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Spike! Journal - Issue 16 © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. Blood Bowl, Blood Bowl The Game of Fantasy Football,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional,
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British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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elcorne back, once more, to the most sophisticated
sports periodical in the Old World! Join us as we
explore the creepy crypts and morbid mausoleums
of Sylvania in order to shine the moonlight on perhaps the most
shadowy teams in Blood Bowl. Mind your step, though — the
dark streets of Sylvania are often traversed by mysterious figures
on the lookout for a tasty midnight snack!

9 this issue, we return to the Of course, Vampire teams are So, grab yourself a nice warm pint

I graveyard-strewn streets of
Sylvania where we've been
invited into the most ostentatious
known to produce exceptional
players, with many rising from
their crypts before creeping into
of blood, stay out of the sun, and
enjoy another tremendous issue of
Spike! Journal!
castles in the area in order to learn the annals of history. In this issue,
more about what goes on behind the we take a look at three of the most Leigh von Kristof,
closed coffin doors of the Vampire iconic stars to have stepped onto Guest Editor, Spike! Journal
teams. Though they are one of the pitch to play for a Vampire
the oldest teams in the game, and team. The hellraiser from the high
certainly know how to put the blood seas, 'Captain' Karina von Riesz;
in Blood Bowl, Vampire teams have the Dwarf-hating, mountain-raiding,
stayed largely to the shadows and skull-claiming, Wight from the past,
out of the bright lights of the bigger Ivan the Animal' Deathshroud; and a
leagues However, don't mistake Vampire who needs no introduction,
a Vampire's calm and collected but will always gladly listen to one
demeanour for weakness; their sharp anyway, the enigmatic superstar --
fangs aren't just for show — they have Count Luthor von Drakenborg! CONTENTS
plenty of bite! Supernatural Superstars 2
If that wasn't enough for you, Famous Vampire Teams 6
Buried within these pages are our regular features return. Hackspit Drakfang Thirsters 7
all the delicious details about some Quillchewer sits down with Lord Star Player —
of the greatest Vampire teams ever Vonescu to discuss what makes Count Luthor von Drakenborg 10
to creep onto the Blood Bowl field. the ideal Thrall. Mindy Piewhistle Dirt from the Dugout 13
From the returning Craggen Counts, investigates the disappearance of Star Player —
whose vicious nature has forced the Waldenhof Varghulfs in Dirt from 'Captain' Karina von Riesz 14
them to implement a number of the Dugout. Coffin Corner returns Vampire Noble Leagues 16
safety measures to prevent them with more diabolical demises and Coffin Corner 21
eating all their fans, to the Debonair silly slayings, and we uncover where Vampire Balls 22
Nightwings who have a rather in the Colleges of Magic a Vampire Chat with the Rat 23
unusual way of treating their Thralls. goes to study! As always, this issue Midnight Mayhem 24
We also delve deeper into the history finishes with Mighty Blow! drawn by Star Player —
of perhaps the most storied Vampire 'bloodthirsty' Christian von Schwager Ivan 'the Animal' Deathshroud 30
team ever to grace Nuffle's sacred and written by 'sanguine' Nick Dungeon Bowl Update 32
game; the Drakfang Thirsters! von Kyme. 'When You're Strange' 34
• VAMPIRE TEAMS tl•,. kor 4* ‘r te ‘0, •

ampires have long been

V involved in Blood Bowl;

in fact, it was the very
name of the sport which first
enticed them to the gridiron!
In this issue of Spike! Journal,
we have been invited into the
ornate castles of Sylvania to
discover more about these
highly skilled, if often a little
peckish, Blood Bowl players
and find out just how they
keep their appetites in
check while on the pitch.
en Blood Bowl made its welcome return to the POSITIONS
Old World, Vampires were some of the first to take THRALL LINEMAN
an interest in the great sport; the violent nature of Thralls make up the unremarkable, if absolutely necessary,
the game promising to provide a great source of iron for their backbone (some would say lifeblood! — Ed) of any Vampire
unique diet. In theory, Vampires are the ideal Blood Bowl team. These men and women have given themselves
players; possessing exceptional strength and agility that most willingly to the Sylvanian sports stars, allowing their vampiric
players can only dream of, and able to utilise all manner of team-mates to drain them of blood whenever they fancy a
supernatural skills to give them an edge on the pitch There quick bite in the middle of a match!
was just one small problem, however - their crippling lust for
the red stuff. Thralls aren't only used as mobile feeding bags though
(although it is their primary purpose — Ed), they are also
The very first Vampire teams were made up solely of, there to take the hard hits, tackles and collisions so that
well, Vampires. At first this seemed like a no-brainer, after the real stars of the team can score those all-important
all, who wouldn't want a team packed full of elite athletes touchdowns. Although the life of a Thrall may seem
in peak physical condition that all have the intellect to unrewarding, in most cases this isn't quite true. While they
execute complex plays? However, it wasn't long before the may not get the recognition on the pitch, they are often
aforementioned issue started to become apparent with provided with enough to live a modest, but comfortable, life
numerous Vampires having to run off the pitch at the worst within the confines of the team's castle as payment. Though
possible time in order to sate their carnivorous cravings it is highly unlikely that a Thrall will ever be considered a
mid-game, often munching on some poor fan who had paid star, most pundits agree that they are the very definition of
for a front-row seat. These untimely 'snack-breaks' resulted an 'unsung hero' in Blood Bowl!
in countless defeats for Vampire teams across Sylvania,
with many teams forced to fold as a result of lack of income VAMPIRE THROWER
from the all-Important victories, and the others confining Those Vamptres that show particular skill and control over
themselves to play in Vampire only leagues to avoid their volitions will often take up the role as their team's
further embarrassment. Thrower. Suave, sophisticated and tactically astute, these
Vampires have it all, and will almost always act as the
With a need to find a way to allow their kin to succeed figureheads of the team; giving out instructions to their
on the gridiron, many Vampire coaches decided to put their team-mates during the game and dictating the flow of play.
heads together to come up with a solution. Many ideas were No Vampire team is complete without at least one Vampire
t tried, though most yielded poor results or proved to simply who can exercise a modicum of control over their more
be too impractical to Implement (the trolled 'blood bag 'excitable' kin!
feed bags' spring to mind... Ed). However, eventually the
answer was found — Thralls. Humans who hadn't made it Of course, being the more notable members of the team
as a player in their own right were given the chance to live has Its perks, with these Vampires often demanding more
out their dream, so long as they agreed to let their Vampire lucrative contracts, being the ones to conduct interviews
employers quench their insatiable thirst whenever 'the and appear on Cabalvision, and generally live the luxurious
hunger' took over them. lifestyle that goes hand-in-hand with actually being able to
control one's self and not just rip the throat out of any poor
The result was a resounding success. Even though the interviewer that happens to ask the wrong question at the
teams that strode out onto the pitch looked significantly less wrong time!
imposing with fewer Vampire superstars in their line-up,
there was no denying that having them actually stay on the
field of play only increased their efficiency at playing the
game. The introduction of Thralls also resulted in their teams
saving a lot of gold in wages; Thralls are much cheaper to
employ given they are only there to feed the actual stars, and
with less Vampires on a team demanding high wages so they
can live out lavish lifestyles, more gold could be invested
in team development.

Vampire teams have since become a staple of numerous

leagues and cups; particularly those held at night when they
are able to thrive. It turns out that the addition of a little
life into the teams of the unliving was just the tonic that
Vampires needed to prove to the Old World that their bark
pales in comparison to their bite!
Not all Vampires have the same chiselled physique as Though a relatively new addition to many Vampire teams,
those that take up the mantle of a team's Thrower, with Vargheists are becoming an increasingly more common
many Vampires possessing a leaner, more streamlined sight on the pitches of Sylvania. Quite how the first
frame. These Vampires make for ideal runners, and Vampire coaches managed to coax Vargheists into playing
though they may not have the same raw power as the is a mystery: some claim they were former Vampire
rest of their bloodsucking kin, they more than make Blazers that had fallen deeper into their crazed bloodlust
up for it with their blistering speed and superior agility. and are kept on by their teams out of gratitude for years
More than one opposition player has thought they have of service, while others suggest that it's all a matter of
managed to corner a Vampire Runner, only to have them price, and that Vargheists are paid solely in claret.
slip through their grasp as if they were made of mist!
On the pitch, these vicious creatures have one thing,
As you might expect, Vampire Runners are responsible and one thing only, on their mind at all times — blood.
for scoring the majority of their teams' touchdowns This obsession with the crimson cruor is more than just
although it is likely the Thrower will claim credit for the a craving, Vargheists have a deep need; a need to feed.
quality of the pass anyway! Regardless, their increased Should they be deprived of their most desired delicacy
speed has another important function on the gridiron; for too long then it's best to give them a wide berth
when the hunger strikes, they are almost always the first unless you fancy being part of the messiest feeding frenzy
to get to their Thrall of choice, feed, and be back in the outside of a half-time Moot banquet!
game in a flash!

Not even the most in-control Vampire can escape the
hunger forever, and will inevitably fall to their inescapable
bloodlust at some point in their career — although it
takes some far longer than others. When this eventually
happens to a Vampire, they go about a number of both
physical and mental changes, Gone is the calm and
sophisticated demeanour of their former selves, replaced
instead with a raging animalistic fury (you could say
they've been driven batty, eh readers! -- Ed) complete
with elongated claws, more pointed ears, and a tendency
to stop for a bite that little bit more frequently!

