Ingles Rainier 11

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Universidad Politécnica Territorial

Estado Bolívar sede Puerto Ordaz

Escuela de Ingeniería Informática
Cátedra Inglés
Período26 Mayo al 31 de Julio

Trabajo N°11

Prof. Roberto Yeguez Elaborado por:

Rainier Danieles
C.I 30.001.590

Puerto Ordaz, mayo de 2020

Unit 11: Optical storage

1) CDs and DVDs

a) In pairs, discuss these questions.

1- What do CD and DVD stand for?

R: - The CD stand for save programs and data.

- The DVD stand for because it records information via a laser

to a blank disc.

b) How do you say these expressions in your language?

1- Optical disc.
R: Optical disc.

2- Laser beam.
R: Laser beam.

3- Backward-compatible.
R: Backward-compatible.

c) Paul (see Unit 4) wants to buy some blank discs. Listen to his
conversation with the sales assistant and check your answers to A.
Esta pregunta no puede responderse por falta del audio.

d) Listen again and decide whether these sentences are true or false.
Correct the false one. Igual

1- A DVD is an optical digital disc that can be used for video, audio
and data storage.
2- The dimensions of a CD and a DVD are the same: 1.3 mm thick
13 cm in diameter.
3- The data on a DVD is read with a laser beam.
4- A basic DVD can hold 3.7 gigabytes.
5- You need a hard drive to read DVDs.
6- DVD-Video discs can hold full-length movies.
7- A DVD Writer is not compatible with old CD-ROMs.
2) Optical discs and drives.

a) Read the text on page 53 and the following.

1- The advantages and disadvantages of optical discs over magnetic


R: Can store data at much higher densities than magnetic disks.

They are therefore ideal for multimedia applications where images,
animation and sound occupy a lot of disc space. Furthermore, optical
discs are not affected by magnetic fields, meaning that they are
secure and stable, and can be transported through airport metal
without damaging the data. However, optical drives are slower than
hard drives.

2- The storage capacity of a double-sided, dual layer DVD.

R: 17GB.

3- The difference between a DVD burner and a DVD recorder.

R: A DVD burner because it records information by burning via a

laser to a black DVD disc. However, a DVD recorder typically refers
to a standalone unit which resembles a video cassette recorder.

4- The feature of a portable DVD player which allows the user to play
different formats.

R: They come with a built-in DVD drive and widescreen (rectangular

16:9 format) LCD display.

5- Two possible successors to DVDs.

R: On one side are Toshiba, Microsoft and the DVD Forum, who
support the High Definition-DVD (HD-DVD).

6- Where the Blu-ray format gets its name from.

R: Blu-ray discs can record and play back high-definition television
and digital audio, as well as computer data.

b) Read the text again and make notes about the features of CDs,
DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
Capacity and formats Possible uses
CD CDs can hold 650-700MB. - CD-ROMs are read-only units,
meaning you cannot change
CDs come in three different formats: the data stored on them (for
- CD-ROMs (read-only memory) example, a dictionary or a
- CD-R (recordable)
- CD-R discs are write-once
- CD-RW (rewritable) devices which let you duplicate
music CDs and other data CDS.

- CD-RW discs enable you to

write onto them many time, just
like a hard drive.
DVD A basic DVD can hold 4.7GB. In - DVD-ROMs are used in DVD
addition, a DVD can be double-sided computer drives. They allow
and dual layer, with a capacity of for data archiving as well as
17GB. interactive-content (for
example, an encyclopedia or a
DVDs also come in several formats: movie).
- DVD-R - DVD-R or DVD+R can only be
- DVD-RW recorder on once.

- DVD-RW or DVD+RW discs

can be erased and reused
many times. They are used to
back up data files and record
audio and video.
Blu-ray A Blu-ray disc has a capacity of Blu-ray discs cab record and
25GB (single layer), 50GB (dual play back high-definition
layer) and 100GB (four layer) television and digital audio, as
well as computer data.

