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FCE Reading and Use of English – Practice Test 1

Part 1
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
A bright В fair C keen D sharp

Messages from the Stone Age

The incredible pre-historic Chauvet cave art in France is painted in 0 _____ colours and dates back to a
period around thirty thousand years ago when early humans first started to create rock art. Although various
1 _____ of this art have been found in caves in Western Europe, very few people have seen the art at
Chauvet because it is located 2 _____ inside an inaccessible underground cave system. Those who have
seen it say that it is very impressive, showing animals 3 _____ horses, rhinos and cows, and that the artwork
is good enough to 4 _____ modern compositions.
The first scientists to 5 _____ the Chauvet paintings missed some other important 6 _____ however. The
walls of the cave are also marked with a series of lines and symbols, that were initially 7 _____ as
insignificant. But recent research has suggested that these marks may represent humankind’s first steps
towards the development of writing, which is 8 _____ people to rethink their ideas about when written
communication first started.

1 A illustrations B models C cases D examples

2 A deep B thick C long D dense
3 A by means of B apart from C as well as D such as
4 A rival B compare C compete D oppose
5 A arrive B reach C meet D know
6 A instances B matters C details D issues
7 A believed B regarded C thought D agreed
8 A resulting B having C making D causing

Part 2
For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL
LETTERS on tho separate answer sheet.
Example: ARE
Swimming with seals
The UK is home to half the world’s population of grey seals and there 0 _____ many local boat trips
offering sightseeing tours out to the islands and sandbanks 9 _____ the animals are most regularly found.

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FCE Reading and Use of English – Practice Test 1

But if you really want to get close 10 _____ the seals and understand something about their way of life, then
you need to go on an underwater seal-watching trip. On these trips, you have the chance to go over the side
of the boat and, equipped 11 _____ a wetsuit, mask and snorkel, spend time in the water alongside the
Seals are extremely inquisitive creatures and, once you’re in the water, they will swim past you trying to
work 12 _____ who you are and 13 _____ you’re doing there. 14 _____ they can appear shy at first, seals
soon 15 _____ used to you being in the water, and will come and play around you. Young pups especially
like to 16 _____ contact with divers, and often use their teeth, gently biting masks, fins and cameras out of
curiosity. It can be a thrilling experience.

Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Example: HEALTHY

Brain games
According to experts, doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and 0 _____ As well as gaining
17 _____ from finding the correct answer to a difficult problem, we give our brains a good
workout in the process. To help us do this, all sorts of handheld ‘brain games’ are now 0.HEALTH
available in the shops, and the most 18_____ games have sold in their millions. 17.SATISFY
What’s more, people 19 _____ that the more they play the games, the easier it is to find a
20 _____ to the problems posed. They see this as proof that there has been an 21 _____ in
the power of their brains. Unfortunately, however, this may be a false impression.
Some 22 _____ argue that the brain gets better at any task the more often it is repeated. In
other words, the improvement in the 23 _____ of the brain is something that happens
naturally. So although these brain games are obviously fun to play, it remains 24 _____
whether they are actually helping to boost brainpower or not.

Part 4
For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given. Here is an example (0).
0. What type of music do you like best?

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What _______________ type of music?
25. Brad speaks English better than his parents do.
Brad’s parents don’t _______________ he does.
26. Cycling is not allowed in the park.
You _______________ in the park.
27. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t let you know I was going to be late, Ann,’ said Jamie.
Jamie _______________ Ann know that he was going to be late.
28. A heavy fall of snow prevented them from getting home that night.
They _______________ home that night because of a heavy fall of snow.
29. Ursula was disappointed not to win the competition.
Not winning the competition _______________ to Ursula.
30. I paid far more money for my new computer than I expected to.
I didn’t expect _______________ money for my new computer.

Part 5
You are going to read an article about a woman’s career. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (А, В, C
or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

A varied career
Chloe Kelling, a successful model and singer-songwriter, now has a new venture
I arrive for my interview with Chloe Kelling and I’m asked to wait in the garden. I hardly have time to start
looking round at the carefully tended flowerbeds when Chloe appears. Every bit as tall and striking as I’d
expected, Chloe emerges from the house wearing an oversized man’s jacket, a delicately patterned top and
jeans. Chloe is known for her slightly quirky sense of fashion and, of course, she looks great as she makes
her way towards me through the flowerbeds.
‘Let’s talk in my office,’ she says, leading the way not back to the house, but instead to an ancient caravan
parked up next to it. As we climb inside the compact little van, the smell of fresh baking greets us. A tiny

