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Institutional Membership


n Combined Corporate /Institutional Membership
Corporate/Institutional members shall have the option of becoming Combined Institutional Members of AlMA and
affiliation with one of the Local Management Associations (LMA).
n Multiple Combined Corporate /Institutional Membership
Combined Corporate /Institutional Members which have establishment s in locations where other LMAs exist,
may become members of those LMAs by paying additional subscription per LMA.
n Separate Corporate /Institutional Membership
In areas where there is no LMA; an organisation can become a direct member of AIMA.
n Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
Corporates shall have the option of becoming Institutional Members of AlMA in SME category which has annual turn
over upto 50 crores.
New Member shall consist of any organisation in the public, private or joint sector, engaged in industry, trade or
commerce, department, directorate or other agency engaged or interested in training and in development of
management and for administrative functions.
In the case of educational institutions, only AICTE approved Management Schools and Research Organisations
approved by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and Universities are considered for
membership. In case, AICTE withdraws the approval for any reason whatsoever, the membership of such schools will
automatically cease.
New members are enrolled on a financial year basis. Any organisation admitted between April to March shall have to pay
full year's subscription and entrance fee including GST. To apply for membership, please fill in the Application Form in
duplicate, and send it along with a Cheque/Demand Draft for the total amount of entrance fee and annual subscription,
(including GST), directly to the Membership Division of AIMA. Existing members of LMA’s, who wish to be considered for
the Institutional membership of AIMA, will be exempted from the payment of any entrance fee.


Category 1 Year 2 Years Membership 5 Years Membership 10 Years Membership
Membership 15% Discount 20% Discount 25% Discount
Combined Corporate/ ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee)
Institutional Member ` 35,000/- Rs. 59,500/- ` 1,40,000/- ` 2,62,500/-
(Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee)
` 7,200/- (GST 18%) ` 11,610/- (GST 18%) ` 26,100/- (GST 18%) ` 48,150/- (GST 18%)
` 47,200/- (Total Fees) ` 76,110/- (Total Fees) ` 1,71,100/- (Total Fees) ` 3,15,650/- (Total Fees)
Multiple Combined ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee)
Corporate/ ` 35,000/- ` 59,500/- ` 1,40,000/- ` 2,62,500/-
Institutional Member (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee)
` 7,200/- (GST 18%) ` 11,610/- (GST 18%) ` 26,100/- (GST 18%) ` 48,150/- (GST 18%)
` 47,200/- (Total Fees) ` 76,110/- (Total Fees) ` 1,71,100/- (Total Fees) ` 3,15,650/- (Total Fees)
`10325/- per LMA ` 17553/- per LMA ` 41300/- per LMA ` 77438/- per LMA
Separate Corporate/ ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee) ` 5,000/- (Entrance Fee)
Institutional Member ` 35,000/- ` 59,500/- ` 1,40,000/- ` 2,62,500/-
(Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee)
` 7,200/- (GST 18%) ` 11,610/- (GST 18%) ` 26,100/- (GST 18%) ` 48,150/- (GST 18%)
` 47,200/- (Total Fees) ` 76,110/- (Total Fees) ` 1,71,100/- (Total Fees) ` 3,15,650/- (Total Fees)
Small & Medium ` 2,500/- (Entrance Fee) ` 2,500/- (Entrance Fee) ` 2,500/- (Entrance Fee) ` 2,500/- (Entrance Fee))
Enterprises (SME) – ` 17,500/- ` 29,750/- ` 70,000/- ` 1,31,250/-
less than 50 crores (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee) (Subscription Fee)
` 3,600/- (GST 18%) ` 5,805/- (GST 18%) ` 13,050/- (GST 18%) ` 24,075- (GST 18%)
` 23,600/- (Total Fees) ` 38,055/- (Total Fees) ` 85,550/- (Total Fees) ` 1,57,825/- (Total Fees)

AIMA Bank Details

Bank Account Name: All India Management Association | Bank Name: Indian Overseas Bank
Bank A/c No. 149801000003483 | Branch Name: Lok Kala Manch | Account Type: Saving Bank Account
Bank Code ( 9 digit MICR code) : 110020046 | IFSC Code: IOBA0001498 Branch Code : 1498 | Swift Code: IOBAINBB001


