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Simulation of Doubly Fed Induction Generator

Wind Turbines
I. Margaris A. Tsouchnikas and N. Hatziargyriou
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Athens, Zografou 15780 Greece
e-mail: {imarg, aggelos, nh}

Abstract—In this paper the basic operational characteristics Suffices, Superscripts

of a variable speed wind turbine with doubly fed induction b Base value.
generator are investigated using the software Mathlab/Simulink, c Crowbar circuit.
ed.7.0.1. Detailed mathematical model of the aerodynamic d, q Direct and quadrature axis components.
system is described and analysis of the steady state operational m Referring to the mechanical part.
characteristics of the doubly fed induction generator is included. max, min Maximum and minimum value.
A specific control strategy is implemented according to the s, r Generator’s stator and rotor components.
vector control strategy. A 5th order model of the generator was g Grid side converter variables.
developed and the effect of neglecting the stator transients is l Leakage term of reactance.
presented under different voltage dips at the generator * Reference value.
terminals. The Low Voltage Ride-Through capability is
investigated and the results of several voltage dip ride-through

simulations are presented. OWDAYS the totally installed wind power capacity is
constantly increasing. Wind has become a competitive player
Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), in the power market. Large wind parks have been installed
variable speed wind systems, low voltage ride-through (LVRT), around Europe and around the world, while the average power of
crowbar. today’s wind parks has reached the magnitude of conventional power
plants. Therefore, the effect of the wind turbines, their control and
I. NOMENCLATURE the protection system is of vital importance. This fact shows the need
A Rotor area. for suitable models and detailed analysis of the dynamic stability of
β Wind turbine blade pitch angle. wind parks.
Cp Wind turbine power coefficient.
As the penetration of wind energy within the power systems
H Inertia constant.
increases, the requirements set by the Transmission System
i Current.
Operators (TSOs), are being constantly reviewed and expanded.
KP, KI Coefficients for the proportional-integral controller.
Power quality, reactive power control, and most recently fault ride-
λ Wind turbine tip-speed ratio.
through are considered as most significant requirements. Especially
L Inductance.
the fault ride-through capability is considered crucial for the system
ω s, ω m , Synchronous, wind turbine shaft,
stability. The interaction between the wind turbines and the grid
ωr, ωb generator rotor angle and base angular speed.
during voltage dips is being carefully investigated. Detailed and well
Ψ Flux linkage.
documented models of the wind turbines equipped with the so called
P, Q Active and reactive power.
Low Voltage Ride-Through capability should therefore be developed
ρ Air density.
to ensure accurate conclusions regarding the behavior of the wind
r Resistance.
turbine during grid faults.
P Number of poles.
R Wind turbine blade radius. Although many wind parks are equipped with fixed speed stall
s Rotor slip. regulated wind turbines, the variable speed concept has become
Tem Electromagnetic torque. today’s standard. Both synchronous and induction generators are
Tm Mechanical torque act on the generator rotor. being used with each concept having pos and cons depending on the
Tw Wind turbine prime torque from wind. issues being investigated. One of the most often used variable speed
U Voltage. configurations is the pitch controlled wind turbine equipped with
Vw W ind speed. doubly fed induction generator. In DFIGs the stator is directly
X Reactance. connected to the grid while the rotor is connected via a back-to-back
Symbols PWM power converter. The DFIG concept has been described in
1/s Integral operator. many publications ([1]-[5]). However, the wind turbine equipped
MPT Maximum power tracking logic. with DFIG appears to have very special features that need thorough
PF Power factor. investigation. The sensitivity of the power converters towards high
GSC Grid side converter. currents following voltage dips require detailed modeling of the Low
RSC Rotor side converter. Voltage Ride-Through protection system.

