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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA I2019-20
MBA II 2020-21

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Programme of Study: 2019-21

1. Objective
MBA program of Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer shall be a two year
program designed to create middle level managers for the corporate. MBA graduates
shall also be available for placement with small and mid - sized firms as functional
experts. The MBA level education should also prepare learner to take up self-
employment in a chosen area of expertise.

2. Programme
MBA program is designed as a four semester program spread over a two year period.

3. Eligibility
a. Candidate seeking admission to MBA program shall have passed graduation in any
faculty from the any University Grants Commission (UGC) recognized University
in India or abroad recognized equivalent thereto in any discipline (Science, Arts or
Commerce) with at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/OBC) marks in aggregate
b. Candidates who have appeared or are going to appear in graduation final year
examination may apply for admission to MBA program for the coming academic
session. Admission of such candidates shall remain provisional until the specified
date of that year, and if s/he fails to submit her/his marks sheet showing that s/he
has passed graduation examination with at least 50% marks, in aggregate, her/his
admission shall stand cancelled.

4. Admission
Admission procedure to MBA program shall be determined by relevant authorities/
5. Course structure
Each semester shall have seven courses. Each course would be of 35-40 hours in
instructionand equal hours of self- study.

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Course structure for MBA Programme
Year 1
Semester I Papers Marks
External Internal
101 Management Concepts 70 30
102 Accounting for Management 70 30
103 Managerial Economics 70 30
104 Statistics for Management 70 30
105 Organisation Behaviour & Managerial Skills 70 30
106 Quantitative Techniques 70 30
107 Computers applications for Management 70 30
Total 700
Semester II Papers Marks
External Internal
201 Marketing Management 70 30
202 Financial Management 70 30
203 Human Resource Management 70 30
204 Production and Operations Management 70 30
205 Business Environment 70 30
206 Research Methodology for Business 70 30
207 Viva-Voce 100 --
Total 700
Year 2
Semester III Papers Marks
External Internal
301 Elective 1 70 30
302 Elective 2 70 30
303 Elective 3 70 30
304 Elective 4 70 30
305 Elective 5 70 30
306 Elective 6 70 30
307 Training Project Report & Viva-Voce 50 50
Total 700
Semester IV Papers Marks
External Internal
401 Business Policy and Strategic Management 70 30
402 Management Information System 70 30
403 International Business Management 70 30
404 Project Management 70 30
405 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 70 30
406 Project Study 50 50
407 Viva-Voce 100 --
Total 700
Grand Total 2800

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Master of Business AdministrationExamination (M B A Examination)
(Semester Examination Scheme)
Regulation 22
i. Eligibility:
a. Candidates seeking admission to MBA programme shall have passed graduation
in any faculty from any University Grants Commission (UGC) recognized
University in India or abroad recognized thereto in any discipline (Science, Arts
or Commerce) with atleast 50% marks (45% marks for SC/ST/OBC) in
b. Candidates who have appeared or are going to appear in graduation final year
examination may also apply for admission to MBA programme for the coming
academic session. Admission of such candidates shall remain provisional until
the specified date of that year, and if she/he fails to submit her/his marksheet
showing that she/he has passed graduation examination with atleast 50% marks,
in aggregate, her/his admission shall stand cancelled.
c. The final decision regarding the eligibility and/or the admission process would
be as per the Rajasthan State designated body/ University.
ii. There shall be 28 Papers (07 papers in Semester I and 07 papers in Semester II of Part I,
07 papers in Semester III and 07 papers in Semester IV of Part II).Every prescribed
paper shall carry a total of 100 marks. There shall be 70 marks for term end
examination and 30 marks for internal examination until and unless indicated
otherwise. Courses 207, 307, 406 and 407 shall be evaluated as per scheme given in
iii. There shall be an examination at the end of each semester as determined by the
iv. There shall be a semester-end external examination of 70 marks.This examination shall
comprise of seven questions covering entire syllabus of the course. Students will have a
choice of answering any 5 questions. Paper setter may choose to give a case study
equivalent to two questions. In that case the student in addition to solving case study
will have to answer any three from a total of five questions asked.
v. The medium of instruction will exclusively be in English and student has to answer all
the question papers in the prescribed course in English only in both internal and
external examinations.
vi. At the end of second semester, all the students will have to undergo compulsory
Summer Training for a continuous period of 45 working days excluding holidays/
Sundays with an industrial, business or service organization by taking up a project.The
student will undergo on the job training under the close supervision of a supervisor in
the business organization. This training should help her/him develop a perspective of
wholesome management of business activities. This would enable her/him to appreciate
the importance of different business activities and see how different business activities
are interrelated. She/He will have to submit a report on the organization she/he has
undergone training and make a presentation before a panel of regular faculty members
during Semester III of Part II. Training Report Evaluation shall be done as follows: 50
marks for Training Project Report to be evaluated by External Examiner and head of
the Department based upon Viva-Voce, 50 marks for internal evaluation, 25 of which
would be based on student presentation before the faculty members of the Department

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and the other 25 marks on the Summer Training Project Report submitted by the
vii. Project Study would be based upon a topic of relevance under the supervision of one of
the designated faculty members in writing on issues related to business management.
This is a full term effort and Head of the Department will allocate the students to the
regular faculty available in the department. 50 marks are to be evaluated by supervisor
and rest 50 marks by the external examiner and H.O.D during term end Viva-Voce.
viii. The Viva-Voce examination will be held at end of Second Semester of Part I and also
at the end of Fourth Semester of Part II. This shall be evaluated for 100 marks by a
panel of one external expert, one internal expert (nominated by HOD) and the Head of
the Department.
ix. In order to pass a semester, a student shall have to score a minimum of 40% marks in
each course both in internal as well as external. A student has to appear in both
external and internal examination and shall have to secure 40% marks in external
and internal examination separately to pass and also a minimum of 50% marks in
aggregate in remaining papers except Allowed To Keep Terms (ATKT) papers..
x. Internal examination shall consist of continuous evaluation. Each paper shall be
evaluated on the basis of internal assessment by the concerned teacher administering
feedback tests normally after 10-11 hours of teaching. Feedback tests may be a written
exam, quiz, assignment, presentation and class participation, exercise, essay, personal
interview, simulation etc.
xi. To pass each semester a student will be Allowed To Keep Terms (ATKT) to next
semester if she/he obtains a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate excluding ATKT
papers and fails in not more than two courses. In a semester examination a student can
hold at most four ATKT at any point of time. Whenever a student appears at an ATKT
examination she/he will do so according to syllabus at that time and fulfills the
requirements of the course enforced at that time. A student has to clear all the papers of
Semester I to be eligible for appearing in IV semester of Part II.
xii. Candidates reappearing at an examination in a subsequent year shall be examined in
accordance with the scheme and syllabi in force (at the time of his admission) and shall
be entitled to the award of degree of the year in which they clear the last failing/ unclear
xiii. A student shall be required to successfully complete the program within a continuous
span of four years from the date of admission. During this period if there is any ATKT
in any course/s, the same has to be passed with a maximum of three chances within a
span of four year from the date of admission.
xiv. A student shall be eligible for the award of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
degree only if she/he fulfills the following conditions:
a) Passes all the four semesters as laid down in the syllabus as well as all the Viva-
Voce examination and also secures minimum prescribed pass marks in the
Project Study and Seminar on Training Project Report.
b) Fulfills all other requirements prescribed by the competent authority from time
to time for satisfactory completion of each course of study in each of the two
c) Division of marks shall be awarded on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in
all the papers prescribed for all the four semestersexaminations as follows:

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Passed with I Division Aggregate marks taken together of the Part I
and Part II of MBA examinations should be
60% and above.
Passed with II Division Aggregate marks taken together of the Part
and Part II of MBA examinations should be
more than 50% and less than 60%.

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Programme Structure
101 Management Concepts
Objective This course will introduce the learner to the fundamentals of business

Unit 1 Nature, meaning and significance of management; Managerial processes,

functions, skills, and roles in organisation, Principles of Management
Unit 2 Functions of Planning, Organising, Staffing,Directing Coordination and
Unit 3 Social Responsibility and Management Ethics, New Dimensions in
Suggested Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr. . Management. Prentice Hall of
Readings India,New Delhi.
Certo, Samuel (2003). Modern Management. Pearson Education,New

102 Accounting for Management

Objective To familiarise learner with the principles and techniques of accounting and
using financial and accounting information for managerial decision making.
Unit 1 Concepts, scope of financial and management accounting, Concepts and
conventions of Accounting, Review of Double Entry System, Journal,
Ledger and trial balance.
Unit 2 Trading, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Adjustments on final
accounts, Financial Statement Analysis: Ratio analysis, Cash flow and fund
flow analysis.
Unit 3 Marginal costing, Standard costing and variance analysis; Budgetary control.
Suggested Maheshwari, S.N. ,Management Accounting and Financial Control.
Readings Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Bhattacharya, S.K. and Dearden, J., Accounting for Management: Texts
and Cases. Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.

