tower hags can also extend their iron claws, increasing their damage to 2d10, but also exposing them to a sundering attack. Finally, they can summon a new tower by spitting a tooth at an opponent orgroupofopponents.Anyonewithin50feetofthetower suffer 4d6 damage as they are struck by it and must succeed at a saving throw. Those who fail are carried to thetop.Ifthehagiswithintheareaofthetowersgrowth, shealwaysendsupatopthetower. Tower hags can cast the following spells: Animate dead, astralspell,cacodaemon,bestowcurse,deathspell,detect invisibility, gate, invisibility, monster summoning V, protectionfromgood10'radius,(un)holywordandwizard eye.
TowerHag:HD16;AC0[19];Atk2claws(2d6);Move12;Save3; CL/XP26/5900;Special:Spit,claws,tower,spells,onlyharmedby silverormagicweapons,immunetomindeffects,magicresistance 70%.

Hyenaweres can assume the form of brutish humanoids withmainsofwildhairandslightlypointedears.Theyare cunning and prefer to attack when they have the advantage, shadowing a large group for days until an opportunityarises.Anycreaturewithin30feetthatmeets ahyenaweresgazemustpassasavingthroworbestruck byuncontrollablelaughter.
Hyenawere:HD3;AC3[16];Atk1bite(1d4+1)orweapon;Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Laughter gaze, hit by silver or magicweaponsonly.

Insectaurs are compassionless insectoid centaurs. They havefourlegs,twoarmsandabunchoflongstingersthat jut from the back of their abdomens. Insectaurs live in largefamilygroupsinsubterraneancaverns.Likecentaurs, theyhavewildpersonalitiesandenjoyfighting.Incombat, aninsectaurschitinclackshyonotically.Inthreerounds,all noninstectaurs within ear shot must succeed at a saving throworbeconfusedfor1d4rounds.Creaturesattacking aninsectaurfrombehindmustsucceedonasavingthrow or be scratched by the creatures stingers. The stingers deal1d6damageandcausesearingpainfor1d3hours.
Insectaur:HD5;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d6)orweapon(1d8);Move 18;Save12;CL/XP7/600;Special:Clacking,poisonsting.

Headless screamers arise from the corpses of the beheaded.Theyarecruelandchaoticbeingswhodelightin tormentingtheliving.Headlessscreamerslooksomething like zombies with a noticeable red slash across its neck. Theycanthrowtheirheadswithalarmingaccuracy,andin factdonotneedtothrowtheirownhead,fortheheadless screamers intelligence and animating force are in the body. Many of these creatures keep four or five heads handy. Thrown heads have a range increment of 20. The thrown head will snap its jaws, dealing 1d8 points of damage to anyone hit and then latching on if the target fails a saving throw. A latched head inflicts 1d4 points of bite damage each round until removed. Headless screamerscantelekineticallyretrievetheseheadsandstill move or attack each round. Headless screamers can also emitashrillshriekfromtheairholeintheirnecks.Anyone hearingthismustsucceedatasavingthroworsuffera1 penaltytohit,damageandsavefor1hour.
HeadlessScreamer:HD4;AC3[16];Atk1claw(1d6)or1thrown head (1d8); Move 15; Save 13; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Throw and retrievehead,scream,immunetocold.

Thesebizarrecreaturesresemblelargeambulatorybrains. Theyhavefourstout,thicklymuscledlegsendinginclawed feet.Intellectdevourersdwellunderground.Theyfeedon thepsychicenergyoftheirprey.Afterkillingtheirprey,an intellect devourer merges with the body and devours the brain.Theirawarenessextendsintotheetherealandastral planes.Theydetestbrightlightandfleefromit. Intellectdevourersareimmunetomostspells.Fireballsact only as bright light (see above), but inflict no damage on them. Lightning bolts inflict 1 point of damage per dice. Death spells only have a 25% chance of slaying them. Psychicpowersworkonthemwithnopenalties.
Intellect Devourer: HD 6; AC 3 [16]; Atk 4 claw (1d4); Move 15; Save11;CL/XP9/1100;Special:Sensitivetolight,mindblast,spell immunity,surpriseon13on1d6,onlyharmedbymagicweapons (1pointofdamageperhit).

Highwaymenaremaskedrogueswhohauntthehighways betweenacitystateanditssurroundingsettlements.They arefarmoreskilledasswordsmenthanthetypicalbandit, andusuallyworkalone.Highwaymenusuallywearhooded cloaks and leather armor and carry long swords and crossbows(orpistols).Theyusuallykeepafasthorseclose byforescapes.Whentheyattackasurprisedopponentor onecaughtunawares,theyinflictanextra1d6damage.
Highwayman:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 13;CL/XP4/120;Special:Surpriseon13on1d6,sneakattack.

Janni are lesser kin to the djinn and efreet. They are formedofallfourelements,andthusdwellonthematerial plane. They can change a creatures size twice per day, become invisible three times per day, and speak with animalsatwill.Theycanalsocreatefoodandwateronce perday(asacleric)andshiftintotheetherealplanefora fewroundsatatime.Theyhavetelepathywitharangeof 100 feet. Most janni are encountered wearing chainmail andarmedwithacurvedswordandlongbow.

Janni:HD6;AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12(Fly15);Save 11;CL/XP7/600;Special:Spells.

Jollyrogersarepirateswhoseavaricewassogreatthatit animated them beyond death. Jolly rogers appear as corpsesinvariousstagesofdecaywearingthecostumeof a pirate. They are usually armed with broad swords, gaff hooks,throwingaxes,spears,daggers,crossbows,muskets andpistoles.Becausejollyrogersretaintheirintellect,they are capable of using their horrific visage to frighten thinking creatures with fewer than 4 hit dice. Those who fail a saving throw will flee and attempt to hide, and will not fight unless attacked. Jolly rogers also retain their earthly lusts for women, wine and treasure, regardless of their inability to enjoy them. They can detect precious gems and metals within 100 feet of them, and are +1 bonustohitanddamagewhenfightingfortreasure. Ten jolly rogers are accompanied by a 4 HD first mate. Thirty jolly rogers are commanded by a 6 HD captain, whose frightful appearance is effective on creatures with upto6hitdice.Captainscanbestowacurseonceperday.
JollyRoger:HD2+2;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move12;Save 16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Frightful,goldlust.

broken. Kelpies take half damage from fire. Females are immunetotheircharm.
Kelpie:HD5;AC2[17];Atk1grapple;Move9(Swim12);Save12; CL/XP6/400;Special:Charm,drown.

Knockersareoftenmistakenfordwarves,gnomesoreven kobolds by those who do not know of them, and few do knowoftheknockers,fortheyareverysecretive.Knockers looklikegnomeswithslategreyskinandhairthecolorof iron.Theydwellinthelowestreachesoftheunderworld, lairinginsealedcavernswithnoentrances. Knockertribesconsistofafewdozenmembers.Knockers mine gemstones, carve them, polish them, admire them, and then bury them again for future generations to find. The knockers dislike the mining practices of dwarves and men, but only take action against those that come too closetotheirvillages. Knockersusewickedlysharpswordsandwearfinelymade chainmailinbattle.Onceperday,aknockercanearthwalk (that is, pass through earth and stone as though it were air) for one minute. Knockers have the same ability as a dwarftonoticeunusualstonework.Allknockersknowthe secret language of their race, which they can use to communicateover long distancesunderground. This code istappedontothestoneandcanbeheardformanymiles.
Knocker:HD1d6;AC4[15];Atk1weapon(1d4);Move9;Save18; CL/XPB/10;Special:None.

Kapoacinthareaquaticcousinsoftheterrestrialgargoyle thatlackwings.Iimaginetheir"skin"mightlooklikecoral, andtheywouldperchonareefwaitingforanunlucky sahuaginorundinetoswimpast.
Kapoacinth:HD4;AC5[14];Atk2claws(1d3),1bite(1d4),1horn (1d6);Move9(Fly15);Save13;CL/XP5/240;Special:None.

Lacedonsareaquaticghouls.Inplaceofaparalyzingtouch, a lacedons touch causes a persons lungs to begin filling with sea water. A saving throw is allowed each round to coughuptheseawater,witheachfailureresultingin1d6 pointsofdamage.Whilecoughingupseawater,creatures suffera1penaltytohit,damageandtotheirArmorClass. Twosuccessfulsavingthrowsinarowendtheeffect.Like mostwalkingdead,theyareimmunetocharmandsleep.
Lacedon: HD 2; AC 6 [13]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), bite (1d4); Move 9; Save16;CL/XP3/60;Special:Immunities,drowningtouch.

Kelpdevilslooklikeambulatorymassesofseaweedwitha green pseudopod in their center. They attack by ambush, lying perfectly still until their prey is within reach and surprising on a 13 on 1d6. A successful attack by a kelp devilactsasacharmmonsterspell.Kelpdevilsareimmune tolightningandbluntweapons.
KelpDevil:HD8;AC1[18];Atk6fronds(1d8);Move12(Swim24); Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm, immune to lightning and bluntweapons,surprise.

Mephits are minor elemental creatures that appear as small, winged demons. A mephit can use its breath weapon three times per day. Once per day, a mephit can attempt to summon another mephit of the same variety witha25%chanceofsuccess.Mephitsregenerate2points ofdamageeachroundiftheyarewithintheirelement. AirMephits Anairmephitbreathesa15footconeofdustandgritthat inflicts1d8damage(savingthrowforhalf).Onceperhour itcanduplicateablurspell.Onceperdayitcanusegustof wind.Anairmephitregeneratesifexposedtomovingair.

