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Gwynedd Mercy University-School of Business and Education

Lesson Planning Framework

Subject Area: Math Grade Level: 3rd Grade
GMercyU Student Name: Mia Doto
Domain I: Planning and Preparation
PA Core/Academic Standard(s):

Standard - CC.2.2.3.A.1

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Standard - CC.2.2.3.A.3

Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Big Idea: Overarching Theme
-Multiplication is the process of combining matrices, vectors, or other quantities under specific rules
to obtain their product and division is a mathematical operation which involves the sharing of an
amount into equal-sized groups.

Essential Question(s):
Students will consider and reflect on throughout the lesson:

-What is multiplication?
-What is division?

Objective/Performance Expectations
What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?

-Students will be able to multiply and divide by working together with their peers to solve math
Assessment Evidence/Level of Learning Differentiated Instruction:
Students will show what they know by evidence -There are 2 students in my class of 19 who
of/list names of formative or summative checks, have modifications when it comes to reading.
quizzes, tests which indicate evidence of learning: If they need help reading the word problem
within the review slideshow I will help them
-Students will show that they understand what by reading it aloud. This will allow all
multiplication and division is by completing word students to get a better understanding of the
problems as a class on their white boards. They will content.
explain how they got their answer to the class. In
addition, they will complete a formative assessment
by working together with their peers to glue the
correct math problems and answers together to form a
mystery picture. This assessment is considered an exit
ticket for the students. Through this formative
assessment I will gain insight on my students'
understanding of multiplication and division.

Domain II Classroom Environment: Refer to Classroom/Behavior Management Plan

-Gwynedd Mercy Academy has the term “MERCY” that guides students for behavior expectations
within the classroom. “M stands for making good choices, “E” stands for engaging in learning, “R”
stands for respecting others, “C” stands for caring for spaces, and “Y” stands for “Yes! WE ARE.”
The term Mercy is referred to throughout the year if a student is misbehaving. In addition, the school
also follows a level system for noise referencing and expectations. There are three levels of noise.
Level 1 is silent, level 2 is whispering voices, and level 3 is recess voices. Gwynedd Mercy Academy
also follows the RTC approach which stands for responsive thinking classroom. This approach is
when students are taught how to think for themselves, deal with their problems through effective plan
making, and develop self-discipline. This approach is fairly newer to the school and was introduced
after Covid-19 to address behavior issues inside the classroom.
Domain III: Instruction
Motivation/Prior Knowledge:
Preparing students for the lesson: How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or
review previous lessons?

-In order to activate prior knowledge I will discuss multiplication and division as a review and gentle
reminder. I also will be providing the class with a few word problems including multiplication and
division and assisting them if they need any further assistance.

Materials Needed:

-Math problem worksheets
-White boards
-Dry erase markers and erasers

Vocabulary/ New or Review:

-Multiplication (review)
-Division (review)

Sequence the Lesson:

What learning activities/strategies will you use to engage the students in the learning? What will
students do to use and apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will you
monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary. (Please use bullets to sequence
your lesson.)

-First I will incorporate a canva slideshow within my lesson for visual learners.
-Throughout my canva slideshow I will discuss multiplication and division as a review. Also, I will
be providing examples of each.
-Throughout the slideshow the students will be completing word problems involving multiplication
and division. The students will write their work and answers on their whiteboards for me to check.
-I then will explain the group activity that the students will be completing.
-Next, the students will be provided an example for a better understanding on how the activity should
be completed and what the expectations are.
-The students will be separated by their tables and work together to figure out the multiplication
-Once the students have figured out their multiplication problems they will cut and glue their pieces
together on a background paper.

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