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Part 5
Spelling Task
Year 5
Spelling Exercises According
to Textbook Topics@Units




1 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu Marza

Unit 1 : Town and Cities

Unit 5 : Food and Health
a) Places
b) Buildings a) Food and Drinks
c) Types of Houses b) Healthy Food
c) Unhealthy Food

Unit 2 : Days
Unit 6 : Sport
a) Daily Routines
b) Hobbies a) Sports and Games
c) Daily Housework b) Sports Venues
c) Extreme Sports

Unit 3 : Wildlife
Unit 7 : Growing Up
a) Wild Animals
b) Domesticated Animals a) Parts of the Body
c) Poisonous Animals b) Describing People
c) Comparative Adjectives

Unit 4 : Learning World

Unit 8 : Going Away
a) School Subjects
b) School Objects a) Travel and Holiday
c) School Competitions b) Weather and Seasons
c) Tourist Attractions

2 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

1. This practice Module is not an actual UASA English test paper.
2. Exercises found in this Module is prepared to drill pupils on
3. Word definitions are sourced randomly from Cambridge, Collins
and Merriam-Webster online dictionary
4. Spelling Task in this module is prepared slightly different from
UASA’s Part 5 sample question by LPM in order TO GUIDE and
HELP pupils GUESS the correct word.
5. Word Bank is provided to help pupils choose the correct word
for each definition/description
6. Teacher may change the exercise to suit pupils’ level (by putting
the first letter for each word , e.g C

Thank you

Cikgu Marza
December 2022

1 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 1 : Town and Cities
Practice 1 – Places

0 A place where you can find many buildings City

21 It’s a place where villagers live peacefully

22 You go to this place to walk or exercise

23 Children like to play here

24 A cool place for family picnic

25 Motorists use this daily

WORD BANK Playground

Park Beach
Street Village

Practice 2 – Buildings

0 You study English, Maths and other School

subjects here
21 Your dad brings you and your family here to
enjoy delicious food
22 You need to go through this to cross the river

23 Artifacts and old manuscripts are kept in here

24 A place to enjoy watching favourite movie

25 You need to check in first before you can stay



Museum Cinema
Restaurant Bridge

2 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 3 – Types of Houses

0 A very large and expensive house Mansion

21 A temporary, small simple dwelling

22 A small house, usually in the countryside

23 A very tall building with many storeys

24 Large strong building built in the past

25 Also known as a flat


Apartment Skyscraper
Hut Cottage

Unit 2 : Days
Practice 1 – Daily Routines

0 Cleaning your body with water and soap Shower

21 Taking nutricious meals in the morning

22 You learn this with your classmates at school

23 A task given by your teacher to be completed

24 Stretching your body or doing physical activities

25 Enjoying food with family after a busy day

WORD BANK Homework

Dinner Subjects

Exercises Breakfast

3 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 2 – Hobbies

0 Preparing food or dishes Cooking

21 Running at a slow speed

22 The act of riding a bicycle

23 You use your arms and legs in order to move in

the water
24 Working in the garden by taking care of the
25 You sing your favourite songs


Swimming Gardening
Jogging Cycling

Practice 3 – Daily housework

0 You help your mother to prepare this at Food

the kitchen
21 Usually we wash, dry dan fold them

22 A place where you enjoy playing with

your siblings
23 Your dad park his car here

24 A piece of furniture for sleep or rest

25 You water them daily


Lawn Garage

Clothes Bed

4 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 3 : Wildlife
Practice 1 – Wild Animals

0 A big cat that has yellow and black lines on Tiger

its body
21 The king of the jungle

22 Has thick hair and sharp claws and loves honey!

23 The fastest animal on land

24 An animal that uses its trunk to pick up things

or food
25 A wild animal that looks like a large dog


Bear Elephant

Wolf Lion

Practice 2 – Domesticated Animals

0 Often kept as a pet or used to guard or Dog

hunt things
21 A small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and
claws, usually kept as a pet
22 Animals often kept for their milk or meat
23 A farm animal with thick wool that eats grass
and is kept for its wool, skin, and meat:
24 Raised on farm for meat and eggs