Kelpiesarefeyaquaticplantsthatcanshapetheirbodies, which normally resemble clumps of seaweed, into any form they wish. In any form they still appear to be composed of seaweed. Once per day they can cast a powerful charm on a victim. If the target fails a saving throw, he will perceive the kelpie as the most desirable womanintheworldandleapintothewatertohappilybe entangledanddrowned.Thevictimwillactivelyattemptto filltheirlungswithwater,suffering3d6damageperround until dead. If a kelpie is killed, its spell will instantly be

Air Mephit: HD 3; AC 2 [17]; Atk 2 claw (1d3); Move 12 (Fly 24); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,blur,gustofwind,regenerate,summoning.

DustMephit A dust mephit breathes a 10foot cone of irritating particlesthatdeal1d4damage(savingthrowforhalf)and imposesa2penaltytoACandattackrolls.Onceperhour, a dust mephit can duplicate a blur spell. Once per day it can create a mass of roiling dust that duplicates a wind wall. A dust mephit regenerates in an arid, dusty environment.
DustMephit:HD3;AC2[17];Atk2claw(1d3);Move12(Fly21); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,blur,regenerate,summoning,windwall.

materialssuchaspaper,straw,ordrywood.Onceperday a magma mephit can use pyrotechnics. A magma mephit regeneratesiftouchingmagma,lava,oraflameatleastas largeasatorch.
Magma Mephit: HD 3; AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 claw (1d6); Move 12 (Fly 21); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons, breath weapon, pyrotechnics, regenerate, shape change, summoning.

EarthMephit An earth mephit breathes a 15foot cone of rock shards andpebblesthatdeals1d8damage(savingthrowforhalf). Onceperdayitcancastsoftenearthandstone.Onceper hour it can magically change its size. An earth mephit regeneratesifitisundergroundorburieduptoitswaistin earth.
EarthMephit:HD3;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d3);Move12(Fly18); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons, alter size, breath weapon, regenerate, soften earth and stone, summoning.

OozeMephits An ooze mephit breathes a 10foot cone of caustic liquid that deals 1d4 points of acid damage (saving throw for half).Livingcreaturesthatfailtheirsavesaretormentedby itchingskinandburningeyesunlesstheyhaveimmunityto acid or are otherwise protected. This effect imposes a 2 penaltytoACanda2penaltyonattackrollsfor3rounds. Onceperhouranoozemephitcanhurlanacidarrow(2d4 damagefor2rounds).Onceperdayitcancreateastinking cloud(6rounds).Anoozemephitregeneratesifinawetor muddyenvironment.
OozeMephit:HD3;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d3);Move12(Fly18, Swim 12); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons,breathweapon,acidarrow,stinkingcloud,summoning.

FireMephit Afiremephitbreathesa15footconeoffirethatdeals1d8 damage(savingthrowforhalf).Onceperhouritcancast burninghands,andonceperdayitcanheatmetal.Afire mephitregeneratesifitistouchingaflameatleastaslarge asatorch.

Fire Mephit: HD 3; AC 2 [17]; Atk 2 claw (1d6); Move 12 (Fly 21); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,burninghands,heatmetal,regenerate,summoning.

SaltMephits Salt mephits breathe a 10foot cone of salt crystals that deals1d4damage(savingthrowforhalf)andimposesa2 penaltytoACandattackrolls.Onceperdayitcandrawthe moisture from an area in a 20 radius. Living creatures withinrangetake2d8pointsofdamage(savingthrowfor half).Thiseffectisespeciallydevastatingtoplantcreatures and aquatic creatures, which take a 2 penalty on their saving throws. A salt mephit regenerates if in an arid environment.
Salt Mephit: HD 3; AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 claw (1d6); Move 12 (Fly 18); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,destroymoisture,glitterdust,summoning.

IceMephit Icemephitsbreathea10footconeoficeshardsthatdeals 1d4 damage (saving throw for half) and imposes a 2 penaltytoACandattackrolls.Onceperhouranicemephit can cast magic missile and once per day they can chill metal.Anicemephitregeneratesiftouchingapieceofice oforiftheambienttemperatureis32F.orbelow.
Ice Mephit: HD 3; AC 1 [18]; Atk 2 claw (1d6); Move 12 (Fly 21); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,chillmetal,magicmissile,regenerate,summoning.

SteamMephits Steammephitsbreathea10footconeofsteamthatdeals 1d4 damage (saving throw for half) and imposes a 2 penalty to AC and attack rolls. Once per hour a steam mephit can duplicate a blur spell. Once per day it can createarainstormofboilingwaterthataffectsa20foot square area and causes 2d6 damage. A steam mephit regeneratesiftouchingboilingwaterorisinahot,humid area.
SteamMephit:HD3;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d6);Move12(Fly21); Save14;CL/XP5/240;Special:Harmedbymagicweapons,breath weapon,blur,boilingrain,summoning.

MagmaMephits Magma mephits breathe a 10foot cone of magma that deals1d4damage(savingthrowforhalf)andimposesa2 penalty to AC and attack rolls. Once per hour, a magma mephitcanturnintoapooloflava.Themephitcanonlybe struck by +3 or better weapons in this form. The mephit cant attack while in lava form but can use spells. It can moveataspeedof3.Thepoolstouchignitesflammable

WaterMephits Water mephits breathe a 15foot cone of caustic liquid that deals 1d8 acid damage (saving throw for half). Once perhourawatermephitcanhurlanacidarrow.Onceper dayitcancreateastinkingcloudspell(6rounds).Awater

mephitregeneratesifexposedtorainorsubmergedupto itswaistinwater.
WaterMephit:HD3;AC3[16];Atk2claw(1d3);Move12(Fly18, Swim 12); Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Harmed by magic weapons,breathweapon,acidarrow,stinkingcloud,summoning.

Merrows are the aquatic cousins of the terrestrial ogre. Merrow can live in fresh water or salt water. Salt water merrow often keep large harems of mermaids. The mermaids tolerate the merrow because of the protection heaffords,butotherwisefindthemrepulsive.This,inturn, drives the merrow to even greater depths of cruelty and hatred. Instead of the typical ogres club, they prefer to uselongspearsincombat.
Merrow:HD4+1;AC5[14];Atk1weapon(1d10+1);Move9(Swim 15);Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:None.

via the ethereal plane. Phantom stalkers can polymorph into any shape, often appearing as 8 ft tall humans with glowing red eyes. They can fly in any form. Magical fire healthem1hitpointperdiceofdamage.Ifitsowndeath is imminent, it can burst into a 6d6 fireball with a 50 ft radius,destroyingitselfintheprocess.
PhantomStalker:HD6;AC2[17];Atk2claws(1d4);Move12(Fly 24);Save11;CL/XP10/1400;Special:Immunetofire,2tosavevs. cold,+1dmg/dicefromcold,immolation.

Piratesarehearty,swaggeringmenofthesea.Theywear uptoleatherarmorandcarrybroadswords(1d8damage), spears and hooks (1d4). Pirates might also carry short bowsorlightcrossbows.Duringthefirstroundofafight, piratesattackwitha+1bonustohitanddamage.Theycan backstabfordoubledamage. Pirates raid ships and coastal towns. They may dock in lawless cities that trade with pirates. Pirates often hide theirtreasureinremotelocations,andaleadermayhavea maptosuchalocation.Anygroupofpiratesmayhave14 hostageswhotheyhaveransomed. Apiratefleetmaybefoundonanybodyofwater,whether lake, sea, or river. The fleet size depends on the water vessel. Riverboat fleets number 1d8 ships, longship fleets number1d4ships,fleetsofsmallgalleysnumber1d4,and anyfleetofgalleyslargerthansmallsize,andanyfleetof sailingships,number1d3.Thecrewnumberisdetermined bytheshipcrewrequirements. There is one sergeant per 30 pirates and one captain per ship. Any horde of300 or more pirates is led by a level 8 pirateking.Apiratekingmay(75%)employasorcerer.
Pirate: HD 2; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 16; CL/XP3/60;Special:Backstabx2,+1tohitanddamageinround1.

Mihstu are freewilled air elementals that prefer to dwell in lightless, cool places. They resemble clouds of swirling mistthatcanformsolidtentaclestippedwithrazorsharp talonstoattack.Theycanalsoenvelopecreaturesjustby moving over them; enveloped creatures suffer 1 point of constitutiondamageperround.Mihstuareimmunetoall missile attacks, including magic missile. They are stunned for2d6roundsbycoldattacks.
Mihstu:HD8;AC3[22];Atk4tentacles(1d6+1);Move6;Save8; CL/XP14/2600;Special:Onlyharmedby+2weapons,constitution drain,immunetoelectricityandmissiles,stunnedbycold.

Ogre kings are massive, fat ogres with large, gaping mouths full of fangs. Ogre kings are terribly proud, and demand the respect given to any other regent. Should a visitortothekingsbonestrewncavernnotcurtsey,orsay yourogrishmajestyorneglectsomeothertrivialpointof etiquette,theogrekingshoutsoffwithhisheadlikeany goodmonarch.Lackingaroyalexecutioner,thekingbites the victims head off himself using the royal mouth. In combat, a victim killed by an ogre kings bite attack is quickly devoured, restoring a number of hit points to the ogre king equal to double the victims hit dice (or level). Ogrekingscancastthespellcharmmonsteronceperday.
OgreKing:HD10+1;AC2[17];Atk1weapon(3d6)or1bite(2d6); Move 12; Save 5; CL/XP 12/2000; Special: Devour victim, cast charmmonsteronceperday.

