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Week 1

D. Learning Task 1

 Formal
 Objective
 Organized
 Unbiased language
 Creative
Informal Formal
A lot of many
Net internet
cheap inexpensive
kids children
Don’t Do not
Learning Task 2
Type of Texts
I. Linear Texts
a. Educational texts
b. Letters
c. Short stories
d. Poem
II. Non-Linear Texts
a. Line graph
b. Bar graph
c. Pie chart
d. Venn diagram
Learning Task 3

Cause: Global Warming


1. Increase in the temperature of the Earth

2. Rainfall Distribution will change

3. Sea levels to rise

4. Low-lying coastal areas to experience heavy floods

5. Decrease in crop production
Learning Task 4

Topic: Computers

I. Advantages

1. It gives effortless to the users on doing productivity activities.

2. Convenient searching because of internet
3. More fun because of high-end entertainment

II. Disadvantages

1. It's addicting
2. Can cause depression and anxiety
3. Prone your privacy

Week 2
D. Learning Task 1
Nonverbal Cues Text Evidence
Mara Ronel
Eye contact Staring at ronel
Facial Expression Smiling
Gesture Head nod Head nods
Nodding her head

Learning Task 2
Conversation Strategies Dialogue
1. Asking open-ended questions Ex: Where are you from?
2. Clarifying for comprehension - You’re asking about Apolinario Dela
Cruz, known as Hermano Pule. Is that
3. Trying conversation starters - Do you know Apolinario Dela Cruz?
4. Interrupting politely - Can you excuse me for a while?
5. Voicing opinions - I agree. He is really a great man. It is
just proper for us Quezonian to give him
honor every 4 day of November as
Hermano Pule Day.
6. Expressing with keepers - How about you?
Learning Task 3

1.) Hello! Good afternoon. This is Medianista's Residence.

2.) Yes, Please

3.) Please tell him that all videos of the group presentations will be sent via email on
friday,8:00 in the morning.

4.) Thank you for the favor, Marcus, Goodbye.

5.) When you were out, Brother, your student Joy Sonics called.

she said that all videos of the group presentation will be sent via email

on Friday 8:00 in the morning.

Learning Task 4

A. Assimilation
In communication, you can use active strategies to keep
a conversation going and solve possible communication
issues. Nonverbal cues, as another form of communication,
may provide additional message and meaning.
V. Assessment
Conversation is … Conversation is not …
1. Waiting to my turn to speak 5.interrupting the person who is
2. Asking open-ended question 6. judging people based on their
3. Minding my gestures, eye 7. focusing on the mannerism,
contact, and facial expressions speaking style, clothing of the person
4. Listening carefully to what 8. being distracted by noise, mobile
others says and responding to phones, or by what other people are
them. doing.

Week 3
D. Learning Task 1

Yes, because it is right for us to worry The message delivered by the speaker
about ourselves or our health first stated that we should not worry about the
comma because it is dangerous for us face-to-face class first because students
to be infected with the virus or covid- are at risk of contracting the virus when
19 that there is no vaccine that can they are allowed to take a face-to-face
cure us. class without a vaccine to eradicate the
spreading covid-19.
Speech of President
1 Duterte during the 2
State of the nation
3 address 2020 4
To be updated or let me know what is Some ways for me to pass on the
happening regarding our school and knowledge or information I got from
our study whether face to face classes the speaker I will tell my classmates in
will be continued during covid-19 or person or maybe I will post it on social
not. media so that there will be many who
know about it.
Learning Task 2

"it says" "I say" "So i infer"

Until the covid 19 Two weeks ago, I How to get it from
vaccine is seemed to have the produces or
available, I will not said that I would from other
allow the allow the face to governments is
traditional face to face classes to really something
face teaching or resume. But we which we have to
learning unless all were talking deal with because
risks of exposure actually of January it is a global need,
to sickness are because my and everyone
eliminated . thinking is that by would go for it.
September, we
would have the

Learning Task 3
o The speech was held in President Rodrigo Duterte's state of the nation address
o The intended audience are students, parents and teachers.
o The speaker is President Rodrigo Duterte.
Tone or Mood
o The speech was delivered in a calm mood.
o The speaker delivered a message regarding the traditional face-to-face classes.
The speaker stated that it will not resume until the covid-19 vaccines are

Learning Task 4

When: This was announced on June 6 2020.