However, Vampires that have begun to succumb

to their bloodlust make for ideal Blazers; their
newfound savagery proving to be a great boon when
their team-mates point them in the direction of
a particular opposition player that needs dealing
with! Of course, this added aggression does
throw up some difficulties in regards to calming
a Blitzer down when the final whistle has gone
— and don't even attempt to try to get them to
relinquish whatever poor soul they have found
to chow down upon; unless you fancy being
their next snack that is!
0-16 Thrall Lineman 40,000 6 3 8+ None
3+ 4+ AS
0-2 Vampire Runner 100,000 8+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic
2+ 4+ AG PS
Gaze, Regeneration
0-2 Vampire Thrower 110,000 2+ 2+ 9+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic AGP
Gaze, Pass, Regeneration
0-2 Vampire Blitzer 110,000 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), AGS
Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Regeneration
0-1 Vargheist 150,000 5 5 4+ 10+ Bloodlust (3+), Claws, AG
Frenzy, Loner (4+),
a-a team re rolls: 60,000 gold pieces each Tier, 2
Special Rules: Sylvanian Spotlight, Vampire Lord Apothecary. YES


The Head Coach of this team is replaced by a Vampire Lord. Once per game, Akhorne the Squirrel
during the post-game sequence, they can 'Summon a Thrall': Bryce the Slice' Cambuel
'Captain' Karina von Riesz
If a player on the opposing team with a Strength characteristic of 4 or less Count Luther von Drakenborg
and that did not have the Regeneration or Stunty traits suffered a Casualty Frank 'n Stein
result of 15 or 16, DEAD during the game, and if they could not be saved Grak & Crumbleberry
by an apothecary, during Step 4 of the post-game sequence a single new Gretchen Wachter
rookie Thrall Lineman player may be permanently hired for free if the team Helmut Wulf
has fewer than 16 players on its team draft list, otherwise it will be lost. Ivan The Animal' Deathshroud
The Thrall Lineman's full value still counts towards the Team Value. Skrull Halfheight
Wilhelm Chaney
Additionally, just like the Head Coach of any other team, a Vampire Lord
can Argue the Call when one of their players is Sent-off for committing a Foul, The rules for 'Captain' Karina von
as long as they haven't been Sent-off themselves. Riesz, Count Luthor von Drakenborg
and Ivan 'The Animal' Deathshroud
NEW TRAIT can be found later in this issue.
BLOODLUST (X+)' - To keep control of their wits, Vampires need a supply The rules for the other Star Players
of fresh blood. Whenever a player with this Trait activates, after declaring listed can be found in other Blood
their action, they must roll a D6, adding 1 to the roll if they declared a Block Bowl publications.
action or a Blitz action. If they roll equal to or higher than the number shown
in brackets, they may activate as normal.

If the player rolls lower than the number shown in brackets, or rolls a
natural 1, they may continue their activation as normal though they may
change their declared action to a Move action if they wish. If the player
declared an action that can only be performed once per team turn (such
as a Blitz action) this will still count as the one of that action for the team
turn. At the end of their activation they may bite an adjacent Thrall Lineman
teammate (Standing, Prone or Stunned). If they bite a Thrall, immediately
make an Injury roll for the Thrall treating any Casualty result as Badly Hurt;
this will not cause a Turnover unless the Thrall was holding the ball. If they
do not bite a Thrall for any reason then a Turnover is caused, the player will
lose their Tackle Zone until they are next activated, and will immediately drop
the ball if they were holding it. If the player was in the opposing End Zone,
no touchdown is scored. If a player who failed this roll wants to make a Pass
action, Hand-off, or score then they must bite a Thrall before they perform the
action or score.
te tiy,„ Aike)

The Craggen Counts are perhaps A team that often finds themselves
most famous for their ban from as the butt of many jokes from other The Debonair Nightwings are a team
professional Blood Bowl in 2485, as Vampiric dynasties, the Duskfall known across the Old World for their
a result of eating almost their entire Darkwings' strange choice to feed well-mannered approach to Blood
fanbase during a half-time rampage. on the blood of animals rather than Bowl, but also the bizarre treatment
After spending a number of years from humans is an odd practice; of their Thralls. Rather than using
implementing a variety of safety one that has led to questions about their mortal servants as disposable
measures, including thick glass if the Darkwings are even Vampires blood bags, the Nightwings provide
panels to separate the players from at all. Though they feast on animal their Thralls with a wonderful life;
the fans, complimentary gorgets and blood most of the time, trying to taking them on walks to the park,
a compulsory 'think before you feed' wrangle them onto a pitch was commissioning portraits of them to
course for all Vampires, the Counts' a recipe for disaster (never work show to their friends at court and
ban was lifted in 2497. Despite with animals! -- Ed), leading to the feeding them their favourite treats.
these new safety precautions, season Darkwings regularly having to cheat This pampered lifestyle doesn't
ticket sales remained down; with on their animal-only diet and use produce the same gaunt, tired looking
many fans claiming that the glass Thralls during games. In an effort to husks fans are used to; instead they
walls ruined the live experience — if end the mockery and ridicule of their feature Thralls in peak physical
there's no risk of being covered in a feeding habits, the Darkwings went condition, though some have clearly
player's blood, sweat and/or tears, on the record stating that their diet been given a few too many treats!
you might as well watch the game is the future of vampirism; claiming This harmonious relationship
from your local tavern! it makes them stronger and faster between Vampire and Thrall is seen
than their human-fed counterparts, as strange by many teams in the
and their skin is now so clear it Sylvanian leagues, but these top-
sparkles! However, the team's results tier Thralls have proven to be highly
don't support these claims, with the effective as both players and as
Darkwings regularly languishing at game-time refreshments.
the bottom of the leaderboard.
The Varanheim Vampires entered the
inaugural Forge Bowl with the aim
of adding a first major accolade to
their trophy cabinet. Despite some
questionable defending in the early
rounds, which was later put down
to the coach's insistence on eating
a very garlicky lunch before giving
a half-time team talk, the Vampires
reached the final in dominating
fashion. After a hard fought match,
with both teams 'forgetting' the
rules on a couple of occasions, the
Vampires unfortunately came up
short. Although they were awarded
some lovely pure silver medals for
their achievements, the team refused
to collect them out of fear the metal
might sear through their flesh if they
put them on!

47141-„J r6-4 ki ,wiLtsai (16-44-J4 •

hen asked to picture Vampires, it would be totally The fresh-faced rookie quickly made
understandable for your mind to conjure images of his presence in the team felt with
luxurious parties with goblets of blood flowing early a number of standout performances.
into the morning. However, in more recent years, the overly- Not to be outdone, the rest of the
lavish sanguine banquets have taken a back seat, with many team swiftly returned to their old
Vampires pouring their time and wealth into the sport of Blood training regimes in an effort to keep
Bowl. Perhaps the most well known of these Vampire teams is the up, though soon realised that Luthor
infamous Drakfang Thirsters; so join us, dear readers, as we lift was no ordinary player. Within
the coffin lid on the history of these sophisticated socialites. months, Luthor was made captain
and, over the next decade, the
re-vamped Drakfang Thirsters went

Ike in many corners of the Rather than fielding 11 blood-hungry from strength-to-strength.
world, Blood Bowl fever quickly Vampires, she instead suggested
took hold in Sylvania when that a number of Thralls accompany With Luthor's popularity, soon
the courts of numerous Vampire a smaller squad of the supernatural even Lady Valerie's deep pockets
dynasties began to take note of this players onto the field instead; that were too shallow to keep him from
exceptionally violent sport. Lady way, there would always be a source seeking fame elsewhere. Few of the
Valeria of House Pavalenca, a fiercely of blood close at hand. This turned Thirsters took his departure well,
intelligent businesswoman, was out to be a roaring success; despite falling into a rut that showed no
among the first Vampires to see the exchanging the gifted Vampires signs of coming to a halt. The lowest
potential influence, wealth, and for physically inferior Thralls, the point came in the 2477 Chaos Cup,
buckets of blood this new phenomena Vampires could spend more time on where they were battered 3-0 by
could generate. With haste, she set the field thanks to the close proximity the Pieboys. The embarrassment
about establishing a team and thus, of their walking buffets. This change prompted Valeria to introduce her
the Drakfang Thirsters were born. established the blueprint for the 'B-positive' self-help program, which
modern Vampire team we see today. included spending an hour a night
As with many fledgling Blood walking in the moonlight, team
Bowl teams, the newly formed Having established themselves building activities and a new line-up
Thirsters found success difficult to as THE Vampire team, the Thirsters of Thralls with a B+ blood type.
come by; many Vampires would grew complacent. Rather than
regularly lose control and rush off the training hard to improve their skills, Since then, the Thirsters have
field in order to satisfy their cravings, they instead partied hard late into battled it out at the top of many
leaving those who remained on the the day. Lady Valeria knew a change leagues. Following their return to the
field outnumbered and overwhelmed. was needed if the team was to summit of the sport, and a one-year
Desperate to find a solution, Lady succeed and, after weeks scouting renaissance with Count Luthor, the
Valeria tried everything to keep her for new blood, she found a talented Thirsters took the Blood Bowl by
players on the field, but nothing rookie oozing with charisma, storm, winning the prestigious event
seemed to do the trick — that was natural skill and raw star power; and cementing their place as one of
until she tried something radical. his name? Luthor von Drakenborg. the very best teams in Sylvania!

kolti0,01 ri.,1 „.•, 4t* r4


TEAM COLOURS: Midnight Blue and Crimson.

OWNER:The Pavalenca Estate.
HEAD COACH: Valeria Pavalenca.
PLAYERS: Thrall Linemen, Vampire Runners, Vampire Blazers,
Vampire Throwers, Vargheist.
TEAM HONOURS! Sylvanian Nighttime League runners-up 2461, 2469, 2470, 2490, Sylvanian Nighttime League
winners 2460, 2471, 2491; Undead Open Cup winners 2480, 2492, Crimson Chalice Challenge Winners 2459,
2460, 2469, 2470, 2471, 2492, Bite Magazine's Most Biteable Thralls 2496; Blood Bowl Winners 2503
HALL OFFAME: Count Luthor von Drakenborg, Matthias von Mann, Kristina Petrovna.

