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Unit V

Leakage Power Minimization

9.1 Introduction
Due to aggressive device-size scaling, the very-large-scale integration
(VLSI) technology has moved from the millimetre to nanometre era by
providing increas-ingly higher performance along the way. Performance
improvement has been con-tinuously achieved primarily because of the
gradual decrease of gate capacitances. However, as the supply voltage
must continue to scale with device-size scaling to maintain a constant field,
the threshold voltage of the metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) transistors
should also be scaled at the same rate to maintain gate overdrive ( Vcc/Vt)
and hence performance. Unfortunately, the reduction of Vt leads to an
exponential increase in the subthreshold leakage current. As a
consequence, the leakage power dissipation has gradually become a
significant portion of the total power dissipation. For example, for a 90-nm
technology, the leakage power is 42 % of the total power and for a 65-nm
technology, the leakage power is 52 % of the total power. This has led to
vigorous research work to develop suitable approaches for leakage power

9.2 Fabrication of Multiple Threshold Voltages

The present-day process technology allows the fabrication of metal–oxide–
semi-conductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) of multiple threshold
voltages on a single chip. This has opened up the scope for using dual-Vt
CMOS circuits to re-alize high-performance and low-power CMOS
circuits. The basic idea is to use high-Vt transistors to reduce leakage
current and low-Vt transistors to achieve high performance. Before we
discuss dual-Vt (or multiple Vt) circuit design techniques, we shall explore
various fabrication techniques [1] used for implementing multiple
threshold voltages in a single chip.

9.2.1 Multiple Channel Doping

The most commonly used technique for realizing multiple-VT MOSFETs is

to use different channel-doping densities based on the following
where Vfb is the flat-band voltage, Na is the doping density in the substrate,
and τ B  kT / q ( Lx (N a / x)) .

A higher doping density results in a higher threshold voltage. However,

to fabricate two types of transistors with different threshold voltages, two
additional masks are required compared to the conventional single-Vt
fabrication process. This makes the dual-Vt fabrication costlier than single-
Vt fab-rication technology. Moreover, due to the non-uniform distribution
of the doping density, it may be difficult to achieve dual threshold voltage
when these are very close to each other.

9.2.2 Multiple Oxide CMOS

The expression for the threshold voltage shows a strong dependence on the
value of Cox, the unit gate capacitance. Different gate capacitances can be
realized by us-ing different gate oxide thicknesses. The variation of
threshold voltage with oxide thickness ( tox) for a 0.25-μm device is shown
in Fig. 9.3. Dual-Vth MOSFETs can be realized by depositing two different
oxide thicknesses. A lower gate capacitance due to higher oxide thickness
not only reduces subthreshold leakage current but also provides the
following benefits:

Reduced gate oxide tunnelling because the oxide tunnelling current

exponentially decreases with the increase in oxide thickness. Reduced
dynamic power dissipation due to reduced gate capacitance, because of
higher gate oxide thickness.Although the increase in gate oxide thickness
has the above benefits, it has some adverse effects due to an increase in
short-channel ef-fect. For short-channel devices as the gate oxide thickness
increases, the aspect ratio (AR), which is defined by AR = lateral
dimension/vertical dimension, decreases:

where ε si and ε ox are silicon and oxide permittivities, L, tox, Wdm, and Xj
are chan-nel length, gate oxide thickness, depletion depth, and junction
depth, respectively.

9.2.3 Multiple Channel Length

In the case of short-channel devices, the threshold voltage decreases as the channel
length is reduced, which is known as Vth roll-off. This phenomenon can be exploited to
realize transistors of dual threshold voltages. The variation of the threshold volt-age
with channel length is shown in Fig. 9.5. However, for transistors with feature sizes
close to 0.1 μm, halo techniques have to be used to suppress the short-channel effects.
As the Vth roll-off becomes very sharp, it turns out to be a very difficult
task to control the threshold voltage near the minimum feature size. For
such technologies, longer channel lengths for higher Vth transistors
increase the gate capacitance, which leads to more a dynamic power
dissipation and delay.

9.2.4 Multiple Body Bias

The application of reverse body bias to the well-to-source junction leads to
an in-crease in the threshold voltage due to the widening of the bulk
depletion region, which is known as body effect. This effect can be utilized
to realize MOSFETs hav-ing multiple threshold voltages. However, this
necessitates separate body biases to be applied to different nMOS
transistors, which means the transistors cannot share the same well.
Therefore, costly triple-well technologies are to be used for this pur-pose.
Another alternative is to use silicon-on-insulator (SoI) technology, where
the devices are isolated naturally.