Where: It was held at the place of department of education.
Who: Smokers, Cancer patients.
Who: Teenagers.
What: Inspiring
What: Encourages the smoke users to stop what they are doing for no
tobacco day.

A. Assimilation

C. CONTEXT. location and time the speech held

A. AUDIENCE. people who listen to the speech

S. SPEAKER. person giving the message/speech

T. TONE OR MOOD. attitude/feelings expressed by the speaker

S. SUMMARY. main points of the speech

V. Assessment
1. false
2. true
3. true
4. true
5. true
Week 4
Learning Task 1
"Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties.
However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating
garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus," the WHO said in
its myth busters section, a landing page on its official website that's
dedicated to debunking misconceptions about 2019-nCoV.

So, it is False.

Learning Task 2
Title of the video 'COVID K9'
Web address/URL
YouTube Channel GMA public affairs
Resource Person/s Howie Severino, Kara David, Sandra Aguinaldo, and Atom
Yung 1 – 10 lahat ay “YES”
Learning Task 3
1. 10
2. According to some studies, a dog can detect a COVID-19 positive person simply
by their sense of smell.
3. Yes
4. Now that there is a pandemic, dogs may have a new role: as K9 COVID-19
5. Yes, so that they can be inform to this situation and be guided.
Learning Task 4

A. Assimilation

•Unbiased creator/producer/resource person
who can inform, explain, or persuade
•Correctness of information verifiable in other sources
•Reputable and credible creator/producer/resource person
V. Assessment
1. Fake news
2. Fact-check
3. Truthfulness
4. Disinformation
5. Fact

Learning Task 1
1. I
2. E
3. E
4. I
5. E
Learning Task 2
1. F
2. E
3. B
4. C
5. E
6. D
7. A

Learning Task 3
1. Lack decent housing
2. Exposed to dangers from disaster
3. Prone to neglect abuse and exploitation
4. Experience multiple deprivations
Problem: Prone to neglect, abuse and exploitation
Solution 1: Get help w/ alcohol or drug problems. Keep him/her away from anyone
who abuses those substances.
Solution 2: Watch your words. Angry or punishing language can leave emotional
scars for lifetime.
Solution 3: Stop if you begin to act out frustration or other emotions physically.
Learning Task 4
I will be kind
I will be respectful to other people
I will start peace with me
I will practice safety actions
I will be bold and campaign against violence
A. Assimilation
A conflict is a struggle or problem faced by the main
character. It can be categorized into — external
and internal. It can be resolve in non-violent ways. To
stop it from getting worse, you should cool
off, share, listen, check, take
responsibility, brainstorm solution, choose a solution,
and affirm, forgive, and thank.
V. Assessment
1. C 6. A
2. B 7. D
3. E 8. A
4. B 9. F
5. E 10. F

Week 7
Learning Task 1
1. Banaue rice terraces
2. Sipak
3. Bayanihan
4. Tinikling
5. Bulcan mayor
b. 1. Spend time with other member of the community the best
way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive gather as a
group not just for holidays but for ordinary meals events or just
conversation many aspects of culture are difficult to learn it
books and museums including etiquette body language and

2. The Philippines cultural heritage has been here since the

3. Doing our traditional heritage and we must blend our self as
an old Filipino.

Learning Task 2

1. B
2. E
3. D
4. C
5. A
Learning task 3

A. What happens when you disobey the golden rule?

"Do not do unto others what you do not want them to do
unto you," is a golden rule, and when you break it, you are
essentially admitting to yourself that you do not require
the help of others to function, which would be a bad trait.
You'll be aware that you've done something bad and thus
in return what you did will also be done upon you.
How does culture affect people's relationships?
Many factors, such as religious views, societal mores,
history, family structures, and so on, have an impact on
an individual's behavior and perspective of the world and
relationships. As a result, while some behaviors may be
acceptable in one culture, they may not be in another.
People's emotions are genuine, but the unspoken
influence of how the relationship is handled may have a
cultural component.
Why it is important to value other people?
It is critical to regard others since they are human beings
with lives and feelings just like ourselves. We should
cherish other people as we do ourselves because they are
also God's creations and are unique. As the holy texts
say, "love your neighbors as yourself."
1. K-pop
2. Has a lot of fans among Filipinos.
3. Our country Philippines also wants freedom. When we
covered by Español.
4. Bank
5. Most Filipinos like spicy in food, sometimes they make
spicy sauce.
Learning Task 4