Planetars are an order of angels beneath the solars and abovethedevas.Planetarscantravelthroughtheplanesat will. They typically fight using +4 flaming twohanded swords.Planetarshaveopalineskin,glowingblueeyesand double wings. Planetars cast spells as level 9 clerics. Each planetar radiates protection from evil in a 40 ft radius. They can commune with the gods at need and remove blindnessanddeafnessandcurediseaseandlightwounds bytouch.Theyalwaysdetectevil,illusion,invisibility,lies, magicandtraps.Planetarscancommunicatetelepathically andunderstandalllanguages.Ifkilledanywherebutinthe Empyrean Heaven, they will rematerialize there in four decades. Once per day a planetar can gate in one of the following types of creatures: 1d3 astral devas, 1d4 monadic devas or 1d6 movanic devas. Once per day they cansummon:1d4couatl,1d2kirinor1d2androsphinx.

Phantom stalkers are creatures from the elemental plane of fire. Conjurers must take care in issuing orders, for phantomstalkerswillfollowthemtotheletterandpervert them whenever possible in an attempt to return to their nativedimension.Ifaphantomstalkersconjureriskilled, thestalkerwillimmediatelyvanish,reappearing1d4hours laterintentonvengeanceandunerringlytrackingthekiller

Planetar: HD 17 (144 hp); AC 8 [27]; Atk 3 weapons (1d10+4); Move15(Fly48,Swim24);Save3;CL/XP29/7100;Special:Spells, magic resistance 65%, regenerate 4 hp/rd, immune to cold, lightning, magic missiles, petrification, poison, surprise, life drain, mindeffectsanddeathmagic,halfdamagefromfire.

Thesecousinsofthetrolldwellinanybodyofwaterinany climate.Theyregenerateonlyifmostlyimmersedinwater.
Scrag:HD6+3;AC4[15];Atk2claws(1d4),1bite(1d8);Move12 (Swim18);Save11;CL/XP8/800;Special:Regenerate3hp/round.

About one in two hundred sahuagin has four arms. Such creatures can make four claw attacks or use extra weapons, in addition to the claw and bite attacks. A Referee in possession of a game that utilizes random mutations may want to add other mutations to the sahuaginmutant(lasereyes,awinningpersonality,etc).
Sahuagin Mutant: HD 2+1; AC 5 [14]; Atk 4 claws (1d4) or 2 weapons(1d8);Move12(Swim18);Save16;CL/XP3/60;Special: None.

Shadow wolves are nocturnal hunters and hate all living creatures.Theireyesflashwithacrimsonfirewhenpreyis sighted. Shadow wolves prefer to attack from ambush, usingtheshadowsanddarknesstotheiradvantage.When preywandersnearby,ashadowwolfleapstotheattack.A shadowwolfpackleadsitspreyintoanambushandthen strikeswhenopponentsarecompletelyunaware.Thebite ofashadowwolfdeals1d4pointsofstrengthdamagetoa living foe. A creature reduced to strength 0 dies. In any conditionofilluminationotherthanfulldaylight,ashadow wolfcandisappearintotheshadows.Artificialillumination, evenalightorcontinualflamespell,doesnotnegatethis ability.Adaylightspellwill.
ShadowWolf:HD4;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d4strength);Move21; Save 13; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Incorporeal, blend with shadows, strengthdamage.

Sahitimareanancientraceofmenthatmadeadealwith chaoticforces,turningintoaraceofhalffiends.Asahitim appears as a lean, humanoid demon with blank eyes, goldenorangeskinandcurved,blackhorns.Sahitimdress neatly and elegantly, sacrificing mobility and practicality forgrandeur.Theypreferlight,elegantweaponsandlight armor.Mostcanspeakcommon,thealignmenttonguesof chaosorevilandthelanguageofevildragons. Sahitim sects consist of 50 to 100 warriors plus 40% noncombatants.Sectsareledbyfightingmenandclerics, and might include magicusers. Sects are accompaniedby 1d3+1 hell hounds, 1d6+1 lemures or 1d6+1 dretches. Sahitim rulers are usually clerics. Sahitim lairs are iron fortressesbuiltatremotesites. Sahitim characters enjoy a +1 bonus to intelligence, wisdom and charisma, but suffer a 1 penalty to constitution. They can see in darkness to a range of 60 feet. Their ancient pact with dark forces gives them a +2 bonus to all saving throws. They suffer only half damage from acid, cold and fire attacks. All sahitim can cast protectionfromgoodasaninnatepower.
Sahitim:HD1;AC3[16];Atk1scimitar(1d8)or1longbow(1d8); Move12;Save17;CL/XP3/60;Special:Halfdamagefromacid,cold andfire,protectionfromgood.

Sheduareextraplanarcreaturesdedicatedtothecausesof law and good. They have the abilities of level 9 psychics. They can become ethereal or astral at will. Shedu have limitedtelepathy.
Shedu:HD9+1;AC3[16];Atk2hoof(1d6);Move12(Fly24);Save 6;CL/XP10/1,400;Special:Psychic,ethereal,magicresistance25%, telepathy.

Skum are humanoid algae that serve as the minions and cannonfodder of aboleths, oktomon and other aquatic darklords.Skumareamphibiousandhaverakingclaws.
Skum: HD 2; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite (2d6), 2 claws (1d4); Move 9 (Swim15);Save16;CL/XP2/30;Special:None.

Thesvirfneblinlivedeepbeneaththeearth,eversearching for precious stones and metals. They look like hairless gnomes with brownish skin and grey eyes. Svirfneblin are akintoearthelementals,andgroupsofthemhavea10% chance per svirfneblin to summon a medium earth elemental. Svirfneblin warriors wear chainmail and are armed with daggers and picks. Many carry hollowtipped darts filled with poison or acid. Svirfnebli are so stealthy thattheysurpriseonarollof12on1d6,andtheynotice odd stonework as well as dwarfs. A svirfneblins innate toughnessandresistancetomagicgivesthemanimproved saving throw value. All svirfneblin can cast the following spellsonceperday:blindness,blurandchangeself.

Sandlings are amorphous masses of sand that dwell exclusively in sandy areas like deserts and beaches. They willattackanythingthatstraysintotheirterritory,striking atthemwithaabrasivepseudopod.If10ormoregallons of water are cast on the creature it will be affected as though by a slow spell. Sandlings can grow to be 10 ft in diameter. They reproduce by budding, killing any young largeenoughtobeperceivedasathreat.
Sandling: HD 4; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 slam (2d6); Move 12 (Burrow 6); Save13;CL/XP6/400;Special:Camouflage,immunetosleep,hold, charmandmindeffects.

Svirfneblin:HD3;AC3[16];Atk1weapon(1d8);Move9;Save12; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Surprise on a 12 on d6, summon earth elemental.

Vampirespawnareundeadcreaturesthatcomeintobeing when vampires slay mortals. Like their creators, spawn remain bound to their coffins and to the soil of their graves. Vampire spawn appear much as they did in life, although their features are often hardened, with a predatory look. Like vampires, vampire spawn have a variety of special abilities. They can only be harmed by magic or silver weapons, regenerate 1 hp per round, can turnintogaseousformatwillandcandrainonelevelwith theirbite.Lookingintoavampirespawnseyesforcesone to make a saving throw or be charmed (as the charm person spell). Vampire spawn have the same weaknesses andvulnerabilitiesastruevampires.
Vampire Spawn: HD 4; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 bite (1d6 + level drain); Move12;Save13;CL/XP7/600;Special:Seedescription.

Vulchlings are birdlike creatures with vaguely human facial features. They live in desolate places, swooping down on unsuspecting passersbye from ledges or tall trees. A vulchling lair will contain 1d101 eggs. Vulchlings havebeenknowntoconsortwithharpiesandvrocks.
Vulchling:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1bite(1d4+1)or2claw(1d4);Move 6(Fly3);Save18;CL/XP1/15;Special:None.

Zwunkers are an offshoot of dwarfs. They are black skinned and have long manes of gold hair. Their eyes are faceted and resemble yellow diamonds. Zwunkers live in cavesoverlookingthesea.Theyareskilledsailorsandlove nothingmorethantofeelthewindwhippingthroughtheir manes. Once per day, a zwunker can control the winds, either calming them or whipping them into a frenzy. Zwunkersarehighlyresistanttomagic,andtheirpresence actually absorbs magical energy. Essentially, their "magic resistance" applies to all magical effects within 30 feet of them. Zwunkers make elaborate leather armor (always black)andcarrysteelrodsforweapons.Theirhaircanbe shaved and melted down into the equivalent of 5 gp, thoughnozwunkerwouldwillinglydothissavetoaverthis owndeathorthatofalovedone.
Zwunker:HD1;AC6[13];Atk1weapon(1d6);Move9;Save16(14 vs.magic);Special:Controlwind,magicresistance10%.


Wise Women & Cunning Men

In the course of populating my little campaign world, I foundtheideaofdozensofspellcastingclericsandmagic usersinvillagesandamongbanditgangs,pirateshipsand humanoid tribes unsatisfying. For one thing, the spell slingerswereoftenoverpoweringtheverythingthatmade theencounterinterestinganddifferent.Foranother,they were too much competition for the highlevel NPCs populatingwildernessabbeysandwizardstowers. In older versions of the game, the spiritual life of savage tribes was often seen to by less powerful versions of the cleric and magicuser, sometimes referred to as shamans andwitchdoctors.Idecidedtotakethatconceptandwork uptheadeptasanonplayercharacterclass(thusthelack of an experience point progression). The adept gives human and humanoid encounters a little magical punch withoutfocusingtheencounterontheadept. AnimalTrainer:Thesefolkcantrainanimalsattherateof onetrickperweek,andmightbeabletotrainmonstersat therateofonetrickpermonth.Bestrepresentsashaman orpriestthatkeepsanimalsinhisorhertemple. Armorer: Once upon a time, smiths were thought to be magiciansbecauseoftheirabilitytorefinemetalsfromore and then turn that metal into tools and weapons. An armoreriscapableofmakingarmorandweapons. Berserker:Cangoberserkincombat,gaininga+2bonusto hit. Best represents screaming zealots leading their tribes intobattleinhonoroftheirsavagedeity. Guide: Guides know about all set encounter areas within 30milesoftheirhomes,andtheyalwaysknowwhatsort of gear one needs to survive in their home wilderness. Theycanuserangerabilitiessuccessfullyonarollof13on a1d6.Bestrepresentsadruidicsortofnaturepriest.

