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A new approach to the public sector was visualized in the Industrial Policy Resolution of

2. The major objective(s) of Public Sector Enterprises is/are

Creation of employment opportunities and economic growth of the Indian economy
Promotion of exports and imports of India
Redistribution of income and promotion of imports All of these
All of these

3. ___ is called as economic constitution of India. It for the first time gave a broad and detailed
framework of industrial development in India.
Industrial Policy Resolution 1956

4. Which of the following economists developed the concept of Human Development?

Mahbub ul Haq

5. Which of the following is not a key area of human development?

Access to lead a luxurious life

6. ______ agreements are legally binding on the members.


7. The present WTO system is based on the

Uruguay Round Agreements

8. ___ was replaced by ____ on 1st Jan 1995?


9. As a part of the liberalization announced in 1991, industrial policy measures were initiated
by the government to liberalise the
MRTP Regulations

10. The most favoured nation (MFN) clause under the WTO regime is based on the principle of
Non-discrimination between nations

11. Privatisation can be achieved by

Both Franchising and Leasing

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12. The objectives of privatisation are to
Strengthen industrial management
Make optimum use of resources
Achieve rapid industrial growth
All of these

13. What is virtually a joint float system cooperatively arranged by a group of nations sharing
some common interests are goals.
Target zone arrangement
Floating arrangement
Crawling peg arrangement
Hard peg arrangement

14. Which of the below is an example of internal factor of business environment?

Human Resource

15. _____ assists in the reconstruction and development of territories of the members by
facilitating the investment of capital for productive purposes.
World Bank

16. Balance of Payments deficit can be removed through?

Export promotion

17. When a country has trade deficit it means that it

Purchases more goods from the rest of the world that it sells

18. Which of the following was an extension of the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956?
Industrial Policy Resolution 1991

19. The international product life-cycle model, was put forward by

Raymond Vernon

20. TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of intellectual Property) agreement is administered by:

World Trade Organization (WTO)

21. Which of the following comprises of technical assistance by IMF

All of these

22. Schedule B of Industrial Policy of 1956 comprised of _____ industries.

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23. The computing technology, the internet was a product of military research, the first network
dating from

24. Among the following options which is not the objective of the WTO?
To provide aid during the Balance of Payment crisis of the member countries

25. Which of the following measures can be applied for controlling erosion and restoring the
productivity of eroded lands?
Efforts to prevent gully erosion and control their formation.

26. Patents are often referred to as a type of ______, and patent activity is an indication of levels
Industrial property, innovation

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