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Imperial Guide to the Known World v.

Written by Briagenn Jaffrennou

Imperial Guide to the Known World.

Dedication .....01
Introduction .....02 - 03
Fadir Jörd, a land infested by titans .....04
Yabicy and the tribals .....04 - 07
The the beastfolk of Truiteron .....07 - 08
Before I begin telling you my dear reader about the stories and travels contained
within theses pages I’d like to thank the people that help me in this endearvor for
withouth them the work of my life wouldn’t be possible.
Firstly I’d like to thank the Emperor Nathaniel Wentialian II for sponsoring my
expeditions. I’d also like to thank my beloved half-brother, degenerate and general
scumbag Quoros Jaffrennou for accompanying me on this great adventure. And I can’t
forget to send my regards to Captain Rebeca Pozo and her crew for guiding me safely
through the seas and also accompanying me in this mission, if you ever meet her and
her crew dear reader avoid drinking competitions with them, mostly with Erti, the tortle.
On the course of this guide I’ll go into deep details about my findings and studies
made during my travels across the world, from the frozen lands of Truiteron to the split
and war torn land of the Buicurus Dinasty. All these separate lands only serve to show
us that the world is much bigger than originally thought, and I intend through the
writting of this guide to achieve two things, to shed light on this world we live in and
that this book may serve as a guide and companion to those interested in travelling the
world themselves or at the very least that it may entertain those unable to travel.
On the next page there is a map of the known wolrd, together with a trace of the
course I followed leaving my Oweron. May I also explain myself of a peculiarity of this
book, you’ll see me using the expression “known world” quite often as I believe that
we’ve yet to visit every piece of land, to sail through each sea or even explore every
cave in the mountains and underdark.
Fadir Jörd, a land infested by titans.

Despite being one of the first stops during my travels it was the one place I spent the
least amount of time at, the reason for that being due to the extreme dangers I faced
staying there. “But isn’t the type of travel you do extremely dangerous?” It is, comically
so, but the inhabitants of Fadir Jörd are some of the most dangerous creatures one could
face, calling them giants would be an insult for they are titanic in size.
During my time I’ve managed to observe one such creature, it was about 100 meters
tall, I didn’t risk getting too close and luckily that wasn’t necessary, due to the creature’s
unreal size I could watch it from very far, from a relatively safe distance, I don’t know if
it is due to their size but their skin seemed to bem ade of stone, but again I watched the
creature from very far, I assume that a closer look would be able to bring light to this
matter, thouhg I rathered not find out. And during my stalking I was able to note a few
things about the titans’ behavior and activities, first of all they move extemely slow, but
due to their sheer size one step is able to cover great distances, another peculiarity is
that during all the time I watched it, it didn’t eat a single time, they slept extremely long
periods of time, which led me to belive they don’t eat at all and get all their energy from
sleep, BUT it’s only a theory as there’s no confirmation to that.
The terrain of Fadir Jörd is extremely plain with very few elevation, there are a few
waterfalls and cavernous mountains but it’s mostly plains, there are very few trees and
most of the vegetation is grass and diferentes types of mosses and lichens. The fauna of
the place is nearly non-existent, I saw a few birds there that could also be seen in the
western parts of Oweron, some of the rivers had fish and you could spot a mouse near
the caverns every now and then, speaking of them needless to say there were bats inside
the caves.
And to finish my writings about Fadir Jörd I’ll talk about what little I know and what
litle there is to know about it’s history. The place was once inhabited by the Rider Clans
from the west, they say they left their lands due to the presence of the titans, it is
unkown how long they’ve lived in Fadir Jörd before coming to Oweron, but a man
named Olaf Suitsson was the one to lead the expedition to find the Riders a new home,
it is also said he did it all alone, which leads to the common belief that the Riders once
knew how to travel through the seas.

Yabicy and the tribals.

