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(CNR NO.MHCC05­001284­2023)
C.R. NO.31/2023

Dharamveer Omprakash Yadav )

Age: 28 Years, Occupation : Self employed, )
having permanent address at : )
Chherihawa, Katarari, Deoria, ) ..Applicant
Uttar Pradesh – 274 001.
State of Maharashtra, )
(Through Bangur Nagar Police Station) ) ..Respondent

Adv. Mr. Shailendra Mishra for the applicant.

APP Mr. Shailesh Pachapohar for the State.
Adv. Mr. Vishal Hegde alongwith Adv. Monel Thakkar for the

Coram : His Honour Addl. Sessions Judge Ashish Ayachit

(Court Room No. 8)
Date : 27th March, 2023.


This is a regular bail application of the applicant/accused

for releasing him on bail under Section 439 of Code of Criminal
Procedure in relation with Crime No.31/2023, registered with Bangur
Nagar Police Station for the offences punishable under Sections 376(2)
(n), 417, 420, 406, 506 and 509 of Indian Penal Code and Section 67
BA-215/23 2 Order

of the Information Technology Act.

2. Perused the application and say of Investigation Officer as

well as original informant

3. Heard Adv. Mr. Shailendra Mishra for the applicant, APP

Mr. Shailesh Pachapohar for the State and Adv. Mr. Vishal Hegde
alongwith Adv. Monel Thakkar for the original informant.

4. Learned advocate for the applicant/accused submitted that

the applicant/accused has lodged report with National Cyber Crime
Reporting Portal against the informant and other person on 02.01.2023
for creating false Instagram Accounts on various name. He submitted
that the original informant and other persons connected with her time to
time threatened the applicant/accused with dire consequences. He
submitted that the informant made a false account on Instagram by
name of the applicant/accused. He has taken me through various
documents filed along with bail application. He submitted that
thereafter, the applicant has been falsely implicated. According to him,
most part of investigation in respect of the applicant/accused is
completed. He invited my attention to the say of Investigation Officer
and submitted that the informant has refused undergo medical
examination. He submitted that the mother of the applicant/accused is
suffering from cancer. Moreover, he submits that whether it is an offence
of rape would requires trial. It will be be decided during the bail
application. Hence, submits that the further detention in Judiciary
custody is not required. According to him, the applicant/accused is ready
to abide any conditions which may imposed by the Court. Therefore, he
requested to release the applicant/accused on bail. Learned advocate
Mr. Mishra relied upon various judgment of the Hon'ble High Court as
well as Hon'ble Apex Court which are as under :­
BA-215/23 3 Order

● Sonu alias Subhash Kumar V. State of Uttar Pradesh & Anr.,

2021 SCC Online SC 181. It is regarding the quashing of FIR of
Section 376 of Indian Penal Code registered, on the basis of the
allegations (i) The relationship between parties was of a
consensual nature; (ii) The parties were in the relationship for
about a period of one and a half years; and (iii) Subsequently,
refusal to marry. The Hon’ble Apex Court quashed FIR .

● Pramod Suryabhan Pawar Vs. State of Maharashtra & Anr.,

(2019) 9 SCC 698. It is regarding “consent” to the sexual acts
described in the main body of Section 375, the offence of rape has
occurred. While Section 90 does not define the term “consent”, a
“consent” based on a “misconception of fact” is not consent in the
eye of the law.

● Mahesh Balkrishna Dandane Vs. State of Maharashtra, 2014

SCC Online Bom 348. It is regarding the Anticipatory bail in the
case of rape under Section 376(2)(n) of Indian Penal Code. It is
observed by the Hon’ble High Court, “every breach of promise to
marry cannot be said to be either a cheating or rape. A couple in
love with each other may be having sexual relationship and realize
that they are not compatible and sometimes love between the
parties is lost and their relationship dries gradually, then earlier
physical contacts cannot be said as rape. A marriage cannot be
imposed, as a search of life partner depends not only on physical
compatibility but also on emotional, psychological bonding. It is a
matter of choice related to individual's notions of suitability,
emotional, psychological comfort and biological requirement.
Thus while granting anticipatory bail, all these factors are required
to be considered.”

● Gulab Vs. State of Maharashtra, 2022 SCC Online Bom 268. It is

also regarding grand of anticipatory bail for the offences
punishable under Sections 376, 376(2)(n), 417 of the Penal Code.

