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Date of Examination : 26th November, 2023


1. In animals, heart is the main pumping station, supplying and collecting blood from various parts of the body. In
mammals, which of the following structures regulates the unidirectional flow of blood and found between left
auricle and ventricle?

(a) Tricuspid valve (b) Aortic semilunar valve

(c) Pulmonary seminular valve (d) Mitral valve

Ans. (d)

Sol. Blood receive from all body parts by right auricle, between right auricle and right ventricle tricuspid valve
present, where as between left auricle and left ventricle bicuspid or mitral valve present both responsible to
back flow of blood and both commonly known as auriculo ventricular valve / AV valve.

Which of the following refer to the units involved in most of the Reflex Arcs?

(a) Stimulus receptor, afferent nerve, efferent nerve and an effector neuron

(b) Two receptor neurons, one or more internuncial neuron(s) and an effector neuron

(c) One receptor neuron, one or more internuncial neuron(s) and an effector neuron
(d) One receptor neuron, afferent nerve and an effector neuron

Ans. (c)

Sol. Reflex action = flow chart

Stimulus receptor ® Afferent Nerve ® Relay neuron or interneurons (one or more) ® Efferent nerve ®
Response showing muscles.

Most reflex arc are polysynaptic


3. Through the process of cross-breeding/mutation breeding or cytoplasmic hybridization of animals and plants,
new improved, high yielding varieties or exclusively distinct hybrids are obtained.
Which of the following are cytoplasmic hybrids/cybrids?
(a) Triticale & Fairchild Mule (b) Tigon & Leopon
(c) Pomato & Bromato (d) Jaya & Ratna Rice

Ans. (c)

Sol. The word cybrid means "cytoplasmic hybrid". A cybrid would have the nucleus of A or B in a cytoplasm which is
a hybrid b/w A and B.

Pomato ® is cybrid of Potato & tomato.

Bromato ® is cybrid of Brinjal & tomato.

4. In a kind of animal tissue all cells rest on a basement membrane, but the basal cells do not reach the free surface
of the epithelium. Two layers of cells and two layers of nuclei are, therefore, observable. Thus, without being
stratified, the epithelium appears to have 2 or 3 layers of cells.
Such epithelia are mostly ciliated and contain mucus-secreting goblet cells. These epithelia are characteristic to
which of the following?
(a) Thin bronchioles, Uriniferous tubules, Ciliary body
(b) Bile ducts, lining of stomach, Trachea
(c) Skin epidermis, Anal canal, Cornea of eye
(d) Trachea, Vasa deferentia, Epididymes
Ans. (d)

Sol. Pseudostatified glandular Glandular columnar Ciliated epithelium foudn in Nasal passage of upper respiratory
tract, trachea, bronchi of the lower respiratory tract, inner ear, vasdeferens, prostate gland, epididymis and
5. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) has a bitter taste. Non-tasting ability is reported to be due to recessive allele of the
taster gene. In random populations about 30% people lack the ability to taste PTC. A non-taster woman is
married to a PTC taster man and has three children. The first two children are born as non-tasters. What is the
EN probability that their third child will be born a non-taster?
(a) 0.25
Ans. (b)
(b) 0.50 (c) 0.15

Sol. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) ® bittertaste ® Autosomal Dominant Character.

(d) 0.75

No taste feel due to recessive allele.

non-taster woman Taster man

aa Aa
Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
aa aa 1 chance of
non-taster non-taster 2 rd
non-taster for 3 child

6. The diagram presented here is a sectional view of an

endocrine gland. Its histologically characteristic layers 1

are labeled as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Which of these is/are


responsible for the secretion of C21 Cortisol and 2

Corticosterone hormones?

(a) 1
(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 4 MEDULLA 4

(d) 2 and 3

Ans. (d)

Zona glomeulosa
(Mineralo corticoids)

Zona fasciculata
CORTEX (Glucocorticoids)

Zona raticularis
(Sex corticoids)

MEDULLA Nor adrenaline

7. Which of the following eye defects, arises due to gradual weakening of the ciliary muscles and diminishing

EN flexibility of the eye lens?

