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25th Asian Youth Chess Championships 2023

12th – 22nd December 2023, Al Ain, UAE


1. Invitation
The Al Ain Chess Club on behalf of the Asian Chess Federation (ACF), FIDE and
UAE Chess Federation has the honor to invite all Asian National Chess
Federations to participate in the 2023 Asian Youth Chess Championships and
Asian Youth Rapid and Blitz Championships, which will be held from 12th (arrival)
to 22nd (departure) December 2023 in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

2. Eligibility of Participants

2.1 To be eligible, players must not have reached his/her respective birthday before
January 1st, 2023:

Under 8: Born on or after 1st Jan 2015 Under 14: Born on or after 1st Jan 2009
Under 10: Born on or after 1st Jan 2013 Under 16: Born on or after 1st Jan 2007
Under 12: Born on or after 1st Jan 2011 Under 18: Born on or after 1st Jan 2005

2.2 Every Asian National Chess Federation can register only one Official Player in
each category (maximum of 12 official players). No replacement from other
categories can be made in case there is no Official Player in one category.
Playing in a higher age category for an official place shall be treated as an
additional player.

2.3 All Champions in Standard chess in last year’s edition are entitled with personal
rights to play in this year’s event according to their eligible category as Official
Players if the stipulation of article 2.1 is met. One Head of Delegation (HOD) is
accommodated at the expense of the Organizing Committee (OC).

2.4 Other than Official Players, federations may register players who shall be
classified as Additional Players. A FIDE endorsed chess academy can send its
trainees (maximum one player per category) as Additional Players.

2.5 All persons, besides the players and Head of Delegation (HOD), shall be
classified as Accompanying Persons. A federation may register any number of
Additional Players and Accompanying Persons but only upon confirmation of
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availability by the Organizing Committee (OC). The National Federation shall be
responsible for the costs of their Additional Players and Accompanying Persons.

3. Registration and Travel

3.1 Registration shall be by web portal to be published in National
federations shall be provided username and password. Individual registration
shall be accepted subject to no objection from the respective national federation.
Only members of Asian federations are entitled to participate.
3.2 Each participant shall register with the OC by 12th November 2023 which is the
registration deadline. The participant must pay a registration fee, which is
compulsory and represents confirmation of participation. This is for accreditation
and transportation from Dubai, Sharjah or Abu Dhabi international airports, and
for transportation between official hotel and playing venue.
3.3 After the registration deadline, no official and additional players will be accepted
(see article 5.1 and 5.2).
3.4 All travel expenses must be paid by the participants or their Federation
3.5 For security and organizational reasons and in accordance with FIDE tournament
regulations, National Delegations shall use the official hotel(s) designated by the

4. Visa Applications
4.1 Those who need visas must submit the necessary documents before the
deadline of 12th November 2023. The application process starts from the day
you submit the form. The visa will be issued within 45 days. For timely
processing, please submit visa applications early. Unclear copies and photos
may result in delay.
4.2 Visa fee is $75 per person.
4.3 Late visa applications may be accepted by 25 th November at the latest with
additional $25 penalty fee for best effort but no assurance.
4.4 The OC will issue invitations only after all the pre-payments are made (see article

5. Financial Regulations & Payments

5.1 Entry Fee:
The Entry Fee is USD 75 for an Official Player and USD 150 for an
Additional Player. After the deadline of 12th November 2023, the OC reserves the
right to refuse late registration, or accept subject to availability with a late
penalty of USD 50 for each entry.
5.2 Registration Fee:
The Registration Fee is USD 110 for all participants (official player, additional
player, HOD, and accompanying persons) payable by 12th November 2023. The
OC reserves the right to refuse or decline late registration.

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5.3 Prepayment:
Cost for board and lodging (hotel at full board basis) must be paid by the
deadline of 12th November 2023.
5.4 On receipt of payment, the OC will send to the participating federation the
confirmation of the hotel reservations. All confirmed registrations will be notified
via email.
5.5 All payments must be finalized before arrival. Players will not be registered until
all payments and fees are cleared.

6. Venue & Hotel – Board & Lodging

6.1 The Official Hotel (5 stars) is the Danat in Al Ain with limited number of rooms.
6.2 Federations should book through the Organizing Committee (OC). Selection of
the Hotel will be done by the OC on a first-come first-served basis.
6.3 If there is increased demand or late registrations accepted, the OC may offer
additional hotels with minimum 4 stars having the same fees mentioned below.
6.4 Official players and one Head of Delegation are offered full board
accommodation from 12th December 2023 (arrival) to 22nd December 2022
(departure). Any additional dates will be charged at full rate of the hotel subject
to availability. Hotel Rates for additional players and accompanying persons on
full board basis are as below:

Single US$125 per day

Double/Twin US$90 per person per day
Triple US$75 per person per day

7. Technical Regulations
7.1 The tournament will be played using the Swiss System with 9 rounds. Where
there are fewer than 10 players from at least 5 federations in a category, that
category shall be merged with another according to FIDE regulations to qualify
for direct titles.
7.2 The rate of play will be:
a. Standard 90 minutes for the whole game with an increment of 30 seconds per
move starting from move one.
b. Rapid 15 minutes + 10 seconds and 7 rounds.
c. Blitz 3 minutes + 2 seconds and 9 rounds.

7.3 In the last round of standard chess tournament, players from the same
Federation who have scored more than 50% shall not be paired to play each
other if alternate pairings are available, unless the Chief Arbiter announces
otherwise before the start of the age group / category.
7.4 Tiebreak: The final ranking order of players is determined by the number of points
scored. The tiebreak shall be decided as follows:
a. Direct Encounter,
b. Buchholz Cut 1,
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c. Buchholz,
d. Sonnenborn-Berger system,
e. Greater Number of Wins, forfeits counted (a pairing bye is not a forfeit).