103 Managerial Economics

Objective The objective of this course is to acquaint the participants with concepts and
techniques used in Economics and enable them to apply this knowledge in
business decision-making.
Unit 1 Nature of business decision-making, Introduction to Managerial Economics,
Theory of Demand and supply, demand forecasting; Elasticity of Demand,
Income, Supply& advertising, influencing factors.

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Unit 2 Production and Cost - Returns to scale, Cost Curves, Market Structure –
Perfect competition, Imperfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly
Unit 3 Macro Economics - Introduction to GNP and GDP, Inflation,
Unemployment, Balance of Payments, Economic growth, Business Cycle
and Recent Development in Economics
Suggested Varshney, R.L. and Maheshwari K.L., Managerial Economics, Sultan
Readings Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Adhikary, M.,Business Economics. Excel Books, New Delhi.

104 Statistics for Management

Objective This course shall acquaint the students with the concepts and techniques used
in Statistics and enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-

Unit 1 Statistics; Characteristics, functions, limitations and scope; statistics in

business management; Data collection and presentation, frequency
distribution and analysis, measure of central tendency and dispersion,
correlation and regression.
Unit 2 Basic concepts of probability and probability distribution- binomial, poison
and normal; Probability and non probability sampling, sampling distribution
of means and proportions, estimation.
Unit 3 Hypothesis testing of means and proportions for large and small samples, chi
square test, ANOVA.
Suggested Levin and Rubin. Statistics for Management. Prentice Hall of India, New
Readings Delhi.
Chandan, J.S. Statistics for Management. Vikas Publishing House, New
S P Gupta, Statistics, Sultan Chand, New Delhi

105 Organisation Behaviour and Managerial Skills

Objective This course will introduce the learner to the fundamentals of business
management and nature and importance of individual and group behaviour.

Unit 1 Introduction to individual behaviour, learning, personality, perception;

Interpersonal and group processes
Unit 2 Group behaviour; theories of motivation and leadership; culture,
organisational change and development
Unit 3 Effective communication skills, process of communication, barriers and
gateways in communication, Individual and group communication. Oral

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communication- presentation of reports, reading skills, creativity, group
discussion skills, public speaking and negotiation. Written communication.
Suggested Luthans, F . Organisation Behaviour. Prentice Hall of India,New Delhi.
Readings Robbins, S.Organisational Behaviour. Pearson Education,New Delhi.
Pearse, C Glenn etc. Business Communications: Principles and
Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
P D Chaturvedi and Mukesh Chaturvedi, Business Communication,
Pearson Education, New Delhi

106 Quantitative Techniques

Objective This course will introduce the learner to the fundamentals of quantitative
Unit 1 Need and importance of quantitative tools for decision making for
management; Linear programming problem- graphical and simplex method,
sensitivity analysis, introduction to integer and goal programming;
Assignment and transportation problems.
Unit 2 Decision theory; Replacement Models- Individual and Group Replacement
problems; Elementary Queuing Theory; Game Theory; Sequencing.
Unit 3 Markov Analysis; Monte Carlo simulation; Network techniques- PERT and
CPM, Crashing
Suggested Render, B. and Stair, R.M., Quantitative Analysis for Management,
Readings Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Kapoor, V.K., Operations Research. Sultan Chand, New Delhi.

107 Computers Applications for Management

Objective This course will introduce the learner to the fundamentals of Computers.
Unit 1 Introduction to Computers: Hardware and Software, Application of
Computers in Business.
Unit 2 Elementary understanding Java and C++, Basic Operating Systems, LAN,
WAN, Internet basics, Intranet, Multimedia, Database fundamentals: DBMS
and RDBMS; Introduction to MS-Access.
Unit 3 MS-Word, Introduction to spreadsheet software; Creation of spreadsheet
applications; Range, Formulas, Functions, Data Base Functions in
spreadsheet; Graphics on Spreadsheet. Presentation Graphics - Creating a
Presentation on a PC, Elementary Knowledge of Accounting Software
Suggested Burch, J. and Grudnitski G. Information Systems: Theory and Practice,
Readings New York, John Wiley.
David, V. Foundations of Business Systems. Fort Worth, Dryden.
Eliason, A. L. On-line Business Computer Applications, Chicago, Science
Research Associates.

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Estrada, S. Connecting to the Internet. Sebastopol, C A, O'Reilly.
PK Sinha, Computer Fundamentals,

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Semester II
201 Marketing Management
Objective This course shall introduce the learner to the basic marketing concepts,
functions; market environment and decision variables.
Unit 1 Importance and concept of marketing; meaning, definition, and basic
concepts of marketing, concept of marketing mix, meaning and concept of
consumer behaviour; buying decision process.
Unit 2 Market segmentation, targeting and positioning; marketing research;
competitive advantage and strategic positioning;
Unit 3 Product management; pricing and distribution; communication and
promotion; marketing of services, recent trends in marketing; green,
global and e-marketing etc.
Suggested Kotler, P.Marketing Management. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Readings Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S.Marketing Management,
Planning and Control. Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.

202 Financial Management

Objective The objective of this course is to acquaint student with the broad framework
of financial decision making in a business organisation.
Unit 1 Financial Management: Meaning, scope and objectives, Profit Maximisation
v/s Wealth Maximisation, Functions of finance Manager in an organisation,
Unit 2 Capital Structure and Optimum Capital Structure, Theory of Capital
Structure, Working Capital Management: Meaning, Determinants, Overview
of Components of Working Capital.
Unit 3 Capital Budgeting: Concept, Techniques,Sources of Long term finance, Cost
of Capital: Debt, Preferred Stock and Equity,Dividend Policy
Suggested Chandra, P.Financial Management. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Readings Bhattacharya,Financial Accounting for Business Managers. Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi.
Pandey, I.M.,Finance: A Management Guide for Managing Company
Funds and Profits. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

203 Human Resource Management

Objective The objective of this course is to sensitize students to the various facets of
managing people and to create an understanding of various policies and
practices of human resource management
Unit 1 Concept, meaning and importance of human resources management;

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Corporate objectives and human resource planning;
Unit 2 Process of human resource planning- job analysis, job description, and
specifications; recruitment and selection; induction; training and
development; career planning; employee records and audits.
Unit 3 Principles of wage determination, salary structure; job evaluation; and
performance appraisal; wage policies, monetary and non-monetary
incentives and recent trends in Human Resource Management
Suggested Dressler, Human Resource Management. Prentice Hall of India, New
Readings Delhi.
Aswathappa, K,Human resources and Personnel Management. Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

204 Production and Operations Management

Objective To familiarise learner with the concept of operations management. Learner
must be able to assimilate the techniques of managing operations that include
production planning and control.
Unit 1 Role of operations management in business; Operations strategy; types of
production systems; plant location and layout; new product development;
managing processes;
Unit 2 Production planning and control- forecasting; routing, scheduling,
expediting; aggregate planning; master scheduling, MRP; PPC in job shop,
batch production, mass production and projects; Inventory control- quantity
control and selective control;
Unit 3 Quality control; housekeeping and maintenance; work study- method study
and work measurement; Contemporary issue- JIT, lean manufacturing,
Concurrent, engineering, optimised production technology, etc., Recent
trends and development in production and operations management.
Suggested Adan EE and Ebert RJ. Production and Operations Management. PHI,
Readings New Delhi.
Amarine Harold T manufacturinf Organisations and Management. PHI,
New Jersey
Dilworth, James B. Operations Management: Design, Planning and
Control for Manufacturing & Services. Singapore, McGraw Hill
Moore, FG and Hendrick, T E. Production / Operations Management.
Homewood, Illinois, Richard D. Irwin

205 Business Environment

Objective To develop the ability to analyse the competitive business environment, to
understand government policies and current issues.

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Unit 1 Nature and significance of business environment, macro environment,
political- legal, economic, social, technological,Economic role of
government, scanning techniques of the environment.
Unit 2 Business and government policies: Fiscal policy, Monetary policy, industrial
policy, policy for small scale sector, NRI investment, industrial sickness
Unit 3 Business and Law, main provisions for Companies Act, MRTP, FEMA,
Consumer Protection Act (CPA), Role and functions of SEBI, Patents &
Suggested Cherunilam F. Business and Government. Himalaya Publishing
Readings House,New Delhi.
Ashwatthappa K. , Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
Mishra and Puri. Business Environment. Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi.