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table is piled high with cupcakes, each iced in a different colour. Chloe’s been busy, and there’s a real sense
of playing tea parties in a secret den! But what else should I have expected from a woman with such a
varied and interesting career?
Chloe originally trained as a make-up artist, having left her home in the country at nineteen to try and make
her name as a model in London, and soon got work in adverts and the fashion business. ‘I went to Japan to
work for a short period, but felt very homesick at first,’ she recalls. ‘It was very demanding work and,
though I met loads of nice people, it was too much to take in at nineteen. If I’d stayed longer, I might have
settled in better.’
Alongside the modelling, Chloe was also beginning to make contacts in the music business. ‘I’d been the
typical kid, singing with a hairbrush in front of the mirror, dreaming of being a star one day,’ she laughs.
She joined a girl band which ‘broke up before we got anywhere’, before becoming the lead singer with the
band Whoosh, which features on a best-selling clubbing album. Unusually though, Chloe also sings with
two other bands, one based in Sweden and another in London, and each of these has a distinct style.
It was her work with Whoosh that originally led to Chloe’s link with Sweden. She was offered a song-
writing job there with a team that was responsible for songs for some major stars, but gradually became
more involved in writing music for her own band.
Although she now divides her time between London and Sweden, her first stay there turned out to be much
longer than she’d bargained for. ‘The rooms are very tall over there and so people have these rather high
beds that you climb up to,’ she explains. ‘I fell as I climbed up the ladder and cracked three ribs. Although
the people at the hospital were very kind, I was stuck there for a while, which was very frustrating.
Sneezing and laughing were so painful at first, let alone singing!’
It was while recovering from her injuries that Chloe hit upon the idea of staging what she calls vintage fairs.
‘It was snowing in Sweden and I wanted something nice to look forward to.’ Chloe had always loved
vintage clothes, particularly from the 1950s, and decided to stage an event for others who shared her
passion. The first fair was held in her home village and featured stalls selling all sorts of clothes and crafts
dating back to the 1950s. It was a huge hit, with 300 people turning up.
‘When I had the idea of the first fair, it was only meant to be a one-off, but we had so many compliments, I
decided to go ahead with more,’ says Chloe. ‘There’s something for all ages and people find old things have
more character than stuff you buy in modern shops. It also fits perfectly with the idea of recycling.’ Looking
round Chloe’s caravan, I can see what she means.
31. In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that Chloe
A usually keeps people waiting.
В is much taller than he expected.
C lives up to her stylish reputation.
D is surprisingly interested in flowers.

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32. What do we learn about Chloe in the second paragraph?

A She’s cooked something for her guest.
В She’s expecting some other visitors today.
C She has no room in her house for an office.
D She invites very few people into her caravan.
33. What does Chloe say about her trip to Japan?
A She soon got used to her life there.
В She felt lonely most of the time there.
C She wishes she’d done the work better.
D She wasn’t old enough to appreciate it fully.
34. In the fourth paragraph, we find out that Chloe
A gave up modelling to become a singer.
В had always had ambitions to be a singer.
C has now left the first successful band she joined.
D sings in three bands that have a very similar sound.
35. Chloe ended up in hospital in Sweden after
A breaking a rib whilst trying to move her bed.
В hurting her leg in a fall from her bed.
C falling off a ladder in her bedroom.
D tripping over in her room at night.
36. What does Chloe say about her ‘vintage fairs’?
A Her main aim is to raise awareness of environmental issues.
В She has responded to positive feedback from customers.
C Certain shops are now showing interest in the idea.
D They are mostly popular with older people.

Part 6
You are going to read an article about a boxer. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence which you do not
need to use.

In defence of women’s boxing

Lucy O’Connor thinks that womens boxing is widely misunderstood
Womens boxing is a new addition to the list of sports included at the Olympic Games. But according to
Lucy O ’Connor, winner of various international competitions, it’s still widely misunderstood - a situation
that Lucy’s hoping to change. After graduating, Lucy took up boxing on the advice of a sports coach, who

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thought it would improve her general fitness. But Lucy soon set her sights on competitions and it wasn’t
long before she was boxing at the National Championships, which she eventually went on to win.
As a result of her success, Lucy was accepted on to what the navy calls its ‘elite sportsman’s programme’.
37 __. Every day now starts with a run at 7 a.m., followed by a skill and technique session or a strength and
conditioning circuit. Come the afternoon, there are more aerobic workouts, before Lucy gets into the ring
and practises with other elite boxers.
As with all competitors, diet is a huge part of Lucy’s life. Since she first started boxing, she’s had to shed
twenty-eight kilos. Losing the last six, which took her into the flyweight category, required great
determination. 38 __. As she explains: ‘I don’t go out to party anymore. Thankfully, I’m married to my
boxing coach, so at least I’ve got some sort of social life!’ Lucy’s husband boxed as a heavyweight himself
and he’s in her corner for all her domestic competitions.
Lucy’s mum works as a buyer at a big department store, and Lucy has been testing out products for the
store’s sports division. Whilst preparing for a recent international championship, Lucy wore a new titanium-
based sports clothing range designed to improve circulation and aid recovery. 39 __. But how does her
family react to her taking part in competitions? ‘Mum tends to admire me boxing from afar, but Dad just
loves it!’
Lucy has clearly answered questions about safety concerns before and cites all the protective gear boxers
strap on before a fight such as hand bandages, head guards, gum shields and much more. ‘Amateur boxing
is not dangerous,’ she says definitively. ‘It’s so safety-orientated and the rules are so stringent it’s actually
difficult to get hurt. We approach it more as a skill and point-scoring exercise, rather than as a fight. 40 __. ’
Boxers win points by landing the white knuckle part of their gloves on the opponent’s scoring area -
essentially the upper body and head - cleanly and with sufficient force. In five years of competitive boxing,
Lucy’s suffered only a few bruises and a broken thumb.
And in response to those who think it’s ‘inappropriate’ to see women boxing at the Olympics, Lucy is quick
to point out that women have been competing in martial arts such as taekwondo and judo for years. 41 __.
Her biggest concern is that people confuse amateur boxing competitions with professional fights, where the
focus is more on aggression and hurting your opponents. ‘Female amateur boxing is about showing skill,
speed and stamina,’ she says. 42 __. ‘I find it so satisfying to be changing people’s opinion.’
A All that hard work certainly paid off and the competition itself brought out the best in Lucy.
В That’s because in order to reach that target, she had to totally rethink her lifestyle.
C Having access to this space-age training kit was certainly an advantage.
D If the sport was more in the public eye, then fewer people would make that mistake.
E Nobody complained about women taking part in those events when it was introduced.
F That’s why I’ve always regarded it as a thinking girl’s sport really.
G What this meant, in effect, was that she was able to train full-time.

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