25 It neighs loudly


Horse Cattle
Cat Chicken

5 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 3 – Poisonous Animals

0 A long reptile without legs and it slithers Snake

21 It has long curved tail that is poisonous

22 A small creature with eight thin legs that

catches insects in a web
23 A large flat fish with a sharp, long tail as
24 A yellow and black flying insect that makes
25 A large wasp and can sting you

WORD BANK Stingray

Scorpion Hornet
Bee Spider

Unit 4 : Learning World

Practice 1 – School Subjects

0 The study of the countries of the Geography

world, land, sea, weather and
21 The study of the past events

22 You draw, paint, colour or make objects

23 Performing a laboratory experiment

24 It involves numbers

25 A language spoken in Spain


Spanish Mathematics
Science Art

6 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 2 – School Objects

0 Your teacher put notices or Board

announcements on it
21 A small table with drawer

22 Used for sitting

23 A shiny white board on which people draw or

write using special pens.
24 One that removes dust

25 Materials for writing

WORD BANK Whiteboard

Duster Chair
Stationery Desk

Practice 3 – School Competitions

0 A board game of strategic skill for Chess

two players
21 You form the words from letters

22 Uttering a melodious sound

23 Making beautiful moves with music

24 Word game with rows of squares

25 The contestants control these machines using

remote control

WORD BANK Crossword

Robots Singing
Spelling Dancing

7 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 5 : Food and Health
Practice 1 – Food and Drinks

0 People normally eat this food during Sandwich

21 An Italian food made from flour and served with
22 A deep-fried potato

23 People quench their thisrt by drinking this

24 A mixture of raw vegetables like lettuce,

cucumber and tomatoes
25 We eat this in slices


Pizza Chip
Pasta Salad

Practice 2 – Healthy Food

0 A popular breakfast meal Cereal

21 Grown in a paddy field

22 Rich in protein and calcium

23 Normally boiled or fried

24 Food made from flour by baking it

25 Beneficial for teeth and bones


Yogurt Egg
Bread Fish

8 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu Marza

Practice 3 – Unhealthy Food

0 One of the most popular street foods in Malaysia Burger

21 Made from minced meat and called as hotdog

22 Any type of sweet fizzy drink

23 Made from sugar and is not good for teeth

24 A round fried cake with a hole in the centre

25 A must have food during birthday celebration


Cake Sweets

Donut Soda

Unit 6 : Sport
Practice 1 – Sports and Games

0 Track and field sports such as Athletics

running, jumping and throwing
21 Players jump to hit the ball to the opponet’s side

22 Two people fight and throw each other to the

23 Travelling in a boat with sails

24 You need a racket and a shuttlecock to play it

25 You hit a small ball into a hole using a stick

called club

WORD BANK Volleyball

Golf Sailing
Badminton Wrestling

9 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu Marza

Practice 2 – Sport Venues

0 A venue where a big crowd attend to watch Stadium

a game or an event
21 Boxing and wrestling are played in this venue

22 Motor racing and car racing are held here

23 A ground that is used for playing sports such as

tennis and basketball
24 A place used for sports like swimming and diving

25 A venue where skateboard and rollerblade are



Circuit Ramp
Court Ring

Practice 3 – Extreme Sports

0 Sliding and jumping on ski Skiing

21 You need to ride standing balanced on a board

22 Its boots have single row of small wheels

23 Sliding down the snowy slopes

24 Motorcycle race over rough terrains

25 Travelling down a river or lake on a raft

WORD BANK Motorcross

Rafting Snowboarding

Rollerblading Skateboarding

10 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 7 : Growing Up
Practice 1 – Parts of the Body

0 The area at the front of your head Forehead

between your eyebrows and your hair
21 Beard grows around this part for men

22 Part of a person's leg below the hip and above

the knee
23 The joint between the foot and the leg

24 It allows the leg to bend

25 Hearing organ


Thigh Ankle
Chin Knee

Practice 2 – Describing People

0 A great height Tall

21 Body shape you’ll get if you eat less food and do

more exercises
22 Too heavy or too fat

23 Someone who has little or no hair on head

24 Someone whos has large and strong muscles

25 Hair that a man grows above his upper lip


Muscular Moustache
Slim Overweight

11 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 3 – Comparative Adjectives

