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Producer, lead author, and lead designer S. Baker
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Gerry Torbert
Ryan Torbert

Special thanks to Richard Woolcock of

Zadmar Games for design advice.

On the Cover: Singe by Thomas Wievegg

( Used by
permission. All rights reserved.

Could almost be the black Dragon Bardanax,

second ruler of Stor­gris, couldn't it? Who's
Bardanax? Read on!

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The World of Farland

  Daily Life in Wawmar 43
The Stor­gris Era 8 Religion 45
History 9 Industry 45
The War of Immortals 11 Wawmar's Construction 48
Using this Book 12 Factions in Wawmar 51
The Dwarven Kingdom 52
  The Town of Zigil 53
Elven Society 14 The War 55
Elven History and People 14 Dwarven Steam Weaponry 55
Elf Traits 16
Altarim 17 
Galan 17  
Aranarim 18 Human Societies 62
Telarim 18 Human Traits 62
Culture 19 People of Aelfrand 62
Crafts 21 Hinterland Humans 67
Elven Life 22 Deep Marsh Humans 68
Religion 23 Humans of Hathiand 70
The City of Alustel 27 Northern Cave­Dwellers 71
Factions in the Sarumvest 29 Enslaved Humans 72
The War 72
  
Dwarven Society 30  
Dwarf Traits 30 Gnome Society 74
Kibil­Gunders 32 Gnome Traits 74
Shieldfolk 32 Crown Gnomes 75
Wawmar 32 Tunnel Gnomes 75
History 33 Fairy Gnomes 75
Structure 34 History 76
Layout of Wawmar 35 Culture 77
Military and Defense 38 Interaction with Others 78
Economy 41 The War 78

Halfling Society 79 Flavor 112
Halfling Traits 79 Healing 112
Outsiders 80 Items 113
Insiders 80 Magic 114
History 80 Monsters 115
Culture 81 Campaign Outline 116
Interaction with Others 82 Key to Names and Terms 118
The War 83
Halfling Factions 83 
 
     Adventures 120
Stor­Gris 84 The Crypt of Memory 120
The Fortress of Stor­Gris 86 Part 1: Beginning the Adventure 122
Military and Defense 95 Part 2: The Crypt 122
Special Weaponry 96 Concluding the Adventure 136
Economy 97 The Ruin of Honor and Glory 138
Daily Life in Stor­Gris 98 Part 1: Beginning the Adventure 139
Factions in Stor­Gris 99 Part 2: The Ruin of House Al­Dustriel 141
The War 99 Concluding the Adventure 155
History of Stor­Gris 99
Future of Stor­Gris 102 
The Wintervale 108  
The War 108 The Betrayal of Karoxfang 156
Part 1: The Spies 156
 Part 2: The Oluk Orcs 168
  Part 3: The Dragon 174
GM Materials 110
Languages 110  
Currencies 111
Rule Changes 112  

 hordes of orcs and goblins always makes this a
dangerous proposition. There are simply too many
goblin­folk. Nevertheless, they have one hope: their

I t is the distant past of the World of Farland,

before the Lords of Sin and the Dark Conquest. A
different conflict consumes the land, a war fought by
intellect. The elves and dwarves have been planning a
scheme to assassinate the dreadful Karoxfang and
hopefully throw the wicked kingdom into disarray
elves and dwarves against the fell and evil Dark Folk and perhaps civil war. The plan is tenuous, however,
kingdom of Stor­gris. This dread kingdom is a land of and its outcome lies in the balance….
orcs, goblins, and their kin; it is a slave­holding This, then, is the backdrop of the World of
realm, full of monsters and terror. Farland: War of Immortals Campaign Setting.
The Races of the Light face an uphill battle: the Players in this setting face a centuries­old conflict
dominion of Stor­gris is massive and heavily between non­human races, a game of chess played
populated by the quick­breeding Dark Folk races, for the highest of stakes—the freedom of the Races of
and worse, it is headed by strategic and ruthless the Light, or their ultimate destruction. The grand
leaders, and none moreso than the orc­demon civilizations of the elves and dwarves hang by a
Karoxfang, the founder of the kingdom, whose very thread… will they survive?
name causes the bravest among the elves and This campaign setting offers the opportunity to
dwarves to quail in fear. play in the World of Farland, but in a time in its
If this isn’t enough, the realm of Stor­gris is history when great non­human civilizations vied for
supported and advised by the Wintervale, the land of control of the continent, fielding massive armies and
perpetual ice and snow that lies across the gulf to the engaging in epic battles that would later become the
east. This bleak place is ruled by the White Lady, a stuff of myths and legends. At this point in its
mysterious entity of great and terrible power. The history, humans have not yet assumed the prominent
elves and dwarves are menaced from two sides. position they will later occupy. The Stor­gris era is
They have some allies. The gnomes have provided the time of the ascendancy of orcs, dwarves, and
support, both militarily and otherwise, in the war immortal elves. Campaigns set in this era begin in the
against evil, but they generally take an isolationist year 9770 Elven Reckoning, approximately 10,700
policy. The halflings and humans too do what they years before the Lords of Sin and the Dark Conquest
can to support the good races, but their societies are as told in the World of Farland Campaign Setting
primitive and undeveloped. In fact, many humans publication.
live in caves and huts, and while they understand the
threat posed by Stor­gris, there is little they can do
against such powerful and developed foes. Thus, the
elves and the dwarves must bear the brunt of the
conflict with Stor­gris.
They are aware of this fact, and they fully
understand the magnitude of their peril. Sometimes
the elves and dwarves have faced the armies of Stor­
gris in open combat, but the seemingly endless


 Sarum. Yet this conflict provided the elves with the
impetus to study magic in earnest, and their new
Around 7000 years before the date in which War discoveries turned the tide of the battle. The Dark
of Immortals campaigns take place, the first great elf Folk were on the verge of defeat and ultimate
houses were founded, and with them, the flowering extermination—when inexplicably, House Al­Dustriel
of elven civilization began. At that time, orcs and turned on their kin and caused civil discord in the
most other monsters did not yet exist, and the elves Sarumvest and its capital of Alustel. For the first
lived in a virtual paradise, free from biological aging, time, elf shed the blood of elf. This civil strife came to
most diseases, and the majority of perils save that be called the Kin Slayer Wars. House Al­Dustriel,
caused by accidents. But such a utopian way of life with its allied houses, left the Sarumvest and founded
could not last. Not long after, from the greatest and the city of Talas in the wastelands to the east. And
most noble elf house, Al­Dustriel (“Lovers of Honor worse, the rebel elves aligned themselves with the
and Glory”) came a peerless and lovely elven maiden, orcs and goblinoids. The war dragged on, with the
Talkana, called Silumiel (“Beloved One as Beautiful final result in doubt, for the rebels and Dark Folk
as the Moon”). Not only was Talkana Moondaughter, were led by a powerful and enigmatic being that
as she came to be called, the comeliest elf who had called itself the White Lady. Eventually, with great
yet lived, she also proved to be gifted in many other loss, the forces of House Al­Dustriel were defeated.
ways: she was supremely intelligent, skilled in crafts, The orcs were scattered and the White Lady fled; this
and adept in the fledging discipline of magic. She occurred some 3400 years ago. The elves set about to
traveled the land, teaching and improving all with hunt down any orc stragglers. For hundreds of years,
whom she came into contact. Dwarves were newly the elves knew peace.
created at this point and just attempting to found But the White Lady returned centuries later,
their own civilization, and Talkana did much to guide around 1700 years before the present date, and
and instruct them. She traveled to their home of founded the Dark Folk realm she called Rothnog,
Liferock to tutor them in elven ways. setting herself up as its queen. Having learned from
But her curiosity and ambition was as great as her her defeat at the fall of Talas, she fortified her
beauty and skill. Talkana ever sought to expand her kingdom and built it slowly, treating and parlaying
knowledge until she contacted… something or with the elves and dwarves until her military might
someone she should never have sought. Without was in place. Then she struck. Rothnog attacked and
warning, some 6500 years before the present date, waged terrible war against the elves and dwarves.
she disappeared. The elves sought her in the Some dwarves recognized the threat to their
wilderness, but returned unsuccessful; they deeply ancestral home Liferock and took themselves off to
mourned her loss. However, something soon found the fortress of Wawmar. The White Lady was
distracted them: the appearance of foul, stunted, evil indeed successful in destroying Liferock, and she
creatures in the wilds—orcs. Soon after the orcs even threatened the bounds of the Sarumvest itself.
appeared, similar but distinct creatures followed Much of the reason for her success was her dreadful
—goblins and other Dark Folk. These beasts attacked general Karoxfang, the spawn of an orc and a demon.
the elves in their forest, and the elves found Yet always evil turns on itself, and the kingdom of
themselves fighting for their very existence. Though Rothnog was split by its own civil war. Powerful
individually these creatures were no match for an elf, orcish warlords rebelled against the White Lady, and
they still represented a real threat due to their high war raged within the kingdom until the might of
birth rate. Rothnog was broken, though the White Lady
The elves called this early strife the Battle of the emerged triumphant from the civil strife.


The elves and the dwarves saw their chance and 
attacked the weakened kingdom, defeating it utterly.
The Lady and her vassal Karoxfang, around 450 years This ultimatum began the War of Immortals, so
ago, attempted to flee east with their defeated army, called because the immortal elves had to face down
but they were trapped and overwhelmed at Thunder the might of Stor­gris, though their numbers were
Pass as they tried to cross the Grand Peaks. But the lacking. The dwarves fought on the side of the elves,
leaders of Rothnog would not be eliminated so easily. though they trusted to the impregnability of their
Karoxfang and his picked warriors fought their way fortress of Wawmar as often as they fielded armies.
out of the trap and escaped in the only direction open Both the forest of the elves and the volcano of the
to them—to the south. The White Lady used her dwarves provided an initial advantage, but it wasn't
powerful magic to escape as well and took herself enough to win a war, especially not one against such
into the city of Gorgwath which she had prepared in vicious opponents.
the east. The elves at this point founded the Satellite The War has run hot and cold for seven decades.
Cities of Emerain and Palahan in the eastern plains The elves and dwarves have never faced with their
of Aeltal to protect against attacks from Gorgwath. full armies the full force of the dark kingdom, for
And again, the elves and the dwarves knew peace they are heavily outnumbered. They have fought
—but alas, it was all too fleeting. many skirmishes and engaged in much guerrilla
Dispossessed orcs, goblins, and other Dark Folk action, but ever the armies of Stor­gris have pushed
from all over the Hinterlands flocked to Karoxfang. north, driving the elves from the Hinterlands and
Having had the luck to take prisoner a famous forcing them to withdraw closer and closer to their
dwarven architect and engineer, the vile general used woodland kingdom of the Sarumvest.
the dwarf’s knowledge to build for himself in the In addition, Gorgwath has begun menacing the
south a nearly unassailable fortress city he called elves of Aeltal, and Dark Folk from the east have
Stor­gris, or “New Start” in the uncouth tongue of encroached on the Kingdom of Wawmar. It is
orcs. Slowly and quietly he reestablished contact with becoming obvious that Stor­gris and Gorgwath are
the White Lady in Gorgwath and began anew the preparing for a massive assault—and indeed elven
work of Rothnog. He claimed the wide lands spies have reported a huge army gathering in Stor­
surrounding Stor­gris and founded Dark Folk cities gris. According to the spies, such a massive army has
and castles there. Gradually, he increased his domain never yet been seen in the Siriand.
and strengthened his armies, this time brooking no Things are not looking good for the races of the
disobediencee, for he would not have Stor­gris repeat light. In fact, not since the first appearance of the
the mistakes of Rothnog. So skillfully did Karoxfang Dark Folk have the good races been in such peril.
enact his plans that by the time the elves and dwarves In desperation, the elves and dwarves have
perceived their peril and began to marshal their devised a plan. They will attempt to lure Karoxfang
armies, it was too late. A deadly plague blew out of out of the Dark Folk kingdom and try to assassinate
the east, and it killed disease­resistant elves and him. But the ambush at Thunder Pass failed to kill
dwarves alike. Their armies decimated, there was the terrible orc­demon, so many elves despair that
little they could do as the forces of Stor­gris openly such a ploy could succeed now. Plus, many
revealed themselves and laid claim to the dangerous missions must be accomplished before the
Hinterlands, declaring that Karoxfang was the plan can be enacted. The elves and dwarves are
rightful king of all Siriand. About 70 years ago, Stor­ seeking brave and skilled operatives to assist them in
gris gave them an ultimatum: submit to the rule of their plan. Who will help them? The fate of their
the orc­demon general… or die. civilizations is at stake.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 players will never forget. This book also comes with
two adventures that will help PCs learn more about
This book is a resource for Game Masters and the history of the mysterious White Lady. If you want
players alike as they run and play in campaigns set to discover what becomes of the White Lady, check
during the Stor­gris era and the War of Immortals. out The World of Farland Campaign Setting, the
For players, it contains new PC race options, new center piece of the trilogy of World of Farland game
rules, altered spell lists, and information on the books, which also includes The World of Farland
civilizations of the period. The depth of information Game Masters Handbook and The World of Farland
in this text will allow players to create PCs that seem Players Guide. But you don’t need these three books
grounded in their actual civilizations and will give to run a game set in the time of the War of
them the information that they need to immerse Immortals; you only need the text you’re currently
themselves in their roleplaying. reading!
For Game Masters, it contains new magic items, This book is made up primarily of exclusive
details about the civilizations, important NPCs and content that has never appeared on the World of
locations, various factions, and a developed Farland website, but we encourage you to visit us
campaign outline that will guide players from low there at You will find a great
levels to high levels as they leave their mark on the deal of information for your 5e game, including
War of Immortals epoch. player and GM options and more free adventures.
This is a self­contained book which, in concert Furthermore, you can follow the World of Farland on
with the core books that allow you to play the 5th twitter: @Farland_World. Welcome to the
edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game, community, and we wish you many happy hours of
is all you need to create an epic campaign your gaming in Farland!
In the War of Immortals, the

E lves rule the large forest­kingdom of the

Sarumvest in the North and the land of Aeltal
in the East. They call themselves elhil (singular
elven race is a major protagonist. If
you want to play a character who
comes from a long lineage of
elhan). Elves look generally like humans, but they are
important folk, who has a
taller, fairer of face, and have beautiful speaking and
connection with nature, or who has
singing voices. They are known for their leaf­shaped
an innate nobility, consider an elf.
ears and their lush, silky hair, which is usually dark,
although many have red, black, or blond hair, with
some rare individuals displaying naturally silver hair.
Baldness is unknown among elves. They are also
resistant to many diseases that affect the other races. this rest time, they may stand guard or study spells or
The individual elf is usually slimmer than most something similar but may undertake no strenuous
humans and is not given towards the same type of activity. Their lack of a biological need to sleep,
raw strength often found among men. This is not to coupled with their innate magical nature, makes
say that elves can’t be strong, but their race doesn’t them resistant to soporific magical effects. Similarly,
display the heavily muscled builds than sometimes their innate magical nature and strong wills make
appear among men, dwarves, and orcs. them resistant to spells that would charm other
The eyes of the elhil are exceedingly sharp, races.
allowing them to see very well in shadow and even All elves speak Altarian, or "High Speech." In the
full darkness. They are also adroit at spotting things continent of Siriand, Altarian is the common or trade
normally not noticed by other races, such as secret tongue, known and used among all races save the
doors, creatures at a distance, and signs of Dark Folk, who may know it but refuse to use it as a
approaching danger. Their ears are sharp as well, rule.
allowing them to notice sounds that other would not
Elves do not sleep, as do other races. In place of a
nightly rest, for half the night, they enter something
that they call “The Reverie” or “The Trance.” This is a 
type of waking hallucination during which they
largely remain aware of their surroundings but in All elhil descend from the same race, the
which they “walk in the halls of memory,” reliving the Tinnurim, or "those who love the Twilight." Legend
many years of their nearly endless lives, thus keeping has it that Tal­Allustiel, forsaking the creation of a
their memories sharp. Elhil are not completely Lesser God, instead created the race of elves as a
insensate during the Reverie, but are less likely to helpmeet for him in the Ontological War that would
notice danger. They rest for the remaining four hours be fought over Núrion, the planet upon which the
of the night, but remain fully awake and alert. During continent of Siriand lies. A great host of elves he

Elven Civilization

made on the plane of Efferenus in his

domain of Faerie, a realm of ancient, well­
wrought stone halls and wood bowers,
enclosed in a seemingly endless forest set
on the edge of a twilight sea. From there,
Tal­Allustiel commanded the first elves to
journey to Siriand and taught them to build
swan­ships, which they used to embark
upon the Twilight Sea. They sailed for many
months, before they reached the shores of
the plane of Tanis, the Feywild, and sailed
down the Great Fairy River. Like the
Twilight Sea, Tanis too is a plane filled with
soft, never­ending sunset, the lovely, golden
light of sultry dusk. The elven host spent so
long on this Twilight Voyage that they came
to feel most at home in the gloaming and
ever after held it to be a sacred time. Thus
their name.
So long and arduous was this voyage that
several times parts of the elven host grew weary, and instilled with it during that voyage. They began to
loving Tanis, turned aside to dwell there. The elves perfect their “art,” learning for the first time
who forsook the command of Tal­Allustiel and stayed incantations, though at first they were not able to
in Tanis came to be called by their sundered kin the cast much more than the simplest of spells.
Talundorim, the “Dusk­Doomed” or the “Unfaithful,” Most of the sailors and passengers on the Twilight
and they were forgotten by the histories. Yet legend Voyage, and their descendants, chose to dwell free
has it that these elves still dwell there. beneath the dappled shadows cast by the leaves of
The Tinnurim remained faithful and continued the lindens and beaches of the great forest. They
their voyage until they emerged out of the Twilight called themselves the Aranarim, the “Folk of the
into a place in western Siriand. They continued their Wood.” They were not truly a separate people from
journey, seeking a place to dwell, and wandered for the Altarim; rather, they were only different in the
years. Finally, they discovered a large, beautiful lake way they lived and that to which they gave their love,
in northern Siriand. The lake was located in the for they cared little for learning, crafting, and work.
midst of a vast and lovely wood. The Tinnurim took Rather, their hearts dwelt on song and nature, and
the wood for their own to dwell in and built on its the only magic they possessed was that which was
shores a great city, the first city ever constructed on naturally inside them.
Núrion, and they called it Alustel, the City of the God, Then the disaster occurred. Talkana
for they dedicated it to their lord Tal­Allustiel. Moondaughter, beloved paragon of the elves,
The elves who chose to dwell in the great city disappeared into the wild. Not long after, the first
called themselves the Altarim, the “High Folk.” The orcs were sighted, and on the heels of orcs came
Altarim of the great city on the lake, the captains and other Dark Folk—kobolds, goblins, and hobgoblins.
officers of the ships of the Twilight Voyage, as well as They were a plague, and while individually, they
their descendants, were creatures born of magic and could not match an elf, especially not an elf who had

World of Farland: War of Immortals

made the Twilight Journey (though few of those were

left, for many had wearied of the bright sun and the
ravages of time on Núrion and had sailed again into
The Sarumvest: "Beautiful Wood,"
the Beyond in their Swan Boats), the numbers of the
in Elven, this vast forest is the
Dark Folk seemed limitless. Slowly they wore away
ancestral home of the elves and the
the defenses of the beleaguered elves of the Great
seat of their power. It contains their
Wood, which they had come to call in their ever­
capital of Alustel as well as the
changing language the Sarumvest.
majority of the elven population.
But Tal­Allustiel had not forsaken his people, his
helpmeets. He sent for them the Star­Fallen­to­
Earth, the Holy Swan Alfain, to dwell on the lake by
the City of the God. With the Swan came the true
might of elven magic, for with its arrival the Altarim
discovered that they could form their incantations remnants of the Rothnogians, led by the orc­demon
into words of real power, spells that could summon Karoxfang the Vile, escaped from the trap at the
great creative and destructive force. And then, with Battle of Thunder Pass and fled south to found the
their art perfected, they beat back the dark hordes terrible Kingdom of Stor­gris, “New Start” in the
from the borders of their forests. But never again Dark Speech of the goblin­folk. Karoxfang’s liege, the
would the elves of Siriand know peace from the mysterious White Lady, also escaped Rothnog’s
goblin­folk that ever came howling out of the fell destruction and fled back into the east, into her
East. terrible city of Gorgwath.
Those of the Altarim who dwelt closest to the So now instead of one foe, the elves found
Swan Alfain and tended it soon found that they themselves with two enemies they had to face on two
absorbed some of its power. They came to shine with fronts. They sent bands of elves into Aeltal, the fertile
their own internal light, much as the holy bird itself lands west of the Gaeramir, the Jeweled Gulf. There
did. They called themselves the Galan, the “Glimmer these elves founded the two Satellite Cities, Emerain
Folk,” and they discovered that within them abided a and Palahan, and their purpose was to keep watch on
small part of the power of the Swan. They would the evil forces of the White Lady in her dreadful city
become lords of the Altarim and of all elves. of Gorgwath. These elves came to call themselves the
Eventually, the disordered hordes of Dark Folk Telarim, the “People of the Cities.”
developed something of a culture. In due course, as if
directed by some dark power, they skirted far to the
south the elven forests and came to found their own 
kingdom, which they called Rothnog in their own
foul tongue. Great was the evil caused by the folk of Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
this dark land. Indeed, they destroyed the dwarven increases by 2.
homeland and first dwarf city of Liferock. But Age. As an elf, once you reach physical maturity,
eventually the Rothnogians fell to their own internal which you achieve at about the same age as humans,
squabbling and feuding, and a civil war broke out. you cease to age, making you effectively immortal.
The Dark Folk spent their strength fighting each The burdens and cares of the world, however, gather
other, and the elves and their allies of necessity the on your shoulders until you eventually find it
dwarves capitalized on their weakness and destroyed unbearable and seek to set sail and return to Faerie,
Rothnog utterly. But it was not the end. The the mystical land of Elvenhome that is said to lie

Elven Civilization

across the Seas. The elves call this phase in their life 
the Time of Weariness, when they grow tired of their The Altarim, descendants of the captains and
countless years. They can resist this urge for some officers of the Twilight Voyage, are the High Elves of
time, depending on their personal will power, but the city of Alustel. Magic is second­nature to these
eventually it grows too burdensome. More about this elhil, and almost all know several simple spells and
later. incantations; many can wield magic that is far more
Alignment. Elves are almost always good, powerful. The Altarim are a noble and cultured
although they favor chaotic good and neutral good people who love poetry and artistry. Unlike their
alignments in equal amounts. However, neutral and woodland brethren, the Altarim love working with
chaotic neutral elves are not unknown. You can metal and stone, crafting beautiful and mighty
choose whatever alignment you wish. dwellings and possessions for themselves and to
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. trade with other races. Altarim naming conventions
Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the involve appending the elf's house to the end of the
night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim name. For example, an elf may be called Olanis of
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as House Solbar. The Altarim are equivalent to High
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were Elves from the 5e SRD.
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray. 
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the On the shores of Lake Aelnin, the home of Alfain,
Perception skill. dwells a subpopulation of the Altarim called the
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving Galan or "Glimmer Elves," the ruling segment of all
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put elven society. As tenders of the Holy Swan, other
you to sleep. elves recognize them as rightful lords of the elhil.
Trance. As an elf, you don’t need to sleep. Living so close to the Swan of the elves, the Galan
Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining have basked in its magical energies for centuries, and
semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The common word it has changed them. They have grown more high­
for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, minded and proud than the typical elhil, and their
you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are bodies are suffused with a small bit of the magical
actually mental exercises that have become reflexive energies of the holy bird. When they let this power
through years of practice. After resting in this way, shine forth, lesser creatures can’t help but be awed.
you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 This holy energy also guides their decisions. Like the
hours of sleep. Altarim, Galan append their house to their name.
Size. Male elves stand between 5'8" and 6'3" (with Some of the most famous Galan houses are Aradune,
some taller) and tend to weigh between 140 and 190 Glorale, Haran, Mithaleil, Tifwing, and Valleron.
pounds. Female elves stand between 5'6" and 6'1" Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or
and weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Your size is Charisma score increases by 1 (your choice).
medium. Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency
Names. Common elven names are detailed on the with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and
World of Farland website ( longbow.
Languages. Elven, and one other language. Touched by the Swan. You have advantage on
Subrace. Four varieties of elf exist: Altarim, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Galan, Aranarim, and Telarim. Choose one. Let the Power Shine Forth. You can muster
the light of the Holy Swan that shines within you to

World of Farland: War of Immortals

help you influence others or to show you the

path. If you chose to increase your Wisdom, you
can gain advantage on a single Wisdom check of
your choice; if you chose to increase your
Charisma, you can gain advantage on a single
Charisma check of your choice. You cannot Let
the Power Shine Forth again until you have
finished a short or long rest.

The Aranarim are the elves who live free in
loose communities in the Sarumvest. They tend
to be considered “rural” by their Altarim cousins,
but this is not necessarily a fair critique—they
just have different concerns and a different way
of life. They give their care to song and peace and
growing things, spending their countless years
walking beneath the shading trees of the Great
Wood, hunting and gardening and reveling in
nature. The wood elves, however, do recognize the
authority of the Galan and Altarim in Alustel, and 
while they might sometimes be reluctant to do so, 
they obey the commands and summons of their lords After the fall of Rothnog, two bands of bold elves
when they must go to war. Indeed, they are fierce in —soldiers, woodsmen and their families—agreed at
defense of their homeland, and their sharp eyes and the behest of the Elvenking to remove to the east and
expert archery make it perilous indeed for any enemy found two communities to keep a watch on the White
to enter the eves of their woodlands. Unlike the Lady and her city of Gorgwath. These rough­and­
Altarim and Galan, the Aranarim don't identify with tumble elves founded the settlements of Emerain and
or organize themselves into houses. When identifying Palahan, which came to be called the Satellite Cities.
themselves, they append a nickname, usually Over the centuries, these communities flourished and
something they are fond of (for example, Mablung became prosperous. The elves of Emerain became
Redleaf), or a place of origin (for example, Beleg of known for their horses and horsemanship, while the
Carvenrill). Altarim are equivalent to Wood Elves elves of Palahan grew famous as mariners. But ever
from the 5e SRD. the Telarim face threats from land and sea, and
dwelling on the frontier, their lives are focused on
security and war as opposed to art and culture. In
terms of naming conventions, Telarim identify
themselves by their sire or their city (for example,
Duor son of Huor or Valandas of Palahan).
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
score increases by 1.
Frontier Elf Weapon Training. You have
proficiency with the longsword, shortsword,

Elven Civilization

shortbow, and longbow. If you are from Emerain, Still, most elves strive to do and be good. The
you are also proficient with the lance. If you are from Galan of Alustel have spread throughout the Great
Palahan, you are also proficient with the net and Wood and rule the major elven cities of Calador,
trident. Loraglin, and Lannael. They direct their people in a
Tough. You ignore the first level of exhaustion fashion that is generally wise and far­sighted, and
that you gain in any 24­hour period. though their primary concern is the good of elves,
Talent of the City. If you are from Emerain, you they do care about the other free peoples of Siriand
are good with horses. You start with a riding horse —dwarves and gnomes initially, but recently they
and you have advantage on Wisdom (Handle Animal) have also started to view humans and halflings as
checks that relate to handling horses. If you are from
Palahan, you have an affinity with the sea. You are
proficient with Navigator’s Tools and water vehicles,
you can swim, and you have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks that relate to swimming.

If elven society is not entirely in its heyday (as it
later would be after the eventual fall of Stor­gris, still
a thousand years in the future), it is nonetheless in a
golden age. It would not be entirely wrong to call
elven society the most important and advanced
culture on the planet. Elves were responsible for
bringing knowledge of magic and how to shape it into
the world, they first used language, they first built
cities and works of art… and for better or worse, the
elves know how important their culture is. While
elven society is, as a whole, benevolent and wise, it is
thus tinged with pride, even hubris. Elven history has
been marred several times by rifts—the earliest split
that between the elves who were unwilling to fulfill
the command of Tal­Allustiel and the faithful elves
who continued on to Núrion. One of the worst
schisms in elven antiquity took place when the
greatest elf house Al­Dustriel, star of the elves, left
Alustel and inexplicably joined forces with the din­
hordes of orcs, the new scourge on Siriand. The Kin
Slayer Wars triggered by this rift lasted a century.
Even now, political strife in Alustel, largely instigated
by the proud and stiff­necked Lord Cirock of House
Aradune, causes turmoil in the society of the

World of Farland: War of Immortals

something other than animals, and thus they have The Satellite Cities are called such because they
begun to care about their fate as well. are a satellite state to the larger nation of the
In terms of economics, the wood elves of the Sarumvest, to which they owe their allegiance. The
Sarumvest hunt, gather, and farm, providing food in commands of the Elvenking are theoretically law in
the form of venison, pork, fowl, fruit, and grain to the the Satellite Cities. In actuality, the two settlements
elven nation as a whole. The elves, having had manage nearly all of their own affairs. Each city is
endless years to learn agriculture and animal ruled by an Altarim lord who distinguished himself
husbandry, produce more food than they need, and during the battles against Rothnog, specifically the
therefore they trade much of their food to the dwarf Battle of Thunder Pass. For example, Palahan is
Kingdom of Wawmar in exchange for mithril and ruled by Lord Singul of House Rolomin, who lost his
crafts, usually metal works. arm from the elbow down at Thunder Pass, but
Elven society is organized in a very loosely fought bravely.
hierarchical fashion. In the Sarumvest, wood elves The elves of the Cities are quintessential frontier
group themselves into bands called jún, each ruled by folk, living in almost complete self­sufficiency,
a Lhanar, a “Wise Person,” a patriarch or matriarch producing most of their own crafts and goods. They
who has been selected as a leader by the band based look down a bit—unfairly—on the society of the
on wisdom, craft skill, or natural charisma. Most Sarumvest, which they see as soft, but they
wood elf bands owe their allegiance to a noble elven nonetheless thirst for news, culture, and art from the
house based in Alustel or one of the other cities of the Woodland Kingdom. The elves of the Satellite Cities
Sarumvest. The bands support the house of their have far more contact with humans than do the folk
liege lord by sending a tithe of food from each harvest of the Sarumvest; in fact, two centuries ago, they left
as well as by providing warriors when called upon to an indelible impact on human culture when they
do so. The wood elves believe that they owe the noble invited the leaders of the primitive human tribes to
elf houses their fealty because legend has it that those the north to visit their communities. Two of the four
houses were founded by the elves who captained the human tribes of Aelfar have sworn allegiance to the
Swan Boats during the Twilight Voyage, seeing the elves of the Satellite Cities, and in return for crafted
elven race through immense danger to the safety of goods, they provide crops and soldiers in time of
Siriand. That debt is one they take seriously. They need.
also gain political representation through the noble
houses in the capital of Alustel.
The noble houses of the elves each provide a lord
or lady as a representative to the Meet­of­Elhil, the
holy conclave of elves by which the Elvenking is The Satellite Cities: The two cities
elected, just as the Grand Admiral was elected by the of Emerain and Palahan, founded in
ship captains during the Twilight Voyage. The noble the lightly wooded area called
houses see this democratically elected monarch as a Aeltal as a guard and bulwark
representative of their god, and they obey his or her against the Wintervale. The cities
commands as best they can, although they are not are a satellite holding of the
hesitant to offer advice and even to voice opposition Sarumvest, hence their name.
when they feel the circumstance demands. The noble
houses do not machinate politically against their
king, although they aren’t above vying with each

Elven Civilization

 and thus they are known for their cloaks that hide the
wearer, their boots that mask footfalls, and their
Since the construction of the mighty Swan Ships of shining lamps that kindle at sundown and extinguish
the Twilight Voyage, the elves have been master at sunrise.
craftsman of tangible goods, as well as art and The Altarim, and to a lesser extent the Telarim,
poems. Having naturally lovely, melodic voices and are expert smiths, producing swords, other weapons,
an innate sense for music, they are renowned singers and armors that are sought after by all races. The
and musicians. The other free races have been known dwarves, however, have recently invented plate mail,
to stand motionless for hours listening to elves and the elves cannot yet make such heavy and thick
singing in the distance. In terms of musical armor very well; nor do they desire to do so, relying
instruments, they prefer harps, flutes, and lyres, instead on speed and agility in combat.
although they are proficient with most instruments. The Aranarim do not commonly work in stone or
They do not, however, favor percussive instruments. metal, but they are masters of woodcraft, creating
As much as they are known for music, they are fletches and bowers to dwell in, as well as portable
also renowned for poetry and art. With their limitless objects made of carven wood, such as chairs, tables,
patience and artistic sense, their poetry seems nearly utensils, and objects of art. As bowyers, they are
magical, with their most skilled bards being able to unsurpassed. The bows and arrows of the Aranarim
literally conjure images in the mind’s eye that are as are treasured by elves and humans alike. The
striking as actual reality. Their greatest artists Aranarim also craft lovely poetry and song which, if
produce sculptures and paintings that bring to tears not as subtle as that of the Altarim, rivals it in its
those who behold them. Their unlimited lifespan pure, primordial magnificence.
colors everything they do, and elven craftsmen are The Altarim of Alustel and the Telarim of Palahan
perfectionists. They will work for years and decades are master shipwrights, producing long­prowed
on a single line of poetry or an individual stroke of a vessels that skim the waves as if flying over them.
painting. Unlike the dwarves, however, they don’t Often, they shape these boats into the form of swans,
work for its own sake or view work as an end in itself; although none of the craftsmen among the elhil is
rather, they work in order to ease their long years
and fill their surroundings with beautiful things, for
above other things, elves appreciate beauty, be it the
natural beauty of a tree or a star, or the beauty of
things they have produced with their own hands.
Finally, the elhil are famed craftsmen of physical
objects, rivaling the best artisans of the dwarves in all
but stonework. The Altarim especially are known for
their skill with crafts. They produce clothing, tools,
instruments, and other goods, and because their own
lives are so long, they take care to make their goods
durable and lasting; objects made by elves wear out
at a rate that is slower than objects made by other
races. Elven crafts can be distinguished from those of
other races by their delicate appearance but intrinsic
flexibility, durability, and toughness. Elves often
imbue the most special of their creations with magic,

World of Farland: War of Immortals

able to produce ships as good as those that made the race on Siriand. To put it simply, elves plan for the
Twilight Voyage, for that level of skill was lost when future. They know that work in which they invest
the first elves on Núrion died or sailed back into the today will pay off in the far future, and as such, much
Twilight. No other people in Siriand possess the of what an elf does on a day­to­day basis seems
knowledge to construct seaworthy ships, although pointless to those of shorter lifespans. But actually,
the fell Dark Folk of Gorgwath have captured the elf is simply planting the seeds of some distant
shipwrights from Palahan and forced them to harvest.
produce unlovely, dark vessels designed to ferry orcs The gestation period of an elf is one year. Elven
across the Jeweled Gulf. children are much like human children, albeit less
rambunctious, and they grow at the same rate. Once
they reach their full biological growth, they cease to

 age, although in the oldest elves the cares of the

world can generally be read in the set of their visage
Elves do not grow weak or die of old age. They can and the look in their eyes.
be slain by violence and rarely by sickness, and they Elves aren’t considered full adults until they reach
can waste away from despair, but they do not the age of 75 or thereabouts. At that point, their fate
otherwise perish. Their limitless lifespan makes elven has become clear, and they usually pursue it actively,
society far different from the culture of any other taking up a craft or seeking to start a family. Many
but not all elves marry, though they reproduce rarely
in relation to their lifespan. Most elven couples only
have two to three children, although some rare few
have more. Elves have the urge to reproduce in the
first two centuries of their existence, and after that
they give themselves to other pursuits, although
infrequently an elf might marry and reproduce in the
third or even fourth century of life. Elves almost
always prefer other elves as partners, although
humans are similar enough in appearance that elves
might fall in love with and reproduce with a human.
This has happened only a few times in recorded
history, primarily because humans for most of their
history have been uncivilized tribal brutes living in
caves. Many elves are entirely asexual.
Elven women are equal to elven men, and though
most choose a domestic life, no elf finds it unusual
for a woman to enter the crafts, the church, politics,
or even the military. Indeed, the Meet­of­Elhil has
twice elected a woman queen of all elves, and the
famous elven queen Celewen was responsible for
defeating the rebellious House Al­Dustriel and
ending the Kin Slayer Wars.
The daily life of an elf depends upon what folk he
belongs to. The Galan usually spend their days in
Elven Civilization

thought and contemplation, or politics. The Altarim generally buried. They are interred with simple, light
often spend their days in craft, poetry, or song. The clothing and a winding cloth only; no coffin is used.
time of the Aranarim is spent tending their crops or In place of a grave stone, elves plant a tree, a garden,
gardens, hunting and gathering, singing, or walking or a patch of flowers. Some elves believe in
in their beloved woodlands, reveling in nature. The reincarnation, but it is an open theological question.
Telarim while away their hours producing the
necessities of their lives, guarding the frontier, or
following the love of their hearts—riding horses or
sailing the waves.
Sometime around their fifth century, elves begin Elves worship Tal­Allustiel, the “Beloved God of
to grow tired of the ceaseless years in Núrion. This is Twilight,” their lord and creator. Indeed, the elhil
known as the Numasal, the “Time of Weariness.” The have a special relationship with their god, for the
more strife, violence, and destruction the elf has very first elves beheld his face, and every elf has at
seen, the sooner the Time of Weariness arrives. The least the theoretical possibility of meeting him again
Wars with Rothnog made it such that many elves while still alive. Elven priests are called Aluar,
experienced the Numasal during their third century. “People of the God,” and elven druids are termed
However, elves of exceptional willpower can put off Lirevest, “Hearts of the Forest.” Elven druids are
the Numasal until their tenth century or later, and nearly indistinguishable from elven priests and
Galan and Altarim tend to have their Numasal later clerics. All elves revere nature. Elven priests work to
than Aranarim and Telarim. When the weariness preserve the forests and nature but are more focused
grows too great, elves seek to flee Núrion. Usually on ministering to the elven peoples and elven culture.
this takes the form of setting sail on a Swan Boat; They encourage art, facilitate worship, and serve as
they call this final journey the Merrutenn. Elves of healers, among other things. Elven priests preside
the Sarumvest sail down the River Aelalrath, which over weddings, burials, and other special events in an
flows from the Aelnin lake, while the Telarim depart elf's life, and elven priests are often consulted for
from Palahan and head south in the Gaeramir Gulf. general advice. Elven priests tend to dress the same
Oddly, no elven ship on this final journey ever seems as other elves and are usually only recognizable by
to enter the Ocean Andunemen; if the vessels don’t their holy symbol of Tal­Allustiel, which they display
come to grief, then one evening in the gloaming the proudly; they may wear the symbol as an amulet or
elhil on the ship find themselves on a strange twilight paint it on a shield or other accoutrement.
river. Some of those elves out of fright or faintness of Elven druids are simply elven priests who have
heart at this point disembark and join the taken more literally the command of Tal­Allustiel to
Talundorim in the Feywild of Tanis, but those who tend to the forest. They revere nature and aid it,
are courageous can continue the journey eventually seeing it as holy to Tal­Allustiel. They often maintain
to reunite with their lord Tal­Allustiel—or so the sacred groves, called Hathratuar; these groves are
legends say. used by clerics of Tal­Allustiel to hold services, with
Elves who are not able to take the Merrutenn the blessing of the Lirevest. In 9770 E.R., the
disappear into the wild and are not seen again. They unofficial High Priest of Tal­Allustiel is the Lady Rilia
either die bodily or fade away, or else find some other of House Glorale, sister to the Elvenking. The
way to Tanis, where they then at least have the unofficial High Lirevest is Tharien of House Haran.
possibility of continuing their journey. They share the great holy glade Gonuial in Alustel;
Those elves who are slain in battle, die from an Tharien tends the glade year­round while Rilia tends
accident, or those rare few who die from a disease are to the king and the residents of the city.

Greater God Elven Name

Hidriliel, "Lesser God of

Heshtail the Merciful

Bralatariel, "Lady of
Bestra, Lady of Goodness

Kantor the Crusader Raralt, "Strong War God"

Neltak, Lord of Law Holterran, "Lord of Law”

Herralhan, "Lord of
Dekk, Lord of Balance

Gandammar, "Tricky
Bel, Lord Thief

Vornoth, the Dark Vornoth is the elven

Walker name

Lesser God Elven Name

Braladriel, "Lady of
Reeanan the Bright

Herranilheer, "Lord of
Calbran, Lord of Luck

Thranton, Lord of Lirarathar, "Elf of

Lightning Storms"

Aknor the True Balherran, "Lord of Skill"

Taladwen, "Lady of
Janora, Goddess of Fate
Doom (Fate)"

Narlherran, "Lord of
Flamgart, Fire God

Maustar, "Personage of
Grlarshh, Death God

Elven Civilization

 gathering of historians

23 The Ard Arned, The Great Library, near the
 Alrunin, “East Lake,” in the Ladhalrun, “East
 District”
24 The Rann Balar, Street of Craftsfolk, adjacent to
1 The Hatarlorn, “North Garden” the Great Market
2 The Alarnarl, “Glorious Citadel,” hold of the 25 South Docks, near the Thronwen, “Fish School,”
Elvenking. South is the Pool of Alfain hold of the gathering of fishermen
3 Olt Branu, “Strong bridge,” guarded approach to
the Ladhelorn, the “North District” 
4 The Traeralann, “Halls of Art,” hold of the
gathering of artists Who Rules: Elvenking Dalos of House Glorale, king
5 The Gonuial, “Stone Trees,” temple of the high of the Sarumvest and the Satellite Cities.
priest and site of the Meet­of­Elhil
6 Ruin of House Al­Dustriel Other Power Centers: High Priestess Lady Rilia of
7 Rann Bralu, “Street of Noble Ladies,” where dwell House Glorale, sister to the King; Lord Cirock of
the Galan House Aradune, lord of the most politically powerful
8 The Hatarul, “Garden Hill” elven house; Selthala Theladwen, high mage of the
9 The Artarul, “Flowered Hills” Tower of Craft; The gathering of craft­folk, guild of
10 Rann Herran, “Street of Noble Lords,” where craftsmen; Galdin Palantar, head of the gathering of
dwell the Galan artists, painters, and singers; The Counsel of the
11 The Lannolt, “Halls of Strength,” where are Altarim, who represent the interests of the Altarim
quartered the Elvenking’s military forces to the Elvenking.
12 The Teroth, “Watch Towers,” that guard the
approach to Holy Alfain Population: About 12,000 elves and a few half­
13 The Andhrim, “Pool of Stars” elves.
14 The Balroth, “Tower of Craft,” hold of the
gathering of mages Major Products: Alustel’s main export is culture:
15 The Alutanhath, Temple to the “Lesser Elven songs, poems, art, religious pronouncements,
Gods” statuary, and trends. It also exports knowledge­
16 Branu Allun, “West Bridge,” south of which is the related products: spells, magical discoveries, and
Ladhallun, “West District” books. Its physical products are paltry in
17 The Alluhatar, “West Garden,” wherein is the comparison, although it does export fish, sculptures,
famous Statue of Queen Celewen and metal goods. In this regard, it imports far more
18 Lannevail, “Hall of Song,” amphitheater than it exports.
19 The Finroth, the six red towers of the Altarim,
where are the counsel of the High Elves, who Armed Forces: The Elvenking’s guard, headed by
send recommendations to the Elvenking Lord Harlin of House Meliane, consists of 50 elite
20 The Lannegon, “Halls of Stone,” the hold of the elven warriors and 2 griffon riders. Overgeneral
gathering of sculptors and stone masons Dalanuil of House Aradune, who oversees the war in
21 The Traerwen, “School of Painters,” hold of the the Hinterlands, keeps 25 armed warriors at the
gathering of artists Teroth, while Lord Yeltinir of House Haran, high
22 The Ithiloth, “Tower of Memory,” hold of the captain responsible for defense of the Sarumvest,

World of Farland: War of Immortals

bivouacs about 25 troops at the Branu Allun and 25 Eastern District, at the foot of the flowered hills, is
troops at the Olt Branu. In times of trouble, around dominated by another, smaller, hill. Atop this hill sits
1500 elves, veterans of the skirmishes against the Alutanhath, an open­air temple with a mirror­
Rothnog and Stor­gris, would willingly take up arms. like marble floor and shining white pillars, one for
each “lesser elven god.” In the middle of Lake Aelnin
The City: The fabled Alustel (“City of the God”) is are three islands. Nearest to the eastern side is the
nestled deep in the vast Sarumvest, the woodland island of the Ithiloth, a blue stone tower that houses
kingdom of the elves, and serves as its capital. The the historians of the elves and their great libraries.
city is surrounded by the Rhanleg, a masterfully Immediately across from that spire is the island­
crafted wall of thorns that blends into the forest and hold called Traerwen, the compound where the
that does nothing to break up the beauty of the artists revered among the elves meet. The third
landscape. Wood elves dwell in their tree top fletches island, at the northernmost end of the lake, holds the
for miles around the city but are not truly considered great tower of the mages, the Balroth, with its
residents of Alustel, as they live outside the Rhanleg metallic roof and intricate, rune­covered walls. The
and thus the city boundaries. The city itself is built at West District is dominated by the Finroth, the six
the northern edge of the great Lake Aelnin, and the red, star­shaped towers of the High Elves, the
elves of Alustel make heavy use of beautifully crafted Altarim of the city. A five­member council
boats to connect the two sides of the city split by the representes their interests; each elected council
lake. Alustel holds many gardens and glades of member is housed in one of the outer towers, and all
surpassing beauty. the members meet in the middle tower, the Toroth,
The houses of Alustel are a mix of bowers (homes to hear grievances or concerns to take to the
crafted patiently from trees, made by skillfully Elvenking.
planting and tending them as they grow until they The North District is marked by three hills. Atop
interlace overhead to form a watertight ceiling), the first hill is the Andhrim, the beloved pool of the
fletches (homes built in trees), and stone halls. For elves in which shine the constellations of the sky
its beauty, the stonework of Alustel surpasses all whether one looks into it in night or day. The second
masonry save that of Wawmar itself. The elves prefer hill is the sacred temple of the elves, with the Gonuial
to build and work in a hard white stone found in the at its crown, a circle of wonderfully crafted stone
Erethel Mountains to the East. They carve this white trees surrounding a slab of rock carved with the mark
rock into graceful and sweeping shapes, making their of the great elven god Tal­Allustiel. The third hill
buildings, though made of stone, appear light, airy, holds the mighty Alarnarl, the fortress of the
and open. The streets are crafted from a gold­tinted Elvenking, a stronghold of glorious, dark stone with
stone mined from the Erelom Mountains to the west. three white towers extending from its sides and
Those streets are lined with beeches, elms, and reaching toward the sky.
linden trees, carefully tended so that they grow tall The Alarnarl guards the holiest of the holies, the
and strong. From the boughs of these trees hang gold Pool of Alfain, the Sacred Swan of the Elves and what
and silver lamps that magically enkindle at the fall of they believe is the source of their magic. Looking
twilight, the most beloved time of the elves. upon the white Swan is like looking at a star fallen to
East of the city are lovely but rugged hills, covered earth, for as it glides in its sacred pool it shines with a
by beautiful wildflowers in the summer and radiance that is dazzling. This powerful glimmer
providing a glorious perch from which to survey extends for a great distance and affects those who
Alustel. Looking out over the city from these hills, dwell nearest to the Swan. The nobles of Alustel,
several landmarks would become apparent: the whose homes front the pool of Alfain, became

Elven Civilization

changed over the passing of centuries until the other forces of Stor­gris, and eliminate the threat before
elves of the city took to calling them the Galan, those the dark army becomes entrenched and unbeatable.
who gleam with the light of the Swan.
Many beautiful songs, powerful heroes, lovely The Isolationists: The isolationist faction is mainly
maidens, and breathtaking art came from Alustel, headed by Lord Cirock of House Aradune, a stiff­
and even dwarves and gnomes, folk who will never necked, powerful, and amoral noble, cousin to
see the city, speak of its beauty and importance. As Elvenking Dalos of House Glorale. Lord Cirock is
the intellectual center of the known world, the politically perhaps the single most powerful noble in
knowledge, art, and culture of the City of the God Alustel, besides the Elvenking himself. Lord Cirock’s
influences all of the cultures of the great continent. main ally is also a powerful one: Overgeneral
Dalanuil of House Aradune, who oversees the war in
the Hinterlands. They want to fortify the Sarumvest

 and leave the dwarves and gnomes to their fate. Part
of their motivation for this stance is strategic: they
The Interventionists: This faction is headed by believe that the elven forest, guarded by its skilled
Lord Curuval of House Tifwing; Galdin Palantar of defenders, is essentially unbreachable, and that an
House Mithaleil, a noble of Alustel and perhaps the enemy would have to pay a cost it would deem too
most famous elven bard; and Lord Yeltinir of House high to invade the elven lands. But an even larger
Haran, high captain responsible for defense of the part is racist: they simply feel that elves are superior
Sarumvest itself. They argue that when it comes to to other races and that any drop of elven blood
the war with Stor­gris, the elves need to ally with the spilled in defense of another race is an unacceptable
dwarves and gnomes. They maintain that the best loss. The interventionist faction recognizes this
course of action is to work together with the other motivation and views it as ignoble. Thus the flames
races to go on the attack, take the field against the of their rivalry are fanned further.
In the War of Immortals, the

D warves are shorter than humans, averaging

about 4 ½ feet tall, but they are every bit as
strong. They can endure much hardship, work for
dwarven race is the second major
protagonist. If you want to play a
character who fights hard, works
hours without tiring, march long miles heavily laden,
hard, or has a strong sense of
and fight unwaveringly. They also naturally resist
fidelity to his home and culture,
poisons and toxins. Dwarves call themselves khazak;
consider playing a dwarf.
elves call them nowgol. At this stage in their history,
only one dwarven kingdom exists: Wawmar in the
Northeast. The kingdom consists of the fortress of
Wawmar itself plus three large towns and multiple
small villages. Culturally, dwarves divide themselves Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your
into two groups: Kibil­Gunders, dwarves who dwell speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
in the fortress of Wawmar, and Shieldfolk, dwarves Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground,
who dwell in the towns and communities and you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
“shield” the fortress from attack. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades
  of gray.
Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution saving throws against poison, and you have
score increases by 2. resistance against poison damage.
Age. As a dwarf, you mature slightly later than Dwarven Combat Training. You have
humans and are considered young until you are 50. proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light
You live about 350 years. hammer, and warhammer.
Alignment. Most dwarves are lawful, and they Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the
tend toward good as well, although neutral and rarely artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s
even evil dwarves have been reported. You can supplies, or mason’s tools.
choose whatever alignment you wish. Names. Common dwarven names are detailed on
Size. A Kibil­Gunder is typically around 4’6” to 4’ the World of Farland website
10” tall and weighs around 150 to 170 pounds. A (
Shieldfolk typically stand 4 to 4’6” tall and weigh Languages. You can speak, read, and write
about 150 to 160 pounds. Females are essentially the Common (Altarian) and Dwarven.
same height as the males, although they tend to Subrace. There are two main dwarf subraces:
weigh slightly less. Your size is medium. Kibil­Gunders and Shield Folk. Choose one.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score

increases by 1.
Wawmar is the name the elves call the dwarven Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum
fortress; the dwarves themselves call it Kibul­Gund, increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you
and dwarves who were born in the fortress call gain a level.
themselves Kibul­Gunders or simply Gunders. Perceptive and Intuitive. You are proficient
Having grown up close to an active volcano, they with either the Insight skill or the Perception skill
tend to be resistant to heat. They are slightly taller (your choice).
and slimmer than dwarves not born in Wawmar, but
they are quite strong. Their hair shades are white,
silver, brown, or red. Rarely, it is even blond. They
have light skin. They treasure their lush beards and
tend to braid or plait them in intricate ways. Female Kibil­Gund, or Wawmar as it is generally known,
Gunders aren’t often able to grow beards, and usually is the greatest legendary Dwarfhold. It is known for
have hairless faces. its perfectly carved tunnels, its magnificent halls, its
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score soaring archways, and its grand vistas. Built in an
increases by 1. extinct volcano, Wawmar is both a mighty fortress
Dwarven Armor Training. You have and a wonder of engineering and architecture.
proficiency with light and medium armor. Constructed at the behest of King Mar I and designed
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an by the famous dwarven architect Agralin, Wawmar
Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stood for untold millennia as the center of all things
stonework, you are considered proficient in the dwarven, especially their economy. Although it was
History skill and add double your proficiency bonus originally built near the elven capital city of Alustel,
to the check, instead of your normal proficiency the precious metals of the mountain and the fine
bonus. craftsmanship of the dwarves who lived therein
Heat Resistance. You have advantage on saving insured that Wawmar would long remain a hub of
throws made against any source that would deal you trade.
fire damage, and you have advantage on Constitution The fortress city also became the center of
checks that deal with natural heat. dwarven culture after the fall of the first dwarfhold
Liferock. As such, every dwarven trend in thought
originated here and spread to all the other dwarf
 cities later to be founded on the continent. Wawmar
was home to one of the few dwarf philosophers, the
Dwelling in the towns and communities outside of sapient Nulin, who originated the idea that the love
Wawmar, these dwarves are used to a rugged, hilly of work is the differentiating characteristic between
environment. They are also accustomed to vigilance the humanoid and bestial races. Advances in
and have developed keen senses, deep intuition, and dwarven technology invariably began at Wawmar.
remarkable resilience. Their hair is generally black, The famous steam­powered implements of the
gray, or brown. Often they are bald, although their dwarves were also invented in the volcano city.
beards remain lush throughout their life. They tend Legend even mentions strange steam­forged
to leave their beards unbraided. Shieldfolk women automatons created in Wawmar that the dwarves
also often have slight beards. Shieldfolk skin is tan, used as soldiers in ancient wars; if this is true, these
ruddy, or swarthy. creations seem to be lost to the mists of time.