In order to get best of both the worlds, i.e. a smaller delay of low-Vt
devices and a smaller power consumption of high-Vt devices, a balanced
mix of both low-Vt and high-Vt devices may be used. The following two
approaches can be used to reduce leakage power dissipation in the standby

9.3 VTCMOS Approach

We have observed that low supply voltage along with low-threshold
voltage provides a reduced overall power dissipation without a degradation
in performance. However, the use of low-Vt transistors inevitably leads to
increased subthreshold leakage current, which is of major concern when
the circuit is in standby mode. In many recent applications, such as cell
phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), etc., a major part of the circuit
remains in standby mode most of the time. If the standby current is not
low, it will lead to a shorter battery life.

VTCMOS circuits make use of the body effect to reduce the

subthreshold leakage current, when the circuit is in normal mode. We
know that the threshold voltage is a function of the voltage difference
between the source and the substrate. The substrate terminals of all the n-
channel metal–oxide–semiconductor (nMOS) transistors are connected to
the ground potential and the substrate terminals of all the p-channel metal–
oxide–semiconductor (pMOS) transistors are connected to Vdd, as shown
in Fig. 9.6. This ensures that the source and drain diffusion regions always
remain reversed-biased with respect to the substrate and the threshold
voltages of the transistors are not significantly influenced by the body
effect. On the other hand, in the case of VTCMOS circuits, the substrate
bias voltages of nMOS and pMOS transistors are controlled with the help
of a substrate bias control circuit, as shown in Fig. 9.7.

Although the VTCMOS technique is a very effective technique for

controlling threshold voltage and reducing subthreshold leakage current, it
requires a twin-well or triple-well CMOS fabrication technology so that
different substrate bias voltages can be applied to different parts of the
chip. Separate power pins may also be required if the substrate bias voltage
levels are not generated on chip. Usually, the additional area required for
the substrate bias control circuitry is negligible compared to the overall
chip area.

9.4 Transistor Stacking

When more than one transistor is in series in a CMOS circuit, the leakage current has a
strong dependence on the number of turned off transistors. This is known as the stack
effect [4–6]. The mechanism of the stack effect can be best understood by
considering the case when all the transistors in a stack are turned off.
Figure 9.8a shows four nMOS devices of a four-input NAND gate in a
stack. The source and drain voltages of the MOS transistors obtained by
simulation are shown in the figure. These voltages are due to a small drain
current passing through the circuit. The source voltages of the three
transistors on top of the stack have positive values. Assuming all gate
voltages are equal to zero, the gate-to-source voltages of the three
transistors are negative. Moreover, the drain-to-source potential of the
MOS transistors is also reduced. The following three mechanisms come
into play to reduce the leakage current:

i Due to the exponential dependence of the subthreshold current on gate-

to-source voltage, the leakage current is greatly reduced because of
negative gate-to-source voltages.

ii The leakage current is also reduced due to body effect, because the body
of all the three transistors is reverse-biased with respect to the source.

iii As the source-to-drain voltages for all the transistors are reduced, the
subthreshold current due to drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL)
effect will also be lesser. As a consequence, the leakage currents will be
minimum when all the transistors are turned off, which happens when
the input vector is 0000. The leakage cur-rent passing through the
circuit depends on the input vectors applied to the gate and it will be
different for different input vectors. For example, for a three-input
NAND gate shown in Fig. 9.8b, the leakage current contributions for
different input vectors are given in Table 9.1. It may be noted that the
highest leakage current is 99 times the lowest leakage current. The
current is lowest when all the transistors in series are OFF, whereas the
leakage current is highest when all the transistors are ON.

9.5 MTCMOS Approach

In this approach, MOSFETs with two different threshold voltages are used in a single
chip. It uses two operational modes—active and sleep for efficient power management.
A basic MTCMOS circuit scheme is shown in Fig. 9.9. The realization of a two-input
NAND gate is shown in the figure. The CMOS logic gate is realized with
transistors of low-threshold voltage of about 0.2–0.3 V. Instead of
connecting the power terminal lines of the gate directly to the power
supply lines Vdd and GND, here these are connected to the ‘virtual’ power
supply lines (VDDV and GNDV). The real and virtual power supply lines
are linked by the MOS transistor Q1 and Q2. These transistors have a high-
threshold voltage in the range 0.5–0.6 V and serve as sleep control
transistors. Sleep control signals SL andSL are connected to Q1 and Q2,
respectively, and used for active/sleep mode control. In the active mode,
when SL is set to LOW, both Q1 and Q2 are turned ON connecting the real
power lines to VDDV and GNDV. In this mode, the NAND gate operates
at a high speed cor-responding to the low-threshold voltage of 0.2 V,
which is relatively low compared to the supply voltage of 1.0 V. In the
sleep mode, SL is set to HIGH to turn both Q1 and Q2 OFF, thereby
isolating the real supply lines from VDDV and GNDV. As the sleep
transistors have a high-threshold voltage (0.6 V), the leakage current
flowing through these two transistors will be significantly smaller in this
mode. As a consequence, the leakage power consumption during the
standby period can be dramatically reduced by sleep control.

