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Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________


A Match to, with, of and on with the words below.

in love / agree / angry: ____________

rely/keen / concentrate: ____________
jealous/ ashamed/ proud: ____________
listen/similar / belong: ____________

B Complete the table with words in A.

Verb + preposition Adjective + preposition

C Complete the text with some of the words from A.

A relationship that breaks the ice

Explorers started to go to Everest in the early 20th century and needed to (1)___________. on local
people to give them information about the mountain. The Sherpas live on and around the Himalayas
and are very (2)_________ mountains. They can also breath the thin air because they live so high up.
Many explorers are very (3)__________ of the of this ability because Sherpas can climb Everest
more easily than most Western climbers. However, Western climbers (4)________ to what the
Sherpas say about the mountain because they want to get to the top and back down again safely. If
a Sherpa says it's not a good day to climb then
explorers usually (5)_________ with them. Even though to their Sherpa mountain explorers aren't
(6)_________ guides and they don't have much in common, they often become life-long friends
after a climb because know they couldn't have done it without them.

D Complete the sentences with a verb or adjective from B.

1 Jamie is really __________________ to his sister Louisa. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes.

2 "Be quiet! I can't __________________ on my homework with so much noise!"

3 We're very __________________ of our son Daniel. He's done very well in his exams.

4 I think Susie is really __________________ on Alex. She's always smiling at him in class.

5 "Do these shoes __________________ to you?"

6 My uncle is very __________________ of his car. It's very old and dirty.

7My grandmother has to __________________ on my mum to help her with the housework.

8 She doesn't __________________ with making animals work. She thinks it's unkind.
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________

Phrasal verbs
A Match the phrasal verbs 1-8 to their meanings a-h.

B Use the phrasal verbs in A to complete the second sentences below. Use no more than three

1 Sarah wants to invite Julia to go to the park.

Sarah wants to __________________________________________.

2 The vocalist stopped being part of the music group because he argued with his group members.
The vocalist argued with his group members so he _________________________________________
with the music group.

3 I have respect for my father because he's reliable, honest and very clever.
My father is reliable, honest and very clever so I __________________________________________

4 Everyone is friends with her, but I'm not.

She's friends with everyone, but I don't __________________________________________ with her.

5 I spend a lot of time relaxing in the park with my friends.

I __________________________________________ in the park with my friends a lot.

6 After the argument, it took Joe and Fran a long time to forgive each other.
It took Joe and Fran a long time __________________________________________after the

7 Why do you always say I'm stupid and lazy? You criticise me all the time!
Why do you __________________________________________ all the time? You always say I'm
stupid and lazy.

8 I won't ever disappoint you again, Dad. I'm very sorry.

I'm so sorry I __________________________________________ Dad. It'll never happen again.
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
UNIT 4: WRITING (PG 52,53)
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________

A girl was walking home one day. It was a dark and rainy day, and the girl, a young sweet girl
whose name was Elisa, was thinking about what she had done during the day.
Immersed in her thoughts, suddenly, she heard a strange sound coming from the street opposite
theirs, so she went to see what it could be. To her surprise, she fell into a hole and found herself in a dark
and hideous wood. Scared and curious, she decided to look around.
While she was walking, she realized that she was in another historical period, it was the 1500s!
She saw many painters of that period, including Leonardo and Michelangelo. But, as she was about to
approach and ask them some questions, she heard someone call her name, 'Elisa, wake up!' She opened up
her eyes and understood she had had only a dream.


A girl was walking home one day. It was a __________________ day, and the girl, a young sweet
girl whose name was ________, was thinking about ___________________________


Immersed in her thoughts, suddenly, she __________________________________

___________________________________, so she went to see what it could be. To her surprise,

_________________________________________________________________________. Scared and
curious, she __________________________________________________________.

While she was _____________, she realized that she was _______________________

___________________________________! She saw _______________________________________

__________________________________. But, as she was __________________________________, she

heard someone call her name, 'Elisa, wake up!' She opened up her eyes and understood she had had only a

Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________


Write an email to your friend about your trip to Pulau Redang. Use the notes below to guide you.
Make sure to check your punctuation.

You have received a letter from your cousin, Ahmad.

Dear Alia,
How was your school holiday? I heard from grandma that you went to Pulau Redang. Do you mind
sharing your experience and what were the activities you had there?
Do write to me as soon as you can. Bye.

Your cousin,

Reply the letter.

tropical paradise - lovely beaches - water activities - snorkelling experience - observed marine
guide - ensure our safety - snorkelling fins are not allowed – protect the corals
easily damaged or broken - not to litter - bags provided for rubbish


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