After safely leaving Fadir Jörd I set sailed to Yabicy, upon arrival we docked in one
of the few ports built by The Imperium approximately 300 years ago when another
explorer by name of Normaer Heinnamirriinn found the Island. Since then Imperial
officers and delegates have been trying to estabilish relations with the local tribes. Such
a mission has proven very difficult so far, despite the tribes sharing a central culture
based on their gods, they all have different practices and customs, some of the tribes are
outright hostile to outsiders and since the use of force is to be used only as defence and
last resort things are difficulty for Imperial diplomats, alas luckily for me I’m not a
diplomat and I’m here to learn and hope for a better result.
The Swamps of the West, as it was first called, were first discovered by the Imperium
on a expedition led by Normaer Heinnamirriinn, at first they saw an unoccupied land, a
opportunity for new resources and everything that comes with it, but during one of the
expeditions inland they meet a tribe and then another and another one, today it is said
that there are around 10 tribes living there on swamps, their members vary from humans
to elfs, and beast-folks, the Imperium has emissaries and other officers among the tribes
exchanging knowledge and learning what they can, which isn’t much, of the few known
tribes few accept foreigners with “open arms” and even then, they are very careful with
On first contact with the Imperium the inhabitants of the swamp were stranged by
them, both parties were stranged by each other, the people of the tribes did not trust
much in the people of the imperium, while the people of the imperium tried to trade
their more advanced technology for their knowledge. It was hard at first but after
months it was still hard but with much perseverance the imperium managed to
somewhat get the trust of a few tribes and started to learn the customs, idioms and
It is known that the tribes whorship dragons as godly figures, they believe the world
is a living and sentient being and the dragons were its creators, there are four known
dragons, Tupã, he is greatly respected by all tribes and every village I visited had a
shrine or altar in its honor, it's believed that Tupã is a golden dragon and after seeing
possibly more shrines than any other outsider I think so too afterall his idols were made
of pure gold, Jaci, I do not known Much about this one, most of the tribes that worship
it didn’t granted me access to it’s shrine, they only told me Jaci is loved greatly it is also
not known what type of dragon Jaci is. Another one of the dragon-gods of Yabicy is
Huitzilopochtli, he is believed to be a black dragon, I was allowed to see his shrine in
one of the villages and they told me stories about him Huitzilopochtli is their god of war
and death, every warrior of Yabicy respects him and carries some kind of representation
of him with them, they also told me that to become a warrior one must pass a test given
by him and each test is different while some might have their physical strenght
measured others may have their minds tested.
There are several tribes in Yabicy and I visited the ones I could and allowed me. One
of the more friendly tibes are the Guarani, their buildings are all made with stone blocks
and smaller bricks used mainly for decoration, some of them have wood in their
interiors working as support pillars, each family of the tribe has their own house, due to
that the houses are very big, the smallest is said to allocate 70 tribesmen, it’s honestly
very fascinating, due to that their families form very strong bonds and one could say
that each family is their own little tribe within the village. The Family that housed me
and my brother during my time there was particularly fun, they just had pooped out a
few young ones and I was allowed to help taking care of them, they show great love to
their newborn, I say that because I saw a group of mothers get extremely agressive
when a jaguar passed by us in the forest, the animal ran scared from all the screams. At
the center of the tribe is a big square with only one building, a pyramid that they use for
their rituals, I was lucky enough to witness such an event, they took a live alligator up
the pyramid and sacrificied it, as a offering to their gods, I then asked their religious
leader what for, what they were asking, he explained it to me but I couldn’t really
understand what he meant. The Guarani of course are not reserved to this single village,
they are spread across several villages.
Each family of the Guarani tribe has to send a representative to one of their villages
that in comparison to the Imperium could be said to be their “capital”, there affairs of
the Guarani lands and disputes are solved, from what I could understand these
representatives's roles are similar to lords and nobles of the Imperium, some scholars
and scribes have said that the weight of a representative's word varies with the size and
general contribution of their family. The Guarani have three leaders in this “capital” and
in each village there is the Cacique, the Cacique's role is similar to one of a king and his
word has the most power in internal affairs, then there is the Morubixaba, the
Morubixaba's role is that of a general or military commander his word carries weight in
general affairs but on times of war all the power is transferred to him and when the war
comes to and end the distribution of political power goes back to normal, the final chief
would be the Pajé, the Pajé is a shaman, there are several other shamans in the Guarani
tribe but the Pajé is the religious leader of the whole tribe and he is the one that takes
care of affairs of state that may or may not involve their religion. Each tribe has their
own Cacique, Morubixaba and Pajé and their “capital” has their own as well, the
Guarani have a very decentralized power structure.
These roles of leadership are not hereditary, each one is chosen in a different way, the
way a new Cacique is chosen is by the gathering of the three chiefs, including the
current Cacique, together they will discuss and argue on who among the representatives
of the families shall become the next Cacique, after the choice is made there will be a
new ceremony where the old Cacique will pass his adorned crown of feathers to the new
Cacique, after that the old Cacique will go back to his family, he can't become Cacique
ever again or be chosen as representative of his family, but he can still join the military
or the shamans.
A Morubixaba is chosen by trials of strength, endurance, dexterity, cunningness,
expertise with weapons and many others characteristics the people of the tribe expect of
a military leader, the strongest warriors of the tribe chosen by the current Morubixaba
will join a tournament where they will undergo the a series of trials, these trial are called
"A Prova de Tupã", after the trials comes to an end it's common to be only one warrior
left standing, but in cases where there are two warriors standing, the Morubixaba will
fight them, one on one, the one who defeats the Morubixaba will take his place, but if
none of them are capable of such the Morubixaba has proven he is still fit for his role
and he will stay in it.
A new Pajé is chosen by the old one when he gets to a certain age, the specific age is
not known, the new Pajé must be chosen from among one of the shamans, it is not
known if the shaman has to be enrolled in his role for some time before he can be
entitled to the role of Pajé, when the new Pajé is chosen there is a ceremony where the
old Pajé will pass on his robes and headwear to the new Pajé, after that they will both
enter a ceremonial chamber of the temple and meditate for a week without food or
water, after the one week they both come out the new Pajé wearing his robes and
headwear, and the old Pajé with traditional cloths a shaman usually wears.
One of the other few tripes that allowed me to visit was the Terena, a very small tribe
that don’t have much land within Yabicy, they are a simple people. They live on top of
trees in complex treehouse complexes, their villages is ruled by the oldest among them
and they don’t have a more central power or a “capital” village like the Guarani nor do
they partake in ritualistic sacrifices.
If there is na opposite to the Terena that would be the Tapuia very agressive and
hostile we were allowed on very few locations and villages within their lands and
always accompanied by their warriors, the Tapuia are by far the more complex and
developed of all tribes I have seen. Some of their villages could actually be called cities
due to their sheer size, their people even more curious, there serpent-folk amongst them
and also humans with serpent like features, I questioned my Tapuia guide about it and
she explained that a Tapuia is born from na egg with the appearance of humans with
serpentine features and as they age they turn into fully fledged serpente-folk. The
Tapuia participate ritualistic sacrifices but instead of animals they sacrifice other people,
I was not allowed to watch but I saw the sacrifice being taken to inside their temple.
In the end these were all the tribes we managed to visit, but that was not all we
learned, the people of Yabicy hold their dragon-gods very dearly and would protect
them at any cost, deep within the rainforests of Yabicy there are temples were these
dragons reside and each of them are proctect by a Shaman-warrior from each tribe,
these men and women are chosen at birth and trained how to fight and taught their
customs since birth, altough I was not able to see one of them as they reside in these
grand temples the other tribes spoke of them with great respect.

