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Business Communication

Report Writing


September 2021

Complied by
Eka Academy Private Limited
For the exclusive use of
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited
Business Communication and Report Writing Program by Eka Academy

Table of Contents
Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Content Outline ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Importance of Business Communication ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 What is business communication? ........................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Why is effective communication important in business? ..................................................................... 5
2. Written Communication – Business Reports .................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Types of written communication .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 A definition of business reports ............................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Why do we write reports? .................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Characteristics of business reports ....................................................................................................... 7
3. Stages of Report Writing ................................................................................................................................. 8
UNIT 2: PLANNING .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1. Define the Purpose and Scope of the Report ............................................................................................... 10
2. Consider the Audience .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Who is your target audience? ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2 How must you adapt the report for the audience? ............................................................................ 13
3. Gather Information for the Report ........................................................................................................... 14
4. Design the Structure of a Business Report ................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Memorandum Report ......................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Letter Report ....................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Short Report ........................................................................................................................................ 17
4.4 Formal Report ..................................................................................................................................... 18
5. Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
UNIT 3: WRITING .................................................................................................................................................. 22
1. Tips and Techniques to Write Good Reports ................................................................................................ 23
1.1 Writing clearly ..................................................................................................................................... 23
1.2 Writing concisely ................................................................................................................................. 27
1.3 Making your writing complete ............................................................................................................ 29
1.4 Writing Correctly ................................................................................................................................. 30
2. Traps to Avoid when Writing Reports ........................................................................................................... 32
3. Write the Report ........................................................................................................................................... 33
4. Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
UNIT 4: REVISING .................................................................................................................................................. 35
1. Proof reading ................................................................................................................................................ 36
2. Do a Quality Check ........................................................................................................................................ 38
2.1 Checklist for review ............................................................................................................................. 39
3. Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Personal Action Plan ............................................................................................................................................. 41

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Business Communication and Report Writing Program by Eka Academy


The purpose of this intervention is to appreciate the importance of business communication with an
emphasis on how to plan, structure, write and revise business reports. Participants will learn key
concepts of report writing and explore the technical aspects of how to write a fit for purpose report.

Content Outline

Introduction Planning Writing Revising

Define the purpose

Importance of and scope of the Tips and techniques
business to write good
communication reports Proof read the
Consider the
Written audience
communication Traps to avoid when
including business writing reports
reports Gather information
for the report
Do a quality check
Stages of Report
Writing Design the structure Write the report
of the report

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1. Importance of Business Communication

1.1 What is business communication?

Business communication is communication that takes place in the business for organising and
administering business activities. It can include the exchange of ideas, news and views in connection
with the business.

Business communication may be internal or external. Internal communication takes place in meetings
or via written means such as emails, letters, reports etc. External communication takes place with
suppliers, clients or other businesses.

A dictionary definition…

Business communication is the sharing of information between people within an

enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organisation. In addition,
business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to
promote its product or services to potential consumers.

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1.2 Why is effective communication important in

Communication plays a crucially important role in all aspects of a business and is a building block of
successful organisations. Effective business communication helps build good relationships between
employees, which can help increase productivity and the company's bottom line.

On the other hand, poor communication in business can result in several unforeseen problems,
including disgruntled customers or employees, delayed projects, diminishing productivity and more.

Communication is therefore important to your business for the following reasons:

Promotes motivation

Effective communication can motivate employees and create a sense of engagement and belonging,
through the healthy flow of information.

Increases productivity

The success of any project is dependent upon the ability of employees to communicate and
collaborate as a successful team. Effective communication promotes understanding and builds trust
between employees.

Helps to grow customer base

Customers are without a doubt, the lifeblood of the business. Businesses rely on customers for survival.
Effective external communication can help attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Improves Business Partnerships/Relationships

Another important aspect of effective communication is improved partnerships and business

relationships. Communication is crucial when dealing with suppliers and external business contacts.
Sometimes suppliers need to be regularly updated on all products and processes to ensure a smooth
flow in the value chain.

