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Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

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Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems

John A. Dearing a,*, Rong Wang a,b, Ke Zhang a,c, James G. Dyke d, Helmut Haberl e,
Md. Sarwar Hossain a, Peter G. Langdon a, Timothy M. Lenton f, Kate Raworth g,
Sally Brown h, Jacob Carstensen i, Megan J. Cole j, Sarah E. Cornell k, Terence P. Dawson l,
C. Patrick Doncaster m, Felix Eigenbrod m, Martina Flörke n, Elizabeth Jeffers o,
Anson W. Mackay p, Björn Nykvist k,q, Guy M. Poppy m
Palaeoecology Laboratory, Geography and Environment, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, 73 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, PO Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
Institute for Complex Systems Simulation, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC), Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (IFF), Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt (AAU),
Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna, Austria
Earth System Science, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Laver Building, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK
Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University Centre of the Environment, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Kräftriket 2B, Stockholm SE-106 91, Sweden
School of the Environment, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK
Centre for Biological Sciences, Institute for Life Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), University of Kassel, D-34109 Kassel, Germany
Long Term Ecology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK
Environmental Change Research Centre, Department of Geography, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Stockholm Environment Institute, Linnégatan 87 D, Stockholm SE-115 23, Sweden


Article history: Humanity faces a major global challenge in achieving wellbeing for all, while simultaneously ensuring
Received 22 November 2013 that the biophysical processes and ecosystem services that underpin wellbeing are exploited within
Received in revised form 16 June 2014 scientifically informed boundaries of sustainability. We propose a framework for defining the safe and
Accepted 19 June 2014
just operating space for humanity that integrates social wellbeing into the original planetary boundaries
Available online 20 August 2014
concept (Rockström et al., 2009a,b) for application at regional scales. We argue that such a framework
can: (1) increase the policy impact of the boundaries concept as most governance takes place at the
regional rather than planetary scale; (2) contribute to the understanding and dissemination of
Regional boundaries
Social-ecological systems
complexity thinking throughout governance and policy-making; (3) act as a powerful metaphor and
Social wellbeing communication tool for regional equity and sustainability. We demonstrate the approach in two rural
Environmental thresholds Chinese localities where we define the safe and just operating space that lies between an environmental
ceiling and a social foundation from analysis of time series drawn from monitored and palaeoecological
data, and from social survey statistics respectively. Agricultural intensification has led to poverty
reduction, though not eradicated it, but at the expense of environmental degradation. Currently, the
environmental ceiling is exceeded for degraded water quality at both localities even though the least
well-met social standards are for available piped water and sanitation. The conjunction of these social
needs and environmental constraints around the issue of water access and quality illustrates the broader
value of the safe and just operating space approach for sustainable development.
ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 02380 594648.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.A. Dearing).
0959-3780/ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
228 J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

1. Introduction concepts sharpened by consideration of regional scales can feed

back iteratively to help refine or redefine planetary boundaries.
1.1. Rationale and motivation The argument for considering regional-scale boundaries is
reinforced by an equally strong equity and governance rationale. In
The planetary boundaries framework (Rockström et al., 2009a,b) the planetary boundaries framework, protecting human wellbeing is
has significantly influenced the international discourse on global the rationale for the scientific assessment of how to limit the use and
sustainability. In short, it proposes nine interlinked biophysical degradation of natural resources in order to avoid critical transitions
(hereafter referred to as ecological) boundaries at the planetary scale in Earth system processes. At the same time, human wellbeing
(Fig. 1a) that global society should remain within, if it is to avoid depends fundamentally upon each person having claim to the natural
‘‘disastrous consequences for humanity’’. The proposition of resources required to meet their physiological needs such as food,
planetary boundaries has provoked discussion in the science and water, shelter and sanitation (Folke et al., 2011). It follows from these
policy communities. Recently published commentaries include fundamental equity considerations that social foundations (sensu
refinement of the boundaries for phosphorus (Carpenter and Raworth, 2012) should be considered alongside planetary and
Bennett, 2011), nitrogen (de Vries et al., 2013) and freshwater use regional boundaries. Traversing the scales to regional boundaries
(Rockström and Karlberg, 2010); the proposal of a potential state requires explicit attention to both the human drivers of change and
shift in the global biosphere (Barnosky et al., 2012); a new approach social distributional issues, bringing new transdisciplinary, concep-
to defining land-related boundaries using net primary plant tual and ethical challenges to the planetary boundaries concept.
production (Erb et al., 2012; Running, 2012); analyses of the Many nations and regions face significant and urgent challenges
governance implications (Biermann, 2012; Galaz, 2012; Nordhaus in ensuring that available resources are used to meet the needs of
et al., 2012); and critical assessment of the nature of the proposed all, emphasizing the sustainable use of regional resources for
planetary boundaries (Brook et al., 2013). Raworth’s (2012) human wellbeing. In particular, while agricultural intensification
extension of the planetary boundary concept to include social in developing countries is widely seen as promoting rapid
objectives in the context of sustainability policy and practice has economic growth and poverty alleviation, evidence exists to show
produced a framework that has become known as the ‘Oxfam that the associated degradation of ecosystem processes may be
doughnut’, with an explicit focus on the social justice requirements unsustainable (e.g. Tilman et al., 2002; Dearing et al., 2012a).
underpinning sustainability (Fig. 1b). This allows multi-metric Natural resource management takes place predominantly at
‘compasses’ to be elaborated for directing decision-making. In this regional scales as part of national and regional development
paper, we develop the ‘doughnut’ idea at the regional scale in terms planning. Therefore, analytical tools that map the condition of
of the levels of societal wellbeing and conditions of ecological ecological processes at these scales are more likely to have
processes that co-exist within regional social-ecological systems, relevance and traction for policy design and resource governance.
using the terms ‘social foundation’ and ‘environmental ceiling’ to Above all, there is a need to counter the limitations of current
represent the social and ecological boundaries. In doing so, we define political-strategic timeframes that are too often aligned with short
the regional safe and just operating space (RSJOS). term ‘discounting’ perspectives that place emphasis on near future
Our main motivation is to show how the concept of ecologically decisions. An ability to identify and stay within ecological
safe and socially just planetary boundaries can be adapted and boundaries over longer timescales would help to ensure inter-
applied at regional levels, for example: watersheds, national parks, generational sustainable resource use. A longer timeframe is also in
sub-national administrative divisions, and nation states. Because tune with ‘‘perfect storm’’ projections for converging trends by mid-
critical transitions can occur at any scale (Scheffer et al., 2001; century (Godfray et al., 2010; Dearing et al., 2012b). For communi-
Folke et al., 2004; Lenton, 2013), the original planetary boundaries ties in regions that already occupy dangerous operating spaces, a
framework recognized that the effects of crossing multiple new framework that captures multiple timescales could provide a
thresholds at regional scales can aggregate to become a global scientifically informed prioritization of restorative action.
concern (Rockström et al., 2009a,b). But the cascading effects of
environmental degradation (Peters et al., 2011) can have critical 1.2. A regional framework
consequences for the sustainability of regional systems them-
selves, well before the effects are obvious at the global scale. This A regional boundaries framework can be designed in alternative
means that global sustainability requires both regional and ways, depending on its motivation. One approach would be to
planetary dimensions to be addressed. Hence our view is that calculate the regional share of global resource use (e.g. water) and