206 Research Methodology for Business

Objective The course focuses on the analysis of business problems and the use of
scientific research as a problem-solving tool. This encompasses the
understanding and application of appropriate research designs, research
statistics, data analysis, and report writing and presentation.
Unit 1 Business Research An overview, Research process and Types of Research,
problem formulation and Statement of Research Objectives, management
problem v/s. research problem, Importance of literature review. Business
Research Design: Steps involved in a research design. Exploratory research:
Meaning, suitability, collection. Descriptive research: Meaning, types of
descriptive studies, data collection methods. Causal research: Meaning,
various types of experimental designs, internal and external validity; types of
errors affecting research design.
Unit 2 Sampling and Data Collection: Sampling and sampling distribution:
Meaning, Steps in Sampling process, Types of Sampling - Probability and
non probability Sampling Techniques, sample size determination. Data
collection: Primary and Secondary data – Sources –
advantages/disadvantages. Data collection Methods: Observations, Survey,
Interview and Questionnaire design, Qualitative Techniques of data
collection. Measurement & Scaling Techniques: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval
and Ratio Scale, Criteria for good measurement, attitude measurement –
Likert’s Scale, Semantic Differential Scale, Construction of instrument –
Validity and Reliability of instrument.
Unit 3 Data analysis: Data Preparation – editing – Coding –Data entry – Validity of
data – Qualitative vs Quantitative data analyses, Hypothesis testing:
ANOVA, Nonparametric tests- chi square test, sign test, run test, Mann-
Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H test. Report Design : Research report –
Different types – Contents of report – need of executive summary –

MBA/2019-21 13
chapterization – contents of chapter – report writing – the role of audience –
readability – comprehension – tone – final proof – report format – title of the
report – ethics in research.
Suggested Schindler and Cooper, Business Research methods, TMH, New Delhi
Readings CR Kothari, Research Methodology,
Remenyi, Williams, Money and Swartz, Doing Research in Business and
Managemnt, , Sage Publications , New Delhi
K R Sharma, Business Research methods, National Publishing House, New

207 Viva-Voce
For the term end viva-voce candidate shall be evaluated for 100 marks by a panel of
external expert, an internal expert and the head of the concerned department/

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Semester III
Marketing Electives
301M Brand Management
Objective The objective of this course is to impart in-depth knowledge to the students
regarding the theory and practice of Brand Management. The objective of
this course is to impart in-depth knowledge to the students regarding the
theory and practice of Brand Management.

Unit 1 Understanding Brands - Brand Hierarchy, Brand Personality, Brand Image,

Brand Identity, Brand Positioning; Brand Equity;
Unit 2 Value addition from Branding - Brand-customer Relationships, Brand
Loyalty and Customer Loyalty; Managing Brands; Brand Creation, Brand
Extensions, Brand-product Relationships, Brand Portfolio;
Unit 3 Brand Assessment through Research - Brand Identity, Position, Image,
Personality Assessment and Change; Brand Revitalization; Financial Aspects
of Brands; Branding in Different Sectors: Customer, Industrial, Retail and
Suggested Aaker, David, A. Managing Brand Equity. New York, Free Press.
Readings Kapferer, J N. Strategic Brand Management. New York, Free Press.
Murphy, John A. Brand Strategy. Cambridge, The Director Books.
Steward, P. Building Brands Directly. London,MacMillan.
Upshaw, LyhhB.Building Board Identity:A Strategy for success in a
hostile market place. New York, John Wiley.
Subroto SenguptaBrand Positioning, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi

302M Sales and Distribution Management

Objective The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with the concepts which
are helpful in developing a sound sales and distribution policy and in
organising and managing sales force and marketing channels

Unit 1 Nature and Scope of Sales Management; Setting and Formulating Personal
Selling Objectives; Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel; Developing
and Conducting Sales Training Programmes; Designing and Administering
Compensation Plans;
Unit 2 Supervision of Salesmen; Motivating Sales Personnel; Sales Meetings and
Sales Contests; Designing Territories and Allocating Sales Efforts;
Objectives and Quotas for Sales Personnel; Developing and Managing Sales
Evaluation Programme; Sales Cost and Cost Analysis.
Unit 3 An Overview of Marketing Channels, their Structure, Functions and
Relationships; Channel Intermediaries - Wholesaling and Retailing;
Logistics of Distribution; Channel Planning, Organisational Patterns in
Marketing Channels; Managing Marketing Channels; Marketing Channel

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Policies and Legal Issues; Information System and Channel Management;
Assessing Performance of Marketing Channels; International Marketing
Suggested Anderson, R. Professional Sales Management.,Englewood Cliffs, New
Readings Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Anderson, R. Professional Personal Selling. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Buskirk, R H and Stanton, W J. Management of Sales Force. Homewood
Illinois, Richard D. Irwin.
Dalrymple, D J. Sales Management: Concepts and Cases. New York,
John Wiley.
Johnson, E M etc. Sales Management: Concepts, Practices and Cases.
New York, McGraw Hill.
Stanton, William J etc. Management of a Sales Force. Chicago, Irwin.
Cundiff, Stiil, R R and Govoni. Sales Management, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.

303M Global Marketing Management

Objective The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
environmental, procedural, institutional and decisional aspects of
international marketing.

Unit 1 The globalization imperative, global marketing environment economic,

financial, cultural, political and legal environment
Unit 2 Development of competitive marketing strategy – global marketing research,
global segmentation & positioning, global marketing strategies,
identification of markets, global market entry strategies, global sourcing
Unit 3 Global Product Policy, International Product Life Cycle, global promotion
strategy, global Pricing Strategy and Distribution Strategy; various Forms of
International Business
Suggested International Marketing Srinivasan PHI, New Delhi
Readings International Marketing, Fayerweather PHI, New Delhi
International Marketing: Analysis & Strategy, Onkvisit & Shaw
PHI, New Delhi
Bhattacharya, B. Export Marketing: Strategies for Success., Global
Business Press, New Delhi

304M Marketing of Services

The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with the concepts which
are helpful in organizing and managing service firms.

Unit 1 Nature of service economy; characteristics of services; classification of

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services; service quality; consumer behaviour; segmentation and targeting in
services marketing.
Unit 2 Services marketing triangle; implications for marketing mix; marketing mix
for services- product, place, price, promotion, people, process and physical
Unit 3 Strategic options for services- marketing strategies; globalization of services,
small services; Introduction to CRM and e-CRM.
Suggested Balaji, B.: Services Marketing and Management. S.Chand and Company
Readings Ltd., New Delhi
Zeithaml, Valarie A. and Bitner Mary Jo: Services
Marketing.Irwin/McGraw-Hill, NY
Lovelock, Christopher: Services Marketing,Prentice Hall Inc., NJ
Kurtz, David L. and Clow, Kenneth E.: Services Marketing. John Wiley
& Sons, NY
Payne, Adrian: Essential of Service Marketing, Prentice Hall, NJ


Unit 1 Studying consumer behavior, Environmental influence on consumer behaviour

i.e. Culture, subculture, social class, social group, family, Personal influence
Unit 2 Individual determinants of consumer behaviour – Personality and self concept,
motivation and involvement, attitudes, Consumer motives
Unit 3 Consumer satisfaction concept, consumer delight, Consumer objections,
Consumer decision-making process, Consumer behaviour and marketing
strategy, Consumerism
Suggested David Louden & Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour


Unit 1 Retailing - Definition - Significance and Importance Indian Vs. Global

scenario - Types of Retailing Store Retailing - Non-store Retailing - Types of
retailers, Retail location - Factors affecting retail location decision - Site
selection - Factors affecting site selection - Steps in selecting site - Location
based retail strategies; store design - Store layout - Types of layouts - Factors
affecting store layout - Retailing image mix - Store Facade

Unit 2 Store administration - Floor space management Space mix - Managing store
inventories and displays - Customer service - CRM in retailing - Cashiering
process - Managing in-store promotions and events; Merchandising -
Introduction and definition - Steps in merchandise planning - Merchandise
hierarchy - Buying process - Category management manufacturer's brands Vs.
private label brands

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Unit 3 Retail supply chain management - Definition Integrated supply chain planning
- Vendor Development - Quick Response Inventory Planning - Floor Ready
Merchandise - Electronic data exchanges and bar coding - Managing reverse
logistics, Retail communication - Merchandise based - Store based - Service
based - Steps in planning - Retail communication mix - Sales promotion -
Advertising Public relations - Personal selling; New trends in retailing -
Franchising in retailing Role of IT in retailing
Suggested Retail Management - Gibson Vedamani
Readings Retailing Management - Levy & Weitz
Retail Marketing Management - David Gilbert
Retailing Management - Swapna Pradhan
Retail Management - Ron Hasty & James Reardon
The Art of Retailing - A.J.Lamba
Retail Marketing Management - Swapna Pradhan
Retailing Management - W.Steward have
Retailing Management - Analysis, Planning & Control - David Walters


Unit 1 Introduction to Market Research Types of Research - Basic & Applied,

Nature, Scope, Objectives, Importance & Limitations of Market Research;
Sources and collection of Marketing Data. Secondary data - Advantages &
Limitations, Sources - Govt. & Non Govt. Primary Data - Advantages &
Limitations, Sources, Methods of Collection Primary Data - Observation,
Mail, Personal Interview, Telephonic Interview, Internet Interviewing. Market
Research Techniques. National readership survey, Retail Store Audit,
Consumer Panels, Test Marketing, Research in Advertising Decisions,
Marketing Audit, Data Base Marketing, Focus Group Interviews.