In this guide, we will focus on how to effectively communicate when writing reports…

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2. Written Communication – Business Reports

2.1 Types of written communication

At work, we communicate in a variety of written formats and for a variety of reasons:

• To correspond (emails, SMS etc.)

• To record and document (Minutes of meetings, registers, agendas etc.)
• To propose (Research proposals, business proposals etc.)
• To plan for action (Strategic plans, project plans, action plans etc.)
• To report on facts about a specific business matter (Product analysis, project report,
feasibility study, research report, evaluation report etc.)

2.2 A definition of business reports

As mentioned above, you can write business reports in a range of formats and for a variety of
purposes. Whether you need to report on a project, product analysis, a feasibility study, research
findings, or something else, report writing is a skill you will use again and again.

What is a business report?

• “A business report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information

that serves some business purpose.”

• “A business report is an impartial, objective, planned presentation of a fact to

one or more persons for a specific, significant business purpose.”

• “A formal communication written for a specific purpose that includes a

description of procedures followed for collection and analysis of
data, their significance, the conclusions drawn from them and
the recommendations, if required.”

So, a business report can be defined as an organised, written statement of facts related to a specific
business matter. It helps the interested persons to get insight into the problem and assists in decision-
making and problem-solving.

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2.3 Why do we write reports?

The prime objective of reports is to help a business to take accurate and pragmatic decisions. We
compile reports for many reasons:

To carry information to the relevant parties

To analyse data for interpretation

To help planning by providing factual information

To help decision-making by providing necessary information & evidence

To help establish effective control systems

To help reduce and resolve organisational disputes

To help to bring effective coordination between & among departments

To find out the reason behind a problem

To present the findings of an investigation

To recommend specific action to solve a problem

2.4 Characteristics of business reports

As we know, business reports carry information on facts related to business activities. The very nature
of business reports differentiates them from other reports. The unique characteristics of business
reports are discussed below:

Specific Issue

Business reports are written on a specific subject. They are written to fulfil a certain need.

Pre-Specified Audience

An important characteristic of a business report is that it has a specified audience. Usually a report is
written for a limited number of audiences and the needs of the audience are always kept in mind.

Specific Structure or Layout

In preparing reports, certain structures/layouts/formats are followed.

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Written on Past Events

In most of the cases, reports are written on past events. Most business reports carry the reasons for
incidents, the ways of recovery etc. Reports are also written in past forms/tense.

Neutral in Nature

In drafting reports, strict impartiality must be maintained. No biased or non-objective material is

included. Biased reports may lead to disastrous decisions.

Factual Information

Business reports are always written based on factual information. The data collected on specific
events is factual, not factious.

Joint Effort

Sometimes business reports are an outcome of joint efforts of a group of people – where a committee
is formed (3 to 7 people) to furnish a report on a certain incident.

3. Stages of Report Writing

Breaking down a large task into smaller steps can make the task seem more manageable. If you are
in the process of writing your next report, you may find it easier to view the process as a series of
small steps.

There are three stages to report writing:

1. Planning
• Define the purpose and scope of the report
• Consider the audience
• Gather information for the report
• Design the structure of the report

2. Writing
• Tips and techniques to write good reports
• Traps to avoid when writing reports
• Write the report

3. Revising
• Proofread the content
• Do a quality check

Let’s examine each stage in more detail…

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Planning is a very crucial stage in report writing as it establishes the purpose, context and structure of
the report. It answers the why, what, how, who and when planning questions. The more thorough you
are in the planning stage, the better the report that you write!

Planning involves the following steps…

1. Planning

• Define the purpose and scope of the report

• Consider the audience
• Gather information for the report
• Design the structure of the report

Let’s take it from the top…

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1. Define the Purpose and Scope of the Report

The first step is to define the purpose of the report. The purpose of the report could be to share an
idea, answer a question, solve a problem, or share information. Make sure that you can describe the
purpose of the report in straightforward terms. This will help you to keep your information clear when
you start to write.

To help define the purpose and scope of the report – think of a possible report you may have to write
in the near future and provide answers to the following questions. Note that this report will be
referenced throughout this intervention as your Case Study:

Question Response…

• Why must you produce the report –

for what purpose?

