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Meeting 2


Article is part of determiner. It used for singular noun that mean “one”. There
are two types or article
1. Indefinite Article (a and an)
We used a/an to say what kind of something or somebody is. A is used in
front of word that begin with consonant. For example:
A book → She brings a book in her bag
A dictionary → A dictionary was broken by the students
A person → I see a person in front of my house

An is used in front of words that begin with the vowels (a, i, u, e, o). For
An umbrella → It is cloudy, I need an umbrella
An animal → An animal run to the cage
An English teacher → My sister is an English teacher

For the word begin with the letter u or h pronounced by vowel sound, it used
“an” as in an umbrella, an uncle, an hour, an honor. However, a is used if the
word begin with the u or h is consonant sound, as a university, a unit, a holiday and
a hotel.

Exercise 1
Put a or an in the blank!
1. Would you
2. It is not easy to get.....job at the moment, student walks across the building
4. I had ... sandwich juice for lunch
5. Lee is....honest man in my classroom

Meeting 3

2. Definite Article (The)

Definite article (the) refers to person, thing or animal. We use the definite
article in the following cases:
a. It is used before a noun to define it something specific. For
example something that previously mentioned or known, or
something being identified by the speaker.
- I saw a kid yesterday. The kid was very humble
b. Nouns refer to unique things and only
one. Examples:
The moon, the sun
c. Oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, group of island or
desert. Example:
The Atlantic Ocean, the Nile, the Alps, the Bahamas, the Sahara
d. Museum, cinemas, theater, famous building and
monument. Examples:
The British Museum, the Taj Mahal, the London Eye
e. Some particular countries.
The Czech Republic, The United State, The United Kingdom

Exercise 2
Which is right?
1. Apples/ the apples are good for you.
2. Look at the apple/ apple on the tree. They’re very big.
3. Did you finish the work/work that you were doing yesterday?
4. My memory isn’t good. I’m not good at remembering names/ the names.
5. Steve is very good at telling stories/ the stories.
6. We enjoyed our holiday. Weather/ the weather was good.

Meeting 4


A pronoun is a word that used to refer to someone or something when you do

not need to use a noun.

Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Subject Object
Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1st Person I Me My mine Myself
2nd Person You You Your Yours yourself
3rd Person
He Him His His Himself
3rd Person
She Her Her Hers Herself
3rd Thing It It Its - Itself
1st person
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
2nd Person
You You Your Yours Yourselves
3rd Person
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

1. Subject and object pronoun

 Subject
- She is a student in Junior high school
- The cats are very cute
- The students study in the classroom

 Object
- The teacher gives us some exercises
- Nancy drives a car
- Clara is going to go with me and Mira

Exercise 1:
Circle the correct words in italics.
1. I, me had dinner with Nick last night
2. Please take this food and give it, them to the cat
3. The teacher explains things to we, us very well
4. She, her wanted to talk to I, me.
Meeting 5

2. Possessive adjective
A possessive adjective is used only with a noun following it
- My brother does not cut his finger
- I see her friend in the library
- Please, talk to me slowly
Meeting 6

3. Possessive pronoun
A possessive pronoun is used alone, without a noun following it.
- The notebook is not hers
- This blue uniform is ours
- I use my umbrella and you use yours.

Exercise 2:
Circle the correct words in italic
1. This one is my, mine.
2. Children should obey their, theirs parents
3. I think, the book over there is your, yours
4. Is this her, hers house?
5. Our, ours apartment has one bedroom.

Meeting 7

4. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun is used when the subject and the object are the same
- I saw myself in the mirror
- Most people talk to themselves sometimes
- Did you hurt yourself?

Exercise 3:
1. She is not angry with you. She is angry with ....
a. Herself c. Hers
b. Yourself d. Yourselves
2. My brother cut....with a knife
a. Herself c. Himself
b. Ourselves d. Yourself
3. I had a nice holiday in Kuta beach. I enjoyed ....
a. Herself c. Yourself
b. Myself d. Himself
4. Jack fell off his motorbike but he didn’t hurt ...
a. Him c. Herself
b. Myself d. Himself
5. Can you do homework by ....
a. Myself c. Yourself
b. Himself d. Yours

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