Dwarven Civilization

Wawmar was chosen for its eminent defensibility, 

and as Stor­gris menaces from the south and the
Wintervale encroaches from the east, the fortress has Wawmar's history is nearly synonymous with the
thus far stood strong and weathered every attack history of the World of Farland. Only the elves have a
thrown against it. The dwarves of Wawmar are ever longer continuous history. The dwarves reckon time
safe behind her great walls, yet they are able to sally differently than the other races, recording it since the
forth and attack their enemies almost at will—or they foundation of their first hold Liferock, but for ease of
have been so far, but a mighty threat is growing in use, the dates here will be given in the common Elven
the south. Reckoning.
Wawmar also refers to a kingdom, which consists Wawmar, or Kibil­Gund, was founded in the year
of three major towns and multiple villages in the 8305 E.R., after King Mar I, in consultation with
region around the fortress. The kingdom is very Agralin the great engineer, determined the necessity
industrious, and each town produces valuable for a defensible fortress. The war with Rothnog was
resources and commodities. The dwarves who live raging, and it was becoming more and more apparent
outside the Volcano­fortress call themselves that a stronghold was needed, for the war only
Shieldfolk, seeing their role as warning and promised to get more fierce. Once Agralin decided on
defending the heart of dwarvendom; they take pride a proper location, the main construction was
in this role. completed in an astounding four years, although
minor maintenance, expansion, and mining

World of Farland: War of Immortals

continued for the remainder of the time that the was small compared to the struggle that was to
dwarves occupied Wawmar. The discovery of a lethal follow. The remnants of the defeated nation of
red dragon already making the site its home set back Rothnog headed south and established the even
construction briefly, and cost many dwarves their stronger nation of Stor­gris in 9332 E.R. Wawmar
lives, but the industrious khazak quickly got back on and Stor­gris immediately became fierce enemies,
schedule after the dragon was slain. Later, several and for many centuries, the two monumental nations
dwarven towns, most devoted to mining the rich ores contended against each other, at times making
nearby, sprung up around the focal point of the great treaties of temporary peace and at other times
fortress, and Kibil­Gund for several centuries ruled a engaging in hot bloodshed. Stor­gris is the worst
large domain. enemy that Wawmar ever faced, and the war is
Because Wawmar was designed first and foremost getting bloodier.
for defense, its founding officially marked the period
that dwarf historians came to call the Age of
Fortification. This era, spanning the vast majority of
Wawmar's history, was marked by intense battles
and strife. The first notable war that the dwarves The dwarf community had decided it would be
engaged in was the great battle against the early orc advantageous to build a singular, distinctive city that
kingdom of Rothnog, in 8605 E.R., but this conflict would be an impressive, lasting monument to their
ingenuity and work ethic, as well as to be a highly
defensible structure capable of instilling the feeling
of oneness and family within the clan hierarchy. A
dormant volcano was chosen, as it offered the
advantage of already being mostly constructed as
well as having geometrical simplicity.
Initially, the dwarf population had to scout out the
land for an extinct volcano. The volcano had to be
fairly steep along the outslopes to enable the
construction of additional secondary exit
passageways. It was necessary to use one that was
still slightly warm at the bottom of the hole, as the
heat could be funneled and used to perform various
tasks and would maintain at least a livable
temperature all year round. It was important that the
volcano have a very steep inner cone, preferably 10 to
20 feet of splay per 100 feet of elevation, to enable
cutting access ways into the side.
The project team of dwarves from the famous
engineer Agralin's company scouted the countryside
for the ideal location for several years. It was believed
that a colder environment would be more suitable for
everyday life, since the interior of the cone would
already be subject to a great amount of heat from the
magma lying below the floor. At first, not much could

Dwarven Civilization

be expected in the way of available volume for

the construction of adits and drifts, since the
requirements for steep inner and outer sides
restricted the available thickness of the cone.
The initial plans only envisioned several
thousand dwarves as being comfortably housed
within its walls. A dome volcano would not
have the impressive profile of the cone, but
would house many more.
Finally, after a few years of searching, a
suitable structure was found in the north, in
the middle of the Erethel Mountains. Its
exterior was of the proper shape, but was only
200 feet high from the base to the top of the
cone. Upon climbing it, however, the volcano
was discovered to be well over a thousand feet
deep to the bottom. The inner sides were steep
and very regular, only slightly distorted from a 
perfect circle. It appeared to be constructed mostly of
columnar basalt, an impressive, foreboding surface. Wawmar is made up of ascending and descending
The columnar surface was expected to cause some levels or layers. The lowest layer is the Underhalls.
problems with construction, however, as the columns This subterranean complex consists of the Festering
would tend to form natural vertical planes of Pits, which contains the sewage generated by the
weakness, and care would have to be taken to prevent inhabitants; the Great Halls, the Throne Room,
excessive undermining and subsequent rapid failure. Governing Halls, and personal chambers of the King
It was believed to be preventable with the proper and his staff; the Smithing Forges, wherein the most
design, and the scouting team met with the rest of the important work of Wawmar is completed; the Crypts
teams at a predetermined location to debrief the rest. and Lower Chambers, where the kings of old are
Agralin was wary of the basalt at first but had a interned in cairns and where great treasures are
plan for the housing units that should prevent stored; the Deep Halls, where prisoners are kept and
structural problems. The teams ventured out to where locked vaults protect ancient secrets; and the
inspect the find. Once he arrived, Agralin was mines, where the khazak delve for mithril and gems.
impressed with the stature of the mountain. It did This last area contains a well­guarded, gated passage
not soar over the rest of the surrounding peaks, but to the Dark Deeps; few dwarves ever pass this way.
the starkness of its shape made a statement of The next level up is the Floor Level. This area is
security, industriousness and prestige for which he where the commerce of Wawmar is conducted. It
was looking. He proceeded to detail the plans, work contains the large merchant and blacksmith "city," a
schedule, manpower requirements, and costs in a collection of permanent stalls and shops. It also
detailed report, which he presented to the Clan and contains warehousing, stables, and beautiful gardens
King Mar I. After much haggling, their trust in the replete with fountains. This level is dominated by the
fabled fortress­builder won out and plans began to King's Walk, an arching central ramp that ascends to
proceed. the Cathedral of Khuldul and which also provides
access to the Great Ramp that one can use to access

World of Farland: War of Immortals

all of the levels of Wawmar. two gates: Walin's Gate, also called the South Gate,
Level 1 sits above the Floor Level. It contains the or the Main Gate; and Mar's Gate, also called the
mansion­like dwellings of important personages, as East Gate. Both entrances are protected by massive
well as a barracks to house the standing armed forces external and internal doors, which can be opened and
of the dwarf citadel. The barracks intersects the Great closed easily but, once closed, are nearly
Ramp at several different locations, a tactical impenetrable. The passages into the volcano consist
decision made to allow surprise and to allow the of wondrously crafted hallways containing
surrounding and isolation of invaders. Two tactical mechanical traps and murder holes to protect the
tunnels also lead from the barracks to the two gates fortress. The rest of this level consists of dwelling
on Level 1.5 and allow soldiers to enter the entrance blocks.
tunnels from above to again surround and surprise The next level up is Level 2. Level 2 is made up
attackers. Another tunnel runs from the barracks to entirely of dwelling blocks, full of individual housing
the outside, an exit chute, and it and the tactical units. Each dwelling block consists of multiple streets
tunnel to the south entrance are both equipped with and is a community onto itself, complete with public
a stone plug system to quickly and semi­permanently bathrooms, shops and a tavern, a chapel, and a
close these tunnels. Finally, Level 1 contains an communal meeting area. Dwarves take pride in their
elevator mechanism to allow the raising and lowering block, and a block is often made up of one clan.
of cargo to the Floor Level. Level 2.5 contains more dwelling units, but as the
One enters Wawmar on Level 1.5, which contains most central level of Wawmar, it also consists of two

World of Farland: War of Immortals

schools and a university, where dwarven scholars 

labor to understand the mysteries of the world.
Level 3, like Level 2, consists entirely of dwelling The forces of Wawmar, like all dwarves, are quick
blocks. Smaller and draftier, the less economically to fight when their home is threatened or when they
successful dwarves make their home on this level. feel their honor has been insulted, and the khazak of
This level also offers shelter to the rare criminal Kibul­Gund have perfected the art of Dwarven
elements in Wawmar. warfare. At all times, a battalion of 500 dwarven
Level 4, the highest level, contains the other warriors is within a horn blast, and in times of war,
industries of Wawmar. A hospital, shop areas for several thousand dwarves can quickly take up arms.
silver and gold smithing, paper working, wood Moreover, the dwarves of the great volcano can call
working, leather working, clothing and textiles, on their kin in the nearby towns to provide soldiers,
mushroom farming, and a brewery call this level and two of the human tribes of Aelfrand—the two
home. A fan/turbine, for moving air through the nearest to Wawmar—owe the dwarves fealty and will
workings of the entire fortress, is situated on this provide human soldiers when called upon to do so.
level. A large community hall can also be found on Thus they can, given enough time, field an army of
Level 4. This level is always busy with the industrial close to 10,000 soldiers.
dwarves moving to and fro. Their primary advantage in any fight, however, is
their home, the great fortress of Wawmar, and they

World of Farland: War of Immortals

use it to its fullest extent. When from the vantage enemy worg riders.
point of the high walls of the volcano they spot an If it is determined that the enemy army is too
approaching army, they take their time and adjudge large, the dwarves of Wawmar typically march out
the strength of the enemy. If they decide that the with a small regiment of lightly armed axemen
enemy is of a manageable size, they sally forth in supported by Tuskers, engage the enemy, and
force and attack their foes in typical dwarven fashion, attempt to fight a retreating action in order to draw
softening them up with volleys of axes and the enemy into range of the siege engines (primarily
crossbows. Then they employ their heavy infantry to ballistae and steam weapons) and the crossbowmen
drive toward the center of the enemy formation, firing from hidden arrow slits. The strategy
attempting to cleave into the heart of the opposing thenceforth is simply to stay inside the mighty
army and destroy their leadership with surgical fortress and allow the enemy to break themselves on
precision. During this action, flank and rear guard the massive gates, wasting their manpower as they do
units protect the heavy infantry, making certain that so. When the enemy, weary and disheartened, finally
the frontal assault is not disrupted. These units are retreats, the same shock troopers and Tuskers
supported in their defensive mission by dwarven emerge again to punish the foes before disappearing
cavalry mounted on dire boars. These highly mobile once more behind the gates. If any of the outer gates
troops, called Tuskers, are designed to counteract the are breached (which has not yet happened), the

Dwarven Civilization

dwarves would simply retire behind the inner gates, this is a good thing, because rumor has it that it may
which are nearly as strong as the outer gates. On the soon be called upon to do so. Spies report that Stor­
way, however, they would engage the seldom­used gris is massing an army of a size never before seen in
mechanical traps, including deep pits, crushing Siriand.
blocks of stone, and sharp wall­spikes that guard the
approach to the crater. They would also fire on the
invaders from hidden murder holes and arrow slits.
Thus, the khazak would make the enemy pay dearly
with his own blood for every step he took inside the It was the skill of the dwarven surveyors which led
fortress. the dwarves to Wawmar. They realized that the
In this manner the dwarves of Wawmar have been volcano would be the perfect spot to establish a
able to weather several small sieges by the forces of community, and they also conjectured that fine ores
Stor­gris. Indeed, a huge stock of excess non­ could be located near the intense heat of the defunct
perishable food is kept in the lower works, and Wawmar volcano. Later inspection by dwarven
rumors of a hidden "King's Exit" mean that Wawmar sappers confirmed that there were indeed deposits of
can potentially withstand a very long siege. In fact, several types of metals that could be easily mined.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

These deposits were quickly brought to the attention Wawmar is a bustling trading community. Despite
of dwarven miners, who immediately began restrictive regulations on the trading of armor and
excavating the fine metals, establishing the planned weapons with non­dwarves, trade with elves,
community within the very volcano of Wawmar itself. humans, and gnomes has flourished as a result of the
It was not long after the dwarven miners began quality products created by the highly skilled
excavation of the great city that they encountered dwarven smiths. This trading community peaked
that which they did not expect: a slumbering dragon, during the reign of the mighty dwarven King Dwarin
a great red known as Axxtyklysstykor. But dwarven who authorized the shipment of several hundred
might prevailed against the wyrm in the form of a pounds of mithril to the elves, in exchange for
small group of heroes who struck down the beast magically enchanted roots and herbs, bred especially
outside the volcano. to survive in the volcanic soil of subterranean
Despite the popular belief that mithril was Wawmar. Rumor has it that there is a black market
discovered immediately after the dragon was within Wawmar itself, where unscrupulous dwarves
defeated, it wasn't actually found until nearly a illegally sell Wawmar­crafted armor and weapons to
century after the first mining expedition began in non­dwarves, but evidence of this has not yet been
Wawmar. Obviously, the discovery of such pure found.
mithril deposits helped change the fortress into a However successful Wawmar has become as a
community of great wealth. trading destination for other races, the government
Commerce in Wawmar centers around the mining, council has always felt it important to make sure that
smelting, and forging of fine metals, with mithril they retained the ability to become self­sustaining if
having the highest profile of all of them. However, need be. Thanks in part to various financial
the overwhelming volume of goods that are traded incentives granted to farmers, large farms of edible
from Wawmar are mundane items, everything from fungi and mushrooms are grown in the deep, rich
pots to horseshoes to metal buckets. The weapons volcanic soil of subterranean Wawmar. In addition to
and armor produced in Wawmar are among the the naturally grown products of subterranean
finest in all of Siriand, although the actual amount of Wawmar, vast stores of foodstuffs­­preserved with
such items produced is smaller than most would the enchanted herbs garnered in the monumental
expect. The governmental council holds smiths to elven trade of 9531 E.R.­­are stored in the event of a
stringent requirements in the production of these siege from enemy forces. The famous dwarven cleric
weapons and armor, and all such items forged in Rîmun Goldsight prophesied that the mighty fortess
Wawmar are of mastercraft quality. In fact, platemail would never fall from an enemy siege, a prophesy
has only recently been invented by the dwarves of which has so far held true.
Wawmar, and they are still the only true masters of No dwarven settlement is complete without
its creation, though others are trying to imitate breweries, and Wawmar is no exception. Local
them. dwarven spirits are brewed, as well as ales, the most
The area surrounding Wawmar grew as the mighty popular of which are a rich, heavy spirit called
volcano fortress began producing the finest hard­ "Spruce Beer" and a thick, nutty brown ale brewed
goods ever seen. Sheep and pig farms sprung up and from fermented mushroom stems known to the
lumberjacks plied their trade in the nearby wood. locals as "Old Number 9." Not surprisingly, this
Fabric mills and tanneries were built, the clothing hearty brew, preserved with the enchanted maenaie
created from these facilities particularly geared root (another of the magical roots gathered from the
towards the rigorous needs of the dwarven mining elves) quickly became a favorite among the gnomes
community. and is one of Wawmar's largest exported items.

Dwarven Civilization

 Children lead active lives, attending one of two

large schools in the crater. Women shop and prepare
A day in the life of a Wawmar dwarf is guided by food for the family and have an important hand in
routine that has served each of his companions well the upbringing of the children; a few even work in
over the construction of the stronghold. The typical the trades, such as leather, clothing and wood
dwarf hearth consists of a husband, wife, and one or manufacturing. Dwarven women choose whether to
two children. A few are larger and taxed the lead domestic lives or lives of economic toil, though
proportions of the standard dwelling unit in like all dwarves, they love work of all kinds.
Wawmar. But this is not a problem for the hard­ From late spring to early fall, if times are relatively
working dwarves. Most of them come from a mining peaceful, many inhabitants venture out to the
or construction background, and as such, it is no surrounding hills and forests to enjoy, whenever
problem to find a friend who can aid in extending possible, the fresh air and beauty of their
their homes. Each level of the extinct volcano is at surroundings. But they do not dally for long, as a
least 100 feet higher than the last, offering ample dwarf's emotional life is dedicated to work and the
room to expand into three or even four floors. pursuit of craftsmanship.
The dwarves live, for the most part, in the upper Being an industrial hub of varied disciplines, the
levels of the community, far above the warmer, more city and surrounding areas thrive on trade. The
humid lower levels. The great fan on the fourth level, dwarves mine, log and build many sought­after items
fueled by composting wastes and gasses from that are used to buy necessities of life that they can’t
fissures, continually pumps fresh air to all the homes. make for themselves in great quantities, such as
Other air movement occurs naturally in the windy, grain, vegetables, and some meats. For these items,
compartmentalized workings. Fresh water supply they trade fine jewelry, forge farm implements,
and sewage are handled by an ingenious set of shafts swords and armor, cooking items, leather goods, and
cut into the rock between levels. clothing. They even export some fine ale, brewed in
The lower levels of the city house industry and the mountain. A balance of trust and money enables
trade. Mining, smithing, woodwork, leatherwork, them to maintain a synergistic relationship with
clothing manufacturing, brewing, mushroom farming tribes and communities near the stronghold, as
and maintenance of the city's infrastructure offer goods flow in and out over the hewn stone ramps.
plenty of jobs to the over 20,000 dwarves living It is not as if these industrious beings are devoid of
healthy, long lives in the complex. The long trek to fun, frolic and laughter, however. Whistling and
work, whatever it might consist of, would be arduous singing as they trudge through their busy day, hard
for other races, especially up the ramps at the end of work is its own reward for them. Many times, a
the day; the dwarves of Wawmar have grown used to simple song such as "Carve for me a Rock" or
the exercise and are naturally a hearty lot. "Khuldul's Children" will be repeated in step by
Fire for warmth, light, and cooking is made from passers­by without thinking.
burning wood, predominately the tall spruce trees
outside the stronghold. Being situated in the high
plains and mountains of the north, the weather is
warm and dry in the summer and bitter cold in the
winter, but in the cone of Wawmar, the magma far
below the bottom of the floor keeps all but the top
levels fairly comfortable.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Once a week, on the Eve of the Day of Rest and

Atonement, they stop work before their regular
I want to build a hearth workday and convene in Gelmar's Room. This
A dwarfhold for my kin hollow, huge hall is located on the fourth level, not
I need your help, oh Khuldul, surprisingly near the brewery, where tribute is paid
I want to carve again. to Khuldul and Dhurli. Weight lifting, throwing,
I need a place of shelter leaping, wrestling, battle skills and, of course,
Beneath the skies of blue, drinking are the order of the next six hours, as they
I need desire, oh Khuldul, revel in life and the rewards for a hard day's work.
I want to carve for you. Even shouting, insults, staring, and poetry contests
I want to keep my children result in beer to the winner, and to the losers as well.
Within your holy fount They leave the hall with a renewed sense of
I need the strength, Oh Khuldul, camaraderie.
I want to carve your mount. Wawmar is a fortress, but even more, it is a way of
I have to keep my wife life. The city basks in its own legendary status, in its
Safe in our own home believed impenetrability, in its grandeur; as such, life
I need the will, Oh Khuldul, in the Crater of Kings demands excellence from all.
I want to carve a dome. Traders from the outside are treated with courtesy,
I need to feed my hearthlings unless situations demand otherwise, and the quality
And keep their bellies filled of goods accepted in trade or purchase by the
I need knowledge, Oh Khuldul, dwarves has to meet their standards. Often,
I want to carve the hill. arguments arise at the trading center, the floor of the
I need to build a door to you city, over quality or insufficient amounts of food, or
And hold it with a lock the craftsmanship of other items. These disputes
I can't do it without you, keep the local lawmakers busy just to keep ahead of
Carve for Me a Rock. specifications for quality control. Consumables, be
they food, clothing or other types, have to pass tests
to assure that trade is fair and just. Palming or bait­
and­switch tactics are looked upon as stealing and
are treated with swift justice, landing more than one
wayward shyster behind bars. On the other side,
Dwarves love music nearly as inspectors often frequent leather and clothing
much as elves do. They prefer factories, the blacksmith shop, the brewery and other
percussion instruments and horns, places of industry to assure that no dwarven items
although nobles favor harps and fail their strict checks.
flutes. Dwarves tend to have strong The extreme lawfulness of Wawmar society does
alto and baritone voices. Oh, and if not preclude extra­legal dealing, though. A black
a dwarf tells you he doesn't like market does exist in Wawmar, thriving in the poorer
poetry, he's lying. blocks of the city on Level 3. At least two groups, the
“sanitation guild” and the “chimney sweep” guild, are
actually organized crime syndicates that run
protection rackets and the black market. They are
dangerous groups that sometimes get violent.

Dwarven Civilization

But these gangs almost never actually kill dwarves, 

for though they pay hush money to several politicians
and powerful clans, they know that the heavy The industrial prowess of the dwarves is well
hammer of dwarven law and the justice of the Church known and well deserved. Out of varied raw
of Khuldul hangs over their heads and can fall at any materials are made articles of everyday use and some
moment if they overstep. The dwarven legal system of the better valuable items found on the continent.
may have a great deal of law and may require The fine woodworking shop is a prime example. Most
paperwork and barristers, but it rarely fails to of the wood from the immediate area surrounding
dispense justice. Wawmar consists of spruce and pine, but through
trading, many other types are available, such as
linden, polonia, oak, lignum vitae, sycamore, hickory,

 cherry and maple. From the blacksmith's forge comes

woodworking tools, including saws that cut on the
On the Day of Atonement, several worship services pull stroke, hand planers and jointers, pit saws, and
are held during the course of the day, as seating for fine carving tools.
the population is limited and attendance is always The woodcarving alone is a beauty to behold­­
high. The Cathedral is considered by dwarves to be intricate figures of the nine original gods of the
the most beautiful, enduring symbol of life on the universe, imagined scenes from the Ontological War,
continent. The quality and quantity of workmanship of Khuldul Rockcarver, Dhurli Ironbeard and many
instills a feeling of importance to each member of the other historical and theological figures carved in
hearth, at the same time reminding him or her of the actions from the creation of the Multiverse to the
greatness and majesty of Khuldul Rockcarver creation of Wawmar itself. The strong, talented
himself. hands of the carver bring to life the beings of history,
Dwarves are highly religious and worship their prying them out of cold, dead wood for all to enjoy.
lord and creator Khuldul Rockcarver, who carved
them from the stone of his Celestial Mountain and
laid them sleeping in the deepest chambers of
Liferock, where they awoke for the first time on
Núrion. They also revere Dhurli Ironbeard, the
servant of Khuldul Rockcarver. Ancestor worship is
another major component of their religion. Finally,
like the elves, the dwarves of Wawmar have made the
theological mistake of casting the other gods of the
multiverse as members of Khuldul Rockcarver’s
pantheon (though they are in fact independent gods
that owe no allegiance to Khuldul). The following
charts explain the dwarven names for the other gods
of the multiverse (these gods are detailed in the
World of Farland Campaign Setting book).

World of Farland: War of Immortals

These articles are sold on the open market on the to each other, and sometimes up to 100 feet apart, for
Floor shops, paying for wages, tools, and more raw several hundred feet, where cross­connecting entries
materials. Children of woodcarvers often leave at the were driven to allow better flow of air. These systems
end of school to learn their parents' tedious, exacting of entries follow various minerals, including galena,
craft and to carry on the proud tradition. taconite, copper­bearing ores and tin­bearing
Clothing manufacture is another of the light siderite. When rich deposits were located, to either
industries in which the dwarves of Wawmar excel. side, ahead or above and below, other finger entries
Sheep from elven and human farms provide quality were driven until the ore was exhausted. For vertical
wool in trade for expensive clothing. Very little use is development, raises and slopes are driven up and
made of some of the better materials, such as silk, as down, as the deposits rarely remain on a level plain.
dwarves generally have little purpose for fancy, frilly At each several miles of entry development, the
clothing. Most of the garments needed by dwarves long trip back to Wawmar is too far to tram out the
are of the tougher variety, due to the constant work ore, and other slopes are driven to the surface to
ethic of that sturdy race. As with woodworking, transport it to overland travel methods. Further, it is
children tend to follow their family traditions and too far for the miners to travel home each day, and
footsteps in learning the trade. several underground stations have grown up for
Mining continued after the completion of living away from the hearth. Usually, the miners walk
Wawmar, as delving in stone is etched in the very several miles to work, then at the end of the first day,
heart of the dwarf community. Several mine slopes travel to the next station to mine again, then return
were driven from the floor, which is below the level of to the first town on the third day, and then to home
the surface outside the stronghold, following veins of for a few days’ rest. The miners enjoy the three­day­
moderate assay value into adjoining mountains. Once on, two­day­off work week, and for the remaining
there, they widened into room­and­pillar work and work day, they aid transport of materials and ore, as
airshafts were driven to the surface. The room­and­ well as other related jobs.
pillar workings consist of long entries driven parallel Taconite and other iron ores are used in creation
of steel. Galena is smelted to produce lead, a very
valuable metal used for the manufacture of steam­
driven weapons. Copper enables the smiths to
produce eating utensils, beer vessels, and other finer
works of art. Tin enables them to alloy the copper to
produce brass, a metal approaching steel in strength.
When it is safe to do so, smelting is often
accomplished outside the walls of Wawmar, as it is a
very messy, heat­producing affair.
There are fewer young miners joining their
fathers, as the turnover rate is not very high­­ dwarf
miners sometimes work in the mines until they can’t
physically do the strenuous labor, and some spend
100 or more years at their craft.
Brewing is a very prized occupation in Wawmar,
and some of its fine ales and stouts are well­known
throughout the land, although they are restricted to
the confines of the crater itself. King Mar 1, in

Dwarven Civilization

c. 8310 E.R., at the behest of the colony's first master

Greater God Dwarven Name
brewer Galim, proclaimed that dwarven ales and
stouts are to be consumed within the walls to prevent
them from spoiling on a long journey, thereby Heshtail the Merciful Harbhund, Wise Staff
tarnishing its good name. Barley is procured from
elven and human farmers in trade and transported to
the brewery on the fourth level. Here, it is wetted, Bestra, Lady of Goodness Bûndaya, Green Lady
spread out on polished floors, and turned often and
continually ventilated until it sprouts. Then heat
from vents in the crater's walls dry the barley, and it Kantor the Crusader Kâlab, Faithful Soldier
is tossed to remove the chaff from the active
rootlings. The roots are heated in great vessels to
Neltak, Lord of Law Nulburk, Lord of Law
steeping temperatures, changing the starch to malt
At this point, a peculiarity of dwarf beer is Dhurku, Keeper of the
Dekk, Lord of Balance
introduced. Fresh twigs and shoots from the spruce Tome
trees surrounding the volcano are snipped and
harvested during growth months and dried for year­ Bel, Lord Thief Bundur, Cloaked One
round use. The twigs are boiled with the steeped
mash, imparting a rich, strong taste that Vornoth, the Dark Varkhûn, the Fell
compliments the barley's natural malt sweetness. Walker Shadow
Some hops from farmers nearby are thrown in at the
proper time, and the mash is then cooled by moving
it to the outer portions of the workings. Lesser God Dwarven Name
Galim had discovered that the sludge that formed
at the bottom of actively fermenting beer actually
contained the essence of the fermentation, although Reeanan the Bright Rhella, Solar Maiden
it was not known why this happened. He saved the
sludge and "fed" it small amounts of fresh mash, and Khalan, the Fortunate
Calbran, Lord of Luck
upon drying the sludge into cakes, it was found that it Thrower
would "come alive" again when introduced into the
cooled mash. He did not understand the basic Thranton, Lord of
Tharzak, Lightning Lance
principles, but through drying and reusing this Lightning
sludge, he assured that the ale would be consistent
over the generations. The consistency of the beer is Aknor the True Aklôr the Smith
something the dwarves treasure.
The finished beer is dispensed in turns and
buckets to households and sold at shops and taverns Janora, Goddess of Fate Jinbara, Celestial Maiden
on the Floor. It is considered by most to be an
excellent drink and has become a staple of Dwarven
Flamgart, Fire God Flamok Flame­Beard
food and life. It is even prescribed by doctors for
lactating mothers as a fine food for good nutrition of
babies. Grlarshh, Death God Gunzin the Skull

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Drinking has become such a part of dwarven life bottom of the crater, dug from the lower workings,
that it is considered sacred. Dwarves also distill a were laid in with some mortar, but mostly
powerful whiskey using rye. The whiskey is used in interlocked, rock­by­rock, to form sturdy pillars.
religious ceremonies to consecrate the proceedings. Special ceramic buckets lifted the lava from the
It is also used liberally by the attendees throughout volcano to the pillars and to the bridging pieces
the ceremony, and when the worshippers return between them to “weld” them into place. These
home. pillars were used to support the King's Walk. This
walkway is employed for final defense, focal points of
gatherings, ceremonies, and as a lasting symbol to

 the ingenuity of the dwarfs capable of constructing

such a city.
The method of construction of Wawmar consisted The fissures at the Floor Level usually convey to
of simple, backbreaking hard work. Thankfully, it the surface flammable gasses, such as methane (or
was performed with the use of special metals. Simple Fireatin), hydrogen sulphide (noxin) and carbon
tools were constructed with high­quality iron and monoxide (Devil's Breath).
techniques developed by skilled blacksmiths. Then These were tapped at places under the floor of the
the equipment was given to a dwarven wizard, and cone and are pumped by an ox­driven machine,
with the help of the lead blacksmith, the tools were compressed into copper tanks, and used to fire steam
treated. Treatment consisted of applying magical burners, then used for steam­powered weapons.
dwarf runes to the steel and then "soaking" it in a
mixture of special, enchanted elixirs at yellow­orange
heat, before wooden handles were attached. Once 
treated, they gained special properties, including 
heightened flexibility and durability, along with the Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)
ability to "focus" and amplify a hundredfold the Created by the dwarves of Wawmar, this digging
striking impact of the user. A simple swing with an implement is made of special hardened magical steel.
enchanted pick could break apart hard basalt The properties of the steel make it more flexible and
immediately, almost explosively, giving the wielder durable and give it the ability to amplify the natural
incredible power and control. strength and striking power of the wielder. The
The construction consisted of ramps driven Mattock is a +1 weapon. The wielder of the Mattock
upward and downward at about an 8 to 10 percent can use it to cast thunderous smite (save DC 13); the
grade. Special drill steels were used to drive shafts melee weapon used to inflict the thunder damage
between the levels of the mechanical rooms for from thunderous smite must be the Mattock of
water, sewage, and venting. The exit chutes were Mining from which the spell has been cast. This spell
driven upwards at a slight slope to daylight, but can be cast from the Mattock three times per day.
widened in one place. A hole was driven in the inner Expended uses are regained at dawn.
side of the rock and a rope attached. This created a By digging with the Mattock, it can also be used to
"plug" that could be pulled from the inside to seal off cast the spell move earth. Concentration is not
the chute, in case of attack, or pushed to open the required to maintain this spell; instead the user must
chute, allowing dwarves to walk around the sides of continue digging with the Mattock, which he can do
the rock. This was a perfect defense and has proven for 2 hours maximum. The Mattock can only be used
to be very effective. to cast this spell once per day. Expended uses are
As work continued, the last masses of rock at the regained at dawn.

Dwarven Civilization

Some of the gasses are fed into the mechanical room, a crew of dwarves. The tunnel, once completed, was
where they are mixed with sewage gasses and in itself one of the most incredible miracles out of all
burned. the amazing engineering feats that created Wawmar.
The basic structure of the workings mined to At the beginning of Level 2 construction, the
create Wawmar is that of a spiral ramp, carved along rumblings were detected again, accompanied by
the inside of the cone and angled downward toward some other strange sounds and belching of fire from
the bottom. Along the length of this ramp are other the side of the crater, near the bottom. There was
entrances mined into the thickness of the cone. As concern that the volcano was not completely
these other entrances were mined, the mining spread dormant. Agralin directed crews to continue after a
out to form useable workings, such as housing, short investigation and to dump most of the rock
industrial sites, military barracks, community rooms over the area where the flames were coming from.
and industrial sites. This was done, the rumblings stopped, and
The mining was begun from two directions; one construction continued.
from the top of the crater downward, and the other Level 2 was the first level built with a "standard"
from the ground level on the south side of the crater housing unit concept. The plan view was separated
through the cone to the inside. For the purposes of into 12 wedges, with a set of roads leading to the
communal organization, these workings were main ramp. Each wedge could house over 500
grouped into levels. The first, or Level 1, was cut from dwarves. A concentric inner road was formed across
the lip of the crater down to where the south each wedge, connecting them for access, emergency
entrance would intersect with it. While it was being exit, and ventilation. Level 2.5 was designed and built
driven, a few dwellings were created to house the along the same lines as Level 2, but two of the
miners, and it was believed to be important to build a housing wedges were sacrificed to be worked in
barracks on this level, to maintain security while the different configuration and to serve as schooling
rest of the work was being performed. The barracks units. It was believed that this location would be the
intersects the ramp at several different locations, a most centrally located of the levels.
tactical decision made to allow surprise and to allow Level 3 was designed and built with the same
the surrounding and isolation of invaders. configuration as Level 2. Room for more housing was
During the initial phase of the construction, some available along the outer edge of the housing units,
rumblings were detected at the bottom of the crater. but Agralin felt that the stress calculations did not
Agralin placed a simple but ingenious device, a pan of allow for more mining.
water and oil, on the cut ramp away from the A source of water was needed. It was relatively
workings to monitor the vibrations during a few days' simple to acquire drinking water, as there are several
time. The vibrations ceased with the work and re­ sources of water on the surface near the cone. A few
appeared when work commenced. streams were dammed and water was fed into a shaft
The entrance crews created quite an impressive to a series of cross shafts, where it flows to the
tunnel, and rightly so, as this would be the first, most individual public rest rooms.
lasting view of the development. The opening of the A cargo system was developed to provide a
entrance tunnel was widened into a large foyer, method of transporting bulk materials, goods, and
where a huge door was installed. The door is actually supplies to the levels below. It consists of two
a huge slab cut from the rock in the tunnel, fitted wooden rails, about 4 feet apart, affixed to the front
with pockets and suspended on steel pins and arms. edge of the ramps, running between each ramp, all
The resulting door can be moved with a mere touch, the way from the first level to the floor. Each set of
but is so thick and heavy that to open it fully requires rails has a swinging, hinged piece about 8 feet long,

which can be released and swung inward to direct the belching of flames was seen several months earlier,
cargo transport to the ramp to be loaded or moved and heaved upward. A head of a beast
unloaded. When ready, the signal is given to raise the appeared, immensely large, and began shooting
transport above the swinging location, the moveable flames and roaring a deafening sound. Crews ran for
ramps are swung and locked into place, and the cover within some of the workings. The creature
transport continues down or up. The transport wrenched itself free to stand on the rocks of the floor,
consists of a simple wooden cart with wooden wheels roaring and spouting flames. It leapt vertically, then
with a cage for retaining the goods safely. flared its wings and landed on the ramp at Level 3. It
The workings of Level 4 were extensive, but as the was a huge dragon, clasping its claws on the ramp
pillars took stress, they were hollowed out and arches and holding on to the workings vertically, much like
were formed in the roof to help support the greater a woodpecker holds on to the side of a tree. It craned
spans. It worked well, and several large rooms were its neck and tried to push its head into a working, but
created. A hospital, shop areas for silver and gold was repelled when several of the dwarves struck it
smithing, wood work, leather work, clothing and with their magically­enhanced picks and drill steels.
textiles and a brewery were created. A fan/turbine Many of the dwarves were killed in the fierce battle,
room was created for moving air in the workings, and being burned and bitten, but the dragon was
another room was started at the north side of the loosened from its perch, partially from attacks above
ramp. and also from attacks from workers on the fourth
At this point in time, the rumblings began again. level. The creature spread its wings and soared
They were quite violent, shaking the entire mountain. around the crater, liberally spewing fire, until the
Some of the rocks in the area of the floor, where the crossbow bolts that the dwarves shot from cover

Dwarven Civilization

drove it off. Over the next few weeks, the dragon same way. The resulting figure towers over the floor
appeared again and again, harrying the construction of the crater.
and nearly bringing it to a halt. Ultimately, Agralin The design of the floor caused Agralin to switch
put together a war party to hunt the beasts in the from structural and geological engineering to urban
wild lands around the mountain, and they managed development planning. First, shops, dwellings and
to track it down. After a pitched battle, the beast was business offices were laid out to provide the best foot
slain and buried where it fell. See the World of traffic flow possible. Several warehouses and
Farland Campaign Setting publication for more distribution buildings were built along the east and
details about this dragon, which would later become north sides of the floor, to be used to store goods and
the Lord of Greed. sell them to the shops. Several gardens were placed
Finally, the task could proceed. First, the great near the "feet" of the King's Walk, and vines were
Cathedral was completed, and its interior was left planted and trained to wind up around the legs. The
mostly natural, for it was made from a beautiful cave, city streets were lined with bricks mined and cut
then the ramp was extended and the Underhalls were during the excavation of the Great Halls.
built. Then, the Festering Pits were installed. The Outside the crater, the main roads were
blacksmithing area and the Great Halls were mined constructed. They were built partly incised into the
at the same time. Many of the ramp and housing solid rock, with the cut stone used to raise the road
crews were finishing, and manpower was not a several feet. The cone was completed by adding
problem. These workings were mined below the simple wooden towers at three points around the
proposed finished floor elevation, and were accessed circumference to be used as lookout stations. Thus,
by driven ramps. The Great Halls were to be used by the primary construction of Wawmar was finished,
the king as quarters and by his staff to govern. The although the dwarves spent centuries after widening
main hall enclosed four huge pillars, stark and and deepening the Underhalls into multiple levels
rectangular, leaving separate halls approaching the and creating extensive mines under the fortress.
throne. He so revered the work performed on the
Cathedral that he decided not to have the halls done
in such beautiful fashion but left the pillars and walls
squared off and only slightly smooth.
The blacksmithing area was a model of industrial Clan Blacksilver: Led by the shady Lord Tordrun
design. At one end, a melting pit was formed to allow Firebeard, Clan Blacksilver is both one of the most
heat to be accessed to melt iron to form ingots. A powerful clans in Wawmar and one of the most
shaft was driven downward to intercept some amoral. The clan has connections to the organized
fissures, for quick access to magma. Following this, crime syndicates that operate on Level 3, and it also
around the side of the shop, are quenching pits and has a link to the former Court High Mage Nár the
hammer forges, used to convert iron and steel to White, who two years ago disappeared into his
ingots of manageable size and shape. An area is set guarded hold in the Underhalls, where rumor has it
aside for storage, then forges and bellows are used to he is working on a way to cheat death.
do fine smithing. Another area is used for sword and
axe making. The Paladins of Nulburk: A newly­founded sect
Finally, the King's Walk was formed. Agralin that is associated with the great Church of Khuldul,
decided it had to be impressive in both size and the Paladins of Nulburk have taken it upon
shape, so he built it into a vast, gentle arch. The arch themselves to clean up Level 3 and to oppose Clan
was then continued to the cathedral in much the Blacksilver.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

The fortress­city of Wawmar controls the large
area around it as far south as the Falls of Dimrune
north of Lannael, as far north and west as the Erethel
Mountains, and as far east as Aelfrand. Three main
dwarven communities can be found in this kingdom,
namely the town of Zigil, the town of Felek, and the
town of Baraz. All three are mining and working
communities, and each is built near valuable natural
resources such as salt, timber, and, of course, ore.

Baraz, the southernmost dwarven community, is

the most racially diverse town in the kingdom. A
community of elves and gnomes exists in the fortified
town, and several halfling families also dwell therein.
Baraz is a trading center, shipping goods south to
Lannael. The town is built near rich timberlands and
a productive salt mine. As the town that lies most
near the border of the dwarven kingdom, it is heavily
fortified, with a solid stone wall some twelve feet high
and half as thick. Runin Deepminer, a canny business­
dwarf, rules Baraz at the pleasure of the dwarven
king. Wawmar. Located far into the dwarven kingdom, it
lacks a wall or other defensive palisade, and its
Felek is the town that lies north of Baraz. Most of houses and business are stand­alone stone buildings.
the community is carved into the sides of a weathered Zigil is a religious center of the greater dwarven
outcrop, a round hillock. All the houses and buildings kingdom, having a famous temple called the Gabil­
are delved straight into the sides of the circular hill, Uri, and it’s also known for the massive (75­foot tall)
although they tend to be self­contained; the center of statues of famous dwarves located in the town.
the hill is not riddled with tunnels, and one generally
needs to walk around the hill to get from one home
or business to another. Felek is a rich community,
built near a silver mine. Balan Swiftshot, a white­
haired dwarf who favors simple dress, is Lord of
Felek. Felek lies on the most direct route to Aelfrand,
and as such, the dwarves of the town have the most
contact with humans.
Zigil is the dwarf community that lies nearest to

Dwarven Civilization

 Armed Forces: Deep in the north of the Kingdom

of Wawmar, Zigil does not maintain any sort of
 standing armed forces, save for the five guards of
Lord Kurin Strongheart and the paladins of the Great
1 Sigin mine Temple Hall, the Order of the Axe.
2 Felek mine
3 Miners Guildhall The Town: Zigil is first and foremost a mining town.
4 Great Statue of Mar II Built over two rich veins of iron and copper, the
5 Brewers Guildhall dwarves of the town work joyfully in its four mines to
6 Saw mill bring the ore to the surface, smelt it, and ship it to
7 Baraz mine Wawmar or to the Sarumvest. The sounds of industry
8 Axe and Flagon Inn fill the small valley in which the town is built. The
9 Island Row town is ruled by the 99 judges of Khazakim, made up
10 Zirik mine of priests, dwarf lords, guild heads, and dwarves of
11 The Gabil­Uri, the Great Temple Hall note. The town is in the domain of Wawmar and is
12 Great Statue of Agralin answerable to the dwarf king.
13 Great Statue of Walin The town is also known for its landmarks. It is
14 The Gundol, the underground hold and Great Hall built between four hills, which the dwarves keep clear
15 Great Statue of Mar III of trees, both because they like the look of bare hills
16 Smith’s Guildhall and because it provides them a vantage point. Carved
17 General store out of the living rock of each of the hills is a huge
18 Elven embassy statue of a dwarven ancestor; each statue towers at
19 School hall least 75 feet high. The statues have something of a
20 Craftsmens Guildhall religious significance to the dwarves of Zigil, given
the importance of ancestor worship in the dwarven
religion. At the foot of each statue is a shrine to the
 ancestors. A small, swift river, the Bundlân, runs
 through Zigil, providing the town with clean water
and energy for its industrious mill. The masterfully­
Who Rules: Kurin Strongheart, lord of the town, in delved town hall of the dwarves, the Gundol, is built
close concert with the 99 Judges of the Khazakim of into the side of the southernmost hill and serves as
Zigil. Strongheart is the first judge. the meeting place of the 99 judges and as a keep in
times of war.
Other Power Centers: Holy Hain Axehand, High Besides its industry and landmarks, Zigil is known
Priest of Khuldul (2nd of 99); Bis Stoneshanks, head for its great temple, the Gabil­Uri. A vast stone hall
of the miners guild (3rd of 99). dug into the easternmost hill, the temple is said to
have been blessed by Walin I and as such is a sacred
Population: About 1000 dwarves, 100 gnomes, 10 spot to dwarves. The main hall of the temple is
elves, and 5 halflings. devoted to Khuldul and Dhurli, but multiple side
halls exit from the main hall, and each side hall is a
Major Products: Zigil is a mining town. Its mines temple to the “lesser dwarven gods.” The high priests
produce iron and copper. It also exports beer and of Wawmar often make trips to the Gabil­Uri to visit
whiskey, leather, timber, and worked steel products. the holy spot and consult with the priests of Zigil.