• What business issue is the report

going to address?

• What factual information must the

report contain?

• What problems will the report

share insights on?

• What decisions will the report help to


• What is the scope of the report –

what will it focus on?
• What will be included, excluded?

• Anything else?

Once you have established the purpose of the report, you must consider who the audience for the
report is.

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2. Consider the Audience

An important aspect of report writing is to consider your audience. Unlike letters and memos - reports and
proposals have a far wider distribution. Readers of your report may be involved in the problem-solving or
decision-making process, so your job is to make it easy for them to understand the information and data
presented. In order to make reading the report easier, think in terms of the reader.

2.1 Who is your target audience?

To analyse the needs of the target audience, respond to the questions in the table below (following on
from the previous Case Study):

Question Response…

Primary People who must act or make decisions based on

the document

Who is your audience? Secondary People who will be affected by actions the primary
There are three basic audience is going to take in response to the
audience types: document

Intermediate People responsible for evaluating the document

and passing it on the right people

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Question Response…


• What are the

needs of each Secondary
audience type –
relevant to the
report? Intermediate

For the Primary Audience, answer the following:

What do they expect to learn from
the report?
What do they already know?
What don’t they know that must be
included in the report?
Do they hold certain biases or
preferences that will impact on the
interpretation of the report – and
hence decision-making or problem-
What positions do they hold in the
What are their levels of education /
work experience relevant to the
What decision making powers do
they have relevant to the report?

Anything else?

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2.2 How must you adapt the report for the audience?

Based on the above analysis of the audience, what must you consider and / or adapt in your report to
cater for the various needs?

Some things you may consider for adaptation are:

• The use of jargon and technical terms

• Level of the language used in the report
• Scope of the report
• Focus of the report
• The level of detail in the report
• Strategies to handle possible contentious or sensitive issues, given the target audience, etc.

Now that you have a handle on the audience, the next step is to gather relevant information, capable
of addressing the purpose, scope and issues that the report must address.


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3. Gather Information for the Report

This step involves gathering information that will go into the report. Expert opinions and hard numbers
often form the core of many business reports.

How do you gather accurate information for a report, and how do you choose what to include
and exclude?

Following these guidelines will ensure that what you gather is accurate:

• Collect your evidence before you write by observing, interviewing, doing research and
gathering data.
• Organise your evidence.
• Keep your evidence clear of your opinions. Make sure that personal bias isn’t skewing the
evidence by letting how you feel get in the way of what you gather.

In most studies, you will gather masses of information and you must be selective about what goes
into your report. Your selection should be based on:

• The purpose of your report. What is it meant to achieve?

• The people to whom it is directed (the reader or readers). You have to decide what the
readers already know and what they need to know.

Unless you are an unquestioned authority on your subject matter, your opinions will only carry as
much weight as the evidence that you can gather. The more evidence you can collect before writing,
the easier your writing will be.

Evidence consists of the facts and information you gather in three ways:

• Careful observation
• Interviews
• Research (in your company library or archives, surveys, statistical review, etc.)

In order to make sure that your report is not biased, don’t focus only on evidence that
will support your argument. You need to objectively present the positive and negative
results for people to see the integrity in your data and the report.

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To give formal reports credibility and authority, researchers generally rely on a certain amount of
secondary data, obtained in print or electronically.

Consider the following pointers when planning to gather information for business reports:

• What information do you want to gather?

• How will you gather the information, i.e. observation, documentary review, interviews, etc.?
• What sources will you gather data from? From whom or where?
• How will you analyse and interpret the information you have gathered?

A challenge!

Write down possible sources you might use to gather information for each of
these report topics:

Your Case Study

Results of 360-degree performance reviews

How much succession planning the

BITS team has done?

The efficiency of different types of project

management software

Safety issues in your workplace

Trends in the financial industry

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4. Design the Structure of a Business Report

There are several basic formats or approaches to writing reports. The type that you use will depend
on how formal the report needs to be, and how much detail your readers need. You can write internal
reports (memorandum report), a letter style report, a short report, or a formal report.

