Measuring Consumer's Attitude Towards Fast-Fashion Brand Social Media Marketing: Case in Indonesia

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International Journal of Business and Technology Management

e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

Measuring Consumer's Attitude Towards Fast-Fashion Brand

Social Media Marketing: Case in Indonesia

Catharina Greecesanta H1, Eristia Lidia Paramita1*

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Accepted: 15 February 2023 | Published: 1 March 2023


Abstract: Social Media existence has made the whole world change. With the massive
development of social media, communication between consumers and company have
transformed. Social media become the main tool for companies to get the best way to market
their product and range more customers globally. Now it’s the era of social media marketing
playing an important role and along with it, the attitudes of customers will affect companies
through their social media usage. The purpose of this study is to measure the consumer
attitudes of different groups toward social media marketing based on 5 constructs of social
media marketing to find out which construct is most effective and less effective. Afterward, it
can help companies to identify and evaluate which construct will strengthen to achieve the
effectiveness of companies' social media marketing.

Keywords: Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Fast-Fashion Consumers, Consumer


1. Introduction

Since the 1990s, the Internet has served as a platform for communication, information
exchange, and entertainment. With the internet, all users now can produce, publish, and
exchange material, data, and information due to programs called social media. The type of
social media also varied from blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, picture and video ratings,
and bookmarking. Examples of social media are Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and
other platforms that provide more usage. As a result, it enables users to create groups or
communities, connect with other users on the platform using text, images, videos, and audio,
share hobbies or aspirations, and exchange thoughts and suggestions. (Solis, 2007; Kim & Ko,
2012; Madni, 2014).

Since social media are widely used, 93% of social media users think that companies must have
a social media account to adapt to globalization and 85% of users think companies should
interact with customers with social media (Cone Communications, 2008). It happens because
social media had been used to innovate marketing plans, introduce new modes of promotion,
expand market segments, implement marketing strategies and build a closer connection with
customers (Phillips et al., 2010). From (Yilmaz & Enginkaya, 2015) study stated more than
50% of social media users worldwide actively write comments, 29% actively review products,
and over 50% actively follow brands on social media. Therefore social media is a source of
crucial information that businesses utilize to create tools also communication strategies for

Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

their clients. The new method to work on this opportunity is called social media marketing
(Mangold & Faulds, 2009).

Instagram is one of the most widely used social media marketing platforms, even in Indonesia.
Instagram was introduced in 2010 and allows users to share photos and leave comments on
individual images (Tuten & Solomon, 2015). It was a must for a fashion brand to use social
media marketing, especially on the Instagram platform, because it fully captures the expanding
fashion trend, an ideal platform for fashion firms and customers to interact online and represent
personal styles (McCrea, 2013). However, the usage of Instagram as a social media marketing
needs in-depth understanding since its growth has surpassed 1 billion and still growing and
now have impacted a different role between brands and customers (Motwani et al., 2014). The
exact impact was that customers' attitudes can be influenced by brands and will affect
companies' sustainability in the long-term period (Kuchinka et al., 2018).

(Mehta, 2000) discovered that consumers' attitudes were significant toward the effectiveness
of online marketing. Therefore, if the consumer has a good attitude toward social media
marketing, it will increase the effectiveness of marketing itself. Implicitly, if the customer has
a higher attitude, it will be linked to the effectiveness of social media marketing itself.

The typical 5 constructs of Social Media Marketing include Entertainment, Interaction,

Customization, Trendiness, and Word-of-Mouth (Kim & Ko, 2012) will be conducted on this
paper. By focusing on the attitudes of Indonesian consumers toward fast-fashion social media
marketing, this paper hopefully can be helpful in fast-fashion companies for identifying and
improving their marketing strategy by using 5 constructs of social media marketing, especially
by Instagram platform.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Social Media Marketing

Social media is a type of Internet channel (Taprial & Kanwar, 2012). Social media users can
interact with a huge or big range of communities and from here, users can gain a feeling of
connection with other users whether this connection is real-time or not (T. Carr & Hayes, 2015).
Instagram, Youtube, and Tiktok are a few of the widely used social media websites and services
(Statista, 2022). These platforms have rapidly increased in popularity among businesses for
marketing purposes due to their many advantages, such as branding, customer relationship
management, promotion, and advertising (Mukherjee & Banerjee, 2017). Additionally, users
can communicate, express themselves, and share their experiences with others globally
(Onofrei et al., 2022)

By using social media as a marketing tool, it will increase profit rather than traditional ones
such as flyers and brochures, door to doors, or even TV (Castronovo Johnson et al., 2012).
(Nabil Iblasi et al., 2016) explain with social media as a marketing tool, we can range more
people, and the chance to have new customers are bigger.