Dwarven Civilization

Few important decisions are made without impregnable. Of course this was before the rise of
consulting the priests of Zigil, for the power of the Stor­gris.
temple is said to affect the wisdom of its priests. Several types of siege weapons were already in use
in the known world, starting with the standard bows,
onagers, trebuchets, and crossbows. But the dwarven

 interest in steam and their very fertile imaginations

led them to a study and eventual merging of the
The dwarves of the Kingdom of Wawmar have concepts of these weapons into very powerful, highly
been in a relatively good position compared to the accurate and repeatable armaments.
other races, possessing as they do the fortified and
nearly impregnable volcano fortress. Yet they were 
hit hard in the Great Plague, and like the elves they This powerful crossbow has a steam powered
only recently rebuilt their forces. The Kingdom can engine which automatically re­cocks the crossbow
field an army of nearly 10,000 armored dwarves, after a missile is fired.
almost entirely light and heavy infantry. Yet, they
know that the forces of Stor­gris outnumber them by The dwarves had already designed and built quite
some five or ten to one.… a few ballistas, but such weapons took on a different
look with the introduction of steam power. The
standard ballistae were built so that the power for

 launching was provided by twisted rope, which was a

highly tenuous method. The skeins were short­lived,
As the great stronghold of Wawmar was nearing due to the tremendous strain applied and the fact
completion, the dwarves turned their attention to the that the strands were constantly rubbing on one
design and fabrication of weapons. They had a few another. And the mechanics of them were limited, as
parameters in their favor. First, the nature of the bow only applied force to the projectile until the
dwarves is such that they are willing to work hard to string was taught. The dwarves devised a different
build such machinery, and they find a fascination mechanism whereby the arms would travel inwardly,
with simple machines (levers, screws, wedges, etc.) on an arc past each other, then push forward until
and their applications to more complicated gadgetry. the string was taut on the front end of the machine,
Second, the abundance of metals of high tensile and almost doubling the amount of distance the force had
compressive strengths and good workability (steel, with which to accelerate the projectile. This weapon
iron, copper, brass) made it possible to leap from the was capable of increasing the velocity of the standard
usual wooden construction to more durable, large bolt from the accepted norm of 400 feet per
dependable equipment. Third, the dwarves have second to well over 700, which also made the arrow
great understanding of the physical world and of hard to track by sight and hard to avoid.
static and dynamic systems. The method, as stated, of transfer of power had to
For the most part, these weapons were designed, be changed, however, as the wrapped skein of rope
prototypes built, and plans were sold to gnomish could only be counted on for about 90 degrees of arm
tacticians who, with help from Wawmar's industrial swing before the rope became loose and ineffective,
prowess, were able to build and operate them. as compared to the reflex type of the mechanism,
Wawmar's defenders and military minds at first saw which needed almost 180 degrees of travel. For this,
little use or need for such weaponry, as the the dwarves applied a rack­and­pinion type of
stronghold was generally considered to be motivation, whereby the rack would spin the

World of Farland: War of Immortals

spindles, which would in turn move the arms. To how rapidly it could fire. Typically, one sharpened
reload a standard ballista, it was necessary to pull log was used as ammunition, although it was
back the arms against a twisted­rope­force, where in specialized ammunition known as "Many Shot" that
this instance, it was merely necessary to pull back the made this weapon devastating on the field of battle.
rack against little force. Five crew members are required to man the Flying
Crossbow, and it takes 5 minutes for the steam
Steam Driven Ballista engines to warm up before use. However, once
Large object activated and manned by a full crew, the Flying
Armor Class: 15 Crossbow will fire at a quick rate. The steam engine
Hit Points:75 functions for 5 minutes on 4 gallons of water.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Another weapon invented by the dwarves was the
It takes a bonus action to load this massive crossbow, steam­powered Flying Bow. It was not really a bow,
an action to aim it, and an action to fire it. but a trough, or ramp, lined with wooden wheels. The
Bolt. Ranged weapon attack. +6 to hit, range wheels were arranged in pairs, each tilted inward,
120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing with successive pairs lining the length of the ramp.
damage. They were motivated by wooden­cog gears on the
bottom, thereby synchronizing them from one side to
 the other. The power was supplied by a steam vane
This rare steam­driven weapon harnessed the turbine through an endless rope loop, which
power of steam to move several wheels/gears and contacted the spiked rims of the bottom cog gears,
pulleys. The advantages of this machine was the synchronizing each set of two wheels with the next.
wide range of ammunition it could fire as well as During operation, the matched set of 12 to 20 wheels

Dwarven Civilization

spun in unison. Along the outer rim of the wheels of the way through, leaving a few in place to hold the
were spikes pointed radially outward. To fire, the individual arrows together. The front end of the
weapon was brought up to speed and a projectile was bundle was dipped in molten lead and quickly
simply dropped on the rear wheels. The spikes quenched. The rear of the bundle was roughed up
grabbed the bolt and "passed" it on to the next pair, with a sharp hatchet to provide "feathers" to the
accelerating the shot forward to the end. The beauty arrows. When fired, the Many Shot would break up
of this weapon was its repeatability. Once the first and split into several arrows, and depending upon
bolt had been fired, the wheels would take 2 or 3 the pressure, velocity, and shape of the tube, would
seconds to reach speed, and another bolt could be spread into an adjustable pattern to strike multiple
dropped. Needless to say, this was not a very targets.
transportable machine, and was used in defensive
postures only. Due to the highly complicated nature, Flying Crossbow
only two were ever made, as rope, gears, spikes and Large object
bearings were high­maintenance items. But when Armor Class: 13
operating properly, it was a feared death­dealer. Hit Points: 60
To power these weapons, a dependable source of Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
steam had to be designed, tested and built. The
design consisted of two tanks, made from hammered It takes a free action to load this massive crossbow,
and riveted copper. The upper tank served as a pre­ an action to aim it, and an action to fire it.
heater, using exhaust from the fire that heated the Bolt. Ranged weapon attack. +6 to hit, range
lower steam tank. Water was introduced into the 100/450 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d10) piercing
upper tank, and when the steam was used for a firing, damage.
the water was released to the lower one, where the
pressure was built to working limits. Many Shot
The pressure was monitored by an ingenious Flying Crossbows also may use Many Shot, an
method of "pinging," whereby the operator tapped alternate ammunition, which is in essence several
the tank at the same precise location, listening to the smaller bolts tied together. Anywhere between 7 and
sound. When the proper pitch was attained, he knew 19 of these bolts could be assembled, causing a
that sufficient pressure was available. Usually, most devastating (if erratic) barrage at the enemies. The
operations involved several tank systems for each of range of Many Shot is significantly less than normal,
the heavier weapons, depending upon the amount, only 1/4 of the typical range. Treat a Many Shot bolt
purity and pressure of the fuel gas. The dependability fired from a Flying Crossbow as separate attacks
and working life of the generator, and of the weapons (between 7 and 19), but each attack is made with
themselves, varied greatly, as many parameters were disadvantage. Cost per unit of ammunition ranges
involved and many could, and did, go wrong. Several between 35 sp to 95 sp, based on the number of bolts
times, the equipment had to be shut down and carted per shot.
away as piping or riveted seams burst, sometimes
causing injuries to the operators. 
The chosen projectile for most of the mass guided The large catapult has a steam powered engine
weapons was the Many Shot. This was a simple but which aids in the reloading and aiming of the
deadly tool. A 2 to 4­inch diameter tree was cut to device. It takes five crew members to load and
length and trimmed of bark. A sharp axe was run prepare this device.
down the length of the trunk, cutting the fibers most

World of Farland: War of Immortals

The Steam Powered Catapult was then invented. It 

was a direct descendent of the standard catapult that This small catapult has a steam powered engine
was used by the elves and dwarves for centuries, but which aids in the reloading and aiming of the
with a very important difference. Other such device. Two crew members can load and prepare
weapons were driven, or fired, by using twisted this device.
skeins of rope. The rope was twisted by turning
geared lugs along the sides of the frame, with the The dwarves next invented the steam­powered
throwing arm thrust in between the plies of rope. As monager. It was fired using twisted skeins of rope, as
the arm was pulled back with winches and capstans, with earlier catapults, but the reloading of the
the rope twisted, providing a tremendous source of weapon was aided by steam, instead of steam
stored power. But this method of loading required providing the driving force. The monager was
time and a lot of mechanical movement, resulting in preferred by many dwarven commanders over the
a long cycle time. Therefore, several catapults were steam catapult, although its range was not as great
required to be effective. Further, its rope system was nor its final projectile weight as great. The interesting
suseptible to breaking and wearing of the rope. name was derived from the fact that it would kick
The dwarves solved this by using steam. One end like a wild ass, or "monager," each time it was fired.
of a long rope was attached to a steam cylinder, the This was because its cylinders were mounted low,
other to the arm, which, when activated, pulled the providing little resistance to the overturning effects
arm forward. As the steam cylinder could only of the residual torsion, making it "kick."
produce limited speed, the rope was attached very
close to the axle, providing very high mechanical Monager
advantage. For each inch of travel of the rope, a foot Large object
of travel could be expected for the projectile, thereby Armor Class: 14
multiplying the speed of the cylinder twelvefold. The Hit Points: 65
size of the piston, when multiplied by a meager 100 Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
pounds per square inch of steam, would give
tremendous force to the load. It takes a bonus action to load this weapon, two
The Steam Powered Catapult had its drawbacks. actions to aim it, and an action to fire it.
Many soldiers feared using it, as it was tricky to Monager Stone. Ranged weapon attack. +4 to
operate, and required constant monitoring and hit, range 180/720 ft. (can't hit targets within 40 ft.
maintenance. of it), one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage.

Steam Catapult Monager and Catapult Shot

Large object Also known as Grapeshot, this alternate
Armor Class: 16 ammunition is made of several small, hard items,
Hit Points: 75 designed to hit a large radius of creatures (20'
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic radius). Super­heated sand, small pebbles, and even
silverware have been used for shot. Cost per unit is
It takes an action to load this weapon, two actions to based on what is used­­ typically whatever may be
aim it, and an action to fire it. available at the time. Damage is piercing and
Catapult Stone. Ranged weapon attack. +4 to bludgeoning, affecting all in a 20' radius, but the
hit, range 200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. attack is made with disadvantage.
of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.

Dwarven Civilization

 drew up a detailed specification for the sizes of the

The most powerful of the steam­powered siege members, so that the weapon could be fabricated
weapons, the trebuchet has a steam­powered engine from logs and a few other items, normally found in
which aids in the reloading and aiming of the the woods and forests found around most castles of
device. Six crew members can load and prepare this the day. Most of it had to be built laid down, then
device. assembled under cover of darkness or, in some cases,
a darkness spell.
The most majestic of all siege weapons, the
Trebuchet, was a feared machine. Its most important Steam Trebuchet
parameter was its range, and naturally, the use of Huge object
steam was a very interesting possibility. The limiting Armor Class: 15
factor, however, was the range of motion and Hit Points: 130
movement of the hurling arm, as it had to swing Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
through an arc unimpeded, just to release its left­ Damage Vulnerabilities: fire
over motion and energy. This precluded the use of
steam, in the design stage, for quite a few years. The It takes an action to load this weapon, two actions
dwarves solved this problem in a simple manner: to aim it, and an action to fire it.
with sheer mass. The dwarves beefed up the axle and Trebuchet Stone. Ranged weapon attack. +4 to
pinions of the hurling arm, building them by joining hit, range 300/1200 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft.
the framing sides in a triangle, allowing the heavy of it), one target. Hit: 39 (7d10) bludgeoning damage.
side logs to support the axle, rather than using a
separate pinion. The front logs were extended and
used, along with a sling, to "catch" the arm after it
released the projectile. The steam cylinder was then
installed as close to in­line as possible, but just far
enough to the side to allow proper operation.
The performance of the mighty wooden monster
was impressive. A modest charge of 100 pounds per
square inch of steam, over the breadth of a 12"
piston, was sufficient to accurately hurl a 150 pound
stone a distance of up to 800 feet. This allowed the
trebuchet to be operated out of the range of accurate
arrow volleys. Its mass also allowed gnomes to hide
from the arrows, as few could navigate through the
mass of heavy logs positioned in various directions.
The most effective weapon to use against a wooden
trebuchet, that of fire, was still a possibility. A few
flaming arrows could be launched from a castle, and
a gnomish artillery company had to guard against
this. The log sides were often fitted with ladders to
allow buckets of water to be carried to put out flames.
The dwarves realized that a machine of this size was
too cumbersome to haul around, so they wrote and

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 
Also known as a Scorpion, this is a tube shaped Only a strong creature can wield this weapon,
object, approximately 5 feet long. It uses steam to which is in essence a large­sized heavy crossbow. A
hurl alchemist fire in a spray. Reloading an Bessy Mauler is a martial ranged weapon.
Alchemist Cannon requires 5 flasks of alchemist fire
(as well as 1 gallon of water for the steam engine). The second steam­fired weapon was the Bessy
Mauler. It bore a resemblance to a normal crossbow
The Alchemist Cannon is an anti­personnel and was capable of being carried by a single soldier.
weapon. A quart of water is usually good for quite a The soldier had to be very strong, as the Mauler was a
few shots. heavy weapon with equally heavy recoil. Soldiers
prefer to use a tripod to fire it due to the recoil.
Alchemist Cannon
Medium object Bessy Mauler
Armor Class: 12 Cost: 100
Hit Points: 20 Damage: 2d8 piercing
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic, fire Weight: 30 pounds
Properties: ammunition (range 120/420), heavy,
It takes 5 actions to load this weapon (whereupon it loading, special, two­handed
can be fired five times without loading it), a free
action to aim it, and an action to fire it. A user makes attack rolls with disadvantage, as the
Alchemist fire. Ranged weapon attack. +4 to weapon has a powerful recoil. The user may avoid the
hit, range 30 ft./60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) fire disadvantage by either using a tripod or by lying
damage at the start of each turn. A creature can use prone when firing. After every 10 shots, 1 quart of
an action to make a DC 10 Dexterity save to put out water must be added to the steam engine. Refilling
the fire and end the damage. the steam engine takes two actions.

This tripod absorbs the recoil of the Bessy Mauler,
allowing the user to fire the weapon without
disadvantage. Assembling and moving a tripod each
takes an action, and it takes an action to mount a
Bessy Mauler on it. The tripod weighs 10 pounds and
costs 50 sps.

During the War of Immortals,
humans are struggling to build

H uman civilization is new and growing, but the

privations caused by Stor­gris have made it a
struggle for human society to advance at all.
their civilizations. Contact with
elves and dwarves is helping them.
If you want to play a character who
Severally culturally unique populations of humans
is uncivilized but has a brave,
exist on the continent of Siriand. Communities can
passionate heart, consider playing
be found on the northern edge of the Deep Marshes
a human. Of course you know what
and in the Hinterlands south of Lannael. One group
a human is, now don't you?
of nomads has journeyed all the way to Hathiand to
escape the Dark Kingdom and now lives generally
unmolested by any organized evil, although they face
dangers from monsters of the wilds. Humans are 
most populous in the area south and east of The most notable human society exists in the
Wawmar, an area called Aelfrand. The following region of Aelfrand. The elves named it thus nearly a
section details the human communities extant on the thousand years ago because the region contained an
continent of Siriand; after each section is an optional abnormal number of Toadstool Rings, which the
human subrace available to human PCs in the War of elves believed, often rightly, led to Tanis, the land of
Immortals Campaign Setting. Fairies. Indeed, “Ael” is elvish for “Fey or Fairy,” so
the name of the region signifies “North Fey Land” or
“North Fairy Land.” Since the humans have come to
 live here, though, the frequency of Fairy Toadstool
Rings has steadily decreased.
Age. Humans reach adulthood by their late teens The human society in Aelfrand is the most
and live less than 100 years. advanced of all human cultures primarily because
Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular they have had relatively frequent contact with the
alignment. The best and the worst are found among elves of Aeltal (where the Satellite Cities are located)
them. Choose any alignment. and the dwarves of Wawmar. These human tribes
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, migrated to this area from a region somewhere to the
from barely 5 feet (or shorter) to well over 6 feet tall. south and west some four centuries prior to the
Females tend to be shorter and lighter. Your size is current date. It's not known where they originally
medium. came from.
Subraces. Humans come in several ethnicities Upon arrival in this land, they were greeted by the
and varieties. Choose one of the subraces below. elves of the Satellite Cities, who were curious about
Alternately, if you don’t wish to choose a subrace, these new creatures that were so similar but
increase all of your ability scores by 1. different. The elves invited representatives of each
tribe they met to journey to their cities as honored
guests. The four main tribes of the area each sent a

Human Civilizations

notable member of their community, and when these 

lucky individuals returned, they were so revered by
their fellow tribe members that each tribe eventually Both the men and women of Aelfrand favor long
came to call itself by the name of the hero who had hair; facial hair on the males is optional but only
gone to meet the fabled elves. They go by the tends to be favored when men gain a position of
following designations: Tribe of Aelfarus, Tribe of authority, either in the household or the tribe. One of
Alexandros, Tribe of Ledesus, and Tribe of Patros. the greatest honors that a man can do a friend is to
The most powerful of these tribes is that of cut off his hair and lay it on his friend’s funeral pyre
Aelfarus, which is a bastardized version of the elven (the Aelfranders burn their dead on wooden pyres).
title "Friend of the Fey," a name the tribe’s Men who have been honorably defeated in combat
representative adopted. His original name was are also duty­bound to cut their long braid. Thus, the
Hectorus, and of the four envoys, he was indeed the skill of a warrior can often be observed by the length
most favored by the elves, who admired his courage of his hair, but enemies have learned to be careful,
and strength of character. Hectorus mistakenly for a powerful warrior might have short hair due to
altered the title, misreporting it to his people. The the recent loss of a bosom companion—so woe to the
four tribes live in semi­peace, but they often man who recklessly challenges short­haired fighters.
skirmish. These skirmishes range from relatively Both men and women wear a quadrangular
bloodless to brutal and bloody. raiment folded over the shoulders, fastened with a
Right now, the two western tribes are allied
against the two eastern tribes. What keeps the tribes
from degenerating into open warfare is the specter of
the Wintervale to the east­­ orc raids out of the icy
mountains into Aelfrand are frequent, and all four
tribes need to be willing to band together to fight the
orcs. However, their skirmishes are nonetheless
bloody, and captives are exchanged often between
the tribes.
Human society in Aelfrand is provincial and
confined; what they call cities are simply large
villages protected by wooden walls. Any
communications between distant communities is
accomplished by courier or messenger, or by signal
fires ignited on the tops of hills. In fact, though,
communication between communities is not
frequent. Travel is challenging because the area lacks
proper roads and bridges and is heavily wooded and
swampy in parts. Only recently in trade with the
dwarves did the humans of Aelfrand learn of the
wheel. In the last decade, they have made carts
boasting four wheels; even so, most goods are carried
on the backs of mules or men.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

clasp pin, and which reaches almost to the knees;

lacking the ability to sew as well as the elves, this
is their strange approximation of the tunic they
observed the elves of the Satellite Cities wearing,
though in truth it is little like it. The women
further wear a girdle and a veil, and the men
pants. They throw a fur cloak over this ensemble
to protect against the northern cold. In warmer
weather, the men wear loincloths instead of
pants, and the women leave their arms bear.
Both sexes wear boots outdoors, sandals in
summer, but often go barefoot within the home.
Men and women favor jewelry, usually unworked
silver bracelets, necklaces, and circlets, and the
women splash rose­scented water or oil on
themselves by way of perfume.

Those who do not fight work the lands, taking
great pleasure in their labor. The land is not armor from orc raids is repurposed, repainted, and
particularly fertile, and much of it is swamp, wooded shined. They take great pride in armor gotten
hill, or mountain. Still, the people of Aelfrand are through trade with elves and dwarves and only the
resolute and make more than an agricultural living richest or most famous Aelfranders own those.
from the land, though their farming is primitive­­
they make enough to trade with the dwarves and
elves. They eat with knives in place of utensils. 
Hunting is also a large part of their culture, although
hunting is still a necessity and is not yet viewed as a Aelfrand society is a patriarchy, but the flashing
sport. anger of women and the fierce love for their children
The humans of this region do not mine and know and families tempers this despotism. Still, women
nothing of metal­working. What metal they have is and children have few rights and are viewed as
greatly prized, and mostly obtained in trade with the property. Marriage is hence a purchase of the
dwarves. They do not use money and instead employ daughter from her family, and the purchase is usually
a system of barter and trade. For crops, the dwarves made in crops or oxen. Homosexuality is not
give agricultural implements and their surplus particularly frowned upon, though, and married men
weaponry. The Aelfranders trade with the elves crops and women sometimes engage in same­sex
and animal skins for wine and textiles. They are relationships that are looked upon as a different kind
expert at making war clubs, spears, and axes (the of friendship.
latter two from blades they've traded for), but they The people of the region know of writing from
can't make other weapons of steel. The only armor contact with elves but do not themselves write. They
they produce is leather or padded, although captured communicate legends by memorizing them and

Human Civilizations

telling them as stories. Men are expected to be either

Greater God Human Name
warriors, by necessity if not by profession, and honor
is one of the highest male virtues. The society is
extremely honor­bound. As herders, Aelfranders Heshtail the Merciful Hestiodos, Old Healer
must be quick to return insults with violence to
discourage theft of animals. A man must be willing to
Berenstra, Maiden of
fight for his family and his chieftain, and what is Bestra, Lady of Goodness
most important is not even that he win but that he be
willing to die. Living with dignity and dying with
honor is one of the best things a man can hope for. Kantor the Crusader Kastor the Warrior
Fame (to be remembered) is one of the highest goals,
and possibly their only immortality, for humans
Neltak, Lord of Law Nerksos the Judge
recognize that their lives are short in comparison
with the elves and dwarves. The only art they really
care for is music and poetry, and they were taught to Dekk, Lord of Balance Deikkos the Wise One
use lyres by the elves. They do not paint or embellish
their goods, nor do they overly appreciate the
intricate decorations on the goods they receive in Bel, Lord Thief Belon the Trickster
trade from the non­humans.
Vornoth, the Dark Viablo, whose name
Walker should not be spoken
For the early part of their histories, Aelfranders Lesser God Human Name
worshiped the spirits of the rocks and the hills. In the
last few hundred years, they were taught of the
existence of the gods by the elves and the dwarves, Reeanan the Bright Rhiana, Sun Maiden
although both accounts were biased. The dwarves
said their god was paramount, and the elves said
Calbran, Lord of Luck Caliphon the Blessed
theirs was. The dwarves said that all of the other gods
(like Heshtail, Bestra, and so on) were dwarven gods
serving Khuldul, and the elves said they were lesser Thranton, Lord of
Theon the Thunderer
elven gods in Tal­Allustiel's pantheon. The tribes Lightning
were influenced by the dwarves and elves to start
worshipping their Pantheon of Khuldul, Dhurli, and Aknor the True Achon, Lord of Craft
the “lesser dwarf/elf gods.” But over the years, the
people found the "lesser gods" to be more to their
taste and started focusing almost all of their worship Janora, Goddess of Fate Jasa Star­Crowned
on them. They invented great tales and myths about
these lesser gods, and the stories kept changing until
Flamgart, Fire God Flauchus, Flame Lord
barely was there mention of their ever having served
the dwarf and elf deities. The "lesser gods," originally
pictured as dwarves or elves, are now said to look like Grlarshh, Death God Gaides, Lord of Death

World of Farland: War of Immortals

humans straight from the four tribes. The preceding champion. On the rare occasions when they gather in
charts illustrate the true names of the gods (which mass for warfare, each small group of soldiers crowds
are detailed in the World of Farland Campaign around their war chief. Upon sighting the enemy,
Setting book) and the names the Aelfranders call they race towards them, shouting, and cast their
them. spears when they get within range. They then equip
their shields (large wooden boards covered in hide,
when they can’t obtain shields from the elves or
 dwarves), draw their hand arms, usually short
swords, and move to engage. They will meet the
Besides tribal skirmishes, the Aelfranders prey enemy in a brutal and bloody skirmish and either
upon the even more primitive humans who live in triumph quickly or withdraw quickly. The people of
caves to the north of their lands. They do so primarily Aelfrand know little of horses, though they have
to steal their women. Nominally, the Western tribes, observed the elves riding them, and do not employ
the tribes of Aelfarus and Ledesus, have sworn fealty cavalry. Their armies consist entirely of light
to Wawmar in return for trade rights; they are duty­ infantry.
bound to send bands of warriors when Wawmar calls
upon them to do so. The eastern tribes of Alexandros
and Patros have sworn fealty to the elves of the 
Satellite Cities and have a similar arrangement to the
western tribes. All of the humans fight the wild orcs Humans of Aelfrand are a warlike, honor­driven
and the orcs of the Wintervale that encroach upon subrace. They are taller than the average human,
their lands. tend to be good­looking and well­muscled, and
Aelfranders know almost nothing of battle tactics, usually have dark hair, although blond hair is not
and their warfare is primarily a matter of each rare among them. Their skin is white or swarthy.
individual warrior trying to distinguish himself as a
Male names: Abad, Adelphius, Adonis, Aethon,
Borus, Botur, Chares, Cleonymus, Damos, Diores,
Doros, Eubalus, Eurybiades, Evenus, Faenus, Farius,
Gelon, Gryllus, Hector, Heirax, Hyperenor, Icarius,
Itheus, Kallias, Kebalinos, Kreon, Lampus, Lydus,
Marcion, Menax, Menexinos, Neritos, Nestor,
Oeneus, Orion, Pantares, Pheres, Plades, Polydectes,
Rhexenor, Rizon, Skiron, Stentor, Syloson, Telephos,
Thon, Tychaeus, Ucalegon, Vettias, Xanthos,
Xenophon, Zenicetes, Zosimus

Female names: Adeia, Agarista, Amplias, Baucis,

Briseis, Calliphana, Chloë, Cytheris, Danaë, Dianeme,
Drosis, Eos, Eris, Feradne, Glauce, Gygaea,
Harmodias, Hekabe, Iaera, Iomene, Iphis, Jocasta,
Katina, Kynthia, Laodamia, Lyra, Megare, Monima,
Nephele, Niobe, Omphale, Orthia, Persis, Phaia,

Human Civilizations

Polydamna, Raisa¸ Rhea, Sebasteia, Stratonice, The Tribe of Alexandros: This is an eastern tribe
Thaleia, Thessala, Thetis, Xanthe, Xanthippe, Zena, that feuds with the Aelfarians and Ledesians. They
Zenobia, Zita, Zoe are subjects of the elves of the Satellite Cities and are
allied with the Tribe of Patros. They can field about
Languages: You can speak Common (Altarian) 125 warriors.
and Aelfrandish.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and The Tribe of Patros: This tribe of Eastern Aelfrand
Wisdom scores increase by 1, and either your is allied with the Tribe of Alexandros and are subjects
Intelligence or Charisma score increase by 1 (your of the elves of the Satellite Cities. They can field
choice). about 115 warriors.
Skills: You gain proficiency with the Athletics,
Intimidation, and Performance skills.

 After the humans of Aelfrand, the people of the
Hinterlands are the second most advanced human
Four human tribes exist in Aelfrand. The tribes culture. Living south and east of the elven kingdom
live in semi­peace, but they often skirmish. Right of the Sarumvest, these humans have benefited from
now, the two western tribes are allied against the two the little they have been able to glean of the culture of
eastern tribes. What keeps the tribes from the elves. Still, the Sarumvest has not taken the same
degenerating into open warfare is the spectre of the interest in humans that the Satellite Cities have, and
Wintervale to the east­­ orc raids out of the icy so human culture has not benefited to the same
mountains into Aelfrand are frequent, and all four degree here as it has in Aelfrand.
tribes need to be willing to band together to fight the The humans of the Hinterlands have not
orcs. This is something they have had to do on a developed agriculture, although they fortunately find
regular basis over the past few years, and it seems themselves in a region that is rich with plant and
like the frequency of orc attacks is increasing. animals foods, and until recently, the proximity of
the elves has protected them against the menace of
The Tribe of Aelfarus: This tribe is named after Stor­gris. They are hunters and gatherers, but they
the most famous of the human heroes, an ancient erect semi­permanent villages, because it takes them
warrior who visited the Satellite Cities and lived quite a while before they have hunted and gathered
among the elves. This tribe is located in Western all available food in the region.
Aelfrand, and they are nominally subjects of Wawar. Because they have little to trade, they possess few
They are allied with the tribe of Ledesus. This tribe elven goods. Sometimes the wood elves of the
can field about 150 warriors. Southern Sarumvest will take pity on them and give
them weapons, textiles, or jewelry as gifts. Invariably,
The Tribe of Ledesus: This tribe is also located in these items are treasured and make their way into
Western Aelfrand, and they are allies of the Tribe of the possession of the highest­ranked person in a
Aelfarus. Like the latter tribe, they are subjects of the village.
dwarves of Wawmar, who trade weapons and other Because of the requirement that both genders
metal goods with them for leather and foodstuffs. contribute to food­gathering, there is great parity of
The Ledesians can field about 100 warriors. the sexes among the humans of the Hinterlands. Men
and women also tend to contribute equally to the

World of Farland: War of Immortals


Hinterlanders are a peaceful but resourceful

subrace. They tend to be of medium height or taller
and are usually stockily built. Their hair is often
brown, but many have red hair. Their skin is pale.

Male names: Aden, Ador, Bair, Brado, Cael,
Codin, Devot, Duncor, Finn, Forn, Gannon, Gral,
Horul, Horut, Init, Irol, Jorun, Kasey, Kaal, Kelyan,
Lorcan, Lortin, Mador, Mattit, Nale, Nevan, Oison,
Orla, Quinn, Rorn, Ryne, Senan, Shornan, Tagan,
Taran, Ulot, Zacat

Female names: Ada, Borada, Cata, Dunteel, Finna,

Fortra, Gorel, Inia, Jora, Kasey, Kala, Lorcin, Mada,
Macin, Nala, Nella, Ola, Orla, Orlette, Rain, Raina,
Rali, Shella, Sheila, Tora, Tara, Ullin, Zorca, Zorkin

Languages: You can speak Hinterlander; there

is a 50% chance you can also speak Common
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score
increases by 2 and either your Dexterity or Charisma
raising of the children. score increases by 1 (your choice).
In terms of war, these people are fierce in a pinch Skills: You gain proficiency with the Insight and
but try to avoid open warfare when they can, and Survival skills.
prefer to flee from a fight rather than face it. Unlike
humans of other areas, though, they have learned to
construct bows, probably through contact with the
elves, and like the elves, they are rather adept at
sniping from a hidden position. But they are actually A small human community exists on the northern
a rather friendly group as a whole and are welcoming edge of the vast swamp called the Deep Marshes.
of others, once they are sure they do not present a Several hundred years ago, a group broke off from
threat. the humans of the Hinterlands and migrated to the
Like all humans but the communities of Aelfrand, south, following the great river. They found
the Hinterlanders are animists, worshipping the themselves blocked by the vast marshlands, but food
river, hill, and forest spirits. was plentiful in the area, so they remained there and
Recently, their way of life has become threatened became estranged from their ancestors in terms of
as the evil kingdom of Stor­gris ramps up for war. language and culture.
They find themselves caught in the middle between These humans are broadly similar to those of the
the dwarves, elves, and Dark Folk. Hinterlands, but, having had even less contact with

Human Civilizations

is a ruined tower, and in that tower dwells Black

Danarus fel Sule and her coven of hags. These
terrible beasts have begun to prey on the
hapless humans who live near the swamp,
driving them further and further north and west
and reducing their numbers.

Deep Marsh Humans are a wise and retiring
subrace. They are shorter than the average
human, with tan or swarthy skin and dark eyes.
They are usually of medium build.

Male names: Aaut, Abeld, Adol, Balduin,
Beltran, Bernd, Cort, Corin, Didrok, Dirk,
Ditmar, Ebbe, Edzard, Eldrack, Falko, Farar,
Farolt, Fiete, Gerd, Heimo, Hendrick, Lovis,
Meiko, Meinrag, Ramon, Raul, Sieger, Sigfrid,
Tommo, Thankmar, Ulrik
the elves, they are even less culturally advanced. They
are also hunter­gatherers, but they move around
more, and their villages are less permanent. They
have become expert swamp­dwellers, though, having
learned how to hunt and trap swamp animals, and
which plants in the swamp are safe to eat and which
are not. Thus, they rarely venture far from the edge
of the marsh.
The women of the Deep Marsh folk were quickest
to learn about the plants, animals, and paths of the
swamp, and they have jealously guarded their
knowledge. For this reason, women are revered as
healers and wise­ones, and the society has become
rather matriarchal. Women even hunt with the men
and serve as guides in the trackless swamp.
The swamp has an evil reputation among the
creatures of Stor­gris, and they avoid it. Hence, the
humans of the Deep Marsh enjoy a bit of protection
from the dark kingdom. But the swamp has its
reputation for a reason: in the center of the marshes

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Female names: Abelarda, Adalberta, Adalyn,

Aldana, Alysa, Bernada, Bertrada, Billy, Carly,
Carola, Carlotte, Della, Dietmut, Ebba, Edelgard,
Edvige, Freda, Franka, Geltrude, Gerhilda, Hattie,
Hedda, Helgard, Ilda, Jerika, Kia, Lamberta, Landry,
Melna, Nilda, Odine, Ramona, Roz, Seida, Ute

Languages: You know Marsh Speak; there is a

50% chance you can also speak Stor­gris Dark
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score
increases by 2 and either your Intelligence or
Constitution score increase by 1 (your choice).
Skills: You gain proficiency with the Medicine
and Nature skills.

The humans of Hathiand are wild and free hunters
and gatherers. They know nothing of any culture
belonging to speaking creatures besides their own,
although in their distant past they did have contact 
with elves as well as the orcs of Rothnog, before that
kingdom fell to civil war. They have forgotten these Hathianders are a wild and free subrace. They
contacts and retain those ancestral memories only as usually have blond or brown hair, lean to medium
myths. builds, and are of medium height. Their eyes are
Their society is arranged around tracking and often blue or green.
hunting game, especially the wild elk that are
plentiful in the region. They also kill wild oxen, bears, Names
and cougars. Both men and women hunt and gather Male names: Adan, Anfel, Artun, Baldwa, Bren,
equally. They don’t know how to make bows, so they Christoph, Clemen, Edmor, Ethelreeth, Fult, Galfra,
hunt with slings, spears, and thrown rocks. Gorget, Gyln, Hanth, Herlun, Jene, Joce, Kail, Kaler,
While they dress in animal skins, they have a very Lanfre, Matris, Nikolat, Ollo, Osbet, Philipe, Ren,
developed language full of adjectives and multiple Robe, Rotan, Sinon, Tomas, Valen, Tacre, Yon, Zatre
words for animals, plants, and beautiful vistas. They
neither write nor know anything of writing, but they Female names: Ala, Algeth, Arlette, Betrice, Brala,
are very accomplished singers, and their nights are Catrila, Clare, Conla, Elenna, Elloy, Felitra, Forla,
occupied with regaling each other with songs that tell Gesla, Gunwel, Gwyen, Hewis, Heleyne, Ilayn,
of their myths. Of all human societies, the humans of Iselotte, Jola, Jone, Julette, Karena, Kerethe, Lafra,
wild Hathiand come closest to the elves in love of and Letia, Lutrille, Mab, Maylne, Marjette, Olice, Olive,
skill with song. Olivia, Payla, Ronette, Rosamon, Sarra, Sibil,
Vergrette, Ysabel

Human Civilizations

adapted to cold and altitude, these humans wear

thick furs on their bodies and feet. Because the
growing season is short (and because they know little
to nothing of agriculture), they depend primarily on
hunting for their subsistence and are adept hunters.
These humans are fearful of dwarves, elves, and
especially other humans, for they are preyed upon by
the bellicose humans of Aelfrand, who raid them to
take their women. The Northerners have no concept
of organized warfare, and while their physical
strength and hunting skills can make them
formidable one­on­one opponents, they are easy prey
for any organized band of warriors.
The Aelfranders consider them “cave men,” and
though they are right in a sense, the Northerners
have tender hearts, loving their mates and kin, and
Languages: You can speak Hathiander; there is they engage in touching burial ceremonies, interring
a 50% chance you can also speak Old Speech. their dead in the fetal position and covering them
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
increases by 2 and either your Wisdom or Charisma
score increases by 1 (your choice).
Skills: You gain proficiency with the Nature and
Performance skills.

The most primitive society of humans on Siriand
(there are additional human cultures on the other
continents of the planet Núrion), the humans who
dwell in the caves north of Aelfrand are also
physically distinct. They are less gracile and more
robust than the other humans on the continent,
being generally shorter, stockier, and stronger. Their
vocal apparatus seems less suited to speech, and they
employ a language that is simpler in terms of
phonemes and vocabulary. Some elven scholars
theorize that they are actually a different type of
humans, cousins to the more common variety.
Whatever the truth of this contention, they are
clearly humans.
Northern humans dwell in caves found in the
southern edge of the Erethel Mountain range. Well

World of Farland: War of Immortals

with flowers or other symbolic objects. 

They know little of art, and while they do enjoy
music, they are unskilled in it, and have unlovely Humans from all cultures on Siriand can be found
singing voices. It is almost as if their vocal apparatus enslaved in Stor­gris. The Dark Folk of the evil
are unsuited to it. They decorate the walls of their kingdom prize human slaves for their adaptability
caves with fanciful images of animals and monsters and intelligence, and they seek out humans to
they have encountered. The only other art they capture when they can. Humans who are enslaved in
engage in is the tattooing of their bodies. Only males Stor­gris face a terrible life of manual labor,
get tattooed. starvation, and eventual early death. The humans
long ago realized this, and most flee at the sight of
Dark Folk, save for the Aelfranders, who fight them
 fiercely.

Cave­Dwellers are a hearty, primitive subrace.

They are short, powerfully built, with barrel chests
and strong limbs. Their hair is brown or black, and
they rarely style it in any way. The only humans that engage in the War in any
official fashion are the people of Aelfrand. The four
Names tribes provide troops on demand to the elves and
Male names: Adon, Akama, Allambe, Bulun, dwarves in exchange for favorable trade and
Bardo, Borwon, Deran, Dorak, Ganan, Jarrah, Jerah, payment. Under the command of dwarven and elven
Kolet, Kolya, Koora, Koorong, Maka, Mallee, Mandu, officers, these human war bands gain a semblance of
Marron, Matari, Mogo, Monti, Mowan, Myall, Noka, organization and can be fearsome opponents.
Orad, Tuart, Uwan, Warrain

Female names: Akala, Alba, Allora, Borina, Binda,

Darri, Eerin, Ekala, Ellin, Gana, Jannalli, Jiba, Kaya,
Kala, Kirra, Kolora, Koorine, Korra, Maiya, Mallana,
Manya, Marlee, Morree, Norlee, Olba, Orana, Orani,
Pangari, Tirranna, Toora, Umina, Warri, Woorane,

Languages: You can speak Cave­Dweller; there

is a 50% chance you can also speak Aelfrander with a
thick, garbled accent.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score
increases by 2 and either your Dexterity or
Constitution score increase by 1 (your choice).
Skills: You gain proficiency with the Survival
Adapted Eyes: You ignore penalties to Wisdom
(Perception) checks caused by dim light or shadow.

Gnomes and halflings would
rather be left to their own devices.

G nomes live primarily in and around their hill­

warren of Haltulontelim in the western
foothills of the Grand Peaks. They call themselves
Both races have been rather
isolationist, but don't let that fool
you­­ they're resourceful and
Tendenarruk [ten­den­ARE­uck]. They are an odd
surprising. If you want to play a
race that stands between 3 and 4 feet tall and weighs
small person with outsized courage
between 40 and 60 pounds. Physically, gnomes vary
and unique powers, consider
a great deal in appearance, and elven scholars have
playing a gnome or halfling.
questioned whether they should even be considered a
single species, but this is not a question that seems to
worry gnomes themselves: they have no problem
considering all gnomes as the same species,
regardless of their disparate appearances. Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score
Some gnomes are thin and waif­like, while other increases by 2.
gnomes are portly and rather dwarfish. Some gnomes Age: Besides elves, gnomes are the second most
are bald with huge eyes, while others have flowing long­lived race. As a gnome, you mature at the same
hair and tiny, dark eyes. Some gnomes have round rate humans do, and you are expected to settle down
ears that appear like human ears. Some gnomes have into an adult life by around age 40. You can live 350
large, pointed ears that are substantially bigger than to almost 500 years.
elvish ears, and some gnomes have ears that are even Alignment: Gnomes are most often good. Those
more exotic and oddly shaped. Gnomish hair color who tend toward law are sages, engineers,
ranges from natural colors (like brown, blond, black, researchers, scholars, investigators, or inventors.
and gray) to strange colors (like purple, green, and Those who tend toward chaos are minstrels,
pink). Eye color also varies but it is usually paler: tricksters, wanderers, or fanciful jewelers. Gnomes
light blue, green, or gray; gnomish eye colors are are good­hearted, and even the tricksters among
rarely exotic in hue. them are more playful than vicious. You can choose
Gnomish society is divided into castes, and any alignment.
although their society is not so regimented as it will Size. Tunnel and Fairy gnomes are between 3 and
later become, nor are there so many castes, their 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is
society is still defined by its restricted caste structure. Small. Crown gnomes are taller.
Gnome castes are defined first by the subrace of Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
gnome (each subrace has its own caste, or more than Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground,
one caste) and second by the profession of the you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
gnomes within the caste. Gnomes don't, though, use You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
caste to discriminate. Gnomes are often quite proud were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
of their caste and don't ever seek to change castes. light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades
of gray.

Gnome and Halfling Civilizations

Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all 

Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws This group of gnomes are physically the most
against magic. disparate—and most strange. They seem almost as
Languages. Gnomish, common (Altarian) or much fairies as they are gnomes. They are the
Dwarven. smallest gnomes, rarely growing taller than 3 feet,
Names. Common gnome names are detailed at and they rarely weigh more than 40 pounds. Their hair color, ears, facial features, and body structure
Subrace. Three gnome subraces exist: Crown vary widely. Sometimes (albeit rarely) they even have
Gnomes, Tunnel Gnomes, and Fairy Gnomes. Choose animal features, such as dog tails or cat ears. Fairy
one of these subraces. Gnomes are members of the Pal and Sag caste.

The ruling class of the Tendenarruk are the Crown
Gnomes, the Bal caste. The Bal caste gnomes tend to
be quite stout and are the most dwarf­like of gnomes.
Elven scholars have speculated that dwarf blood is
strong in them. Crown Gnomes don't mind this idea,
but the dwarves are resistant to it. Crown Gnomes
are skilled diplomats and politicians, and tend to be
bold; they often serve as the first point of contact
with other races.
Size. Crown Gnomes are the physically largest
gnomes. Average height for these gnomes is around
four feet tall. Average weight hovers around 60
pounds. Female and male Bal gnomes are around the
same size. Your size is small.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 1.
Born Leader. You gain proficiency in the
Charisma (persuasion) skill. You know the friends
cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

The Tunnel Gnomes, as they refer to themselves,
are physically smaller than the Bal caste, but still
larger than their cousins the Fairy Gnomes.
Outsiders call these gnomes Rock Gnomes. They are
mostly miners by profession but also are well known
for their inventions and illusions. Gnomes of the
Dam and the Ka castes are all members of this
physical type. Tunnel Gnomes are equivalent to Rock
Gnomes from the 5e SRD.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

suppress any discussion of it. Mention of

this idea in Wawmar is enough to cause
some serious displeasure among the priests
of the Church of Khuldul and Dhurli.
The earliest histories that speak of the
gnomes have them appearing around 500
to 800 years after the founding of the first
dwarfhold Liferock. The origin of the
gnomes seems to be something of a
mystery to the dwarves, but from the first,
the gnomes were treated as cousins by the
dwarves. Many were invited to dwell within
Liferock, but most gnomes seemed to
prefer tighter, smaller, more warren­like
tunnels; they lived near Liferock in a maze­
like warren they called Entelukaz.
Size. Fairy Gnomes are between 3 and 3.5 feet tall The gnomes seemed to have lived in harmony with
and average about 40 pounds. Your size is small. the dwarves for several thousand years, with the
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score dwarves protecting them from enemies. However,
increases by 1. sometime in the early history of the Realm of
Fairy Magic. When you complete a long rest, Rothnog, the dwarves and gnomes seem to have had
choose a cantrip at random from the Bard spell list. a falling out over some sort of trade dispute. The
You can cast that cantrip until you complete a long gnomes then suffered deprivations at the hands of
rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. the evil kingdom of Rothnog without the dwarves
Forest Camouflage. You have advantage on being as diligent in their protection as they had been
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in forested terrain. in the past. When the dwarfhold of Liferock was
destroyed by Rothnog, the gnomes fled the Erelom
Mountains and began a long migration south and

 east. Over the centuries that followed, they founded

several homes, only to desert them as danger or
Gnomish history is a bit confused. The gnomes famine encroached. Finally, the gnomes founded
themselves have a legend that the genesis of their their most permanent home since Entelukaz:
race occurred when the dwarven god Dhurli Haltulontelim, a hidden warren in the foothills of the
Ironbeard mated with a powerful demon temptress. Grand Peaks, on the eves of the dark wood called the
The fruit of this union was the gnomish god Lutanium.
Barlifandorf, who then created the gnomes in her Breathing a sigh of relief that they’d escaped the
own image. Elven sages doubt this tale, deeming it ravages of Rothnog and other dangers caused by the
mere mythology, because they note that the gnomish Dark Folk, the gnomes were horrified to later find
race have no traits that are in any way demonic. The themselves too close to the newly­founded Dark Folk
elves believe that the origin of the gnomes may lie in kingdom of Stor­gris; and this evil realm, under its
the mating of dwarves with fey or fairies from Tanis, ruthless leader Karoxfang, made Rothnog look
the Feywild. appealing.
The dwarves find this idea sacrilegious and try to

Gnome and Halfling Civilizations

 being good with inventions.

The Tendenarruk of the Ka caste are mostly
Although it did not start out so, gnomish society miners and usually take great pride in their skill at
has grown more regimented over the years until five appraising precious metals and gems. Many gnomes
castes have developed. This is odd to outsiders, as of the Ka caste have some ability in sorcery. They use
gnomes appear so carefree, but it seems to provide a their magic to assist them in their mining, but they
sense of security and comfort to the gnomes also have a special penchant for illusion, and have
themselves. used such magics to hide the approach to their
The leader caste among gnomes is the Bal caste, warren­home. Within this caste there is a sub­caste
the Crown Gnomes. Dwarven blood seems strongest of sorcerers specializing to an even larger extent in
in these gnomes. Males wear long beards, and all Bals illusion magic. They are a very mysterious group and
are stout and quite tall for gnomes. Their hair color is are known as the Mountain Shadows (if the
normally some shade of brown or gray. Their ears translation is correct).
look quite round and have little of the elongation, Half of all Fairy Gnomes are members of the Pal
pointiness, or odd variation that some of their caste. These gnomes are fond of pranks and practical
brethren show. The position of the Bal caste leaders jokes. They have often been employed over the years
on any important matter is almost always the as court jesters. They prefer to dwell in the wooded
position of the gnomes as a whole. Rarely do any areas of the Lutanium near their warren­capital.
gnomes disagree with Bal decisions. This caste of They are quite gifted farmers and are able to bring
gnomes tends to be swarthy skinned and have the impossible yields out of the rocky hills and woods
darkest eye colors. Although it is rare, Bal gnomes surrounding their home. They also hunt and gather,
sometimes even have black eyes. Individuals with and their skill with woodlands makes them great
black eyes are considered quite mysterious and rangers and trackers. While they don’t tend to write
powerful by the gnomes. Eye color is very important down their creations, members of this caste love to
to gnomes, with darker colors being considered more invent poems and songs, and their squeaky, high­
blessed. The gnomes of the Bal caste are often pitched voices, raised in song, often fill the forest
politicians, judges, and warriors when need be. When where they dwell. When the very rare animal features
these occupations are not needed, they mine or appear in gnomes, it is invariably on a member of the
engage in inventing odd instruments and creations, Pal caste.
although they don’t tend to be as talented in this The other half of Fairy Gnomes are members of
respect as the Dam or Sag castes.
Tunnel Gnomes belong to the Dam and Ka castes.
Many of the Dam caste engage in the arts and
become poets, bards, and writers. Other professions Gnomes are rather localized in
in this caste include guards, miners, and strategists. terms of geography. The only places
The Dam caste is most honored, after the Bal caste, they can reliably be found are their
and the Bals respect the Dams a great deal. Many burrow of Haltulontelim and the
Dam caste Tendenarruk are also skilled magicians, surrounding valleys and
and they tend to be wizards, choosing to study magic woodlands, and several dwarven
from books. The majority of renowned gnomish communities within which they
inventors and tinkerers come from the Dam caste, have created small sub­
and in fact the skill of the Dam caste in this regard communities.
has caused outside races to look on all gnomes as

World of Farland: War of Immortals

the Sag caste. They too work primarily as farmers, Today, they tend to view dwarves as friends, and
but they tend to prefer to live in open, rolling hills many gnome traders live among the dwarves, but
and valleys. They are just as given to pranks and they also view them with a reserved wariness, seeing
tricks as the Pals, and they use their natural magic the dwarves as ultimately greedy at heart.
ability to amuse themselves when they can. They Tendenarruk view elves as allies, but they see
rarely sing, though, and prefer instead to engage in them as aloof and ultimately uncaring of what
skits and plays, acting out stories for their own happens to the gnomes (this view may not be entirely
pleasure and using their magic to enhance their fair). Gnomes prefer to do their business with
performances. After the Dam caste, many Sag caste dwarves but will trade with and even lend military
gnomes have a talent for tinkering and inventing. aid to the elves when necessity dictates. The gnomes
And while the average Sag gnome is not as good as do seem to find comfort in the fey ancestry of the
the Dam gnomes, the most famous inventors among elves, perhaps viewing them as distant kin on some
the gnomes have actually come from the Sag caste. level; the elves would likely take exception to this
Gnomes are suspicious of humans, seeing them as

 overly violent and unsophisticated. Moreover, too

many humans engage in behavior that sometimes
Gnomes have waffled between a policy of strict seems orc­like. Yet their isolationism has blinded the
isolationism and limited isolationism. Right now, gnomes to the courage and sensitivity that can also
they are pursuing a policy of limited contact with be found in the hearts of humanity.
other races. Gnomes used to be most kindly disposed Gnomes like halfings the most out of all the good
towards dwarves, but they have never forgotten their races. They see halflings as lacking the brutishness in
ancestral falling out with the dwarves of Liferock. humans and as being primarily a good­natured
people; plus, if truth be told, gnomes appreciate the
size of halfings and feel that they can deal with them
on equal footing, rather than being intimidated by
someone who is larger than they.
Gnomes hate all Dark Folk races. They prefer to
stay far, far away from them but will fight or hinder
them when they can.

