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criminal law reviewer (midterms)

INTRODUCTION (REYES) or deprivation of a right for something

which when done was lawful; and
(6) deprives a person accused of a crime
Criminal Law - branch or division of law which some lawful protection to which he has
defines crimes, treats of their nature, and become entitled, such as the protection
provides for their punishment. (12 Cyc. 129) of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
proclamation of amnesty. (In re: Kay
Crime - an act committed or omitted in violation Villegas Kami, Inc., 35 SCRA 429, 431)
of a public law forbidding or commanding it. (I
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Rawle's Third Revision, Congress is also prohibited from
729) passing an act which would inflict
punishment without judicial trial, for
*No common law crimes in the Philippines* that would constitute a bill of
Power to define and punish crimes.
The State has the authority, under its police Bill of Attainder - a legislative act which
power, to define and punish crimes and to lay inflicts punishment without trial. Its
down the rules of criminal procedure. States, as essence is the substitution of a
a part of their police power, have a large legislative act for a judicial
measure of discretion in creating and denning determination of guilt. (People vs.
criminal offenses. (People vs. Santiago, 43 Phil.
120, 124) Ex: Congress passes a law which
authorizes the arrest and imprisonment of
communists without the benefit of a
Limitations on the power of the lawmaking
judicial trial.
body to enact penal legislation.
Ferrer, 48 SCRA 382, 395)
The Bill of Rights of the 1987 Constitution To give a law retroactive application to
imposes the following limitations: the prejudice of the accused is to make
it an ex post facto law.
1. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder
shall be enacted. (Art. Ill, Sec. 22) Constitutional rights of the accused.
(a) makes criminal an act done before Article III, Bill of Rights, of the 1987
the passage of the law and which was Constitution provides for the following
innocent when done, and punishes such rights:
an act; 1. All persons shall have the right to a
(b) aggravates a crime, or makes it speedy disposition of their cases
greater than it was, when committed; before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or
(c) changes the punishment and inflicts administrative bodies. (Sec. 16)
a greater punishment than the law 2. No person shall be held to answer
annexed to the crime when committed; for a criminal offense without due
(d) alters the legal rules of evidence, process of law. (Sec. 14[1])
and authorizes conviction upon less or 3. All persons, except those charged
different testimony than the law with offenses punishable by
required at the time of the commission reclusion perpetua when evidence
of the offense; of guilt is strong, shall, before
(5) assumes to regulate civil rights and conviction, be bailable by sufficient
remedies only, in effect imposes penalty sureties, or be released on
recognizance as may be provided by
criminal law reviewer (midterms)

law. The right to bail shall not be inadmissible in evidence against

impaired even when the privilege of him. (Sec. 12[3])
the writ of habeas corpus is
suspended. Excessive bail shall not 6. Excessive fines shall not be
be required. (Sec. 13) imposed, nor cruel, degrading or
4. In all criminal prosecutions, the inhuman punishment inflicted. (Sec.
accused shall be presumed innocent 19[1])
until the contrary is proved, and 7. No person shall be twice put in
shall enjoy the right to be heard by jeopardy of punishment for the
himself and counsel, to be informed same offense. If an act is punished
of the nature and cause of the by a law and an ordinance,
accusation against him, to have conviction or acquittal under either
speedy, impartial, and public trial, shall constitute a bar to another
to meet the witnesses face to face, prosecution for the same act. (Sec.
and to have compulsory process to 21)
secure the attendance of witnesses 8. Free access to the courts and
and the production of evidence in quasi-judicial bodies and adequate
his behalf. However, after legal assistance shall not be denied
arraignment, trial may proceed to any person by reason of poverty.
notwithstanding the absence of the (Sec. 11)
accused provided that he has been
duly notified and his failure to Statutory rights of the accused.
appear is unjustifiable. (Sec. 14[2]) Section 1, Rule 115, of the Revised
5. No person shall be compelled to be Rules on Criminal Procedure
a witness against himself. (Sec. 17) provides that in all criminal
Any person under investigation for prosecutions, the accused shall be
the commission of an offense shall entitled:
have the right to be informed of his
right to remain silent and to have 1. To be presumed innocent until
competent and independent the contrary is proved beyond
counsel preferably of his own reasonable doubt.
choice. If the person cannot afford 2. To be informed of the nature and
the services of counsel, he must be cause of the accusation against him.
provided with one. These rights 3. To be present and defend in
cannot be waived except in writing person and by counsel at every
and in the presence of counsel. stage of the proceedings, from
(Sec. 12[1]) No torture, force, arraignment to promulgation of the
violence; threat, intimidation, or judgment
any other means which vitiate the 4. To testify as a witness in his own
free will shall be used against him. behalf but subject to cross-
Secret detention places, solitary, examination on matters covered by
incommunicado, or other similar direct examination. His silence shall
forms of detention are prohibited. not in any manner prejudice him.
(Sec 12[2]) 5. To be exempt from being
compelled to be a witness against
Any confession or admission himself.
obtained in violation of this or
Section 17 hereof shall be
criminal law reviewer (midterms)

6. To confront and cross-examine

the witnesses against him at the
7. To have compulsory process
issued to secure the attendance of
witnesses and production of other Exceptions to the general application of
evidence in his behalf. Criminal Law. - cases where our
8. To have a speedy, impartial and Criminal Law does not apply even if the
public trial. crime is committed by a person residing
9. To appeal in all cases allowed and or sojourning in the Philippines
in the manner prescribed by law.
1. Treaties or Treaty stipulations
Characteristics of criminal law.
Ex: Bases Agreement entered into by
1. GENERAL - in that criminal law is and between the Republic of the
binding on all persons who live or Philippines and the United States of
sojourn in Philippine territory. (Art. 14, America on March 14, 1947 (which
new Civil Code) expired on 16 September 1991),
Ex: Carrying of firearms of an stipulating that "(t)he Philippines
American Citizen within Philippine consents that the United States have
territory the right to exercise jurisdiction over
Ruling: "The Philippines is a the following offenses:
sovereign stat e with the obligation
and the right of every government (a) Any offense committed by any
to uphold its laws and maintain person within any base,
order within its domain, and with except where the offender
the general jurisdiction to punish and the offended party are
persons for offenses committed both Philippine citizens (not
within its territory, regardless of members of the armed forces
the nationality of the offender. of the United States on active
duty) or the offense is against
the security of the
(Salonga and Yap, Public
International Law, p. 169) No
foreigner enjoys in this country
(b) Any offense committed
extra-territorial right to be
outside the bases by any
exempted from its laws and
member of the armed forces
jurisdiction, with the exception of
of the United States in which
heads of states and diplomatic
the offended party is also a
representatives who, by virtue of
member of the armed forces
the customary law of nations, are
of the United States; and
not subject to the Philippine
territorial jurisdiction." (People vs.
(c) Any offense committed
Galacgac, C.A., 54 O.G. 1027)
outside the bases by any
member of the armed forces
of the United States against
the security of the United
criminal law reviewer (midterms)

2. Law of Preferential Application

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