3) Language work: connectors 2

a) Look at these extracts from the text and put the words in italics into
the correct column of the table.

1- They are therefore ideal for multimedia applications…

2- Furthermore, optical discs are not affected by magnetic fields.
3- However, they are very different in internal structure and data
4- As a result, a CD can hold 650-700MB, whereas a basic DVD can
hold 4.7GB.
5- In addition, a DVD can be double-sided and dual layer…

Indicating addition Making contrasts Explaining the results

or effects of something
Furthermore However Therefore
In addition Whereas As a result

b) Look at the Help box and check your answers. How do you say
these connectors in your language?

R: - In addition.
- And.
- But.
- However
- So.
- Because.

c) Choose the correct word in brackets to complete these sentences.

1- (Although/Consequently) CDs and DVDs are similar in size and

shape, their data structure is very different.

R: Although, CDs and DVDs are similar in size and shape, their data
structure is very different.
2- DVDs hold more data than CDs. The pits burnt into the disc are
smaller than on a CD, and the tracks are closer together. (On the
other hand/ As a result), DVDs can have up to four recording layers.
R: DVDs hold more data than CDs. The pits burnt into the disc are
smaller than on a CD, and the tracks are closer together. As a result,
DVDs can have up to four recording layers.

3- A Blu-ray disc drive costs a lot of money (but/so) you should use it

R: A Blu-ray disc drive costs a lot of money, but, you should use it

4- Blu-ray is expected to replace DVD over the coming years

(because/besides) it offers much greater storage capacity.

R: Blu-ray is expected to replace DVD over the coming years

because it offers much greater storage capacity.

5- Both Blu-ray (and/ in addition) HD-DVD devices are backward-

compatible with current CDs and DVDs, meaning you can play your
old discs on the new players.

R: Both Blu-ray and HD-DVD devices are backward-compatible with

current CDs and DVDs, meaning you can play your old discs on the
new players.

6- Sony has invested millions of dollars in the development of Blu-ray

technology. The success of Blu-ray is (whereas/therefore) vital for the
company’s future.

R: Sony has invested millions of dollars in the development of Blu-

ray technology. The success of Blu-ray is therefore vital for the
company’s future.
4) Choosing storage devices.

In pairs, look at the products in the computer catalogue and choose

the most suitable device for the purpose (1-6). Give reasons for your
choices. Try to use some connectors from the HELP box on page 54.

1- To keep the operating system and the programs on a home computer.

R: LaCie DVD drive, why content a 16x DVD writer with free Nero DVD
burning software. Can play and record both DVD+R and DVD-R discs,
plus their rewritable counterparts, as well as all types of CD.

2- To watch a movie on a plane or in the back seat of a car.

R: The Panasonic portable DVD player, why to consist of an 8” portable

LCD DVD Player with Car Kit. Compatible with DVD-Video, CD, JPEG
image CD and MP3-formatted audio CD.

3- To hold your favorite photos and music.

R: Toshiba USB flash drive, why have a High-speed and 16GB pen drive
with a built-in MP3 player. Plugs directly into any USB connection.

4- To make backup copies and to transport files between computers in a

big company.

R: Iomega portable hard drive, why have 160G, 2.5” external hard drive.
In addition, an affordable way to back up all your data, from business
documents. To emails.

5- To hold historical records in the National Library.

R: Seagate hard drive, why have a superfast 8ms hard drive. In addition,
have capacity ranges from 80GB to 1TB.

6- To read, write and re-write high-definition video and TV.

R: Sony Blu-ray disc drive, why consist to a Sony’s Vaio AR laptop is the
first portable Blu-ray studio, which includes a Blu-ray disc drive and a TV
tuner, alongside a 17” widescreen display and a 2GHz Intel Core Duo
5) Format wars

Read these posts from a forum about the topic of ‘Blu-ray versus HD-
DVD’ and then add your response, giving your opinion on the topic

R: Is difficult name one winner, why this depend of the elections of the
peoples about what is her favorite. In the personal, I don’t choose, I use any.

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