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Organic Chemistry–I
dkcZfud jlk;u
Bachelor of Science (Bsc-12/16/17)
First Year, Examination-2019

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 40

Note:- This paper is of Forty (40) marks divided into
two (02) Section A and B. Attempt the
question contained in these sections according
to the detailed instructions given therein.

uksV%& ;g iz'u&i= pkyhl ¼40½ vadksa dk gS tks nks ¼02½

[k.Mksa ^d* rFkk ^[k* esa foHkkftr gSA izR;sd [k.M esa
fn, x, foLr`r funsZ”kkssa ds vuqlkj bu iz”uksa dks gy
djuk gSA
Section-A ¼[k.M&d½
(Long Answer Type Question) ¼nh?kZ mÙkjh; iz'u½
Note:- Section - A contains Three (03) long answer-
type questions of Ten (10) marks each.
Learners are required to answer any Two
(02) questions only. (2×10=20)

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 1 P.T.O.
uksV%& [k.M ^d* esa rhu ¼03½ nh?kZ mÙkjh; iz'u fn;s x;s
gSaA izR;sd iz'u ds fy, nl ¼10½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy nks ¼02½ iz'uksa ds mÙkj
nsus gSaA

1. (a) Explain the term hybridization. How many

types of hybridization is found in the carbon
compound? Explain.

ladj.k ls vki D;k le>rs gS\ dkcZu ds ;kSfxdksa esa

fdrus izdkj dk ladj.k gksrk gS\ le>kb,A
(b) What are Carbines? What do you
understand by singlet and triplet Carbone?

dkchZu D;k gS\ flXysV o fVªiysV dkchZu ls vki

D;k le>rs gS\ foLrkj ls le>kb,
2. Discuss with examples any four of the

(a) Saytzeff rule

(b) Mechanism of electrophilic substitution

reaction with special reference to nitration
of benzene.

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 2 P.T.O.
(c) Regio selective reaction

(d) Anti markovnikov addition reaction.

(e) Benzyne substitution.

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj dk mnkgj.k lfgr

o.kZu dhft, %
(a) lsVtsQ fu;e
(b) bysDVªku Lusgh foLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k dh
fØ;kfof/k fof”k’V :i ls csUthu ds
ukbVªhdj.k ds ifjis{; esa
(c) fjft;ks lysfDVo vfHkfØ;k;sa
(d) ,UVh ekbØksfudkQ ;ksxkRed vfHkfØ;k
(e) cSUtkbu izfrLFkkiu
3. (a) What are aryl halide? Give three methods
of preparation of aryl halides.

,fjy gSykbM D;k gS\ ,fjy gSykbM cukus dh rhu

fof/k;k¡ nhft,A
(b) What is optical isomerism? What are the
main characteristics of optically active
compounds? Explain with suitable example.

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 3 P.T.O.
izdkf”kd leko;rk D;k gksrh gS\ fdlh ;kSfxd }kjk
izdkf”kd leko;ork iznf”kZr djus ds fy, D;k&D;k
xq.k gksus pkfg,\ mnkgj.k nsdj le>kb,A

Section-B ¼[k.M&[k½
(Short Answer Type Question) ¼y?kq mÙkjh; iz'u½
Note:- Section-B contains six (06) short answer type
questions of five (05) marks each. Learners
are required to answer any four (04)
questions only. (5×4=20)

uksV%& [k.M ^[k* esa N% ¼06½ y?kq mÙkjh; iz'u fn;s x;s gSaA
izR;sd iz'u ds fy, ik¡p ¼05½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy pkj ¼04½ iz'uksa ds mÙkj
nsus gSaA
1. How will you convert acetylene into the
following compounds (Any five)

(i) I – Butyne

(ii) Neopreme

(iii) Vinyl acetone

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 4 P.T.O.
(iv) Cyclo Octatetraene

(v) Cuprous methyl acetilyde

(vi) Acrylic acid.

,flfVyhu dks vki fuEu ;kSfxdksa esa dSls ifjofrZr

djsaxs ¼dksbZ ik¡p½
(i) I – C;wVkbu

(ii) uhvks izhu

(iii) fouk;y ,flVksu
(iv) lkbDyks vkDVkVsVªsbu
(v) D;wizl feFkkby ,flVkbykbM
(vi) ,Økbfyd ,flM
2. How resonance reduces the basicity and
increase the acidity of the molecule. Explain
with suitable example.

fdl izdkj vuquk; csfldrk dks ?kVkrh gS o

vEyh;rk dks c<+krh gSA leqfpr mnkgj.k nsdj

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 5 P.T.O.
3. Explain the mechanism of any two of the
following :
(i) Elimination reaction
(ii) Addition reaction to C = C
(iii) 1, 4, addition in 1, 3, Butadiene
fuEu ls fdUgh nks ij fØ;kvksa dh fØ;k fof/k dk
o.kZu dhft,A
(i) foyksiu fØ;k,sa
(ii) C = C ij ;ksx fØ;k
(iii) O;wVk 1] 3] MkbbZu ij 1] 4 ;ksx fØ;k
4. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Enantiomer and diastoreomer
(ii) DL and RS nomenclature
(iii) Boat and chair conformation
fuEu esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fyf[k,A
(i) foEo izfr foEo leko;h o MkbLVksfj;ksej
(ii) ukedj.k dh DL o RS i)fr

(iii) lkbDyks gSDlsu dh uko o dqlhZ la:i.k

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 6 P.T.O.
5. Explain why (any two) :

(i) Cyclopentadienyl anion is aromatic

while Cyclo octatetraene is not

(ii) Phenol is more reactive then

nitrobenzene for electrophilic aromatic
substitution reaction.

(iii) Chlorine is of ortho/para directing but

still deactivating in nature.

O;k[;k dhft, D;ksa ¼dksbZ nks½

(i) lkbDyks isUVk Mkbuk;y ,uk;u ,jkseSfVd gS
tcfd lkbDyks vkDVk VsVªkbu ,jkseSfVd ugha
(ii) fQuky ukbVªkscSUthu ls byksDVªksfQfyd
,jkseSfVd izfrLFkkiu fØ;kvksa esa vf/kd
lfØ; gSA
(iii) ;|fi Dyksjhu dk vkFkkZs ,oa iSjk nSf”kd
izHkko gS fQj Hkh csUthu pØ dh fØ;k”khyrk
dks ?kVk nsrk gSA

S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 7 P.T.O.
6. What is the Walden inversion? Explain giving
mechanism of reaction.

okYMu buotZu D;k gS\ vfHkfØ;k dh fØ;k fof/k



S-91/BSCCH-102/CH-02 8 P.T.O.

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