Firstly, the modeling of the rotor is described. Then, the Pm = (1 − s) Ps (2)

electrical system and the controllers are presented. Simulation results
are presented and the Low Voltage Ride-Through capability is Ptot = Ps + Pr (3)
investigated for different voltage dips. The system has been modeled
and simulated in the Simulink toolbox extension of Mathlab. where Pm is the mechanical power delivered to the generator and the
slip s is defined as
s= (4)
Wind turbine
DFIG Ps Transformer Grid Depending on the operation – sub-synchronous or super-
synchronous – the rotor can either supply or absorb power from the
Gearbox 1:n network via the RSC. If the generator operates sub-synchronously
Pr thus:
s > 0 Pr < 0 : The rotor absorbs power.
Pm < Ps : A part of the stator power feeds the rotor circuit.
If the generator operates at a speed above the synchronous speed
Control System converter converter thus:
s < 0 Pr > 0 : The rotor supplies power.
Fig. 1. Wind turbine with DFIG.
Pm > Ps : Both the stator and the rotor produce power.
A. Configuration of the DFIG System In this variable speed configuration, the rating of the converter
system is approximately 30% of the machine rating, which is one of
The typical configuration of the DFIG wind turbine is shown in
the characteristics that make this topology attractive for wind energy
Fig. 1. This kind of wound rotor slip-ring machine has to be fed from
both the rotor and stator sides. The induction machine is directly
connected to the power system and the rotor is interfaced through a C. Rotor model and Pitch Control
back-to-back PWM power converter. The converter system includes
two AC/DC Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) based The power extracted from the airflow depends on the wind speed
Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) connected by a DC bus voltage as well as on the rotational speed of the turbine. The well known
supply. This decouples the mechanical speed of the rotor from the equation that follows gives the produced mechanical power for a
electrical frequency of the network. An overcurrent rotor ‘crowbar’ specific wind speed:
protects the machine and converter system. The crowbar shorts the 1
rotor circuit and bypasses the RSC to protect it during network
Pm = ρΑC pVw 3 (5)
disturbances. This system covers a wide operating range from sub-
synchronous to super-synchronous speeds, provided that the VSC The parameters of the wind turbine are given in the Appendix.
system operates in all four quadrants, as rotor power will flow bi- The aerodynamic power coefficient Cp is a function of the tip
directionally, dependant upon the operating speed. speed ratio, λ, and the pitch angle, β, as follows [5]:
The basic parts of the model are: 116 −
C p (λ , β ) = 0.22( − 0.4β − 5)e λi (6)
• Rotor model.
• Pitch control system.
• Induction machine model. where
• Converters and protection system (LVRT). 1 0.035
λi = − (7)
• Rotor speed controller. λ + 0.08β β 3 +1
• Reactive power or terminal voltage controller.
All the above subsystems are connected as shown in Fig. 2: and
Rω m (8)
ωr P, Q
Vw Induction
Wind speed
Rotor model machine
U, f Grid model Vw
β The optimal aerodynamic power coefficient is calculated to be
Cp,opt=0.4382 for corresponding values λ=6.3250 and β=0o.
Controlling the pitch angle, optimal operation is ensured. For wind
Pitch control
Rotor Speed
Converters &
Reactive power
or terminal
speeds below the nominal, the pitch angle equals to zero and Cp
voltage controller equals to the optimal value. For higher wind speeds, the pitch angle
gets positive values and the power coefficient Cp decreases, while the
mechanical torque, power and rotational speed are kept at their
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the modeled subsystems. nominal values. This is done to protect the mechanical parts of the
turbine in case of strong wind. Under these operational principles the
B. Steady – state analysis rotational speed follows the characteristic shown in Fig. 3.
For steady state operation, neglecting losses, the relationships
between the mechanical, rotor and stator powers in a DFIG are [4]:
Pr = − sPs (1)

Ψqr = X rr ⋅ iqr + X m ⋅ iqs (15)