Reports typically make use of headings and sub-headings to separate the information.
This gives your reader a break from reading solid pages of text and also allows people
to find what they want to read quickly.

The different report types are presented here from the least to the most formal.

4.1 Memorandum Report

This format looks like a regular memorandum (memo) at the top. It is helpful as a short report about
internal matters, and is not sent to anyone outside the company. A memorandum report can be
helpful for reporting on internal sales figures, letting a manager know how the team has performed
during the week, or to provide an interim update on an inventory.

• Since this is an internal document, it can be objective and impersonal.

• Simple headings and text that is flush left in bold or italics are often used for quick referencing.
• The report may be initialled at the beginning, where the sender’s name is noted, or signed at
the bottom (four lines after the text ends and typed above a signature line) or left unsigned.
• Your standard company memo format is used on the first page, and subsequent pages are
printed on plain paper.

4.2 Letter Report

The letter format is practical for informal reports that run several pages. Since it is in a letter format, it
can also be used for people or groups outside of the organisation. These reports are typically used by
outside consultants to provide updates on project analyses or recommendations. The letter format
may also be used by a Board of Directors to describe changes and developments to stakeholders.

• The first page of a letter report is typed on letterhead stationery, with plain paper used for
subsequent pages.
• Opening with a subject line replaces a title, and simple headings (as in the memo report) add
emphasis and clarity.

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4.3 Short Report

Short reports are distinct from memo and letter reports in both scope and format. They may include
several of the same elements of a formal report, such as:

Introduction Body Conclusion

Title page
Observations Conclusion
Preliminary summary
(including conclusion &

Authorisation details
Tables and graphics if
relevant Recommendations
Statement of the

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4.4 Formal Report

Formal reports are a sophisticated presentation. They are more complex and longer than the other
formats due to the content. A formal report may include all of the following elements, which are often
described in company policy in order to keep reports consistent throughout an organisation.

Includes the title and author’s name, and may be on a label attached to the cover if the cover is not
a printable material. (Coloured or clear plastic is often used.)
A blank page following the cover. There can also be one at the end of the report, where people can
write comments if they want to.
Title Page
Title of the report, who the report was prepared for (name and title of recipient), author’s name,
position, department and / or address and date.
Letter of Authorisation
If the writer received written authorisation to undertake the report may be inserted here. If
authorisation was verbal, then a note describing who provided authorisation can be part of the
letter of transmittal or the introduction (described below).
Letter of Transmittal
Explains how, why, and under what circumstances the report was prepared. This may also be a
preface to the report. This document outlines the purpose of the report, its scope, any limitations to
the report and the research methods used. This letter often ends with a thank you for the
assignment and openness to answer any questions about the report. This letter is printed on a
letterhead and signed by the author.
Foreword or Preface
Often completed by someone other than the writer, such as a department head or other stakeholder.

Synopsis or Executive Summary
An informative summary covering the purpose of the report as well as key findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
Table of Contents
Contains main divisions with page numbers.
List of Figures or Illustrations
Needed only if there are many illustrations and graphs.
Includes whatever the reader needs in order to understand the report, such as background, scope and
limitations; details about your approach or method; and criteria used in making your evaluation.

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The “meat” of the report.
Tells your reader what you set out to do and what your findings are.

Summarises the facts in the report and spells out the conclusions.
Offers recommendations based on the conclusions.

May include statistics, tables and other information of interest. This is information that would only
be useful to some readers and would therefore not be appropriate in the body of the report.
Helpful if your readers are not familiar with vocabulary used in the report.
Not required, but helpful in extensive reports.
Very extensive reports may also contain footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography.


• Some of the elements listed above may be left out, depending on the nature of the report and
the audience. For example, a letter of transmittal may be waived depending on the
information in the foreword.
• Reports that are long are normally bound on the left margin, so wide left-hand margins and
right flush page numbers are appropriate.
• The opening pages (excluding the title page) are normally paginated with lowercase Roman
numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.), while the rest of the report is paginated with Arabic numerals (1, 2,
3, 4, 5, etc.).

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A challenge!