Adeptsarepracticalspellcastersofruralandbarbaricfolk, lessskilledthanclericsandmagicusers,andmorefocused onservingtheircommunities(orrunningabusiness)than going on adventures into the unknown. Adepts might be known as cunning folk, wise folk (or wise old folk), wysards, conjurers, pellars, gypsies, witches, shamans, witchdoctors,cultistsorhedgemages. HitDice:1d6perlevel,+1hpperlevelafterlevel9. ArmorPermitted:Leather,shield. WeaponsPermitted:Club,dagger,dart,handaxe,mace, shortbow,sling,spear,staff. Spells (1st): Adepts cast spells from their own list (see below),preparingtheminthesamewayasclerics.Eachof anadeptsspellsrequiresthemtopossessasimplefetish madeofbones,feathers,ribbonsorothercommonitems. Skills (1st): Aside from their ability to cast spells, adepts aredistinguishedfromoneanotherbytheroletheyfulfill in their community. For each adept, choose one of the followingskillsets. Alchemist: Alchemists are capable of helping magicusers create magic items. They might also know how to create acids,poisons,flamingoilandotherformulas.

Healer:Healersarecapableofprovidingcarethatdoubles theirpatientsnormalhealingrateandprovidesthema+1 bonus on saving throws against poison and disease. Best representsmedievalmonks. Sage: Sages can be consulted to answer questions. Essentially,thisworksasalegendlorespellandtakes1d4 weekstoaccomplish(thereisresearchtobedone,books toborrowfromothersages,teststobemade,etc).Sages are often accompanied by students (see below). A good representationofmedievalmonksorwizardtypes. SpellsPerDay Lvl HD Attack Save 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 +0 15 1 2 2 +0 14 1 3 3 +1 13 2 4 4 +1 12 2 5 5 +1 11 2 1 6 6 +2 10 2 1 7 7 +2 9 3 2 8 8 +3 8 3 2 9 9 +3 7 3 2 1 10 +1hp +3 6 3 2 1 11 +2hp +4 5 3 3 2 12 +3hp +4 4 3 3 2 13 +4hp +5 4 3 3 2 1 14 +5hp +5 4 3 3 2 1 15 +6hp +5 4 3 3 3 2 16 +7hp +6 4 3 3 3 2 17 +8hp +6 4 3 3 3 2 1 18 +9hp +7 4 3 3 3 2 1 19 +10hp +7 4 3 3 3 3 2 20 +11hp +7 4 3 3 3 3 2

9. Snakecharm 10. Web LevelThree 1. Animatedead 2. Continuallight 3. Curedisease(orcausedisease) 4. Cureseriouswounds 5. Lightningbolt 6. Neutralizepoison 7. Removecurse(orbestowcurse) LevelFour 1. Createwater 2. Massmorph 3. Polymorph 4. Protectionfromevil10ftradius 5. Stickstosnakes 6. Walloffire LevelFive 1. Commune 2. Createfood 3. Raisedead 4. Wallofstone

LevelOne 1. Causefear 2. Charmperson 3. Curelightwounds 4. Detectevil 5. Detectmagic 6. Light 7. Protectionfromevil 8. Shield 9. Sleep 10. Ventriloquism LevelTwo 1. Bless 2. Darkness15ftradius 3. Detectinvisibility 4. Invisibility 5. Levitate 6. Magicmouth 7. Mirrorimage 8. Pyrotechnics

Gods of Nod: Ophir

ThepantheonofdeitiesworshipedontheWyvernCoastis based loosely on the gods and goddesses of the ancient Phoenicians. Like the citystates that once dotted the WyvernCoast,thePhoeniciansweremaritimetraders.For one schooled in the mythology of the Near East, the pantheondescribedheremayprovequiteunsatisfying,for manylibertiesweretakenwiththesemythologicalfigures inanattempttomakethemrelevantandusefulforswords andsorcerystylefantasyroleplaying. The Phoenicians, like many peoples of the ancient Near East, believed in a race of gods above human kind but interacting with them, and with other in very human terms. The gods, at least the lawful gods, dwell on MountLel.HeresatthepalaceofBaalHadad,combinedin thispantheonwithEl,thesupremecreatoroftheuniverse, asShedu.ThepalacewasconstructedbyKotharwaKhasis of cedar, gold, silver and lapis lazuli, and had a window that could be opened to allow rainstorms into the world beyond.Manyofthemythstoldofthesedeitiesrevovled aroundthecompetitionbetweenHadadandMuth,godof death, and Lotan, dragon god of the sea, for dominance overthepantheon.Thesestoriesinvolveviciouscombats, cunningintriguesandresurrections. Here, then, is a pantheon of deities for the clerics and druidsoftheWyvernCoast.Portionsofthisarticleshaded ingreyareconsideredOpenGameContent.

AlsocalledLord Deityofyouth,beautyandrebirth Wieldsaclub Servedbycelestialnymphs Symbolizedbyaboar AlignedwithNeutrality PriestsmaylearnthespellLamentation Sacredanimalsaretheboar,bullandram Adonisisthegodofyouth,beautyandrebirth.Hismother, Myrrha, was turned into a myrrh tree by Derceto to protectherfromherfather.Adoniswasbornfromthetree whenitsbarkwasrentbyaboarstusks.Atbirth,theboy wassolovelythatDercetohidhiminachestthatshegave toKoreforsafekeeping.Butthegoddessofdeathwasso taken with the youth that she would not give him up. Ultimately, it was decided that Adonis would spend six monthswithDercetoonearthandsixmonthswithKorein theUnderworld,thusexplainingwinterandspring.

ThecultofdyingAdonisbelongstowomen.Theycelebrate atwodayfestivalatmidsummer.Thefirstdayisspentin mourning, with worshipers uttering lamentations and beating themselves. The second day, celebrating his rebirth,isspentinfeastingandmerriment. LAMENTATION Level:1 Range:Earshot Duration:1round+1roundperlevel ByutteringloudlamentationstoAdonis,apriestcancause 2d6humanoidsinearshottofallintotearsfortheduration of the spell. While overcome with sorrow, creatures cannotperformanyactionbeyondselfdefense.

AlsocalledTheEighth,Healer Deityofhealing Wieldsashortbow Servedbydevas Symbolizedbyacaduceus AlignedwithLaw PriestslearnthespellSoothingTouch Asclepiusisthegodofhealing.HewasfatheredbyZadok with one of the seven Kotharat (daughter of the moon) afterhehadalreadyfatheredsevenothersons.Asclepius beauty caused a smitten Astarte to so relentlessly pursue him that he finally castrated himself and died. Seeing the error of her ways, Astarte restored him to life with the warmthofherbodyandmadehimademigod. Worshipers of Asclepius make votive offerings of statuettes of people healed by him, especially babies and children.Asclepiustemplesmaybecarvedintotherockof the earth or built atop massive limestone pedestals measuring 230 ft wide, 160 ft long and 70 ft high. They oftenincludepavedpools,sculpturesofsphinxesandlions andbasreliefsculpturesofhuntingscenes. SOOTHINGTOUCH Level:2 Range:Touch Duration:1minute This spell temporarily restores 1d4 points of damage per levelofthesubjectfor1minute.

CROWNOFSTARS Level:6 Range:Sight Duration:1turnperlevel With a word, a crown of stars appears above the priests head. Lawful (or benevolent) creatures that view the crown must succeed at a saving throw or be unable to attack or otherwise harass the priest. Neutral creatures (including animals) who see the crown must succeed at a savingthroworfallunderthecontrolofthepriest.Chaotic (or malevolent) creatures who view the crown must succeedatasavingthroworbestruckblind.

AlsocalledLordofFlies Deityofdiseaseandfalsehood Wieldsawhip Servedbydemons Symbolizedbyafly AlignedwithChaos PriestsmaylearnthespellInfestation BaalZebul,theLordofFlies,isoneofthefallenspiritswho dwells in Hell as second incommand to Lucifer. He is the patronofdisease,falsehood,flatteryanddeath.Sacrifices, sometimes of children, are made to him to bring relief from plagues. BaalZebul and his worshipers work to undermine and ultimately control civilization. His priests are silver tongued and crafty, tempting princes and the priestsofothergodstodotheirworkforthem.BaalZebub appearseitherasagiantflyoraflyheadedman. INFESTATION Level:2 Range:20ft Duration:1d6rounds Thepriestcausesonecreatureperpriestlevel(upto10)to feelthesensationofmaggotscrawlingbeneaththeirskin. Subjects who succeed at a saving throw see through the illusionbutarestillharassedbythesensationandsuffera 1penaltytoallactionsfor1minute.Thosewhofailtheir savingthrowsfalltotheground,tearingandrendingtheir flesh, inflicting 1d3 points of damage to themselves per roundfor1d6roundsuntilunconscious.

