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This subject comes up often, and I continue to answer the question for clarity
sake, over and over. I will post this answer here so that the readers can all see
without having to sift through hundreds of responses to each post to find it.

Alex Walton Asked: “Then those geometric super structures on the Moon are made by
who or what?”

This was after I explained that man had never been on the moon.
I have had this all explained to me about who is on the moon, and bring more of
what I have pasted together since then regarding the LECM.
The Lunar Earth Command has been used as operations central to run the human farm
of earth for at least 89,000 years to my knowledge, perhaps much, much longer. This
is just when the serious enslavement began of the human population.
550 million years ago, earth (holding the office of Tara at the time), was blown
into 13 pieces during the Fall of Man when the Anu-Elohim and their hybrid army of
giants with wings called the Nephilim used the energy grids of the planet as a
pure-energy weapon to battle the Guardian Alliance who was trying to stop them from
continuing to bioform the Angelic Human Krystos evolution. This overloaded the
Crystal Cathedral planetary energy grids under Atlantis (the first installation of
that city which was technically named Alania at the time), blowing the planet into
a tiny fraction of the size it had been where the Angelics had been seeded to, a
place named E-Den. All life was lost, meaning that all the physically manifest
Avatars were vaporized and blown out of the playing field atmosphere, leaving the
Sentient Awareness of god-source trapped in this Time Matrix without a physical
body. These are known as the Lost Souls of Tara you have been calling “ghosts”.
12 of the 13 pieces were then sucked through a black hole and dumped on the other
side as atomic particles. This new “other side” was actually Harmonic Universe 1,
the side they came from was Harmonic Universe 2. On the other side of a black hole
is a sun, which uses the incoming debris to fuel the energy frequencies of the sun
on the other side. Since Tara could no longer survive unless it was surrounded by
all of its own DNA, what was left of that planet was moved physically into that
lower universe and stationed there so he could begin the 525 million year process
of healing so he could once again serve as a host planet to life. The particles
that were dumped into this universe collated themselves back into round-shaped
spheres that you call planets. They are known today as Pluto, Mars, etc. 25 million
years ago, the main body of the planet that had survived, had healed enough to
support life once again, and the Rescue Mission 1 commenced to save the Lost Souls
of Tara. Earth was then reseeded with Avatars (living bodies that could be used to
host a Sentient Awareness) on would now be known as Nursery Earth for the Second
Once the Second Seeding got underway, the forces of the Michalube, SUNS of Baal who
had set out to destroy the Angelic Human evolution so long before, the Anu-Elohim,
returned to this new playing field, trying to claim the humans and that territory
as theirs. This included new groups of armies that the Elohim had managed to
assemble over that 525 million years, including some from Andromeda and Alpha
Draconis. One of those groups came from Alpha Centauri who had been dragons,
velociraptors, Mantids, reptiles, among others, before they were bioformed by the
hit-man creation called the Jehova Anunnaki who were blue, bi-pedal dolphin people
who are known as “aquatic apes”, who could live on land or in water. That race had
been a purely new creation of Avatar that had coded into its DNA the commands to
“seek and destroy” all “Kryst” beings within this Time Matrix. They went about from
planet to planet then bioforming all sorts of creatures who could be used as armies
to march against the humans. Once turned into humanesque versions of their
previously pure-animal selves, they were brought to earth as death-squads to stop
the planned evolution of repairing the distorted Avatars of the Lost Souls of Tara.
Upon arrival to Nursery Earth, 25 million years ago, of these many new hybrid hit-
man species, a massive war ensued called the 1000 Years Electric Wars, where the
Guardian Alliance once again attempted to physically stop this second infiltration
of their super-species of the Turaneusiam Project Angelics. One of the 12 planets
that had collated back into larger forms from the space dust of Tara was named
Maldek, also known as the planet “Sin”. Sin became home for one particular group of
visiting invader races from Alpha Centauri, led by Marduk (Anu) Satain. You know
the story of the 1000 Years War as “Star Wars”. It was actual earth history.
Marduk (-a stage name for his real one, Anu. Marduk was the name of Anu’s grandson,
which he decided to use in earth records referring to Anu’s many might deeds in
order to hide his true identity. You can find out much more in the 30,000 cuneiform
clay tablets of Sumer.) and his group lived on the planet Sin for a very long time,
but in the 1000 Years Electric Wars, that planet was blown into millions of pieces
now known as the asteroid belt. This meant that he would have to use earth as his
home-base now. Hence Satan (Satain) who “lived in sin”, was cast down to earth.