● Ansar Mohammad Vs. State of Rajasthan, 2022 SCC Online SC

886. It is also regarding pre­arrest bail under Section 438 of the
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 for the offences under Sections
376(2)(n), 377 and 506 IPC. It is observed by the Hon’ble Apex
Court that, “when relationship for a period of four years and
informant was 21 years of age and was willingly been staying with
accused and had the relationship. If the relationship is not
working out, the same cannot be a ground for lodging an FIR for
the offence under Section 376(2)(n) IPC”.
BA-215/23 4 Order

● Shiva Amarnath Dubey Vs. State of Maharashtra, 2020 SCC

Online Bom 11466. It is also regarding grant of anticipatory bail
for the offences punishable under Section 376(2)(n) of the Penal

● M.K. Shivakumar Vs. State of Karnataka, 2020 SCC Online Kar

471. It is also regarding anticipatory bail for FIR is registered
under Sections 354­A, 376(2)(n), 417 & 506 of IPC.

● Pramod Dhumal Vs. State of Maharashtra, 2021 SCC Online

Bom 34. In this case, the Hon’ble High Court has granted pre­
arrest bail to the accused for the offence punishable under Section
354­D of IPC and Section 67A of the Information Technology Act

● Karan Oberoi Vs. State of Maharashtra 2019 SCC Online Bom

991. The Hon’ble High Court granted bail for the alleged offences
punishable under Sections 376, 376(2), 384, 328 and 506 of the
Penal Code, 1860.

5. On the strength of these authorities, he submitted that

further detention of the applicant/accused is not warranted in the
present crime. Hence, He requested to release the applicant/accused on

6. As against this, learned APP Mr. Shailesh Pachapohar for the

State opposed the bail application on the ground that the offence is
serious. There is prima facie involvement of the applicant/accused in
crime. He will misuse liberty, if released on bail and will not available
for trial as he is not permanent inhabitant of Mumbai. Hence, he
requested to reject the bail application.

7. In the same tune, learned Adv. Mr. Vishal Hegde for the
informant submitted that the consent of the informant has been obtained
by misrepresentation. He has taken me through relevant provisions of
Indian Penal Code regarding consent as well as Section 376 of I.P .C. He
submitted that the offence is serious. The informant is a model and
actress by profession. The applicant/accused snapped intimated photos
BA-215/23 5 Order

of the informant with him and therefore, he will misuse his liberty and
threaten the informant and other witnesses. The police has not yet
recovered the photographs from the applicant/accused and therefore, he
requested to refuse bail application. According to him, the case laws
cited are not applicable to the facts and circumstances of the present

8. I have carefully gone through the record. Without

commenting over the merit of the case, let me note that the
applicant/accused has lodged the report and thereafter, the present FIR
has been lodged on 21.01.2023. The applicant/accused in pursuance of
the said accusation, arrested and produced before the Magistrate. His
police custody remand has been sought. The applicant/accused is in
judicial custody. The informant is major and actress by profession.
There is report lodged by the applicant/accused against her prior to the
present FIR. Therefore, keeping in mind, the law laid down in the above
mentioned citations. I am of considered view that while granting or
refusing the bail gravity of offence is one of the factor, but it would not
be sole reason to reject the bail. The Hon’ble Apex Court time and again
remind to the criminal courts that bail is rule and jail is exception. In
the case in hand, keeping in the mind material placed before me with
bail application, I am of view that that it would not proper and in the
interest of Justice to keep the applicant/accused behind the bar and in
judicial custody. So far as apprehension raised by the informant and
the Investigation Officer is concerned, I am imposing proper conditions
to the applicant/accused to secure his presence for trial and protect the
right of the informant. Accordingly, I pass the following order:­

1. Bail Application No.215/2023 is allowed.
BA-215/23 6 Order

2. The Applicant­Dharamveer Omprakash Yadav be released on bail

on executing personal bond in the sum of Rs. 50,000/­ (Fifty
Thousand Rupees Only) with two sureties in the like amount
each, one from Mumbai and other from his native place, in Crime
No.31/2023 registered with Bangur Nagar Police Station for the
offences punishable under Sections 376(2)(n), 417, 420, 406, 506
and 509 of I.P.C. and Section 67 of the Information Technology
Act, on the following conditions:
(i) He shall not in any way publish on any social media any material
connecting with the informant.
(ii) He shall not commit any offence or similar offence during the bail
(iii) He shall not travel abroad, without previous permission of the
concerned court and shall furnish his passport details with the
Investigation Officer.
(iv) He shall co­operate to the Investigation Officer and shall attend
police station as and when called by Investigation Officer, by
advance written notice of one day.
(v) He shall not in any way meet or use any threat to the informant or
any witnesses of the case.
3. Bail before the concerned Magistrate.
4. Bail Application No.215/2023 stands disposed of, accordingly.
Digitally signed
Date: 2023.03.28
17:40:58 +0530

Date: 27.03.2023 (Ashish Ayachit)

Additional Sessions Judge,
City Civil & Sessions Court,
Borivali Division, Dindoshi

Dictated by HHJ on : 27.03.2023

Transcribed on : 27.03.2023
Signed by HHJ on : 27.03.2023
BA-215/23 7 Order





Name of the Judge (with Court Room No.) HHJ Shri Ashish Ayachit
(Court Room No.8)
Date of Pronouncement of Judgment/Order 27.03.2023
Judgment/Order signed by P.O. on 27.03.2023
Judgment/Order uploaded on 28.03.2023

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