DIutdrionrgf aAcprleyt-seesastohne fTriheinrsdtleyrsagdaeibnustetdhe

A PI Matthias von Mann found out the
their new, mixed, line-up of Vampires and Thralls. Unsure
477 hard way that not every fight can be
won by biting an opponent. During the opening game
of why there were half as many Vampires as usual, the of the Chaos Cup against the Pieboys, Matthias began
Acolytes prepared themselves for what they thought to puncture through their defence like a canine through
would be an easy game. However, what they didn't a carotid artery, until he came across one of the Pieboys'
account for was actually having to deal with the Vampires Treemen. The Vampire hurled himself at his opponent,
for the whole match, as not one of them left the field to fangs bared, savagely biting into what would be the
feed! Instead, the Vampires simply stopped for a quick Treernan's exposed neck. However, the iron-like bark
snack from a nearby Thrall, before rapidly charging exterior proved to be far too hard for Matthias' fangs;
back into the action. By half-time the Thirsters had run shattering them on contact With their star blazer out of
in three touchdowns, and sent half of the Acolytes to action, the Vampires were clobbered by a pair of Treemen
the apothecary. The Acolytes' manager was overheard and suffered their first defeat at the hands of a Halfling
having a heated conversation with Lady Valeria about squad, exiting the Chaos Cup with a whimper. This
the definition of a 'friendly game', before forfeiting and momentous embarrassment triggered Lady Valeria to step
storming off with his team limping quickly behind him! in to help the team overcome the slump they had been
suffering from since Luthor left the line-up and introduce
,, Following an unprecedented run of the 'B-positive' self-worth program for her players.
24if I success, the Thirsters continued their
record-breaking streak of cup wins as they stood poised 25 With Count Luthor having returned
to conquer the Crimson Chalice. In what promised to be to the team with renewed vigour and
an enthralling final, the Thirsters found themselves across a hunger for success, the Drakfang Thirsters make it all
the gridiron from the undead powerhouse, the Tombstone the way to the final of the Blood Bowl where they play
Terrors. Though prepared for the challenge of a difficult the Altdorf All-Stars led by GO Oberwald. The match
game, the Thirsters weren't quite anticipating a referee quickly transitions into a game of one-upmanship as
who wasn't as impartial as they should have been. Luthor and Griff try to outdo each other with increasingly
Following three questionable calls from the match official, outrageously flashy plays — much to the delight of the
Count Luthor took the referee to one side for a quick chat, crowd. However, as Griff tries a double backflip over the
who spent a good minute staring into the Count's eyes. count, he receives a vicious headbutt to the sensitive area
After a hard-fought match, and the ref turning a blind eye from Luthor that takes him out of the game, allowing
to some 'innovative' play, the Thirsters emerged victorious Luthor to saunter in a touchdown either side of half-time
and took home the trophy for the third consecutive year! to secure a famous victory for the Vampires!
2502-2503 SQUAD
Count Luthor Star Player 2+ 3+ 10+ Block, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner (4+),
von Drakenborg Regeneration, Sidestep,
Star of the Show*
Matthias von Mario Vampire Blitzer 2+ 5+ 9+ Block, Bloodlust (3+), Guard.
Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Regeneration
Artur Appenzeller Vampire Blitzer 6 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), Frenzy.
Hypnotic Gaze, Juggernaut,
Mighty Blow (+1), Regeneration
Lord Serban Pavalenca Vampire Thrower Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Leader, Regeneration
Raul Cosmesca Vampire Thrower 2+ 2+ 9+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Pass, Regeneration,
Running Pass
Natasha Ilyich Vampire Runner 2+ 4+ 9+ Bloodlust ), Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Regeneration
Kristina Petrovna Vampire Runner 2+ 4+ 8+ Bloodlust (2+), Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze,
Juggernaut, Regeneration, Sidestep
'Duke' Vladimir von Lorch Vargheist 10+ Bloodlust (3+), Claws, Frenzy,
Loner (4+), Regeneration
Matthew 'Matty' Thrall Lineman 3+ 4+ 8+ Dirty Player (+1)
Horace Hahn Thrall Lineman 3+ 4+ 8+ Kick
Piotr Steel Thrall Lineman 3+ 4+ 8+ None
Henry Bourque Thrall Lineman 3+ 4+ 8+ None
Floris Leferts Thrall Lineman 31 4+ 8+ Fend
Niek Timpert Thrall Lineman 3+ 4+ 8± None

STAR OF THE SHOW': Once per game, when Count 3 Re-rolls

Luthor scores a touchdown, his controlling coach may 5 Cheerleaders
gain one team re-roll. If this re-roll has not been used by 2 Assistant Coaches
the end of the next drive, it is lost. 6 Dedicated Fans
Total Cost of Team:
EXERCISED RESTRAINT: It's amazing to see a group of 1,890,000 gold pieces
Vampires show so much control over their bloodlust, but
even those of strong will can only resist the crimson call
for so long!

Once per half, at the start of any of the Drakfang

Thirsters' team turns, their coach may use this ability.
Until the end of the current team turn, all Vampire
Runners, Vampire Blitzers, Vampire Throwers and
Vargheists may ignore the Bloodlust (X+) trait.
you think of Vampiric
legends of the game,
one name immediately
springs to mind. No, not Jim Johnson
(though he is undoubtedly a legend
off the pitch! — Ed), we are, of course,
talking about the vivacious Vampire
that is Count Luthor von Drakenborg.
Suave, sophisticated and with an
unmistakably ostentatious sense
of style, Count Luthor has been
gracing Blood Bowl pitches around
the known world for many decades,
bringing his own unique take on the
game, along with his swarms of fans,
with him to each match.
ny fan of the count will, of course, know of his There is very little that the count hasn't accomplished in
early years playing for the Drakfang Thirsters. his storied career, and his eccentric nature has made him
Bursting onto the scene as a fresh-fanged recruit, incredibly popular with fans and pundits alike.
Count Luthor took to the game like a ghoul to rotting
flesh. Within a mere few months, Drakenborg had gone Drakenborg is also well-known for throwing
from rookie to team captain, and to this day still holds flamboyant and extravagant parties, which are the most
multiple records for the Drakfang Thirsters, including exclusive in all of Sylvania. Anyone who is anyone will
most touchdowns in a season, most Thralls bitten in be hoping for an invite to Drakenborg Mansion (our own
a single game (apparently they were just lining up! Tatzina Barbarity once got one! — Ed), and being seen at
Ed), and most referees 'converted'. such an event will instantly improve a person's standing
and can catapult them straight to stardom! Of course,
Many Vampires struggle to keep their primal urges none of Count Luthor's parties are complete without his
at bay, and will often succumb to their lust for blood most famous friends The likes of legends of the game
after a number of years playing Nuffle's great game and such as Bob Mord and Lord Borak, and celebrities such
become a wild and bestial version of their former self. Yet, as Countess Kar Drakscion, famed musician Grave-zy,
Count Luthor has managed to have a far more prolonged and Orcish actor Da'Rok are a common sight at such
career than any other Vampire that has taken to the gatherings, and no Drakenborg party is complete without
gridiron, keeping his composure at all times even in the one of the count's famous duets with Vamp-rock star
bloodiest of games. Quite how the count has managed Johann von Yovi, singing such hits as 'Wanted Dead or
this isn't entirely known, though he has often been spied Un-alive', 'Livin' on a Scare', 'It's My Bite' and the classic
with an exquisite personal hipflask at his side during 'You Give Blood a Bad Name'.
games, and there is much speculation that he is always
allowed the pick of the fans whenever he demands in Though some think Drakenborg may be entering
order to sate any claret-cravings he may be having! the twilight years of his career, he is still showing
there is more than just sparkle about his game. All his
Of course, while Count Luthor's early years in the extravagant parties haven't impacted his ability on the
sport are very much the stuff of legend, it is the more pitch, far from it, Count Luthor still runs rings around
recent years of his career that are most often talked almost any opponent proving that, much like a fine wine,
about. Simply put, Drakenborg is an icon of the game. he only seems to get better with age!

C VON 7-4

/53 (we think! — Ed.) .HEIGHT
in 6' 2"
184 lbs
Drakfang Thirsters
Wherever he pleases
SKILLS E TRAITS (4+), 102 Touchdowns, 64
Block, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner Fatalities,
Injuries, countless Thralls bitten, 178 Serious
Regeneration, Sidestep 1 hit single.
PLAYS FOR Bloodweiser Best Newcomers Medal
'Sylvanian Spotlight' of the Year 2465-71, 2462; Vamp
Leo Swerves Fine Dining 2473-77, 2484, 2491-95;
SPECIAL RULES Death Award 2473; Finest Form2468-72; Sudden
per game, 2482, 2484;
Star of the Show - Once scores a touchdown,
Spike! Magazine Best
Acceptance Speech
when Count Luthor Award 2493; Blood Bowl
coach may gain one team Winners
his controlling not been used by Medal 2503; Blood Bowl Players
re-roll. If this re-roll has Medal 2503.
drive, it is lost.
the end of the next