16 Ψdr = X rr ⋅ idr + X m ⋅ ids (16)

where Xss=XM+Xls and Xrr=XM+Xlr. The electromagnetic torque is
. 12 given by:
(r. 10
Te = Ψds i qs − Ψqs i ds (17)
s 8 and the total active and reactive power produced are given by:
P = Vds ⋅ ids + Vqs ⋅ iqs + Vdr ⋅ i qr + Vqr ⋅ i qr
t 6 (18)
Q = Vqs ⋅ ids − Vds ⋅ iqs + Vqr ⋅ idr − Vdr ⋅ iqr (19)
The parameters of the generator are given in the Appendix.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
In the mechanical part only the drive train is considered. As well
Wind speed (m/s) documented in the bibliography ([12], [13]), the dynamics of the
mechanical parts can be neglected, due to the quite slow responses in
Fig. 3. Rotational speed (r.p.m.) versus wind speed (m/s).
comparison to the fast electrical ones. Therefore the rotational
The pitch control is illustrated below in Fig. 4: system may be modeled by the single following equation of motion:
β dω r
Tm − Te = 2 H
ωr +
1/Ts 1/s (20)
- o -
ω r*
β min=0ο
The equations (9)-(20) describe the 5th order model of the DFIG
implemented in this paper. Neglecting the stator transients, which is
usual in transient stability investigations, the 3rd order model is
derived. A great number of papers in the bibliography ([9]-[11]) have
Fig. 4. Pitch control subsystem. considered this matter. However, in the case of the DFIG the
converter is sensitive in the high inrush currents that follow the
where the error (ω r − ω r ) is driven to a proportional-integral
voltage dips at the generator terminals. As a result, it is the converter
controller. The model includes also the time constant of the system, including the Low Voltage Ride-Through protection system,
servomechanism (0.25 sec), as well as the maximum possible rate which determine the behavior of the wind turbine during such
dβ/dt for the regulation of the pitch angle (3o/sec). phenomenon. The 5th order model gives clearly more detailed results,
as the values of the transient currents are crucial for the response of
D. Induction machine model the protection system. Comparative results from the 3rd and the 5th
The operating principles of a DFIG can be analyzed using the model will be presented in the next Sections of the paper.
classical theory of rotating fields and the well-known dq model [7].
E. Converter system – Control
The equations are derived with all rotor variables referred to the
stator and transformed into the synchronous dq reference frame, The reference frame for the vector control applied in the control
rotating at the angular speed of ωs in the direction of the rotation. of the rotor side converter is attached to the stator flux vector. The
The q –axis is assumed to be 90o degrees ahead of the d –axis in the reference values of the rotor current are derived from the reference
direction of rotation. The q component of the stator voltage, Uqs, is values of the active and reactive power. The rotor speed controller
equal to the real part of the generator busbar voltage. The motor provides the value P* based on the real rotor speed. The reactive
convention is used. The stator and rotor voltages are given, where power or terminal voltage controller determines the value Q*, based
p=d/dt: on the values of the terminal voltage or the power factor.
ωe p Neglecting the stator resistance, and according to the stator flux
U qs = rs ⋅ i qs + ⋅ Ψds + ⋅ Ψqs (9) orientation, the q-coordinate of the stator voltage equals the terminal
ωb ωb voltage while the d-coordinate equals to zero. The following relation
between Tem and the q-coordinate of the rotor current is derived
ωe p form the equations of the induction machine:
U ds = rs ⋅ i ds − ⋅ Ψqs + ⋅ Ψds (10)
ωb ωb X ss Tem
i qr = − (21)
ω − ωr p (11)
U dr = rr ⋅ i dr − ( e ) ⋅ Ψqr + ⋅ Ψdr
ωb ωb From the real value of the rotational speed of the rotor and the
reference value P* produced by the rotor speed controller, the
ωe − ω r p reference value for the Tem is derived. Fig. 5 shows the speed control
U qr = rr ⋅ iqr + ( ) ⋅ Ψdr + ⋅ Ψqr (12)
curve which was used in the developed model.
ωb ωb
The stator and rotor fluxes are:
Ψds = X ss ⋅ ids + X m ⋅ idr (13)

Ψqs = X ss ⋅ iqs + X m ⋅ iqr (14)


Power factor
1.2 Terminal
Control mode
) Udr
u 0.8 +
p( PI
mi 0.6
P idr
Fig. 6. Block diagrams of the rotor side converter – (a) Speed
control block (b) Reactive power control block.