Two other factors that affect the speed performance of an MTCMOS

circuit are: the width of the sleep control transistors and the capacitances of
the virtual power line. The sleep transistors should have their widths large
enough so that the ON resistances are small. It has been established by
simulation that WH/WL of 5 and CV/C0 of 5 leads to the decrease in Veff
within 10 % of Vdd and the degradation in gate delay time within 15 %
compared to a pure low-Vth CMOS. So far as CV is concerned, the
condition is satisfied by the intrinsic capacitances present and no external
capacitance needs to be added.

Leakage Power minimization:

9.6 Power Gating
The basic approach of the MTCMOS implementation has been generalized
and extended in the name of power management or power gating. Here, the
basic strat-egy is to provide two power modes: an active mode, which is
the normal operat-ing mode of the circuit, and a low-power mode when the
circuit is not in use. The low-power mode is commonly termed as sleep
mode. At an appropriate time, the circuit switches from one mode to the
other in an appropriate manner such that the energy drawn from the power
source is maximized with minimum or no impact on the performance.

9.6.1 Clock Gating Versus Power Gating

We have discussed the use of the clock-gating approach for the reduction
of switching power. The typical activity profile for a subsystem using a
clock-gating strategy is shown in Fig. 9.12a. As shown in the figure, no
dynamic power dissipation takes place when the circuit is clock-gated.
However, leakage power dissipation takes place even when the circuit is
clock-gated. In the early generation of CMOS circuits (above 250 nm), the
leakage power was an insignificant portion of the total power. So, the
power dissipation of a clock-gated subsystem was negligible. However, the
leakage power has grown with every generation of CMOS process
technology and it is essential to use power gating to reduce leakage power
when the circuit is not in use. The activity profile for the same subsystem
using a power-gating strategy is shown in Fig. 9.12b. Power gating can be
implemented by inserting power-gating transistors in the stack between the
logic transistors and either power or ground, thus creating a virtual supply
rail or a virtual ground rail, respectively. The logic block contains all low-
Vth transistors for fastest switching speeds while the switch transistors,
header or footer, are built using high-Vth transistors to minimize the leak-
age power. Power gating can be implemented without using multiple
thresholds, but it will not reduce leakage as much as if implemented with
multiple thresholds. MTCMOS refers to the use of transistors with multipl
threshold voltages in power-gating circuits. The most common
implementations of power gating use a footer switch alone to limit the
switch area overhead. High-Vth NMOS footer switches are about half the
size of equivalent-resistance high-Vth PMOS header switches due to
differences in majority carrier mobilities. Power gating reduces leakage by
reducing the gate-to-source voltage, which in turn, drives the logic
transistors deeper into the cutoff region. This occurs because of the stack
effect. The source terminal of the bottom-most transistor in the logic stack
is no longer at ground, but rather at a voltage somewhat above ground due
to the presence of the power-gating transistor. Leakage is reduced due to
the reduction of the Vgs.

9.6.2 Power-Gating Issues

The clock-gating approach discussed earlier does not affect the
functionality of the circuit and does not require changes in the resistor–
transistor logic (RTL) representation. But, power gating is much more
invasive because, as we shall see later, it affects inter-block interfaces and
introduces significant time delays in order to safely enter and exit power-
gated modes. The most basic form of power-gating control, and the one
with the lowest long-term leakage power, is an externally switched power
supply. Power-Gating Granularity

Two levels of granularity are commonly used in power gating. One is

referred to as fine-grained power gating and the other one is referred to as
coarse-grained power gating. In the case of fine-grained power gating, the
power-gating switch is placed locally as part of the standard cell. The
switch must be designed to supply the worst-case current requirement of
the cell so that there is no impact on the performance. As a consequence,
the size of the switch is usually large (2 × to 4 × the size of the original
cell) and there is significant area overhead.

In the case of coarse-grained power gating, a relatively larger block, say

a pro-cessor, or a block of gates is power switched by a block of switch
cells. Consider two different implementations of a processor chip. In the
first case, a single sleep control signal is used to power down the entire
chip. In the second case, separate sleep control signals are used to control
different building blocks such as instruction decoder, execution unit, and
memory controller. The former design is considered as coarse-grained
power gating, whereas the latter design may be categorized as fine-grained
power gating.