The beastfolk of Truiteron.

Truiteron is a continente farther north than Oweron, due to it’s location the Whole
place is frozen, there is very few flora able to sustain its harsh enviroment, such a harsh
enviroment produced even harsher inhabitants. The land is filled with mountains, alps
and peaks, a very difficult to travel terrain, except for those born there. The animals can
travel through these mountains with ease, while the people have devised methods and
paths for it.
The people of Truiteron are compromised of a few different beast-folk races, the two
dominant ones are the bearfolk and wolffolk, there are several others such as the
goatfolk, owlfolk and the foxfolk, in the continente they have different names for each
of their races, but for simplification I’ll call them the names above. Oddly enough
despite having different kingdoms across the continente they all speak the same
language, with a few differences in pronunciation and other minor details.
The continent is split into four main kingdoms, in the north you’ll find the Ursidae, a
very proud and stoic people ruled by King Adme, a bearfolk, like it’s king most of the
people living there are bearfolks. To the south is Capra Kingdom, most of it’s citizens
are goatfolks, a very creative and intelligent people, they are ruled by Queen Zoti. To
the west are the Lupus, a very militaristic Kingdom ruled by their “Alpha”, what they
call their king, Algrum, their citizens, following the same pattern as the other kingdoms
are mostly wolffolk. And finally to the east there is the owlfolk kingdom, known as
Strigiformes, they are aslo very inteligente, additionaly they control most of the
commerce that goes on in Truiteron and chances are that if you import from there it
came from na owlfolk business.
There is little information about the history of the land, but from what I could gather
from conversations with the locals and observing the landscape the Ursidae and Lupus
aren’t very friendly with one another, also there are several ancient ruins spread across
the mountain ranges.

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