Fig. 1. Merging (a) the planetary boundary framework (Rockström et al., 2009a,b) and (b) the social ‘doughnut’ framework (Raworth, 2012) into a new framework and tool for
defining safe and just operating spaces for sustainable development at regional scales.
J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238 229

impacts on planetary boundaries (e.g. CO2 emissions) in the light of and sediment analysis covering the multi-decadal timescales that
social conditions (e.g. in a less developed country). Another capture most social-ecological system behaviour, while bearing in
approach could focus on the links between social wellbeing (e.g. mind the narrow lens of system behaviour afforded by human
food security) and the sustainable management of resources (e.g. timescales (Dearing et al., 2010). A practical classification of
sustainable fish farming) within a particular region. Both demand ecological boundaries with reference to environmental limits and
the integration of social and ecological data with equity issues the dynamical properties of ecological variables is shown in Fig. 2
placed centrally. In this paper we focus on the latter approach: and Table 1. The different types of boundary (Fig. 2) are not
developing a RSJOS conceptual framework that allows, as a first step, necessarily mutually exclusive in theoretical terms but rather are
setting and assessing performance against boundaries on both set according to the analysis of the actual observed system
environmental and social fronts in two rural case studies from China. behaviour. Each type of boundary may demand a particular
This approach is complementary to, and equally important as, resolution of time series, involving specific statistical analyses. The
evaluating the impact of human actions at the global scale because regional boundary may be relevant to a whole system (e.g. extent
staying within regional boundaries is a prerequisite for reducing the of forest ecosystem), a system condition (e.g. water quality) or a
aggregated effects on six of the proposed planetary boundaries. process (e.g. soil erosion). Setting boundaries according to the
Ongoing work is exploring alternative frameworks for national observed record of system behaviour provides new evidence, based
levels (Nykvist et al., 2013) where the focus is on burden sharing, on current complex system theory, for accepting a business-as-usual
fairness and national responsibility for planetary boundaries. policy, applying constraints on the continuation of the system or
taking remedial action.
2. Theory and methods Type I boundaries refer to linear trending data, where a regional
regulatory limit on a particular ecosystem process is set by
2.1. Environmental ceilings scientific, expert or public opinion, through negotiation and trade-
offs between the benefits and damages arising from particular
The scientific logic of defining environmental limits and activities. This type of boundary is commonly used for manage-
boundaries for regional social-ecological systems draws on relevant ment of degraded landscapes and ecosystems (e.g. quality targets,
theoretical insights from other systems approaches (Dearing et al., critical loads), but it is only weakly linked to system dynamical
2012a, 2010) and links to current policy discourses (Cornell, 2012). properties and generally assumes stationarity in the trend. Type II
In particular, it is generally agreed that critical transitions and early boundaries can be placed on nonlinear trends, but unlike Type I
warning signals of impending thresholds need to be better defined boundaries, they need to be set in ways that recognize the
(Lenton, 2011; Dakos et al., 2012; Scheffer et al., 2012) in order to dynamics of the system described by trend and variability. Type III
allow a more robust assessment of environmental risk. Similarly, boundaries describe threshold-dependent transitions in a system
ecosystem services have become central to the discourse in current or condition towards new states that are considered abrupt within
environmental assessment and policy (Millennium Ecosystem human timescales (decades and shorter). The causes of transitions
Assessment, 2005, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, may be the gradual erosion, or more stochastic forcing, of system
2010 and United Kingdom National Ecosystem Assessment, 2011) resilience. But beyond a point, changes in the internal system
but, with the exception of global services such as climate regulation, structure and the transition to positive feedback loops produce
are more appropriate for regional scales where natural resources and relatively rapid changes until the system settles into a new
processes are managed, such as within land (or water) use planning attractor. Such transitions are observed in mathematical models
sectors (Cowling et al., 2008; Reyers et al., 2009). Balmford et al. for many ecological systems (Scheffer, 2009), but in real systems
(2011) argue that the human benefits from ecosystems can usefully can only be observed after they are crossed (Groffman et al., 2006).
be broken down into three groupings: (1) core ecosystem processes; A key distinction between two types of threshold change is the
(2) beneficial ecosystem processes; and (3) ecosystem benefits. existence of different degrees of reversibility or hysteresis. Type IV
Ecosystem benefits have a direct impact on human welfare, and they boundaries refer to the rapidly developing area in dynamical
arise from beneficial ecosystem processes (i.e. water provisioning) theory of early warning signals where the sensitivity of a system to
that in turn are part of core ecosystem processes (i.e. nutrient or impacts grows disproportionally as a system loses resilience prior
water cycling); analogous to regulating and supporting services in to a threshold. A number of new analytical techniques defined by
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). In our framework, changes in magnitude-frequency, variability, skewness or auto-
we focus on environmental ceilings for core and beneficial correlation metrics (Lenton, 2013; Dakos et al., 2012; Carstensen
ecosystem processes and conditions because they: (1) represent and Weydmann, 2012) offer the promise of providing Type IV early
the ultimate constraints or boundaries on social activities within the warning signals. Types I–IV represent guides to defining bound-
region; and (2) link directly to the biogeochemical cycles that aries and are not necessarily mutually exclusive (see also Table 1).
underpin global boundaries. The challenges of communicating complexity concepts in real
Rockström et al. (2009b) argued that boundaries should be world situations are significant. In this initial attempt, we use a
defined through an understanding of nonlinear systemic change and colour-coded scheme to identify ‘safe’, ‘cautious’ and ‘dangerous’
focused particularly on ecological thresholds and dangerous categories of operating space (Fig. 2) with the environmental
aggregate effects. We agree on the priority to have criteria that ceiling set between the safe/cautious and dangerous categories.
recognize dynamic change and seek to widen the two categories This simple imagery condenses powerful complexity concepts and
used for defining boundaries at the planetary scale by drawing upon time-series analyses into an easily understood qualitative basis of
theory for early warning signals. We also include information on assessment. At this stage, it is important to set down a generic and
environmental regulatory limits that are widely used in regional dynamical basis for the definition of boundaries. It is easier to
management. Taking a wider range of metrics obviates the need to define ecological boundaries retrospectively when they have
make sharp distinctions between ‘environmental limits’ and already been crossed. Where they have not been crossed, the
‘environmental thresholds’ (Haines-Young et al., 2006) because, process of setting boundaries needs to utilize all possible ways of
in practice, these represent two end members of the scheme. defining systemic change: observation of Type IV early warning
Our aim is to develop a pragmatic guide for identifying regional signals, model simulations, and expert judgement (Balmford et al.,
boundaries from observations of system dynamical behaviour in real 2011; Moss and Schneider, 2000), which together represent an
world time series drawn from monitoring, survey, remote sensing important research priority.
230 J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

