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Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer Interaction
• What is HCI

• Historical Background and goal

of HCI

➢ To have an overview of fundamentals of human-computer

interaction and design thinking.

➢ Define what HCI is

➢ Describe historical background of HCI

Introduction to HCI

❖ Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a rapidly expanding research
and development area that has transformed the way we use
computers in the last thirty years.
❖ As computers become more and pervasive(Existing in every part of
some thing) in culture, designers are increasingly looking for ways
to make interfacing with devices easier, safer and more efficient
and enjoyable.
❖ The course introduces fundamental methods, principles and tools
for designing, programming and testing interactive systems. 5
Introduction to HCI

➢ Why is human-computer interaction important?

❖ There are lot of designs that can cause problems for users
❖ To enable us to design interactive products to support people in
their everyday and working lives
❖ Good design involves understanding how users interact with
computers, and enabling them to do so effectively.
❖ To develop usable products, to make a system
✓ easy to learn
✓ effective to use
✓ provide an enjoyable experience
Introduction to HCI

➢ To develop good design we need to

❖ Take into account

 who the users are

 what activities are being carried out, Watch users work,

in their workplace and interview them, also in their

 where the interaction is taking place

❖ Optimize the interactions users have with a product such
that they match users’ activities and needs.
Introduction to HCI

❖ There are three ‘use’ words that must all be true for a
product to be successful; it must be:
❖ Useful – accomplish what is required: play music, cook
dinner, format a document;
❖ Usable – do it easily and naturally, without danger of error,
❖ Used – make people want to use it, be attractive, engaging,
fun, etc.

Introduction to HCI

❖ To create good HCI think about

➢Usability goals ➢ Design principles

 Effectiveness  Visibility
 Efficiency  Feedback
 Safety  Constraints
 Utility  Mapping
 Learnability  Consistency
 Memorability  Affordance

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢what is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

❖ HCI outlines the three major issues of concern: the people, the
computers , the interface(for Interaction).
❖ HCI first inform us people that use the system and other people
they work in communicate with
❖ The computer the machine and networked to the machine that
works around the system

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢what is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

❖ By interaction we mean any communication between a user and
computer, be it direct or indirect
 Direct interaction involves a dialog with feedback and
control throughout performance of the task.

 Indirect interaction may involve batch processing or

intelligent sensors controlling the environment.

 The important thing is that the user is interacting with the

computer in order to accomplish something.
Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ what is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) contd...

❖ HCI is a very broad discipline that encompasses different specialties
with different concerns regarding computer development:
✓ Computer science(Information Science) is concerned with the
application design and engineering of the human interfaces;
✓ Sociology and anthropology are concerned with the interactions
between technology, work and organization and the way that
human systems and technical systems mutually adapt to each

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ what is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) contd...

❖ Ergonomics(A branch of engineering science in which a biological
science is used to study the relation b/n people and their
environment):- is concerned with the safety of computer systems
and the safe limits of human cognition and sensation;
❖ psychology is concerned with the cognitive processes of humans
and the behavior of users;
❖ linguistics is concerned with the development of human and
machine languages and the relationship between the two.

Introduction to HCI cont...

• Human Computer Interaction is a discipline concerned with
the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive
computing systems for human use and with the study of the
major phenomena surrounding them.
• HCI is the study that enable us to design interactive products
to support people in their everyday and working lives.

Introduction to HCI cont...

• HCI (human-computer interaction) is the study of how people
interact with computers and to what extent computers are or are
not developed for successful interaction with human beings.
❖ HCI uses productivity, safety and entertainment to support and
fulfill human-computer activities and is applied to various types
of computer systems, including air traffic control, nuclear
processing, offices and computer gaming.

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI
• Government funding of advanced human-computer interaction
technologies built the intellectual capital and trained the research
teams for open up systems that, over a period of 25 years,
revolutionized how people interact with computers.
• Industrial research laboratories at the corporate level in Xerox,
IBM, AT&T, and others played a strong role in developing this
technology and bringing it into a form suitable for the
commercial ground.
Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI contd…

❖ The technologies covered include fundamental interaction styles
like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows;
❖ Several important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text
editing and spreadsheets;

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI contd…

❖ The technologies that will likely have the biggest impact on
interfaces of the future, such as gesture recognition, multimedia,
and 3D; and
❖ The technologies used to create interfaces using the other
technologies, such as user interface management systems, toolkits,
and interface builders.