When designing the grid side converter, the main objectives are
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 the control of the reactive power exchanged between the GSC and
Rotor speed (rpm) the grid and mainly the control of the dc voltage connecting the two
Fig. 5. Optimum active power production (pu) versus rotor speed PWM converters. The dc voltage is kept to nominal value and, in
(r.p.m.). most cases, the reactive power is kept to zero.
In this case, the reference frame attached to the stator voltage
The solid line is computed from equation (5) keeping Cp=Cp,max for
vector was chosen. The equations giving the active and reactive
all wind speeds below the nominal. The dashed line was, however,
power exchanged between the GSC and the grid are:
used in the model to avoid computing problems in the min and max
rotor speed. Pgs = U qs ⋅ iq gs + U ds id gs ⇒ Pgs = U qs ⋅ iq gs (23)
Respectively, the reference value for the d-coordinate of the rotor
current is computed from equation (22), where the reference value of Q gs = U qs ⋅ id gs − U ds i q gs ⇒ Q gs = U qs ⋅ id gs (24)
the reactive power Qs* depends on the preferred control strategy.
Usually the power factor is controlled to unity. As mentioned before, the common case for the GSC is to operate in
unity power factor:
U s ω b X ss Qs Q gs = 0 ⇒ i d gs = 0
i dr = − (22) (25)
X M ωe X M U s
The dc voltage is kept to equal its nominal value (1 pu)
This variable speed configuration gives the opportunity to control the through the q-coordinate of the GSC, iq gs. The differential
reactive power exchanged with the grid and, therefore, to contribute describing the dynamics of the capacitor in the dc-link of the
in the terminal voltage control. As the penetration of wind energy converter system was added to the model and is given in
increases, the trend in the wind turbine design is to ensure voltage equation (26):
control, following the principles of conventional power production.
Of course, this is possible provided that the converter rating allows
handling of the reactive current even in nominal active current dU dc ∆Pconv
condition. The reactive power controller implemented can be used C dc = (26)
either in power factor or terminal voltage control mode. dt U dc

The errors ( (i dr
− idr ) and
(iqr − iqr ) are driven to where ∆Pconv = Pgs − Pr , the difference between the active
proportional-integral controllers and the dq-coordinates of the rotor power supplied from the rotor circuit and the active power
voltage are derived. exchanged between the GSC and the grid. The parameters of the dc-
link, as well as the values of the KP and KI parameters of the PI
(6a) controllers are given in the Appendix.
Speed Control F. Initialization of the model
qr One of the tasks which had to be implemented during the design
of this model was the initialization, thus the computing of the initial
Uqr values of the state variables of the model. In the literature, many
PI methods are proposed. For the solution of the initialization problem
in this case, an initial wind speed was assumed. Using the steady-
state equations of the generator, as well as the control equations,
iqr those derived in Section E, the initial values for all the state variables
of the model were derived. The results of the initialization algorithm
which was developed are given in the following Table:


Uqs0 1 Te0 -0.8403 the last part comparative results with the 3rd order model are studied.
The wind turbine operates with unity power factor.
Uds0 0 Ψds0 1.0083

Qtot0 0 Ψqs0 2.6881e-005 1) System response in step change of the wind speed
A step reduction was applied at the wind speed, from the initial
Ptot0 -1 Ψdr0 1.0347 value 13 m/s to 7 m/s and the response of several system variables is
ωr0 1.2 Ψqr0 0.1522
s0 -0.2 Vdr0 0.0338 wr
ids0 0.0027 Vqr0 -0.1983 4 pitch angle
iqs0 -0.8333 Pgs0 -0.1667 d(
n 3
idr0 0.3333 Ps0 -0.8333 h
P, 2.5
iqr0 0.8611 u
p( 2
) 1.5
G. Low Voltage Ride Through - Crowbar g 1