Fig. 2. A classification of possible system behaviour as an ecological boundary is reached showing Types I, II, III and IV, with colour coded categories (green, yellow and red) for
attributed ‘safe’, ‘cautious’ and ‘dangerous’ status of key ecological services/processes and respectively (see also text and Table 1 for detailed explanation).

2.2. Social foundations within regions to define a social foundation. In practice, data are
often available through the Millennium Development Goals (a
In direct contrast to environmental ceilings, social foundations suite of global human development targets set by the United
are not defined by social dynamics but by nationally or internation- Nations) that are adjusted to provide national and sub-national
ally agreed minimum standards for human outcomes (Raworth, level data for poverty and health (United Nations, 2012a).
2012). While some social standards have been established at the Illustrative indicators include the percentage figures for: popula-
global scale, such as through the Universal Declaration of Human tion undernourished; population living below $1.25 (PPP) per day;
Rights and subsequent human rights law, their governance is population without access to an improved drinking water source;
enforced at the regional/national level with supranational gover- and population without access to improved sanitation.
nance continuing to be the exception for the foreseeable future.
Therefore to have most policy impact, our framework must be 2.3. Case-study methods
applicable to regional governance systems, their practicalities and
motivations. For example, the management of water resource Ecological time series were drawn from a combination of
catchments to provide adequate water and sanitation for all is monitored instrument records and lake sediment proxy records.
typically a regional issue. Political and administrative boundaries Sediment cores were sampled from the deepest zones of lakes with
shape where governance happens and consequently will determine intact modern sediment-water interfaces and analyzed at 0.5 cm
how the framework can be made operational, how flows of materials intervals to obtain proxy records of water quality, soil stability, air
in and out of the social-ecological system may be delineated, and quality, sediment quality, and sediment regulation. Sediment
how trade-offs can be agreed. dating was based on 210Pb and 137Cs analyses that provide
Data are available for many social indicators. In this initial timescales covering roughly the last century. The analytical
demonstration, we follow Raworth (2012) and use national techniques used are published in detail elsewhere (Dearing
governments’ stated social priorities, as set out in their national et al., 2012a; Wang et al., 2012). Each time series was examined
and regional submissions to the Rio + 20 Earth Summit. Analysis of for trends, nonlinear system behaviour and proximity to environ-
those submissions (Raworth, 2012) reveals strong global consen- mental limits (Fig. 2 and Table 1). Social data, other environmental
sus on eleven social priorities, including: food security, income, data and relevant environmental regulatory limits were collected
water and sanitation, health care, education, energy, gender from official Chinese statistical yearbooks and government reports.
equality, social equality, voice, employment and resilience (Table The main interactions between the different ecosystem service/
A.1). These priorities are used as the basis for selecting indicators process records and the human welfare categories recorded at each
J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238 231