‘*/*_,•)4 r-44,0t4v4 'tv-,witott4r44_woi
2462 A young Luthor von Drakenborg (he
wasn't officially a Count until 2465
24 After winning the coveted Vamp of
the Year award for an unprecedented
you see — Ed) makes his debut for the struggling Drakfang 15th time, Count Luthor takes to the stage to accept the
Thirsters. Drakenborg immediately makes an impact, award still under the impression that the previous night's
scoring two touchdowns and injuring the opposition's festivities are ongoing. After a half-hour long talk about
key runner though it isn't enough to stop the Thirsters his fashion interests, inspirations (himself of course —
from falling to defeat — due entirely to the team's other Ed) and favourite career highlights, Drakenborg asks his
Vampires being too arrogant and lazy to stop feeding on rockstar friends, Death Leopard, up on stage where they
the fans and actually play the game. A few weeks (and give the audience an impromptu, yet most welcome,
a few more defeats — Ed) later, some of the Thirsters' performance of all their best hits. The resulting concert
Vampires are tragically killed; their half-time blood earns Drakenborg the Spike! Magazine Best Acceptance
having been spiked with garlic. Fortunately, Luthor Speech Award, though to this day he still claims he
hadn't partaken in the mid-game frivolities, having only cannot remember any of .that night!
drunk from his own supply, and is promoted to captain
soon after. AI Though Count Luthor has taken to the
gridiron for the likes of the Champions
After a decade playing for the Drakfang of Death, Werewolfenheim Wanderers, and the Grim
2472 Thirsters, and having set multiple team
records that still stand to this day, Count Luthor has
Bay Hackers over the years, it has been mainly so he
can show off and keep his popularity high. However,
become a household name in the world of Blood Bowl. a recent Cabalvision special on the top 25 Blood Bowl
This sharp rise in popularity means that the Thirsters players in history omits Drakenborg, claiming that as he
are no longer able to meet Drakenborg's high contract had never won any major trophies in his career, he can't
demands, and are forced to let him leave the team to be considered as one of the greats. Such a claim only
pursue glory elsewhere. After a one-year sabbatical where angers Count Luthor and, after a quick bite of lunch at
he travels around the Old World giving punditry, attending the producer's house, Drakenborg re-focusses his efforts
fashion shows, and beginning the more lavish lifestyle we on hitting the pitch once more; this time putting all his
know today, Count Luthor returns to the gridiron to play energy into finally winning one of the big trophies in
for whoever can provide him with the most publicity. Blood Bowl, something that wouldn't take too long. ..

"All the Vamps want to be him,

and all the Thralls want to be
bitten by him!"
Jim Johnson waxing lyrical about
Count Luthor von Drakenborg
indy Piewhistle is our Halfling on the spot
when it comes to digging up the dishy dirt and
salacious scandals that our readers have come
*know and love. This issue, Mindy travels to Sylvania
is investigate the perplexing mystery of the sudden
disappearance of the Waldenhof Varghulfs.

5FIKE: Hello Mindy! Glad to see you MINDY: I noticed two figures SPIKE: Scandal! Did you manage to
- tack safe and sound from your trip keeping themselves even more to the find out who this Vampire was that
Sylvania; we know that things can shadows than normal, and speaking was pulling the strings?
_— a bit dicey out there for the living! in hushed tones. So, I made my way
over to the nearby buffet table and MI NDY: Of course; I'm not Spike!
iit/NDK Well, it is nice to be back ensconced myself in a place where Magazine's premier reporter for
Id a place not covered in dust I could hear what they were saying. nothing! It turned out to be Ludwig's
ard cobwebs, but I must say that own brother, Korlov! It transpired that
mpires do make for excellent SPIKE; This is all mightily intriguing the two brothers had made a rather
hosts_ I was made to feel very Mindy. So, what did you hear? sizeable wager about who would win
welcome indeed! the Cairn Crypt Classic, with Ludwig
MINDY: Well, it turns out that one of backing the Varghulfs and Korlov
MNIITI: Well, that is good to the figures was Arias Brorgen, head backing the Earls. With the Varghulfs
bear_ So, Mindy, what dirt did you coach of the Averland Earls — the in fine form, Korlov had decided to
manage to dig up during your stay team the Varghulfs were set to play take matters into his own hands to
- Sylvania? in that fateful semi-final — and he ensure he won the bet.
was making every effort to not be
MINDY: Oh, have I got a story recognised. He was demanding to SPIKE: What did you do with this
fir you! I'm right in thinking be paid by who he was talking to for new found information?
_ "ohm heard of the Waldenhof ensuring the demise of the Varghulfs!
libiripulfs, correct? MilVDY: Well, Ludwig had been
SPIKE!: Corruption? Amongst the such a generous host that I thought
SPIt' - Of course' Their Imperial Nobility? Surely not! it was only fair to inform him of
mppearance before the semi-final my discovery. He was quite calm
tithe Cairn Crypt Classic is one MillftiY": It would seem so. Brorgen about it actually, and said he would
— dthe most well-known unsolved claimed to have been hired by his find a suitable way of repaying
mysteries in recent months. vampinc companion to deliver a those involved.
hamper to the Varghulfs as a gesture
INDK Exactly. Well, during my of good luck before the game, SPIKE: Do we dare ask what he
IIII :_gay with Ludwig von Grakovich he containing all of a Vampire's favourite meant by that...
threw one of his exquisite balls, and foods: necktannes, blood oranges,
so, naturally, I attended to see what coffin cake, blood-clotted cream — MINDY; Well, I'm given to understand
gpssip I could overhear. You know you know the stuff. Anyway, Brorgen that Korlov hasn't been seen since
vittat Vampires are like, they Just love then went on to say he had spiked the party, and that Brorgen has been
talk! the tasty fare with finely-ground informed that he will personally be
garlic as ordered to ensure the 'providing' the half-time snacks for the
• You never were one to turn demise of the Varghulfs, and wanted von Grakovich family when they next
cskrAR plArEN sponmar
,THE, scot/ F ART05A'
ailing the high seas can be a daunting
experience for any Blood Bowl team,
especially for one that is embarking on
its maiden voyage to participate in a foreign
tournament. This is particularly true in the
waters surrounding the principality of Sartosa,
where ships have been known to be set upon
by strange creatures, disappear into the ocean,
or even be boarded by a rival team looking to
'recruit' additional players. Although this is
usually done by wannabe pirates looking to
make a quick bit of gold, there is one name that
in recent years has become notorious for their
ruthlessness — 'Captain' Karina von Riesz.


5 10"
141 lbs TEA14.----
Sartosan Shipwrecks
Bloodlust (2+), Dodge, Hypnotic 26 Touchdowns, 39
Jump Up, Loner (4+),
Regeneration 47 ships sunk, 351 oppos n players converted,
bottles of rum
PLAYS FOR Bloodweiser Best Newcomers
'Sylvanian Spotlight' Vamp of the Year Medal 2497;
2499; Leo Swerves Fine Artful Assailment Award
SPECIAL RULES Dining Award 2500.
Tasty Morsel - Once per game,
Karina fails a Bloodlust roll, she with
choose to bite an opposition player Thrall
were a
a ST of 3 or lower as if they not bite
Lineman team-mate. Karina may
Players with this special rule.
230.000 Star
hough still young by Vampire standards, Karina Having toned down her rampages on the high seas

T has gained a fearsome reputation in a remarkably
short space of time. Originally using her ship,
the Shadowed Opal, to hunt down merchants that
(though not too much of course! — Ed), Karm a has
instead turned her attention to using Blood Bowl as
a new way to earn plenty of coin and boost her already
sailed the Great Ocean near Sartosa, Karina's life as formidable reputation. Tales of Karina's exploits both
a pirate changed when her crew boarded the ship of the on and off the pitch are often spoken about in awe in
Elfenstorm Eels during their last-minute on-deck practice taverns and alehouses across Sartosa, even if they are
session. Instead of simply pillaging and sinking the ship, often somewhat exaggerated — though every good story
Karina decided to watch the curious game and soon deserves some embellishment from time to time! The
become as hooked as a trout on a fishing line. Inspired time she sacked the Reikland Reavers' thrower without
by Nuffle's great game, and with a selection of freshly ever throwing a punch, or when she inexplicably used sea
recruited followers from the Eels' ranks, the Sartosan turtles as a means of scoring a winning touchdown have
Shipwrecks were born with Karina as team captain. become two of the most popular stories.

The Shipwrecks' first season was a tumultuous one, With the wind in her sails, and the promise of gold,
with many teams declining to play the band of seafaring plunder and rum ever on the horizon, 'Captain' Karina
ruffians. Frustrated, Karina decided that if teams would von Riesz is only getting started in her career on the
not come to them, they would find their own opponents gridiron and is showing no signs of slowing down. In the
to play, and began boarding any ships that strayed too few years in which she has been playing the great sport,
close to Sartosa with an offer — win and any players that Kanna's unique style of play and short temper have
showed talent could join her team; lose and be sent down seen her stock rise within the world of Blood Bowl, with
with their ship to the depths. This novel approach soon many pundits saying she is one to watch over the coming
caught the attention of a number of leagues, and it wasn't seasons — especially for fans of excessive amounts of
long before the Shipwrecks began to be offered places in arterial spray. Just make sure you remember to always
a number of leagues and tournaments — on the promise address her as `Captain' unless you want to find yourself
that they stopped plundering every ship they saw! swimming with the fishes!

