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Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Nama Mapel : Seni Rupa Nama : __________________

Kelas : V (Lima) No. Absen : __________________

Hari,Tgl/ Tanda
: : __________________
Waktu Tangan

No Tujuan Pembelajaran No. Soal Nilai

1 By the end of this chapter, students will be able to describe 1-5
the taste of their favourite food.
2 By the end of this chapter, students will be able to write a 6-10
functional text (a recipe) and present it.
3 By the end of this chapter, students will be able to order and 11-15
take order in a restaurant.
4 By the end of this chapter, students will be able to ask for 16-20
and share information about price
5 By the end of this chapter, students will be able to write a 21-25
shopping list.

Answer these questions!

1. Cabai rasanya pedas. In English is…
a. The cheese is salty c. The Chili is sweet
b. The chili is spicy d. The Cheese is spicy
2. Madu rasanya manis. In English is ….
a. The honey is sweet c. The sugar is sweet
b. The candy is sweet d. The donut is sweet
Hi, I’m Naura. I’d like to tell you about my
favourite food. It isn’t chicken noodles, fried rice,
or sate. It’s meatball. I like it very much. It is
delicious. Meatball is from meat which is grinded,
with some noodles and broth. Add soy sauce if you
want it sweet. Add some chili sauce if you want it
spicy. The taste is salty if we don’t add soy sauce or
chili sauce.

3. Naura’s favourite food is…

4. Meatball is made from …
5. Add some chili sauce if you want it …
6. ……..the mango

a. Peel b. Boil c. Mix d. Fry

7. Rebuslah telur-telur itu. In English is …
a. Wash the vegetables c. Cut the potatoes
b. Boil the eggs d. Peel the fruits

How to make fried rice

- Rice - Salt - Oil
- Eggs - Chili
- Onion - Garlic
These are the steps:
1. The first is grinding the onion, chili, garlic and
2. Heat the oil and enter the grinded seasoning
3. Add the egg, and stir for a moment
4. Add rice, and mix well
5. Fried rice ready to serve.

8. We need ….. to make fried rice

a. Honey b. Salt c. Water d. Tomato
9. The first step to make fried rice is …….
10. After heating the oil, we enter the ….. to the pan.

Match the picture with the correct statement!

The waiter is serving
the food

The customer is
drinking in the

The customer is
paying the bill


The customer is

The customer is
ordering the food n
drink in the

16 How much is this…..

a. Five thousand
b. Fifteen thousand
c. Fifty thousand
d. Fifty-five thousand

17. Lita, Rara, and Indra are at the canteen to buy some foods and drinks. Lita orders a plate
of shumai and a glass of orange juice. Rara wants a bowl of meatball and a glass of ice
tea. Indra orders a plate of fried rice and mineral water.
Here is the price list:
- Shumai Rp. 8.000 - Burger Rp. 13.000
- Meatball Rp. 12. 000 - Ice tea Rp. 5.000
- Fried rice Rp. 15.000 - Orange juice Rp. 6.000
- Mineral water Rp. 5.000
How much is a plate of shumai? …
a. Eight thousand rupiahs c. Five thousand rupiahs
b. Twelve thousand rupiahs d. Six thousand rupiahs
18. How much is mineral water? ….
a. Fifty thousand rupiahs c. Five thousand rupiahs
b. Four thousand rupiahs d. Fifteen thousand rupiahs
19. Shumai is …. than meatball
a. Cheapest b. Cheaper c. Expensive d. More expensive
20. Orange juice is …. than ice tea
a. More expensive b. Cheapest c. Cheaper d. The most expensive
21. “A pair of socks”. Artinya adalah…
a. Sepasang sepatu c. Sepasang kaos kaki
b. Sepasang sandal d. Sepasang celana

22. How much oil do you need? I need five … of oil

23. How many sandals do you need? I need a …… of sandal

24. How much chocolate do you need? I need a …. of chocolate

25. I need two …. Of milk

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