(a) Hyperopia
Ans. (b)
(b) Presbyopia (c) Astigmatism (d) Myopia

Sol. (1) Hyperopia - A Vision condition in which near by objects appear blurred./Far sightness
(2) Pressbyopia - Similar as hypermetropia (in Old age), due to loss of elasticity of lense.
(3) Astigmatism - Different curvature of cornea
(4) Myopia - Person can see close objects far objects are blurred./ Near sightness
8. Which of the following is an Angoumois grain moth, causing severe damage to the stored grains, like paddy or
(a) Sitophilus sp. (b) Sitotroga sp. (c) Gnorimoschema sp. (d) Plodia sp.
Ans. (b)
Sol. Angoumois grain moth is a species of Gelechiidae moth family, commonly referred as the 'rice grain moth'. It's
scientific name is Sitotroga cerealella.
9. To effect fertilization in angiosperms, pollen grains germinate on the stigma and give out pollen tubes which
grow through the style and reach the ovule where the male gametes are discharged close to the egg. Suppose
a brinjal plant has to produce 300 seeds in a particular fruit. How many cell divisions will be required to produce
the desired fruit?
(a) 250 Meiotic divisions (b) 375 Meiotic divisions

(c) 375 Mitotic divisions (d) 300 Mitotic and 125 Meiotic divisions.
Ans. (b)
Sol. For the formation of 300 seed required 300 ovules & 300 pollens.

Ovules Pollens

300 meiosis 75 meiosis

300 ovules 300 Pollen

300 Seed

So, 300 + 75 = 375 meiotic division.

10. In the Kingdom Plantae, which of the following examples is considered peculiar for the anatomical characters
namely Carinal canals and Vallecular canals?
(a) Magnolia (b) Gnetum (c) Equisetum (d) Lycopodium
Ans. (c)

Sol. Vallecular canal means cortical canal.

Carinal canal means vascular canal.

The stem of Equaisetum have both canals.

11. The secondary constriction on the chromosomes always has a constant position. Therefore, it can be used as
marker to identify specific chromosomes. In addition to the centromere, one or more secondary constrictions
can be observed in Metaphase stage chromosomes. These chromosomes are called Satellite or SAT chromosomes.
In man they are usually associated with the short arm of acrocentric chromosomes. Select the correct option for
such types of chromosomes
(a) 1, 10, 15, 16 and Y (b) 13, 14, 15, 21 and 22
(c) 13, 14, 16, 18 and 21 (d) 13, 14, 18 and 22
Ans. (b)

Sol. The secondary constriction on the chromosomes always has a constant position act as the marker to identify
specific chromosome called as SAT chromosomes. In human 23 pairs of chromosome found, out of these 23
pairs chromosomes no. 13, 14, 15, 21 & 22 shows secondary constriction.
In some plants the secondary cell wall has depressions or pits. Adjacent pits are separated by the middle lamella
and the primary cell wall, together forming the pit membrane. Which of the following is the thickening formed
on the pit membrane by circular deposition of microfibrils?
(a) Margo (b) Torus (c) Zona occludens (d) Sclereid
Ans. (b)
Sol. The torus & margo both are the parts of the pit membrane. Torus is thick impermeable part but margo is thin
permeable part so ans is 'b'.

13. The arrangement of flowers and their mode

of distribution on the shoot system is
characteristic to a particular plant. The
diagrammatic presentation given herewith,
illustrates various types of inflorescences.
Select the option exemplifying a kind of

Cymose type:
(a) 2 and 4
(b) 1 and 6
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 3 and 5

Ans. (c)

Sol. The cymose influrescence is characterised by the presence of a flower at the apex of the flower axis growth of
the main axis is limited and the lateral axis also terminater into flower & that limits the growth of the axis.

14. Genes that are normally important in mammalian embryogenesis include members of all of the following classes,

(a) Proto-oncogenes (b) Growth factor genes

(c) Tumor suppressor genes (d) Hox genes

Ans. (c)

Sol. Tumor suppresser genes are not important in mammalian embryogenesis.

15. During a type of Carbon dioxide fixation occurring at night while the stomata are still open, the first step is the
combination of CO2 with phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to form 4-carbon oxaloacetate in the chloroplast of mesophyll
cells. To which kind of ecological type of plant this process is related to?
(a) Cocos (b) Rhizophora
(c) Aloe (d) Vallisneria

Ans. (c)

Sol. Stomata open at night in CAM plants.

16.EN Aloe-vera show CAM pathway.