The choice of granularity has both logical and physical implications. A

power domain refers to a group of logic with a logically unique sleep

Another advantage of fine-grained power gating is that the timing

impact of the current I passing through a through a switch with equivalent
resistance R resulting in IR drop across the switch can be easily
characterized and it may be possible to use the traditional design flow to
deploy fine-grained power gating. On the other hand, the sizing of the
coarse-grained switched network is more difficult because the exact
switching activity of the logic block may not be known at design time. In
spite of the advantages of fine-grained power gating, the coarse-grained
power gating is preferred because of its lesser area overhead. Power-Gating Topologies

Another issue closely related to granularity of power gating is the power-

gating topologies. Power-gating topologies can be categorized into three

•Global power gating

•Local power gating

•Switch in cell gating Global Power Gating

Global power gating refers to a logical topology in which multiple

switches are connected to one or more blocks of logic, and a single virtual
ground is shared in common among all the power-gated logic blocks as
shown in Fig. 9.14. This topology is effective for large blocks (coarse-
grained) in which all the logic is power gated, but is less effective, for
physical design reasons when the logic blocks are small. It does not apply
when there are many different power-gated blocks, each controlled by a
different sleep enable signal. Local Power Gating

Local power gating refers to a logical topology in which each switch

singularly gates its own virtual ground connected to its own group of logic.
This arrangement results in multiple segmented virtual grounds for a single
sleep domain as shown in Fig. 9.15. Switch in Cell

Switch in cell may be thought of as an extreme form of local power-gating

im-plementation. In this topology, each logic cell contains its own switch
transistor as shown in Fig. 9.16. Its primary advantages are that delay
calculation is very straightforward. The area overhead is substantial in this
approach. Switching Fabric Design

Although the basic concept of using sleep transistors for power gating is simple, the
actual implementation of the switching fabric involves many highly technology-
specific issues. First and foremost among the issues is the architectural issue to decide
whether to use only header switch using pMOS transistors or use only footer switch
using nMOS transistors or use both. Some researchers have advocated the use of both
types of switches. However, for designs at 90 nm or smaller than 90 nm, either the
header or footer switch is recommended due to the tight voltage margin, significant IR
drop and large area, and delay penalties when both types of transistors are used.
Various issues to be addressed for switching fabric design are:

•Header-versus-footer switch

•Power-gating implementation style

Figure 9.17a shows a header switch used for power gating. High-Vt PMOS
transistors are used to realize the header switch. Similarly, a footer switch
used for power gating is shown in Fig. 9.17b, where high-Vt NMOS
transistors are used to realize the switch. Implementation Styles

Implementation of power-gating switches can be broadly categorized into

two types: ring and grid styles. In ring-style implementation, the switches
are placed external to the power-gated block by encapsulating it by a ring
of switches as shown in Fig. 9.18. The switches connect VDD to the
virtual VVDD of the power-gated block. This is the only style that can be
used to supply power to an existing hard block by placing the switches
outside it. On the other hand, the switches are distrib-uted throughout the
power-gated region as shown in Fig. 9.19. Any one of the styles can be
used for the implementation of coarse-grain power gating.
9.7 Isolation Strategy
Ideally, the outputs and internal nodes of a header-style power-gated block
should collapse down towards ground level. Similarly, the outputs and
internal nodes of a footer-style power-gated block should collapse down
towards supply rail. How-ever, in practice, the outputs and internal nodes
may neither discharge to ground level nor fully charge to supply voltage
level, because of finite leakage currents passing through the off switches.
So, if the output of power-down block drives a power-up block, there is
possibility of short-circuit power (also known as crowbar power) in the
power-up block. When the power-down block is driving a combinational
logic circuit, the output can be clamped to a particular value that reduces
the leakage current using stack effect (refer to Sect. 9.4).

Similarly, isolation cell to clamp the output to ‘1’ logic level can be
accomplished using an OR gate If we want to clamp the output to the last
value, it is necessary to use a latch to hold the last value.

9.8 State Retention Strategy

Given a power switching fabric and an isolation strategy, it is possible to
power gate a block of logic. But unless a retention strategy is employed, all
state information is lost when the block is powered down. To resume its
operation on power up, the block must either have its state restored from
an external source or build up its state from the reset condition. In either
case, the time and power required can be significant. One of the following
three approaches may be used:
•A software approach based on reading and writing registers

• A scan-based approach based on the reuse of scan chains to store state off

• A register-based approach that uses retention registers

Software-Based Approach In the software approach, the always-ON

CPU reads the registers of the power-gated blocks and stores in the
processor’s memory. During power-up sequence, the CPU writes back the
registers from the memory. Bus traffic slows down the power-down and
power-up sequence and bus conflicts may make powering down unviable.
Software must be written and integrated into the system’s software for
handling power down and power up.