AlsocalledFaceoftheLord,QueenofHeaven Deityoffertility,loveandwar Wieldsaspear Servedbydevasandthefey Symbolizedbyapentagram AlignedwithNeutrality PriestsmaylearnthespellCrownofStars Sacredanimalsaretheantelope,lionandhorse Astarte is the goddess of fertility, love and war. She is depictedasanakedwomansittingonathroneflankedby sphinxesandholdingabowlbeneathherfullbreasts.Her symbolsincludethehorse,sphinx,doveandcircledstar. Astarteisthedaughterofskyandearth,thesisterwifeof Shedu (though as a fertility goddess, she has had many flings). She has two sons, Pothos, the god of longing, and Eros the god of desire. At Astartes festival, worshipers bake small cakes, burn incense, pour out liquid offerings andraisesacredpolesinherhonor.

AlsocalledLadyGoddessoftheSea Deityoftheseaandfertility Wieldsaspearormace Servedbymermaids,sirensandotheraquaticfey Symbolizedbyamermaid AlignedwithNeutrality PriestsmaylearnDercetosTransformation Sacredanimalsarethedolphin,hawkandlion

Dercetoisamermaidgoddessoftheseaandfertility.She is the inventor of useful tools, patron of astrology and mistressofdestiny.Sheusuallyappearsasamermaidwith two tails or as a naked woman riding atop two lions or ridinginaliondrawnchariot.Hersymbolsincludethelion, crescentmoon,scepterandfishspear. Dercetoisastrictmistress. Hercultistsarebeggarpriests who must emasculate themselves to enter the cult, and are forbidden from eating fish. They carry copper coins bearingthelikenessofthegoddess. DERCETOSTRANSFORMATION Level:4 Range:Personal Duration:1hour Thepriesttakesontheformofabilitiesofamermaidfor1 hour. In addition to gaining the lower torso of a fish and theabilitytobreathwater,thepriestgrowsfierceclawson hishands,gaininganattackthatdeals1d6damage.

AlsocalledIlluminatoroftheHeavens Deityofthemoon,moisture Wieldsasickle(treatasahandaxe) Servedbydevasandwerebears Symbolizedbyacrescentmoon AlignedwithNeutrality PriestsmaylearnthespellSickleofJorah Jorah is the god of the moon, who lights the heavens at night.Heistheproviderofnightlydew,whichcausesthe desert to bloom. For this reason, he is viewed as the husbandofNikkal,goddessoforchards.Nikkal,alsocalled GreatLadyandFruitfulisthedaughterofKhirkhibi,the Summer King, and with Jorah is the mother of the seven goddessescalledtheKotharat.TheKotharataregoddesses concerned with sensual love and childbirth, and are described as swallow goddesses. One of the Kotharat is themotherofAsclepiusbyZadok. SICKLEOFJORAH Level:2 Duration:1roundperlevel A glowing, white sickle appears in the priests hand. The sickle act as a +1 hand axe and deals double damage to creaturesofshadowandevillycanthropes.

AlignedwithLaw PriestsmaylearnthespellPerfectObject KotharwaKhasis is the god of craftsmanship. He is the patron of smiths, engineers, architects and inventors. As thecreatorofsacredwordsandspells,heisthepatronof soothsayersandmagicians.Besidescraftingtheweapons ofthegods,KotharalsobuiltShedusmagnificentpalaceof silver, gold, lapis lazuli and fragrant cedar wood. When Shedusendsraintoearth,itisKotharwhofirstopensthe windowofhispalace. PERFECTOBJECT Level:2 Range:Touch Duration:1hour An object touched by the priest becomes perfect in compositionandconstruction.Armorwillhavea+1bonus toArmorClass,weaponsa+1bonustohit,etc.Theitems arenotmagical,andperfectedweaponscannotbeusedto strikecreaturesonlyharmedbymagicweapons.

AlsocalledLordoftheLand Deityofthesea,chaos Wieldsaspear Servedbydemonsandwaterelementals Symbolizedbyascourge AlignedwithChaos PriestsmaylearnthespellSevenDeadlyStings Lotanisthegodoftheprimordialseas.Herulesstormand destruction,andwascastoutofHeavenbecauseofhisevil temper. Lotan is the brother of Shedu, Melkarth and Astarte. He has had occasion to war with both of his brothers.Hecantaketheformofapowerfulmermanwith a curled, blueblack beard or that of a sevenheaded sea serpent.Hispalaceisinthedeepestdepthsoftheoceanic Abyss.Lotan'sconsortisBelatu. Lotan'stemplesareoftenbuiltnearthesea.Theyareblack buildings, imposing and terrible. His priests wear black robesandhuntthestreetsatnightforsacrificialvictimsto quelltheprimordialrageoftheirmaster. THESEVENDEADLYSTINGS Level:4 Range:Touch Duration:1roundperlevel By anointing a staff with sea water, the priest can bring forth seven serpentine heads from its tip. In battle, the staff strikes once per round for 1d6 points of damage. Creatures hit by the staff must make a saving throw against poison or suffer one additional point of damage perlevelofthepriest.

AlsocalledSkillfulandWise,Deftwithbothhands Deityofcraftsmanship,smiths,magic Wieldsawarhammer Servedbyelementals Symbolizedbyahammer

AlsocalledKingoftheCity Deityofsailors,warriors,traders Wieldsasicklesword(treatasbattleaxe) Servedbycherubim Symbolizedbyamurexshell AlignedwithLaw PriestsmaylearnthespellWhirlingDeath Melkarthisthegodofsailors,heroes,thefightingartsand traders. Melkarth is invoked in oaths and contracts. He is known to send visions to warlords and kings. Most importantly, he is the inventor of the rare and expensive purple die that is the basis of his worshipers mercantile success.Hisworshiperscanbeseenleapingintheairand falling to their knees, on which they spin like tops. He is celebratedeachFebruaryintheAwakening.Histemples arelargeandalwaysfeaturetwopillarsofbronzeorgold. WHIRLINGDEATH Level:1 Range:Personal Duration:1roundperlevel The priest spins wildly, gaining an additional attack each roundanda+1bonustoArmorClassandmeleedamage.

dropwhateverheiscarrying.Duringthesecondround,the victim suffers 1d6 points of damage and feels the lick of flamesonhisarmsandlegs.Hemustsucceedatasaving throw or suffer a 1penaltyto hit and toAC. Inthethird round,hesuffers1d8pointsofdamageandfeelsthathis torsoisonfire.Ifhefailsasavingthrow,heiscompelledto strip off his armor and douse himself with water. In the finalround,hesuffers1d10pointsofdamageandfeelsas thoughhisfaceandhairareaflame.Hemustsucceedata savingthroworbestunnedfor1d4rounds.

AlsocalledCreatorofCreatures,RiderontheClouds Deityofcreation,thesky,rainfall,fertility Wieldstwinclubs Servedbyandrosphinxes,devasandshedu Symbolizedbyahumanheadedbull AlignedwithLaw PriestsmaylearnthespellBlindingLight Sheduisthesupremedeityandcreatorofhumanbeings. Heisthelordoftheskyandsunwhogovernsrainfalland thus the growth of crops. Shedu is the protector of life whose absence results in famine, death and chaos. His brothers are Melkarth and Lotan (his archenemy) and Astarteishissisterwife.HeisthefatherofSalem(godof dusk)andShahar(goddessofthesun). Shedu either appears as a golden skinned man wearing a hornedhelmandbearingtwinclubsorasahumanheaded bull. BLINDINGLIGHT Level:4 Range:Seebelow Duration:1roundperlevel The priests head is surrounded by a halo of bright light. Thosewithin60feetmustsucceedatasavingthroworbe blindedfor30minutes.Whilethespelllasts,creaturesare unable to directly look at the priest, giving them a 5 penaltytohithimincombat.

AlsocalledKing Deityoffire,evil Wieldsamace Servedbydemonsandfireelementals Symbolizedbyagoldencalf AlignedwithChaos PriestslearnthespellConsumingFire Moloch is a wicked spirit cast out from Heaven who is worshipedasthegodoffire.Heisdepictedasamanwith golden skin and the head of a bull or oxen. Great brazen idolsofMolochareconstructedlikeovens,withsacrificial victimsplacedinsidetobeburnedtodeath.Duringthese sacrifices,priestsbeatdrumstodrownoutthecriesofthe victims.Molochisareveredbythosewhoworshippower over all things. His priests and worshipers are warlike, overbearingandviolent.SacrificestoMolocharemadeto ensurevictoryinwarandtocalldownrain. CONSUMINGFIRE Level:5 Range:30ft Duration:Seebelow This spell lasts for one round per priest level, up to a maximum of five. During the first round of the spell, the targetsuffers1d4pointsofdamageandfeelssearingpain inhishandsandfeet.Hemustsucceedatasavingthrowor

Random Villages
Stockingdozensoflarge,sandboxstylehexmapsismuch easier when random tables come into play. The following tables are designed to produce an interesting village quicklyandeasy,withoutdetailsyoumightnotneed,and can easily fill in yourself if the village becomes a central settingforyourcampaign. A.Howmanyliveinthevillage? Roll 1d6 x 100 to find the population of your village. Morethan600people,andyouareheadingintomarket townterritory. B.Whatdothevillagersdo?(Roll1d6) 1.Fishermen 1.Eels 2.Fish 3.Shellfish 4.Whales 2.Herdsmen 1.Camels 2.Cattle 3.Geese 4.Goats 5.Sheep 6.Swine 3.Hunters(orTrappers) 4.Miners 12.CommonStone 34.CommonMetals 5.PreciousStones 6.PreciousMetals 5.Peasants(Rolltwiceforcrops) 1.Grains 2.Herbs 3.LinenorSilk 4.Orchards 5.Pulses&Roots 6.Vegetables 6.Woodsmen(1in6chanceofexotichardwoods) C.Whatarethevillagerslike?(Roll1d30) 1.Ragged 16.Hardworking 2.Foppish 17.Thrifty 3.Swarthy 18.Lazy 4.Fairskinned 19.Honest 5.Chaotic 20.Deceitful 6.Lawful 21.Illtempered 7.Jovial 22.Loutish