Some plants are specifically called hemiparasitic epiphytes. Included among them are the plants called as
mistletoes. Which of the following is the most common hemiparasitic mistletoe occurring in India?

(a) Monotropa uniflora

(c) Orobanche cernua

(b) Dendrophthoe falcata

(d) Cuscuta reflexa

Ans. (b)

Sol. Mistletoe is a hemiparasite normally found on the branches of a variety of trees. Thses plants capable for
photosynthesis but depends for some other material.

Dendrophthoe falcuta is Indian mistletoe.

17. During the formation of which of the following ionic species, the process will be exothermic and endothermic

(a) Na+ and Cl– (b) Cl– and O2– (c) He+ and Mg2+ (d) F– and Br–

Ans. (b)

Sol. Cl(g) + e– ® Cl–; DH = –349 KJ/mole


O(g) + e– ® O–(g); DH1 = –141 KJ/mole

O–(g) + e– ® O2–(g); DH2 = +780 KJ/mole

18. H2 reacts faster with Cl2 at 13 times faster rate than D2 because:

(a) H2 has high activation energy

(b) In H2, H – H bond energy is higher than D – D bond energy in D2
(c) H2 has low activation energy because H – H bond energy is lower than D – D bond energy
(d) In H2 there is no neutron therefore it reacts faster

Ans. (c)

Sol. Theoretical

19. Select the correct order of dielectric constant, refractive index and intermolecular forces for water
(H2O) and heavy water (D2O) at 293 K respectively among those given below
(i) Dielectric constant – H2O > D2O
(ii) Dielectric constant – D2O > H2O
(iii) Refractive index – H2O > D2O
(iv) Refractive index – D2O > H2O
(v) Intermolecular forces – H2O > D2O
(vi) Intermolecular forces – D2O > H2O
The option containing all correct statements is
(a) (i), (iii), (vi) (b) (i), (iv), (v) (c) (ii), (iii), (v) (d) (i), (iv), (vi)
Ans. (a)
Sol. Theoritical
20. The compound which is used to purify air in space shuttles, submarines and breathing masks is:
(a) K2O2 (b) KO2 (c) K2O (d) Na2O

Ans. (a)
Sol. K2O2
21. The total number of lone pairs of electrons in I 3 .
(a) 3
Ans. (d)
(b) 6

(c) 2 (d) 9

Sol. I I I

22. Among the elements of atomic number (Z) from 1 to 92 (i.e., from H to U), the elements having atomic number
........ and ........ are not found in nature.
(a) 89, 92 (b) 83, 89 (c) 48, 61 (d) None of these
Ans. (d)
Sol. Theoretical
23. Which state of matter exists at very high temperature and at very low temperature (near absolute zero)
respectively? BEC stands for Bose Einstein Condensate.
(a) BEC, fermionic condensate (b) Plasma, BEC

(c) Fermionic condensate, Plasma (d) Gas, BEC

Ans. (b)
Sol. Theoretical
24. The bond which will break in first step when following compound reacts with H3O+ is

||b ..
a C— O—H
b .. d

(a) bond a (b) bond b (c) bond c (d) bond d

Ans. (c)

CH3 C O H + H3O
Sol. CH3 C O + 2H2O

25. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of Lewis base strength
(i) (ii) (iii)
.. N
The option containing correct increasing order is

(a) iii, ii, i (b) i, ii, iii (c) ii, i, iii (d) iii, i, ii

Ans. (d)

Sol. Theoritical
26. The maximum number of –CH3 groups which may be present in alkane C11H24 is close to

(a) 6

Ans. (c)

(b) 7

(c) 8 (d) 2

27. A glass bulb of 1 liter capacity contains 4 g methane. The bulb is so as to burst out if the pressure exceeds just
10 atm. The temperature, at which the pressure of gas reaches the bursting point is close to
(Given: R = 0.0821 lit atm K–1 mol–1)

(a) 480 K (b) 487.6 K (c) 500 K (d) 373 K

Ans. (b)

Sol. 10 ´ 1 = ´ 0.082 ´ T

Þ T = 487.8 K

28. The pH of 10–8 M HCl is

(a) 7 (b) < 7 (c) 8 (d) 9

Ans. (b)

Sol. *

10 11
29. An element X has two natural isotopes: 5X (atomic mass 10.013 u) and 5X (atomic mass 11.009 u).