Scan-Based Approach Scan chains used for built-in self-test (BIST) can
be reused. During power-down sequence, the scan register outputs are
routed to an on-chip or off-chip memory. In this approach, there can be
significant saving of chip area.

Retention Registers In this approach, standard registers are replaced by

retention registers. A retention register contains a shadow register that can
preserve the regis-ters state during power down and restore it at power up.
High-Vt transistors are used in the slave latch, the clock buffers, and the
inverter that connects the master latch to the slave latch as shown in Fig.
9.24. In addition to area penalty, this approach requires more complex
power controller.

9.9 Power-Gating Controller

A key concern in controlling the switching fabric is to limit the in-rush of current when
power to the block is switched on. An excessive in-rush current can cause voltage
spikes on the supply, possibly corrupting registers in the always on blocks, as well as
retention registers in the power-gated block. One representative approach is to daisy-
chain the control signal to the switches. The result of this daisy chaining is that it takes
some time from the assertion of a ‘power-up’ signal until the block is powered up. A
more aggressive approach to turning on the switching fabric is to use several power-up
control signals in sequence. Regardless of the specific control method, during the
power-up sequence, it is important to wait until the switching fabric is completely
powered up before enabling the power-gated block to resume normal operation.

9.10 Power Management

The basic idea of power management stems from the fact that all parts of a
circuit are not needed to function all the time. The power management
scheme can identify conditions under which either certain parts of the
circuit or the entire circuit can re-main idle and shut them down to reduce
power consumption. For example, the most conventional approach used in
the X86-compatible processors is to regulate the power consumption by
rapidly altering between running the processor at full speed and turning the
processor off. A different performance level is achieved by varying the
on/off time (duty cycle) of the processor.

10. Adiabatic Logic Circuits

10.1 Introduction
Static complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) circuits are
extremely successful in terms of market share because of many advantages
such as lower pow-er dissipation, reliable operation and availability of
computer-aided design (CAD) synthesis tools. We have seen that all the
circuit nodes make a rail-to-rail (0 and Vdd) transition for each switching
event and the supply voltage Vdd remains constant. As a consequence, the
output node makes a transition from 0 to Vdd with a load capacitance CL, an
energy of CL V 2dd is drawn from the power supply. Out of this, 1/2CLV 2dd
is stored in the capacitor and the remaining half is dissipated in the p-type
metal–oxide–semiconductor (pMOS) network. Subsequently, when the
output node switches from Vdd to 0, the energy that was stored in the
capacitor is dissipated in the n-type metal–oxide–semiconductor (nMOS)
network. The power dissipation that takes place because of these switching
events is converted to heat, which is ultimately released to the
environment. This has far-reaching consequences like global warming. To
reduce power dissipation, the circuit designers can reduce the supply
voltage, decrease the node capacitance or minimize the number of
switching events. In the preceding chapters, we have discussed these

10.2 Adiabatic Charging

To get introduced to the basic concept of adiabatic circuits, first we consider the
conventional charging of a capacitor C through a resistor R, followed by adiabatic
charging [2]. Figure 10.1a consists of a resistor R and capacitor C in series and a
supply voltage Vdd. As the switch is closed at time t = 0, current starts flowing.
Initially, at time t = 0, the capacitor does not have any charge and therefore the volt-
age across the capacitor is 0 V and the voltage across the resistor is Vdd. So, a cur-rent
of Vdd/R flows through the circuit. As current flows through the circuit, charge

accumulates in the capacitor and voltage builds up. As the time progresses,
the voltage across the resistor decreases with a consequent reduction in
current through the circuit. At any instant of time, Vdd = IR + Q/C, where Q
is the charge stored in the capacitor. Figure 10.1b shows how conventional
charging of a capacitor leads to the dissipation of an energy of 1/2CLV 2dd.

Now let us consider the adiabatic charging of a capacitor as shown in

Fig. 10.2. Here, a capacitor C is charged through a resistor R using a
constant current I( t) in-stead of a fixed voltage Vdd. Here also it is assumed
that initially at time t = 0, there is no charge in the capacitor. The voltage
across the capacitor Vc( t) is a function of time and it can be represented by
the following expression:

Assuming the current is constant, the energy dissipated by the resistor in

the time interval 0 to T is given by

where Vc( T) is the voltage across the capacitor at time T.

We may make the following conclusions from Eq. (10.1):

• For T > 2RC, the dissipated energy is smaller than CLV dd, which is
dissipated in the case of conventional charging using a supply voltage of

• The energy dissipated can be made arbitrarily small by increasing the

time T. Longer the value of T, smaller is the dissipated energy.

• Contrary to the conventional charging where the energy dissipation is

indepen-dent of the value of the resistor R, here the energy dissipated is
proportional to the value of R. This has opened up the possibility of
reducing the energy dissipa-tion by decreasing the value of R.