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI contd…

❖ HCI arose and evolved as Computer Technology arose and
❖ There are a number of recognizable eras and approaches associated
with technologies which are useful to keep in mind
• Pre-Desktop, Desktop and Post-Desktop
➢ Before HCI
❖ Physical Switches, Teletype Terminals
❖ Early language development from machine code can be
seen as an attempt to make programming easier.
Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI contd…

• WIMP - Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer
❖ The WIMP interface has remained relatively unchanged during a
great deal of rapid development in technology, platforms and
interaction metaphors.
• Pre Internet - Stand Alone PC
3.PC with little or no local network.
4.No Internet
5.Single Users on single machines
6.using stand alone applications
7.Spreadsheets were a huge early success of HCI
Introduction to HCI cont...

➢History of HCI contd…

• Web 1.0 - Static Web
❖ Static Web Pages
❖ Server Creates
❖ Browser Only Reads
❖ Slow Internet
❖ Few Content Creators
❖ No E-Commerce
❖ The age of web usability layout, color.

Introduction to HCI cont...

• History of HCI contd... Typical Google Maps Mashup App for London Flats/Prices

5. Web 2.0 - Dynamic Web

❖ Dynamic Web
❖ Client Side - Javascript
❖ Server Side Databases – PHP/mysql
❖ Mashups - api’s, Browser rather than OS based ecosystems
❖ Users as Content Creators
❖ Rich Internet Applications (RIA) with the interactive experience of
stand alone applications

Introduction to HCI cont...

• History of HCI contd...

6. Mobile and Social Media
❖ Smart Phones
❖ Apps vs HTML
❖ Location Based Services (LBS)
❖ Communication and Content Creation
❖ A post PC era of phones and tablets?
❖ Constantly changing interactions, social context and place.
❖ Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Google Maps

Introduction to HCI cont...

• History of HCI contd...

7. Social Computing
(Computer Supported Collaborative Working)
❖ Beyond immediate interaction to
a web of surrounding relations
❖ Ethnography, Ethno methodology
❖ Actual Practices

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ User-Centered Development Methodology

❖ Traditional software engineering methods arose in 1960s and 1970s
▪ Systems were not highly interactive
▪ End-user were computer specialists
▪ Issues concerning end-user and usability were not at all important
▪ user interface design not considered explicitly
❖ Now:
– Most end-users are not computer specialists
– Usability vital for success

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ Traditional System-Centered VS. User-Centered design

➢ Traditional System-Centered ➢ User-Centered
 Emphasis on the functionality,  UI more important
 UI is added at the end  Emphasis on end-users’ tasks,
 Emphasis on correct software  Early end-user participation:
rather than on ease of use in analysis and design
 User has to adapt himself to  Evaluation by end-users
the system  Consequences:
 more work for UI-designer and
Introduction to HCI cont...

❖ Goals of HCI
To develop or improve the
❖ Safety

❖ Utility

❖ Effectiveness

❖ Efficiency

❖ Usability

❖ Appeal . . . of systems that include computers

Introduction to HCI cont...

1. Try to identify and write the historical changes that the technologies covered in the
development of HCI.(10%)

a) Basic Interactions(Direct Manipulation of graphical objects, The

Mouse, Windows)

b) Application Types(Drawing programs, Text Editing, Spreadsheets,

HyperText, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Video Games)

c) Up-and-Coming Areas (Gesture Recognition, Multi-Media, 3-D,

Virtual Reality and "Augmented Reality, Computer
Supported Cooperative Work, Natural language and speech)

d) Software Tools and Architectures (UIMSs and Toolkits, Interface

Builders, Component Architectures)
Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ To summarize the introduction

❖ The conventional style of graphical user interfaces that use windows,
icons, menus and a mouse and are in a phase of standardization,

❖ almost everyone is using the same, standard technology and just making
minute, incremental changes.

❖ Therefore, it is important that we can develop the science and technology

needed for the user interfaces of the future.

❖ Another important argument is that computer science or information

science students need to know about user interface issues.

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ To summarize the introduction

❖ User interfaces are likely to be one of the main value-added competitive
advantages of the future, as both hardware and basic software become

❖ If you do not know about user interfaces, you will not serve industry

❖ It seems that only through computer science does HCI research

disseminate out into products.

Introduction to HCI cont...

❖ As computers get faster, more of the processing power is being devoted to

the user interface. The interfaces of the future will use

➢ gesture recognition, speech recognition and generation,

"intelligent agents," adaptive interfaces, video, and many other
technologies now being investigated by research groups at
universities and corporate labs .

➢ It is imperative that researches in the area of HCI continue and be

well-supported .

Introduction to HCI cont...

➢ In this course you can learn the processes:

❖ Where People’s tasks, goal, and values drive development
❖ To work with users throughout the process
❖ To assess decisions from the advantage point of users,
their work, and their environment
❖ To pay attention to people’s ability and situation
❖ To talk to the actual experts

Introduction to HCI cont...
The End of Unit One

IS OF Interface

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