8.Somber 9.Militant 10.Peaceful 11.Licentious 12. Pious 13.Lanky 14.Stout 15.Dour

23.Friendly 24.Rude 25.Diplomatic 26.Literate 27.Cowardly 28.Bombastic 29.Wrathful 30.Meek

Note:Ifyoudonotownad30,simpleroll1d3forthetens digitand1d10fortheonesdigit. D.Inwhatdothevillagerslive?(Roll1d10) 13.Huts 45.Houses 67.Longhouses 89.Cottages 10.Special 13.Domes 46.Towers E.Ofwhatarethedwellingconstructed?(Roll1d8) 1.Adobe 2.Bricks 3.Stones 4.Straworwicker 5.Timberorlogs 6.Wattle&daub 7.Decorativestone,i.e.marble,porphyry(1in6chance, otherwisererollonthistablewith1d6) 8.Metal,i.e.iron,bronze(1in6chance,otherwisereroll onthistablewith1d6) F.Whatprotectsthevillagefrominvasion?(Roll1d6) 1.Thicket 2.Earthenrampart 3.Woodenpalisade 4.Stonewall 5.Metalwall(1in10chance,otherwisererollonthis tablewith1d4) 6.Geodesicdome(1in20chance,otherwisererollon thistablewith1d4) Note: There is a 1 in 6 chance of moat, 1 in 6 chance of watchtowers)

G.Wheredothevillagersgettheirwater?(Roll1d4) 1.Streamorriver 2.Well 3.Cisterns 4.Aqueductorreservoir H.Whorulesthevillage?(Roll1d6) 1.Councilofelders 2.Mayorandealdormen 3.Noble 4.Reeveofthenearestroyalty 5.NPCwithclasslevels(1in6chance,otherwisereroll onthistablewith1d4) 6.Monster(1in10chance,otherwisererollonthistable with1d4) I.Doesthevillagehaveaspecialist?(Roll1d10) 1.Alchemist 2.ArmorerorBowyer 3.Denofassassinsorhighwaymen 4.Guide 5.Healer 6.Sage 7.Templewithadept(seeWiseWomen&Cunning Meninthisissue) 8.Tavern 9.Inn 10.Nospecialist J.Whatarethevillagersfamousfor?(Roll1d6and1d6) 11.Theirfinebeer/ale 12.Theirfinewine 13.Theirlegendarylivestock 14.Theirbeauty 15.Theircunning 16.Theirbrawn 21.Theirvigor 22.Theirmagicalabilities 23.Theirfineorchards 24.Theirskillatweaving 25.Theirskillatstoneworking 26.Theirskillatwoodworking 31.Theirskillatsmithcraft 32.Theirdomesticatedmonsters 33.Theirstrangecustoms 34.Theiroutlandishcostumes 35.Theirthickaccents 36.Theirimpenetrablekeep 41.Theirvampireproblem 42.Theirmelodiousvoices 43.Theirlycanthropeproblem

44.Theirathleticism 45.Theirloveofgambling 46.Theirhauntedmanor 51.Theirsuspiciouslackofcrime 52.Theguardianspiritthatprotectsthevillage 53.Thefriendlyneighborhooddruid 54.Theirfeyallies 55.Theirfeytormentors 56.Theirawfulweather 61.Theirrareherbs 62.Theiroutstandingbreadsandpastries 63.Theirloveofagoodbrawl 64.Theirextremexenophobia 65.Theirvisitationsfrombeyond 66.Theirdarksecrets

Rolling on the tables above to create a village called Welleran,Igetthefollowinganswers: A.200people B.Fishermen(shellfish) C.Cowardly DE.Brickhuts F.Thicket G.Cisterns H.Councilofelders I.Denofassassinsorhighwaymen J.Theirdarksecrets With these questions answered, I am ready to put the elementstogetherandcreateacoherentencountersite. Welleranisasmallvillageof200fishermenontheshores of the Sea of Terror. They live simply, in a collection of small brick huts surrounded by a picket of sharpened stakes. A tall cistern made of brick and filled by the frequent rains that sweep over the coast from the sea suppliesWelleranwithfreshwater.Thevillageisruledbya councilofelders,wisemenandwomenwhoknowwellthe loreofthesea.ButallisnotwellinWelleran.Morethana year ago, when their collection of crabs and cockles had grownverypoorandstarvationloomed,themenandtheir wiseeldersmadeadealwithLongTomTorq,anotorious highwayman.Inexchangeforacut,LongTomandhismen use Welleran as their base of operation, and hold the cowardlyfishermenintheirpower.

Denizens of the Dark Continent

AfewmonthsbackIdiscoveredalistof mythiccreatures onWikipediaanddecidedtohaveagoatconcoctinggame statisticsformostofthem,onecultureorgeographicarea atatime.WhilemostofthecreaturesontheWikipedialist can be represented by existing monsters, a few were unique enough that I thought they deserved a writeup. The following monsters come from Africa, a fascinating continent often ignored in fantasy roleplaying games. I based a few regions of my campaign on Africa, so expect morecontentinthatveininthenearfuture.Thefollowing isdeclaredOpenGameContent.

The asiman is an incorporeal spirit that mostly preys on children.Theyfeedbypossessingthebodyofahumanoid oranimal(perthemagicjarspell).Acreaturepossessedby anasimanhasshiftyeyesandisobsessedwithfood.Once insideacreature,theasimanfeedsbydrainingthewisdom of any creature within 30 feet that meets its gaze. The potentialvictimofthegazemustsucceedatasavingthrow each round or lose 1d3 points of wisdom. Asiman can be detectedbythelighttheyemitfromthearmpitsandanus of a possessed victim and by the fact that all vegetation within 30 feet of them will suffer from the reverse of a plantgrowthspell.
Asiman: HD 3; AC 9 [10]; Atk Special; Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Incorporeal, possession, psychic vampire,onlyharmedbymagicweapons.

Abatwa, or ant men, are humanoids that measure only 2 feettall.Althoughnotmalicious,abatwaareverysensitive about their size and do not hesitate to attack those who referenceit.Allabatwahuntersareskilledattrackingand survival.Abatwausegiantantsasmounts.Theycarrytiny, poisontippedspearsandshortbowswithpoisonedarrows into battle. The poison inflicts 1d6 points of damage, or halfthatwithasuccessfulsavingthrow. Abatwa hunters travel in small groups. Abatwa tribes number from 20200 warriors. All tribes are commanded by a 3 hit dice chief. For every twenty tribesmen beyond thechief,therewillbeasubchiefwith2hitdice.
Abatwa: HD 1 hp; AC 3 [16]; Atk Weapon (1 + poison); Move3;Save18;CL/XPA/5;Special:Poison.

Bennuisalargeheronwithgray,purpleandbluefeathers thatsprangfromtheheartofSerapis,thegodoffertility. Bennu is immortal. It dwells in a temple attended by priests who wear heronmasks, blue mummy dresses and long, transparent coats. The bennupriests are known for their knowledge of timekeeping and their temple has many timekeeping devices. Bennu can see in darkness, including magical darkness, and can use the following spells: Control water, daylight, detect magic, dispel evil (1/day), heal (3/day), plant growth, resurrection (1/month),timestop(1/day).

Initsnaturalform,theadzelookslikealargefireflywitha vaguely humanoid face. It has green eyes and a fanged mouth.Adzesfeedoncoconutwater,palmoilandblood, especially the blood of children. They are capable of casting change shape (usually into that of an old woman) once per day and suggestion three times per day. In combat, an adze will attempt to bite its opponent. If successful, the opponent must succeed at a saving throw ortheadzewilllatchontothevictimandbegindrainingit ofblood,inflicting1d4pointsofdamageeachrounduntil the hold is broken. Bite victims must also succeed at a savingthroworcontractmalaria.
Adze:HD5;AC4[15];AtkBite(1d6);Move9(Fly15);Save 12;CL/XP7/600;Special:Disease,drainblood,spells.

Bennu:HD12(96hp);AC1[18];AtkBeak(3d6);Move12 (Fly24);Save3;CL/XP16/3200;Special:Immortal,immune tofire,spelluse,onlyharmedby+3orbetterweapons.

The chipekwe, or killer of elephants, is a massive beast thatdwellsintheshallowwaterofmarshesandswamps.It is a territorial herbivore as large as a rhinoceros. The chipekwehasfourstoutlegsthatendinmassiveclawsand asinglehornonitssnoutandshortfurbandedbrownand black.Chipekweareextremelyterritorialandaggressive.
Chipekwe:HD8;AC3[16];Atk1gore(2d6),2claws(1d6); Move12(Swim12);Save8;CL/XP8/800;Special:None.

succeedatasavingthrowtoprythemoff;thosewhofail sufferautomaticbitedamageeachrounduntilthekishiid dead.Kishispeakthelanguageofhumansandelfs.

Kishi:HD2+2;AC5[14];AtkBite(2d6);Move15;Save16; CL/XP2/30;Special:Grapple,twofaced.

Theserpopardisacreaturewiththebodyofaleopard,a 4foot long serpentine neck and the head of a lioness. Serpopardsattackbyleapingoutatavictimanddelivering two claw attacks and a bite. If both claw attacks hit, the serpopardcanmaketwoadditionalclawattackswitha+2 bonus to hit. The victim of such an attack must also succeed at a saving throw or be constricted by the serpopards neck. Constriction inflicts 1d4 points of damageperround.Aconstrictingserpopardcannotbite.
Serpopard: HD 4; AC 6 [13]; Atk Bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d6); Move15;Save13;CL/XP4/120;Special:Constrict,rake.