Prepare the outline structure of a report on the topic of your Case Study. Fill in as
much of the detail in summary/bullet form as you can, leaving out the detail that
you cannot complete like the research findings.

Use the template below to help structure the outline of the report.

Introduction Body Conclusion

Title page

Observations Conclusion
Preliminary summary
(including conclusion &

Authorisation details
Tables and graphics if
Statement of the problem

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5. Summary

That concludes the first stage of report writing – Planning. Proper planning sets you up with a solid
foundation from which to write the report.

1. Planning
• Define the purpose and scope of the report
• Consider the audience
• Gather information for the report
• Design the structure of the report

2. Writing
• Tips and techniques to write good reports
• Traps to avoid when writing reports
• Write the report

3. Revising
• Proofread the content
• Do a quality check

Next we focus our attention on how to write the report.

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Now that you have planned and prepared to write the report, it is time to put it all together and write
the report. When you start writing your report, you are really getting to the heart of your message.

In this unit, we will explore the following:

2. Writing
• Tips and techniques to write good reports
• Traps to avoid when writing reports
• Write the report

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1. Tips and Techniques to Write Good Reports

When you write well, you are saying that you have thought about your message, have taken the time
to understand the reader, and you want to send a positive image of yourself.

With the proper attitude, a respect for how words work together and knowledge of usage conventions,
your writing can be clear, concise, complete, correct and easy to read.

1.1 Writing clearly

Writing is like other forms of communication. You want people who receive your reports to understand
what you are saying.

People are inundated with things to read. If you tend to pad your writing with extra words and “fluff”,
they will probably feel that their time is wasted. Poorly written documents will go to the bottom of the

pile and may not be read at all.

What do you think this manager meant in the following message?

“Personnel assigned vehicular space in the adjacent areas are hereby advised that
utilisation will be suspended temporarily on Friday morning.”

You would probably have read that sentence several times before you understood that you are being
advised not to park in the lot next door on Friday morning.

Clear messages contain words that are familiar and meaningful to the reader. Whenever possible,
use short, common, simple words to say what you mean.

Let’s find out how to write more clearly.

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Familiar words

Look at the following list. Can you decide which words your audience would be more familiar with?

Ascertain Find out

Conceptualise See/visualise

Encompass Include

Hypothesise Guess

Monitor Check

Operational Working

Option Choice

Perpetuate Continue

Perplexing Troubling

Reciprocate Return

Stipulate Require

Terminate End

Utilise Use

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Precise words

When you consider what you need to say and how to say it, don’t give up a precise word if it says
exactly what you mean. Let’s look at some examples:

• “The report was on time,” is not as precise as, “The detailed, twelve-page report was
submitted on time.”
• “There is a change in our budget,” is less clear than, “There is a 10% reduction in our budget.”
• “The president of the company said we should contribute...” is not as direct as, “The president
of the company demanded that we contribute.”

Concrete nouns

Concrete nouns help readers visualise the meaning of words. Concrete nouns name objects that are
more easily imagined, such as desk, car or an earring. On the other hand, abstract nouns name
concepts that are difficult to visualise, such as automation, justice, integrity and environment.

In business writing, you should help your reader see what you mean by using concrete language
whenever possible.


Every workplace has some words and some terms that are particular to that industry or that business.

• What are some examples of jargon in your workplace?

• Why do we want to avoid using jargon in your writing?

• When is it appropriate?

Avoid jargon so that people outside your industry or organisation will not be confused. It would only
be appropriate to include jargon when you are writing to someone who you know will not only
understand, but expect you to use, that jargon.

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A challenge!

Rewrite the following sentences so they are clearer to a reader.

Original Rewritten

Rahul is the only assistant to

Sandeep Sharma

Report any other defects or mechanical damage

to the supervisor in finished product.

Arriving early for my interview the human

resources office was not open.

Prasad’s job does not, because it causes great

stress, seem worth keeping.

Driving cautiously, the dangerous intersection

was approached.

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1.2 Writing concisely

Readers have different needs, motivations, backgrounds and interests. Make sure that your business
writing focuses on the reader, not you as the writer. Your purpose should never be to impress the
reader with your vocabulary or writing style.