Gnomes are not cowards by any means, but open
warfare has never been their forte. Initially, they
were largely protected by the dwarves of Liferock and
saw no need to know the art of war. That changed all
too soon, and gnomes had to learn to defend
themselves. They engaged in multiple skirmishes to
support the elves and dwarves, and gnomes did
indeed send troops to the final battles against
Rothnog, but their might has never been in open

Gnome and Halfling Civilizations

warfare. Because of their small size, gnomes prefer to come live in dwarfholds. These halflings eked out a
not to take the field against armies of orcs, living in the Hinterlands, slowly developing their
hobgoblins, or other Dark Folk. They would rather cultures and eventually founding primitive shires.
use guerrilla tactics, or even better, lay traps or The Insider halflings are those hositan who accepted
sabotage supply lines and bridges. They make good the offer of the dwarves and lived for centuries in
use of their illusion magics to mislead and waylay their hold of Liferock and later their fortress of
their enemies, and they are often able to use their Wawmar. Only recently have the majority of Insiders
interesting inventions in a bellicose manner. If come to live among their shire­dwelling brethren,
pressed, they could field an army of 1000 gnomes, having tired of the ceaseless strife that the dwarves
half archers and half infantry. have been forced to engage in with the evil kingdom
They have avoided engaging in action against Stor­ of Rothnog and now Stor­gris.
gris for the last few centuries, so as not to draw the
attention of the Dark Folk kingdom and give away
the location of Haltulontelim, but lately it is 
becoming more and more apparent to the gnomes
that they need to do something to aid the elves and Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
dwarves against the threat of Stor­gris. increases by 2.
Age: As a halfling, you reach adulthood at the age
of 20 and generally live into the middle of your

 second century.

Alignment: Most halflings are lawful or neutral
Halflings, like humans, live scattered throughout good. You can choose any alignment.
the continent, but they have two main settlements: Size: Halflings average about 3 and a half feet tall
the primitive shires of the Western Delvings, located and weigh about 50 pounds. Your size is Small.
in the southeastern foothills of the Erelom Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Mountains, and The Hills, located near the gnomish Lucky: When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack
homeland of Haltulontelim. Hositan, as halflings call roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the
themselves, look like humans, save for being half die and must use the new roll.
their height. They are often mistaken for human Brave: You have advantage on saving throws
children. Halflings are given toward rotundity and against being frightened.
savor every meal. They go barefoot as a rule, and the Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through
soles of their feet are as hard as leather, allowing the space of any creature that is of a size larger than
them to travel over rough terrain without injury to yours.
their feet. The tops of their feet are covered with a Languages: Insider halflings speak, read, and
thick hair that allows them to go without shoes even write Common (Altarian) and the language of the
in winter. Hositan don’t relish combat and prefer to human community they live nearest to, albeit with a
avoid it, using their natural skill in hiding and very different dialect that makes the language nearly
stealth. a different one entirely. Outsider halflings do not
At this stage in their history, halflings come in two write, although they have excellent memories and a
varieties: Shire­Dwellers, called “Outsiders” by their very strong oral tradition. Insiders speak Common
brethren, and Hold­Dwellers, called “Insiders,” by (Altarian) and Dwarven and can read and write both
the Shire­Dwellers. The Outsiders are halflings who languages.
never availed themselves of the offer of the dwarves

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Halflings are a peaceful people Halflings appeared with little warning. The
who find themselves in a war­torn dwarves seem to have encountered them first,
world. All the worse for them. But because their largest community was near Liferock.
make no mistake­­ they have a It was situated in the foothills of the mountains, in a
metal in their souls, and enemies pleasantly wooded area. The dwarves first took them
underestimate them at their own to be a particularly small race of humans; in fact,
peril. elven scholars still dispute if halflings are in fact best
classified as a subrace of humans. The dwarves’ first
contact with halflings was when they rescued a great
deal of the little folk held captive by orcs. They
initially intended simply to help them heal and then
Names. Common halfling names are detailed at release them into the wild, but they ended up growing fond of them. To the dwarves’ discredit,
while they loved the hositan, as the little folk called
 themselves, they viewed them as little more than
Outsiders, also called Shire­Dwellers, have grown pets, albeit remarkably intelligent ones.
canny and tough living in the wild Hinterlands. They For centuries, populations of halflings flourished
can endure great privations, and even though they in the dwarfholds. They were often put to work as a
really, really hate to do so, they are capable of type of household servant. While they treated them
weathering famines and droughts. They can also well, the dwarves paid little attention to the
avoid their enemies or ambush them if they need to capabilities of their pet servants. Unsubstantiated
do so. gossip of hositan able to read, write, or even speak a
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution language began to spread among the dwarves, but
score increases by 1. these rumors were usually dismissed. Why would the
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide dwarves believe such a thing? In the meanwhile, wild
even when you are obscured only by a creature that is halflings continued to live in primitive communities
at least one size larger than you. in the wilderness, much as humans did.
Finally, an elven dignitary from Alustel who was
 visiting Liferock made the indisputable discovery
Insiders, those halflings who grew up in a that hositan were intelligent, indeed as intelligent as
dwarfhold or who come from ancestral stock who other races! Legend has it, he made this discovery
lived among the dwarves, are sophisticated and when he was given a detailed and polite explanation
canny. They are often trained in a certain profession. of why nectar from the silver mossflower was
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score superior to that harvested from the golden
increases by 1. mossflower, provided it has been cultivated on a clay­
Learned: You are proficient in one of the rich soil, hence the unusually rich taste to that
following skills: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, particular vintage. The tales say that the hafling
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Performance, servant responsible for this speech was Aldo the
Persuasion, or Religion. You have advantage on Quick, a lively young creature. He was immediately
checks for your chosen skill. subjected to intense questioning, upon which it was
discovered that the halflings had been developing

Gnome and Halfling Civilizations

their own subculture within that of the dwarves for 

The dwarves realized their mistake and made Halflings are at this stage in their history more
efforts to set it right. They encouraged the hositan to advanced than most human cultures but less
live free if they wished to do so, and they watched advanced than dwarven, elven, or gnomish culture.
with pride as “their” halflings formally established an They have a rich and intricate oral mythology and
independent community within theirs. They also tradition. They are in their hearts a conservative
supported the Western Delvings, a prominent people and they pass down their many traditions,
community of Outsiders. For a thousand years, the myths, and stories by memory. They also have a great
hositan near Liferock continued to flourish, living deal of varied rituals, conventions, and polite
simply and keeping out of site. Even after the fall of requirements that they transmit from one generation
Liferock, they continued their lives in relative peace. to the next via oral recitation and simple observation.
But they were not idle. Rare, adventurous hositan Until quite recently, there were largely two
Outsiders made contact with elves and even gnomes. separate halfling societies: the “Outsiders,” those
A story has it that one Ballin the Stalwart left his who were never “adopted” by the dwarves and who
shire to learn the grand secrets of high alchemy from never dwelt among them; and the “Insiders,” those
the gnomes. The legend says he returned with a halflings who lived for centuries in dwarfholds. In the
recipe for mead that was grudgingly acknowledged as last few decades these societies have merged, and it’s
superior to that of the dwarves, but the resultant been something of a rocky transition.
scandal caused the first true rifts in hositan society. The “Outsiders” live in primitive shires,
This is also notable as one of the earliest confirmed communities constructed mostly underground with
breaches in gnomish isolationism.
Owing to their skill at stealth and avoiding notice,
halfling culture both in and out of the dwarfholds
continued to flourish. The halflings developed new
subcultures within their own cultures. For example,
the Stalwarts, stout gnome­friends and lovers of the
societies of both dwarves and elves, were
acknowledged as an emergent culture at this time.
Yet the hositan did not escape the evils caused by
the ceaseless wars with Rothnog and Stor­gris. A
peaceful people by nature and choice, fighting of any
sort struck them hard. Many shires and hames
worked to hide all evidence of their existenc.
Meanwhile, just a few years ago, horrified by the
recent battles between Stor­gris and the elves and
dwarves, the last halflings still in Wawmar
abandoned their ancient homes among the dwarves,
unable to bear witness to more slaughter and hatred.
The shires they founded or joined continued to send
aid and supplies to Wawmar for many year. But now
the hositan are fully on their own as the great war
with Stor­gris looms.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

individual homes burrowed into the sides of hillocks and their skill with herbs, cooking, cleaning,
and tors. These settlements are made to be hidden, organizing, and animal husbandry. Insiders
and the round doors are usually painted green and invariably have long dwarf poems or songs
disguised with brush. Those shirefolk who know the memorized and will take any opportunity to recite or
art of agriculture will set their tilled fields and sing them. Outsiders regard the Insiders as odd
livestock areas well away from their homes so that dandies, while Insiders regard Outsiders as country
any who discover their fields won’t know bumpkins. Still, both cultural groups recognize the
immediately where they live. In centuries to come, in other group as kin, and they help and defend them.
safer times, shires will become more civilized,
friendly places, with well­tilled gardens, hedges and
decorated trees, and the wafting smell of baking
bread. In the times of the strife with Rothnog and
Stor­gris, shires are well­guarded and kept secret. Halflings see gnomes and dwarves as friends.
The hositan who live as Outsiders are rough and Gnomes they have come to especially like, primarily
ready, and though they venerate their polite because they are similar in size and have made
traditions, they are ready to flee or hide at a friendly overtures to them. While gnomes are very
moment’s notice, or if backed into a corner, to fight different from halflings, every halfling appreciates
—long enough to enable themselves to flee. Many good humor and entertainment, and the gnomes
shires possess only the bare minimum of agricultural manage to entertain them, whether they intend to or
knowledge and subsist primarily on fishing and not. Dwarves the halflings view as something of an
foraging. ancient benefactor—they recognize that the dwarves
Insiders have recently fled from Wawmar and the helped them in their times of need and sheltered
towns in its kingdom to be reunited with their kin. them for many years, but they simply can’t find much
Unlike the Outsiders, the Insiders consider in common with them. Dwarves love mining and
themselves civilized—they come from a long tradition things made of gold and silver; halfings like family,
of servants who pride themselves on their manners food, polite company, and tradition.

Gnome and Halfling Civilizations

Halflings see elves as proud and distant folk, far

above them in their concerns and dealings. They
recognize that they are a force for good in the lands,
but they also feel that their presence has often caused Halfling factions are more of a
more strife than it has prevented. source of amusement among
Humans the hositan view as cousins—perhaps halfling communities than they are
rightly so. They note the similarities in appearance a source of strife. Most halflings get
and anatomy and ponder whether the two races had great pleasure out of razzing the
similar ancestors. If they did, it was in the distant other faction, but if danger
past, at a time neither race can remember. But they threatens, the factions will come
see humans as often representing what is unpleasant together faster than... a thing that
in their race—aggressiveness, anger, recklessness, comes together really fast.
and even destructiveness.
None of the good races like the Dark Folk, but
halflings especially fear them. They have been unable
to resist them through force of arms, and hositan are 
favored slaves in Stor­gris, so they do everything they
can to flee and hide from orcs and other goblinoids. Stalwarts: Not yet a biologically distinct subrace,
the Stalwarts (named after Ballin the Stalwart), are
those halflings who as a result of the Great Mead­

 Brewing Scandal, took themselves off toward

gnomish lands and coasts to found their own shires.
The only contributions halflings have made have The Stalwarts view the Hairfoots as dwarf­loving
been by way of support to the dwarves of Liferock lickspittles, though they have no real animosity
and Wawmar. Hositan made the lives of the dwarves towards them, and do help them in times of need.
more bearable as they fought their vicious conflicts The Stalwarts came up with the name “Hairfoot” for
against the Dark Folk. Because of their small size and the other faction, claiming they had hairier feet
generally peaceful demeanor, they have been unable (though this is objectively not true).
and unwilling to engage in open conflict against the
evil kingdoms. And even now there is little prospect Hairfoots: Those halflings who viewed Ballin the
that they will ever field an army, for these reasons Stalwart’s claim of having brewed mead superior to
and also because their society consists of separate, that of the dwarves as ridiculous puffery stayed
independently­governed communities. But some of behind in their traditional shires. They don’t call
the Insiders who left Wawmar chose to dwell in themselves “Hairfoots,” seeing it as a besmirchment;
Lannael or in the dwarf towns, and there they have they prefer Shire­Dwellers. Ironically, in centuries to
met those who machinate against evil. Some halflings come they will adopt the term "Hairfoot" with pride.
have even been enlisted by the Intelligence Services They look on the Stalwarts as arrogant, but like the
of the elves and dwarves as spies. Time will tell if Stalwarts, they hold no true animosity toward the
these rare few will make a difference in the War. The other faction. They would band with the Stalwarts if
halfling communities are not capable of fielding an danger threatened either faction.
army in any sense.

The evil kingdoms of Stor­gris in

T he word "Stor­gris" has multiple meanings: it

refers to a fortress­city, a domain, and an era.
The fortress community of Stor­gris, built on the
the south and the Wintervale in the
east have caused near­limitless
suffering thus far... and with the
cliffs of a nameless bay, is to this point one of the looming war, things look to get even
most secure castles in the history of Nùrion. Built worse. If the races of the light don't
under duress by a captured dwarven architect, its pull together to resist, the final
walls were constructed to deflect missiles from siege curtain could fall.
weapons, its location was carefully chosen for its
defensibility, and its supply lines were well
maintained. Indeed, the citadel is nearly as
impenetrable as the mighty dwarfhold Wawmar this friction to blossom into full­blown civil war.
itself. The policies of the domain of Stor­gris have also
The citadel of Stor­gris is the nerve center and fluctuated over its existence, sometimes allowing
capital city of the domain of Stor­gris, an area in the trade with its enemy kingdoms, sometimes locking
south of Siriand (the continent that would later come down its borders, sometimes persecuting or killing
to be known as Farland) that stretches from Lake any non­Dark Folk found within its boundaries, and
Sarnegar in the west to the Lutanium in the east and other times merely heavily taxing non­goblinoids.
as far north as Alandel Lake in the center of the Stor­gris policy, however, has been consistent in
Hinterlands. The domain of Stor­gris is populated several ways. It has always been a slave kingdom, and
almost entirely by Dark Folk: orcs, hobgoblins, often simply being a member of a non­goblinoid race
goblins, kobolds, and recently, oluk orcs. At first Stor­ is reason enough to be sold into slavery. Stor­gris
gris only controlled the land immediately around the always brutally enforces its laws, often killing its
fortress, but as dispossessed Dark Folk flocked to the citizens for what would be considered minor offenses
protection of Karoxfang the Vile, its influence spread. in the realms of the elves and dwarves. Dark Folk in
Several cities, satellites and possessions of Stor­gris, Stor­gris are also always responsible for serving in
sprang up in the surrounding lands, and many small the military at a moment's notice, whenever their
towns grew up around these cities until the fortress respective lord or boss orders them to do so.
indirectly controlled a domain encompassing some Having been founded by loyalists to the Dweller in
75,000 square miles. the Wintervale, whom they call the White Lady,
Because this kingdom has been in existence for Gorgwath in the Wintervale heavily influences the
such a long period, its borders often change as its policies and decisions of the ruler of the kingdom of
enemies encroach and conquer the towns that lie on Stor­gris. Often decisions that are seemingly
its edges or as the armies of Stor­gris return the nonsensical can only be understood by considering
favor. Internal strife sometimes threatens to split the the interests of the White Lady, and the rulers of Stor­
kingdom as well, but having learned the lessons of gris communicate with the Wintervale on a regular
Rothnog, Karoxfang the Vile has thus far not allowed basis. As the Dweller recovered from her defeat at the

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Battle of Thunder Pass and slowly rebuilt

her ruined capital city of Gorgwath (later to
be known as the Nameless City—see the
World of Farland Campaign Setting book),
her influence has become more pervasive
and more insidious.
Last, Stor­gris is an era. If one were to
ask any inhabitant of Siriand what most
affects his life, he would surely name the
Dark Folk kingdom. The elven rulers in
Alustel and the dwarven rulers in Wawmar
rarely make a decision without first
considering how it would affect their
standing in respect to Stor­gris. The
ceaseless wars that Stor­gris provokes have
caused untold hardships for the residents of
Siriand, and countless creatures have
suffered privation or death because of it. In the long chances of returning home to his family were small.
periods when there is not open combat between the He was forced to design the most impenetrable
non­human kingdoms and Stor­gris, a cold war of fortress possible. This went against his love for his
sorts is waged, and thus the origin of much military people and his better judgment, but he knew that if
technology, weaponry, and spells can be traced to he didn't, or if he failed to produce a mighty home for
this period: fear of Stor­gris has caused the elves to the loathsome half­breed general, he would be killed
create new offensive magic, and it has caused the and someone else would be forced to do so. So he
dwarves to devise new weaponry and armor. In fact, resigned himself to his fate and decided to do his
the dwarves have recently invented plate mail best, hoping that somewhere in the process, he would
because of the looming invasion by Stor­gris. be able to pay back Karoxfang.
He and the general searched the southern shores
of Siriand (the continent that would eventually come

 to be known as Farland) and found a suitable locale

along a nameless bay to be of sufficient strategic
In 9330 E.R., the armies of Rothnog and the position and geographically sound. Karoxfang set the
White Lady were defeated at the Battle of Thunder parameters for the castle to be able to house 10,000
Pass and were forced to flee, led by the evil orcs, goblins and hobgoblins, segregating them by
Karoxfang, the White Lady’s general. He saw the race; to have a grand courtyard capable of training
need for a greater, more magnificent citadel in which and drilling the armies; to have imposing keeps; and
he could amass a huge army in order to withstand the to possess secret rooms and halls.
leagued forces of the elves and dwarves and from Agralin at first thought this to be a difficult task,
which he could launch an assault on all of Siriand. He but he was the latest in a long line of fortress
enlisted at sword point the rather unwilling services designers and consultants. He knew that each
of Agralin X, the talented ancestor of the famed inhabitant, even in the rigorous and Spartan living
genius Agralin, builder of Wawmar. Agralin X was conditions of a military keep, would require about
kept in chains, fed well, but nevertheless knew his 200 square feet of living, housing and necessities.

Evil Kingdoms

This calculated to 2 million square feet of quarters. of the wonders of geologic formations, and he
Added to a massive courtyard and footprints of recognized this as a catastrophic seawall failure. The
several equally massive keeps, he found it would take wall was semicircular, nearly vertical to a point about
a castle of about 2200 feet on a side to accomplish 200 feet down, where it began a gentle curve to the
what was required. Karoxfang balked at such a huge water's edge. At the edge was a beach, and about 200
undertaking and almost killed the dwarf for his feet beyond the quiet surf was a series of rocky peaks
seeming insolence, but after it was explained to him jutting eerily out of the water. It was as if a giant
sufficiently, he realized that the project was on the bowl of rock and soil had loosened from its perch,
scale of the construction of the hated Wawmar itself. probably from constant wave action undermining it
He assigned his army to search the countryside to at sea level. It had slid with tremendous force and
find orcs and hobgoblins in great numbers, to bring speed, rotating as it reached the water, then breaking
them to the site (as of this point, still undetermined) up and depositing the large chunks of rock just
to work. Agralin got to the work at hand, that of beyond the beach. By sea, it was nearly inaccessible,
locating the exact site. as the surf roared between the rocks at high tide. This
He searched a 100 by 100­mile radius in a circle side of the fortress would be very safe indeed.
centered at the bay but found few places that would Satisfied, he returned to Karoxfang with the news
serve. Most of the locale consisted of rolling hills and of the possibility. The general was pleased, even
shallow valleys, but none of them were flat enough, elated, when he saw the bowl from a side bank. He
and at the same time of strategic value, to warrant imagined great halls beneath the ground, where he
use. He came upon a flank off the northwestern edge could employ dark sorcery to create armies of perfect
of the bay, however, where the hills were smaller, soldiers, and secret passageways to remain safe. He
irregular, and jutted out from the fields. The quickly gave Agralin whatever help he would need to
southeasterly side of the main field bordered on an continue with the design.
impressive sea cliff, almost 400 feet above the water Agralin and a team of several goblins began their
of the bay. His grandfather had taught him of some survey. He realized that the hills within the large

Evil Kingdoms

2200­foot square would be encompassed by the walls impressed by the scope of the project and knew his
and would have to be removed. But since his captor armies, returning with a huge labor force, could
was now so enamored with the venue, he knew he perform the work. He gave the engineer notice to
would have to incorporate the hills into the castle. He proceed.
surveyed the base of the hills and the relative The dwarven engineer was blessed with a great
positions with respect to the proposed walls and understanding of construction and highly efficient
calculated the amount of stone to be excavated. He organizational skills. He convinced the General that
assumed a certain percentage of rock could be Karoxfang's time was best spent plundering and
removed in blocks, and knowing he would use the extending his reign and that he should relinquish
smaller sizes of stone and dust to make mortar, he control of construction to Agralin. He would run all
realized he would have enough rock to create a dozen decisions through Karoxfang but handle details and
or more inner keeps, double walls, and sets of towers small points himself, to which his captor agreed.
along those walls. Agralin knew that generals are capable organizers but
He then translated the quantities into dimensions. often are led astray and focus on minor points to
Knowing that curved walls would deflect blows from distraction, and the dwarf didn't need that type of
siege machines, he gave the walls a sinister, sinuous confusion. Besides, it would allow him the flexibility
look, curving them in and out several times along of design he would need.
each side. The outer points would have towers to The survey continued, this time not in a design­ to­
allow direct attack on marauding troops. This would build mode, but in a construction phase. Topsoil was
protect against those trying to attack the inner removed to locations outside the walls, and then the
curves, firing on them from both sides at the same upper several feet of good, compactable soil was
time. A second wall, placed inside and parallel to the stockpiled within. This would provide a good base
outer, would allow troops to fall back if the latter was over the eventual sub­base of rock, allowing building
breached. This structure, foundations to be installed without ripping and
coupled with a large main gate, carving rock for footings. After the two layers of soil
would enable Karoxfang to were removed, his calculations became
house enough workers to clearer, and the rock required for the walls
continue building the inner balanced with the remaining rock. The
keeps and lower halls, while final level of the ground and courtyard was
soldiers began using the castle planned and marked out on the ground,
as a base of operations. with stakes showing how much
He returned to rock was to be removed from
Karoxfang, showing to him the hills surrounded by the
the plan view of the castle. walls.
The winged one was Excavation began at the wall

World of Farland: War of Immortals

footings, an extensive platform created at the

base of the proposed walls. At most locations,
the bedrock was reached at the final footing
elevation, but in some, most notably the
western walls, earth was tamped to produce
the desired footing. The built­up footings
sometimes had to be tamped as deeply as ten
feet, but final bearing pressures were
achieved that would allow walls to be built.
The project turned from clearing and
preparation to one of mining. The stripped
hills were picked and drilled to release the
limestone rock in blocks. The heavy, hard
rock was removed in chunks as large as
possible to maintain their structural
integrity, and in as rectangular a shape as
possible, to allow mortaring them tightly.
Smaller stone and dust were collected, added
to silica from the nearby beach and some iron
deposits found nearby, fired over huge flames
in several kilns built for just this purpose, and would be augmented by the eighteen rear towers and
crushed to produce quite a strong cement. others stationed along the walls.
The population of the workforce grew in the first A "dead zone" of space was created between the
year from a planning and survey crew of a 100 to outer and inner walls. This was used for housing for
about 5,000. Karoxfang extended his influence to guard duty and castle maintenance crews. The
dozens of miles, enslaving those who resisted and annulus could be flooded with burning pitch if the
establishing treaties with other Dark Folk in the occasion arose. The workforce expanded to 8,000,
surrounding settlements. He allowed quite a few and work progressed more quickly. As the workforce
farmers to keep their land and raise food for the effort settled in and the land became flatter and grew in
—at sword point, of course. size, housing began to spring up. Wooden buildings
The outer walls were built with millions of tons of were built from trees felled outside the walls, and the
rock excavated from the hills, hauled to the site and castle's inhabitants naturally segregated themselves
carefully laid in by masons who, during the course of according to race and social structure. The wood was
their forced labor, had become quite skillful. The five­ eventually replaced with rock excavated for
tower systems were built along with the walls, construction of the lower workings. This action was
integral with their construction. Curved stairs of rock required due to fires that eventually ensued from
were built inside the towers, which were adorned at later sieges with flaming projectiles fired by dwarven
the top with arrow slits, murder holes, and steam­powered siege engines. The inner walls were
embattlatures typical of those found in better castles built in much the same way as the outer, with two
of the day, but in greater numbers and scope. It was inner towers at each corner. After they were
estimated that in the twenty­seven outer towers, plus completed, there was still a sizeable amount of stone
the main gate towers, a force of as many as fifteen left for the keeps. The rock in the future location of
hundred archers could be brought to play. This the keeps was mined to produce the inner walls,

World of Farland: War of Immortals

leaving room for keeps to be built. proximity to the General and in a location that would
Another crew worked on the main gate. The main allow retreat and defense of a last­ditch nature. The
towers encompassed two huge gates, each pocketed ramp and surroundings were littered with traps and
into slots in the stone of the walls. The front, main subtle defensive measures. A secret passageway was
gate was solid wood plated with steel on the front to formed into the King's Suite (inhabited by the
prevent being burned. The inner gate consisted of a General), to be used for final battle. About four
lattice­work of iron bars between which, in case of hundred feet further was the laboratory area, which
the first being breached, arrows could be shot. Both later became the Oluk birthing keep. Wizards worked
gates were counterweighted and extremely heavy, there, plying their sick and evil experiments, and
and the counterweights could be propped or their results, the Oluks, were eventually quartered
disconnected if anyone attempted to lift them. there.
Extensive embattlements were created, cantilevering Four more hundred feet brought one to the
out over marauding troops. Arrow slits and ladder military storage, an area for warehousing foodstuffs
repulsors were stationed along the walls to prevent enough to feed troops during a siege, and for stowing
the enemy from climbing the walls. weaponry. At the far end of this chamber was the
The main keeps were built in a square pattern beginning of about 1500 feet of passageways,
surrounding the main tower. External stairs were ramping up to the surface. They exited in secret
built with rocks that could be pulled in from the doors in the ground, sheltered and hidden beneath
inside to create a smoother surface to prevent kiosks and wooden guard posts. These passageways
climbing from outside. The four lesser structures allowed defenders to suddenly appear in the midst of
would eventually house the lower officers and the city battle, at and even behind the lines, spreading chaos
government, which would concern itself with the throughout the enemy's ranks.
everyday workings of the castle and business. The Emptying to the right was a passageway to the
inner keep was to exist as an entrance to the lower King's Suite. To get there, one first had to pass
workings, which housed the more sinister doings of through an intricate, almost insolvable maze carved
twisted military minds, as well as the quarters of into the rock, often rearranged by wizards to suit the
Karoxfang himself. somewhat paranoid rulers of Stor­gris. The walk then
A final set of eight towers was built from the main led through massive doors to the chambers and the
gate to the larger central towers. Each one was treasure room. Another passageway exited the
connected with arched spans to allow defenders to workings onto the cliff face, accessible only by flight.
fall back as they were fighting, firing down on A six­acre “persuasion” chamber was next along the
attackers. These "air bridges," as Agralin called them, path, followed by an equally large cell block. Wails of
would serve well in close fighting. The set of pain and horror often reverberate throughout the
barbicans nearest the main gate consisted of five lower workings, even audible out the drainage holes
interconnected towers, serving to split the enemy to the beach and bay below.
into smaller, more easily defeated groups. At this point, Agralin had a suspicion that
Agralin now began to focus on the lower workings. Karoxfang had no intentions of ever giving him his
A main ramp was excavated downward from the freedom once the castle was built. There was too
main keep at a steep 10 percent slope toward the cliff much at stake to allow the engineer to go free with
face. At several hundred feet horizontal distance in, a details of the structure, and both knew it. Agralin had
guard dwelling and station was built, measuring a plan for the destruction of Stor­gris by sapping the
about two hundred feet on a side. There, the elite walls, but it would be impossible for him to relay this
guards would train and quarter, being in close information to the outside. So he began a

Evil Kingdoms

psychological plan to allow some sort of contact. He popular song among the dwarves, who guarded it
became surly with construction managers below him, carefully in their culture. It was reported that, upon
belittling them to Karoxfang and building himself in the completion of Stor­gris, Agralin X was, in an
the General's eyes. The demon­orc came to believe unbelievable show of mercy, quickly and almost
Agralin was the only one who could direct such a painlessly executed by the General himself.
workforce, and in doing so, he became indispensable. In the distant future, the secrets of this poem were
When the time was right, Agralin feigned deep finally unlocked, and they brought about the eventual
depression, a move that he knew would not change downfall of the fortress. When the Clan of Kain in
the heart of the despot but which might allow him due course brought it to the elven philosophers of the
some sort of contact with his people. It was a risk, Lutanium, they decoded the lyrics and found that it
but it worked. He was allowed to write letters to his contained hidden references to a method of
family, under strict guidelines. The letters were destroying the seemingly impenetrable castle. These
routed through the General's officers to make sure methods involved sapping the walls with acid, which
they didn't have any clandestine overtones or ate away the limestone rock at specific places that
outright information that could be used to overthrow were founded on rammed earth instead of bedrock.
him or destroy the castle. Agralin then wrote quite a This poem, in a final posthumous act of irony and
few poems, one of which was "The Ode to Great Stor­ revenge, settled the score. Twelve hundred years
gris." Karoxfang was perplexed at the imagery, but later, Stor­gris was toppled with the help of simple
when it was explained how it described the feeling of acid at the hands of dwarven sappers, and the great
helplessness of those in chains in the castle, and that castle was sacked by the dwarves and elves. But that
it was a tribute to its greatness, the demon is yet to come….
acquiesced out of foolish pride. The poem became a
Evil Kingdoms

 The sweet lime rock of the Western world

Keeps my love for you at bay;
The cold sea roars loudly at the face of the bay; As the foundation of my heart does ring
The cliff hangs heavy over the sand; At the close of another day.
The fog moves in and covers trees
Where the stone walls reach over the land. In the cave I dwell that is this keep
Though it saps my will to leave;
The trees to the west hide my heart and soul, As the walls of life come crashing down
As the grass and shrubs line the road; In my heart, I will always grieve.
And the soft, sweet earth buries all my hopes
Of loosening all of my load. And as I lie beneath the soil
And gaze up at mortar and stone;
Now Karoxfang, my new­found liege, I will see you again on the other side
Directs my work and my strength and my will; And will ne'er again be alone.
And I build a mighty castle of stone To My Love, Tossa­­ Agralin X
On the side of a wind­swept hill.

His might and power does extend,

To the prostrate and the poor;
And they praise his name and sing songs to him
In the swamps and in the moors. Leadership, order, and control are the keys to the
success of the forces of Stor­gris. The growth of Stor­
His fortress, tall and large and strong, gris has ever been directly tied to their military leader
Will defy all attempts at breach; Karoxfang. He rules with an iron grip, holding
Founded on sweet rock and tamped hard earth together vast hordes with his strength, cunning, and
To all lands its long claws will reach. guile.
While the strength of the armies of Stor­gris is its
From the corner of my eye I can see vast numbers, that is also its weakness. With huge
Five towers straight and true; armies composed of undisciplined kobolds and
The curved walls and parapets do hide goblins, leadership is essential. The great leaders of
My heart, so weary and so blue. Stor­gris recognized this fact and set up a strict
military hierarchy, with oluk generals and hobgoblin
As the setting sun does play its shadow captains leading the armies, while goblins and
Of the hill of rocky spires; kobolds serve as foot soldiers and canon fodder. Orcs
On the walls that will hold out all who dare are typically organized in groups of 20, known as
To brave the Great One's fires. "brutes," which are charged with keeping the lesser
Dark Folk races in line.
As I, in the Keep, sit to the East, Karoxfang established a standard for his armies to
'Neath the starry moonlit field; follow, a standard that has lasted for centuries and so
I breath the acid smoke of the fires far has brought unprecedented victory to the forces
And to my master’s will I yield. of Stor­gris. Ground troops always lead the way in
combat, with goblins and kobolds plowing into the
enemy first. The most fortunate of these troops fight

World of Farland: War of Immortals

with weapons scavenged from dead elves or dwarves, enemy fortresses. The objective in doing this is not
although the majority of them are armed only with only to dishearten their opponents but also to spread
crude spears and clubs. In reserve are the orcish disease during long sieges. Currently, Stor­gris has
archers, vigilant watchers over battles. The first patiently collected a large amount of captured siege
priority of these archers is not to destroy the enemy engines, apparently in preparation for a grand
as many would expect, but rather to cut down any of invasion.
the lesser Dark Folk ground troops who try to flee the The fortress of Stor­gris itself is defended
battle without the order of the generals. significantly differently from a typical location, as the
Several groups of special forces are employed by majority of the occupants of the citadel are the
the armies of Stor­gris, including the famed worg and "superior" dark races, primarily orcs and hobgoblins.
wyvern riders; powerful ogres with their orcish While Stor­gris does include a large goblin and
handlers; vanguards of strong oluk orcs; and magic kobold population, the great mass of these creatures
wielders of power, particularly the clerics of the dark are housed outside of the fortress walls. The fortress
lord Vornoth himself. These special forces are always itself does boast several siege weapons, including
under the direct control of the field generals and are catapults and ballistae. Large stores of missile
always held in reserve until the masses of ground weapons and foodstuffs are available, and the
troops soften up the enemy. soldiers of the fortress are well trained with their
The Dark Folk rarely construct siege weapons, as weapons.
the expertise and patience in crafting these is beyond
most goblinoids. When they are able to gain such
weapons, either by craft or capture, they are highly
prized and controlled by the army generals directly
and are typically manned by hobgoblin officers. As noted, the armies of Stor­gris generally do not
While they occasionally use these siege weapons to develop special weaponry of their own; instead they
knock down the walls of enemy structures, the rely upon overwhelming numbers and sheer ferocity
favored tactics with this equipment is to launch to batter their opponents into submission.
captured prisoners­­both living and dead­­into Sometimes they use captured siege engines to assault
castles, and to create more weaponry, they produce
crude but working copies of their captured engines.
Stor­gris has made some advances. The dark
wizards of the Underkeeps of the Stor­gris fortress
have produced new spells to terrorize their enemies.
Generally, these spells are necromantic or otherwise
mind­affecting, causing disease, terror, and death.
The evil mages of the Underkeeps also devised new
spells to raise undead to terrify their foes. Such
creations are rare, however, for the citizens of Stor­
gris are generally not inventive.
Stor­gris has nonetheless caused the production of
special weaponry: they influenced their non­human
opponents to produce it. Because of Stor­gris'
overwhelming numbers, the residents of the
Hinterlands have invented new and imaginative ways

Evil Kingdoms

to resist the dark armies. Elven wizards have created the previous century; after all, fielding an army takes
new, tactical combat spells to rain fire and ice on a great deal of money. But Stor­gris has apparently
their enemies, and their productivity has far found a new source of income from the Wintervale,
surpassed that of the goblinoid kingdom's evil which has been trading crops and precious metals to
wizards. Dwarves have been driven to construct the dark kingdom in return for slaves, weapons,
heavier armors, such as full plate mail, and more timber, and crops. This wealth seems to be
dangerous weaponry, such as the dwarven Rune Axe. responsible for the build­up of armed forces in Stor­
Most notably, however, the dwarves have produced gris in preparation for the war of all wars that seems
weapons and siege engines powered by steam. These to be looming.
weapons are devastatingly powerful. Ironically the Some things are staples of the Stor­gris economy
dwarves rarely employed such weapons, preferring to even during its economic down­turns. The domain is
rely on their highly disciplined armies and mighty largely a feudal, agrarian society. The crops produced
fortresses. The weapons and their plans have been by the fields of Stor­gris are traded within the
sold to the gnomish race in trade, and the gnomes, kingdom, to the Wintervale, and at times in the past
physically weaker and lacking large armies, have even to the non­human kingdoms. Its agrarian
employed them very effectively thus far to keep their foundation allows the riff­raff of Stor­gris to pay,
hidden homeland safe. The dark armies do not use barely, the exorbitant taxes demanded by the rulers
these dwarven steam­powered siege weapons when in the fortress city.
they capture them, as such complicated engines are The fields of Stor­gris are worked by thralls. Most
beyond them; instead, when one of these engines slaves in Stor­gris are of the lesser Dark Folk races
falls into their hands, they destroy it beyond repair. like goblins and kobolds, although non­human and
human slaves are also common. The practice of
holding slaves has had two effects on the economy of

 the dark kingdom. The ubiquitous slavery within

The economy of Stor­gris has changed over the

several centuries that the kingdom has been in
existence. In the beginning of its history, Stor­gris
was funded in large measure by the discovery of a
rich load of iron ore in the southeastern peaks of the
Balathil Mountains (later to be called the Stonewall
Mountains). This mine produced great income for
two centuries and even encouraged
trade between Stor­gris and the non­
human kingdoms, although this
trade did little to bring about peace.
In the third century of the kingdom's
existence, however, the vein of iron
ore was expended and the mine
ceased functioning, sending the
kingdom into a period of economic
depression that encouraged the short
period of relative peace that marked

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Stor­gris contributes to the high rate of to enslave the creatures.

unemployment that plagues the countryside during Orcs can also be slaves, although they can only
its periodic economic depressions, since slaves take legally be enthralled to other orcs, hobgoblins, or
the agricultural jobs that could employ the citizens of oluks. More often, smaller orcs are simply peons and
the kingdom. Since the rulers in the fortress city do workers, performing for a low wage heavy labor too
not care if the inhabitants of the kingdom starve, difficult for the tiny Dark Folk slaves; or they are
however, this is not such a problem, at least for the unemployed residents of the slums of the large cities,
rulers. On the other hand, trade of slaves in great living by theft and murder. Larger orcs spend most of
open­air markets fuels the economies of the teeming their lives as infantry in the armies of Stor­gris,
evil cities, and slaves are a valuable commodity to be where they face bare­subsistence rations (if they are
traded to the eastern lands controlled by the lucky), backbreaking labor, and an early death at the
Wintervale. hands of a dwarf, elf, or another goblinoid.
The financial system of Stor­gris is further Hobgoblins and oluks have it somewhat better:
supplemented by constant raiding of elven and while they are still expected to fight at the behest of
dwarven communities, and by the spoils of war their lord and thus often face violent deaths, while
captured by the massive armies of the Dark Folk they are alive, they can expect the best share of
kingdom. In fact, the entire economic apparatus is rations and the most comfortable living quarters
directed toward funding the domain's military available. Hobgoblins and oluks are the only
machine, and often the treasures captured by the residents of the domain that do not face constant
armies are simply channeled right back into the starvation, for when they do, they simply take food
army. Still, the military is always the most reliable from the weaker residents. Unlike the kobolds and
source of employment in Stor­gris. goblins, who merely wish to survive, and the orcs,
who only seek to inflict pain on others while avoiding
it themselves, hobgoblins and oluks actually aspire to

 something better, generally a higher military station.

Some fortunate members of these races actually
The quality of a goblinoid's life in the Dark Folk become generals and rulers of cities.
kingdom depends on which social position the Those who wield any kind of magic also have a
goblinoid occupies. Those of the lowest echelons are special sort of respect in Stor­gris, and Dark Folk
often enslaved. Kobolds have it worst in this respect. priests, generally orcs and oluks, have a high social
Indeed, the tiniest of the Dark Folk are most often status in the domain. Because of their connection to
slaves themselves, although rarely do other Dark the Dark Walker, the patron god of the entire
Folk bother to pen them up or keep a watch on them. kingdom and the direct commander of the White
It is cheaper to let one's kobold thralls fend for Lady, these clerics tend to be revered, enjoying
themselves, and if a few go missing, kobolds are luxuries unknown to all but the highest­ranking
plentiful and easily captured. It is well within the law military leaders. In times of war, priests provide
of Stor­gris to enslave kobolds for any reason or for invaluable support to the dark armies. However, they
no reason at all, and everyone except the kobolds are also expected to lay down their lives for the lord
themselves agrees that they deserve this fate. Goblins of the fortress­city.
have it little better, although they generally have to Despite one's social status, though, all of the Dark
commit some sort of a legal offense to be enslaved. Folk residents of Stor­gris have something in
Often, however, the charges brought against goblins common: their lives tend to be "nasty, brutish, and
are of the flimsiest nature and are merely trumped up short."

Evil Kingdoms

 
Stor­gris has many factions, for scheming is a The history of Stor­gris is generally divided into
great pastime in the Dark Fortress. It seems like three long eras: the early, the middle, and the late
every minor officer has his gang of thugs that follow period. Each period is defined by the king who ruled
and support him in his petty schemes. Two factions, in the fortress city. The ruler of the early period is
however, are significant indeed. Karoxfang the Vile, the half­orc/half­demon who
founded Stor­gris. Karoxfang was the White Lady’s
Karoxfang Loyalists: This faction is headed by the trusted associate when she ruled Rothnog. When the
great general Karoxfang the Vile, the ruler of Stor­ dark armies of Rothnog were crushed in the Battle of
gris. Many powerful officers, including the mighty Thunder Pass in 9330 E.R., Karoxfang was one of the
hobgoblin general Jorung, support the General out of few survivors of the massacre. He fled and soon
fear and loyalty. gathered a force of wandering Dark Folk, refugees
from East Rothnog who were fleeing the razing of the
Followers of General Bozzurak: A powerful kingdom by the forces of the elves and dwarves.
faction headed by the orc general Kahn Bozzurak Recognizing the burgeoning strength of the non­
opposes Karoxfang. On the surface, the faction humans, the wily orc­demon knew he had to retreat,
simply goes against the Great General politically, but fortify his position, and take his time to rebuild his
secretly it hopes to supplant him. General Bozzurak strength. He realized he had to construct a mighty
is clandestinely being manipulated by Bardanax, who fortress, but he also knew he and his stupid Dark
has disguised himself as a human wizard. This secret Folk slaves lacked the knowledge to do so. Karoxfang
is known to no one, not even Karoxfang. For more on was lucky enough during his retreat, however, to
this, see the story “Secrets of a Dark Fortress,” later waylay a party of dwarves from Wawmar and capture
in this text. the dwarven king's best architect, the famous Agralin
X, the ancestor of the designer of Wawmar itself.
Enslaving this dwarf, the evil General brought him to

 the south lands and forced him to oversee the

construction of one of the greatest castles history has
Stor­gris is a civilization built around war. As of ever seen. He called the citadel Stor­gris or "New­
now, it can field an army of perhaps 60,000 or more Start" in ancient Dark Speech. Agralin indeed
Dark Folk. The army consists of kobold and goblin designed the fortress to be nearly impenetrable, but
canon fodder, as well as light orcish infantry, heavy the wise dwarf built a weakness into the design of the
hobgoblin and oluk orc infantry, orc and goblin warg castle and hid the secret of that weakness in a poem
riders who serve as cavalry, and special troops, that he addressed to his family. That poem would
including ogres, trolls, and wyvern riders. The army play a great role in Stor­gris' late period.
is supported by evil mages and clerics. One would Karoxfang, nearly immortal because of his
expect the army to be undisciplined and ineffective, demonic heritage, took his time in strengthening his
judging by the average soldier that makes it up, but position. He fortified and refortified his citadel, aided
the leadership of the fell officers more than makes up by the discovery of a lucrative iron mine, and he then
for the foot soldiers. The elves and dwarves slowly and steadily attracted Dark Folk and monsters
underestimated the forces of Stor­gris long enough of all sorts to his new kingdom, overseeing the
for the kingdom to grow to its current strength. This construction of teeming cities of goblinoids.
may prove to be a fatal mistake. Eventually the domain of Stor­gris grew to

World of Farland: War of Immortals

encompass nearly the entirety of southern Siriand nation devoted to Vornoth. The Dark Walker's will
(later known as the continent of Farland). At first, became Karoxfang's own, and the creature found a
the demi­humans did not see Stor­gris as a serious focus through which to harness his incredible anger.
threat, and when they finally recognized their peril in His physical strength grew faster than anyone else's
9690 E.R., a convenient plague came out of the East did, and other, different powers began to develop as
and decimated the dwarves and gnomes. The ability well.
of the non­humans to hinder the development of Stor­ With his powerful genetics, Karoxfang quickly
gris was thus set back for many years, and by the worked his way through the ranks of the Dark Folk
time the elves and dwarves recovered their strength it military. Though part of the half­fiend was
was too late: Stor­gris had grown mighty. Its potentially immortal, he still wasted no time in his
economy had been secretly fueled by profitable trade endeavors, as he hungered for more power. Before
with the lands controlled by Gorgwath. The Dark many of his childhood competition had passed
Folk kingdom began in earnest its attempts to adolescence, Karoxfang was legendary. He became
conquer Siriand. In 9700 E.R., Stor­gris started known as an undefeatable fighter and a cunning
harrowing the Hinterlands, causing miles of tactician. None dared cross him, for his rages were
desolation. At this time, Karoxfang unveiled his also legendary. The half­fiend became general of the
secret weapon: new, stronger orcs that he called armies of Eastern Rothnog just before Lechig IV rose
oluks. Karoxfang inserted battalions of these up with a rebellion in the west.
exceptional orcs into the army, which marched north, Karoxfang chiseled his name in stone after putting
laying waste to all in its path. The dwarves and elves down the rebellion in Rothnog. He masterminded the
both tried to engage the Dark Folk, but with little assault against the poweful Lechig and his force of
success. Thus began the War of Immortals, the Eastern Rothnogians, slaying the orc warlord in
current strife that occupies the lands. personal combat, but he had to flee into exile when
the kingdom of Rothnog was destroyed and his army
was crushed by the elves and dwarves at the Battle of
 Thunder Pass.
This was just the beginning for the half­fiend's
Karoxfang the Vile was a being born from a violent fame, however, as Karoxfang went on to found the
act between violent races: a union of evil. Karoxfang's dark and mighty fortress of Stor­gris, and forces
mother was an orc woman of Rothnog, a slave and flocked to his banner. With his flaming falchion
member of the harem of a once­powerful warlord. never far from his side, General Karoxfang the Vile
The fabled general's father was a hideous demon reigned for centuries upon the throne of mighty Stor­
summoned by the priests of Vornoth. The orc mother gris, bringing forth dark times for the goodly folk of
was an offering of lust to the demon in return for Siriand. He was truly a scourge on the land and made
dark secrets the warlord wanted. Stor­gris what it fully became.
The orc woman's pregnancy was yet another He built Stor­gris fortress and city. He also
violent act, as Karoxfang burst forth from the personally oversaw the founding of the other cities
female's body, splitting her fully in two. The child that made up the domain of Stor­gris proper, even
was the epitome of evil, even at a young age. Soon hand­picking the lords of the cities and personally
enough, even the mighty generals of Rothnog found training them. He was also far more canny than
him hard to control. many supposed, implementing a vast spy network
Though the half­fiend's rage was immense, he and having his friends and enemies alike surveilled.
found a home of sorts among the evil forces of the orc­ Little goes on without his knowledge.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Innate Spellcasting: Karoxfang’s spellcasting ability is

Charisma (spell save DC 18). Karoxfang can innately cast
Medium fiend, neutral evil
the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: shocking grasp, detect magic, prestidigitation, fire
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 228 (24d8+120)
3/day: fire ball, hold monster
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.