Eloko are hideous dwarves that dwell in the deepest forests. They are vicious in the extreme and eat only human beings. Eloko live in hollow trees and dress in leaves.Theyaresmall,withgrassgrowingontheirbodies in place of hair. They have piercing eyes, large snouts, mouths that can open impossibly wide, long claws and gentle, childlike voices. The sight of an eloko causes fear (as the spell). The sound of their magic bell acts as a suggestion spell so powerful that the victim can even be driven to harm themselves. If an eloko hits a victim with both claw attacks in the same round, the victim must succeed at a saving throw or be swallowed whole. A swallowed victim will find themselves in a fetal position and completely incapable of moving. They suffer 1d4 pointsofdamageeachrounduntilfreed.Anelokothathas swallowedahumanoidhasitsmovementreducedto3and itsarmorclassreducedto7[12].
Eloko:HD3;AC4[15];Atk2claws(1d6);Move12;Save14; CL/XP5/240;Special:Causefear,magicbell,swallow.

The swallower is not the most popular girl at her high school,butratherabeastwiththetorsoandforelegsofa leopard,thehindquartersofahippopotamusandthehead of a crocodile. Swallowers prey on chaotic and evil creatures. Their bite inflicts 18 points of damage and drains one hit dice if the victim fails a charisma saving throw.TheswallowersareruledbyAmmuttheDevourer, aswallowerwith15hitdiceand120hitpoints.
Swallower: HD 8; AC 3 [16]; Atk Bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Move 12; Save 8; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Immune to fire, lifedrain,onlyharmedbymagicweapons. Ammut the Devourer: HD 15 (120 hp); AC 0 [19]; Atk Bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Move 12; Save 3; CL/XP 19/4100; Special: Immune to fire, life drain, only harmed by +2 or betterweapons.

The impundulu, or lightning bird, is a black and white bird as large as a human. Electricity courses across its feathers, delivering a shock for 1d6 points of damage to any creature it touches. Impundulus can discharge this electricityasa4dicelightningbolt,butlosetheirshocking touch for 3 rounds thereafter. Impundulus are capable of changingtheirshapestothatofbeautifulyoungmen,and oftenusethisformtoseducemaidens.Impundulufeedon blood,usingtheirlongbeakstopiercetheskin.
Impundulu: HD 2; AC 6 [13]; Atk Beak (1d6); Move 9 (Fly 18);Save16;CL/XP4/120;Special:Changeshape,shocking grasp,immunetolightning.

Thetikolosheisabizarrecreaturethatresemblesasmall, hairyhumanoidwithabearlikehead(piercedbyasingle hole),gougedouteyesandabonyheadridge.Tikoloshes canbecomeinvisiblebyswallowingpebbles.Thosefoolish enough to fight a tikoloshe age 1d6 years during each round of combat. The tikoloshe is a nocturnal predator whosneaksintohomestoassaultpeoplewhiletheysleep.
Tikloshe: HD 5; AC 3 [16]; Atk Head butt (2d6); Move 9; Save12;CL/XP8/800;Special:Invisibility,rapidaging,only harmedbymagicweapons.

A kishi resembles an attractive man or woman with long, flowing hair. On the back of their heads, hidden by their hair, is a bestial face like that of a hyena. Kishi are hill dwellerswhofavorthefleshofhumansandelfs.Kishiare eloquent and seductive, tricking their prey into accompanying them to their lairs. Once home, the kishi turns its head completely around and devours its hapless victim with its bestial face. Victims of a kishis bite must

Beastmen, Centaurs & Mechanical Men

IwilladmitthatImavarietyjunkiewhenitcomestorole playing games, especially when it comes to interesting racestoplay.ThesethreeracesareonesthatIworkedup for my LAND OF NODTM campaign, to distinguish it a bit fromtheaveragefantasysetting. The centaur is such a wellknown creature of myth and legend that I just had to find a place for them in my campaignsplayableraces.Thebeastmanwasmeanttobe a replacement for the halforc and was intended as a simplewaytointroduceotherbestialhumanoidsintothe game as playable races. The mechanical man is a nod to pulp sciencefiction, Hephaestus' automatons in Greek mythologyandthetinwoodsmanofOzfame. ShouldaRefereewishtoturntheseracesintoraceclasses, she might think of patterning the beastman after the barbarian class that appears in this issue, the centaur on therangerandthemechanicalmanonthefightingman.

Beastman is not a race per se, but rather a category of bestial humanoids that might include gnoles, orcs, ogres andhobgoblins,crossbreedsbetweensuchhumanoidsand humans, or savage humans like berserkers and cavemen. Themostcommonbeastmeninfantasyarehalforcs. Halforc characters are usually crossbred from human stock,andmostcanpassforhuman.Oftentheproductof rape, halforcs frequently have a rough childhood. Their orc blood puts them at a disadvantage with humans, as orcs are known for being antisocial. Their human blood puts them at a disadvantage with orcs, as humans are thoughtofasprey. Halforcs are of average height, but are stocky and burly whatevertheirheight.Theyarerarelypleasanttolookon, andgrufforcroakingvoices.Halforcsusuallyhaveoneof thefollowingphysicalfeatures:Pugnose,pointyears,thick eyebrows, a heavy forehead, overlarge or oversharp teeth, waxy skin, jutting jaws, an unpleasant odor, large handsorfeetoramisshapenhead.Halforchairiscoarse andunruly,andusuallyblack,darkbrownordarkred.Half orc eyes are almost always brown, brownish green or greyishgreen,andsometimeshaveayellowpupil.

Halforcs usually speak the common tongue of men and often (60%) the language of orcs. It is not uncommon for themtolearnthelanguageofdwarves,goblins,ogresand giants. Players of halforcs may wish to affect a deep, gutteral, grunting accent to their speech when communicatingastheircharacter. Beastmancharactershavethefollowingspecialabilities: Beastman characters enjoy a +1 bonus to strength and constitution at character creation, but suffer a 2 penalty to charisma. These modifications cannot take an ability scoreabove18orbelow3. Beastmen can see in the dark as well as elves and dwarves. Their sense of smell is as refined as a wolfs, allowingthemtotrackbyscentontherollof12on1d6. AbeastmansthickhideimprovesitsArmorClassby1. Beastmenenjoya+2bonustosavevs.disease.

Acentaurhasthehead,armsandtorsoofahumanorelf and the lower body of a pony or ass. Centaurs dwell in meadowsandgladessurroundedbythickwoodlands.They areknownfortheirlackoftemperandtheirfondnessfor women,warandsong. Centaurs are usually seven to eight feet tall from hoof to head. Even though their equine bodies are smaller than normalhorses,theyarestillquiteheavyandfinditdifficult to scale sheer surfaces without help from others. A centaurs equine body may have any pattern common to normal horses, and the hair on their heads often follows suit.Centaursusuallyhavenutbrownskin. Centaurs speak their own language and often (50%) the language of elves. They occaisionally speak the common tongue of men. Many centaurs learn the languages of gnomes, goblins, halflings, kobolds and orcs. Because of their size, centaurs have booming voices. Players of centaurs may want to use a Greek accent when speaking astheircharacters. Centaurshavethefollowingabilities: Centaurs enjoy a +1 bonus to strength and constitution at character creation, but suffer a 2 penalty to wisdom. Thesemodificationscannottakeanabilityscoreabove18 orbelow3. Centaurs can carry 150% more than most characters. In addition,theirbasemovementisincreasedby6. Because they are quadripeds, a centaurs Armor Class againstgrappleandoverbearingattacksisincreasedby+2. In combat, centaurs can choose to attack with their weaponormaketwohoofattacksthatdeal1d6damage. Acentaursarmor(reallyacombinationofhumanarmor andhorsebarding)coststwiceasmuchasnormal.

suitsofarmor(agoodchoiceforfighters),thefamoustin woodsman of Oz fame, or any number of other configurations.Mechanicalfightingmenmayhavesuitsof armor attached to their bodies, while mechanical thieves may streamline their bodies to make fitting into small placeseasier.Itisreallyuptotheplayer. Mechanicalmenusuallyspeakthecommontongueofmen and the language of their creators. A Referee might want toinventaspecialmechanicallanguageforthem,perhaps patterened after the morse code and produced by the mechanicalmanrappingitsfistagainstitsownhide. Mechanicalmenhavethefollowingabilities: Mechanicalmenareimmunetopoisonanddisease.They do not need to eat or breath, although they can benefit fromimbibingamagicalpotion.Spellsthathealdamageto livingbodiesareonlyhalfaseffectiveonmechanicalmen. Mechanicalsufferhalfdamagefromlightningattacks. AmechanicalmanhasanaturalArmorClassof7[12].His unarmedstrikesdo+1damage.

Coming Soon Something New from the Old School



PARS FORTUNA is an experiment - a game and mini-setting built using random generators available online. It utilizes a tried and true rules-lite system and features: 12 new racial classes 100 spells new to old school gaming 100 new monsters 50 new magic items, all meant to be unique An alternate magic system that can be used or ignored An alternate way to look at weapons and armor And a mini-sandbox and short sample adventure

Mechanicalmenareintelligent,artificiallifeformscreated byancientpeoples(elves,fishmen,ophidians),scientists, wizardsorVulcanus,godoftheforge.Theyareassentient as any living creature and can procreate by building children and endowing them with a portion of their own souls. Mechanical men will tend to be logical and less emotional,oughbynomeansemotionlessunlessaplayer wantshismechanicalmantobeso. Mechanicalmenarehumanoidcreaturescomposedoftin, wood, bronze, porcelain, ivory, steel or other materials. The actual form of a mechanical man is highly variable. They might look like robots from old bmovies, graceful statues of teak carvedto look like woodnymphs, walking

Your Mind Will Bend

The inclusion of a psychic character class is often a contoversial one in fantasy roleplaying. Wizards who command several spells based on psychic phenomenon make perfect sense, but psychics are often viewed as a distraction,somethingmorefittosciencefantasythanthe traditional fantasy genre. Of course, if you are like me, yourcampaignisalreadyasmuchswordandplanetasitis sword and sorcery, so the inclusion of mentalists makes sense.Ifnot,though,considerthepsychicasamysticfrom exotic lands, maybe even restricting the psychic to non playercharacterstatusandmakingthemadangerousand misunderstoodfoeforyourplayers.