• In the case of adiabatic charging, the charge moves from the power
supply slow-ly but efficiently (dissipating lesser energy).

Another requirement is that the power supply must generate a non-standard

time-varying output contrary to the fixed volt-age output generated by
standard power supplies. These power supplies are known as ‘pulsed
power supplies’ having the output characteristic as shown in Fig. 10.3. It
may be noted that it has four phases: precharge hold, recover and wait. In
the pre-charge phase, the load capacitor is adiabatically charged, in the
hold phase necessary computation is performed, in the recover phase the
charge is transferred back to the power supply and finally the wait phase
before a new pre-charge phase starts.

10.3 Adiabatic Amplification

Amplification is a fundamental operation performed by electronic circuits to increase
the current or voltage drive. In this section, we shall discuss how it can be done adia-
batically to drive capacitive loads. Here, the adiabatic amplification is implement-ed
using two transmission gates and the output is dual-rail encoded, which means
amplified output along with its complemented output is available. To drive the trans-
mission gates, input is also dual-rail encoded as shown in Fig. 10.4. Apart from the
transmission gates, two clamping circuits are also used. The steps of operation of the
circuit are as follows:
Step 1: Input X and its complement are applied to the circuit, which remain
stable in the following steps.

Step 2: The amplifier is activated by applying VA, which is a slow ramp

voltage from 0 V to Vdd.

Step 3: One of the two capacitors which is connected through the

transmission gate is adiabatically charged to VA and the other one is
clamped to 0 V in transition time T.

Step 4: After the charging is complete, the output signal pair remains
stable and can be used as inputs to the next stage of the circuit.

Step 5: The amplifier is de-energized by ramping the voltage from VA to 0

V. In this step, the energy that was stored in C is transferred back to the
power supply.
Let us consider the energy dissipation that takes place in the above
operation. Energy dissipation takes place in steps 3 and 5. As VA ramps up
and down between 0 V and Vdd, the states of the two transistors of the
transmission gate change. Both the transistors operate in the non-saturated
region in the middle part of ramping up and ramping down (between Vtp
and Vdd−Vtn). Initially, the nMOS transistor is ON and it remains ON till
the output reaches the voltage ( Vdd−Vtn). On the other hand, the pMOS
transistor turns ON when the ramp voltage attains the voltage |Vtp| and
remains ON till the maximum value.

10.4 Adiabatic Logic Gates

Starting with a static CMOS gate, the adiabatic logic gate for the same
Boolean function can be realized using the following steps:

Step 1: Replace each pull-up nMOS network and the pull-down pMOS
network of the static CMOS circuit with transmission gates.
Step 2: Use the expanded pull-up network to drive the true output load capacitance.

Step 3: Use the expanded pull-down network to drive the complementary

output load capacitance.

Step 4: Replace Vdd by a pulsed power supply VA.

Figure 10.5a shows the schematic diagram of a static CMOS circuit with
its pull-up and pull-down blocks. Figure 10.5b shows the transformed
adiabatic circuit where both the networks are used to charge and discharge
the load capacitances adiabati-cally. Figure 10.6 shows the realization of
the adiabatic AND/NAND gate based on
the above procedure. In this way, the adiabatic realization of any function
can be performed. It may be noted that the number of transistors required
for the realization of the adiabatic circuit is larger than that of the static
CMOS realization of the same function.

10.5 Pulsed Power Supply

Pulse power supply plays an important role in the realization of adiabatic
circuits. As we know, adiabatic circuits allow less energy dissipation
during charging/discharging of the load capacitance compared to static
CMOS circuits. It also allows energy recovery during discharge of the load
capacitance and above all it serves as the timing clock for the adiabatic
circuits. The recovered node energies are also stored in pulsed power
supply. Total energy consumed in an adiabatic switching operation is the
sum of the energy consumed by the adiabatic circuit and the pulsed power
supply. Therefore, the pulsed power supply should dissipate much less en-
ergy to achieve maximum possible energy efficiency from an adiabatic

The power clock generators can be grouped into two main types:
asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous power clock generators are
free running circuits that use feedback loops to self-oscillate without any
external timing signals. Figure 10.7 illustrates two commonly used
asynchronous power clock generators: 2N and 2N2P power clock
generators. These are simple, dual-rail LC oscillators where the active
elements are cross-coupled pairs of NMOS and PMOS transistors.
Asynchronous structures are associated with several problems. Using
phase-locked loops or synchronizers such as self-timed first-in-first-out
(FIFO) memory devices would not be energy- and area-efficient solutions
to this problem. In such cases, the synchronous power clock generators
provide a better alternative in terms of efficiency.