To identify and maximize outcomes from social media marketing, (Kim & Ko, 2010) stated
there are five key constructions or components: entertainment, interaction, trendiness,
personalization, and word-of-mouth (WOM). Entertainment refers to how social media can
entertain users in certain ways, from the photo, and video sharing or direct information.
Interactions refer to how social media marketing can connect people whether through chat or
call face-to-face (directly) or non-directly. Trendiness means social media is a fast-paced world

Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

and perfectly fits to find new trends in media whether inside or outside. Personalization means
social media as marketing tools have specific niche targets that are found. The fourth is word-
of-mouth, which includes users' freedom to share information.

2.2 Attitudes towards Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms offer marketing that engages communication sites as well as
opportunities to build stronger relationships with consumers (Chung & Austria, 2010).
Opinions, sharing, and content that are part of social media marketing will determine the
consumer's response to companies (Brown T, 2017). By all the aspects It is crucial now to
understand consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing because it will influence many
other aspects in the future such as brand attitudes, brand equity, intention to buy, decisions
making until loyalty (Chen, 2007; Oke & Kamolshotiros, 2016; Rahmi & Nelly, 2018). It is
believed, that if social media marketing is strong, the business or company will have an effect
on the increased value of the company towards the eye of consumers and lead to a good attitude
toward marketing (Godey et al., 2016).

3. Methodology

3.1 Population and Sample

The population in this study is Indonesian people who consume fast-fashion brands and follow
the H&M brand Instagram and are born from 1980 - 2000. The researcher used a purposive
sampling technique with criteria of respondents 1) Male and Female, 2) Aged between 22-42,
3) Men and women who have an interest in fashion, consume fast-fashion brands and follow
H&M Instagram. The sample is 1 Indonesian people with 87 people valid; 25 people not valid.

3.2 Data Collection

This study is quantitative and uses Google Forms as the online questionnaire to collect all data.
The questionnaire is using multiple-choice questions and classic scale measurement of a five-
point Likert scale ranging from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”. The
questionnaire was distributed through Instagram social media.

3.3 Data Analysis

The research will be in a form of a descriptive quantitative method. According to (Sugiyono,
2014) a descriptive study is conducted by characteristic respondents and determines variables
whether the variables are only one or more, without making comparisons or connections with
other variables. (Loeb et al., 2017) add that the quantitative descriptive study goal is to
understand the patterns across a population of interest more in general which means using data
simplifications. Therefore, this study are using the quantitative descriptive method to analyze
and indicate the customer attitude toward fast-fashion social media marketing.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Pre-Test
This research tested the validity and reliability of all the data collected before doing another
test. In a study by (Taherdoost, 2016) validity describes how accurately collected data supports
the actual topic of study; Indonesian consumer attitude towards fast-fashion social media
marketing. While reliability provides the collected data for measurement of the study is stable
and consistent (Carmines & Zeller, 1979). By using the first 30 respondents, the study is valid
and reliable. The result shown by the data, the r count is higher than the table. The r count from
30 data samples was 0,703. It is proven that the data is valid because the data measurement is

Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

> 0,703. Results also showed that the collected data was reliable since Cronbach’s Alpha is
0,703. Based on reliability should equal or above 0.60. Therefore, this study is required for
further testing.

4.2 Respondents’ Characteristics

The respondents are Indonesian people who are social media active users and follow the fast-
fashion Instagram Account.

Table 1: The Total Amount of Respondents

Gender Age
Valid 86 86
Missing 0 0

Based on table 1, 86 data were valid from respondents that tested in total. The measured data
were grouped into two categories based on gender and age.