1. The reason was I knew that there were more opportunities

and the salary is much higher than the offer here in our
country. 2 yrs.
2. The difference is that their surroundings are clean and it's
easy to get along with them. It surprises me with their culture
and there daily living.
3. It wasn't hard for me to communicate with them because I
know how to speak the global language.
4. The most interesting food that I have tasted is their Ramen.
I've missed eating Adobo because it just tastes like home.
5. Bus and airplane
6. It was quite hard because it doesn't have an English
translation or label, I have to ask what kind of product is this.
7. There cultural norms of Korea that I notice is they are
bowing their heads when they meeting and greeting someone,
I really love the way of there respect.
8. Not really
9. Walking under the cherry blossom it so beautiful especially
when its flowers fall it was a great time to take a picture.
10. Maybe if I got an opportunity again to visit their country,
why not. But as of now I do want to visit other countries.

A. Assessment
1. The values of hiya and pakikisama is a Filipino
manner of communication and behavior.
2. Respecting other people and treating them fairly is
a common principle shared by different religions.
3. Buddha established virtues to be used in
governance such as benevolence, righteousness,
propriety, wisdom, and sincerity.
4.Love and freedom are virtues naturally embedded in
human that maintains a happy life.
5. Cultural tie is important in creating harmonious
relationship with other countries.
Week 8
Learning Task 1
 Elon Musk is a highly intelligent South African
entrepreneur, considered by some as the embodiment
of "Iron Man".
 He was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa.
In 2012. Musk and SpaceX made history and launched
Falcon 9 rocket into space with an unmanned capsule.
 He earned his degrees in physics and economics in
University of Pennsylvania. Then, Musk used the Money
from selling his first two ventures Zip 2 and Pay Pal to
explore his other interest which are space and cars.
 He created a space transport company known as
SpaceX and began Tesla Motors that focuses on
electric cars.
 Indeed, Elon Musk is the real-life Iron Man, a brilliant
businessman with extensive knowledge in space
exploration and electric cars.
Learning Task 2
Personal History
Name: Raymund Kyle A. Alias
Birthdate and birthplace:
Important Experiences: Spending time with my family
Education: Conducto National High School
Occupation/Career: to be a future architect
Award/Recognition: I was awarded as first honor when I was in

The reason why I admire ----- is because she/he helps me with
my homework helps me when in sick, and teaches me and
most importantly... Guides me as I grow to who I want me to
Learning Task 3
Dr. José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realondo

DETAIL 1:He was born on 19 June 1861 in Calamba, Laguna to

Teodora Alonso Realonda and Francisco Mercado. . He was a
multifaceted intellectual and a political activist, best known for
his political writings that inspired the Philippine revolution and
ultimately led to his execution by the Spanish colonizers.

DETAIL 2:Rizal studied at the Ateneo, a private high school, and

then to the University of St. Thomas in Manila.Rizal was a
polymath, skilled in both science and the arts. He painted,
sketched, and made sculptures and woodcarving. He was a
prolific poet, essayist, and novelist whose most famous works
were his two novel,Noli Me Tángere and its sequel, El

DETAIL 3:It inspired me to love the Philippines and everything

in it. Moreover, it inspired me to become an achiever in school
and in profession soon. To simply put, the story of Dr. Jose Rizal
inspired me in such a way that it drives my burning desire to be
a good citizen and an excellent student.

A. Assimilation
● Write a paragraph which consists of a topic sentence,
supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
● A bio-sketch should have the following elements:
personal history, achievements and contributions.
V. Assessment

1.informative texts
2.biographical sketch
3.capsule biography
4.topic sentence
5.third person

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