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with in your family?
you on well

1 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from

the box.
B: I get on well with my younger brother.
2 A: How long you at
your school?
break up get in get on go for note down B: I’ve been here since I was twelve.
put off stay behind try out 3 A: you a film when
I phoned?
1 I’d love to a new activity B: Yes, we were watching a comedy.
like digital photography or video production. 4 A: your dad a good
2 If I was invited to spend a year in another country, time on his birthday.
I’d it. B: Yes, he had a fantastic time.
3 In class, we have to 5 A: your sister school
everything the teacher says. this year?
4 We usually for the B: No, she’s leaving next year.
summer holidays in the third week of June. 6 A: Where we my
5 I think I will well in my German friend when he comes?
new job. It seems to be a good place to work. B: You should take him to the new science
6 We had to after class museum. It’s amazing.
yesterday to talk about our future plans. 7 A: you ever a first aid
7 I’d love to do music technology at university but it’s course?
really hard to . B: Yes, I did one at school last year.
8 Don’t doing your 8 A: your mum us after
homework – you may not have time to do it at the football tomorrow.
B: No, she can’t. She’s working but dad can
collect us.
2 Complete the sentences with the noun form of the
verbs in brackets.
4 Choose the correct words to complete the questions.
1 My grandparents didn’t get a very good 1 A: Who did you call / called you last night?
. They left school when they were 14. B: My cousin called me.
2 A: Who did you see / saw you at the party last
2 If you want to go on the school trip, you’ll need weekend?
from your parents. (permit)
B: I saw Chris and Alfie.
3 The company needs to take to
3 A: What did the bird kill / killed the bird?
prevent this happening again. (act)
B: A fox killed it.
4 My sister’s busy right now. She’s completing her
for university. (apply) 4 A: Who did you help / helped you prepare for
the exam?
5 In our English class, we often have a
about interesting things. (discuss) B: My sister helped me.
6 Have you completed the form with all 5 A: What did your bike damage / damaged
your personal details? (register) your bike?
7 I find music interrupts my and then B: It damaged my parent’s car.
I get distracted easily. (concentrate) 6 A: Who did you hear / heard you singing in the
8 What do you think is one of the world’s most useful shower?
? (invent) B: My cousin did. And he recorded me on his
GRAMMAR 7 A: Who did you tell / told you about the news?
B: Mark told me about it.
3 Complete the questions to complete the
8 A: Who do you know / knows you at this school?
B: I don’t know anyone.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

Name Class Date

1 Read the definitions and complete the words. 3 Choose the words to complete the paragraph.

1 the lists produced each week of the records with the My cousin (1) wants / is wanting / has wanted to be a
highest sales famous opera singer since he was a baby. He’s actually
the c _ _ _ _ _ really good and we all (2) believe / are believing / have
believed that he’ll get there one day, but right now he
2 a thing or person that is extremely popular or
(3) recognises / is recognising / has recognised that it’ll
be difficult. At the moment he (4) studies / ’s studying /
m______h__ has studied in a music school in New York. Next week,
3 to leave a band to follow a music career by yourself he (5) takes / is taking / has taken part in a concert
g_s___ at the Metropolitan Opera House, which (6) holds / is
holding / has held 3,800 people. A singer’s life isn’t easy.
4 to act, dance, or play music to entertain people
My cousin often (7) has / is having / has had to practise
g___ap__________ for weeks before an event. He says he (8) doesn’t have /
5 to make a record or film available for people to buy isn’t having / hasn’t had a real break for two years.
6 a place where a band or orchestra plays their music 4 Complete the sentences with the present simple,
present continuous or present perfect form of the
to people verbs.
1 My favourite band (go)
7 a natural ability to play an instrument or sing
on tour all the time.
2 My friends and I (enjoy)
8 when a band or solo artist travels to different going to concerts since we started secondary
countries performing their music school.
t _ _ _ the w _ _ _ _ 3 Giving a concert
(require) a lot of preparation.
2 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the
verb in brackets.
4 My grandma used to play the piano every day but
she (not play) it for ages.
1 I’ll always remember 5 We (not go out)
(go) to my first concert. I saw a jazz singer with my tomorrow night because we have to study.
uncle. 6 My brother (seem) to
2 Don’t forget (buy) tickets enjoy listening to the same song again and again.
for the concert. There aren’t many left. 7 I (not think) I’ll ever be
3 Please stop (talk)! I can’t good at singing.
hear the music. 8 My friends (wait) in the
4 I tried (play) the violin queue for tickets, if you want to join them.
when I was younger but I soon gave it up.
5 Jack’s stopped (practise)
with his band at the weekend, he hasn’t got time.
6 We’ll never forget (hear)
our music teacher sing for the first time. Her voice
was incredible.
7 Did you remember
(watch) the documentary about that musician
last night?
8 She’s tried (look) on the
internet, but she can’t find any of his early music.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

Name Class Date

VOCABULARY 8 My best friend’s really worried about our next

exams. I can that
1 Read the definitions and complete the words.