Astral Projection: The psychic can enter a trance and project his astral spirit from his physical body. This astral spirit is incorporeal and unable to interact with the physical world. Astral spirits can only communicate using the power of telepathy. An astral spirit can travel freely over the physical world, and can enter the ethereal and astral planes at will. The astral spirit can interact with objects and creatures on the ethereal and astral planes, andcancommunicatenormallytherein.Ifapsychicsastral spiritiskilled,hisphysicalbodydiesaswell. Channeling: By opening his mind to the cosmos, the psychic can commune with higher planes (as the magic user spell contact other plane). Channelling is a difficult power to control, and imposes a 5 penalty on the psychicsactivationsavingthrow.Afailuretoactivatethis power results in the psychics personality (or alignment) changing(asdeterminedbytheReferee)for1d6days. Clairsentience: A psychic with these abilities can see or hear the goings on in a distant place. If the psychic has never been in this place, or does not know somebody present,hissavingthrowtoactivatethisabilityismadeat a5penalty. CloudMinds:Withthisability,apsychiccancloudpeoples minds, making himself invisible to them. Just as with the magicuserspellinvisibility,anattackbythepsychicspoils theeffect.Ifusedonmultiplesubjects,thepsychicsuffers a1penaltytohissavingthrowtoactivatethepowerfor eachsubjectbeyondthefirst. Dowsing:Usingasimpledowsingrod,thepsychiccanfind the nearest source of fresh water. He can also use this power to discover the location of precious metals and gems (as a wand of metal detection), but suffers a 3 penaltytohisactivationsavingthrow. Ego Whip: This is the psychics ability to stun another sentient creature by causing terrible pain and trauma in their mind. A stunned creature remains stunned for a numberofroundsequaltothepsychicslevel.Anegowhip canonlybeusedonasinglecreature. EmpathicProjection:Thisistheabilitytoprojectpowerful emotions (anger, joy, sorrow, fear) in the mind of a subject. It is up to the Referee to determine the effects these emotions might have on a situation. A psychic who failshissavingthrowtoactivatethispowermustmakean

Thepsychicisasubclassofmagicuserthatlearnstofocus his innate mental powers to create astrounding psychic phenomena. Psychics must go though a training regimen not dissimilar to monks. But where monks train their bodies,psychicstraintheirminds. PrimeAttribute:Wisdom,13+(+5%experience). HitDice:1d6+1perlevel,+1hpperlevelafterlevel9. Weapons Permitted: Club, dagger, dart, hand axe, short bow,sling,spear,staff. ArmorPermitted:Leather,shield. The most basic ability a psychic has is her sixth sense, which warns her of danger. Because of their sixth sense, psychicsareonlysurprisedonarollof1on1d8.Psychics receivea+1bonusonsavingthrowsmadetoavoidtraps, andcanspotsecretorhiddendoorsaswellasanelf. Psychics train their minds to be a veritable fortress of intellect. This gives them a +1 bonus on saving throws against mental magics (ESP, charm person, etc) and the powers of other psychics. At 6th level, their intellect fortress becomes a tower of iron will and their saving throwbonusimprovesto+2. Atlevels1,3,5,7,9,and11thepsychicopensthedoorto a new psychic power (see belo). To use a power, the psychicmustsucceedatasavingthrow,andhissubject(if thereisasubject)mustfailasavingthrow.Thesubjectofa psychicpower must be within thepsychics field of vision unless the powers description says differently. If, during theday,apsychicfailsasavingthrowtoactivateapower, thatpowerclosestohimfortheremainderofthedayand untilhespendsonehourinmeditationthenextday.

additional saving throw or be struck with the emotions himself. ESP: With this ability, the psychic can read a subjects mind,aswiththemagicuserspellofthesamename. Id Insinuation: By insinuating his own thoughts and memories in an opponents mind, the psychic causes either confusion (as the magicuser spell)orinsanity(asthemagicuserspell). Attemptingtocauseinsanityimposesa 10 penalty on the psychics activation savingthrow.Afailuretoactivatethis power properly forces the psychic to make a saving throw himself or suffer the effects of the power himself. Illusion: The psychic can use this ability to plant powerful illusions inside a persons mind. In general, these illusions will correspond to the basic spells of an illusionist, with a penalty equal to the illusions level assessedtothepsychicsactivationsaving throw. Mesmerism: This is the ability to put others into a trance,thusgainingtheabilitytoquestionthemtruthfully or implant suggestions in their mind. Implanting a suggestionworksasthemagicuserspellofthesame,and imposes a 5 penalty on the psychics saving throw to activatethepower. MindThrust:Withasharpthrustofhismentalpowersinto themindofonesentientopponent,thepsychicinflicts1d6 pointsofdamageplusonepointofdamageforeverypoint difference between his own and his opponents intelligence scores. If an opponents intelligence score is unknown,assumethatitisa10. Psionic Blast: A psionic blast works like an ego whip, but instead stuns creatures in 30ft cone emanating from the psychics forehead. A psychic suffers a 5 penalty to activateapsionicblast. Psychic Surgery: Psychic surgery can be used to double a creaturesnaturalhealingortograntasubjecta+1bonus to save against diseases. It can also be used to heal or inflict 1d6 points of damage. This requires the psychic to physically touch the subject, and the psychics saving throwtoactivatethepowerismadeata5penalty.At5th level,thepsychiccanhealorinflict2d6pointsofdamage. Atlevel10,thepsychiccanhealorinflict3d6damage. Psychometry: This is the psychics ability to read the psychicvibrationsgivenoffbyanobjectorplace,allowing himtolearnelementsofitshistorysuchaswholastheld

the device, how it is used, or traumatic events that took place there. In effect, it works like the magicuser spell legend lore. The Referee might impose penalties on the psychicssavingthrowtoactivatethispowerdependingon theageandprovenanceoftheobjectorplacebeingread. Pyrokinesis: This is the ability to cause objects to burst into flames. The ability can only be used onflammableobjects,andinflicts1d4points ofdamageperpsychiclevel.Activatingthe power requires a full round of concentration on the part of the psychic. Failure to this activate this power requires the psychic to make an additional saving throw to avoid beingdamagedhimself. Telekinesis: This is the ability to movesmallobjectswithonesmind. For precise telekinetic control of a small object, a 5 penalty is imposed on the psychics saving throw to activate this power. Otherwise, impose a penalty of 2 per 10 pounds of the objectbeingmoved. Telepathy: With this ability, the psychic can projecthisthoughtsintothemindsofothersentient creatures.Penaltiesmaybeappliedtothisabilitybasedon the distance of the psychics target or when he tries to communicatewithseveralpeopleatonce. Teleportation:Thispowerallowsapsychictoteleport(as the magicuser spell) objects. The psychic can teleport creatures, but suffers a 5 penalty to his saving throw to activate the power. Teleporting multiple objects or creatures imposes a 1 penalty to his activation saving throwpercreatureorobjectbeyondthefirst. Transvection: A psychic can use transvection to cause himselftolevitate(asthemagicuserspell).Itcanalsobe usedtofly(asthemagicuserspell),butsuchuseimposes a5penaltytothepsychic'sactivationsavingthrow.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP 0 1,800 3,600 7,200 14,400 30,000 60,000 120,000 240,000 390,000 540,000 690,000 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +1hp +2hp +3hp Attack +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +5 Save 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Title Learner Mentalist Sensitive Channeler Esper Savant Yogi Guru MindLord MindLord MindLord MindLord

This entire product, including all proper names, is considered Product Identity, with the exception of sections of articles that are expressly defined as Open Game Content. The entire work is copyright 2010 John M. Stater. LAND OF NOD is a trademark of John M. Stater. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royaltyfree, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,

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OSRIC copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared by Matthew J. Finch, based on the System Reference Document, inspired by the works of E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many others. Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch Mutant Future Copyright 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Authors Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Algoid from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Mike Ferguson. Baric from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells. Bonesucker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Erica Balsley. Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells. Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eaton. Dun Pudding from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Flail Snail from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tilbrook. Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gambado from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Shaw. Giant Clam from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kelpie from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Kelp Devil from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Bruce Cordell. Lionwere from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene. Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Phantom Stalker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Piercer from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Sandling from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Stegacentipede from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stymphalian Bird from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene. Vulchling from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. The Grand OGL Wiki, Copyright 20082009 Purple Duck Creations; Authors: Mark Gedak, Alex Schroeder, Joel Arellano, George Fields, Yair Rezek, Mike Whalen, Shane O'Connor, Mike Rickard, John Whamond, Bill Browne, Eric Williamson, Slatz Grubnik, Charles R. Wenzler Jr, John Fraser. Open game content from Monster Encyclopaedia Volume 1 copyright 2004, Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Open game content from Monster Encyclopaedia Volume II Dark Bestiary copyright 2005, Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Open game content from The Penumbra Bestiary Copyright 2003, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; editor Michelle A. Brown Nephew. Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. END OF LICENSE


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