0 Pretty Prettier

21 Big

22 Tall

23 Small

24 Thin

25 Fat


Taller Fatter

Thinner Bigger

Unit 8 : Going Away

Practice 1 – Travel and Holidays

0 You’ll put all your things inside while Luggage

21 You need this to travel abroad

22 A book that gives information for visitors

about a place
23 The fastest way to travel around the world

24 A temporary shelter during camping

25 Also known as backpack or knapsack

WORD BANK Aeroplane

Passport Guidebook

Tent Rucksack

12 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 2 – Weather and Seasons

0 Extremely cold season Winter

21 The warmest season of the year

22 A storm with thunder and lightning and usually

heavy rain
23 Trees lose their leaves during this period

24 You’ll experience a heavy rain and strong winds

25 Plants grow and flowers bloom


Thunderstorm Autumn

Monsoon Spring

Practice 3 – Tourist Attractions

0 Places with white sands Beaches

21 A place where running water falls from a

high place
22 Isolated land surrounded by water

23 Land with hills or mountains

24 Land for growing crops or keeping animals

25 A very large shopping building

WORD BANK Highlands

Mall Waterfall

Island Farms

13 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu


14 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 1 – Weekly Schedules (School)
0 A list that shows the times in the week Timetable
at which subjects are taught.
21 You are assigned with specific task on weekly basis.

22 Someone who is appointed by the teacher to control

the class.
23 Pupils learn many in school.

24 Teachers and pupils gather at school hall in every

first day of the school week
25 You bring this book in every lesson at school.

WORD BANK Assembly

Duty Subjects
Textbook Monitor

Practice 2
0 You use this to make your hair look tidy. Comb

21 You can find this in the bathroom, and you use it

when you wash yourself.
22 You put letters in these before you take them
to the post office.
23 You find this in the kitchen. It’s cold inside.

24 There are many kinds of these on television.

Some are about sport and others are about the
25 These ore small and usually square. You put
them on your letters before you post them.


Fridge Programs
Envelopes Shower

15 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 3
0 If your hair is untidy, you can use this to Comb
make it tidy again.
21 Some people like wearing these when the
weather is too hot for trousers.
22 You need these to open the door to your house.

23 You put things on this to keep your room tidy.

24 This is something you have in a kitchen. You use

it to make hot meals.
25 You put this on a bed so you can keep warm of


Blanket Cooker
Shorts Keys

Practice 4
0 You put these on your hands when it Gloves
is cold.
21 This person works in an office and uses a
22 People give money to the driver of this to take
them from one place to another place.
23 You go to this place to buy fruits, meat, fish and
24 You sometimes see this in the sky. There are
seven colours in it.
25 You can write about day, your friends or family
in this. It’s a kind of book.


Market Taxi
Clerk Diary

16 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 5
0 This is bad weather when it rains heavily Thunderstorm
and strong wind.
21 This person works in a circus and makes people
22 This is a shop where you buy soap, shampoo and
medicine, for example.
23 Some people put money and keys in these if they
are wearing jeans or a coat for example.
24 This is made from fruit and sugar and some
people put this on toast.
25 You can study in this place. It has classrooms
and teachers work here.


Clown Pocket
Pharmacy School

Practice 6
0 You use this to draw straight lines. It is Ruler
usually made of plastic.
21 This usually smells nice, and people use it when
they wash their hands.
22 Windows are made of this because you can see
through it, but it is easy to break.
23 If someone is ill, this can take them quickly
through the traffic to the hospital.
24 You can read books or study in these places
because they are usually very quiet.
25 You ride this and it’s slower than a car.

WORD BANK Ambulance

Bicycle Glass
Library Soap

17 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 7
0 You go to these places to take a train, Stations
a bus or a taxi.
21 Pens, toothbrushes, and combs are made
of this.
22 All kinds of businesswoman and businessmen
work at their desks in these places.
23 You go to this place if you want to catch
a plane.
24 This person wears big red nose, big shoes and
strange clothes. People laugh when they
watch him.
25 This animal is much taller than people. It has a
very long neck.


Plastic Airport
Office Clown

Practice 8
0 This person makes you better when you Dentist
have a toothache.
21 This little animal has eight legs and it catches
flies and eats them.
22 People make things here, for example,
computers and mobile phones.

23 This is one of the cleverest animals in the world

and it lives in the sea.
24 This person tries to catch someone who has done
something wrong.
25 This is often made of metal. You use it to cut
meat. You use it to cut meat.


