17E00406 Data Communication & Network Analysis1

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Code: 17E00406

MBA IV Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations September/October2022

(Forstudents admittedin2018, 2019&2020only)
Scheme of Evaluation
Time:3 hours Max.Marks:60
(Answer thefollowing: 05X10=50Marks)

1 (a) Explain Any Three Network Apologies In Detail. 5M

Explanation of Any Five Points, Each Carry 1M

1. Mesh Topology
2. Star Topology
3. Bus Topology
4. Ring Topology
5. Tree Topology
6. Hybrid Topology:

(b) Comparecircuitswitchingandpacketswitching. 5M
Explanation of any five points---Each carry 1M
Circuit Switching Packet Switching

In-circuit switching has there are 3 phases:

i) Connection Establishment.
ii) Data Transfer. In Packet switching directly data
iii) Connection Released. transfer takes place.

In Packet switching, each data unit

just knows the final destination
2.In-circuit switching, each data unit knows the address intermediate path is decided
entire path address which is provided by the source. by the routers.

In Packet switching, data is

3.In-Circuit switching, data is processed at the processed at all intermediate nodes
source system only including the source system.

4.The delay between data units in circuit switching The delay between data units in
is uniform. packet switching is not uniform.

5.Resource reservation is the feature of circuit There is no resource reservation

switching because the path is fixed for data because bandwidth is shared among
transmission. users.

6.Circuit switching is more reliable. Packet switching is less reliable.

7.Wastage of resources is more in Circuit Less wastage of resources as

Switching compared to Circuit Switching
8.It is not a store and forward technique. It is a store and forward technique.

Transmission of the data is done not

only by the source but also by the
9.Transmission of the data is done by the source. intermediate routers.

10.Congestion can occur during the connection Congestion can occur during the data
establishment phase because there might be a case transfer phase, a large number of
where a request is being made for a channel but the packets comes in no time.
channel is already occupied.

2 ExplainaboutOSIarchitectureindetail. 10M
Need of OSI Architecture: ---3M

1. Security Needs:
 OSI Architecture caters to the security needs of an organization.
 Safety and security are ensured by OSI Architecture to prevent risk and
2. Systematic Arrangement:
 OSI Architecture gives a systematic approach to the security
requirements of an organization.
 Security policies are well maintained through OSI Architecture.
3. Centralised Processing:
 OSI Architecture maintains a central processing environment.
 LAN and WAN help in the Centralised Processing of OSI
Benefits of OSI Architecture: ---3M

1. Providing Security:
 OSI Architecture in an organization provides the needed security and
safety, preventing potential threats and risks.
 Managers can easily take care of the security and there is hassle-free
security maintenance done through OSI Architecture.
2. Organising Task:
 Managers get the opportunity to organize tasks in an organization
 A well-planned standard architecture for security features enhances
3. Meets International Standards:
 Security services are defined and recognized internationally meeting
international standards.
 The standard definition of requirements defined using OSI
Architecture is globally accepted.

Explanation of the image carry 4M

3 Explain RIP and IGMP routing protocols indetail. 10M

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) –-5M

1. Route Tags
2. Variable subnetting support
3. Immediate next hop for shorter paths
4. Multicasting to reduce load on hosts
5. Authentication for routing update security
6. Configuration switches for RIP Version 1 and RIP Version 2 packets
7. Supernetting support

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a protocol that allows
several devices to share one IP address so they can all receive the same data.
IGMP is a network layer protocol used to set up multicasting on networks that use
the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). -----2M
1. Streaming – Multicast routing protocol are used for audio and video
streaming over the network i.e., either one-to-many or many-to-many.
2. Gaming – Internet group management protocol is often used in simulation
games which has multiple users over the network such as online games.
3. Web Conferencing tools – Video conferencing is a new method to meet
people from your own convenience and IGMP connects to the users for
conferencing and transfers the message/data packets efficiently.

4 (a) Explainanyfiveresponsibilitiesofdatalinklayerininternetmodel. 5M
1. Framing
2. Addressing
3. Synchronization
4. Error Control
5. Flow Control
6. Multi-Access

(b) Explains to pan wait protocol using suitable diagram. 5M

Meaning –1M
Explanation of diagrtam—4M
5 Explain how flow control is achievedintrans portrayer. 10M

Flow control: It uses the method of sliding window protocol which is accomplished
by the receiver by sending a window back to the sender informing the size of data it
can receive. ---2M
Protocols of Transport Layer: ----5M

1. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)

2. UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
3. SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
4. DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol)
5. ATP (AppleTalk Transaction Protocol)
6. FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol)
7. RDP (Reliable Data Protocol)
8. RUDP (Reliable User Data Protocol)
9. SST (Structured Steam Transport)
10. SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange)

Explanation of Diagram---3M

6 List and explain the services offered by session layer. 10M

1. Session Layer works as a dialog controller through which it allows

systems to communicate in either half-duplex mode or full duplex mode of
2. This layer is also responsible for token management, through which it
prevents two users to simultaneously access or attempting the same critical
3. This layer allows synchronization by allowing the process of adding
checkpoints, which are considered as synchronization points to the streams
of data.
4. This layer is also responsible for session checkpointing and recovery.
5. This layer basically provides a mechanism of opening, closing and
managing a session between the end-user application processes.
6. The services offered by Session Layer are generally implemented in
application environments using remote procedure calls (RPCs).
7. The Session Layer is also responsible for synchronizing information from
different sources.
8. This layer also controls single or multiple connections for each-end user
application and directly communicates with both Presentation and
transport layers.
9. Session Layer creates procedures for checkpointing followed by
adjournment, restart and termination.
10. Session Layer uses checkpoints to enable communication sessions which
are to be resumed from that particular checkpoint at which communication
failure has occurred.
11. The session Layer is responsible for fetching or receiving data information
from its previous layer (transport layer) and further sends data to the layer
after it (presentation layer).

