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TERM - WORK Questions

1) Write DOS commands for the following :

a) Create a folder in D: drive with your name

b) Create the files "computer-definition.txt", "computer-characteristics.txt" and "computer-
types.txt" in
D:>your name folder>
c) Copy the contents of all the above files in "computer-wikipedia.txt" in same path

2) Create the following TREE structure in DOS using INTERNAL commands:

Write separate steps for each question:

a) Create the given DIR structure in MS-DOS

b) Remove the directory named "images".
c) Remove the file named "middle.gif".
d) Remove the file named "build.xml".
3) In MS-DOS, Create the given directory structure.

4) In MS-DOS, Change the dos prompt like as follows:

a) With your name

b) With current date
c) With current time
d) Again change the prompt to its default path

5) In MS-DOS apply the following commands:

a) Make a file "STUDENT_NAME.txt" including 15 student names.

b) Display this file content in alphabetical order.
c) Display this file content in reverse order (Z-A).

6) In MS-DOS apply the following commands:

a) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of directories.
b) Display a list of all the "directories" in C : drive with a complete list of directories without date,
time and its size .
c) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of directories in lower
case/Ascending Order.
d) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of directories with its
subdirectories and files.
e) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of Hidden directories and files.
f) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of directories starting with
letter "N" with any extension.
g) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of files with ".txt extension" .
h) Display a list of all the "directories" in C: drive with a complete list of directories and files where
2nd letter is "a".

7) Make one MS-word file having name "INTRODUCTION" applying the following things :

(i) > Make the heading of file "INTRODUCTION"

> apply the centre alignment
> Make the heading bold, Italic and underlined.
> Apply font style of heading “ALGERIAN” and size is “24”.

(ii) Include the following field :

> You name
> permanent Address
> Current Address
> Educational qualification.
> Hobbies
> Aim

Apply font style as " times new roman" and size as "20".
8) Draw the following Flowchart in MS-WORD using different shapes in your document and also
add given text within shapes. Apply the given

settings :

1. Keep 2/2 inches left and right indent.

2. Insert “Word Processing Question” as header and page number in footer.

9) Make a attendance list of 20 students of class BCA. Apply the following settings on it:

i) Write the student roll no and student name on the left hand side.
ii) Divide the student roll list in "two columns"
iii) Sort the students names alphabetically in ascending order
iv) In case of writing the "roll no" apply "numbering list" option from "Bullets & numbering" from
the preset menu
v) apply watermark in the document as "BCA"
vi) Change the page margin as "narrow"
10) Create a WORD document for sending the "Attendance Letters" to 15 students of BCA using "Mail
Merge option".

11) Make one MS-word file on the topic of "computer generation" and apply the following things
over it:

• Insert any relevant image

• Make a relevant title and apply the centre alignment in that
• Make the heading bold, Italic and underlined.
• Apply font style of heading “Times New Roman” and “18”.
• Apply font style as "times new roman" in all the other area and font size "12".

12) Make a template for the bio-data with the following format


Name :

Father’s Name :

Date of Birth :

Age :

Address :

Educational Qualification :

Sr No Qualification Board Year Percentage

(i)Insert a table of 3*5 in educational qualification and add the required content
(ii) Apply font style as "Times new roman" and size as "22"
(iii) Change the page margin as "Narrow"
(iv) Apply Page Border in it.
(v) Apply page orientation as "Landscape"
(vi) Apply water mark as "BIO-DATA"

13) Create a word document and apply External Hyperlink :

1. Exercise 1 Typical sport and recreation expenditure

2. Exercise 2 Estimating income and expenditure

3. Exercise 3 Break-even analysis

4. Exercise 4 Gross Profit Scenarios

14) Create one ms excel file with at least 15 or 20 records with following fields and apply following
settings on it:

(i) Set the sheet-1 name "Automall"

(ii) Set the column width as "16" and "second" row height as "45" and others as "25"
(iii) Align all column labels horizontally and vertically at the "center" and "middle"
(iv) Apply border in the table
(v) Apply "merge & center" option into "coral automall" heading.
(v) save the file as "Auto_details"
15) Create one Ms Excel file with following fields and apply following settings :
(i) Set the sheet name "Product_details"
(ii) Write the Heading as " Bill Details"
(iii) Find the following with the help of formula:
> Sales Price =(no of units*List price)-discount
> Total Tax =(Sales price*sales tax)/100
> Total Price = (Sales Price + Total Tax)
= (F3+H3)

Bill Details

Sr Sales
Products No of units List price Discount Sales tax(%) Total Tax Total price
No. price
1 Product A 42 400 120 16680 3 500.4 17180.4
2 Product B 15 78 70 1100 2 22 1122
3 Product C 24 25 25 575 1 5.75 580.75
16) Create a worksheet for student result with at least 20 student records and at least 5 subjects name.
Apply some formula, IF condition and COUNTIF condition for finding the Grade:
(i) Write the Heading as " Result"
(ii) Find the following with the help of formula:
> Obtained Marks, Percentage and Grade
(iii) Find Total "FAIL" and "PASS" student with the help of formula.


Sr. Student C Total Obtained

FIT MATHS MGMT Com. Percentage Grade
No. Name Lang Marks Marks
1 Jaya 78 89 80 67 89 500 403 80.6 A+
2 Jyoti 89 67 88 89 78 500 411 82.2 A+
3 Jai 45 34 67 66 88 500 300 60 A
4 Jayesh 70 67 45 48 87 500 317 63.4 A
5 Ramesh 88 89 67 87 55 500 386 77.2 A+

17) Create Employee Database as given in the following table. Apply Lookup, Hlookup and Vlookup in it
with following :

(i) Display the name of customer who purchased products with OrderID=10332
(ii) Display the date of this order
(iii) Display the OrderID in 10th row of the table
(iv) Display the customer name and required dateof this order

Product Record
OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate RequiredDate ShippedDate
10330 ABC 3 11/16/2016 12/14/2016 11/28/2016
10331 BCD 9 11/16/2016 12/28/2016 11/21/2016
10332 EFG 3 11/17/2016 12/29/2016 11/21/2016
10333 HIJ 5 11/18/2016 12/16/2016 11/25/2016
10334 KLM 8 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 11/28/2016
10335 NOP 7 11/22/2016 12/20/2016 11/24/2016
10336 QRS 7 11/23/2016 12/21/2016 11/25/2016
10337 TUV 4 11/24/2016 12/22/2016 11/29/2016
10338 WXY 4 11/25/2016 12/23/2016 11/29/2016
10339 ZAB 2 11/28/2016 12/26/2016 12/03/2016
10340 ABCD 1 11/29/2016 12/27/2016 11/12/2016
10341 BCDE 7 11/29/2016 12/27/2016 12/02/2016

18) Create a Power point Slide on the topic of "Internet". Create at least 6 slides. Apply custom animation
with "transition speed" and "Transition sound" .

19) Create a PPT file on the topic of "Computer Memory". Apply "custom slideshow" settings in it.

20) Create a Power point Slide on topic of "Networking Devices". Apply "Rehearse the slide show timing"
in PowerPoint and also "customize slide layout", "slide orientation" and "Master Slide" option in it.

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