All Subscriptions and entrance fee along with GST may be paid online or through cheque/demand draft in favor of
You may also apply and pay online through Credit Card/Debit Card/NEFT/Online transfer. For further details, please log
on to
Subscriptions are subject to review from time to time by the Management Council of AIMA, without prior notice to the


n Every institutional member will enjoy all rights and privileges of the association in accordance with the provisions of
Memorandum of the Association, Rules and Regulations and Bye - Laws. These rights and privileges will be non
transferable by his / her own act or by operation of Firm.
n Every institutional member’s two representatives will be entitled to attend and participate in the meetings, discussion,
lectures and other such management development programmes which are organized by AIMA or by its affiliated
LMAs from time to time.
n Every institutional member admitted to AIMA membership will be liable to follow in professional practice, the AIMA
Code of Conduct for institutional members and will also make a genuine attempt to foster the standards laid down.
Representatives of Institutional members shall represent to the AIMA Governing Council through an all India
election process by institutional members, five percent of the total strength of membership, subject to a maximum of
Representation at the Annual General Meeting(AGM) of AIMA: Institutional members shall have voting rights at the
Annual General meeting of AIMA.


Information Dissemination
n Free of charge, Digital copy of AIMA Monthly journal "Indian Management"
n Monthly E- newsletter "AIMA News-Management Times".
n Complimentary membership of AIMA Library.
n online portal services
n Affiliation of one of the 66 Local Management Associations except Separate Corporate/Institutional Members.
n Platform to interact with other members/business leaders/enterpreneurs/politicians/academicians and other
n Opportunity to attend and participate in the meetings, seminars and other such programmes.
n Networking opportunities with Indian and global corporate majors.
n Sharing the issues with members through programmes about Indian and global trends.
n Photocopies of the original sources of the management abstracts available at a nominal charge.
n Concessional price for AIMA publications.
n Platform to experience the industry best practices on competitiveness and managerial expertise.
Business Services
n Concession in fees for Management Development Programmes.
n Priority will be given to members in Corporate Category for registration of participants for AIMA programmes.
n Representation on the Council of management of the association, which is Governing body of AIMA, on the basis of
an all India election by Institutional/Corporate members.

Eastern Region Southern Region

n LE0112 Bhubaneswar Metropolis Management n LS0222 Alleppey Management Association
Association n LS0201 Bangalore Management Association
n LE0101 Calcutta Management Association n LS0202 Coimbatore Management Association
n LE0110 Cuttack Management Association n LS0218 Calicut Management Association
n LE0104 Guwahati Management Association n LS0204 Hyderabad Management Association
n LE0105 Jamshedpur Management Association n LS0205 Kerala Management Association

n LE0106 Jharia Coalfields Management n LS0206 Madras Management Association

Association n LS0207 Madurai Management Association
n LE0109 Management Association of Rourkela n LS0208 Mangalore Management Association

n LE0107 Patna Management Association n LS0209 North Karnataka Management Association

n LS0223 Pala Management Association
n LE0108 Ranchi Management Association
n LS0210 Palghat Management Association
n LE0113 Silchar Management Association
n LS0215 Quilon Management Association
Northern Region
n LS0220 Travancore Management Association
n LN0013 Allahabad Management Association
n LS0217 Thrissur Management Association
n LN0018 Bathinda Management Association n LS0212 Trivandrum Management Association
n LN0001 Chandigarh Management Association n LS0219 Tumkur Management Association
n LN0030 Dehradun Management Association n LS0221 Vaikom Management Association
n LN0002 Delhi Management Association n LS0213 Visakhapatnam Management Association
n LN0029 Faizabad Management Association Western Region
n LN0017 Faridabad Management Association n LW0301 Ahmedabad Management Association
n LW0302 Baroda Management Association
n LN0003 Ghaziabad Management Association
n LW0303 Bharuch Distt. Management Association
n LN0021 Gurgaon Management Association
n LW0317 Bhopal Management Association
n LN0014 Hardwar Management Association
n LW0305 Bombay Management Association
n LN0011 Jaipur Management Association
n LW0307 Goa Management Association
n LN0023 Jalandhar Management Association n LW0315 Gwalior Management Association
n LN0019 Kanpur Management Association n LW0308 Indore Management Association
n LN0005 Lucknow Management Association n LW0309 Kutch Management Association
n LN0006 Ludhiana Management Association n LW0310 Nagpur Management Association

n LN0026 Management Association of Amritsar n LW0312 Nashik Management Association

n LW0318 Navsari Management Association
n LN0007 Meerut Management Association
n LW0314 Rajkot Management Association
n LN0015 Noida Management Association
n LW0313 Surat Management Association
n LN0027 Panchkula Management Association
n LW0316 Tarapur Management Association
n LN0028 Pathankot Management Association
n LN0020 Patiala Management Association
n LN0010 Rohilkhand Management Association
n LN0022 Yamuna Nagar Jagadhri Management

For further details, please contact :