Unit 2 Sampling, Questionnaire & Scaling Techniques.

Probability and Non Probability Sampling, Sampling methods, Sample
Design. Questionnaire design and drafting. Scaling techniques like Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Perceptual Map, Semantic Differential, Likert, Rating
& Ranking Scales. Setting up & Implementation of Marketing Research
Project. Steps in formulating Market Research Projects, One project for
consumer durables and one for non durables to be discussed.

Unit 3 Illustrations/cases to be discussed for following topics of above mentioned

chapters. Data collection methods, test marketing, focus group interviews,
internet interviewing, sample design, questionnaire construction, scaling
techniques. Application of Marketing Research. Product Research, Price
Research, Market Segment Research, Promotion Research, Consumer
Behavior Research, Distribution Research.
Suggested Marketing Research by Ramanuj Majumdar
Readings Marketing Research by Mishra

MBA/2019-21 18
Marketing Research by MV Kulkarni
Marketing Research by DM Sarawte.
Research for Marketing Decisions by Paul Green, Donald Tull.
Marketing Research-Rajendra Nargundkar (Tata McGraw Hill)


Unit 1 Conceptual foundation of Relationship Marketing, evolution of relationship

marketing, its significance in Indian context; Relationship marketing of Services
V s. Relationship marketing in Consumer markets
Unit 2 Buyer seller relationships, Relationship marketing in Mass markets, relationship
marketing and marketing strategy; Relationship marketing and distribution
Unit 3 Role of Information Technology in building, maintaining and enhancing
relationships; Customer profitability design and analysis
Suggested Jagdish Sheth,Atul Parvatiyar, Handbook of Relationship Marketing
Readings Richard Batterley , Leading Through Relationship Marketing
S. Shajahan, Relationship Marketing
Jagdish Seth, Atul Parvatiyar, G. Shainesh, Customer Relationship Management


Unit 1 Integrated marketing communication - components, plan, and value of

understanding promotional p, in the context of marketing mix (4P's); The
communication process Understanding the consumer, Consumer segmentation.
Demographic/ psychographics segmentation, SEC classification; Promotion
opportunity analysis - Market analysis and segmentation, setting up
communication objectives and budget
Unit 2 Campaign Management - advertising positioning statement; Advertising
design, appeals, message, strategy and its execution framework, DAGMAR.;
Media types and media selection, Media buying, space & time marketing,
reach and frequency; Ethics and social responsibility in marketing
Unit 3 Trade promotion and Consumer promotion - Types, Planning for sales
promotion programme. - Push & pull strategies; Database and direct marketing
programs, Internet marketing - E-com and its incentive; Evaluating marketing
communication programs Message evaluation, reorganization test etc. Public
Relations and sponsorship programs - PR department and its functions,
integrating PR with IMC process.
Suggested Integrated Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Communication by
Readings Kenneth down & Donald Bach PHI
Promotions and Integrated Marketing Communications by Richard Semantic,
Advertising and Promotions by Belch and Belch, Tata McGraw Hill

MBA/2019-21 19
Otto Kllipner's Advertising procedure -- The Prentice Hall
Advertising, sales and promotion mgt - Himalayan publishing house
Advertising - frank Jerkins - Prentice Hall
Advertising and Promotion - An Integrated Marketing communications
Perspective _ Tate McGraw Hill.
Contemporary advertising = William Fares- Irwin / McGraw hill series.
Advertising Management - Rajiv Batra, John G Myers, David Aaker
David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on advertising


Unit 1 Role and significance of corporate communications in Industry today

Specific requirements and skills for a corp. com professional
Role of corporate communications towards IMC Integrated Marketing
Communications; In house communication - House journals - Design and
Conceptualization, Customer Newsletter - Design and Conceptualization
Reference Manuals, Sales promotion Brochures - Design and
conceptualization, Customer Presentations - Design and Conceptualization
Unit 2 Exhibitions Planning and conceptualization. Themes and design, Layouts and
execution, Stall construction and Management, Feedback and analysis;
Corporate Presentations - Audio and video Techniques to make effective
presentations, Body language and voice modulation
Unit 3 Public Relations - Press Releases - Drafting and releasing, Media selection and
placements, Media tracking, Practical session on how a PR company functions
Story angles, How to organize a press conference, Direct marketing - Direct
Response - Direct mail Relearning.
Suggested Integrated Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Communication by
Readings Kenneth clown & Donald Bach PHI.
Promotions and Integrated Marketing communications by Richard Semantic,
Advertising and Promotions by Belch and Belch, Tata McGraw Hill
Otto Clapper's Advertising Procedure - The prentice hall
Advertising, Sales and Promotion Management- Himalayan publishing house
Advertising - Frank Jerkins - Prentice Hall
Successful direct Marketing methods-Bob Stone and Ron jacobs.


Unit 1 The Industrial Marketing System - Participants, Channels, Nature of Industrial

Marketing - Industrial Marketing Vs. Consumer Marketing - Economics of
Industrial demand ~ The Resellers' market, Understanding Industrial Market -
Organizational Customers, Buyers' strengths, Negotiation Skills, Government
Unit 2 Classifying Industrial Products - Nature of Industrial buying - Interpersonal
dynamics of Industrial buying; Strategic Planning Process in Industrial

MBA/2019-21 20
Marketing Segmenting, targeting and positioning industrial products
Unit 3 Channel Structure for Industrial Products - Formulating channel strategy -
Channel Logistics; Price determinants for industrial products - Price Decision
Analysis; Industrial Marketing in the international environment
Suggested Industrial Marketing - Hill, Alexander, Cross
Readings Industrial Marketing - Analysis, Planning and Control - Reeder, Brierty,
Industrial Marketing – Hawaldar


Unit 1 Marketing on the net: conceptual foundation of net marketing, market

opportunity, managing in the e commerce world. Business models B2B,
B2C, and C2C.
Unit 2 Understanding internet consumer: B2C internet marketing; shopping agents
and consumer behaviour, internet marketing communication; B2B internet
Unit 3 Customer relationship development, Developing and managing effective
websites, Customer service and support in web space.
Suggested Chaston, E Marketing Strategy, TMI
Readings Paul S Richardson, Internet Marketing, TMI
Mary Lou Roberts, Internet Marketing, TMI
Thomas Eisenmann, Internet Business Models, TMI

Finance Electives
301 F Investment and Portfolio Management
Objective The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
theory and practice of Security Analysis and Investment Decision Making

Unit 1 Investment: Meaning, Principles and Avenues, Operations of Indian Stock

Market; New Issue Market; Valuation Theories of Fixed and Variable
Income Securities.
Unit 2 Stock Market Analysis - Fundamental and Technical Approach, Efficient
Market Theory; Recent Developments in the Indian Stock Market.
Unit 3 Portfolio Management: Meaning, Importance, Markowitz Theory, Capital
Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, constructing efficient
frontier and optimum portfolio.
Suggested Amling, Frederic. Investment. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc., New

MBA/2019-21 21
Readings Jersey
Bhalla, V K. Investment Management: Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management.,S. Chand, New Delhi
Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J. Security Analysis and
Portfolio Management. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

302 F Management Control Systems

Objective The main objective of the course is to appraise the students the about the
concept of management control system as well as its role in efficient
management of public system
Unit - I: The conceptual foundations of control systems Meaning, Nature
and purpose of control systems – The new paradigms of Management
Control Systems, four elements of control, organizational structure,
organizational goals, organizational climate, strategic planning – Balancing
the four levers of control, balancing the tensions in control systems, six
sources of tensions in control systems, opportunities and limitations of the
span of control, mutual supportive management systems.
Unit - II: The traditional instruments of control in organizations External
audit, internal controls, internal audit, role of financial controllers, multiple
roles of an auditor, management control process, budgetary control, flexible
budget, zero base budget, performance budgeting, master budget, analysis of
variance, accounting aspect of control, management audit, marketing and
distribution control, different types of audit.
Unit - III: The concept of responsibility centre, management control
structure, responsibility accounting, cost centre, profit centre, investment
centre, ABC costing, , CVP analysis, process control, The new dimensions
of control with strategies Behavioral aspect of management control,
motivations, morale, participative management, learning curves, HR
accounting, knowledge management control, balanced score cards.
Pub.Co., Delhi
Publications Chennai
Robert N. Anthony & Vijay Govindarajan, MANAGEMENT CONTROL
SYSTEMS, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
DECISION MAKING., Sultan Chand & Sons

303 F Management of Financial Institutions

Objective The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various
financial services and their role in the overall financial system.