Table 1
Types of ecological boundaries based on environmental limits and dynamical properties of time series.
Type I Linear trends
(Ia) Environmental limits. These are quantitative measures of the state of beneficial ecosystem processes that, once exceeded, significantly constrain conventional
resource use (Haines-Young et al., 2006). For example, exceeding a given level of dissolved sodium in soil water means that the beneficial ecosystem process of
water purification is lost, leading to losses of an ecosystem benefit (e.g. healthy grain production). Such values are often empirically determined from local
experiments and can often be applied throughout a region.
(Ib) Distance from a baseline or background/low impact state. Setting these boundaries involves defining relative measures linked to beneficial ecosystem processes.
For example, the European Union Water Framework Directive ( requires member countries to restore or
manage water quality to a ‘good ecological status’, defined as a slight deviation from a reference condition with no, or only very minor, anthropogenic disturbance.

Type II Nonlinear trends

(IIa) Rate of change. A boundary can be set where there is an unacceptable acceleration in a harmful effect or a decline in a beneficial ecosystem process. The change
in rate may be caused by the cumulative effect of smaller scale changes on a process or condition, corresponding directly to the ‘dangerous aggregated effect’
category used by Rockström et al. (2009). For example, soil erosion may continue for centuries without major impact on crop yields. Yet a maximum soil erosion rate
may be determined from observations and modelling that acknowledges unsustainable losses of soil over soil formation, and off-site effects like increased sediment
delivery to rivers.
(IIb) Envelope of variability. A regional boundary can be defined by the point at which the system moves outside of the long-term normal envelope of variability, or is
statistically different from the long-term quasi-stationary mean. By this definition, extreme events like ‘1 in 100 years floods’ are deemed part of normal variability.
This idea is the basis of arguments for the existence of contemporary anthropogenic global warming (Mann et al., 1998). A regional scale example is an analysis of
river discharge data that show recent divergence from stationary time-series (Milly et al., 2008). Such changes may imply that system boundary conditions may be
changing and equilibrium-models for medium-term forecasting are probably invalid.

Type III Thresholds

(IIIa) Abrupt non-hysteretic changes. Some systems oscillate easily between different states (e.g., predator/prey populations, El Niño/La Niña cycles). These relatively
fast and reversible (from historical evidence) transitions can be disruptive to both ecosystems and society but are non-catastrophic (Scheffer, 2009).
(IIIb) Abrupt hysteretic change. Some systems exhibit catastrophic shifts that are hard to reverse because they involve the forced loss of stability of one system state
and abrupt switch to an alternative state. The metaphor employed to visualize these systems is of neighbouring valleys with a hill in-between them. The bottom of
the valleys are attractors. Driving a ball from the bottom of one valley, over the hill and then releasing it would roll the ball down to the bottom of a different
attractor. The transition from one attractor to another may only require a very small input if the ball is near the top of the hill. However reversing a transition could
require significant input into the system. Although such fold bifurcations with hysteresis are widely discussed in the literature the evidence in real systems is quite
limited (Bascompte et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2012; Lenton, 2013).

Type IV Early warning signals

(IVa) Shifts in magnitude and frequency. The time-series of many human-affected biophysical phenomena show pronounced changes that can be viewed as a shift in
the ‘risk spectrum’ (Dearing et al., 2010). Bivariate frequency-magnitude log-log plots may show evidence for power law behaviour that defines naturally evolved
system properties, giving a possible baseline for judging the impacts of human activities (Dearing and Zolitschka, 1999). Examples include the increasing
frequency of extreme weather events at regional scales associated with anthropogenic climate change (e.g., Webster et al., 2005), and altered fire regimes in
southwestern USA to larger, less frequent fires as a result of fire suppression measures (Swetnam et al., 1999).
(IVb) Variability metrics. Changes in statistical properties of mathematical model output and empirical data offer possible early warning signals of regime shifts
in systems (Scheffer et al., 2012). This has been shown for changes in time-series of lake ecosystems (Wang et al., 2012) and also in spatial patterns of vegetation
cover (e.g., Hirota et al., 2011). Analysis of mathematical systems suggests that these early warning signals are not specific to either catastrophic or non-catastrophic
transitions (Kéfi et al., 2012). We interpret such statistical signals as signs of decreasing system stability, loss of resilience, and the start of a path towards a relatively
rapid (though not always catastrophic) transition, especially where independent metrics mutually corroborate (Dakos et al., 2012; Lindegren, 2012).