Synchronous power clock generators are synchronized to external timing signals

usually available in large systems. Figure 10.8 illustrates two synchronous power clock
generators similar to the asynchronous counterparts except that the gate control signals
are generated externally. The capacitors CE1 and CE2 are external balancing
capacitors to achieve better conversion efficiency. The adiabatic module can be easily
synchronized to a larger conventional non-adiabatic system by using synchronous
power clock generators.
10.6 Stepwise Charging Circuits
The general power supply has several difficulties at the circuit level,
especially in terms of chip-level integration and overall efficiency. An
alternative to using pure voltage ramps is to use stepwise supply voltage
waveforms where the output voltage of the power supply is increased and
decreased in small increments during charging and discharging.

Figure 10.9 shows a CMOS inverter driven by a stepwise supply voltage

wave-form. Assuming that the output voltage is equal to zero initially, the
input voltage set to logic low level, the power supply voltage VA is
increased from 0 to Vdd, in n equal voltage steps as shown in Fig. 10.10.
Since the pMOS transistor is conducting during this transition, the output
load capacitance will be charged up in a stepwise manner. The on-
resistance of the pMOS transistor can be represented by the linear resistor
R. Thus, the output load capacitance is being charged up through a resistor,
in small voltage increments.

The switch devices are shown as nMOS transistors in Fig. 10.11, yet
some of them may be successively connected to constant voltage sources
Vi through an array of switches replaced by pMOS transistors to prevent
the undesirable threshold volt-age drop problem and the substrate-bias
effects at higher voltage levels.

One of the most significant drawbacks of this circuit configuration is the

need for multiple supply voltages. A power supply system capable of
efficiently generating n different voltage levels, would be complex and

10.7 Partially Adiabatic Circuits

Implementation of fully reversible adiabatic logic circuits has a very large
over-head. A fully reversible, bit-level pipelined three-bit adder requires
several times as many devices as a conventional one and many times the
silicon area. This has motivated researchers to apply the adiabatic
technique to realize a partially adiabatic logic circuit. Most of the circuits
use crossed coupled devices connecting two nodes that form the true and
complementary outputs, i.e. dual-rail encoded. When a volt-age ramp is
applied, the outputs settle to one of the states based on the inputs. VФ is
connected to the pulsed-power supply.
There is non-adiabatic dissipation of approximately (1/2)CLVth for
transition from one state to another.

10.7.1 Efficient Charge Recovery Logic

Figure 10.13 shows the generalized schematic for efficient charge recovery
logic (ECRL) . It consists of two pMOS transistors connected in a cross-
coupled man-ner and two networks of NMOS transistors acting as
evaluation networks. The waveforms of the supply clock as well as I/O
signals for a NOT gate. In order to recover and to reuse the supplied
energy, an ac power supply is also used for ECRL gates. As usual, in
adiabatic circuits, the supply voltage also acts as a clock. Both the signals,
out and its complement are generated so that the power clock generator can
always drive a constant load capacitance, independent of the input signal.
If the circuit operates correctly, energy has an oscillatory behaviour, be-
cause a large part of the energy supplied to the circuit is given back to the
power supply. As usual, for adiabatic logic, the energy behaviour follows
the supply voltage. It is also observed that, due to a coupling effect, the
low-level output goes to a negative voltage value during the recovery
phase (that is, when the supply voltage ramps down).

The dissipated energy can be defined as the difference between the

energy that the circuit needs to load the output capacitance, and the energy
that the circuit re-turns back to the power supply during the recovery
phase. The dissipated energy value depends on the input sequence and on
the switching activity factor. Therefore, the dissipated energy per cycle can
be obtained from the mean value of the whole sequence. It can also be seen
that a larger energy is dissipated if the input state changes and therefore the
output capacitances have to switch from one voltage level to the other.

An ECRL realization of an inverter is shown in Fig. 10.14. How

the data are transferred from one stage to its succeeding stage is shown in
Fig. 10.15. The arrows show when data move from one gate to the
consecutive gate in four phases: precharge, hold, recover and wait phases.
10.7.2 Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic Circuits
The structure of a positive feedback adiabatic logic (PFAL) gate is shown in Fig.
10.16. Two nMOS networks are used to realize the logic functions. This logic family
also generates both positive and negative outputs. The two major differences with
respect to ECRL are that the latch is made by two pMOS and two nMOS FETs, rather
than by only two pMOS FETs as in ECRL, and that the functional blocks are in
parallel with the transmission pMOS FETs. Thus, the equivalent resistance is smaller
when the capacitance needs to be charged. During the recovery phase, the loaded
capacitance gives back energy to the power supply and the supplied energy decreases.
The input NMOS network is connected in parallel to the PMOS transistors. In a PFAL
gate, no output is floating and all outputs have full logic swing; PFAL shows the best
performance in terms of energy consumption, useful frequency range and robustness
against technology variations.
10.7.3 2N−2N2P Inverter/Buffer
This adiabatic logic family was derived from ECRL in order to reduce the
coupling effect. Figure 10.18 shows the general schematic diagram. The
primary advantage of 2N−2N2P over ECRL is that the cross-coupled
nMOSFETs switches result in non-floating outputs for large part of the
recovery phase.