Writing concisely means saying exactly what you mean in the fewest words possible and including all
the details that are needed. How do we do this?

Watch out for adverbs

Adverbs can add unnecessary bulk to your sentences. In his treatise On Writing, Stephen King says,
“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”


• The dog moved much more quickly than the cat.

• The dog moved quicker than the cat.

Don’t be redundant

Have you ever seen a sentence like, “I watched the colourful sun set in the west,” or, “I took off the
purple coloured shirt”? Now, if the sun were setting in the east, that would be something to comment
on, but we all know that the sun sets in the west. Likewise, you can safely assume that your readers
know that purple is a colour.

Similarly, watch out for words that mean the same: “We drained and emptied the tank,” could be
replaced by, “We emptied the tank.”

Replace clichés and metaphors

When we speak with friends, our language can become full of words that don’t belong in business
writing. Try to avoid relying on clichés and metaphors to get your meaning across. Replace those
phrases with words you really mean, and that other people will understand more easily.

Clichés are words and phrases that have been so overused that they lose their impact, even though
they may be true. They include phrases like, “dumb as a sack of hammers,” “work like a dog,” or “right
as rain.”

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Metaphors are figures of speech that try and help us understand one thing through the story of another.
For example, in As You Like It, Shakespeare compared the world to a stage and all the people as merely
players. Metaphors can get quite complex as they use analogy, rhetoric and parable.

While the application of a well-phrased metaphor can be quite powerful in writing, they usually do not
belong in business writing. If you feel the temptation coming over you to write with strongly
metaphoric speech, keep in mind that when you edit you’ll need to be cutting all that work out as you
aim for writing that is clear and concise.

Charts, graphs and graphics

Graphs and charts are helpful tools, provided they add something to the report or
explain something that words do not. Don’t use illustrations, graphs or charts unless
they are necessary.

Since the report’s purpose is to communicate information in the most precise and
meaningful way, tables and graphs may be important supplements to the narrative. To be effective,
they must be well-designed and clearly executed. They should also be carefully integrated with the
text of the report.

Graphics like charts, tables and lists command attention, unless, of course, you have overused them.
Correctly used, they give the report a different way of seeing information.

Here are some other tips:

• Put long, complicated graphics in the Appendix. Use bite-sized tables and charts in the text.
• Keep tables and charts as brief as possible.
• Signal the reader when a table or chart is coming up.
• Label graphics clearly and specifically.
• Number tables and charts consecutively throughout the report. Do not, however, mix the two.
• Only use graphics if they will help the reader understand your point.
• Don’t interrupt the text with a graphic; lead the reader into it and out of it.
• Point out the significance of the table or chart to the reader.
• Keep the graphic as simple as possible.
• Use white space and labeling to make your graphics attractive; make the reader want to look
at them.
• Consider using tables and charts in the Appendix as a way to compile and present all your
significant data in a convenient form.

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1.3 Making your writing complete

Complete writing means that you have included all of the important elements in your writing. The
easiest way to think about this is to make sure that your writing includes the 5 W’s, namely: who,
what, why, when and where and also how.

Your message is complete when all the information needed, for a receiver to understand, is
included. While the writing situation and knowing your audience will help you decide what information
to include, you can also refer to the following list:

• Use the 5 W's and an H. Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

• Make a checklist of all the important points you want to cover, and then check them off
when the report is done.
• Empathise with the reader. Ask yourself if you have told them everything they need to know.

• Restate for effectiveness. You will state the problem or objective clearly at the beginning of your
writing, so that your reader understands what is important. Since readers are most likely to
remember what is at the beginning and at the end, you will need to restate it using slightly
different wording to add emphasis.

• Give something extra when appropriate, such as an example, a visual or a

supporting reference.

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Business Communication and Report Writing Program by Eka Academy

1.4 Writing Correctly

There are three aspects of correct writing that we will discuss here: voice, style and facts.


There are two voices: active and passive.

Active Passive

Is direct (The manager pressed Is indirect (The button on the photocopier

the button on the photocopier.) was pressed by the manager.)