Knife Factory
Spider Policeman

18 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 9
0 We use this to put rice on it Plate

21 Fresh and juicy drink extracted from lemon

22 This is a book with spaces to write in for each

day of the year.
23 There are doctors and nurses in this place.
You go there if you are very sick.
24 This comes from trees and people make a lot of
things with it, for example, tables, chairs, and
25 This can take a lot of people from one place
to another. You wait at stations for it.


Diary Hospital
Lemonade Wood

Practice 10 – Leisure Activities

0 Using a rod with a bait to get a fish. Fishing

21 The sport of skating on a skateboard

22 An activity that involves moving through the

water using your arms and legs.
23 You move about on ice wearing ice-skates.
24 Engage in physical activity to sustain or improve
health and fitness.
25 The activity of running at a steady, gentle pace

WORD BANK Skateboarding

Exercising Ice-skating

Jogging Swimming

19 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 1 : Town and Cities
Practice 1 – Places

0 A place where you can find many buildings City

21 It’s a place where villagers live peacefully Village
22 You go to this place to walk or exercise Park
23 Children like to play here Playground
24 A cool place for family picnic Beach
25 Motorists use this daily Street

Practice 2 – Buildings

0 You study English, Maths and other subjects here School

21 Your dad brings you and your family here to enjoy Restaurant
delicious food
22 You need to go through this to cross the river Bridge
23 Artifacts and old manuscripts are kept in here Museum
24 A place to enjoy watching favourite movie Cinema
25 You need to check in first before you can stay there Hotel

Practice 3 – Types of Houses

0 A very large and expensive house Mansion

21 A temporary, small simple dwelling hut
22 A small house, usually in the countryside Cottage
23 A very tall building with many storeys Skycrapper
24 Large strong building built in the past Castle
25 Also known as a flat Apartment

Unit 2 : Days
Practice 1 – Daily Routines

0 Cleaning your body with water and soap Shower

21 Taking nutricious meals in the morning Breakfast
22 You learn this with your classmates at school Subjects
23 A task given by your teacher to be completed Homework
24 Stretching your body or doing physical activities Exercises
25 Enjoying food with family after a busy day Dinner

Practice 2 – Hobbies

0 Preparing food or dishes Cooking

21 Running at a slow speed Jogging
22 The act of riding a bicycle Cycling
23 You use your arms and legs in order to move in the water Swimming
24 Working in the garden by taking care of the plants Gardening
25 You sing your favourite songs Singing

20 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 3 – Daily housework

0 You help your mother to prepare this at the kitchen Food

21 Usually we wash, dry dan fold them Clothes
22 A place where you enjoy playing with your siblings Lawn
23 Your dad park his car here Garage
24 A piece of furniture for sleep or rest Bed
25 You water them daily Plants

Unit 3 : Wildlife
Practice 1 – Wild Animals

0 A big cat that has yellow and black lines on its body Tiger
21 The king of the jungle Lion
22 Has thick hair and sharp claws, and loves honey! Bear
23 The fastest animal on land Cheetah
24 An animal that uses its trunk to pickup things or food Elephant
25 A wild animal that looks like a large dog Wolf

Practice 2 – Domesticated Animals

0 Often kept as a pet or used to guard or hunt things Dog

21 A small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, Cat
usually kept as a pet
22 Animals often kept for their milk or meat Cattle
23 A farm animal with thick wool that eats grass and is Sheep
kept for its wool, skin, and meat:
24 Raised on farm for meat and eggs Chicken
25 It neighs loudly Horse

Practice 3 – Poisonous Animals

0 A long reptile without legs and it slithers Snake

21 It has long curved tail that is poisonous Scorpion
22 A small creature with eight thin legs that catches insects Spider
in a web
23 A large flat fish with a sharp, long tail as weapon Stingray
24 A yellow and black flying insect that makes honey Bee
25 A large wasp and can sting you Hornet

Unit 4 : Learning World

Practice 1 – School Subjects

0 The study of the countries of the world, land, sea, Geography

weather and environment
21 The study of the past events History
22 You draw, paint, colour or make objects Art
23 Performing a laboratory experiment Science
24 It involves numbers Mathematics
25 A language spoken in Spain Spanish