11. Battery-Aware Systems

11.1 Introduction
Over the years, with increasing usage of mobile devices in everyday life,
there is proliferation of portable computing and communication
equipments, such as laptops, palmtops, cell phones, etc. The growth rate of
the number of these por-table devices is very high compared to the rate of
growth of desktop and server systems. It has been observed that the
processing capability of the contemporary portable computing devices is
becoming comparable to that of desktop computers. Moreover, complexity
of these portable computing devices is increasing due to the gradual
addition of more and more functionality. However, power dissipation
keeps on increasing with the increase in computing complexity.
Fortunately, with the advancement of very-large- scale integration (VLSI)
technology and power-efficient approaches used in the design, these
portable devices do not consume as much power as that of desktop
computers. As these devices are battery operated, battery life is of primary
concern, and it has put additional constraints. Commercial success of these
products depends on weight, cost, and battery run time after each recharge.
Unfortunately, the battery technology has not kept up with the energy
requirement of the portable equipment. To satisfy larger energy
requirement, use of a battery of higher capacity is not a solution because,
for portable devices, the size and weight of battery, which are proportional
to the battery capacity, have stringent design constraints. This has
motivated the designers to consider alternative approaches such as battery-
aware synthesis, to satisfy the energy requirement of the portable devices.
11.7 Battery-Driven System Design
Battery-driven system design involves the use of one or more of the
following techniques:

Voltage and Frequency Scaling As we mentioned earlier, the power

dissipation has square law dependence on the supply voltage and linear
dependence on the frequency. Depending upon the performance
requirement, the supply voltage Vdd and frequency of operation of the
circuit driven by the battery can be dynamically adjusted to optimize
energy consumption from the battery. Information from a battery model is
used to vary the clock frequency dynamically at run time based on the
workload characteristics. If the workload is higher, higher voltage and
clock frequency are used, and, for lower workload, the voltage and clock
frequency can be lowered such that the battery is discharged at a lower
rate. This, in turn, improves the actual capacity of the battery.

Dynamic Power Management The state of charge of the battery can be

used to frame a policy that controls the operation state of the system.

Battery-Aware Task Scheduling The current discharge profile is tailored

to meet battery characteristics to maximize the actual battery capacity.

Battery Scheduling and Management Efficient management of multi-

battery systems by using appropriate scheduling of the batteries.

Static Battery Scheduling These are essentially open-loop approaches,

such as serial scheduling, random scheduling, round-robin scheduling,
where scheduling is done without checking the condition of a battery.

Terminal Voltage-Based Battery Scheduling The scheduling algorithm

makes use of the state of charge of the battery.

Discharge Current-Based Battery Scheduling This approach is used

when heterogeneous batteries with different rate capacities are used.

Battery-Efficient Traffic Shaping and Routing Network protocols and

communication traffic patterns play important roles in determining battery
efficiency and lifetime.

11.7.1 Multi-battery System

Instead of having a single battery, it is possible to use multiple batteries in
a single system. However, the load can be serviced entirely by a single
battery at a time. Here, the goal is to switch the load between cells in such
a way that their lifetime is maximized, and this can result in very diverse
load distributions. The control problem that is being used is much more
complex because there is no single set point that can be used to improve
the behavior of the system. More efficient use of multiple batteries can be
achieved by exploiting the phenomenon of recovery effect, which is a
consequence of the chemical properties of a battery: as the charge is drawn
from a battery, the stored charge is released by a chemical reaction, which
takes time to replenish the charge. In general, the charge is drawn from a
battery at a faster rate than the reaction can replenish it, and this leads to a
battery appearing to become devoid of charge when, in fact, it still contains
stored charge. By allow-ing the battery to remain idle, the reaction can
replenish the charge, and the battery becomes operational once again as we
have already mentioned. Thus, efficient use of multiple batteries involves
carefully timing the use and idle periods for a set of batteries. This problem
can be considered as a planning problem.

11.7.3 Task Scheduling with Voltage Scaling

Task scheduling can be combined with voltage scaling to maximize the
amount of charge that a battery can supply subject to the following

a. Dependency constraint: task dependencies are preserved;

b. Delay constraint: the profile length is within the delay budget; and

c. Endurance constraint: the battery survives all the tasks.

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