Reverses the normal subject-verb-

Reduces length
object pattern

Includes some form of the verb, followed

Clarifies the sentence
by a past participle (was pressed)

Usually considered weak, obscure,

Produces a crisper, more vital style
wordy and lacking vigour


Bear in mind that in most of the cases, reports are written on past events and are therefore written in
past forms/tense.


Style refers to the method behind the writing. If you are writing a document that must conform to
particular style specifications, such as a style guide created by your organisation, you must make sure
that it meets those guidelines. You will also ensure that your document is free of spelling and
grammar errors.

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Facts & Sources

An important component of correctness is factual precision. Did the budget actually come in at Rs.
555,600 or was it the actual total on the financial statements, which shows Rs. 555,671? Was the
temperature actually 67 degrees? Were the test results really positive?

There are a few ways to ensure that your document is factually correct. When writing, make sure you
list the source whenever you include a fact. These sources can be for your own reference and not
part of the final document, but they will help you when editing. These references will also help you
answer any questions that readers may have later on.

If at all possible, make sure you go to the original source. If you find a newspaper article that quotes
a particular study, for example, go back and find that study. In some cases, you may want to find
multiple sources to confirm a particular fact. It depends on your audience and what kind of document
you are writing.

It can also be a good idea to include excerpts from your source. For example, rather than try to
explain a graph, it might be easier to include the graph itself. Make sure that you have the appropriate
permissions and that the source is quoted if you choose to do this.

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2. Traps to Avoid when Writing Reports

A challenge!

What are the traps to avoid when writing reports? Go through the notes in this unit and
compile a list of traps to avoid.
Trap to avoid Description

Here are some more traps to avoid:

• Not writing for the needs of the audience

• Including too much or too little information
• Being biased
• Including factually incorrect information
• Poor sequence and structure

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3. Write the Report

It is time to write the report. This is where the rubber meets the road!

• You know the purpose and the scope of your report

• You have identified the audience and their specific needs
• You have the structure of your report set up
• You have gathered relevant and factually correct information
• You understand how to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, complete and correct

Go ahead and write the report taking into account all of the above…

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4. Summary

That concludes the second stage of report writing – Writing. Following the guidelines for writing the
report will go a long way to helping you write a report that is fit for purpose.

1. Planning
• Define the purpose and scope of the report
• Consider the audience
• Gather information for the report
• Design the structure of the report
2. Writing
• Tips and techniques to write good reports
• Traps to avoid when writing reports
• Write the report
3. Revising
• Proofread the content
• Do a quality check

Next, we focus our attention on how to revise the report.

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Now that you have written the report, it is worthwhile taking the time to check the report to ensure that
there are no unforeseen errors and to ensure a quality report.

In this unit, we will explore the following:

3. Revising
• Proofread the content
• Do a quality check

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1. Proof reading

Proofreading carelessly can spoil a writer's best efforts. Proofreading is classic evidence that writing
looks different to the writer and to the reader. Our brains really think that everything we do is correct,
so we have a hard time recognising our own errors.

To the writer, typographical or spelling errors may not mean all that much. So your finger slipped, or
you always put two t's in "commitment." For the reader, an unfixed typo can transform the writer from
a smart person into a careless writer in the twinkling of an eye.

It is impossible to read about "fist class work" or "shot meetings" without interrupting the flow of what
you are reading. It may be unfair that proofreading matters so much, but it does.

If you can put yourself in the reader's position, you'll proofread obsessively, gripped by the fear that a
mistake will turn you into a laughing stock! Learning some specific techniques, however, will help
alleviate that problem as you become better at proofreading and creating better documents.

Proofreading errors are different from punctuation or spelling or usage problems, and you fix them
differently. Punctuation, spelling, and usage are knowledge problems, and you fix them by learning.
Proofreading problems are usually a matter of seeing, and you fix them by learning to look.

Here is an example demonstrating this:

The Pweor of the Hmuan Mnid

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer what oredr the ltteers in a
word are. The only iprmoetnt thing is that the first and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can
be a total mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the human mind deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?