Multiattack. Karoxfang makes four flaming falchion
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+5)
Flaming Falchion. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Saving Throws Str +10, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +10
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage plus
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning,
14 (4d6) fire damage.
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Skills Athletics +10, Deception +10, History +8,
Intimidation +10, Perception +7, Persuasion +10
Parry. Karoxfang adds 5 to his AC against one melee
Senses dark vision 60 ft, passive Perception 16
attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the
Languages Dark Speech, Common (Altarian)
attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Magic Resistance. Karoxfang has advantage on saving

Karoxfang can take three legendary actions, choosing from
throws against spells and other magical effects.
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Magic Weapons. Karoxfang's weapon attacks are
used at a time and only at the end of another creature's
turn. Karoxfang regains spent legendary actions at the
Dark Might of Stor­gris. Karoxfang exudes dark might.
start of his turn. Karoxfang can't use the same legendary
Any enemy that begins its turn within 30 feet of Karoxfang
action two turns in a row.
must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be
Flaming Falchion Attack (costs 2 actions). Karoxfang
stunned until the end of its next turn. Once an enemy has
makes a flaming falchion attack.
made its saving throw or recovered from being stunned, it
At will spell. Karoxfang uses an at­will spell.
cannot be stunned by Dark Might of Stor­gris for 24 hours.
Move. Karoxfang moves or flies up to his speed.

 don’t succeed in making it happen, then Karoxfang

The year 9770 E.R. is the date in which The World could remain ruler of Stor­gris. If your players
of Farland: War of Immortals as laid out in this text aren’t successful in helping the elves and dwarves
is set. Karoxfang remains general of Stor­gris. The repel the invasion, then perhaps the forces of Stor­
battle lines are drawn, and the front is the furthest gris end up triumphing and destroying the elven
north it has ever been: right on the borders of the and dwarven kingdoms, thereby altering the history
elven kingdom. Stor­gris controls the entirety of the of Farland forever. That’s up to you and your
Hinterlands. Things look grim, but the elves and players!
dwarves are hatching a daring plot….
The following history is Farland canon, and it In the year 9770, the forces of Stor­gris start their
gives you an idea of events that happen to the assault and capture the elven trading town of
Kingdom of Stor­gris in the future. But you do not Lannael. Open war has begun in earnest. But in 9771
need to allow these events to influence your E.R., Karoxfang is betrayed to the enemy by a
campaign if you don’t wish to. If you don’t want deceptive ally. For the tale of this ambush, see
Karoxfang to be assassinated, or if your players “Secrets of a Dark Fortress,” later in this text.

Evil Kingdoms

 ruler, and she stops trading with Stor­gris, which

further exacerbates the dark kingdom’s problems.
The Dark Army pulls back, and a brief civil war Meanwhile, Bardanax is quickly discovering the
looms for Stor­gris, but the rulership of the goblinoid challenges of ruling the evil kingdom that had faced
kingdom is quickly usurped by the black dragon Karoxfang. He finds that he can trust very few of his
Bardanax the Voracious, Karoxfang's betrayer. generals, for scheming and plotting to overthrow the
Bardanax secretly manipulates the generals of the ruler of the fortress city seems to be a common
Dark Folk kingdom and is complicit in sending pastime. It seems to be a stroke of luck for the black
Karoxfang into an ambush. This event begins the dragon, then, when he acquires someone he feels he
middle period of Stor­gris' history. can trust: the mysterious hag Dantha'Sule. This
Bardanax does not miss a beat in the War of creature seems to see to Bardanax's every need,
Immortals, however. He masterfully picks up on including his appetites. Under Dantha'Sule's
Karoxfang's strategy to use the might of the new ministries, the dragon king slowly grows fat and sick,
oluks, and he expands upon it. Boldly pushing although he still manages to rule for many centuries.
further north, he besieges the gates of Wawmar itself. Eventually, though, Bardanax the Voracious (and
Because of a civil disagreement among the elves, they very obese) suspiciously dies; many claim that it is
fail for some time to come to the aid of the dwarves, due to old age and ill health, while others whisper
and thus Stor­gris nearly conquers Wawmar, even that he had fallen to fouler means. Dantha'Sule
managing to breech the outer gates. After one terribly assumes control of the armies of Stor­gris and claims
botched attempt at aiding Wawmar, the elves of the late dragon's hoard for her own. This event
Alustel eventually settle their differences, however, begins the late period of Stor­gris' history.
and attack Stor­gris. Helped by the dwarves, the elhil The hag queen, understanding that Stor­gris'
are finally able to thoroughly crush the besieging continued existence depends on the conquest of the
army of goblinoids, primarily because the dark army non­humans, quickly reopens war with the dwarves
is unsupported and their supply lines are of Wawmar. She manages to orchestrate the
overextended and gravely disrupted by elven action. abduction of the king of Wawmar in 10,002 E.R.,
This military defeat sets Stor­gris back for many disheartening the dwarves. This event ushers in a
years. period of moderate military success for the Dark Folk
For decades, Bardanax nurses his wounds. Instead kingdom, as they defeat both the now­smaller forces
of focusing on rebuilding the army of Stor­gris, he of Alustel and the disheartened forces of Wawmar.
stews in hatred. It is during this period that the During this period, the orcish general known as
dragon first gives himself over to his urges and Gudang Moth gains fame for his ruthlessness and
appetites, using food and treasure to sooth his hurt mastery of tactics. The goblinoids push the demi­
ego. He misses great opportunities to hinder the elves humans back until the former again control much of
and dwarves, who are working industriously to the Hinterlands. The Ranarim, the Elven separatists
rebuild from their military losses. who dwell in Lutanium, eventually decide to commit
The civil strife that has plagued the elves the entirety of their forces to the fray, but even this is
eventually results in their division, and a large group not enough, and they too are defeated.
of elven separatists moves south and settles the The timely entry of a wandering group of dwarves,
Lutanium, the vast forest that borders the domain of the Clan of Kain, however, heralds the beginning of
Stor­gris to the east. This puts new pressure on Stor­ the end for Stor­gris. The dwarves bring to the
gris, hampering its military and economic recovery. Ranarim lore of the ancient poem “Ode to Great Stor­
The White Lady does not care for Stor­gris’ new gris,” by Agralin X (the dwarven engineer whom

 target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Bardanax's choice
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil
that is within 120 feet of the him and aware of him must
succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become
Hit Points 481 (26d20 + 208)
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
29 (+9) 10 (+0) 27 (+8) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 21 (+5)
is immune to Bardanax's Frightful Presence for the next
24 hours.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha +12
Dragon Breath (Recharge 5–6). Bardanax exhales
Skills Perception +17, Stealth +7
acid or fire (his choice) in a 120­foot line that is 10 feet
Damage Immunities acid
wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 23
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) acid or fire
Perception 27
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Languages Common (Altarian), Dark Speech
successful one.
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP)

Amphibious. Bardanax can breathe air and water.
Bardanax can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Bardanax fails a
the options below. Only one legendary action option
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature’s turn. Bardanax regains spent legendary
actions at the start of his turn.
Multiattack. Bardanax can use his Frightful Presence.
Detect. Bardanax makes a Wisdom (Perception)
He then makes three attacks: one with his bite and two
with his claws.
Tail Attack. Bardanax makes a tail attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Bardanax beats his
target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage plus 11
wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must
(2d10) lightning damage.
succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 16
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
(2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage.
Bardanax can then fly up to half its flying speed.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
Evil Kingdoms

Karoxfang forced to build the fortress itself). Using her control of Stor­gris was slipping away. Bardanax
the vast stores of knowledge possessed by the elven was very independent and willful, with vast
race, the Ranarim are able to unlock the poem's ambitions of his own, ambitions that sometimes
secrets. The verses reveal that Agralin had conflicted with the Wintervale's desires. Moreover,
purposefully caused the fortress city of Stor­gris to be the dragon could not be intimidated. The White Lady
built on unsteady limestone foundations and that knew that the use of force against Bardanax would
acid could be used in certain spots to dissolve the likely be unsuccessful and would serve merely to
limestone and send the walls crashing down. The weaken both Stor­gris and the Wintervale, possibly
elves of Lutanium and the dwarves of the Clan of leading to the downfall of both domains. Therefore,
Kain join forces in order to carry out the instructions Bardanax had to be stealthily manipulated and
given by the fateful poem. Heartened by a potential eventually overthrown. A creature such as Danuras
end to the millennia­long conflict, the leagued forces fel Sule, which possessed both guile and physical
of good are able to defeat the defending army of Stor­ power, would be ideal for the job.
gris in the Battle of Mourning, although the former The Dweller thus lured the Mistress of the Bog
suffer heavy losses (which accounts for the name of from her lair in the Great Wash and took her to the
the battle). Still, they push on and implement Agralin Wintervale. There, the strength of four huge trolls
X's plans, bringing down the walls and sacking the was required to hold the hag down as the Lady
citadel in the year 10,557 E.R. Stor­gris' seemingly worked her magic on the creature. The powerful
interminable reign of terror has finally come to an agent of Vornoth tore open the hag's chest as she
end. screeched in agony. The Lady gathered a hair follicle,
dead cells to imbue the hag with mastery over the
domain of Death. Then the Lady added a piece of her
 very own skin to give the beast the physical and
spiritual power of the Dark Walker. Finally, she
Dantha’sule was a particular type of Hag called a spilled a drop of blood to dominate the hag with the
Black Agnes. It is said that the evil creature was born will of Vornoth. Gathering the items, the White Lady
of the deep, misty bogs of the Great Wash, some time thrust her hand into the hag's chest, and Danuras fel
around 9500 E.R., although perhaps her origin Sule writhed in agony. After moments of pain, the
actually lay in the fey plane of Tanis; the truth is not great hag rose. Immediately the ravenous creature
known. The great beast, initially called Danuras fel devoured a dozen hardy orcs to restore her great
Sule, or "Mistress of the Bog," terrorized the Deep strength.
Marsh of the Great Wash for decades. Her hulking The Lady called her newest general Dantha'Sule,
form was feared among those who dwelt near the or "Dark Mistress." With the newly acquired power of
Wash, and her name was whispered even beyond its the Dark Walker, the hag was sent from the
vast borders. Wintervale. She traveled to Stor­gris and quickly
Soon enough, Danuras fel Sule earned the notice insinuated herself into Bardanax's confidences until
of the being known as the White Lady, Vornoth's she became his closest advisor. Slowly she worked
agent upon Núrion. This enigmatic being had long her will, knowing that any quick attempt to
been the compelling force behind all the decisions overthrow the dragon would end in disaster. She
made in the vast kingdom of Stor­gris, for the Lady manipulated him little by little, carefully bringing his
all but owned its previous ruler Karoxfang. But when decisions in line with the desires of the Wintervale.
Stor­gris' next ruler, the voracious black dragon She also preyed upon his voracious appetities,
Bardanax, came to power, the White Lady found that encouraging him to throw off restraint and gorge

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 15 (3d6+5) piercing damage.
Large fey, neutral evil
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 15 (3d6+5) slashing damage.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Destroying Embrace. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
Hit Points 219 (23d10+92)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 47 (12d6 + 5) bludgeoning
Speed 40 ft.
damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15) if it is a
Large or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the
target takes 47 (12d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage at the start
21 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)
of each of Dantha'Sule's turns. Dantha'Sule can't make
attacks while grappling a creature in this way.
Saving Throws Con +9, Strength +10
Skills Deception +8, Perception +7, Persuasion +8
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
Dantha'Sule can take three legendary actions, choosing
slashing from nonmagical attacks
from the options below. Only one legendary action option
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Languages Dark Speech, Elven, Old Speech
creature's turn. Dantha'Sule regains spent legendary
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
actions at the start of her turn. Dantha'Sule can't use the
same legendary action two turns in a row.
Innate Spellcasting. Dantha'Sule's innate spellcasting
Destroying Embrace (costs 2 actions). Dantha'Sule
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). She can innately
makes a destroying embrace attack.
cast the following spells:
At will spell. Dantha'Sule uses an at­will spell.
At will: chill touch, eldritch blast
Suggestion (costs 2 actions). Dantha'Sule casts the
3/day each: charm person, disguise self (including the form
suggestion spell (save DC 16) with only verbal
of a Medium humanoid), fog cloud, hold person, invisibility,
components. While maintaining concentration on this
mirror image
effect, Dantha'Sule can't use other legendary actions. If a
1/day: circle of death
target succeeds on the saving throw or if the effect ends for
it, the target is immune to Dantha'Sule's suggestion for the
next 24 hours, although such a creature can choose to be
Multiattack. Dantha'Sule makes three attacks: one with
her bite and two with her claws.

himself whenever he felt the urge and on whatever he she took the evil tricks of hags everywhere, and
desired. Finally, the dragon grew so fat and weak that scaled them to a national and indeed continental
Dantha'Sule was able to slay him and wrest power in level. She became hated by her subjects and her
the name of Vornoth and the White Lady. She ruled enemies alike, but she was also greatly feared.
the vile fortress for centuries, directed by her master Even after her final downfall, which coincided
in the Wintervale, and was the cause of much death with the end of the Kingdom of Stor­gris in 10,557
throughout the civilized lands of the non­humans. E.R., her name echoed down the long corridors of
The rule of the Hag was not characterized by as history. Even thousands of years later, mothers
much open warfare as the eras of her predecessors. would scare their children into behaving by saying,
Instead, she worked subtly to cause as much pain and "Black Dantha'Sule will get you," though they had
suffering to the dwarves and elves as she could. She long since forgotten who the hag herself really was.
sought to ruin economies, spread disease, sow The threat alone is enough to bring even the most
distrust, and generally terrorize. In large measure, unruly child into line.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 The Wintervale has always

The evil lands to the east of Ter­Dianiand are preferred to let others do its
locked in the grip of perpetual winter. This realm is fighting, manipulating,
inhabited by orcs and other Dark Folk, as well as threatening, cajoling, and
savage, primitive humans whom the orcs keep as rewarding evil creatures across the
slaves. continent to face the enemies of the
The capital of the Wintervale is the malevolent city White Lady. After all, why do it
of Gorgwath, a city of winter that teems with when you can get someone else to
goblinoids and other creatures more monstrous. do it, am I right?
Gorgwath is a fortified city, but it is also an active
economic center, milking all the goods and money it
can from primitive vassal communities to its south
and east.
From the heart of the city rises the Frostspire, a
featureless tower of ice that juts hundreds of feet into The Wintervale can field an army of perhaps
the low­hanging snow clouds that perpetually cloak 20,000 Dark Folk, made up almost entirely of orcs.
Gorgwath. In the Frostspire dwells the mysterious Its army is not as diverse as that of Stor­gris. It is not
and terrible White Lady, the architect of so much likely to send forth its entire army, however, for it is
suffering and destruction on the continent of Siriand. nearly impossible to maintain supply lines over the
From her icy tower, the Lady directs and long distances and harsh terrain that lie between it
manipulates General Karoxfang, making sure that and its enemy. The Wintervale takes its name from
the kingdom of Stor­gris and the forces of the the eternal glacier in which it lies, and this is harsh
Wintervale work toward a united purpose—the terrain indeed.
destruction or domination of all the forces of the Instead, it sends strike forces and uses the threat
light. of its armies to distract the dwarves and elves from
From captured elves, and perhaps from the Stor­gris. It makes good use of threats and terror in
knowledge of the White Lady, the orcs of Gorgwath terms of warfare. The ever­present black boats in the
have learned to build ships. Though they are not well­ gulf to its west keep the elves of the Satellite Cities
made nor capable of long ocean voyages, these ugly from helping the Sarumvest as they otherwise would.
vessels are used by the Dark Folk to harass the elves It also manipulates wild orc tribes into harassing the
of the Satellite Cities. They land strike forces on the human allies of Wawmar and the elves, and this too
shores of Aeltal to harass the elves of the Sattelite detracts from the military might of the forces of
Cities. These ships are also used to skirt the elven good.
territory and deposit evil caravans on dry land south And while the Wintervale may not at this stage in
of Aeltal, where they begin the long trek to trade its history be able to effectively field large armies, it
goods and slaves with Stor­gris. Thus, the economies doesn't need to. It manipulates Stor­gris into doing
of the Wintervale and Stor­gris are intertwined. so, and its geographical location makes it practically
For more on the Wintervale, see The World of unassailable. It has little need for huge armies. Its
Farland Campaign Setting publication. might lies in its strategies and in its leader, the White

This chapter covers the crunchy

M any things make campaigns set during the

War of Immortals different.Besides the
detailed lore and history, the languages, flavor,
goodness Game Masters love (okay,
players do too!). Looking for the
nuts and bolts stuff, like languages,
spells, items, and more differ from both your items, spells, and so forth? Want to
standard 5e campaign and a normal World of know what a campaign set during
Farland campaign. This chapter details those the War of Immortals era might look
changes. like? This chapter is for you!

Eight primary languages are spoken on the 4. Dwarven (Khazdun). Unlike in later years,
continent of Siriand. These are not the only dwarves will reluctantly teach their language to non­
languages used, however; they are simply the most dwarves, although they prefer not to.
common ones. When choosing a language, you can
pick from this list or make up a plausible language in 5. Gnomish (Tendenarrish) Speakers of Gnomish
consultation with your Game Master. can understand Dwarven with a DC 15 Intelligence
check and vice versa; the check must be made upon
1. Common (Elven, called Altarian or High Speech). encountering a new speaker or group.
Elven is used by all non­evil humanoid races as a
common tongue. 6. Halfling (Hositan). This is the language of
halflings, who can understand Hinterlander and vice
2. Stor­gris Dark Speech (Rothug). This language, versa with an Intelligence check DC 15, which must
a bastardization of Elven and Dwarven, with many be made upon encountering a new speaker or group.
new words, is the language of the orcs, goblins,
hobgoblins, and kobolds of Stor­gris. It was passed 7. Mannish. Mannish isn’t one language, but five,
down from ancient Rothnog. described below:
7a. Aelfrandish. This is the language of the
3. Wintervale Dark Speech (Lurzug). This humans of Aelfrand. Speakers of Aelfrandish can
language, also descended from Rothnog, has changed understand Hinterlander with an Intelligence check
a great deal over the centuries. It’s spoken by the orcs DC 10 and vice versa; the check must be made upon
and other goblinoids of the Wintervale. Speakers of encountering a new speaker or group.
Wintervale Dark Speech can understand Stor­gris 7b. Hinterlander. The humans of the
Dark Speech with a DC 5 Intelligence check and vice Hinterlands speak this tongue.
versa; the check must be made upon encountering a 7c. Marsh Speak. The humans who live near the
new speaker or group. Deep Marshes speak this tongue. They can
understand Hinterlander and vice versa with an

GM Resources

Intelligence check DC 15, which must be made upon generally employ currency as a rule; instead, they use
encountering a new speaker or group. trade goods and a barter system, using objects and
7d. Hathiander. Humans of distant Hathiand favors in place of currency.
speak this tongue. Their speech is so removed from The GM and players should convert the standard
other human tongues that they have no chance to pricing of items, goods, and services to the silver
understand them. It is also likely that Hathianders do standard. When the price in the SRD is given in gold,
not speak Common. in Farland it should be read as silver. Similarly, silver
7e. Cave­Dweller. The primitive humans who should be read as copper, and copper should be read
live in the caves north of Aelfrand speak this tongue. as tin pennies.
These humans rarely speak Common. Stor­gris and the Wintervale produce their own
currency, but it is largely patterned after elven
8. Wild Speech. This is an ancient tongue, taught currency and is roughly the same size and weight.
by the first elves to those creatures such as Treants
that would speak to them. The language has evolved
from its roots such that it is now nearly
unrecognizable. It has spread to most creatures of the
wilderness, good or evil. It is also known as Old
Speech. Speakers of Wild Speech can pick one 100 SP = 1 PP
population (such as Treant) and must then make an 10 SP = 1 GP
Intelligence check DC 5 to understand others who 1 SP = 1 SP
speak Wild Speech that aren’t of their chosen 1 SP = 2 EP
population; the check must be again made upon 1 SP = 10 CP
encountering a new speaker or group. 1 SP = 100 TP

Similar to how the elven language has become the
common tongue, elven coins produced in Alustel are
the standard currency among the elves, dwarves, and
gnomes. Elves mint platinum pieces, gold pieces,
silver pieces, copper pieces, and tin pennies (a mix of
copper and tin). The standard currency of everyday
use is the silver piece. Elves very rarely mint
platinum pieces. The dwarves of Wawmar, in order to
facilitate trade with the elves, standardized the size
and weight of their own currency to match the elves.
The dwarves, though, also produce an electrum coin
that the elves do not mint (but which they will
accept). Gnomes produce their own coins to match
dwarven coins, although they are stamped
differently. Even Stor­gris and the Wintervale were
influenced to such an extent by elven currency that
they largely copied it. Humans and halflings do not

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 
While the War of Immortals campaign is
 compatible with the standard rules of the 5th edition
Platinum: Alu ("God Coin") of the world’s most popular roleplaying game, you
Gold: Cora ("Honey Coin") may want to alter several things to make the rules fit
Silver: Alfan ("Swan Coin") better with the setting. All of these changes are
Copper: Nar ("Arrow Coin") optional, of course, but they are encouraged, and play­
Tin: Arta ("Flower Coin") testing has shown them to work well.

 
Platinum: Burg ("Mountain Piece")
Gold: Zogol ("Hammer Piece") The War of Immortals setting should feel both
Silver: Aglaz ("Anvil Piece") epic and dark, vast and gritty. Every accomplishment
Electrum: Hilz ("Mushroom Piece") will be hard earned, and the actions of the player
Copper: Haraz ("Harp Piece") characters have a real potential to alter the course of
Tin: Korz ("Pig Penny") the war and thus of history.
Vast amounts of the continent are wilderness, and
 large cities are few and far between. Stor­gris and the
Platinum: Torenborg ("Hill Coin") Wintervale are hostile territory. Thus, resupplying
Gold: Zutengol (“Tool Coin") and healing when outside the Sarumvest and
Silver: Aglentoraz ("Anvil Coin") Wawmar may be difficult.
Electrum: Hilorenz ("Meal Coin") Long, arduous journeys should be a part of every
Copper: Tharazet ("Music Coin") campaign. In fact, sometimes the difficult journeys
Tin: Kortenz ("Boar Piece") can be an adventure in themselves. Players need to
take this into consideration.
Platinum: Druz 
Gold: Grishkaz
Silver: Skark To simulate the gritty, dark aspect of the campaign
Electrum: Koraz world, you may wish to consider ruling that PCs do
Copper: Zorg not recover all of their hit points after they complete
Tin: Cro a long rest. Instead, they regain hit dice as normal
but need to spend them to heal.
 In addition, consider employing the World of
Platinum: Dugskark Farland lingering injuries by damage type rules as
Gold: Ronk laid out in the World of Farland Game Masters
Silver: Skark Handbook. Having your players suffer lasting
Electrum: Korad injuries will make combat feel more real, and
Copper: Glob perhaps discourage the "murder hobo" problem from
Tin: Uk which many campaigns seem to suffer.

GM Resources

Martial Weapon Cost Damage Rune Axe Properties

Rune Axe 30 sp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Special, versatile

Elven Greatsword 100 sp 2d6 slashing 4 lbs. heavy, special, two

Shield Armor Class (AC) Strength Weight Cost

Gnomish Buckler +1 vs one attack ­­ 2 lbs. 10 sp

Shield of Stor­gris Additional +2 vs STR 13 10 lbs. 175 sp

ranged attacks

Item Cost Weight

or higher is treated as having
Tennmadral Waybread (1/day) 1 sp 1 lb. an Armor Class two lower for
the purposes of damaging
Ammunition Cost Weight them with these arrows.
Crafting these arrows takes
Leaf­head Arrows 125 sp 1 lb.
subtle elven magic, though the
arrows themselves are not
magical, so 20 Leaf­head arrows cost 125 silver
Spyglasses from the standard SRD item lists pieces. They can be recovered according to the
shouldn’t be available, primarily because they haven’t normal rules for recovering ammunition.
been invented yet or are exceedingly rare. Also, Several weapons have become famous during the
longships and warships have not yet been War of Immortals. The elves and dwarves have
developed (well, technically, ships similar to developed unique and potent items to aid them in the
longships did exist during the Twilight Voyage, but conflict. All of these races are loath to sell or trade
the ability to build them has been largely lost). their items to members of other races.
The elves have developed a waybread they call The elves have also created a slightly curved,
Tennmadral (“journey bread”). This flat, sugary cake single edged greatsword for use by their heavy
keeps for twice as long as the standard ration before infantry. This Elven Greatsword always stays keen
it goes bad and it weighs half as much (1 pound per and never needs sharpened. It also weighs 4 pounds
day), but it also costs twice as much (1 silver piece (less than a normal greatsword), is less likely to
per day). The recipe for Tennmadral the elves keep break under normal use, but costs 100 silver pieces.
secret. The dwarves have made battle axes worked with
The elves have also developed potent armor­ intimidating, imposing runes that threaten death and
piercing arrows. These missiles, called Leaf­head fell curses to all Dark Folk. This Rune Axe has such
Arrows, have heavy, sharp, highly worked, leaf­ a fearsome reputation among orcs and goblinoids
shaped tips. They can only be fired from longbows, that they hesitate to face it. The first strike you make
and when they are, the bows’ range becomes that of a in any combat (as long as it is against an orc, goblin,
shortbow for these arrows. A target that is wearing hobgoblin, kobold, or oluk orc) is made with
heavy armor or that has a natural Armor Class of 16 advantage. A Rune Axe costs 30 silver pieces and can

World of Farland: War of Immortals

only be purchased from a dwarven community. behind. A user must have at least a Strength score of
Advances in armor and shields have also become 13 to effectively employ this heavy shield. A Shield
prevalent, among the races of the light as well as of Stor­gris grants an additional +2 to Armor Class
among the forces of evil. against ranged attacks. It weighs 10 pounds and costs
Plate mail has only recently been developed by 175 silver pieces.
the dwarves, and they are still the primary producers
of that armor. Only in the Kingdom of Wawmar can
plate mail be purchased for the normal list price
(1500 silver pieces, although dwarves are extremely The War of Immortals setting is not exactly low
reluctant to sell it to non­dwarves). Plate mail magic, but magic should be rare and portentous. The
purchased from the elves costs 1600 silver pieces and fact that the War of Immortals takes place in the
weighs 68 pounds; plate mail is rare in the elven distant past means you as the GM have a handy
lands, both because most elven smiths have not explanation for why certain spells aren’t available or
mastered its production and because the elves do not are different: they haven’t been discovered or
favor such heavy armor. Plate mail purchased in Stor­ developed yet. Consider limiting PC access to spells
gris costs 1800 silver pieces, weighs 70 pounds, and that allow quick overland travel, since journeys
is generally of inferior quality, although the smiths of should be part of adventuring in this setting, even for
Stor­gris have been told to produce it in large high level PCs. You should also consider whether you
quantities for the oluk orcs. want to allow your PCs to fly easily via magic. It is
The gnomes, always defensive­minded, have also recommended that you control access to spells
developed special bucklers. These small shields strap that easily allow the destruction of fortifications and
to the forearm and are specially suited to gnomes. fortresses. And finally, consider limiting the ability
When a small­sized creature wears a Gnomish for PCs to communicate with others over long
Buckler, he may as a reaction add a +1 to his Armor distances..
Class against one attack. He may use his off hand You may want to disallow the following spells (and
normally when employing a Gnomish Buckler. These ones like them) and change sending:
bucklers weigh 2 pounds and cost 10 silver pieces. move earth (except via the Mattock of the
These bucklers are too small for medium or larger Dwarves)
sized creatures to employ effectively. teleport
The Dark Folk of Stor­gris, having suffered for teleportation circle
long years under the arrows of the elves, have
transport via plants
developed large, heavy shields that they can hide
wind walk

Consider altering these spells (and ones like them) in

the following ways:
fly: Duration (concentration up to 1 minute)
animal messenger: Components: V, S, M (a
morsel of expensive food worth 20 silver pieces);

GM Resources

casting this spell using a higher level slot allows 

the addition of 5 words to the message per level; it
does not increase the duration) The following monsters don’t exist during this
time period and perhaps ought not to be used
 without a compelling reason. Their origin lies in the
3rd­level evocation Bazok (from the World of Farland Game Master’s
Casting Time: 1 action Drow
Range: Unlimited Vampires
Components: V, S, M (a piece of fine silver wire
Vampire Spawn
worth 30 silver pieces, which is destroyed when you
cast this spell)
Duration: 1 round
You send a short message of 25 words or less to a
creature with which you are familiar. The creature
hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the
sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like
manner immediately. The spell enables creatures
with Intelligence scores of at least 1 to understand
the meaning of your message.
You can send the message to any distance of up to
50 miles without issue. For every additional 50 miles,
there is a 20 percent chance that the spell fails. If the
target is on a different plane than you, there is an 80
percent chance that the message doesn’t arrive.
Failure chance can never exceed 90 percent.
World of Farland: War of Immortals

 

The following campaign outline gives you an The elves tell the PCs that they are concocting a
overview of how you could structure a campaign for highly secret plot. Though they won’t yet tell the PCs
the War of Immortals setting. It uses plot events that what it is (they are forging a message from the White
correspond with the canonical Farland history of Lady to Karoxfang that will lure him into a trap), they
events that took place during this era. need the PCs to recover certain items that they need
for the plot.
Understand that this outline is merely a They ask the PCs to venture into an ancient ruin in
suggestion; you can follow it closely, follow it Rothnog to recover a sample of the White Lady’s
loosely, or ignore it completely. If you do follow it, handwriting. This is a good opportunity for the PCs
feel free to throw in side treks and adventures as to start learning about the White Lady.
you see fit. Change NPCs if you see value in doing They need the PCs to travel to a distant, dangerous
so. Allow your players to shape the game with the location to get ingredients for enchanted ink.
choices they make and the ways they develop their They need the PCs to waylay a band of messengers
PCs. You should take the campaign setting and from the Wintervale, eliminate them, and capture the
make it your own! documents they carry. Somewhere around this point,
you may wish to have your PCs play the adventure
“The Crypt of Memory,” in the next chapter.
Finally, they ask the PCs to escort Venedal, a high­
In the year 9770 E.R., characters are journeying as ranking elven spy, into a point in the Dark Folk
part of an elven trading caravan toward the elven city kingdom of Stor­gris, where he will leave them (see
of Lannael. The caravan is attacked by Dark Folk, and “Secrets of a Dark Fortress” in Chapter 8; you may
since the elven guards are busy fighting at the front wish to have your players read the story at this
of the caravan, the PCs need to band together to point). On their way to Stor­gris, they spot a large
defend the rear of the caravan. The attackers should army of orcs traveling north from the dark kingdom.
include creatures that challeneg 1st­level PCs. It should be made obvious to the players that this
If they are successful, the elves are impressed and army represents a grave threat to the elves, dwarves,
offer them employment as agents of the Elven gnomes, humans, and indeed every good creature in
Intelligence Network. They are based in Lannael. Siriand.
GM Resources

 it), a huge army moves north from Stor­gris to

reinforce the army already sitting on the border of
When they leave Stor­gris, and head back north, the elven and dwarven lands. The elves and the
they find that the elven trading town of Lannael has dwarves are attacked on two fronts. The dark army is
been attacked and is being overwhelmed. This is a stalled at the borders of the Sarumvest, but it makes
good opportunity for them to rescue as many of the great gains in the dwarven lands, capturing and
residents as possible and escort them west to the occupying the dwarven towns of Felek, Barax, and
town of Loraglin. They can then aid the elven army in Zigil. Refugees flee north to Wawmar. Wawmar shuts
striking back at the occupiers of the town. its gates and is besieged by the army of Stor­gris.

 
Reeling from the destruction of Lannael, the elves The dark army, massively powerful and
have no choice but to carry out their plan. Their spies accompanied by a red dragon that calls itself Flame,
report that the missive has been delivered and that is besieging Wawmar. The siege must be broken, or
Karoxfang seems to have taken the bait. The PCs are the dwarves will fall, and if the dwarven lands fall,
asked to join the ambush against Karoxfang. Several the elves will be cut off without allies and assailable
elven and dwarven heroes will lead the ambush, so from the south and east. If this happens, it seems
the PCs won’t be expected to face Karoxfang inevitable that the elves too will fall. The PCs, by now
themselves. Instead, they should deal with his great heroes, must do all they can to end the siege of
bodyguard. Wawmar and drive back the dark armies. The elves
With Karoxfang slain, the elves hope that Stor­gris will need to ally with the dwarves, somehow
will be thrown into civil war, and signs seem to coordinating an assault. The red dragon Flame will
indicate that this will happen. The PCs are invited to need to be destroyed. Perhaps a powerful artifact
the city of Alustel to be honored by the elven lords. At from the runes of Talas, the city founded by the
this point, you may wish to have your PCs play the Kinslayer Elves of House Al­Dustriel, can be
adventure “The Ruin of Honor and Glory” in the next recovered and employed against the dark army.
chapter. Eventually, the elves send the PCs as However the PCs can manage it, the siege must be
emissaries to the dwarven lands. broken or all is lost.
Unfortunately, the civil war in Stor­gris is aborted
as a new leader, the dangerous black dragon
Bardanax, assumes control. He immediately resumes
Karoxfang’s strategy and renews the War. If the siege can be broken, will the PCs have the
A strange plague threatens to break out in the courage and the might to take the war to Stor­gris
dwarven lands. The dwarves see similarities to what and assault Bardanax himself? At this point, the
happened when Rothnog of old assaulted Liferock. White Lady will also have taken notice of the PCs and
The heroes are charged with investigating the plague will attempt to eliminate the threat they pose.
and any potential assault by Stor­gris on the dwarven This should open up new possibilities for high
lands. Investigation will reveal that dark wizards and level play. The White Lady is an opponent far more
clerics are orchestrating the plague. The PCs must dangerous than any of the leaders of Stor­gris, for
stop them and the plague, so that the fighting force of she has great magical power, but her real weapon is
the dwarven lands are not decimated by disease. her intelligence and deviousness. She will threaten
Soon after the PCs stop the plague (or fail to stop the PCs in ways they have never yet been challenged.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Haltulontelim (Hal­too­LAHN­te­leem): The

warren­city of the gnomes.
Aelfrand (ALE­frand): The lands north of Aeltal, Hathiander (HATH­ee­an­der): A human from the
where the most developed human civilization is area called Hathiand.
located. Hills, The: A populated but primitive halfling
Aelfrander (ALE­frand­er): A human from the land community located near the gnomish warrens.
of Aelfrand. Hinterlander: A human from the Hinterlands of
Aeltal (ALE­tall): The elven lands that lie to the east Siriand.
of the Grand Peaks. Hositan (HOZ­i­tan): What halflings call
Al­Dustriel (al­DOO­stree­ell): An ancient, themselves.
powerful elven house that rebelled against the elven Insiders: Halfling term for halflings who grew up
king and started the Kin Slayer Wars. among the dwarves.
Alfain (AL­fane): Holy swan of the elves. Karoxfang (CARE­ox­fang): The orc­demon
Altarian (al­TAR­ee­en): (“High Speech”) Elven, founder of Stor­gris.
used as the Common Tongue. Khazak (KAZ­ack): What the dwarves call
Altarim (ALL­tar­im): (“High Folk” in elven). High themselves.
elves descended from the officers of the Twilight Khazdun (KAZ­doon): Dwarven word for their own
Voyage. language.
Alustel (AL­oo­stell): The capital of the Elven Khuldul Rockcarver (KULL­dool ROCK­carver):
kingdom. God of the dwarves.
Aranarim (a­RAN­a­rim): (“Folk of the Wood” in Kibil­Gund (KIB­ul­GUND): Wawmar.
Elven). Common wood elves of the Sarumvest. Kibil­Gunder (KIB­ul­GUND­er): Term for a dwarf
Bardanax (BAR­den­axe): Black dragon and second who grew up in Wawmar.
ruler of Stor­gris after Karoxfang. Liferock: The ancestral home of the dwarves and
Crown Gnome: A member of the ruling caste in the first dwarfhold.
gnomish society. Lurzug (LUR­zug): Orcish word for the dialect of
Dantha’sule (DAN­tha­sool): Black Agnes hag and their language (which the elves call Dark Speech)
third ruler of Stor­gris after Bardanax. She currently spoken in the Wintervale.
dwells in the Deep Marshes. Northern Cave­Dweller: A human who comes
Dark Speech: The language of orcs, used as the from the caves north of Aelfrand.
Common Tongue in Stor­gris and the Wintervale; Numasal (NOOM­a­sawl): (“Time of Weariness” in
two dialects exist. Elven). The phase of an elf’s life when he seeks to
Deep Marsh Human: A human from the Deep depart Núrion and return to the kingdom of Tal­
Marsh swamp. Allustiel.
Elhil (ELL­hill): What the elves call themselves; Núrion (NEW­ree­ahn, with a trilled “r”): The
singular Elhan (ELL­han). planet upon which the War of Immortals Campaign
Fairy Gnome: The strange, fey­like gnomes who setting is located.
live in the area outside of but near to Haltulontelim. Old Speech: Wild Speech.
Galan (GAL­en): (“Glimmer Folk” in Elven). The Oluk (OH­luck): A stronger, smarter breed of orc
lords of the Altarim. developed in Stor­gris.
Gorgwath (GORG­wath): The capital of the Outsider: Halfling term for a halfling who did not
Wintervale and city where the White Lady dwells. grow up among the dwarves.

GM Resources

Rothug (ROTH­ug): Orcish word for the dialect of Wawmar (WAW­mar): The volcano fortress of the
their language (which the elves call Dark Speech) dwarves. They call it Kibul­Gund.
spoken in Stor­gris. Western Delvings: A populated but primitive
Sarumvest (SAR­oom­vest): (“Beautiful Wood” in halfling community located near the ruin of Liferock.
Elven). The elven forest kingdom. Wild Speech: Language spoken by many creatures
Satellite Cities: The cities of Emerain and Palahan in the wilderness. Also called Old Speech.
where dwell the Telarim elves of Aeltal. Wintervale: The land of perpetual ice and snow
Siriand (SEER­ee­and): (“Great Land” in Elven). where the White Lady dwells.
The continent on which the War of Immortals White Lady: The mysterious evil entity, founder of
Campaign setting is located. Rothnog, whom Karoxfang serves; she dwells in the
Rothnog (ROTH­nawg): An ancient dark folk Wintervale.
kingdom that fell to civil war.
Shieldfolk: Term for a dwarf who is a citizen of the
Kingdom of Wawmar but who lives outside the
fortress itself.
Stor­gris (STORE­grease): (“New start” in Dark
Speech). The powerful dark folk kingdom founded by
the orc­demon Karoxfang.
Tal­Allustiel (TAL­ah­LOO­stee­ell): (“Beloved God
of Twilight” in elven). God of the elves.
Talas (TAL­us): The city founded by the Kinslayer
elves of House Al­Dustriel.
Talundorim (tal­UND­or­im): (“Dusk­Doomed” in
Elven). Those elves who stayed behind in Tanis
during the Twilight Voyage.
Tanis (TAN­is): Elven name for the Feywild.
Telarim (TELL­er­im): (“People of the Cities” in
Elven). Elves who dwell in the Satellite Cities in
Tendenarruk (ten­DENN­er­uk): What the gnomes
call themselves.
Tinnurim (TIN­oo­rim): (“Those who love the
twilight” in Elven). The original elves created by Tal­
Allustiel and the ones who undertook the Twilight
Thunder Pass: The primary pass through the
Grand Peaks and sight of the final defeat of Rothnog.
Tunnel Gnome: Common gnomes who live inside
their warren of Haltulontelim.
Twilight Voyage: The journey of the original elves
from the realm of Tal­Allustiel to Núrion.
War of Immortals: The war, spearheaded by the
elves, against the evil kingdom of Stor­gris.

In this chapter, you'll find two

T his chapter presents two adventures—“The

Crypt of Memory” and “The Ruin of Honor and
Glory”—that will help your players learn about the
adventures that give you a solid
taste of the War of Immortals
epoch. These adventures are ready
War of Immortals campaign setting and about the to go (with maps and everything),
history of the mysterious and dreaded White Lady. so as a GM, read them and run
Both adventures have memory as a theme that links them! But if you're a player, skip
them together. this chapter­­ no spoilers!
If you are a player, don’t read further in this
chapter; skip to the next chapter so you don’t spoil
your fun when your Game Master runs you through
these adventures. dwarven clan Ironflame, led by their Lord Lazaghan,
defied the edict of their king and took up residence
among the Kinslayer elves, forging weapons and

 armor for them during their civil war. Eventually the
Kinslayers were defeated and the victorious elves
returned Lazaghan and his clan to the dwarven king
 for justice. Lazaghan was sentenced to death and the
rest of the clan was exiled. When Lazaghan was
This is an adventure for four to five 5th­level executed, the king gave his body to his clan, who
characters. Text that appears in white is player interred him in a secret crypt.
information that you can read aloud or paraphrase
for the players at the proper times. The World of
Farland is on the silver standard, and as such if you
are playing in a different campaign world, you should The heroes, coming across a map to the crypt, will
read silver pieces as gold pieces, gold pieces as invade the crypt and solve its puzzles by walking in
platinum pieces, and so forth (see the previous the footsteps of Lazaghan to gain the right to face the
chapter). undead Lazaghan and recover his treasures.

 
Centuries ago, a group of elven separatists led by Unlike most adventures, this one only has one
House Al­Dustriel and its matriarch Talkana Silumiel hook:
left the elven kingdom, allied with evil forces, and The Assault. The PCs rescue an old dwarf from
waged a civil war against their kin. House Al­Dustriel an assault by orcs. In return, he gives them a map
sought help from the dwarf kingdom of Liferock, and tells them of the crypt of Lazaghan.
which chose to remain neutral in the conflict. But the

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 

 The map gives fairly detailed and specific

directions to the hidden crypt. Place the location of
When the PCs are traveling near the dwarven the crypt in the nearest mountain range, but place it
lands, they hear a commotion and see some sort of a at a distance such that the PCs need to engage in a
melee. An old dwarf (Balim Heavyhand), his week’s overland travel if you can. Each day that they
withered gray beard reaching down to his chest, is travel, they have a 1 in 8 chance of a random
being assaulted by several orcs. “Help me!” he cries, encounter. If you roll a 1 on a d8, roll for a random
but no one is around, except the PCs. “Will no one encounter on the following chart.
help an old dwarf?” he cries as one of the assailants
lands a critical blow. It is obvious that the dwarf Roll Encounter (Use stats from SRD)
won't last long without help.
1 5 orcs
If the PCs help the dwarf, they must face the orcs.
The orcs have no stomach for a real fight to the death 2 2 griffins
with armed folk; any orc reduced to half of his hit
3 2 ettins
point total will flee. If only two orcs remain, both will
flee. If any orc is captured, players will learn that the 4 1 wyvern
band is random marauders, deserters from the army
5 1 troll
of Stor­gris. They are only seeking to steal items and
food so that they can scrounge a living. Randomly 6 1 chimera
generate the treasure for each orc.
Once the PCs are within a mile of the crypt, they
• 6 Orcs (use orc stats from 5e SRD) will need to find its exact location with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check or DC 15 Wisdom
No map is provided for this encounter; create one (Survival) check. The PCs can search for the tomb
of your own that fits the terrain in which the PCs are once per day, because each search takes
traveling. Once the orcs are dispatched or driven off, approximately 8 hours. Each day that the PCs do not
the old dwarf will introduce himself as Balim find the tomb once they are in its vicinity, roll for a
Heavyhand. He is close to death, and if the PCs don’t random encounter on the table above, except that the
provide magical healing or succeed at a DC 15 chance of an encounter become 3 in 8. Once they find
Wisdom (Medicine) check, he will die in 2 rounds. If the tomb, go to Part 2.
they save him, he will give to them as a reward a
treasure map and explain that it leads to the crypt of
an ancient dwarven outcast. Rumor has it that the 
crypt is rich with treasure.
If the old dwarf dies, the PCs will discover the map 
if they search his body. From the map itself, the only
thing the PCs will be able to tell is that it leads to an The crypt is located in a remote mountainous area.
old crypt and indicates that a great treasure is in the Getting to the crypt requires a rigorous hike through
crypt. This ought to be enough to entice them into the mountains, and then it requires passing through
investigating the mystery of the crypt. a narrow ravine that is approximately 100 yards long.
The ravine is about 8 to 10 feet wide, with steep


natural walls on both sides; the walls rise to a height notable feature of this room is the floor. It seems to
of 50 feet. At the end of the ravine is a natural cave, a be divided into large blocks. Half of the blocks are
small grotto that appears non­descript. The ceiling of carved with dwarven runes and decorations. The
the cave is 8 feet above the floor, and a colony of bats other half are blank.
makes the cave their home. The bats present no The doors at the other side of the room are not
danger to PCs, although their copious droppings locked. The squares with the runes and decorations
make the cave rather noxious. In the rear of the cave on the floor are trapped.
is a 7­foot­tall stone door, carved with dwarven
runes. It's a feature of dwarven architecture that Psychic Floor Trap (Magic trap). This trap is
things are always bigger than dwarves need. Anyone activated when a creature steps on an enruned and
who speaks Dwarven can attempt to decipher the decorated block, releasing a burst of psychic energy.
runes with a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of
The runes indicate that the crypt is a special vault magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of
concealing memories better left undisturbed. enchantment magic on the floor. Each creature on
The door of the crypt is locked; the lock can be the block when it activates must make a DC 12
picked with a DC 12 Dexterity check. Once the lock Wisdom saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) psychic
has been picked, the door, closed for centuries, must damage on a failed save. A successful dispel magic
still be pried open. This can be successfully (DC 14) cast on the floor destroys the trap.
accomplished with a DC 15 Strength check.
When a PC enters the room, the denizens of the
sarcophagi, undead dwarven warriors, throw the lids
 onto the floor and leap from their coffins to attack
the PCs. The warriors bear the scraps of ancient
Inside the crypt is a thick layer of dust, indicating
that nothing has been disturbed therein for a long
time. The ceilings inside the crypt are 10 feet from
the floor unless otherwise noted. It is pitch black
inside, so PCs will need darkvision or a light source.
There are no wandering monsters in the crypt, so
there is no need to check for random encounters;
however, any PC who attempts to complete a long
rest inside the crypt will find himself struggling with
memories from his past. Because his mind will race
the entire time, he will not be able to complete a long
rest. Short rests are permissible. See the crypt map
on the next page.