Nowadays, the obligation for the wind turbine to remain 0.5

connected during network disturbances is a standard in the grid 0

codes. This ride-through requirement was introduced by E.ON [6] 20 30 40
time (sec)
50 60 70

and till now, the basic idea of the regulations remains the same. The
minimum voltage dip level and the maximum time duration of the Fig. 8. Rotor speed (pu), wind turbine prime torque (pu) and
event, for which the generator is obliged to stay ‘on-line’ are pitch angle when the wind speed decreases.
specified. Sometimes it must also contribute with reactive power In this case, when the wind speed decreases, the aerodynamic torque
injection. falls and the rotor is decelerated. The pitch control takes over control
A lot of novel ideas have been proposed in the bibliography. An and forces the pitch angle to zero, in order to maximize the extracted
effective way for a successful ride-through is the use of the so-called power. As mentioned before, for wind speeds below the nominal (12
crowbar, which is connected between the rotor circuit and the RSC m/s) the wind turbine operates in MPT model and the corresponding
[8]. High rotor currents are a serious problem for the semiconductor value of the pitch angle is zero. Parameters that are crucial in such
switches of the converters. The crowbar short-circuits the rotor and simulations are the rotor inertia H, the time constant of the
provides the transient currents with an alternative way, bypassing the servomechanism, as well as the maximum possible rate dβ/dt for the
RSC. When the transient phenomenon has passed, the RSC can regulation of the pitch angle. The response of electromagnetic torque
resume normal operation controlling the DFIG. In the next Sections is shown in Fig. 9.
results from voltage dips simulations will be analyzed. The circuit of
the crowbar is shown in Fig. 7. Te

DFIG -0.3


Resistor T -0.6



side -0.9
20 30 40 50 60 70
converter time (sec)

Fig. 7. Schematic of the “active crowbar”. Fig. 9. Response of Tem.

The crowbar is activated, when either the rotor current or the dc- Respectively, when the wind speed increases from the initial
voltage exceeds a threshold value. The critical values for those two value of 13 m/s to 15 m/s, the following results are extracted.
system variables have been chosen 1.395 pu and 1.5 pu respectively.
The detailed operation of the crowbar system will be analyzed in the
simulation results in the next Section.

H. Simulation results
In this Section the simulation results from the simulation of a 4-pole
2 MW DFIG wind turbine will be presented. The control strategy
analyzed in Section E was applied. Results from simulations under
wind speed variations and voltage dip simulations are presented. In

1.2 0.9

p( 0.9 )
w pu( 0.7
) 0.8 s
p( U
r 0.7
w 0.6

wr 0.5
0.4 Tw

0.3 0.4
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
time (sec) time (sec)

Fig. 10. Rotor speed (pu), wind turbine prime torque (pu) for an . Fig. 12. Voltage dip at the generator’s terminals.
increase in the wind speed.
pitch angle


e )
d( u 3
el 15 p(
g ri
ct 2
pi 10


19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 time (sec)
time sec)

. Fig. 11. Pitch angle response for an increase in the wind speed. Fig. 13. Response of the rotor current.
As the wind speed increases, the rotor is accelerated and the pitch 1.35

angle increases. The control ensures that the torque is limited close wr

to the nominal value, even if the wind speed is way above the 1.3

nominal. 1.25

2) System response in voltage dips.