Unit 1 Financial Institution: Meaning, Nature, Role of Financial Institutions, Types

of Financial Institution: Kinds of Money Market and Capital Market

MBA/2019-21 22
Institutions, Challenges before Financial Institution in India.
Unit 2 Management of Commercial Banks in India: Overview of Commercial banks
in India, Corporate Governance in banks, Liquidity Management,
Management of Deposits, Management of Loans and Asset-Liability
Management in Commercial Banks, Non Performing Assets in Banks.
Unit 3 Management of Development Banks & Investment Institutions: Overview of
Development Banks and Investment Institutions in India, Resource Planning,
Resource Mobilisation and Project Evaluation by Development Banks in
Suggested Bhalla, V K. Management of Financial Services. Anmol, New Delhi.
Readings Bhalla, V K And Dilbag, Singh. International Financial Centres. Anmol,
New Delhi.
Ennew,C, Trevor Watkins & Mike Wright: Marketing of Financial
Services, Heinemann Professional Pub.

304 F Financial Decisions Analysis

Objective The basic objective of this course is to impart an intensive knowledge about
the use of managerial techniques in specified financial decision making

Unit 1 Basic Concepts in Decision Making: Product Costing, behaviour

characteristics of costs, Forecasting using Historical data, Least square
method of Regression Analysis, Predictive quality of Regression line,
Relevant cost concept in Decision making: Qualitative factors in Decision
Making, Relevancy of Information.
Unit 2 Operation Research in Decision Making: Linear Programming, Sensitivity
Analysis, Queing Theory, Decision Tree Analysis, Simulation Technique,
Replacement Decisions,
Unit 3 Capital Expenditure Decision Under Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty;
Cost-volume-profit Analysis under Conditions of Uncertainty; Leasing Vs.
Borrowing Decisions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Takeover code.
Suggested Bhalla, V K. Financial Management and Policy. 2 ed., New Delhi,
Readings Anmol, Delhi.
Bierman, Harold. Lease Vs. Buy Decision. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall Inc.
Fogler H and Ganpathy Financial Econometrics. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Levy, H and Sarnat H. Capital Investment and Financial Decision.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall of India.

305 F Management of Financial Services

MBA/2019-21 23
Objective The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various
financial services and their role in the overall financial system.

Unit 1 Financial Services: Conceptual Framework, Meaning, Classification, Scope,

Characteristics of Users of Financial Services, Providers of Financial
Services, Challenges facing the Financial Services
Unit 2 Financial Services and Trade in financial Services, Factors affecting access
to Financial Services, Financial Services and Value Addition, Innovative
Financial Services, Financial Service Market and Instruments: Credit
Unit 3 An Overview of types of non-bank financial Services, Banking Services for
Common man: Financial Inclusion, Security Credit Rating, Venture Capital,
Credit Cards.
Suggested Bhalla, V K. Management of Financial Services. Anmol, New Delhi
Readings Bhalla, V K And Dilbag, Singh. International Financial Centres. New
Delhi, Anmol.
Ennew,C, Trevor Watkins & Mike Wright: Marketing of Financial
Services, Heinemann Professional Publication
Gordan and K.Natrajan Emerging Scenario of Financial Services,
Himalaya Publishing House.
Meiden, Arthur Brennet M. Option Pricing: Theory & Applications.
Toronto, Lexington Books.
Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung. Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases. ,
Miami Florida, Kolb.


Objective The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the importance of
the working capital and the techniques used for effective working capital

Unit 1 Working Capital management: Meaning, Concept, Importance, Levels of

Working Capital Investment, Working Capital Policies, Cash Management
Unit 2 Managing Corporate Liquidity and Financial Flexibility: Determining the
optimum levels of Cash Balance- Baumol Model, Beranek Model, Miller-
Orr Model, Stone Model, Receivable Management --Determining the
Appropriate Receivable Policy.
Unit 3 Inventory Management: Kinds of Inventories, Benefits and Costs of Holding
Inventories, Inventory Management and Valuation, Inventory Control
Models, Short-term financing, Programming Working Capital Management.
Suggested 1. Bhalla, V.K. Working Capital Management: Text and Cases, Delhi,
Readings Anmol.
2. Hampton J.J. and C.L. Wagner Working Capital Management, John
Wiley & Sons.
3. Mannes,T.S. and J.T. Zietiow Short -term Financial Management, West
Publication Co.
4. Scherr, F.C. Modern Working Capital Management, Prentice Hall

MBA/2019-21 24
5. Smith, Keith V. and G.W. Gallinger Readings on Short-term Financial
Managemert, 3rd ed. West Publication Co.


Objective The objective of this course is to give an in depth knowledge of the

functioning of derivative securities market.

Unit 1 Derivatives: Meaning, Concept, Forward Contracts, Future Contracts, Other

Derivative Securities, Types of Traders, Futures Markets and the use of
Futures for Hedging.
Unit 2 Forward and Futures Prices, Interest Rate Futures, Swaps, Options Markets,
Properties of Stock Option Prices, Trading Strategies Involving Options,
Black-Scholes Option Model, Binomial Model.
Unit 3 Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures Contracts, General
Approach to Pricing Derivatives Securities, Interest Rate Derivative
Securities, Derivatives Market in India.
Suggested 1. Bhalla, V K. Investment Management.;Security analysis and Portfolio
Readings Management, New Delhi, S. Chand.
3. Brennet, M. Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington
Books, 1993.
4. Cox, John C and Rubinstein, Mark Options Markets. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Huang, Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R. Investment Analysis and
Management. London, Allyn and Bacon.
6. Hull, John C. Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities. 2nd ed.
New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Sharpe, William F. etc. Investment. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.


Objective The objective of this paper is to give students an overall view of the
international financial system and how multinational corporations operate.

Unit 1 International Financial management: An Overview, International Financial

System and Capital Flows, European Monetary System, Foreign Exchange
Unit 2 Managing Short Term Assets and Liabilities: Working Capital Management,
Financing of International Trade, Instruments of the International Money
Market, Euro currency Market.
Unit 3 Managing Long Term Assets and Liabilities: Multinational Capital
Budgeting, International Long term Financing, Cost of Capital and Capital
Structure of the Multinational Firm, International Mergers, Acquisitions and
Suggested 1. Abdullah, FA. Financial Management for the Multinational Firm.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.

MBA/2019-21 25
Readings 2. Bhalla, V K. International Financial Management, New Delhi, Anmol,
3. Buckley, Adrian. Multinational Finance. New York, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung. Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases.
2nd ed. Miami Florida, Kolb.
5. Shapiro, Alan C. Multinational Financial Management, New Delhi,
Prentice Hall.


Objective The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the accounting
needs of international financial markets and to analyse the accounting
measurement and reporting issues unique to multinational business

Unit 1 International Dimensions of Accounting - Conceptual Development and

Comparative Development Patterns, Currency Transactions, Financial
Accounting among countries and International economic linkages.

Unit 2 Managing International Information Systems, International Perspective on

Inflation Accounting, Financial Reporting and Disclosure, Analysing
Foreign Financial Statements.
Unit 3 Financial Management of Multinational Entities, Transfer Pricing and
International Accounting - International Standards and Multinational
Suggested 1. Arpon, Jeffrey S and Radebaugh, Lee H. International Accounting and
Readings Multinational Enterprises. New York, John Wiley.
2. Choi, Frederick D S and Mueller Gerhard G. International Accounting.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Evans, Thomas G. International Accounting & Reporting. London,
4. Gray, S J. International Accounting and Transnational Decisions.
London, Butterworth.
5. Holzer, H Peter. International Accounting. New York, Harper & Row.
6. Prodhan, Simal. Multinational Accounting. London, Croom-Helm.
7. Rathore, Shirln. International Accounting. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.

Objective The objective of the course is to acquaint the participant with the
implications of tax structure and corporate profit planning in operational as
well as strategic terms.