From a human time perspective, a Type I linear trend in the short term may prove to be part of the forward limb of a Type IIIb fold bifurcation in the long term.
A change in the rate of a system variable (Type II) over several years may be part of increasing system variability (that could be detected through Types IVa and IVb)
or the beginning of a regime shift (Type III) when viewed over a multi-decadal timescale. Transitions are often referred to as abrupt, but many transitions unfold
slowly after transgressing a threshold (Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl, 2007; Hughes et al., 2012). Thus, both Type IIa and IIb changes could represent a relatively slow
transition towards a new state (Type III). The different boundaries could also be ranked according to their severity, with well-understood Type Ia boundary setting
more stringent limits than Type III.

site are (at least) qualitatively known (Fig. A.1). For example, at 3.1. Erhai lake-catchment, Yunnan Province, China
Erhai (Fig. A.1a) the first order effects of upland soil instability are
on water quality, sediment regulation and food security (crops and The mountainous Erhai lake-catchment, Yunnan, China
fisheries) through flooding, the natural fertilization of paddy fields (25048I02.38II N 100011I33.86II E), including the ancient city of
and lake water quality. Higher order effects create more complex Dali, has a long history of unsustainable pressures on ecosystems
webs of interactions with potential feedback loops. However, our (Dearing et al., 2008). Today, the rural community is involved in
focus at this initial stage is simply to derive the current status of the wet and dry cropping, dairy farming, fishing, aquaculture, and
individual social and ecological conditions. Further work will forestry. The southern part of the lake catchment is the focus for
combine the information on status with known interactions to targeted industrial development. Documented environmental
create dynamic modelling tools for management. impacts include deforestation, soil erosion and eutrophication of
the lake and inflowing rivers (Wang et al., 2012). The ecological
3. Results time series (Fig. 3 and Table A.2) show recent changes in dynamical
behaviour for water quality, air quality and water regulation. Two
Our case studies are represented by two similarly sized low- measures of water quality describe a hysteretic threshold change
income rural communities in China, each covering an area of around 2001 that have taken the lake into the dangerous category
2000 km2 with 1 M population. In each case we define the represented by a highly eutrophic state (Wang et al., 2012). Water
ecological boundaries, social standards, environmental ceiling and regulation over the past four decades has shifted the lake water
social foundation from available time series, historical records and level beyond the long-term envelope of variability but has recently
survey data. The two areas differ in terms of regional governance, changed from the dangerous to the cautious status. Three
physical landscape and proximity to large economic centres, yet measures of air quality show mixed trends but the change in rate
provide similar challenges for sustainable development based for Pb deposition in the sediments indicates a cautious status for
largely on agricultural intensification. emitted heavy metals in the current environment. Much longer
232 J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

tural intensification largely based on increasing fertilizer applica-

tions, has reduced but not eradicated poverty. There is a clear
trade-off in terms of deterioration of key ecological processes and
conditions that have led to dangerous threshold changes in lake
water quality.

3.2. Shucheng County, Anhui Province, China

Shucheng County (31027I43.29II N 116056I55.20II E) is situated

in eastern China in the lower Yangtze basin about 200 km W of
Nanjing City. It is a ‘poverty-stricken county’ as defined by the
central government, and previous research has shown that the
region has undergone serious environmental degradation due to
intensive agricultural activities during the last 60 years (Dearing et
al., 2012a). The ecological records from Shucheng (Fig. 4, and Table
A.4) show that water quality, sediment quality and air quality have
moved into the dangerous status, with soil stability given cautious
status in response to the increasing volatility in the recent records.
Given the findings from Erhai about alternate soil stability states, it
is feasible that the farmed Shucheng soils have also passed into an
alternate degraded state, meaning that the designated cautious
status based on recent observations should be regarded as a
minimum status. Like Erhai, the lake water quality transition is
probably hysteretic (Wang et al., 2012) implying a high degree of
irreversibility. Levels of sediment-associated P from intensive
farming and deposited Pb from local fossil fuel powered industries
are not only very high by international standards but also 80–100%
higher than pre-1960s levels. Mapping these boundaries with
respect to the regional environmental ceiling (Fig. 5b) highlights
the importance of soil, water and air management. The social
foundation is virtually met in terms of food security, health care
and minimum income (Fig. 5b and Table A.5) implying that the
government strategy of providing extra resources to ‘poverty-
stricken’ counties is relatively successful. But like Erhai, access to
piped water and sanitation still lags behind other poverty
alleviation measures.
There are huge challenges in these Chinese regions for the local
governments to harness the momentum of economic growth to
reduce poverty while reconciling growth with the need to restore
badly damaged ecosystems and ecological processes, and to avoid
further irreversible and costly environment damage. Managing
the two regions as social-ecological systems that remain within a
RSJOS now needs, particularly, to prioritize the challenge of
reducing nutrient loadings to the rivers and lakes whilst improving
Fig. 3. Erhai lake-catchment, Yunnan Province: ecological boundaries (top to the rural access to water and sanitation. Air quality and water
bottom panels) for sediment regulation, two measures of water quality, three regulation are also in need of continuous environmental monitor-
measures of air quality and water regulation based on time series extending back
from 2006 over one to eleven decades. The time series are illustrated with red
ing and evidence-based management if they are to stay within
dashed lines, where appropriate, to show the basis for defining the different types of the regional environmental ceilings. Soils in both regions need
dynamical behaviour and boundary (Fig. 2) described in each panel (italicized). targeted conservation measures.
Colour coded segments show historical changes in the safe (green), cautious
(yellow) and dangerous (red) status of each ecological process (Fig. 2). The status
shown for 2006 is used in the social and environmental integrated plot (Fig. 5a).
Details of data and the categorization of boundaries are given in Table A.2. (For 4. Discussion
interpretation of the references to color in this text, the reader is referred to the web
version of the article.) These case studies demonstrate proof-of-concept and validity
of a new conceptual framework that may help raise the
standards of social conditions while reducing the likelihood of
sediment records (Dearing, 2008) show that the upland land use- moving into dangerous operating spaces with respect to
soil system currently sits in the dangerous category, having settled ecological boundaries. Our framework offers a clear visual
into an alternate degraded steady state about 850 years ago. The image for making comparisons between different regions and,
social foundation (Table A.3) is virtually met in terms of health care potentially, provides a basis for assessing a region’s impact on
but provision of food, water and sanitation falls short by planetary boundaries. The outputs could usefully inform the
substantial margins. Mapping the ecological boundaries with Post-2015 UN Development Agenda and new Sustainable
respect to the regional environmental ceiling and social foundation Development Goals (United Nations, 2012b). Although these
(Fig. 5a) highlights the importance of water quality management. are good reasons to advocate its use, particularly in rural regions
Taking these preliminary findings together suggests that the within developing nations, there are a number of caveats and
process of economic development, particularly through agricul- remaining challenges.
J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238 233