Relative abundance of these isotopes in nature has been recorded 19.8 % and 80.2 % respectively. On the
basis of these data, average atomic mass of element X is close to

(a) 10.210 u (b) 10.511 u (c) 10.799 u (d) 10.812 u

Ans. (d)

(10.013 ´ 19.8 ) + (11.009 ´ 80.2)

= 10.8124
30. A mass 0.75 g of the mixture of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 is completely neutralized by 50 mL 0.25 N HCl. The
percentage of Na2CO3 in the mixture is:
(a) 50.6 (b) 49.4 (c) 50 (d) data insufficient
Ans. (b)

æ x
2ç +
( 0.75 - x ) ö ´ 1000
Sol. ÷ = 0.25 × 50
ç 106 138 ÷ø

Þ x = 0.37 g (49.33%)
31. A boy gifted a diamond ring to his mother on her wedding anniversary. If this diamond ring contains 3 carat
diamond then number of carbon atoms he gifted to his mother is
Given – (1 carat = 200 mg)
EN (a) 3.01 × 1023
Ans. (c)

3 ´ 200 ´ 10-3
´ NA
(b) 2.1 × 1023 (c) 3.01 × 1022 (d) 2.1 × 1022

= 3.0115 × 1022

32. Which of the following will form foam in water containing Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions?
(a) Ba-stearate (b) Na-palmitate
(c) Potassium n-dodecyl benzene sulphonate (d) All of these
Ans. (c)

Sol. Theoritical
33. Two blocks A and B of masses 1 kg and 4 kg respectively are moving with equal kinetic energies
Read the following statements S2 and S2
Statement S1: Ratio of speed of the block A to that of B is 1: 2 1 kg

Statement S2: Ratio of magnitude of linear momentum of A to that of B is 1: 2

Now choose the correct option:
4 kg
(a) Both S1 and S1 are true (b) Both S1 and S2 are false
(c) S1 is true, S2 is false (d) S1 is false, S2 is true
Ans. (d)

Sol. K1 = × 1 × v12

K2 = × 4 × v 22
1 1
Þ K1 = K2, ´ 1 ´ v12 = ´ 4 ´ v 22
2 2

Þ =2

m1 v1 1 ´ v1 1
Þ m v = 4´ v =
2 2 2 2

34. The mass of a straight copper wire is 20.95 g and its electrical resistance is 0.065 W. If the density and resistivity
of copper are d = 8900 kg/m3 and r = 1.7 × 10–8 ohm-meter respectively, the length of the copper wire is
(a) 3 m (b) 6 m (c) 12 m (d) date is insufficient
Ans. (a)

rl 1·7 ´ 10-8 ´ l
Sol. R = , 0.065 = ........(1)


Þ A=
m = d ×v
v = Al
m = dAl
(v = volume)

20.95 × 10–3 = 8900 × Al

2·353 ´ 10-6
Þ using (1) and (2)
Þ l = 3m
35. It is known that the speed of sound in a gas is directly proportional to square root of its absolute temperature T
measured in Kelvin i.e. v µ T Speed of sound in air at 0°C is 332 m/s. On a hot day, the speed of sound
was measured 360 m/s in NCR Delhi, the temperature of air in Delhi on that very day must have been close to
(a) 40°C (b) 42°C
(c) 44°C (d) 48°C
Ans. (d)

v1 T1
Sol. =

v2 T2

332 273
Þ 360 = T

Þ T2 = 321 K
= 48°C
36. A small bar magnet is allowed to fall vertically through a metal ring lying in a horizontal plane. During its fall, the
acceleration of the magnet in the region close to the ring must be (g is the acceleration due to gravity)
(a) equal to g (b) less than g and uniform
(c) less than g and non-uniform (d) greater than g and uniform
Ans. (c)

Sol. Theoretical. Since, the magnetic flux and the rate of change of magnetic flux through the ring will be non-
uniform, so the induced current through the ring will be non uniform, and hence the repulsion between ring and
magnet will be non-uniform.
37. A U-tube of uniform cross section contains two different liquids in its limbs namely water (density 1.0 ×103 kg/
m3) and Mercury (density 13.6 × 103 kg/m3 ) as shown in figure. The difference of height of mercury column in
two limbs of the tube is H = 1.5 cm. The height h of the water column in the left limb above the Mercury column
must be nearly (Neglect surface tension effects)


20 cm

(a) 13.6 cm (b) 20.4 cm (c) 27.0 cm (d) 9.0 cm

Ans. (b)
Sol. Applying pressure balancing.