The better you read, the worse you'll proofread, unless you are consciously aware of what you are
doing. Good readers and fast readers guess what the words are as they read the text, and they just
check in now and again to see if they are right. The more they can guess, the less they have to look
and the faster and more efficiently they read.

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To be a good proof reader, you have to go back to being a child again, or pretend that you are just
learning to read. Look at every word as it comes along. Here are some principles to guide you.

• Read through once and ignore content. As soon as you start paying attention to what the text is
saying, you'll start assuming what the words are and stop looking for errors.
• Assume there's at least one error, so that you have something to find.
• Forget what you meant to say. Read the report as though you have never seen it before.
• Read backwards. This destroys comprehension, and your eyes can't trick you as easily.
• Don't try to do something else when you proofread. Stop tinkering with it and rewriting sentences;
look for errors.
• Take your time. When you hurry, you guess and skim, and that usually doesn't work.
• Proofread a second time, paying attention to content. This is where you find those things spell
check and reading backwards did not catch, such as, “The little cap pulls off it you put enough
effort into it.”
• Leave it alone overnight, so that you come to it again having fresh eyes to look at it.
• Read it aloud. It is more difficult for your eyes to skip over errors when you read aloud, because
you will hear something out of whack.
• Try to have someone else proofread your work, particularly if the document is important or going
to be released to the public.

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2. Do a Quality Check

Do a quality check of your report to make sure that it meets the four C’s. Your report is clear if it is fully
understood at first reading. By concise, we mean that all information is down to an intelligent and
intelligible minimum. Your report is complete when every piece of essential information has been
included. Finally, your report is correct when all information is both accurate and verifiable.


• Did you say what you wanted to say?

• Did you eliminate ambiguous terms (many, less, etc.)?
• Are your paragraphs linked?
• Are your recommendations or conclusions easy to locate?


• Did you cut out all the “fluff”?

• Did you use an active voice as much as you could?
• Did you make effective use of graphs, charts and graphics?


• Is all the necessary information there?

• Can you look at it and identify the five W’s and How?
• Will your readers know what is going to happen next / what they are responsible for?
• Are references included (if needed)?


• Did you check grammar, punctuation and spelling?

• Are your facts and figures all correct?
• Are the readers’ names, titles, company name/s and addresses all correct?

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2.1 Checklist for review

Use the checklist below to review your work. This is an excellent way to ensure that no steps are missed.

Task Item ✓

Check the facts Are the facts correct?

Are there any assumptions?

Check the length Does it tell readers more than they want to know?

Does it miss important evidence?

Check the structure Does it have a beginning that makes it clear what the report is about?

Does the middle develop and support the main idea?

Does the ending summarise, reinforce the point and make


Is each paragraph unified and coherent?

Does each paragraph relate to the main thesis?

Does each paragraph relate to the paragraph before and after it?

Check the style Be on the lookout for lengthy, obscure sentences; wordiness;
pretentiousness; overuse of the passive voice; and imprecise

Read the report out aloud and circle parts where you stumble or you
find yourself bored.

Cut, rearrange and rewrite.

Check for errors Check spelling and grammar.

Check punctuation.

Check the requirements All mandatory requirements are included.

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3. Summary

That concludes the third stage of report writing – Revising. Taking the time to revise your report will
ensure that you iron out any errors you may have missed in the writing of the report and is essential to
ensure a quality report.

1. Planning
• Define the purpose and scope of the report
• Consider the audience
• Gather information for the report
• Design the structure of the report
2. Writing
• Tips and techniques to write good reports
• Traps to avoid when writing reports
• Write the report
3. Revising
• Proofread the content
• Do a quality check

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Personal Action Plan

Now that you have completed this workshop on Business Communication and Report Writing, how will you
implement what you have learnt? Creating a personal action plan can help you to stay on track.

A plan!

Answer the questions below to help you plan your short-term and long-term goals. This final
exercise is a way for you to synthesise the learning that you have done and to put it into
Item Response

I am already doing these

things well:

I want to improve these


I have these resources to

help me:

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As a result of what I have My target date is… I will know I have I will follow up
learnt in this course, I succeeded when… with myself on…
am going to…

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