21 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 2 – School Objects

0 Your teacher put notices or announcements on it Board

21 A small table with drawer Desk
22 Used for sitting Chair
23 A shiny white board on which people draw or write using Whiteboard
special pens.
24 One that removes dust Duster
25 Materials for writing Stationery

Practice 3 – School Competitions

0 A board game of strategic skill for two players Chess

21 You form the words from letters spelling
22 Uttering a melodious sound Singing
23 Making beautiful moves with music Dancing
24 Word game with rows of squares Crossword
25 The contestants control these machines using remote robots

Unit 5 : Food and Health

Practice 1 – Food and Drinks

0 People normally eat this food during breakfast Sandwich

21 An Italian food made from flour and served with sauce Pasta
22 A deep-fried potato Chip
23 People quench their thisrt by drinking this Juice
24 A mixture of raw vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and Salad
25 We eat this in slices Pizza

Practice 2 – Healthy Food

0 A popular breakfast meal cereal

21 Grown in a paddy field Rice
22 Rich in protein and calcium Fish
23 Normally boiled or fried Egg
24 Food made from flour by baking it Bread
25 Beneficial for teeth and bones Yogurt

Practice 3 – Unhealthy Food

0 One of the most popular street food in Malaysia Burger

21 Made from minced meat and also called as hotdog Sausage
22 Any type of sweet fizzy drink Soda
23 Made from sugar and is not good for teeth Sweets
24 A round fried cake with a hole in the centre Donut
25 A must have food during birthday celebration Cake

22 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Unit 6 : Sport

Practice 1 – Sports and Games

0 Track and field sports such as running, jumping Athletics

and throwing
21 Players jump to hit the ball to the opponet’s side Volleyball
22 Two people fight and throw each other to the ground Wrestling
23 Traveling in a boat with sails Sailing
24 You need a racket and a shuttlecock to play it Badminton
25 You hit a small ball into a hole using a stick called club Golf

Practice 2 – Sport Venues

0 A venue where a big crowd attend to watch a Stadium

game or an event
21 Boxing and wrestling are played in this venue Ring
22 Motor racing and car racing are held here Circuit
23 A ground that is used for playing sports such as tennis Court
and basketball
24 A place used for sports like swimming and diving Pool
25 A venue where skateboard and rollerblade are played Ramp

Practice 3 – Extreme Sports

0 Sliding and jumping on ski Skiing

21 You need to ride standing balanced on a board Skateboarding
22 Its boots have single row of small wheels Rollerblading
23 Sliding down the snowy slopes Snowboarding
24 Motorcycle race over rough terrains Motorcross
25 Travelling down a river or lake on a raft Rafting

Unit 7 : Growing Up

Practice 1 – Parts of the Body

0 The area at the front of your head between your Forehead

eyebrows and your hair
21 Beard grows around this part for men Chin
22 Part of a person's leg below the hip and above the knee Thigh
23 The joint between the foot and the leg Ankle
24 It allows the leg to bend Knee
25 Hearing organ Ears

23 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 2 – Describing People

0 A great height Tall

21 Body shape you’ll get if you eat less food and do more Slim
22 Too heavy or too fat Overweight
23 Someone who has little or no hair on head Bald
24 Someone whos has large and strong muscles Muscular
25 hair that a man grows above his upper lip Moustache

Practice 3 – Comparative Adjectives

0 Pretty Prettier
21 Big Bigger
22 Tall Taller
23 Small Smaller
24 Thin Thinner
25 Fat Fatter

Unit 8 : Going Away

Practice 1 – Travel and Holidays

0 You’ll put all your things inside while traveling Luggage

21 You need this to travel abroad Passport
22 A book that gives information for visitors about a Guidebook
23 The fastest way to travel around the world Aeroplane
24 A temporary shelter during camping Tent
25 Also known as backpack or knapsack Rucksack

Practice 2 – Weather and Seasons

0 Extremely cold season Winter

21 The warmest season of the year Summer
22 A storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy Thunderstorm
23 Trees lose their leaves during this period Autumn
24 You’ll experience a heavy rain and strong winds Monsoon
25 Plants grow and flowers blooms Spring

Practice 3 – Tourist Attractions

0 Places with white sands Beaches

21 A place where running water falls from a high place Waterfall
22 Isolated land surrounded by water Island
23 Land with hills or mountains Highlands
24 Land for growing crops or keeping animals Farms
25 A very large shopping building Mall