7.5 In case the above still does not produce a decision, tied players shall play one
Armageddon game.

8. Schedule:

8.1 Note UAE time is GMT +4

Day/Date Time Remarks
Tues. 12 Dec. After 12:00 Arrival
21:00 Technical Meeting
Wed. 13 Dec. 14:00 Rapid Chess 7 rounds
21:00 Opening Ceremony & Rapid Awards
Thurs. 14 Dec. 16:00 Standard round 1
Fri. 15 Dec. 16:00 Standard round 2
Sat. 16 Dec. 10:00 Standard round 3
16:00 Standard round 4
Sun. 17 Dec. 10:00 Standard round 5
16:00 Blitz Chess 9 rounds
21:00 Blitz Awards
Mon. 18 Dec. 10:00 Standard round 6
16:00 Tour / Cultural Night
Tues. 19 Dec. 16:00 Standard round 7
Wed. 20 Dec. 16:00 Standard round 8
Thurs. 21 Dec 10:00 Standard round 9
20:00 Standard Awards
Fri. 22 Dec. Before 12:00 Departure

9. Awards

9.1 The top three players in each event will be awarded gold, silver and bronze
9.2 Three best Federations overall, by ranking of medals collected in all categories
in Standard Chess, will receive a trophy. For ranking, the number of gold medals
will be considered first, and if there is a tie, then the number of silver medals, and
if there is still a tie, then the number of bronze medals. If finally this is still tied,
then the total number of medal winners in Standard, Rapid and Blitz applies.
9.3 Three best federations among boys and among girls in standard chess shall
receive trophies calculated as above.
9.4 Team Medals - will be awarded based on the total score of the top three players
of a country. Countries with less than two players will not be eligible for a team
award. In case of any tie, the tie-break scores of each player shall be considered.

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9.5 The champions of Asian Youth Championships in standard chess shall have the
personal right to participate in the World Youth Championship of the
corresponding age-category or a higher age-category if the stipulated age limit
is met. This privilege may be exercised once exclusively in the subsequent year
following the year of qualification.
9.6 E-Certificates of Participation shall be given to all participants.
9.7 Cultural Evening
Trophies and medals shall also be awarded for the best cultural presentations.
Delegations are invited to present group or individual performances by their
players with a short presentation.

10. Direct Titles

10.1 Gold medalists of U18 categories shall be awarded the title of International
Master (IM)/Woman International Master (WIM). 1st equal player shall get IM
norm. The Silver & Bronze Medal winners shall be awarded the FIDE Master
(FM)/Woman FIDE Master (WFM) title.
10.2 Gold medalists of U16 category shall be awarded the title of FM/WFM and an
IM/WIM norm. 1st equal player will get FM/WFM title. The Silver & Bronze Medal
winners shall be awarded the Candidate Master (CM)/Woman Candidate Master
(WCM) title.
10.3 Gold medalists of U12 & U14 categories shall be awarded the title of FM/WFM.
The Silver & Bronze Medal winners shall be awarded the CM/WCM title.
10.4 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal (after tie break up to 3 players) winners of the U8 &
U10 categories shall be awarded the CM/WCM title.
10.5 For a direct title to be awarded immediately, an applicant has to have achieved
at some time or other a minimum rating as follows: IM 2200, WIM 2000, FM 2100,
WFM 1900, CM 2000, WCM 1800.

U-18 st
2nd & 3rd-Title N.A.
1 equal-Norm
U-16 1st-Norm 1st equal-Title 2nd & 3rd-Title
U-14 & U-12 N.A. 1st-Title 2nd & 3rd-Title
U-10 & U-8 N.A. N.A. 1st & 2nd & 3rd-Title
N.A.: Not applicable

11. Officials
11.1 The Technical Delegate, Appeals Committee and Chief Arbiter shall be
appointed by the Continental President as well as other Arbiters.
11.2 The Appeals Committee shall be composed of three members and two reserves,
all from different Federations, chosen from among the representatives of
National Federations present. No member shall take part in a decision affecting
a player of his/her own federation (unless both parties are from the same

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11.3 A protest against the decision of an Arbiter or the Chief Arbiter must be submitted
to the Appeals Committee Chairman in writing within 15 (fifteen) minutes after
the end of the playing session together with a protest fee of USD 200 in cash for
which the appellant should receive a receipt as proof of payment.
11.4 The Appeals Committee may also decide to refund the fee if it considers the
appeal has merit. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final, binding and
takes effect immediately.
11.5 No Appeal shall be accepted in Rapid and Blitz chess. The decision of the Chief
Arbiter is final.

12. Dress Code

All Players should wear uniforms that represent their national federation and/or
the national flag. Shorts and slippers, sunglasses, sport caps and revealing attire
are not allowed. Award winners should follow the dress code at the closing

13. Contact:
Al Ain Chess Club Organizing Committee
Email: [email protected]
What’s App Message: +971 3 7633387

Al Ain Chess Club Asian Chess Federation

Co-Ordinator: Mr. Ahmed Al Hamli Executive Director: Casto Abundo
What’s App Message: +971 50 8404082 What’s App Message: +971 55 5154554
Email: [email protected]
Financial Matters: Mohammad Abbas
What’s App Message: +971 55 7046469 Administrator: Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh
What’s App Message: +971 50 6649280
PRO: Rafiq Thengil
What’s App Message: +971 50 6726261 Co-Ordinator: Sami Khader
What’s App Message: +962 7 95513345
Secretary: Nominzul Ganzorig
What’s App Message: +971 56 8049395

UAE Chess Federation FIDE:

Mohammad Abdullah: Kema Goryaeva (Russian Speakers):
What’s App Message: +971 50 6464015 What’s App Message: +7 905 4002628

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