Anoobhav Sehgal / Shalini Ahuja / Venus Godiyal
Assistant Director / Manager-LMA Relations & Membership
Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003
Tel: 91-11-24621323 (D) 43128100, 24645100 Ext.: 541, 531, 527
Fax: 91-11-24626689
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Website :
All India Management Association
Management House, 14 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Tel. : 91-11-24621323 (D), Fax. : 91-11-24626689
Website :
Combined Corporate /Institutional Multiple Combined Corporate/Institutional
Category Applied for : Membership Membership
Separate Corporate/Institutional Small and Medium Enterprise
Membership (SME)
Subscription Year(s) : 1 Year 2 Years 5 Years 10 Years

1. Organisation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name & Address : _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ PIN______________________

2. GST NO. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Tel No./s ........................................................... Fax ....................................... E-mail ......................................................................

4. Name & Designation of Head of the Organisation ............................................................................................................................

E-mail ............................................................................................ Mobile ................................... Tel. Office ...................................

5. Name & Designation of Representatives of your Organisation to AIMA :

1. .................................................................................... 2. ....................................................................................

Mobile ............................................................................ Mobile ............................................................................

E-mail ............................................................................. E-mail .............................................................................

6. Product /Services Offered .................................................................................................................................................................



7. Annual Turnover (Rs. Lakhs) ............................................................................................................................................................

8. Net Profit (Rs. Lakhs p.a) .................................................................................................................................................................

9. Are you already a member of a Local Management Association (LMA)? Yes/No

If yes (a) Name of LMA

(b) Membership Number

(If yes, you will be exempted from the payment of entrance fee)

10. Name of LMA (affiliated to AIMA) to which your organisation is desirous of being affiliated.
11. (For Academic Institutions only)

Is your Institution approved by UGC/AICTE? Yes/No

(If yes, please attach a certificate in support of it.)

12. Nature of Institution : (Under Central Govt./State Government/Public Sector/Private/Autonomous/Trust/Society Act/Proprietorship

Firm etc.) Please ( )

We declare that the statements made herein are correct to the best of our knowledge & belief, and that we agree to be governed by
the rules and regulations of the All India Management Association as they now exist and as they may hereafter be amended. We
attach herewith a copy of our latest Annual Report.
For and on behalf of

Company seal Signature

Date Name (in block letters)

Document Required: (a) Latest Annual Report (b) Corporate Profile (c) AICTE approved certificate in case of Academic
Institutions (d) UGC Approved Certificate in case of Universities.
Please Tick Mark numbered boxes against the alternative to each question for our records.

13. Areas of activities where you would like AIMA to 17. Nature of Business
Manufacturing 1
A. Training Programmes in:
Marketing/Sales 2
a) Marketing/Sales 1
Banking Services 3
b) Personnel/HRD 2
Public utility Services 4
c) Information Technology 3
Consultancy 5
d) Finance Management 4
Defence 6
e) Project Management 5
Airline/Hotel/Travel 7
f) Management Development Programmes 6
Architecture/Construction 8
g) TQM 7
Computer Hardware & Software 9
h) Management Education 8
Education/R&D 10
B. Recruitment or promotion of employees
through specific custom made Selection or 9 Printing/Publishing 11
Aptitude Tests
Telecommunication 12
C. Consultancy Service 10
Transport/Distribution/Courier 13

Others (Specify)................................................... 14
14. Inception of the Organisation (in years)
1-5 1

6-10 2 18. Type of assistance / Incentive given by the company

to get AIMA membership
11-15 3
Not applicable 1
16-20 4
Reimbursement of fees 2
More than 20 5
Consideration in Career and Professional growth 3

15. Annual Turnover (Rs) Others (Specify)................................................... 4

Upto 10 lakhs 1 .............................................................................

10-99 lakhs 2
19. Area of activity where your organisation would like
01-100 crores 3 to contribute.

101-500 crores 4 Management Development Programmes 1

501-1000 crores 5 Personal Contact Programmes 2

More than 1000 crores 6 Preparation of Study Material 3

Setting and Evaluating Examination papers 4

16. Work Force Project Report Evaluation 5

Upto 20 1 Management Research 6

21-29 2 Others (Specify)................................................... 7

30-100 3

101-500 4

501-1000 5

More than 1000 6

Kindly send this application form along with the requisite DD/payment details and supporting documents at
the below mentioned address/To Register or Apply Online, please log on to
Anoobhav Sehgal / Shalini Ahuja / Venus Godiyal
Assistant Director / Manager-LMA Relations & Membership
Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003
Tel: 91-11-24621323 (D) 43128100, 24645100, Ext.: 541, 531, 527 Fax: 91-11-24626689
E-mail : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Website :

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