Unit 1 Basic Concepts of Income Tax, Residential status of a Company,

Computation of Income under Different Heads of Income, Set off and Carry
forward of Losses, Deductions and Exemptions in Additional Tax on
Undistributed Profits, Companies Profit Surtax Act, Computation of Tax

MBA/2019-21 26
Unit 2 Meaning and Scope of Tax Planning and Location of Undertaking, Type of
Activity, Ownership Pattern, Tax Planning Regarding Dividends Policy,
Issue of Bonus Shares, Inter Corporate Dividends and Transfers, Tax
Planning Relating to Amalgamation and Merger of Companies.
Unit 3 Tax Considerations in respect of Specific Managerial Decision like Make or
Buy, Own or Lease, Close or Continue, Sale in Domestic Markets or
Exports; Replacements and Capital Budgeting Decisions, etc, Tax Planning
in respect of Managerial Remuneration, Foreign Collaborations and Joint
Ventures, Implications of Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements.
Suggested 1. Ahuja, G K & Gupta, Ravl Systematic Approach to Income Tax.
Readings Allahabad, Bharat Law House.
2. Iyengar, A C. Sampat Law of Income Tax. Allahabad, Bharat Law
3. Kanga, J Band Palkhivala, N A. Income Tax. Bombay, VOI.1-3, N.M.
4. Ranina, H P. Corporate Taxation: A Handbook. 2nd ed., New Delhi,
Oriental Law House.
5. Singhania, V K. Direct Taxes: Law and Practice. Delhi, Taxman.
6. Srinivas, E A. Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning. New Delhi, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Human Resource Management Electives

301 H Human Resource Development
Objective The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the needs and
methods of human resource development in an organization.
Unit 1 Introduction to HRD - Concepts, Goals, Challenges; HRD system and
strategies, HRD Climate;
Unit 2 Designing HRD Systems: Development system; Career system; Employee
counseling, coaching and mentoring
Unit 3 HRD for Workers; HRD Intervention; HRD Approaches for coping with
Organisational Changes; Case Studies of HRD in Indian Organizations.

Suggested T Deb , HRD Theory and Practice, Ane Books, New Delhi
Readings Dayal, Ishwar, Successful Applications of HRD. New Concepts, New
Dayal, Ishwar. Designing HRD Systems. New Concepts, New Delhi
Kohli, Uddesh & Sinha, Dharni P. HRD - Global Challenges &
Strategies in 2000 A.D., ISTD, New Delhi

302 H : Management Training and Development

Objective The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role
of Training in the HRD, and to enable the course participants to manage the

MBA/2019-21 27
Training systems and processes.
Unit 1 Training Process - an Overview; Role, Responsibilities and Challenges to
Training Managers, Organization and Management of Training Function
methods of training and development
Unit 2 Learning and training, Identification of training needs and Action Research
Unit 3 Planning, Designing and conducting training and development programme, ,
evaluation of training and development programmes, Training and
Development in India.
Suggested T Deb , Training and Development, Ane Books, New Delhi
Readings Beunet, Roger ed. Improving Training Effectiveness. Aldershot, Gower
Buckley R & Caple, Jim. The Theory & Practice of Training. London,
Kogan & Page
Lynton, R Pareek, U. Training for Development. 2nd ed. New Delhi,
Pepper, Allan D. Managing the Training and Development Function.
Aldershot, Gower.
Rae, L. How to Measure Training Effectiveness. Aldershot, Gower
Reid, M A. etc. Training Interventions: Managing Employee Development.
London, IPM
Senge, P. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning
Organization. London, Century

303 H Industrial Relations and Legislations

Objective The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the
multidimensional complexities of trade unions.

Unit 1 Industrial Relations Perspectives; Industrial Relations and The Emerging

Socio-economic Scenario; Industrial Relations and the State; Legal
Framework of Industrial Relations;;
Unit 2 Role and Future of Trade Unions; Trade Union and the Employee; Trade
Union and The Management; Discipline and Grievance Management;
Negotiation and Collective Settlements;
Unit 3 Participative Management and Go-ownership; Productive Bargaining and
Gain Sharing" Employee Empowerment and Quality Management; Industrial
Relations and Technological Change.
Suggested Kochan, T.A. & Katz Henry. Collective Bargaining and Industrial
Readings Relations. Hornewood,Illinois,
Papola, T S & Rodgers, G. Labour Institutions and Economic
Development in India.Geneva, ILO
Rarnaswamy, E A. The Rayon Spinners The Strategic Management of
Industrial Relations.OxfordUniversity Press, New Delhi

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304 H Human Resource Planning
Objective The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the needs and
methods of human resource planning in an organization.

Unit 1 Macro Level Manpower Planning and Labour Market Analysis;

Organisational Human Resource Planning; Stock Taking; Work Force Flow
Mapping; Age and Grade Distribution Mapping;
Unit 2 Models and Techniques of Manpower Demand and Supply Forecasting;
Behavioural Factors in Human Resource Planning - Wastage Analysis;
Retention; Redeployment and Exit Strategies; Career Management and
Career Planning; Performance Planning; Potentials Appraisal and Career
Unit 3 HRD Climate; Culture; OWL and Management of Change; TOM and HRD
Strategies; HRD in Strategic Organisations; Human Resource Information
System; Human Resource Valuation and Accounting.
Suggested Dayal, Ishwar. Successful Applications of HRD, New Concepts, New
Readings Delhi
Dayal, Ishwar. Designing HRD Systems. New Concepts, New Delhi.
Kohli, Uddesh & Sinha, Dharni P. HRD - Global Challenges &
Strategies in 2000A.D., ISTD, New Delhi.

305 H Organisation structure and Development

Objective The main objective of this course is to help students gain an understanding of
need and process of organization structure and development.

Unit 1 Organizational structure and development, meaning and definition, OD in

perspective, assumptions and values in OD
Unit 2 Operational component of OD, Characteristics and foundation of OD process
Unit 3 OD Interventions, structural and comprehensive intervention.

Suggested French and Bell. Organisational Development. PHI, New Delhi

Readings Chris Arygis. Management and Organization Development: The Path
from XA to YB. TMH, New Delhi.

306 H Organizational Change and Intervention Strategies

Objective The objective of this paper is to prepare students as organizational change

facilitators using the knowledge and techniques of behavioural science.
Unit 1 Organization Change - an Overview; Approaches to Problem Diagnosis
Unit 2 Some Major Techniques of Planned Change; Steps in OD, General OD
Competencies, OD Skills

MBA/2019-21 29
Unit 3 Organization Change - an Overview; Approaches to Problem Diagnosis;,
Designing Interventions - Interpersonal, Team, Intergroup and System;
Evaluation of OD, Ethics of OD Professional, Future of OD.
Suggested Abad, Ahmad. etc. Developing Effective Organization. New Delhi, Sri Ram
Readings Centre for Industrial Relations, 1980.
De Nitish. Alternative Designs of Human Organizations. London, Sage.
French, W H. and Bell, CH. Organisation Development. New Delhi,
Prentice Hall of India.
French, W L., etc. Organization Development Theory, Practice and
Research. 3rd ed. New Delhi, Universal Book Stall.
Harvey, D F. and Brown, D R. An Experiential Approach to Organization
Development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Huse, FE. and Cummings, T G. Organization, Development and Change.
3rd ed. New York, West.
Sinha, Dharani, P. etc. Consultants and Consulting Styles. New Delhi,

307 H Counselling Skills for Managers

Objective To develop basic skills among students to independently handle a wide range
of employee counseling and performance counseling.

