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Applications of Algebra in real life

Gcuf Hafizabad campus

Algebra MSC Mathematics


We apply APOS theory to propose a possible way that students might follow in order to construct the
vector space concept. We describe the mental mechanisms and constructions that might take place
when students are learning this concept. We then report on a study that we performed with 10
undergraduate mathematics students through the application of a questionnaire and an interview. In
this paper we focus on the coordination between the two operations that form part of the vector space
structure and the relation of the vector space schema to other concepts such as linear independence
and binary operations

. Introduction

The vector space concept which is of great importance in linear algebra has received attention from
researchers in different countries. French researchers (Dorier, Robert, Robinet, Rogalski) talk about the
obstacle of formalism. This obstacle occurs when students try to manipulate numbers,vectors,
equations, coordinates, etc. when they submerge “under an avalanche of new words,
symbols,definitions and theorems”. These authors conclude that “for the majority of students, Linear
Algebra is nothing more than a catalogue of very abstract notions that they are never able to imagine”.
On the other hand, they warn that it is extremely difficult to find situations at their level where the
concepts of linear algebra would play the role of tools to be used in solving problems. This fact is related
to the unifying and generalizing nature of this subject, and these authors suggest alternative approaches
such as “meta-lever” to introduce and develop more abstract concepts of Linear Algebra [1,2]. Other
research points out to difficulties that students have when learning this concept [3].

2. Theoretical framework: APOS theory

The use of APOS theory to explain the construction of linear algebra concepts is recent [4–7],although
this theoretical approach has been used successfully in research concerning the learning of
mathematical concepts in Calculus, Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Logic. APOS
theory is interested in mental constructions that students make when they are learning a mathematical
concept. When using this theory, the researchers first make a description of a model that might explain
the way that students would follow in order to make the proposed constructions. This model is known
as the genetic decomposition [8]

3. Previous work concerning possible genetic decompositions of the vector space concept

In 2002, some members of RUMEC (Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Society)published through Internet teaching materials in Linear Algebra that were based on APOS theory
[9].These materials included activities and exercises using the computer programming language ISETL,as
well as traditional problems and discussion about each one of the introductory topics in Linear Algebra.
Although the materials did not include them explicitly, each topic had an accompanying genetic
decomposition, including the concept of vector space [10]. t “The concept of vector space is a schema
that is constructed by coordinating the three schemas of set, binary operation, and axiom”.


The vector space concept involves three schemas, set, binary operation, and axiom. In constructing the
func is_vector_space, students are led to make the necessary de-encapsulations and coordina-tions. In
particular, the func is a boolean-valued function that accepts a set V, a field of scalars K, an operation
defined on V, va, and an operation defined on the pair (K, V), tests whether the system(K, V, va, sm)
satisfies all ten axioms, and returns true, if all ten axioms are satisfied, and false,otherwise. In order to
apply the axiom schema, the set and binary operation schemas need to be thermalized into objects.
When the axiom schema is applied, the set and binary operation schemas are de-encapsulated and
coordinated with each axiom. The ten instances of this coordination are coordinated into a single
process that establishes whether the system constitutes a vector space.The vector space schema is
thematized to form an object to which actions can be applied. Examples of such actionsmay include
determining whether a given system (K, V, va, sm) defines a vector space.Students apply
is_vector_space to the 12 systems to which they applied the axioms individually[10].

This genetic decomposition provides a good example of how APOS theory cannot be separated from
teaching and pedagogical approaches. Although the results indicated that the constructions predicted by
the genetic decomposition seemed to be present in student learning, there were some aspects of vector
space theory that were not taken into account in earlier genetic decompositions, such as the
coordination between the two binary operations that conformed the vector space structure (which is
the focus of this paper). Another point is that the schema development in terms of the triad (Intra–
Inter–Trans) was not a part of these previous research projects. Furthermore we put special emphasis
on the field concept as part of our genetic decomposition, as empirical results [6] suggest that there are
a lot of difficulties related to its connection to the vector space structure.