You traverse a short hallway and find yourself in a

roughly square room with closed stone double doors
in the back. Four sarcophagi are set against the walls,
two on the left wall and two on the right. The most


dwarven weapons and armor. Anyone who knows 

dwarven culture will be able to tell that they were not
constructed in Wawmar. This large hall is shaped like an octagon. Its ceiling
The dwarven warriors, having immunity to rises to a height of 15 feet. In the center of the hall is
psychic damage, are unaffected by the trap. Although bronze statue, apparently an ancient dwarf warrior
the undead warriors are not intelligent, they will take with a short spear. The floor of the room exhibits a
the shove action to attempt to push PCs onto trapped giant mural, made up of abstract dwarven designs.
squares, for they were instructed to do so. Six stone doors are along the side wall. Each door has
Once the warriors are dispatched, if PCs search the a scene carved into the stone, apparently depicting
sarcophagi, they will find 54 CPs and 1 GP, all of the sun at different points in the sky. The one
ancient dwarven make. immediately to your left has the sun barely topping
the horizon. Also on this door is a dwarven rune. The
• 4 undead dwarf warriors one to your middle left has a sun higher in the sky,
and the one to your upper left has the sun nearly to
its zenith. The pattern repeats exactly on the right
 side of the room, although the rune on the door to
Medium undead, neutral evil the lower right is different.
On the wall immediately opposite you are two
Armor Class 10
doors, intricately carved and covered in dwarven
Hit Points 77 (8d10 + 32)
Speed 30 ft. runes. Between the doors is an inscription carved on
the wall.
16 (+3) 6 (­2) 18 (+4) 3 (­4) 6 (­2) 5 (­3) This is obviously the main chamber to the tomb­
structure. You can show your players the illustration
Saving Throws Wis +0
on the next page. Any PC who speaks dwarven can
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
attempt to decipher the single rune on each of the
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 lower left and lower right doors with a DC 12
Languages understands Common and Dwarven but Intelligence (Investigation) check. The rune on the
can’t speak lower left door (Area 3) means “Dawn,” and the
Challenge 2 (450 XP) rune on the lower right door (Area 8) means
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the dwarf warrior
Any PC who speaks dwarven can attempt to
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw
with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage decipher the runes on the back wall between the two
is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the dwarf doors with a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
warrior drops to 1 hit point instead. The runes state:

ACTIONS “This is the final resting place of Lazaghan,

patriarch of clan Ironflame. If you wish to look
Multiattack. The Dwarf Warrior makes two battleaxe
upon the tomb of this honored ancestor, you must
Battleaxe: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., choose the door by which to enter. The left door is
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. honor and the right door is love. Touch five runes on
your chosen door in their proper order. But beware:
choosing the wrong door or touching the runes in


the wrong order means death. If you do not know 

the order of the runes or which door to choose,
follow in his footsteps to awaken his memories.” You open the door with the illustration of the sun
barely cresting the horizon. A dwarven rune is
The runes on both doors are the same: symbols for engraved above the illustration. At first you behold a
knowledge, wisdom, courage, strength, loyalty, wit, bare stone room with a single stone sarcophagus at
and camaraderie, respectively. The right door is the the far end. Then your vision grows momentarily
correct door, but it can only be entered safely if a PC misty as the scene suddenly changes. You find
touches the strength, knowledge, camaraderie, yourself outside during daylight, a cooling breeze
courage, and wit rune, in that order. caressing your skin and stirring your short beard.
If a PC touches the runes in the wrong order, Beard? Looking down, you find that your body is that
touches any rune on the left door, or attempts to of an unfamiliar dwarf. Flexing your limbs, you find
open the left door (which will not open, regardless), them quick and supple with youth. Looking around,
he must succeed at a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or you see that your companions are also young
gain vulnerability to psychic damage until the end of dwarves.
his next turn. He then takes (50) 10d10 psychic Across from you are another group of dwarven
damage, or half that much on a success (and he gains youths, laughing and joking. A burly young lad steps
no vulnerability on a success). forth, the hairs from his newly grown beard jutting
The way to solve the puzzle is to enter the smaller out in all directions. “You Ironflame jerks are
side rooms in the proper order, reliving scenes from supposed to be tough and strong, they say. Well it’s
Lazaghan’s memories and solving the challenges my belief that the Underdelvers are stronger. I
therein. The order is Area 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The challenge you to a wrestling match!”
PCs should be able to figure this out, because the
illustrations on the doors represent stages of This is one of Lazaghan’s earliest memories, where
Lazaghan’s life, with dawn representing his youth he wrestled and pinned the strongest of the youths of
and dusk the final stages of his life. the Underdelvers clan, proving his athletic prowess
Should the PCs attempt to enter a door in the and growing the reputation of his clan. One of the
wrong order, they will find the door locked. A wraith PCs will need to wrestle the young dwarf. Although
in the shape of a dwarf, with a wispy ghost­beard and the PCs have the bodies of young dwarves, their
burning eyes of flame will then walk through the statistics and abilities remain the same (in this and
door to attack the PCs, possibly surprising them (roll all future scenes). The young dwarf has a +4 Strength
a Stealth check for the wraith and compare it to the bonus.
PCs’ passive Perception). The first contestant to subject the other to the
Each wraith comes from one of the rooms and will grappled condition for three consecutive turns wins.
emerge when its room is tried in the wrong order, so If a PC wins, the scene ends and the PCs find
you should track which wraiths have been themselves back in Area 3. The word “strength”
dispatched, as they will not appear again once killed. echoes in their heads. They get an award of 1000 XPs
If the PCs enter the rooms in the correct order, the (to be divided among the PCs) and will need to go on
doors will be unlocked and no wraiths will emerge. to the next door.
If the PC loses or refuses to compete, the scene
• Wraiths (Use stats from 5e SRD) ends and the PCs suddenly find themselves back in
Area 3. A dwarf wraith will then emerge from the
sarcophagus to attack the PCs, possibly surprising

World of Farland: War of Immortals

them (roll a Stealth check for the wraith and compare establish a reputation for intelligence and acumen.
it to the PCs’ passive Perception). The wraith will The elven diplomat is, moreover, quite a notable
fight to the death. If the PCs slay the wraith, it will person.
whisper, “Your strength will fail” as it dies. The PCs must determine that the phrase means
If the wraith was already killed because the PCs “Greetings! How do you fare? What is your name?” in
initially chose the wrong door in Area 2, the PCs ancient Elven before one of the other dwarf youths
won’t receive the clue. There is no treasure in the does so.
sarcophagus of the wraith. To win this contest, one PC must contest his
Intelligence check against the Intelligence check of
• Wraith (Use stats from 5e SRD) the smartest dwarven youth (who has a +4
Intelligence bonus). PCs can use the Investigation or
 History skill for this check. Only one PC can make a
check at a time.
You open the door with the illustration of the sun The first person to win three checks wins the
one quarter of the way above the horizon. You see a contest. If a PC wins, the scene ends and the PCs find
bare stone room with a single stone sarcophagus at themselves back in Area 4. The word “knowledge”
the far end. Then the scene suddenly changes. You echoes in their heads. They get an award of 1000 XPs
find yourself in a fire­lit hall. High above, apertures and will need to go on to the next door.
in the rock of the roof allow beams of sunlight to If the PCs lose or refuse to compete, the scene
stream down, lighting the room. Again, you find ends and the PCs suddenly find themselves back in
yourself in the body of a dwarven youth, now Area 4. A dwarf wraith will then emerge from the
somewhat older. Other dwarven youths sit on sarcophagus to attack the PCs, possibly surprising
wooden benches near you, listening to a figure them (roll a Stealth check for the wraith and compare
standing in front of what is obviously a class. it to the PCs’ passive Perception). The wraith will
Addressing the class, strangely, is an elven woman. A fight to the death. If the PCs slay the wraith, it will
beam of light falls on her golden hair, hiding her face whisper, “Your knowledge is worth nothing” as it
in shadow. She is dressed in a beautiful white gown, dies. If the wraith was already killed because the PCs
elegant in its simplicity. “Try again, students. Can no initially chose the wrong door in Area 2, the PCs
one master this simple expression?” she says in won’t receive the clue. There is no treasure in the
primitive Dwarven, though you understand her just sarcophagus of the wraith.
fine. Her voice is amazing… glorious and melodious,
lovelier than any music you have heard in your life. • Wraith (Use stats from 5e SRD)
You take a moment to bask in the timber of her voice,
but she redirects your focus. “Come now, I will ask 
again. We shan’t end this lesson until I get a proper
response. The first one to respond properly gets a Opening the door with the illustration of the sun
commendation. Sula! Arario huil lara hon? O vanar almost to its zenith, you behold the now­familiar
hosario nam?” bare stone room with the single stone sarcophagus at
the far end. Then your vision once again becomes
This is a memory from Lazaghan’s youth, when an misty and the scene suddenly changes. You find
elven diplomat first taught the dwarves Elven and yourself inside a stone hall, which is filled with
expanded their language capabilities in general. This benches, tables, and carousing dwarves. Looking
scene is also the time when Lazaghan began to around, you and your companions are also dwarves,


your growing beards indicating that you are now 

older. The room in which you find yourself is
apparently some subterranean inn or gathering hall. You open the door with the illustration of the sun
The smell of roasting meat and the clanking of almost to its zenith, or just past its zenith, depending
goblets fills the air. Then a young dwarf stands up on how you look at it. In front of you is what you
and points at you. “You of clan Ironflame have the expect: You see a bare stone room with a single stone
reputation of being able to entertain a crowd. But I sarcophagus at the far end. Then your vision once
think that we of clan Silvervein can surpass ya! I’ve again blurs and the scene shifts. You are now in an
got my trusty harp on me. Let’s see if you can do outdoor setting, a snowy field dotted with boulders
better than me!” and trees. Taking stock of your body, you are a full­
grown dwarf in the prime of his life. Your dark beard,
This is a fond memory from the end of Lazaghan’s intricately braided, reaches down nearly to your
youth, where he outperformed one of the minstrels navel. You are armed and ready for battle. Looking
from clan Silvervein. This continued to prove to all of around, you see that your companions are also
the dwarves of Liferock that Lazaghan was indeed an dwarves of similar age, all grim and warlike.
exceptional dwarf of many talents. As his fame Suddenly, out of the trees ahead of you, spraying
reflected on his clan, Ironflame also continued to snow as it leaps, comes a daunting sight: a large
grow in fame. white drake, its wingspan more than 20 feet, its teeth
To win this contest, one PC must contest his and claws as sharp as razors. Behind it comes a
Charisma check against the Charisma check of the smaller white drake, clearly following the larger one.
dwarven minstrel (who has a +4 Charisma bonus). “Steady now, lads!” you hear yourself shout. “Let’s
PCs can use any applicable Charisma skill, such as put paid to these beasts once and for all!”
Performance or Persuasion, that could conceivably
entertain a crowd. Only one PC can make a check at a This is a recollection from Lazaghan’s prime,
time. The first person to win three checks wins the wherein he leads a dwarven war band in slaying a
contest. If a PC wins, the scene ends and the PCs find young white dragon and a white wyrmling. This
themselves back in Area 5. The word “camaraderie” memory was significant to Lazaghan, as the slaying
echoes in their heads. They get an award of 1000 XPs of the dragon and its youngling brought much glory
and will need to go on to the next door. to him and to his clan. However, the dragon was a
If the PC loses or refuses to compete, the PCs fearsome opponent, and Lazaghan did not emerge
suddenly find themselves back in Area 5. A dwarf from the battle unscathed. In fact, some of his
wraith will then emerge from the sarcophagus to kinsmen died in the fight.
attack the PCs, possibly surprising them (roll a Now the PCs have to face the beasts. They have
Stealth check for the wraith and compare it to the little choice but to fight, for both dragons are
PCs’ passive Perception). The wraith will fight to the attacking them. See the map on the next page for this
death. If the PCs slay the wraith, it will whisper, “No encounter. While the PCs have the bodies of dwarves,
camaraderie will protect you in the end” as it dies. If their statistics and abilities remain the same. If the
the wraith was already killed because the PCs initially PCs win the fight, the scene ends and the PCs find
chose the wrong door in Area 2, the PCs won’t themselves back in Area 6. The word “courage”
receive the clue. It has no treasure. echoes in their heads. They get the experience points
from slaying both foes, and when they return to
• Wraith (Use stats from 5e SRD) Area 6, they regain half of their lost hit points and
each PC recovers one spent spell slot of his choosing.


If the PCs lose or run away, the scene begins to

fade. They hear a draconic voice taunting them; it
says, “Your courage is paltry!” At this point, the PCs
suddenly find themselves back in Area 6. They gain
no experience points, regain none of the hit points
lost during the scene, and recover no spent spell slots.
Any PC who died is alive in Area 6 with 1 hit point.

• Young white dragon (Use stats from 5e

• White dragon wyrmling (Use stats
from 5e SRD)


After you open the door with the

picture of the sun one quarter of the
way above the horizon, you see
before you the familiar bare stone crypt
with the single sarcophagus at the back.
The expected misting of your vision
occurs and when it clears, you are now in a cold stone
hall deep inside a mountain. You and your
companions now have the bodies of mature, capable
dwarves still in their prime. No gray has yet Liferock. But we can solve this a different way. I
infiltrated your long beards. Facing you is a challenge you to a contest of wit. I shall ask you a
contingent of dwarves, their beards lovingly tended riddle. If you can answer it, you win the honor of
and just starting to show the faintest hints of gray. addressing the king. If you cannot, withdraw your
One dwarf, obviously their leader, steps forward request and I shall address the king. Here is the
and addresses you: “Lazaghan, your fame and deeds riddle: ‘Seven times a week I fall but I never break.
are sung by all in Liferock, our home. It is known that My brother breaks seven times a week but he never
you speak for mighty clan Ironflame. And your clan is falls. What are we?’”
respected. But we too of clan Underdelvers have
earned acclaim. You have urged that the dwarves This is a recollection from Lazaghan’s adulthood.
intercede in this mounting dispute between the elves, In this memory, he outwitted the patriarch of clan
but our clan maintains that this is a grave mistake. Underdelvers by answering his riddle and thus won
Which of us will get an audience with the king? Our the right to address the king. Little did Lazaghan
customs dictate that the leaders of our clans face off know, he was taking steps down a dark path.
to determine who is to be afforded this honor. But it The PCs must answer the riddle; the answer is
would be sacrilege to spill dwarven blood. The great “night and day.” If the PCs answer the riddle, the
Lord Khuldul would not look kindly on it if dwarves dwarf who asked it says, “Your wit has triumphed.”
shed dwarven blood, especially not here in holy The scene ends and the PCs find themselves back in

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Area 7. The word “wit” echoes in their heads. They “Mighty King, these elves, though they come from the
get an award of 1000 XPs and will need to go on to noble house Al­Dustriel, are traitors to our crown
the next door. and our people. Though we recognize that house Al­
If the PCs answer the riddle incorrectly or refuse Dustriel has helped your people in the past, we ask
to answer it, the scene ends and the PCs suddenly simply that you lend them no aid and do not interfere
find themselves back in Area 7. A dwarf wraith will in our civil strife.”
then emerge from the sarcophagus to attack the PCs The dwarf king strokes his beard in thought, then
(unless it was killed in Area 2), possibly surprising speaks. “Lady Talkana Silumiel, honored emissary of
them (roll a Stealth check for the wraith and compare elven House Al­Dustriel, speak.” At this point an
it to the PCs’ passive Perception). The wraith will elven woman, tall and shapely, steps forward. There
fight to the death. If the PCs slay the wraith, it will is a collective intake of breath from the gathered
whisper, “Your wit will avail you naught against the assembly, for this elf woman is literally more
darkness,” as it dies. There is no treasure in the beautiful than any female you have ever seen. She is
sarcophagus of the wraith. clad in an elegant white gown, and this makes you
realize she was your teacher when you were young,
• Wraith (Use stats from 5e SRD) though she has not aged a day. Her hair is spun gold,
her lips wine, her eyes luminous stars, her voice a
 song, her face perfection. Your heart leaps in your
chest, and inside you feel a familiar, deep ache. She
Opening the door with the illustration of the sun speaks. “Great king of dwarves, my house and our
barely cresting the horizon (or sinking into it, allies seek but to leave the Sarumvest in pursuit of
depending on your perspective) and with the our independence. We do not offer war or violence to
dwarven rune engraved above the illustration, you our kin. We want only our freedom. We ask that you
see the expected crypt with the single stone merely trade with our house and its allies, aiding us
sarcophagus at the back. Then your vision peacefully as we seek to establish our own kingdom
momentarily grows misty, as you anticipated, and the to the east.” Her words seem more than reasonable to
scene switches. You are in a massive underground you, and you anticipate that the king will
hall illuminated by shafts of light from the ceiling immediately agree.
and supported by columns carved in intricate shapes. Instead, he merely continues to stroke his beard.
Your body is that of an aging dwarf; though your “This is a matter I must ponder. I will consult with
beard is beginning to be streaked with gray, you are my council. Lord Lazaghan, please show the elves
still strong and fit. Your companions are dwarves of back to their guest quarters while they await my
similar ages. The room is filled with dwarves, dressed decision.” The king and his bodyguards quickly leave
in noble garb. All of you stand to the sides of the the hall, along with the rest of the dwarves. “Come,”
room. At the far end of the room is a throne, with a you say to the two parties of elves, beckoning them to
gray bearded, crowned dwarf sitting upon it. You follow you.
know the dwarf to be your king. In front of the throne The two bands leave, tensely glaring at each other.
in the middle of the room are two groups of tall elves. The Al­Dustriens murmur to themselves in a
The two parties of elves stand apart from each other, suspicious way, but Talkana Silumiel merely walks
each group casting angry glances at the other. forward, haughty and proud. Her very presence
The dwarf king looks at the first group of elves. seems to light up the dusky chambers, at least to your
“Honored emissary of the elven king in Alustel, eyes.
speak.” A dark­haired elf steps forward and bows. But when you reach the antechamber, Talkana


turns to you. “Lord Lazaghan, I have had enough of

• Elven mage (Use NPC mage stats from 5e SRD)
this. These haughty elves seek to arrest me and
• Elven acolyte (Use NPC acolyte stats from 5e
return me to their King for so­called justice. Their
King has no authority over me! Will you let them
• 3 elven guards (Use NPC guard stats from 5e
commit this atrocity? Or will you and your clan help
SRD, but they have shortswords instead of spears)
me attain my freedom?"
The elves of Alustel look shocked. Although both • Talkana Silumiel (Use NPC archmagi stats from
groups were supposed to be unarmed, the Al­ 5e SRD).
Dustrians suddenly produce short swords from
inside their cloaks. The Lady Talkana looks to you.
“Lord Lazaghan, if you ever bore me any love, help us
Seemingly with no other choice, the elves of
Alustel also draw hidden weapons. You get the sense
that they may have expected some kind of treachery.
You hear yourself respond, “What I do now, my
lady, I do out of undying love for you. Moondaughter,
you are the moon in my sky.” With a practiced
movement, you draw your razor­sharp weapon…

An episode near the end of his life, this is the most

important memory Lazaghan has. He cast the lot of
his clan with the Kinslayer elves from Al­Dustriel out
of love for the Lady Talkana Silumiel, who would
ultimately become the White Lady, later called the
Dweller in the Wintervale; his fate was thus forever
sealed (see the Lay of Talkana Silumiel, at the end of
this adventure). In this scene, the PCs must protect
the elves of House Al­Dustriel from the elves of
Alustel, who are responding to Talkana's assault. See
the map on the next page for this encounter. If the
PCs slay or drive off the elves of Alustel, they will be
victorious. Before the scene ends, though, have
Talkana Silumiel do something to betray her evil
nature; for example, have her execute a helpless
captive, perhaps with a powerful spell. Once all is
done, the PCs find themselves back in Area 8. The
words “Lazaghan did what he did for love” echo in
their heads. They get the experience points from
defeating each elven opponent and have the
information they need to make their choice and enter
Area 9. They also regain half of all hit points lost
during the encounter.

All of these elves have the Fey Ancestry trait, This is what remains of the dwarf lord Lazaghan.
which means they have advantage on saving throws He is now a Remnant, a memory wraith. Corrupted
against being charmed, and magic can’t put them to by the machinations of the treacherous Talkana
sleep. Only the elves of Alustel are given above, who Silumiel, he is now evil, though he regrets his
are the opponents. Two more elves of House Al­ mistakes in life. He is prone to attacking the PCs,
Dustriel are present also, and they have the stats of although if the PCs attempt to speak to him and
nobles from the 5e SRD, but they won’t fight if the assuage his guilt, perhaps by explaining that love was
PCs will defend them. a pure motive for his mistakes, he may leave them
If the PCs are defeated by the elves, flee, or refuse unmolested. If the PCs succeed at a DC 20 Charisma
to help, the scene ends, the PCs regain no hit points (Persuasion) check, he will indicate that they may
lost during the encounter, and they suddenly find take his treasure, and he will then depart the world
themselves back in Area 8. Any PC who died is alive forever. This should be a rich roleplaying
in Area 8 with 1 hit point. A dwarf wraith will then opportunity; play it as such. If they players are to
emerge from the sarcophagus (unless it was killed in succeed, they will need to incorporate what they have
Area 2) to attack the PCs, possibly surprising them learned in Lazaghan’s memories when they speak to
(roll a Stealth check for the wraith and compare it to him. If they do not speak to him or try to persuade
the PCs’ passive Perception). The wraith will fight to him and fail, he will call out, “Guards, aid me!” A
the death. There is no treasure in the sarcophagus of shadow will emerge from each pillar. All three
the wraith. undead dwarves will then attack the PCs. The two
chests contain 600 tp, 5000 cp, 1400 sp, 110 gp, 3
• Wraith (Use stats from 5e SRD) golden yellow topaz worth 500 sp each, a potion of
resistance (psychic), and a +1 battle axe, the Axe of
 Lazaghan.

To enter this area, the PCs must come in through • Lazaghan the Remnant
the right door, likely after having solved the puzzle. • 2 shadows (Use stats from 5e SRD)

You find yourself in a large, abnormally shaped

room. A stone sarcophagus rests on a massive
pedestal against the back wall, a noble dwarf carved
into its lid. The sarcophagus is flanked by two
statues, guardian dwarves hewn from marble. On
each side of the sarcophagus is a large stone chest.
But then you hear a deep, serious voice echo through
the chamber—or is it just inside your head? “Who
disturbs my endless memories, I who chose so poorly
in life and now cannot rest? Leave my crypt or stay
forever.” Out of the sarcophagus, passing right
through the lid, rises a shadowy figure. The shade
looks somewhat like a dwarf but its features are
shrouded in mist… almost like some half­forgotten
memory. It seemingly awaits your response.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Remnant has

disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Medium undead, neutral evil
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Multiattack. The Remnant makes two psychic shock
Speed 30 ft.
Psychic Shock. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d6
06 (­2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
+ 3) psychic damage, and the target’s Charisma score is
reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its
Skills Deception + 5, Perception +3,
Charisma to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
target finishes a long rest.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Memory Drain (recharge 5­6). One target the Remnant
can see must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
or take 20 (5d8) psychic damage and lose all memory of
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
events within the last 24 hours (although it does not lose
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
prepared spells). The target behaves as if under the effect
of the confusion spell. The target can repeat the saving
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the confusion
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
effect on itself on a success, although it does not regain
Languages Elven, Dwarven
lost memories.
Challenge 6 (2300 XP)

Incorporeal Movement. The Remnant can move through
Impart Memory. When a creature the Remnant can see
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
starts its turn within 30 feet of the Remnant, the Remnant
It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an
can impart one of its own horrific memories to the creature.
The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
throw or be frightened until the end of its turn.

 
None of the villains in the adventure will seek to
If the PCs slay the memory wraith or otherwise lay harm the PCs in the future if they are left alive.
him to rest, they will have done him a favor. The Instead, the PCs may wish to investigate some of the
torment he suffered because of his own memories historical facts that they have learned. They may wish
will end. The PCs should feel a sense of to look for the location of the dwarfhold Liferock,
accomplishment, and they should also feel the weight now a lost ruin. They may wish to seek out the ruin of
of the importance of the historical events they have Talas, the city that the Kinslayer elves of house Al­
lived through. They have seen things that no other Dustriel went on to found, or they may even seek to
living creatures have seen. If this isn't immediately learn more about Talkana Silumiel, the dreaded
apparent to them, help them realize it. This way, they White Lady. Seeking information about Talkana may
will get more out of the adventure. eventually lead them to the next adventure.


 Now light shines pale in Alustel

And sorrow marks the Sarumvest
In Alustel there lived of old Where Talkana's graceful feet once fell
Beneath the boughs awash with light But nevermore shall rest.
An Elven maid with hair of gold For fades the summer from glade and vale
Where stars shone day and night. And elven lands are brown and sere
No beauty grander ever graced As ever colder grows the trail
The lissome form of elf or man. Of Moondaughter who disappeared.
The good reflected in her face
She spread throughout the land. ­­by Galdin Palantar the bard, written in the year
The daughter of Balanuil 9000 Elhil Reckoning
Wise patron of Al­Dustriel
Elfhouses great and greater still
T'were none in Alustel.
Talkana they called her on sight,
The fairest Daughter of the Moon,
For in her eyes, both clear and bright
Grey magic sang in tune.
Capacity of priest and mage
And loving heart of elven maid
She traveled long in role of sage
From Sarumvest she strayed.
Of elves, the wordsmiths, great was she,
Of dweomer magic greater still
And wandering, light­limbed and free
She taught them both with skill.
To beast and tree and delving dwarf
With lithe, quick step and watchful eye
The elven learning she brought forth
All learned it that would try.
Because goodwill she always sought
To Liferock cold she learning bore
With tongue of gold full well she wrought
'Tween dwarf and elf rapport.
But fades the summer, comes the fall
And elven lands will wear away
And cold will grow both hearth and hall
For nature's law's decay.
From elven ken Talkana passed
Though loved they fierce the elven maid
They searched lands both cold and vast
But then returned to glade.
World of Farland: War of Immortals

 powerful elven House Al­Dustriel (“Those who love

Honor and Glory”), but when they began the Kin
 Slayer Wars and left Alustel, the buildings and
grounds fell to ruins. However, the passage of time
 has not had the effect on the ruins that one would
expect—after several thousand years, there should be
This is an adventure for four to five 9th­level little left of the place save for a few tumbled stones
characters. Text that appears in white is player and many weeds. But no—the place, while clearly
information that you can read aloud or paraphrase deserted and decrepit, is still standing, as if some
for the players at the proper times. The World of dark and evil power 0r residue of a power has
Farland is on the silver standard, and as such if you protected it from the ravages of the passing
are playing in a different campaign world, you should centuries.
read silver pieces as gold pieces, gold pieces as The place is clearly evil, as is apparent to anyone
platinum pieces, and so forth (see the previous with any acumen for magic who passes on the street.
chapter). Passing the area, a shudder runs down the back of
the person who can wield magic or who can petition
the gods for favors. The ruins are cursed. The elves
 are well aware of this, but because of the history of
the location and because of trepidation toward the
For centuries upon centuries, in the beautiful city evil that has remained there, they have left it
of Alustel, capital of the elven kingdom of the standing, largely unmolested for hundreds of years.
Sarumvest, a cursed and benighted ruin has sat like a They have merely locked the rusted iron gates and
blemish on an otherwise lovely countenance. This posted a notice declaring that trespassing on the
blight was once the manor and gardens of the grounds is strictly forbidden by order of his majesty

the Elvenking, who rules all the Sarumvest and the 
Satellite Cities.
But now, with war brewing, new interest in the 
dreadful ruin has been rekindled. Explorers are being The adventure proper begins in the city of Alustel,
sought, and if those explorers come from outside the legendary capital of the elves. Just getting invited
Alustel, all the better, for perhaps the curse will not into the city is itself a feat for non­elves. If any of the
fall on the denizens of the City of the God. PCs are not elves, they must have an express invite
Meanwhile, something dark within the place is from an elven lord of the city before they will legally
awakening…. be permitted to set foot there. Securing such an invite
will not be easy, but if the PCs have done any favors
for the elven folk or have worked for elven causes in
 the war (including helping with the ambush of
Karoxfang), they will likely have been offered such an
The PCs will enter the Ruin of House Al­Dustriel, invitation.
explore it, unlock its dark secrets, learn about the Many rich roleplaying opportunities exist in
past of the World of Farland… and hopefully emerge Alustel. See the detailed description of the city in
alive. They will have to face undead of all varieties, Chapter 1; the heroes can explore the elven capital,
devils, traps, abominations, and horrible memories. meet important personages, attempt to purchase
And if they aren't careful, they could unleash a fiend elven­made goods, or just enjoy the art and music for
upon the City of the God. which Alustel is so famous.
If you like, you can roll a d12 on the random
encounter chart on the next page to generate ideas
 for encounters in Alustel, or use ideas of your own.
At some point in their time in Alustel, they should
You can use the following hooks to get your PCs walk past the ruin of House Al­Dustriel and feel its
involved in this adventure: evil emanations. The elves of the city will be loath to
The Dreams. One of the PCs is having recurring speak of the place, but a successful DC 15 Intelligence
dreams wherein he or she sees the ruins and senses (Investigation) check will uncover information about
great evil… but great power and knowledge… within the ruin and how it relates to the city.
them. When this person arrives in Alustel and sees
the ruins, he or she recognizes them from the 
dreams. 
Hired by Elven Intelligence. Elven agents When the PCs decide to explore the ruin, they will
approach the PCs and try to hire them to explore the have to get permission from the authorities to do so.
ruins. If they recover any powerful magic items, they The ruin is located in a prominent place on a major
are asked to give them to the elves for use in the war. street in the city (see the map on page 26), so
The price for exploring the ruins is negotiable, but sneaking into it is a dodgy (though not impossible)
the danger is not. proposition. Entering the ruin without permission is
The Crypt of Memory. If the PCs have explored highly illegal and could land PCs in prison in the
the Crypt of Memory, the information they learned dungeon of the king for several years. The elves tend
there may have led them to seek out more about to give long prison sentences for crimes, since they
Talkana Silumiel. As the ruins are the home in which don’t have the same understanding of time as other
she grew up, exploring them is a natural next step. races.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Roll Encounter within it for 48 hours and can only venture there
once. The elven authorities will not forget to check up
1 An elf poet wants to recite poems. on this point, either. The elves are not as organized as
the dwarves, but they handle their business.
2 An elf dandy is insulted and challenges a
PC to a harmless duel. If the PCs have not been asked to explore the ruins
and want to do so for their own reasons, they will
3 An elf wizard asks to study a non­elf PC. have two choices: they can either acquire permission
An elf warrior is insulted and challenges to do so, or they can attempt to sneak into the ruin or
a PC to a nearly­lethal duel. otherwise enter it illegally.
Acquiring permission will be a tricky business that
PCs stumble on a feud between elves of
5 you as the Game Master will have to adjudicate. PCs
House Aradune and House Tifwing.
They are asked to mediate. will need to speak to someone important who can
petition the Elvenking on their behalf for permission
6 An elf artist wants to paint one of the
to explore the place. Whom this person will be will
PCs… perhaps without clothes on.
depend on multiple factors, including if they already
7 A half­elf wants to confide in one of the know any elven lords, if they have met anyone
PCs about his difficult childhood. important during their time in Alustel, and if they
An elf maiden becomes infatuated with have any favors they can call in. This is another good
one of the PCs. roleplaying opportunity. Remember that while the
important personages of Alustel are not evil, they
The PCs stumble upon an area of
9 tend to be rather political, and favors need to be
ambient magic. They are at risk for
falling into an extended magical sleep. repaid. You could use their quid pro quo requests as
seeds for future adventures.
10 An elven bigot insults the PCs and tells If the PCs try to sneak in, they will need to be
them they don’t deserve to be in Alustel.
stealthy. The grounds are surrounded by an 8­foot­
The PCs get a glimpse of a very high wall. The front and rear gate are locked with a
important elf (perhaps the famous bard good lock (DC 20 Dexterity check to pick). Guards
11 Galdin Palantar or maybe even the patrol the street and would have the opportunity to
Elvenking) being escorted by guards and
with an entourage of nobles. spot anyone scaling the wall or entering through the
gates. If they spot the PCs, they will attempt to
12 An elven Doomseer makes a prophesy apprehend them, but will only resort to violence as a
about one of the PCs.
last resort and would prefer not to kill the PCs.
However, if any elven guard (or elven citizen) is
Achieving permission to enter the ruins will be assaulted by one of the PCs, it would be a grave
easy or difficult, depending on why the PCs want to mistake. Shedding elven blood in Alustel is a capital
do so. If they have been approached by elven Agents crime, and while the first line guards may not be
(perhaps Captain Venedal himself—see “Secrets of a powerful, there are many elves in Alustel who are
Dark Fortress” in Chapter 8) or other authority powerful wizards, warriors, clerics, rangers, and
figures and asked to explore the ruins and recover druids, all of whom would join in apprehending
any magic, the agents will give the PCs signed anyone who attacked a citizen of Alustel. As the
paperwork authorizing an exploration, along with a Game Master, you will have to adjudicate the PCs’
key to the front gate. The paperwork indicates that chances of sneaking into the ruin of House Al­
they can legally explore the ruin but can only remain Dustriel.


 There is only one working entrance into the house:

 the front door. All other entrances are choked with
stone rubble. PCs could theoretically remove the
stone somehow, but any major construction­type
 activities, even if accomplished by magic, would be
The spacious grounds of House Al­Dustriel were frowned on by the authorities.
once lush and opulent gardens dotted with Any PCs that have the ability to cast spells (or
sculptures, fountains, and statues. Now they are an have some similar ability that makes them sensitive
overgrown, forbidding wreck. Trees and plants have to magic, the supernatural, or psychic vibrations) will
reclaimed the grounds, and the remains of ancient immediately sense a strong feeling of evil emanating
paths and paved walkways are barely visible. from the ruin. Such PCs must succeed at a DC 10
Multiple houses and outbuildings have crumbled to Wisdom saving throw against fear or be unable to
total ruin and have been almost entirely buried under approach closer than 20 feet to the ruin. This saving
the accumulating earth and vegetation; their throw can be repeated at the end of each turn. Even
appearance is nearly as one would expect based on after they save, they will feel trepidation at the
their age. But a large part of the main building, the prospect of entering the ruins.
manor itself, is still standing and in relatively good
condition compared to its very venerable age. The 
white stone of the walls and even most of the slate The front doors of the house are thick wood
roof remains. While the wings have crumbled into a banded with iron. They are wrought with intricate
pile of broken blocks, the center of the manor and delicate elven carvings and artwork, much of it
remains, as if time itself has been afraid to encroach depicting elves sailing out of a twilight mist in great
too much on the cursed house. swan ships. With how old these doors must be, they

World of Farland: War of Immortals

have no business being in as good a shape as they are. 

The doors are unlocked but stuck; it takes a DC 15
Strength check to open them. The interior of the The doorway opens into a large room, clearly the
house is decrepit, and it has obviously been deserted great hall of the house. The ceiling in this room rises
for centuries. The dust is thick, and like the Crypt of more than 3o feet, because the chamber encompasses
Memory, the air is thick with phantoms of both floors of the house. A walkway and balcony
unpleasant recollections. The ceilings are 10 feet circles the room some 15 feet above. Two statues of
from the floor unless otherwise noted. There are no elven heroes, well preserved but covered in dust,
sources of light, although the two floors that are stand toward the back of the room. An intricate chair
above ground are often dimly lit by ambient light sits against the far wall. Dark passages open to the
from outside shining through holes in the roof or east and west, and a smaller passage opens to the
through the broken windows. There are no northwest, but it is collapsed and blocked by rubble.
wandering monsters in the ruin, so there is no need A marble staircase in the northeast corner rises up to
to check for random encounters; however, any PC the second level. Above your head, a balcony circles
who attempts to complete a long rest inside the ruin the room.
or on the manor grounds in general will find himself Suddenly, the room is restored, as overpowering
struggling with dark memories that are not his own. visions of the past enter your mind. On the great
Because his mind will race the entire time, he will not chair sits a tall elven lord, blond and proud. Standing
be able to complete a long rest. Short rests are to his right hand is the most beautiful woman you
permissible. have ever seen—a shapely elven maiden with hair like
spun gold and a face as radiant as starlight. Elven
emissaries, dark haired and dressed as nobles, have
 come seeking an audience: "Oh Lord Balanuil, wise
patron of Al­Dustriel, we ask again that you set aside
 your pride and forgive any slight you may have
perceived our king has offered you. We ask that you
The front doors open onto a small foyer room that do not withdraw your liegemen from the support of
is thickly choked with the dust of many, many years. the king and that you do not speak against him."
On the other side of the room, a hallway runs into the The elf lord looks to his right, at the elf maiden,
shadows. While this entrance chamber probably once his face questioning. She shakes her head slightly,
held benches and cloak racks, they have long since almost imperceptibly, and his face hardens and
crumbled to dust. A doorless opening gapes at the far grows grim.
end of the hallway. But then, for a moment, just a “No,” he intones. “Be gone from my house.”
blink, it seems as if the foyer is restored and as it
once was—benches and cloak racks, rich and The woman standing near the chair is, of course,
polished, sit against the walls, tapestries of exquisite Talkana Silumiel, who will become the White Lady.
elvish workmanship adorn the entryway, and no dirt Allow the PCs to make Intelligence (History) checks
or dust is visible. But then it is gone, leaving you to see if they can figure out her identity. Don’t make
wondering if your mind is playing tricks on you. the check too hard; it is important to the rest of the
Besides a strong feeling of evil and foreboding, adventure that they figure out who she is.
there is nothing of note in this area. Any PCs who are This is the Challenge of Pride, where Lord
sensitive to psychic activity or the supernatural begin Balanuil, manipulated by his daughter Talkana,
to get a nagging headache. rejects the attempts by the Elvenking at


reconciliation. Witnessing this momentous scene is make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. Those who fail
psychically challenging, and the overweening pride of grow extremely angry at any slight and need to
the elf lord is contagious. The PCs each need to make succeed at a Wisdom save DC 14 if insulted or
a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. Those who fail must become berserkly angry and immediately direct an
take any opportunity attack that presents itself in attack against their closest ally. Also, anyone failing
combat, even against an ally; this effect lasts until a this initial saving throw must succeed at a DC 14
long rest is completed. Those who roll a natural 1 on Wisdom saving throw whenever they are reduced to
the check also take 16 (4d8) psychic damage. Those half their hit points or immediately direct an attack
who succeed with a natural 20 gain resistance to against their closest ally. These effects last until a
psychic damage until a long rest is completed. long rest is completed. Those who roll a natural 1 on
The room is bare, except that a secret the check also take 16 (4d8) psychic damage. Those
compartment in the chair, discoverable with a DC 15 who succeed with a natural 20 gain advantage on all
Wisdom (Perception) check, holds an intricately saving throws against charm and fear effects until a
carved brass key, which unlocks the chest in Area 4. long rest is completed.
After resolving the Challenge of Anger, three
 wailing ghosts (the spirits of dead elf maidens that
can kill when they scream) emerge, one from the wall
Leaving the main hall to the west, you come into to the north, one from the wall to the west, and one
an open room, perhaps once a sitting room. Several from the wall to the south, and attack the PCs, trying
closets, their doors crumbled to dust, open off the their best to kill them. The wailing ghosts are what
room, and a main hallway leaves the room to the remain of Talkana’s ladies in waiting. They have been
west but ends in rubble. trapped in undeath for centuries upon centuries, and
Then the scene shifts, and the room looks as it they are both sad and angry. Any living being will
once was, thousands of years ago. Delicate couches madden them, causing them to attack.
line the room, and peerless paintings hang from the
walls. In the center of the room is the beautiful elven • 3 wailing ghosts (see 5e Monster Manual)
woman, doubtless the famous Talkana Silumiel. She
is speaking to the elven lord from the main hall. He In the closet in the southeast corner of the room is
says, “My daughter, perhaps we have made a mistake an intricately carved, locked stone chest. The chest
in considering breaking away from the Elvenking. We can be opened with the key found in Area 4;
turn against our own people and consort with examining the carvings on the key and the chest and
dwarves. Maybe we should reconsider.” making an Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 17
Her anger flashes: "How dare you question me? will reveal that the carvings on the key from Area 4
Have I not promised that this path will lead us to match this chest.
power and knowledge undreamed of?" She delivers a
ringing slap to the side of his face. Lightning Blast Trap (Magic trap). This trap is
Three elven maids, female servants, accompany activated when a creature opens or attempts to open
Talkana, but they seem afraid of her. She whirls on the chest without inserting the proper key. A
her heel and storms out. They follow, cowering. successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check detects
the faint magical runes on the chest that indicate the
This is the Challenge of Anger, where Talkana’s presence of the trap. A spell or other effect that can
flashing fury cowed her father and ladies­in­waiting. sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic,
Talkana’s fury is catching. The PCs each need to also reveals an aura of evocation magic around it.


A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check

will reveal a faint, scorched line in front of the chest.
When the trap is triggered, a 15­foot line of lighting
arcs out directly from the front of the chest. Each
creature in the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) lightning damage on a
failed save , or half as much damage on a successful
one. A successful dispel magic (DC 20) cast on the
chest destroys the trap. The chest is locked, but can
be picked with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check,
but this sets off the trap.
Inside the chest are 900 sp, 40 gp, and a potion of
invisibility. The rest of this area is bare.


This large open area is filled with debris. Four

doors open off of it, and a large pile of stoney debris
blocks an entrance that leads east.

This was once the manor’s dining room, although

the table rotted away a long time ago. The blocked
entrance leads to a stairway that goes up to Area 8
or down to the lower level. Clearing it would be
difficult and take some time. The area can be
searched, and with a successful DC 18 Wisdom
(Perception) check, the PCs will discover an
intricately carved key that opens the chest in Area 3.
Any searching in this room will alert the cursed
ghasts that lurk behind three of the four doors.
Otherwise, the ghasts will get a Perception check DC
10 to hear the PCs in this room (unless they are being
stealthy, in which case their Perception checks are
opposed by the Stealth checks of the PCs). If the
ghasts hear the PCs, they will burst forth from the
doors and attack viciously. They fight to the death,
being quite insane from their long stint in undeath.
Give the PCs a DC 15 Perception check to hear the
ghasts rustling before they burst forth; any PC failing
this check is surprised.

• 3 Cursed Ghasts
World of Farland: War of Immortals

Fiery Blast Trap (Magic trap). This trap is

 activated when a creature opens or attempts to open
Medium undead, chaotic evil the chest without inserting and turning the proper
key. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
Armor Class 15
detects the faint magical runes on the chest that
Hit Points 82 (15d8+15)
Speed 30 ft. indicate the presence of the trap. A spell or other
effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHR detect magic, also reveals an aura of evocation magic
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (­1) around the chest. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check will reveal a faint, scorched
Damage Resistances necrotic
area in the shape of a cone in front of the chest.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned When the trap is triggered, a 15­foot cone of fire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 erupts from the front of the chest. Each creature in
Languages Altarian the cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save , or half
as much damage on a successful one. A successful
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of
dispel magic (DC 20) cast on the chest destroys the
the cursed ghast must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
trap. The chest is locked, but can be picked with a
saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next
turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is successful DC 20 Dexterity check, but this sets off the
immune to the cursed ghast’s Stench for 24 hours. trap.
Turning Defiance. The cursed ghast and any ghouls Inside the chest are 359 sp, 211 cp, 12 tp, 3 vials of
within 30 feet of it have advantage on saving throws holy water, and 4 peridots worth 500 sp each.
against effects that turn undead.

Multiattack. The cursed ghast attacks once with its bite 
and once with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one 
creature. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one You enter what appears to be the remains of a
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is
lady’s suite, judging by the rotting, overstuffed
a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a
couches and fabric scraps on the floor. Several
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the smaller chambers and a large closet open from the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a main room in this area. What can only be an altar has
success. a prominent position in this area. Suddenly, you are
ripped back through the centuries to the room’s
original appearance. The peerless elf maiden, golden­
In the fourth closet in the southwest corner of the haired Talkana Silumiel, kneels before the altar. On
room is an intricately carved, locked stone chest. The the altar is a stylized holy symbol, something like a
chest can be opened with the key found in Area 2; silver hawk­­ wait, perhaps it is a bat. She is praying.
examining the carvings on the key and the chest and You hear her whisper in her beautiful voice, "I accept
succeeding at an Intelligence (Investigation) check your pact, oh Master. I will be your hand in this
DC 17 will reveal that the carvings on the key from world. Let your power be felt in Núrion, the
Area 2 match this chest. Shattered Jewel. Grant to me the knowledge and


power you have promised."

A dark pact! Of such obvious import is the scene
that you momentarily stand stunned. You feel a crack
open, a rift in the world. For the first time, things can 
come through. A dark presence can be felt.... Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

This is the Challenge of Forbidden Secrets, where
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Talkana for the first time made a pact with the dark Speed 15 ft.
god Vornoth. The PCs each need to make a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw. Those who fail gain STR DEX CON INT WIS CHR
vulnerability to necrotic damage. This effect lasts 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (­3) 13 (+1) 8 (­1)
until a long rest is completed. Those who roll a
Skills Stealth +6
natural 1 on the check also take 16 (4d8) necrotic
Damage Immunities acid
damage. Those who succeed with a natural 20 gain Condition Immunities prone
resistance to necrotic damage until a long rest is Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
completed. Languages —
In the large closet that opens off the room is an Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
intricately carved, locked stone chest. The chest,
Shapechanger. The dangerous mimic can use its action
however, is actually an exceptionally dangerous
to polymorph into an object or back into its true,
mimic. When the mimic attacks, a wraith emerges
amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each
from the north wall in the closet and attacks. The form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
wraith was once one of Talkana’s ladies in waiting. transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Adhesive (Object Form Only). The dangerous mimic
• Dangerous Mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller
• Wraith (See 5e SRD) creature adhered to the dangerous mimic is also
grappled by it (escape DC 15). Ability checks made to
escape this grapple have disadvantage.
 False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the
dangerous mimic remains motionless, it is
This room was apparently once the personal indistinguishable from an ordinary object.
chamber of some important lady. The ravages of time Grappler. The dangerous mimic has advantage on
lie heavy upon it, for nothing remains of the furniture attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.

in this room—save the large reclining couch that

dominates the chamber. This meditating couch is
Multiattack. The dangerous mimic makes a pseudopod
perfectly preserved, its lush cushions and luxurious attack and a bite attack, or two bite attacks.
blankets looking as new as the day they were made. Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
The couch exudes a strange, cold feeling. Then, with ft., one target. Hit: 19 (4d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If
the blink of an eye, you see that a figure is reclining the dangerous mimic is in object form, the target is
on the couch—the beautiful elven maiden Talkana subjected to its Adhesive trait.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Silumiel, in her nightclothes. Her lids are heavy with
target. Hit: 19 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
fatigue, for she seems to be preparing to retire to her acid damage.
meditation for the evening. She regards you with
glittering eyes. Though she makes no motion, an
unspoken invitation hangs in the air.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

This is the Challenge of Love. Talkana exudes an 

attraction that is universal. It may be sexual, it may
not be. It doesn't depend on gender or sexual This sitting area has several doors opening off it. A
orientation. staircase in the east wall descends into darkness.
Any PC who looks at Talkana must succeed on a Suddenly, the scene shifts, and the room is restored
Wisdom saving throw DC 15 or go lie on the couch to its former splendor. Rich tapestries and paintings
next to Talkana (this is a charm effect). Once one PC decorate the walls, and thick carpets cover the floor.
lies on the couch, Talkana will disappear and the The striking Talkana stands in the center of the
couch will regain its real appearance—that of an old, room, hands on her hips. In front of her is another
rotting piece of furniture. The first person who lies elf, a handsome male, and the family resemblance is
on the couch will then begin, slowly and subtly, to unmistakable. The young elf lord says, "My sister, it
have sympathy for the cause of Stor­gris and the is one thing to manipulate foolish dwarf lords from
White Lady. There is no mechanical game effect Liferock to do your bidding and fight your battles for
representing this sympathy, but it should be an you, but I draw the line at spilling the blood of elhil.
interesting roleplaying opportunity for the player. Sister, these are elves we are speaking of... our kin. I
This effect is not necessarily permanent, but the PC forbid it. I go now to the king to report your
should have a valid in­game reason for shrugging off betrayal."
this lasting effect. Any other PCs who lay on the Her radiant face blazes with anger; her golden hair
couch are unaffected; only the first PC is afflicted. blows back in a non­existent wind. "No, my brother,
Under the couch, discoverable with a DC 15 it is you who commits the betrayal!" Even in wrath,
Wisdom (Perception) check, is an intricately carved her voice is more musical than the sound of elven
key that opens the chest in Area 8. harps. "I will not allow it; I will brook no
 "No, sister, don't do this!" her brother cries.
"This is what you have chosen!" With a slight
A balcony walkway extends around this room. The twitch of her hand, her brother is engulfed in flame.
ceiling is about 15 feet above the walkway. Some 15 He crumbles to the ground with a choked scream.
feet below the walkway, the floor of the great hall is
visible. This is the Challenge of Betrayal, where Talkana
murdered her own brother Muinor, burning him to
Any attempt to traverse the balcony walkway will death with her magic. The scene is shocking, and the
summon the undead guardians who still watch over it magic lingers. The PCs each need to make a DC 14
—the ghost of an elven guard captain and six specters Constitution saving throw. Those who fail gain
who were once his soldiers. They will materialize at vulnerability to fire damage. This effect lasts until a
random points on the walkway and attack the nearest long rest is completed. Those who roll a natural 1 on
PC. This area is otherwise empty. the check also take 16 (4d8) fire damage. Those who
succeed with a natural 20 gain resistance to fire
• 1 Ghost (see 5e SRD) damage until a long rest is completed.
• 6 Specters (see 5e SRD) At this point, a fiery light emerges from the
staircase (which descends to the Lower Level), and
out of the shadows steps Muinor, now a terrible
monstrosity called a Burned Dead. The abomination
will attempt to slay the PCs and will fight until dead.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

In one of the closets of the room is an intricately

 carved, locked stone chest. The chest can be opened
Medium undead, chaotic evil with the key found in Area 6; examining the
carvings on the key and the chest and succeeding at
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) an Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 17 will
Hit Points 142 (19d8+57)
reveal that the carvings on the key from Area 6
Speed 30 ft.
match this chest.
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (­1) 12 (+1) 6 (­2) Necrotic Blast Trap (Magic trap). This trap is
activated when a creature opens or attempts to open
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex, +7, Con +7 the chest without inserting and turning the proper
Condition Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
key. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
slashing from nonmagical attacks
detects the faint magical runes on the chest that
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned indicate the presence of the trap. A spell or other
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as
Languages understands Altarian but can’t speak detect magic, also reveals an aura of necromancy
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) magic around the chest. When the trap is triggered, a
15­foot blast of necrotic energy emerges from the
Sense Life. A Burned Dead can sense life within 60 feet
front of the chest. Each creature in the cone must
of it, although 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks this
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24
sense. (7d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Death Burst. When a Burned Dead is destroyed, it much damage on a successful one. A successful dispel
explodes in a burst of fire. Each creature within 10 feet magic (DC 20) cast on the chest destroys the trap.
of it must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking The chest is locked, but can be picked with a
13 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
successful DC 20 Dexterity check, but this sets off the
damage on a successful one. Flammable objects that
aren’t being worn or carried in that area are ignited.
Inside the chest are 72 sp, 99 cp, and a wand of
ACTIONS fireballs.
Multiattack. The Burned Dead makes two melee or
ranged attacks, or one melee and one ranged attack. 
Burning Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage
This room seems once to have been a laboratory,
plus 5 (1d10) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or begin
although most of the beakers and vials are long­since
burning. A burning target takes 16 (3d10) fire damage at smashed, their contents lost. A large table still stands
the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the against one wall, and an enruned chest sits against
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the another wall. An ancient magic circle, its enruned
burning effect on a success. If the target spends an line broken, is prominent on the floor; in the center
action to attempt to extinguish the burning, it gains
of the circle is a pentagram. Suddenly, you are
advantage on its next saving throw to do so. If the target
wrenched back into the past, to a time long distant
drops to 0 hit points, it stops burning.
Thrown Flame. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, when the room was in full repair and being used
range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit:11 (2d8 + 3) fire damage —being used for terrible purpose. You see the white­
plus 5 (1d10) necrotic damage. robed Talkana standing in front of the table, which is
brimming with the accoutrements of dark sorcery:


potions, vials, beakers, and heavy tomes. She raises plans of Talkana, and the origins of all monsters as
her hand and gestures toward the pentagram well as the history of how Talkana bargained with
inscribed on the floor, which is now whole and Vornoth and made the first orcs). In exchange for
unbroken. Her musical voice breaks the silence: "Oh such knowledge, he will ask the PCs for a favor,
Dark One, with the knowledge you have granted me, something that will cause great havoc in the world,
I summon thy servants, denizens of the Lower such as the betrayal of an important person to the
Realms. May their tenebrous wings be heard as they forces of Stor­gris, the assassination of a king, or
fly for the first time through the night skies of something equally evil. What he won’t say is that if
Núrion, doing thy shadowy bidding, my Master." they agree to the bargain, he will have a claim to their
The room fills with a stench of brimstone as a rift to souls once they die.
the evil netherworld is opened for the first time in the If the PCs do not agree to his bargain, he will act
history of the world. A dark figure begins to coalesce as if he doesn’t care, but when they are off their
inside the circle as a smile appears on Talkana's guard, he will attack them viciously. He does not
peerless lips.... personally wish to die, but after being trapped in this
room for millenia, it would be a welcome change.
This is the Challenge of Dark Knowledge, where Against one wall of the room is an intricately
Talkana used the knowledge granted to her by the carved, locked stone chest. The chest can be opened
evil god Vornoth to summon demons and devils to with the key found in Area 10; examining the
Núrion, the first time such creatures ever entered the carvings on the key and the chest and succeeding at
world. The evil of the scene is sickening, burning like an Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 17 will
a poison in the hearts of those who see it. The PCs reveal that the carvings match the key from Area 10.
each need to make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw.
Those who fail gain disadvantage on saving throws Poison Spray Trap (Magic trap). This trap is
versus poison. This effect lasts until a long rest is activated when a creature opens or attempts to open
completed. Those who roll a natural 1 on the check the chest without inserting and turning the proper
also take 16 (4d8) poison damage. Those who key. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
succeed with a natural 20 gain advantage on saving detects the faint magical runes on the chest that
throws until a long rest is completed. indicate the presence of the trap. A spell or other
Once the Challenge of Dark Knowledge is effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as
completed, the scene shifts back to the present. To detect magic, also reveals an aura of conjuration
their horror, the PCs will see the dark figure inside magic around the chest. When the trap is triggered, a
the (broken) circle has continued to coalesce, and 15­foot spray of magical poison squirts from the front
before they can react, a Bone Devil stands inside the of the chest. Each creature in the cone must make a
again­broken circle. DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
• 1 Bone Devil (See 5e SRD) damage on a successful one. A successful dispel
magic (DC 20) cast on the chest destroys the trap.
This bone devil, whose name is Marax, is the The chest is locked, but can be picked with a
original devil that Talkana summoned to the world. successful DC 20 Dexterity check, but this sets off the
He is spiteful and thoroughly evil, but he won’t trap.
immediately attack the PCs. Instead, he will try to Inside the chest are 312 tp, 299 cp, 172 sp, a
bargain with them, offering dark knowledge (he diamond worth 100 sp, and a flask of oil of
knows a great deal about the history of the world, the sharpness.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

 These ghouls and ghasts are even more twisted

and distorted than usual ghouls and ghasts, for they
This oddly shaped area is dominated by a large are the elves that Talkana experimented upon. A DC
stone slab, rectangular in shape. It is decorated with 12 Wisdom (Perception) check while they are
dark runes, and a runnel is carved into one side; dark animated, or a DC 12 Intelligence (Medicine) check
stains betray its purpose. Two stone doors leave the after they are dispatched, will reveal this horrid fact.
room to the east and west. Then the room shifts, and The area is otherwise empty.
a vision from the past restores the room to its former
state. The remarkable Talkana is working, bent over 
the strange, enruned slab, which now appears almost
but not quite like an altar. On the slab is chained a A narrow stone walkway spans a yawning pit. The
male elf, naked save for a scant loincloth. In one of long walkway ends at a door on the other side. Two
her hands is a horrid poker, clearly designed for dark alcoves on the distant walls on either side of the
torture; in her other hand is a heavy tome. She seems walkway seem to overlook the span. Debris and
to be torturing or otherwise tormenting the hapless bones lie in the alcoves.
elhan. Yet her beautiful face betrays no joy at the act­
­ only a deep, intense curiosity and determination. The bones in the alcoves are the remains of elven
She ignores the elf’s screams. guards, tasked while alive with preventing anyone
from approaching Talkana Silumiel at all cost. They
This is the Challenge of Disgust, where Talkana got into the alcoves while alive by nimbly swinging
tortured and experimented on captured elves in an on ropes that were attached to the ceiling, but the
attempt to corrupt them into a new, evil race. The ropes have since rotted away. When anyone sets foot
disgusting scene pierces one to her very soul. The PCs on the span, the skeletons spring to life and take up
each need to make a DC 14 Constitution saving longbows; they fire arrows at anyone on the span.
throw. Those who fail gain vulnerability to piercing
damage. This effect lasts until a long rest is • 6 skeletons (see 5e SRD, but the skeletons, as
completed. Those who roll a natural 1 on the check former elven archers, possess longbows and are
also take 16 (4d8) piercing damage. Those who particularly good with them. They have a +6 to hit
succeed with a natural 20 gain resistance to piercing with their longbows.)
damage until a long rest is completed.
Once the Challenge of Disgust is completed, the The pit is 50 feet deep. Anyone who suffers a
scene shifts back to the present. Their inevitable critical hit while on the span must succeed at a DC 13
gasps and cries at witnessing the scene will alert the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall into the pit. There
ghouls and ghasts who reside in the rooms to the east is nothing valuable or of interest in the bottom of the
and west; they will throw open the doors and attack pit (despite the fact that players always seem to want
the PCs. Give each PC a Wisdom (Perception) check to search pits).
DC 12 to hear the creatures approaching the door;
any PC that fails this check is surprised. 