24 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu


Practice 1 – Weekly Schedules (School)

0 A list that shows the times in the week at Timetable
which subjects are taught.
21 You are assigned with specific task on weekly basis. Duty
22 Someone who is appointed by the teacher to control the class. Monitor
23 Pupils learn many in school. Subjects
24 Teachers and pupils gather at school hall in every first day of Assembly
the school week
25 You bring this book in every lesson at school. Textbook

Practice 2
0 You use this to make your hair look tidy. Comb
21 You can find this in the bathroom, and you use it when Shower
you wash yourself.
22 You put letters in these before you take them to the Envelopes
post office.
23 You find this in the kitchen. It’s cold inside. Fridge
24 There are many kinds of these on television. Some Programs
are about sport and others are about the news.
25 These ore small and usually square. You put them on Stamps
your letters before you post them.

Practice 3
0 If your hair is untidy, you can use this to make it Comb
tidy again.
21 Some people like wearing these when the weather is Shorts
too hot for trousers.
22 You need these to open the door to your house. Keys
23 You put things on this to keep your room tidy. Shelf
24 This is something you have in a kitchen. You use it to Cooker
make hot meals.
25 You put this on a bed so you can keep warm of night. Blanket

Practice 4
0 You put these on your hands when it is cold. Gloves
21 This person works in an office and uses a computer. Clerk
22 People give money to the driver of this to take them from Taxi
one place to another place.
23 You go to these places to buy stamps or when you want to Post office
send letters.
24 You sometimes see this in the sky. There are seven Rainbow
colours in it.
25 You can write about day, your friends or family in this. Diary
It’s a kind of book.

25 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 5
0 This is bad weather when it rains heavily and Thunderstorm
strong wind.
21 This person works in a circus and makes people laugh Clown
22 This is a shop where you buy soap, shampoo Chemist’s
and medicine, for example.
23 Some people put money and keys in these if they are Pocket
wearing jeans or a coat for example.
24 This is made from fruit and sugar and some people Jam
put this on toast.
25 You can study in this place. It has classrooms and School
teachers work here.

Practice 6
0 You use this to draw straight lines. It is usually Ruler
made of plastic.
21 This usually smells nice and people use it when Soap
they wash their hands.
22 Windows are made of this because you can see through Glass
it, but it is easy to break.
23 If someone is ill, this can take them quickly through the Ambulance
traffic to the hospital.
24 You can read books or study in these places because they Library
are usually very quiet.
25 You ride this and it’s slower than a car. Bicycle

Practice 7
0 You go to these places to take a train, a bus or a Stations
21 Pens, toothbrushes, and combs are made of this. Plastic
22 All kinds of businesswoman and businessmen work at Office
their desks in these places.
23 You go to this place if you want to catch a plane. Airport
24 This person wears big red nose, big shoes and Clown
strange clothes. People laugh when they watch him.
25 This animal is much taller than people. It has a very long Giraffe

Practice 8

0 This person makes you better when you have a Dentist

21 This little animal has eight legs and it catches flies and Spider
eats them.
22 People make things here, for example, computers and Factory
mobile phones.
23 This is one of the cleverest animals in the world and it Dolphin
lives in the sea.
24 This person tries to catch someone who has done Policeman
something wrong.
25 This is often made of metal. You use it to cut meat. You Knife
use it to cut meat.

26 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

Practice 9

0 We use this to put rice on it Plate

21 Fresh and juicy drink extracted from lemon Lemonade
22 This is a book with spaces to write in for each day of the Diary
23 There are doctors and nurses in this place. You go there Hospital
if you are very sick.
24 This comes from trees and people make a lot of things Wood
with it, for example, tables, chairs, and wardrobes.
25 This can take a lot of people from one place to Train
another. You wait at stations for it.

Practice 10 – Leisure Activities

0 Using a rod with a bait to get a fish. Fishing
21 The sport of skating on a skateboard Skateboarding
22 An activity that involves moving through the water Swimming
using your arms and legs.
23 You move about on ice wearing ice-skates. Ice-skating
24 Engage in physical activity to sustain or improve Exercising
health and fitness.
25 The activity of running at a steady, gentle pace Jogging

27 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu


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Cikgu Marza
December 2022

28 | Part 5 UASA Writing Task Primary 5 – Cikgu

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