Fig. 4. Shucheng County, Anhui Province: ecological boundaries (top to bottom

panels) for sediment regulation, soil stability, water quality, sediment quality and
air quality based on time series extending back from 2006 over one to eleven
decades. The time series are illustrated with red dashed lines, where appropriate, to
show the basis for defining the different types of dynamical behaviour and
boundary (Fig. 2) described in each panel (italicized). Colour coded segments show
historical changes in the safe (green), cautious (yellow) and dangerous (red) status
of each ecological process (Fig. 2). The status shown for 2006 is used in the social
and environmental integrated plot (Fig. 5a). Details of data and categorization of
boundaries are given in Table A.4. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this text, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.) Fig. 5. Safe and just operating spaces mapped for two Chinese regions in 2006. (a)
Erhai lake-catchment system, Yunnan Province; (b) Shucheng County, Anhui
Province. The figures show the extent to which each region currently meets
expected social standards (blue sectors) for an acceptable social foundation (green
4.1. Complex interactions circle), and the current status of key ecological services/processes (from Figs. 3 and
4): safe (green sectors), cautious (yellow sectors) and dangerous (red sectors). The
environmental ceiling (red circle) defines the approximate boundary between
While systems dynamic theory is used to help define ecological
sustainable and unsustainable use of ecological processes. The RSJOS exists as a
boundaries, as with the original planetary boundaries framework ‘doughnut’ between the environmental ceiling and social foundation. Data for
(Rockström et al., 2009a,b), the framework does not provide a sediment quality (a) and water regulation (b) unavailable. Note that the relative
systems dynamic analysis of the relationships between any of the sizes of green, yellow and red sectors are illustrative: they are not plotted to any
scale and are not plotted from the centre of the circles (see text for further
social and environmental conditions. Rather, it provides a basis for
explanation). Blank sectors indicate unavailability of data. Ecological data are
judging the relative state of current environmental viability and shown in Figs. 3 and 4, and Tables A.2 and A.4; social data in Tables A.3 and A.5. An
societal wellbeing within a region. Clearly, caution must be additional sector for upland soil stability at Erhai (a) is based on assessment of
exercised in considering causative links between the different centennial records (see text and Dearing, 2008). (For interpretation of the
variables because interactions within and between a social references to color in this text, the reader is referred to the web version of the
foundation and environment ceiling are likely to be complex,
nonlinear and difficult to confirm. The analyses of biophysical
time-series alone underline the need to consider the full range of direct stress on those ecological systems, as provided by the RSJOS
timescales (annual-centennial) embedded within the social- methodology, is essential.
ecological dynamics when assessing the environmental outcomes Thus the framework is best used to formulate hypotheses about
from a specific social policy or land management decision. There links and interactions for further testing and investigation. For
are likely to be important lags in the feedback effects of excessive example, a new family of integrative social-ecological models (e.g.
resource use and resource stress (such as from climate change, ARIES might help to identify critical
eutrophication, biodiversity loss, and so on) on human health, points in the flows of ecosystem processes/services that could be
income, food and water availability and resilience. These lagged used in highlighting vulnerable areas at risk from development.
environmental feedbacks may be related to hysteretic processes The framework provides a strong basis for designing systems
with potentially irreversible effects meaning that early warnings of dynamics models that capture feedback mechanisms (e.g. using
234 J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