Unit 1 Emergence and Growth of Counseling Services; Approaches to Counseling;

Counseling Process - Beginning, Developing and Terminating a Counseling
Relationship and Follow up
Unit 2 Counselor's Attitude and Skills of Counseling; Assessing Client's Problems;
Selecting Counseling Strategies and Interventions - Changing Behaviour
through Counseling;
Unit 3 Special Problems in Counseling; Application of Counseling to
Organizational Situations with a Focus on Performance Counseling.
Suggested Cormer, L S. and Hackney, H. The Professional Counselor's Process Guide
Readings to Helping. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,
Maclennan, Nigel. Councelling for Managers. Aldershot, Grover,
Moursund, J. The Process of Counseling and Therapy. 2nd ed. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,
Munro, C A., etc. Counseling: A Skills Approach. Methuen,
Reddy, Michael. Counseling at Work. British Psychological Society and
Methuen, London and New York,

308H Compensation Management

Objective The course is designed to promote understanding of issues related to the
compensation or rewarding human resources in the corporate sector, public
services and other forms of organisations and to impart skills in designing,

MBA/2019-21 30
analysing and restructuring reward management systems, policies and

Unit 1 Conceptual and Theoretical Understanding of Economic Theory Related to

Reward Management; Competitive Imperatives: Productivity, Quality,
Service, Speed, Learning; Planning for Improved Competitiveness;
Diagnosis and Bench marking, Obtaining Commitment
Unit 2 Determination of inter and Intra-industry Compensation Diftrenfialis;
Internal and External Equity in Compensation Systems; Understanding Tools
Used in Designing, Improving and Implementing Compensation Packages;
Compensation Designs for Specific Type of Human Resources like
Compensation of Chief Executives, Senior Managers, R&D Staff, etc.;
Unit 3 Understanding Different Components of Compensation Packages like Fringe
Benefits, Incentives and Retirement Plans; Compensation Practices of
Multinational Corporations and Strategic Compensation Systems; Statutory
Provisions Governing Different Components of Reward Systems; Working
of Different Institutions Related to Reward System Like Wage Boards, Pay
Suggested Armstrong, Michel and Murlis, Helen. Reward Management: A Handbook
Readings of Salary Administration. London, Kegan Paul
Bergess, Lenard R. Wage and Salaty Administration. London, Charles E-
Capernan, George. Employees Share Ownership. New York, Kogan Page
Hart, Robert A. Economics of Non-Wage Labour Costs. London, George
Aller and Unwin.
Hendorson, Richard Compensation Management.- Rewording
Performance. 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
Micton, Rock. Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration

Operations/ Systems Management Electives

301O Total Quality Management
Objective To create customer consciousness and concept of organisation wide quality.
This course should also introduce learner to common tool of improvement.

Unit 1 Defining quality; concept of total quality management; Quality gurus;

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) model; elements of
total quality management.
Unit 2 Seven QC tools; Quality function deployment; benchmarking; business
process re-engineering. Introduction to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.
Unit 3 Relationship management- CRM concepts; Relationship marketing and
strategy; e-CRM.

MBA/2019-21 31
Suggested Sharma, D.D.,Total Quality Management. Sultan Chand and Co., New
Readings Delhi.
Ehresman,Small Business Success Through TQM. Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
Raju, Sundara,Total Quality Management. Tata McGraw Hill, New

302O Service Operation Management

Objective The key objective of this course is to acquaint the students with decision
making in planning, design, delivery, quality and scheduling of service
operations. The candidates are also expected to appreciate the role of service
quality and operations in emerging services economy of India.

Unit 1 Matrix of Service Characteristics; Challenges in Operations Management of

Services; Aggregate Capacity Planning for Services; Facility Location and
Layout for Services; Job Design - Safety and Physical Environment; Effect
of Automation
Unit 2 Operations Standards and Work Measurement; Measurement and Control of
Quality of Services; Dynamics of Service Delivery System; Scheduling for
Services Personnel and Vehicles
Unit 3 Waiting - Line analysis; Distribution of Services; Product-Support Services;
Maintenance of Services; Inventory Control for Services; Case Studies on
Professional Services.
Suggested Bowmen David E. etc. Service Management Effectiveness: Balancing
Readings Strategy, Organization and Human Resources, Operations and
Marketing. San Francisco, Jossey, Bass.
Collier David A. Service Management: Operating Decisions. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Fitzsimmons, James A and Sullivan, Robert S. Service Operations
Management. New York, McGraw Hill.
Heskett, James L. etc. Service Breakthroughs-Changing the Rules of the
Game. New York, Free Press.
Murdick, R G. etc. Service Operations management. Boston, Allyn and
Sharma, J.K. Service Operations Management, Delhi, Anmol.
Voss, C. etc. Operations Management in Service Industries and the
PublicSector. Chichester, Wiley.

3030 O Production Planning and Control

Objective To develop a broad conceptual framework based on the research which has
been done in the recent past and to bridge the gap between the theoretical
solutions on one hand and the real world problems on the other in production
planning and control.

MBA/2019-21 32
Unit 1 Production Planning and Control Function; Material Requirement Planning;
Production- Inventory Systems; Forecasting for Inventory and Production
Unit 2 Aggregate Planning; Job Shop Planning; Scheduling and Control; Just-in-
Time Production; Line Balancing
Unit 3 Planning for High Volume Standardized Products; Procedures and
Documentation in Production Planning and Control; Application of
Computers; ERP
Suggested Burbidge, John L. Principles of Production Control. London, Donald and
Readings Evans
Caubang, Ted C. Readings on Production Planning and Control.
Geneva, ILO.
Greene, James H. Production and Inventory Control Handbook. New
York, McGraw Hill.
Mc Leavey, Dennis W and Narasimhan, S L. Production and Inventory
Control. Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
Peterson, R and Silver, E A. Decision Systems for Inventory
Management and Production Planning New York, John Wiley.
Vollmann, T E. etc. Manufacturing Planning and Control. Homewood,
Illinois, Richard D Irwin.

Information Technology Management Electives

301 I Management Support Systems
Objective This course has been designed to develop an understanding of the concepts
and application of Information Technology based Management Support

Unit 1 Overview of CBIS Applications; Decision Making Concepts - A Need for

Decision Support; Decision Modeling Exercises; Role of Decision Support
Systems in Business; Modeling in Decision Support; Spread Sheet Software
Systems as DSS Tool
Unit 2 Development of Planning Models in Various Functional Areas; Introduction
to Integrated Financial Planning System for Financial Modeling. Group
Decision Support Systems; Use of DSS Technology for Marketing, Finance,
Production and HRM. Modeling of Multi-objective and Analytic Hierarchy
Unit 3 Artificial Intelligence; Need and Application. Al Based Systems; Fuzzy
Knowledge in RuleBased Systems; Expert System Shells; Working on an
Expert System Shell; Development of a Expert System Model for a
Functional Area. PROLOG - A Tool for Al Programming. Executive
Information Systems and their Applications.
Suggested Davis, Michael W. Decision Support. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Readings Prentice Hall Inc.
Jayashankar, R. Decision Support Systems. New Delhi, Tata McGraw

MBA/2019-21 33
Patterson, Dan W. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert
Systems. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Rolph, Paul. How to choose and Use an Executive Information System.
New Delhi, Viva Books.
Sprague, Ralph H. Decision Support for Management. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
Turban, E. Decision Support & Expert Systems. 2nd ed., New York,
Bratko, Ivan. Prolog: Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 2nd ed.
California, Addison-Wesley.

302 I Business Process Re-engineering

Objective This course has been designed to develop an appreciation of process view of
business and redesign thereof. The participants would be able to develop an
understanding of the use of Information Technology for process redesign.

Unit 1 Conceptual Foundation of Business Process Re-engineering; Role of

Information Technology in BPR; Process Improvement and Process
Unit 2 Process Identification and Mapping; Role/Activity Diagrams; Process
Visioning and Benchmarking. Business Process Improvement
Unit 3 Business Process Redesign; Man Management for BPR Implementation;
Re-organizing People and Managing Change, BPR Experiences in Indian
Suggested Carr, D K and Johansson, H J. Best Practices in Re-engineering. New
Readings York, McGraw Hill.
Champy, James. Re-Engineering Management: The Mandate for New
Leadership. London, Harper Collins.
Coulson-Thomas, C. Business Process Re-engineering: Myth & Reality.
London, Kogan Page.
Davenport, T H. Process Innovation: Re-engineering Work through
InformationTechnology. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Hammer, Michael. Re-engineering the Corporation: A Menifesto for
BusinessRevolution. London, Nicholas Brealey.
Jayaraman, M S. etc. Business Process Re-engineering. New Delhi, Tata
Mc-Graw Hill.
Pepppard, J and Rowland P. The Essence of Business Process Re-
Engineering. New York, Prentice Hall Inc.

303 I System Analysis and Design

Objective This course is aimed at developing an appreciation of Analysis and Design
of computer based commercial data processing systems.