In this Section, the behavior of the wind turbine during voltage u
r 1.15
dips will be studied. The DFIG system is equipped with the LVRT

protection system mentioned in Section G and the purpose of the 1.1

simulations was to investigate the capability of the turbine to stay

connected during serious voltage dips.
Due to a fault in the network the voltage at the generators 1
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

terminal falls at the level of 0.4 pu for 200 ms. Before the evolution time (sec)

in the area of LVRT the WT would normally trip off to protect its Fig. 14. Response of the rotor speed.
power electronics from the high inrush currents. In this case,
however, the crowbar short circuits the rotor bypassing the RSC. The 5
generator has quite big thermal constants and can withstand the high
transients. During the operation of the crowbar, the RSC losses
control of the generator and the DFIG behaves as a typical wound 3
rotor induction machine with short-circuited rotor, thus absorbs
reactive power from the grid. )
p 2

19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23
time (sec)

Fig. 15. Response of the reactive power exchanged

with the grid.

Right after the fault, the high rotor current is detected and the
control closes the crowbar circuit. When the transient has expired, 3rd order
the IGBT of the crowbar opens, and the RSC operates as a typical 3- 5th order
phase diode rectifier, thus the IGBTs are still blocked. The rotor
current goes to zero and the machine is ready to go back to normal
operation. 3

During this procedure, the rotor accelerates, as the voltage dip u

p( 2
causes flux decrease and therefore decrease of the electromagnetic s
torque. As long as the rotor speed is above the nominal, the pitch
control regulates the pitch angle, forcing the system to extract less
power from the wind, in order to avoid the acceleration of the rotor.
The resistor in the crowbar circuit restricts the high transient
currents, and its value is a crucial parameter of the system’s -1
response. In Fig. 16 the response of the rotor current for different 19.8 19.9 20 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4
time (sec)
20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8

values of Rc is shown. For bigger values the duration of the transient

is lower. Fig. 18. Response of the reactive power in the 5th order (solid
line) and the 3rd order model (dashed line).
Rc=0.01 pu
Rc=0.005 pu
As expected, the fundamental frequency (50 Hz) transients are
5 Rc=0.02 pu obvious in the electrical variables shown in Fig. 17-19. The voltage
dip applied was 60% of the nominal for 200 ms.

) 3
( 1

2 5th order
3rd order

1 0.8

p 0.7
19.8 20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21 s
time (sec) Z

Fig. 16. Response of the rotor current for various values of the 0.5
crowbar resistance.
3) Comparative results of the 5th and 3rd order model.
Neglecting the stator transients in the DFIG concept, where the 19.8 20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21 21.2 21.4 21.6 21.8
time (sec)
active and reactive power are controlled independently from each
other, results in neglect of the fundamental frequency transients in Fig. 19. Response of the stator flux in the 5th order (solid line)
all the electrical variables of the machine. This simplification is and the 3rd order model (dashed line).
generally accepted for small signal analysis. However, when
investigating the sensitivity of power converters in high currents, the IV. CONCLUSIONS
values for the currents extracted from the model must be precise. In rd
A 3 and a 5th order model of a variable speed, pitch controlled
the following Figures the same voltage dip has been applied to the wind turbine equipped with a DFIG has been implemented, using
generator’s terminal both for the 3rd and the 5th order model and the
Mathlab/Simulink. The various subsystems have been
comparative results are presented.
presented, including the aerodynamic system, the control
6 system and the generator. The dynamic model has been
3rd order
5th order developed with a vector controller for each converter,
decoupling the active and reactive power produced. The
operation of the model under MPT conditions has been
verified with the desired results. The LVRT capability of the

u 3
system has also been tested with satisfactory results using the
crowbar for short circuiting the rotor. The response of both

2 models in voltage dips and the effect of the crowbar’s

resistance have also been investigated. Simulations give
1 excellent results regarding the ability of the DFIG system to
overcome low voltage conditions.
19.8 20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21
time (sec)

Fig. 17. Response of the rotor current in the 5th order (solid
line) and the 3rd order model (dashed line).