Þ r0 + r w gh + rm g ´ 20 - rm g ´ 20

– rmgH = r0

rm h
Þ h= r
13·6 ´ 103 ´ 1·5 ´ 10-2
Þ h=
1 ´ 103

= 20·4 cm
38. An object pin is placed at a distance 10 cm from first focus of a thin convex lens on its principal axis, the lens
forms a real and inverted image of this object pin at a distance 40 cm beyond the second focus. The focal length
of the lens is
(a) 16 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 40 cm

Ans. (b)

10 cm f f
40 cm

1 1 1
Þ - =
v v f

1 1 1
Þ – =
f + 40 -(f + 10) f

f + 10 + f + 40 1
Þ =
f 2 + 50f + 400 f

Þ 2f2 + 50f = f2 + 50f + 400

Þ f2 = 400
Þ f = 20 cm
39. A bullet of mass 0.25 kg moving horizontally with velocity v (m/s) strikes a stationary block of mass 1.00 kg
suspended by a long inextensible string of negligible mass and length l. The bullet gets embedded in the block
and the system rises up to maximum height h = 19.6 cm (as shown in the figure. The string still remains taut).
The value of initial speed v of the bullet is

(a) 5.9 m/s
Ans. (c)
(b) 7.8 m/s

V0 = initial velocity of bullet.

(c) 9.8 m/s

V = velocity of bullet and block system after collision.

Þ Applying momontum conservation:
Þ 0.25 × V0 = 1.25 × V
(d) 11.8 m/s

Þ V = (0.2) V0 ...(1)
Þ Applying work energy theorem: V0
Þ –1.25 × g × Hmox = 0 – × 1.25 × V2

Þ 9.81 × 19.6 × 10–2

= ´ V2

Þ V = 1.96 m/s

Þ V0 = 9.8 m/s [From (1)]

40. The equivalent resistance between points A and B in the following electrical network is

A 1W 1W 3W 1W 1W B


3 4 2 9
(a) W (b) W (c) W (d) W
4 3 5 14

Ans. (b)


1W 1W A 3W A 1W 1W
Sol. A B
x y

A A 6W B B

1/2 W 2W 1/2 W
x y

4/3 W

EN (a) 102
Ans. (b)

Sol. Let's consider average human

(b) 104
The order of magnitude of the pressure (in pascal) exerted by an adult human on the Earth when he stands bare
footed on the Earth on both of his legs, is
(c) 107 (d) 109

weight as = 70 kg. = m
Let's consider the average human
foot area = 100 cm2 = A
Þ pressure (P) =

70 ´ 9.81
Þ P=
2 ´ 100 ´ 10 -4
= 34335
= 3.4335 × 104
; 104 order
42. On the board of an experiment, three bulbs B1 (100 W, 200 V), B2 (60 W, 200 V) and B3 (40 W, 200 V) are

connected to a 200 V fluctuating supply with a fuse in series as shown in the figure. The electric current rating
of the fuse required in the circuit to protect all the three bulbs must be

B1 B2 B3

Fuse Box 200V

(a) 0.2 Amp (b) 0.3 Amp (c) 0.5 Amp (d) 1.0 Amp

Ans. (d)
Sol. All the bulbs are in series

v12 I1 R1
R1 = = 400W

I2 R2
2002 2000
R2 = = W
60 3
R3 = 1000W
200 1
I1 = = A = 0.5 A
400 2
fuse 200V

I2 = = 0.3 A
(2000 / 3)

EN I3 =
= 0.2 A

To protect are the bulbs the current through the fuse should be less tha or equal to 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 1 A
Ifuse £ 1 A.