Karina leads the Sartosan Shipwrecks
2497 as they officially debut after a couple of
years of simply boarding ships to find games. Their first
25CI0 Following an exceptionally violent
game against the Gouged Eye, Karina
realises that the Shipwrecks are running very low on
game against the Karond Kar Cleavers is broadcast live Thralls for their next game. Luckily, the next fixture is
as Cabalvision executives want to cash in on the intrigue against the unsuspecting Blitzburg Stealers who have
of this motley crew, and viewers are not disappointed! some particularly healthy looking Linemen that seem
Karina announces her arrival on the Blood Bowl scene 'ripe for recruitment'. During the half-time break, with
by swiftly dispatching multiple players, officials, and the Shipwrecks 2-0 down, Karina goes to the Stealers'
particularly tasty looking fans. The Shipwrecks lose, but dressing room to congratulate their players on a good
in the eyes of the fans they were the real winners! half, only for multiple of the Stealers' players to go
missing before suddenly reappearing for the second half
During a pre-game interview for the looking dishevelled and wearing Shipwrecks' colours!
Imperial Cup semi-final between the
Sartosan Shipwrecks and the Ostermark Nobles, the Having been owner and
head coach of the Nobles refuses to call Karina 'Captain'
claiming her vessel is more of a dinghy than a ship. This
PRESENT captain of the Sartosan
Shipwrecks for a number of years, Karina sells the
taunt certainly did its job of angering the star Vampire team for a huge sum of gold to a collective of Sylvanian
as mid-way through the second half, Karina ignores the investors who plan on using their influence to take
ball and goes straight for the throat of the Nobles' head the team to new heights. Karina also signs a lucrative
coach, showering the nearby fans in arterial spray. The contract making her captain of the team for life, while also
Shipwrecks may have lost the match, but Karina made allowing her to play games for any other Sylvanian team
sure nobody would refuse to call her 'Captain' again! that can afford her — so long as there is rum of course!

pending their nights indulging in the
honourable sport of Blood Bowl has
become a common pastime for many
of the aristocratic Vampire families across
Sylvania. Rather than engaging in high society
cloak and dagger gossip, a large number of
the nocturnal nobles now resolve their petty
(and some more serious — Ed) grievances on
the gridiron instead; either stepping onto
the field themselves alongside a team they
own or manage, or inviting teams to play on
their behalf.

ur mission here at Spike! Journal is to cover all

of the most brutal, fast-paced Blood Bowl action
we can get our hands on. So, we dispatched
some of our most sophisticated and well-spoken
journalists (you have those.? - Ed) to the darkest corners
of Sylvania, to poke around in the spooky castles and
malign mansions of these terrifying teams, in the hopes
of finding out what lurks on the shadowy edges of their
supernatural stadiums.

It would be easy to get distracted by the splendour

and spectacle put on display by the wealthy Vampires
who host these lavish events. But, behind these grand
gestures of hospitality, there are a surprising number of
complexities that visiting teams must be aware of if they
are to make the most of their time among such privileged
company. Eccentric highrollers often make fanciful wagers
with one another, rewarding players who swing the bet
their way. The creepy castles contain countless priceless
heirlooms to avoid during kick-off, and hungry spectators
have been known to take to the field to quench their thirst
for blood — all of which make for a thrilling and unique
Blood Bowl experience!


THE CRIMSON CHALICE 1 That one exhausts me, Will someone rid me
of this troublesome player?: Select a player
CHALLENGE on the opposing team who is eligible to play in

his is a variation on a standard Blood Bowl the game. Your noble wins their wager if, at the
league season, as described in the Blood end of the game, the selected player is in either
Bow/ rulebook. How the league itself is the Knocked-out box or the Casualty box.
organised, number of teams, how many divisions It would be nice to see just a little
there are, how many rounds are played, and so gratuitous violence today...: Your noble wins
forth, should all be decided upon by the league their wager if, at the end of the game, your team
commissioner based upon how many coaches has caused three or more Casualties.
wish to take part, and what is best for everyone 3 Rumour has it they have been working
participating. The Crimson Chalice Challenge on their passing game: Your noble wins
differs from a normal season, however, in a couple their wager if, at the end of the game, your
of key aspects. team has completed three or more successful
Pass actions.
OPEN TO ALL Did!not tell you? From end-to-end!:
The Crimson Chalice Challenge is open to all corners. Your noble wins their wager if a player on
Coaches participating may use any team they wish and, your team scores a touchdown after gaining
thanks to the philanthropic nature of the Vampires who possession of the ball in your own half, and not
organise the league, will have a budget of 1,100,000 losing possession of the ball at any point in the
gold pieces to spend to recruit their team for the drive on the way to scoring the touchdown
season ahead. I told you, that one is going to be a star!:
Select a player on your team. Your noble wins
A CASH INCENTIVE their wager if, at the end of the game, the
The noble Vampire dynasties behind the Crimson selected player has scored a touchdown and
Chalice Challenge delight in the theatre and pageantry either KO'd or caused a Casualty against an
that goes into Blood Bowl. This often results in them opposing player as a result of a Block action.
making enormous side bets with one another about The art offouling seems as if it's lost on the
exactly what will happen within a game; how many modern Blood Bowl player: Your noble wins
touchdowns will be scored, which team will inflict the their wager if, at the end of the game, your team
most casualties or who will draw the referee's ire first has committed three or more Foul actions.
are all common debates. These outlandish wagers will 7 Three already!! doubt they will stop at that!:
usually be made after the Vampire has spoken loudly of Your noble wins their wager if, at the end
their upcoming bet outside of their team's locker room. of the game, your team has scored three or
Of course, should a player's actions lead to the bet going more touchdowns.
the way of the affluent gambler, it is not uncommon 8 That lousy lot won't even score one!:
for a large bag of gold to 'mysteriously' appear in the Your noble wins their wager if, at the end of the
overachieving player's locker after the game game, you have not conceded a touchdown.

The following table is used to represent the different During the post game sequence, if your noble wins
tasks and challenges the Vampire nobles could place their their wager, your team will earn an additional 25,000
bets on. For each game played as part of the Crimson gold pieces.
Chalice Challenge, roll a D8 at the beginning of Step 1 of
the Pre-game Sequence and consult the Wager table.

-94)-41v**i JJ


II Inducements should be allowed in the Crimson Teams that manage to secure victory in
Chalice Challenge. Additionally, if the League the Crimson Chalice Challenge receive
Commissioner wishes, the following new handsome rewards from the Vampire nobles
Inducement may be added. who sponsor the event. The top placed teams of the
Crimson Chalice Challenge are rewarded as follows:
(150,000 GOLD PIECES) GLITTERING PRIZES: As usual, the teams that finish
AVAILABLE TO ANY TEAM 1st, 2nd and 3rd receive gold pieces as described in the
A form of magic long forgotten by most practitioners Blood Bowl rulebook, as well as an additional 20,000
of the arcane arts, haemomancy is the practice of gold pieces.
blood magic. This ancient witchcraft has seen a recent
resurgence, especially in the world of Blood Bowl, as THE CRIMSON CHALICE: In addition to their cash prize,
teams hire powerful haemomancers to control and the winner will receive the Crimson Chalice. This rather
hinder opposing players with this dark power. morbid looking vessel is said to give those brave enough
to drink from it a taste of vampirism and its savage
Once per game, a Wandering Haemomancer can cast one power. The team that holds the Crimson Chalice gains
of the two spells listed below at the end of either player's the following ability:
team turn, before the next one begins:
At the start of each game, randomly select a player on
BLOOD PUPPET: As if tugging the strings of your team that is eligible to play in the game The chosen
a marionette, the Haemomancer can command a player player gains the Frenzy and Juggernaut skills until the
to stagger against their will into the danger zone or away end of the game.
from their defensive position.

Target any opposition player that is not holding the ball

and roll a 06;

* On a roll of 2+, you may immediately move the

chosen player up to 3 squares, ignoring Tackle Zones.
* On a 1, the player manages to shrug off the magic
and the spell has no effect.

BLOOD CURSE: With a swift hand motion and

a muttered curse, the Haemomancer begins to warp
and transform the blood of their victim, causing massive
internal injuries.

Target any opposition player that is not holding the ball

and roll a 06:

On a roll of 3+, you may immediately make an Injury

roll against the selected player, treating any Casualty
result as Badly Hurt.
On a 1 or 2, the player has a momentary dizzy
spell as the blood rushes to their head, but is
otherwise unaffected.

tee t- 4"'t 4e, to 40(4)\,Not

44 • r-,..i8L,) 4o4 ri.." •
2 Voracious Fans: I pity anyone who ends up in the crowd tonight — those fans are looking more than a little
peckish! Whenever a player is pushed into, or lands in, the crowd, apply a +1 modifier to the Injury roll.
3 Blood-slicked Floor: Well, it looks as if one of the servants has spilled a tray of drinks onto the field.
/ hope they get a wet floor sign out before anyone slips! Players attempting to Rush suffer a -1 penalty to
the roll.
4-10 A Perfect Host: The game's benevolent benefactor has made sure that both fans and players have everything
they need for the game ahead, making for perfect conditions for Blood Bowl!
11 Howling sole: A powerful gust of wind has blown open the windows and exterior doors, making passing
near-impossible until they can be closed again. Until the end of the current drive, only Quick passes and
Short passes may be attempted. Additionally, at the beginning of the next drive, before step 2 of the Start of
Drive Sequence, roll again on the Creepy Castle Weather table as the windows and doors have been secured
against the wind. .. for now.
12 Deafening Downpour: The sound of the rain hammering on the windows has drowned out all but the
loudest of the coach's instructions. Whenever a player wishes to use a team re-roll, they must first roll a D6.
On a 2+, the coach's manic yelling can be made out and the re-roll may be used as normal. On a 1, the
thunderous sound of the rain makes it impossible to communicate and the re-roll may not be used, but is
not lost.