multi-agent modelling tools, such as STELLA, Matlab-Simulink) in levels of regional contributions to global problems. Methods to
order to explore the ecological impacts of alternative social futures. construct such nested indicators are available for problems such as
Multivariate analyses within pressure-state-response frameworks fossil fuel related emissions ‘embodied’ in traded products (Peters
(OECD, 1993) may be able to estimate future probabilities of extreme et al., 2012) and in regards to biodiversity pressures (Haberl et al.,
events as a result of co-occurring drivers (Denny et al., 2009; 2012) and land-use impacts (Lenzen et al., 2012) related to trade.
Rounsevell et al., 2010). Drawing on econometric methods, it may These underline the need and challenge to extend the RSJOS
also be possible to aggregate individual time-series signals to give a framework presented to include regional contributions to the
region-wide assessment of growing connectivity (Wang et al., 2011) pressures on planetary boundaries.
and causality (Sugihara et al., 2012) between variables, and the
associated risk of systemic failure (Billio et al., 2012). The growing Acknowledgements
numbers of long term social-ecological reconstructions (Singh et al.,
2013) will provide new material for extending the RSJOS framework This paper is a product of a two-day workshop held at the
to embrace the interactions between social foundations and University of Southampton, July 10–11 2012, within the Evidence
environmental ceilings. But until these opportunities are realized, and Impacts Research Grant programme ‘Safe operating spaces for
the RSJOS images presented are essentially informative, teleological regional rural development: a new conceptual tool for evaluating
devices providing a regional barometer of sustainable development complex socio-ecological system dynamics’ funded (grant refer-
for policy traction and strategic scientific studies. ence EIRG-2011-166) by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty
Alleviation Programme (ESPA). The ESPA programme is funded
4.2. Inter-regional fluxes by the Department for International Development (DFID), the
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural
To a lesser or greater extent, all regions are connected to all other Environment Research Council (NERC), as part of the UK’s Living
regions. The use of natural resources and ecosystem services within with Environmental Change Programme (LWEC). We acknowledge
a region is frequently driven by larger scale motivations, resulting in additional financial support for the workshop from the Interna-
flows of energy, people, money, and goods between regions. This tional Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the University
means that the social and ecological variables within many regions of Southampton. The research is an outcome of the IGBP Past
are not necessarily strongly linked to local resource availability. Global Changes Focus 4 ‘Regional Integration’ initiative. H.H.
Proximity to dangerous ecological boundaries may drive imports acknowledges funding from the FP7 project VOLANTE (grant
(Seto et al., 2012) but conversely regional environmental degrada- agreement no. 265104). We thank four anonymous reviewers for
tion may be driven by production for export (Muradian and their thoughtful comments. This is a Sustainability Science at
Martinez-Alier, 2001). Thus the welfare data produced in the social Southampton publication.
foundation are focused on deprivations to be avoided, and do not
indicate the extent to which other parts of a society may be engaged
in excessive consumption patterns that directly affect the ecological Appendix A
conditions of a region. The rise in the global urban population, in
particular, is tied to the sustainability of human and natural See Fig. A.1 and Tables A.1–A.5.
resources in both proximal and distant regions (Seitzinger et al.,
2012). Whiteman et al. (2012) argue that corporate sustainability
should include the impact of companies on the planetary boundaries
but, as they also state, there is a need to include collective targets at
local/regional scales to avoid problem-shifting among actors and
geographic regions. In representing the fundamental limits to
impacts on regional ecosystems, from whatever combination of
drivers, the RSJOS framework outlined here is a first, and necessary,
bottom-up step in improving our understanding of multi-scale
interconnections (cf. Nilsson and Persson, 2012) in setting local or
regional boundaries.

4.3. Tradeoffs

The impacts of regional resource scarcities (e.g. limits to food

production) or overexploitation of regional resources (e.g. overuse of
forests) may be overcome by switching to alternative resources,
often resulting in new sustainability challenges. For example, Erb
et al. (2008) describe a typical pattern in their analysis of historic
tradeoffs in land use in Austria. Fossil fuel based yield increases in
agriculture and the substitution of fossil fuels for biomass as the
main energy source resulted in the recovery of previously degraded
forests. From 1830 to 2000, local food supply multiplied and forests
increased substantially in both area and stocking density. These
regional gains were accomplished without substantially raising the
net import of food and other land-based resources, but at the
expense of increased greenhouse gas emissions (Folke et al., 2007)
and, most likely, unsustainable soil use (Winiwarter and Gerzabeck,
2012). While the latter would be detected within the proposed RSJOS Fig. A.1. Known interactions between ecosystem service/processes (shaded boxes)
framework, the former would require a global framework with and social indicators (dotted boxes) for (a) the Erhai lake-catchment system and (b)
complementary indicators capable of showing unsustainably high Shucheng County.
J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238 235

Table A.1
Eleven indicators of a social foundation based on national governments’ social priorities for Rio+20 (Raworth, 2012).

Social foundation Indicators

Food security Population undernourished 13% 2006–2008

Income Population living below $1.25 (PPP) per day 21% 2005
Water and sanitation Population without access to an improved drinking water source

Population without access to improved sanitation

Health care Population estimated to be without regular access to essential medicines
Education Children not enrolled in primary school
Illiteracy among 15–24-year-olds
Energy Population lacking access to electricity
Population lacking access to clean cooking facilities
Gender equality Employment gap between women and men in waged work (excluding agriculture)

Representation gap between women and men in national parliaments

Social equity Population living on less than the median income in countries with a Gini coefficient
exceeding 0.35
Voice E.g. Population living in countries perceived (in surveys) not to permit political
participation or freedom of expression
Jobs E.g. Labour force not employed in decent work
Resilience E.g. Population facing multiple dimensions of poverty

Table A.2
Erhai lake-catchment: ecological boundaries.