43. An ant is sitting on the principal axis of a convex mirror of focal length f, at a distance 2f from the pole in front
of the minor. It stalls moving on principal axis towards the minor. During the course of motion, the distance
between the ant and its image

(a) throughout increases (b) throughout decreases

(c) first increases, then decreases (d) first decreases, then increases

Ans. (b)

2f I
Sol. O
v f

In convex mirror for a real object, image is virtual and it is always formed between pole and virtual focus. so AS
object approaches mirror image also moves towards pole.
44. You are given three resistance of values 2 W, 4 W and 6 W. Which of the following values of equivalent resistance
is not possible to get by using/arranging these three resistors in any circuit?
(a) Less than 2 W (b) Equal to 4.4 W
(c) Equal to 5.5 W (d) Equal to 7.6 W
Ans. (d)

Sol. R1 = 2W, R2 = 4W, R3 = 1W

Case : 1

1 1 1 1
= + +
Req 2 4 6

Req = < 2W

Case : 2 2W
Req = 2 + (4 || 6)
=2+ = 4.4 W
EN Case : 3 4W

Req = 4 +

=4+ = 5.5 W
45. ABC is a 0.8 meter long curved wire track in a vertical plane. A bead of mass 3 g is released from rest at A. It
slides along the wire and comes to rest at C. The average frictional force opposing the motion in a single trip
from A to C is



(a) 18.40 × 10–3 N (b) 29.4 × 10–3 N
(c) 11.04 × 10–3 N (d) 7.36 × 10–3 N
Ans. (d)

Sol. Applying work energy theorem

Þ Wgranty + Wfriction = 0 – 0

Þ mg (0.5 – 0.3) + Wfriction = 0

Þ Wfriction = –3 × 10–3 × 9.81 × 0.2

= –0.05886

Þ Let's say average friction force is F.

Þ F × 0.8 = Average work by friction, because work by friction depends on actual path length.

Þ F × 0.8 = 0.005886

F = 7.36 × 10–3 N
46. Two long straight conductors 1 and 2, carrying parallel currents I 1 and I2 in the same direction, are lying parallel
and close to each other, as shown in the figure. Fe and Fm respectively represent the electric and the magnetic
forces, applied by conductor 1 on conductor 2.
Choose the correct alternative regarding nature of Fe and Fm
1 2

I1 I2

EN (a) Fe is repulsive while Fm is attractive

(c) Fe is zero and Fm is repulsive
Ans. (d)
(b) Fe is repulsive and Fm is repulsive too
(d) Fe is zero and Fm is attractive

I1 I2

B2 × B1

wire -1 wire -2

B1 = magnetic field due to I1 at


location of wire – 2

B2 = magnetic field due to I2 at

location of wire – 1

By fleming's left hand rule Fm will be attractive

no net charge on each wire so Fe will be zero

47. A doctor measures the temperature of a patient by a digital thermometer as 37.3° C. As a Physics student you
will record his temperature in Kelvin as

(a) 310.30 K (b) 310.45 K (c) 310.46 K (d) 310.31 K

Ans. (b)

Sol. 0°C = 273.15 K

37. 3°C = 310.45 K

48. Two planets P1 and P2 are moving around the Sun, in circular orbits of radii 10 m and 10 m respectively. The
ratio of the orbital speeds of planets P1 and P2 in their respective orbits is

(a) 10 (b) 10 (c) 10 10 (d)

Ans. (d)

Sol. V0 =

V1 r2 1012 1
so V2 = r1 = =
1013 10

49. In a classroom, students were taught typical mammalian characters along with the names of Orders and
EN representative examples, hi the Table given below, column 1 includes the names of examples or Orders whereas
column 2 shows related characteristics.

Order/ Representative example

1. Lagomorpka
(i) First finger clawed, tail enclosed in an interfemoral membrane.
2. Microchiroptera (ii) Tootliless and Polyembryony.
3. Armadillo (iii) Baleen.
4. Proboscidea (iv) Incisors open-rooted and continue to grow throughout life.

Choose the option(s) that has the correct match in the above table,
(a) 1 ® (iv) (b) 2 ® (i) (c) 3 ® (ii) (d) 4 ® (iii)

Ans. (a, b, c)

Sol. Lagomorpha (order) = Eg. Rabbits (1 - iv)

Microchiroptera (suborder) = Eg. Microbat = (2 - i)

Armadillo (animal) = Toothless mammals shows polyembryony = (3 - ii)

50. Continuous inheritance of some characteristics in certain human families had attracted the attention of scientists.
To improve human race by selective breeding led Sir Francis Galton to collect and statistically analyze genealogies

or pedigrees of a number of families where some or the other traits were regularly transmitted through
generations. Which of the following relate(s) to pedigree of beggars and scoundrels?