Feeding Frenzy: Well, it looks like some of the visiting Vampires are not willing to wait for their half-time
refreshments and have hit the field in search of sustenance! Both Coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan
Factor. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch.
In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player. Immediately make an Injury roll against each
selected player, treating any Casualty result as Badly Hurt.
„ As if on purpose, the kicker has sent the ball screaming into the crystal chandelier
which has crashed down onto the field be/ow! Roil a D6 for each player on the Line of Scrimmage, but not in
either Wide Zone. On a 3+, they avoid the falling debris and nothing happens. On a 1 or 2, they are placed
Prone and are Stunned as they are struck by the tumbling chandelier.
Hypnotic Handicop: With so many Vampires watching the players closely, its no surprise one or two of
them are slow off the mark! Each coach randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch.
The selected players cannot be activated in their next team turn and will lose their Tackle Zone until they are
next activated.
5 Solid Defence; Apply the Solid Defence result as normal.
6 Cheering Fans: Apply the Cheering Fans result as normal.
7 Brilliant Coaching: Apply the Brilliant Coaching result as normal.
8 Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Creepy Castle Weather table and apply that result. If the result
is 'A Perfect Host as a result of the roll, the ball will scatter before landing.
9 Quick Snap: Apply the Quick Snap result as normal.
10 "Klaus is helping": It carries bags, fetches lab equipment and patches up players, is there anything Klaus
can't do? Each Coach may immediately place one of their KO'd or Badly Hurt players into their Reserves box.
11 Wooden Stakes: Despite repeated warnings, and the strict `no stakes' policy, it looks as if some players
have still managed to sneak a few onto the field! Both Coaches select one player on their team from
among those on the pitch. The selected players gain the Stab Trait until the end of the drive, after which the
weapons are confiscated and both players receive an earful from the host!
12 Ambitious Thralls; On occasion, Thralls who are looking to escape the clutches of their Vampire masters
will take to the field to showcase their talents, in the hopes that a visiting team will offer to sign them.
Both Coaches immediately gain a Thrall Lineman for the duration of the drive. This can mean that teams
have more than 11 players on the pitch for this drive. These Thralls can be placed anywhere in their team's
half, but not in either of the Wide Zones. At the end of the drive, remove the Thrall Linemen from play as the
referee ejects them from the game.

he Vampire Castle Pitch has two sides — one depicting a lavish
CASTLE BLOOD ballroom with a large, extravagant carpet running down the centre.
The other side shows the same room after some disturbance has
he castle ballrooms
caused a large chandelier to fall from the ceiling and ignite the finely-woven
carpet! If both coaches agree, the following rules can be used to represent the

T and grand halls used

as Blood Bowl pitches
by the Vampire dynasties
unusual conditions:

A SOFT LANDING: At the start of the game, the hard stone floor of the castle
are far removed from the has a large, soft carpet running down the centre of the room. Unsurprisingly,
traditional stadia that feature landing on a plush carpet is far nicer than being smashed, face-first, into the
across the known world. The cold stone! Running down the middle of the field between the two End Zones
hard stone floors can make there is a 5 square wide, 18 square long carpet: any square in this area is
for a rough landing but, considered a carpeted square. Whenever a player is Knocked Down in a
occasionally, a soft, luxurious carpeted square, apply a -1 modifier to the Armour roll. Whenever a player is
carpet will break the fall of Knocked Down in any other square, apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll.
those on the receiving end
of a bone-snapping tackle. Additionally, at the end of the first half, if one or more Touchdowns have
Although these games are been scored, flip the board over to the Raging Inferno side as the overzealous
held inside, there are still celebrations of the fans has caused the chandelier to fall from the ceiling!
plenty of chances for games
to be disrupted! RAGING INFERNO: Any player who begins their activation in a carpeted
square must immediately make an Agility test after declaring what action
they will perform. If the Agility test is failed, make an Armour roll against
the player as they fail to avoid the flames. If the Armour of the player is
broken, they are Placed Prone and an Injury roll is made against them. This
will not cause a Turnover unless the player who was Placed Prone was also
carrying the ball. If the player's Armour is not broken, they may continue their
activation as normal.


The rafters of many Sylvanian castles are
home to colonies of Vampire Bats - which
have been known to quickly descend and
feed on any visiting teams that foolishly
disturb them with an overly high kick!
Since the untimely demise of every
Vampire on the Greycloak Gargoyles'
first team due to a mysterious batch
of garlic-laced eclairs, many teams
Coffin Corner we remember those players will employ a disgraced member of a
that are no longer with us — because they were Vampiric dynasty to sample any tasty
_ trampled into the pitch, torn apart, or possibly tidbits given to the team to ensure
even set on fire! any nefarious attempts to poison the
team are foiled!
We remember Theobold Hedgehopper, HaMing Hopeful
Lineman for the Lightfoots. The Halfling squad was
reminded repeatedly by their coach to pack a stake for
their match with the Debonair Nightwings, to protect
themselves from the voracious Vampires. Theobold was
not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so when he heard he
needed to bring a 'stake', he headed off to the butcher's
shop instead. Theobold would fatally pay for not knowing
the difference between a slice of prime rib-eye and a
sharp, Vampire-banishing weapon, as he helplessly
flailed at the Nightwings' Vargheist with a slab of beef!

We remember Kaleb Nlathesius, Thrall Lineman for the
Sanguine Seekers. In a game against the Ironforged
Albion, Kaleb had an unfortunate and extremely
one-sided run-in with a Deathroller when he tripped
and fell right into its path. The resulting blood spray
landed mostly in the outstretched hands and open
mouths of the nearby Vampires, who made the most
of the refreshing top-up before swiftly dismantling
the death machine and, shortly after, the rest of the
Dwarf squad!

We remember the 'Graceful 8', a self-named small
group of Drakfang Thirsters fans obsessed with the
passing and running game — or, as they claim, the
elegant side of Blood Bowl. During a match against
the Norsca Rampagers, the 'Graceful 8' were loudly
protesting against the "bashy" play style of the
Rampagers, suggesting they try "proper Blood
Bowl". By this point, the Rampagers' fans were
itching for a scrap, and the ill thought out jeering
was all the encouragement a few of them (110 if
the post-match incident report is to be believed —
Ed) needed to start throwing punches!

Have you witnessed any memorable deaths on the pitch

— because Spike! Journal wants to know! Send your
outrageous obituaries, funny fouls and mirthful murders
to 'Coffin Corner, Spike! Tower, 30 Neustrasse, Altdorf'.

ats and Vampires have been closely associated arglings are strange beings; essentially miniature
with one another for as long as written history Vargheists that prey on small creatures and suck
can remember. Perhaps it's their shared dislike of the blood from unsuspecting passersby who have
sunlight or love of blood, but when Vampires are around, left their ankles exposed. To Vampires, Varglings are
you would be safe to bet on plenty of their small flying nothing more than pests that are a nuisance and get in
friends being close at hand. This is true even during the way of their own feeding. One more interesting way
games of Blood Bowl as, more than once, swarms of some Vampire teams have of dealing with these little
bats have tried to carry away a blood-soaked ball in the terrors is to catch and tie them up and use them as balls
middle of a heated match! during a game a Blood Bowl — though they are prone to
being a bit nibblyl
At the end of each team turn, if the ball is on the
ground it will bounce as the bats attempt to steal it away! Whenever a player in possession of a Restrained Vargling
Ball is activated, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the player
immediately drops the ball as the Vargling bites their
hand — bounce the ball from the player's square. This
does not cause a Turnover and the player may still
continue their activation as normal.

"I ain't picking that up; it'll 'aye me

fingers off!"
Puggy Baconbreath when faced with
prospect ofpicking up a restrained Vargl

te te 40* te, •

ac is our ace Skaven
reporter, digging about in the darkest reaches of the Old
World to bring you the most compelling stories from the
world of Blood Bowl. This issue, Hackspit pulls up a pew with the
eccentric Viktor Vonescu, head coach of the Sanguine Seekers, to
discuss what qualities make for the ideal Thrall.

QUILLCHEWER: Good evening-night VONESCU: You are absolutely right, tuck into as much of the red stuff
Lord Viktor, thank you for taking the fitter the better! Thralls who as you might need without having
the time out of your busy nocturnal regularly exercise tend to have a to worry about a slow pour from the
schedule to indulge this old rat. much richer and full-bodied taste wrist or arm.
as their blood carries more oxygen
VONESCU: Ah, it is no problem at around the body. That reminds me, OttILL.CHEWER: I see. Is a Thrall's
all Mr Quillchewer! It is a delightful did you know that the food and ability to play Nuffle's sacred game
evening for enjoying pleasant drink a Thrall consumes can affect taken into account at all during the
company such as yours; the moon is their flavour? Sanguine Seekers' scouting process?
shining, the werewolves are howling
and the refreshments are at body IMUCHEWER; I didn't, but I think- VONESCLI: Well, I mean, I suppose
temperature. What more could a guess I am going to hear abo... it's helpful if they know what they
Vampire want? are doing on the field, but it's by
VONESCLI: You see, Thralls who no means a priority. Vampires are
QUILLCHEWER: Thank you for the regularly partake in certain food or the ones who will actually make an
kind-nice words, although I don't drink will have underlying notes of impact on the field, being the true
think the refreshments are for me. said fare in their blood. Sometimes stars you see; Thralls are only there
So, for nearly as long as Vampires it can be even more than a subtle to make sure we can be at our best!
have been involved in Blood Bowl, taste; I once sampled a Norscan who
there have been Thralls taking to drank so much Blitzer's Best that I C.WILLCHEWER: Given your
the field at their side, ensuring there think he had more beer than blood responses so far, am I right in
is always a fresh supply of blood flowing through his veins! It was a thinking that Thralls are nothing but
available. Are there any spec.. . little heavy for me personally, I much oversized blood bags to you?
prefer the subtle, fruity bouquet
VONESCU: Well, unless you want to that can be found in Empire and VONE.5.fth Now you're getting it!
witness an unsophisticated rampage, Bretonnian vintages. Come, Mr Quillchewer, you must
a Vampire mustn't go too long partake in a goblet of blood with me
without a taste of liquid crimson! QIJILLCHEWER: That's, err, before you go. I have a wonderful,
Even the most well-to-do Vampire fascinating... But back to the point; Bretonnian 2417 Leclair downstairs
nobles have been forced to unleash what qualities are necessary while on that you can sample. It's best to have
their, less reasonable, side when the gridiron? a taste now — he is fast approaching
feeling a little 'hangry'. his use by date!
VONESCLIf Of course, attributes
QLI1LUWWER: Right... As I on the field, yes. Well-pronounced QUILLCHEWER: Actually, I think I
was saying, are there any specific carotid arteries are paramount as have everything I need. Besides, I'm
qualities that you look-seek for in it gives easy access to the most sure Mr [eclair is sleeping at this
a Thrall? I imagine a high level of amount of blood in one bite. That time of night and it's way past this
fitness and physic way, should hunger strike, you can old rat's bedtime!
Itsr4"1 te L4-• tor tov-.41 4111#
, ....____
IL, •-•rfk.