Once again, all human life was lost from this pure-energy-weapon war between the
invaders and the GA. Marduk then set up his remaining warriors inside the earth’s
mantle where the breathing atmosphere could be moderated to support his pure-blood
Drakonian Avatar races. “Satan” now lived below the surface, now called Hell.
Once again humans were seeded back to Nursery Earth after the planet had healed
enough to support life again, 25 million years after the massive destruction caused
in that cataclysmic war. This also was under the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty
of Palaidor created by the Oraphim Angels of Sirius-B (who are here on planet now
incognito as “Indigos”), which included ascension for the invader races, including
also the formation of an all-new Avatar being developed for the Lost Souls of the
Nephilim who had been disembodied since the Fall Of Man. 240,000 years ago the 3rd
seeding began, and all of the beings worked together to safely arrange for
ascension of many more Lost Souls of Tara until 89,000 years ago when Marduk once
again re-formed the Luciferian Covenant, working with Thoth Lucifer, and numerous
others. One of their brilliant ideas was to create the Lunar Earth Command Module
as headquarters of a massively powerful station in order to utterly place mankind
inside of an artificial holographic reality field, using this command center as the
broadcast station. They needed this safe zone away from earth so that humans could
never get to it, so they entered the asteroid belt and picked out the largest left-
over piece of planet Sin and Marduk “hung the moon” as mentioned in the Sumer
These clever invaders set up this “planet” inside a zone of the atmosphere over
earth, timed perfectly to rotate around the face of earth’s playing field to work
in tandem with the sun, where they would get the energy from to create this
holographic reality, and, working with geometric patterns cast onto the Hydro
Suspension Dome, they put their plan into motion through what they would call the
“Zodiak”, which would cast the scalar waves across the playing field, commanding
the aether to create “life”, using the Metatronic Scalar Science of the 5 point
star Pentagram now called the “Fibonacci Sequence”. This was technology from the
Weasadek Phantom Matrix, which would be able to place a “reality” INSIDE of the
Kelontic Scalar Science of the 6 point star Hexagram. This “Hex” worked off of the
energies of two addition planets that triangulated earth, suspending it in
animation, and you had better believe they do not want me telling you about it now.
The moon, Sin, is operated by the Marduk Satain group of course. This includes 7
different sub-races of the “fraternity” or “star group” working under the overall
“term” as Dracos. They include the “White Royal” Dragons such as Marduk, Dracos who
are around 9 ft tall green/brown reptilians, Zetas, Mantids, gargoyle beings and
more. They do not live in the same quarters as each other, because while they all
“work together”, just like the other invader race groups on earth, they do not get
along, and if the White Royals lived in the same “city” as the Mantids, they would
eat them. The Lunar Earth Command operates all sections of the hologram, from ocean
tides to weather, seasons, recycling the Spirit Essences trapped in the Chimera
Reality back into new infant bodies once every 72 years or so, using the Zodiak to
insert it into a new prana seed when the “birth sign” of that person’s Signature
Spirit Essence frequency field is located over the precise geo-location that that
being is coded to on the planet. Of course, this works in tandem with the Recycle
Zone which is set up in the 3 ½ Dimension, used to fool people into thinking they
have “important unfinished work to do on earth”, and to go “towards the light”. Of
course the “light” is precisely coded frequency to that particular being’s essence
in order to harmonize with the prana seed in the womb of the expecting parent.
While that is a bit more than you had asked for, I thought I would give you an
overview on how the moon works. The face you see of the moon is a hologram that is
cast there to maintain the illusion that there are no buildings and massive
broadcast apparatus on its surface. You have never seen the “backside” of the moon,
because they know humans will never figure it out that the moon is the only planet
that “doesn’t spin”. Yet every astrophysicist on earth refers to it as “the
satellite”. Wonder why. Unlike its counterpart “Black Night Satellite” that goes in
and out of this dimension on a regular basis, the moon remains fixed in your sky at
all times. Funny it is supposed to be “illuminated by the sun”, when it can show up
in broad daylight as a crescent moon. Neat trick, since the portion that is missing
is supposed to be that way because earth is “between it and the sun”, even though
the sun has a direct broadcast to it.
And no, man has never “walked on the moon”. If they ever even came CLOSE to the
highest above-top-secret element of this Chimera playing field, their craft would
be vaporized.
I don’t mean to put anyone down, but at some point you will have to wake up to the
fact that the moon has never been anything like what you thought it was and it has
been giving you clues about that for 89,000 years. Research!
Avalon Sol

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