• 2 ghasts (see 5e SRD) A stone door blocks entrance into this chamber.
• 4 ghouls (see 5e SRD) When you open it, you get a strong sense of evil and
foreboding, stronger than in any other area of the
ruin. An oddly shaped pedestal sits against the wall,


and on the pedestal is a dark orb about the size of a become the first orc and to bring other orcs into the
fist. The orb is polished to a lustrous black sheen. world. The horrid portent of the scene is enough to
With a wrenching shift, time falls away, and you see drive one mad. The PCs each need to make a DC 14
before you the familiar figure of Talkana, clad in her Wisdom saving throw. Those who fail are afflicted
white dress, the dark orb in her hand. Yet now she with long­term madness (roll on the table from the
looks… different. Her skin is growing mottled and 5e SRD, but the madness lasts twice as long as
grayish, shading toward green in some spots. Her normal). Those who roll a natural 1 on the check also
once lovely hair is growing dark and dull. Her take 16 (4d8) psychic damage. Those who succeed
fingernails have become more like claws. In the with a natural 20 gain advantage on the next two
hunch of her back there is something... orcish. She saving throws they make.
opens her mouth to speak, and her voice is as lovely Once the Challenge of Dark Origins is completed,
as ever, but it is now jarring and out of place the scene shifts back to the present. A fell demon, the
compared to her twisted visage. "If this is thy will, creature that came to accept Talkana’s evil promise
Great Walker­in­Darkness... but no, the price is too on behalf of her master Vornoth, appears in the
great. I cannot pay it...." She shakes her head, as if room. The creature, an erinyes named Valaca, will
throwing off weakness. "No, what am I saying? The offer the PCs a similar bargain: if they agree to
power and the knowledge you have granted me is like submit to the Walker­in­Darkness, they will be
no other. I will do as you request... I shall create granted great knowledge and power. She will do her
more like me... I shall be the first... but not the best to really sell this bargain, making it seem very
last...." A single tear drips from one of her once­ attractive, truly an offer one cannot refuse. Insightful
lovely eyes. PCs will detect that something is off about the
bargain, though; allow PCs a Wisdom (Insight) check
This is the Challenge of Dark Origins, where contested by Valaka's Deception check to discern
Talkana accepted the Dark Walker’s bargain to possible consequences of the deal. If they agree, the
World of Farland: War of Immortals

race of each PC becomes tielfling (as they become First Orb of Alustel
infused with the blood of fiends), they each gain a
level, their alignment becomes evil, and they gain Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
advantage on all future History and Arcana checks.
In return, their souls become property of Vornoth the The Orbs of Alustel are evil artifacts. Their origins
Dark Walker, and they should be encouraged to seek are unknown. Legend has it that there are five in
the destruction of elven and dwarven civilization. If existence, and each has different properties. Their
they refuse the bargain, the erinyes will attempt to main purpose is to act as the focus of dark rituals,
flee from them; her aim is to escape into the city to and any ritual they are used in, if it is designed to
wreak as much death and destruction there as have an evil outcome, is far more likely to succeed
possible. (the details of this use are up to the GM).
The Orbs are dark crystal globes about 6 inches in
• 1 erinyes (see 5e SRD, except that her Hellish diameter. While attuned to an Orb, you can use an
Weapons don’t always deal poison damage; every action to hold it in your hand and speak its command
time they hit, determine the type of additional word. You must then make a DC 15 Charisma check.
damage they deal by rolling a d4 and consulting the On a successful check, you control the Orb until you
following chart.) complete a long rest. On a failed check, you cannot
summon the power from within you to use the Orb. If
Roll Type of Damage you fail this Charisma check three times, you become
charmed by the Orb for as long as you remain
1 Necrotic attuned to it. While you are charmed by the Orb, you
2 can’t voluntarily end your attunement to it, and the
Orb casts suggestion on you at will (save DC 18),
3 Poison urging you to work toward the evil ends it desires.
The GM decides what goal an Orb seeks, and these
4 Piercing
goals are generally inscrutable and mysterious, but
always evil. If you succeed at the saving throw against
The dark orb is still on the pedestal. It is the first an Orb’s suggestion, you are released from its charm,
Orb of Alustel. Talkana used the Orbs for her dark and you have to fail the Charisma check three more
rituals. The first Orb is one of the most powerful of times before you are again charmed. When you
all of the Orbs, although each has its own uses in the control the First Orb of Alustel (the Orb found in this
right circumstances. Their power is magnified when adventure), you gain an additional spell slot per each
all five are used together. level of spell that you are able to cast (there are four
other Orbs, and they don’t have the ability to grant
spell slots; they each have a different power).
Random Properties: An Orb of Alustel has the
following random properties:
• 2 minor beneficial properties
• 1 minor detrimental property
• 1 major detrimental property


 
If Valaca the erinyes escaped from the ruins against
The knowledge that the PCs have gained in the ruin the will of the PCs, they will want to take some sort of
of House Al­Dustriel should both enlighten and haunt action to limit the damage she can do. At minimum,
them. They have learned much about the world, but they should alert the elven authorities, but they may
the secrets they uncovered are enough to drive a also wish to track her down and slay her. Valaca is
person mad. If they resisted taking Valaca’s deal, the cunning and deceptive, and she will try her best to
whole experience will give them a new understanding cause as much damage and evil as possible, ranging
of the foes they face, as well as an idea of the power of from murder to blasphemy to the sowing of discord.
the evil that stands against them. This knowledge For example, she will likely lie to the elven authorities
should make plain how important the war is, and and state that the PCs took her bargain (if they did not
perhaps how difficult it will be. Talkana Silumiel is the in fact take it). The elven authorities are likely to
White Lady, and she sacrificed her very humanity for blame the PCs if the erinyes does wreak havoc in
power. To what ends will she be willing to go to defeat Alustel.
her enemies, which include the PCs? If the PCs took the erinyes’ bargain, they will need
If they took her deal, they will have fallen to to radically alter their goals. They may wish to travel
darkness. The elven and dwarven powers will now be to Stor­gris or the Wintervale and pledge themselves
their enemies, and they will have powerful foes of to the evil rulers of those domains, or they could
light to face. Elven mages and dwarven warriors are become free agents who seek destruction for the sake
not foes to be taken lightly, as many an evil creature of destruction. This option will also open up many
has learned to its detriment. new adventure possibilities.
 This story tells the tale of Raug,
an unlikely spy who has managed
to infiltrate the fortress of Stor­gris
 itself. Working on behalf of the
elves, he has to conquer his fear to
see if he can accomplish an even

R aug hefted the immense chamber pot of his

master. He took a moment to steady the
cumbersome receptacle so that he didn't tip it and
more unlikely event: the
assassination of General Karoxfang
spill the contents all over his robes. With his nose
wrinkled in disgust, the aging half­orc turned his
head to the side and carried the pot from the
elaborate bedchamber of the great general, his when being the runt might have actually saved his
master, Malekk Jorung. life.
For one of part orc heritage, Raug didn't display As was his habit, Raug thought back to those days
any of the physical strengths that characterized his of his youth as he carried his vile burden through the
ancestry. His arms were slim and straight, though his stone halls of the main tower.
hands were calloused from years of hard work. His It was nightmarish for anyone in the small
chest was hollow and his midsection gaunt, as he had community called Darmusk that day. Without any
never been able to put on enough weight to show warning, dark­skinned orcs in heavy armor swept
otherwise. The lack of proper nourishment in his through the huts like an unstoppable tide. The Dark
citadel home didn't help the situation, of course. The Folk pillaged, plundered, raped, and murdered as the
diet of the vast city­fortress of Stor­gris was basically tribesmen fled in fear. No reason was given for the
raw meat, vermin, and grog. To top it all off, Raug attack, but such was the way of life under the heavy
was short for a half­orc, barely topping five and a half boot of Stor­gris. Unfortunately for many, reason
feet tall. didn't rule in the spreading empire of the powerful
Raug's hair hung in strands to just beneath his general Karoxfang. The orcs took what they wanted
chin and served to cover an average face by any race's and burned most of the huts to the ground.
standards. His jaw was thick and square, and his It was naught but luck that kept a young child
nose wide and bulbous. Both features were shadowed from being discovered that night and for days
by a wide and protruding brow, a brow which cast thereafter. The child's mother, a middle­aged human
shadows over his tanned face when the sun was high woman, lay in one of the remaining huts, her final,
overhead. Being the "runt" in a physically­dominated terrified look frozen on her face. The woman's last
fortress like Stor­gris would have spelled doom for coherent action had been to cover her sleeping child
most creatures, but Raug had proven early in his in straw. That was only moments before the orc had
employment that he had other talents that more than broken through the shabby front door and thrust a
made up for his lack of stature. Sometimes being the wickedly curved blade through her breast. After a
runt was even useful. In fact, Raug recalled a time quick glance around the hut, the orc saw nothing of

World of Farland: War of Immortals

worth and left through the very same door. Only luck air hit him as he exited the keep, though the smell
could explain the orc's failure to set fire to the was not much better than that of the load he carried.
ramshackle dwelling in which a young Raug hid. The air of the huge, martial fortress of Stor­gris
The boy's horror while he hid in the hut tempered carried the fetid stench of death. The acrid smell of
Raug's actions for years to come. In truth, the half­ smoke mingled with aromas of rotting flesh and
orc had never recovered from that terrible night and, feces, to make a new pall that hung over the massive,
to this day, Raug found himself constantly doubting military city, a pall that was all Stor­gris' own.
and second­guessing his actions out of fear of failure. The Dark Folk inhabitants seemed to care little, or
The child, even with half­orc ancestry, knew his maybe they didn't even notice. Kobold and goblin
life was forfeit if the vile monsters found him. So he slaves carried out the wishes of the orcs and
hid for several days, drinking what rainwater he hobgoblins, scurrying about the city with purpose.
could collect from the holes in the roof and eating the In the fortress, where Raug spent nearly all of his
remainder of a stale loaf of bread that his mother had days, the smaller Dark Folk were often killed for the
traded for on the day of the raid. Though used to mere enjoyment or sport of the larger races. Outside
living in poverty, the boy grew even sicklier from the of the fortress's thick walls, however, kobolds and
lack of nourishment. Out of a necessity to calm his goblins outnumbered the larger races more than ten
aching, malnourished belly, the youth ventured forth to one. Thus, the area outside of the great citadel
from his hiding place and left the hut. afforded the smaller races protection in numbers, but
The young boy searched among the burned out this safety came with widespread poverty, as the bulk
ruins of the community, seeking any signs of life. He of food was kept inside the fortress walls.
found it soon enough, though it was of a peculiar The city remained segregated, as much for the
kind: elves. A wandering party of elhil from the desires of the orcs and hobgoblins as for the safety of
Sarumvest spotted the boy and set to caring for him, the goblins and kobolds. While Karoxfang didn't
as they thought that he was a human child. Had Raug necessarily care for the survival of the lesser species,
not been so emaciated and small, the elves may have he understood the value of their numbers in a battle.
seen him for the half­breed spawn of a violent rape To the dismay of those thousands of elves, dwarfs,
that he was and killed him outright. and humans that had gone up against the war
Once they learned of Raug's true nature, however, machine of Stor­gris, these little Dark Folk races had
their disgust swiftly turned to hope, and their plans taken to a foot­soldier position in the vast armies.
began to take shape.... Typically used as fodder, they nonetheless were
Clang! "Damn it!" effective in wearing down an opponent's defenses so
Raug cursed at his own absent­mindedness, as he that the more powerful orcs, hobgoblins, and others
walked into a doorjamb, and the contents of the could overwhelm their enemies. In the past, kobolds
chamber pot roiled about, sloshing out small droplets and goblins had even been used to slow an
onto his worn, brown robe. approaching cavalry so that archers could let loose
Turning his head in disgust once again, Raug one more volley, or pike men could set their stances.
chided himself for a fool. For decades he had learned Raug dumped the chamber pot into the deep
to control his thoughts and emotions, practicing how cesspool that served as the fortress's toilet and
to turn such thoughts into power. However, he still looked to the sky. The sun was just dawning in the
had the habit of letting his powerful mind wander. western sky, and its rays filtered through the dark
Exiting through the worn, wooden door that pall of the city to shine on the half­orc's visage. Raug
marked the slaves' entrance to the inner keep of Stor­ took a moment to close his eyes and enjoy the
gris, Raug carefully maneuvered the pot. The warm warmth of the life­giving orb on his face.

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

The half­breed had learned to enjoy and respect hung over it, showing that the hobgoblin had no lack
the sun while living with the elves of Alustel. Though of food to complain of. His visage was one that was
stern and proud, the elves revered nature, and the used to showing anger, and it was no different now as
sun was seen as a giver and sustainer of life. The elhil he was enraged at being ignored. Jorung's
enjoyed many simple pleasures, like the warmth of bloodstained eyes nearly matched the magenta color
the direct sun on one's face, or the way green grass of his skin as he glared at his servant.
pushed up between their toes. Such was the life of the "No... I mean, of course I was, great one. I was
elves when they weren't faced with war against the merely reflecting on your victories, great general.
vast forces of the White Lady. It was a life that they'd Your accomplishments are vast; it merely makes one
taught to Raug, and one that he'd come to love. such as I wonder how you are not in charge of this
Looking down to his own toes, shod in brown great fortress."
sandals, Raug merely sighed, for the bloodstained Raug's Dark Speech was perfect, even though it
cobblestones of Stor­gris would never bring him the had been taught to him by an elf.
same feeling of joy. General Malekk Jorung grunted in response and
The day progressed much like any other in the scooped up another huge mouthful of whatever meat
dark confines of the gray­stone fortress of Stor­gris. stew the kitchens had prepared today. After slurping
Raug, of course, spent a great deal of the morning down the contents, Jorung waggled the spoon at
listening to the bloviating and declarations of his
master, General Malekk Jorung. He could barely
contain his contempt for the general's arrogance.
Though the hobgoblin was high in the power
hierarchy of Stor­gris, Jorung hungered for more and
thought that he was more than deserving of such. He
plotted against nearly everyone in the fortress and,
while that was actually common practice in Stor­gris,
it could prove deadly should the wrong person find
"Damn it boy! Are you listenin'?"
A stale roll thunked off of Raug's chest,
obviously thrown by the general to get his
attention. By the glare in Jorung's eyes,
Raug assumed that it wasn't the first
time he'd asked.
The general shifted in his chair, and
the old wood groaned in protest. The
great hobgoblin dwarfed both the chair
that he sat in and the table on which his elbows
rested. His arm and leg muscles bulged to nearly
impossible proportions underneath the long brown
tunic that he wore. The tunic was dirty and torn,
having been worn under the general's armor for
quite some time. The lengthy garment was cinched
at the waist by a plain belt, and an ample belly

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

Raug much as a mother would have shaken her

thumb at an insolent young boy.
"Yer lucky yer with me, smartsy­fartsy. You'd be
In Part 1 of the story, Raug the
killed by anyone else for such ignorance."
half­orc mage tries to deal with his
The general issued the claim matter­of­factly, as if
hobgoblin master as the hobgoblin
only stating the obvious. In a way, he was. He
does the bidding of Karoxfang.
scooped up the remainder of the meal into his wide
Meanwhile, Raug struggles to help
maw and gulped down the contents of an
his elven allies, but he has to put
earthenware mug, probably filled with blood grog.
himself in grave danger to do so....
As Raug stood, he held a scroll and a sharpened
charcoal pencil, ready to write or sketch as his master
ordered. Inter­fortress missives in Stor­gris were
typically in charcoal, as ink was a commodity that
none saw as necessity. Over his years in Stor­gris, composure, having practiced for just such
Raug had discovered how to rub out and to perfectly occurrences.
rewrite such messages to say whatever he wanted. Though unflappable in the face of Jorung, Raug
The half­orc said a silent thanks to the arrogance of wasn't always so calm with the other generals and
General Karoxfang, for the half­fiend's confidence in those of power in Stor­gris. The half­fiend Karoxfang
his own power allowed the easily "adjusted" charcoal still managed to freeze the blood in Raug's veins with
to be used. Even though that was the case, Raug still his piercing gaze. The training of the elves, though
had seen more than one scroll that had come from extensive, had not taught him how to respond when
outside the city walls that had been penned in a deep confronted with a creature of such power.
and dark ink. These, he guessed, were charges that In this case, Raug's heart skipped slightly at the
came directly from the voice of Karoxfang's liege, the mention of the council. He involuntarily gulped back
White Lady. his nerves as he thought of the intense scrutiny that
Malekk Jorung sat back, and his chair groaned he would bear from Jorung's peers.
again. Immediately, a goblin slave scurried off with With a grunt and another shake of his bestial
the General's used dishes, without uttering a word. head, Jorung stood and stalked away from the small
With a cunning grin, Jorung looked to Raug. wooden table, presumably to don the ceremonial
"Yer to come with me to the council this day, boy. (though dented and worn) armor that he wore
We've got a new player here in the fortress, an' he's a throughout the day.
stinkin' orc!" As the general strode away, Raug's thoughts
The general nearly spit out the word as if it were guided him in a different direction. Possibilities raced
venom. He seemed not to care in the least if he'd through his head in a jumble. "Could this be what we
insulted his servant by speaking ill of his heritage, or were waiting for?" "Are we on the path to bringing
at least half of it. The general slammed his meaty fist down this vile empire?"
on the table in anger. Though he tried to be optimistic, Raug couldn't
"General Kahn Bozzurak. The fool brings a man help but think of every little detail. "Or.... is this a
with him to every council­­ a damned human! The trap?"
affront, it's beyond imagination! Were I Karoxfang, Shaking his head to banish the thoughts, Raug
I'd gut the spineless dog where he stood!" proceeded to write the short messages that needed to
There it was, Raug thought, the insult to the other be sent out. even when the great general didn't
side of his heritage. The half­orc maintained his remember. Quite often that was the case.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

As General Jorung dressed himself for the day's Karoxfang's long fingers ended in hardened claws,
agenda, one thought still lingered in his servant's claws that had been known to tear the skin off more
head. The thought served to twist Raug's insides as than one opponent.
he considered the implications. "What if they've The general's bronze, chain armor hung over a
found out?" thickly muscled frame of mottled green skin. The
Raug's worries seemed to be unfounded, though, polished armor shined as it reflected the light of
for if they wished to ambush and kill an elven spy various ensconced torches about the chamber.
(which Raug was), they probably wouldn't have Karoxfang's fabled falchion rested in its scabbard
forced him to sit through what was perhaps the most against the foot of his throne. Though the half­fiend
dull and boring meeting he'd ever witnessed. had considerable natural weapons of which to boast,
He had only been introduced upon his entrance to the sword still never strayed far from his side.
the great, wide hall of council as "Great General The pale, slanted eyes of Karoxfang pierced
Jorung...and assistant." Some had noticed his through whomever had the unfortunate task of
appearance, however, and they were enough to cause speaking at that particular point in time. It was
Raug to try and keep his back to an available exit. His sometimes whispered that the half­fiend's eyes could
place behind General Jorung was ideal, as the exit indeed read the thoughts and feelings of those
from the chamber was located directly at his back. meeting his gaze.
Though Raug doubted that he could possibly escape Raug gulped and idly fingered the narrow, wooden
such powerful figures as those that sat in the council, band that he wore on one of his fingers. His elhil
having his back to the opening did serve to ease the teachers had instructed him in its use and assured
knots in his belly. him that it would shield his thoughts, but still Raug
General Jorung was seated in front of Raug, his felt like the entirety of his mind was laid bare before
back to his servant. Beside the general, several other the power that emanated from Karoxfang.
decorated and accomplished generals sat in Thankfully, the general's attention and that of the
attendance, forming a rough semi­circle about a rest of the assembly wasn't directed at Raug but at a
center seat. Some were of orc heritage, and some of tall orc that now stood to address his peers. Raug
hobgoblin, but all were dwarfed by the girth of nodded slightly at his master's gesture as Jorung
Jorung. turned and motioned to the orc, identifying him to
Raug could tell even during such routine Raug as Jorung's new competition, General Kahn
discussions as obtaining food and training secondary Bozzurak.
troops that Jorung was held in high regard among Raug listened briefly to the orc’s speech, a simple
the gathered Dark Folk. The huge hobgoblin was accounting of his force's movements through the
consulted nearly as much as the great figure that sat Hinterlands. The creature had the annoying habit of
upon the throne in the center of the semi­circle. listing every little detail as if it were some grand
Atop that stone seat was Karoxfang the Vile, once accomplishment, and he was somewhat long­winded.
the mighty General of the forces of Rothnog in direct It really couldn't be more boring
service to the White Lady, now ruler of the entire Keeping his ears tuned in to the orc's voice, Raug's
realm of Stor­gris. The creature was part orc and part gaze was drawn to the dark visage of the human that
fiend, his orc mother having been ravaged by a sat behind general Bozzurak. It was very odd that the
demon of some power. It was an odd combination, hobgoblin would have a human for an advisor, as
Raug thought: the stocky musculature of an orc, that race had just begun its long crawl out of
combined with the elongated limbs of a fiend. barbarity. Raug started slightly, as he found that the
Instead of the thick, stony fingers of his lesser race, orc general's human advisor was staring directly back

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

at him, amusement in his eyes! perhaps something even more nefarious was being
The human wore his jet­black hair pulled back plotted to deal with the spy.
from his face, tied with a leather thong. The man's Raug considered, as he often had, why the
eyes were dark to match, and they shone like powerful elves of the Sarumvest had chosen him to
obsidian. He wore a simple, if voluminous, black act as their spy. He was just a lowly and fearful half­
robe, its deep hood drawn down and hanging from breed. The training they had given him, along with
his back. their love and friendship, were painfully clear in
Catching Raug's gaze, the man gave a slight smirk Raug's memory as he continued to doubt himself. He
and turned back to listen to General Bozzurak. Raug feared not only for himself but also for those loved
noted the man's brief look of loathing as he gazed ones that he had left behind, for should the elves’
upon the general. He chuckled to himself, for he plan fail, nothing would stop the great armies of Stor­
knew that such a look could get one killed if the gris from raining destruction on the kingdoms of the
wrong people were to see it. light. He simply could not let that happen. He would
After the generals had all issued their reports and not let it happen.
had been given further assignments, the attendants Finding out whether or not his fears were founded
rose to leave. One by one, the generals and their would have to wait until later, as Jorung stalked out
respective assistants filed out, as Karoxfang rose to
his feet.
Just as Raug turned to follow General Jorung
from the chamber, a voice boomed from behind him.
"General Jorung, a word."
Raug froze in his tracks as the nightmarish voice
called out to his master. When in the chamber with
so many others, the voice hadn't intimidated him so
much. Now, as it was turned in his direction, Raug
visibly trembled at the deep and raspy call.
General Jorung, on the other hand, grinned to
himself as he stopped in his tracks. Raug nearly
stumbled into the massive hobgoblin but was quick
enough to step to the side as his master turned. The
general's grin was aimed at General Bozzurak, who
was directly behind them. The orc general offered a
sneer as he stepped quickly past the hobgoblin
general, followed closely by his human assistant.
With a final glance at the pair, Raug once again
locked eyes with the human and started as the man
again smiled insolently. Shaking his head, Raug
followed the two outside and set his back to the stone
wall to await his master.
A few moments passed, with Raug's nerves on
edge. A tumult of emotions passed through his mind
as he waited, considering whether Karoxfang had
seen his thoughts and was ordering his death, or if

World of Farland: War of Immortals

of the chamber and motioned for Raug to follow. The would be needed for the next day and have one of the
general strode past quickly, a knowing smile on his servants rush about to obtain the items. Raug was to
face. assist in showing these new "troops" the effects of
The hobgoblin general paced across the expansive magic and how best to fight against it. At much the
common room of his bedchamber, his moving bulk same time, General Jorung would be instructing
making it suddenly seem...not quite so expansive. them in the more mundane parts of warfare.
Raug watched in interest, thinking of how this The half­orc was at a loss for how to proceed. He,
newest revelation could affect his work here in the of course, didn't want to teach the troops too well, as
great fortress. they could be fighting against those very people that
Karoxfang the Vile, it seemed, had heard of Raug's Raug was trying to protect. On the other hand, if he
aptitude for the arcane and had taken interest. It could teach them to the General's and, more
looked as if the half­fiend had an important project importantly, Karoxfang's liking, then he could work
that he wanted General Jorung and his assistant to himself into a position of more influence.
work on. Raug weighed his next action as he left the
"Karoxfang believes that this'll lead to the bedchamber and started down the corridor. The half­
conquest of all the Hinterlands, and eventually of the orc's soft boots padded lightly on the stone floor as
cursed elf and dwarf kingdoms!" he followed the winding corridor around to the exit
The general clenched his fist and shook it in front from the Generals' Hall.
of his face, as if he were squeezing the life out of the Though only a few hours had been spent in the
continent himself. council meeting, the sun had already descended from
"Our new troops'll dig the damned dwarf­rats the sky. The Dark Folk inhabitants of Stor­gris came
outta' their homes and burn the paleskin fairies in to life late in the day and scurried about well into the
their forests! There'll be no stoppin' our army, and night. Those who slept during the light of day
General Jorung will be responsible for its squirmed from their dwellings and set to their tasks,
development!" tasks that were always present and necessary to run
The general continued to pace, obviously filled the military might of the dark stronghold.
with excitement. He stopped and pointed to Raug. Raug had never found it easy to adjust to the
"You just be ready, cuz we start tomorrow. Let the change in routine; the elves of the Sarumvest never
kobolds know what you'll need, and they'll have it slept, they only rested, and they enjoyed all phases of
here in the morning." the sky, both day and night. They especially enjoyed
His last command issued, the general stalked off dusk. He hadn't their strange and magical abilities,
from the room, undoubtedly to join his fellows in the and thus had learned to sleep during the night and be
common area for grog and a whore, or even a torture active during the day. Now that Raug had to stay up
show. Raug's grimace showed his distaste for what well into the night, he found himself sleeping less
passed for entertainment in the orc fortress; it had and less and spending half of the dark night stifling a
taken him several months to find excuses to beg off seemingly ever­present yawn.
from evenings in which he was supposed to attend Raug nodded silently to an orc guard as he passed
General Jorung at such shows. Now, thankfully, the through the huge archway that marked the transition
general didn't even ask, perhaps forgetting that Raug from the Generals' Hall to the Common Barracks.
had once been forced to join him. The heavy wooden doors gaped open as they had for
As the echo from the massive hobgoblin's footfalls most of the time that Raug had lived in the fortress.
died away, Raug sighed and glanced about the room. The doors' closing would be seen as a sign of fear
He would have to scrawl a list of components that among the soldiers of the keep. The fact that they

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

kept them open served to show that the generals held

no fear of the vast numbers of common soldiers in
the barracks. This was another of the rules that
Karoxfang had made sure to keep, and throughout
many generations of orc soldiers, none had ever
passed through the archway unbidden.
Padding silently through, Raug pulled his cowl up
high, and his face was wreathed in shadow. Huddling
low in his robes, the half­orc passed through the wide
main hall in silence. The stench of smoke and the
smell of stale grog assailed his nostrils as he
continued past the vast halls and chambers that
housed the main army of Stor­gris.
The roar of the main barracks more than covered
Raug's footsteps. The orcs and hobgoblins of the
great fortress had just begun their typical night's
drinking, gambling, and eventually, fighting. Such
disputes were known to erupt over practically
anything and, though the captains and guards were
usually fast to intervene, it wasn't uncommon for a
few murders to be committed before the night was
Ignoring the stares and curses of the common
soldiers, Raug walked out of the main corridor of the
fortress and exited through the succession of main
gates that separated the defensible baileys from the Folk seemed to incessantly bicker and quibble, and
open areas. Murder holes for archers and fights in the common areas were a nightly
crossbowmen, should they ever need to defend the occurrence.
fortress, extended far to each side in the open areas. To the south of the towers, beyond the common
The gates beyond were thick iron and would be only district and even the strong walls themselves, a sheer
the first layer of defense for the massive citadel. cliff dropped hundreds of feet down to the waters of
Indeed, Raug thought as he passed through the Goblin Bay. To the north of the towers, beyond more
main gates, he didn't envy whomever had the task of homes and the main walls of the fortress, stretched
laying siege to the fortress of Stor­gris. an open plain. The plain was the main means of
The cover of darkness had just fallen upon the travel into and out of the city, as the wide, packed
dark city, and the lights of a thousand torches and earth road could attest to.
fires had sprung up about the city proper. Raug slipped out of the main tower and turned
The mighty towers that dominated the skyline of towards the bay and the sea beyond. He stalked
the area about Stor­gris were oriented near the across the open expanse of ground between the
middle of the city­stronghold. On either side of the towers and the common district with purpose in his
towers were homes and hovels, in which kobolds, stride, hoping that none would question a high­level
goblins, and orcs lived. Though they were mostly servant apparently out on duty for his master.
segregated by choice, the different species of Dark Passing through a dark alley between poorly made

wooden structures, Raug stepped out into a main used, probably a scrying spell to identify him. He
thoroughfare and crossed to the next alley. Even chose not to resist it.
given his employ by General Jorung, Raug still risked After only a few seconds, a slide was pulled and a
much being in such an area unescorted at the onset pair of light, green eyes stared out from the other
of night. side of the door. A muffled voice followed.
The half­orc had a talent for moving without "You've a missive for us?"
making a stir, however, and very few, if any, made Raug nodded in reply and uttered the string of
note of his passing. Raug kept to the shadows when words, the code that would get him through the door.
able and walked with his cowl low to hide his tanned "The General has a task, and he desires full
but light skin. anonymity."
Deftly, the half­orc moved through Stor­gris city, With a thunk the slide closed and the bolt in the
avoiding trouble with all the skill of a long­time door was thrown back. A turn of the knob gave Raug
resident. It wasn't always easy to avoid danger in the entry, and he glided inside, closing and locking the
city of Dark Folk, but Raug had long ago perfected door behind him. Blinking his eyes to adjust to the
that ability. light of the room, Raug turned and grinned at the
At least he hoped he had. elven figure in the dimly­lit room.
Noting familiar terrain, Raug dashed off into a "Venedal, by the mist of the glades, it's good to see
side alleyway and came to a set of wooden stairs set you!"
back into a cubby. The stoop led to a planked wooden The two clasped hands and Venedal grinned in
door, upon which Raug knocked as he hopped up the return. The male elf was tall and lithe, as were most
stairs. of his people. His body was toned and fit, mostly
The door was poorly fit in the opening, and light because of a life of battle and training. Venedal's
shone around its reveal. Raug could see shadows copper hair was close­cropped, a fact that served to
flickering through the light as someone moved set him apart from many of the longhaired elves of
behind the door. Suddenly the hair on the half­orc's the Sarumvest. His green eyes served to disorient any
body tingled slightly, as he felt an arcane spell being who looked into their depths, a fact that he seemed to

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

use to his advantage against any prey, be it an enemy Venedal motioned at the hidden scroll.
on the field of battle or a maiden in a moonlit glade. "I'm sure that you can guess at how many of our
Venedal was armed and armored simply, with a people suffered to make this document. We've spent
thin sword, almost thin enough to be a dueling foil, a human lifetime of espionage and scrying to learn
and a longbow with arrows. His robes bulged slightly the many intricacies of the missives penned by the
at the shoulders, knees, and chest, probably with White Lady. Now, at long last, we've made a forgery
armor of some sort. The elf's dirty black robes no of their enigmatic leader's documents."
doubt had served him well to get into the city, as they "This document, a message for Karoxfang, was
resembled the simple garments that the servants penned by our very finest sages, elves who have
were given to wear. devoted almost a century to learning the Lady's hand.
Raug looked at the rag­tag robes and smiled. The sages have testified to its veracity, and it has
"Had you any trouble getting into the city?" passed trial deliveries through several Dark Folk
Venedal grinned in reply, and his green eyes outposts."
sparkled with mischief. "This forgery will spur Karoxfang into motion and
"None at all; one simple cantrip and these lead him to where we need him to be. You are to
buffoons think me to be the fellow that they were plant this where it will reach the general by accepted
drinking with just last night. It seems as if they have means, in a fortnight's time."
no aptitude for our arts, or perhaps they're merely The elf's eyes sparkled slightly as if he felt the
stupid." excitement of their plans coming to fruition.
Raug nodded to accept the point, then shook his "We will be ready."
head. Raug's amazement was evident on his face. That
"You're right on that, but still be wary. The the elves had planned such a thing to happen during
commoners in Stor­gris are indeed fools. The dark his lifetime was incredible, indeed. The scroll
ones that inhabit the towers, well, I'm afraid they're weighed heavily on his person, perhaps due to its
much more intelligent than we expected." importance more than its actual weight. With it,
Raug stepped further into the tiny room and Raug's doubt returned in full force, and he thought
looked about. A small bedroll was unfurled in one about the immense amount of trust that the elves
corner, and a simple desk with a lantern was the only had placed in him.
other piece of furniture that adorned the room. Raug Grimly, Raug nodded his understanding, and the
smile wryly. two brothers in purpose clasped wrists.
"I see that you've taken only the best "It will be done, brother. Until I see you again,
accommodations, as usual." may Tal­Allustiel guide your steps."
Venedal shrugged and grinned at the man's Venedal repeated the saying and turned to guide
obvious sarcasm. Raug out of the door. Without another word, the half­
"My stay is only for this night, my friend. I'm to orc pulled his cowl up and over once again and
bring you this, and then to return to our people." stepped out into the dark alleyway of the common
Raug beamed at the mention of “our” people, his district of Stor­gris. With a quick look in both
breath taken away yet again at the kindness and directions, he started off, heading back towards the
acceptance that had been offered to him by the elves. main tower of the massive fortress. He stifled a yawn
He watched as Venedal reached into his voluminous as he considered what he still must do that night, for
robes and extracted a scroll in a glass tube. The elf he had no idea what the "conventional" means were
handed it over with a nod, and Raug tucked it away to get a missive from the most feared agent of
in his own robe, barely giving it a second glance. Vornoth to her second in command.

World of Farland: War of Immortals

Reaching a thick stone door low in the depths of

the Undercity, Raug leaned over to look past General
Jorung. A guide, himself a hobgoblin sergeant,
unlocked a series of bolts and pushed the door in. A
grating sound soon followed as the portal swung in
on its pivots. Gritting his teeth at the noise, Raug
followed the two hobgoblins inside and into a dark
The sergeant pushed past to shut and lock the
door behind the trio. Raug's stomach tightened even
further as the door scraped shut and any hopes of
escape were dashed. The bolt slammed into place,
thrown by the powerful hobgoblin, and the sound
made Raug start slightly. Thankfully, neither the
general nor the sergeant noticed.
The hobgoblin snorted as he stepped into the lead.
He motioned for the general and servant to follow
and stalked away without waiting.
The trio continued down the corridor, with little
light save torch sconces set several dozen feet apart.
The hall was quite possibly kept dim on purpose to
hide the inhabitants of the small cells that lined
either side.
Raug, his curiosity overruling his good judgment,
wandered closer to a cell, peering into its depths. A
shadowy figure stirred in the darkness, but Raug
simply couldn't make out its features.

 With two thudding steps and a loud bang, the

creature closed the distance across its cell and
reached through the bars with a massive arm. The

T he mission that mighty Karoxfang had given

Raug and his master had taken them into the
depths of the Undercity, to the large, inner sanctum
open­handed swipe missed Raug by scant inches, and
the half­orc stumbled backwards in shock. As he
backpedaled, his feet interfered with each other, and
of the great general himself. he plopped down on his backside. Raug stared up in
They had received the summons only a day and a open­mouthed surprise at the beast that reached out
half after Jorung's discussion with the half­fiend and from within the cell. The creature's head was
had left in a hurry. Raug now followed behind his distended and misshapen, with bones and skin
massive hobgoblin master, as the latter's heavy boots sticking out at odd angles. Two smaller heads hung
pounded a rhythm through the stone halls. Raug lifelessly from boneless necks on either shoulder of
soon found himself marching with the cadence, his the beast, which looked to have once been an orc. The
steps falling in tune with his master's. The half­orc creature had one massive and thickly muscled arm,
shook his head as he caught himself and purposefully which he had used to swipe at Raug; its other arm
changed his steps to differ from the hobgoblin's. was gaunt and skeletal. The thing moaned in pain,

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

anger, or even hunger, and its oozing sores left a

viscous trail as it backed away from the bars and fell
deep into the shadows of the cell.
In Part 2 of the story, Raug learns
Jorung chuckled at his servant's misfortune.
about the terrible creatures that the
"Muahaha!! Ol' shoulder­ead almost got a hol' of
evil overlords of Stor­gris have
ya', ya' runt! Best not to be pokin' round in what's not
created to use in the war against the
yer own business, 'specially in this place. Now, git off
elves. He is tasked to train them,
yer ass!"
but can he do so without giving
Raug shot the general a look that could stone an
himself away?
ogre, but Jorung had already turned away.
Thankfully, Raug thought to himself, as he
considered the greater good that he represented.
A knowing grin creased the hobgoblin sergeant's
face as he motioned further down the corridor with a bunks set up closely together. The creatures stared at
slight tilt of his head. their visitors with intelligent eyes, many even taking
"If yer done playin', then." a few steps towards the thick bars.
Raug cast one baleful look back at the cell of Raug took an involuntary step back at the sight.
"shoulder­ead" and moved swiftly to follow his two Not only did the orcs appear to be intelligent, they
companions. moved with a deadly grace, and they were larger even
The trio encountered many more of the horrors as than the general Jorung, who happened to be the
they continued down the corridor, but Raug's fear largest hobgoblin that Raug had ever seen. Raug's
and common sense forced back any urge to eyes widened as he thought about poor Venedal, and
investigate their cells more closely. He did, his other elven brothers and sisters and what these
nonetheless, stare in wonder as he considered just massive creatures would do to them.
what he had gotten himself into. Sometimes when General Jorung, mistaking Raug's fear for wonder,
the rare torches cast pools of light on the cells, he grinned at his servant. He looked back at the orcs as
could see into them clearly: lumbering giants, the he spoke.
size of ogres, stooped low with misshapen bodies and "Behold General Karoxfang's newest creation: the
extra limbs; orcs burdened by the bulk of extra heads Oluk. Mighty orcs that have none of the weaknesses
or useless, twig­like limbs. Even a few formerly of lesser orcs." Raug’s jaw dropped open in shock and
human creatures were locked away in the cells, now despair.
creatures with massive sores that seemed to The next few days and nights proved to be
incessantly ooze vile, clear pus. particularly trying to the half­orc, for Raug allowed
As Raug began to seriously consider that he might himself little or no sleep. During the morning hours,
be being led to his doom, the hobgoblin brought he stalked the halls of the outer towers of the
them to another massive, stone door. The guide fortress, finding and following the path of missives
unlocked it and Raug followed the two large that were brought to the ruler of Stor­gris. During
hobgoblins inside. the day and early night hours, Raug was in the
If the corridor outside had disgusted Raug, then Undercity, training the Oluk orcs in knowledge of
the sight inside of the chamber into which he had magic and its effects.
entered thoroughly chilled him to the bone. For, on The half­orc was torn as he showed the beasts the
the other side of thick, iron bars, dozens, perhaps power of the simple cantrip, the strength of an arcane
hundreds of hulking orcish creatures stood about shield, and even the shock of a grip charged with

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

arcane power. And still the oluk orcs stood firm, oluks would do to his mentor to know what had to be
remained confident, and­­worst of all­­they learned. done.
Karoxfang's newest warriors grew stronger and more So during those several days that turned into a
intelligent with each passing day, and Raug was week, then more, Raug continued to teach the oluks.
sorely tempted to refuse to train them. But to lose his However, he managed to turn the lessons more to his
cover at such a crucial time... it would be liking, using only his least powerful incantations. He
unacceptable to the elves. They would see the greater explained to the oluks that this was the extent of a
good behind delivering the missive, and Raug knew mage's power, which brought about derisive sneers at
they were right. the lack of capabilities. Raug kept the oluks from
So the half­orc servant continued to train the learning the true power and secrets of the arcane in
creatures in knowledge of magic, as Jorung trained hopes that they would be ill prepared for the elves.
them in battle and war. The oluks took to their Luckily, none of the fortress’ lesser leaders had
teachings as if they were bred to be warriors, as they inquired enough about his teachings to notice his
obviously were. It was rumored that they were a deception, and Karoxfang hadn't deemed it necessary
combination of human, orc, and ogre, bred through to check up on it...yet.
years of experiments, experiments whose dark side After days and nights of teaching in the vast halls
effects Raug had no desire to see again. of the Undercity, the day he had been preparing for
As he instructed the dark race, Raug reflected on had finally come. Raug, dressed in his typical robes
his own teachings, on how Sage Finnial of House and with his cowl pulled low, stood in a long line of
Nustra had begun with simple stories at Raug's messengers bearing documents from the troops in
young age. the Hinterlands, and as far as the Wintervale in the
The great Sage was ancient even when Raug was a east. Near the head of the line, a hobgoblin sergeant
youth, and would probably outlast the half­orc by a collected the documents from the messengers and
century or more before he went over the sea, but he sent them on their way.
took the child in as if he were his own. Raug always Raug uttered a foul curse that he had heard from
found it disconcerting that Finnial looked as young as Jorung as he stared at the hobgoblin­­ the same
he did, although the weary look in his eyes betrayed sergeant that had guided him through the Undercity
his real age. many days ago. With five people in line before him,
The golden­haired sage's stories were always Raug chewed his lip as his mind churned through a
different but often featured some hero from long ago. dozen different scenarios in his mind. None seemed
Having done a great deed or won a great victory, the to end with his survival.
hero would issue a shout of victory or exultation. It Spotting a small goblin set away from the main
took Raug months to realize that the heroes only line, not twenty feet away, Raug slipped out of line.
used a few select phrases that never seemed to differ. He stopped and cursed himself, however, as he heard
Soon enough, the young half­orc realized that he'd the hobgoblin's voice.
been memorizing spells and didn't even know it. "Ey, where ya' goin'? Got sumpthin' to report, er
Great Sage Finnial had a vast array of tricks for not?"
learning and remembering spells, concentrating on a Raug grimaced at the attention and kept his back
single point or task, and even using ancient devices to the hobgoblin. He turned slightly to speak over his
that stored arcane energy. The elder elf taught Raug shoulder.
all of these things, and he loved the bastard half­orc "Seems like I've gotten into the wrong line,
like a son. master. I was looking for the infantry headquarters."
Raug had to do little but envision what the vicious The hobgoblin snorted and chuckled at Raug's

World of Farland: War of Immortals

statement. The half­orc could feel the sergeant's documents that came in for the fortress. Silently
beady eyes boring into his back. thanking Tal­Allustiel for his fortune, Raug swiftly
"You ain't fer infantry, son...'less you put some left the line and motioned for the goblin, who stood
meat on ya! Maybe you should look for the tailors or leaning against a far wall. Raug flipped a silver coin
cooks headquarters...that'd be more your speed." in the air as he passed, and the goblin's eyes widened
The hobgoblin chuckled again, even as Raug's with greed as he turned to follow.
mind raced, searching for a way out of the Coming to a small alley, Raug turned, and the
predicament. His salvation, it seemed, came from the goblin approached. As the little creature got closer,
high­pitched voice of a tiny kobold at the front of the Raug whispered a few practiced words in the
line. language of the arcane. The goblin opened his mouth
"Missa', I needs ta' 'git back." to speak but closed it as the spell took effect. His eyes
The kobold held up a rolled bunch of papers in his glazed over, and he smiled at Raug as if he had found
scaly, brown hand, and he waved it in the face of the a long lost brother.
hobgoblin sergeant in an effort to get his attention. Raug, wasting no time, handed the important
The sergeant snarled as he looked down at the missive over to the goblin.
kobold, and his meaty hand whipped across to snatch "Friend, I ask a great task of you; would you
away the papers. undertake such a thing for me?"
"Damn, dirty snog! Fine then, you've delivered At the little goblin's eager nod, Raug continued.
your papers, now stand aside!" "This document is vital to the success of Stor­gris,
Just like that, Raug was quickly forgotten as the your very home. It is a message direct from the White
hobgoblin turned back to cycling through the line of Lady, and it must not fall into the wrong hands.

