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Joedee Peñales Grace Hernandez Francine Babilonia

to the
Who are they?
Indigenous People of the Philippines
The Ivatan people are the
Physical characteristics:
indigenous inhabitants of
short, squat people, hazel
Batanes Islands.
eyes, copper-colored skin,
curly black think hair, and
short low noses.

Etymology of their name:

The Ivatan people are an
“Ivatan” is derived from the
Austronesian ethnolinguistic
word "I-Batan" which means
native to the Batanes.
"from Batan".
The Kalinga people are
Physical characteristics:
indigenous to the Cordillera
Strong and muscular build.
region in Northern Luzon.

Etymology of their name:

The Kalinga people have a “Kalinga” is believed to come
long and proud history that from the Ilocano word
dates back thousands of “kalinga,” meaning “enemy”
years. or “headhunter.”
ographical Are
Ge a
Indigenous People of the Philippines

Batanes Island
The Ivatan are the people
who live in Batanes, a group
of 10 islands in the
northernmost part of the
The community is
Philippine archipelago and
characterized by a strong
the smallest province in the
sense of community and
adaptation to the harsh
The year round presence
of typhoons and rain
make it very difficult for
the Ivatans to increase
their source of livelihood.

rdille r a R e g ion
C in Northern Luzon
The Kalinga people are an
indigenous ethnic group in the
Philippines. They primarily
inhabit the province of Kalinga,
The Kalinga people have a rich
located in the Cordillera
cultural heritage and are known
Administrative Region of Luzon
for their traditional practices,
including tattooing and rice
terraces is closely tied to
agricultural practices.

Communities are built on

terraces carved into the
mountainous terrain.Their
way of life is closely tied to
agricultural practices.
ultural Practice
C s
Indigenous People of the Philippines
Language Traditional Clothing Houses

Ivatan Language Vakul & Kayani Rakuh

A distinct language called The headgear is called Vakul The traditional house of the
Ivatan is spoken on the Batanes and is actually for women. Men Ivatan is called the Rakuh. It is
islands. use the Kayani or the the main house that serves as
traditional vest. living quarters.
Spiritually Human Values Tradition

1 Person, 2 Souls Honesty Palo-palo

The Ivatan believed that a The Ivatan people are known Palo-palo is a traditional stick
person had two souls. for their adorable honesty. dance depicting the history of
Language Traditional Clothing Houses

Kalinga Language Weaving and textiles Binayon(Finaryon)

Kalinga is a dialect continuum of The province of Kalinga is one of the The Binayon (Finaryon) or The
Kalinga Province in the Philippines, many places in the Philippines where Traditional Octagon House. This hut
spoken by the Kalinga people, the practice of traditional backstrap was found in Luccong, Butbut,
alongside Ilocano. loom weaving not only survives but Kalinga.
Skills Human Values Tradition

Tattooing Believe in life after Bodong Festival

Among Kalinga tribes, batok or
tattoos signify prestige, honor,
death A cultural festival and founding
anniversary held in the province of
beauty and fortitude. They believe that the worldly things Kalinga, Philippines every February
they have would remainwhen they 14th.
nique Practices
U Indigenous People of the Philippines

The culture of Ivatan is greatly influenced by the climate of Batanes.

Due to the severe climate disruption to agriculture, the Ivatan have
developed a number of successful strategies to protect their food
supply and way of life.

These crops include yams, sweet potatoes, taro, garlic, ginger, and
onions, and are more likely to survive extreme weather condition.

1. Ivatan studies animal behavior, sky colors, winds and clouds to

predict the weather.
2. There are two Ivatan folk styles: Raj and Karsan.
Raj is an ancient lyrical song, to be sung when one is having fun
Karsan is sung while working.

3. Batanes is known to be a zero-crime tourist destination.

They do not resort to crimes.

Kalinga culture is known for its intricate body art, traditional clothing,
and music. The people of Kalinga are famous for their intricate tattoos,
which are considered a sign of bravery and status. These tattoos are
often found on the arms, legs, chest, and face, and are believed to have
magical powers that protect the wearer.

One of the unique features of the Kalinga culture is their practice of

headhunting, which was once a common tradition in the region.

pregnant women and their husbands are not allowed to eat beef, cow's
milk, and dog meat. They must also avoid streams and waterfalls
Current Issues
Indigenous People of the Philippines

The greatest threats are probably from future commercial

development, especially for the tourist market.
The impact of climate change on their environment and
agricultural practices. Their geographical location is one of the
major problems of the Ivatan society.

.Threats to their ancestral domain and right to self-

determination due to large-scale mining and dam projects.
Kalinga is still working on improving its infrastructure, including
roads, bridges, and public facilities.
Access to quality education and improving educational facilities
are ongoing concerns in Kalinga.
Indigenous People of the Philippines
In conclusion, the Ivatan and Kalinga Indigenous
Peoples have unique characteristics, cultural
practices, and face specific issues in their respective
It is important to recognize and preserve their rich
cultural heritage and address the challenges they are
currently facing.
Indigenous People of the Philippines
Thank you for listening
Ivatan and Kalinga
1.These are the Indigenous Inhabitants of Batanes

A. Aetas C. Kalinga
B. Ivatan D. Igorot

2. These are the Ivatan’s Traditional Cloting

A. Baro’t Saya C. Vakul & Kayani

B. Bahag D. None of the above
3. Traditional stick dance depicting the history of

A. Tinikling C. Palo- palo

B. Maglalatik D. None of the above

4. The Traditional Octagon House. This hut was found in

Luccong, Butbut, Kalinga.

A. Rakuh C. Maranao Torogan

B. ivatan House D.Binayon
5. The traditional house of the Ivatan is called the
___. Is the main house that serves as living quarters

A. Rakuh C. Maranao Torogan

B. ivatan House D.Binayon

6. Communities are built on terraces carved into the

mountainous terrain. Their way of life is closely tied to
agricultural practices.
A. Cordillera Region C.Agusan Del Sur
B. Palawan D.Batanes Island
7. The community is charactherized by a strong
sense of community and adaptation to the harsh
A. Cordillera Region C.Agusan Del Sur
B. Palawan D.Batanes Island
8. Indigenous People that have a rich cultural heritage and are
known for their traditional practices, including tattooing and
rice terraces is closely tied to agricultural practices.

A. Aetas C. Kalinga
B. Ivatan D. Igorot
9. A cultural festival and founding anniversary held
in the province of Kalinga, Philippines every
February 14th.
A. Ati-atihan Festival C. Sinulog Festival
B. Bodong Festival D. None of the above

10. The people of Kalinga are famous for their intricate

tattoos, which are considered a sign of ___

A. Strength & Power C. Identification

B. Battles won D. Bravery & Status

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