MBA/2019-21 34
Unit 1 Overview of Systems Analysis and Design; Software applications today- the
changing scenarios- Introduction to different methodologies and Structured
System Analysis- Problem identification- requirement analysis: tools and
techniques-feasibility analysis- Operational, Technical and Economical
Feasibility--details of SDLC approach. Business Systems Concept-, Systems
Development Life Cycle; Project Selection; Feasibility Study.
Unit 2 Tools for Analysis and Design of Business Systems; Methodologies
Available; Need for Structured Techniques; Structured Techniques
Available. System Requirement Specification and Analysis; Data Flow
Diagrams-, Data Dictionaries; Process Organisation and Intersections;
Decision Analysis; Decision Trees and Tables; Expansion, Explosion and
Normalization. Detailed Design; Modulation; Module Specification; File
Unit 3 Data Base Design.System Control and Quality Assurance; Documentation
Tools; Testing Techniques Available; System Controls and Audit Trails;
System Administration and Training; Conversion and Operations
Plan.Hardware and Software Selection; Hardware Acquisition;
Benchmarking, Vendor Selection, Operating System Selection, Language
Processors, Performance and Acceptance Testing Criteria. Managing Data
Processing in an Organisation; Data Processing Setup; Project Management
Techniques for Managing Software Projects
Suggested Awad. Elias M. Systems Analysis and Design, New Delhi,
Readings Prentice Hall of India.
Coad, Peter and Edward, Yourdon. Object-Oriented Analysis,
Englewood Cliff, New Jersey, Yourclon Press.
Hawryszkiewyez, I T. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India
Marco,T.D. Structurted Analysis & System Specification, New Delhi,
Yourclon Press
Rajaraman, V. Analysis and Design of Information Systems. New Delhi,
Prentice Hall of India.
Van Over, David. Foundations of Business Systems. Fort Worth, Dryden
Whitten, J L. etc. System Analysis and Design Methods. New Delhi,

304 I Data Base Management Systems

Objective This course has been designed to introduce the participants with the
applications of systems designed to manage the data resources of
organizations. It provides the participants an opportunity to study the hands-
on implementation of a database in corporate environment.

Unit 1 Data Processing Concepts, Data Structures; File Processing and Access
Methods; Taxonomy of Data Management Systems-, Various Data Base
Management Models. Evaluation of Commercially Available Software

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Systems with Managerial Emphasis on Tradeoffs Among Cost, Capacity,
and Responsiveness
Unit 2 Functions of Transaction Processes and their Communications Interface with
Database Management Systems; Distributed Data Processing Systems and a
Need for Database Environment for such a System. Physical Database
Structures; Normalization and Logical Design; Query Languages for
Relational Database Management Systems
Unit 3 Study of a Relational Database Management Systems for Successful
Implementation of Distributed Systems Structured Query Language.
Distributed Data Base Systems; On-line Data Bases; Object Oriented Data
Bases. Managerial Issues Related to Data Base Management; Evaluation
Criteria; Performance Analysis; Recovery Issues; Reorganisation Problems;
Implementation and Maintenance Issues; Database Administration.
Suggested Coad, Peter and Edward, Yourdon. Object-Oriented Analysis. 2 ed.,
Readings EnglewoodCliff, New Jersey, Yourdon Press, 1991.
Kroenke, David M. Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design,
Implementation. 41st ed., New York, McMillan, 1992.
McFadden, Fred R and Hoffer, Jeffrey, A. Database Management. 3rd
ed., Redwood City, Benjamin-Cummings, 1991.
Pratt, Philip J. A Guide to SOL. Boston, Boyd and Fraser, 1990.
Salemi, Joe. Client / Server Data Bases. Emeryville, California, Ziff-Davis
Press, 1993.
Systems and Developers Manuals for an RDBMS such as Oracle.

307 Training Project Report

At the end of second semester, all the students will have to undergo Summer Training of
continuous period of 45 working days excluding holidays/ Sundays with an industrial,
business or service organization by taking up a project.The student will undergo on the job
training under the close supervision of a supervisor in the business organization. This
training should help her/him develop a perspective of wholesome management of business
activities. This would enable her/him to appreciate the importance of different business
activities and see how different business activities are interrelated. She/He will have to
submit a report on the organization she/he has undergo training and make a presentation
before a panel of faculty members. A seminar on Summer Training Project Report has to
be delivered by the students during Semester III of Part II.

The Summer Training Report shall comprise of two parts- Part one, a general
understanding of the industry and the firm and part two- a specific real time project with
the consent of both the organization and the Department’s Training and Placement
The students who undergo this training are compulsorily required to arrange to deliver the
confidential report of the training supervisor directly to the Training & Placement
Officer/Advisor of the Department in the absence of which the student will not be allowed
to join back at the Department and any Summer Training Report will not be allowed to be
submitted and no viva-voce or presentations taken.

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Training Project Evaluation shall be done as follows: 50 marks for Training Project Report
to be evaluated by External Examiner based upon Viva-Voce, 50 marks for internal
evaluation, 25 of which would be based on student presentation before the faculty members
of the Department and the other 25 marks on the Summer Training Project Report
submitted by the student.
Depending upon the needs of this student training, the Head of the Department may depute
the Faculty Members to visit the organizations outside Ajmer where the students may be
undergoing training to ensure the effectiveness of training and to sort out any of the
training related issues on the spot, this would also be used as an opportunity to guide the
students on the spot for training/project report.

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Semester IV
401 Business Policy and Strategic Management
Objective This course should help learner develop understanding of process of
developing and implementing strategy.

Unit 1 Nature, importance and concept of strategy; process of strategic

management; vision, mission, objectives and goals; components of
environmental scanning- SWOT analysis
Unit 2 Grand strategies, different types of strategies; choice of strategy and tools for
choosing the right strategy
Unit 3 Strategy Implementation – organizational structure, management policies,
leadership implementation and resource allocation, strategic appraisal
Suggested Jauch Lawrence R., Gupta Rajiv, Glueck William F.
Readings Kazmi, A.,Business Policy and Strategic Management. Tata Mcgraw Hill,
New Delhi.
Wheelen, T.L. and Hunger, J.D.,Strategic Management and Business
Policy. Pearson Education, (LPE), New Delhi.

402 Management Information System

Unit 1 Introduction to Management information System: definition, components,

types; informational needs; systems concept; application of information
systems in business organisation;
Unit 2 Introduction to information system technology: hardware and software
resources, database management systems, telecommunication and
networking systems.
Unit 3 Building information systems: Life cycle and prototype approach; Decision
support system and enterprise information system; information system
security and control

Suggested Laudon and Laudon, Management information System, Pearson

Readings Education , new Delhi
O Brain, Management Information System, PHI,New Delhi
Jaiswal Mittal, Management information System, Oxford, New Delhi
Jawadekar, Management information System, Tata McGraw, New Delhi

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403 International Business Management
Objective To help the learner in developing the ability to analyse the competitive
international business environment

Unit 1 International Business: An overview - Types of International Business; The

External Environment; The Economic and Political Environment, The
Human Cultural Environment; Influence on Trade and Investment Patterns;
Recent World Trade and Foreign Investment Trends;
Unit 2 Balance of Payments Accounts and Macroeconomic Management; Theories
and Institutions: Trade and Investment - Government Influence on Trade
Investment; Determination of Trading Partner's Independence,
Interdependence and Dependence; World Financial Environment Cross-
national Cooperation and Agreements; Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers
Unit 3 WTO, Regional Blocks; International production; Internationalisation of
Service Firms; Operation Management in International Firms; World
Financial Environment: Foreign Exchange Market Mechanism;
Suggested Justin Paul. International Business. Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
Readings Francis Cherunilam. International Business: Text & Cases Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi

404 Project Management

Objective The objective of the course is to familiarise the learner with management and
techniques of Project Management.

Unit 1 Concept, Characteristics and types of Project, Project Management: Concept,

Meaning, Objectives, Participants in Project Management, Project Life
Unit 2 Project Planning, Project Organisation, Project Report, Project Design and
Network Analysis: PERT, CPM, crashing, levelling and smoothening
Unit 3 Social Cost benefit Analysis, Project Financing, Incentives and Subsidies,
Project Monitoring and Control.
Suggested Maylor, Harvey, Project Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

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405 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Objective This course aims at providing student an insight into the nature of small scale
industry. He will be exposed to various aspects of establishment and
management of a small business unit.

Unit 1 Concept of entrepreneurship- nature and historical evolution; entrepreneurship

and economic development, MSMED Act 2006 and further amendments.
Unit 2 Role and importance of small business; defining small business; forms of
organisation for small business Setting up a Small Venture; formalities of
launching a new venture; product selection; problems of SSI
Unit 3 Challenges of marketing for small businesses; sources of funds for small
businesses; Human resource management issues in small businesses; managing
small business operations.
Suggested Arora, R. and Sood, S.K.,Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Small
Readings Business Management. Kalyani Publishers,Ludhiana.
Desai, Vasant, Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship. Himalayan
Publishing House, Mumbai.
Ramachandaran, K.,Managing a New Business Successfully. Global
Business Press, New Delhi.
Shukla, M.B., Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Kitab
Mahal.New Delhi.

406 Project Study

Work In this program the student would work upon a topic of relevance under the
outline supervision of one of the designated faculty members in writing on issues of
contemporary relevance. This is full-term effort. 50 marks are to be evaluated
by the designated supervisor and 50 marks by a panel of external examiner
and Head of the Department through relevant Viva Voce Exam.

407 Viva-Voce
For the programme end viva-voce candidate shall be evaluated for 100 marks by a
panel of external expert an internal expert and the head of the concerned

MBA/2019-21 40

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