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Sima Bahous
UN Women
220 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017

November 29, 2023

Dear Ms. Bahous,

We write to urge UN Women to publicly condemn Hamas for its brutal October 7th attack
on innocent Israelis that included the murder, torture, rape and sexual violence against Israeli
women and women of other nationalities. As Israeli women deal with the traumatic fall out of
sexual violence, UN Women’s mission to protect women remains critically important. As the
world just observed the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
on November 25th, UN Women cannot expect to be viewed as an honest advocate for women’s
rights if it continues to ignore Israeli women and women of other nationalities brutalized by
Hamas terrorists on October 7th in an attack that claimed the lives of 1200+ Israelis and injured
thousands more. We call on UN Women to publicly condemn the use of Hamas’ brutal tactics,
specifically murder, torture, abduction, rape, and sexual violence.

We condemn Hamas’ assault on Israeli civilians on October 7th, targeting Israeli civilians
and the destruction of the one and only Jewish State. Since the attack, Israeli authorities have
publicly documented instances of sexual violence perpetrated against Israeli women, including
gang rape, genital mutilation, and necrophilia. Survivor testimony, interrogations of arrested
terrorists and first responder accounts all indicate systematic sexual abuse against Israeli women.
One eyewitness recounted a woman raped and passed to another man in uniform, after which she
was shot and mutilated.1 Volunteers with the Israeli first responder unit, ZAKA have recounted
women found face down and naked from the waist down2. Forensic medical units at the Israeli
makeshift morgue in Shura have identified several bodies with signs consistent with sexual
abuse, including shattered pelvises. One pregnant woman was found with her stomach cut open
and her unborn baby beheaded.3 Additionally, interviews with arrested Hamas terrorists indicate
that the terrorist organization ordered terrorists to kill, behead and even to "have sex [with] their
bodies."4 Due to the volume of murdered Israelis and staff shortages, Israeli forensic teams have
had to prioritize identifying bodies, limiting the ability to systematically collect physical
Israeli Police Collect Eyewitness Testimony of Gang Rape During Hamas Attack - Israel News -
Israeli Emergency Responder: 'I Saw 20 Children Shot, Burned And Piled Together In Two Piles' - I24NEWS
At the army base where Israel identifies its dead: ‘They went from house to house burning family after family’ |
Fox News
Amid war and urgent need to ID bodies, evidence of Hamas's October 7 rapes slips away | The Times of Israel
evidence of rape and sexual violence. This has been exploited to promote skepticism and denial
of the sexual atrocities committed against Israelis which we denounce in no uncertain terms.

This attack comes on the heels of Hamas’ yearslong sustained abuse and subjugation of
Palestinian women in Gaza. UN Women has remained silent since October 7th, neither
condemning Hamas’ for its terrorist attack on Israeli civilians, nor acknowledging its horrific
tactics against women and girls, including rape and sexual assault. For decades, UN Women has
served as the leading international voice to protect women’s rights across the globe. International
skepticism and downright denial of the atrocities perpetrated against Israeli women is a
dangerous phenomenon that will ultimately harm the memory of those murdered and raped by
Hamas while also delegitimizing international work to prevent violence against vulnerable
communities, specifically women and girls. We hope UN Women will #BelieveIsraeliWomen
and condemn Hamas’ evil practices.

The failure by UN Women to publicly stand up for Israeli women and condemn Hamas’
systematic atrocities undermines UN Women and highlights its one-sided approach. The
documented cases of sexual violence against Israeli women committed by Hamas and other
Palestinian terrorists were omitted from the UN Women’s October 13th statement “condemning”
the attack on Israeli civilians, a long week after the gruesome incident and falling short of UN
Women’s important mission. Meanwhile, UN Women continues to repeatedly call for a
permanent ceasefire under humanitarian pretenses which would serve to benefit Hamas. On
October 20th, UN Women released a report titled “UN Women rapid assessment and
humanitarian response in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” addressing the effect of Israel’s
ground invasion in Gaza on Palestinian women. The report does not address any gender-based
violence, sexual abuse or mutilation directed at Israeli women or women of other nationalities
targeted by terrorists on October 7th. It also does not mention any assessment about the wellbeing
of the many women – Israeli, American and other nationalities – being held hostage by Hamas in
Gaza, including a pregnant foreign worker who is presumed to have given birth in captivity by
now. While we are encouraged that UN Women met with the Israeli Civil Commission of Oct. 7
Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children, your statement only acknowledges “reports” of
alleged crimes against women while neither naming nor condemning Hamas. Your disregard and
tone deaf response to Hamas’ attack is woefully unsatisfactory and consistent with the UN’s
longstanding bias against Israel.

We urge UN Women to condemn Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians in no uncertain

terms, while also stating outright that UN Women stands with Israeli women and women of other
nationalities who are reeling from the systemic sexual abuse, torture, and mutilation they
endured on October 7th. Such atrocities and abuse of women in Israel requires swift
condemnation from the leading international organization dedicated to protecting women from
violence worldwide. As the international community shines a light on the sustained abuse of
hundreds of thousands of women across the globe, we urge UN Women to maintain its
credibility by publicly denouncing the atrocious violation of women’s rights by Hamas terrorists.

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