7 Explain virtual terminal protocols in detail. 10M

Definition of virtualterminalprotocols—2M
a virtual terminal (VT) is an application service that:---4M
1. Allows host terminals on a multi-user network to interact with other hosts
regardless of terminal type and characteristics,
2. Allows remote log-on by local area network managers for the purpose of
3. Allows users to access information from another host processor for
transaction processing,
4. Serves as a backup facility.
Documents required to get a Virtual Terminal:2M

Personal Documents: Driving License and Personal Bank Statements for the
recent 3 months

Business Documents: Article of Incorporation, Business Bank Statements for the

recent 3 months, Processing Statements for the recent 3 months, Bank Letter or
Void check, EIN - IRS, and a few supporting documents based on the business

disadvantages of virtual terminals. 2M

5. More expensive. As mentioned above, most merchant service providers
consider this payment method high risk and thus charge higher transaction
fees for it. ...
6. Increased risk of fraud. Any type of online transaction is risky, but it's
higher in a virtual terminal

8 Explain digital signatures in detail. 10M
Meaning of digitalsignatures –2M

Digital Signature consists of three algorithms:----3M

1. First is the key generation that helps in getting the private key from the
possible values. It gives the private key and corresponding public key as
2. Second is the signing algorithm that helps in the signature generation for the
corresponding message and private key.
3. The third is the signature verifying algorithm that is used to accept or
decline the authenticity of a document or message for the corresponding
public key and signature.

Advantages of digital signature: 3M

1. A digital signature provides better security in the transaction. Any
unauthorized person cannot do fraudulence in transactions.
2. You can easily track the status of the documents on which the digital
signature is applied.
3. High speed up document delivery.
4. It is 100% legal it is issued by the government authorized certifying
5. If you have signed a document digitally, then you cannot deny it.
Disadvantages of digital signature: --2M
1. You need to troubleshoot all the compatibility problems. In there are a lot of
compatibility settings like an updated version of driver and software.
2. Software is one of the main issues while using a digital signature certificate.
3. If you are belonging to the corporate world and running an export-import
organization, you need to produce a digital signature for E-ticketing.
4. In this signature, Lost or theft of keys and the use of vulnerable storage

9 Explainanytwoapplicationlayerprotocolsthatenableinternetworking. 10M

Explanation of anytwo--- each carry 5M

Application Layer Protocol
1. Hypertext.
2. Internet Protocol.
3. Internet of Things.
4. Application Layer.
5. Datagram.
6. Transmission Control Protocol.
7. User Datagram Protocol.
8. Transport Layer

10 Explainhowaddressresolutionisperformedinapplicationlayer. 10M
Meaning of address resolution ---2 M
Explanation of Digram-4M

Proxy ARP ---2M

Proxy ARP enables a network proxy to answer ARP queries for IP addresses that
are outside the network. This enables packets to be successfully transferred from
one subnetwork to another.

ARP spoofing and ARP cache poisoning ---2M

LANs that use ARP are vulnerable to ARP spoofing, also called ARP poison
routing or ARP cache poisoning.

(Compulsoryquestion, 01X10=10Marks)

Case Study/Problem:
A. Find the checksum for the following bit sequences. Assume 8-bit segment size.

We apply the above discussed algorithm to calculate the checksum.

• 1001001110010011 + 1001100001001101 = 10010101111100000
• Since, the result consists of 17 bits, so 1 bit is wrapped around and added to the result.
• 0010101111100000 + 1 = 0010101111100001
• Now, result consists of 16 bits.
• Now, 1’s complement is taken which is 1101010000011110
• Thus, checksum value = 1101010000011110

B. Using the RSA public key cryptosystem with a = 1, b = 2 etc.

(i) If p = 17 and q = 19, list five legal values for d.
(ii) If p = 7 and q = 11 and d = 13, find e.

A. . p=17, q=19


d(private key) should be chosen such that d and Φ(n) have no common factors(they are
relatively prime)

Possible choices for d=17,19

b. p=7, q=11 and d=13



the following relation must hold

e*d=1 MOD Φ(n)

E*13=1 MOD 60

E*13 could be 32, 39, 52 and so on

For here we obtain e=13

Scheme of Evaluation Prepared by

Dr.Kamma Ramanjaneyulu
Associate Professor & Vice Principal
Department of Management
Dr.K.V.Subba Reddy Institute of Management (JH)
Cell: 9494733850
Gmail id: [email protected]

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