1 to give someone an instruction they must obey

2 to say that something is not true
3 Choose the correct options to complete the story.

3 to tell someone that you will cause problems for When I was younger, we (1) used to go / were going
them if they do not do what you want to the same hotel every summer. One day I (2) was
walking / had walked back to the room when I realised
t_______ that I (3) was leaving / had left my key inside the room.
4 to admit that you have done something wrong or I (4) knew / had known my sister was in there. First
something that you feel guilty of bad about I (5) tried / was trying knocking gently on the door but
c______ soon I (6) had kicked / was kicking the door. Suddenly
5 to make someone realise a possible danger or an angry woman (7) opened / had opened the door.
problem, especially one in the future I (8) made / had made a mistake – it was the wrong
6 to say someone has done something bad 4 Complete the sentences with the past simple,
past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs.
7 to express an idea or plan for someone to consider 1 I (do) my homework
s______ when you phoned. I finished it afterwards.
8 to say that something is true or is a fact, although 2 When I got to the swimming pool, I realised that
you cannot prove it and other people might not I (leave) my swimming
believe it things at home.
c____ 3 We decided to go home and watch a film as it
(rain) heavily.
2 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from
the box.
4 They missed the bus so they
(not get) to school
on time.
depend on fall out fall out identify with 5 When Dad got to work he remembered that he
pick on pick on take after talk into (not turn off) the cooker
so he went home.
1 When my sister and I were younger, we often used 6 While I was cycling to school,
to and then not speak to I (fall off) my bike
each other for days. because of the rain.
2 You can’t wear that ridiculous hat to school. 7 The teacher got angry because we
Everyone will you! (not listen) to her when
she was talking.
3 I think you your
grandfather because you have very similar 8 I wasn’t very hungry at midday because
characters. I (eat) an enormous
4 Who did you with this
time, your brother or your father?
5 Our football coach is brilliant. He doesn’t
anyone. We always take
turns to tidy up.
6 I think we can Dad
taking us to the party and then we’ll get the bus
7 Some of my classmates are quite mean. They
the younger kids and
make them cry.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

Name Class Date

VOCABULARY 6 I suggest we don’t go to that restaurant. It’s a

deal more expensive than anywhere
1 Choose the correct verbs to complete the texts.
A far B good C easily
When the volcano (1) smashed / erupted / cracked, lava 7 Our maths class has been easier this
(2) ran / floated / dragged down and covered the city. week than last week. I didn’t understand anything
During storms, huge waves (3) smash / drag / erupt the last week.
buildings and (4) float / crack / knock over trees. There A far B quite C little
are often floods too and you can find cars (5) running /
8 My sister (1 m 65) is now a taller than
floating / dragging on the water.
me (1 m 64).
You’ll know it’s an earthquake because the ground
A slightly B bit C quite
will (6) shake / erupt / crack violently. During a major
earthquake, buildings will (7) collapse / drag / smash
and roads will (8) knock over / crack / erupt.
4 Complete the second sentence using the words in
brackets in the correct form and as, than or the.

2 Complete each sentence with too, so or such. 1 Russia is over 17,000,000 km2. Canada is
9,984,670 km2. (far / big)
1 During the film, I was frightened that
I had to hide behind a cushion. Russia is Canada.
2 I was surprised that our plane could land in 2 Canada is 9,984,670 km . The United States is

bad weather. 9,826,630 km2. (slightly / large)

3 We’ll have to go by bus. It’ll take long Canada is the United
to walk and we’ll be late. States.
4 I’m not going to the beach today. There’ll be far 3 My mobile phone cost €180, my sister paid €220 and
many people there. my mum’s cost €500. (easily / expensive).
5 Thanks for the party. We had a good My mum’s phone mobile
time. phone.
6 My dad gave me much food that 4 My cousin can run 100 m in 15 seconds. I can do it in
I couldn’t finish it all. 15.5 seconds. (almost / fast)
7 People say that young people have I’m my cousin.
much free time. I don’t agree. 5 My grandma is 75 years old and my granddad is
8 I was tired after the school trip that 90 years old. (a lot / young)
I went to bed and slept for 15 hours. My grandma is
my granddad.
GRAMMAR 6 All your photos are good but this one of the children
is amazing. (by far / good)

3 Choose the correct words. Your photo of the children is

1 A football (410–450 grams) is lighter 7 When our teacher gets angry, she shouts more.
than a rugby ball (410–460 grams). (more)
A slightly B little C quite The angrier our teacher gets,
2 VY Canis Majoris is by the biggest star she shouts.
in the universe. 8 My feet are a bit bigger than my sister’s feet.
A easily B almost C far (not quite / big)
3 K2 (8,611 m) is not as high as Mount My sister’s feet are mine.
Everest (8,848 m).
A quite B far C little
4 The colder the day, the clothes you
should put on.
A most B more C less
5 I loved the film. It was as good as the
thriller we saw last week.
A far B slightly C almost

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

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