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

Please, will you wait in the far line and deliver this to
the imperious hobgoblin at its head? I'd not ask this
of anyone else­­I trust you implicitly."
The goblin nodded again, and his skinny chest
swelled with pride.
"Tell the hobgoblin that you discovered this on a
messenger's body outside of the city, and you deemed
it important. I knew that I could trust you, friend."
Raug smiled widely as the goblin gave a pathetic
salute and turned to hurry off in the direction of the
The half­orc followed at a distance and stopped
when he had a clear view of the line. His grin
widened, though it was mostly hidden in the shadows
of his cowl, as he watched the goblin carry out his
instructions to perfection.
Once the deed was done, the goblin walked back
proudly, in search of his friend. In time the little
creature had forgotten whom it was he searched for
and what, exactly, he had done for him.
Raug could only guess at how word of the Lady’s
missive traveled through the stone halls of Stor­gris
so quickly. Within no more than an hour, Karoxfang
the Vile called a meeting and all generals were
ordered to attend.
Raug was admitted as Jorung's manservant, as
was Bozzurak's man, the brooding human. The room The White Lady herself has decreed that this force
was tense, and Karoxfang's abrupt arrival and the must be destroyed and, to do so, I must personally
sense of urgency with which he moved did little to lead a block of our strongest troops against our vile
assuage concerns. paleskin foes. I leave today, no later, and the
The great form of the half­fiend dwarfed all in his maintenance of this city will rest in the hands of your
presence, save General Jorung. Even though the council until my return."
hobgoblin general almost rivaled Karoxfang in Karoxfang's decree was news to one.
stature, Jorung wisely lowered his head in deference Raug's eyes were wide at the prospect; their plan had
to his ruler. worked! The first step had been taken in dismantling
Karoxfang chose not to sit as he entered the center the great machine of Stor­gris.
of the semi­circle, instead glaring at the assembled The half­orc's excitement turned to his usual
military leaders as he paced ever so slightly back and worry as he gazed upon the mighty figure of
forth. His voice, though raspy, could still be heard Karoxfang. Who could stand against such a foe? Raug
clearly among all of the gathered attendants. feared for his elven brethren, knowing full well that
"Gathered generals, our forces are on the move. To many would lose their lives in the coming ambush.
the north, a resistance stirs, and it is apparently one Karoxfang answered a few quick and to the point
that our great leader would not have us take lightly. questions and then turned to leave the chamber.

World of Farland: War of Immortals


L ife in the fortress of Stor­gris

continued in Karoxfang's absence
much as it had when the half­fiend had
been present. General Jorung, being one
of the highest­ranking officials in the
city, was handling more of the mundane
tasks, and they served to bore the
hobgoblin warrior nearly to death. He
was up well into the morning hours
tending to correspondence after
correspondence and assailing Raug with
a seemingly endless string of curses
directed at the levels of bureaucracy that
had seemed to take over the city­
Thus, the massive general and Raug
were awake when there came a
pounding on the bedchamber door two
mornings after Karoxfang's departure. Jorung looked
up from his table as Raug crossed the room to pull
open the door. An orc messenger, slight of body for
his race, peeked his head around the door.
"General Bozzurak has requested your presence at
a meeting of vital importance, great General."
The orc's voice was high­pitched and nasal, and
Raug's teeth were set on edge merely hearing him
speak a single sentence. He hoped that the messenger
had nothing else to say. Luckily, the orc obliged by
taking his leave, obviously figuring that his message
was delivered and thus his work was done.
Raug's eyes followed his form, only to be caught up Jorung's bloodshot eyes narrowed at the orc's
by another. His eyes locked with those of the retreating figure, however, as he stood up from the
mysterious human servant, who was staring at him... table and began to don his ceremonial armor. He
again! nodded to Raug, and the half­orc fell into line behind
The human grinned wickedly as Raug's eyes met his master as both turned to follow the already
his. Raug turned away swiftly and looked to General departing orc messenger.
Jorung for direction. The hobgoblin was the last to The heavy boots of Jorung rang louder than those
file out of the council chamber, but Raug made of either of his companions as the trio made their
certain not to lock eyes with the enigmatic human way through the vast stone chambers. Many slept
again. through the daylight hours, having just crept back

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

into their rooms from a night of debauchery, torture scabbard, always at the ready.
shows, or fighting; thus, the halls were mostly empty. "What are you about, orc?"
Raug's nervousness increased with every step that Kahn appeared to be calm, even in the presence of
the group took, and it tripled when they stepped into Jorung's intimidating figure. He smiled as he stalked
the council chamber to see General Kahn Bozzurak, closer, and yellowed tusks protruded from the
standing in his plain, battle­tested armor. corners of his mouth.
No less than half a dozen of Kahn's guards lined "I should ask you the same, General Jorung. For,
the inside of the chamber, each glaring intently at the it seems like you and your half­breed have been
newest arrivals. busy."
Worse yet, the orc general's human servant was in Raug's heart sank as his fears rang true: he was
the room as well, leaning somewhat nonchalantly discovered. The fear that had threatened to
against a far wall. The man still wore an arrogant overwhelm him for years built up behind his flimsy
grin, and he fidgeted idly with a clasp at his belt. wall of control. As Raug's heart pounded faster and
General Jorung stopped after entering the room, beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, Raug
and his gaze fell down to Bozzurak's armor and the realized that he was on the brink of being consumed
heavy sword at his side. The general looked ready for by those fears. He looked to Jorung, but the general
war, not a simple meeting. General Jorung's was busy glaring at Kahn, staring him down. Raug's
eyebrows furrowed in confusion. eyes, instead, strayed to the human servant, who was
"What's this?" grinning even wider now as he seemed to enjoy
The massive hobgoblin's hand went swiftly to his Raug's discomfort.
side, where his ceremonial sword rested in its bronze Raug turned back to the two generals as Jorung

World of Farland: War of Immortals

clammy, and he put them behind his back so as not

to show their trembling.
In Part 3 of the story, Raug's Suddenly, something strange happened within the
secret is discovered. He finds half­orc. Thoughts of his failure disappeared from his
himself fighting for his life back­to­ mind and were replaced with visions of his happiness
back with an unlikely ally... his when he was with the elves of the Sarumvest. During
hobgoblin master. Will he be able to his training in their home, Raug had been tested and
escape alive? And what is to become worked, without a doubt. But he also considered it to
of the dread Karoxfang? be the most joyous time of his life. He thought of
those he would never see again if they fell to
Karoxfang's and Stor­gris' might. He thought of his
sage mentor and of Venedal. He thought of the pale
light of the moon when it shimmered over the clear,
drew himself up to his full stature, which would be cool waters of the Lake of the Swan. More than
imposing to nearly anyone. anything, he thought of how all that he loved would
"Busy perhaps, but in the name of our great ruler! be stamped out like the ashes of a dying fire when the
You should remember your place, orc. There are forces of Stor­gris came through. It had to end!
some plans of the mighty Karoxfang that you're not A dangerous calm came over Raug's features as his
privy to." training took over and pushed any wisp of fear from
Kahn merely smiled, and he turned to look at his mind. His course became as clear as the waters of
Raug. The half­orc squirmed under the general's the Lake, and his jaw set in resolve. With his hands
gaze, much to Kahn's delight. He chuckled to himself. still behind his back, Raug reached into a concealed
"It seems as if even you have been duped, General pouch and pulled out a small pinch of a dry
Jorung. Perhaps your servant is more resourceful substance. Rubbing the dried serpent tongue
than I had thought. The half­breed has you fooled." between his fingers, Raug activated the substance's
Kahn stepped even closer to Raug as he spoke, and properties with the natural oils of his skin, and the
General Jorung looked from one orc­kin to the other potential power of the spell component tingled in his
as Kahn closed the distance. The latter continued to hand. Suddenly, he sprang forward, pointing at
speak as he stalked forward. General Bozzurak, though his eyes were always on
His guards, meanwhile, moved to flank Jorung, Jorung.
obviously viewing the immense hobgoblin as the "My Lord, can't you see? He plots against
most immediate threat. Karoxfang and has brought you here to usurp your
"Karoxfang left Stor­gris, indeed. But he walks rule! With you and Karoxfang removed, he plans to
into an ambush, an ambush that your man here rule Stor­gris!"
helped to set up. This one is on the wrong side, Raug's words were enforced by the power of his
General Jorung. By the use of a forged document, spell, an implanted suggestion, and the seed of doubt
this fellow has sent our great leader to his doom." immediately began to grow in Jorung's mind.
Jorung's gaze snapped up to meet Raug's as Needing no more than that little doubt to believe
Kahn's accusation was finally laid bare. The massive Raug over his hated rival, Jorung turned to Kahn, his
hobgoblin stared intently into Raug's eyes, searching face frozen in rage.
for the truth. The orc, seeing the change, drew his sword with a
Raug's mouth went dry under the scrutiny, and he hiss and took a wide stance to meet the potential
licked his lips in nervousness. His hands grew attack of the mighty hobgoblin general. The guards of

Secrets of a Dark Fortress

Kahn's retinue acted just as quickly, darting towards Immediately after the darts left Raug's hands, he
the sides of Jorung to restrain or perhaps kill the was in motion again, pointing at the next standing
mighty hobgoblin. Their swords caught and reflected orc. At the half­orc's whispered command, his
the flickering light of the numerous torch sconces enemy's body contorted and changed before the
about the chamber as they burst into action. astonished eyes of his companions. In mere seconds,
Raug, seeing the guards in motion, took a small a small rat was all that was left of the former guard.
crystal rod from his pouch and rubbed it quickly on Raug charged forward towards the remaining orc
the sleeve of his robe. Feeling the tingle of static and stomped on the rat in the process, spreading its
forming on the rod, the half­orc whispered a few guts all over the stone floor. Raug's eyes never
words in the language of the arcane and lifted his wavered from his next enemy, and the remaining orc
hand to point two fingers, each at a different guard. A backed away, his sword held up in defense. The orc's
bolt of white­hot lightning burst from each of Raug's eyes showed his very real fear as he was confronted
two extended fingers and slammed into the guards by the mage wielding powerful elven magic.
with a deafening boom. Light from the twin bolts of Raug stopped just out of range of the orc, and the
electricity outlined the room, and all within saw spots guard swung his sword haphazardly, to try and keep
from the bright force of the spell. The guards were the mage at bay. Raug, however, proved too quick,
flung away from Jorung by the power of the blow and and he grasped the trailing hand of the orc before he
slammed into the far wall, where they fell to the could retract it. With a few quick words, the air about
floor, smoking and lifeless. the mage tingled with energy, and the hair on his
Raug relished the sensation as arcane power body stood on end. With a sharp crackling sound, his
coursed through his body. His eyes grew wide as he hand glowed bright blue as energy transferred from
stood tall and straight, a figure of pure confidence. him to the orc. The orc arched his back and dropped
He was no longer the frightened half­breed child of his sword as he screamed out in pain, every inch of
old. Instead, he was the elven­trained wizard who his body being shocked by the intense power of
had been chosen for a task of great importance. Raug's spell. The orc jerked with spasms strong
Roaring in rage, Jorung crossed the distance enough to crack his bones and then finally fell to the
between himself and Kahn in two bounds. He batted ground, dead.
the orc's sword away with a calloused hand and lifted
Kahn up by his throat. Jorung continued his charge
through the orc and drove his opponent against the
far stone wall of the council chamber. A sharp
expulsion of air followed as the wind was blown from
his lungs. At least one crack was audible in the room
as Kahn's ribs broke under the pressure.
The four remaining guards, left standing
dumbfounded at the speed of Jorung, moved to
attack the hobgoblin's flank. Raug's magic, however,
intercepted the orcs. He pointed at one and uttered a
quick trigger word. Instantly, five darts of green
energy flew from his fingertips to pound into the
orc's side. The force of the blasts sent the creature
stumbling into his nearest companion and both hit
the floor in a tangle.
Secrets of a Dark Fortress

Raug turned from the defeated guards and looked human's appearance wavered and began to change.
to Kahn's human servant, prepared to stop him from His clothes began to turn into black shiny scales, his
helping his master. To his surprise, the human arms extended, and ended in sharp talons, and his
merely grinned and watched with excitement as the eyes, formerly the dark eyes of a brooding human,
mighty Jorung crushed the life from his master. began to look like the eyes of a deadly serpent.
Once the orc's thrashing ceased, Jorung dropped The words to a spell died on Raug's lips as the
his now­lifeless body and turned to face the two creature plunged razor sharp talons through his
servants. As the three stared at one another, silence chest. Blood erupted from the half­orc's back in a
reigned throughout the massive chamber. After fountain, and his vision wavered as his body grew
several seconds, the silence was broken... by cold. Raug's last, dying vision was the deadly calm of
clapping. the serpent­eyes of a terrible black dragon. As that
Raug looked at the human in astonishment as the vision blurred, Raug felt much like the lonely, little
man slowly but steadily applauded Jorung's victory. half­breed of years before, hiding in the corner of the
The human's voice cut through the silence as he empty stable.
calmly walked towards the hobgoblin general. The carnage in the council chamber that day was
"Well done, great General. I knew that a pawn soon forgotten, as even darker news assailed the city­
such as Bozzurak wouldn't stand up to your might. fortress of Stor­gris: Raug's secret was kept, and
You and your servant have both done a great service Karoxfang's army walked blindly into an ambush in
in bringing about a new reign. Alas, no remnants of the far north.
the old can remain. I'm sure that you understand." Elven historians kept a vivid record of what
Jorung looked to Raug, confusion evident on his happened in the deep canyon in which Karoxfang had
face. Finding no answers on the half­orc's shocked fallen. Their descriptions of the battle stand to this
visage, Jorung turned back to the human just in time day, a testament to the victory that their cunning had
to see the man's hand darting towards him. The wrought.
human moved with blinding speed, plunging his rigid According to such histories, the elves of the
fingertips through Jorung's throat. With a strong jerk Sarumvest, adept in the ways of the arcane, duped
of his arm, Kahn’s former servant pulled back and the forces of Karoxfang into a trap. The falsified
ripped away skin and arteries from the hobgoblin's missive had detailed a meeting of leaders of the elves,
neck. Blood gushed from Jorung's throat as he and those leaders, or what appeared to be the
gurgled his final, dying words. Alas, the words were leaders, were found right where Karoxfang was told
unintelligible, as the hobgoblin's windpipe was torn that they would be.
apart. Had Karoxfang not been so proud and arrogant,
The human turned his attention from the dying he might have seen through the illusion before it was
general before his body even hit the floor, and Raug too late. However, he didn't, and the small force from
backpedaled as the dark man advanced upon him. Stor­gris chased what they had thought to be a
Raug's training, extensive tutelage from the sages of handful of elven leaders into a deep valley, rimmed
Alustel, was again lost to his terror­addled mind. His on both sides by high stone cliffs.
confidence, which was absolute mere moments ago, After entering the canyon, Karoxfang realized his
wavered and broke in the face of the approaching error only too late. The image of the retreating elves
figure. Raug cursed to himself as he backed away, shimmered and took on the form of orcs, gagged and
wondering what sort of creature could kill the great bound, running from their own kin. The retreating
general so quickly. orcs must have been duped as well, for they glanced
As he looked at the approaching form, the about in confusion as the first drums beat around the

World of Farland: War of Immortals

rim of the canyon. With practiced formations, a

thousand dwarves lined the ridge, crossbows and
slings at the ready. The dwarves, warned of the
approaching force from Stor­gris by an elven priest,
had been in position, waiting for several hours. The
dwarves were backed up by elven archers.
The massacre commenced, with bolts, bullets, and
stones hurled down on the enemies below. Soon
enough, only Karoxfang the Vile still stood against
the onslaught. The half­fiend hurled deadly bolts of
arcane energy at his attackers and ran through any
dwarf or elf who ventured too close. The great
general flapped his wings to try and leave the ground,
but their thin membranes were torn by the rain of
piercing missiles from above. It was said that no less
than a hundred bodies lay dead at the half­fiend's
feet when Karoxfang was finally brought down.
For quite some time, chaos ruled in Stor­gris. The
vacuum of power left behind by Karoxfang's death
had many Dark Folk leaders at each other's throats.
It was one man, formerly a servant to General Kahn
Bozzurak, who took the reins of the powerful western
armies of the White Lady. That was how Bardanax
the Voracious, mighty black dragon, came to rule the
powerful kingdom of Stor­gris.

 Lord Dalanuil of House Aradune, elven

 general responsible for war in the

Hinterlands: This blond elf favors fine clothes, but
 he usually fights and rides with his men, so his
clothes are invariably dusty and stained. He is
personally a good fighter as well as being a strategic
 general. His loyalties, however, ultimately lie with
House Aradune, although he would die before he lost
Elvenking Dalos of House Glorale, king in the war to the Dark Folk for political reasons.
Alustel: The silver­haired King Dalos is a wise, far­
sighted ruler. The reality of the looming war sits Lord Yeltinir of House Haran, high captain
heavily on his shoulders, occupying his time and responsible for defense of the Sarumvest: This
driving him to distraction. As such, he has little time thin, chestnut­haired elf is a surprisingly capable
for much else, especially for what he views as the warrior. He reports directly to the Elvenking, but his
petty politics of Alustel. Those who are lucky enough political loyalties lie with the Interventionists and
to catch his ear while he is distracted often gain House Tifwing.
temporary political favors through absent­minded
royal decrees. Captain Olas of House Tifwing, undercaptain
serving under Yeltinir: Captain Olas is a thickly
Cúon, called the Strongbow, elven hero: This muscled elf with dark hair. He is the right­hand man
lithe archer has black hair and dark eyes. Cúon’s of Lord Yeltinir and is known for his unwavering
appearance is unassuming, for he is neither muscular loyalty, first to the elven species, then to Lord
nor thin. His skill with a bow is unrivaled, and he is Yeltinir, and last to House Tifwing.
nearly as good with the elven greatsword he carries.
Many orcs have learned these facts the hard way Lord Cirock of House Aradune: Lord Cirock is a
—and it’s the last thing they ever learned. tall, handsome elf with shining blond hair. He has a
striking bearing, but his face is stubborn and hard as
Lord Halin, Captain of Elven Intelligence: flint. Perhaps the most politically important elf in
Sandy­haired Lord Halin of House Valleron is the Alustel (besides king Dalos), the amoral Lord Cirock
head spymaster of the Sarumvest. He has a very is the head of the Isolationist faction.
average face for an elf, and one that others tend to
forget. He uses this to his advantage. He has no taste Lord Curuval of House Tifwing: A regal, proud
for combat but is not above ordering others to do elf, the noble Lord Curuval is, as the head of House
ruthless deeds. He has no political allegiance save to Tifwing, nearly as politically powerful as Lord Cirock.
the elven throne. He has a beneficent personality and heads the
Interventionist faction in Alustel.
Captain Venedal, elven ranger and spy:
Captain Venedal of House Rolomin is a good­looking Lord Galdin Palantar of House Mithaleil,
elf who wears his copper hair in an unusual style famous bard: Lord Galdin Palantar (which means
—cropped short. A master agent and spy, Venedal is “Famed One”) has raven hair. He generally bears no
intelligent, brave, and capable. Rumor has it that he weapons, though he is a capable warrior, but he is
has ventured into the very fortress of Stor­gris itself. never found without his silver harp. His gaze bears
He is close friends with Lord Halin. the weight of centuries or millenia.

Cirith of House Glorale, Lord of Loraglin: The 
ashen­haired Lord Cirith seems on the surface to be a
dandy. He is a bit effete and wears fancy clothes and Walin IV, King in Wawmar: This hunchbacked
perfume. But this is an act. Since his city lies near the dwarven king is known for being a linguist. He is
border of the Sarumvest, he spends much of his time quite an intelligent dwarf, and though he was never a
on security and works closely with Lord Halin and warrior, he has proven to be a more­than­able ruler,
Captain Venedal. His outward appearance disarms for he has a talent for surrounding himself with
his political opponents and causes them to capable advisors. He is also extremely hard to dupe.
underestimate him. He possesses the fabled sword Undamar, "Law
Keeper," yet has never used it in battle.
Dalanuil of House Glorale, Lord of Calador:
The effete Lord Dalanuil rules Calador, which his Uzaghan Heavyhammer, dwarven hero: This
house has ruled for more than two millenia. His heavily muscled dwarf bears the magical hammer
primary concern is seeing that his city continues to Radagrim, "Answerer." He is the king’s body guard,
make the best wine possible. He has few concerns and serves him loyally, though he often begs King
beyond this. Walin to be allowed to march with the army. The
King is loath to let him go but has difficulty denying
Lady Yana of House Tifwing, Lady of Lannael: his close friend.
The comely and canny Lady Yana rules Lannael, the
only elven community that is truly multicultural. Morin Strongshield, dwarven general
Lady Yana reflects something of the traits of her town responsible for war in the Hinterlands: This
—she can be elegant, efficient, economically bald dwarf is an expert juggler, and indeed he is
proficient, or ruthless, as the case demands. As the usually juggling nearby objects. One of the
leader of a trading post, Yana appreciates and Shieldfolk, he is at home without walls of stone
respects other races and cultures in a way that few closing him in. He has an uncanny sense for troop
other elves do. movements and can often predict the tactics of the
enemy down to the placement of the individual
Nariena of House Neldiril, Lady of Emerain: soldier.
Lady Nariena took over the rule of Emerain after her
husband, a hero of the Battle of Thunder Pass, sailed Norin the Sanctified, High Priest of Khuldul
west. She has proved to be an even more capable in Wawmar: This exceptionally ugly dwarf is called
ruler than her husband. She often rides forth from the Sanctified for a reason. Besides being the High
her city, her mahogany hair flowing behind her as she Priest of the great church, he truly seems to be
leads orc hunts. blessed by the gods. He has never lost a bet, is
constantly finding money and lost possessions, and
Singul of House Rolomin, Lord of Palahan: A many times has avoided injury by happenstance. His
paragon of high elvenhood, Lord Singul is soft­ habit of taking a very long time to make decisions has
spoken, wise, and brave. He distinguished himself at given him a reputation for wisdom, deserved or not.
the battle of Thunder Pass, where he lost part of his
arm. Yet he was among the first to volunteer to found Lord Tordrun Firebeard, head of Clan
the Satellite Cities. He keeps an unceasing watch on Blacksilver: Lord Firebeard, ironically, has a long
the Wintervale, but, though he will admit it to no black beard. He is a proud, amoral dwarf who heads
one, he is feeling the coming of the Numasal. clan Blacksilver, a politically powerful but corrupt

clan. The clan has connections to organized crime as Gistor­Bol, gnomish general responsible for
well as dark secrets in the person of Nár the White. war in the Hinterlands: The brother of Gorant,
Interestingly, Lord Tordrun Firebeard is a talented Gistor is a more typical Crown gnome. He looks
sculptor. almost like a smaller dwarf. As the gnomish general,
his primary strategy is often to hide, although he
Kurin Strongheart, Lord of Zigil: This old dwarf makes good use of sabotage and subterfuge.
never puts on airs, and in fact often works in the
mines alongside the common dwarves. This accounts Dorfa­Sag: This small gnome, mother of the famed
for the fact that his clothes, hair, and bear are usually inventor Zenko­Sag, serves as the unofficial leader of
covered in rock dust. He is friendly but gruff. He is the Fairy gnome community that lives outside of
among the least politically connected of dwarf lords, Haltulontelim. She is brave and straightforward,
but the dwarf King respects him for his honesty and even on occasion going so far as to tell King Gorant
straightforward mannerisms, and this has stood him to be quiet. Rumor has it that she has a cat’s tail, but
in good stead so far. if so, she wears it inside her clothes.

Balan Swiftshot, Lord of Felek: This thin, tall

(for a dwarf) lord is exceptionally proud of his beard,
and wears it waxed, coifed, and perfumed. He is quite
superstitious, but he doesn’t let his superstitions Chief Tella Buggle, chief of the Hills: Chief Tella
affect his rule of his community. is known for having an extremely loud voice and
exceptionally hairy feet. That being said, there is
Runin Deepminer, Lord of Baraz: Lord Runin nothing funny or frivolous about him. He is all
lost his left eye in a fight with orcs while he was a business, especially when it comes to keeping his
young dwarf. He is friendly to all races and seems to community safe. No living halfling can remember
have an especial affinity for gnomes and halflings. As him telling a joke or laughing at one.
the ruler of the southernmost community in the
kingdom of Wawmar, he watches the borders and Carl Ted Galabas, halfling hero and
works closely with the Kunindaz, the dwarven border strongman: Carl Ted is a halfling that is as
rangers. muscular as the average dwarf. Among halflings, he
is a true oddity. He is known for being quick to anger
—once breaking the neck of a marauding orc who
 stole his pig—as well as quick to tears. His wife often
teases him for crying at weddings and birthday
King Gorant­Bol, ruler of Haltulontelim: This parties. Still, though he is emotional, he will come at
Crown Gnome has wild white hair that juts in all a moment’s notice to fight any threat that the Hills
directions. He has a habit of speaking quickly and faces, and do it with a stoic demeanor (until he gets
constantly, even speaking while others speak. This back home).
gives the impression of peculiarity, even senility, but
nothing could be further from the truth. Strangely, Hildo Mari Merriman: Hildo is a lithe, quick eyed
he never misses or forgets anything anyone says, and halfling matron who rules the hidden shire of the
in fact has quite a shrewd mind. Western Delvings. Her policy is to keep her people
out of site. She likes gnomes and doesn’t mind elves,
but she bears a grudge against dwarves.

 General Malekk Jorung: An obese hobgoblin, his
outward appearance disguises his political and
physical might. He long ago distinguished himself on
Antinus, a human warlord and chief of the the battlefield, for few in Stor­gris can take on a
tribe of Aelfarus: This grizzled old human wears leadership position without doing so. He is intensely
his gray hair in a braid that extends to his waist, loyal to Karoxfang, and hates every other important
indicating that he is undefeated in personal combat. Dark Folk being in the Kingdom of Stor­gris. He is
He isn’t a direct descendent of the founder of his surprisingly canny, with a natural understanding of
tribe. His father seized leadership of the tribe by schemes and machinations.
main strength, and Antinus was able to hold on to it.
General Kahn Bozzurak: A tall orc who
Alexie, chief of the tribe of Alexandros: Alexie distinguished himself in the wars in the Hinterlands,
walks with a limp, the result of a broken leg that he has recently been promoted to general. Those who
never healed properly. He is known for his meet him don’t discern anything special about him,
philandering and his skill with a javelin. He is not a but he always seems to make canny political and
great melee fighter, but usually he can manage to military decisions. Those who know him would swear
drop foes with his javelin before they get close that someone else does his thinking for him, but if
enough to engage him. that’s true, whom it could be is unknown.

Ilda Wise­One, Deep Marsh human leader: Nez­Todarg, hobgoblin steward of the
This matriarch of the largest community of Deep fortress of Stor­gris: A thin, ape­like hobgoblin,
Marsh humans is so wrinkled and tanned, it is who wears spectacles, Nez­Todarg is responsible for
impossible to determine her age. As a person, she has the administrative decisions of the fortress. He keeps
a calm demeanor and an even temper. It is said she it running. Where his true loyalties lie is unknown,
knows every herb and animal in the great swamp. but it is known that those who oppose him tend to
die by poison or in their sleep.
Quinn Ulot, Hinterlander leader: This relatively
young human rules by sheer charisma. While he can General Kalbaz Eye­Gouger, orcish field
fight if he needs to, he has a reputation for general: General Kalbaz is a massive, hulking orc
friendliness, fairness, and justice. His followers are named for his favored method of execution. He
happy to follow him. spends his time in the field, taking orders directly
from General Jorung or Karoxfang himself. He is not

 politically savvy, but militarily, he is quite canny.

Ugluk the Fat, Lord of Agh: A fat orc with tiny

General Karoxfang, ruler of Stor­gris: This half­ ears, Ugluk rules Agh purely for personal gain. He
orc/half­demon brute was the White Lady’s second­ has milked his city nearly dry, but somehow his
in­command in Rothnog. He is now the undisputed political connections inside the dark fortress itself
ruler of Stor­gris. His physical might is only rivaled keep him in power and alive. He has powerful
by his mental acuity. He’s lived for centuries without enemies, but he befriended Karoxfang in his youth,
aging a day. Yet the elves think they have a plot to and the great General himself protects him.
destroy him.

Vrolg, Lord of Baku: Vrolg is a Dark Folk
creature of indeterminate race. Just like his
culturally ambiguous name, those who meet
him can’t tell whether he’s an orc, a hobgoblin,
or even a bugbear. He rules the hovel­city of
Baku, but he does so in a strangely humane way.
He only taxes his subjects enough to appease the
dark fortress, and he provides quick and almost
painless executions to those who cross him.

Azock Gut­Render, Lord of Uglod: The

bandy­legged orc Azock gained his second name
based on his favored entertainment—watching
prisoners being tortured in gruesome ways
while he takes his meals. He rules the city of
Uglod in brutal, militaristic fashion. He levies a
fair tax and maintains security, but he brooks no
disobedience, punishing even the smallest
transgressions of his laws with death.

Garuck the Fang, High Mage of the Stor­

gris army: Garuck is a small, pale­skinned
goblin with cracked yellow fangs. Still, his power
as a mage is well known, and it is almost
comical to watch the much larger orcs, oluks,
and hobgoblins leap from his path as he struts
about the military camps, his chest thrust out
and his short legs pumping. He reports directly
to General Kalbaz, but regards him as an

Durg the Terror, hero of the Stor­gris

army: Durg is a massive oluk orc, standing
nearly 7 feet tall. He is not intelligent, but his
understanding of combat is flawless. He is
somehow resistant to magic, and his massive
muscles give him the force to drive his great axe
through nearly any material. Just the mere
mention of his name causes the soldiers of the
elves and dwarves in the Hinterlands to grow
pale with fright. The Stor­gris generals use his
reputation to great effect.

 C
Calador, 19, 183
Dwarves, 30
Industry, 45
A Calbran, 24, 47, 65 Religion, 45
Adventures, 120 Campaign outline, 116 Society, 30
Aelfarus, tribe of, 63, 66, 67, 185 Castes of the gnomes, 74 Traits, 30
Aelfrand, 38, 52, 62­67 Bal, 75, 77 Dweller in the Wintervale, 84,
Aelfrander, 62­67 Dam, 75, 77, 78 105, 133
Aeltal, 11, 14, 16, 20, 62, 108, 118 Ka, 75, 77
Agralin, 32, 33­35, 49­52 Pal, 75, 77, 78 E
Agralin X, 86, 93, 95, 99, 103, 105 Sag, 75, 77, 78 Elhan (elf), 14, 118
Aknor, 24, 47, 65 Cave­Dwellers, 72 Elhil (elves), 14, 17, 21, 23, 103,
Al­Dustriel, 9, 19, 22, 27, 117, 118, Common tongue (Altarian), 14, 118, 148, 158
119, 120, 132­133, 135­137, 110, 118 Elven greatsword, 113114
138­155 Crown Gnomes, 74, 75, 77 Elvenking, 18, 20, 23, 27, 28, 29,
Alexandros, tribe of, 63, 66, 67, Crypt of Memory, 120 139, 140, 182
185 Currencies, 111­112 Elves, 14
Alfain, 16, 17, 27, 28, 118 Cursed ghast, 145­146 Crafts, 21
Altarian (Common tongue), 14, Culture, 19
110, 118 D Doom, 23
Altarim, 15­17, 21­23, 118, Dangerous mimic, 147 History and people, 14
Aluar, 23 Dantha’Sule, 103, 105­106, 118 Life of, 22
Alustel, 9, 15­17, 19, 20, 25, 27­ Dark Conquest, 8 Religion, 23
28, 103, 111, 117, 118, 132­133, Dark Folk, 8­9, 11, 14­16, 22, 72, Society, 14
135, 137, 138­140, 76, 79, 83, 84, 86, 95­96, 98­ Traits, 16
154­155 100, 108, 113, 114, 116, 119, Emerain, 11, 16, 18­19, 20, 119,
Aradune, 17, 19, 27, 29, 140, 182 156­158, 164­166 183
Aranarim, 15, 17­18, 21, 23, 118 Goblins, 95, 97­98, 158, 165 Enslaved humans, 72
Axxtyklysstykor (Firefight), 42 Kobolds, 95, 97, 98, 158, 164 Entelukaz, 76
Hobgoblins, 96, 98, 158, 165,
B 168, 186 F
Baraz, 52, 184 Oluk orcs, 84, 92, 95, 96, 99, Fairy Gnomes, 75­78
Bardanax, 99, 103­104, 105, 117, 113­114, 118, 169­171, 186 Farland, World of, 8, 33, 86,
118, 180 Orcs, 19, 34, 63, 66, 98, 100, 100,102, 110­112, 120, 138,
Barlifandorf, 76 122, 153, 156, 158, 165, 175, Felek, 52­53, 117, 184
Battle of the Sarum, 9 177­179 Feywild, the (Tanis), 15, 23, 62,
Bel, 24, 47, 65 Dark Speech, 16, 99, 110, 118, 119, 76, 105, 119
Bestra, 24, 47, 65 159 Flamgart, 24, 47, 65
Black Agnes, 105, 118 Deep Marshes, 62, 68, 110, 118 Flavor of the campaign, 112
Blacksilver, clan, 51, 183 Deep Marsh humans, 68­69
Bozzurak, General Kahn, 99, 161­ Dekk, 24, 47, 65 G
163, 174­176, 185 Dhurli, 44, 45, 53, 65, 76 Galan, 16, 17­18, 19, 22, 23, 27,
Buckler, gnomish, 113­114 Durg the Terror, 186 29, 118
Burned Dead, 148,150 Dwarven (Khazdun), 110, 118, 128

Gnomes, 74 J M
Culture, 77 Janora, 24, 47, 65 Magic, 114
History, 76 Jorung, General, 99, 156, 159, Mattock of Mining, 48, 114
Interaction with others, 78 175­179, 185 Mithril, 20, 35, 42
Society, 74 Jún, 20 Monsters, 115
Traits, 74 Mountain Shadows, 77
Gnomish buckler, 113­114 K
Gonuial, 23, 27, 28 Kain, clan of, 93, 103, 105 N
Gorgwath, 11, 16, 18, 22, 84, 86, Kantor, 24, 47, 65 Nár the White, 51, 184
100, 108, 118 Karoxfang, 8­9, 11, 16, 76, 84, 86­ Neltak, 24, 47, 65
Grand Admiral, 20 87, 89, 95, 99, 100, 102, 103, Northern cave dwelling humans,
Grand Peaks, 11, 74, 76, 118, 119 105, 108, 116­117, 71­72
Greatsword, elven, 113­114 118, 139, 156, 158, 161­165, 167­ Notable personages, 182
Grlarshh, 24, 47, 65 168, 173, 174, 176, 185 Numasal, 23, 118, 183
Gudang Moth, 103 Key to names and terms, 118 Núrion, 14, 23, 45, 71, 84, 105,
Gunders, 32 Khazak (dwarves), 30, 34­35, 38, 118, 146, 151
41, 118
H Khazdun (dwarven), 110, 118, 128 O
Hairfoots, 83 Khuldul, 35, 44, 45, 51, 53, 65, 76, Old Speech, 111, 118­119
Halflings, 79 131, 183 Oluk orcs, 84, 92, 95, 96, 99, 113­
Culture, 81 Kibil­Gund, 32, 33 114, 118, 169­171, 186
Interaction with others, 82 Kibil­Gunders, 32 Ontological War, 14, 45
Society, 79 Kin Slayer Wars, 9, 19, 22, 118, Orb of Alustel, 154
Haltulontelim, 74, 76, 77, 79, 118, 138, Orcs, 19, 34, 63, 66, 98, 100, 122,
119, 184 153, 156, 158, 165, 175, 177­
Hathiand, 62, 70, 111, 118 L 179
Hathianders, 70­71, 118 Languages, 110 Outsiders, 79­82
Hathratuar, 23 Lannael, 19, 52, 62, 83, 102, 116­
Healing, 112 117, 183 P
Heshtail, 24, 47, 65 Lay of Talkana Silumiel, 133, 137 Palahan, 11, 16, 1819, 20­23, 119,
Hills, The, 79, 184 Lazaghan, 120, 125, 129, 131­135 183
Hinterlanders, 62, 68, 118 Leaf­head Arrows, 113 Patros, tribe of, 63, 66­67
Hinterlands, 11, 67 Ledesus, tribe of, 63, 66­67 Personages, notable, 182
Hositan (halflings), 79­83 Lhanar, 20 Plate mail, 114
Humans, 62­72 Liferock, 9, 16, 32, 33, 45, 76, 78,
79, 80, 81, 83, 117, 118, 120, R
I 129, 131, 136, 137, 148 Raug, 156­180
Insiders, 80 Lirevest, 23 Reeanan, 24, 47, 65
Interventionists, 29, 182 Loraglin, 19, 117, 183, Remnant, 135­136
Isolationists, 29, 182 Lords of Sin, 8 Rothnog, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20, 23, 28,
Items, 113 Lurzug (Wintervale dialect of 33, 34, 70, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84,
Orcish), 110, 118 86, 99­100, 116, 117, 119, 162,
Lutanium, 76, 77, 93, 103, 105 185

Rothug (Stor­gris dialect of T Vornoth, 24, 47, 65, 96, 100, 105,
Orcish), 110, 119 Tal­Allustiel, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23, 28, 106, 147, 151, 153­154, 167
Rules changes, 112 65, 119, 167, 172
Ruin of Honor and Glory, 138 Talas, 9, 117, 119, 136 W
Rune Axe, 113 Talkana Silumiel (The White War of Immortals, 8­9, 11, 12, 14,
Lady), 9, 15, 120, 132, 133, 30, 62, 100, 103, 110, 112­114,
S 135, 136, 137, 139, 142­143, 116, 119, 120
Sarumvest, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 146, 147, 148, 150­155 Wawmar, 32
23, 27­29, 53, 67, 112, 117, Talundorim, 15, 23, 119 Construction of, 48
118, 119, 132, 137, 138­139, Tanis (the Feywild), 15, 23, 62, Daily life in, 43
158, 163, 166, 176, 179, 182 76, 105, 119 Defense, 38
Factions in, 29 Telarim, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 119 Economy, 41
Satellite Cities (Emerain and Tendenarruk (gnomes), 74, 75, Factions in, 51
Palahan), 11, 16, 18, 20, 27, 62, 77, 78, 119 History of, 33
64, 66, 67, 108, 119, 139, 183 Tennmadral waybread, 113 Layout of, 35
Shieldfolk, 30, 32, 33, 119, 183 Thranton, 24, 47, 65 Military, 38
Shield of Stor­gris, 113­114 Thunder Pass, 11, 16, 20, 86, 99, Structure, 34
Siriand, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 41­ 100, 183 Western Delvings, 79, 81, 119
42, 62, 72, 84, 86, 100, 108, Tifwing, 17, 29, 182, 183 White Lady (Talkana Silumiel), 9,
110, 118­119 Tinnurim, 14, 15, 119 15, 120, 132, 133, 135, 136,
Spells, 114 Tunnel Gnomes, 75, 77, 137, 139, 142­143, 146, 147,
Stalwarts, 81, 83 Tuskers, 40 148, 150­155
Steam weaponry, Dwarven, 55 Twilight Voyage, 15, 17, 20, 21, Wild Speech, 111, 118­119
Stor­gris, 84 22, 113, 118, 119 Wintervale, 8, 20, 33, 63, 66, 67,
Daily life in, 98 84, 97, 98, 105, 106, 108, 110,
Defense, 95 U 111, 112, 116, 118, 119, 133,
Economy, 97 Undead dwarf warrior, 125 155, 171, 183
Factions of, 99
Future of, 102 V Z
History of, 99 Valaca, 153, 155 Zigil, 52­55, 117, 184
Military, 95 Venedal, 116, 140, 16­167, 182,
Special weaponry, 96 183
Structure of the fortress, 86

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Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open No changes have been made to the art unless noted.
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and to that Product Identity. reserved.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You • Map of Siriand by S. Baker. All rights reservedje.
must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you • Eternal War by Tim Vargason. Property of the World of Farland.
are distributing are Open Game Content. All rights reserved.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents • Berg by Joakim Olofsson. Used by permission. All rights
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use reserved.
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distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed ShareAlike 3.0 Unported:
under any version of this License. by­sa/3.0/
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this • Cave by David Revoy. Used under the Creative Commons 3.0
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You license:
Distribute. • Cendrea by David Revoy. Used under the Creative Commons 3.0
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or license:
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any • Elven Princess Line Art. Public Domain.
Contributor unless You have written permission from the • Legolas Greenleaf by Benjamin Drake. Used under the Creative
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to­sa/4.0/
comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to • Elf face by Bartek Blaszczec. Used by permission. All rights
some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, reserved.
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may • Star Woman. Public Domain.
not Use any Open Game Material so affected. • The Old Path by Tom Prante. Used under the Creative Commons
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically Share­Alike 3.0 Unported license:
if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure licenses/by­sa/3.0/
such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the • Map of Alustel by S. Baker. Property of the World of Farland. All
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this rights reserved.
License. • Bamboo Forest Quest by David Revoy. Used under the Creative
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to Commons 3.0 license:
be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to 3.0/.
the extent necessary to make it enforceable. • Elf 2 by Bathori. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The World of Farland, World of Share­Alike 3.0 license:­
Farland: War of Immortals Campaign Setting, the entire sa/3.0/us/.
World of Farland website, and all non­OGL content is • Cover by Jeff Brown. Public Domain.
copyright 2018 S. Baker. All rights reserved. • Wawmar graphic by Eric Williamson. Property of the World of
Farland. All rights reserved.
END OF LICENSE • Maps of Wawmar by Miladoon. Property of the World of Farland.
All rights reserved.
Buy products from and support Wizards of the Coast! • Dwarf by Rotox. Public domain.
• Gimli Son of Gloin by Perrie Nicholas Smith. Used under the
Creative Commons Attribution Share­Alike 4.0 license: https://

193­sa/3.0/us/. • Map of Stor­gris fortress by S. Baker. All rights reserved.
• Dwarf face by Bartek Blaszczec. Used by permission. All rights • Orcs on Hill by William McAusland. Used under license. All
reserved. rights reserved.
• Dwarf by Earl Geier. Public Domain. • Top view of Stor­gris fortress by S. Baker. Property of the World
• Ishtar Dragons by David Revoy. Used under the Creative of Farland. All rights reserved.
Commons 3.0 license: • Map of Stor­gris Underhalls by S. Baker. All rights reserved.
3.0/. The art was altered by removing the figure reaching for the • Main Villain by Yzitan. Used the Creative Commons Attribution
dragon. 3.0 license:
• Best Made by TanHo Sim. Public Domain. • Map of Stor­gris sewers by S. Baker. Property of the World of
• Map of Zigil by S. Baker. Property of the World of Farland. All Farland. All rights reserved.
rights reserved. • Figure from Sketches 1 by www.critical­ Used under
• Flying Crossbow by Gerry Torbert. Property of the World of license. All rights reserved.
Farland. All rights reserved. • Catapult drawing from “Dictionary of French Architecture from
• Steam Crossbow by Gerry Torbert. Property of the World of 11th to 16th Century.” Public Domain.
Farland. All rights reserved. • Karoxfang by Tim Vargason. Used by permission. All rights
• Blacksmith dwarf by Earl Geier. Public Domain. reserved.
• Untitled Landscape by Ekaterinya Vladinakova. Used by • Skull vector art. Used under the Used under the Creative
permission of Arcana Games. Commons 3.0 license:
• Durian Gatekeepers by David Revoy. Used under the Creative 3.0/.
Commons 3.0 license: • Dantha’Sule by Tim Vargason. Used by permission. All rights
3.0/. reserved.
• Map of Aelfrand by S. Baker. All rights reserved. • Winter by Tom Prante. Used under the Creative Commons
• Greek Helmet 3 by Johnny Automatic. Used under the Used Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License:
under the Creative Commons 3.0 license: https:// licenses/by­sa/3.0/ . • Axe Shield Sword by William McAusland. Used under license. All
• Map of the Hinterlands by S. Baker. All rights reserved. rights reserved.
• Human 2 by Jeff Preston. Used under the Creative Commons • Table by Luigi Castellani. Public Domain.
Attribution 3.0 Unported License: • Giant Bug by Incinerated Mortality. Figure with rifle removed.
licenses/by/3.0/. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution Share­Alike 3.0
• Map of the Deep Marshes by S. Baker. All rights reserved. license:­sa/3.0/us/.
• "The cave boy of the age of stone" by Margaret A. McIntyre. • Dragon Wars by Altonbrian16. Used under the Creative
Public Domain. Commons Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: https://
• Shaman Hut Inside by David Revoy. Used under the Creative­sa/3.0/.
Commons 3.0 license: • Fantasy Sketchy Wizard with Skull Staff by J. E. Shields. Used
3.0/. under license. All rights reserved.
• Steam Gnome 6 by Brian Brinlee. Used under license. All rights • Circle of Death by Modexo001. Used under the Creative
reserved. Commons Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: https://
• Alchemy Gnome by Robert Gresham. Used under license. All­sa/3.0/.
rights reserved. • CotLR pg4 by Jack Badashski. Used under license. All rights
• Rogue 5 by Brian Brinlee. Used under license. All rights reserved.
reserved. • Map of the Crypt of Memory by S. Baker. All rights reserved.
• ArceMSplash by Jeff Brown. Public Domain. • Sun rise and set graphic by S. Baker. Property of the World of
• Map of Stor­gris by S. Baker. All rights reserved. Farland. All rights reserved.

• Map of white dragon encounter by S. Baker. All rights reserved. Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License:
• White dragon by Sandy Yoo. Used under license. All rights licenses/by­sa/3.0/
reserved. • Ave dominus nox by paraxyzm. Used under the Creative
• Wraith Queen by Kynlo. Image cropped. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: https://
Commons Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: https://­sa/3.0/­sa/3.0/. • Warrior Orc by Wesnoth community artists of all Wesnoth
• King of the Dead by Johnny Automatic. Used under the Creative Portraits. Used under the Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0
Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal License. Unported license:
• Aine Nox by Leksaart. Used under the Creative Commons • Half Draenei ­ Half Orc by yZitaN. Used under the Creative
Attribution 3.0 license: Commons Attribution 3.0 license:
3.0/us/ licenses/by/3.0/us/
• Elf House 2 by Nikyeliseyev. Used under the Creative Commons • Dragon by David Lewis Johnson. Public domain.
Attribution 3.0 license: • Final Stand of Karoxfang by Tim Vargason. Property of the World
3.0/us/ of Farland. All rights reserved.
• DSA ­ Schlacht ueber den Wolken by HannaEckert. Used under • Flying Castle by Joakim Olofsson. Used by permission. All rights
the Creative Commons Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: reserved.­sa/3.0/ • Death on the Road by Jesse Thomas. Used under the Creative
• Map of the Ruin of House Al­Dustriel by S. Baker. Property of the Commons Attribution 3.0 license:
World of Farland. All rights reserved. licenses/by/3.0/us/
• Burned Dead by Tim Vargason. Used by permission. All rights • Fantasy Landscape by llamareaper. Used under the Creative
reserved. Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license: https://
• Kerrigan by r_3h. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution­
Share Alike 3.0 License:­ • Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with
sa/3.0/ permission. All rights reserved.
• Niagara Falls by butteredbap. Used under the Creative Commons • Elf 2 by Bathori18. Used under the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 license: Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 Unported: https://
• Kobolds_1 by R. Flowers. Used under the Creative Commons • Axe Free 1 by Daniel F. Walthall. Used under the Creative
Attribution 3.0 license: Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: http://
• Beast General by Dazzer7. Used under the Creative Commons • Treasure chest by David Lewis Johnson. Public domain.
Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: • Alan Wake by Joakim Olofsson. Used by permission. All rights
licenses/by­sa/3.0/ reserved.
• Skull by isteele. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution • Guard by Joakim Olofsson. Used by permission. All rights
3.0 license: reserved.
• Vampire castle by joakimolofsson. Used by permission. All rights • Magic Armory by David Lewis Johnson. Public domain.
reserved. • Rat by Bartek Blaszczec. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
• Elf Warlock by Patrick E. Pullen. Used under license. All rights • Sintel bedroom by David Revoy. Used under the Creative
reserved. Commons Attrribution 3.0 license:
• Arlogg by dazzer7. Used under the Creative Commons licenses/by/3.0/us/
Attribution­Share Alike 3.0 License: • Misty Mountains by Joakim Olofsson. Used by permission. All
licenses/by­sa/3.0/ rights reserved.
• Sketches by r1spartan. Used under the Creative Commons


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