( 04:
2 1111 PLAYID ----44\:- I ' .

hough they possess all the skills to be exceptional Blood Bowl

lt players, Vampires are constantly battling to keep their bloodlust

,,..—. at bay, which can often strike at the worst possible time. Keeping
the fanged fellows on track (and away from the tasty punters in the
crowd — Ed) can be a challenge for even the most seasoned coaches.
So, we here at Spike! Journal got in touch with renowned Vampire Lord.
Roberre von Balmovich, to impart his dark wisdom on unleashing the
undead on the gridiron!

.,:0 n the surface, Vampires seem to be the perfect Blood Bowl players. Strong
.,, agile and with plenty of wits about them to understand the complexities di
,. '
the game. That said, there is one small issue with Vampires —their coirsta—
craving for claret.

On the pitch, Vampire teams offer a unique experience to any coach.

They possess some of the best players ever to take up Nuffle's great
game, though their Bloodlust can be their undoing, striking at the
worst possible times to throw all of your plans out of the mausoleum.
window. Knowing how to plan for Bloodlust at all times, and berri._
able to mitigate its impact are key to getting the best from the
Vampires. Underestimate Vampires at your own peril, focts- '
mortals, for when they smell blood in the air they are a tr
force of darkness!
0-16 Thrall Lineman 40,000 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ None

The walking food source, Thrall Linemen make up the bulk of your roster. At just 40,000 gold pieces they're cheap for
their Strength 3 and Agility 3+, although with an Armour Value of just 8+ they won't hold up for long when getting
blocked. Though they may seem expendable, Thralls are vital to your strategy; make sure you position them where you
want your Vampires to end up; that way, if a Vampire fails their Bloodlust roll they still have a tasty Thrall to snack on.


0-2 Vampire Runner 100,000 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic AG PS
Gaze, Regeneration

Vampire Runners have an incredible Movement Allowance of 8, making them one of the fastest players in the game.
Combined with their Agility of 2+, this means they're great not just for scoring, but also for getting in and around
whatever formation your opponent uses, taking away opposition Tackle Zones with Hypnotic Gaze, or being ready to
receive the ball. However, they're not as strong as your other Vampires, and with their weaker AV they can be fragile.
Its best to keep them protected until you are ready to make your move.

0-2 Vampire Thrower 110,000 6 4 2+ 2+ 9+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic AGP
Gaze, Pass, Regeneration

Vampire Throwers are the beating heart of any Vampire team (not literally of course — Ed). With Bloodlust (2+)
they're reliable and make for ideal ball carriers. With their ST 4 and AG 2+ they are difficult for the opponent to pin
down and can either run with the ball themselves, or use their PA of 2+ to make a key pass to an open Vampire
Runner. On defence, they're great for making key Hypnotic Gaze rolls to unlock the opposition's formation, letting
the likes of Vampire Blitzers or a Vargheist strike at the ball carrier without having to worry about those pesky
Tackle Zones!

0-2 Vampire Blitzer 110,000 6 4 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), Hypnotic AGS
Gaze, Juggernaut,

Vampire Blazers are strong and agile, however, they also have the Juggernaut skill meaning that when they make
a Blitz action they can Push Back even the most stubborn players. With Bloodlust (3+), Vampire Blitzers are less
reliable than other Vampires if you need them to do something other than a Block Action or Blitz Action. It is often
best to save your Blazers until later on in the turn, before unleashing their ravenous fury upon the opposition!


0-1 Vargheist 150,000 5 5 4+ 10+ Bloodlust (3+), Claws, S AG
Frenzy, Loner (4+),

Vargheists are the strongest player on a Vampire team. With the Claws skill, a Vargheist will never need to roll better
than an 8+ when making an Armour roll making them likely to break lots of armour, and probably take a couple of
players out for good measure. Frenzy gives them another opportunity to Block a player should they fail the first time,
though be careful as this can leave them out of position without a nearby Thrall to snack on!
• tor V‘v Adift ate

ne of the first things to consider with a Vampire

0 team is how many actual Vampires to start with.

Too few and you're unable to take advantage of
your greatest players, but too many will mean that you're
Vampire Throwers
Vampire Runner
increasing your odds of failing a Bloodlust roll and tearing Vampire Blitzer 110,000 7C>
through your Thralls at an alarming rate, leaving yourself Thrall Linemen 320,0004 1
running out of players quickly. Re rolls 240,000
+1 Dedicated Fan 10,000 .
Vampire Throwers are great all-rounders and having Total 1,000,000 gold pieces
two is a great starting point for any team. Vampire
Runners will give your team some much needed speed, This roster gives you a great starting point; with four
but at the cost of Strength and Armour. Conversely, Vampires and four re-rolls you should be able to manage
Vampire Blitzers and Vargheists will provide some your Bloodlust rolls fairly well. Going forward you will --
exceptional hitting power, but at the cost of reliability want to look at adding an Apothecary before adding -
with their Bloodlust (3+) giving a higher chance that they another Vampire Blitzer or Vampire Runner : -
need to tuck into your Thralls. --

Re-rolls are also key in a Vampire team. With no QTY POSITION COST (GP) -
skills like Block or Dodge on your starting roster, and the 2 Vampire Throwers 220,000 _
need to re-roll crucial failed Bloodlust rolls, getting the 9 Vampire Blitzers 220,000
right number of re-rolls can be the difference between 1 Vargheist 150,000
victory and defeat. Too few and your Vampires become 7 Thrall Linemen 280,000
too unreliable, but the more you take, the fewer Vampires 2 Re-rolls 120,000
you're able to hire. +1 Dedicated Fan 10,000
Total 1,000,000 gold pieces
Here are two potential starting rosters you may want _
to consider: This roster goes all in on aggression, starting with four =
Strength 4 players - two Throwers and two Blitzers - anil -
a Vargheist. This gives you a great hitting advantage _-
against most teams; however, with only two re-rolls,
DID YOU KNOW? seven Thralls, and three Vampires with Bloodlust (3+), -
The legendary Jim Johnson has actually there is a danger the team may become a bit too hungry
stepped onto a Blood Bowl pitch to take part if not carefully managed. Replace Thralls when needed
in a game. In 2502, Jim came on as a last before buying more re-rolls and Vampires.
minute substitution for the Drakfang Thirsters
- in a one-game celebrity appearance in which
i he was quickly handed the ball and strolled

I into the End Zone to score - all whilst the rest

of the team ensured their opponents could get
! nowhere near the esteemed broadcaster!

• -
*v4 skt4 r
n terms of league development, an early investment there aren't many Secondary Skills that benefit Vampires

I in an Apothecary is wise as, although your Vampires

have Regeneration, this is not to be relied on! After
this, you will want to look to add more Vampires, extra
more than their Primary ones.

Vargheists can be built into even more effective killers

Thralls and maybe an extra re-roll or two! with Mighty Blow (+1), or into stoic masses of muscle
with Stand Firm. Block as a Secondary Skill is also an
All Vampires benefit greatly from having Dodge and/or excellent choice.
Block Dodge, combined with Agility 2+, means they can
reliably get where they are needed, while Block is good For Thralls, Block or Wrestle are always useful
for keeping your Vampires on their feet. Pro is another Skills, while Skills such as Kick or Dirty Player (+1)
great choice, allowing you to potentially re-roll Bloodlust are also good to complement your Vampires. Secondary
(X+) and Hypnotic Gaze rolls without using a team re- Skills such as Guard and Mighty Blow (+1) are also
roll. In fact, thanks to their great Primary Skill access, great considerations.

Thrall Lineman Block/Wrestle, Kick, Guard, Dodge, No Yes Maybe No No
Daly Player (+1), Tackle Sneaky Git
Vampire Runner Dodge, Block, Pro, Guard Yes Yes
Vampire Thrower Dodge, Block, Pro, Guard Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Sure Hands, Leader
Vampire Blitzer Block, Dodge, Pro, Yes Yes Yes No
Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm
Vargheist Mighty Blow, Guard, Block, Pro, Dodge No Yes No
Stand Firm

This set-up is a general offensive set-
up. It has one Vampire Thrower set
back to pick up the ball, with a Thrall
nearby to both move and cover the
ball, and lend a neck if your Thrower
fails their Bloodlust (2+) roll.

The Vampire Blitzers are

positioned with one to make a Block
action on the Line of Scrimmage,
again with a 'willing' Thrall nearby,
and one set back ready to make a
Blitz action where the opposition line
is weakest.

The Vampire Runner is placed

centrally ready to respond to either
flank, as needed, while the remaining
Thralls are placed to either make
other Block Actions on the Line of
Scrimmage, or free to support your
Vampires where needed.

This is a solid defensive set-up.
Placing three Thralls on the Line of
Scrimmage allows the rest to be set
back and offer some protection for
your Vampires — you want to make
sure your important players are
protected, after all!