(a) Bach family of Germany (b) Zero family of Switzerland

(c) Kallikaks of America (d) Jukes of New York

Ans. (b, d)

Sol. Pedgree Analysis given by Sir Francis Galton about, beggers and scoundrels

(b) Jukes of Newyork.

(d) Zero family of Switizerland.

51. An important feature of plants is the ability to adapt their growth towards or away from external stimuli such as
light, water, temperature and gravity'. The physiological process of root gravitropism comprises gravity perception,
signal transmission, growth response and the reestablislinient of normal growth. Following are some of the
modern concept(s) explaining the mechanism of root gravitropism. Which of the following best explain(s) the
root gravitropism ?
(a) Statoliths within columella cells of root cap sediment in the direction of gravity, resulting in the generation of
a signal that causes asymmetric growth.
(b) Auxin influx and efflux carriers facilitate creation of a differential auxin gradient between the upper and
lower side of gravi-stiniulated roots. This causes differential growth responses in the gravi-responding tissue
of the elongation zone, leading to root curvature.
(c) Curvature in geo-stimulated roots is due the lateral redistribution of an inhibitor formed in the root cap.
(d) Proplastids in root cap containg carotenoids and protochlorophyll respond to gravity.

Ans. (a, b)

Sol. In the mechanism of root gravitropism

EN -

Statolith which is membrane bound starch grain is responsible for gravitropism.

Auxin gradient is also responsible for the differential growth leading to root curvature.

Photosynthesis is the process in which the phosphorylation of ADP to generate ATP occurs with the help of
sunlight energy. The process is known as photo-phosphorylation. Only two sources of energy are accessible to
living organisms: sunlight and reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions. Following are the requirements of cyclic and
noncyclic phosphorylations occurring in green plants. Choose the correct option(s) related to cyclic photo-

(a) Photo system II is not involved

(b) Only ATP molecules are generated but no NADH

(c) Water is required

(d) P 680 is the active reaction center

Ans. (a, b)

Sol. In cyclic photo-phosphorylation

- only PS I is involve.
- only ATP molecules generate not NADH.

- NADH forms in PS-II system.

- PS I reaction center is 700.

53. Select the correct statement(s) pertaining to Bohr model of an atom.

(a) An electron near the nucleus is attracted more by the nucleus; thereby has lower potential energy.

(b) An electron continuously radiates energy as long as it revolves in a discrete orbit.

(c) The model could not explain the spectra of multi-electron atoms.

(d) This is the first atomic model based on quantization of energy.

Ans. (a, c, d)

Sol. Potential energy of electron increase with increase in distance of electron from the nucleus.

54. The correct order(s) of first ionization energy for the following pairs is/are:
(a) Ag < Au (b) Pd < Pt (c) Pb > Sn (d) Sb > Bi

Ans. (a, b, c, d)
Sol. I.E. of Ag = 731 kJ/mole
I.E. of Au = 890 kJ/mole
I.E. of Pd = 804 kJ/mole
I.E. of Pt = 864 kJ/mole
I.E. of Pb = 716 kJ/mole
I.E. of Sn = 708 kJ/mole
I.E. of Sb = 830 kJ/mole
I.E. of Bi = 703 kJ/mole
55. Every solvent undergoes self-ionization (autodissociation) and gives cations and anions. The substances which
give solvent cations when dissolved in that particular solvent (or) increase the concentration of solvent cations are
called acids. Similarly substances which give solvent anions when dissolved in that particular solvent (or) increase
the concentration of solvent anion are called bases. Autoionisation of H2O and H2SO4 are as below
EN ˆˆˆ
2H2O ‡ˆˆ
ˆ H3O+ + OH–
2H2SO4 ‡ˆˆ
ˆ H3SO4+ + HSO4–
(a) CH3COOH acts as a strong acid in liquid NH 3 solvent
(b) H2SO4 acts as strong acid in H2O and liquid NH3 solvent
(c) CH3COOH acts as base in liquid HCl
(d) H2O acts as base in liquid NH3 solvent

Ans. (a,b,c)
Sol. Theoretical fact
56. The reaction KI + I2 ® KI3 involves
(a) oxidation (b) reduction (c) complex formation (d) neutralization

Ans. (a,b,c,d)
Sol. KI + I2 ® KI3
oxidation of I– into I3–
reduction of I2 into I3–

coordinate bond formation between I– & I2.