Ecological process IIndicator (measurable IEcological IEcological boundary Current Boundary Current IKnown drivers
or condition variable) boundary (type) (definition) status value state

Air quality 1 Acidity of precipitation Type Ia Linear Limit pH = 5.6 Safe pH 5.6 pH 7.5 Fossil fuel power
(monitored pH) Environmental according to national generation/industrial
limit regulatory standards emissions
Air quality 2 Industrial soot/ Type Ib Linear Emission regulatory Safe 2 t/yr 1 t/yr Fossil fuel power
particulate emission trends standards for Dali generation
(monitored >0.1 mm Distance from a prefecture (<2 t/yr)
particle emissions) (high)
background state
Air quality 3 Heavy metals (lake Type Ib Linear Baseline Pb Cautious 3% 5% Industrial emissions
sediment deposited trends concentration before
sediment Pb) Distance from 1980s
Water regulation Lake water volume Type IIb Earlier low lake levels Cautious 1973 1972 Dam construction/
(monitored lake level) Nonlinear <1972 m triggered hydroelectric power
Envelope of lake eutrophication station demands/
variability climate change
Sediment Sediment delivery No detectable Long-term trend and Safe Land use change/dam
regulation from catchment (lake change variability indicate no constructions
sediment mass major changes in
accumulation rate) driver-responses
Water quality 1 Water transparency Type IVb Relative steady state Dangerous 3m 2m Nutrients enrichment
(monitored secchi Thresholds values before 2000. from fertilizers and
depth) Abrupt hysteretic Critical transition untreated sewage/fish
change 2001 with evidence farming
for fold bifurcation.
(Wang et al., 2012)
Water quality 2 Algal growth (lake Type IVb Relative steady state Dangerous 1.0 0.2 Nutrients enrichment
sediment diatom Thresholds values before 2000. from fertilizers and
community expressed Abrupt hysteretic Critical transition untreated sewage/fish
through detrended change 2001 with evidence farming
correspondence for fold bifurcation
analysis (DCA axis 1) (Wang et al., 2012)
Upland soil Eroded soil and Type IVb Steady non-degraded Dangerous n/a n/a Upslope movement of
stability substrate indicative of Thresholds state before AD 520. farming and
gullying on steep Abrupt hysteretic Critical transition to ineffective terracing
slopes (lake sediment change modern degraded state
record of topsoil and lasted 600 years until
subsoil fingerprints AD 1150. Evidence
frequency dependent for fold bifurcation
magnetic with strong hysteresis
susceptibility and low and irreversibility
field susceptibility) (Dearing et al., 2008)
Sources: Anhui Province Statistical Yearbooks (1989–2011), Dearing et al. (2008), Dearing et al. (2012a,b), Li (2008), Wang et al. (2012), Yan et al. (2005), Yunnan Digital
Village (2013).
236 J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238

Table A.3
Erhai lake-catchment: social foundation.

Social foundation Indicator Current deficit from 100% (year)

Food security Children undernourished (0–5 years old) >5% (2012)

Income Population living below $1.25(PPP)/day 2% (2010)
Water and sanitation Households with piped water (Cibihu) 9% (not known)
Health care Children (0–5 years old) mortality rate >1% (2012)
Education Illiteracy rate (Eryuan) 2% (2010)
Energy Households with clean energy 17% (not known)
Gender equality To be determined
Social equity To be determined
Voice To be determined
Jobs Urban unemployment 2% (2005)
Resilience To be determined
Sources: Bai (2003), ), Eryuan County Bureau of Statistics (2011), Dali Environmental Protection Bureau (1999–2010) and Dali Bai Autonomous
Perfecture (2012).

Table A.4
Shucheng County: ecological boundaries.

Ecological process Indicator (measurable Ecological boundary Ecological boundary Current Boundary Current Known drivers
or condition variable) (type) (definition) status value state

Air quality Heavy metals (lake Type Ib Linear trends Baseline Pb Dangerous 30 mg/g 60 mg/g Industrial emissions
sediment deposited Distance from baseline concentration before
sediment Pb) 1960s. Modern values
now 2 baseline
Sediment Sediment delivery Type IIb Nonlinear No Low absolute values, Safe Land use change/dam
regulation from catchment (lake detectable change stationary data and constructions
sediment mass reducing variability
accumulation rate) indicate increasing
stability or no major
changes in driver-
Water quality Algal growth (lake Type IIIb Thresholds Critical transition Dangerous 100 mg/l 160 mg/l Nutrient enrichment
sediment diatom Abrupt hysteretic 1980 with assumed from fertilizers/
inferred transfer change fold bifurcation as untreated sewage/lake
function) shown in similar reclamation
contexts (Wang et al.,
Soil stability Topsoil erosion (lake Type IVa Early warning Relative steady state Cautious 2–6  10 m3/kg 2–8  10 6
m3/kg Land use change/
sediment record of signal Magnitude- before 1985. deforestation/
topsoil fingerprint frequency Increasing magnitude cultivated slopes
frequency dependent and frequency since
magnetic the 1960s and
susceptibility) especially after 1985
suggests growing
topsoil instability
Sediment Sediment-associated Type Ib Linear Distance P concentration Dangerous 500 mg/g 900 mg/g Excess fertilizer/soil
quality nutrients and from baseline increase after 1960s to erosion
contaminants (lake a high level. Mean
sediment records of value in 1960s taken as
bound total P) a baseline condition.
Source: Dearing et al. (2012a,b).

Table A.5
Shucheng County: social foundations.

Social foundation Indicator Current deficit from 100% (year)

Food security Children undernourished (0–5 years old) 1% (2009)

Income Population living below $1.25(PPP)/day 6% (2010)
Water and sanitation Households with piped water 55% (2011)
Households with lavatories (Anhui) 42% (2010)
Health care Children (0–5 years old) mortality (Anhui) 2% (2010)
Education Illiteracy rate 8% (2010)
Energy To be determined
Gender equality To be determined
Social equality To be determined
Voice To be determined
Jobs Urban unemployment rate (Anhui) 4% (2010)
Resilience To be determined
Source: Anhui Province Statistical Yearbooks (1989–2011).
J.A. Dearing et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 227–238 237

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