V. APPENDIX [7] P. C. Krause: "Analysis of Electric machinery" (McGraw-

TABLE I Hill Inc, New York, 1994).
WIND TURBINE PARAMETERS [8] J. Niiranen, "Voltage dip ride through of a doubly-fed
generator equipped with an active crowbar". Proceedings of Nordic
Wind Power Conference; March 2004.
Rotor diameter 75 m
[9] F.D. Rodriguez, O. Wasynczuk, " A refined method of
Rotor area 4418 m2 deriving reduced order model of induction machines", IEEE
Rotor speed range 9-21 rpm Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 31-37, 1987.
Nominal power 2 MW [10] T. Thiringer, J. Luomi, "Comparison of Reduced-Order
Dynamic models of Induction Machines", IEEE Transactions on
Nominal wind speed 12 m/s Power Systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 119-126, 2001.
Cut-in wind speed 3.5 m/s [11] P. Ledesma, J. Usaola, "Effect of Neglecting Stator
Cut-out wind speed 25 m/s Transients in Doubly Fed Induction Generators Models", IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 459-461,
Rotor inertia 3.6 sec 2004.
[12] T. Sun, Z. Chen, and F. Blaabjerg, "Flicker Study on
TABLE II Variable Speed Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Induction
GENERATOR PARAMETERS Generators", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no.
4, pp. 896-905, 2005.
Stator leakage reactance Xls 0.01 pu [13] T. Sun, Z. Chen, and F. Blaabjerg, "Transient Analysis of
Rotor leakage reactance Xlr 0.08 pu Grid-Connected Wind Turbines with DFIG After an External Short-
Circuit Fault", Nordic Wind Power Conf., Chalmers University of
Mutual reactance XM 3.0 pu
Technology, March, 2005.
Stator resistance rs 0.01 pu
Rotor resistance rr 0.01 pu
Ioannis Margaris received Dipl. Eng. Degree and Master degree in
Number of poles P 4
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Power Systems, from the National
Nominal apparent power Sb 2 MW Technical University of Athens, in 2006. He is currently pursuing his PhD
thesis at National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and
TABLE III Computer Engineering. His research interests are wind turbine modelling,
DC-LINK PARAMETERS power electronics and LVRT.
A. I. Tsouchnikas received his Electrical and Computer Engineering
degree at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), in 2004. He is
Cdc 0.0012 pu PhD student in the Electrical Engineering Department of NTUA. His research
Vb dc 1200 V interests include renewable energy sources and dispersed generation.
Vdc max 1.5 pu N. D. Hatziargyriou is Professor at Power Division of the Electrical
and Computer Engineering Department of NTUA. His research interests
include renewable energy sources, dispersed generation, dynamic security and
TABLE IV AI techniques. He is member of CIGRE SCC6 and senior member of IEEE.

Rotor Side Converter Grid Side Converter

Pitch Speed Reactive DC-
Controller Controller Power voltage
controller Controller
KP 200 50 50 50
KI 60 5 5 5

[1] S. Heier: "Grid intergration of wind energy conversion
system", (John Wiley, Chisester 1998).
[2] CIGRE: "CIGRE Technical brochure on Modelling new forms
of generation and storage", TF 38.01.10, 2000, N. Hatziargyriou, M.
Donnelly, S. Papathanassiou, et al.
[3] J. G. Slootweg, H. Polinder, and W. L. Kling, "Dynamic
modeling of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator".
Presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting,
Vancouver, Canada, 15th-19th July 2001.
[4] A. Feijoo, J. Cidras, and C. Carrillo: "A third order model for
the doubly fed induction machine", Electr. Power Syst. Res., 2000,
56, (2), pp. 121-126.
[5] R. Pena, J. C. Clare, and H. Knudsen: "Modelling of windmill
induction generators in dynamic simulation programs". Proceedings
of the IEEE power technology ’99 conference, Budapest, Hungary,
29th August-2nd September 1999.
[6] E.ON Netz, Ergazende Netzanaschlussregeln fur
windenergieanlangen, Dec. 2001, Germany.

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