4. A proposed genetic decomposition of the vector space concept

In what follows, we propose a genetic decomposition based on our experience as teachers and learners
of this topic, and previous research results available to us as described above. First we present it as a
diagram, and then we explain the components involved.According to this genetic decomposition in
order to construct the concept of vector space a students tarts by activating the constructions that (s)he
had already made about sets and binary operations.[1].This implies that the student applies a specific
binary operation to specific pairs of elements of a set,as an action. That is, given two elements of a
specific set and a specific binary operation, (s)he can find the resulting element. This action is
interiorized into a process which implies thinking about what the binary operation does to all elements
of a set, in a general manner. Then this process is encapsulated into an object to which the individual
can apply actions. At this point the object “set with binary operation” can be assimilated by the axiom
schema (which also contains quantifiers) to give place to

a new object that is a set with a binary operation that satisfies axioms. The student is able to verify if all
the given axioms are satisfied or if there are some that fail. Here the field plays an important role and it
is possible to define an operation on the set over a field (this is possible since the student ha constructed
the set as an object so that new operations can be defined on it). The objects that are sets with two
kinds of operations (addition and multiplication by a scalar) can be coordinated through the related
processes and the vector space axioms that involve both operations, to give rise to a new object that can
be called a vector space. This implies de-encapsulation of the two objects in order to have access to the
processes from which they resulted. Then the coordination between these two processes takes place
through the distributive laws which involve the operation of addition and the operation of multiplication
by a scalar.

5. Methodology

In order to test the viability of our genetic decomposition we prepared research instruments (a
questionnaire and a semi-structured interview); each question was designed to test specific mental
constructions (some of the questions were used in a previous study [6]. The questionnaire was applied
to a group of six mathematics students who were in their fourth semester and who were taking a
second course in Linear Algebra. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire helped shaping the
interview questions, which was applied to these six students and four others who were more advanced
in their studies (they were in their eighth semester).We now give some examples of the interview
questions, state our purpose in asking them and present results from the interviews (in the extracts that
we provide students are numbered S1 through s10 and the interviewer is 1).


In this paper we proposed a genetic decomposition which predicts how students might construct the
vector space concept as a schema. Our empirical evidence in this article focused on the parts of the
proposed genetic decomposition that have to do with the coordination of the processes of the two
binary operations, and the relation of the vector space schema to other concepts. Through the questions
that we designed and applied in the form of a questionnaire and an interview, we observed that when
students lack the prerequisite constructions, it becomes very difficult for them to develop a sufficiently
strong schema of the vector space concept.We also conclude that the coordination between the
operations vector space structure is not a trivial one cognitively, although such might be the case
mathematically. Related to these research results our first pedagogical suggestion is that there should
be special emphasis put on the construction of the binary operation schema, giving students the
opportunity to experiment with different kinds of sets and binary operations, so that they develop
flexibility in thinking about structures other than the ones containing the usual operations. Our next
suggestion has to do with the way the two vector space operations are related to each other. Usually in
teaching the vector space concept, the axioms that combine the two operations are treated like any
other axiom,whereas cognitively there is a demand that involves the coordination of two processes.
Again, there should be activities designed to facilitate such a coordination. The questions that we
reported and students’ answers to them can be used in designing instructional strategies to favor the
necessary connections that form part of our genetic decomposition.


[1] J.-L. Dorier, A. Robert, R. Robinet, M. Rogalski, L’Algèbre Linéaire: L’obstacle du Formalisme à travers
diverses recherches de [2] J.-L. Dorier, Meta level in the teaching of unifying and generalizing concepts in
mathematics, Ed. Stud. Math. 29 (2) (1995) 175–197.

[3] M. Maracci, Combining different theoretical perspectives for analyzing students’ difficulties in vector
space theory, ZDM 40 (2) (2008) 265–276.

[4] M. Trigueros, A. Oktaç, La Théorie APOS et l’Enseignement de l’Algèbre Linéaire, Ann. Didactique Sci.
Cogn. 10 (2005)157–176.

[5] D. Kú, M. Trigueros, A. Oktaç, Comprensión del concepto de base de un espacio vectorial desde el
punto de vista de la teoríaAPOE, Revista Educación Matemática 20 (2) (2008) 65–89.

[6] A. Oktaç, M. Trigueros, X.N. Vargas, Understanding of vector spaces – a viewpoint from APOS theory,
in: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2006.

[7] M. Trigueros, A. Oktaç, L. Manzanero, Understanding of systems of equations in linear algebra, in:
Proceedings of the 5th CERME (Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education), Larnaca, Chipre, 2007.

[8] M. Asiala, A. Brown, D.J. Devries, E. Dubinsky, D. Y Mathews, K. Thomas, A framework for research
and curriculum devel-opment in undergraduate mathematics education, in: J. Kaput, A.H. Schoenfeld, E.
Dubinsky (Eds.), Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, vol. 2, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, RI, 1996, pp. 1–32.

[9] K. Weller, A. Montgomery, J. Clark, J. Cottrill, M. Trigueros, I. Arnon, E. Dubinsky, Learning Linear
Algebra with ISETL, 2002.


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