Outcomes Int 1c. Putting Your Words To Work

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Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 1: Putting your words to work


1. Discuss the questions:

 Where and when do you use English outside the classroom?
 What do you do most: read, listen, speak or write?


2. Listen to three people telling stories connected to speaking a foreign language.

Match two sentences to each speaker (1–3). There are two sentences you do not
a. They helped someone by using a foreign language.

b. Their parents fell in love in Rio de Janeiro.

c. They have an unusual family background.

d. They were involved in a misunderstanding.

e. Their parents speak together in a foreign language.

f. They filmed an animal attacking someone.

g. They changed their behaviour as a result of the experience.

h. They work with people from other countries.

Speaker 1: _____ _____

Speaker 2: _____ _____

Speaker 3: _____ _____

3. Listen again and complete the sentences with three words in each space.
Contractions count as one word.

a. Two Chinese guys __________________ me and stopped me.
b. They started talking really fast, you know, and I __________________
at all!
c. I asked them to slow down, and then, __________________ of my bad Chinese and
gesture, I explained …
Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 1: Putting your words to work

a. He worked in the engine room and she was __________________ .
b. My mum said Dad was a really good dancer, __________________ very difficult to
c. They also said it __________________ about whose country to live in.

a. We go all over the place __________________ unusual wild animals.
b. We often need __________________ local people to act as guides or cooks for the film
c. Anyway, last year we were filming in Sumatra in __________________ a forest …

4. Which story did you like best? Why?

5. Look at these sentences from the stories. Then complete the rules.
a. They first looked really surprised and then they started talking really fast, you
b. It was actually the first time I'd spoken to anyone Chinese outside of my class.
c. They first met when they were both working on a cruise ship.
d. Neither spoke each other's language, but my mum had worked in Germany
e. Last year we were filming in the middle of a forest … and one time at dinner
I was talking to the guide and I tried to ask about ‘the people of the inner forest' …

We use three main tenses when telling stories: the past simple, the past continuous and the
past perfect simple.

• Past simple: add ____________ to the infinitive (without to) of the verb. Some past
forms are irregular, e.g. ____________

• Past continuous: use ____________ / ____________ + -ing form of the verb.

• Past perfect simple: use ____________ + past participle. Some participles are irregular,
e.g. ____________
Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 1: Putting your words to work

6. Look at the sentences in Exercise 5 again and answer the questions.

1. Which tense is the most common in telling stories?


2. Which tense is often used at the beginning of the story to give background

3. Which tense shows the events followed each other in order?


4. Which tense shows the 'past in the past' – an action that happened before
something else we talked about?

5. Which tense shows an action was unfinished or stopped by another action?


Now check your answers in the Grammar Reference and complete exercise 1.

7. Read this story about how another person's parents met. Decide if the past simple
forms are correct or not. Correct the ones which are wrong or write correct if they
don't need any changes.

1. 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. 7. 11.
4 8. 12.
Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 1: Putting your words to work
8. Some of the details of the story in Exercise 7 are missing. Listen and write down
the eight phrases and sentences you hear. You will hear each twice: first fast and
then slower.
1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________

9. Decide where each of the eight phrases and sentences from Exercise 8 should go in
the story in Exercise 7.


10. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. When I got home, I suddenly realised …

2. I didn’t recognise her at first because …

3. I wasn’t looking where I was going and …

4. This guy came up to me and …

5. I had meant to say … , but I’d actually said …

6. I found out later that …

11. In pairs or small groups, compare your ideas and decide which is the most
interesting. You may choose to continue with your story or choose one of the ideas
below to write a story.

 the first time your parents met

 the first time you met your best friend / wife / husband / boyfriend / girlfriend

 a time when you forgot or lost something important

 a time you had a good or funny experience using a foreign language

 a time a stranger helped you or you helped a stranger

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