The Vampire Throwers are

placed to offer cover for the Wide
Zones, with a Vampire Blitzer and
a Vampire Runner placed centrally
ready to respond to your opposition's
movements. Setting up in this
manner means your Vampires will
be able to get their fangs stuck into
whatever your opponent throws
your way,
ampire players are both the team's greatest

With their unique combination of skills, Vampire
strength, and its biggest weakness. An untimely teams often prefer to play on defence rather than
failed Bloodlust roll can undo even the most offence, and favour scoring quickly so that they aren't
concrete of plans, and leave you wondering how you spending too long munching on their team-mates
snatched defeat from the fangs of victory. Managing while trying to run with the ball.
Bloodlust well is the key to success with a Vampire team,
and here are a few tips to help you make the most of Although Vampire teams don't start out with Skills
when this unfortunate situation inevitably comes up. such as Block and Dodge, once they start developing
Vampire players become real powerhouses, able to
The best thing to do is to always move a Thrall to threaten and pick apart any defence. Your opponent
where you want a Vampire to end up; that way, even if will often face a lot of difficult decisions when
you fail the Bloodlust roll you can still move your Vampire trying to keep their ball carrier safe from these
and perform the action you wanted in the first place supernatural superstars!
as there is a Thrall conveniently placed nearby. This is
especially true when attempting to score; there's nothing Vampires are a unique Blood Bowl team, with
more frustrating than going to run in a touchdown only strengths and weaknesses that are completely
to have your Vampire fail their Bloodlust and not be able different to the other races. They often force even
to score! the most experienced coach to carefully consider
their positioning and activation order; at times this
Another good idea is if you do need to bite a Thrall, can be frustrating - especially when the Vampires all
try to bite one that is already Prone, Stunned, or at least decide it's snack time in the same turn. But, when
already activated if possible; that way you don't end up everything clicks, there are very few teams that can
biting a Thrall that is key to the rest of your turn. Another stand against the full eerie might of a Vampire team! i
key consideration is whether to actually activate a
Vampire at all or, if you do fail a Bloodlust roll, whether to
bite a Thrall or not. Although not biting a Thrall causes a
Turnover and makes the Vampire lose their Tackle Zones,
this can actually be good at times - especially if you're
running low on Thralls on the pitch!
istory once spoke of a warlord by
the name of Ivan Deathshroud,
a barbarian who terrorised the
Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains long
ago when war still tainted the world and
nobody knew of Nuffle's infinite wisdom.
So great was his torment of the Dwarfs,
they often compared him to a vicious rabid
animal, a moniker that Ivan was quick
to embrace.

CPAS"! EXCLII5Lit-4' ,

48 (1,424 give
or take a few
the barrow!) centLiiie in

6' 4"
Block, Disturbing Presence, Juggernaut, --
The He! Fenn
Loner (4+), Regeneration, Strip Ball, Helions
'Sylvanian Spotlight' *CAREER TOTAL
5 fatalities, 78
serious injuries, 25
SPECIAL RULES— 32 rushing sacks,
touchdowns, 1524 Dwarfen Grudges
Dwarfen Scourge - Once per game, held against him.
when an opposition player is Knocked 'AWARDS
Down as a result of a Block action Trollslayer Monthly's
performed by Ivan, you may apply an 2477, 2484, Most Hated 2473,
additional +1 modifier to the Armour roll 2496-2501;
Delightful Decapitation
or Injury roll. If this is against a Dwarfen award 2489.
player from any team, this may instead
be a +2 modifier.
upposedly, this awful tyrant was slain in As Ivan's reputation grew, opposing teams turned
a climactic battle against the Dwarfs and laid to to the history books to find out who this savage
rest by his followers in an extravagant barrow, skeleton was. It was in a game against the Grudge
fitting for someone who spent a lifetime pilfering and Bearers where the Animal' was finally recognised as
plundering his way across the land. In more recent years, the scourge of the Dwarfen holds from all those years
it has become not uncommon for powerful warriors to be ago, much to Ivan's delight! As news of his identity began
brought back to (un)life by necromancers in the form of to circulate through the crowd, the game was forcibly
Wights, where their skills in hand-to-hand combat can abandoned as many of the Grudge Bearers' fans stormed
be put to use playing alongside the Shambling Undead the field. Ivan was delighted at the response from the
teams that populate the Sylvanian Spotlight. furious Dwarfs and eagerly set about meeting their
angry punches and kicks with strikes of his own, before
After many hundreds of years, Ivan found himself eventually being carried, against his will, away from
awoken into unlife (and not for the first time if the the melee!
history books are to be believed! — Ed), this time risen
from the grave by Henry the Liche The necromancer had After years delighting the Helions' fans with feats of
searched for Ivan's most recent 'final' resting place for excessive violence, Ivan went in search of one of his old
many years, hoping to find an aggressive player to join treasure hoards and returned with enough gold to buy out
the ranks of the Hel Fenn Helions, who were in dire need his contract and forge his own destiny. Ivan announced
of some talent in the blitzer department. Initially furious he intended to build a new team to conquer the Worlds
about the lack of war in the world, Ivan was confused as Edge Mountains called the Legion of Doom — the title
to why he had been awoken however, after observing given to his most skilled warriors in a past (un)life!
his first Blood Bowl game, Ivan thought that maybe there
was a place for him in this strange new world after all. The Animal has made many appearances alongside
undead teams over his career, especially if those teams
Ivan's career began in exactly the way you would were due to line up against any Dwarfs! This has allowed
expect — violently! His skill as a warrior was evident as Ivan to keep his skills sharp as he prepares to unleash
he punched, kicked and smashed his way through any his new Legion of Doom on the Worlds Edge Mountains
opposition players standing in his way. once more!


After more than 700 years since his .0 In a clash with the Pickshine Pitmen,
most recent death and burial, Ivan is
awakened to play Blood Bowl alongside the Hel Fenn
24 W°' Deathshroud put on a display of
dazzling beheadsmanship (whatever that is? — Ed) with
- Helions. Initially, the Animal is apocalyptic with rage, what would later become a signature move. As he was
put quickly calms down after spectating a game of Blood rushing towards the end zone with the ball, two Dwarfs
•Bowl. Eager to try the game for himself, Ivan jumps in blocked his path. Ivan passed the ball into the air, freeing
andinflicts a number of injuries and scores in the dying his hands to bring his gauntlets slashing towards the two
seconds. When asked how it felt to play Nuffle's sacred Dwarfs. Without breaking stride, Ivan separated their
game, Ivan simply responded "Who knew a sports game heads from their shoulders, before charging forwards,
• coutcf be just as fun as war? What a rush!". catching his own pass and thundering into the end zone!

Following the revelation regarding Having spent nearly a decade climbing

Ivan's identity, the Animal soon finds
going toe-to-toe with Grim Ironjaw. Their first
2500 to the high passes, scrambling into
valleys and exploring caves in the Worlds Edge Mountains
two encounters saw each of them come out on top once, in search of his fallen comrades, Ivan makes a glorious
leaving their mark upon the other. Though the two have return at the head of a brand new Legion of Doom (is it
-not met on the field since, rumour has it they engaged brand new if it's made up of previous members? — Ed).
in a secret bout on the rocky slopes of the Worlds Edge This freshly awoken team strides onto the field under
Mountains, to settle once and for all which of the two of Ivan's command, with their sights set on conquering the
them was the superior warrior. Worlds Edge Mountains.

V4(*-,ot ,-41-4..)4V4* )tv 4.414

s you would expect, Vampires are exclusively
DUNGEON BOWL UPDATE: drawn to the College of Death; the Magisters
and Necromancers that work there know all

VAMPIRE about their pallid-skinned students' particular 'needs and

dislikes' and are ideally suited to accommodate such
complexities. Many of the College of Death's professors

TEAMS know the heads of Vampire dynasties personally, either

having gone to school with them or their families being
close friends for many centuries, and will often accept
hile Vampires spend the majority of

additional 'donations' to ensure that a dynasty's next heir
their life in the shadowy streets of is provided with the very best accommodation, tutelage,
Sylvania — the darkened and often and an extensive supply of Thralls. This also has the
stormy skies making it the ideal refuge from added benefit that any Thralls that become 'past their
the sun — almost all of them will have attended best' can easily be raised again as Zombies in order to
the Colleges of Magic in their youth. In fact, continue their own studies.
graduating from college is a big deal in vampiric
society, with many of the aristocratic families Vampires are ideally suited to Dungeon Bowl; the
paying huge sums of gold to send their offspring dark, dusty dungeons that are used to play the game
to study within the revered halls and continue are akin to many crypts or wings of the grand Sylvanian
the family's collegiate legacy. Naturally, this castles they call home Playing beneath the ground also
extends to Dungeon Bowl, with many Vampires has the added bonus of allowing Vampires to avoid that
almost immediately signed to one of the various pesky sunlight that only serves to irritate their sensitive
college teams to showcase their supernatural eyes — an excuse that more than one entitled Vampire
skills, or to follow in their parents' footsteps. student has used to try to get out of failing to hand in an
essay following a rowdy night out on the red stuff!

Dungeon Bowl provides many Vampires with the ideal

way to let their hair down when they take a break from
their studies, and for others simply telling them the tales
of their parents' own grand sporting college exploits is
enough to light a fire under them to prove themselves
worthy of the dynasty's name Many College of Death
teams will include a number of Vampires (and their
choice of Thralls — Ed) on their rosters as they provide
"I don't care what dynasty you are plenty of strength, skill, and the brains that many of their
from or how famous your father is, other students seem to lack!
young master Drakenborg; I SAID STOP
Professor von Creigich, shortly before being fired
after Count Luthor threatened to stop his donations to
the College ofDeath
xi • woot r i6i J4 LLI*
he following positions from the Vampire team are added to the College of Death team roster as found on pages
96-97 of the Dungeon Bowl Rulebook. In each instance, the position will state which of the general positions
they are part of (Blitzer, Runner, Big Guy, etc.), and how many players for that position a team may have. The
rules presented here may differ slightly from those for Vampire Blood Bowl teams.

LINEMEN (0-16)
A College of Death team may have up to 16 players from the Lineman position in any combination.
Thrall Lineman 40,000 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ None

RUNNER (0-4)
A College of Death team may have up to four players from the Runner position in any combination.
Vampire Runner 100,000 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze, AG PS

A College of Death team may have up to two players from the Thrower position in any combination.
Vampire Thrower 110,000 6 4 2+ 2+ 9+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze, AGP
Pass, Regeneration

p!. n7r-nc.
A College of Death team may have up to four players from the Blitzer position in any combination.
Vampire Blazer 110,000 6 4 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), Hypnotic Gaze, AGS
Juggernaut, Regeneration

BIG GUYS (0-2)

A College of Death team may have up to two players from the Big Guys position in any combination.
Vargheist 150,000 5 5 4+ - 10+ Bloodlust (3+), Claws, Frenzy, S AG
Loner (4+), Regeneration


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