Table 2: Total Demographic Representation based on Gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 1,2 1,2 1,2
Female 53 61,6 61,6 62,8
Male 32 37,2 37,2 100
Total 86 100 100

Table 3: Total Demographic Representation based on Age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 22-26 52 60,5 60,5 60,5
27-31 19 22,1 22,1 82,6
32-36 11 12,8 12,8 95,2
37-42 4 4,7 4,7 100
Total 86 100 100

Based on gender data table 4.2, the majority of respondents were female with 53 people
(61,6%) followed by men with 34 people (37,2%). The age categories shown from table 4.3,
52 (60,5%) respondents are people with age between 22-26 years old, (22,1%) respondents are
people with age between 27-31 years old, 11 (12,8%) respondents are people with age between
32-36 years old and 4 (4,7%) respondents are people with age between 37-42 years old.

Data Analysis
The researcher conducted a quantitative descriptive analysis by calculating the distribution
average of each statement given to the respondents. To indicate Indonesian customer attitude,
the researcher uses two indicators of background, specifically: age and gender. The results of
the respondents will be shown in the table below for various analyses based on the respondents'
diverse backgrounds.

Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistic 26 by looking at the mean of numerous
respondents' backgrounds. According to data, females have shown higher attitudes toward fast-
fashion Instagram marketing. Table 1 shows the detailed results, where the mean for females
is higher than males.

From table 4, the mean of females shows a difference from males. Females have more
tendencies of a higher attitude toward social media marketing of the fast-fashion Instagram
itself. Additionally, dominant in the trendiness construct, females have more tendencies to feel
up-to-date while using fast-fashion Instagram. On the other side, males are shown to have a
lower attitude toward fast-fashion Instagram with entertainment construct as its dominant
which males have to feel fast-fashion social media was so interesting.

Apparently, this result has different from the previous study that stated female attitude toward
social media marketing is higher in entertainment construct since it is an important factor to
connect consumers emotionally (Irshad & Sakil Ahmad, 2019).

Table 4: Gender Results of Indonesian Customer Attitudes toward Fast-Fashion Social Media Marketing

Female Male
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Entertaiments 4,19 ,59 4,23 ,66
Interactions 3,91 ,84 3,75 ,05
Trendiness 4,3 ,72 4,22 ,87
Customization 3,79 ,86 3,91 ,82
Word-of-Mouth 3,43 ,07 3,31 ,12

According to the second data result, it shows that Indonesian consumers between 37-42 years
old have the highest attitude toward fast-fashion Instagram with trendiness construct as the
dominant. The detailed result is shown below in table 2, where people aged between 37-42
present the highest mean which means people of this age feel up-to-date after using fast-fashion
Instagram marketing. It is a line with a study (Brindha & Rajakrishnan, 2021) that state the
oldest age group between 36-50 have effective attitudes and beliefs

Table 5: Age Results of Indonesian Customer Attitudes toward Fast-Fashion Social Media Marketing

Source: Primary Data, 2022

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

This study has already analyzed the attitude of Indonesian consumers toward fast-fashion
Instagram marketing. The final result shows the different results based on different

Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.5, No. 1, 55-62, 2023

backgrounds. Because of the differences in background, could possibly affect the different
results. However, based on all data results, most Indonesian have positive attitudes toward the
trendiness construct on fast-fashion Instagram, which means they only have tendencies of
feeling up-to-date about fashion trends nowadays. Therefore, this study's findings can give
companies an overview of which social media construct that needs to be improved and can
adjust with what group age and gender to suit the constructs in Indonesia consumers.

All analyses of this study, the result show that there are still limitations in this study. The
researcher recommends for the next researcher have broadened research through the
background variable that is linked to the attitude of the consumers themselves toward social
media marketing or can use different variables of study such as in food company. Also, the
next researcher can give attention to which aspect of the company has an effect on the attitude
of consumers toward the marketing part such as an economic, decision to purchase, loyalty, et
cetera in order to get a deeper understanding and analysis toward consumers attitude in social
media and reach for a perfection of the study and the topic of social media marketing will be



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Copyright © 2023 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
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