57. Crane A and crane B take 1 minute and 2 minute respectively to lift a car of mass 2 ton (2000 kg) upward
through a vertical height h = 3 meter. If the efficiencies of the engines (defined as the ratio of work output to fuel
energy input) of both the cranes are equal, your inference is that
(a) the power supplied by crane B is 1000 kW
(b) the crane A and the crane B consume equal amount of fuel
(c) the power supplied by crane A is more than the power supplied by crane B
(d) the crane A consumes more fuel in lifting the car than the crane B
Ans. (b, c)

Sol. tA = 60 sec
tB = 120 sec
wA = work done by crane A
wA = work done by crane B
As efficiencies one equal to both will consume same fuel to perform same amount of work.

w A mgh
PA = =
t 60

w B mgh
PB = =
t 120

So PA > PB
58. Two tungsten filament bulbs with rating 100 watt, 200 volt and 60 watt, 200 volt are connected in series with
a variable supply of 0 – 400V range, as shown. The supply voltage is gradually increased from 0 to 400 V.
Choose the correct statement(s).

EN 100W, 200V 60W, 200V

(a) When supply voltage is 200 volt, 60 W bulb glows brighter
(b) When supply voltage is 200 volt, total power dissipated in both the bulbs is greater than 37.5 W
(c) When the supply voltage is 400 V, the 100 W bulb gets fused
(d) When supply voltage becomes 400 V, none of the bulbs glow
Ans. (a, d)

B1 B2

Sol. V1 V2


VAB = V1 and VBC = V2

V2 (200)2 V 2 (200)2
R1 = = ; R2 = =
P 100 P 60

R1 : R2 = 3 : 5 Þ R2 > R1

So in series combination B2 will glow brighter.

when VAC = 200 V then

3 5
V1 = ´ 200 ; V2 = ´ 200
8 8

V12 9 V22 25
so P1 = R = 64 ´ 100 ; P2 = R = 64 ´ 60
1 2

900 + 1500 2400

So PTotal = = = 37.5 W
64 64

When VAC = 400 V then

5 10
V2 = ´ 400 Þ ´ 200 > Rated voltage
8 8

So bulb B2 will get fused so so no bulb will glow.

59. A solid sphere of radius R = 10 cm floats in water with 60% of its volume submerged. In an oil, this sphere floats
with 80% of its volume submerged. If the density of water is 1000 kg/m 3. The correct statement(s) is/are that
(a) the density of the material of sphere is 600 kg/m3
(b) the density of the oil is 750 kg/m3
(c) the weight of the sphere in air is close to 24.64 N
EN (d) the loss in weight of the sphere when floating in oil is close to 30.82 N
Ans. (a, b, c)
Sol. When submerged in water

mg = FB

ds × vs × g = d w ´ ´ vs ´ g

ds = dw

= 0.6 × 1000
= 600 kg/m3
When submerged in oil
mg = FB

dsvsg = d0 × × vs × g

ds = d0

d0 = ´ 600

( )
Ws = dsvsg = 600 ´ ´ p ´ 10-1 ´ 9.8

= 24.63 N

60. A particle starts moving from origin O along x axis. The velocity-time graph of motion of particle is given below.
The positive values of v refer to direction of motion along +x axis, the negative values of v refer to direction of
motion along – x direction. Choose the correct statement(s).

Velocity (m/s)

t (sec)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


(a) Initial acceleration of the particle is 4 m/s2

(b) The displacement of particle from origin is 130 m after 16 second

EN (c) Average speed of the moving particle during 0 –16 second is 11.88 m/s

(d) Somewhere during the motion for 0 – 16 second, the retardation of the particle is 10 m/s2

Ans. (b, c, d)

Sol. From graph

Displacement = area

1 1
= ´ ( 4 + 12 ) ´ 20 - ´ 4 ´ 15
2 2
= 160 – 30

= 130 m

Distance = 160 + 30 = 190 m

vavg = = 11.875 m/s

Between t = 10s to t = 12s

a = slope = - = –10 m/s2


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