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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS CODE: Texapon-SDS1.0
Tel: +98 21 433 87

Section 1- Chemical Product and Company Identification

Material name: Texapon – Ammonium Laureth Ether Sulfate
Synonyms: -
Company information: Aria Shimi Rayka Co. Unit 3 , No.18 , 17th Alley , Bokharest St. Argentina Sq.
Tehran , IRAN
For information, call Central office tel.: +98 21 433 87

Section 2 - Composition, Information on Ingredients

Compounds: CAS# percent

Sulfate Alkyl ether, sodium salt 2-34-68585 68-72%

Ethoksilit alcohol 1-97-68002 less than 2%
Section 3 - Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview: Eyes irritation, skin irritation, respiratory tract irritation
Eyes : Medium eye irritation
Skin : Medium skin irritation
Inhalation : Inhalation of steam or gas dust may irritate the breathing system.
Ingestion : Swallowing it, can cause gastrointestinal irritation such as nausea, diarrhea and
Section 4 - First Aid Measures
Eyes: Immediately wash with water for 15 minutes. Get medical aid immediately
Skin :
Flush with plenty of water. Call a medic if irritation expanded.
If experienced the symptoms, remove the source of containment. If the
symptoms continued, get to a medic.
Ingestion: If the material is swallowed, immediately get to a medic. Do Not induce
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical powder, foam, water steam, carbon dioxide
Fire fighters protection: Like any fire, wear full breathing apparatus, MSHA/NIOSH (confirmed or
equivalent) and full protection apparatus.
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions: Break up the area. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep unwind. Keep out
of lower areas. Ventilate indoor places before entering.
Methods for Prevent, entry into water ways, sewer, basements or confined areas
Methods for cleaning Wear full protective equipment during cleaning
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Section 7 - Handling and Storage
Handling: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
Store in a cool and fully ventilated area.
Storage classification: Chemical storage
Section 8 - Exposure Controls, Personal Protection
Engineering control: Use local ventilation. Local evacuation is recommended for use in confined

General personal Eyewash station and safety shower are recommended.

protective equipment:
Eyes/face protection: Wear chemical safety glasses and shield your face.
Skin protection: Wear appropriate protective clothes and impenetrable gloves.

Respiratory protection: NISOH/MSHA respiratory protection must be provided if ventilation is not

enough to avoid making steam and airborne gases.

Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: Clear liquid, yellow
Ignition point: More than 93.9°C(more than 201°F PMCC)
Boiling point: (>100°C) more than 212°F
Volatile percent: 68-75%(w/w)
Vapor pressure: Not determined or unknown
Density: 8.2 lb./gal, (0.986 g/ml) in 25°C
Vapor density: Estimated less than air
Viscosity: 2000cps in 25C°
Evaporation rate: Estimated slower than ethyl ether
RVOC: 0%
Pour point: 41F°
pH: 5.5-7
Freezing point: 1.7°C(35°F)
Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity
Stability: Stable under normal conditions.

Conditions to avoid: The product can react with strong oxidizer

Incompatible Materials: Strong oxidizer, strong acid
decomposition Can free up sulfur dioxide or sulfur oxide after decomposition
Will not occur
Section 11 - Toxicological Information
Carcinogenicity: not classified to be carcinogenic by OSHA,IARC,NTP
Loryel alcohol 112-53-8
NIOSH_12800mg/kg < LD50 mouse, LC50 oral, LD50s has been chosen.

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_Ammonium laureth (n=<3) sulfate 32612-48-9
NIOSH_630mg/kg < LD50 mouse, LC50 oral, LD50s has been chosen.

Section 12 - Ecological Information

Eco toxicological Data: No information on final product

Degradability: Expected to be readily biodegradable
Section 13 - Disposal Considerations
All wastes must be handled in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Specification
Description is only the duty of producers.
Section 14 - Transport Information

Search for labels for DOT or other transport dangers.

Section 15 - Regulatory Information

U.S. Federal Regulations:

Compound: CAS# %
water 7732-18-5 68-75%
Ammonium loreth
32612-48-9 24-26%
Loryel alcohol 112-53-8

Government regulation
This product can be have below material that are known to be carcinogenic for California government
Canada _WHMIS

All of the parts of this product are listed in below inventories:
Canada(DSL), USA(TSCA), Japan(ENCS), Philippines (PICCS), Korea(ECL), Australia(AICS),
China(EICS), Europe(EINECS/ELINCS/Polymer/nlp)
There is no reportable quantity for RQ

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Section 16 - Additional Information

HMIS a trademark and NPCA services

HMIS ratings:
Physical danger: 0
Self-protection: x

NFPA ratings:
Flammable: 1
Specific hazards:-


This MSDS is only a guide for applying the products, designed by this company. None of the information
put in here creates no legal guarantee and obligation such as appointment guarantee, implicit or explicit
guarantee and gives no ownership such as right of using business signs. No warranty against infringement
of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied. This MSDS is intended only as a guide to the
appropriate handling of the material by properly trained persons. It shall be the user's responsibility to
develop proper methods of handling and personal protection based on the actual conditions of use.
Accordingly, provider and producer factory assume no liability whatsoever for the use of or reliance upon
this information including results obtained, incidental or consequential damages, or lost profits. Using this
information means agreeing these terms


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